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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7539780 No.7539780 [Reply] [Original]

Let it all out fellow seagulls

>> No.7541099
File: 27 KB, 680x383, tumblr_static_free-haruka-nanase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys perfect Fem!Free cosplay swimsuit
>one of the first in the community
>after debut, gets bombarded with "where'd you get that?"
>just google one piece swimsuit holy fuck
> tells them anyways because I'm too nice

It just really bothers me that I've searched and searched for the perfect swimsuit, and now everyone's going to be in the same one. I wouldn't be so frustrated because I understand they want "accuracy," but its a gender bend, and my own interpretation.

>> No.7541108

Haha I would just lie, sometimes if people ask where I got something I don't want to tell them I answer with something vague, like "I bought it in Japan" or "it was on ebay"

>> No.7541128
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I feel u Anon. I got that shit with a certain fabric. Man, I searched for MONTHS for the perfect fabric and even spent cash to have samples sent to me from abroad and shit. It was so bad the whole process of making the costume was horribly delayed since I would not go for any unsatisfying solution.

And now everyone and their cow comes asking where I got it. I know it's not kind to withhold information but this is the one case in which I won't fucking tell anyone and they can go do their fucking homework by themselves man I'm not their goddamn sales agent or free cosplay consultant if you want me to tell you, you better fucking bribe me with an enormous sumn or just try and find it yourself.

It's so frustrating, because even IF you are the helpful one, people hardly even thank you. Or they want more and more and more of your help, like
> Get constantly asked where u got zipperstops for Loki-cosplay from
> tell everyone they were ordered from supreme zipper industries in the US and that u need a credit card when you're in Europe
> "i dont have a credit card, can you order them for me???!"


>> No.7541135

Haha was it for Elsa? Diff anon but yeah I wish more people would do their own work. Especially when I hear stupid fucking questions like "where do I get craft foam"

>> No.7541141

DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY ASK YOU TO DO THAT. I swear to fucking god I hate everyone in this damn community sometimes.

>> No.7541144

>I swear to fucking god I hate everyone in this damn community sometimes.
>only sometimes

>> No.7541160

Nah more for the male Elsa version (Thranduil).
I mean, I make tutorials, I post my progress and explain how I work - and now the fabric as well??

hahaha oh god, where to get craft foam is a good one

Yes. But that's Loki cosplayers. I know we are not blessed with the highest level of sanity.

>> No.7541163

I almost always say that I got my stuff from taobao (this is sometimes true anyway) and say it's complicated to order from. If they then ask for a link, say you can't find it, or that it's sold out, or give them search terms that don't turn up the right result. If they won't work for it, they can't have it and you aren't obliged to tell them.

>> No.7541175
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>doing all this
>making fun of people with crappy cosplays

>> No.7541179

>shoulder width: 42cm
>all other measurements size small or below
>will never be able to fit into qt loli blouses due to massive shoulders
I regret swimming as a child so much.

>> No.7541185

I'm talking more about J-fash stuff, but why would I not want to maintain the hierarchy so that I stay on top? No point putting effort into my appearance if every other babbu from tumblr looks exactly the same.

>> No.7541187

Deviantart has always been the worst for this. I'm more than willing to help people, but holy shit when someone asks how I made something, when the comment directly above theirs is me answering the exact same question for the third time, it gets frustrating.
I don't mind as much at conventions, though

>> No.7541188

I pretend to be a girl and critique cosplays/lolita in the most judgemental manner possible.
I don't even cosplay or wear lolita.

>> No.7541191

A friend of mine who swam as a kid can't wear heeled shoes at all because of her long tendons, it makes her sad because she can't dress up for stuff without being in pain all night. I have the opposite issue: I wore heels from way too young an age, and now my tiny short leg tendons won't let me wear anything below two inches without aching.

>> No.7541204

>lose weight
>also lose hip fat
>tfw I find out shoulders are wider than my hips

I hate every blouse/top/shirt I own now. Pulling my shoulders back help, but I'd have to do it constantly.

>> No.7541240


You can get a posture brace from Underworks that does that for you.

>> No.7541246


You're right, can't have someone cuter with an actual personality surpass you and knock you off your high horse.

>> No.7541249

>slight muffin top
what do i do

>> No.7541251


high waist control top shorts.

>> No.7541259
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>> No.7541281

I hate that when cosplays online come in pre-set sizes, I never fit any of them. If i want something that fits on my shoulders, the waist would be too small usually, and the bust would be extremely huge. My shoulders aren't even that big, but asian sizes are weird..

>> No.7541285
File: 485 KB, 1600x992, john_william_waterhouse_-_hylas_and_the_nymphs_1896-790677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love JWW Waterhouse.

There, I said it.

>> No.7541304
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>be me 2 years ago, cosplaying favorite character
>without shame I can honestly say it's fucking perfect
>Make eye contact with guy cosplaying same character
>no sugarcoating, his cosplay sucks
>mfw he still has the audacity to wear it every con. And be in my presence.

I know this makes me a bitch but he does not do my character justice and I wish he would just stop.

>> No.7541309

Is it supposed to be a shameful thing ? Because I love his paintings too

>> No.7541313

I sold something to a girl last week Moday and she said she would pay me by Thursday.
I told her at the time that there was another girl in line and I'm tight on money so I need the payment right away.
When I asked her Friday, she said she got home late on Thursday and forgot. I told her it was fine and just to send me payment right away, and warned her that I will offer it to the other girl if I don't get the payment. She was pretty pleasant and apologetic, said she'd pay Monday 5pm the latest.
Then yesterday she said that she'll send part of it to me and part of it through her friend because it was a birthday present to her. I was cool with that, just asked her to send it to me as soon as possible. Last night she then said "it was sent, did you get it?" I didn't. So she said that she'll sort it out with her mom (although I doubt it was ever sent) this morning. She never got back to me.

So I offered it to the other girl. The other girl was willing to pay right away, and even though shipping was expensive and I offered a tiny discount, she was like naw gurl I'll pay in full. I'm just waiting for her to get home now to pay.

Then when I let original girl know, she got all sad and was like "I was literally just going to send the payment ;;;"
Honestly I don't know if she was, and even if she was telling the truth, I'm pretty fed up with her bullshit and want to sell it to the other girl anyways.

Sorry for the rant, seagulls. Just need it out.

>> No.7541314
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Wow, you sound like a COMPLETE asshole.
It's like you're thinking
>these peasants, not having the resources and skills that I do.
Do us all a favor and never breed you elitist fuck.

>> No.7541334

You did the right thing. She knew she had a deadline and a responsibility to pay you, it's her own fault. If she tries to start shit, you have a very valid reason to leave bad feedback.

>> No.7541341

Did I stutter, anon?

>> No.7541342

>decide to get into lolita
>don't know where to start
>can't figure out which style to pick
>decide to not get into it after all

Rinse, repeat. It's been going like this for years. If I weren't such an indecisive little shit I would be the owner of a marvelous wardrobe right now.

>> No.7541343

>i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a lolita dress today!

>> No.7541344

I've spent 5k on lolita in 3 months.
I just want someone to tell me to stop. I need help but I cant pull myself away.

>> No.7541351

I hate every single one of you

>> No.7541355

I really want to get into hime lolita but I am afraid that I don't fit with lolita at all.

>> No.7541366


Stop anon, stop.

>> No.7541371

Keep going anon.

Then when you finally go broke or hit a tight financial spot we all get to lick your delicious tears when you have to sell it all. Just make sure you get some desirable dresses.

>> No.7541372

I feel you, anon.

I have 41cm shoulders except I was never a swimmer, just cursed with a broad bone structure.

I wouldn't mind so much if I was a bit bigger everywhere else because while I wouldn't be able to fit brand blouses, I'd be able to buy larger sized blouses and have them fit nicely. Instead, I buy custom sized blouses from Anna House because I'm between three different sizes from there.

I don't really have any major confessions. The only thing I can think of is I used to own a skirt from Bodyline and it'd sold out in that colorway. A frenemy wanted to buy it off me but I didn't want to sell it to her because she'd always ask "OMG IF YOU EVER DECIDE TO SELL, I'LL BE FIRST IN LINE!" with everything I bought and it was annoying.
Anyway, I decide to sell it along with a couple of other things because I'm low on cash money.
"Anon, I will pay more than you bought it for!"
So I lied and said I'd sold it, then gave it away to my friend who loves lolita but sees even Bodyline as an expense she can't spare.

I'd rather be out of pocket than sell it to that bitch.

>> No.7541376

Wide shoulder seagulls unite. I know this feel all too well. I have had people I've just met ask if I'm a professional swimmer or something if I'm wearing a tank top. Feels kinda bad.

>> No.7541380

Thanks anon.

Sorry, what? It wasn't a lolita dress though, it was a cosplay.

It's okay, I can't pick a style either.
I really love both sweet and classic, jewel tones and pastels.
I only have 3 main pieces but my wardrobe isn't cohesive at all.

>> No.7541406
File: 67 KB, 1366x768, 1523147_482847921826224_634081801_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplayed Yoko 3 years ago
>not gonna lie, it was pretty shitty
>now that skills are much better, I finally think I'm ready to try it again
>discouraged because of all the "attention whore" cosplay discussions going on

I genuinely love Yoko as a character, she's so strong, confident, and has a warm nurturing factor to her. It just sucks that I'll instantly be labeled as a "cosplay attention whore."

>> No.7541441

I would love to be cosplay "famous" and maybe get hired as a character model for a company, but I'm so modest and have a really hard time networking or promoting myself and feel really sleazy even mentioning my cosplay fb. Oh well.

>> No.7541449

You could cosplay some of her other outfits (like from that Yoko MV, there's like 20 different outfits in it).
That alone would show that you're an actual fan of the show, and get people who think otherwise to fuck off.

>> No.7541453

Holy crap, for a second I thought I wrote this in my sleep or something, because I'm in the exact same position. I'm gonna do it anyway though, you should too. Just do a really good job, or like >>7541449 said, choose a different outfit. Even if you do the default one, most "attention whores" have moved on from Yoko, I think, since TTGL is kind of old now, relatively speaking.

>> No.7541460
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I know this feel so hard.
>go to photoshoot of series
>that guy is there
>he ends up in all my pictures
Just please fuck off. You can have all the fun you want AWAY FROM ME.

My confession is; I like underaged/young girls. They aren't jaded like older girls and love to have fun like kids. It's quite refreshing.

>> No.7541464

I've come as close to "beating" my ED as I think I ever will. I'm a healthy weight (a little slim for my height but not scary or anything), I eat healthy foods and exercise regularly, and I feel mostly okay. Until it comes to cosplay. This hobby makes me feel fat, and I tell myself I'll look disgusting in anything I make, and that's what I can only convince myself to actually finish maybe one or two costumes each year. Fuck.

>> No.7541465

I'm actually trying to get there too anon, except my issue is that I'm no where near good enough with makeup or looking good in general, with tutorials even.

>> No.7541478

I actually feel that I'm a decent costumer and have gotten miles better at makeup and poses in the past year. I'm hoping to make a sort of "debut" this year and do my best to talk to as many people as possible and whatnot and have been working really hard on a few "wow look at that" cosplays, but even just saying it anonymously like this is so embarrassing and sounds so stupid to me.

Good luck to you, anon. Keep practicing! Let's be cos famous together someday~

>> No.7541489

I'm too skinny for most Lolita clothes because of my fast metabolism. I can't buy anything without shirring or it's like a pillow case on me. Angelic Pretty is too big.. Cry forever.

>> No.7541495

>My confession is; I like underaged/young girls.
Man, this. I don't even want to fuck them, they're just so alive.. Same goes for a few younger male friends that aren't out of HS yet, passin' on that slightly-older wordly knowledge.

>> No.7541500
File: 485 KB, 350x231, ohh bestie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now you have me curious in what you do, anon!

And yes lots of luck to us both, and we will be cos-famous together in the future!

>> No.7541504
File: 38 KB, 403x332, 399649_639264567087_1032367005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you look absolutely lovely, anon. It sounds like you take good care of yourself; your brain is just being a dick to you.

Have a balloon-cat delivery.

>> No.7541507
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I was raped by a fucking pedophile when I was 11 and have been mentally scarred ever since. I'm sheepish, can't show any amount of skin without feeling dirty and disgusting on the inside, and any time something touches my waist, back, or hips I start to freak out, because of the way he grabbed me there when I would try to get away.

There's this cute girl I've been crushing on for a long time who goes to the same cons as me. This year I finally got the chance to talk to her one on one. Things were going well despite me being extremely beta, she laughed at my jokes and I felt like there was chemistry. Well, soon after somebody came up and asked for a picture of both of us, so she slipped her arm around my waist to pose. I got a chill up my spine and immediately smacked her hand away without even realizing, it was like an uncontrollable reflex. She looked really offended and asked what my problem was. I kind of stood there silently, unsure of what to say, so she rolled her eyes and walked off, leaving me there alone. Needless to say, my heart shattered. I wanted to find a way to go and explain myself but it would be too embarrassing, and probably more than she'd want to know anyway. I feel horrible.

>> No.7541509

Serious question: why? Why do people care so much if others get the same things? You already have yours so it's not like people can buy them all first and reduce your chances of getting one. And who's to say they'd even use it the same way you did? What do you care if they do use it the same way you did? I'm seriously asking here, I really don't get it.

>> No.7541510

Oh, anon, I'm so sorry. Have you seen a therapist? I hope you're okay and that you can work through this stuff. Do you think having someone you trust touch you in those places occasionally with your permission and slowly building up to random touching might help? I'm just talking out of my ass, but I wish I could do anything for you.

>> No.7541515
File: 973 KB, 312x213, 7drHiqr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make decent $$
>into cosplay
>get into lolita
>apply for study abroad program on a whim
>buy first dress!!
>lets buy the rest of planned coord and try to get a wardrobe going!!
>time to make all these sweet cosplays i've been wanting to make!!
>h-holy shit i got fucking accepted into this study abroad program
>now I have very limited spending money b/c saving

I'm kinda bummed I have to any cosplay and lolita plans on hiatis. But, I also get to study abroad. Which is pretty neat! Not a bad situation to be in at all.

>> No.7541517

Different anon, but it sounds like she's more annoyed that people didn't do their own research/come up with their own idea than anything else. They're just tagging onto what she did.

>> No.7541520

They sound like the type of people who would even take credit for the research and whatnot

>> No.7541521

>She looked really offended and asked what my problem was.
Uh, yeah, I would be too.

If your trauma is this bad you need therapy and possibly medication. Get help now before you do something too rash.

>> No.7541536

I like to think that I am cute and attractive, but no matter who I cosplay or how I dress, no one will seem to think so. It really makes me feel like I can't cosplay since I'm not good looking enough.
I also really hate it when people tell me "you shouldn't care about what others think" and etc, but I don't. It doesn't bother me when people call me negative things, but when they don't say even positive things it discourages me and makes me feel like they don't trust me enough to tell me.

>> No.7541558

I can't really afford a therapist atm. I've been looking for a way to get a discount or something, but therapy never really worked for me anyway. I'm normally pretty alright, it 's just occassionally that things like this happen. I'm also on a lot of medication already. :/

>I would be too.
This is the worst part. I didn't mean to offend her, and I really want to find a way to apologize but I won't see her for a pretty long time. I guess it'll have to wait until then.

>> No.7541559

Well the thing is, I do want to fuck them. That other stuff applies too, but yeah.

>> No.7541566

all the attention whores have moved on to kill la kill

>> No.7541570

>tfw tiny except 47cm shoulders
thanks, Viking ancestors. At least getting custom-size things helps me in lolita, because I'm too small otherwise.

>> No.7541572

Please don't.

>> No.7541588

Too late. inb4 v&

>> No.7541632
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fresh off facebook.
>the purple one

>> No.7541640

I know the feel. Waist ties and corset lacing aren't on every dress and even then they can only help so much.

>> No.7541642
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yep. made badass finn the human backpack. asked how i made it, tell them i free handed the pattern and can copy it for them. "why can't you just make it for me for free?"

>> No.7541657

Honestly? I identify a lot of characters by their most prominent features because 99% of the time, I can't remember their name. Hell, I love Madoka, but I used to refer to Sayaka as "the blue one" for the longest time until I was finally able to remember it. I'm still not sure of the red one's name, so I can't really fault the person for this. Some people just don't have memories for this sort of thing.

>> No.7541664

>con is a month away
>can't start costumes until next week due to finals
i don't plan on sleeping this month apparently. 3 full costumes i haven't started. oh god help me.

>> No.7541688
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Are you me, anon?
>PCC in one month
>Can't even start to work on cosplay until after finals
aaahhhhh sweet, delicious tears

>> No.7541691

what the hell I'll vent...
>be me go on binge and purge episodes
>never make myself vomit
>feel excessive guilt for binge episodes
>go on insane diets
>average weight/slightly overweight
Am I bulimic?

>> No.7541699

bulimia is vomiting. you have an ED but it's neither bulimia or anorexia. Binging and purging is an ed

>> No.7541712


>> No.7541720
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my boyfriend just sent me a picture of him four wheeling with some girl I don't know. It's one in the morning.
I'm trying to not be a jealous gf cgl, trying so hard

>> No.7541724

Same, I desperately struggle with remembering names of anything. I have really really horrible memory and it sucks :/

>> No.7541729

Just masturbate it out. It's what I always do.

>> No.7541736

How would you feel if they passionately made love on top of his four wheel in the dark of the night?

>> No.7541738

you have a right to be annoyed
especially because its 1am wtf

>> No.7541743

anon pls no it could happen and I'd never know

>> No.7541747

At least he sent you a pic of him with her, I guess? I don't know. I still think you have the right to be annoyed.

>> No.7541753

But really, aren't you scared they're going to just casually tell their friends etc. and that it'll eventually get to the police? I don't think it's necessarily wrong, it's just scary as fuck.

>> No.7541770

That and it's weird to sleep with someone who has a low emotional maturity level (esp. when weebs are already bad for that) and is probably shit in bed, i.e. teenagers. Unless you enjoy really boring sex or using a girl as a fucktoy who does absolutely nothing, I don't see the appeal.

>> No.7541778

I can picture them out there now, just joking around and laughing with one another. It could start with just an innocent glance shared between the two of them, which prompts hot feelings to surge inside both of them. She presses her lips against his, and before he knows it, before he can really stop it, its become a full, deep kiss. It wouldn't take long for their clothes to be lying on the side of the road, and for them to be screaming out their passion for the whole night to hear.

>> No.7541781
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>> No.7541786

I'm not trying to bait anyone, just speculating. I think young love like that is really romantic. And haven't we all been in situations like that, where our passions just take hold of us and override our sense of rationality and reason?

>> No.7541789

yeah okay Fabio

>> No.7541791

This is probably TMI/ LOOK AT ME, but I gotta say it isn't worth it. I became bulimic for Cosplay a few years ago, and now I have recurrent peptic ulcers, which are the worse pain. It's hard to recover when you need to be on a restrictive diet anyway, and when I flare up, I look 9 months pregnant for a few days. I'm only just started to get back on cgl because last time I mentioned recovery, I was insulted pretty badly, banned for irrelevancy, and just went and threw up because I was such an idiot that I thought people would have been more supportive if I were thin enough yet. It gets to the point where EVERYTHING bad that happens to you is because you're not thin enough.

I realize now that rocking NO costume feels good enough to be worth this pain and hassle later on in life. You didn't specify your ED, but they always wreak havoc on your body. Please, please don't let it, especially for a hobby as fickle as Cosplay.

Sorry for being off-topic, I just hope you realize you're perfect the way you are before you have any medical issues, because they suuuuuck.

>> No.7541795

Emotional maturity does vary, as does skill in bed, but sometime those can be put aside for other qualities, such as youthful allure and being genki. Most teenagers are not attractive to me but most people in general are not attractive to me. I think that's natural, and that it doesn't exclude all people (or teenagers) as partners. Besides, I'm still technically a teenager myself.

>> No.7541806

I cheated on my girlfriend when I was much younger. It was with her one time friend at a party I was at with friends.

Honestly, I don't really feel that bad about it. I think that making mistakes like that is just the process of growing up, and that everyone does something like it at least once. We're still together, so its just a secret that I carry inside me.

>> No.7541809
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I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing okay these days.

>> No.7541830


The ulcers make it impossible to eat for a few days at a time when they flare up, so for the first time, I've had to go "Hey you, you need to eat this because of these nutrients." When I can, which is a much better way of thinking than I used to perform with. That, and throwing up really irritates them, so I can't, and when I do, I instantly pay for it. Not saying I'm 100% recovered, but throwing up twice a month is better than the twice day things I had going on a year ago. Next year I want to be once a month, the year after that I can phase it all out. I'm really thankful for my own experience because it got me out of the BP cycle at a fairly young age but every time I see someone about to repeat my mistakes I get (probably) annoyingly sad.

>> No.7541834

We have the same issue anon but I own brand blouses. Innocent World L's fit pretty well and cutsews can work. It's a shame I love ops so much as it can be a little tight fitting into them because of shoulder width. Especially old school ops.

>> No.7541852

Dear ED anons:
I'm going to psychoanalyze you guys, and I'm sorry. I've been in the same position before, purging, restricting, binging. And I've done a lot of research on it for various classes and can provide citations if needed.
Anorexics can purge and bulimics can restrict, so the main difference between the two is in personality. Bulimia has a lot of underlying depression issues and Cluster B personality disorders (mostly histrionic and borderline PD). Before anyone goes self-diagnosing, these are extreme cases but there are underlying factors which are connected to B/P bulimia (recklessness, all-or-nothing thinking, unstable emotions, neuroticism, dramatics, attention-whoring).
There are studies supporting the theory that some use purging as a anxiety release.
A lot of people who seek treatment for EDs find treatment for PDs to be helpful. Also SSRIs and anxiolytics.
BUT these are for chronic bulimics, I'm not sure if it's the exact same for those with short-term presentation of symptoms, but it's possible and I'm just telling you what I know.

tl;dr get your asses a therapist or a diary or something before you become incontinent or chronically constipated.

>> No.7541853

A person is buying a dress off of me via payment plan but I've realised I don't actually want to sell my dress. It's actually really important to me as it was given as a gift but I really needed the money because bills, relative about to visit me/get them gift and partner recently stayed with me for a week. The person has only paid a deposit so far and I am selling the dress fairly cheap but I just feel like it's wrong to cancel the payment plan. I just realise how special it is to me whereas before I was just worrying how I would be able to pay bills. I also found our that the buyer is a tripfag...
I feel so guilty besides not having done anything yet.

>> No.7541856

The buyer originally said shipping was too expensive and kept changing her mind. I don't think she has a job so the

>> No.7541876

Don't sell the dress if it means a lot to you anon. You'll regret it, and once it's gone, it's gone. Just refund her the deposit and explain that you realized you can't sell it because it is too important to you.

>> No.7541887

Hey ED anons, I have a few questions for you and wanted to know if you've experienced anything similar to this.

I've been told I have an eating disorder by a psychiatrist. It's not your typical anorexia/ bulimia kinda thing, and I didn't feel like I had a problem until the doctor told me I did.

I don't have any issues with my body image or weight. I don't control calories, binge or purge. Instead, I eat ridiculously selectively: I have a narrow selection of "safe" foods I can eat, mostly carbs, and anything outside of that selection I literally cannot swallow. If I try, my gag reflex activates and the food comes back out of my mouth. If different foods touch on my plate, I won't eat them. Any kind of sauce or "wet" food turns my stomach.

Do any of you have issues with selective eating? Where do you think this issue stems from? And is there anything I can do to widen my selection of "safe" foods?

>> No.7541916

People like you are the reason I can't trust anyone I get into a serious relationship with. I hope she finds out and leaves you.

>> No.7541917

ED anon here: I've thought about going to talk someone I have, really. I'm not some attention seeking teen, most of my life is picture perfect. I do have severe anxiety and a history of panic attacks. I know all of the right things to do or say, I'm a health care professional student. Maybe that's why it's been so difficult for me to admit that I really do have a problem?

>> No.7541929

I'm so sorry for the side effects your bulimia has caused you and hope that they won't be a life long sort of thing. I genuinely hope you are doing better, anon.

I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember, but I've been "recovered" and being very good to myself for almost two years now. I think I'll be okay and definitely don't want to go back to how I was. I was just vent, I guess, about how this hobby I really like is also one of the only things that makes these feelings come back full force. Thanks for the support, and it's not much, but you have mine.

>> No.7541934 [DELETED] 

Different ED anon. >>7541852
I'm sorry, I know you're trying to help, but I hate receiving this really basic psychology from some rando who thinks s/he needs to tell a person who's recovering/recovered from ED that they need to see a therapist and might have all kinds of other mental problems. Thanks, Sherlock. I guess you've helped someone else though (>>7541917), so thanks after all. /sandiness

>> No.7541982

Sorry, I definitely didn't mean for it to read that way, nor did I mean to go psych 101 on everyone.
What helped me recover was understanding that my purging came from an inability to cope with anxiety (I always attributed the constant, overwhelming anxiety to school, cosplay, whatever, but it never got any better once those all ended), getting an official diagnosis of GAD and being prescribed meds.
I got a little off track with my point, I'm not saying everyone needs to worry about a million tother things hat might be wrong with them, but here are significant patterns in EDs and I think understanding those similarities can help with treatment (self-guided treatment or professional help). For example, I know I always binged on carb-heavy food and I know a lot of others do too. This is also found in bipolar disorder. But I'm NOT suggesting that everyone has bipolar disorder. The key is in the theory that carbs increase serotonin synthesis, and it's theorized that both disorders use that as a very mild self-medication (carbs make you happy).
Doing research for an undergrad paper was what helped me, I thought sharing a bit of what I know might help others. But I totally get it, I'm not licensed and everyone's completely different, so I don't mean to box everyone together. I apologize if I've offended anyone, and i apologize for getting a bit off topic

>> No.7541991

I hate that I feel this way, but I really don't like it when other cosplayers in my community choose to cosplay I did literally right after I debuted it. (especially closer friends) To make it better, they usually end up looking like shit.

I dunno, I just hate it when other cosplayers near me pick the same characters. I know I'm an asshole, come at me anons.

>> No.7541993

choose to cosplay a character I did*

excuse my stupidity. I'm really fucking tired

>> No.7542002

if he sent you a picture he's a fag and trying to make you jelly

I know he's still your bf, but some of my exes would do that shit to me, and when I ignored their antics they would come begging for me to take them back, lel

>> No.7542005

You can recover anon. I've been there

>> No.7542008

this, he wouldn't bother sending you a picture if he was really having that much fun.

>> No.7542013

Not trying to be a dick but I feel like
>if youre overweight, you don't have a eating disorder (unless youre an emotional eater or something)
>if you don't force yourself to throw up everyday/after meals its not bulimia
Yeah it sucks having body image issues and I'm not implying your problem is stupid but claiming you have an eating disorder seems kinda inaccurate,it might be body dy smorphia.

>> No.7542017


The way I see it, is it affecting how much nutrition you're getting? If that's the case, then yes. You have an eating disorder. But I think people think people with EDs are a lot crazier than they actually are. It doesn't mean you're bad, or crazy, or weak. You have disordered eating. I know this seems cold, but just do your best to get it under control, and use whatever resources are available to you. If you have a psychiatrist, you're luckier than a lot of us, but also remember that if they make you feel unworthy/unstable, they are not doing their job and find a new one.

>> No.7542022


Well you actually don't lose THAT many calories from throwing up. If you have a 10,000 calorie binge and throw up, you're still retaining about 30%. If you're restricting earlier in the day and only ate 1,000 calories before the binge, you're still at 4,000 a day and you will gain weight.

Would an overweight bulimic not be a bulimic nonetheless?

>> No.7542026

Don't say anything about it. Then, tomorrow at 1am, send him and pic of you hanging out with some dude he doesn't know.

>> No.7542035

*a pic. Calm down, fingers, damn.

>> No.7542040

Ah, yes, passive aggressiveness, it's great for a relationship.

>> No.7542044

I don't think you understand what an eating disorder is. Overweight people can have eating disorders, being underweight is not the only criteria. If someone is obese but binges and purges, that is still bulimia (bulimia can actually lead to weight gain).

>> No.7542047

If it gets to the point where a youre loosing hair and having teeth issues and such generally overweight people don't have that much dedication to weight loss.

>> No.7542051

While I don't immediately feel like I'm malnourished, my diet is severely lacking in diversity and I must be missing a lot of important vitamins and minerals.

I had to fight tooth and nail for the last three years to get this psychiatric referral and it's been a horrible, hard battle. I have another appointment in two weeks' time to review the situation and hopefully either get a medication change or/ and a psychologist referral.

>> No.7542054

No. Having an eating disorder is not just to do with weight (underweight, overweight, etc.) but it's about your relationship with eating and food. You can have body dysmorphia, image issues, etc all tied into it, you can have disordered eating without a classifiable eating disorder (hence "EDNOS" and mixed restrictive/binging and purging disorders) but when you have an abnormal attitude/relationship with eating and food to the point where it starts to affect what you eat in an unhealthy way, then it's an eating disorder. People see the extreme ends of binging/anorexia and the amount of crazy there and think that's the only thing that "counts" as an eating disorder, but actually those are extreme presentations of the disease (kinda like how liver problems are an extreme presentation of alcoholism) since so many people are in denial about having a problem to start with.

>> No.7542061

I think overweight people can have eating disorders but it's probably not as dangerous as a girl who drops down to 70-80 pounds, it doesn't mean their problems are insignificant,but perhaps slightly less dangerous?

>> No.7542098

I wouldn't say less dangerous there are still other severe side effects from EDs. Things like hypovolemic shock, chronic constipation, etc. can cause severe problems no matter what weight.

>> No.7542109

No. It's still terrible. The physical repercussions are still there no matter what. Your stomach acid doesn't go "Oh, you're fat, so I'm not going to ruin your throat until you lose 100 lbs" every time you throw up. Your bones don't go "oh, hey, you're overweight, I'm going to keep my density even though you're not taking in enough calcium". Not to mention the fact that an ED can completely destroy your mental health.

In short, you shouldn't ignore something so dangerous just because the person's overweight. A disorder is a disorder no matter who it affects.

>> No.7542119

In reality, the bone density thing would be MORE of a problem for someone who's overweight (seeing as overweight people already tend to have bene density / strength issues) because the additional weigh makes fractures much more likely.

Someone who weighs 200 lbs is likely going to break their ankle before someone who's 70 lbs.

>> No.7542137

Yeah, it's similar to people who cheat on tests. You study forever on it, using your own time, while the guy next to you taking answers off his phone got to party and shit. So while she had to use her time to research, the people asking get to use the same amount of time on furthering the costume, getting responsibilities outta the way, etc.

>> No.7542143

>Plus sized
>Make a few things for myself but mostly costumes for others to make extra $$
>Admire lolita for years but poor college student
>Start losing weight.
>Get five jobs: 3 commission, two regular and steady pay.

I've started a closet and it feels good to get rid of my normal clothes when something comes in.

>> No.7542170


/k/fag here

I use cosplaying as an excuse to buy milsurp

got two 10/10 stalker costumes (actual NVA and Russian NBC suits) and a few Fallout costumes as well. So far I've spent about $500 on this habit, probably will spend more.

>> No.7542209
File: 15 KB, 462x276, hrMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a dress that you really want, and build off with that. Just stalk the sales or something, wait for a dress you rEALLY fucking want, and go from there. Eventually you can branch out into other styles, but stick with coording that first main piece.

I have the same issues with loving different styles, but I just decided to go with the one I liked first (Gothic). I never specifically went out to buy classic or sweet main pieces, but I can now wear all three styles simply because I've been buying versatile pieces and lots of accessories that I can mix all together.

The hardest part is taking the first dive, so just focus on that first main piece, since first anon seems to be having insecurity about taking the plunge. From there, buy versatile pieces such as non-print items, solid color items, etc. Sticking to a color palette at first is a good idea if you can.

Since I went with gothic, I mostly bought in white, off-white, and black. Most of my coords are borderline gothic or classic without accessories.

Basically: fuckin' do it, just fucking do it you fags, jsust sddof it fckin fdo it dod iiit fkck

>> No.7542211

I am jealous of how cute some of the girls are in my local comm. They keep blogs and model for lolita brands and look cute naturally. I feel like I put in a lot of effort just to look half as good as they do. I am getting old but all I want is to model for a lolita brand and be a cute maid goddamnit

>> No.7542237

I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel like giving up because I put in so much effort to look good but I still don't look cute enough like the other girls in my community. They could hop out of bed wearing rags and they would still look perfectly cute.

>> No.7542244

>Working on my own jsk design right now.
>Hope that cgl/ likes it enough to motivate me to open an online store finally.

;~; I-it's my dream to be a seamstress and have a little vintage-inspired/lolita boutique.

>> No.7542254

Thank you anon, I think I will do that but I just feel so guilty. I really appreciate your guidance.

>> No.7542258

I'm not overweight not underweight but saw a counsellor about eating issues after many people close to me had been telling me to for two years...anyway the psychologist did call it an eating disorder sometimes, but disorded eating was the most used term. I am not allowed to exercise due to health so I was not losing much weight, it was more to do with my body image, food restriction,calorie counting, thoughts on food (good and bad foods, constant guilt etc),dysmorphia, and purging. It helped a lot speaking to someone, and although I still struggle mainly with body image, dysmorphoia and guilt I'm in a much better place. Good luck anons with ed anons I wish you all the best.

>> No.7542297

Congrats Anon! Where you going?

>> No.7542366

Hang out with one of your guy friends doing something fun, take some happy ass little selfie with him and then send that to your bf at 2am.

I like giving people a taste of their own medicine and then seeing how badly they hate it themselves.

>> No.7542376

are you _ifwinterends? that would be glorious!

>> No.7542394
File: 58 KB, 519x391, 2340930894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she meant it in a callous way, but one of my lolita friends just asked me if my dress was real or a replica based on recent meetup photos where I look awful and fatter than usual.

It really hurt...

>> No.7542403

I know there's something called orthorexia, but their 'safe foods' are mostly just healthy food, yours seem pretty random...

>> No.7542406

Go and talk to someone. You can give the best advice to others but it's really hard seeing yourself in a different light.

>> No.7542407

Yeah, you have no idea what you are talking about. Watch a BBC documentary every once in a while, read a book, do research.

>> No.7542420
File: 46 KB, 545x391, 1279216078436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body image issues not related to eating disorder

do you have any idea how fucking dumb you are?

>> No.7542473
File: 64 KB, 600x450, FlanPlzGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my confession is...
I might be jealous of Flan.

she kind of stole some of my friends.

>> No.7542509

urgh Flan is hideous

>> No.7542517

> Last night she then said "it was sent, did you get it?"
> Then when I let original girl know, she got all sad and was like "I was literally just going to send the payment ;;;"

Ugh, I hate buyers like this. Hope you called her out on it.

>> No.7542525

I hate my discoloured body, I hate my discoloured face.
It's not visible to much, but when I see it, I got insane. I don't know what to do, I want my skin to be even and beautiful. I can't do anything about.

>> No.7542552 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking about dumping a childhood friend. She's turned tumblr on me. Every week, it's a new gender or new identity and I don't know whether to call her he, she it, or whatever. There's also the fact that she's become a sjw and all I hear none stop is how straight, white people are being everyone else down. I've tried teller her how I feel but I get the standard tumblr reply. I just can't take it anymore.

>> No.7542556

Dump that bitch like the shit brick she is.

>> No.7542560

You can do it, anon!

>> No.7542569

Oh man I never realized how annoying someone stealing your genderbend idea was until someone did it to me

Literally the exact same design except she chose to do longer hair and I went for shorter and cuter

>> No.7542613
File: 213 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lqhxsrRax31qdzz41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting effort into losing weight and looking good for an upcoming convention but it seems like everything I pick like hair color, hair style, outfits, I keep doubting myself. I think they're awesome at first but then I think "What if my thighs look terrible? What if I do all this to my hair and the humidity makes me look terrible? What if I still look fat?"

I'm extremely selfconcious showing my legs especially and this year I wanted to wear shorts and dresses. I shouldn't care what anyone thinks but I know once I showed up I'd have to run to the bathroom every hour or two just to double check that nothing looks out of place or just end up changing into jean and a tshirt out of nervousness.

I just hate it so much because I do all this effort and hype myself up because "Yeah, I'm going to look amazing!" and then I ruin it all by having self-doubts immediately after.

>> No.7542653 [DELETED] 

I think I may have to start distancing myself from my best friend for the same reason. She's taken to posting "white people jokes" (aka just straight up bashing white people) openly on facebook, and we never have conversations anymore without it turning into "what's your opinion on this social justice topic, anon?" She also has the same tumblr mentality that only white people can be offensive to other races, so she'll get upset when someone makes a black joke but then will literally say that if she offends a Native American person by wearing a war bonnet at a party, they can suck it up because she looks cute.

>> No.7542675 [DELETED] 

I can't stand hypocritical SJW.

>> No.7542685

Sorry, just thought an eating disorder was going weeks without eating rather then stuffing your face and throwing it up every now and again.

>> No.7542689

Some girl on the league of legends cosplayers fb page posted her genderbend Rengar and like, a week later some other girl shared a photo of her cosplaying the exact design without crediting the first girl

>> No.7542690

Not that anon but both of those are eating disorders and can both mess your body up a lot.

>> No.7542692

You are so fucking ignorant, go away.

>> No.7542704

Oh, I get it.
You're shitposting :^)

>> No.7542709

if there's a study of multiple overweight people doing this to the point where its a problem I'll shut up.

>> No.7542711

..you do realize that skinny people also binge and purge, right?

>> No.7542720

Yes,And all I'm implying is thin people more likely to do it more frequently.

>> No.7542722


>> No.7542735

I'm known in my comm as a brandwhore. There has been gossip about me being elitist because I only wear brand, but the truth is I have a small collection of Bodyline that I wear around the house. I let people think I only own brand because it makes me seem like a better lolita.

>> No.7542740

Why is fat-shaming treated like racism? Here especially.
I think fat people are fatties and there's nothing any fatty can do that'll change my opinion.

Also, you skinny girls (I'm talking <100) need to eat some fucking meat. Stop cutting the fat off of your steaks, it's chewy and good.

>> No.7542743 [DELETED] 

>she'll get upset when someone makes a black joke

I share this pain with you. What makes it worse is that she thinks that because I'm black, I should be offended.

Finally told her today that if she would like to continue to be my friend, the tumblr mentally has to stop. I feel bad about it because we've known each other since kindergarten.

>> No.7542745

My comm thinks I'm a brandwhore as well. It's strange because I wear a ton of offbrand blouses, shoes and accessories.

>> No.7542747

>want to cosplay tall, buff men
>5'2" female with big hips and boobs
>literally not possible to pass as tall buff man

Not being able to do it only makes me want to do it more. Fucking limitations.

>> No.7542749

know that feel. only some IW with shirring fit me properly, otherwise I always need lacing. that's why I started sewing my own dresses

>> No.7542762

op pic is by millais tho
your confession is you're a preraphaelite ignoramus

>> No.7542763
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my character

oh man you are delusional lol I would hate to know you irl

>> No.7542771

anytime I see a bait pic i haven't seen before I laugh IRL it's so embarrassing

>> No.7542773

Can't you leave bad seller feedback for that though? Like that's not a good move, but I feel for you seller anon.

>> No.7542779

People always talk about bulimia by focusing on vomiting. No. Bulimia is about the cycle of binge and purge. It's the binge part that's important. If you just purge, it's anorexia. Purging isn't only throwing up, either. Laxatives, excessive exercise, and yes, even starving yourself- these all count as a "purge".

>Bulimia Nervosa

>According to the DSM-5 criteria, to be diagnosed as having Bulimia Nervosa a person must display:

> Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterised by both of the following:
>> Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g. within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.
>> A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g. a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).
> Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise.
> The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviours both occur, on average, at least once a week for three months.
> Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
> The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa.

To keep this on topic, here's my confession:
My anorexia has gotten to the point that I am too small for my clothes, too small for brand, and I have to set my watches to the smallest hole (they're still a bit loose). I have to alter my lolita skirts or else they sit at my hips. And I think my feet shrunk? Because all my shoes feel loose and I'm fitting into shoes two full sizes and a half smaller than what I thought I was. I feel like a little kid trying on her mom's clothes.
I'm not even that underweight. If it's the American Ideal™ to be a stick, why is it so hard to find clothes?

>> No.7542788

Genderbend cosplay. It makes design even more interesting to some.

>> No.7542803

What's your height/weight?

>> No.7542808

5'4" and 95-98lbs

>> No.7542809

I hope you'll consider seeking help, anon.

>> No.7542810

I'm 5'3 and fluctuate between 94-98 and us size 2-3s fit me from places like jc penny's, I do have wide hips though.

>> No.7542813

Go to a doctor in case it's an ovarian tumor (assuming you're a girl)

>> No.7542822

Also its good youre aware of it,if you like being a certain weight there's nothing wrong with it, but if youre having trouble eating or feel the need to loose more weight (like drop down in the 80s) you should talk to someone.

>> No.7542823

I've got really unfortunate bone structure. My hips are minuscule and my shoulders are wide. I would definitely go all out on taobao but, like anons were crying about earlier in the thread, my shoulders are too wide for Asian blouses. I'm p jealous of your hips. I have a pair of 0's, but I wish I filled them out more.
I was thinking about taking up squats for dat ass and to offset my shoulders.
Have you had any inseam problems? I got a pair of jeans from a department store that are 'short' inseam, and I was surprised to see it hit my ankles. I realized that I've always rolled my cuffs. Is that a typical thing for girls around our height? I thought we were supposed to be average, hah

>> No.7542824

No. Get out. Seriously. I am sick of fuckers like you who take advantage of the naive & easily led because they don't know how the world works yet. Just stay home and fuck yourself.

>> No.7542825

There are way too many seagulls struggling with an eating disorder and it makes me sad.

>> No.7542829


top kek

>> No.7542830

It's probably just girls in general. Most of them keep quiet about it, so it's hard to really tell how many there are.

>> No.7542838

This, nobody knew about mine until after I started recovering and told them. I come from a long line of very petite women so no one thought a thing of it, everyone just told me I looked great and that they wished they were as skinny as me. At my worst about five years ago I was 85 pounds (I'm 5'2"), now I'm sitting right at around 105 and keeping the weight on pretty easily.

>> No.7542846

I ussually roll up the bottoms sometimes it works but ussually it doesnt, i mainly get skinnys anyway though,i mostly have trouble finding shirts because I have long arms, also wide hips suck I'm constantly slamming my hip bone on stuff, I'd rather have small hips and pay extra for a nice petite frame.if youre trying to shop cheaply I got a lot of nice jeans at rue 21 and jc penny's ( I still wear pairs from like 5 years ago) I haven't tried their jeans yet but express runs small too but are a little more expensive.

>> No.7542854

Like I've never found a pair of jeans that perfectly fit my legs/hips if that's what you meant but I've also never spent over 50 dollars on jeans so i don't care to much.

>> No.7542858

I like being small, but my shoulders make me look like a boy sometimes. I guess every body type has their own reservations about themselves, though, huh? I snag my hipbone on things too somehow, so I'd probably be a black and blue mess if I actually had hips haha
I'll check out rue 21. I've snagged a couple of cute pastel things in there, which surprised me since that store was stylized more towards punk. I did get a pink pair of pants there once, but that was a while ago and they're too big for me now. I'll go back and see if I can find them again in a smaller size!

Yeah, I was seeing if it's been a challenge to easily find pants that fit your inseam. I was paranoid that my legs were stumpy somehow, since I figured that average height would be able to fit average length jeans. I guess they're just made for giantess models.

>> No.7542872

I think they assume since you're thinner you'd be taller but at rue 21 they had this nice pair of black jeans that felt sort of velvety(?) And I got them for around 20,I'm impressed with them, sometimes their pretty loose and sometimes they aren't but they actually look pretty nice, I forgot what they were called but they weren't in the area where all the other pants are if they're still too small try washing them a couple times and if you're in texas I think there's a store in Dallas that makes clothes specifically for thin women.

>> No.7542874

I'm not, unfortunately. That's interesting, since isn't Texas stereotyped as the fat state? Here we have sections of department stores that say 'petite' but I think they just mean height. I haven't really found anything particularly small there.

>> No.7542880
File: 182 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching hentai for the ridiculous plots out of boredom
>some have genuinely cute character designs
>mfw I'm considering cosplaying from a hentai

I know it's a terrible idea. But goddamn, some of these characters in are legitimately adorable.

>> No.7542883

I hate that /cgl/ is actually /ed/. Go get some help.

>> No.7542884

Haha yeah,I was looking up stores that sell size 000 a while back and some specialty store in dallas sells them, but apparently Hollister sells size 00 so maybe that'll fit better then the other stores you've been going too.

>> No.7542887

>watching hentai for the plot

>> No.7542890

>Have something spill on my box of lolita when moving
>It only got on three dresses and not that much, that's cool.
>Comes out of the first two dresses easily.
>Last night, nervous because Chantilly's Phantom Merry Go Round OP in white and stain is in brown.
>Okay might as well do it.
>Remove the bow with the jewels and totally space on the others
>Decide to take them off halfway through washing
>Yes! The stain got out!
>Today, look at bows.
>Black ink had bled.
>For some reason there's orange on them.
>God fucking damn it.

I'll try going over the white with a bleach pen or something since it's cotton, I just wish I had thought things through. At least I didn't wash the one with the gems.

>> No.7542897

It can be legitimately hysterical.

The one I watched recently, there was an ex-prisoner who solved all of his problems by fucking them. He was at war with some radical feminist group that was creating genetically modified futa women to eliminate the need for men. Then he tried fucking a cyborg, but it created a problem, and she turned giantess and almost destroyed Japan. A badass old guy that you aren't really introduced to stops the giant cyborg. Then the main character got married. The end.

>> No.7542900

About chara design, I think some hentai artist are hired by mainstream company to make their design.

>> No.7542901

(I keep using the word "legitimately," I need to knock that shit directly off, sage)

>> No.7542922
File: 76 KB, 558x287, toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollister's one of those asthma inducing dark stores, right? The few items I've looked in those kinds of stores were too expensive for simple items. I see hundred dollar jeans and all I can think about is that I could buy a jsk with that.
I'm not experiencing any health problems. There's no reason for me to go.
I'm guilty of this with ecchi
>bunny girl wizard with centuries of knowledge is too cute

>> No.7542924

Pretty sure an eating disorder counts as a mental health issue, but okay.

>> No.7542933

I hate Hollister too, Abercrombie might carry petites and while they're more expensive they do have some nice stuff same with express.

>> No.7542948

If she's happy with her weight and there's nothing wrong with her health I think its okay,im sick of everyone trying to make everything into bigger issues then they are, it creates problems,if you like the way you look fuck everyone else.

>> No.7542950

>Just buy a dress that you really want, and build off with that.
I've decided to do that sometime ago, the point is that the dress I want is the Silent Moon JSK and no one ever seems to be selling theirs.

>> No.7542974

Who's taking advantage of anyone here? If they didn't have sex with me they would with someone else. Most of the time they aren't even virgins.

No. I make sure they are smart and care enough about me to not do that. Someone else accusing me would need evidence too, something besides word of mouth.
It's not hard to teach a girl how to have sex when you're dominant. And unless they actually work out hard most girls don't have the strength or stamina to do anything fancy. Not all of them have that low of an emotional maturity level either, and I like how spontaneous they can be. It's a lot more exciting than hanging out with a bunch of adults who barely do anything silly even when they're drunk as fuck.

>> No.7542996

Thank you. I mean, I've got the tickers (low calorie intake, fear of getting fat, hard time seeing my body for what it is), but it doesn't cause me a lot of distress. I try to make sure that the little I eat is good stuff, lots of protein. Girls who are in a constant state of anxiety should definitely go in, it doesn't matter what their numbers are on the scale or in intake.

How old are you?

>> No.7543008

This is kinda silly, I can understand being attracted to younger girls but if they aren't even virgins what's the point if you like their youth so much?Also men who say this shit about teenage girls obviously haven't spent a lot of time with them, or at least the ones they claim to like/sleep with, if you hate women teenage girls are 10x more insufferable especially the "attractive" ones.

>> No.7543034

Ironically enough, Japan! And thank you.

>> No.7543055
File: 20 KB, 640x480, yui-hugging-azusa-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really rough and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I know therapists are expensive, but it seems like you really need to have someone to talk with you and help you move past these things so that you won't have episodes like this in the future. Please remember that it is just a reflex, as you described, and it's nothing you should feel guilty about because it's not your fault. Besides, many people feel uncomfortable being touched and if you just give a little disclaimer when you're in a situation where there might be physical contact involved, you can explain to whomever that you don't feel comfortable with people not respecting your personal space and touching you. They should understand that; if they don't and won't comply after further explanation, then they're not someone you need in your life. Like >>7541510
said, working with someone that you trust so that you can build up getting used to physical contact can help a lot!

Good luck and remember that things will get better!

>> No.7543062

you did the right thing, you gave her more than one chance and she was being shady as fuck

>> No.7543118

I also dislike the fat shaming in this community; however, there is nothing wrong with skinny girls either. Thin doesn't equal unhealthy.

>> No.7543128

I've been trying to help new lolitas for years. I've written guides and have canned responses to paste to them on Tumblr, but it never seems to work. They still buy from shitty sites and fall in love with raschel lace monsters, or bitch that I'm just an elitist brandwhore (no matter how many links to Taobao, Bodyline, or indie brands I provide: brandwhore, ugh). So I give up. I'm sick of it.

The next person to ask me for advice on where to buy is getting linked to a slew of scam sites.

>> No.7543133

>what are metabolisms

I've never breached 100 lbs at 5'5" and I eat the fat on my steaks. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. Actually, by all logical sense, I should weigh like 300 lbs with the way I eat.

I have a separate genetic disorder on top of my fast as shit metabolism, though, so that's probably why. It'll hopefully slow down in a few years, but I'm not unhealthy just because I weigh less than 100 lbs.

>> No.7543139

F21, chinese ebay shops for skirts and things, Kohl's, Charlotte Russe, Wet Seal.

I hope you consider getting better, anon, but that's where i get my clothes and they fit pretty well.

I'm flat chested with narrow hips but an okay-ish butt, but my shoulders are awkwardly wide and I have really long legs even though I'm average height, so pants are always a problem for me.

>> No.7543140

If you went up to 105-110 you probably look really good, not to imply you don't already.

>> No.7543144

I know. I wish I could. My goal is to get to 110 eventually, but my weight hasn't budged in years despite trying different diets and exercise regimes.

It'd give me just enough to make my knees and elbows a little smoother, and hopefully fill out my chest a little more.

I'm sort of pointy right now.

>> No.7543145 [DELETED] 

Do it anon. My best friend from childhood and I went to college together (bad idea) and lived together for 3 years (worse idea) and by the end of those years I couldn't stand the person she'd become.
The blame didn't entirely rest of her, but its hard to maintain a friendship when all your share is your past memories. I had very little interest in her new friends and hobbies and I'm much happier now than I was trying to pretend being friends with her.

>> No.7543185

When did this thread become centered around eating disorders? I can understand why you're mad, but for fucks sake it's not like this is common knowledge. Calm down, you're making it tumblr in here.

>> No.7543194

How did she change?

>> No.7543216 [DELETED] 

>How old are you?
Almost 24.
I do like finding virgins but it's not a priority. As long as it's under 3 partners I can deal. Depends on their age too, but mostly I like them for their attitude and youthful inquisitiveness.

I have spent a lot of time with them, considering I have dated them and go to cons that have a large number of young girls aged 13-18. I know how they are. Not all of them are worth pursuing, like any other group of people. Neither do I go for the stereotypical attractive ones.

I know I really sound like I'm screaming "not all of them are like that!" but I've just found that they're more exciting, willing to experiment, and be spontaneous. I like teaching them about things and having them show me things they like. Older girls are stuck in their ways.

>> No.7543299 [DELETED] 

You do realize that depending on the age of the girl, it's legally seen as rape, right? Your kink isn't worth being labeled a sex offender.

>> No.7543312

She got really into social justice-y things, got really into the BDSM/poly community in our area, and into drugs/partying (nothing very serious, just weed and hallucinogens). The last straw was her birthday celebration last year, where I spent an evening with a group of her poly/kink friends, who were discussing their sex lives at dinner. None of that was really my scene, and I realized that we just weren't interested in the same things anymore.

Polite sage for off topic.

>> No.7543327 [DELETED] 

My confession? I love underaged girls in an illegal way, but since there isn't any therapy for non-offending pedophiles, I'm just planning on killing myself if my thoughts get too bad.

But I also love kids in a general fun way. I used to volunteer at an aftercare and a day care, and it was so much fun and the kids are so sweet. But I stopped after my thoughts about them started to freak me out. I'm not even a skeevy 40 year old virgin male, I'm a small 21 year old woman who likes to teach people. I was trying to find resources, but they're all 1) tailored to men, and 2) tailored to child molesters. I'm not a child molester, and I want to nip this in the bud before I turn into one of those sick fucks who justify their disgusting attraction.

>tl;dr: I'm a lesbian pedophile and I want to kill myself

>> No.7543346

But that's wrong, you fucking retard. You can purge in multiple ways. There is a thing called exercise bulimia for a reason. Sage for being a salty cunt.

>> No.7543372 [DELETED] 


>>7543327 Here. I wish I could be more like you and not give a fuck, but I know way too many women who have been in relationships like yours and are severely mentally fucked up because of it. A lot of them didn't even realize the damage it did until years later and thought they were fine. Your sexual gratification really isn't worth their mental problems later in life. Please stop.

>> No.7543389 [DELETED] 

Please don't kill yourself, anon. You recognize that your feelings can be potentially harmful to children, so don't lump yourself in with all the sick losers who hurt kids. Maybe talk to a therapist? I know there aren't that many options for treatment, but please don't give up hope.

>> No.7543413 [DELETED] 

I've tried, but most of them don't know to help. I've had some visibly treat me like shit after I told them, even after telling them that I haven't molested anyone (but I don't really blame them). Most of them are only used to convincing pedophiles of why it's harmful. But I already know it is. One I went to TRIED to convince me that I didn't find children sexually attractive, but that I just didn't have enough friends my age, or that I was too socially awkward and took pleasure in socializing with those younger than me. No. I have a vast friend circle. I'm pretty popular. I've had many relationships, and I'm not socially inept. So I know it isn't that. I don't know what to do anymore, honestly. I understand why most pedophiles are older, because the urges get stronger the older you get. So I'm probably going to have to kill myself, if I can't find a therapist that can work with me.

I've even tried researching online, and there isn't much in terms of support. I've talked to a few other pedophiles, but most of them are in the "Whaaa, why won't the government recognize my ~*sexuality*~ and lower the legal age to 12?!" camp who have no intention of trying to limit their impulses or urges, and I'm not that disconnected from reality, nor am I a sociopath.

>> No.7543425 [DELETED] 

That's really awful. You have nothing to be ashamed of, anon, it's not your fault, it's an issue with your brain being wired in a way that's no acceptable to society. If you want to leave an email, we can chat. I'm not a pedo, but I have a fairly similar problem in that I'm addicted to the physical attributes of anime girls. Not in the 3DPD way either. It's something that I recognize as an actual problem myself that I can't really get help for, it's hard to talk to others and to even explain. It makes me a bit embarrassed and ashamed at some times as well...

I understand what you're going through must be far far worse than me, but I would be willing to talk and try to understand if you like.

>> No.7543430 [DELETED] 

I'm really sorry, then, anon. I just hope that you can find help. I can't imagine what that must be like for you. Chin up, girl, I hope things get better!

>> No.7543441 [DELETED] 


They use depo provera to kill the sex drive of older offenders (in men) I am wondering if there is something similar for women?

I don't you to kill yourself. Are you attracted to them sexually? Or just their beauty?

>> No.7543463 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck the hell out of my new roommate and I keep having sex dreams about him.

I don't know if he's attracted or not cause he's so aloof, but I might want to make a move or something, but I don't wanna make things awkward. I feel really stupid.

>> No.7543471 [DELETED] 

Thanks. The only reason I'm even bitching here is because I've completely stop going to anime conventions for this reason (too many young people, and I'm just trying to avoid any place like that). The only con I really go to anymore is D*con, and that's because I've made so many friends over the years.

Thank you, anon. I'll drop a throwaway email (I probably won't get harassed, but I don't want to risk it). I'd love to talk a little about it. I don't really get the chance to. I'm too afraid to bring it up to anyone I talk to.

I've never heard of that, but I'm going to research it.

>> No.7543475 [DELETED] 

<iframe src="http://www.allasianclips.com/asian-porn/9438/guilty-crown-cosplay-inori-yuzuriha.html?embed" height="346" width="620"></iframe><br><a href="http://www.allasianclips.com/asian-porn/9438/guilty-crown-cosplay-inori-yuzuriha.html">Guilty Crown Cosplay – Inori Yuzuriha</a>

>> No.7543525

Fuck the janitor. My comment about wanting to fuck my new roommate is totally legit, he's from my cosplay group. Also that pedo bitch shit needs to go too. This janitor is such a whore.

>> No.7543540

Janitor-chan seems to have been on a rampage lately.

I don't know how we can really have discussions if every post deemed off topic is deleted. It's the nature of conversation to change topic, who gives a shit if we start on cosplay and shift to something else?

As long as it's not causing a disturbance on the board, I don't understand the issue.

>> No.7543553

I am so glad I'm not the only one that does this. I watch them because the terrible plots always make me laugh. It's a good pick me up.

>> No.7543609

>don't regret it
>didn't get caught
>growing up is making mistakes bullshit
The only reason why you don't regret this is because she's still with you. I hope she actually knows and is plotting to kill you in cold blood.

>> No.7543634

I used to be like that. When I graduated high school, I was 95 lbs, didn't exercise, and I shoved candy into my face at an alarming rate. A few years later, wham, 130 lbs. I've worked myself down to 105, but damn, it is not nearly as easy as it was to be slim. I actually have to say no to candy most of the time now.

>> No.7543652

I mean... It's not too hard to notice when people have eating disorders. It just takse some observational skills (which I notice few people have). Bulimics will excuse themselves to the washroom, anorexics will avoid eating with people..... It's kind of obvious if you're blatantly avoiding certain kinds of foods... Etc.

>> No.7543759
File: 104 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mpegw2ExZF1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday after having found out he tried to have sex with my friend while we were on break.

> mfw feel like an idiot because some of my friends already knew.
> mfw had been planning couple cosplays earlier

Worst is I totally regret breaking up with him but I feel like I should at least respect myself that much.

>> No.7543770

Well, how long were you on a break? Did you set any boundaries saying you weren't going to have sex with other people or with specific people? I mean, that's kind of a sleazy thing to do, but if you weren't together.... At the same time, getting back with someone you had to take a "break" from isn't usually a good idea anyway, and I don't really blame you for being hurt no matter the circumstances of your separation. You did the right thing.

>> No.7543774
File: 461 KB, 200x170, hobbit hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for the best that you broke up with him. If he really thought that you were worth it then he wouldn't have tried going after anyone else when you were on break. Also from the way that you worded that it sounds like he didn't tell you but that you found out from your friends which also means that he was either trying to hide it from you or he didn't think it was "important enough" to tell you, and that just sounds like nothing but trouble. I wish you the best anon, break ups are hard.

>> No.7543776

I think they meant Spring break, probably.

Damn, I hope you're holding up okay, anon

>> No.7543799

This. This so much.
I'm going to email moot tomorrow and I encourage everyone who agrees to do the same.
>inb4 all our comments are deleted for off-topic.

>> No.7544021

I absolutely hate cosplayers that act overly sexual with their friends at conventions

I also absolutely hate it when cosplayers have facebook pages/tumblrs for their cosplays and they have friends who post boner memes or anime characters with nosebleeds because they think the cosplay is that good.

>> No.7544028

I am annoyed by the fact that I had to stop being friends with my good cosplay friends since they started to be friends with a popular cosplayer in our comm, who just so happens to be my ex bff that used me when we were friends and calls everyone "faggot" because she thinks it's funny and cool

>> No.7544034

> Friend loves my lolita, I love dressing her up in it
> She pulls out a bxw F+F lacemonster that she wore in middle school. I never knew she used to wear it
> Tells me she wants to get back into lolita
> I offer to be her shopping service, since I want her to actually look good
> I find nice and cheap second hand dresses, show her.
> She likes one
> I message the seller, give my paypal
> But the shipping turns out to be more expensive than expected
> "Anon, I don't know if I can do that. Hang on, I need to figure some things out"
> Somehow granted in the luck that the seller is late in sending the invoice
> Friend leaves on vacation, no communication for two weeks
> Seller finally messages me saying that she messed up the invoice and she wants to know if I still want it
> Stall until my friend gives me the green light
> Halfway through her vacation, my friend lets me know that she bought a DIFFERENT lolita dress (it looks terrible)
> So she can't afford this other dress
> I've already stalled so much with the seller
> Spaghetti hard, don't even respond
Why am I so terrible? It's been weeks. She's relisted it. I kind of want to message her again, but I'm so embarrassed.
I don't entirely blame my friend for what she did (though I'm pissed about the terrible dress), since she figured I was buying from a store, not a person. I should have clarified.

>> No.7544046

There's a photoshoot I'm going to at a con coming up, my friend is running it. On that same day, some of our ex friends are cosplaying from that same series, and I'm afraid that they'll be at the photoshoot. Once they see my friend, either they will start a fuss, or scoff and leave. I really hope they don't show up...

>> No.7544055
File: 999 KB, 500x268, tumblr_inline_mrwsjngF3J1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be longer but i talked with him about it at the last con we were at.
When we went on break we agreed on not having sex with others or intimate relationship with others because the break was not about who he was gonna stick his dick in next.
And thank you.

Yeah, the girl he flirted with was the one who told me. Thank you though anon! I Hope you have a great day too.

>> No.7544165

>jsust sddof it fckin fdo it dod iiit fkck

We talk like human beings here, back to tumblr with you.

>> No.7544168

>Actually, by all logical sense, I should weigh like 300 lbs with the way I eat.
> I'm not unhealthy just because I weigh less than 100 lbs.

If you overeat that often or eat that much food that is bad for you, then chances are you are in fact unhealthy.

>> No.7544234

I know that feeling. I love old school sweet, classic AND gothic (and otome and mori on top of that!) and none of the shit I own works together. I've decided to drop (modern) gothic for now and focus on more variable oldschool pieces that also work in a more casual girly style.

>> No.7544243

>everyone does something like it at least once
Nope. You're just an asshole.

>> No.7544260

My boyfriend has this problem. He isn't underweight but going by the amount of food he eats he should weigh much more than he does. He also seems incapable of building muscle. Part of me wonders if he has intestinal parasites or something.

I avoid eating with people around and don't like to be around people who are eating because of some weird anxiety issue I have, not anorexia. I hate it when people assume I have anorexia because they either become extremely patronizing or start treating me like a pariah. So while this may be true for many people, it's not always the case.

>> No.7544299
File: 84 KB, 531x471, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armchair diagnosing is fucking disgusting and people who do it make me wanna punch them in the face because 99.9% of the time they are talking out of their ass. If they were an actual therapist they would KNOW better than to do it, and it can honestly scare some people shitless and make them paranoid into having every mental disorder ever. Especially because they're usually described broadly and the symptoms are something someone has had to a much lesser degree at least once in their lifetime.

Plus, if the person knows they have something wrong with them they don't need you to tell them that, they have their friends and family who actually monitor their behavior unlike witch doctor #27 on the internet.

Another thing is that mental disorders aren't as common as everyone that reads webmd articles about it claims. Most of the time an "ED" in these scenarios is simply having shitty eating habits. Also, my mom's a therapist and she is constantly booked. A lot of time paranoid patients who are completely fine come and take away time from those who can't get a seance they desperately need. It's usually shit like "better make sure I don't have self-diagnosed fad disorder of the month!" or worried rich mommies bringing their delinquent children for "lack of confidence and motivation" when they get bad grades from being lazy.

Therapists want your money, don't get me wrong, but they'd rather treat a patient who is less stable and needs it than waste time on perfectly healthy people who were scared into a psychological evaluation by some alarmist douche on the internet.
Literally the first thing a therapist will tell you is to stop believing things you read online, because scaring people like this helps no one. Most of you sound sane and normal, counting calories and not wanting to get fat is not ED exclusive and quite understandable considering how people here rip fat girls apart on a daily basis.

>> No.7544308

Not ED-related but literally the first thing my psychologist told me after ordering an autism spectrum test for me was to go on the internet and see if I identified with any of the 'symptoms'. They're very good otherwise (at least, better than the ones I've seen before) but this really surprised me. At least I'm not really self-diagnosing, I guess.

>> No.7544311

I just eat a lot. I can eat a full meal every two hours because my metabolism is too fast.

Unfortunately, I probably could be in better health, because I work long hours at a fast food place, so I eat there a lot. If I get too hungry and don't eat something I'll just pass out, even if the last time I ate was 3 hours ago.

But, according to all my doctors, I'm fairly healthy considering my diet. My blood pressure is normal-low, but I've also got asthma, and heart palpitations, but those run in the family and have been happening for years.

The worst of my health issues at this point are my joints, which are a completely separate issue and unrelated to my diet, and my apparent sudden intolerance for caffeine. If I drink more than maybe a cup of soda, I start getting jitters for some reason.

>> No.7544316

The deal with that is that those symptoms are not described well and people misunderstand them a lot. One of my classmates has legit assburgers and it is not just being "awwwwkwwaaaaard" and "weird". I mean yeah he is weird, but in a different sense: he sometimes lets out weird puffing noises and laughs for no reason, paces around the room pretending he's an airplane. That sort of thing. But those quirks differ from person to person so the symptom is officially listed as "acting weird" because it's really difficult to describe unless you see it. Likewise with borderline "all or nothing attitude". Lots of people have that attitude, but to a much lesser degree. It's just awfully explained and then people go reading a wikipedia article about it and believe they have it. That's why, for example, my mom often says "do NOT do that". Also depends on the test of course.

As an example, I once did a bipolar test and it said I'm bipolar. I'm very far from bipolar in reality. It can really mess with people and scare them into thinking something is the way it is not.

>> No.7544319

Are you me

>> No.7544321

Mental disorders are VERY common.

The thing is, people with them are less likely to have them diagnosed.

I know there's /something/ wrong with me, but I'm too scared to see a therapist to see exactly what it is. I saw a therapist when I was younger and she told my parents there was something wrong with me, I've only gotten worse since then.

I'll deal with it myself until I can't anymore, and a lot of people with mental problems feel the same. There's a sort of stigma that comes with seeing a therapist, even if the people around me won't think less of me for it, I'll still always feel like I'm being judged for it.

My manager at work just started seeing a therapist (turns out she's got extreme anxiety, OCD, is self-harming, and quite honestly I'm worried she's going to kill herself) and she's been declining for quite some time. She always just says, "I'm fine! It's fine, I'll be fine," but nobody believes that shit.

Making people paranoid is no good, I agree, but undermining the commonality of these disorders is going to lead to more and more people not getting help when they desperately need it. Someone who truly has a problem is more likely to put themself down and talk themself out of getting help because they think they're just being paranoid than a healthy person is to become paranoid and go in. That leaves a lot of people in need of help who aren't getting it.

>> No.7544344

That's a different thing. You know something is wrong with you and so does your manager. Not having money and being scared to go are different things from being unaware that there is something wrong. Those are things nobody online can help you with, except in cases of being suicidal but even then I'd be more inclined to point you toward a free hotline or free counseling than a forum or chatroom.
If a person is unaware that there's something wrong with them, someone else can probably tell. If they are aware, no point in telling them because not only is it pointless but it can scare others who read it and they'll go "oh my god, maybe I have it too!"

>> No.7544351

yea but she lives in glorious nippon now so she is too kawaii to live

>> No.7544357

But, I didn't really know until my boyfriend pointed it out to me. Now I'm at least aware of it, even if I won't see someone about it. I feel like being aware of your problems at least makes them easier to manage.

If I were suicidal, but didn't realize why, I'd probably kill myself.

If I were suicidal and someone said, "Hey, I think you're depressed, and you're really freakin' me out," I'd be more likely to think about that when I felt the urge to kill myself, and therefore less likely to kill myself.

It may just be me, but having it pointed out to me made it easier to handle, and easier to push away. I can just tell myself, "You don't actually want to do that, it's just the depression talking," and then I can push it to the back of my mind. And now I know that if it gets harder to do that, I need to see someone and get help.

I supposed depending on the issue and person, it may not work that way, but it's definitely helped me.

>> No.7544365

I suppose so, yeah, you have a point. And I forgot to count in people who have no one to talk about irl so a chatroom may indeed help (still, a human voice beats that any day). But I still think armchair diagnosing is disgusting, especially when my mom told me how many people come because they've read something, did a quiz or someone told them something on the internet (she couldn't disclose any other details though) and they're perfectly fine.
This ED talk was basically all that.

>> No.7544367

>talk about
talk to*

/cgl/-induced nip slip

>> No.7544374

>>7544308 here, it worked the same for me except it was my supervisor pointing it out and not my boyfriend. People close to me were actually discouraging me from seeking help because "there's nothing wrong with you, you're fine the way you are!". I always felt that there was something wrong with me but I just thought I was a failure of a person. Now I know that on top of being autistic I'm probably also depressed so whenever I'm in a really bad place I can tell myself it's just a chemical imbalance in my brain and that I don't actually 'deserve' to feel this way. It doesn't make it go away but it helps a little.
You're also right about the stigma in talking to a therapist. I kept putting it off because I didn't want people to think/know I was crazy and I also felt like I didn't deserve help. My parents and boyfriend, although very well-meaning, didn't help either.

>> No.7544383

I'm also afraid to see the therapist because of my parents. I've got trich, and when my parents realized, they whisked me off to a therapist, but at home they treated me really poorly because of it. It's like they don't understand that psychological problems are real or something, even though my dad is on Xanex. I was punished for being "sick," and i don't want it to happen again.

>> No.7544398

That makes enough sense. But asking doesn't hurt. And the person doesn't have to tell you what's wrong, but it'll probably make them more comfortable if they know you notice.

>> No.7544447

Does your mom practice privately? If so, that explains how being booked and having non-serious cases to look at is a problem. I'm going into clinical psych and it's less a problem there (the problem is more: can this person/their family afford this, does their insurance cover them OR cover them LONG ENOUGH). The fact of the matter is, a lot of people, and I'd say this is especially true with women, have something 'off' about their eating and their attitude toward food. A lot of it is deeply rooted just because food is one of the basics: it's essential, it's something associated with parents from the get go, it's associated with worth, and it directly effects WHEN you present as pubescent and post-pubescent which is another tricky time period for most people.

I think self-diagnosis is a problem that's at its largest with people that can AFFORD to treat their non-problem and waste a lot of time. And for those who can't get help but have falsely diagnosed themselves, it possibly costs them a lot of needless worry. But I'd say self-diagnosis isn't totally worthless. It starts the conversation and it starts the person self-diagnosing to learn about what they think they have. For example, I think a talk with a doctor is fine, doesn't exactly waste a ton of time you aren't already given if you're already visiting, and can point people in the right direction. As much chaos it can cause when someone's wrong, it really does give direction for those who might be right at least vaguely. You know your body and mind better than most people, so if you spot something wrong, faster action is probably better even if it's a bad hunch.

As far as ED's are concerned, I see a lot of wrong self-diagnosis, but more often than not it's just for the wrong DISORDER. Something's up, but it's not the specific thing they came to you for.

>> No.7544450

Xanax is not a long-term drug. It is something you take in emergencies only, otherwise it loses effect and you need to take bigger and bigger doses for it to work. Many people in my family are anxious persons (they don't have anxiety disorder, but are worrywarts) and they take Xanax. It doesn't mean that there's anything necessarily "wrong" with them, it's just become the smelling salts of today.

>> No.7544464

Yeah, my mom practices privately. In my country, clinical psychs are only allowed to administer medication but private therapists are the ones you, well, have therapy sessions with, so they're always booked. The problem arises when a talk with a doctor is 70€ where I live and 100€ for a session with, say, my mom (those are the usual prices and local health centers do not have psychiatrists, only private hospitals). Now personally I've gotten spooked by online bullshit a LOT, but with me it's easy since I just ask my mom and she tells me I'm fine. Imagine someone who needs to see a doctor to be convinced they're fine - anytime they read dumb crap online they will waste at least 70€ on a pep talk. And I've seen people come for that a LOT, it causes more harm than good really.

The better thing to do instead of picking apart personality traits and habits would be encouraging parents and other people to stop treating kids with mental conditions like lepers and have them treated.

>> No.7544477

if they are generally anxious people then wouldnt that fit the bill for the diagnosis of 'general anxiety disorder' in which case anti depressants are usually prescribed, not xanax (as you said xanax is not for long term...which is true because people should learn to not freak the fuck out and hyperventilate when theres a trigger (some triggers) )...

>> No.7544485

No, GAD is different from an anxious personality. People with GAD get anxiety attacks, anxious people worry more than others without getting anxiety attacks or having other symptoms.
That being said, freaking the fuck out over someone telling you "there's something mentally wrong with you" is a bit different from tumblrtards being 'triggered' by KFC in the way that it is one of normal reactions to being told there is something wrong with you, and not something that happens every day.

>> No.7544487

>went from 265 to 160lbs
>feel great about being more healthy
> still have thunder thighs i cant get rid of them why?

>> No.7544496


160 isn't that light even if you're tall, especially if you aren't athletic

>> No.7544500

I'm so glad I never ended up buying a replica.
When I first started getting into lolita, I was contemplating buying a replica from Taobao (MM replica from DoL). I had the money for brand, but I had never spent that kind of cash on myself for only 1 thing before. I ended up taking advice from seagulls, and bought a real MM piece from the BST thread. Best decision of my life.
From there on, most my purchases have only been brand, until I felt a little self conscious of the fact I was becoming a bit of a brand whore. At which point I purchased 2 skirts from bodyline (more to prove to myself I wasn't). I've only worn one of them 1 in the last 6 months.
Recently I've been getting pretty excited about indie releases, with them now almost catching up to my amount of brand main pieces.
I can't help but look down on people who buy and wear majority replicas. I understand the appeal they have to people. I feel it myself sometimes, but i would prefer to never have my dream dress, than waste $100 on a replica with little resale value and respect.

>> No.7544504

I don't think you understand what triggers are, which is mostly tumblr's fault for making people think it just means "thing I don't like/ agree with".

It's pretty much an autonomous reaction to something you have very little to no control over. It doesn't necessarily have to involve a panic attack, it can also mean something that triggers your brain chemistry to go to shit and starts a bout of severe depression or feeling suicidal.

Yes, to a certain extent, cognitive behavioural therapy can help people to "unlearn" these reactions or cope with the aftermath better, but honestly, as someone who has a weirdly specific phobia of something that causes me to "trigger", it's kind of like learning how to walk again, it's just a process your body does and you don't have much say in it.

>> No.7544515

What sort of indie stuff do you like anon? I've been looking at some of Infanta's nonreplica designs and also I'm looking at the Zodiac Skirt from Magic Tea Party.

>> No.7544516

im 5'8" but its a hell of a lot better than 265lb right?

>> No.7544548
File: 31 KB, 255x450, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of getting shit and sounding like a little bitch...

>Female. Struggled with gender/sex issues all my life.
>In daily life I just wear men's clothing.
>When in costume it is a completely different game.
>Love cosplay and playing as a character.
>Love cosplaying both female and male characters.
>My love of cosplaying female characters is dying.
>As I get hounded by friends and family...telling me "See? You can be a beautiful woman if you want to." "You don't need to see a therapist." "You are obviously confident in women's clothing while cosplaying...so you should be comfortable wearing women's clothing ALL the time." "See? It's okay to be a girl." "You really should wear women's clothing outside of anime cons."
>Feel like absolute shit hearing this.
>Now at a point where I whenever I see a female character I want to cosplay...I just break down and get depressed.
>Start to hate myself.
>Can't bring myself to do it anymore.

Pic is a character I use to dream about cosplaying.

>> No.7544549

In love with Peppermint fox. Their stuff is gorgeous.
Also lief, just bought their new sailor OP. Absolutely adorable.
Also really excited to get my hands on Ista Mori's nun OP. Not sure when they will be sent out though.
Some of Infanta's not replicas are pretty cute! I love the Snow White OP(Claudia inspired, or not)
And toy factory. I quite liked that circus theme print too, although I'm not sweet so I stayed away.
The zodiac skirt for me, I think, is one of those pieces that will look better in person. Also from the sample it looks like that blue would clash horribly with my wardrobe.
I hope it suits your wardrobe better than mine!
Krad Lanrete's stuff is pretty nice as well , I quite like their plainer pieces.

>> No.7544584

Ah I actually haven't checked out peppermint fox yet so I'll have to do so once finals are over haha.
I also really like the Infanta Snow White OP but it just looks so similar to the Claudia that I've held off on it for now. I've seen someone put their's up on Lacemarket before but if another one pops up I might just have to get it.

I definitely think that the zodiac skirt looks much better in the red than in the blue. I looked at the JSK too but that just wasn't doing it for me.

I do like Krad Lanrete and I had considered getting the Jellyfish print one but after seeing how many people have it I don't think I will, it would be pretty cool to wear it to the Atlanta aquarium near me and get some pictures taken (during D*Con of course though so that way I don't stand out TOO much).

>> No.7544607

Pep fox are more classic/ otome, so if that's your style I highly recommend checking them out!
I've feel very similar about it, all in all, I'll probably get both given the chance.

I think the military cut of the zodiac JSK, doesn't quite suit? It doesn't make sense to me, the skirt is much nicer.

I had the exact same reservations about the jellyfish print. I still love it and think it's gorgeous, but after the second release it feels like every lolita and their cat has it.
But it would suit gorgeously at an aquarium meet!

>> No.7544610

I want to smack people that insists on writing cord instead of coord

>> No.7544612

>I've feel very similar about it, all in all, I'll probably get both given the chance.
Meaning the Snow White OP/ Claudia.

>> No.7544621

Ah that's perfect for me then! I can't find really anything that I like in sweet lolita but I just love otome style.
I would probably do the same if I had the money for it, I'm hoping that now summer is here I'll get more hours at my job.

That's probably what is throwing me off about the JSK. It doesn't fit the print and it would be difficult to find a blouse that fit the style.

I guess the nice thing about the rerelease is that once it's stops being popular people will be selling it and due to the high amount that Krad Lanrete made the prices won't be as high as they were after the first release. Which that drove me nuts, it's a taobao release and people were selling it for twice what they bought it for one the website. I mean I can understand doing that for super rare brand prints but taobao, just get out.

>> No.7544634

I'm sorry, Anon! Your family and friends just don't get it. Correct me if I'm wrong: When you cosplay, you can feel confident because it isn't you. You're the character. You're the character because you like that character. When you wear clothes in everyday life, you're you. And you don't feel comfortable unless you dress the way that you think of yourself in. Right? If I've got the right idea, I'm sorry that the people in your life can't get that.
Would they feel comfortable wearing the outfits they wear on halloween on a daily basis? Are the people who do genderbent halloween costumes actually wanting to be that gender? It's just a costume.

>> No.7544652

I like you anon, you think a lot like me.
We could be friends, but you live on the other side of the planet.
> just not meant to be

>> No.7544668

It's the same for me. I like old-school classic, OTT clasic, gothic and sailor. Next to that I'm into romantic gyaru, japanese punk, preppy, /fa/ stuff and a couple more western styles. I own a few mori pieces as well, and on top of all that I'm into crossdressing and traditional Japanese fashion. I just decided to quit aomoji kei but my wardrobe is still a gigantic mess.

>> No.7544671

Isn't that always the case though?
We can always support each other from across the globe.
Btw I just checked out peppermint fox and there are definitely some accessories that I'm going to have to buy. Hopefully they will come out with some more dresses and skirts soon, I like what they have so far but it's all sold out.

>> No.7544684

Yup! Exactly.

I've always loved dressing in costumes and when I discovered cosplay was a thing years ago...it was the best news for me! Dress up as my favorite anime/video game character? Sign me up!

>> No.7544687

It always is the case, unfortunately.
The gentle fox banner up on their page is the print for their next release. The release date will probably be announced on their Facebook soon.

Good luck in your finals and lolita endeavours!

>> No.7544748

My dad's on it for anger issues. He takes it when he's about to have a fit and it calms him down.

He's on something else long-term that I can't remember the name of, too. But you'd think that a family with a history of anger issues, and schizophrenia (my great-grandmother) would understand that psychological issues are real.

>> No.7544887

>looses a literal person in weight
>still not thin enough, fatty-chan

Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time here, damn.

>> No.7544901

I'm the other anon you've been talking to. My parents are now slowly warming up to the idea that I might have something wrong with me that can't simply be fixed with willpower, 'cheering up' and believing in myself. It took them a while to get there, especially for my mom, which I find really hard to understand because she supposedly suffered from depression for a few years before she met my dad. I'd expect more empathy and understanding from someone who's been through the same thing but there's just nothing there, like she completely forgot that period of her life. It's really frustrating so I kind of know how you feel.

>> No.7544955

could it be an OCD thing?

>> No.7544962
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I've got my college exams coming up in a month and after that I'll be heading onto university to study Linguistics & Japanese. As part of my course I even get to spend a years exchange in Japan.

I'm 22 and I didn't ever think I'd reach this point, didn't ever think I'd get to university. I've grown in what is essentially Western styled poverty, with care homes and hostels and social services and domestic abuse and sexual abuse rife. I've lived in some real shitholes, and I've suffered. A lot.

Come September everything is going to change and even though I should be happy that I'm moving onto... security and never having to worry about bills or utilities or jumping and checking the peephole every time the door knocks. I'll not have to worry about money or being able to feed myself, but I'm so frightened I feel like I could throw up.

Every thing is going change, I'm so scared.

>> No.7544965

I bet you're not that perfect yourself. Post pic and then we'll talk.

>> No.7544968

Well if a literal person is 105 and you are 160 I guess you are still a literal fatty-chan?

>> No.7544969

That's the definition of picky eater, anon.

>> No.7544990

are you me anon?
Do you think I should go to a psychiatrist?

>> No.7545188


No one said it wasn't. Good work getting to where you are.

Just being realistic 160 isn't that small. Keep working hard if you want to

>> No.7545216

I've told a friend several times that I've gotten a decent amount of work done for a pretty complicated cosplay we'll be doing together in a month. I haven't even started.

>> No.7545235

Well, as evidenced by the EDs, people here can be fucking sick.

But I feel you anon.
I used to be 240 last year and now I'm at 180, but I'm still frustrated that fat-wise I still have the same problem areas that won't go away.
Namely my fupa and bingo wings, which in all honesty I'm going to need surgery for.

>> No.7545256

I wouldn't really call an ED "fucking sick" when you're also referring to someone who just said losing a shit ton of weight is also as bad. I'm not saying that I condone them, but I also feel for people with them. It seems like you deserve to be lambasted until you lose weight, but if you go to far you deserve to be treated just as badly. If you didn't grow up with the right support system, I almost can see it as a pretty fine line to walk.

>> No.7545262

Ugh damn phone. * losing a shit ton of weight isn't good enough is also as bad.

>> No.7545276

I have a friend who's the same way, her mom is bipolar, depressed, and has anxiety problems. The friend has really bad anxiety and her mom always just says, "Oh, you're fine, you're exaggerating," but I've talked her through many breakdowns, and she's not okay. She needs help, and I try to help her all I can, but fact is I'm no doctor.

>> No.7545281

>It seems like you deserve to be lambasted until you lose weight, but if you go to far you deserve to be treated just as badly.
Which is really why people need to stop trying to live for others altogether, but I know that's tough when you live in a society that says that you should.

>> No.7545314

Get to work, you lying piece of shit.

>> No.7545319


You're right on both counts. We shouldn't, but it's hard. But there's one part of me that says "but something being hard isn't an excuse not to do it," but then there's a part of me that thinks "but it's haaaaaaaaaard."

But that's led me to adopt the idea that while I should stay strong, I won't judge those who can't. That usually causes me to not be able to take a stance on many issues regarding succumbing to pressure like EDs, but I'm actually pretty happy just being the passive listener and observer.

>> No.7545334

I can't stop buying makeup.
Pls help.
I feel so bad about it but asdhfasjdhf.

>> No.7545344

This was me a while ago. Eventually you'll realize what's worth buying more of (things you use up and actually have to replace) and what you'll never or seldom use (like... 90% of the eyeshadows I've accumulated). Try to only leave a few things out on your makeup counter/desk/wherever and hide the rest, so that you make an effort to use the products you already have.

>> No.7545394

Holy shit I can relate. I was professionally diagnosed five years ago with bipolar disorder. Then my parents forced me to stop seeking professional help (pills and therapy.) and they would constantly tell me that nothing was wrong with me, that it would pass, and that I made it up for attention. The worst one was last year, after my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I was having a "depressed" episode, my dad asked what was wrong, and I caved in and told him that I didn't want to live anymore. He told me how selfish I was that I felt that way while my mom was fighting for her life. (Honestly I just felt more depressed. People are dying and want to live, and I am living and want to die. Fuck me.)

Now, I don't know what I have. All I know is that I am either extremely anxious or extremely depressed, there is rarely an in-between where I feel "stable". I also deal with self-harm and ED issues. I won't get into that, I feel ashamed for even having those. I'm finally going to a therapist next Tuesday, but it took more than four years for my parents to let me. I used to be able to hide what was wrong with me fairly well in front of them for the first three-ish years, but now everything has just gone to shit. I can't do ANYTHING without having some sort of a crying episode or freak-out. I can't even sleep very well. My parents seem to now know that something is wrong with me, I'm thankful I can be more open to them, but I'm also ashamed that I'm showing them that I'm not this perfect kid that they thought I was. But I can't do this anymore, I'm at my breaking point. I just want to function as close to a normal person as I can. I will never understand the people who fake having any sort of mental illness. I'd do almost anything to not feel this way. I won't be living with my parents in three months, I'm hoping when I move out I try medication or something.

>> No.7545408

>lose 80lbs in hopes of getting healthy and fitting better into loli and cosplay
>waist drops to 64cm
>bust only drops to 95cm

>> No.7545419

It's a bit more extreme than that. A picky eater is to Anon, as a calorie-reducing diet is to traditional anorexia.

The most important thing when thinking about potential disorders is the effect it has on your life. Are you distressed by your inability to eat certain foods? Does it make you feel embarrassed or ashamed? Are you getting the right nutrients that you need or do your restrictions make you unable to do that? If it's causing you problems, go in. If you're healthy and not overly concerned about it, keep on keepin on. If it is, go on in.
I would look into seeing if you have other obsessive-compulsive behaviors in your life. There are different reasons that people have eating disorders. Some want to be skinny, some want to be able to control something in their lives, some are perfectionists, some have a phobia of the act of eating, some have OCD. You and >>7541887 might consider the last two.

If I recall, the first recorded instances of "anorexia" were not out of control dieters. There were these women who would report feeling a 'lump' in their throats, and just couldn't keep anything down. They didn't want to lose weight or not eat. They desperately wanted to be able to, and they couldn't. But they had no physical reasons to not be able to eat. It was purely psychological. That might be closer to what you two are experiencing. Maybe not all the way there, but closer than extreme diets.
I'm emailing my old abnormal psychology professor to figure out the book I read this in, since I can't remember the title. It was a great read.

>> No.7545462

Sounds like a confidence thing, I would just keep doing what youre doing then slowly upgrade to nice male clothes if you haven't already too boost up your confidence, I could be wrong but that's what I would/have done and now I wear okay clothes from both genders,I still prefer male western fashion though to female.

>> No.7545471


>> No.7545485


>> No.7545501

I'm sorry. I promise we weep over it too.

>> No.7545536

I've been there, anon. Do you have a decent support system to make you feel more, well, "anchored", I guess? So that you don't feel like absolutely everything is changing so quickly, and you have at least some constant force in your life.

>> No.7545723


Yeah, this. And girls in general. Body image is hard to keep positive when society rams ideal shapes and sizes that no one can achieve onto you. :/

>> No.7545730
File: 760 KB, 370x222, ergh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that fucking sucks. You could try to start elsewhere, but always keep a money cache open for buying that dress, just in case it comes up.

>> No.7545765

For me its finals week at 12:30. So I want you to know im not bsing you. Im sorry what happened. Try going to a clinic doctor. They work sometime s for free. But really. Tell this girl you're sincerely sorry, and you can explain that it was a reflex. You dont neec to tell her there just mention you have a very difficult time letting people touch you without asking. If she demands to know why, only if she demands, tell her. Not all the details, but why it affected you. If she blows you off after that, then she wasn't the one. But hang in there dude. Youll get another chance.

>> No.7545776
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my younger friends graduate this year, and they've all been accepted into legit colleges that are far away while i'm stuck at a community college. i'm happy that they got in and everything, but every time they talk about it, i just get so angry and jealous. and then i realize that i'm angry and jealous when i have no right to be, but i don't have anything else to fuel my anger to so it's just directed back at me and it's a never ending cycle.

they're a five minute drive from me, but now that they're going to college, they're eight hours away. and now i have to worry about being lonely because i haven't made any friends at school in the three years i've been here and i haven't gotten any closer to getting enough credits to transfer because i don't have the drive to actually pass my classes.

sorry for the rant, i just needed to say it somewhere.

>> No.7545860

It's because you have a lot of muscle in the area from carrying around that much weight. You'd have to drop down to scary eating habits if you want your metabolism to eat away at your muscle. As for the fat that's still collected at the harder areas to lose, I recommend squats and doing the no chair sitting exercise... whatever it's really called. That should get rid of it and keep your existing muscles in great shape.

>> No.7545875

The important thing is your happiness. If men's clothing makes you comfortable then that's what you should wear.

>> No.7546112
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For the second time, I've ordered something off Taobao that I didn't know was a replica of a brand item. I only just realized this after seeing the original in a sales post. The original is soooooo much better-looking too.


>> No.7546115
File: 936 KB, 200x150, hahAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to snag my dream dress off of lacemarket. I contacted the seller about wanting the JSK if no one bidded on it (I didn't think I would get my paycheck until after the auction ended, but I did), so I watched the JSK up until its last moment, and no one did.

So on top of being pretty much guaranteed my dream dress in my exact size, I am probably going to be able to haggle the seller down a bit, so I can get it cheaper.

I feel awesome.

>> No.7546205

It really hurts, because it's not that she's an overall selfish person. She just seems to feel less compassion towards me than towards everyone else. Like when the neighbour’s kid has a cold she’ll drop by with sweets and toys and worry about him constantly but when I'm sobbing in my room because I feel like I can't take it anymore she doesn't seem to think that's cause for concern.
I wonder if what my and your friend's mom have is just a really bad case of denial. Like, they do love us and don't want us to be unwell so they stick their head in the sand and pretend everything's fine. It's entirely the wrong way to go about it but at least they don't hate us? I don't know.

>don't want to live anymore
I will never get this. I mean I understand the horrible guilt spiral that goes on in your mind because your brain is fucking with itself, but I will never understand how other people could think this about someone who's clearly troubled. Same with people who think that someone who's so depressed that they can't even leave their bed to eat or take a shower are "just lazy". What the fuck? How could you not see there's obviously something very wrong with them? If they were just lazy or selfish but HEALTHY they'd at least be trying to make themselves comfortable.

I just can't see how feeling so miserable and hopeless that you think you're better off dead could ever be misconstrued as selfish, regardless of what's going on around you. I mean, is your mom's horrible illness supposed to make you feel BETTER?

I hope things will improve once you move out, anon, both for your mental health and your relationship with your parents. The stress caused by the feeling that you're disappointing them will hopefully fade a bit and it's quite common for people's relationships with their parents to improve when they move out. And hopefully if things do improve for you, your parents will see that therapy (and possibly medication) really were necessary.

>> No.7546532
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>cunts bitching at you for daring to wear pants

On behalf of men everywhere, I wish your relatives would shut the fuck up

>> No.7547193

girl, I'm putting on my trip to say it's totally fine. I was being super flakey to begin with, and the dress comes up a lot like you said, I totally don't mind! If it makes you feel any better I was stressing out about buying two different dresses (yours and delft lotta) so you keeping the dress was kinda a relief. I'm serious, don't worry at all, you didn't do anything wrong haha!

>> No.7547906
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You're wrong, ignoramus.


Tho Millais is pretty awesome too, but I don't see how you could confuse the two.

>> No.7549245

Are we dating the same person?

>> No.7549537

Really I hate living in Australia because of shipping from the rest of the world is ugggh
Also selling stuff is a nightmare due to our own shipping costs