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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7534704 No.7534704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the things you hate the most on conventions?

hard mode: no male virgins

>> No.7534706

People who do the same panel every year, especially at more than one con in the same general area.
Don't you get bored? I get bored seeing you on the schedule each year. Expand your skills or something.

>> No.7534708

women who are more attractive than me

>> No.7534709

Mostly, how rude people are. Especially when you're walking around the dealers room. Move to the side if you're not actively looking at something. Take pictures not in the center of a cross section. Don't walk directly into a fucking person. Don't stand at a booth for 500 years trying to decide on something.

>> No.7534711

Can you really say those people are rude? Sounds like they're just clueless and socially awkward, not rude.

>> No.7534713

either the fucks that tie up the elevator to go up one floor or the dumbshits that yell long dead memes

>> No.7534715

It's not about social awkwardness, if you're in the fucking way : move. It's simple common sense. You've got to be completely retarded to not have that much awareness.

>> No.7534718

Jacking up the prices on things that are usually relatively cheap.

>inb4 "but thats just business!"

Doesn't mean its not skeevy as fuck and a shitty thing to do.

>> No.7534728

>Don't stand at a booth for 500 years trying to decide on something.
How in the world is that rude? Maybe they don't have enough money and need to limit their purchases, or simply don't want to end up purchasing something they might regret.

>> No.7534729

There's a lot if socially retarded people going to cons, dude. Chill out.

>> No.7534734

>What are the things you hate the most on conventions?

>hard mode: not the thing you hate the most on conventions

Your post, basically.

>> No.7534736

If there are people standing behind you and you are just gawking at an item, digging through your purse or wallet, mulling over the idea on whether to buy it or not, do that shit over to the side of the booth. Not directly in front of it or in the way of others. You can always get back in line and get that item.

>> No.7534744

lines where you need to wait for hours to get to the objective. notice "hours," plural. i wouldn't mind an hour. two, three, four hours... some things are just getting ridiculous nowadays.

>> No.7534761

Large fandoms holding meetups/photoshoots in cumbersome places, blocking staircases, elevators, etc. Fucking move it before I snatch the troll horns right off your fucking head.

>> No.7534765

In this vein, kids who press every button on the elevator or shout "let's all jump at the same time!" No, fuck you, I do not want to be trapped in this thing for hours because you can't control your sugar intake, inconsiderate shitfucks.

>> No.7534766

this goes along with my rant on people not moving in the dealers room. have your photoshoot but dont block traffic areas for people who are trying to get around your shit

>> No.7534767

bronies and homestuckers

>> No.7534770

This mostly groups of landwhales standing in the middle of hallways.
Especially when it's really fucking crowded and there is -some- space to move to the SIDE of the hallway at least.

Also middle school-aged weeaboos screaming and throwing themselves on the floor. Like, where are their parents? They cannot be any older than 14.

>> No.7534779
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Rude staff and volunteers, for sure. I mean, if you can't handle having to repeat yourself 1000 times and herding kids with a smile, why are you CHOOSING to work something like a convention? Is the free badge really worth it if you're miserable, and making everyone else miserable? Haven't ANY of these people even worked retail? Jfc at least pretend to be a decent human being so you don't give the attendees something to bitch about and hate the convention for.

>> No.7534787

Nerd stank.

>> No.7534829

Horny young cosplayers who need get close to fucking in public because they're cosplaying each other's OTPs.

Like, wait to get back to your hotel room before you have fake buttsex and having stupid little photoshoots where you all scream at the top of your lungs. Oh, mommy and daddy wouldn't book a room for you? Boo-fucking-hoo, not my problem.

>> No.7534865

I'm gonna sound like a crotchety cunt but:
BO Stank
Rude / Unknowlegable staff and volunteers
Crappy Reviewer panels
Blocking of narrow passageways, including dealer rooms.
Heating on when it's not fucking needed.
Lateness - upto 30 mins is fine anything over is taking the piss. Which leads me to...
Lack of communication
Dealers who sell knock-offs
Dealers who mark up prices ridiculously so(Usually they sell 99c eBay BIN items with free shipping)
Artist Alley sellers who have the same Art(at the last con i went to saw 3/4 pixel artists with the same stuff).

I don't mean to sound so crochety

>> No.7534926

Haven't experienced the former, but seconding the latter. There's always that one guy who "cosplays" very outdated memes.

Somewhat related, but, while I don't hate them necessarily, Deadpool cosplayers. When they're actually acting fine and not bothering anyone, then that's cool. But when they're being assholes on purpose and being loud and obnoxious "for teh random lulz", then I have a problem. Thankfully, none of the Deadpool cosplayers I've seen here do that, but I know there are people who cosplay him just as an excuse to be an asshole while claiming to be in character.

>> No.7534945

Abusive staff/volunteers
Stuck up cosplayers with fame getting to their head
Dickwad dealers.

>> No.7534946

No gf

>> No.7535015


People who use cosplay as an excuse to act like morons/assholes in public and then claim that it's 'in character' and that everyone, even normalfags, should just roll with it for that reason, are the absolute worst.

>> No.7535019

I hate you too, bitch

>> No.7535021

Male virgins. I have no idea why it is that weebs shit tends to attract the worst kinds of people.

>> No.7535026
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>Male Virgins

Please leave this site then...

>> No.7535033

people who don't know what showers are

seriously, you're going to be in a crowded public area
I didn't pay to fucking breathe in your bo for 4 days straight

>> No.7535038

>no shower in my car
I-I'm sorry

>> No.7535040

do you at least use deodorant

I swear to fuck some people don't even try, or they show up on the first day to the con smelling like shit, or both

>> No.7535047

I use deodorant, brush my teeth and use mouthwash, wipe myself off, etc. but it's hard to get really clean without a shower for a couple days. I usually shower two times a day, but I work out and I'm bulking so I'm extra hot and sweaty throughout the day.

>> No.7535048

At the very least you could hit up a con center bathroom and wipe yourself off with some water and paper towels.

>> No.7535051
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>On test
>have to shower 3 times a day
>No showers at a con
>pay £15 for a gym membership nearby just to get a fucking shower

>> No.7535055

dude, you seem like you care, so it's fine

>> No.7535296

This bullshit irks me to no end.
I gave my sister $100 to blow on whatever wasn't food, so she decided she wanted an AoT sweatshirt. She changed her mind when she saw that they were 65 fucking dollars.
That's $65 for a $15 hoodie with some paint on it.

>> No.7535311

People who do not put enough effort in their own panel, dumb generic joke panels etc. I'm mainly an anime fan, so I go to conventions for both social aspect but also the actual anime related program. I enjoy watching panels and lectures where the person in charge has actually done lot of work to talk about that certain subject, watched lot of anime, knows overall what they are talking about, has planned out a nice panel overall. It's just waste of time to go see unplanned panel about yaoi roleplaying, meme shouting or something that doesn't even have anything to do with Japanese culture(I hate Western shit at conventions too if it gets too dominating or doesn't touch a subject with Japanese media such as "Differences between Japanese and Western cartoons for children"). But if I have nothing else to do I have to go see these programs that sound awful because I judge the convention based on what kind of program it has and does it offer anything for a person who actually consumes anime.

>> No.7535325

People who don't respect your personal space, especially when you're in cosplay. I'm not talking about some moron with a ten-foot train trying to fit into the dealer's room and getting stepped on, I'm talking people slamming into you and ripping up bits of your hard work and not giving a shit. I had someone fuck up a piece of armor once because they basically body-checked me while trying to leave a panel in a rush and the handle on their bag left a huge scratch in the finish. I also know a girl who got something spilled all down the front of a dress she hand-sewed and embroidered because some idiot wasn't watching where they were going while holding an open drink. It's not that hard to show some goddamn courtesy.

>> No.7535335

This, so very much. It's like everyone turns into animals once they walk into the convention hall. And tacking onto personal space issues, people who come over and hug you without asking, especially if they're wearing unsealed body paint. I've gotten body paint from idiots on several cosplays now (thankfully I've been able to remove it).

>> No.7535461

Oh god, my friend had a Homestuck not paying attention to wear she was going, nearly knocked her over, but she stumbled and then the Homestuck stepped on her dress and ended up ripping a huge hole into it, it ripped where the bodice and skirt were sewn together. It was super sad because it was a really nice, ballgown dress that she had worked on for a long time.. She safety pinned the hole for the day, and she had already done her photoshoot earlier, but I felt so bad for her.

>> No.7535497


fucking homestucks make me ashamed to be a homestuck. I cosplayed an ancestor, I made damn sure I sealed my paint, used gloves for my hands, kept hold of my train and knew exactly what my horns were doing.

Then some girl got gray paint on me anyway at the shoot. FML.

>> No.7535504

why do hamstucks ruin everything?

>> No.7535541

western stuff at anime conventions
bad weeaboos
bad smell

>> No.7535543
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People who yank shit out of your hands in the dealers room and then buy it on the spot.

>> No.7535557
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I don't know what'd I do if that happened to me
even if there's the same item next to it, the thought of someone yanking something out of my hand when I was about to buy it would just make me lose it.

>> No.7535581

So crowded it's difficult to walk and people who dont curb photos... It's hard enough not to wander into a picture when it is to the side. I just wish people would be more conscious of the flow of traffic.

>> No.7535583

At the last convention I was at one of the dealers was selling arpakasso plushies and every time someone asked how much they were (he didn't have the prices written anywhere) he kept changing the price

The small ones started out at $15 at the start of the con and the highest I heard him say for the same small ones by the end of the con was $45

>> No.7535626

Male virgin doesn't really say much, I'm technically a virgin but I'm one of the most socially capable people I know. And of course, trying to validate myself really doesn't help my case, but there are plenty of non virgins who exhibit what I'm sure you consider to be "virgin" behavior. Something like a Neckbeard is what I assume you mean, but then again I don't go on cgl much, so I don't know the board culture too well.

But to stay more on topic, I personally hate when people clog important areas, like when everyone wants a picture with the river in the background at youmacon so they crowd by the escalators

>> No.7535659

I didn't think glomping was still a thing but it is and I hate it. Also free hugs signs on greasy, BO ridden weebs. I know its not affecting me directly but something about that desperation for love and attention just irks me. Especially when they force the hug on you.

>> No.7535667

To name a few...
Peeps dressed in Hot Topic garbage claiming to be "Master Lolitas" (What does that even mean?)
People that dress as L, Gary Oak, and other easy cosplays, yet they fudge it up.
Oh, and stanky booty ravers.
>NB4 "I 4got my axe body spray."

>> No.7535669

I fucking hate the Touhou Reimu crossdresser that always does the Vocaloid panels.

>> No.7535675

I hate non-virgins or people who are looking for a one night stand.

You are all sluts and should fuck off.

>> No.7535676

You keep saying this but what do you mean by "furries" because you're encompassing a huge amount of people. Do you just mean people who are commonly fursuiters, who dress up as their fursona?

>> No.7535677

There are plenty of under the radar 'stealth virgins' that act like normal people (probably). The issue is that 'the virgin male' is represented by large numbers of autistic failures who shit up cons - and those are more visible than males who happen to be virgins.

That aside...
>that guy who keeps trying to screech the "marco! polo!' joke
>people posing in really inconvenient places that block off big choke points
>shippers making out in public

>> No.7535690

Oh, my bad, Hombre. I was focusing on the peeps that dress as their fursona. Around some of my local cons, they tend to get a little... wild. (No pun intended)

>> No.7535736
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Mainly people standing in the way at hallways.

Landwhales (both male and female) not cosplaying to their body.
>fat misty


>on dnp
>heat wave in socal
>temps in the 90s
>the very second I step out of an ice cold shower I'm drenched in the sweat
>dnp drains my energy, so my workouts keep dragging on, every set is a push of willpower
>no air conditioning
>mfw that entire time

I know that feel. I know that feel so hard. I have less than 2 weeks of this junk left.

>> No.7535769

u got some anger issues bro, I suggest you sort them out because you're not impressing nor convincing anyone by being an asshole. I'd take socially awkward over uncomfortably and unnecessarily mean any day

>> No.7536232
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This so much, especially when it comes to figures. Paying the same-as-new price on a Chinese knock-off that's going to break the second you put it on the stand? No thanks.

>> No.7536246

Getting there and finding out your hotelmate/s don't give a shit about the hotel's rules

>> No.7536380

When all you have more than one cosplay group and they all want to have their meetups on the same goddamn day, usually day 1 of the con.

>> No.7536397

Female Virgins. Female Virgins are usually the ones to glomp, meme spout, make you smell their odious flabby body and generally act like a 7 year old on cocaine.

>> No.7536403

When someone wants my picture in a high traffic area but is totally oblivious to the people around him/her and then acts like I'm being a bitch when I ask to move to the side or find a less busy spot out of consideration for the rest of the fucking con goers. What the fuck.

The one floor elevator trip thing pisses me right the fuck off, too. Unless your legs do not work, get your fat ass to the stairwell.

>> No.7536501

>thinking they're actually virgins
Oh you naive neckbeard you...

>> No.7536510

Forever upset because I know people think this about me sometimes. I have a ballet injury and my knee sometimes hurts really and locks up after quite a bit of walking. Not all the time, and usually I just awkwardly waddle or limp around anyways.

>Mfw don't wanna carry my cane around all the time for something that may or may not happen.

>> No.7537032

it's gonna sound whiny but i hate not having anywhere to sit. i have back problems and can't be on my feet for a long time. last year at acen i was in high heeled wedge shoes in a lolita coord and walking around the exhibit hall, which is massive. every time i'd sit down for a second on an empty chair i'd get yelled at by a dealer that it was "their chair" even if it wasn't near their booth and they were already sitting down.

>> No.7537041

on the note of acen, the hyatt elevators are so, so extremely frustrating.

>> No.7537042

Get a wheelchair, cripple.

>> No.7537043

also the overpriced food. acen is fun but frustrating.

>> No.7537056

I fucking can not stand this shit. Just because you are at a hotel does not mean you can destroy shit, scream, and generally act like a fucking 5 year old.
>mfw roommate destroys things and I have to pay for it because the room is under my name

>> No.7537058

Has anyone been to a con in San Antonio, Texas? I've been thinking of going this year to the Wizard World one and Alamo City con. I want to cosplay as star fox, but I won't bother making a costume if it's crap.

>> No.7537067

> tfw fear of escalators
> tfw pretty much no place has stairs
I'm s-sorry anon but I have to use the elevator :/

>> No.7537073

The times ugly underaged mustered the courage to talk to me. Shit is horrible. They expect me to know all about anime, phoenix wright, or the latest tumblr or deviantart trends.

Also, dance competitions.

>> No.7537078

>i have back problems
go to some cardio or yoga you lazy bum

>> No.7537083

>TFW asthma
>can't go up a flight of stairs without halfway dying


>> No.7537085

>implying working out solves all problems

"back problems" could mean anything from muscle issues to herniated discs, and I guaruntee that working out won't help something like the latter in the least.

>> No.7537098

I have a few
>Disgusting neck beards
>People who think they can touch you wherever they want just because it's a con
> 13 year olds who act like idiots
>Rude Staff
>Random dance circles that take up an entire hallway and block traffic
>Shitty roommates
>Con Funk
>Doctor who/Supernatural/Sherlock/WTNV cosplayers
>Assholes who never leave a video game in the game room
>When there are almost no restaurants near the con

>> No.7537111

/fit/ plz go.

>> No.7537156
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Fanservice stuff

Apparently I'm a wet blanket who hates fun, or something, but I can't stand girls who do sexy poses and make out with each other in front of people in their cosplays. Especially when they're dressed as guys or characters that have no romantic anything. It's just fucking stupid to me, especially when they're surrounded with screeching girls. Please don't encourage the stupid attention whoring.

>> No.7537177

I didn't even think of this earlier, but this needs its own post.

>panelists at large events still making over 9000 jokes
>gangnam style in 2014 (I've seen this three times now)
>reddit cancer

I hate this shit even more than the usual hate targets (bronies, furries, autistic weebs). This is hands-down the most cringeworthy part of cons for me.

>> No.7537178

Guys who dont call back after hook up and used me for hotel room.

>> No.7537196

My friend bought a mini Skyward Sword Zelda figure at her first con for $12 and was really happy about it. I found the same goddamn figure at Books-A-Million for $4.99. I haven't told her though.

>> No.7537210
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>> No.7537243

It seems you have a severe case of being one sour cunt, possibly deeply rooted in the fact that you either get no attention, or are one of those people born to impede others from enjoying anything.

>> No.7537263

You've clearly never been in a fandom where this yaoishit is common.

>> No.7537270

I agree so hard, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.7537292

Literally every single year I go to a con there's always some asshole patrolling around to see what dick move they can make. My first year I dressed as a pretty bad Konata from Lucky Star. My outfit was bought and so was my wig but hey, I was like 14, and this was back in like '08 so give me some credit. Anyways being a weebtard, I was giving out 'glomps', which was really just me hugging people. Yes I know glomps are fucking annoying now, and having some years under my belt I know what to do and what not to do at a con. So I'm walking with my group and I'll occasionally ask someone for a glomp or whatever. Well, I end up stumbling across this fucking Miku. Said Miku has ruined Vocaloids for me, and not only the respect for Vocaloids in general, but also the fans. At first glance she's pretty average. She was wearing contacts, but apart from that there was really nothing that really stood out about her. Seeing how she seemed like a bitch, but still wanting to keep with my happy go lucky spirit that day I ask her for a hug. Not a glomp, but a fucking hug. She goes on and rants on how it would be wrong and sexual if she did and the cops would be called and all of this other fucking bullshit. Just say no you stuck up cunt. I'm a lot older from then, but even now I feel like she just wanted to be a fucking cunt just because she thought she was hot shit. Man, fuck her.

>> No.7537310

female virgins

of the landwhale variety
Not all of them are bad obviously but they're one of those crowds that has an excessive amount of horrible people in it.

>> No.7537312

People who get irritated or act stand-offish if you try to be friends with them.

You're in a convention with thousands of people swarming everywhere and someone stopped to talk to a plainly-clothed person, the least you could do is try to be friendly.

>> No.7537316

People who think they're "super creepy and dark" and bring up creepypasta slenderman/jeff the killer basic shit. Slenderman and jeff are the new "over 9000" to me

>> No.7537331

>Be 29
>Asian so i look 16
>Hang out with some people i just met
>Lets get some drinks one suggested
>Go to nearby store
>girl says I forgot my ID (but has cash)
>I take out my ID
>Get back to hotel
>We drink
>Find out they're 18-20
>Lie and say I'm 24
>Haha anon dude you're so old.
Heh.. heh... yea...

>> No.7537362

When someone cosplays the exact same thing as you but pulls it off better.
I need to step it up

>> No.7537375

I agree with this, but at the same time, there are people who stalk and follow you around a con and won't leave you alone just because they were trying to be "friendly". Creeps that's don't get the hint that you want to be left alone or talked to are awful.

>> No.7537505

>People who think they're "super creepy and dark"
This shit right here, especially when it's some super deep intellectual with a genius level intelligence, a.k.a. some phony jackass who's never willingly read a book without pictures.

>> No.7537521

The funny part is that you can tell if someone is like this just by looking at them.
They always have this certain appearance, especially the men.

>> No.7537528

I'm 24 and can barely stand to be around most 20 year olds. Either you got lucky, or you aren't a young curmudgeon like me.

That might actually be the thing about cons I hate the most, that I can't actually relate to most of the people I talk to. I really seem to be a magnet for either the socially awkward or the try hard "drugs are so cool I got high on cough syrup once" types.

>> No.7537533

Soon-to-be wizard here, what's wrong with male virgins?

>> No.7537586 [DELETED] 

>>calling a woman a virgin as an insult
Female virginity is prized. Male virgins are the laughing stalk of humanity.

>> No.7537593 [DELETED] 

Nothing. I actually like it. I took my husbando's virginity and I've been happy with him forever. I think it's dirty if anyone has sex with a lot of people, up to 7 different people is too much to go into a relationship with. So don't get too down, but if you're a virgin not by choice start worrying.

>> No.7537595

i look certain things up before-hand and if its more then what its ACTUALLY going for then i'll either not buy it or tell the guy the retail, sometimes (rarely) they budge.

>> No.7537603

i don't mind some western stuff if its japan/anime inspired (korra,etc)

>> No.7537612 [DELETED] 

>implying I want to go anywhere near a 3DPD fish market
I was just curious. I pretty much agree with >>7537586 concerning the woman virginity thing, I just don't get why it's not the same for men.

>> No.7537623 [DELETED] 

no male virgins?
I took the virginity from a cute male trap during con dressed as Reimu~
if you're here, hi cutie~

>> No.7537624 [DELETED] 

Men who don't sex usually have something wrong with them. If you don't fuck because you hate sex, you're an evolutionary dead end and should be euthanized. If you don't fuck because women wont let you, then that's funny.

>> No.7537662 [DELETED] 

>then thats funny
I don't know why, but I laughed.

>> No.7537670 [DELETED] 

Are you a dude? Cause that's hot.

>> No.7537673

fucking this

would it kill to invest in some deodorant? The goddamn thing pays for itself and makes people more pleasant to be around.

goddamn things practically pays for itself

>inb4 its hot and shit

yeah, everyone knows. Just take precautions for fuck sakes

>> No.7537681 [DELETED] 

trap on trap sex would be awesome
take both virginities one after the other amirite

>> No.7537688

that god-forsaken screech of girls at cons.

it makes those vuvuzellas they had at the world-cup seem like a god send

>> No.7537737 [DELETED] 

note to self, more trap cosplays

>> No.7537757

retarded weeb/fangirls that screech and glomp and basically act like shitheads just because it's a con.
thank fuck yaoi paddles are long gone.

>> No.7537775

I would literally get violent if that ever happened to me.
>TFW Small country, small and/or non existent cons to go to
Well,I guess there's always that silver lining, in my case, this thread.

>> No.7537782

i'd let them buy it, then take it back.

>> No.7537785


The one that goes to ALA?

Oh my god his face is hideous

But at least hes passionate about vocaloids

>> No.7537964

Honestly I get sick pleasure out of people who take advantage of stupid excited weebs who are too dumb and impulsive to price-compare.

>> No.7537974 [DELETED] 

> I just don't get why it's not the same for men.
Because it is an accomplishment for men to have sex. For your average male sex doesn't come easy unless they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is why men who have a lot of sex are praised.
Same reason women are sluts for fucking a ton of guys.

>> No.7537996

I hate that I used to have more fun at conventions when i was still a raging weeaboo..

>> No.7538133
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Stalkers that will follow you to your hotel room
People who block hallways with their shitty meetups
Drama mongers
Glomping, bumping into people and other shit that destroys costumes

>> No.7538160
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People who are sticklers on dumb shit for no reason.

EX: At NDK last year, my friend decided to do a kind of lazy cosplay of Phoenix Wright. Sure, he just sort of threw it together in like an hour, but people recognized him and he had a lot of fun roleplaying it.
Then some jackass comes up and goes "Hey, it's Ryuuichi Naruhodou!"
My friend is kinda confused since he doesn't know the Japanese name for Phoenix.
"No, I'm Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney!"
"No, you're Ryuuichi Naruhodou. This is an anime convention. You have to go by your Japanese name."

What the fuck, man? Since when was that a NECESSARY thing to do at anime conventions?
Jesus christ, go up to any Link cosplayer and ask who they are, and I guarantee none of them will say "Rinku".
Fuckin weebs, man. They think everything has to be Japanese for some dumbshit reason.

>> No.7538177

>Fuckin weebs, man. They think everything has to be Japanese for some dumbshit reason.
Yeah, how dare they know anything about Japan at a Japanese entertainment convention.

>> No.7538182 [DELETED] 

the whole misogynist atmosphere at those things, fucking men with their manspalining

>> No.7538184 [DELETED] 

You need to step up the bait though.

>> No.7538186 [DELETED] 

what's bait? i'm genuinely confused

>> No.7538188

People who go to cons just to hook up.
"I'm gonna hit on every mildly attractive person I see!"
no. fuck off. Beta fags everywhere.

>> No.7538200

It's not about knowing things, it's about being a sperg about it. You gonna go up to everyone eating and chastise them for not saying itadakimasu too?

>> No.7538204

>complains about spergs
>at an anime convention
You are literally just as bad as them. Not liking harassment and "glomping" is one thing, but berating social autists is laughable.

>> No.7538208

>>7534713 here
I totally understand that, I have asthma myself.

its people that are perfectly capable of using the stairs that are the problem

also i have my suspicions that a lot of the time the people in charge of the con center/hotel/whatever dont fucking adjust the elevator behavior to take the larger number of people that will be using it into account which makes things worse

>> No.7538214

There is a difference between being a social autist and trying to shove your opinion down someone else's face.

>> No.7538217
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>just as bad as spergs by not being a sperg

>> No.7538225 [DELETED] 
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Not all virgins are annoying and clingy but most annoying clingy people are virgins.

And fat.

>> No.7538251

>not being a sperg
No, you actually are a sperg if you go to and pay for anime conventions.

>> No.7538264
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Yeah, okay buddy

>> No.7538268

>I dedicate my time and money to hang out in expensive venues filled with greasy freaks and hambeasts because I love Chinese pedo cartoons

>> No.7538271

It's like any other traveling lecturer or speaker. I'm guilty of this and keep repeating my panel as I get different people in the audience each time.

>> No.7538280
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>on cgl

>> No.7538287

says the autist

>> No.7538300

Oh look, it's our precious fedora neckbeard-chan, the protector of women, the knight in the white, ho will educate us on all the good things of feminism.

>> No.7538315

Great comeback

>> No.7538323

Multiple panels for the same thing on the same day, especially if it's something like Homestuck.
>Let me tell you about Homestuck!
>Ask a Homestuck!
>Ask a Homestuck AFTER DARK!!! 18+!!!!!!!
No, stop it. It bugs me even more when a good 80% of the panel schedule is random non-anime shit, and then the only anime panels are the standard mainstream anime panel, "under-appreciated anime" and the ever so amazing handful of hentai/ecchi panels.

>> No.7538366 [DELETED] 

>married a virgin male
You must be really fucking ugly.

>> No.7538371


It's pretty much people who never grew out of their middle school Sephiroth phase, at least mentally if not clothing wise. It's painful to witness.

>> No.7538373
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I'm not sure if there's a specific term for it besides attention whoring, but I hate it when people create drama for themselves just to have something to bitch about.
To name a few:
>local convention has 'family friendly' dress code
>it's never been known to let copious amounts of T&A slide
>some dumb girl cosplays a super skimpy default Yoko and gets told to cover up because her ass and underboob were hanging out
So what does she do? Instead of just accepting that she didn't read the rules and at least wasn't booted from the con, she goes on her facebook and makes a HUGE bitchfit about how the staff were 'shaming' her because they told her to put on a jacket.
>no smoking rule in accordance to state laws
>people decide to smoke near the convention doors
>they get told to put out their cigs
So what do they do? Go on facebook and make long TL;DR posts about how the staff are a bunch of fucking assholes and if someone's got a problem with their smoking they can fuck off. After all, why isn't it reasonable for them to smoke near the doors on a college campus where there's a lot of traffic and underage kids walking? DUH.
And my personal favorite:
>some girl goes to the con as a genderbent Tony Stark
>surprise, surprise, not everyone likes her genderbent Tony Stark because people are allowed to have different tastes
Instead of expecting that not everyone was going to like her cosplay, she gets all bent out of shape over it and makes this long rant on the internet about how people are "ignorant" and how everyone should have kissed her ass for that cosplay because she put in "effort" (because y'know, clearly other cosplayers didn't).

>> No.7538374

What are the hentai/ecchi panels about though? I never bothered entering any.

>> No.7538377

Some people just seem to be natural drama mongers. Not just cosplayers or lolitas, even photographers that bring up the whole "I'm more important than you since I carry around $20,000 equipment".

>> No.7538384

Same. I have a few con friends who get kind of weeby and spastic, and while I'm cringing watching them, I'm also sort of jealous of the fun they're having.

>> No.7538405
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I hate it when I room with people who turn out to be complete fucking slobs and unprepared idiots in general.
I went to this major three day convention and split the hotel between three other friends.

Well, first of all one of them made a mess of the room on day one because she was trying to finish her cosplay. Hot glue, hairspray, SPRAY PAINT IN THE BATHROOM, etc.

Another curious thing they did was leave the 'Do not disturb' sign on the door throughout the entire con. So nobody came to replace the towels, vacuum, or fix the sheets. When I asked why they said because they didn't want anyone to "go through their stuff." But then I realized it's because our room looked like a bomb had gone off in it because of them, and god forbid the hotel staff dare move their shit off the floor or discover 'unfinished cosplay' damages.

What took the cake for me was the final day. A few months prior they had told me to buy a weekend pass and I assumed they had done the same. Well, no. Actually they didn't buy their passes until weeks before the convention because they "didn't have money at the time" and when they finally did the "weekend passes were sold out." So they got Saturday only passes.
I let their bitching about "bawww we can't find anything to do!" go on Friday, but Sunday was MY day because I had paid extra in advance for a special event that I was hellbent on attending.
So halfway through my event I got a bitchy text from them pulling me from my event because they were bored and wanted "to beat the convention traffic." I angrily complied and waited at the rendezvous point that they told me to be at.
Almost TWO HOURS later I give up waiting and try to find them in the line of traffic that in NO WAY they were going to possibly "beat." I could have stayed at my event-BTW. And there they were, about a mile away in the expansive parking lot, stuck in a gridlock. And then they had the audacity to act like I shouldn't have been angry at them.

>> No.7538415

Have you ever considered cosplaying a character who has a cane?

>> No.7538466

>"No, you're Ryuuichi Naruhodou. This is an anime convention. You have to go by your Japanese name."

Next time this happens, go tell him to eat his hamburgers while you enjoy the great sights of Los Angeles

>> No.7538514

If it is an amazingly funny panel, I enjoy coming back the next year. Especially if I can drag friends to experience it.

What really annoys me is the returning year, different people are trying to put on a panel from the previous year. Almost always fails...

>> No.7538536

Extreme disorganization by staff or panel hosts. I get that it is volunteers and such and so I am usually patient about most things.

The fucking line at Fanime.

People taking cosplay photos in the Dealer's hall. Go to the end where there is more space...or anywhere with more space. I totally get that "what if I don't see them again?!" feeling...but don't inconvenience pretty much everyone.

>> No.7538548
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People who line up to a panel, just because they see there's a line forming.


And since it's self-repeating, they always end up stupid long.
This is what AX was last year. People who don't even know shit about anime outside of Toonami show up (because "omg, teh anniemay conventions!!1 so hip!") and line up to fucking everything. I've given up on panels for that con.

Also, hotel roommates that won't get the fuck up and get ready. We don't all have room keys, so get your shit together and gtfo. I've missed some autographs because of this shit.

>> No.7538563

but that's the same with any large con. SDCC and Dragoncon probably have it worse

>> No.7538570
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Yeah that's true but last year crossed the line for me. Usually AX has 1.5k more people every year, and is still bearable, but for some reason, the increase last year was around 10k.

>> No.7538574

you sound like a bitter old woman whos made that im macking on my girl in public

>> No.7538576 [DELETED] 

>implying fucking a deadfish is fun

i don't fuck female virgins, infact when i learn a girl is a virgin i immediatly stop talking to her

>> No.7538582

Not the anon you're responding to, but the excessive pda you see at cons is fucking gross. That includes you and your girl.

>> No.7538587

I fingered a girl at an anime convention while in homestuck cosplay.

Get fucking angry.

>> No.7538592

Congrats on giving her a uti. If you're doing that shit in public, you nasty. I'm not even mad, it's just a fact.

>> No.7538605

actually, i fucked her in cosplay later and we are still fwb lmao

>> No.7538611


gj on fingering a 14 year old, faggot

>> No.7538616

she was 15 and i was 18. also thanks im a fucking beast in that regard

>> No.7538626

>gj on fingering a 14 year old
>she was 15
My sides.

>> No.7538638

I sort of miss those days too. Knowing better kind of sucks

>> No.7538653

congratulations on that statutory rape

>> No.7538663

Thanks, in new jersey no one gives a shit

>> No.7538706

>You've clearly never been in a fandom where this yaoishit is common.
Why would you ever willingly be in one?

>> No.7538710 [DELETED] 

Yep, fat landwhale detected.

>> No.7538714
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>Glomp circles.
That shit needs to stop. The one at Sakuracon this year was massive (as usual) but then the grass area around it was fenced off, so instead of walking on the grass to maintain a safe distance you had to carefully squeeze around the screamfest and hope your prop didn't get busted up. One of my friends almost had the circle sicked on him and I knew that if the circle converged on him, he wouldnt make it out because you cant run away on that skinny little patch of sidewalk.

People who don't buy a badge and just ghost inside and stuff. I brought my friends to Sakuracon free of charge because Im a good fucking friend and they said they had no money to pitch in. I paid for the hotel and gas money out of my own damn pocket. But they sure as hell had enough money to buy each other food and merch. I got nothing, not even a cent. Not even a drink, not even a keychain from them. I was pissed. Never bringing them again unless they pitch in. Fuck being a good friend. That thousand dollar dent in my wallet isnt worth it.

Also, room packers. Im not talking 5 or 6 people in a room with two beds, Im talking people who are proud of cramming 29 people into two rooms.

>> No.7538716

People completely losing their shit over a joke they must have heard a hundred times before is just baffling to me. Why are you peeing yourself over some dated YGO: Abridged or /b/ nonsense? Or people who "cosplay" reaction faces. It makes me embarrassed to be there.

>> No.7538739


Why the hell do we need more than one panel about something that isn't anime at an ANIME convention?

Like, mother of all fucks.

2/3 of those slots could have gone to something that is actually relevant to the theme of the con. But nope. Making Homestuck kids wet/hard for 3+ hours is more important than sticking to what the con is all about.

>> No.7538792

reminds me of animazement last year. to be honest animazement has a lot of the type of people that don't complain about things much on the internet. though they do complain afterwards and, in the case of my friends, through a shit ton of texts and for days.

>> No.7538794

Did you turn her cunt grey?

>> No.7538808

The stuff the vendors are selling is cool for like the first five conventions... then you realize it's all the same stuff, you can get it online for cheaper and some of it might even be knock-offs. I find myself eBaying cool figures just to see if I'm getting a good deal by buying it IRL and the answer is always a huge "No."

Now all I buy is maybe a cool print at the Artist Alley and some souvenirs for the baby sister. Maybe an autograph from a guest, but rarely.

>> No.7538816

yeah, she wasnt too graytfull

>> No.7538819
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>Fucking fourteen year old's "Cosplaying" meme fces and holding up signs that say "You just lost the game" of "FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
>Pic VERY related
>Six different my little pony panels at an anime con
>Bronies still complain that they aren't being fairly represented at the con and the deserve more workshops panels etc.
>That one fuckng dude you really just do not want to talk to
>Homestuck faggots spitting in buckets
>Ant over-zealous fandom really

>> No.7538824
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Naisu pun!

>> No.7538832
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I will admit that I am one of those people who leave the "Do not disturb" sign out. I'm a pretty clean person in a hotel, though. I just skip out on the daily room cleaning since I don't need new towels or my bed remade every day.

I won't do this if I am rooming with three or more other people. And I have room shared with super messy and unorganized people. Boggles my mind how some people can completely mess up a hotel room in a day or less.

>> No.7538835

I-I have a birth defect, anon

>> No.7538837

>Now all I buy is maybe a cool print at the Artist Alley

I find myself doing this a lot now.

>> No.7538839


>> No.7538853

Sadly, yes.

>> No.7538857 [DELETED] 

but im not fat.

>> No.7538874
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Desperate male losers who hit on/orbit the nearest sexy cosplay girl they can find.

Girls who dress slutty and then mistreat their male attention.

>tfw you hate both sides of the equation

Seriously these idiots should just join an adult club and keep their shit out of cons. It's disgusting to see some dumb whore surrounded by beta shitlords.

>> No.7538878

yeah its never a good idea to buy figures from a con. not to say there are not decently priced nendoroids I have seen and bought them, but you do need to check if they are the real deal. small trinkets vary from being more expensive and less expensive. I still argue eBay is not the best I've been ripped off before. I think con's get a bad rap about prices when it comes to some things though, but it really depends on who you are buying from.

>> No.7538886


Smartphones etc are a god-send in this regard, so you can just check the prices on comparable items in a few minutes time.

>> No.7538927

exactly what i mean. just don't do this too much as it pisses some people off. that's why I try to check average prices for what i want days before I go to a con. it works pretty well most of the time.

>> No.7538938 [DELETED] 

>>tfw you hate both sides of the equation

I am a neckbeard virgin just like the guys I am describing, but I want to be cool and stand out so I trashtalk them (first sentence). But I am still an neckbeard virgin, so I am also a misogynist against women who have taken control of their sexuality and have empowered themselves by wearing empowering costumes (second sentence).

>> No.7538983

Koreaboos. Please don't play fucking K-Pop at an anime convention. Find a Korean convention or something. It'd be considered racist as hell if people started blasting Utada at a place designed to celebrate Korean culture.

>> No.7539035
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fat weeabboos who still pull that 'glomp' nonsense like it's 2005

>> No.7539043

Furries fucking terrify me. If they're just wearing a tail and ears or whatever, that's fine, that's tame, but the ones that go for the 2k fursuit

and worse

actually act like the animal

are so fucking weird

>> No.7539080

Free cosplayers that aren't ottermode. No one wants to see your disgusting Skinnyfat body.

>> No.7539101


Furries creep me out on a primal level but I've never actually run into one that was creepy, if that makes sense. I mean...they exist for sure, and obviously in great numbers on the internet but most of the true creeps I've run into have generally been older men and hardcore weebs of both sexes.

>> No.7539121

I was playing pump it up one time at Anime midwest. While i finished a song, my friend started giggling behind me
when i looked all i saw was a giant dog face and it scared the hell out of me. He (silently, like all furries for some reason dont ever talk while suited) asked to play too. I kinda walked away afterwards

>> No.7539139


Oh yeah that'd sketch me right out too. The (relatively few granted) I've ever come across actually talked for the most part which made things a little less off-putting and they seemed O-K.

>> No.7539153

>He (silently, like all furries for some reason dont ever talk while suite
Not to you or anyone in specific but there are reasons why they don't talk
1. It's a performance. The "magic" is the idea that the character is, for performance aspects, real. Animals IRL cannot speak in any language that we know. As stated, pantomime is what most costumers will do, and they do it well. Even to children, keeping the performance going on brings smiles to their faces. Even adults admire such acting.
2. Talking in a fursuit head will sound horribly muffled. That, and carbon dioxide from one's own breath gets trapped in the head enough as it is, anyway.

I'm not a fursuiter but I have cosplayed kemono characters.

>> No.7539245

wtf is a yaoi paddle?

>> No.7539255

oh my sweet summer child

>> No.7539537
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>Fuck being a good friend. That thousand dollar dent in my wallet isnt worth it.
I hate people like you. You don't do something nice for people and expect something in return without asking for it. You especially don't get mad as hell for not getting anything monetary in return. If you were expecting them to pay you back you make it known, you huge faggot. Either that or you do what I do and never buy anybody anything because you know you'll never get anything out of the deal.

I had this happen to me actually. My "friend" paid a lot of my way to an out-of-state convention along with my girlfriend at the time, mostly so she could go. I would not have said yes if he hadn't specifically stated he would pay our way, and yet he still got incredibly pissed at me and stopped being my friend a few months later for not paying him back in some way.

It blows my mind. Don't give out charity if you can't handle it.

>> No.7539554
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Most people, when someone does something kind for them, they try to do something kind in return because they care. Me and my friends are like this. We all help eachother out when we need it. Its just a good way to be.

Every time I've had a room I didn't expect people to pay be back in full, but since these niggas knew I wasn't BALLIN' they knew I would appreciate a few dollars thrown my way out of courtesy. Enforcing those expectations is a dick move, but so is not repaying kindness when you have the chance.

>> No.7539564

I hate being on the opposite side of this, kind of. I have a friend that I've done a lot for financially, including helping get her to and from conventions as well as much more important expenses (such as paying her bills so she could not be homeless), and I genuinely don't expect anything in return. She's worried about paying me back, but I've told her I don't want a dime, I just want to know she'll be there for me if I ever find myself in trouble.

But if I ever borrow money from her for maybe a meal, she keeps a record down to the cent of what she gave me, and she never directly says "hey i'd like that back" but just sort of passive-aggressively is like "how much was that meal I bought you last week? six dollars and eighty seven cents was it?" Shit fucking sucks.

I dunno, I guess I'm more flippant with money. I've never had a lot of it, so if I can spare some when a friend needs something, I'm happy to help, and I just sort of find it really insulting that some of the people closest to me keep a running mental tab when they know they could owe me literally hundreds and I wouldn't care.

To keep it on topic, my con hates are mostly about the cosplay contests:
>"you're just friends with the judges"-tier bullshit drama about the winners
>bad emcees
>99% of skits

>> No.7539575

>18+ Fandom Panels
>Fandom Panels with people that break character because MAH OTPs RANDOM LELS
>Underage attendees that think a convention is like Tumblr/Facebook/4chan
>People who drop all common sense because they're at a convention

>> No.7539577
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>2008 FanimeCon Masquerade that will forever be known as the "Hare Hare Yukari Masquerade Massacre"

>> No.7539578

Sounds like a friend you need to drop yesterday. The next time she does that, just say, "Yeah, I've put it toward the hundreds you owe me." She'll probably be pissed, but whatever.

>> No.7539581

>>"you're just friends with the judges"-tier bullshit drama about the winners
This is one of the main reasons I stopped judging at a local con and would be hesitant to do it if I were ever invited to elsewhere.

>> No.7539582
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>Con Staff who take their little pretend jobs WAY too seriously
>Con kiddies who get all hopped up on energy drinks and work themselves into a frenzy, causing the already fascist staff to go nuts
>That dumb chick who always passes out in the rave
>Con ravers in general
>That one chick who has to act like EVERYTHING IS THE END OF THE WORLD ALL WEEKEND

I honestly mostly go to cons for the parties and to check out the cosplayers. I still buy badges for me and my friends and get hotel rooms but there is a lot of anime I don't keep up with anymore.

>> No.7539632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7539644

Why did you take DNP in the summer? That's the worst idea you can have. Once I'm hitting near my temp goal weight (Which should be in a few months) I'm cycling in the winter. Don't have to spend as much in heating your apartment/house and no unsightly sweat stains on your clothes everywhere you go. Can't cycle even if I wanted to though. Office jobs and DNP anytime else don't mix

>> No.7539656
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The shit I hate:
Tumblr bitches,... squealing over cute males, gay OTPs, and seriously any damn cutesy shit ever... and when it isn't cute shit, they whiteknight. That crap is hard enough to deal with over the internet, but at a con? When I see hambeasts cosplaying as Castiel or Loki or whatever, I can't even deal.
In that vain, character panels. Very few people can perform them properly without it being a tumblr circlejerk.
Teenagers in general. You kids are fucking annoying. Very few are mature and not squealing all con.
Staff with power going to their heads.
Ravers and the typical late-night party crowd.
Especially the elevator party kids.
Anyone smelly, that's a given.
Any fucker who pulls the fire alarm at night.

That feel when virgin because I don't like the idea of clinging to anyone. I fucking hate clingy people and soppy romantic shit. I'll never find the stoic, independent boyfriend I want.

>> No.7539671

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I take shit from people and never give back. In fact the year before I gave him passes to PAX without ever expecting him to pay me back for them. He wasn't exactly the greatest friend either; I constantly heard about him talking shit about me behind me back, from my gf even. You have to earn respect, nigga.

It honestly sounds like a brutally sarcastic joke. Like she knows she owes you a lot but she's selfish and spending money back on you is harder to do so she tries to joke about it. Or maybe she really is that greedy; I don't know the full story.

>> No.7539690

as a YGO cosplayer I cannot tell you how much I loathe YGOTAS memes. I love the show, love LK, but the fans are absolutely terrible.

>> No.7539854

People who complain about panels but never do anything to try to add the variety they want.

It's not the con's responsibility to go out and recruit people to host fan panels so sometimes the people submitting the panels on non-anime/popular subjects are the only ones the con has.

>> No.7539863

>That feel when virgin because I don't like the idea of clinging to anyone.
Then don't cling to anyone and stay alone forever. Bitches won't be missed.

>> No.7539866

>1. It's performance. The "magic" is the idea that the character is, for performance aspects, real.

To little kids? Sure. To adults? It's creepy as shit. Furries are creepy and shouldn't be allowed at any cons other than furrycons. Gross.

>> No.7539874

>ill never find the stoic, independent boyfriend i want
>get broken up specifically for these personality traits
oh well

>> No.7540088

People who were bullied by the football jocks but feel the need to perform a full flying tackle when they see somebody dressed as a character they like.

>> No.7541496

anime convention that ends up turning into cosplay convention.

I have no problem with cosplay, I have a problem with other areas getting a token effort, when the stated purpose of a convention is japanese popculture.

>> No.7541508


Yeah, they're awful people but hopefully you've learned your lesson to not be someone's fucking doormat.
It's a bitter pill to swallow. Not everyone you befriend will be conscientious, gracious, and well mannered and aware of social expectations.

>> No.7541561

>So halfway through my event I got a bitchy text from them pulling me from my event
>Almost TWO HOURS later I give up waiting
I hate it when people pull this shit, badgering me about how they can't wait another second, so I drop everything I'm doing, and then they show up late as hell.

>> No.7541565



>> No.7541597

Convention kids/teens that drag their completely uninterested parents with them or have helicopters that never leave

It's nice if parents are cool about it (for example when I was younger my mom drove some friends and I to a con for a day, she spent the time sightseeing and then conversed with other con parents waiting for their kids in the lobby area) but it's awkward when they're really out of place or obviously feel uncomfortable being at a convention

>> No.7541693

I don't really have any big issues other than people who have those ocarinas and only know how to play like 1 or 2 songs and they just continuously spew that shit in a line.
Smelly people will always happen. Shit, I work with someone like that and he says soap is too expensive for him.
Panels that I care about being all at the same time also piss me off, but I've never really regretted going to one over another in the end.

I still laugh at this despite how stupid it really is.

>> No.7541705

ooooo please do tell!

>> No.7542173

God, right? The koreaboos at my school only go to conventions on Sundays to get to the kpop booth in the dealers room. Hell, why is there a kpop booth there in the first place?

>> No.7542203

Admittedly I'm sorta koreaboo myself though I do find it a little funny to find kpop stuff, but I also feel like it's ....inevitable? for a lack of a better word.
Like, idk about other countries but there's literally only one kpop convention in the U.S, so I guess people feel like since western comics and shows and all that stuff is good to go at a anime con, then they can bring over their korean stuff too y'know? Plus a lot of people have overlapping interests so it just...happens.

You can't really make the argument for not wanting korean shit at an anime con unless you're saying you don't want everything else there too.
Also, people can gripe about it all they want, but the fact still stands that Otakon decided to bring over a kpop group before lol

>> No.7542260
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I get it, yeah about the Korean pop culture elements seeping into the anime cons. However, it seriously bugs me when koreaboo's fucking say shit like, "oppa, saranghae, etc" Its the equivalence to "kawaii, sugoi, etc etc"

I dunno, as a korean myself it just doesn't sit well with me. I've grown up with K-pop as my norm. and I can't help but cringe when k-weebs are like, "OH EM GEEE YOU'RE KOWEEAANN?"

>> No.7542266

Same, I'm still on the fence about Fanime this year because I'm afraid this will be the whole con.

>> No.7542285

Oh in that case I get you lol. I'm sure we can agree weebs of any sort are pretty annoying. I inwardly gag a little when I hear/see a buddy say "oppa/unnie" unironically and it's just...yeah please don't call me that neither of us are korean jfc

But anyways, it's most likely going to stick around if not increase tbh. It's getting to the point where it's not uncommon to have at least one skit that has a kpop reference, whether it be a whole dance or just the song or whatever.

>> No.7542310

YES. And the ones on Facebook who write "annyeonghaseyo". Just learn hangul jfc. It takes 3 days. Really.

>> No.7542316



Go to a store, get a lemon, cut that fucker into 4ths and rub em on your armpits and every other place that sweats. The citric acid will kill your smelly bacterias, just don't use em on your face or genitals. Buy moist wipes for that.

>> No.7542358

>Some guy books entire floors of a hotel
>Guy tries to shove as many people into each room as possible
>Con finds out, tells hotel
>Guy gets banned, hotel flips shit and institutes crazy elevator policies
>Guy goes on Facebook and starts bitching about "Attendee Rights"

Fuck you John Wetzel

>> No.7542367

Hate is a strong word, but sometimes I mess with guys who I always see alone and who I think are virgins.

>went to some convention last week
>saw this guy walking around, taking pictures of cosplayers etc
>saw him for two days
>on the second day there was some gaming tournament and a bunch of people were watching
>he was sitting down in front of my friends and I
>I started talking about how some people who don't have friends attend conventions alone
>say they look creepy and that most are ugly and probably virgins
>my friends join in and laugh and say a few things as well
>he stands up and leaves
>after that we don't see him on the con anymore

>> No.7542408

You are such a bitch

>> No.7542409


Even at my most socially broken I still knew that you don't let yourself get stanky. I could not, and cannot, believe that so many men and women treat thousand-person gatherings like a reason to throw off the shackles of olfactory oppression. Christ, even my fat coworker who never took showers used a liberal amount of cologne!

>> No.7542410


>work your ass off on multi-hour panel
>get half-off badge

>some jerkoff splits one hour's worth of material into two hour-long panels
>gets free badge

I swear, people who do panels just to get the free badge are mocking the very concept

>> No.7542411
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The classic showing more skin/boobs=better cosplay
what do you hate OP?

>> No.7542415

That's a pretty bitch thing to do man

>> No.7542424



You have to be a troll. If you aren't, I hope you get hit by a car in the con parking garage and your parents mourn the fact they lost their only child but have to lie about how because you pissed and shit yourself in a homestuck outfit.

>> No.7542433

You. I like you; somebody that appreciates a decently done panel. I won't toot my own horn about my own panels, but it's nice to know those of us who try are appreciated.

>> No.7542445
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Oh Youmacon, I love you so. My elevator wristband is saved along with my badges.

>> No.7542451

I at least give it a year or two. There's a few cons I got to, and I try not to do the same thing more than one year in a row at the same con. I've only done it once, and that was when I was starting out.

>> No.7542455

One I've seen at MTAC is just a porn slideshow.

>> No.7542461

Sorta unrelated but I remember going to a bondage panel at a con and it was mostly just a semi-middle aged woman talking about various kinds of rope, surrounded by a bunch of adults still trying to be loledgy

>> No.7542470


It's a mix. They run the gamut from pointing and laughing at pictures for an hour to informative panels about the evolution of hentai, yaoi, and so on over time to exquisitely edited Anime Hell-style video montages.

Me, I run a half-game-show-half-info panel. People seem to like the mix between audience participation and info blocks, but the walkouts we get during the yaoi section are always kind of depressing.

>> No.7542471

It leads to a lot of panelists getting treated like garbage at some conventions. Worse, they end up like what >>7541496 describes.

You'll be pleased to hear that I do just that; I didn't like how many of the cons I go to were adding too much MLP and Homestuck garbage to the panel lineup, so I got down to it and started presenting more on-topic stuff.

>> No.7542485
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>> No.7542507

why did you have to do that...

>> No.7542512

I agree.

>> No.7542519


Cosplay contests allow kpop shit? I mean if it's an anime con why can't they just stick to that theme for the contest?

I mean have whatever for panels, but the official contest? I would be irritated.

Also can't stand the koreaboos who like to ignore the idea that both countries are different. But hurr their all Asian!!

>> No.7542568

>What are the things you hate the most on conventions?

People like >>7542367

Basically people who either make up shit about what they do at cons for whatever dumb fuck reason...and people who are just general assholes at cons.

>> No.7542573

Well usually what I see is cosplays from an anime series dancing to a kpop song and choreo. Its a quick and easy way to get cheers, even though most of them are terrible at dancing

>> No.7542601

That could be

A: Not enough panels were submitted
B: The related panels were not good enough/interesting enough
C: The fan demand was so high the con staff buckled and gave the people what they wanted

>> No.7542693

I don't know if it's been said already (read through the thread a few days ago, can't remember now) but people who burst into song spontaneously or with a group.
The most annoying shit.
There always seems to be a huge group of people marching around singing disney shit.
At Ohayocon, while waiting in line to get a snack, a group of poorly-crossplaying 13-14 year old dangan ronpa cosplayers started screaming "let it go."
The whole song.
I seriously wanted to tear my hair out.

>> No.7542694

I do this constantly, and it's the main way I navigate cons, tbh.
Sorry, not sorry about breaking your heart.
I can't wait for Dragon*con this year.

>> No.7542702

This is why I always kick 'em out once we're through. Thanks for the fun, get lost.

>> No.7542707


Why don't you just be honest that all you're looking for is a hookup? :/

>> No.7542715

On an aside, I'm so fucking glad Gangnam Style is dead.

>> No.7542716

>13-14 year olds
That's all you needed to say.

>> No.7542718

True but I've also seen people in their early AND late twenties do it. It's just so annoying and embarrassing.

>> No.7542748

There were five skits featuring the Hare Hare Yukai dance at that Masquerade. The first skit had the dance, the last skit had the dance, and three skits in between had the dance. People were booing said dance skits and leaving before the show ended which pissed off those who had amazing skit on the back end of the Masq.

>the increasing number of the K-Pop booths at anime cons

>> No.7542753

People who come to the con just for the rave. Like, they have absolutely NO interest in the con itself, nor respect for the place or the other people.

>> No.7542764

I have no general interest in the con, but i also dont have much interest in the rave. my boyfriends buddies go every year and it's been fun the times i went.

the other part i can agree with, in general a lack of respect is fucking annoying. But congoers who actually *like* anime/cons are also fucking rude and disrespectful

>> No.7542774


Ugh, god, those fucking people

There's an amazing thread from several years back on some shitty rave forum, wish I could find it, where people are asking what the fuck anime is and why are all these weird coss players at an otherwise awesome rave in rosemont

>> No.7542775

The might be Ohio-specific, and also violating the No Male Virgins rule, but fucking Kuwabara. If you've been to Colossalcon, you know who I'm talking about. Dude busts into unrelated panels, yells "KUWA-BA-RA!", absorbs attention for a minute and then leaves. Holy shit, man, the convention is not ABOUT you. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7542777

I never got why american anime cons have raves.

>> No.7542793
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Lots of reasons.

>> No.7542802

I kind of assume that they realize that. But now that you point it out, I feel like a an asshole. I didn't really think that people were looking for an actual relationship from an anime convention.

That's only happened a few times. Most girls are too sperg to actually tell me to leave.

>> No.7542811


People make a lot of assumptions around sex. Best practice is to be open and honest. Nothing wrong with being a slut, but you gotta be an ethical slut.

>> No.7542817

i see what you did there

but like do they make money off con raves?

>> No.7542820
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>People coming to cons in "Casual!<Character>" cosplays but getting mad when no one takes their picture
>People who paw all over your props without asking because they're dressed as the same character as you are and didn't make their own
>Those "conga lines" of people running and shoving through the direct center of a crowd trying to get into a panel, playing their music at maximum volume.

Also, I feel a little guilty but the Kpop booths at cons are usually a decent place to get CDs and concert goods without having to pay out of your ass for shipping from korea/china online so their presence doesn't bother me. It's like >>7542203 said. The only Kpop convention is Kcon (which is insanely expensive to go to/on the other side of the country from where I live.). I grew up with anime and Kpop, and I had my own koreaboo/weeaboo phsase, so I just nostalgically chuckle when I see koreaboos and weeaboos at cons.

>> No.7542828


That's the rumor with ACen, at least. DJs are cheaper than mangaka.

>> No.7542834

Sorry, I do not really understand why you should hate those people. Of course if they do not respect the place or the people i understand your point. But what is wrong about going to a con just for the rave?

>> No.7542859


Nothing in theory, but when the con starts focusing on your raves at the expense of more relevant content--as has happened in certain places--then people start to hate you.

A con has limited resources and happens once a year. Raves can happen any old time in most any major city. If you show up at this one thing these people get for their hobby each year and you're like "haha what? No, dude, I'm just here for this other thing," they're liable to get offended.

>> No.7542881

Wow, that makes me sad, poor guy.

>> No.7542899

How the heck is it Youmacons fault when the hotel is the one forcing them to crack down

>> No.7542952

MTAC that was definitely the case.

>> No.7543123

>con tries to pass off low-end webcomics artists as official guests
>deliberately intermixes them with real guests on the webpage
>so if you don't know what you're looking at, it looks like the have tons of comics and fantasy artists
>but half of them don't have a single published work

>> No.7543275

is it this? my con is doing something similar to what you said if it isn't.

>> No.7543384

stop taking dnp you fucking retards

>> No.7543594

The fuck is DNP?

>> No.7543696

According to a quick google search: a toxic chemical once used as a dieting aid.

>> No.7543783

Ask a character/ Character QA panels.

>> No.7543788

It's even worse when it's ask a character "after dark" panel. Then it's just everyone talking about their shitty ships and just generally be OOC.

>> No.7543923

i really hope this is bait...otherwise you're a fucking asshole.

>> No.7543980

Discreetly place a one pound pack of Irish Spring in his bag.

It's like two fucking dollars.

>> No.7544112

this douche?

>> No.7544127

Because they have nothing better to live for than wish fulfillment.

>> No.7544129

Don't make me feel worse about my life choices.

>> No.7544136
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I actually loathe whenever people do this. Why don't they make up a dance from their anime opening? K-pop has virtually nothing to do with anime. I fucking hate when people mash them together

>> No.7544149

This and glomping are really the only things that annoy me anymore. Even the yaoitards making out I can tut tut at and smile and go on my merry way. Kids are gonna be kids.

>> No.7544164

I never said it was Youmacon's fault. I was reminiscing.

>> No.7544198
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What's worse, pseudo-intellectuals who never willingly read things that aren't comics or pseudo-intellectuals who read actual books but are incapable of critical thought and think they're just deep for having read said book?

I'm not sure which is more annoying but boy, the latter sure can be obnoxious.

>Try to talk to someone about the progression of technology and its impact on social culture
>Hurrrrrrrr I read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 in middle school once
>They can't even dissect the arguments in the book
>Don't even mention Huxley's Brave New World

Those books are fine and all (shit, they predicted their fair share of technological advances), but there's like actual scholarly papers on the subject m8.

>> No.7544218

>my high school covered Brave New World
feels fucking good man

>> No.7544336

>Don't even mention Huxley's Brave New World

Man, some of the shit in Brave New World WAS downright Utopian. Shameless, open drug use and cheerful sex on demand?

>> No.7544354

It's not like this used to be a thing in RL, or anything.

>> No.7544370

Honestly I think most people who read books are obnoxious as fuck. They always think they're super intellectual for having read the latest bestseller, even though most books nowadays are garbage written on 6th grade level.

>> No.7544372
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>be fairly /fit/ guy
>like to cosplay
>some fat bitch in a naruto costume hits me with a yaoi paddle
>this happens over and over again

After that I glare at them like I am going to murder them

>> No.7544377

I think we should bring back exile for whoever invented yaoi paddles

>> No.7544476

At least their reputation is such that they're more or less universally banned.

>> No.7544494

>having read the latest bestseller
I think that's more pop lit readers than anything else. Pop lit is generally shitty and/or mediocre.

>> No.7544499

>Ignores classic literature
>Ignores science journals
>Ignores classic plays
>Ignores books written by the best thinkers and philosophers in history

Yeah sure is 6th grade level

>> No.7544521

It's too bad that these are the kind of panels that get most audience too. I don't know much about Homestuck but I sometimes go see these panels if I have nothing else to do and they're always very badly done. It's mostly about their own opinions and some fandom community related shit, there's never enough preparation or objective viewpoints. Also those "ask character X" panels should be refused by the staff to begin with, if people want to roleplay they should do in their own time at the con.

>> No.7544526

Therein lies the problem.

>> No.7544527

except bookfags usually don't read any of those, which is the whole point. sorry I insulted your pseudontellectualism.

>> No.7544529

>like a series
>talk to fans
>because there's a lot of male characters, shipping wars are rampant
>want to keep discussing the series but everyone's only interested in buttfucking

>> No.7544531
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Free! - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I absolutely loved Free! because it's rare to see slice of life based anime like that about male friendship but it's almost impossible to talk about it without the shipping bullshit.

>> No.7544544

Like >>7544494 said, you're talking more about pop lit readers, man. They're the people who only read books because 'everyone else is reading it' like "The Hunger Games" or "Divergence" or whatever the fuck that series is called.

I think most serious bookfags at least try to diversify their reading portfolio. What kind of pseudo-literate faggots are you hanging around with?

>> No.7544553

I'm going to my first convention in July and I'm wondering should I go for the day or the whole weekend?

>> No.7544556

Depends on the convention.
If it's a small con, Saturday. If it's a big con, all weekend.

>> No.7544560


I read to entertain myself mostly, I could give two shits for the philosophy of a russian that's been dead for 5 centuries. I like brain-twisting mysteries, adrenaline pumping thrillers and 2spooky horror, sue me.

>> No.7544561


Are you talking about the con in San Antonio?

>> No.7544566


Arcadecon Dublin. A friend invited me. Only problem is his room is already full in the hotel so I'll have to travel there everyday. Getting a room seems a little to expensive.

>> No.7544569

there's nothing wrong with that anyway. my main complaint is people who read like you do but then go on about how "omg books are amazing, reading is so sexy and cool and it's so sad that ~other~ people sit and watch TV all day instead of expanding their knoledges like I do" when reading for entertainment really isn't that much different than watching tv for entertainment or playing vidya for entertainment.

>> No.7544575


O, I thought you were going to see the Silent Hill concert, it's also in july. Was gona ask you to tape it.

Anyway, depending on how far away it is for you, it might be more cost effective to get a room. You should crank out the calculator and solve for x

>> No.7544585
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>People not taking a goddamn shower for three days
>People spreading con plague everywhere and not even thinking to use hand sanitizer
>People forgetting what soap is
>People forgetting what deodorant is

jfc people, just take a bath! The 5-2-1 rule exists for a reason, and I'd really rather not partake in the spreading of con plague to each corner of the convention center. Plus, I will never understand how some people smell so horribly but seem to barely even notice their own stench. If I can barely stand being a few feet away from them, how can they bear that odor?

>> No.7544602

I've done a Ask Character X panel but it comprised of me as Kuzco and a friend as Yzma staying in character and taking jabs at the audience and at each other making sure we didn't just devolve to pairing jokes and made sure our characterization was on point. Highlight of the panel was making fun of the mass amount of Homestuckers

>Kuzco: There's a lot of weird gray people in the crowd.Yzma, you got a family reunion going on that I don't know about? They might wanna see a doctor about those horns though.
>HS:I was born with these!
>Kuzco: Listen, sometimes you gotta live with what life gives you. Life decided to give you horns, bad skin and a terrible web comic.

However I do understand that a HUGE margin of people do not take the proper TLC toward their acting and thus we get bad panels. It's a shame as in the end character QA panels with people IN CHARACTER would be super fun to have

>> No.7544613


Someone explained the worst of the bad hygiene thusly: many of these people long ago stopped thinking of themselves as in any way attractive. To the opposite sex, or even in general. They lose interest in personal maintenance beyond what is absolutely necessary to function in society. They'r'e usually barely hanging on to sanitation in their everyday lives. Put them in Nerd Vegas, where normalfag society goes out the window, and they just stop giving a fuck about stench. Who has time for showers? Who cares? There's con to be had and no one's gonna fuck me anyway!

>> No.7544629

>lobby stairs at PMX
fuck you guys who keep doing photoshoots here. do it at 4am when people arent walking through.

>> No.7544696

Fucking this, also no one seems to appreciate Gou and all that she's done for the characters, instead people act like she doesn't exist or that she just gets in the way of their yaoi shit.

>> No.7544759


>> No.7544760

5 hours of sleep
2 meals
1 shower

>> No.7544793

People make pairings out of Emperor's New Groove?

>also Emperor's New Groove at anime convention

>> No.7544858

Snarky people

>> No.7544873
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>Panelist who mistakes being able to entertain easily amused weeaboos for celebrity status
>People who assume cosplay is mandatory and either stay home because they have nothing or wear a random, cheesy halloween costume.
>People who think that being able to interview random attendees makes them some sort of journalist.

>> No.7544878
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Woah woah, what? That anime has an actual story? (And character development?)

I've purposely avoided it because I just assumed it was a shallow anime for eyecandy of yaoi shippers.

Maybe I will need to look into it. I will admit, I really like the artwork.

>> No.7544883

It's mainly youth drama about friendship and self-confidence. It's not deep and it does have manservice but it's one of the better things KyoAni has made lately.

>> No.7544906

I avoided it for the same reason, might have to give it an episode and see.

>> No.7544922

>most people who read books are obnoxious as fuck
...Isn't that like saying the majority of the (literate) population is obnoxious as fuck? I've never met a single adult who doesn't read books from time to time, even bad ones. Nice 'us vs. them' mentality, though.

>> No.7544959

They weren't called raves until the last several years they used to be "the con dance"

>> No.7545073
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General consensus is that the two episodes are ass and then Rei becomes part of the cast and pretty much saves the show.

I think episode 4 of Free was one of the best things I saw that season.

>> No.7545077
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*first two

>> No.7545089

>he stands up and leaves

I would've walked over to the (supposedly) hottest of you lot and hit Y'all with this:

>> No.7545975

Don't worry anon. I liked Free a lot as well, and I can't wait for season two.

Gou is awesome and it's hilarious to see a girl drooling over dudes for once instead of the typical male character obsessing over boobs.

On topic though: when people don't ask to touch you first and they risk damaging parts of your costume. Almost had some wings on my costume broken by some dude who felt the need to hug me from behind and put his weight on them.

>> No.7546162
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I'd call you back femanon.

>> No.7546389


Why anyone does it in this day and age, I have no idea.

>> No.7546572

Having lived with five hours of sleep per day for a painfully extended period of time, I can tell you it's not enough for a human to function properlu.

>> No.7547684

Then again, some pursuits simply are better than others. Doing something intellectually challenging does make people better in several ways. Then again, if they read enough to gain some Socratic humility, they're less likely to be assholes about it.
Besides, I actually think that awful books can have a more detrimental effect than bad vidya on people. Dumb hobbies don't usually affect people one way or another, but a really dumb book can retard you if you can't read it critically

>> No.7549279
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>As a fujoshi I have my ships in the show, but I can defiantly agree

When it seems like everyone can't shut the fuck up about their ships and actually talk about the series, it seriously makes all fujoshi seem like they can't carry a normal conversation.