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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 690x778, tumblr_static_2012061721010542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7527787 No.7527787 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. Theres also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.
Old thread >>7514922

>> No.7527788 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 429x410, 1352749396214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


delete and remake please?

>> No.7527815
File: 59 KB, 536x960, stupidwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5105281275.10.tSZQSn&id=35129387819 is the dress
So, it wasn't really worth the 100 yuan. I don't regret my purchase, I just think that I received a fault dress, the zipper gets jammed in the middle, and I had to cut it the first time because I thought I was stuck in it... I'd rate it a good 7/10

There's also this wig I bought (http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.w5003-3908156875.1.vmIfCX&id=35053090022&&&&scene=taobao_shop)) which I'm madly inlove with, the only problem is that it sheds often.

>> No.7527825

Does anyone Have links to shops or just items of cute lolita or loliable bags?

>> No.7527840
File: 1.54 MB, 184x246, T2DWFZXBXaXXXXXXXX_!!912556542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am highly amused

>> No.7527893

How can I message sellers to ask them if they ship directly to Australia? Would you trust them to do it?

>> No.7527921

Is the wig in your photo the one you bought? Does it have the part down the middle with the visible scalp or did you get a different style?

>> No.7527938

I got a different style (the one with the bangs) because I have thick hair and my head slightly larger than Asian heads and if I had got the other wig it would look a lot less natural.

>> No.7528125

Hey anon, if you use taobaos built in freight forwarder you shouldn't have to ask them.

I just added more infos to my disgustingly rough guide here; https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os

>> No.7528154

Oh wow, different ausfag here, do you need an account? Like with a Chinese phone number and everything?

>> No.7528177

just sign up for a normal taobao account, and probably a normal alipay account (i cant remember if i already had an alipay account or not)

It's pretty straight forward, digging through poorly google translated pages should be no issue. I think all the account signups are prompted along the way.

>> No.7528185
File: 219 KB, 400x420, zero-heels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the term for cut-out heels? I need a pair of platforms without the actual heel part, I don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly or if there is a specifical word for them. Pic related.

>> No.7528250

they're called heel-less heels and the term is in the dictionary spreadsheet

>> No.7528255
File: 118 KB, 346x268, 1380105785056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chess story do some loliable bags. And if you just search lolita / 洛丽塔 and 袋 (means bag) you'll at the very least finder cheaper versions of the bags you tend to find on ebay tagged with lolita

Can anyone help me with some first time buyer's paranoia? I'm normally between a UK 5 and 6 (foot closer to 5, but wide as a barge so majority of shoes I own are a 6). I checked and checked all the different shoe conversion tables to be sure the shoes I buy will fit, but some are saying a china 39 is a UK 6, and some say a 40 is a UK 6. If I go for the 39 option, and they turn out too small, I will have a serious case of sad. And if they are too big, they'll be slipping off and you see toe crack - nobody wants to see toe crack! So TL:DR, how do people here find the fit of taobao shoes that they've bought? Anyone bought a similar size and found they were narrow/wide/small-fitting/loose?

>> No.7528348

Can I ask why they aren't worth it? I've got thick thighs and I'm wary of buying anything near the thighs off of taobao.

>> No.7528362

Chess Story only has one bag.

I would recommend:

Also, the correct search term for bag is 包.
袋 is more like a sack, you won't get many nice results from that.

>> No.7528381


would anyone be able to figure out what these weigh?

>> No.7528458

I'm a UK 6 and I bought 39s way back in my first order and they were too small. 6 definitely = 40. Can't help with the rest though, sorry.

>> No.7528467

That was the only thing I was really asking (just long-winded). The rest was me failing to help someone else in the name of not being a complete newfag asking everything and contributing nothing. Thanks

>> No.7528474


I am a UK 5 EU 38 and I always have to get a 24.5/39/L in China & Japan.
According to many charts I need 24cm/38 but those didn't quite fit right.
I bought my cousin knock-off dreamv shoes in 40 from Taobao and they didn't fit her either, and she has EU 40 which is a UK 7.
So I totally agree with 6 = 40.

>> No.7528577

Measure your feet in cm. It's more accurate and most shops either list sizes in cm, or have their own conversion table.

>> No.7528616

I received my sailor moon underwear/lingerie, just wondering if I could use it as swimwear? I've never been swimming before so sorry if this sounds stupid, but aren't bathing suits and bras/panties kind of the same thing? The material feels/looks like swimsuit material as well.
Thanks all.

>> No.7528626

Hop in the shower with it. See if the fabric is too thin/see through when wet. If not, I don't see why not. Normalfags won't know it's actually lingerie.

>> No.7528636

Oh, IS it swimwear? I was wondering this since anons in that thread were mentioning the links had swimwear versions but I didn't see anything on the page that indicated it was swimwear...

>> No.7528741

Would you mind posting a review and links, please? Are they as shiny and cheap looking irl as they look in the photos?
I just recently bought what I -think- are swimwear versions of the Sailor Moon and Mars underwear sets on a whim. I can review when they get here, though it may take a while, since stuff for my order are still flowing into my SS.

>> No.7528745
File: 419 KB, 1280x745, Screen Shot 2014-04-30 at 12.12.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my ems tracking number, how do I use it on this site?

>> No.7528754 [DELETED] 

Paste the tracking into the box I have elegantly ringed in red and then click the box to the right (as it says in the original image) and type in the verification code/captcha that pops up.

Alternatively you can use www.trackitonline.ru which gives you info from both the origin country and your country's postal services (sometimes one provides more info than the other which helps).

>> No.7528757
File: 455 KB, 1280x745, ems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paste the tracking into the box I have elegantly ringed in red and then click the box to the right (as it says in the original image) and type in the verification code/captcha that pops up.

Alternatively you can use www.trackitonline.ru which gives you info from both the origin country and your country's postal services (sometimes one provides more info than the other which helps).

>> No.7528758

I just use 17track and normally tracking number takes a few days before it works.

>> No.7528768

That works perfectly for me, thank you!

>> No.7529050
File: 3.26 MB, 2000x877, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is most of my latest order. The total before shipping was $400 CAD. There are quite a few things not pictured but they're just random bits and bobs. Also it's all plus sized so fight me. With the thigh highs, I ordered 1 pair of black and then I got 2 pairs of fake thigh highs in black and white. As I was making this I realized the people who make the fake thigh highs now have the cat stockings that don't look retarded and I'm really upset cause I just payed for everything :( oh well next time

>> No.7529087

Link to the cat stockings you mentioned? And bra set? :3

>> No.7529098

Does anyone know the difference between these?

>> No.7529114

Can you link the swimwear version

>> No.7529210

>tights http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22980832633
>black set http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16629409361
>pink set http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36795035232

>> No.7529214

Woah, where is that wig from, anon? The wavy ponytail one.

Also, did the anon who ordered from Dearli a while back ever review? I want to know if it's worth it.

>> No.7529219

it's a prisila knockoff. It's a pigtail half wig. I got 2 so I could make easy twintails. I'm hoping it matches my hair colour

>> No.7529220

Thanks anon <3

>> No.7529261
File: 294 KB, 500x252, 1373710645011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon who asked but thanks so much for the link! I was looking for specific ponytail extension and they have exactly what I wanted.

>> No.7529301

Thank you, please do! I'd like a link as well, if you don't mind.

>> No.7529557

I'm buying a ton of stuff from bobon21. I'm 172cm in height (about 5 foot 7). Do you think they will fit? I've given up on lolita and just going for gal style now. AP's dresses don't fit me right and never will (not just length wise).

>> No.7529581

The bobon stuff just about fits me length wise without showing my ass and I'm 5'2 so I'd be wary.

>> No.7529668

link to long-sleeeved bolero and peter pan collar blouse?

>> No.7529712


I'm trying to buy some shoes but I have no idea whether I should size up or not. Last time I did that at another shop, the shoes came slightly bigger
I'm size 38, 24.5cm but the shop lists 24.5cm as 39 so I don't know what to do

>> No.7529757

>Bolero http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38117050809
>Blouse http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15679428368

>> No.7529763

Can you do a review of the bolero when it comes?
Also how much was shipping total?

>> No.7529808

Source on the wigs and Little Twin Stars shirt?

>> No.7530260

Thank you lovelies.
They are not really on the thigh, they are more knee highs or otks. they sort of have a weird cut at the back of the socks, it like dips in where they have sewn the lace on a very noticeable amount. The lave is also overlocked on in a way it will not sit comfortably up or down.

>> No.7530265

My SS says that electronics are not allowed to be shipped unless you pay an additional fee in accordance to Chinese export policies
Do headphones count?

>> No.7530267

I'd ask them. I hadn't had that problem with headphones/headsets, it's usually for electronics with an internal battery.

>> No.7530301

It's for shit that can explode like other anon said: batteries.

That's why in some countries, you cannot fly without batteries from electronics inspected by security.

>> No.7530352

Thanks anons, I will ask my SS just in case.

>> No.7530522

how can i remove orders i havent paid for yet on pruany?

>> No.7530527

Click on "Waiting Payment" on the top of the member page and you should be able to remove any item/order from there.

>> No.7530528

*Without Payment
My bad.

>> No.7530538

did this, thanks

>> No.7530979

yup!! I haven't paid for shipping yet, things are still being made/won't be restocked for another few weeks. I'll let everyone know when I get my shipping quote though
>dark brown wig http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35355512345
>light brown wig http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16763114193
>black wig http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3003296115
>LTS shirt http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=25745944852

>> No.7531691

What's the search term for kigus?

>> No.7531713


It's in the Taobao Dictionary spreadsheet.

>> No.7531726

Thanks anon, I feel pretty dumb for asking now.

Also, does anyone have some experience with good sock glue?

>> No.7531812
File: 66 KB, 800x800, T2BXGTXsJaXXXXXXXX_!!1865580383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the text next to the S, M, and L options on this listing mean?
I really want this sweater, but I can't seem to find the measurements anywhere.


>> No.7531832

I think the text is just "additional information about all the products"

Text next to S: Samm (三木木)'s homemade original
M: Made with high quality fabric and craftmanship
L: Rabbit plush weaving (the material it's made out of) prevents garment deformation and formation of lint

>> No.7531840

Can anyone link me to some chocolate themed socks?

>> No.7531889

Has anyone had any experiences buying lashes from japan through taobao?

I've been looking for Diamond Lashes and I'm finding a lot of stores that are I guess like shopping services to buy them from japan?
like this shop for example

They're cheaper on here than they would be to buy through anywhere else.

>> No.7532371
File: 172 KB, 1350x1148, 10256567_762139153810451_234955721451419018_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this ends up being in the wrong thread, but does anyone know which shop is selling this?!

>> No.7532373


blak is that u

>> No.7532378
File: 52 KB, 500x500, T2EMzaXeBaXXXXXXXX_!!53068383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please help me?
I want to buy some of these little gift bags but I don't know if the listing is per bag or if it's in bulk.

There are some charts on the page, but newocr didn't help me.


>> No.7532379

I went on a search and came up with the most bizarre results...

>> No.7532380

that poor kitty

>> No.7532385

jesus christ what the fuck

>> No.7532392
File: 291 KB, 980x300, T2vI_NXAtaXXXXXXXX_!!56271171[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this and Little Dipper's new set in my life.

All of the star loli.

>> No.7532393

I think most SS won't ship sock glue if you're thinking of purchasing some through taobao.

>> No.7532395

It seems to be a way for the shelter to raise funds to treat stray animals. I like it!

>> No.7532403

Only 3 more days anon.

>> No.7532409

krad medusa print wheeeeeeen

I told myself I couldn't buy any more dresses until it

>> No.7532425

Where did you find this image, anon? I've seen it before, but it wasn't on Taobao. I think it said something about being a really new design, like early this week new.
I'll search through my history.

>> No.7532435

Three? I thought it was the 3rd.

Ohoho the joys of living only an hour ahead of Japan.

I don't know whether to pay for it straight away and get my SS to hold it until I can pay for the rest of my order, or wait and get everything at once. Hm.

>> No.7532437

I fuck I read the date wrong, shit. Does anyone know if this is going to sell out fast. I'm from straya so I was going to try the new shipping thing but I don't have time to organise it if it come out tomorrow.

>> No.7532440


Not the anon you're asking the question to but I saw this on Loli Paradise's facebook page.

>> No.7532444

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.

I'm also in Straya, though! If you'd like we could order them together? Makes postage/SS fees a lot easier, at any rate.

>> No.7532445


I *think* this is the shop, not details up for it yet though

>> No.7532448

Source on the black skirt please!

>> No.7532457

Depends on what state you're in and if they come out in my size (I really hope at least the skirt will fit). But that could work.

>> No.7532460

why do you have yours so early? mine will need like 10 more days to even come out of the Taobao Mills Factory.

(1) Check measurements before buying, shiny side does not have any words on it, 48cm
(2) Check measurements before buying, 46cm, has words on shiny side

our shoes are slightly larger than athletic shoes by 1 size. we recommend you go by the sizing of your leather shoes. our shoes are 1 size larger than the actual size.

>newocr didn't help me
of course, newocr sucks.
Sizing: S: 7cm by 9cm, M: 8.5cm by 11.5cm, L: 10cm by 15cm
S: 0.75RMB each. 2-4 pieces of Alps* 700pieces per kilogram
M: 0.85RMB each, 6-8 pieces of Alps, 560pieces per kg
L: 0.95RMB each, 12-18 pieces of Alps, 320 pieces per kg

*about the Alps, it's some slang I don't get. I looked it up, and there's a lot of talk about some TV commercial for a brand of candy. so you might receive candy or something.

>> No.7532465

I'm in QLD - From what I remember, Little Dipper's sizes are pretty damn small. I'm not entirely sure they'll fit me either, yet.

Here's hoping!

>> No.7532469

Does anyone know anything about what's going on with Taobao Spree?
I orderd on the 28th and still got no reply. The last times I orderd thourgh them they were way faster.

>> No.7532476

I'm from Victoria so it probably won't be worth it to save only $10-20. I am starting to doubt more and more about the possibilities that I will get this magnificent dress., I'm pretty big and I doubt their skirt size probably won't go up to 75cm.

>> No.7532554

Does anyone know fantasy sheep's email? I want to order without having to go through a shopping service if I can.

Also if anyone knows any stores that take international orders through paypals ad their email addresses could you list them?

>> No.7532606


>> No.7532662

Ah so it is individual pricing? That makes it sound like I'm buying candy instead of the bags...

And yeah I wanted to try newocr first before asking for help. Thank you very much!

>> No.7532754

Has anyone bought the R-Series Dear Deer earmuffs?
Is the bird and leaf stuff easy to take off? (even if it's sewed on, does it look like I can take it off?)
I really like it, but I don't think the bird and leaf is practical for everyday wear...

>> No.7532798

they're selling the bags individually.

>> No.7532803

Does anyone know how long Rococo Soul takes to ship? I need some kawaii accessories before a meet in July.

>> No.7532807

here you go!

>> No.7532820

It's apparently Chinese Labor Day (which lasts for more than one day though), May 1- May 3. Right now it's the 3rd there. Maybe TaobaoSpree went on an early vacation?

>> No.7532838

Try e-mailing again? I don't know why people are having problems. I've been in constant contact with Cici and she replies the next day..

>> No.7532879

I've bought a lot of Dolly Wink and Diamond Lashes through Taobao. I haven't heard of SS for Japan being used through Taobao, but I have bought from a handful of sellers who were selling Japanese/gyaru-branded lashes. Also beware, a lot of assholes will use the stock photo of a Japanese brand but then you get some hand-made shit that's shit quality. Buying lashes through Taobao is a couple bucks cheaper than buying from loveshoppaholics or pinkyparadise though. Just make sure you don't end up with replicas.

>> No.7533080

Does anyone have any tips for how to find things from sheinside and similar websites on taobao? I usually just run the words the item is listed under through google translate, but that doesn't always work.

>> No.7533083

Links to reputable sellers for Dolly Wink/Diamond Lashes? I don't buy gyaru clothing so I'm not sure where to look.

>> No.7533194

Can anyone vouch for sizing on the sailor moon swimsuit/lingerie? I checked the size chart and all but I'm just afraid since it's stretchy material it'll be small and I'll muffin top.

>> No.7533392

So if I wanna donate I purchase there? Why do they charge shipping? I don't want to end up with a kitty in my mailbox. Well, of course I would, but you know.

>> No.7533395

anyone ever brought nail polish?

>> No.7533401

I'm fairly certain that Taobao requires a shipping price on items. They have it on 999yuan reserves and 1yuan adverts, too.

>> No.7533404

>donating anything to china land of the corrupt

>> No.7533435
File: 68 KB, 614x558, T2V7I.Xf0XXXXXXXXX_!!482235034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good stores to buy regular cute fashion from? I've looked at the ones in the docs, I was wondering if you guys had any favourites

>> No.7533461

You kind of just have to think Engrish sometimes. I'm not sure how to explain it better than that, I'm Sorry. But that usually works for me, Unless its something very plain, like a simple black dress.

>> No.7533471

Thinking of getting this blouse, but it says the fabric is "silk chiffon" and I'm worried it'll look cheap and satiny in person.Opinions? Anyone have experience with silf chiffon?

>> No.7533500

Probably will. The lighting is really low in the pictures so it might be to hide the shine of the fabric

>> No.7533506

It's for kitties.

>> No.7533542

/r/-ing cute but sturdy wallets againn

>> No.7533741
File: 822 KB, 1030x605, starsocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a couple of hours until Little Dipper (supposedly) releases the Star series.
The OP probably won't even fit me and I'll have wasted my time for nothing.

I've got these adorable motherfuckers in blue and black waiting at my SS.

>mfw it was a duplicate image because somebody else had had the same idea.

>> No.7533759

I don't know but I'm the other anon who was waiting on them to get back to me and I still haven't gotten anything. I sent my message over a week ago...

>> No.7533822
File: 1.11 MB, 480x360, de7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be okay to wear these with navy Dream Sky or would the random bits of yellow look bad?

Also, does anyone have links to some shops with nice bow hair accessories and simple-ish wrist cuffs, like on par with Bodyline?

>> No.7533834

Depends on what colour tights you're getting and what release dream sky you have I guess.
The first release actually has yellow in the star tails so I'm guessing you have the re release.

I wore the sax with my lav dream sky though and it looked alright.

>> No.7533845

Yes! In pink, with navy shoes with the first release, navy with the rerelease.

>> No.7534179

Is it still not out? I've never used the taobao mobile site before and it's confusing me.

>> No.7534202

It took about a week for me last time I ordered some hair stuff from them. Dunno if certain items take longer to make than others though.

>> No.7534221

I'm having some trouble ordering from a dakimakura seller. I've ordered two cases and two pillow cores. Am I right in saying that the option here shows a cheaper price if the pillow is purchased with a case? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7104319834

In either case, TBN spent a couple of days asking if I was sure I wanted this as it was just the pillow (even though there were cases in my order). It's been stuck in "We are in the process of ordering" since Monday now.

>> No.7534228

I think they're telling you how many pieces of candy you could fit in each bag.

>> No.7534263 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x477, bloodcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-a-anon, i was walking my cat today, and some horrible dude ran my cat over, would you be so nice to give me money for the vet? it's for kitties.

delayed. (sauce http://www.weibo.com/2605867614/B2Ah05GkN?mod=weibotime))

>> No.7534315

whoops I feel really dumb now, but thank you!

>> No.7534332
File: 174 KB, 951x619, log in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit I finally ran into the log in screen that won't go away. I was browsing just fine before.

>> No.7534363

>tfw I buy shit off of taobao and SS says that they are in stock
>my stuff from one shop comes in, except for basically very basic crafts essentials that I'm fast running out of and that is sort of tantamount of I want to make anything
>this is just plain grosgrain and satin ribbon and should probably be in stock at all times in a ribbon store
>'lol they're out of stock' SS says AFTER they were delivered to the warehouse

Has anyone encountered this before? I find it a bit suspicious and suspect that the SS just forgot to order them and doesn't want to admit to their mistake.

I'm kind of really pissed about this, I didn't want to go through aliexpress since my order is rather large and I calculated it to be slightly cheaper through taobao, but it seems like I have no choice now.

>> No.7534369


They also wouldn't reply to my e-mails about the infanta shirt that has now not come in after a month.

Getting super pissed off at them again.

>> No.7534383

Which SS are you using? Will try to avoid them in the future.

>> No.7534411


Taobaoring. They were good in the beginning, I'm not sure if I pissed them off, but if I did I can't even be bothered because they honestly should be doing more instead of this apathetic "lol cant do anything" shit.

(reason I think I pissed them off is because I sent a really long list of ribbons for them to order, but fucking seriously, ordering a bunch of ribbon in different colors is not beyond human capability).

Sorry for the extent of my rage disproportionate to what is actually happening.

>> No.7534432

Anyone know the term for belt buckles? I'm looking for square silver ones. From google translate, I just keep getting belts in general.

>> No.7534504

Seconding terms or even a shop specializing in hardware, I need a whole bunch of buckles for a cosplay.

>> No.7534566

Try 皮带扣 diy (belt clasp)

>> No.7534569

what's a good store for printed tights?

>> No.7534573


>> No.7534778

Does anyone know of a good store for cute bloomers and pijamas? I need something cute in my life, but iam 5'7 and can't find anything that will fit, maybe pijamas will cheer me up a bit.

>> No.7534855

Is there a proper search term or a specific shop for idol costumes? No specific group in mind, just going for the general look!

>> No.7534876
File: 68 KB, 523x443, HT1UZliFJ0bXXagOFbXo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone seen these on Taobao?

>> No.7534913
File: 916 KB, 1133x444, tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current order.

>> No.7534949


I can't quite make out the bottom right hand corner, pink cardigan url. Would you mind sharing it?

>> No.7534960


>> No.7534976

Mind sharing the link to the white shoes. They are exactly what i was looking for

>> No.7534980

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.221.fLaGiI&id=38597154893 here you go.

>> No.7535045

Can you link the dress just to the right of the purple backpack please?

>> No.7535077

Link to the purple backpack please.
Exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.7535082

Has anyone heard about the little dipper new jsk release yet?
Did I miss it?

>> No.7535185

Can anyone tell me what the two options mean in this listing?

I can't see any info atall.


>> No.7535193

two different sets, slight difference between them so click on the options to check it's the one you wanted

>> No.7535208

Can anyone link some stores that sell loli blouses with bigger busts? I'm 100cm but most stores only seem to go up to 98cm at the most.

>> No.7535235

Try binding, you'll fit into dresses better t oo.

>> No.7535350
File: 968 KB, 468x400, T21Ka4XXtaXXXXXXXX_!!120983825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounds frustrating, anon. I've only used TaobaoTrends and they never gave me any problems and they always reply within a few hours or minutes and they're honest and would send me pictures even if I dont ask for them. Never had any issues with waiting or bad orders due to color choosing issues. They follow my notes about colors without any issues and if a certain color is out of stock they inform me. I've made two $1000++ each orders with them with hundred item orders for store stocks and the fact that they screwed up not a single order makes them very commendable and reliable in my eyes. I even ended up with lots of freebies.

I'm currently ordering 3 costumes at the moment and they even helped me pick out a seller that would follow my custom size orders (some sellers refuse to do custom sizing because their costumes are premade) without a hitch. The items should be due next week.

You should try them sometime.

TL:DR - Taobaotrends turned me into their fangirl with good service and excellent communication skills. Now I am spreading the love.

>> No.7535355
File: 245 KB, 460x600, T2IsjIXBVXXXXXXXXX_!!10747116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some super cute macaron-shaped boxes!

Search "马卡龙首饰盒"

>> No.7535359

It says on their weibo that it was delayed; supposed to be coming out on tuesday instead

>> No.7535362

Ah, thanks for that, I don't have a weibo so can't see their updates.

>> No.7535375


Holy anon these are cute! Adding some to my next purchase.

>> No.7535384


Not that anon but another anon mentioned in another thread that if you search:
lds 双肩包

You can find them and the butterfly bags.

>> No.7535393

Must have a million for no reason.

>> No.7535395

sauce white tights please?

>> No.7535397

thank you! adding to order

>> No.7535398

Thank you! Would this term work for other miscellaneous types of strap/clothing hardware?

>> No.7535404

Sweet, thanks anon. Got a pack of three, hope I get some colors I like.

>> No.7535408

Enjoy, anons! I knew you guys would like them.

Haha, I don't like the chocolate ones so I'm planning to just give them away as freebies when I sell lolita stuff.

>> No.7535426

>tfw yolonda keeps releasing beautiful things in extremely limited quantities

>> No.7535442

Is ink allowed in Chinese shipments?

I saw cheap ink from a store I was planning to order from anyway so I figured I could get some. If not, then ahh well whatever.

>> No.7535459

Probably not. They don't ship liquids.

>> No.7535486

>not too fond of the brown or orange colors
>tfw will probably get those two
That's just my sort of luck. I'd probably even end up getting the third in a repeat of those colors.
Oh well, sending them out as little extra gifts sounds like a good idea in that case, anon.

>> No.7535582

I'm a bit lost here on reserving dresses. I just used TaobaoRing to reserve two Dear/Deer Friends JSKs from R-series. I paid the reservation price, when do I pay the final payment? Will they automatically invoice me for it?

>> No.7535591

You should have emailed them about they handle reserves beforehand, anon.
I know my SS likes it when I pay the full payment altogether so it's easier.
Also which size/colour did you get? I'm terrified that they'll run out of small/mint holy shit.
>4 left in stock
I should be okay right?

>> No.7535728
File: 101 KB, 412x412, T2Qy3EXyJXXXXXXXXX_!!749144244.jpg_460x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where this pegasus comes from? I've seen it on the Swimmer shoe replicas and phone cases and I want to find more of it, but I have no idea what terms to translate.
Searching with Swimmer doesn't really help much, just more shoes.

>> No.7535817

Aww, titties. Okay, I'll shoot them a message and see what I can do. I got a small in purple and a medium in mint.
They haven't bought it yet as far as I know, so fingers crossed here. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7535918

Can someone link me to the angel wig back packs?

>> No.7536031


>> No.7536124

Almost all the taobao stores offer blouses up to 98cm bust, I think Pumpkin Cat offers custom sizes.

I heard that binding was really unhealthy? I bought one of those tranny chest binders recently, it hasn't arrived yet, but if it makes me uncomfortable, I'm not gonna wear it...

>> No.7536287


>> No.7536292
File: 1013 KB, 500x355, 1397544060624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny chest binders
>binding unhealty
>if it makes me uncomfortable I'm not wearing it

If I were you, I'd just admit that I'm not about to fit into anything and call it a day. Better than someone wasting their time with your ignorance only to have you ignore everything in the end.

>mfw you probably don't even know what size binder you need, much less what kind

>> No.7536297

Woah, so they just stole it from a girl's DA?

>> No.7536300

according to the comment..ya

>> No.7536309

It's terrible that shit like this can happen - And you know that it's going to be a popular piece, making some Chinese company a small fortune while nobody notices the original artist.

>tfw I only upload photos of finished products and never the original print, watermarked or otherwise.

Suh paranoid.

>> No.7536319

There's soooo much stolen art on Chinese products. Badges, t-shirts, posters, etc.

>> No.7536320

Hey, it's the Tastypeachstudios girl! I bought her Inukii plush, her shop is adorable.
Man, that's sucky. Wish I'd known before I got that case. At least I wasn't planning on getting the shoes anyway, I guess...

>> No.7536905

Wow, you're a total bitch. What's your problem? I'm sorry I'm not as educated as you in the high art of squeezing your tits.

>> No.7536907

Not that anon but if you don't wanna lose weight and you don't want to bind you're out of luck.
Lolita looks shit on cow tits anyway.

>Wow, you're a total bitch.

Welcome to /cgl/ now gtfo

>> No.7536914

WTF is it with you people that you can't even tell the difference between a fat person and slightly bigger tits? Are you all really that retarded?

>> No.7536927

No you bitches fucking don't. No more goddamn boob shitposting. Tit shit took over the ita thread, you can't have the Taobao thread. Take it elsewhere if you absolutely need to, but leave the Taobao thread in peace.

>> No.7536946


>> No.7536947

People who start posting huge piles of shit whenever the subject concerns boobs, like >>7536907
shit up those threads. Girl was just asking where to find some bigger Taobao blouses and you go full retard.

>> No.7537326

Anon you're replying to. I'm bitch because of your own attitude. You've already made a decision that you're going to hate wearing the binder, not to mention calling it a 'tranny' chest binder. You bought something you literally know nothing about, probably didn't do any research on what size or type you needed (there are several types of binders) and whether someone educates and helps you or not, you're still going to post here complaining about it. Just get a sports bra.

>> No.7537715
File: 227 KB, 750x1125, T2NORHXJNaXXXXXXXX-63310449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any information on the brand? Trying to figure out whether this is a knockoff or not, but I can find very little about the brand. There are tons of sellers using the same pics though.

The few buyer pics seem like decent quality, but I'm still skeptical.


>> No.7537891
File: 79 KB, 301x445, 764cfe6974818c2c58e39c622fcfc8cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Dude. Can I trust http://www.pruany.com/

Their website concerns me

>> No.7537908


>> No.7537937


>> No.7537975

So many shops do custom sizing, your concerns are invalid as long as you aren't buying normalfag clothes.

>> No.7538829

Thanks anon! Though I'm starting to wonder now if the bag is truly from this brand, since they don't have it in their taobao stores (out of stock?) and I can't find it on their website when I look through their backpack catalog. Though about 5 of the backpacks aren't loading for me so it may be one of those...

Still, the wings appear to be identical to the ones from the winged Lost Mannequin backpacks ( >>>>7537855 ), which confuses me to no end. Would you happen to know if the backpacks are indeed from MCJH and it's just out of stock on their taobao store(s)?

>captcha stsbax stock

>> No.7539001

Any update from the anon that's using transbao? I want to make a small order soon (2-3 items) before the sale ends and their 72% off EMS is very tempting, though looking at their site I'm confused if it truly is 72% off EMS.

>> No.7539034

I have no idea tbh, I dont think the bag is from that brand. They probably just slapped the logo when they make that bag.

>> No.7539041

am I the only one who keeps thinking of some kind of taobao thing for transsexuals when reading "transbao"

>> No.7539047

Hey, I'm here.
I'm not planning to use EMS but when I look up shipping quotes it says 51% off instead of 72%, so I don't know...
I'll ask my agent and let you know what she says later tonight.

>> No.7539058

Yeah that's what I was thinking as well. Their marketing pics for this backpack (and others with the logo on it) have a completely different style/feel than the ones the actual store uses.

Well, I guess I'll purchase one since the reviews on taobao seem to say it's decent enough quality. As long as I know I'm not missing out on getting an "official" one, I don't really care that it has an out of place logo

Thanks again!

>> No.7539070

Yeah, that's what confused me the most. Useful Tools>Delivery Fees says "EMS 72%" off, but when you actually click on it to get an estimate, it says 51% off.

Also anon, how does the ordering process work? From what I can gather, you just add items to your cart, load your account with $$, and then pay? I've never used an SS with a cart system before.

>> No.7539103

Is Its Harsh Spirit a trustworthy store? Their stuff is so cute!

>> No.7539119

Have you read the FAQ? There's a reason why Taobao shop has those ratings. You could also read customers reviews using chrome/google translate.

>> No.7539137

Has anyone from the US tried directly ordering yet? I've been thinking about doing it for a small order, since I got the message from Taobao about it the last time I logged in.

>> No.7539140

Last someone said, the US isn't available yet.

>> No.7539145

I swear I got a notification from Taobao saying I could. I'll look around.

>> No.7539154

It might work now, last I heard an update was when Australia Anon was doing their order like.. two-three weeks ago.

>> No.7539160

Follow up: it seems that international transport services are still not available for the US, or that the baby I attempted to order don't support it, at least.

>> No.7539236

Yep, when you go to "my account" there's a tab that says "Purse" and "Top-up".
You just transfer the appropriate amount of money into your account (they use alipay, same system as aliexpress).
Then you go back to your shopping cart and check out.
My agent says that they don't recommend that you withdraw money from your purse though, the fees are pretty high. I'd say put a tiny bit more than your order requires, and then you can use the extra for shipping.

She also said that 72% off EMS is for 20kg orders and over (although when I did the calculation it still says 51%, I`ll ask her about it later).
So I guess you won't be able to use that for your small order, anon. :c

(unrelated but my agent is so sweet ohmigosh, she talks with me on her phone through skype when she's not even at work yet, still on the way.)

>> No.7539848

My attitude?
Listen, I have sports bras, several of them, I'm an athlete, and they don't work for me binding-wise. So I looked for a binder, the one I found and bought was called a chest binder for tomboys, lesbians and transsexuals. It was the only strapless one I could find.
It had a size chart, so yeah, I got the size that fit my measurements.
I also read that binding can be harmful and my tits are pretty sensitive and hurt sometimes, so if it makes me uncomfortable, I'm not gonna wear it (duh).
If you have any suggestions or comments, preferably taobao-related, please go ahead.
If all you wanna do is being prejudiced, judgemental and looking down on my "attitude", which you decided I had btw, why comment in the first place?

>> No.7539899

>bawww prejudice
>"tranny" binders

that anon was not the only one who side-eyed your post, cry harder

>> No.7539906

Samefag harder. Because yes, "that anon", aka you, was the only one replying to it.

>> No.7539914

Lol ok, if that's what you wanna believe, keep making excuses for looking like an ass every time you post.

>> No.7539947

>samefag harder

To be honest it looks more like you're samefagging yourself rather than the original anon magically being online at the same time as you when it looks like they've posted hours after you every single time.

>> No.7539997
File: 123 KB, 518x260, sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you pieces of shit stop posting non-taobao things.

I would rather see shopping addict-chan or the things anons would do for taobao money than this. At least those were semi-related.

(by the way, I still await the large review haul anon)

>> No.7540634
File: 48 KB, 478x483, 1307753887284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everything has arrived at taobaoring except for the few custom made pieces. I hate getting those cause it just holds everything up. fucking classical puppets

>> No.7540701
File: 33 KB, 250x313, tumblr_ms48avsjQC1r4o87lo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i look for something like this on taobao?

>> No.7540714
File: 57 KB, 723x263, Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 7.03.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intrigued Kazakhstan-anon again, here is a sample text where the word appears. Can someone who reads Chinese tell me exactly what Chrome keeps translating to "Kazakhstan" all the time? It's not remotely important but I've seen it so often that I really want to know this now.


话说口水巾为什么是横条子…… 大概是我脑子抽了吧_(:3」∠)_

>> No.7540769
File: 27 KB, 607x189, Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 18.32.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a chinese anon, but my Chinese dictionary extension gave me pic related. 哈 can relate to laughing. It seems to indicate that '哈哈哈' in that passage equals 'ha ha ha'.

>> No.7540771

哈 = Ha and also Kazakhstan

>> No.7540786 [DELETED] 

I'm still not very good but
torturous experience, kind of like beinding over backwards I think?"折" is the chaacter for folding so maybe.

They seem to be saying that the fabric/print is giving them a hard time, but they haven't given up on it yet.

>> No.7540788

Someone already answered this in the last thread - it's just 'haha'.

If you paste '哈哈哈' into the actual Google Translate website it translates as 'Kazakhstan ha ha'. They're all the same character so...

>> No.7540792

Not this poster but did anyone get an answer to this? I'm hoping to wear mine as swimwear.

>> No.7540824
File: 100 KB, 960x819, 10306248_764478840243149_8137204933643161827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on loli loli can anyone link me to the shop making the AP marine frill replicas?

>> No.7540852

Does anyone have a link to a shop with anime phone covers for galaxy s3?

>> No.7540861

Why would you want that? The double-layer skirt looks awful in the replica.

>> No.7540877
File: 66 KB, 600x425, melonpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donate to those all the time and any of you girls should too. The volunteers are usually very good about listing the medical costs etc. like receipts. There's also a list of vets in China that will neuter X number of stray cats a month for free. Animal rights is still a big problem in China, but the small amount of volunteers who do care are wonderful. You just buy however many times you want to donate, and they'll 'mail' it. Sometimes they'll send out postcards (Melonpi had a charity postcard/calendar) for donations too!

Alps is about Alpenliebe candy, a common butterscotch candy in China. The bags are intended for wedding candy so the 'pieces' indicate how many candies fit inside.

You can list a product as not requiring shipping or as a virtual product, but I think that requires extra verification steps on the seller so some people don't have it.

>> No.7540887

Hahaha wow finally it's been resolved. I've been wondering since last thread.

I bought that in 2 different colors from 2 stores. I won't get them until I return to China in June though, but I'll be sure to post reviews!

>> No.7540907

Aww, that's cute. Is there a way to donate to these without your own account? Will SS do donations like that?

>> No.7540920

CG-chan, I emailed you about translation help for a taobao item.

Also curious, a lot of reviews say "fried chicken".
The hell is a fried chicken review.

>> No.7540939


can you post both of the stores? Thank you!

>> No.7540960

LOL. I want to know this too.

>> No.7541003

I think some months ago, an anon said it meant positive or good? But I'm not quite sure.

>> No.7541046


>> No.7541058

You do realize that replying a few times in a row does not equal samefagging, right?

>> No.7541060

It's totally a stolen design, but it looks like they tried to at least change a few things abou it.

>> No.7541227

Wtf is with all the random geek junk suddenly on dark whisper's taobao now?

>> No.7541270

Wow, Chinese pet listing donation funds sound so much less shady than all of the donation requests for vet bills done on Tumblr.

>> No.7541292

Not sure if sarcastic but it actually does to me.

>> No.7541295 [DELETED] 

Best term for OTK socks?

>> No.7541326
File: 146 KB, 870x1110, T2vCuDXcBbXXXXXXXX_!!669832567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any listings that shoes like this
but at a cheaper price? Just simple pumps, but in a pastel yellow color.

>> No.7541601
File: 12 KB, 406x134, sassy_seller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just share this review I saw on a dress today, /cgl/? I feel like you would appreciate it as much as I did.

>> No.7541607

reminds me of this

>> No.7541774


I don't know if there is one, but try searching 韩国歌手 for starters

>> No.7541785
File: 120 KB, 975x626, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to solve this problem? I got the log in screen of death as well

>> No.7541818

still no

>> No.7541850
File: 3.53 MB, 3889x3521, taobao_order_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first taobao order. I'm incredibly nervous something is gonna go wrong

>> No.7541857

What browser? Are you guys browsing on PC or mobile?

>> No.7541898


>> No.7541924
File: 28 KB, 1204x318, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click on 浅口鞋
Use google translate so you can change the options (pic related)

>> No.7541935

I'm kind of confused; why don't you guys just make an account if you keep getting the login screen?

>> No.7541950

That's what I did. Just make an account, anons. You never have to use it or give them credit card numbers so it's no big deal.

>> No.7541954
File: 99 KB, 570x427, il_570xN.568845307_bgq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the search term for something like pic related? (or could find the exact item on taobao? I originally found the pic on etsy, and I suspect everyone there of being a reseller, but can't find another source for these pins, so maybe they're legit I don't even know)

>> No.7542150

I'm sure if you ask your SS to they'll do it!

Haha, that was actually my explanation before I started tripping. But yep, that's exactly what it means.

I got the dark bluexred from here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.5.0.0.qWSzbl&id=37688253802&_u=7crn5ro7430
And the whitexblue here:

I got it from 2 different shops because 1 initially didn't have the white option, but now I'm glad because I'll get to do a comparison. The one that's already out seems ugly as shit though. That's the pink and the white one in >>7540824. I'm hoping it'll be better with a petti since they don't seem to have one but the replica is pretty shit. Like they did it by eye and didn't take apart the original.

>> No.7542151

Seconding this. I've already found the lingerie versions, but I'd rather get a swimsuit version instead.

>> No.7542232


>> No.7542240

Or this

>> No.7542357

Is there a search term for lace front wigs?

>> No.7542359

中分 假发
It's on the dictionary spreadsheet, check that before asking in future.

>> No.7542369

Fuck, I read it three times. I'm so sorry.

>> No.7542387

Haha is it google translate messing up or it is actual slang?

>> No.7542564
File: 1.24 MB, 328x284, 2el5f11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7542617


link to the collars, the lock and key necklace, harness, and the backpack? Can't read the urls.

>> No.7542630


I registered. That thing pops up even when I am logged in, prompting me to do the whole log-in process again. Just go and make an account

>> No.7542650

No one fucking cares, you stupid cunt. You're a moron and people noticed. Just sit in silence like the stupid bitch you are and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.7542652

>No one fucking cares, you stupid cunt.
You cared enough to post something

>> No.7542678

babby's first taobao order. How's the quality of Bobon21 items? They look cute and all, but I'm terrified of how cheap the fabric might look.

>> No.7542730

It won't let me register without a cell

>> No.7542765

Yeah, I ended up getting a shortened version of the navy one that's already out for casual use , just because I didn't want to wait any longer for reserves and stuff. It does look extremely shitty, one thing I noticed is that they cut corners and only put one layer of sheer fabric for the sleeves, when the original looks like two.
I'm also hoping it looks less depressing with a petti underneath.

>> No.7542794

I used a google voice number.

>> No.7542857


I have a skirt from bobon and its great. The fabric is thick and well constructed

>> No.7542895

is it possible to have a package shipped to a different address than the one on my paypal using pruany?

>> No.7542918

Here you are anon. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.0.tcrx4f&scm=1007.10011.531.0&id=37503276484&pvid=7b710f64-8c8b-4942-af03-72e333afdc7b

>> No.7542929

ordered from them twice havent had a problem.

>> No.7542962

Has anyone seen these on Taobao?

>> No.7542970
File: 54 KB, 382x438, catbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I dropped my pic.

>> No.7542986

One of the anons that was waiting on a reply to my new order from TBS here, they still didn't reply after 2 weeks so I've resent my order... Did any of you other anons who were waiting on them get a response yet?

>> No.7543001

>all those scary legs

>> No.7543051

Why don't you try a different shopping service? There are other SS with better rates than TBS.

>> No.7543060

>the artka and coconuts one

>> No.7543148

So I just spent £120 on shipping. (12kg order, split into 2 boxes) Even if they mark the item as a gift under £20 I'm still fucked with customs - they've started to charge on postage now.

When I was asking TBN about marking down my package, the message cut off every time I tried to write "£20" or "20GBP". I wonder if they've got a filter in place or something?

>> No.7543174

get them to put under 25USD. Should help with customs; might help with the filter.

>> No.7543188

Because I've been using them for like 3 years and they've never given me issue yet, I assume they're just busy given their recent announcements.

>> No.7543191

Is this a deposit page?
>Succession after delivery replenishment
>And has since shipped batches
>So different delivery time
>I hope not urging yo
>Here it is the small North busy
>Thank you, Thank you!
>Three-piece underwear deposit $ 10, up 80 models
>Swimwear family of four deposit $ 10, up 85 paragraph ( already offers on the original price of! )

>> No.7543262
File: 3.84 MB, 1800x1800, taobaoplush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post this the other day, sorry! The pic is xbox huge so warning on that but I wanted to show detail. They're all really nice! My asshole cat nabbed the substitute plush the moment I opened everything up though and now there's a claw stab on the back of his head but other than that it looks good. There were loose threads in 2 spots but I can snip them off. They're the same soft material as my other pokemon plushes purchased at Target.

>> No.7543701

Not sarcastic at all. Most donation reblog things on Tumblr always look pretty shady to me.

>> No.7543874

Are these knockoffs or legit?

>> No.7544124
File: 2.60 MB, 2000x2000, Cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my order is so far. Might add more.

>> No.7544132

They were cheap as hell so I'm assuming they're knockoffs but they have nice tags so I'm not really sure.

>> No.7544154

i placed an order last saturday. they aswered me the next monday and I get really fast responses everytime. one time they emailed me back within 5 minutes.
I hope you will get a response soon.

>> No.7544155

It has to be GBP as recently UK Customs have been applying crazy conversion rates to things. And with HKD AND Yen they look at "¥1000" or $1000 and just convert it to £1000. I am so wary recently since they've begun charging VAT and customs even on postage costs.
Ffs HMRC why are you after my postage and household goods when you could be claiming tax off Google

I managed to bypass it by putting in spaces, but had to send them three messages. Its done now, thank goodness.

>> No.7544166


Can you give me the link for the ones on the lower right? The yui cosplay ones

>> No.7544167

They cared about her shitting up the thread, not about her personal problems. Let's drop this now.

>> No.7544178

Those are at yycos.taobao.com

>> No.7544183

Anybody have any store links for loliable blazers/jackets? Or a search term I could use?

>> No.7544184

because google fights back

Little Dipper Pastel Vomit series set to come out at 8PM tomorrow their time, for anyone who's been waiting. Just before your SS clocks off for the weekend.

>> No.7544332

Link to the Captain America bag?

>> No.7544334

That Captain America bag. I've been seeing that thing all over Tumblr these days.

>> No.7544338

>>7544334 anon here. I just saw it on my dash not more than 30 secs ago so here's the post link. http://taobao-finds.tumblr.com/post/83922792120/43-yuan-6-88-usd-sizes-small-large

>mfw 11k worth of newfag responses

>> No.7544409

Any Tsukino Usagi school uniform cosplays on taobao? I only found senshi cosplays.

>> No.7544429

may i have the link to the jeff campbell buckle boots? been looking for those on taobao for forever

>> No.7544488

I did finally get a response from them when I resent my order, so I think they were just busy after all and my order got looked over.

>> No.7544646
File: 64 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help point me towards something similar to these sheer Baby socks? Looking for OTK's, found a bunch of crew socks though.

>> No.7545013

Yeah. That's pretty much where I found it but I guess the biggest reason to why I want it is because of how much space the bigger one seems to have. Better than just having a plain backpack. At least that's what I think.

>> No.7545023

You can get other knock-offs from other places too.
They seem to use the same shoes too? Because I know the real ones have different buckles.
I bought these about a year ago and they're still looking pretty great.

>> No.7545057

oh god seconding this

>> No.7545290
File: 61 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.472786329_pmkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things on taobao are legit actually. They tend to sell things low sometimes because they have some defects or something.

Does someone have some cute beads shops that would like to share please? I`m looking for things like my picture.

>> No.7545807

I saw that mu-fish has what appears to be a 'preview/coming soon' page for some OTK sheer socks that have a thorny vine pattern, in ivory and black. But that's the only thing I've seen that's even close.

>> No.7545956

Anyone having trouble with taobaospree? I can't seem to get a answer from them.

>> No.7545962

Yes, several it seems like. I finally got through to them by trying different emails, so try sending to alternates if you can't get a response.

>> No.7545971
File: 958 KB, 751x594, Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 8.19.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For everyone who ordered the CEL stained glass dress or skirt, final payment is due. My SS was on the ball this time, but it's always safe to notify them.

>> No.7545981

I thought these sold/shipped out a million years ago. Did I miss a rerelease? I'm going to kick myself through the face if I did....

>> No.7545989


They did a new reservation back in.... March I believe. I paid a while ago, so my memory's a little foggy.

>> No.7545993

What SS do you use? I use TBS and they asked me to pay up front for the entire deposit.
On a side note, I'm really excited. I missed it the first time so I'm happy I snagged it before they closed preorder.

>> No.7546010
File: 369 KB, 400x235, fml.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godammit. Well, I guess I'll pray that maybe they do a third round and that by some miracle I'll have money when they do...

>> No.7546023

I heard they are often from the same factories as the legit plushes and the excess get sold off cheap too.

>> No.7546034

I'm really tempted to get one of those plushies now. The thing is, those are only sold at Pokemon Center stores as far as I can tell - and the only locations of said stores are in Japan and the US.

>> No.7546176

Sorry for the noob question, what's CEL?

>> No.7546207

Pastel vomit soon, so soon I can taste it...

>> No.7546280


Its up, at least one is. Sizing will be added later tho. Wish I knew them already....

>> No.7546287

I know it actually stressed me out when only the one dress came out with out the sizing or anything. At least we know they will have sizing options now.

>> No.7546372
File: 173 KB, 316x453, blouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shops that make custom size blouses? Also other colors than just white?

>> No.7546421
File: 64 KB, 400x600, infanta-chiffon-lolita-blouse-inf-160-10_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this today, and it's not the color in the picture at all, but a veeeeery dark navy, unless in the right light, you'd think it's black.
Does anyone have a suggestion where I can find a blouse that actually has this color?

>> No.7546431

All the little dipper stuff is out now to those interested.

>> No.7546466
File: 31 KB, 769x340, suchareleaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was kinda sweet really. I'm surprised they bothered to check since they must have so many parcels shipped out at once?

They hadn't even been in customs for 24 hours, I wonder what they would have done if they'd been held for weeks because UK customs.

>> No.7546485

>re leaf

>> No.7546585

For the love of god... For the first time i've the almighty "login window"... I can't see items, i can't see the listings... I am freaking out i have a haul in progress.
Does anyone have a solution, registering doesn't work, apparently I need a chinese number.

>> No.7546696

The name of the brand that put out that print, they're new and it's their first series afaik.

>> No.7546705
File: 40 KB, 350x350, 350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I actually got a blouse from Aliexpress that was this color when the color I WANTED was a muted navy... This might sound weird but maybe we can swap? The design is pic related but it came to me a very bright purpley royal blue like your pic. Should fit around a 35" bust, if you're the same size let me know if you're interested.

>> No.7546788

anyone have experience with this?

>> No.7546831

Wow, five parcels. Why so many, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7546843
File: 70 KB, 600x450, navy tea party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pretty big bust and the Infanta one is too small for me. It said 92cm, but it was way to tight around the bust. I have a 92cm bust.
If it could fit me, I also need it to fit these shoes, which I wanted to wear together with the blouse, but they came out much lighter than navy.

>> No.7546859

Was probably the garment size listed and not wearing size, I guess. Ah well, was worth a shot. Good luck finding your blouse anon!

>> No.7546861

Thank you

>> No.7546971
File: 27 KB, 480x360, vivienne-westwood-melissa-wings-platform-sandals-black-pic45725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have been looking to buy these vivienne westwood wing shoes for a long time, but I have seen such shitty knockoffs that I am scared to actually buy. I would at least like a convincing fake.

This seller seems to have a lot of pictures that look right, but can anyone here vouch for this store? If not, does anyone know another place I can buy these?

I would rather not pay an assload for some real ones, I mean they are just injection-molded plastic shoes...

>> No.7546985
File: 49 KB, 378x385, vivienne-westwood-wing-shoes-look-a-likes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, forgot the link


pic related, some shitty fakes.

>> No.7547000

Business order rather than personal.

Not a shitty 500% mark-up Storenvy page before someone starts...

>> No.7547007

I don't think you can buy real ones anymore. I spent literally a full day looking for some in a size 10/9.5

>> No.7547011

is it still possible to order it if I pay in full?

>> No.7547020

Hm, good to know. I wonder if they will ever be re-released. I have seen a few pairs secondhand but I will never pay upwards of $200 for some plastic shoes that have been on someone else's sweaty feet.

>> No.7547045

do they confiscate black milk replica shit

>> No.7547125
File: 671 KB, 747x1275, taobao order copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered jellyfish tights and a few items
I should add more items to my order...
Now I'm waiting for a DC blouse to be made too.

Let's see if I lose self control and add more items.

>> No.7547133
File: 11 KB, 659x251, sdfklmasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what NULL means on the tracking site for SAL orders? I can't remember if that means something happened or if it's just a problem on the sites behalf.

>> No.7547522

dont worry about it your shit is safe

>> No.7547533

Bumping this question!

Well that makes sense, I thought they were only selling them that cheap because they were defective.

And well, I have another question. I found a bunch of washi tape which is fanmade. How can I search more of those? If I search just by "和纸胶带" I get mixed brand tapes but I only want the fan made. What I`m looking for is like this:

>> No.7547690

I've ordered loads from Aliexpress not TB and they all arrived safely.

>> No.7547960

Do you use SAL often, anon? I'm considering using it for my 5.4kg order since time isn't really super important to me this time, but then I'm worried about waiting 3+ months or having my package disappear.

I'm in the US, if it makes a difference. California specifically.

>> No.7547976

New thread: >>7547618

I use SAL all the time and I'm in CA. I've only waited the most a month and a half for a package. Otherwise, they usually come in three weeks.

>> No.7548156

thnks bbygirl :*

>> No.7548275

whats the quality like

>> No.7548767

Great. The material tends to not be quite as good quality as genuine BM but the prints are spot on.

AE stores I recommend are:

Can't speak for Taobao tho /aware this is an old TB thread