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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 207 KB, 360x320, 1361601766279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7532261 No.7532261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fucking shit.
I don't care if your hair looks like the characters, I don't care if "2poor4wig" fucking get one or don't cosplay.

>> No.7532274

what if you're bald and the character is bald? I can't find a shop that sells invisible wigs.

>> No.7532285

Bald =/= hair.
And I'm talking about if you're going to be going as Reimu don't fucking use your real hair.
I only think the only things acceptable are bald and buzzcuts.

>> No.7532308

Why? If your hair naturally matches that of the character and you can style it accordingly, why would you use a wig? What if your hair is also really nice?

Don't look at me, though. Only characters I've cosplayed have unusual hair colored so I always use a wig anyway.

>> No.7532312

But did you have to use a cropped hentai pic?

>> No.7532317

>If your hair naturally matches that of the character and you can style it accordingly

You can't.

>> No.7532321


earlier today, I suddenly thought:
how do wear a wig if you're bald?
I mean yeah, you can just slip it on your head, but how do you even bobby pin that shit down to prevent it from sliding off your smooth shiny head?

>> No.7532322

about 9/10 times your hair would be waaaay too thin to look the character. anyone who i've seen using their real hair has looked like shit. just dont. it always looks awful.

>> No.7532325

The chances of you being able to style it to the character correctly is going to be pretty slim. Even for characters with simple hair like Haruhi Suzumiya, you could do it, but it would look way better on a wig.
Most people sweat throughout the day and moving around at the con, natural hair is going to get messed up, wigs won't.
Hair gets messed up in general just by moving, wind, just natural movement, and this obviously makes your cosplay less accurate. Wigs don't really have this problem.

I always felt body adhesives would work, like sock glues.

>> No.7532326

Don't ask me, I saved it like this.

>> No.7532328

Spirit gum?

>> No.7532355

Only applies to animu/most Vidya& Comic cos though...
If you cosplay from life action movies, real hair can look much better.

>> No.7532356

Forgot to add: Extremely short hair is almost impossible to recreate with a wig. Real hair can look better in some cases. I get where you're coming from but there are cases your generalised rule can not be applied to.

>> No.7532360

>OP's butthurt about other people's opinions

>> No.7532366

There's only a handful of cases where your actual hair can work better then a wig. Generally really short, buzzed, or partially buzzed will look better with your own hair then a wig trying to emulate it.

Sorry to use Maguma as an example(most immediate I could think of), but he used his own hair for the character. When the character has a partially shaved head, or close buzz cut. Wigs don't quiet give the desired effect(probably because I don't think I've seen a really good cropped/buzzed wig.) bald caps can help but you do for a good portion of the time still tell the person is wearing one.

But for like the other 95% of characters(and like 90 for comic books) out there that aren't bald. You're just better off with a wig.

>> No.7532369
File: 89 KB, 488x516, ngbbs51255359f0b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It depends on the character you're cosplaying, your hair skills, and your actual hair.

>> No.7532370
File: 764 KB, 795x1200, attack-on-titan-attack-on-titan-cosplay-attack-on-titan-cosplay-costume-sasha-braus-Favim.com-994286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

characters with simple ponytails is something I can also see able to get away with real hair since most ponytail wigs look awful and fake.

I love using wigs, but sometimes seeing someone using their real hair well gives the look a more "real life" feel.

>> No.7532399

Yeah, as a live action cosplayer, a lot of the time wigs look really goofy, especially for male characters with short hair. If the actor is using their real hair, use your real hair. If they're using a wig, weep and accept the fact that unless you drop big money, yours will probably never look as good, because theirs is custom made and more than likely fully ventilated.

>> No.7532423
File: 232 KB, 960x960, P4276672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright OP, you convinced me. This is WAAAAY better than I originally thought

>> No.7533249
File: 148 KB, 640x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hair care products do you use/recommend when styling wigs?
>thinking of cosplaying as this cuntdestroyer

>> No.7533325

I always rely on my got2b glued hair spray and gel, and it's pretty much lasted me years. This brand is even good against water.

With long wigs, it's a good idea to wash the wig with fabric softener and spray later with motions oil spray to keep it from getting frizzy/ tangled. It won't prevent it from becoming tangled, but it helps a whole lot.

>> No.7533333

I'm going to cosplay without a wig just to spite you.

>> No.7533342
File: 378 KB, 1280x852, Rin and Len Kagamine3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when natural blondes use their actual hair for a cosplay, specifically. Natural blonde is pretty dark, and blonde/yellow haired characters are bright.

It's funny because it won't even look like spite. You'll 9/10 look like shit.

>> No.7533348

This looks bad either way.
Her face, jfc.

>> No.7533353

Quads confirm.

>> No.7533356 [DELETED] 

agreed her costume needs a lot of work
but her hair looks fine. (she can't change her face looks fine? besides not knowing how to use the right make-up)

>> No.7533362

I think she looks pretty (wtf your standards), but that cosplay though...

>> No.7533397

i don't agree, but this is the internet.

I'm also an IRL hairdresser, so I have more skills in that area. If you have the skills and can do it without it looking bad then do it, it can even look better in most cases.
But even I know when I should wear a wig and when not too, those cosplayers coloring their stringy brown hair with manic panic to look like a character? No.

What brought this on, OP? What did you see, we want to know.

>> No.7533400

I'm sensing some sort of vendetta here, surely you could have found a worse picture than this to demonstrate

>> No.7533403

I saw op in another thread where she flipped her shit that others didn't think the same way she did about wigs being the absolute rule.

>> No.7533405

I think she's showing that they both have good, bright yellow-blonde wigs on.

>> No.7533409

She has an old woman face and enormous lips.
It's gross, in my personal opinion.
I mean, you can think she's pretty, and I'll think you're wrong, and that's fine.

>> No.7533438

This is only applicable if you're cosplaying anime characters with very unnatural hair colors and styles that basically have to be glued in place. Real hair looks like real hair. It often looks better if the character has real-looking hair.

>> No.7533453

your standards are pretty ridiculous though if that's ugly. She's a little above average at the most. Everyone must look ugly to you in one way or another.

>> No.7533456

>a little above average
>above average

>> No.7533457

anon's probably just used to overly shopped photos.

>> No.7533460

I'm not, she's just not pretty to me. She's not attractive. But you can think she is, and that's fine, I really don't care. Sage for dumb conversation.

>> No.7533462

I said at the most,
A LOT of cosplayers don't look that good, and you know this

>> No.7533466

Fair point. There's only a handful of genuinely cute/pretty ones at each con.
Handsome guys are even harder to find.

>> No.7533476

I'm just peeved that some people can go around calling people ugly when they just look average. I know this is /cgl/ and all, but I won't add to the skewed perspectives.

>> No.7533583

I think she's attractive too anon. That other anon probably just doesn't know a good pair of DSL when they see one.

>> No.7533594
File: 13 KB, 405x309, checkmate atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you wear a wig for pic related or any short haired character

Do you shave the sides or what

>> No.7533606

I was using them as an example of blonde characters that would look terrible in natural-blonde hair...
I hope you didn't think they weren't wearing wigs.

>> No.7533620

Is op picture supposed to be a full on pussy shot in the non cropped version?

>> No.7533639

Almost anything SNK would work if you naturally looked like the character tbh. I used my real hair for Mikasa and got tons of compliments.
>Mfw had Mikasa hair before snk was a thing

>> No.7533910

I honestly want someone to show me any cosplay where someone has used their real and it looks good.
Plot twist: it doesn't exist.

>> No.7533918
File: 108 KB, 720x479, the_tenth_doctor_by_alternatecoppa-d41phu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat your words. Eat them.

>> No.7533927

Doctor Who cosplays don't count as cosplays tbh. Anyone can throw on a suit and say they're the doctor.
Same with any situation involving cosplay. Cosplaying irl characters isn't the same as anime/video game/comic characters, which is obviously what anon meant.
Terrible show, either way.

>> No.7533933

Anyone can throw on a suit and say they're a Turk from FFVII, it takes effort to make the cosplay good just like anything else, especially since in order to be accurate, you have to make the suit and trench coat from scratch, because they were custom made for the show.
Anon said "any" cosplay. That is a cosplay. It fits the criteria. Don't be so buttmad about it.

>> No.7533943

No, Ten's suit was not custom-- at least, one of them wasn't. I don't know if both were. I know someone who was able to get the pants for the suit, so.

>> No.7533956
File: 128 KB, 1095x730, levi with real undercut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undercuts. I have yet to see a good (or real looking) one on a wig.

>> No.7533962

The trousers weren't, no, but considering that they were discontinued by Gap back in 2006, they're hardly readily available for your average closet cosplayer.
The original brown/blue suit jacket is completely custom, made by the costume designer of the show from canabalized pairs of the trousers. It has several unique details, including the 4 buttons, the vintage cut, a box pleated pocket, the half belt detail and the vent. The blue/red suit is completely custom made, as it was made to replicate the cut of the brown/blue one. A suit like that is literally impossible to get off the rack without going to a tailor that deals in replicas. I've worked at Calvin Klein for years, never seen a suit with a half belt come through our store.
Look up Louise Page if you don't believe me, she's the one who designed the suit.
Sage for very much off topic, it just gets me heated that people even think you can half assedly closet cosplay Ten, it's a very involved costume. And yet so many people just half ass it. Do they even have eyes?

>> No.7533980

That's because it's impossible to do an undercut on a wig. I cut my hair for Levi cosplay this year, but it sucks, because it grows back so fast. I have to buzz the back of my head every 3 weeks. Also, i miss my shoulder length hair, but i know how difficult it is to use a wig for this kind of hair

>> No.7534006

Chill, anon. I am a Doctor Who cosplayer as well. While you can't shit out a well made Ten costume, it is entirely possible to get those pants. Take it from a SA hunter. That, plus the amount of replicas I have seen online is crazy.

Also my friend actually knows that season's costume designer, so.

>> No.7534028

I don't see what your point is here in continuing to reply, seems like we know the jist. >>7533927 said Doctor Who cosplay doesn't count as cosplay because just anyone can wear a suit, but it seems to me as an outsider that apparently the suit isn't readily available without making an effort or shelling out some cash.
But the original point was that you don't need a wig to be Doctor Who. Which you don't, obviously, because the guy in the picture looks good without one.

>> No.7534032

Perfect Tenant hair.

>> No.7534033

I've seen really good Zoro cosplayers with lace front wigs. They have to be really good quality though. No one really wants to dye their own hair green for that costume. It's the same with Aomine cosplayers from Kuroko no basket.

>> No.7534068
File: 69 KB, 444x640, Asuka-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches be jelly.

>> No.7534169

I dye my hair for every cosplay I do. Come at me.

>> No.7534170

which characters do you cosplay? pics or it's meaningless

>> No.7534171


>> No.7534172

Jelly of your flat hair that's not even long enough?

>> No.7534177

nice try, but a wig still would have been better.

>> No.7534178

Old pic, shit quality, but I haven't done a con since November. Genderbent Mami.

>> No.7534181
File: 38 KB, 386x408, image241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot pic, fuck me.

>> No.7534188

...oh dear...

>> No.7534210
File: 20 KB, 438x469, laughing bad ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7534227

Might want to be careful there, anon. You're encouraging dumb weebs to go out and buy horrendous-looking shiny Halloween/Party City nests because they don't know anything about where to order decent wigs online and are too stupid or lazy to Google it.

>> No.7534231

We get to laugh at them either way though

I don't see the prpblem

>> No.7534234

Shitty wigs piss me off.

If this were 2002, shitty wigs would be excusable, but it's not. Today, there are tons of online resources to buy decent wigs from, and more than enough information on what will and will not look good.

Yet, people STILL think think that a Halloween wig or that hair spray color from party stores will make their cosplay epic.

>> No.7534237

I've only seen like three people who've been able to pull off characters with their natural hair. These were people with practically model like hair in terms of volume, sheen and manageability.

99.9% chance you don't belong to that category. Just get a wig. Even if your hair is 'perfect' (it isn't) it will get greasy during the day, it will fall out of shape, it will lack the poof or volume, it''ll become a mess.

Most people who say their hair looks like the character tend to fall into the category of 'oh i'm an avarage girl with a simple shade of long brown hair too!'. Which translates to "I have the wrong shade of brown, incorrect bangs and most likely the incorrect length and cut but it's approximately the same. Also I don't care if it looks like a greasy mess a few hours into the day because I don't know how to take care of my hair."

Wigs if styled properly will keep shape all day and remain good looking in pics. There is literally no excuse, you can find a basic wig to cut for yourself at around 10$ easily if you don't want to shell out a lot.

>> No.7534241


Tho yes, exceptions for short hair. Buzz cuts or slicked hair lines are hard to pull off with a wig. On the plus side that's the kind of hair style that doesn't get messed up as fast when walking around, so the aforementioned points don't matter as much.

>> No.7534242

They just make me laugh

>> No.7534298
File: 67 KB, 508x640, Asuka Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534301
File: 886 KB, 526x672, Pucci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't use a wig for everything OP. If the character has a buzzcut or nearly shaved head then a wig is a wasted effort

>> No.7534303
File: 19 KB, 350x292, 3127234242_school_girl_cosplay_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534307
File: 165 KB, 640x579, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534335
File: 17 KB, 236x340, 42575a47c2129ed846713f7701a4e06d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534350
File: 37 KB, 334x500, VincentCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534353

>has bright orange hair
>uses reall hair thats not the same color

Yea so jelly

>> No.7534368
File: 59 KB, 480x640, Azula2147920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534377
File: 98 KB, 536x806, cosplay-saturday-spotlight_0000_526579_10151603041905070_1478118252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534381
File: 118 KB, 534x800, fighterbyonpaperwings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wigs are a great tool, but if you can find a cosplay that suits your hair, or you have the skills to make it like so, then good for you

>> No.7534387
File: 40 KB, 375x454, cosplay_lara_croft_by_illyne (375 x 454).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534389
File: 34 KB, 300x450, 1330416188760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534392
File: 123 KB, 666x1000, sexy-dead-or-alive-doa-cosplay-lei-fang-by-japanese-cosplayer-tsukiya-jet-hyp-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534393
File: 54 KB, 600x400, cute_kids_cosplay_14-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534396
File: 138 KB, 730x1095, card game by harley quinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534405
File: 401 KB, 640x480, ku-xlarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534408
File: 194 KB, 800x1200, Jessica-Nigri-Nerd-Reactor-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534415
File: 280 KB, 580x788, i_awesome_cosplay_024_5039f2d19b43b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534421 [DELETED] 

>shaved heads are an exception
>alright, so some boy cuts ara also an exception
>Idiot, it doesn't depend on the character you cosplay
>Well, I have seen some great cosplay where people use their real hair
>OP's a raging butthurt moron

>> No.7534428

>shaved heads are an exception
>alright, so some boy cuts are also an exception
>Idiot, it doesn't depend on the character you cosplay
>Well, I have seen some great cosplay where people use their real hair
>OP's a raging butthurt moron

>> No.7534580

What a pretty ginger.
Too bad about her soul.

>> No.7534587
File: 46 KB, 474x500, 1192423846_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534589
File: 154 KB, 960x640, cos_elite_little_mermaid_traci_hines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534594
File: 147 KB, 997x802, eternal_sailor_moon_by_meteorie-d614iv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534595

>tfw naturally super thick, anime-brown hair
>tfw cheap lazy piece of shit who will use my own hair at any opportunity

Feels good, man.

>> No.7534597
File: 40 KB, 604x402, princess_sailor_moon_cosplay_hair_by_deanna_lee-d5sao01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few of my favorite cosplays from hideous girls who should have worn a hair hat with fakeass styrofoam buns instead of styling the hair how it would actually look in real life. You know, for accuracy

>> No.7534602
File: 796 KB, 797x1200, princess_nia_by_meteorie-d69ib1n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534604 [DELETED] 

0/10 totally hideous. Should have used that shitty arda updo wig instead

>> No.7534606
File: 81 KB, 900x600, We_will_see_her_right__by_Anathiell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll add one to them. Only real hair cosplay I know, but damn, looks better than most wigs.

>> No.7534607
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, super_sailor_jupiter_by_angelicheart-d38ehut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 totally hideous. Should have used that shitty arda updo wig instead

>> No.7534612

too cute to be asuka.

>> No.7534614
File: 229 KB, 900x1350, sailor_uranus__by_ladasever-d5fjmqc (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534619
File: 23 KB, 217x400, belle-hairstyle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrifying, who would want this when you could glue strands of plastic together with gobs of hairspray?

>> No.7534624


>> No.7534638

I actually think the opposite. 95% of wigs are total shit. Obvious hairlines, overly shiny, those shitty side swept bangs, real hair peeking out, floppy updos etc it takes me out of the character, even if everything else is perfect my eyes can't help but rest on those janky hairlines and parts. So. fucking. fake.
I wish everyone could just have pefect animu hair but I know it's hard enough to get in the first place, let alone for every costume.

>> No.7534648

It looks like a dood thats crossplaying like a chick. Like hes wearing fucking lipstick..

>> No.7534656



>> No.7534675

Girls have nipples, yes.

>> No.7534676
File: 65 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I never wear a wig and my cosplays look great!"
Sure. Sure they do.

>> No.7534683
File: 200 KB, 1024x1536, Panty Anarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious hairlines
Not sure what you're getting at here.
>overly shiny
That's called crap quality. There are plenty of wigs that don't shine like costume satin.
>shitty side-swept bangs
That's a result of just wearing it out of the bag. Wigs can and are supposed to be trimmed to suit your face.
>real hair peeking out
Amateur mistake.
>Floppy updos
Amateur styling, I guess. Not sure what you mean.

Confirmed for newfag, by the way. Not everyone's as shitty with wigs as you are.

>> No.7534693
File: 30 KB, 268x188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first ever cosplay I didn't wear a wig because I thought my hair looked "close enough" to Chii from Chobits because it was blonde and fell to the middle of my back.
I thought my hair looked like this.
Protip, if you think your hair looks like an anime character's, it probably doesn't. And even if you can somehow miraculously make it look like that, the style is going to fall flat the longer you go throughout the day.

>> No.7534696

I actually think that might be his natural lip colour, like my lips are naturally pretty bright so I'd believe it. Still, the point was the hair, which is done pretty well (and better than some wigs) so props to him.

>> No.7534788

Obvious troll, but I'll reply anyway. Some people just find pretty much ALL wigs except human hair wigs shiny and unrealistic. Not everyone has the same idea what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, even in the cosplay community. Shocking, isn't it?

>> No.7534806

The picture I used is a wig.
Does it looks shiny?

>> No.7534817

That wig is fucking shit. No blonde has that color. Panty is based on Gyaru fashion, so she would have a typical Gyaru style, Japanese hair lightened to blonde with subtle highlights that occur when you bleach or highlight your hair blonde. Not one monocolor of shit-yellow-blonde.
She also has much fuller hair.
Not to mention, no human has a part that starts at the top back of their head with thick bangs extending from it. If that's what you think qualifies as a "good wig," you are highly delusional.

>> No.7534824

That's the point.

If you need realistic hair, going without a wig is okay (ie. cosplaying from something live-action).
Panty's hair is not realistic in the slightest. This doesn't mean get a shiny yellow Party City contraption, because there's a way to be unrealistic while still aesthetically pleasing, and it's called a high quality wig.

>> No.7534830

Her hair is totally realistic though. Have you never seen a gyaru?
>panty is my waifu
>has no understanding of the massive, ongoing fashion trend that inspired her character's look

>> No.7534834

>doesn't understand what "obvious hairlines" means
>posts picture demonstrating just that

>> No.7534841

Who is this cosplayer? She looks familiar as hell.Like, went to my high school familiar level.

>> No.7534859

>banana bangs
>spiky flares out
>bangs do indeed come from one central point, no part

>> No.7534862
File: 40 KB, 453x604, BB_Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I think I know this girl.
I remember her sending me pictures years ago telling me how she was going to cosplay L and sent me wip pictures before she got a wig. Pic related. I think it might be her.

Then again, a lot of shitty Ls look the same.

>> No.7534877

Gyaru wear wigs though, so I don't see what your point is here.

>> No.7534880

Some of them, but most of them use hair extensions and hairpieces, apparently a completely foreign concept to Americows

>> No.7534883

Obviously you've never met a black woman.
And you're a yellow fever weeb.

>> No.7534887

Or been to a beauty pageant, lol

>> No.7534889

Well the original point was someone was saying Panty's hair was realistic and comparing it to gyaru, when it is not similar at all. Gyaru may or may not wear wigs, but either way it still look completely natura(ly dyed).

>> No.7534890

I went to a middle-class white high school and a ton of girls wore extensions.

>> No.7534891
File: 515 KB, 2248x4000, Sailor_Moon_cosplayer_at_FanimeCon_2010-05-30_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be fine with wigs if cosplayers actually chose halfway decent ones. but they universally don't.
>hundreds of hours sewing and handcrafting a costume
>skip tens of dollars on the wig

>> No.7534895

Exactly. Fashion wigs =/= cosplay wigs.
Cosplay wigs are shit tier quality yet people continue you to use them for cosplayers where'd you use a fashion wig, or at least something halfway decent wig. Cosplay wig makers know they have practically no standards to live up to so they continue pumping out shit that looks vaguely like hair.

>> No.7534898

Then why isn't this the case with cosplay? If I had a dime for every limp, yellow blonde wig I've seen I'd have my next 10 costumes paid for. It's like no one has any idea what real hair is supposed to look like.

>> No.7534911

This is fucking pointless, on both sides of the argument. Wigs look good if you put effort into it. Hair looks good if you put effort into it. There are shitty examples on both sides because there are more shitty cosplayers who don't put effort into their costumes than there are good ones. Good cosplay takes work, from head to toe. The only reason a persons hair will look bad, wig or no wig, is that they aren't willing to exert the money and effort required for good hair. Now would you all shut the fuck up with this "no, my way is better!" bullshit.

>> No.7534921

She looks at least 38-40 years old to me.
My step-mom is 65, mom 57 and they both look a lot younger than her. I actually feel bad for her. Maybe that is just a bad picture, but if it is then why did she put it online?

>> No.7534922

Yeah that one is shit, agreed

>> No.7534953

I know that feeling, when bioshock infinite came out I got a lot of comments from friends and acquaintances that I should cosplay Elizabeth. I had a bob haircut for three years before that game came out and just to make my friends happy I cosplayed her once, then I cut my hair soon after that.

>> No.7534962

That one actually made me sad. Plus the fact that I see it everywhere as "good" Sailor Moon cosplay when it has the same floppy bun syndrome they all do, if not worse, the wig is literally too big for her head and she didn't try to alter it or anything.
I really like real hair Usagi cosplayers. I've only seen 1 or 2 Usagi wigs in all the years that have looked remotely accurate.

>> No.7534964

You kinda sound like a crotchity cunt who is on the rag so I'm just going to sage.

I have seen plenty of people use their own hair and it can look fine if you actually do it right its just no one wants fucking dyed animu hair.

>> No.7535046
File: 57 KB, 400x500, 1306448528873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's just unfortunate...

>> No.7535090

Why am I the only one who hates wigs so much? Wigs almost never look good or natural unless you're a master pro and know how to make it look natural.

I view cosplay as trying to see what a character would look realistically like in the real life universe, not the other way around. Wigs filled with hair gel molded to look like a kawaii anime girl do not look kawaii, in fact they look retarded. Don't dye your hair just cosplay as a character with that hair style and try to make it look natural. Hair extensions are tolerated.

>> No.7535222 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 265x211, yugi-anime-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, there is a time and place for real hair, and I agree some cosplays can be done without one, but some just absolutely need it, especially if you plan on doing the cosplay multiple times

>> No.7535223
File: 15 KB, 265x211, yugi-anime-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, there is a time and place for real hair, and I agree that some cosplays can be done with real hair or is even much more suited for it, but some just absolutely need a wig, especially if you plan on doing the cosplay multiple times.

>> No.7535229

Fucking thank christ someone finally said it.

>> No.7535588

>implying I said all of those.
I just mentioned the buzzcut and extremely short hair :^)

>> No.7535594

Why didn't you say it in the first place though?

>> No.7535600

Would've been so much better if she dyed her roots...

>> No.7535602

too old

>> No.7535619
File: 63 KB, 554x367, nowirehangers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of OP

>> No.7535700
File: 1.66 MB, 660x2970, GET A WIG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there are some styles (short hair, buzzed hair, undercuts, SOME updos) that one can pull off without a wig. Others, you really need to get a wig for. And there are some types of hair that will never be able to look as good as a wig in cosplay. Even if you think your hair looks good, ask yourself it's is able to keep its style and not look like shit after walking around a sweaty con all day in a hot outfit.
She's a really cute Asuka, but her natural hair is frizzy.
Excelent styling, but the color is too dark.
Looks really thin
Too light and the ends look damaged
Too brassy
I agree that it's easier to pull off brown hair in a ponytail without a wig, but this looks greasy and it's really flat at the roots.
On the other hand:
These, however look really nice. If they aren't wigs, then color me impressed.
I can tell it's their natural hair, but they look cute

>> No.7535774


Damn you sound bitter and petty as fuck lmao. Insulting girls on the internet just for their looks? No wonder women are so behind culturally... you don't even support yourselves and expect society to LMAO! #realtalk

>> No.7535776


she a qt

>> No.7535781

Lol @ typical /cgl/ insecure whale insulting other cosplayers. Sorry honey. You're not foolin anyone with your fake standards / opinions. We all know you're a disgusting pig in real life trying to make up for it online.

>> No.7538657

I feel like this rule only applies to shitty scalpey white people hair lmao

>> No.7538933

I've got nice thick hair but unfortunately it goes wavy past a couple inches so I have to go wig.

I think wigs look shit though. Normal hair looks shit, wigs look shit. Hair is a blight on cosplay, even if you get a really great looking wig it just never looks quite right.

>> No.7539283

then you suggest weaves and clipins?

>> No.7539301

What do you guys do if characters have a mohawk or partially shaved hair?

>> No.7540226
File: 72 KB, 500x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wig should I get if I'm cosplaying as this guy?

>> No.7540477

Don't tell me what to do. Wigs are hot. Don't want to. Don't have to. You're not the cosplay god.

>> No.7540621

these are all wigs

>> No.7540782

You really just sound like you're trying to find problems with most of these. I get that some people need wigs and some styles need wigs, but if you're OP (or you agree) and you're trying to claim that this is a 100% type of deal, you're goalpost moving and nit picking to try to make your point.

>> No.7542796

I can't believe there are so many shits on here trying to defend natural hair.
I hope their greasy cosplays get posted on here so everyone can laugh at them.

>> No.7542827

Probably a lacefront that you can spike back.

>> No.7542878
File: 122 KB, 798x532, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks fine but I prefer wigs even for natural styles. I don't mind people who don't wear them but I like the unrealistic volume it looks closer to the anime.

>> No.7542892

Oh I always see this picture. I'm not trying to argue cause I really have no idea who this character is but iirc I thought someone made the drawing after this cosplayer not the cosplayer co splaying the character in the picture that why the hair is perfect. I think it was. 2ch or pixiv draw thread-esque thing.

>> No.7542902

Her hair looks great. I mean it's not the rigt color and the different tonnes/roots are bothersome but it's really just a nitpick.Also I think she did better than most sm cosplayer a by styling her bangs and sides. Also there are extensions in the odango but that's okay.

>> No.7542904
File: 152 KB, 800x1140, oyasumi-punpun-2145029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 99% of us can agree that wigs are best unless the character is bald/has a shaved head, has a buzzcut, has an undercut, has a haircut that shows roots(trust me, unless you have a Daenerys-tier wig, you'll look stupid), or is just a character that has a clearly pull off-able haircut(pic related).

You should probably also take into account your race and hair type and shit. Thin, stringy hair never looks good, ever.

>> No.7542914

This is a wig isn't it. Look at the top.

>> No.7542960

>has a haircut that shows roots(trust me, unless you have a Daenerys-tier wig, you'll look stupid)
I reread and realized I meant hairline. Oops.

>> No.7543092

I'm the cosplayer. I'm really flattered people like it and even think it's a wig! I like using my real hair for cosplay whenever I can but I'm always hesitant if it's the right decision.
Anyway it is my real hair more or less. The blue parts are hand dyed hair extensions, and I used some extra blonde extensions for more volume.

>> No.7543186

Giirl you are fantastic then I really thought it was because of the blue too. I'm assuming you really take goo care of your hair because it looks really nice. I really do like wigged cosplays but you show people they can pull real hair off.

>> No.7543190

Good* not goo I'm on mobile, pardon

>> No.7543280

*blush* Oh my goodness, thank you so much. That really means a lot to me!
I try to take good care of my hair, but straightening irons and extensions make a huge difference. Also if I am using my hair I usually get it bleached no more than a week before the con, sometimes just a couple of days before so the color is more even and it's been deep treated.

>> No.7544853
File: 7 KB, 184x184, Zoeyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to cosplay zoey from l4d soon, would this be considered an ok example of a something to use real hair for?

>> No.7544856

yes, just make sure to get rid of flyaways and keep your hair sleek. This is one cosplay I think would look bad with a wig

>> No.7545964

I think its a matter of preference, depending on the characters. Cosplay wigs look like cosplay wigs, which I think can look inappropriate for characters with more realistic designs. But ultimately, do you want to look 'cartoony' or do you want to look like a real life version of the character?

As an example: a cartoon might have a character whk wears jeans, but the simplified art style means details like pockets, zippers and sideseams are omitted. As a cosplayer, do you opt to wear normal jeans or do you make a pair of pants out of soft fabric and likewise omit the zippers, pockets and thick seams? I prefer the former but many people would prefer the latter. I think the same thing applies to hair. I think there are many cases in which using your actual hair is preferrable, it can be augmented with hairpieces anyway.

>> No.7548739

Do people actually care so much if others arent using wigs though?

Like, how totally creepy of them.

There are also instances when people can pull it off pretty well.

>> No.7548755

I do what I want nigga. Ain't nothing you can do to stop me. You can't contain this wig free lifestyle motherfucker. Taylor gang or die.

>> No.7550374

>implying everyone is cosplaying anime characters or characters with unreal hairstyles
>implying everyone has shit hair liek you do
it really depends on the cahracter and cosplay if he can use his real hair.