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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7532991 No.7532991 [Reply] [Original]


thoughts on this?

>> No.7533011

Buttmad nerds can think what they like, still ain't gonna effect me in the slightest. It's hardly news to know that some guys don't like girls rubbing cooties around the place and that any girl wearing less than a full suit of armour is a slut.

>> No.7533058

nothing to see here, this guy thinks being a real (aka sci fi) nerd makes him part of the "intellectually elite."

>> No.7533116

Co complains about cgl

>>TFW gets along better with CO than cgl

>> No.7533291

Sort of agree with the "stripper outfit" comment.

I don't have any problem with those sorts of things as I'm a guy and ultimately I like cosplay sluts, but let's stop beating around the bush and call a spade a spade: A lot of cosplay, a good portion of female cosplay anyway is basically fetishwear and softcore pornography. The "but its just like wearing a bikini at the beach" argument is flawed for very obvious reasons.

>> No.7533299

>that entire article
*tips fedora*

>> No.7533301 [DELETED] 

>I am anticipating a sudden drop in my number of online friends and an immediate rise in hatemail. Why? Because today I am calling out cosplay girls.

Stopped reading right there.


>> No.7533344


So what does that say about the men who designed it?

>> No.7533360

I think he's far more of an over-entitled asshole for writing an entire post pissing himself over how people shouldn't get up before noon on weekends. Like, fucking really? Who whines about that?

>> No.7533377

ITT: Virgin male scum that should've been shot in the head at the age of 18 complaining about womyn taking ownership of their sexuality.

>> No.7533382

Guy sounds entitled as fuck.

This, pretty much. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to feel sexy and I very much dislike the harass women get when they do so, but come on, sweetie. You know what you're doing.

That they're sexist pigs who think women should always be beautiful sex objects, no question about that.

>> No.7533383

Someone give this man an award he hit the nail on the head

>> No.7533384


>> No.7533386

Denmark I want to enjoy your body.

>> No.7533388


>I'm a filly what is dat

>> No.7533389

Why are you talking to our janitor?

>> No.7533391

Because she's my ideal 4chan waifu and I love it when she gets mad and starts deleting posts.

>> No.7534015

The only thing in this article I haven't seen before is the man's vendetta against wigs. A good quality wig, lacefront if need be is necessary in 97% of cosplay.
He seems to not get that a good percentage of anime/manga fans know our preferred media type aren't that grat. It's just the only place I can get things like ero-powered robots fighting against boner penguins.
I agree with this on one part but the part that irks be is that most people (assuming it's not something like Yoko or Slave Leia) pick to cosplay the girls in the revealing costume because they liked the character. Sure we know that we're going to get attention for it and that we're wearing outfits that show nearly as much as a bikini does but if you like the character and the media they're from, especially if there's no alternate costume, then there's no reason to hate on it like the guy in the article or the fedora's on /r9k/ do.

>> No.7534141

Sure is neckbeard virgins itt

>> No.7534449

Threads like these is why we need feminism.

>> No.7534463

Whoa, someone has an opinion and posts it to their personal blog so all their followers can shower them with praise to make them feel like their opinion is actually valid and that they are in the right?

Are you crazy? This is the internet. That never happens.

>> No.7534465

>Posted on February 21, 2012

His last blog post was over a year ago. I'm imagining him logging into his email and seeing 20+ notifications of new comments on a 2+ year old blog post.

>> No.7534467
File: 316 KB, 398x399, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.7534482

Girls who cosplay Leia or Yoko are just models for your cosplay softcore porn collection. How is this so hard to understand?

>> No.7534488

no, YOU don't understand

each and EVERY ONE of those girls cosplays those amazing, well-written characters BECAUSE THEY WANT TO EXPRESS THEIR LOVE FOR THE SHOW

>> No.7534501
File: 438 KB, 1367x2927, For the love of the show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of the show...


>> No.7534509

Yes, just look at those... loves.

>> No.7534510

I don't care. Why would anyone care? He's obviously an obnoxious 20-something Maddox-wannabe trying to stir up ~controversy~ for blog views and e-fame, but doesn't have the balls to actually come out and say anything truly reactionary or of real substance. He jumps from point to point. I don't even understand his main point, it's just stream of consciousness nonsense about how teenage girls are hot, but stupid. In other news, water is wet. I want two minutes of my life back.
>I've never fucked a cosplay girl
Pretty much could have ended the post there. Sage for a stupid thread about a poorly written post no one should care about.

>> No.7534516

I think he maaaaad.

>> No.7534536

I, too, hate it when other people enjoy things that I personally do not enjoy

>> No.7534661

>Your work generally requires a wig from Ebay and some 1/8th yard snippets from the scrap bin at JoAnne Fabrics. Think I’m full of shit and don’t know what I’m talking about? Let me ask you this, and answer honestly: What was the last costume you had that DID NOT require a wig, used more than a yard of fabric and covered your mid riff? Yeah, I thought so.
but....then....before that was
>Costumes are things that completely transform a person into an unrecognizable form or a fantasy
How can you transform yourself w/o a wig?????????????????????? Plus he was touting the samus cosplayer....who is wearing a wig.
He contradicts himself too much.

>> No.7535247


why is this just showing up everywhere now?

>> No.7535609

selfpost most likely. One of those, I want attention so let me spread my shit around so people and buzz about me.

>> No.7535610

>tfw gets along with cgl better than co
>tfw I prefer co

>> No.7535620

the guy wants to fucking get people to read his blog and his wantta-be Maddox blog...

>> No.7536014

SJW retards don't know when to stop

>> No.7537752
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>> No.7538304

Denmark, you didn't have to nuke the entire Tumblr thread...

also please don't ban me, I think you're a very cute girl, even if you are a rabid SJW and a feminist and the worst janitor on 4chan.

Can we be boyfriend and girlfriend?

>> No.7538319
File: 252 KB, 504x648, 6565564654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't see why people are still forcing that janitor title on me and apparently considers me a SJW and feminist now too. Baffling.
It stopped being annoying ages ago. It also stopped being funny ages ago. I don't even know why I'm so surprised that this is still a thing but yeah.

I used to make retarded posts non-stop and I can see why I might've not have been hot shit like I considered myself to be but downright accusing me of being a social justice warrior? Whoa man, that's just cruel. I'm a racist scandinavian, so I think you've crossed the line. Consider our relationship over with.

>> No.7538343

We will stop - when you will stop being a shitty janitor. ;)

>> No.7538354

right yeah ok uh-huh

>> No.7538363

Whoever the janitor is is doing a great job, that tumblr thread was cancer and needed to go, hell I even reported it myself it was just that much of a shitfest.
Janitor-san, I think you are doing good work, even though I sometimes get b& and it makes me sad

>> No.7539879

What's this thread even about?

>> No.7539930
File: 48 KB, 400x481, 1268436326178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's hilarious that he's pissed off about Animefags at Sci-Fi/Comic Cons in the very same way my group of friends are at the number of Homestuck/MLP/Whovians/Tumblrfags overrunning anime cons these days,

He's elitist AS FUCK and has a hipster mentality that generally invalidates most of what he's saying, but he's right on that note at least.

People need to stop thinking weird = weird and jamming their fandom where it does not belong.