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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7529438 No.7529438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did anyone go to this past sunday's sakura matsuri in brooklyn?

upcoming events: Japan Day 5/11 at Central Park

>> No.7529443

it was shit this year.

>> No.7529449

well i'm going in classicc/country lolita to Japan day
i better see some seagulls

>> No.7529452

there are nyc seagulls?

>> No.7529486

too many of them.

>> No.7529490

Not enough of them.

>> No.7529499

I'm a nyc seagull, but I'm also not a lolita, so I wonder how many people would be okay with that?

>> No.7529519

Neither am I, but every time I hear NYC here it's about the lolita comm. We might be a minoriy.

>> No.7529522

I think so... I wish there could be a regular nyc seagull meet without it just being 10 lolitas and 2 normal gulls.

>> No.7529578

Is there interest in regular meet-ups? Because I am totally interest.

>> No.7529657

Are there any guy lolitas in the comm like brolitas or anything?

NYC comm needs a resident brolita, but he better be not a creep.

>> No.7529714

Why don't you guys cosplay to it?
Something not too "costume-y".

Still waiting for the fucking Toronto cherry blossoms to bloom.
We had a hella long winter and what was predicted to be late April blossoms became late May blossoms.

>> No.7529759

Every NYC meet-up I've seen is strictly lolitas only, which makes me think the comm is extremely catty. It makes me not want to deal with them.

>> No.7529778

Cosplayers and lolitas just tend to have different priorities, I had no idea that you guys would want to hang out with us (after all mostly lolita meets = 85% convo is about lolita drama and the fashion). NYCgulls aren't unfriendly at all! Maybe we should plan a meet of cosplayers and lolitas for Japan Day?

>> No.7529786

That might be fun.

>> No.7530233

NYgull here, I would totally be down for this! I never did get the divide, despite the cosplayer-perceived lolita cattiness and lolitas screeching about not being a costume, there's a lot of overlap between the communities...

>> No.7530307

im interested

>> No.7530543

From the meet ups I've been to so far, NYCgull lolitas are catty and cliquey beyond belief.

>> No.7530817

Nyc main come is also like that, if not worse.

>> No.7530838
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>mfw western ny fag
H-have fun guys....

>> No.7531028

What were you expecting from a seagull meet, exactly? At least they're open about it.

>> No.7531166

im surprised there is not
and overall just surprised the comm is so small and so shit

>> No.7531169
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to be honest it hadn't even occurred to me to dress up to sakura matsuri
i guess people are just like herp derp something japan related, let me wear my japonophilia on my sleeve
pic related

>> No.7531171

The comm is small and shit because no one hosts public meetups. New girls don't have the chance to meet established girls and learn from them.

>> No.7532053
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>> No.7532056

I would totally be down for this, would love to meet some NYC cosplayers.

>> No.7532070

I won't be able to make Japan Day, but I am casting my vote for a meet-up.

>> No.7532160

I wouldn't want to go in cosplay though. I make it a rule not to cosplay at matsuris and Japan days because it's really god damn weeby. It's not a con after all.

>> No.7532194

my thoughts exactly
it is a day for significant Japanese cultural recognition, not our selfish weebish pop-culutral recognition

>> No.7532197

I know this sound be in my 'grinds your gears' thread, but people who cosplay at the Sakura matsuri really piss me off. Especially at nyc. You can go any other day there isn't a Japanese festival happening. The botanical garden is open for a while. DC Matsuri has gotten worse and is filled with weebs now.

>> No.7532257

Wait, are you seriously saying it would be more sensible to cosplay there when there is NOT an event which specifically has cosplay events in its programming?

>> No.7532264

Cosplay used to be a very small event. The focus was more on Japanese culture, like tea ceremonies, taiko drumming, etc. But cosplay has gotten so bad, that it overshadows a lot of the events when more than half the audience is cosplaying and being rioting teenagers.

Cosplay is such a small niche in Japanese culture, so it's more appropriate for anime cons, not a Japanese culture festival.

>> No.7532281

That's not what I asked.
>people who cosplay at the Sakura matsuri really piss me off. Especially at nyc. You can go any other day there isn't a Japanese festival happening.

I'm asking what your reasoning is that cosplayers should or could go 'any other day' than the festival which- like it or not- is relevant to current popular American perception and digestion of the culture. Isn't it better to keep them to that one event than have them running around the entire cherry blossom season?

>> No.7532576

Different anon. I'm willing to overlook cosplay, but it should be exclusive to characters from Japanese media.

I've seen Jack Frosts (RotG) and other western character running around, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.7532585


I agree, but a lot of these events are starting to embrace cosplay as well. Sakura Matsuri has had a cosplay fashion show for as long as I can remember. I've never attended in cosplay myself, but the Japanese side of my family and the other Japanese people I see there all seem to really enjoy seeing cosplayers.

>> No.7532790

Yeah, there's definitely a middle ground to be struck here.

Cosplay of Japanese media properties is appropriate in certain contexts at this sort of event, but it becomes really absurd if it overwhelms all of the other activities and the general focus of the festival and turns into a free-for-all.

Particularly given that a lot of Japanese/Japanese Americans attend these events, it's got to get pretty irritating for your cultural festival to be chock full of weebs who are incapable of looking beyond anime.

>> No.7532821

I fail to see how going in cosplay is any more embarrassing to a Japanese person than going in lolita.

>> No.7532962

nice b8 m8

>> No.7532977


Yeah, the only time i think it's okay is when you do Kimono or Yukata versions of these characters. You're still in cosplay, but you're not being an overwhelming prick.

>> No.7533186

Can we do this, please?

>> No.7533261

One day you all will figure out you look just as stupid as the rest of us. I really wish lolita had its own board

>> No.7533263

Different anon (all the way from Canada), but I kind of like how the lolitas and cosplayers are together.

>> No.7533277

Cosplay and lolita are equally weird/embarassing at Japanese cultural events: they're subcultures rather than traditional or mainstream cultures. SHRUG. At least we're not showing up in satin bathrobes and white face paint with hairsticks on.

If they look as stupid as we do, shouldn't we belong together?

>> No.7533419

look, lets face it that if you dress lolita in public, any where, any day, any time, people will look at you.
so whether you do it in the streets of nyc or just at this japan day thing, you're gonna stand out. so i don't see why it would be a problem at japan day.

>> No.7535022

Bumping for photos from the cosplay fashion show?