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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7524569 No.7524569 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Expo general, couldn't find one in the catalog.

>> No.7524993
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why is there an adventure time themed dance?

This years dance themes feel out of place, which kinda worries me about the whole con.

>> No.7525081

>kinda worries me about the whole con.

everything about AX is reason to worry. it's a big con that is going to do things that might not be in the best interest of the "veteran con-going community" and instead focus on getting new attendees to come.

last year saw more "first-timers" at AX than ever before. and newer, younger con-goers are going to expect more pop-culture-y things at a con, regardless of what the differentiation of the con actually is.

>> No.7525311

there will be a /cgl/ meetup right?
how will I get my bracelet from anon-chan?

>> No.7525635
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DJ fag reporting in again. Might call tomorrow to see if allowed to bring my junk to AX. I plan to play anime songs but I don't wanna get kicked out because "omg too loud."
I like AT but wtf? It's not anime...

Also guys, does anyone know about the night parties around downtown? The Westin Bonaventure hotel seems to have afterparties every night on the fourth floor.

>> No.7525662

Pretty much the westin is where i always go. I know the jw marriott has some crazy parties buts its mostly in somebodys hotel suite and invite only. Hard to get in those unless you know some people.

>> No.7525671

i-i want a bracelet... :<

>> No.7525698

I don't even know what caused the huge 10k guest jump. Unless it was the AoT guests I can't think of a better reason.

>> No.7525918
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>spending more money on alcohol rather than the hotel

gg Stillwell

First time booking a room there, what should I expect?
Dead bitches in the water tank?

>> No.7526135

KLK is the big anime from last year going into this year. They got to get KLK related GoHs if they want to wow a lot of people.

>> No.7527511
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>mfw I know bracelet anon personally so my bracelet is guaranteed.

>> No.7527540

They're doing the Sailor Moon dub cast reunion for all the old folks, but also have that BABYMETAL group that's going viral so people will know them from watching "When YouTubers React" and seeing all their friends sharing this "weird mash-up of metal and idols"
This. They struck gold with George Wada with AoT, and I expect something some big-name VA or director from KLK or Love Live

>> No.7527594

BABYMETAL isn't playing at AX though. It was an April Fool's joke

>> No.7527675

Aw really?

I was actually looking forward to it.

AX is one of the only cons Ive been going to since 2006 and as the years pass by, Ive seen less and less interesting things on their schedule.

Sometimes I feel too old to go to these things at 26. I wish I had a chance to meet more people there haha but im too much a shy neckbeard.

>> No.7527687

awe dude come on it's AX, these are the people you have shit in common with, it should be easy to strike up a conversation about anything with anyone.

Also, remember when AX was $15 and it got into the entire con and not $25 for access to only the exhibit hall?

>> No.7527740


It seemed soo much small back in the day.

I think part of the problem is i always feel like im not weeb enough for the people there. I'll watch one or two series a year. Not to mention I used to go with a friend who was really just weird.

the 2012 ax we were there for an hr before he wanted to leave. I had made the effort of getting people from the con to hang out with us but he for w/e reason didnt like that year and wanted us to leave.

I did 2013 alone but did hang out with friends who were there. I'd love to meet some new people but idk i guess im too fucking weird / shy for it.

>> No.7527741

I'm not a fan of BABYMETAL (I actually really hate their music) but I still think it was in bad taste for AX to have such an April Fool's joke. Especially since many people who didn't get the memo that it was just a joke were extremely excited to see them (and/or Joe Hisaishi).

What sucks even more is that AX link a petition to bring BABYMETAL over, so I'm sure peoples' hopes were raised once more. But BABYMETAL will be playing at some festival in Europe on July 6, so it's pretty doubtful at this point that they'll be able to make it to AX since it just wouldn't work with their schedule.

>> No.7527752

My friendships have changed a lot during the years. We're at that point where some of us just wanna go out and have fun and take control of our fun, while others want to remain together like gum and sole. This year, I'll be for the most part, winging it alone, and maybe go with a couple friends / make friends to go to night parties with after the con. That being said, I'm pretty down to meet with some of you awesome folk this year.

I'm also really shy / awkward but there's a certain magic that comes about when you integrate into a group you didn't know before and you get these new feelings associated with a brand new friendship. Of course, when it's with the right people. I felt this the first time I went and it's so powerful it's one of the huge things that make me wanna go each year.

Sage for blogtrash.

>> No.7527764

Oh I know that feeling very well. The first time I went in 2006 when it was at long beach, we had arrive to find that they had stop selling passes. Something about the machines not working.

We were there to meet some internet buddies who ended up being there. They were hanging out with 4channers, which was my first introduction to 4chan. I had an amazing time with them. They sneaked us into the panels and shit. Very fine group of dudes.

SInce then its kinda been hard to reproduce that but I don't stop trying.

>> No.7527799

AX is the last place to be ashamed of your power level, walk into a panel you like and sit next to some dudes you don't know and talk to them, everyone there is usually super friendly and looking for new friends.

just don't interrupt the people farming street passes, they can't be bothered with social interaction.

waiting in line for something? talk to the other guy in line, complain about the line, nothing brings people together like mutual hatred, especially waiting in lines.

>> No.7528018

I'm always drinking with my friends while waiting in line and we usually end up talking with the people next to us and share our alcohol with them.
We all got shitfaced before we had even gotten our badge.
Friends were shouting "Almost there" for like a fucking hour.
I'm looking forward to Line Expo 2014 this year

>> No.7528023

the line took barely any time last year

>> No.7528032
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I wonder how many people go to AX alone. Most of the time I see a lot of seagulls posting that they go alone, and that they have trouble meeting people at the con, or socializing.

I've always gone with at least two other people since 2005, and it's become a foreign concept to me that going to AX alone is a thing.

Anyone else go with a group?

>> No.7528049

I went alone last year but met up with people there. Didnt really stay in a group but it would be nice to find a group of people to make into an actual friendship

>> No.7528276

bring sunscreen on Day Zero.
you WILL get sunburned waiting for your badge pickup

>> No.7528418

>Day Zero
What are the lines like later in the day? I went to Day 0 once at around 11 and waited HOURS because I didn't know prereg didn't open until later in the day. Are lines typically lighter around 6 or 7 pm?

>> No.7528425

The only time I went, I went alone. I mean, I stayed with people, but none of them wanted to hang out with me at the con and visa versa.

I ended up really bored the whole time and ended up being pulled into working at a booth because I knew a couple of the people working there. It was a bit weird actually, considering it was a higher profile booth and most of them didn't know who I was, but I was trusted to handle money and everything. Didn't make friends until the last night, and ironically, one of them was from the same city as me.

I'm just glad that now I can go to comicons alone all over the country and work if I think I'll be too nervous to go out of my way to meet people.

>> No.7528456

I'll be there with a big group, mostly other lady cosplayers but some boyfriends/spouses, too. I've never gone alone, I've always had at least my spouse with me, usually more.

>> No.7528477

BABY METAL will be at another event during AX.

>> No.7528488

Maybe about a 40minute wait? By that point it's constantly moving too and you won't have to deal with much of the heat by that point.

Usually I drive in separately from everyone since I live relatively close and wind up being the last one to arrive. Mainly because I pick up the last minute things that were forgotten or lost. Like the mixers.
I make a schedule of stuff I want to see or go to. I ask my friends who's going to what and if our schedules match up then I suggest meeting up.
I also make plans for dinner since there's at least a handful of friends who are also hungry and we trade stories/info/plans/party schedules while we eat.

>that they have trouble meeting people at the con, or socializing.
That's usually /a/ since AX is one of the few cons they even consider going to.
Plus, socializing doesn’t come easily to everyone and with the whole “Everyone Is A Creep” sentiment that has been going around it’s made it a bit more awkward.

>> No.7528492

I'm one of them.

>> No.7528497

I go to AX alone, get a room by myself, and just do fucking whatever.

>> No.7528530

Didn't the GoPro Hugs incident happen at AX? I would make things worse in terms of attempting to socialize

>> No.7528552

He is part of that group that performs at Masquerade half time shows. Now the entire group is banned at AX.

>> No.7528560

>Maybe about a 40minute wait? By that point it's constantly moving too and you won't have to deal with much of the heat by that point.
Shit really? Because someone asked a similar question on the coscom forums and they were told that last year, some people that arrived at 5 didn't get their badges because they line cutoff was at 9?? So they basically waited approx 4 hours for nothing? Sounds ridiculous to me but I'd hate to waste time (and the parking fee for LACC)

>> No.7528564

I always go with at least one person. Usually my boyfriend. This year a couple friends are flying in to attend. It's their first AX so I have to show them around, but fuck I really don't want to. They like to watch anime screenings and do boring shit at their local cons. I really don't want to be dragged into that...

>not to mention their cosplays are shit

>> No.7528848

Last year I got in line an hour after pre-reg pick up opened on day 0 and it took about 90 minutes. I've never spent more than 4 hours picking up a badge at AX, and that was the year that the computers all crashed.

>> No.7528884

Wow. I don't know what those people on the coscom forums were talking about then. I don't mind waiting in line Day 0 for a couple hours as long as I'll for sure be able to pick up my badge assuming I arrive around 6:30. (And also assuming prereg stays open until 9.)

>> No.7529119
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I discovered last year that was the best thing to do. So much fun without having to deal with roomate drama, you can come in when ever the fuck you want, stay up as long as you want bring in con freinds or whatever.

>> No.7529136

been going to ax for 6 years but never been to any of the dances. are they worth going to?

>> No.7529141

That was the Cecil hotel, not the Stillwell.
I go to school near the Stillwell, its more of a residence for the low income it seems.

>> No.7529180

Depends, do you like questionable music and a bunch of teenagers? Not to mention a crazy long line to get in.

>> No.7529187

I know a lot of people got in line assuming registration opened earlier than it did. I figured I could spend those afternoon hours in my hotel room instead of standing outside in the line that wasn't even going to start moving until 3pm at the best. My friends that had camped in the line had less line to go through once it started moving, but spent over twice as long because they had started waiting after lunch.

>> No.7529208

is it just a bunch of awkward weebs dance battling else standing around because if so i'll just skip out again

>> No.7529271

It was when I went, but I've skipped the last two years, so I don't know if it's any better or worse now.

>> No.7531529
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God dammit they raised the prices again, now it's $35 to attend for 1 day only and they scrapped the exhibit hall only passes.

>> No.7531611
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The sad realization that Fanime is more expensive than Anime Expo :(

>> No.7531618

>Fanime keeps its con center open 24 hours and runs programing through the entire weekend. I wouldn't be surprise if costs to keep this stuff were rising as well

>> No.7531763

AZ also claims to be 24 hours

>> No.7531792

My friends booked our hotel at the Vagabond Inn
Is anyone familiar with it?

I'm worried because its 1.3 miles away so around a ~20 min walk, thats especially dangerous at night as I like to stay up until 2-3 a.m at cons.
I've never been to AX before so I am not familiar with transportation options available.

Will there be Taxis/cabs I can buy, or something like a metroline/railway/etc etc within ~10 minutes of the Vagabond inn?

I know AX has official transportation but the Vagabond is not one of their sponsored hotels, so I am not sure if I can use those services, if they are even near me

Thanks for any Imparted knowledge, if a 20 min walk is truly the only way from the inn to the con center I will need to get my own hotel

>> No.7531845

Is it the the one next to USC? You can take the Jefferson / USC station all the way to Pico and walk a block to AX
The trains run from 5am to nearly 2am on most days and you can get a 7 day pass for $21

>> No.7531878


Thanks alot!

I have no idea where the Jefferson/USC station is but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to ask the hotel staff, and the fact it runs to 2 a.m is good

How long does the ride take on average?

>> No.7531896

Considering the hall is free after 4:00pm, it's not too bad I think.
Most cons raise prices the closer they get to the show date.

>> No.7531986

Start a speed-dating event.

>> No.7531998

I go alone because I want to find a cute grill and go on a date with her and then never talk to her again. It's tough to do stuff like that with a bunch of people hanging around you.

>> No.7532202

yeah the 4 day pass was $65 yesterday

>> No.7532226

Same here man, same here. But I generally would like to meet up with a girl at a room party that my friend would invite me.

>> No.7532263

I stayed at a Vagabond Inn for SDCC a couple years back. It was pretty boss. Free breakfast and shit. Public transit is going to be your bread and butter. Taxis if you want to pay more. I'm not sure if uber/lyft/etc are active in LA but they're a cheaper than taxi option. For shuttles as long as you have a badge they shouldn't give a shit, assuming they give a shit to begin with. You'd take the shuttle to the closest stop and then walk from that stop to your hotel and vice versa.

>> No.7532296

I would love to get invited to a party...but i only come for a day and then drive back home


>> No.7532396

me and my roomies always host parties, but we have a policy that we only invite girls or super cool males, do you fill any of those?

>> No.7532401

I went alone in 2011 and 2013, might not be alone this year but who knows...

>> No.7532422

Nah bro
Don't worry about your age
My cousin and I are going and we are 25 and 31 respectfully

>> No.7532427

The dance is one of the last things at AX that i really look forward to

>> No.7532430

Last year's dance was pretty good. I will eternally kick myself in the back for missing Hardcore Synergy in '10, though.
For me, AX has been less about the events and more about hanging with friends / making new ones over the years. One of my friends say that as it starts to get late on each day (10-11 pm or so) people start really looking how to socialize, so maybe you can find an opportunity there. I haven't really found that to be the case but maybe it's easier if you're alone since you don't have to be tied to your group. There's also lots of circles that hang in the Concourse Hall and they're usually playing games or something. If you ask to join, they usually say yes.
I'm pretty chill and I like to have a good time without causing trouble. If it's a kickback and you don't mind me bringing a friend or two along who are also equally chill, then sure!

>> No.7532433

I've gone to the dance the past three years

My experience:
Ya there is the occasional weeb, but there are also a lot of people there that do dance like they know what they are doing. MOst of the weebs flock to the stage to be close to the gogo dancers, so if you stay clear of that area you should be okay.

The line to get in can get pretty long and the dance can get pretty cramped.

The music is mostly danceable, depends on the night. If one night has crap music, try another night.

Overall it's as enjoyable as you make it. I've made several friends at the dances and it can also be a good way to get into room parties after it ends.

>> No.7532439

I see, I would have to ask my friends about bringing new faces, there's a lot of alcohol involved too...

>> No.7532504

I'm going to AX for the first time this year. I've gone to a few cons before, but only Otakon was this size. I snagged a ticket when it was on sale for Black Friday and said what the hell. Is there anything I should know about this con before going? Panels to avoid, dances to not attend, best panels, what hotel should I book?

None of my friends wanted to come with me so I'll be running around alone for the weekend. Hope I can find a group to tag along with. Just the thought of spending the entire con alone is pretty depressing.

>> No.7532702

>panels to avoid
any GoH panel unless you really love that GoH. The lines are ridiculous enough that you have to wait hours if they aren't in Petree Hall. Petree Hall is the only room in the place equipped to handle a popular guest and half the time the sponsor companies will steal it for their industry panels which is a total waste of a room when you're then stuffing a GoH into a room that is 1/4 the size of the line waiting for it.

>> No.7532705

due to financial problems we are going to drive up each day. I am not looking forward to this as the person in charge of driving takes a while to get started; plus 4th of july weekend... traffic will be murder. We live about 65mils northwest of LA so...
uh the 101 and the 1 will be horrible...so horrible...

>> No.7532707

and when i mean getting started; say was want to leave at 8am; we might get out of there by 11 am...srsly...but she is the only one who can drive and has a vehicle add another 2+ hours on the freeway. we won't get there until 2pm

>> No.7532760

Can't you just get a cheapo motel nearby? If you're driving 2+ hours on the freeway one way, I'd imagine you aren't saving much money due to the amount spent on gas.

>> No.7532770

It's usually not that bad. I live on the other side of the valley in Thousand Oaks and when I left in the afternoon I thik i only spent an hour. Shit gets slow when you arrive near the split to get to downtown.

>> No.7532775

Anyone got a recommendation for a good cheap hotel within walking distance? Like less than two miles I can cope.

>> No.7532939

take the train dude, there's a subway stop right there.

>> No.7533424

>anime convention

>> No.7536829

How is the speed dating event at AX, should I even go to one?

>> No.7536831

They don't have one.

>> No.7537159
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Then I'll make one for you!

Is there a specific color combo/pattern you'd like?

>> No.7537185

>the hall is free after 4:00pm

yeah, you get about 2 hours to shop around for what you want. i've done it for a few years now.

they ALWAYS change the times though. it was 3, then 3:33, then 4... who knows what time they'll let people for free in this year, or at all.

>> No.7537368

I hope they don't bring that back. I wasn't a fan of the free hall admission after 4pm.

>> No.7537753

Ive been going to AX since 06, and always had at least one or two friends with me.
Last year we had a group of 7 and meet up with about 5 others..... that was a shitty time never again.

This year i will have a group of 4 to include me, my boyfriend, my sister and one mutual friend.

Hoping to have a better time this year and meet up with others who aren't too busy for me.

>> No.7537756

I like arriving at Day Zero about a half an hour before its open to check out all of the people and cosplayers in line.

it has always been a great time and only about a two-three hour wait.

>> No.7537784

I had the same option presented to me. I live in a similar area, and have the same problem with the driver.

He works the swing shifts, so he normally stays up late and wakes up late....

This is why I begged to join in a friend's hotel I think it is more expensive, but I know I can make it to those 9am panels if i want to.

>> No.7537786

lol sounds like a good idea tho

>> No.7537808


I heard BABY METAL might be going to Anime California though

>> No.7537814

Where'd you hear this from anon? Seems way too ambitious for a first year con.

>> No.7537819

>Vagabond inn
you fucked up

>> No.7537820

it says it's after 4 on the goddamn site

>> No.7537821


>> No.7537823


Actually incorrect

>> No.7537831


Whats wrong with it?

Bad experience? I'd love to hear, I don't want a jank ass hotel for my AX trip

>> No.7537848


>> No.7537894

Not that anon, but could I get one in pink, dark blue, and black?

>> No.7538790

Whoa, I'm kinda interested. Not that anon either, but perhaps that lighter green + black?

>> No.7539209


>> No.7539243

any hotel, or any place you stay thats not your own home, you can expect to have roaches. Ive heard of the Marriott having them, but they try harder to appease their customers so that they won't complain.

>> No.7539896

Not that anon either, but could I get one with white, light blue and dark blue? It would go swimmingly with my Mako cosplay. <3

>> No.7541602

So is it safe to say that the creator of Sailor Moon is coming to AX this year?

They're probably going to announce it within the next 30 days similar to how they announced the Miku concert in 2011.

>> No.7541683


>> No.7541808

God I really, really hope so. I am a crazy psycho bitch Sailor Moon fan and I would literally cry. But I feel like there's also a good chance that she probably won't because the anime is going to be airing at exactly that time... she might be too busy?

>> No.7541825

Anime starts streaming on day 3, so you'd figure they'd bust something like that out as a shock announcement the week before.

>> No.7541840

They got booked for Sonisphere UK long ago and it's the same weekend as AX this year. They even announced it days after the AX April Fool's joke. http://sonisphere.co.uk/news/uk-brace-for-babymetal/

>> No.7541849

It would be a perfect time for her to visit the US to get the word out and market the new series. Most people do that and it's wise PR move.

I've seen this coming for a while when they announced the English dub cast of Sailor Moon will be guests.

>> No.7544030

Not sure if anyone still needs a hotel, but the Hilton Checkers Hotel was added to the AX Block. 1 and 2 bedded rooms still available 07/01 - 07/06.

>> No.7544032

Can't afford a hotel room. Going to Fanime and Anime California though.

>> No.7544187

Related to hotels, if I want to get on a waitlist for another hotel, I just call them and ask, right?

>> No.7544426
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>MFW AX announcements so far have been stupid j-fashion related

Last I checked, this is an ANIME convention.

>> No.7544478

I stayed at the Stillwell for AX12. It's an old hotel that has an indian/curry restaurant. I never went in, but you could kinda smell it from the lobby. It was a bit of a walk from the hotel to the convention center but it wasn't horribly far (this was also the year of the X-Games detour). I wouldn't recommend wearing heels every day to and from your hotel to the con, bring a pair of comfy back up shoes to throw in a bag.

As for the hotel room itself, it's small, it's old, but you're getting what you paid for. I didn't see any bugs which is a plus and if I remember correctly, we had a mini fridge too.

The only real big con was paying for parking and on the last day when we were leaving the elevator broke and we were stuck inside for about 10-15 minutes.

>> No.7544931

I'm pretty psyched that Spiral Cats was announced as GoHs and Masq judges. I think they're a pretty good choice. Much better than JNig or Yaya

>> No.7544933

>occasional weeb

yes, I'm sure there's only the "occasional" weeb at ANIME EXPO dances

>> No.7544963

you do realize that they're Asian version of jnig and yaya right? they don't even make their own costume, they have group of people making cosplays for them.

The only difference is that they don't come off egotistical as jnig and yaya do.

>> No.7544967

more cosplay GOH? Fuck that shit!

>> No.7545226
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glad I didn't buy my badge this year. Fuck this AX.

>> No.7545252

>See AX go to shit so move to fanime
>Watch Fanime go to shit
>"Well I guess I can go back to AX"
>See this

Fuck, what do we do now?

>> No.7545279

So I'm going to AX 2014 for my first convention. What should I expect?

Also, does the Vagabond Inn really have that much of a cockroach problem?

>> No.7545330


>> No.7545342

Lots of rookies. Lots of amazing photographers.
Lots of LoL now that the game has become casual as fuck

>> No.7545372

Expect a lot of KLK cosplays.

>> No.7545450


fucking thank you, no one understands that slowly anime expo has been turning into "japanese-korean pop culture + stupid internet fandoms con"

rememeber when big anime studios went to ax? remember when anime expo was actually about anime and new releases?

everything is going to shit. i'm hoping Anime California turns out to be more fun than AX.

>> No.7545461


Your first convention? You should have gone to a smaller con first. AX will shit you out if you don't do it right.

I hope you have a good time, kid.

>> No.7545477

So me and my brother went to AX last year for the first time. Needless to say, we had no idea what we were doing. We're planning on going back this year and we want to be prepared. We've got our tickets and booked a room at the Marriot. I'm trying to plan out what panels we're going to visit this year (we couldn't get into any last year), but are there any other tips and things we need to know. I have some friends I'm meeting there from out of state and me and my brother just want to have a good time.

tl;dr: How do we not fuck up our AX trip.

>> No.7545507

stay hydrated and eat, for one. you'd be surprised at how many people forget that.

you've already noticed that panels take some planning ahead in terms of waiting in line. you have to run cost:benefit between time spent in line and how much you want to see that guest's panel. or how much you want to get their autograph.

>> No.7545522

Are you retarded? You just go and have fun. There's no special rules.

>> No.7545527



I just chill around on muscle relaxers at cons meeting new people and sometimes hooking up

>> No.7545541


you pay to go to a convention and just "chill"?

fucking casuals, you're the cancer that's making cons turn to shit.

>> No.7545552

And stop scapegoating an anon for an event's problems you little shit

>> No.7546182

Actually they do have point scapegoating anon. Conventions look at people like >>7545527 and think they can still make profit by cutting down on guests. That's why AX has these Cosplay guests, because they see beta casual fanboys as majority of convention attendees based on their online interaction about hot cosplayers and partying.

>> No.7546272
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How's the staff/service?
Basically, me and 4 other friends are rooming together but there was only 2 people max rooms available so we got one of those. Were just thinking of risking it and sneaking the other 2 in.
Now it turns out it might be 6 of us, like no one gives a fuck about sleeping on the floor, we just all want a place to crash cause were gonna probs go drink or something. I know another group of friends also booked there, is it possible to request rooms next to each other or whatever?
Man I don't want this to end up like that youmacon hotel shit

>> No.7548149
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>> Due to some problems that happened last year; I took responsibility and owe my friend, who takes me to AX every year for my b-day, ONE MLP "event".
>> mfw when AX won't have the programming guide up until like a week before the con

Does anyone based on years past have a good idea of what I am in for? I only know a few things about MLP; not that into it. My friend is into it but hides his powerlevel well. I feel like when we go to a MLP "event"; most people will think he is there for me. And before someone suggest I try to get out of it; this guy and his mother pay to take me to AX every year since 2006 for my b-day, and I feel like I owe it to him to sit through something he really likes and make up for the disaster of last year. It was my idea as he agreed and even said I can plan it around the cosplay gatherings I want to go to (mostly Tales of )

I also realize that maybe no one will reply to this but I need to get it off my chest.

TLDR: AX usually doesn't get the programming guide out until 2 weeks before the con

>> No.7548179

expect tons of people, ridiculous long lines for Everything, shitty staff/volunteer members, extreme temperatures, and lots of walking.

but really it can be loads of fun. You get what you can make of it.

>> No.7548192

Like >>7545507 eat, drink, shower as much as you can. Id say plan waiting at least an hour, sometime 2, for any panel you want to get into. Though the lines are long its a great time to sit and relax, but bring something to do like ds, draw pad ect. or you can always meet some new people by chatting in line too.

also if you have a large group going don't expect to stay together the entire time.

>> No.7548324

You'll be fine
Just keep saying "MLP is the devil" in your head. Don't let it corrupt you.

>> No.7548517

Sure thing!
I don't think I have a lighter green, though. Is the regular green okay or would you prefer a different color combo?

>> No.7548558

Your friend is a faggot, ditch his ass.

>> No.7549501

MLP chicks are super easy though, it's a good opportunity to get laid.

>> No.7549772

That would be cool n all if I wasnt female and in a long distance relationship
And other then the brony stuff the dude is pretty cool

>> No.7550466

oh, you're female, well...bring a 3DS and sit in the corner.

>> No.7550725

I'm hosting a BJD meetup at AX! I know some lolis are BJD collectors and probably some cosplayers too. Is anyone interested in going?
facebook page: events/680847711974483/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming&source=1

>> No.7550786

When I booked it, it had two beds, a queen and a twin which worked out perfectly because we originally had three people in our room. At some point during the con we had some friends crash on our floor, I think there was 5-6 of us total at one point. We weren't super loud and the hotel never said anything to us. We were able to extend our stay one extra day too which was a nice convenience.

>> No.7550910

I'm liking the Angela announcement for musical GoH.

>> No.7550948
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Wow, it really looks like it'll be terribad this year. I'm probably gonna have to move my badge to next year's if this doesn't get anything better... And I'll probably check out Anime California instead.

>> No.7550965
File: 428 KB, 586x436, stickers2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm lookin for someone who has table space in the AA and is willing to split it.

>> No.7550973

Those are adorable~! <3

>> No.7551005

Look out for a guy dressed as Madoka or Rikka at AX, it'd make my day if somebody from this thread sees me.

>> No.7551037

not sure if I'd buy but they look cool

>> No.7551242

No problem, the regular green x black would be awesome! I guess now the question is how I would meet you. Well, if you see a maid running around possibly with some DJ equipment then that's me.

>> No.7551745

And I guess I'll be going around as either Mako, Sailor Iron Mouse, Launch, or Morgiana. How do we get these from you?

>> No.7551770

Hell yeah, me too. They are one of my very favorite Japanese groups, I am so stoked.

>> No.7551824

>implying LoL wasn't designed to be casual

>> No.7551889


>> No.7551910

army of KLK cosplays confirmed

>> No.7551933

Oh my god these are so cute anon, I can tell you put love and care into these.

>> No.7551935

Army of Kill la Kill battling an army of Sailor Moon.

>> No.7551941

I will be going alone. I like doing this, it forces me to socialize with others plus the added benefit is I don't have to deal with babysitting any of my close friends(None of whom are cosplayers). The only down-side is that since I have gotten more social, one of my friends likes to piggy-back off of me rather than improve his conversational skills.

>> No.7551949
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>Army of Kill la Kill battling an army of Sailor Moon

>> No.7551957
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And then pic related happens.

>> No.7551962
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>> No.7551968
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>> No.7551975
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I came

>> No.7552160


welp, now we know what everyone in artist alley is going to be selling.

I don't know whether to jump on the hype bandwagon, or just keep drawing my own stuff and hope it sells.

>> No.7552171

Even without this Kill la Kill event, it was pretty much going to be a KLK and Sailor Moon dominated convention anyways.

>> No.7552194

Yup, I've been planning on that happening for months. I am already ready with both Sailor and KlK cosplays.

>> No.7552200


>> No.7552201

When Wondercon Anaheim had lots of Kill la Kill cosplay, an anime centric con will be far far more.

>> No.7552205


What's the point of "being ready" for cosplaying popular characters?

Did you want to cosplay a character from those series anyways? or are you cosplaying them because it's "going" to be popular and you're hoping to snag more people to take pictures of you?

>> No.7552218

I try to keep cosplaying within certain series during their peak year as I always end up wanting to cosplay the lesser known secondaries and without the main cast walking around then it really feels lonely without them. It's easier for me to find photo opportunities and meet other people who can actually appreciate the character choices I make

>> No.7552255

In my case, yes. My Sailor Uranus is from last year, and I knew by the first episode of KlK that I wanted to do Satsuki. The rest of the series just cemented that.

For other people, there definitely is an element of popularity and "me first", but that obviously doesn't apply to all people who choose to cosplay from "big" shows.

>> No.7552269

In my case, I decided to bring a Sailor Moon cosplay because the voice actors are going to be there, but I had already been planning a Sailor Moon cosplay for a while before that. Regarding Kill la Kill, I just love Mako and wanted to do a group cosplay with my friends. This new event is just an added bonus. <3

>> No.7552470


Man I wonder if he'll have a spot in the dealer's hall or anything. I would love to buy his artbook, maybe get something signed ugh I dunno just what a baller animator for real.


>> No.7552487


>implying that weebs aren't going to overrun the con and scare away the guests before any actual event happens.

>> No.7553177
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Time to carry people bridal style

>> No.7554288

Anyone know what ima going on with their masquerade department. Apparently they're hardly responding to emails.

>> No.7554431


Masquerade, Artist Alley, panels... everything is up in the air right now. stuff won't start happening until late May, and June.

>> No.7555440

AX was my first con, the only thing it ruined was smaller instate cons because they couldn't compare, what are you going on about?

>> No.7555477

If I remember correctly they lost a good chunk of the masquerade/cosplay department who quit in sympathy for their lead who was fired by Allison McKnight. I don't know if any of them returned or what the state of the department is now. I assume Perez, McKnight, and company managed to rope in some poor fools again this year.

>> No.7555492

Anime Expo, the convention I loved for over 15+ years, died in 2008.

>> No.7556256

I live 5 minutes away from the convention center.
20 minutes if you go by train.

I love going every year, even though I'm always alone..

>> No.7556330

Am I the only one dreading the amount of LoL cosplays there is going to be?
I remember in 2011 there were like 5 LoL cosplayers.
In 2012 there were a bit more, but still very very little.
Last year there were like 300 people at the meet, plus professional players were there.

LoL is being casual as fuck and I hate it.

>> No.7556382

That's the only way I would book a flight and hotel right now.

>> No.7556395
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>yfw Idol Wars at AX 2014 as Love Live and iM@S pit against one another

>> No.7556549


what the hell is that, League of Legends?

>> No.7556628
File: 228 KB, 500x686, 1362118794785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this would be the right place to ask this
The weapons rules disallow wooden and metal bats, I'm aware. However, I have a prop that's a hollowed-out bat- After I routed out the inside with a lathe, it weighs around two to three pounds and it's more harmless than a piece of PVC of the same size, which certainly makes it not at all dangerous. If it's demonstrably hollow, do you think I could still get it peace-bonded?

>> No.7556651

even if you did you'd probably still get shit from every staffer who does weapon patrols

>> No.7556658

Well I was planning on primarily keeping it in a bag, when not being used in a photoshoot or whatnot

>> No.7556674

AX weapons staff are mostly stupid and told to err on the side of not ok. I got crap from them last year for a sword that fit the letter of the policy that I'd made from wood because it "looks too real" I've found near-full size toy plastic bats at the dollar store, so maybe take a look for one of those to appease the peacebonding peons.

>> No.7556679

The thing is, those bats look like, well, plastic.
Really cheap plastic, at that.

>> No.7556786

I'm sure the AX Staffers are going to be on some kind of power trip against any Ryuko cosplayer and their scissor blade.

>> No.7556817

Not if Aniplex has a say

>> No.7556828

Who is the green scout?

>> No.7556835

>working on a foamboard scissor blade
>tfw I want to buy a $400 fiberglass scissor set and get it signed, clearcoat the signatures, and hang it on my wall
oh god I just might do this

>> No.7556840


>> No.7557085

nailed it

>> No.7557269


Oh my god

While this post slightly exaggerates this is no joke; There were literally 100-150 cosplayers at the photshoot, and even more outside of it

I don't know about pros being there though, kinda doubt that

>> No.7557317
File: 377 KB, 1350x900, AX28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were some. Since AX was a while back and I'm too lazy to look at my friends tagged pictures, I went digging through the Dignitas site. scarra and some of them went and I know there were others but I wasn't at the gathering while my friends were.

>> No.7557329


Oh damn, I was at the gathering crazy how I didnt see em I love scarra

>> No.7557454

Anybody know how much tickets to the KLK event are going to cost?

>> No.7557493

They range between $35-$50, I believe. I'm getting mines today like many.

>> No.7557533
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Pros were there along with Riot staff. In fact I watched Riot staff meeting with artists who submitted for their Lunar new year contest and inviting them over to the office. The number of League cosplay is huge but at least a good chunk of the people I saw at the gathering were REALLY good. I mean this guy's mouth could spin and was telescopic

>> No.7558622

They commented on their Facebook page saying it will be $45 with a $3.50 service fee. I don't know if the fee is included or not though.

>> No.7558625

Oh jesus thanks for letting me know
I'd have fucking died if I'd missed out
I've barely started planning for AX as it is, this is my first year.

>> No.7558651

good luck, the site is BEYOND fucked right now

>> No.7558663

are they doing a seat layout with fixed seating like last year?

>> No.7558670

They're only giving options for the section and row, not specific seating like last year.

>> No.7558672

How are you even getting in? I keep getting "invalid promo code" when it asks for my registration confirmation. Apparently I'm not the only one.

>> No.7558675

Same problem, and then the site went down completely. I'm already basically over this, fuck. I'll keep an eye out here, so someone mention when the site is back up.

>> No.7558681

hm, interesting
I always liked observing how many seats were available as time progressed but not sure if that would be possible this time round

>> No.7558682

I'm not even sure. I thought it wouldn't let me, but it did.
It wasn't loading properly/at all, but it's loading fine now.

>> No.7558686

Hmm, you must be lucky. Still says "This webpage is not available" for me.

>> No.7558687

I'd rather have hot asian cosplayers judge since they actually know what is GOOD in cosplay and wont just give an award to some fat chick in a giant dress because of the MUH SEWING and MUH EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES bullshit that plagues the western cosplay scene.

>> No.7558689

Is the registration confirmation number right? I can get into the site now but it's still giving me the invalid code shit. Ugh.

>> No.7558711
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Yeah, it's just the image attached with the grey reserved sections changing for different events.

I guess so. Hopefully everyone can get through soon!

Yes! That's what I used.

I find it a little funny though because I was going through the AX forums a few days ago and someone mentioned how AX and their ticketing site were preparing for this hah.

>> No.7558755

So wait anon, you're telling me that craftsmanship doesn't count? Are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.7558779

>muh reading comprehension

>> No.7558783

I'm never quite sure where this mindset that fat chicks in fancy dresses always win craftsmanship comes from. I've won 6+ craftsmanship awards and I'm not fat and only one of them was a dress.

>> No.7558799

I wonder what the grey sections are reserved for.

I'd assume part are press and industry, part are for the sponsor of the particular event. I don't know why they are so spread out though.

For Yuki Kajiura press/industry was super far in the back, haha.

>> No.7558811

GoH/VIP will be the section front and center, staff seating (if they still do that) is going to be one of the side back areas.

>> No.7558821

VIP I assume would just be able to buy early (which I assume is that very front block in front of the center reserve). Or at least that makes more sense than just leaving the very front center unreserved.

>> No.7558884

WOOP, just got my ticket.
If I understand their rules right, you can take photos without flash, but you just can't shoot video? And cameras are okay but cellphones aren't?

>> No.7558912
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I know this subject has probably been discussed countless times before. But what is the deal with Anime Expo? I've been going there every year for over 5 years (can't remember when my first year was), and really seasoned AX-goers only ever say that the place has gone to shit. I have noticed a decline in entertainment value, and overall everything and everyone seems so unprofessional and unorganized. Like, staff and volunteers not knowing shit or giving you wrong information and directions, for example. And of course, schedules being off and/or changing last minute (like DAY OF said event), or things like that. But I've heard that the source of it all is even deeper than that.

All I know is that the director or whomever is someone shitty now, and he hired an even shittier program director. But I don't know the details. Now there's shit going around about lawsuits and things like that. Drugs in water or some shit. Is any of that true? Should I even be concerned? I mean, I already have my cosplays ready, the hotel booked, and my 4-day badge bought, so I probably won't change my mind about going this year. I like bigger cons because I actually like a lot of people to share the fun with despite the lines and crowds. AX was my first anime convention. It was quite a huge black dick for my tiny virgin con-goer hole. So, I usually favorite it over other cons. But at this rate, I dunno.

Is it even a big deal? Should I be worried? Not sure if I should just make a new thread or whatever.

>> No.7558923

holy shit these are adorable. I'd totally buy these if I saw them at the AA. I hope you get a table, anon!

>> No.7558944
File: 92 KB, 513x789, 9437304_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Perez hired Allison McKnight as programming director, who by the way, has ZERO experience as programming-anything. Last year, she rejected a lot of great panel applications and then went on to compare panel rejection to raping a baby. Now, before you say 'oh maybe the panels rejected weren't good enough', consider the fact that last year there were 3 Cosplay =/= Consent-related panels, and one TMNT (yes, turtles) panel.

Then of course, there are unceremonious firing of Tony aka last year's masq director and the shitstorm that stemmed from it.

>> No.7558956

where are you seeing the rules? that's mighty generous for general attendees, especially for a ticketed GoH event. almost universally in the past they've limited active shooting to press only

>> No.7558964

What's the costume policy for AX? As in, how skimpy can you get?

>> No.7558966

you'll probably get flagged for kill la kill level skimpness. yokos have been okay and that's more or less short shorts and a bikini.

>> No.7558971

Damn, guess it's time to modify costume designs, then

>> No.7558977

There goes like half the cosplayers already. Might be a good idea, because there will probably only be like 2-3 Ryuko's with the right body..

>> No.7558981

She sounds immature and shouldn't be in charge of anything with that attitude. Even if you do your job shitty, you should at least have some finesse to it.

This year's lineup looks horrible so far. Nothing interests me except maybe the Kill la Kill event thing. There's an actual magic show that's scheduled to go on. A magic show. What the hell? I never went to the Masquerade but why did they fire that guy? Is there anything else I need to know about? (don't worry about it if there's too many....just say it's shit. Which is apparent.)

>> No.7558984

>Even if you do your job shitty, you should at least have some finesse to it

Meant to say, "be professional about it".

>> No.7558985

People have been complaining about AX going to crap since 2000 when they were at the Disney hotel and it was going to ruin the con because Disney would buy them and censor all the anime. Just now the complaining gets around more because of social media. If the internal and staff problems get bad enough the con is really dying you won't see things like Aniplex bringing all the Kill la Kill people to the con for promo events, industry will take their best stuff to different conventions.

>> No.7558995

She's a dumb bitch, as outlined in http://pastebin.com/50AfmnMs

As someone who has been on the receiving end of no filter from corporate level people, it's a total pain in the dick and I kind of know what he's gone through. Our corporate thankfully reacted much more favorably to our response which was more or less "get off my nuts, we know what we're doing, let us do it and stop micromanaging."

Unrelated to the above I used to work in one of AX's media unit and we were shut down because they didn't want to support us any more even though we were pretty fucking cheap in terms of resources and created content for them. I'm going to laugh if our content is still used this year. Other ex-staffers I've talked to have also mentioned the amount of bullshit they had to deal with and that it was a big part of why they are now ex-staff

I still like AX and am still going to AX but fuck staffing it. Fuck it right in the ass. Most of the bullshit doesn't filter all the way to the attendee but shit like the entirety of Latanzio definitely had bad effects that are still being recovered from.

>> No.7559011

On the e-ticket for the KLK event.

1) Re-entry is allowed ONLY restroom usage and will require attendees to have their hand stamped before exiting the Main Event Hall. For anything else, a strict NO RE-ENTRY policy will be enforced.
2) For the safety of our contestants and/or AX Staff on stage, no flash photography is allowed. Photos and videos must be for personal use only with the exception of AX Archive Staff and pre-approved Press members.
3) By attending, you agree NOT to bring any recording devices into the venue.
4) Please leave restricted items in your car, hotel room, or at Bag Check. Cell phones should be kept in bags or pockets for the duration of the concert. Individuals will NOT be allowed into West Hall B until recording devices have been properly stored elsewhere (i.e., they cannot be on your person).
5) Bag Check is available in the West Hall Lobby of the Convention Center to store video cameras and other electronic devices for the duration of the event.
6) Any attendee(s), non-authorized press, or staff members discovered with functioning equipment will be subjected to immediate deletion of all media stored on the device, one strike on the badge, and, at the discretion of Anime Expo Staff, ejection from the venue and badge revocation for the remainder of the convention.

They keep only talking about "recording devices" so I guess I'm allowed to have a camera and take non-flash photos, but not video? The language is highly contradictory as I can apparently take personal photos and video, but can't have a device capable of recording video.


>> No.7559056

McKnight and Perez are the cancer that's hurting Anime Expo right now. Both of them needs to get fired before things turn for the worst

>> No.7559084

>wont just give an award to some fat chick in a giant dress because of the MUH SEWING and MUH EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES bullshit

If some fatty did the best job, then they deserve to win. Way to go again, faggot.

>> No.7559086

McKnight apparently just recently put in her two week notice.

>> No.7559400

The first 10 minutes last night for Kill la Kill tickets felt like trying to get SDCC badges.

>> No.7559497

Oh gods, yeah. It was ridiculous. I finally ended up just having a friend buy mine, because I never did get my code to work.

>> No.7559512


>b-but muh 10k attendance increase!

I hope smaller cons get more attendees after they start realizing that these large-scale cons are getting out of hand and too out of touch with the "culture" they're trying to expo in the first place.

>> No.7559529

I think we still need large cons. I mean small cons are a nice hangout but there's a certain experience that cons with a huge attendance count can bring.

>> No.7559547
File: 39 KB, 300x450, A designer and her model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she should have entered the "best seamstress" competition, oh wait, the competition was for cosplay, not who could get the outfit right.

good seamstress =/= good cosplayer

I wish more people would understand this. Just like fashion designers let world-class models show off their work. You don't see designers modeling their own designs for the media. Cosplay contests should be split into modeling and outfit creation.

Not everyone can be a "cosplay maker" AND "cosplay model".

>> No.7559772

Sounds like a thin person is pissed that fatties do better jobs than he/she.

>> No.7560018

she better!

>> No.7560236

The Kill la Kill event deserved to be at Nokia Theater. Why are the SPJA a bunch of poorfags?

>> No.7560252

AX really needs some sort of meetup or speed dating type thing. A lot of other conventions have one.

p.s. I'm looking for a cute gay guy to cosplay Shion (No.6) with me. Attention whore instead of gay is also fine.

>> No.7560290

I'm assuming you're going to be Nezumi?
pics plz

>> No.7560362

Nokia Theater is $30k to use and they know it wouldn't fill up. Club Nokia would be a better venue for a concert but it's also somewhat small in comparison to the West Hall (also would cost money).

It looks like it's leaning towards not allowing general photography, especially with #3, #4, and #6. #2 is somewhat confusing with the part about being for personal use. While the use of "recording" does not specify as only applying to video you must remember that almost all cameras nowadays double as video recording devices.

This also seems something like a general rules for all main events and not an event specific one. #2 might apply solely to the Masquerade because of the mention of contestants and staff. #3, 4, and 6 will probably apply to all GoH events.

>> No.7560392

Are any hotels available this late in the year?

>> No.7560407

according to hotel search engines, yes

>> No.7560532
File: 1.96 MB, 1077x1106, 1399604509674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I convince a local friend to get out of volunteering for Anime Expo

I saved a good man this day...

>> No.7560538

Is the Westin good? It's still available on AX's website but the Marriot also has rooms on its own site (albeit more expensive)

>> No.7560558

It's good. If it was closer it'd be better but whatever, there's a shuttle.

>> No.7560560

sounds like you're a dipshit that can't grasp a completely valid point

>> No.7560954

If you're a huge Jew and wanna save money check the Stillwell, they're pretty cheap and its kinda close by.

We gonna fuck afterwards?
You better be a sub.

>> No.7562425
File: 37 KB, 709x236, 1384750567703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a bit of a mess. AX Marriott block didn't include Day 0, so I had to book it at a later time outside the block. But that means I technically have to check out in Day 1 at 10am, and check in again at 3pm.

We have tons of cosplay shit. Armor, props. One of us is going to be a fucking Gundam. Some of us are volunteering for Aniplex/KLK.

It's going to be hell managing our plans moving in/out. Anybody know if the hotel would hold our shit for those 5 hours between 10am and 3pm?


>> No.7562438

I want to say yes but this is something you could ask the hotel about. Maybe if you're lucky they'll just let you use the room continuously without having to check out/check in.

>> No.7562443

Yeah, I forgot to mention the Day 0 room is a "not guaranteed" King or Double, and I had Double for the rest of the con. So I imagine if I lose out on the 50/50 and get a King for Day 0, I'm shafted.

I'll probably give them a call a week before the con.

>> No.7563087

My hotel room is reserved for 2 people, but I have a 3rd person staying with me for Day 0. We won't be arriving at the same time. Will the hotel staff find it suspicious if he just waltzes in with his luggage and goes straight to the hotel room instead of going to the front desk?

>> No.7563103

if you really have to you could walk with him

>> No.7563137

I work at a hotel! We don't care/won't notice. Just have him walk up. Don't worry, anon.

>> No.7563144

Thanks anons! I've never done this before so I'm pretty paranoid. He'll be leaving the evening of Day 1 since he's going to be staying at a different hotel for the rest of the con. It won't be weird that he's leaving with all his luggage far past checkout hours?

>> No.7563159

it'll be fine
you don't get paid enough to care at a hotel
he could just be some normal guy leaving and no one is going to think otherwise

>> No.7563590

Johns go back and forth in hotels to fuck escorts.
No one cares. Of course, like all things, only if it gets excessive.

You're good.

>> No.7564354

Totally fine. We crammed 8 people into a room during Anime Conji, half arrived in varying times. If there are other entrances besides through the lobby, then take those if you're especially paranoid.

>> No.7565530

The general consensus is pretty much that if you're not a fan of Sailor Moon, K, Angela, Sword Art Online or Kill La Kill, you're not gonna miss much. There's nothing legendary or once in a lifetime going on this year like the Hatsune Miku concert back in 2011.

>> No.7565858

>JW Marriot is literally 339 dollars a night
Dear god... Fuck me for not buying my hotel earlier...

>> No.7565975

Anybody looking for roommates ._.? I'm trying to go back this year, but I'm a little late with hotel rooming

>> No.7566061

The same could be said of any year that doesn't have something you like. I didn't go to the Miku concert and I don't feel like I missed a thing. I think I went to every other concert but the Miku concert that year, actually.

>> No.7566271
File: 916 KB, 1895x569, perfume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Perfume does a live concert at Anime Expo, you have permission to take my money.

>> No.7568360

Do tickets sell out to this? My boyfriend and I were thinking of coming on Saturday and Sunday this year but probably won't be able to buy badges for another few weeks.

>> No.7568442

no, you'll be fine. the only thing I'd be concerned about is the line to actually get your badges. they have yet to cap AX but things like panels are nightmarish.

>> No.7568623

I always go w/ a big group of friends that i've known since middle school. We usually split up frequently to do our own thing, or break off into smaller groups, but its always a blast. Been doing it for about a decade now, so it feels weird whenever even one person can't make it, let alone going alone (and I'm usually the type of person enjoys being alone).

>> No.7570326

>AX SM cosplayers get to be in the DVD/BD of Sailor Moon when they come out
So who's going to throw together something just to be an attention whore?

>> No.7570339
File: 51 KB, 632x474, ironmouse011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7570345

Also, where did you hear that?

>> No.7570357

It's on Anime Cosplay Paradise's Facebook page.

>> No.7570468


>> No.7570473

Just saw that. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7570488

I made an audible sound of displeasure. He better not be one of the two 'concerts' that are apparently going to be announced this week.

>> No.7570495

How can he be a concert?

>> No.7570498

He sings gospel music or something.

>> No.7570505

are you shitting in my ears right now?

>> No.7570512


>> No.7570525
File: 432 KB, 160x161, 1341286629399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7570540
File: 7 KB, 230x219, huehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh vic mangina, never change

>> No.7570942

Something I just thought of today:
>remember that almost all cameras nowadays double as video recording devices
What about disposable cameras?

>> No.7570948

Anyone planning to apply?

>> No.7570965

disposable film cameras aren't made for dark situations since they're preloaded with a certain speed film. you'd end up with a lot of really dark photos.

if you had a normal film camera then perhaps you could *argue* to be let in with your iso 3200 film but they could still say "denied because fuck you, that's what" because they get last word.

>> No.7570975 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, thanks for reminding me that I have an 80's Chinon.
I might give staff an e-mail and see what they say.

>> No.7570982

i hope you know what you're doing
low light concert photography is not something you just bust out of nowhere
you also need a certain amount of gear, especially when you're far off like you will be in west hall

>> No.7570988

Nevermind, they have a much simpler version on their main policies page:
"No photography and/or video recording of any kind is allowed, with the exception of Anime Expo Archive Staff and pre-approved Press members."
Christ, what was so hard about that?
Compare that to >>7559011

>> No.7570992

>I hope you know what you're doing
Oh, God, absolutely not. But I do have a 70-300mm telephoto, a tripod, and a light meter.

>> No.7571002

if you're motivated enough you can probably whip up some bullshit to get press
they're fairly lax about it

>> No.7571009

DJ friend reporting again! Shot down by AX staff. At least I don't have to go through the process of showing up, and not even having the chance of setting up when I've already been kicked out of the con. Apparently it's a safety issue, or so they say.

But yes, I have confirmation that this isn't allowed, but if there's anyone here having a party and want someone to play music, well...

>> No.7571010

has/is anyone staying at the apartments on south bixle st you can rent for the week/day?

>> No.7571015

I dunno how motivated I am.
I e-mailed staff, we'll see what they say. The KLK thing isn't just the concert, I'm guessing they're doing Q&A panels and some other stuff. To ban photography for the ENTIRE event seems really ridiculous.

>> No.7571021

I'm looking forward to the concert, not so much the rest. I go as press but panels are bleh. Plus we're probably interviewing them separately anyway.

I wonder what the exact format will end up being. One big multi-hour event? Split up events with part in west hall part in Petree?

>> No.7571057

I pretty much agree, getting the cast to sign stuff is going to be cool but
>an entire auditorium of people shouting out "DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAY" in unison
You can't get more hype than that.

>> No.7571070

I'm betting it's all happening in West Hall. Moving a concert-size crowd to and from *anywhere* at AX would be a logistic and time hell (plus is capacity event the same?). I'm thinking they're just going to recycle their already set-up stage for opening/closing ceremonies. Pretty sensible to me.

I applied to cosplay volunteer for Aniplex/Daisuki, and they said we'll get "special seating at the KLK event". I wonder what that could be, considering the seats (well, row and section) for the event are arranged by ticket. I already bought a ticket for Block A just in case I don't make it in, but if I do, I wonder what they or I can do about it (shit was $45).

>> No.7571077

find someone to scalp it to
AX may or may not take exception to that though

>> No.7571083

Yeah that's what I'm thinking but that's a bannable offense isn't it?

I was just thinking of asking staff what to do/if I can sell it for equal or less. I'm sure someone could appreciate my seat, and I'd feel bad with the seat being empty and wasted.

>> No.7571094

Can you still apply to cosplay volunteer? It totally slipped my mind

>> No.7571106

Yeah, it's on ACP. Cosplay/WIP photo deadline is June 6th for KLK. Needless to say, they are getting tons of applications.

I'm doing a character [mode] I'm sure no one else is doing, or only a very few, so I'm hoping that'll increase my chances.

Autographs, special seating, escorting guests, and handing out KLK swag/posing for pics; what's not to love? Outside of simply attending, I wouldn't be doing anything else during a KLK event/panel anyway.

>> No.7571121


how about selling it back to the staff themselves?

>> No.7571130

I was thinking of something along those lines. I'll just inquire at the Main Events Ticketing booth once I'm there.

>> No.7571304

yeah! heard the requirements arent actual requirements and sort of flexible. my bust is an inch too big but im gonna apply anyways.

>> No.7571654

you can't apply if your boobs are to big?

>> No.7571829

Did you even click on the link

>> No.7572027

they had girls over the height and bust limit last year a long with really skinny ones so it seems pretty fair game

>> No.7572961

>Danny Choo goh and moc for the fashion show
Fuck, I don't think I have enough time to put together a Mirai Suenaga costume.
I'm 6' 0", about 215, and have a big beard btw.

>> No.7573103

You almost got me erect there anon.

>> No.7573132

At least he isn't going as the Fakku mascot, we had one last year and oh god that bulge through the shorts. It is burned into my brain and not in a good way.

>> No.7573152

You talking about the asian guy doing the Fakku crossdress mascot?

I know that guy.

>> No.7574397

Good news: My actual costume is much worse.