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File: 345 KB, 965x960, cute-room-designs--bedroom-home-design-ideas-gray-and-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7496638 No.7496638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you people keep your room clean and organized? Or how do you not. I want to make my room cute and well kept, but having lived as a slob for most of my life, I don't really know how.

General room thread?

>> No.7496651

Check unfuck your habitat for tips.

>> No.7497062
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I'm interested in this topic!

What do anons do with a small living space but a big wardrobe? I was thinking of doing some kind of wall hangings for my favorite dresses, and ideas for shoe storage (storage as in, accessible but out of the way I mean)

And I have extremely limited room in my bathroom, so I'd love ideas for toiletry/makeup/hair stuff storage near the bathroom, but without counter space.

>> No.7497111
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bumpin for interest
my room is a fucking wreck
anyone elses advise is appreciated

>> No.7497508
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What do you mean by 'small'?

>> No.7497509

This, a lot of magazines and people give out tips for 'small' spaces that are actually quite normal-sized apartments.

I would like some tips for a tiny closet (2mx2m) and living with a Cavalier Spaniel who sheds a lot.

>> No.7497536

I think my entire apartment is 550 sq feet and maybe 30% of that is my bedroom. Or if that sounds wrong, I have a queen bed against one wall and about four feet of clearance on the other side and about two feet off the end of the bed to the wall. I have thought about getting a a smaller bed too. My closet is maybe 3 ft wide by 6/feet deep and only one wall is designated for clothing as the water heater takes up the other.

>> No.7497537

And my bathroom is smaller than the closet since it has the tub and sink and toilet.

>> No.7497548

if you have a lot of things, display the cute items on tables in orderly rows. clean out all things that you don't want! give things like old toys to charities. back when my room was really messy, i lined all cute things up and even though the amount of things was still the same, it looks much less cluttered when it is all organized.

>> No.7497641

Most people think that flat surfaces are there to pile shit on top of. Your room is going to look like shit if you have a ton of stuff just sitting around, artfully arranged or not. Get rid of as much unnecessary knic-knacs as you can. Your dresser should have maybe 2-3 decorations on it that doesn't take up more than 20% of the space. If you want a clean looking room like the magazines, your shit needs to be stowed away and out of sight, not sitting around. Fabric bins for shelves are useful for this.

>> No.7497781

For the spaniel, a brush for him, carpet sweeper for your floor, lint brush for clothing (not the sticky type, the brush type) and bedding. For your room, storage going up/hanging from the ceiling/under bed, and a simple, unfussy theme

>> No.7498999
File: 38 KB, 425x425, Double-rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for tiny closets you might want to check out double hangers
also consider trunks that might go with the theme of your room to hide shit that might make your room look cluttered you can just throw a throw cover over to kind of hide it too

>> No.7499007
File: 39 KB, 425x425, 36PairOverdoorShoeRack_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for shoes you can check out an over the door shoe organizer or one that goes on the floor or go to the container store[use the box they came in too ] and get those clear shoe boxes to organises them
if you have little things you can hang them on with wall tacs
and if you sew alot you can either get a cheep wally world organizer for little things like large spoors scissors etc and get a grid you can hang on the wall and store shit there
if anybody has any questions on this kind of shit i can help i really like organizing and re organizing my shit so yeah just ask

>> No.7499020
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>> No.7499025
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>> No.7499029

This tumblr has all the kawaii room decoration inspiration! http://fyeahlolitadecor.tumblr.com/

>> No.7499091

>"Magic Hangers"
>Jewelry hanger
Unless you're not leasing a place, you can arrange push pins on your wall around the dresser (if you have one) or on a cork board (which you can decorate) to hang your jewelry on
>rubber maid standing organizer
Have dedicated sections for socks and tights, headbows and other hair accessories, and etc.

I have two: one for the bedroom closet (I store medication and feminine products in the bottom and on top drawer, my lolita socks, waist ties, and tights), and one for the bathroom.

>Collapsible closet shelving
I use mine for non-loli items like my polos for work, regular hats and scarves, body and hand towels, and bed sheets and pillow cases (since I don't have a linen closet and I'm leasing a space)

Store shit you prefer to hide and use the space you actually have. I tuck my luggages, make up box, and if I were you, I'd invest in a...

>shoe trundle or hanging shoe organizer

Maybe it comes from my experience from moving a lot, but I don't think it's too difficult to figure out how to store things. It takes some time, but my tactic is to know what kind of space I'm in (Am I allowed to put nails in the wall?), know the dimensions and physical limitations (i.e.: Is there a heater in the way? How big is my bed/couch? - measure twice!), and do some shopping around - bed, bath, and beyond is a good place to start for ideas and then you can compare with other shops for the same items. I personally love looking at interior design items during the fall because college kids are moving, so you'll find guide sheets and a buttload of space saving items you can considering buying.

I just got a new laptop, so my old cute interior design images are missing at the moment.

>> No.7499147

I was just going to post a room thread too! Are there any college/university seagulls who have tips for dorm room storage? Especially if you try to work on cosplays at school?

>> No.7499158
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>> No.7499178


That looks like an overblown version of my dorm room in 2000.

I had those bedsheets. Found them at the local store 1 week into college.

>> No.7499190
File: 145 KB, 500x300, 103248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing. My neighbor had her entire house Sailor Moon themed. As a child, it was more magical than disneyland. Miss it so much.
>I made her a horrid sailor moon doll out of clay when I was eight for her collection.

>> No.7499210


do you have pics?
I would love to see a Sailor Moon themed house rather than SM merchandise everywhere.

I've always wanted to see someone completely remake Usagi's room IRL or do an all white room that represented Serenity.

I'd take any senshi themed room really.

>> No.7499228

I wish! If I did I would have already shared it. I didn't fully appreciate it really until my teen years and by then I wasn't even there anymore. She looked like an average college girl though, so the shock of opening the door to her place always stuck with me.

>> No.7499307
File: 827 KB, 960x1280, 2014-04-16-00-08-08_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone's interested I can talk about the storage in my room. I'm actually pretty close to a hoarder (I have piles and piles of artist paper, old trinkets, etc.) but thankfully im also obsessed with boxes and organization and hiding most of it... I can talk about it tomorrow when I have more sleep and better lighting, if anyone is interested.

And before anyone asks, yes this is "cloud chan", I just don't have clouds anymore whoops

>> No.7499309

How will we know it's you though

The clouds were cute

>> No.7499323
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>> No.7499600

Thank you, /cgl/, for motivating me to clean my impossibly messy room.

>> No.7500440
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lolita closets and kawaii rooms

>> No.7500474
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misako's room

>> No.7500482
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>> No.7500488
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>> No.7500489
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>> No.7500493
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>> No.7500717
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I don't have an updated picture of this girl's room. I love this picture, and how it is now is even cuter. She has great style.

>> No.7500720
File: 315 KB, 800x564, kyashii 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait no, here we go

>> No.7500722

I just don't.

Seagulls would be terrified if they saw my bedroom floor.

>> No.7500725
File: 136 KB, 900x651, kyashii 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another angle, more to come

I bet you get a lot of use out of your iron.
(I do too)

>> No.7500728
File: 55 KB, 600x400, kyashii 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other side of the room

>> No.7500733

How do you guys store your wrist cuffs? I need ideas.

>> No.7500736
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I keep them in a fabric-covered box

>> No.7500741
File: 47 KB, 600x399, kyashii 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's the last of Kyashii's room

>> No.7500745
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>> No.7500747
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>> No.7500777

what are some cute storage options?
how does everyone store their bows, shoes,
I have no storage pieces. just boxes.
where to get cute stuff?
taobao, amazon, anything helps

>> No.7500792
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I've seen that hat boxes stacked on top of each other works pretty well, and it looks cute

>> No.7500813

Get a trunk. You can buy them for around $30 at places like Walmart, and they're invaluable for storing anything that can be folded. They also don't look terrible being left out (or you can shove them under the bed depending on how your room is set up). You can throw a pillow on top of them an use them as extra seating, too.

>> No.7501390

Argh. All my children for Angelic Pretty posters like that. I've tried to buy some, but they turned out to be fakes. I'd even be willing to print my own if I found file sizes large enough...

>> No.7501569

My boyfriend and I have been living together for about 3 years now and we're about to move to a new apartment. It's frustrating because he prefers really modern, minimalistic furniture and furnishings in a dark palette, while I prefer more Victorian-inspired furnishings fit for a "classic lolita" in creams/pale colors.

What do I do? I mean, he's cool with me furnishing my sewing space and closet the way that I like, but the bedroom is most likely going to be to his taste. It's a fair division of space, but I feel like the rooms will most likely clash? Is there any hope in balancing something like this? Anyone have any room inspiration that would satisfy both of us? Or is it better to just say this space is mine and this space is his?

>> No.7501600
File: 451 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_lmtdc9wUsQ1qh5xblo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm always looking for otaku-ish rooms that are ACTUALLY clean and cute.

>> No.7501607

I dont get bets like this, do you swipe away your toys every night then rearrange them again in the morning every single day? what a waste of time

>> No.7501626

Do you have tips to go from messy hoarder to tidy hoarder? There's just so many things that need to be put away I don't know where to start

>> No.7501628

>these ugly wall colors
>those creepy frogs
>random holiday lights
do not like

>> No.7501635

way too childish looking for a woman her age.

>> No.7501641

My room will never be this tidy. I'm so sad. I'm more a video game otaku type who loves jfashion, but damn it all. I have no idea where to start with storage. I saw the trunk idea earlier in the thread. I may do that. I just have to bite down and clean my closet properly too... Oh sigh.

>> No.7501644

they're probably not there all the time, just when people are over or for the picture. I bet most of the time they're shoved on the floor or just around the unmade bed

>> No.7501645

My room is getting overwhelmed with knick knacks so I'm trying to cull. I haven't bought any recently but I can't believe how much I've spent on this crap over the years.

>> No.7501693

>tfw I do arrange mine everyday

>> No.7501701

Me too anon. It's worth it imo, i think it makes my bed look really cute and soft and it has forced me into a habit of making my bed every day.

>> No.7501712

I put mine on my toy box at the end of my bed. My cat likes to lay on them so if they're down there it means she doesn't lay on or near my pillow.

>> No.7502091
File: 70 KB, 704x960, H8te it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to make my room more Kawaii, but I have this brown piece of furniture I am not allowed to move out at all, and all the rest of my furniture is white mostly and very light colored. I can't seem to figure out how to decorate around it with light pinks and cute things!! It bothers me so much any ideas?

>> No.7502206

Get rid of that tacky wall scroll and vase. You can buy some cute quilted fabric to drape over the top, some white/pink tulle over the front, and maybe some kawaii posters over the cabinet doors. The handles could also be replaced, just unscrew and put them away and get less tacky ones. If all else fails just cover it with cute curtains.

>> No.7502213

Don't you think it is a little awkward to have a huge random fabric thing in the middle of her room? I would personally just try and find some pinks that go well with light browns and maybe get some cute brown stuffed animals like deers or bears to even it out maybe?

>> No.7502258

Milk is that your room?

>> No.7502271


If you want to get good at something, but you've never tried it before and you've no idea how to start, the first thing you do is try.

Try and see how it goes. Learn from it.

Then try again.

Usually, getting beyond "wow why did I even bother"-level at anything takes about 15 tries and about 20 days.

So get crackin', cracker.

>> No.7502278

Jelly jelly~

That table looks like this really cute table from ikea.

>> No.7502410

Sauce on bow backpack in the bottom right?

>> No.7502419

>someone has an opinion
>"you must be jelly!"

Really. I thought you had to be I've 18 to post here. I don't get that kind of response at all. I like cute rooms too, but misako's just ain't my style. I like more subtle elegance.

>> No.7502429

Saying that something is 'way too childish for a woman her age' in such a matter-of-fact way is hardly just your innocent little opinion. There is a lot implied there. If it's not your style, that's fine, and you can say that, but there's a difference between stating your opinion and acting like it's against the ~law~

>> No.7502444

Not even same anon, but I think you need to look up what opinions are.

>> No.7502490

Yes. I do! many! I'll post some tips and photos with my actual camera when I go home.

Sanrio (Cinamoroll) with a clip on bow

>> No.7502630

Cool thanks, look forward to it

>> No.7502795

I love this room <3

>> No.7503266
File: 2.36 MB, 2000x1500, besttaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine, but I just moved in recently so there's nothing on the walls yet and stuff isn't all in place. no shots of my closet yet either because I haven't had time to organize (axes femme/liz lisa anon here). also more figs coming ;_;

I honestly just have the cheapest furniture I could find so it's not as cute as I wish it could be.

>> No.7503943

Just got my first apartment alone that I can actually paint and customize! Watching this thread for inspiration.

My bedroom in particular is pocket-sized.

>> No.7504182

>denpa onna is actually the shittiest anime ive ever watched

yeah, no

>> No.7504199
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Alright! I'm back.

So my room isn't perfect and isn't the cutest, but I'm really happy with it. Its a good in-between of generalized kawaii and generalized teenage-girl-bedroom. (if you have any suggestions to make it cuter, they are very welcome!)

So I'll just go through general storage in my room.

So first of all, my bags are all hung up behind my door. It has 6 hangers, and is not nailed/drilled/etc onto my door, it just hangs on it. I keep most of my bags there. I keep my daily purse next to my bed.

I have a shelf above one of my windows for my stuffed toys and video games. The video games are in-transition though, and I'll talk about where I'll be moving them soon. On the very left are two small stackable trunks my mother got me. I keep letters and photos from friends in one and nail polish in the other.

The bottom left corner is my laundry, which I keep in two thin white plastic baskets. It matches my furniture and isn't too in-the-way.

Next is note-taking, extra papers, and my magnetic white board.

>> No.7504206
File: 2.43 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(please ignore the pentagram, my friend drew it as a joke. It says "gob lob the frog")
Here I write my to-do list, put up some notes/letters, and keep track of various things.

I painted the edges pink so its a little cuter!

I really suggest a magnetic board if you keep lots of paper on your desk, or like using sticky notes to remind yourself of what to do.

What I'm working on right now with this board is getting cute magnets.

Next is my open cabinet.

>> No.7504218
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>implying you watch the anime for anything other than the girls
>also implying it only exists as an anime

>> No.7504221
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Now something with a little more detail!

I cut out some printed pictures of the little twin stars to decorate my cabinet.

The top shelf is mostly display. In the back, I have an open AP mook. I have a few figures and CLAMP clow cards.

If you squint, I have a little jar that says "buttons" (and of course, I keep extra buttons in it from new clothes), it is right in front of the AP mook. Its a regular jar with the cap painted with the same color I used to paint my wall. I put lace around it too. I like doing this for storage so I can keep things looking a little less bland.

I also keep my pens and paper here (back right).

The bottom shelf has a few things--

brown boxes: I got two recycled paper mache boxes and put doilies, printed paper, and ribbon on them. On the bottom one I put a btssb and AP sticker. Inside, I keep my daily headbows/hairclips (in the bigger one) and jewelry (in the smaller one). If anyone is interested in how I store my jewelry (boxes inside boxes inside boxes...) I can post about that too.

silver box: earrings, necklaces, and rings I tend to wear daily, so I don't have to shovel through boxes and boxes to get a ring.

pink cloth bag: I had an ugly dark purple coin counter so I made a pink cloth bag with pink chiffon over it.

Pink heart box: nothing inside! I'm obsessed with boxes so I have a bunch. I'm still thinking of what I can put inside this one.

blue bunny box: bobby pins and hair ties.

>> No.7504225

That CCS poster is gorgeous. Where did you buy it?

>> No.7504224

The clouds were cuter

>> No.7504230
File: 2.58 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical storage under my bed. I have a few more boxes in the back with acrylic paint that isn't pictured. The bedskirt typically covers the boxes. If you don't do this storage method already for stuff, you should! It holds a lot.

1: school related stuff and notebooks, calculators, etc

2: video game related stuff (chargers, wii motes and mote accessories, gameboy/DS/PSP, DS games, etc)

3: crafting related stuff (lace, hot glue gun, printed paper, cabochons, etc).

>> No.7504233

sorry mate. Ive had the clouds for almost 2 years and I was getting really tired of them. Although I do agree that they had a charm that the stars certainly don't have.

ebay, from a japanese seller. It was the official japanese movie/dvd poster for the cardcaptor sakura movie in perfect condition from 2001.

>> No.7504234

>perfect condition from 2001
HNNGGG all of my jelly.

>> No.7504237

I think it was the faces.
Didnt some of your clouds have kawaii faces?
or my memory is faulty
clearly your stars need cute faces too

cute cat

>> No.7504243
File: 2.62 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some closet storage! This is the top corner of my closet, for reference. right under this is hangers upon hangers upon hangers. This closet is usually covered up by two giant sliding mirrors, so unfortunately I can't show you my closet as a whole and how hideous it is.

My closet is also in-transition right now, and has plans to be painted pink very soon. I already have the paint!

The cardboard box looks really small but it is FILLED with stuff. As I mentioned earlier I am a bit of a hoarder. I fix boxes for 3-4 hours just trying to pack as much as possible into 1 box. What can I say, I've always loved tetris. Anyway I got a cute mint green cardboard box from daiso for $1.50, and I plan on getting more when I go back since it works really well.

The AP bag stores my petticoats! This is my favorite method so far. Recently I discovered that classical puppets' pettis do not flatten no matter how hard you stuff it in something. I have two giant pettis in the AP bag.

The btssb bag has some lolita-exclusive headwear.

The giraffe holds wristcuffs (although I only have 1 pair!)

and the AP box is there for decoration. Because I love boxes.

>> No.7504249
File: 2.51 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly your stars need cute faces too
good idea anon! I have so many damned stars I might tire myself painting :3 faces on all of them, but I will definitely consider it! My boyfriend suggested I put borders around the stars (the clouds had borders), but I feel like its too much work, and I'm not even sure if it will look good.

Thanks! Yeah my cat is an angel.

>> No.7504254
File: 559 KB, 320x240, KoalaEarWiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe just pick accent stars? Like the bigger ones from around the room.

When I leave my current apartment I want to do something cute with my walls too. Until then, I live vicariously through you.

(Another thought--turn one or two into shooting stars?)

>> No.7504261
File: 2.75 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could spoiler this image. This is my TRUE FORM. Its ugly and gross.

If I unboxed everything in those boxes, my floor would be completely covered. COMPLETELY. Ive done it MANY times, because I often pack and re-pack and slowly donate items that I haven't touched in 1-2 years. I recently donated a garbage bag just FULL of STUFF (which is why on my other photo theres a big empty space).

The boxes are filled with all kinds of things. Old punk CDs, stuffed toys from childhood, PAPER, SO MUCH PAPER, boxes of figures, beads, trinkets, old punk posters, artist prints.. the trick here is really just packing it all nicely. the clear bags that come with winter blankets because you can see whats inside in case you forget (oops).

Whenever I get a big box, I keep it. Boot boxes, toy house boxes, sheet bags... everything. And then I put shit in it and store it away until my next reaping of donation goods.

>> No.7504268
File: 2.08 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_8175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could put additional bigger stars.... hmm..

And its not photographed, but I do actually have a few shooting stars! They're much bigger than the regular stars but there are only a few of them. Maybe I'll place more, because they seem a bit lacking.

Anyway, that was most of my room! I left a few parts out because they were a little boring. TLDR more boxes. I hope at least one person enjoyed it!

PS I also have this hideous cat tree but I keep it here because my cat loves it to death. I open my window up in the summer and she sleeps there, so she can catch the cool breeze. She's my furbaby.

>> No.7504279


Thanks for posting these! I'm going to be sharing a closet soon and was looking for ways to save space.

>> No.7504291

I like the wristcuff, although I've seen similar animals in Myer and they are super expensive.
Did you get it somewhere cheaper?

>> No.7504295

I'm going to do that with my soft toys, Good idea

>> No.7504299

I mean wristcuff holder

>> No.7504302


Its actually a giraffe bookend! So maybe searching for something similar might work?

Unfortunately I got mine in the Philippines 5 or so years ago, so I can't point in a concrete direction where to get it.

Glad to help!

>> No.7504303

I need help with organizing my makeup and hair accessories. I have too much for just a makeup bag but too little to actually buy one of those acrylic makeup storage boxes. Wat do? I can't use magnets, I can't hang anything, I can't use cardboard boxes because I'm a poor faggot with no money to buy fabric to cover it with.

>> No.7504309

I just organised my makeup last night. You're probably not interested in this but I put the different things in different small make up bags.
Like one bag for lips, one bag for eyes, etc.
I just found the bags around my room when I was doing a big clean. One used to have moisturiser gift pack in it.

>> No.7504347

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately I have no smaller makeup bags... And I have an 'emergency kit' that takes up a lot of space too. Band aids, tampons, pads and all that stuff in case I or any of my friends need anything.

>> No.7505429

The kumyas called and they said they would really like a bath :(

>> No.7505436

This thread reminded me that it's well past time to organize my room (especially in-between school.)

Jesus christ, the horrors I've witnessed today. It looks like a bomb went off in here.

>> No.7507321

>that monster hunter bag
Oh gosh, that's so cute! Please tell me you remember where you bought it.

>> No.7507326

This site is great, thanks anon! I like cleaning and keeping my house neat but I get pretty annoyed by the 10,000 websites out there with tips like "how to clean your sink with a baby underfoot!" and "how to dust your entire house and still be wearing pearls and heels when Hubby comes home"

>> No.7507531

I meant cardboard boxes.
like my room is just a mattress on a floor, desk built into the wall, and giant closet. I get start from scratch, but now that I have the money I don't know what to do.

>> No.7507542

ughhh those pinterest moms and mommybloggers are so annoying. "One Good Thing by Jillee" is great though, she doesn't do the forced cutesy housewife thing nearly as much and has great cleaning tips. I strongly suggest looking her up if you haven't, even the nerds at Lifehacker read her blog.

>> No.7507578

>One Good Thing by Jillee
Thanks for the link. I like doing house stuff but I can't fucking stand bland pinterest mommies and bloggers with no lives

>> No.7507661

Links to cutesy housewife things for an aspiring cutesy housewife?

>> No.7507666

Are the starts hand-painted? They're so freaking adorable.

>> No.7508084

That dollhouse/Bekemono nendoroid setup is really cute.

>> No.7508627
File: 717 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n3by3gxsWp1qag1gno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it on taobao! It was really cheap and good quality, too. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.81&id=12535454764

Yes, they are! I made a few stencils to make things easier.

Thank you!

>> No.7508655

I try to not strew my clothes around and put them in a basket, so it looks less messy. Ive been wanting to get a wooden three draw bedside table to replace that white one, and I'll paint the window edges brown when that ever happens.

>> No.7508662
File: 1.18 MB, 1100x1657, IMG_1518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh forgot to attach picture

>> No.7508696
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140410_152136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my livingroom. i just got this great antique steamer trunk to use as a table.

>> No.7508704

also heres my sewing room. its a lot messier most of the time...the table on the left has my serger and my regular machine is on the right so i can wheel back and forth between the two

>> No.7508710
File: 1.60 MB, 1728x2304, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poop. dropped pic.

>> No.7508800
File: 366 KB, 419x4622, 0ca79e4ecbfed934a0fa23d07abd17a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewelry organisation.

>> No.7508809
File: 36 KB, 640x416, 489769346bcecac9101755d9c2e42aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embroidery hoops to pin things onto or for decoration. Ideally both!

>> No.7508816
File: 103 KB, 389x512, enhanced-buzz-3250-1345576861-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Command hooks inside closet door, or on any door and hang jewellery all over it.

>> No.7508818

I need her to review that wallet. Sick of mine falling apart within a year after daily use, is AP worth it or is it just brand prestige ans aesthetic you're buying?

>> No.7508819


I like your moss house.
Not sure on the strange looking dog.

>> No.7508823
File: 66 KB, 435x580, enhanced-buzz-23510-1344957256-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut up shoe organisers and hang in cupboards or anywhere and use it to hold anything. It would keep things out of the way.

>> No.7508825
File: 11 KB, 320x320, Over-the-Door-Mirror-Cabinet-fda168fa-8836-45dd-97c0-e2094939800f_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an over the door jewelry cabinet, pic related
Plus it has two mirrors!

>> No.7508834
File: 105 KB, 532x553, 4286ed1a83f4f76ea98b64d46eee61b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decorate jars and tins to put trinkets in.

>> No.7508853
File: 64 KB, 550x733, f0b15cef7be417bd1073e134b6b9dc4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use towel rods inside cupboards or on doors to hold extra towels, blankets, whatever.

>> No.7508856

Same. If there's any way to give AP feedback they'd actually read I'd tell them to make more.

I've started quitting knick knacks by telling all my friends and family I dislike them - usually in subversive ways like showing them how disgustingly overcrowded my room is. Tell them you only like useful gifts (cookwear, appliances, bedding, or if you're as autistic like me things like Swiss Army knives and UV light detection keychains and industrial strength pens with light attachments etc) and then their creativity can shine if they find them in things that are knick knacky gimmicky on their own, like say bed sheets with your fave characters on them.
Long since quit buying them for myself tho thank god

>> No.7508857

Love it! I love the light colored couches with the dark wall. I feel like the TV is a little out of place, though.

I love decorating jars.

>> No.7508885

do you live with your parents?

>> No.7508892

I tried buying the same ones, anon. I don't care if they're fake. I just want them!!

>> No.7508908

Your room looks like another alternate universe version of my room.Like with the miss matched woods on the furniture, random doonas and blankets, lack of color scheme. Plus I own those exact flower garlands.

>> No.7508926

Where from?!

I kinda like this. Like in my closet to hold belts and ribbons.

>> No.7508940

Yup, why do you ask?

>> No.7508976

well currently living with mine myself but I don't personally see reason in going full on painting a room if I intend to move out within a few years so I kinda wanna know yours and others reason to settle decorating your rooms that you don't actually own, but your parents?
I understand a kid doing this coz they're bound to be at home for the next 5 years minimum, but an 18+ y.o?

>> No.7508995

My parents are used to me painting my room very often. Before I settled on clouds for a few years (2-3 years?), I repainted my room every year and re-arranged my furniture for a new look.

I've gotten comments like yours a few times actually, and honestly I recommend painting your room even if you were to live there for only a year. It makes a huge difference (to me at least) when I wake up in the morning and get dressed, or just chill out in my private space.

>> No.7509021

I don't live at home, but I do agree with you. For the last 3-4 years I've lived in a small apartment with white walls. It never felt like my space, that is, until I moved to another apartment where I could finally customize my space. Painting the walls really does help personalize and make an area more like your own. It helps you relax. Plus, painted walls are much nicer than white ones.

>> No.7509027

*high five*

>> No.7509113

I love pure white walls... scandinavian interiors are the best.

>> No.7509184

It's the same reason to decorate a dorm room that you're only in for a few months. It makes the space yours and more comfortable to live in. Granted, you can't paint dorm rooms but I've seen some pretty awesome wall covering ideas

>> No.7509199
File: 157 KB, 280x373, tumblr_m84oggj3Ww1r47eg2o4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads! If I get the time I might post my room tomorrow.

>> No.7509657
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New apartment Anon here. I have my bed set up at least! Super excited. Can't wait to get all my cute shit in here.

>> No.7510147

The dress is adorable! I've been trying to get back into sewing, but I've always been terrible at it.

>> No.7511285

>One Good Thing by Jillee

I actually really dislike that blog. Her posts are always long winded and never cut to the chase for the quick readers. Also, her tips have never worked for me.

>> No.7511309

Look into how to strip and paint your cabinet. I think it would look really nice in a pastel color. Plenty of tutorials online, helps if you have access to a power sander. Then find some cute handles/knobs

>> No.7511357


>> No.7511439


>> No.7511535
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1125072021a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't really look that similar but I could see it if I squinted

Cloud/star-chan is also really petite looking.

>> No.7513933

Anon I love your room. Is Erio your waifu?

>> No.7513946

I feel the weirdest compulsion to dust everything. How do people do it?!

>> No.7513950

I seriously want to know

>> No.7513955

>AP hangtag scotch taped to closet
You tried

>> No.7513997
File: 41 KB, 400x298, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of that anime girl with the blue hair on one of your figmas and tv screen ? I have been trying to find out for awhile ;3;

>> No.7514023
File: 1.20 MB, 1714x971, officebedroombattlestations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bedroom and office. Dealing with really small spaces so I had to work with what I had.

>> No.7514209

whoa. I know you. Your room is so much better than it seems from other pics.

>> No.7514211

Erio Touwa from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

>> No.7514228

In love with your room. holy shit

>> No.7514272

Your room is Otaku neat and clean looking. Super cute furniture too. I love it.

>> No.7514461
File: 355 KB, 515x332, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your room, it looks comfy!
Where did you get your desk organizers? I've been looking around for
a while to find ones like that.

>> No.7514759
File: 279 KB, 640x857, mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White boards can be done so much cuter.
Pic related, in Australia these framed whiteboards are available in Reject shops. The person in this picture has covered up the whiteboard in paper and then added magnetic strips to her makeup products. The frames come in white, blue, black and pink. I've got the black one in my room and I have a white one in my kitchen. I glued magnetic strips to the back so it is stuck to my fridge which was great because I didn't want to use double-sided tape or anything. They're about $10 which isn't reaaaaaaallly that cheap but cheaper than officeworks and tons prettier than any available there.

>> No.7514804

having random ass eyeshadow framed like that on a magnetic board looks bad though. Sorry.

>> No.7514807

Yeah, I agree it looks bad. I just googled a picture of the whiteboard and that was the only one I could find, I wish she'd taken one before covering it up with that ugly paper. It looks so much nicer unaltered.

>> No.7514815
File: 92 KB, 640x640, 10153946_10201717166999441_3229240050751104380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a corner of my room. Its a really small area so i just work with what I have. It's defiantly cluttered, but i like it. ^^;;

>> No.7514829

where did you get that shota wall sticker

>> No.7514831

I follow you on tumblr. I'd like to be your friend, I live in the area too, but I'm too shy and am convinced you'll hate me.

>> No.7514853
File: 1.62 MB, 705x952, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to make my room more cute but I have such a "eh, I am gonna move in a few months, why bother" attitude

>> No.7514869

Its a custom print. They used to sell something similar on amiami.

>> No.7514879

>the haru body pillow
>all the free posters
I freakin love this

>> No.7514904

Just a corner? Show the rest.

>> No.7514917
File: 111 KB, 960x887, 10268610_10202071333766939_1866578153012025884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my desk right now, i am a big messy head so i orderd a bunch of desk organizers. They work really well and can fit much more than i thought. You have to message what colour or els you will get, a random colour. I dident write anything, and got 3 yellow.


>> No.7515236

They're from Michael's. They're the Recollections pieces. Use the 40% off coupons to get them or wait for sales because they are hella expensive otherwise.

>> No.7515241

Umm..Sorry? I know I take shit-tier photos though. >>7514272
Thank you. I try to keep it clean and dust free

>> No.7515253

Oh my gosh thats cute! Where did you get your headphones? They look perfect. Hows the sound quality?

>> No.7515266

I like your cat

>> No.7515279

Gah, this is so cute, i'm about to die. I'm a tomboy, but my wife is super girly, so I think I'll use this as some inspiration for our room decorations.

>> No.7515480

Jesus. I want to make fun of you for having shit taste but that's some dedication.

>> No.7515615

My room is borderline hoarder level and the more I look at it the less I want to deal with it. Thank you, this is going to help.

>> No.7515647

I really like your desk. God, I can't wait to have a real desk for my PC. My room is so goddamn small right now.

>> No.7515731

Thank you thank you thank you! I've wanted cute MH merch like this for a long time.

>> No.7515974

>Umm..Sorry? I know I take shit-tier photos though.
don't take it as an insult, its a good thing. Seeing your room as a whole and with actual good quality photos shows how nice it really is.

>> No.7515986

NO PLEASE ANON LETS BE FRIENDS! ;_; I really love making friends! Please email me, anon!

>> No.7516047


>> No.7516052
File: 206 KB, 500x411, tumblr_lo3bobOS9p1qg59hho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sure you didn't mean it in a mean way. I just wasn't sure what my reaction should be?

>> No.7516726
File: 125 KB, 500x334, cute-cubicle_7-cute-room-ideas-you-will-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for the people with super neat rooms... how do you stop hoarding tendencies? I'm only starting to try and sell things off since my room is cluttered as fuck right now and I need to unclutter it and keep it that way.

>> No.7518161


>Give yourself limits to how much you can have of a certain item (eg: do you really need 3 strawberry pink lip glosses?)
>Donate or bin items that haven't been used in a certain period of time (I currently have a sale pile for stuff that hasn't been worn in 2 months.) For clothing, people often put the hangers a different way if they've worn the piece, since it helps them to keep track.
>If you buy a new item, then an old one has to go (it seriously makes you reconsider making new purchases)
>Have set storage areas for items. If an item has a home then it makes everything look neater.
>Train yourself to put pieces away after use. I know it sounds simple, but it's easier to put away a single outfit you've just worn as opposed to a weeks worth of ones you've left on the floor.
>Set aside 10mins or so for cleaning your room every day.

>> No.7518167


>>If you buy a new item, then an old one has to go (it seriously makes you reconsider making new purchases)

Serious, this. I used to hoard clothes like bad, and I still have the tendency. What I did was buy 60 black velvet hangers and a shoe storage rack big enough for 18-20 pairs of shoes/boots. I got one of those plastic drawer towers with four drawers for socks, underwear, tights, pjs, t shirts, gym clothes. If it did not fit in, it had to go.

Realistically you do not need that many things, it just comes down to separating what you like to look at/see other people wear from what you like to actually wear.

I still wear the same 6 things every week regularly and have room to clear my closet out even more tbh.

>> No.7518181

i like those wallpapers! pls post

>> No.7518200

I have 4 spare laundry baskets, so when I finish con season/ end of semester I know that my main 4 messy subjects are:
-cosplay outfits
-schoolwork/ mystery cables
-lolita stuff

Everything gets sorted and as I go through it all I can start thinking about what I'm keeping, donating, selling or trashing.

After I've broken my messy room down into 4 smaller messy piles I can then sort through them easier and tackle areas that are more urgent than others.

>> No.7520349

I had a cluttered room and cleaned it out by basically donating/selling/throwing out anything I hadn't read, watched or worn in the past year or so. The only stuff I didn't touch was videogames but I was able to contain all of them in the space under my nightstand. I got rid of
of tons of school notebooks, old toys, music CDs, albums, clothing and some anime/vidya figures and collectibles that I'm still going through but it's just slow because they're a pain to sell sometimes. I also love to read but my room is too small to contain many books so I have one core collection of books and resell the rest of them when I'm done.

Changing the position of my bed and desk also contributed to making my bedroom look a little bigger. I also have some small storage filled with miscellaneous items like art supplies that are underneath my bed.

>> No.7520359

Where do you sell your books?

>> No.7520481

This might sound really weird, but could you post a better picture of your cat condo? I have one as well for my 2 cats and yours looks like it fits in a lot better in your room, if that makes sense.

>> No.7520640
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, Mawaru Penguindrum 1-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you ! They are from steel series, the sound is fantastic! And they are very comfy, but the max sound is not suuuper loud. It is loud enough for you to hear, all the instruments and sounds clearly, and feel the bass. I think they are called serbia v2. Also the cable is very sturdy, i always roll over it with my chair, and no flaws.
Ihh thank you Anon. This warms my heart!
Aaah yes, it is very practical when you have 2 computers. Or if you are eating or sitting with papers.
Here is the penguindrum one!

>> No.7522121

I completely agree with the last three points, I used to be really bad about letting clothes build up on a chair! I really need to improve on the getting rid of stuff aspects though, especially when it comes to clothes.

>> No.7523236

I have always had a lot of things and been really messy but moving around and trying to make a habit of tidying up at the end of the day is really making everything a lot better. I can't take a bunch of things with me right now and it's making me appreciate having a small amount of stuff, it's actually kind of relieving.

>> No.7523844
File: 1.29 MB, 1252x882, stor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the one of the girls.

>> No.7523881

>that adorable pink laptop

>> No.7524236
File: 8 KB, 220x230, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for interest ; I'm moving into a very small apartment in September. Small like 215 sq feet to 320 sq feet.
Housing is crazy expensive in my country, I can't afford better and I can't move back with my parents because of college.
Where do I start ?

>> No.7524238

(it'll probably be a studio or 2-room apartment)

>> No.7524322

With storage. The smaller the space, the less you want to have out

>> No.7524405
File: 56 KB, 650x433, miley-cyrus-icecream1-650x433-6488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit taste up in hurr

>> No.7524417

Maybe start off with a raised bed and containers to put underneath.
How much stuff do you have already, do you have a lot of lolita stuff or wigs etc that you need to store?

>> No.7525410

what kind of dog is that? I love it.

>dat sweater

>> No.7525426

EW why do we need to see your fap pillows and loli figurines?

>> No.7525437

looks like a chinese crested to me

>> No.7525448

Nice b8

>> No.7525470
File: 66 KB, 1024x782, 1393514810421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love this kind of bed with the wardrobe underneath - but I'm in Europe and I have no idea if any furniture stores sell anything like this.

I don't have a lot of stuff except clothes/shoes (including some lolita, maybe 20 main pieces), so clothing storage is going to be important (I'm leaving my manga and vidya behind at my parent's place, I don't have wigs atm and don't plan to have more than ~3-4 in the future)

All I want is some nice clothing storage, a bathtub, and a functional kitchen, really.

>> No.7525485

The problem is, that bed needs to be a double, and I can only find some meant for children. Well

>> No.7525584
File: 478 KB, 500x281, 1348799152581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying.. I can get any shota I want on my wall?

>> No.7525752

Ikea has loft beds, but I'm not sure of any where else

>> No.7525758

Forgot to add measurements:
Length: 203 cm
Distance from floor to bed base: 167 cm
Width: 148 cm
Height: 214 cm
Mattress length: 189 cm
Mattress width: 135 cm

>> No.7525766

Kika and Sotka have them too (Austrian and Finnish companies, respectively)

>> No.7525797

A-anon.... Do I see jojos on your shelf?

>> No.7525821

I thought about them, but they're not really cute. I don't like the metal ones and the other one has little bars instead of 1 big bar, which I don't really like

I couldn't find the Kika website, could you link me to it please ? There's an Almodovar movie called Kika and I can only find that
And the only Sotka loft beds I could find are not doubles. I'm sad because they're pretty

>> No.7525822

And obviously, thank you. Your help is really appreciated

>> No.7525917
File: 137 KB, 1300x975, 175[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked into this as well and all of the furniture stores that carry nice modern looking loft beds that I've been able to find are actually from Europe. Besides Ikea and Sotka, there's Tumidei from Italy (pictured).. But since it's a luxury furniture firm, they have horrifying prices. I'm assuming you don't have $20,000 to spend on furniture any more than I do.

Tumidei bedroom units are nice to look at, though, and may serve as inspiration if you look into getting a custom loft bed made locally, so here's link:

>> No.7525930

Some of you seem to have lot of figures/dolls but not glass shelf case for them. I recommend getting a one, it's far easier to keep them there safe from dust and shit and they also stay in better condition.

Lot of lovely rooms but way too much stuff for my taste. I prefer easy cleaning, and after every six months I check out if there's anything I could throw out. This became a habit while I was moving out a lot, before that I was more of a hoarder.

>> No.7526014

Its from Sony vaio!

Yes it is! i have a few other figures, and Jojo merch scatterd around my room.

I can post my room if anyone wants ?

>> No.7526054

please post it!~

>> No.7526323
File: 768 KB, 4353x1832, Messy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you lock your girls into a glass prison? That is reserved for megucas only.

These rooms are too clean, time for my messy one. My kitchen is worse...

>> No.7526327

chinese crested :)

>> No.7526337
File: 28 KB, 500x334, Room inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna dump some of my room inspo. I'm moving in a few months so these threads get me pumped up for the kawaii room I'm gonna have soon

>> No.7526342
File: 2.21 MB, 2592x1936, 1383717656669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526347
File: 175 KB, 1600x1195, IMG_1249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls! I just moved into a new place and my new room is this sort of pretty light green color like pic related, and I'm trying to figure out if I can keep it that color or not and add some kawaii stuff or if it would look really bad. I'm thinking of just doing a light color theme for it, adding pinks and purples and possibly blue. What do you guys say?

>> No.7526348
File: 139 KB, 490x500, 1365448865822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526350

I understand clutter or a room that's not quite clean, but why wouldn't you at least throw out your garbage/take out the recycling before taking a photo?

>> No.7526351
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 1365448183167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imho that green is pretty awful. I think it would be worth it to paint it over with a nice soft pastel colour

>> No.7526356

Haha, I -just- moved in a few days ago and I am honestly starting to agree, I think that it reminds me of food so that's probably why I don't think it's -that- gross. I probably will change it to a pink or lavender or even a light blue. If I could find a mint green then I'd be set though.

>> No.7526366

Ahhh your stars on the walls are so cute!
>All those Kirino pillows
Good taste, anon.

>> No.7526375

Anon....I know this feel, if anons saw my apartment they would scream.
I sometimes get into the nice habit of cleaning every day, cleaning my kitchen when I'm done cooking, putting shit away ectect.
And then I get sick/depressed/to stressed at work, and I skip a few days..... and everything becomes to overwhelming and I just live in my filth for a while before the cycle starts again.

We also have the same flooring anon.
Maybe it is the flooring's fault.

>> No.7526407
File: 184 KB, 640x480, 7107892665_6c8c8ae321_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wouldn't be my color of choice but you could make it work, lime walls doesn't have to mean hideous but that said, if you'll be matching everything else with the green anyway, you might as well start with something that's more to your tastes, since paint is relatively cheap.

>> No.7526421
File: 92 KB, 356x245, girl_bedroom_decorating_idea_diagonal_bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526425
File: 113 KB, 500x333, 1371855816413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just really hate green so I might be pretty biased

>> No.7526430
File: 67 KB, 450x456, 1371829034662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im also gonna dump some sewing room stuff

>> No.7526434

This is really cute

>> No.7526448
File: 80 KB, 787x535, 1371829743704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526450 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, fierce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526454


>> No.7526455
File: 346 KB, 1024x681, Sewing room 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god wrong picture (I keep my room inspo in the same folder and I keep random pictures that dont belong anywhere else...)

>> No.7526459
File: 150 KB, 400x500, Sewing room 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526468
File: 350 KB, 500x369, Sewing room 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526475

Hahah, holy shit, Voldie.

Saving forever.

>> No.7526488
File: 39 KB, 400x300, Sewing Room 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gift to you anon

>> No.7526503

I love room inspiration threads. Does anybody have shows they marathon while cleaning? My guilty pleasure is clean house.

Hubby and I live in some tight quarters, and we're saving for a home. Now we've got a baby on the way so I get to downsize and rearrange furniture. It'll suck for awhile but that's the sacrifices you make.

>> No.7526518

I'll cherish it.
Almost as good as the one of you being swaggy in the zentai suit.

>> No.7526526

We don't really get many home improvement shows outside of the whole diy tear down and rebuild ones so I've been binge watching modern family.
Basically I just need something light hearted in english with distinguishable voices so I can look away from the screen a lot and still know what is going on.

>> No.7526527

>ok enough rooms pls look at me

>> No.7526540

I have netflix so they have a few seasons of clean house. They have hoarders too but that show gets pretty depressing. I have hgtv and DIY, so I can watch other stuff. The show Flip or Flop is taped in my area so it's neat seeing which cities they go to. Also like watching the different crashed shows and rehab addict.

>> No.7526669
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Thank you, this thread. I finally got of my ass and cleaned my apartment.
I forget how much my space stresses me out when it is messy until I clean house

>> No.7526716
File: 502 KB, 1744x1402, cleaning up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to clean up before taking a shot but taking it first anyways seemed to be a good idea when you take a step back and look at the mess you created.

Just being lazy to let it get so bad. Once it piles up a bit it seems like that task is so much larger even though it really isn't.

>> No.7526897


sometimes I watch shows about those people that have way too many kids like 19 and counting, their houses have so much stuff but it's all packed in. or the super couponing people but I just like looking at things people hoard.

>> No.7526902

Yeah. Hoarders depresses me since I lived in a house that was somewhere between the houses you see on Clean House and Hoarders. I've shared before how my family were pretty much hoarders and let our pets destroy our house.

My place is pretty messy right now. But it's mostly that we have just to much clothing and not enough space to put it. I laughed at my husband when he said we could share the dresser with our baby. Our dresser isn't even big enough for our things and our closet is tiny. Ain't no way the baby's stuff is fitting in it too.

I always laugh when I see the small apartment space idea pages and books, and those places still look way bigger then the place we have atm.

>> No.7526905

How did you paint your ceiling like that? It's lovely.

>> No.7526912

Holy fuck I am so jealous of you. I want my room to look like this. Fuuuuuuuuck.

Let me be youuuu UGH.

>> No.7526916

I'm pretty sure that's not actually her apartment.

Not even taking the tumblr image file name into consideration there's some moonrunes on the door. It's probably a baby changing facility or bathroom in some hello kitty land.

>> No.7526919

If I have a lot for a series (I collect a lot of manga but my room's a bit too small for a large collection) and know I'll make a good amount from them I'll use Ebay. Besides that I go to a used book store and give them everything they're willing to take....Although half the time I wind up with store credit instead of cash because they have so much other stuff to check out. Their manga section has become so large they sell most volumes for a dollar, so it's hard to resist.

>> No.7526920
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I was going to say that looked like some kind of bathroom(because who has a sink in their bedroom?)

Also I don't think anon would have a shopping cart in their bedroom. I actually had to do a double take because the thumbnail made me think it was the room in a dollhouse/diorama.

>> No.7526929

I need serious help.
I'm a college student finally moving out of a tiny shared dorm to a shared apartment with my own room.
On the plus side unlike my tiny ass dorm,my apartment has TONS of storage space. However, it does not have any natural light in my room (no windows at all), and the current overheard fan light fixture doesn't do anything.
My cieling is really high so I can't hang a light from there. Any suggestions? pls help

tldr; i need cute and bright lighting options

>> No.7526937

Wall sconces, maybe? They look really classy. Floor lamps are good too.

>> No.7526941

I know that feel. Also I have this terrible problem where if a room isn't bright enough and I spend like 1+ hour in it I get really depressed and run down feeling.

I currently have two lamp and the main room light on whilst I use the laptop. Apart from those three lights I have another 3 lamps and I need one more to put inside my wardrobe.
Also all my bulbs are those super bright led things which are just lovely.
I don't want to think how much electricity it costs.

>> No.7526953
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Yes it is not my space! sorry to imply otherwise!
..Don't know the source ether, but I think it is a hello kitty themed bathroom or kitchen of some sort?
Do deeply wish my kitchen looked like that though, it currently is all white and about the size of a walk in closet.

>> No.7527434

tw... twenty thousand dollars ?
But it... it's so pretty

>> No.7527935

No windows? That sounds illegal. Where do you live?

>> No.7528106

time for some /diy/

>> No.7528115

It sounds like a basement place? I know that certain rooms like bathrooms don't require windows, but spaces like bedrooms do. Although I think you're right since generally most places require some type of window so people can escape in the event of a fire. But I'm not sure about state/country laws.

>> No.7528142

Try getting some thin see-through curtains from chiffon or georgette, I bought some cheap ones from ebay and they're great.

>> No.7528151

A lot of them are awful in person. Order online with caution

>> No.7528157

LED fairy light nets orcurtains, the bright white ones. You want at least 500 LEDs on them.

>> No.7528159

Well, the pair I own is great. Just make sure to iron them of course.

>> No.7528225

I worked through Bones and Castle with my cleaning and general working marathons. I've tried It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I'm also trying Arrested Development, but neither seem quite right.

>> No.7528383

Thanks for the advice, I have some but I work nights now so sleeping pretty much through most of the sunshine.
Thankfully it's getting lighter later now.

>> No.7528386

I've been marathoning Bones but lost interest now she has the baby.
I was so excited for a big confession/kiss sort of scene and then some eps of them dating awkwardly but nope, straight into baby relationship. Felt rushed.

Also does Temperance ever get back to the stand offish, clinical, I don't know how to explain her personality, but yeah basically what she was instead of the the emotional thing now?

>> No.7528685
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maybe something like this, but with cuter antique tall bottles. (obvs not beer bottles)

>> No.7528694
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slim antique flower vases would work too. (even cuter with silk flowers)

>> No.7528724

that show was so good, but then head to go the typical american tv show route of "omg, the main characters are the opposite sex, so they must be together romantically at some point'
because fuck platonic chemistry. I stopped watching after she got pregnant. It really pissed me off. I don't like the stereotyping that men and women can't just be friends.

>> No.7528809

How do I convince my boyfriend to let me decorate extra cute. You single people are so lucky..in this aspect

>> No.7528878

I used to marathon the office. But that was during waxing haha.

>> No.7528955

Fringe went exactly the same. It was an amazing show with funny stuff going on in the background then suddenly romance will save the world bullshit and I lost interest.
Walter was the best character.

>> No.7528959

Fringe used to be so goood! Damn it, i loved Walter and Astrid. Cutest boss and coworker friendship ever.

(Astrid is fucking adorable)

>> No.7528974

I thought I was the only one who loved Astrid.
She was such a cute little pixie.

>> No.7528995

So many cute rooms.
I live with my boyfriend. No kawaii pinku room for me.

>> No.7529004

I kind of wish I could do pink but I'd probably get sick of it after awhile and I don't think my husband would want to be stuck with pink everywhere. Thankfully we both like a darker red color and our current place is a tan color with a brown ceiling. So we get to play up a lot of the red, black, browns, and tans.

>> No.7529006

>Lesbian and married
All the cute pink stuff for me. Haha

>> No.7529032

My boyfriend really doesn't care about colours so long as the house is clean which it is as he goes on crazy cleaning sprees.
I'm planning to do our kitchen lavender and white and our bathroom pink and white when we save enough for tiles n shit.

He did insist on getting this ugly leather reclining sofa though, I hate it but it's not the end of the world I guess.

>> No.7529116
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My boyfriend and I went to IKEA the other day. It was then I realized moving in together next year is going to be a pain in my ass. He likes lots of black and dark red walls. I want to go home to soft natural colours, not a dark cave.

>> No.7529137

I love Art Deco and postwar furniture and my husband loves history but hates furniture from history. GOD DAMN IT. It'd also be really easy to get since lots of people are throwing theirs away.

>> No.7529140

get your boyfriends/husbands into moeshit anime if you want a kawaii living space

>> No.7529142

isn't this cool to decorate your house with right now? why would people be throwing it away?

>> No.7529148

I don't know, maybe in the US? Where I live it's mostly considered "tattered old granny furniture" and English cottages are all the rage along with the sleek modern IKEA stuff.

>> No.7529150

If only it were that easy. My SO hates anime and even refuses to watch Studio Ghibli films. I'm dyin' here.

>> No.7529259

That mess I would make by trying to get the one bracelet in the very middle.
It's cute but not practical enough for me.

>> No.7529325

>SO watches more anime than I do
>refuses to watch my favorite studio ghibli films with me because "spirited away was a weird movie"
Anyway, we've decided that should we move in together i get to pick one room to decorate however Id like and he can have no say. And vice versa. And the rest is compromise.
maybe you could try something like that?

>> No.7529895
File: 57 KB, 301x452, the-joker-batman-the-dark-knight-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purple + green = joker to me. not that that's a good or bad thing. just a thing.

>> No.7530329

Yeah, it kind of lost it's charm. The romance was really rushed as well. It was obvious that they would go that way, but I kind of expected a few more courting episodes.

This is cute, but it would be a pain if the bracelet you want is right on the bottom.

Find a middle ground. Maybe have a set room that only you can decorate? Or find a level of toned down cute that you're bot happy with.

>> No.7530368

>people who use the word SO
Why can't you just say boyfriend or girlfriend? (or if married, Husband/wife?)

>> No.7530369

Lavender and white are really pretty colors. I wish you lots of fun redecorating times.

>> No.7530373

It's shorter?

>> No.7530411

Adding to this in public situations with strangers it doesn't tell them that your SO is male or female which is why I use it.

>> No.7530416

That was incredibly difficult.

>> No.7530418



>> No.7530511

i use SO all the time at work and in public with strangers and no one finds it strange. everyone automatically assumes "boyfriend" because god forbid i'm actually dating a woman.

also it's a nice term to use if you'd like to keep your personal life well... personal. sorry for off topic.

>> No.7530545

I don't have a beef with saying SO but saying "partner" is less awkward

>> No.7530553

Don't buy a bed from IKEA! They have some cheap good basic stuff but something like a bed you're sleeping on every night is not one of those things. The legs of the bed get loose easily and you need to be adjusting them every once in a while, if you try to move the bed even a little bit they fall off. Also they break easily. I recommend getting a bed that's made of real hard wood and doesn't have much separate parts like IKEA furniture does.

>> No.7530857

Does anyone have that pic...i don't even know how to explain it, but the monitor has so many stickers and i think there is also a drawing tablet(?)

>> No.7530863

I've had a bed frame from IKEA for three years now. Has held up well and not wobbly. Would never get mattress from there, though.

>> No.7531174
File: 376 KB, 525x700, stair ward after2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I assume SO and partner means you're gay because the majority of the people I know who use those terms are gay.
I'm not offended by the term because like you said. It's your personal life, I assume anything you don't tell me is something you don't want me to know about.

To bring it back on topic, my room has no lighting other than a wall that is mostly a window (thank god). I have the light switches but no where to screw a light bulb in. My ceiling is smooth and my room is dark when my curtains are closed. I need other alternatives for bright lighting. I have Moroccan hanging candle lamps but it's inconvenient to have to light a bunch of candles to function and battery op candles are kind of gross. Anyone have any recommendations for a cute and bright floor lamps that works with my theme?
>theme: ocean and silver stars
also, my closet is tiny. It's cut off by my stairs - similar to picture. I don't have room for a dresser so I picked up a wardrobe from IKEA to hang my clothes in. I plan to shelve my closet as a replacement to a dresser and to save on space. Does anyone have pictures of cute shelved dressers?

I have a IKEA bed frame. Six years ago I had there trundle bed for extra storage and the drawers kept falling off. The bed itself was fine but anything that wasn't a main piece would break off or would always be missing parts. Two years ago I took a chance on getting another frame from them again but It really is better quality. Legs are sturdy and I don't have any loose pieces. Only problem I have are the wooden planks holding my bed up. Every now and then I have to lift the bed and readjust them so my bed doesn't fall through. Other than that I'm fine with it.

I do agree a real hard wood bed would be the best choice but I'm a full time student and the price is what works for me.

>> No.7531176

>Censoring your shelves

>> No.7531179
File: 10 KB, 236x331, hurdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replacement to a dresser
should be "replacement for a dresser"

>shelved dressers?
meant "shelved closet"


>> No.7531182

No, this is some random picture I found through google. I blocked the shelves out because my closet doesn't have the pink section.

>> No.7531185

so they can't tell my gender or my SO's gender
go on any other board and say "my boyfriend", be prepared for tits or gtfo and thread derailment, unless you say you're a guy too

>> No.7531207

>go on any other board and say "my boyfriend", be prepared for tits or gtfo and thread derailment, unless you say you're a guy too

you mean /b/ and pretty much only /b/?

>> No.7531226

That pretty much shows you only post on /cgl/

/a/ /vp/ /an/ and /r9k/ all thread derail at the mere mention of females.

>> No.7531249

/soc/ reporting in. Now tits/ass/pussy/feet/face/navel/thighs or GTFO.

On a serious note, where can I find out some information about cons in the U.S. on the Atlantic side (both large and small)? I'd never been to one and am interested. Could be fun.

>> No.7532171

Cross out keion and yuru yuri and the collection is quite alright.

>> No.7534966
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oh this is super adorable, thanks for posting.
i wont let this thread die on my watch!
Also tomorrow when i get time to clean, i will post my own room.

>> No.7534970
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>> No.7534974
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>> No.7534978
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>> No.7534986
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>> No.7534994
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