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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 245 KB, 632x496, Screen Shot 2014-04-29 at 12.20.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7526389 No.7526389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It came from tumblr thread?

>> No.7526399


>> No.7526409

The bottom paragraph is okay, but the OOC one hurts me.

>> No.7526427
File: 66 KB, 448x840, 1017225_10152216245757533_577556441_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest of the post involves far better poses and great advice. Honestly if it breaks the weird-forced-smile-plus-peace-sign thing that awkward newbies do I'm all for it.

>> No.7526440

You should see the whole thing.

>> No.7526461

She's got some good points, but dear god I hate most of the pictures.

>> No.7526572

Yeah, the idea of breaking away from the usual cosplay pose is great. But she could have really found some better pictures to showcase it.

>> No.7526726
File: 160 KB, 1366x640, Cishets Aren't Rad At All.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the blog title.

>> No.7526786

"cool sj people"
Isn't that an oxymoron? Also, what does "genderspecial" mean?

>> No.7526792

Gender nonbinaries. You know your bigenders, pangenders, agenders, demi-girls, demi-boys, and everything in between that makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.7526801

that would be people who believe in social justice but dont just sit around on fucking tumblr being a whiny slacktivist.

>> No.7526803

Pan...gender? Excuse me? Wouldn't that imply that you are ALL genders, like some sort of god?
I don't think that's the dumbest thing I've heard though, one person I used to know claimed they were "omnigendered." What the fuck does that even mean.
Also, what are "demi-girls" and "demi-boys"?
Tumblr is so confusing.

>> No.7526806

Tumblr is fucking retarded and their beliefs on gender and equally aggravating and amusing. From what I understand demi-girls/demi-boys are people who feel like one gender most of the time but sometimes feel like dressing/acting like the other or something like that. I think normal people just call that shaking things up a bit, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

>> No.7526811

You've got to be kidding me, there's a term for that?
I thought that was genderfluid, but I guess literally every single person on tumblr feels the need to label themselves so they're anything but cis.
What the hell. I give up.
Sage for unrelated.

>> No.7526813

Oh come on, you can't be normal on Tumblr. You need a label for every little thing that goes through your head. If there isn't one, make a new one and get angry when people don't know what it is.

>> No.7526816

Fucking.. Why, Ohio? WHY? I'm kind of glad I'll be too busy with surgeries to hit the con scene this year. It gives me more time to up my game.

>> No.7526830
File: 101 KB, 854x859, 1398148607042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Tumblrite trash

Plus, I feel like all of this is definitely not helping the cause of people who legitimately do have dysphoria and are not comfortable in their own body. Basically it seems like a trendy thing to tell yourself that you're trans, a transtrender if you will, complete with your own pronouns (bun/bunself, fae/faeself, all that trash).

But maybe it's just the next "scene kid" phase, this is an SJW phase, where the goal is to become the ultimate edge and hate on everything that isn't you and call it justice.

>> No.7526833

I love me some big-enders.

>> No.7526838

plz no

>> No.7526843

just fucking kill me now

>> No.7526851

Yeah... it's that bad.

Somewhat related, it also bugs me how SJWs try to view Japanese media through a western lens, and then you get bullshit like "wow why aren't there animes with POC" or anything involving Chihiro Fujisaki or Grell Sutcliffe.

>> No.7526854
File: 933 KB, 1024x576, Daenerys-Targaryen-Season-2-daenerys-targaryen-30767837-1024-576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But maybe it's just the next "scene kid" phase, this is an SJW phase, where the goal is to become the ultimate edge and hate on everything that isn't you and call it justice.

I read this and it processed in my head as Dany. Damn angry privileged, white, rich, cis teenage girls.

>> No.7526865
File: 16 KB, 1200x969, special.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does "genderspecial" mean?
Maybe it's like a restaurant's special and changes daily and sometimes by the hour.

>> No.7526868
File: 14 KB, 501x224, Newdfgd Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then you get bullshit like "wow why aren't there animes with POC"

Especially when they claim that all anime characters are white. I've seen ones not only try to say Usagi/Sailor Moon is white, but ones that try to say Shinji Ikari is white.

And to contribute shit, pic related is this bitch from the AoT roleplaying community. She roleplays Hange, who she believes is Indian and non-binary, started calling herself non-binary about when she decided Hange is as well, still acts completely feminine, and drove a Nanaba off the comm for a mixture of hate anons and bitching about how 'she's so transphobic!' and 'she acts like she's twelve!' and 'she accidentally misgendered a friend and apologized SHE'S SO HORRIBLE!'
She also claims to be Indian(in heritage; she lives in Canada) despite being far more light-skinned than I've even seen in skinbleaching Indians, and claims that she talks about hurting and killing people behind their backs because her 'culture made her non-confrontational.'

>> No.7526894
File: 56 KB, 567x141, gender special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. Fuckin' saved.

>> No.7526909
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>> No.7527007


Are you trolling? You sound like one of those trash people from tumblr that get mad at people just for being white

>> No.7527019
File: 52 KB, 226x247, 1389901367059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stick your face in someone's ass

and people wonder why I've distanced myself from the cancer that is now Tumblr

nothing against other gulls who use it, I just can't stand a majority of the people on that site now

>> No.7527021

>Think it's funny when people think that Japanese-named characters living in Japan and participate in Japanese culture are 'white'

>You sound like one of those trash people from tumblr that get mad at people just for being white


>> No.7527023

Read again

>> No.7527030

>Shinji Ikari is white
Asuka I could understand because she's part-white
But Shinji is so depressed Japanese teenager it fucking hurts

>> No.7527033

What really grinds my gears is that they then get angry at trans people who do actually have dysphoria and are calling them out on their bullshit. "Die you truscum trash!" and all that. It's villifying trans people for actually being trans, which is pretty fucking low. All because they're so desperate to not be cis, because it's trendy to hate cis folks.

Also this new trend of hating trans men because of transmisogyny or some shit like that. It boggles the mind.

>> No.7527036

Also motherfucking

>> No.7527044

Man am I fucking glad tumblr never picked up on Genshiken 2. The only people who care about it are people who cared about original Genshiken who are going to be mostly college age+ now. It never particularly advertises itself as OUR MAIN CHARACTER IS TRYING TO SORT THROUGH GENDER IDENTITY WATCH THE DRAMU. Everyone once in awhile the Genshiken tumblr tag get someone ranting about how some of the girl characters treat Hato but otherwise I can enjoy it in peace.

>> No.7527049

Tumblr can be fun, I see kawaii shit, I reblog kawaii shit.
You post text posts? I will unfallow you.
It has hidden me from just how bad tumblr has become.

>> No.7527053

Anyoen remember back when Facebook announced there would now be 50+ gender term options added to profiles? Of the three trans friends I have that I have known for 5+ years not a single one of them has anything beyond "male" or "female" listed. The people who seem to actually struggle with gender identity don't seem to want to advertise it.

>> No.7527057

This. I follow tags for the series or characters I like and I never see the rest of this crap unless I'm on cgl. Only time I've seen anything remotely like this was after a weirdly sexiest ToQger episode and that was genuinely wtf.

>> No.7527069

are you me

>> No.7527079

Trans people aren't the only people with gender issues.

>> No.7527082

XKit saved my life, completely mutes people with shitty text posts/asks. Helps when I love someone's art but their personality is a sack of shit.

>> No.7527085

I can't imagine browsing tumblr without tumblr savior, holy shit.

>> No.7527094

Back to Tumblr with ye'

>> No.7527120

Okay its been a while since I read the manga, but this is what always really confused me about how AoT has picked up on Tumblr and how they've decided to make all the character's PoC. I thought most of the characters were basically all the same race because they've all lived in the same small area for a long time. The whole reason why Mikasa was almost kidnapped was because she and here mom were asian (half on her end) and it was kind of a big deal/special. Like. Did I completely misinterpret that?

>> No.7527122


No, you didn't, you're spot on. The only confirmed non-white main characters are Mikasa and Ymir I believe.

>> No.7527133

No, I get what you mean. Most of the SnK characters seem to be European in origin, judging by their last names and also the high proportion of blondes for such a small population, although with a little variation - German, French etc. With such a small population they're likely to be extremely homogenous. SJW's don't like it when a mostly-white cast makes sense though. Just look at what happened with Frozen.

Related, does anyone have that 'Shingeki no nigger' post about how Tumblr received the series?

>> No.7527151

Okay. I remember seeing some tumblr post going around, one of those fake powerpoints on why you should watch the anime...and they said the characters were all PoC, which really confused me. I mean, honestly you can do whatever you want but it doesn't change the fact that that isn't what the source material is.

>> No.7527162

Agreed. AU's and personal headcanons are a different story, go to town do whatever you want, but don't insist that they're canon. The source material will always be what it is.

It's like all that wank where half of Tumblr was insisting that Chihiro from DR was a trans girl. Headcanon all you like, but it's explicitly stated in canon that he's a dude, get over it.

>> No.7527179
File: 231 KB, 800x1058, big book of online oppression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a enby

>> No.7527190

enby -> NB -> non-binary (wrt gender)

>> No.7527194

what is a wrt gender

>> No.7527219

with regards to gender

any person that doesn't identify as male/female is non-binary or whatever

>> No.7527220

What the stupidly long updated version of LGBT now?

>> No.7527225
File: 215 KB, 800x1058, online social justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm all caught up thanks

>> No.7527234

I think its like LGBTQIA+

(i think, i could be wrong/ missing some stuff)

>> No.7527236

There's a xkit extension that blocks text posts? That would be a lifesaver, but I can't find it on the list of extensions.

>> No.7527259

I think it's independent from XKit, but I use Tumblr Hate. It's a lifesaver.

>> No.7527267

I use the 'mute' one, and tweak the settings to block text posts from everyone I'm tired of.

>> No.7527370


ugh i HATE how tumblr does that shit with crossdressing characters.

Naoto from persona 4 was victim to that too.
completely ignoring the whole "she was afraid she wouldnt be taken seriously by japanese society so she dressed like a man" plot point

then they get mad at you when you call them out for their Ethnocentrism (durr hurr everything works in japan just like it does in the west)

>> No.7527388

I love how tumblr screams about sexualizing people in marketing, but then they turn around and take characters like Kaworu and Shinji and draw them buttfucking in a fountain of eva cum. Like seriously, fuck off assholes. It's like they don't understand that two characters can have a meaningful relationship without it being an actual sexual relationship.

>> No.7527412

>Also this new trend of hating trans men because of transmisogyny or some shit like that.


>> No.7527439
File: 38 KB, 288x500, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I love someone's art but their personality is a sack of shit.

Which seems to be like 90% of the time these days.

>> No.7527442

Basically, trans men have male privilege or... something, I don't know. Tumblr hates any kind of man, it seems.

Fucking this. A character can be effeminate or masculine without necessarily being trans. Kinda wonder what SJWs would say about some of the Zelda villains (Ghirahim and Yuga in particular)...

>> No.7527449

>Basically, trans men have male privilege

That's fucking INSANE.

>> No.7527455


To be fair though, in that case Anno himself is pretty much encouraging it with the fucking Rebuilds. Delusions of things like Bert/Reiner from SnK being cannon are fucked up though.

>> No.7527457

Exactly. But that's, unfortunately, Tumblr for you. Some of the stuff I read is just so vile, but I try to take it with a grain of salt, since as >>7526830 mentioned, it's most likely just an edge phase.

>> No.7527462

I haven't seen the reboots, but even if it is hyped up from the original hand holdings and huggings and conversations between them, I do not believe it was ever meant to be a blatant gay relationship... Just a relationship that Shinji was happy to have. I don't get why the tumblr crowd can't appreciate it like that, but have to make it 100% gay sucking each other off. It's kind of an insult to the whole point of their interactions and shows that they don't actually understand what's going on and only care about it on a sexual level.

>> No.7527478

Except She was originally going to be a hermaphodite, but Japan pussied out and exed that idea. And went with the hurr hurr/cross dressing is fine. Fuck them. I would of actually liked her if she didn't turn 'kira kira moe moe' as soon as they found out she was a woman in guy's clothing.

>> No.7527481
File: 621 KB, 789x1652, Kaine02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hermaphodite eh?

>> No.7527487
File: 268 KB, 976x637, dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who's an IRL social justice warrior, here are a few of the most cracked-out things they've reblogged lately. I love the one in the middle because it betrays just how fickle these transtrender teenagers are. If you change your gender identity EVERY GODDAMN HOUR then you probably aren't all that serious about it.

>> No.7527506

>Implying there's any truth to it
>Implying hermaphrodite's (those are dickgirls btw) wouldn't also be moe
>Implying that the few times Naoto blushes can count as moe

The part tumblr latches onto about Naoto's character that bothers me the most is "OMG the team doesn't even ASK Naoto what pronoun to use." It's like bitch please if Naoto wanted to be called a he then she would have said it.

>> No.7527515

I find it way worse when they make tons of porn from really cute family films, and then turn around and bitch about sexualization, when they sexualize any male character and/or relationship they possibly can.

Like the flood of gay porn of Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, porn with him and the Sandman, and that weird as fuck girl who would dress up as him and make a bunch of gifs pretending to jerk off in the most ridiculous way.

Way to be a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Sexualizing women is wrong but men? A-ok!

>> No.7527516
File: 95 KB, 540x960, 2014-04-30_00-20-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7527517

its that wonderful tumblr mindset of 'men deserve to be sexualized' and 'cis people are disgusting oppressive pigs for existing'

>> No.7527532

I hate it when it's the same person that does one but hates the other. But I don't know tumblr as a whole isn't as homogeneous as people think some days. Most bits don't know the other bits exist.

Not that I haven't seen people that hate one thing then do the other but I've seen that on many sites...

>> No.7527539
File: 25 KB, 340x272, 102540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7527548

>'cis people are disgusting oppressive pigs for existing'
what's hilarious with this mindset, is these are the same kids scrambling all over themselves to 'protect trans people!' BUT AN ACTUAL TRANS PERSON WANTS TO BE CIS! Their brains explode if you mention it to them.

>> No.7527555
File: 64 KB, 510x500, 1356575701672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender fluidity
>gender binary

I cannot keep up with this shit. I got into a wonderful argument with someone on here one time who said they were a trans man (I don't really care about these terms but I'm assuming it's a girl who is a guy?) because I said the label cis was really retarded since there doesn't need to be a label for having absolutely no sexual/gender identity issues whatsoever.

Like, be whatever the fuck you want, call yourself whatever the fuck you want, I'll call you what you want me to, guy/girl I don't care. But don't put a label on me and don't get pissed off at me and act like I'm an asshole because I don't keep up with your stupid gender issues and thousands of labels. I'll respect what you are, but don't accuse me of being some kind of oppressive piece of shit because I didn't get the memo that says now you're a pansexual/genderfluid/demisexual, I don't give enough of a fuck about you to keep up with that shit. I don't owe you shit.

>> No.7527565

I actually just read up on Cis and apparently it has been used on the internet since 1994, so way before tumblr's terrible influence. It's basically just another way to say "I am a female and/or Male biologically and identify with that"

It's weird because i actually thought it was a made up term, but it's from Latin and scientist use it now.

>> No.7527578

>Scientist use it now
Like cis and trans isomers are a new thing or something.

>> No.7527583


Cis and trans are organic chemistry terms that have been used well before these gender problems existed, that's where these scientists use it from...

>> No.7527590

I just said it wasn't a new thing. I guess i put now by accident, but yeah.


>> No.7527595
File: 136 KB, 739x385, cosplay rant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was going through the cosplay rants tag, and I ran across this little gem that made me chuckle.

>why can't you be unique, like jessica nigri or something waaaaa

>> No.7527600
File: 150 KB, 795x365, cosplay rant 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second gem, aka why I hate most fandoms.

>> No.7527602
File: 658 KB, 600x1178, tumblr_mrcc78cZHi1setu1zo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7527604

What the hell does fandom Levi even mean? Like they didn't read the manga or something?

>> No.7527606
File: 282 KB, 726x609, 1369395343144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sure am glad that y'all can find this shit on tumblr because I certainly couldn't handle looking through all that shit for gold like this.

>> No.7527607


>> No.7527609

My biggest gripe with Tumblr is how SJWs and Tumblrites seem to believe EVERYTHING is evil and "problematic" and every single person is out to get them, people should only be seen as the traits about themselves that they can't fix, and so on.

Tumblr also, terribly unsurprisingly, does not understand what friends are. Two male characters are close with each other and have a strong bond? They must be butt fucking each other all night, apparently.

I mostly stay on the site for anime, vidya, and other interests of mine. Thank GOD for XKit.

>> No.7527610

Fandom Levi was a trans street prostitute before Erwin took him in. If you don't agree with me then you're racist cis homophobe scum.

Am I doing it right guys?

>> No.7527612

I think it means the super gay levi that's always having sex with eren or something

>> No.7527613

...is it bad that I find that Ymir pretty funny

>> No.7527617

Why do all the teenage SJWs have fursonas and donate buttons? They also have this uninspired hipster art style.

>> No.7527621

I remember watching Top Gear and they had Benedict Cumberbatch on it, and he mentioned that without saying it was tumblr in particular, which cracked me up.

>> No.7527624

Don't know about fursonas, but I've noticed that many of them have Donate buttons because... well, take your pick, any or all of the following:

> They think working at a job is "oppressive"
> They're just too lazy or can't find a job
> They need to fund "activist" stuff, which is basically pleas for money for them
> Some of them are artists to varying successes

>> No.7527625

There a fanartist on tumblr who had this pretty neat style but she insisted on making mikasa black?????????
Like half asian and half black or some shit and some people were supporting her saying black people were present in germany at that time or something. And proceeded to tell this person off for "headcanon shaming"
I shit you not, they actually used those words.

And every time someone asked the artist why she made mikasa black she was basically all like "OH MY GOD GUYS STOP ASKING!!!!! BLASIANN PEOPLE CAN TOTALLY HAVE THESE FEATURES SO FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What the fucking shit, mikasa is literally the palest fucking character in the series I do not fucking understand.

I feel like I'm more upset over dumbass tumblr people than I should be but holyyyyy shitttt.

Why do people on tumblr feel so entitled to latch on to their headcanon bullshit.

>> No.7527627

No. Because you make it sound like there's something wrong with being a street prostitute. That's slut-shaming. Gawd, you disgust me.

>> No.7527631

>Jessica Nigri
All she does is alter an outfit to show tits.

>> No.7527633

Her father is white
Her father is fucking white. Her mother is Japanese.
This is canon. I don't even understand ... Ugh

>> No.7527640

I've noticed that most of the teenage/adult SJWs have no jobs or low-paying jobs. I guess it does fit.

Have you also noticed that they change their names 10 times a week? Celes? Vic? Cecil?

The worst thing are their read mores. They threaten to kill themselves every week or so.

>> No.7527641

Well they have to make the characters a certain way to justify to themselves that it's okay to like them.

Like this one person who put up a post saying that Jasmine from Aladdin was trans because of some bullshit reasons, holy shit, you can like a character without giving them one of your fucking special snowflake labels.

>> No.7527649

>this faggotry
Ew, i've never in my life seen a black/asian mix that's attractive.

>> No.7527659

>nigri creative
>complaining that everyone looks the same, yet being on tumblr which almost guarantees they only like top 10 trending fandom shit
double lol
I go to reply, and see followup
Lol cubed, second point suspicion validated. As if they would even recognize a cosplay from 90% of series out there.

>> No.7527664

>Tumblr also, terribly unsurprisingly, does not understand what friends are. Two male characters are close with each other and have a strong bond? They must be butt fucking each other all night, apparently.

thats been a thing with fangirls for a long time

>> No.7527680
File: 198 KB, 436x690, shingekinonig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think they can look okay. I think Chanel Iman is pretty but that's just me

Anyways, apparently there's more than just mikasa lol. I'm stuggling to even understand why people think this way

>> No.7527685

>overly whiteness
...People on tumblr actually think this way. Wow.
They do realize that SNK is made by a Japanese man who could give zero fucks, right?

>> No.7527691

Jesus so much art on tumblr looks exactly the fucking same, and Chanel Iman is hot as fuck.

I feel like they basically spend all this time on tumblr, soak up all their stupid white guilt, cis self-hatred ideals, and brainwash themselves into thinking 'I have to be like that too!' and they put out crazy shit like this and become gender fluid, because all they want is acceptance and attention.

>> No.7527696

Hey guys, I want to know here what's the deal with being "asexual"? I understand what it's supposed to mean, but why the fuck do these people have to label themselves just because they lack a libido or interest in sexual activities?

>> No.7527700 [DELETED] 

Being asexual has been around for a long time. It just means that you have no sexual interests in either gender. Like, you can date or be in a relationship, even be married-- but you just aren't interested in sex or sexual things with people.

>> No.7527703

yup, a community of idiots has formed that are justifying their yaoi with social justice. it's amazing.

>> No.7527704

I read that wrong. Sorry
Wel, because when you want to date people or be in relationships, you want to put it out there that you aren't interesting in sex. I mean, that makes sense, doesn't it? Asexual people usually date each other for obvious reasons. What exactly don't you understand?

>> No.7527707
File: 220 KB, 1188x1625, tumblr_n4tskoJll11si5t2io2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't the typical tumblr rant but anyone else really fucking hate OCs? They certainly aren't anything new but I don't think I can go a day without ridiculously long OC fanfic posts or awkward OC art appearing in my tags.

>> No.7527712

interested in sex*

>> No.7527713

So they can be assholes to people who don't know and act self-righteous, then superior to those that do.

>> No.7527715

And they're dumb kids or total pushovers, so they never realize that it's OK to have their own opinions and not be freaking out every time somebody yells DAS RACIST.

>> No.7527716

Being asexual is actually a thing that's been researched, but it's rare even when compared to homosexuality.
Basically all the kids screaming that they're asexual or "demisexual" are just doing it for attention or as an excuse.

>> No.7527720

Do you actually not understand what being an asexual person is?

>> No.7527722

Because everyone wants attention to be special and different, it's really not that hard of a concept to grasp. This is a board full of people wearing costumes and very alternative fashions, I don't doubt that every single one of the anons here love positive attention for this stuff. The only difference is that with cosplay and J-fashion, you need to put in some effort- money, time, etc.- whereas on Tumblr you type "genderqueer asexual blob being" into your description box and boom, special award.

>> No.7527732

Yeah, and they tend to be self-righteous, elitist dicks.

>> No.7527739

I really hate OCs, too. I view them as completely irrelevant to whatever I'm looking for, total keyword spam. Bait & switch.

>> No.7527747

It means headcanon Levi being shipped with other male characters from the show like Eren or Erwin.

>> No.7527762
File: 235 KB, 900x1571, iris_moonflower_uzumaki_by_moni158-d48a7v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from tumblr. Just jumping on the chance to share Moni158's beautiful parody OC. Read the fanfic and your sides will be no more.


>> No.7527775

I've never met a self righteous asexual. I'm not sure who exactly you're meeting.

>> No.7527777

>"Alright class" the drool and dull teacher announced, "we have a new student today. Miss-uh Iris-Moonflower Uzumaki…?"
>"Yes, that is I" Iris called, her saccharine voice made all the boys drool and the girls blush behind their hands. Iris ignored them. They were probably jealous of her cool name.

what am i reading

>> No.7527783

I thought you were making this up. Damn it, this is embarrassing.

>> No.7527790

You guys do realize this is satire right?

>Luckily her huge breasts stayed intact, one hitting Light in the face and the other smashing into L's groin. It was a tragic day, but all beautiful things must come to a horrible and grisly end.

>> No.7527793
File: 22 KB, 472x310, 5zhkx00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Tumblr,

I am biologically female.
I enjoy, in my spare time, dressing and acting like a man. It's not a sexual thing, it's simply catering to a side of myself that I know I have. I also like wearing pretty dresses.

I don't give a shit if I'm 'agendered' or 'genderfluid' or whatever the hell. I don't want to explain to my friends that "Oh, yeah, you have to use this pronoun now, or that pronoun now" because that defeats the purpose of it.

I want to look the way I want, act the way I want, and call me whatever I look like- if you think I'm a boy, call me male pronouns, if you think I'm a girl, call me female pronouns.

Words are words. If you want to be called by opposite gender pronouns, then look enough like that opposite gender so there's no confusion. If you want to be called special made-up words, well too fucking bad.

I'm not being oppressed. I don't need your sympathy. I don't need your weird terms to express myself, I am simply already myself.

I don't even know why the Tumblr pity party pisses me off so much, but damn.


>> No.7527812

I know someone who claims to be a boy, but they constantly wear make up and clothing made for the female body. I'm so frustrated because i accidentally keep saying 'she' and 'her' but i know they want to be known as 'they' and 'he'
i wish i knew how to remedy this, but yeah.. Maybe if they looked more like a boy instead of a complete woman with a flat chest, than i wouldn't keep making these mistakes. She's been posted on the AOT/SNK thread a few times already.

>> No.7527832

See, that's just frustrating to me. Like, hypothetically if they were scared of 'coming out' as transgendered and wanted to start slow with pronouns... I'd be kinda okay with that, but for actual trans people, it's all about actually being able to be the other gender.

Not say you're the other gender, but BE the other gender, which includes looking like the other gender.

But that would be too much work for random girl who wants to be special I guess.

Heheh, first word of the captcha was "Useless."

>> No.7527835

I have a (anatomically) female friend who decided 2 years ago they need to be called a guy, but have a boyfriend and have long hair still and wear girl clothes pretty often. They also cosplay 90% female characters. They also switched their name multiple times, eventually stuck with Cal, but gets pissy when you use 'she' accidentally. Idk how to feel.

>WHAT. I don't know how to feel about that.

>> No.7527836

I'm curious, who is it?

>> No.7527839

maybe if you say things like "hurr durr how can you not have sex it's biological everyone has too!!1" they are

>> No.7527862

>plurals for a singular person
I know, I know, fuck the bullshit grammar police, but this still and will probably always bug me. I always just go the 'he or she' route before ever resorting to plurals if I'm absolutely unsure. I don't care if your Tumblr requests it. Unless you're packing a separate being somewhere on your body or your name is Legion, I'm going to have to apply a not-super-special, singular, boring pronoun to you.

Do people actually request to be called 'it?' I can't imagine anyone wanting to be referred to with a pronoun representing an object devoid of life, especially not the Tumblr crowd, but then again, it's ridiculous, unappealing, and totes special and different, so if that's a thing, I'm sure it's on Tumblr..

>> No.7527863

I don't think people would opt for the pronoun "it" since as you said, that's basically a pronoun for objects and things that aren't sentient. I've never seen anyone on Tumblr call themselves that, instead opting for more ridiculous things like "dog/dogself" or "bread/breadself" or something.

>> No.7527864

Wait, seriously? They/them was made an indefinite pronoun a long time ago.

I've heard people wanting to be called 'it' though, and it seriously just seems really screwed up. I fear for this generation.

>> No.7527876

I hate this. I know several girls (all from Tumblr, of course) who call themselves men and insist on using male pronouns, but refuse to make any kind of effort to present as male. Call them a "her" in earshot? Prepare for the motherfucking fury, even if she's wearing a face full of makeup and a corset.

I used to work alongside trans* people in my campus's LGBT club. Coming out as trans* is a lengthy, difficult process that causes multiple levels of psychological stress. It affects basically every aspect of your life, and not passing properly can actually make your life more dangerous. Not to mention that a lot of trans* people who don't pass tend to have severe anxiety and an inability to function properly in social situations. It's rough stuff, and these motherfuckers are basically shitting all over it by thinking they can just go "HURR I'M A MAN NOW" and instantly acquiring all that delicious male privilege while still living a comfortable life because they don't have to actually try.

Pieces of shit.

>> No.7527879

I don't use tumblr or anything but the popularisation of the term asexual has been really helpful for me.

I think there's a difference between labelling and having a word that can easily explain a concept that's difficult for you to get across. People who use labels and broadcast them publicly are probably mostly in it for the attention.

However, for example, I've always massively struggled with sex in relationships because I genuinely have no sex drive, yet that was always met with "you just haven't met the right man/woman yet". It can be very frustrating because the experience is so hard to convey to people who are configured differently. It's also easier to put it out there sometimes so that there are no misunderstandings further down the line. Although I identify with the word I've only said it once or twice out loud (once being to my current SO when we started dating to explain that he wasn't doing anything wrong, and it cleared up a lot for him to be able to compartmentalize the issue using a concrete concept, and it's not been a problem since).

Dunno if my personal experience helped you at all, sorry if that's not what you were getting at!

>> No.7527880
File: 97 KB, 640x480, tumblr_n4l8r0LDzt1qm9g2zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in this thread to ask about this, actually. I follow mahouprince (pic related) and he identifies as as boy (I think?) but then dress quite femininely.. And he got upset when people kept referring to him as female? And I don't wanna sound like an asshole but all I think is "then don't dress like that?" I guess I don't understand how one can constantly "be" female but claim to be male? Maybe my problem is just ~*gendering clothing*~

>> No.7527888

Editor here: the singular 'they' is becoming more prevalent as a gender-neutral pronoun in general. It's still not correct in formal/academic writing, but in more casual settings there's no problem with it. It works for more than just special snowflakes; for example, referring to a "someone" whose gender is unknown would be clunky without a singular 'they,' which likely explains why its popularity is on the rise. Saying, "I was told to meet with someone. Can I meet with them?" is less awkward than, "I was told to meet with someone. Can I meet with that person?" In a formal setting, you would obviously use the latter. However, there's nothing necessarily wrong with using the former casually.

Give it a few years and the debate will probably vanish entirely.

>> No.7527892
File: 190 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mdsuif9otV1qbjzj5o1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haku or kr haku

>> No.7527896

And I'm guessing mahouprince is female bodied?

I don't quite understand it myself. You see a person who's obviously female and has a feminine body, and makes no attempts to appear as another gender. It just basically sounds like they're looking for excuses to bitch at people or something... "you called me a girl even though I do have a female body? CIS SCUM! I'M A BOY!" or something.

This. I feel like, it's something to use when the person's gender doesn't really matter or as you said, you don't know. "There's a new teacher in school, I wonder what they're like" or "You went to the doctor? What'd they say?" and to me saying it there just seems normal.

>> No.7527898

>That fucking Julius condom shirt.

>> No.7527900

Fuck man I just came back from /x/ and this made me think I was still there for a moment.

>> No.7527901

As someone who's a trans dude, i think these tumblr fucks are terrible and annoying.

Like, 90% of the time, i pass, but theres some times when i want to wear something cute (im also a huge faggot). If i do, and if i get called female, i grin and bear it. because i KNOW i look like a chick if i shave my sad stubble beard.

I'd be flipping tables if i weren't in bed.

>> No.7527902

It's just attention whoring. They're trying to be special snowflakes, because being a boy who is pretty like a girl and dresses like a girl is WAY more edgy and alt than just being a plain old regular female

>> No.7527904

It's called having her cake and eating it too

>> No.7527905

Saying the phrase "he or she" bothered me for some reason even before all this gender and pronouns mumbo jumbo because it always felt awfully clunky in text or speech.
"They" bothers me because grammar, but at least it's simple, monosyllabic word.

I kinda wish the english language had a singular gender neutral pronoun just for the purpose of it flowing better. Like whenever you're referring to a random hypothetical person, you either have to say "he or she" or "that person" to be grammatically correct.I'm only semi-fluent in one other language but english seems so messy in that aspect.

All the attempts of people trying to coin gender neutral pronouns like that xie xer bullshit sounds and looks awfully dumb though so I'll just have to deal with it I guess.

>> No.7527906
File: 67 KB, 604x453, 6250_101986309811524_5106727_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real guy wearing the same thing, for your amusement.

>> No.7527909

This is what pisses me off the most. And i hate to feel this way at all, but i respect MTF more than FTM. I feel like i almost never run into any mtf that are trendy bullshitters (though i'm sure they exist) and go through the pain and anxiety of coming out trans. Ftm seem to be really delusional teen girls who think it's fun to bind down for a while and wear some oversized male clothing. I want to scream...

>> No.7527911

What... what the hell.

>> No.7527913

My problem with this shit is that if you really don't think that wearing pretty dresses should make people think you're a girl then they should be the people arguing that gender is a "social construct"

>btw good luck arguing that with your biology

Anyway, if you're going with the we shouldn't give labels to things route then should they being going with a "they" pronoun? Or am I giving them too much credit?

>> No.7527914
File: 120 KB, 520x520, 1366858501299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am female
<dress feminine
>still prefer they/they're/them pronouns for myself and other girls even

am I a bad person

>> No.7527917

i was going to post that, you beat me to it

>> No.7527918

What I also don't understand is how these people, usually just teenage girls, go, "Oh there's like a million genders and a million pronouns and if you get them wrong you're a BIGOT" and then insert tacky emoticons.

They often also post about how their parents are sooooo evil for not understanding them and how they're so "oppressed". I'm not even sure what that word means anymore.After all, apparently me sitting on the public transit is me being "oppressive", and my mere existence as a "cishet" is somehow making me the ultimate super oppressor... or something.

>> No.7527923
File: 210 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mqokzlukAN1qbjzj5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh. haku. I was really attracted to that person when I thought they identified as female (total lesbian) , but now that I found out he's make and has a trans boyfriend, I'm pretty sad.

>> No.7527931

I know two well adjusted and convincing FtM's and one well adjusted MtF and one MtF that is creepy as hell. She loves to make rants about how badly everyone treats her like crap for being transgender when the reality is she was previously a gross fat neckbeard that barely changed that upon going through the transition. And now that she's gotten facial reconstruction it was a lateral move from gross manface to creepy unnatural girl face.

However, I'm talking about people who have gone through the whole process. I don't consider anyone FtM or MtF unless they're at least halfway through the process and seeing it through.

>> No.7527932

he identifies as male* up there. bad phone

>> No.7527933

No just picky
>so annoying

>> No.7527934

Can I admit the one fandom thing for AoT I like is toddler Eren with Levi as his dad/Parental figure(or when they have the trainees as preschoolers and Hanji, Levi, and Erwin are teachers? It's kind of goofy and cute.

>> No.7527939

Are you white you have to be white to be the ultimate opressor

>> No.7527941

Yeah biologically female. It frustrates me because I'm really trying to be nice and accepting of people but this kinda bullshit just makes me roll my eyes and, eventually, doubt others who may have true gender dysphoria.

And I gotta correct myself -- mahouprince identifies as "genderqueer" which almost confuses me more. HOW? I'm letting it bother me way too much.

>> No.7527947

i'm always afraid that when I see a new comic of that though, that levi is going to fuck the little boy eren...

>> No.7527951

I am not white, but hey, I'm a cishet, so I guess that still makes me earn privilege points.

This brings me to another thing. Regarding white people, I've seen Tumblrites do a few things, either:
> A: they only worship attractive white/male/whatever majority people like celebrities and actors, and any who isn't attractive is deemed as the devil, or
> B: they hate anything that's even remotely white or anything of a majority and will completely disregard and ignore facts to do so, see: SnK

>> No.7527956

This. I know an MTF who is making it work because they understand that part of being a convincing girl is actually having some sense of what makes a feminine aesthetic i.e. babydoll cut tshirts and girly jeans instead of regular tshirts and jeans when you want to be casual, getting layered haircut instead of just growing your hair long or getting some ear piercings and other small accessories.

That's more of a fun AU doujin than a headcanon. HCs are just coming up with things for a characters personality, appearance or backstory that just don't exist. Once upon a time headcanons were just quaint things like "Hanji doesn't actually need glasses she just prefers them to keep titan guts out of her eyes." That could actually be true, but doesn't affect the story much. Now anything's game

>> No.7527971

that escalated quickly o.o

>> No.7527996

take that shit to go

>> No.7528012

When I saw this thread I remembered something I saw a person write before but I couldn't find it.
What it said though was that the she was not bisexual, hetero or anything like that, but she was demi-sexual with a hint of asexual.
H-how does that even work?

>> No.7528031

I can't handle tumblr at all anymore, it's not even just the posts it's seeing people you once were on good terms with turn full SJW for some fucking reason and that kinda sucks because some of them were really nice and all before that

Do you mean OCs in general, or like fandom OCs because I can only imagine the latter appearing in tags a lot.

>> No.7528034

I always thought it was really funny how tumblr social justice fags always go on and on about not judging people, but then they have all these labels they slap on themselves and others.

>> No.7528038

>Most bits don't know the other bits exist

the most true statement ever.

I like to think that most of the site's users think that only their little blogging circle is the "site", and not anything they don't reblog.

at least everyone here KNOWS what other boards are doing.

>> No.7528040

Oh man the toku fandom on tumblr, I used to think it was the best fandom but wow does it have it's fair share of SJWs. Never going back there again. The amount of drama and bickering over shipping, ugh nope. I'll just enjoy my bugmen alone and dramafree thankyouverymuch.

>> No.7528050

But why do you prefer they?

>> No.7528052

So why do people call this board the "SJW and Tumblr containment board"? Judging from this thread, you all seem to have rational minds and are against that sort of stuff, which is good.

>> No.7528053

I got in a fight with a SJW over a blackface satire (that they clearly didn't understand not that they cared on the context of the picture) but they had their friends attack me and all that, it was pretty hilarious, they kept calling me a "piss baby" i made a game where i browse their blogs and see how long i can go before they post/say something utterly backwards, i usually don't make it past page 5 or 6

>> No.7528057

People from tumblr keep on rolling in, but most people aren't Sjws here.

>> No.7528059

There's a person I follow who is such an sjw it physically hurts me to look at her blog some times. I'd remove her, but I like her photos and cosplays.

>> No.7528064

The fuck. Tumblr has been lead astray so far from the point that they are never going to achieve anything except make everyone walk on eggshells and be super sensitive about any arbitrary topic they decide to be ~*triggering*~ for that day.

>> No.7528068

Worst of all, I don't even know what really... triggered this, so to speak. I've been using it since late 2011, sorta saw this bullshit start around late 2012 and then it picked up exponentially throughout 2013 to the point that they have completely thrown whatever is even considered normal to the wind as it's (insert buzzwords here), which is not necessarily a good thing.

>> No.7528074

ma day, anon you just made it

>> No.7528076

Fuck I can't believe these idiots spend hours writing all this bullshit that actually serves no fucking purpose other than being self-masturbatory wank. Yes, I mad.

>> No.7528078

I think the reason that it took over so much is because people, especially young naive teens, don't want to be seen as a 'bad' person so they latch onto it on hopes they'll be part of the 'good' group. And considering SJW is basically "if you don't do this YOU"RE A TERRIBLE PERSON AND SHOULD DIE" they're very fast and easy to pull into it

>> No.7528080

And the unfortunate thing is, while their ideals can be good and the messages aren't always terrible, the execution is 95% just terrible. Yet they somehow think they're doing justice. It's like... they're being assholes and they think they're doing the world a favor and that they're actually doing good, when all they're really doing is spreading misinformation, sheer and utter vitriol to many people, and just overall fearmongering and being edgy.

I wonder if it'll ever end, if there'll ever be a paradigm shift where they just realize that their mistakes, or if this is just the terrifying way youth will grow up to be nowadays. The site was never that toxic, and I wonder if it'll ever be sane again.

>> No.7528083

gawd i hated the Ghirahim fights!

>> No.7528085

I cannot brain... ever again because this.

>> No.7528104

am i the only one seeing tons of posts tagged "scopophobia" despite them not needing to be? its like a trendy tag within a huge group of people i follow

>> No.7528105

Ughhh, it's like you don't even know that prostitution is always a patriarchal way for het men to keep the womyn down by objectification

Men can't even be prostitutes cus they always get pleasure from sex (and therefore also can't be raped) so what sense would it make

BTW use fucking TRIGGER WARNINGS prostitution is a trigger for me cus I once read that sad story and now I have a panic attack because of you asshole THANKS A LOT fucking cis scum just die

>> No.7528110

It's also because it panders to those with chunnibyou. If you think you're a wolf, are possessed, or have special powers, it's just because you identify as otherkin/fictionkin/a multiple system/etc! Back in the day, everyone just called them delusional until they grew out of it (or regrettably didn't in some cases), but now there's a whole Tumblr culture about validifying it, and claiming oppression when people don't believe it. And yes, it's yet another thing that's disrespectful to actual trans people (or people with schizophrenia, with regards to the headmates).

It is literally teenagers who want to feel special.

captcha: absurdity rvithpub

>> No.7528114

Seagulls hate SJW's and Tumblrtards because they keep trying to turn /cgl/ into a hugbox, thus depriving them of their delicious dramus. We're all on 4chan for a reason, even if this board is a taco party.

>> No.7528119
File: 29 KB, 537x517, del.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! this chick's blog can often be a goldmine for stupid, when she can't think of a comeback anymore she'll just swear them out, total nutjob.

>> No.7528122

As someone who is asexual, Tumblr SJ makes me feel kind of conflicted because they are giving visibility to some groups, and it will probably help a few young people to not be like me and be wondering until their early twenties why they don't like neither dick nor vagina. On the other hand, the SJW population is fucking nuts and they are probably doing more wrong than any good they ever could.

I ignore any SJ blogs I come across, so Tumblr for me is a bunch of nerdy girls that play the same games I do and watch the same animes I like.

>> No.7528123

ffs. This is just disturbing. If people of color, or whatever these sjw bitches want to call them want more stories about them, then they should write them. It's not a person's job or someone who wants to write about white people to change their story and context to make 'poc' happier.

>> No.7528127

thats what i thought! they want these "POC" (a stupid term because its kinda putting all the types of people and grouping them together as if they're the same) shoehorned into things where they might be out of place, thats like tokenism and isn't that supposed to be a step backwards?

>> No.7528133

Damn, what a qt

>> No.7528134

As a weird aversion to this whole "lets make every character poc no whites anywhere ever" I once got commissioned by someone from tumblr. They wanted me to draw their OC, and before showing me a ref image of the character they said something like "it's ok if you feel uncomfortable drawing her, and refuse, I understand". So I was expecting the character to be something straight out of /d/, but when I opened the ref pic, it was just a black woman. That's it. Nothing weird about the character, just that she was black.
It felt like I had stepped into bizarro-tumblr.

>> No.7528135

It makes me sick because it's so massively racist. Like how does saying 'white people are scum' and this and that make it any LESS racist than saying that about black people or asians? It's so assbackwards. And the problem is, a lot of these people don't see it as horribly racist or bigoted, but that's exactly what it is.

>> No.7528136

>"but POC can't be racist against whites because racism is institutionalized prejudice"
Conclusion: they are still prejudiced pieces of shit with a different label.

>> No.7528137

"They" was gender neutral and singular in the 14th century; it's just somebody decided that it was improper around the 19th, and grammar-fags never realized that languages evolve based on their societies needs.

>> No.7528140

I think the only reason they can actually live with themselves despite being despici let human beings is the fact that the semantics of language is on their side. Yes, "racism" implies some sort of systemized power structure, so in America it is in fact impossible to be "racist" to white people, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to be a bigoted shithole to white people, or that hating white people because they're white is in any way shape or form acceptable. Also, it's so incredibly American-centric, it's sickening. Japan is totally racist against its white citizens. The British have even perfected the art of being racist to other white people, the Irish are treated like scum in the UK. I've had SJWs almost literally crap themselves when I've pointed this out, because " no, all white people are awful, everything is white peoples fault, kill all the white people!" I mean, did they learn nothing from the Holocaust? All 6 million of the Jews exterminated would be considered white in modern day America, does that mean that the Nazis weren't being racist, because it's "impossible to be racist against white people"? Fuck to the no. It's literally maddening to see such staggering ignorance being used to justify hate.

>> No.7528145

A+ post anon. I honestly wish it were possible to communicate to these sjws with knowledge, but I'm sure you and I would both receive a very snarky response; rendering our points moot.

>> No.7528146

The only thing I wish to point out, and hopefully not stray off topic is that the Nazis killed anyone from Jewish people, to black people, to gay people, and even other Germans who opposed them. It was more economics than race, but still, you make very valid points, anon.

>> No.7528147
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>> No.7528148


>> No.7528150

I completely agree. What constitutes racism is different between countries and sometimes situations, but most on tumblr only consider North America in their arguments and as someone from the southern hemisphere it's really illogical and alienating.

>> No.7528156

Oh, believe me, I know, I spent an entire semester studying the economics of the Third Reich, it's fascinating, Hitler literally created an economy that would only be sustainable by conquering the world, because it was a bubble that could not sustain itself from within, and it betrays the fact that he had domination in mind from the very beginning of his ascent to power. He created the economy he did to gain the peoples trust by convincing them he had "turned around" Germany's post WWI depression in a miraculously short period of time, so then when he began to annex and invade other countries, and steal the possessions of Jews, Romani, Blacks, Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses in order to do so, nobody thought anything of it, because they all trusted him, he was a miracle worker, and he was playing to the fact that they were all a little bit racist to begin with. I was just saying that by American-centric standards, the extermination of Jews wasn't racism because European Jews are "white," when it was very obviously racism. Hitler was very much a believer to the end in Social Darwinism. He had all the races of the world categorized into tiers, and the Jews, Blacks and Roma were at the very bottom of that hierarchy, which is why the Final Solution was reserved for them. And sorry to continue gassing on and continuing this digression, I'm pursuing my masters in history just for this reason, but I always found it interesting that Hitler tiered the Asians above the Slavs in his estimation of the races. Literally his reasoning for allying himself with the Japanese was that Japanese people were the highest tier of Asian, so they we're fit to rule all of the Asians for Hitler, so long as they were subservient to the Aryan masters ( which Japan had absolutely no intention of doing, but they were war mongering opportunists at the time). But he hated the Slavs and wanted to enslave them.

>> No.7528158

Holy crap, it's refreshing to speak to another anon who knows their stuff. Hell yeah.

>> No.7528160

I think it depends. The MTF I know stops at nothing to proclaim how amazing it is that she is a girl who plays video games and how hot that is, don't you agree? Everyone should be amazed at how much of a gamer girl she is! She's a girl working in the IT industry, how super special awesome! She was a male when she started working there and transitioned 5 years later.

The FTM I know is very quiet and shy about it, trying very hard to fit in but also not draw attention to himself, if that makes sense.

But this might be an age thing, as I'm approaching 30 and around this age, the trendy bullshitters seem to fade away.

>> No.7528162

I've been noticing it too. I post a lot of art, and all the "scopophobia" tags have just boomed out of nowhere.

>> No.7528164

>so in America it is in fact impossible to be "racist" to white people, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to be a bigoted shithole to white people, or that hating white people because they're white is in any way shape or form acceptable.
It's kind of backwards they think this way now considering how badly the Irish were treated when they first started immigrating into the east coast of the US

Sometimes it seems like in the US the biggest complaint is always towards the people who are 'stealing' jobs (Irish, Chinese, Mexican, over-seas Indians) or if a person is the same race as a country that's involved in current affairs (Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Muslims, Russians ect)

>> No.7528165

I've seen it too. Makes no fucking sense. If you're so afraid of your shit being seen, then don't post it. It's just attention seeking.

>> No.7528167

Oh god I remember openly writing why I thought the fanfic was complete and utter shit and got so much hate for it. Even the writer of the fanfic was sending me hate mail.

Or is this on about the spin off manga and not that 1984 fic or something?

>> No.7528170

Is that a trans Connie?

>> No.7528174

Unfortunately that type of tumblr containment occurs more in /co/ than any other boards. A lot of people (like those on /cgl/, /mu/ or /fa/ ) have other reasons for using Tumblr compared to being SJWs and rambling about poc in media, the free anime and shit like that.

>> No.7528175

In the town I used to live in in New York, the Italians and the Irish absolutely hated each other, so the old prejudices really haven't died down. But considering the green beer spectacles that are St. Paddy's day parades and the abundance of "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirts in America, we can hardly say that Irish Americans face any sort of institutionalized oppression in America in the Modern day. Irish in Europe? Different story.

>> No.7528178

We also seem to harbor a lot of baiting trolls who do really good imitations of SJW feminists in order to be shit stirrers.

>> No.7528182
File: 4 KB, 385x109, oneplusoneequalstwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....Where are these 50+ gender term options?

>> No.7528184

Oh Planelegs where would the internet be without you

>> No.7528186

And that's all there should be.
simple. Also, biological.

>> No.7528190

I think there should be an 'other' or choose not to say either of them. I have my profile set to male. Not because I identify as male, but because I get a lot of random horny mexicans adding me, so just saying I'm male keeps them at bay.

>> No.7528193

Why do people draw Levi's nose like a boot?

>> No.7528194

Get them to give you money.

>> No.7528196

I don't have a problem with having an "other" or "unspecified" option. Not only for nb or genderqueer or whatever the fuck the kids are calling it these days people, but also for people who don't feel comfortable or don't want to put that info out on the internet. But having 50 different gender options is where I draw the line.

>> No.7528202

This. Just have
And everyone wins.

>> No.7528203

Who are 'people'? That's just shitty tumblr art.

>> No.7528226

This is normal behavior for teens. They always try their limits, search for themselves, feel unsure about themselves and the rest of the world, feel like all adults especially their parents are against them/don't understand them... Whether it's some kind of style of dressing, political movement, drinking or smoking, it's pretty normal for teens to do this stuff.

What I find more worrying is that lot of these people seem to be ADULTS, I mean not even adult teens, +20-year-old adults. It's easy for a young girl to set that kind of person as their idol because they seem so "cool and rebel" and the opposite of their parents(and teens think that everything their parents do or think is lame). Lot of these people seem to be the same generation with myself and I wonder what exactly caused them to become this way.

>> No.7528228

>not that 1984 fic or something

I'm absolutely baffled why that fic got so popular, and Tumblr chose it out of all the others to become 'fandom canon.' I tried to read it, and got maybe seven or eight chapters in before I just could not force myself to wade through it anymore. It's so, so bad in every possible way. The characterisation is shit, the setting is shit, the plot is shit, it's all shit. And yet, Tumblr absolutely creamed their panties over it, and went nuts with prostitute!mallgoth!druggie!Levi. Jesus, I could write a novel about those few chapters I read, and how much I hated them.

>> No.7528233

>hating trans men because of transmisogyny or some shit like that.

What the FUCK am i reading here?! Tumblr needs to go down for good, there is nothing left to salvage.

>> No.7528241
File: 539 KB, 1600x1200, Celebrate Diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's so much misinformation in one post...

>> No.7528243
File: 37 KB, 210x202, 1380729861243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gassing on

>> No.7528256
File: 528 KB, 615x725, NOTAKIMONO1_zps5aa7f434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tumblr not realizing this is a fashion trend
> getting all angry over some good old Orientalism
> tfw you have a pattern all set to make one (sans fringe)

>> No.7528258

What exactly do you claim to be misinformation?
As far as I am concerned, Anon got many things right just some actually go beyond 4chans limited length of post.

For example a large part of propaganda was not spoken of - mainly the dehumanization of the Jews. Also "everyone was a little bit racist" is strongly watered down - racism and nationalist chauvinism were the norm at that time. (Let me tell you how much everyone in Germany hated the French - not only for the shameful peace of Versailles).

The jews were not only thought to be lower than the aryans - they were thought to be below human beings. They were described as a plague, as the cancer killing Germany. It was a form of racism that went far beyond skin-color - and differs from the American concept by how systematic it was. It has links to religion ("the traitors that killed Jesus Christ") for the church, it has links to the economy ("the rich parasite bankers that blow your money") for a people plagued by hunger and inflation, it had links to biology and eugenics for people concerned with that topic. The Jews were the perfect scapegoat and as Hitler took away their belonging and said they were deported, the people were completely with him - not only for economic reasons.
The Third Reich is a very complicated topic because it influenced every aspect of the people's life at that time.

>> No.7528263

It's cute and all, but I don't get why it's being called a kimono to begin with. Just looks like a standard boho floral sack dress. Does it have the foldy v-neck thing in front or something?

>> No.7528267

some of them do. it's more like a dressing gown or cover up in construction because of the sleeves.

>> No.7528274
File: 144 KB, 909x1366, himmlergrabbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7528258 [cont'd]

On another note, Hitler did do many things that seem to be against his own set of values. He was one opportunistic dude if you think about it. For example: Röhm, leader of the SA was known to be a homosexual for quite a long time. There even were sjokes going around about it way before Hitler actually got rid of him in the 'Nacht der langen Messer'. Actually, there has always been a great deal of male homoeroticism in the aryan superhuman ideal proclaimed by the nazis and also in the male-only organizations.
Just to humor you: Have a picture of some smug dude seemingly grabbing the Reichsführer-SS' Heinrich Himmler's aSS.

Then there was the thing about siding with Stalin despite the way Slavs were seen as subhumans as well. (Both of them were strongly opportunist in that way - at least until operation Barbarossa tried to fuck Russia sideways - which was an overall bad idea.)

Also, Hitler proclaimed himself to be a man of the 'simple workers' whenever around these people. The A in NSDAP is for 'Arbeiter' - worker. At the same time, he sided with the industry (Krupp and co) and gave them tons of errands (of course with stolen money and to prepare the infrastructure for a worldwar). He had tons of communists brought to concentration camps but sided with Stalin. He proclaimed the intellectuals to be the enemy and at the same time built his very own elite and supported 'scientists' like Mengele or even von Braun. Of course for his very own purpose.
National socialism in itself has been extremely opportunist and therefore always contradictory.

>> No.7528275

You're thinking of biological sex which is different. This is sociology stuff that predates tumblr. Gender, in sociology, is the roles and characteristics assigned to women and men.

Gender is why wearing a dress would make people think you are a girl.

>> No.7528277

>Tumblr also, terribly unsurprisingly, does not understand what friends are.
I remember a post going around that was like "do you ever wish you could just go on a platonic date with someone and have coffee and play video games and stay up late talking online but have no romance whatsoever" and it's just like HAVE YOU EVER JUST FUCKING HUNG OUT WITH A FRIEND LIKE SERIOUSLY

>> No.7528284

I've seen quite a lot posts like that actually. The most recent one was something along the lines of: "Why can't platonic dating exist? I just wanna hang out with someone, do fun stuff together"
That's...called hanging out with friends, I think? But tumblr has to always complicate things and call it fancy stuff like "Platonic dating"
This is a bunch of kids stuck inside their house sitting in front of the computer, who don't even try to make friends. And if you tell them anything they claim SOCIAL ANXIETY.

This also bothers me, they keep claiming to have depression, threatning to kill themselves, and then when you tell them to get help, they say they have social anxiety and they can't just do it.
How do these people live?

90% of the times its not even depression, but lack of social activities besides tumblr.

>> No.7528297
File: 289 KB, 908x1920, kill it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplays are the best thing. Levis with heavy eyeliner and 90's whore goth clothes.
The fact the writer of the fic sells t-shirts and merchandise is really... egotistical.

Pic related. Some shitty closet cosplay Levi.

The shop selling the shitty merch.

>> No.7528299

I've seen some do both. They talk about how white people are evil, but then worship Benedict Cumberdatch and it's just ???

>> No.7528300

Why is Tumblr so good at coming up with insults and appropriately using weird gifs? I don't get it.

>> No.7528302

And they call sexist anyone who uses the word "bitch" no matter the context, but have no problem with the term "cumberbitches".

>> No.7528303

There's nothing quite as weird as wearing a shirt that essentially says, "I read a story about two fictional guys fucking and bought a shirt to commemorate it"

>> No.7528304

>The shop selling the shitty merch.

I cannot believe this shit.

>> No.7528306

I am curious though, outside of the obvious majority of Japanese characters, why DOES Japan tend to create western white characters far more often than other races?

I'm just very curious.

>> No.7528307

I'm so ashamed of enjoying SNK and actually liking Levi now. I've never been ashamed of enjoying things before.

>> No.7528310

Probably because it's pretty simple to read (we aren't talking ground breaking plot twists here), it's "edgy" with strip clubs, drugs, and obsessive relationships, and the hot yaoiz sexing of course. It's like they've never read a good book or fanfic in their life.

On the one hand, I kind of applaud her capitalizing on people's stupidity, but.... selling merch for your shitty fanfic? Seriously?

I'm just hoping it goes away and tumblr will shut up about it and idiots will stop making shitty "cosplays" that look like they fell head first into hot topic. At least figure out what goth and punk look like before you shittily imitate them.

>> No.7528311

Because they're not really familiar with other races?
You'll see black characters occasionally, but Hispanic or Middle Eastern people in Japan is really uncommon, so likewise with characters. I'm sure Japan knows they exist, but it's not really everyday you see someone who's not Japanese or white over there.

>> No.7528313

My brother is one of these tumblrite idiots. It hurts my soul.
Especially being scoffed at and told I need feminism, or told not to trust my boyfriend because all men are potential rapists, etc, etc.

>> No.7528316
File: 93 KB, 500x745, 1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a complimentary 1994 cosplay pic. Have I mentioned I hate most of the AOT fandom?

Just like/follow the series and avoid the crazy fans. It's worked for me so far (and I refuse to let them ruin my enjoyment of AOT).

>> No.7528317

>being scoffed at and told I need feminism,
I'd just tell him that since he's male he has no right to talk over me and tell me what I need as a woman.

>> No.7528318

Everything about that picture is so cringeworthy. From the tattoo to the skinnyfat legs to the eyebrows.

>> No.7528319

I've given up on feeling ashamed about liking series or characters because of a shitty fanbase. I like what I like, and people (for the most part) don't judge me for it because I'm not an idiot about it.

I'll tell you a secret - I actually enjoyed 1994 (probably mostly due to nostalgia, which makes me an oldfag, probably). Did I think it was a masterpiece? No. Did I think it was perfectly characterized? No. Am I going to cosplay from it? No. But I enjoyed reading it, it was written well enough to not set off my grammar nazi, and it was something a little different.

Don't try so hard to distance yourself from fandoms by acting like you're ashamed of what you like. People will realize you're not an annoying weeb if you don't act like one.

>> No.7528320
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 1390209754726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most foreigners around them are from other East Asian countries or white. Japan has very little cultural variety. And even if they make e.g. black characters, the only "black thing" about them is their skin color and hair. This is purely for aesthetic purposes, like it or not.

>> No.7528321

What sucks is that that Levi probably has potential to be a really good Levi, I like the hair.
I'm not even in the SnK fandom and this is really embarrassing to me.

>> No.7528323

although I'll admit that >>7528316 is pretty fucking cringeworthy

>> No.7528324

He identifies as a ~demigirl~ which is super fucking embarrassing because he even spouts that shit to our parents and he's 21 fucking years old holy shit.
Like I have no problem with trans people, but he's so pretending it's not even funny.
He's 300 pounds and calls it "curves".

>> No.7528326

I feel you.

>> No.7528327

She creatively add tits to non-human characters???

>> No.7528333

>probably mostly due to nostalgia, which makes me an oldfag, probably
Fuck off.

>> No.7528338

Someone's mad about not being a true 90's teenager

>> No.7528340

>tells parents
Sometimes I forget that people who act like this actually exist. I'm so sorry for you, anon.

>> No.7528341

Holy Christ it pisses me off when that happens.

I think the thing that bothers me most about tumblr is that people think it's OK to bully people just because they posted something racist or sexist or w/e, even if it was unintentional. I'm so sick of this "tone argument" bullshit, look, if you want to be taken seriously and actually make a difference, don't be a dick and explain things patiently. It isn't hard.

>> No.7528342

Mom wrecks the shit out of him sometimes without even trying.
He'll go on about bullying the cishets in his class and how they deserve it for keeping the pure, beautiful trans/poc people down and mom will say "Isn't that just being a bully?" and he'll go all quiet.
Hard to contain my laughter.

>> No.7528352

What pisses me off is the ones who do TERRIBLE imitations. And then seagulls always respond. Always.
/cgl/ is my main board, so the times I venture out to the other boards, it's practically culture shock. I'll see some bait on /a/ and guess what- people don't fall for it! Sometimes one or two people will post one of those fish baito pictures or just laugh. But I was amazed to see how many people just didn't respond. At all! They just let it fade into the background. I think maybe a part of this has to do with the speed, since as soon as you respond to someone, there is going to be a flurry of posts up while you were typing. Maybe people are a little more choosy with who they respond to for that reason. Or maybe they just know how to recognize and ignore bait.
I'd say that there's value in not just recognizing bait, but realizing that even if they were serious, not every idiot in the world needs to be reeducated right now. On 4chan.

/cgl/ will always respond. The best we can do is have 6+ people talking in depth about how obvious the bait is. It's better than people falling for it, but I wish they'd just stop after the first couple of people pointing it out. I'm always bewildered by the one person who responds hours later, after several people have already said the same thing, and when the conversation has already moved to something else. Isn't backlinking default now? Do they just not see the other responses? Or do they think their own 2 cents are worth a lot more than pennies?

>> No.7528354

Grade 6-12 has always been like this though, they hit the angsty stage and eventually grow out. It follows some people into college too.

A lot of it is just for show, which is why they live. They never follow through, they don't have actual problems.

>> No.7528358

When I went through that phase, we didn't have access to anything as public as the internet. My embarrassment is limited to the memories of people in my hometown. And those people can understand the context and know how much time has passed after I made a fool of myself. If they met me today, they would see me being ten years older and more mature. They'd get that people do stupid shit in gradeschool and grow up afterwards. Maybe if I was a bitch to them they'd still be mad, but no one is going to hold it against me for being a dweeb or obnoxious.

These kids have those phases put on display.

>> No.7528361
File: 116 KB, 330x652, what is this faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on my dash this whole thing was very amusing. Dude decided to take a shit on Turn A Gundam instead of trying to defend his view points when he originally responded to OP.

>> No.7528363
File: 141 KB, 416x195, and then there&#039;s the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7528364

Which is really unfortunate for them.

I had the internet, but that was before "social media" and everything was under usernames. Everything is now with your real name and real photos, and generally all accounts are connected. it's going to be hard to hide all the teenage angst from future employers, schools and even friends.

>> No.7528369

I was born in the 80's.

>> No.7528371

Are you using US English? I had them a while ago and changed to UK English because they were pissing me off.
Seriously, catering to those sick people and trying to be "progressive" does more harm than good. Here in Sweden there's some real-life SJWs in politics even, and they are trying to give immigrants free apartments and saying how national pride is the source of terrorism and how we should haul in even more immigrants and anyone who disagrees is a racist Nazi terrorist. Now granted, they're a vocal minority, but it's just a matter of time.

>> No.7528372



>> No.7528379

What's two-spirit? Neutrois? Transmasculine? Transfeminine? Pangender? Gender Variant?
Agender? Difference between androgyne and androgynous?
A lot of that is same shit different asshole.

>> No.7528382

>implying Tumblr art can constitute itself like some sort of primordial soup.

>> No.7528387

What I really dig is that whole *kin business. Let us say, my tolerance is quite a limited currency and somehow I can't bring myself to apply it to people thinking they were plants.

For some time I was entertaining the thought of making a blog about being elfkin for shits n giggles (as in: people supporting me in my search for true elfness) until I googled 'elfkin tumblr' and found this gem:

While browsing it I got crazy mad about the elfkin tag featuring almost nothing but Lembas and felt like those Noldor bitches thought only their veganism was worthy as an elf. As a Sindar living in the woods and actually hunting, this angered me strongly. Which was how I found out that my joke had gone out of control and I'd better not make a blog documenting my slow descent to insanity.

>A lot of that is same shit different asshole.

Basically tumblr genders and sexual orientations. People craving their special snowflake labels.

>> No.7528390

I know, right? As a Hobbit, I think "brunch" is a really offensive term. It's "secondbreakfast". Dumb cishuman scum doesn't even know what it's like in Hobbiton-Bywater. We are being seriously oppressed.

>> No.7528392

two-spirit is something native, that's the only one I know.

>> No.7528395

I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually canned a lot of the options because not enough people were claiming to be "pansexual demiromantic transethnic blumarookin" where their family could see.

It's because they automatically become evil if they use typical gender/sexuality/ableist insults like bitch, pussy, retard, faggot, etc.

>> No.7528396

I'm fairly certain that this started as a joke, but enough otherkins started follow it that the blog just kind of rolled with it.
I like it a lot. Beyond otherkins, it's a fun way to organize a recipe list. The fae, deer, and elf tags are pretty cute. Lots of sweet things, berries, and edible flowers.

>> No.7528399

This. I went to an alternative high school, so lots of SJW (though it was pretty normal social justice until my last two years), and every time someone tried to jump down my throat about how "YOU CAN'T BE RACIST TOWARDS WHITE PEOPLE!!!11!!" I brought up the Irish.

Shut them up every time.

>> No.7528401

This, basically. Also, I get very mad hen people wear rings with elven runes. It's all fun and games for you but it has been a really tragic part of our history. It's just offensive! So many of our people died because of that.
Also this whole cismortality thing is making me so angry. Mortality is NOT the standard!
You come to our lands and tell us everythig has to die you are plain wrong. We were there before you and we will not face this erasure!

And the sexualization of our race has to end. We dont look fabulous for you to write pornographic things about us. Our beauty is part of our culture and not for cishetnaugol to look at omg. We strongly reject this fetishization.

>> No.7528402

Elves are for raping

>> No.7528404


>> No.7528405

Dude, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.7528408
File: 26 KB, 704x396, ryuk bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every place that has trolls trolling trolls will attract the real McKoy sooner or later.

Also, can a person with a prosthetic or biomechanical body part still be an elfkin/fae, and be recognized as one by others? What if the body part is clearly visible and the person requires regular battery changes and/or special medication?

>> No.7528416
File: 42 KB, 400x484, somepotty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan

so much has changed around here

>> No.7528419


>> No.7528434

>So why do people call this board the "SJW and Tumblr containment board"?

Because they haven't been on /co/ recently.

>> No.7528443

Isn't that Göring grabbing Himmler's ass?
>why do I recognise long-dead Nazis why

>> No.7528457

This also pisses me off about tumblr's SJW-ness and everything surrounding it. The issues they twist around to validate their teenage angst and insecurities are real issues people deal with and the words they misappropriate have been around for a long time and actually do mean things. Yet because SJWs are so loud and the backlash against them is so great you can't even discuss actual sociological issues like without being lumped in with the nutters and told to gb2/tumblr/. But these are real things!
Both sides are just so horribly misinformed and screaming at each other and the realness of the situation gets lost in the middle.

>> No.7528459
File: 616 KB, 676x1620, 1898986455545360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr user zygoats is so bad for this stuff.
I follow 'zer' (is that right? her faq doesn't say) because I love her art, but she always smacks of edgy SJW hypocrisy

she's only 16 or smth so hopefully she'll encounter some Ghandi-like revelations eventually and learn that white cis scum are people too

>> No.7528469

But a person's art IS their personality, Anon. You can't have one without the other.

>> No.7528473

It's absolutely terrible. I knew they were extreme about their views, but after taking Sociology 101 as an elective I really saw how much some of them twist concepts to suit their own needs.

>> No.7528478

I really imagine a lot of that type of person showing up in their first gender studies class, saying something incredibly fucking wrong after being called on and the professor just fucking cant stop laughing.

>> No.7528479

How possible and or hilarious would it be to start an anti SJW tumblr movement

>> No.7528484

as long as your vocal enough about it, not that hard, and also being ready to battle down the absolute barrage of hate and death threats you'll get

>> No.7528500

I'm of the opinion that SJW is the new "I TOTALLY READ ATLAS SHRUGGED AND AM NOW AN OBJECTIVIST" phase
just an excuse for acting like a shitty person towards the designated enemy
just replace "moochers" with "cishets"

>> No.7528518


>more politically charged like Wing and 00
/m/ here. The plots to Wing and 00 are REALLY stupid. They're like a teenagers grasp of what they think politics are.

>> No.7528579

>be on tumblr surfing the kuroko no basket tag
>check out what people are saying about recent manga chapters, uncrowned king hype
>see a post about Reo Mibuchi
>Reo is canon gay character
>read an ass backwards post going on and on about him being gay, non-binary and some other bullshit I couldn't even finish it.
>poster kept calling him "Leo"

They couldn't even get his name right, they have no idea what the hell is going on with this character. He's just an over powered basketball player who is homosexual, can't we just leave it at that?
He'll be more prominent once the third season comes out, I really don't want tumblr to go full retard with him.

>> No.7528614
File: 87 KB, 500x562, leggels2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw textposts about characters on tumblr

>"poor Loki iz one misunderstood babbu omg"
>"karkat is such a tragic troll an he jus screams bc..."
>"ymir is great bc she is a woc and also a lezbain"
>"I think character x/y suffers from schizophrenia I know it becuase of me learnings on teh wikipurdia"

>> No.7528621

Isn't anyone going to point out that racism doesn't actually have to do with systematized power? Institutionalized racism is a type of racism but racism is just judging people based on skin color and ethnicity.

Here are my sources. I'm sure if you opened any normal, physical dictionary the results would be the same.





>> No.7528623
File: 151 KB, 1001x539, PRIVILEGE CHECKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, check your privilege /cgl/ scum

>> No.7528633

'88-'89 and you're not a 90s teenager, '87 is barely. And to call yourself a 'true' 90s teenager I'd say you'd have to have lived at least half of your teens in the 90s, so latest you could have been born is '85 or '84.

>> No.7528643
File: 62 KB, 280x839, 1351129400424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw textposts on tumblr in general
Seriously, all the funny ones get posted to imgur anyway, I wish I could just filter all of them out.

>> No.7528645


That's a tough statement. You're assuming that everything an artist does comes from something 'deep within' when many artists, Pollock, Picasso, Cage, for example, did a lot of work which essentially either went by rote or random. Sure you can argue that Pollocks action paintings represent his personality somehow, but, not even taking into account the spontaneous temporal nature of the works with direct influence from free jazz and whatnot, you are assuming you can discern a person's entire nature from a single piece of art, which I find utterly ridiculous. It comes with the assumption that you could somehow know another person completely, which of course isn't true.

Art is art, the artist is the artist. Many great musicians are known for their awful and cold attitudes toward at least some people (Dylan, Yorke, Reed).

>> No.7528647

The thing is that when sociologists say "racism" they are usually referring to what regular people would call "institutionalized racism"
Terms of art and jargon don't really come up in dictionaries.
This leads to a lot of really dumb arguments.

>> No.7528651

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion. It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself.

>> No.7528655

It makes me really sad, because i got to finish up where the manga was at just before the anime exploded. I mean, there really was a short peaceful gap between the manga translations and the anime. I miss those times. I wouldn't even care if snk was popular, but the way it's popular is just horrible. All these shitty fics, tumblr headcanons and ....Levi cosplayers who don't understand a thing about his character just make me sick. I'm so done with seeing barely legal teengers make out in costume for the 'gayz; and i really wanted my scouting legion hoodie for the fall last year, but opted out, because I felt embarrassed to represent this fanshit in any way after a while.

>> No.7528658

It's as >>7528647 said but I'd like to add that when talking about racism from a sociological perspective it would be called "discrimination" if power (being the oppressive group) isn't involved.

>> No.7528659

Because they don't care? Japan is a very closed in society. Why would they make an anime and lack the profit by adding in lots of different cultures? Japan is a pretty homogenous country, and the main otaku/salarymen whatever buying manga and anime are Japanese men. Why should they write about other cultures? Besides... They never do research and when they do attempt to write outside Japan, it ends up with women with blonde hair/blue eyes and cow boy hats. Because America is just one giant Texas to them.

(Only FAKE was pretty good at making a manga based in New york city without being horribly offensive. Eden of the east was good too.)

>> No.7528664

>awful and cold attitudes
>(Dylan, Yorke, Reed)

But all of those people are ironic and cold and so is their music.

If you cannot bring good news don't bring any.

>> No.7528669


How about ready-made art? Coincidental art? Already mentioned aleatoric stuff?

It is utterly presumptuous to try to somehow decode the 'meaning' of any given artistic work. Not only because you cannot really say anything real about the artist, especially if you have never even met them. And even the artist can only try to communicate, they can never know how a 'sitter' reacts to the work, if one reacts at all. A Rembrandt may be the pinnacle of human expression for another, while someone else may not see any difference with it and a ordinary photograph, except the medium.

Also, you talk of painting with feeling. How can you say which works are and which aren't? As already mentioned, people look for different things; one could assume that this means they also have different views on what works have been produced with feeling and whatnot. Results can be seen, for instance, in the good old 'modern art is thrash' discourse.

>> No.7528675


I'm not sure if ironic and cold are the words to describe early Dylan, for instance. Reed perhaps, though I sense no irony or coldness in songs like 'Heroin' or 'Rock and Roll'. Yorke is also ambivalent, I could take your argument considering his later output.

I'm sure there are better examples, but I can't be bothered to look for them.

>> No.7528676

ngl i like those weird-ass recipes.

>> No.7528678

Link to your rant? I was pondering on reading this fanfic and I'm interested in opinions.

>> No.7528679

I love people who say they're an 80's kid and were born in 1989. It makes that forced smile even harder.

>> No.7528682

>if i see them in public i will fight them

lel sure you will.

>> No.7528704


I'm not a sociologist, and I'm very confused as to how this fits into everything. As a regular person, seeing someone on tumblr telling another user they can't be racist because they're white doesn't make sense to me. Unless two sociologists are talking to each other shouldn't the normal definition be used? (I'm not trying to start something, I'm just trying to understand where you guys are coming from.)

>> No.7528713


You wouldn't know from his music but John Lennon was a horrible person.

>> No.7528733
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>mfw I was citing from a book
>mfw u are arguing with a fictional character

>> No.7528734

So the manga that gave the black kid blonde hair because hid mom was white is well researched?

Just go watch Black Lagoon. Jewish American, black American and Chinese American all on one boat kicking ass.

>> No.7528735

That's the thing, they hide behind that definition to justify their crusade against white people. Anyone with a brain knows that skin colour doesn't matter, as long you are part of a minority where you live, you are going to be discriminated against.

>> No.7528740

Okay thanks. I understand what was going on now.

>> No.7528742


I find it sad that you don't get anything out of fiction, which is what you are insinuating. Another side is the part where you don't have your own opinions but just pick whatever is suitable to the situation.

>> No.7528756

So should we get a new thread? Technically most of this thread doesn't really have to do much with cosplay or lolita (save for maybe the OP's pic), but it's been pretty nice to see the mutual hatred for the toxicity Tumblr can spew.

>> No.7528771

OP here, I wouldn't mind a thread about all the awful cosplay/lolita stuff that comes out of tumblr.

>> No.7528785

I sell adoptables for $5 each to weeaboos and I can get a burando dress by the end of the month. Pre' sure a rainbow rabbit girl doesn't represent my inner personality when I wear gothic.

>> No.7528791

People should shave because it's fucking hygienic to do so.
Ew. Especially if you sweat a lot.

>> No.7528917

My favorite thing to ever come out of tumblr is how people there insist that if an author writes a character who is racist/homophobic/bigoted/just a bad person in general, then this absolutely has to reflect the author's real-life views. There is no such thing as creating a character who thinks differently from you in the world of tumblr. If you make a character who is racist they are nothing more than an extension of yourself and so that means that you are racist, too.

It's fucking stupid. These people literally do not know anything.

>> No.7528928
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> mfw this has happened to me
> tried to make a post about Hange from SNK and how in the manga she's a lot more serious and a good leader

how about we dont

>> No.7528940

Please dont start that bullshit. Body hair and shaving has nothing to do with good hygiene. Washing yourself does. Read a god damn biology book.

>> No.7528953
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>> No.7528970

He was, and he cheated on Yoko multiple times and then got jealous when she so much as spoke to anyone else. Even the band members confirmed it. Yet she gets all the shit.

>> No.7528984

reminds me of felice fawn

>> No.7528994

He was, and he cheated on Yoko multiple times and then got jealous when she so much as spoke to anyone else. Even the band members confirmed it. Yet she gets all the shit.

>> No.7528999

Yes, thank you, I was trying to fit it all into the character limit, so that severely limited the scope of what I could share. These are subjects that have entire courses to them, people have written entire 40+ page dissertations on them, I was trying to do it in one concise paragraph, and while typing on an ipad (which is infuriating), of course I was going to leave stuff out. It wasn't disinformation though, just a layman's, summed up sort of version
I realized after I posted it I literally could not have chosen a worse phrase when talking about the Holocaust.
sage for ot

>> No.7529002

she could be so pretty if it wasnt for her nasty sjw attitude.

>> No.7529009

There are a few: socialjusticemalarkey is one I can remember.

>> No.7529012

its already a thing, anon. well, they call it "real justice".
to name a few. i enjoy the disney villains one a lot.

>> No.7529051

Okay, I know all of these because of my gender studies courses, though honestly I think they do get a little redundant.
Two-spirit is one that literally pre-dates colonial America, it's the term Native Americans used (and still use) to describe trans people, and they even have a revered place in most tribal societies. That's not a special-snowflake identity unless you're claiming it and you aren't Native.
Neutrois is gender neutral. One of the ones I'd consider redundant.
Transfeminine, transmasculine and gender variant I've honestly never even considered identities, but descriptions of trans identities. Trans-feminine is anyone who was born male and transitions towards a more feminine idenity, whether that be trans woman or a feminine subset of genderqueer. Trans-masculine is vice versa. Gender variant is any person, regardless of how they identify, who doesn't subscribe to traditional gender roles in their presentation.
Agender means the absence of any gender. Again, I think its redundant.
The difference I've always seen between androgyne and androgynous is that one is an identity, and the other is an adjective. David Bowie circa 1975 is androgynous, but he still was a man. An androgyne is someone who identifies as androgyny being their gender. Again, I think it's redundant.
>inb4 "get back to tumblr"
Gender theory didn't come from tumblr, they just exploit it.

>> No.7529063

speaking of SJWs, it's insane how much judgement you can get from other girls if you say you aren't a feminist, or people will throw out "If you support equality you are a feminist, that's just how it works" fuck, it is such an immature thing to say. you know I don't have to ally myself with your crazy ass to not be a giant retard right? fuck.

>> No.7529111

If you're willing to do something for people that annoy you, in order to complete a goal, it does.

>> No.7529185

oh hey it's striders (the top one) whos making people donate to her gf so they can meet in r/ l cause poorfags. oh haha wow

>> No.7529223

She doesn't need to be pretty to be a good person, she's already pretty, and she's a fucking terrible person.

You're wrong and stupid, nobody should shave unless they want to.
But the fact that she doesn't shave doesn't make her better than anyone that does.

>> No.7529281


An actual explanation of what tumblr is.

>> No.7529284

I meant this one:

But i guess any of the above are fine.

>> No.7529461

>a character is raped and tortured in the new Metal Gear Solid game
>Hideo Kojima somehow supports rape and torture

tumblr logic

>> No.7529534

>But a person's art IS their personality, Anon
No, it's my hobby money because people pay mad money for their stupid fetish fanart.

>> No.7529608

>talking about well-researched manga about life outside japan
>not mentioning Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

I bet you don't even pose.

>> No.7529629


>> No.7529651

Partially it is because of how animu evolved to begin with. Astro Boy basically set the trend for the medium and it has its roots in Disney's art style and animation. Watch classic Disney. Everyone has exaggerated eyes, next to no nose, and simple mouths. That was Disney's personal style because he heavily used the eyes to express and convey emotions. They were the most significant part of the face. When they weren't black-faced caricatures, even their not-white characters followed this same kind of design, with variations to the face to better differentiate race, because it works so well within 2-dimensional animation.

Same shit got brought over to animu. At it's core, it isn't white-washing blah blah blah. Its just animation is done for stylistic purposes.

>> No.7529704

What ever the fuck happened to male and female?

>> No.7529795

top lel

>> No.7529844

Back in my school years the term was just "tomboy" and there wasn't an entire cult about it

>> No.7530058

If a 2 year old you don't know came up to you and said "you suck" it doesn't mean anything. It's probably not going to bug you, or if it does it's so minor because that 2 year old means nothing to you. What does it matter what they think?

It's basically that. The minority can't be racist because they don't have anything to support them, they don't benefit from being racist.

Another example: A white cop only arresting black people would support a world where the white people have power. A black cop only arresting black people supports a world where the white people have power. Even if the black cop were to arrest white people, the institutions in place would support the white person.

So that just helps to explain the "why it's not racist without power" thing. Personally I think it only works when talking about institutionalized racism. I'm sure there is a lot of debate over it.

But on the topic of tumblr: they learn this concept (racism includes power) and that's it. No further reading. So who has the power? White cishet male scum, clearly it's okay to be abusive to them because it isn't ~*~racist~*~. It's just bad logic that they use to attack other people. They ignore the idea of discrimination being seperate from (in soc/philo) or an alternate definition of racism.

>> No.7530060

wtf is demisexual?

>> No.7530323

A prude, or someone who isn't a slut

>> No.7530423

It doesn't annoy me? I'm making easy money for doodling a simple chibi.

>> No.7530425

dif anon
I'm trying to get into the adoptable market but my sales are pretty much nowhere. How do you do it?

>> No.7530516

That's mostly because the word feminist has started to mean different things. I know plenty of women who want nothing to do with the crazy on tumblr and vehemently deny being feminists, but everything they believe fits exactly into the ideals of feminism. They're "true" feminists without realizing it because they think that feminism means you don't shave or wear bras and hate men. It doesn't. At all. Men can be feminists, too.

>> No.7530598

/cgl/ - Sociology

>> No.7531899
File: 13 KB, 326x175, areukiddinme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"White/Staright/Cis people are so oppressive!!! they never even apologiza for what they do to us ~special folk~!"
"oh my god stop apologizing stop playing the victim"

>> No.7532340

OCs are cool when they're not fucking inserted into anime/manga/etc.

>> No.7532372

While Kinfood is ridiculous, i love browsing the tags for recipes. Especially for sweets and other delicious stuff. They even post canon foods for Pokémonkin like Poképuffs and while i think otherkin is ridiculous. I love that I can now make some fun foods