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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 193 KB, 600x891, twisted pony tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7515901 No.7515901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get your normal hairstyles on, bitches. Let's get some pretty hair up in here.

I want to see those wonderful tutorials.

>> No.7515903
File: 180 KB, 500x1838, Hair Braid Band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping what I have, which isn't much. Let's fill up these folders!

>> No.7515906
File: 199 KB, 535x1467, No Heat Wavy Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have two more.

>> No.7515912
File: 154 KB, 512x1362, Massive Braid In The Back!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more braiders for you braiding people out there.

>> No.7515930
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I have a whole folder of scans from cgl!

>> No.7515940
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>> No.7515945
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>> No.7516012

>cut all my hair off
>can't do cute hairstyles anymore

>> No.7516023

>tfw dude with wavy brown hair that is well kept for and reaches my shoulders
>work wants me to cut it so that it is above my collar when wearing my uniform
>tfw can't wear cute styles
why even live?
Why the fuck did you do that

>> No.7516034

pincurl it up and wear a short natural-coloured wig

>> No.7516039

Dont ever cut your hair short. So many salons offer me free hair cuts and they're for pixie cuts and i'm like "Nope"
That shit takes forever to grow back and it grows back in awkward layers.

>> No.7516041

Put it in a tight bun or ponytail. I've seen a lot of guys do that for work. It shouldn't be an issue. Look up your work rules and human resource stuff before even attempting to cut it. That's bullshit that someone's hair length even matters in a job.

>> No.7516049

>That's bullshit that someone's hair length even matters in a job.
It helps to weed out lazy degenerate pieces of shit, same with policies that ban facial tattoos, gauges, and garbage like that.

>> No.7516088

I've been doing this and it works wonderfully in my hair. I have naturally curly hair which I straighten so it tends to eventually go wavy after a while and this trick works great for me.

>> No.7516092
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It's in their handbook for employees. They ban all the other stuff as well. They had me cut it for when they employed me, since it was really long.

So although I'm technically violating dress code by having it this long, it's not like I've gotten written up for it yet.
I like this suggestion. I'm going to have to see how I can find a wig that won't arouse suspicion. Only wig I've gotten is a blue one specifically for cosplay, lol.

pic related is my hair. I figure I should cut any split ends but I'm afraid whoever I get to do it will fuck up. I had this bad experience where someone tried cutting my hair in layers in order to keep it from looking too huge (I looked like a lion lol) but when growing it out again, the shorter hair near the top of my hair was impossible to manage and could never get it to stay down and I just looked hideous.

Really my hair's been a major source of headaches for who knows how many years, no joke intended.

>> No.7516095

I see a couple men on my way to work wearing suits with their hair tied back and they look amazing. It helps that they're handsome.

>> No.7516100 [DELETED] 

I guess you must apply that to women then too, right anon?

>There is absolutely NO difference between men and women having long hair, assuming that they both take care of it.
>Stop with your Mid-Edwardian bullshit.

>> No.7516126

are there any hairstyles for super thin hair?
i have problems with hairloss from stress and anxiety and my hair is really thin and i literally cant do anything with it except a sock bun 75% of the time

>> No.7516133

I loved my pixie hair cut but idk if I'd ever do it again for different reasons--It's like signing up to get your hair cut every two months if your hair grows in too fast. My hair isn't thick but damn can it grow

If more places charged barber shop prices, I'd be fine getting my hair trimmed that often.

>> No.7516149
File: 45 KB, 612x612, hellnokitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I did the same thing
All my regret. It will grow back but it'll probably take 2 or 3 years.

>> No.7516155

What does hair length have to even do with being lazy or a degenerate? You are seriously assbackwards.

>> No.7516257 [DELETED] 

Nope because men and women are not equal despite what your Jewish Women's Studies teacher told you. I would not hire someone if their position had any customer contact if they had tattoos on their faces nor if they were a male with long hair/dreadlocks nor if they were a woman with a nasty bulldyke cut. That's just not smart business. People want normal, professional looking service, not some special snowflake with a freak haircut.

>> No.7516276
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>> No.7516281
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>> No.7516284
File: 91 KB, 500x732, Hair Bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7516285
File: 51 KB, 333x1011, Prim & Proper Updo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7516289
File: 205 KB, 640x2080, Rosebud Bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7516291
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>> No.7516301

>tfw layered haircut

I would love to do some of these aww man

>> No.7516302

I know this feel, sis. I too am in the market for cute styles for thin hair. My hair is thin, sad, and goes flat and greasy twenty minutes after I dry it no matter what products I use.

>> No.7516313

I love how they look !
I would like to try all of them, but I'm a boy and my parents would kill me.
Which one would look less gay ?

>> No.7516317

i used to have the grease problem too, until i started only conditioning all my hair except for the top part touching my scalp, i avoid that and my hair stays okay for most of the day
i also dry my hair upside down with a barrel brush to make it shiny and smooth and forcing it upwards
i also avoid intense heat, and take luke warm showers to make sure i'm not damaging my hair
but christ i feel so sad when my hair wont style

>> No.7516337

Do you have a short, layered haircut too?

>> No.7516341

Get a job, move out, and then do whatever you want with your hair. There are Japanese men's magazines dedicated to hair styles and cuts for men.

>> No.7516344

>thinking hair has anything to do with sexuality.
uh k then. You sound young.

>> No.7516347

In their defense, it's probably their parents that think it's "gay". Still sounds young, still lives with parents, 4chan is 18+ etc etc

>> No.7516386 [DELETED] 

The point is that hair length doesn't determine work efficiency, competence, or anything that, you know, matters.
A girl isn't suddenly useless if she cuts her hair. A guy isn't suddenly a reckless dumbass if he grows his out.

Saying otherwise is really feeding into stereotypes.

No really, look how many female politicians have short hair. I'll wait.

>> No.7516393

>TFW I cut all my hair off and I love it short

Wigs, wigs, wigs. I don't even need a wig cap because my hair won't poke out.

I have a lot of very thin hair that won't style anyway, so no loss. And it grows back like 1-2" every 2 months, so it'll be long again in under a year.

>> No.7516399

If they won't allow you to put it in a ponytail, just call them out for discrimination, since they don't make the women cut all their hair off. They'll let it go because most places are scared shitless of law suits.

>> No.7516405

>got my hair cut like Sakura Kinomoto in my weeb phase
>somehow looked really cute
>considering doing it again

I loved it so much and I need a haircut anyhoo.

>> No.7516459

Any tutorials for super long hair (past the hips)?
I'm a bit tired of doing braids all the time.

>> No.7516462

Got any pics anon?

>> No.7516470

No, I actually got that standard ex-emo/visualtrash haircut thats thankfully growing out now.
The problem is, whenever I try making a braid, the tips of the layers stick out and it looks fucking crackwhore on all goddamn levels.
Like I had some very unhappy meeting with a lawnmower that morning or smth
Or like I simply wouldnt own a mirror

>> No.7516837

How do you keep it twisted? Clip the ends to your skull?

>> No.7516872

Not in the US they won't. Gender-based dress codes are clearly legal under current case law. Companies can make women wear make up and high heels and require men to have short hair. The only real grounds to challenge is if you're a Sikh or an Orthodox jew or whatever and you can show your hair is a religious requirement.

>> No.7516874

Can someone translate or explain this please? I've been trying to get my hair like this and have failed

>> No.7517056

I love torrinpaige on youtube for super long hairstyles

>> No.7517061

>tfw half black
>tfw my hair never grows past my chin
Lurking these threads is suffering.

>> No.7517141

Any tutorials for shoulder-length hair?

>> No.7517168

>tfw like 99.5% black
>hair grows just past shoulders
You unlucky fuck.

>> No.7517169

I'll give it a try, anon. some of the text is cut off, but I should be able to get the gist of it

>> No.7517191

Ah, I see. Good luck growing it out fast then. I usually give myself a scalp massage every night.

>> No.7517200

It depends where. The laws are changing because it's absolute bullshit, and that's some 1930s way of thinking.

>> No.7517233

You just curl your hair and flip the bangs over... Is it really that hard?

>> No.7517242

>tfw 50% black, use to have hair frizzy as hell
>hair grows to butt lenght and start to make large curls

>> No.7517247

W-whatever, I'll give in and wear a weave.

>> No.7517261
File: 18 KB, 250x200, 4520819+_c1909408f40f915ae088e6cf7cd2ea9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw asian friend and I decide to grow hair out
>mfw 5 years passed
>mfw asian friend's hair grew almost double the length
>mfw she has nice, thick hair
>mfw when medium thick hair and not half of her amount of hair

All my jelly. Sure, it is asian hair, so it does have some disadvantages (almost unable to hold curls, gets tangled very easily), but still so envious.

>mfw hair is too long for half the tutorials, and too short for really long haired tutorials

>> No.7517333

more or less, some of the kanji was too tiny to read
1. Start with curling your hair inwards
Those with lots of hair should section their hair before curling. Begin with curling the hair closest to your face.

2. After curling your hair inwards, curl outwards
Next, curl outward the bundles of hair toward the sides of the head. Curl the pieces of hair in an alternating fashion (inward-outward), and do this to both sides.

3. Curl the tips of the hair inward and upward
Because we want big curls, it's important to curl a wide strip of hair at once.

4. Brush out your hair
To make it look airy, use a coarse hairbrush to brush out your hair. So as not to undo all of your curls, brush lightly.

5. Create the bangs
The prominent feature of Sayoko's hair is the bangs. Part the hair so that about 30% is your bangs, and 70% percent is the rest. A casual, "rough" look comes across as sexy.

6. Making the bangs stick up slightly
If the bangs are flat, it cuts the whole appeal of the look by half. Using the curling iron, curl near the roots to make the hair stand up. Now go get 'em with dem sexy curls.

I fudged the directions most with step 6...

>> No.7517362
File: 47 KB, 158x1600, 5240f9edab64034fc456eaa3adc379310b551d32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some tutorials I can contribute.

>> No.7517366
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>> No.7517370
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>> No.7517372
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>> No.7517375
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>> No.7517378
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>> No.7517380
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>> No.7517382
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>> No.7517386
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>> No.7517393
File: 49 KB, 438x616, 5679d7628535e5ddfab9df8974c6a7efcf1b620d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517394

I hope giant poofy 80s hair goes in style soon.

>> No.7517407


>> No.7517409

any tutorials for shoulder length hair? I had to get mine cute recently...

>> No.7517411

>had my hair short since childhood
>trying to grow it out for cute hairstyles
>slow and terrible, hair looks like shit now

I might chop it off before it reaches my shoulders, I can't fucking stand how it looks right now. I can do nothing good with it. It will be another few months before I can do so much as put a tie in it.

>> No.7517918

>that feel when your hair is too fine for ANY of these

>> No.7517946

it blows. I don't even have enough hair for bangs.

>> No.7517962

You're just not taking care of your hair. It's breaking off before it can get long. Are you stretching your hair? You should be. What's your hair care routine?

>> No.7518317

Any ideas for short, feminine hairstyles? My hair is super fine and doesn't hold curls or anything well, but all the short hairstyles I can find involve curls. Right now I just look like a teenage boy while I'm growing out my pixie cut.

>> No.7518408

Protective styling, kid.

Also, maybe you should try braiding and using heat without a relaxer.

I am Black and I have long natural hair, worn in twist outs.

>> No.7518471
File: 709 KB, 771x1400, IMG_9931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help.

So, pic related is my hair today. Recently I read that combing and blowdrying it when its wet damages the hair more then when its mostly dry. I decided to stop combing my hair when its wet, and to blow dry it when its 75% dry.

...so, how do I do my hair right now? My brushes are for shit, I need to get new ones but I don't think thats the problem.

I don't know exactly what to do, I am fairly inexpirinaced with these sorts of things, so I would apriciate whatever help you can get me.

tldr how do I get pretty hair

>> No.7518486

Try a Tangle Teezer. It costs like $10 at Sally's, but it's a miracle for detangling.

Otherwise, try dampening it then braiding it before going to bed.

>> No.7518498
File: 663 KB, 888x801, IMG_9933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should also mention that I live in buttfuck Greece.

But I do know a place where it sells those, I've been a few tangle teezer look alikes. I will try to look for a few of those, thanks.

Detangling through isn't that much of a problem, is the fact that it looks like shit after I wake up each day. When I did it when the hair was wet and blowdried it came out pretty great, but I felt my hair get irridated by that.

Pic related, another look at the hair.

>> No.7518517

When you sleep, do you braid it?

When my hair was super long I used to braid it into 1 or 2 sections before bed to make sure it keeps in place. You could also try sleeping with a silk pillowcase or a silk headscarf on to keep it smooth.

Keeping your hair contained in a somewhat loose braid or scarf will ensure less damage and hair breakage when sleeping. It will also keep it nice and neat for when you wake up.

Also, make sure you keep the ends moisturized/conditioned properly and get it trimmed every 2 months to make sure you don't have split ends and to combat any frizz that split ends can cause.

> I'm so jelly of your hair I wish I had never cut mine to shoulder length

>> No.7518533
File: 2.06 MB, 2816x1880, IMG_9932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...actually I don't...

Shit, I think thats why it gets bad everytime I wake up.

Yeah, I will try to find some tutorials on how to braid it overnight. Also, do you mean using shampoo and to condition the hair all the way to the ends? Because I do that and make sure it goes all the way.

Thanks for the help~

pic: final image of my hair.

>> No.7518539

Yeah I was meaning to shampoo and condition from the roots to the ends of your hair, that's good that you do that.
My hair is a few inches past my shoulders now and I've gotten back into the habit of braiding it, it does wonders. I'm glad you're going to try it :)

>> No.7518543

>Shampoo, Conditioner + intensive moisturising conditioner once a week
>Straighten with heat-protector once hair has air-dried
>Dab ends with coconut oil, otherwise it'll be a dry wasteland by the next day
What's this hair stretching? I'll look it up

>> No.7518579

If you toss and turn a lot at night, I definitely suggest braiding it. It's the only way I can deal with my hair without it turning into a rat's nest overnight.

>> No.7518588

I'd love some advice

I have terribly oily, long hair that looks horrible the day after I've shampooed. I'd love to give my hair a break from washing and only wash it every other day but it looks and feels so dirty that I can't stand it.

I've tried shampooing every day, leaving it dirty for a week in hopes that it would balance out, using just conditioner, conditioning the entirety of the hair or even just the ends, dry shampoos (even baby powder), moisturizing with oil in hopes that it would balance out my own oil production, AVC rinses, etc.

I'd love to style my hair but it barely holds any shape when it's 100% clean. So far the only things that have remotely worked (to a degree of course) are the dry shampoo and wet shampooing with conditioning just the ends.

Almost everyone I know can go a day or 2 without washing and their hair looks as clean as it did when they washed it.

Does anyone at all know what I can do to fix my oil slick?

>> No.7518628

It takes a minimum of 6 weeks for oils to balance out (I have fine white girl hair so it took hella long for me), depending on hair types. Did you use baking soda when you used the AVC Rinse? I was doing that for a while (used to be in the same boat as you), and it definitely helped a bit.

Is a great resource for it.

>> No.7518644

Thank you so much. I wasn't using any baking soda but I'll definitely try it next time.

Are you strictly no-poo or do you just do it for a few months at a time?

>> No.7519390

Strictly no-poo. I used to use BS/ACV every second day and loved it, but it was still too frequent and I'd still get greasy, so I just said fuck it and threw in the towel, and now only rinse my hair. It's kinda greasy, but not like what it used to be, and is easily disguised using a hat or cute hairstyle. Though, honestly, it's probably because I'm touching it so much and the water I'm using is probably too hot.

I'll still use BS once in a blue moon, and one thing I can say for sure, my hair's gorgeous when I do.

>> No.7519748
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>> No.7519761

Any neat things you can do with guy's hair?
It's long enough that it tickles my shoulders.

I've had to put it in a ponytail for previous jobs, but it didn't look very good. Probably because I didn't know how to do it up properly.

Hair is very thick and voluminous, people comment about it frequently, not sure if that restricts any styles.

>> No.7519893
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>> No.7519900
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>> No.7519909

this grosses me out for some reason

>> No.7519974

I'd kill to live in buttfuck greece

>> No.7520014

That sounds good, but as the other anon said, protective styling is key. Also try pineappling every night. Maybe try heavy creams/whipped butters to stretch your hair in the daytime as well. You could also do doobie wraps so you won't have to straighten your hair as often. Are you using a wide tooth comb?

>> No.7520041

Weird. I was just messing around on this black girl hair blog today. The articles kept talking offhandedly about protective styling and I've been staring at it baffled. Now here you are! What is protective styling?

>> No.7520063

wtf how is this not shooped?

need advice, when i tie plaits i have these parts of hair sticking out of my braid like...like pricks on a stem. what am i doing wrong? gel didn't help.

>> No.7520070

Your hair is layered. Sorry. Try getting your hair wet before hand, run a fair amount of gel through, and then tying the braid.

>> No.7520140

I use a wide-tooth comb, but I've never heard of pineappling before. I'll into the cream/butter as well, thank you for all the tips! :)

>> No.7520876

I wish more men would let their hair grow out like that. ;_; It looks sooo nice.

>> No.7520888


Only when they take care of it right. Most dudes I've seen with long hair look disgusting because I guess they have no idea what shampoo and conditioner are.

>> No.7521099

You need to make sure you're only changing one thing in your routine and sticking with it for at least two weeks. Otherwise it's too overwhelming and you can't tell which product it is that's actually helping.

>> No.7521112
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>> No.7521129

/r/ing curly girl hairstyles? I've got botticelli curls that are a pain to straighten but the I'd love to style in some way!

>> No.7521148

>tfw have naturally dark, thick hair
>tfw I cut it short and have no regrets
Brushing hair is a pain in the ass, and I never bother to style it. I spend 5 minutes max fixing my hair in the morning.

>> No.7521218
File: 106 KB, 700x703, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A messy manbun,

>> No.7521279

that only works if you look good though
lets just roll with the fact that I'm not attractive

>> No.7521773

If your hair gets really dry the best product my cousin found was derived from olives. You could use olive oils.

>> No.7521779

unless you have something really keeping it long then just cut it

i'm growing my hair out for the hell of it and i'm *this* close to just saying fuck it and going back to short hair. long hair is kind of a pain in the ass. especially when you're growing it and it looks like shit because you can't really draw it back yet.

>> No.7522022

Protective styling is styling your hair in ways that protect the ends (and maybe all of the hair, too). Buns, braids, twists, plaits, cornrows, sew-ins, etc. are protective styles. Each style has varying protection. Sew-ins/wigs/etc. offer the most protection because your hair is completely covered and it's in braids (sometimes). Braids and twists come next because the ends are sealed and kept from flying around in the air. Buns come next because they keep the ends tugged away. Protecting your ahir in those styles keep your ends from breaking off. So you gain more length. Protective styles are low manipulation (which also keeps hair from breaking) and should be worn for a while (Maybe 2 weeks or more. Some do only a week but the longer, the better.).
You're welcome!

>> No.7522070
File: 57 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lsw8rutJ6H1r0nxjjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I live in Greece, we practically drown in these kinds of stuff.

My hair isn't really what I would call dry. Still, I should try to add different oils to my hair and see if they benefit it in any kinds.

...speaking of which, what kind of oils can I add to my hair and how effective are there? I would love to know.

Pic related: Why cant I get hair like that ;_;

>> No.7522072


>> No.7522078

God, I love these. I wish more guys kept their hair like this or in top knot styles.

>> No.7522085

>tfw you always mistake a guy with his hair in a bun for a girl

>> No.7522105

mit id hsir
pgoobye i am hair

>> No.7522485

hairclips to pull it back with, anon?

>> No.7522614

Are you me anon?

>> No.7523102
File: 104 KB, 500x700, post-5528-1194596464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what boxed hair dye will give me the most natural-looking mousy blonde? very much like in the picture.

i've bleached my hair and got it to a really warm, light honey color but decided i no longer like it. i really want a natural-looking blonde but when i went to buy a box i just got really paranoid, because i really don't want to get a color i don't like. i want something very ashy but not dark enough for it to look brown. i'm really paranoid about it looking brown. thanks!

>> No.7523270

I think the hair color in that pic is actually really pretty anon. Thankfully having so called 'mousey' hair is finally becoming more acceptable ('your hair color is unacceptable' pssh) and in some cases really quite fashionable. It even seems like people are bleaching and dying their hair to achieve this kinda shade.

That said, hey it's only hair, if you want to experiment a bit, why not just choose an ash-based shade that's perhaps only two shades lighter than your natural color. There are box dyes that can do this in one step and it shouldn't cause ay noticeable damage, and any visible root growth shouldn't be too problematic or extreme.

>> No.7523275
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic, derp.

>> No.7523293
File: 22 KB, 200x241, perfect-hair-color-hue-dark-skin-tone-rihanna-blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah but that looks too brown for my liking. also i can't use my credit card! that's why i was looking through like, walgreens. that's why it got me paranoid because i'm at a loss without being able to see product reviews lol. i just wanna look very.... passable. passable mousy blonde i don't want a glamorous color(since glamorous is i guess what i have now. pic sooort of related. it doesn't look natural at ALL.) i wanted to use purple shampoo but i don't know if it will just make it look greyish instead of that natural mousy blonde. but yeessss the hair color in that picture is so pretty! it's lovely but my hair has been through a lot and i would hate to pick a wrong color to have to wash out and strip my hair again.

a box dye would be ideal. like revlon or l'oreal. something i could go out and buy at the store quickly and use for touch-ups to keep the same color instead of searching around for different boxes.

>> No.7523319
File: 11 KB, 332x200, Wella_White_Lady_Toner_Before_and_After_133768451_thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how completely useless most of that crap i wrote was, sorry anon, let me try again. Nice n Easy ash blonde dyes consistently seem to get good reviews and I have had friends use them with excellent results. How the color will turn out though depends on your natural and current hair color. It sound's like you may not have to bleach it further since it's already quite light but you will certainly need to cancel out the red/orange with a toner. layering ash on top of your current color won't get rid of the red, only play it down.
I would recommend wella 'white lady' toner to optimize the ashy look if you want to still do it at home, then stick to a box dye that is within two shades of its current color in terms of lightness. No idea how easy it is to get hold of that stuff though outside of Sallys though. Remember that toning the hair gives the appearance of a lighter shade even if you don't bleach it further, you will need to bear this in mind.

>> No.7523338

thank u!!

>> No.7523484 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 400x400, Nobody-cares-spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Works with clients closely on a daily basis
>Has worked as a 'special snowflake' for the past 10 years
>Has purple hair and visible tattoos
>Clients seem to love me

Might be what you think is smart business but sooner or later you're going to realize that people care less about how you look if you can effectively and politely provide them the service they need.

>> No.7523514 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, you're a hairstylist? Or some other job you didn't have to go to a real school for
>inb4 "no, I'm a lawyer. From...uh...Harvard. And a chemist! And the president, too! I'm actually Obama!"

>> No.7523528 [DELETED] 


Good try, I sadly have no hair styling skills. Dyeing is the only thing I can pull off successfully.

I work with animals and yes I did go to both university and college for it. It's a job where most people don't care what you look like as long as you're competent.

>> No.7523535
File: 122 KB, 620x1574, Fishtail-Braid-Tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also so we're not derailing, have a fishtail braid.

>> No.7523543 [DELETED] 

Why are you getting so mad that people can actually look the way they want and still be professional ? Jealous? Boring?

>> No.7523557 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you do have to get a degree to get hired at any salon. Not to mention learn notable skills and techniques to not fuck up someone's hair. Stop talking out your ass.

>> No.7523558
File: 22 KB, 236x395, 03e1a1e1f404975305e3e83daffbc3cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just made my night. Love the colour and I think it works perfectly with that braid.

>> No.7523583


>> No.7523590
File: 98 KB, 448x750, tumblr_inline_mtx8hjh8V61qgjer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's photoshopped.

>> No.7523596

Oh my god. Please tell me this is a wig and where I can get it.

>> No.7523598

Mmf. So attractive

>> No.7523605


Well that sucks. Still a gorgeous image though, fake or not! Makes me want to try to get streaks of different shades in my hair.

>> No.7523615 [DELETED] 

Someone's mad they have no opportunities having a real job. But please keep getting soedgy tattoos. I'm sure salons are always hiring.
That's why all the valedictorians are fighting each other to get in to beauty schools, am I right?
Oh, no, wait, that was the girls who got knocked up at 15

I think we found the hairdressers in this thread

>> No.7523623
File: 475 KB, 475x750, catears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7523629

Maybe I'm just being dumb but why would you take the time to curl your hair before braiding it? Curling my hair take about an hour and I can't comprehend how that time was worth it if I was just going to hide all the curls in tight braids.

>> No.7523653

I never see people with multi colored hair that looks as clear, clean and vivid as this photo.

>> No.7523670 [DELETED] 

Last time I checked having a job is using your skills to get a paycheck
>being this mad for no reason at all
>projecting so hard

I make enough money to pay my rent and buy the things I want for myself and my cosplay hobby. I do pretty damn well

>> No.7523674 [DELETED] 

You two, either contribute something to this thread or shut the fuck up. No one cares.

>> No.7523675


it makes the braids appear thicker

>> No.7523768

have you considered getting layers and relaxing your hair?

>> No.7523815

This looks brown to me.

>> No.7523928

I'm >>7516092, I use Khiel's argan shampoo mixed with a little of greek yogurt and coconut oil. Wash twice and then I use Korres lavander conditioner and let it sit about 15 minutes before rinsing. In the meantime I just scrub my body/w/e.

After stepping out of the shower I let my hair dry on its own and I apply a small amount of coconut oil to keep it from poofing everywhere. My hair is ridiculously frizzy, is kinda thick and unmanageable on its own and this all-natural method helps keep it under control without weighing it down or using harmful chemicals.

You can use ordinary coconut oil at a supermarket or you can use jojoba oil. Khiels has a spray that I used for a bit and although it's very good, the coconut oil route worked better for me.

>tfw wind still rapes it and have to wear a cap outside to keep it from looking like a mess.

>> No.7523948

>the wind still rapes it
Could you have used any other word perhaps ? That doesn't even make sense grammatically . You're not edgy.

>> No.7523952
File: 10 KB, 180x191, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523964

Rape analogies are for cancerous underage b&.

>> No.7523967

Is co-washing a good idea?I have thin wavy hair.

>> No.7523968

So the otherwise helpful content from that poster is completely nullified by an out-of-context, albeit poorly chosen word that others would've likely skimmed over?

I'm not saying 4chan is a place for only the best if edgemasters but perhaps this isn't a place for you.

>> No.7524295
File: 36 KB, 275x395, 1531544_1557485054476516_139104533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7524301
File: 474 KB, 861x1280, 1377723109543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524304
File: 82 KB, 537x720, 1656003_468915419898580_83574447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524605

Can I request some tutorials for hairstyles that would be good for the amusement park? I have really long hair and I'd rather not do just a plain ponytail and braids since my hair will get everywhere otherwise

>> No.7524818
File: 105 KB, 500x419, tumblr_ljqo0yXunI1qae2g6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to ride the rides, your hair is going to get all over the place anyways, especially if you intend to go on water rides. A cute braided bun or two would be adorable and keep everything in place.

>> No.7524950

What's co-washing

>> No.7524956 [DELETED] 

Maybe that's the case in bumfuck nowhere where you're from, but stylists in places that are actually populated can make 6 figure salaries and charge 100+ for just a cut. Color specialists and product developers can make more.

> muh kitchen beauticians using box color

>> No.7524974 [DELETED] 

Just ignore this bitch anon. She obviously knows shit about actual hair dressers and how much they make, and that it's a pretty awesome career you can take with you to any country. And if you can gain a good reputation, you're set.

>> No.7524982

Just using conditioner,it sounds gross but i hear good things.

>> No.7525009

Straw-like, peroxided out Asian hair makes me sick, too

>> No.7525034
File: 205 KB, 740x1100, 0f667d04-82bc-4717-9640-5ed08198b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ton of tutos, mostly medium lenght hair iirc. gonna dump them.

>> No.7525051
File: 415 KB, 400x600, f1a48c24-0df3-4f7b-9062-ef3292bfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525077
File: 174 KB, 740x1100, 25b1ab9f-014a-40c0-80cb-d0bbe7271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recaptcha sure is slow today.

>> No.7525085
File: 204 KB, 743x1100, 4738c879-b366-4352-bfcd-15c446fd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525094
File: 28 KB, 316x474, d70b5aac-07b2-4c3e-8af8-d49829a1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops I forgot I didn't have the drive on which my tutos are stored with me...well that was a short dump.

>> No.7525136

I tried CO washing for a while, and at first I liked it, but after about a week my hair got really flat, and felt/looked thinner than it actually was. I tried a bunch of different conditioners, with and without silicones, but my hair just wouldn't take it. I have thick, stereotypically asian hair, for reference.

>> No.7525168

Ah well my hairs kinda weird since it used to be thick but is now thin and is still as oily as it was when I had thick hair, but it either looks super dry/frizzy or greasey so idk what to do,what was your solution?

>> No.7525322

oh sorry, I meant like something cuter than a normal braid! But something that was braids/an updo. I like the idea of doing odango buns with a braid around them though!!

>> No.7525337
File: 7 KB, 214x235, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could also try a braid crown like the one Lo in Lolita wears! I always dug this style!

>> No.7525512
File: 108 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a haircut in December and I am now trying to grow it out. I would like to know what you seagulls think would look flattering on me, both haircut and color. I like general Jfash if that helps.

>> No.7525894

No one said the comment wasn't helpful. I'm pretty sure anyone can still read it regardless of the replies.

>> No.7526080


Not them and I don't know if english isn't your first language but I hate /b/ and am well above 18 and I've used the phrase "the wind rapes it" when talking about hairstyles on several occasions. It does make sense in a colloquial manner, which is why I ask if english is not your first language.

>> No.7526099

Can anyone list yt channels that teach hairstyles suitable for gothic and classic lolita? I need more of those.

>> No.7526101
File: 13 KB, 400x265, hairstyles_short_hair_classic_bob_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd look amazing with the classic 'china doll' bob.

>> No.7526165

that lipstick color looks great on you. If you wanted to try a more vibrant shade of hair color I reckon a similar deep, plummy red would really suit you, as well as a slightly more blue plum or dark purple shade. Otherwise I think dark hair suits you well.

>> No.7526892

Oh really? I have always wanted that hairstyle but I was never sure it would look right on me. Thank you so much anon

>> No.7526896

Thank you anon! I will definitely consider those colors. I might just keep it as is though.