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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 500x157, tumblr_inline_mklfs95mRb1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7517144 No.7517144 [Reply] [Original]


Maxed out the old thread.

>> No.7517159

I've been tanning repeatedly for two weeks now and I was so pale that even with a ton of tan (and extreme tan lines), I still look pale.

I just want to be visibly tan without having to resort to going "Really, I'm tan! Look at my tan lines!"

>> No.7517173

Just remember that White is beautiful. Don't go full leather-couch mode.

>> No.7517180

I'm offended by other people's being offended by people who aren't offended by something that isn't offensive.

What I'm saying is I'm tired of the sjw influence here. Especially since most of them are being hypocrites by even coming to this board to participate in the sorts of things they call appropriation.

>> No.7517184
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Definitely don't want to go that tan. I cringe at the middle aged women in the tanning salon that look like that. I just want to be pic related.. on the left. While usually I'm pic related on the right.

>> No.7517196

Stay on the right.

>> No.7517199

Well, do what you like. I like the right more, she looks angelic.

>> No.7517204

Well, I'm only planning on tanning until my one month membership ends so I'll be pale again by the time summer is over. I've just never been tan before (aside from as a kid) and really want to be tan enough to wear shorts and look fabulous.

Just.. it doesn't seem to be working.

>> No.7517210

I don't know where this "tanning looks better" mindset came from . Just take care of your skin and you'll be fine. I like skin tone on the right better anyway.

>> No.7517211
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>hang out with friends
>one friend keeps talking about her lolita outfit for the upcoming convention
>bought it from Ebay, it's a "lolita wedding dress"
>"It was $200 but I got it for $30! If you want some lolita dresses I can help you! I saw you posting those lolita maid outfits on your blog!"
>"They were maid costumes.."
>"They looked lolita to me. But I can get you some cheap, like mine."
>"No thanks, I've got Bodyline."
>"What's that?"

>tfw friend is ita as fuck and you don't want to tell her because she won't listen and will probably get pissed

>> No.7517212

You're not meant to be brown. You should be proud of that delicate pretty white skin.

(/pol/ says hi)

>> No.7517221
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>have a crush on qt3.14 cosplayer in anime club
>gonna see her again at the club meeting, next Tuesday
>thinking of asking her to do a co-cosplay at AnimeNEXT if things go well

>see her today in the cafeteria
>with her girlfriend
>kissing and holding hands
Goddammit, I'm too old for crushes, but I can't help myself from swooning head-over-heels sometimes...

>> No.7517285
File: 48 KB, 500x255, lie-down-try-not-to-cry-cry-a-lot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend broke up with me today, so everything is just shit.

> tfw it's our monthly anniversary today
> we were gonna celebrate two years together next month
> told me he had started to see me more as a friend or little sister
> his parents are splitting and he's not doing well in school so he said he needed a friend more than a girlfriend??
> There's a con in 8 days that he'll be at

I thought friendzoning wasn't real, but holy shit.
Worst is I'm still in love with him urhg..

>> No.7517288

>tfw we have 3 different feels threads right now

>> No.7517315

tfw my skin tans super easily and i have to avoid sunlight at all costs to even get close to the right, and bitches like you just throw that skin away

>> No.7517318

I'm the same, but I'm whitey mc whiterson as long as I'm not in direct sunlight for a while.

>> No.7517400

I'm just ranting about one specific friend, don't mind me.

>be poor college kid for a long while
>have needy friend corner me one day
>"anon I'm really upset with you, we never do anything we talk about doing and you never put any effort into going anywhere"
>nigga, i'm broke and daydreaming, sorry
>fastforward to graduating
>moved away but not broke
>start planning a couple trips with this friend
>talks a lot about spending heaps of time with me at our first con of the year
>barely see him because he's busy with his other friends
>were planning another con for months but nothing concrete because his other friend was being flaky
>they make plans and he completely neglects to even inform me until it slips that he's going after all
>ask him if there was a reason he didn't want me going or anything
>no response
>texts me at the second con "thinking of you" type shit non-stop
>bitch wtf you should have thought about me before

I honestly didn't care about the second con (was excited to travel a little, tho), but it just makes me angry that he'd be so sensitive about how much "consideration" I put into our friendship just to turn around and do that. I feel petty for being mad. He keeps texting to get my attention and bringing up the next con we'll be at, and I don't really want to bring it up since he avoided my last question about it, but I'm also too annoyed to send more than the shortest responses. Ugh.

>> No.7517410

That's some bullshit. I'd be pissed.

>> No.7517426

Maybe he just wants some space for a while, it doesn't sound like it'll be permanent, anon.
Just wait for a while and see, in the meantime I wish you lots of puppies and chocolate to cheer you up.

>> No.7517468

What a douche. Drop him.

>> No.7517498
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I'm an autistic teenage weeaboo boy on the inside, and an introverted pushover girl who doesn't go out much because I "read and do smart things" on the outside. I don't know how the rest of the world could read my personality so wrongly.

It's a mixed feel. Now that I'm alone and have no friends because they didn't like me after I opened up to them more, I've never been so free. No social obligations outside of my job... I might finally be finding my true happiness is to be alone.

>> No.7517687

He's just hypersensitive. I think I'm a super flake in his head, which whatever, I have been in the past, but some of this feels passive-aggressive. I'm just going to wait until I see him in six weeks to calmly bring it up since text or e-mail is likely to come across the wrong way, no matter how many times I say it's nbd. Thanks for letting me vent, cgl.

>> No.7518849

>lost 5 kilos in past 2 months or so
>almost at goal weight, just a few kilos to go
>really scared of getting chubs again
>still have lovehandles at 21 BMI
>boobs are tiny again and feel kinda gross
>feel less firm and somewhat deflated

Also getting anxious about fucking psychology this semester. Studying it at uni has made me kind of hate it.

>> No.7518928

>On vacation with a bunch of family
>bangs usually right below eyebrows
>growing way to long, past eyes
>Paranoid of cutting hair after what happened when I wanted to be a scene kid, my hair is still not what it could be because of that
>Dad says he knows how to cut hair
>give him specific instructions
>He tells me not to worry
>It looks fucking stupid
>Can't even straighten it, the flat iron's at home

>> No.7519073

I'm sorry anon <3 I'm sure you can find someone else though.

>> No.7519610

>used to have friend that I could weeb out with in high school
>stopped talking for a bit
>re-kindle friendship
>she went to a really shitty art school
>made friends with a bunch of snobby Asians
>snobby Asians helped her transform into a stereotypical F21/H&M chick
>now thinks she's better than everyone who has a different opinion than her
>if you go to a con, she'll bitch about how you're wasting money and you can save up for Japan instead
>if you eat meat, she'll say "good luck with your shitty health later in life"
>if you go to a K-pop concert she'll bitch about saying how you'll regret it later.
>claims to hate memes
>starts dating guy who's rich with cryptocurrency
>goes all out and throws him a doge themed party
>she's always talking to said guy like the fucking doge meme
>I'm not as weeby anymore but I still dabble in anime things
>I can't even talk about anime or vidya anymore because she expected me to grow out of it completely

I kinda want a toned down version of my weeby friend back but I know it's totally impossible at this point.

>> No.7519646

that blows, anon. sorry to hear.

kind of reminds me of this old story:
>be 15
>parents decide for the 2nd summer in a row I'll be taking college classes
>make me take 5 and a half week intensive college algebra course, among other things
>in the meantime, planning to go to a con with my guy friends
>super pumped for it
>buy passes, start setting up hotel w/parents
>help pick appropriate cosplays with friends and direct them to sites for materials
>doodle us in our cosplays together in between matrices and graphs every day
>make up "team names" for con adventures, friends love my drawings
>about to hit the last week or two of the course
>friends pretty much say around the same time "yeah sorry don't think I'm gonna go"
>miserable for the remainder
>don't even go to the convention
>con pass pinned to my fridge until it comes and goes

I know they're usually flakes but fuck. Pretty much ruined my summer. :(

>> No.7520435

>Utterly betrayed by people I thought were friends at start of middle school, they invited me to something that turned out to be a joke, so I was the only one that showed up and they thought it was hilarious
>Couldn't trust people enough to be friends until high school
>Become super bffs with high school pals
>Years later, graduate from college, plan to go to manga-related activity with friend I met through cosplay
>High school bffs want to do something same day, tell them I can't because I have plans
>They all turn on me, go through posts on sites I frequent & decide that i made up this activity because they can't find any mention of it (though it was on my blog...)
>"Anon, you never do anything with us, we're the ones keeping this friendship afloat, I'm tired of this, we're DONE."
>I had just tried to have a get together with friends a few months before, had invited them 6 weeks ahead of time, got a message three days before that major complainer couldn't come b/c she had a haircut. This sorta thing happened several times.
>I was also the only one with a full-time job and couldn't just run off with them to do stuff at the drop of a hat.
>She also whined that I never visited her in college... except I couldn't for the same reason she never visited me... we don't have cars.
>I start to get paranoid about my other friendships, have trouble making new friends, it's like middle school all over
>Years later, I meet up with one of them again.
>"It's a shame we drifted apart!!"
>We didn't "drift apart." You all REJECTED ME
>Now so afraid of people betraying me, I assume everyone lies to me & no one really wants to be my friend
BUT!! Was invited to a photoshoot with some really talented cosplayers for the first time and figured it was gonna be a joke on me because they're clearly way better than me. They a) weren't gonna show up, or b)I was there to make them look better. But it wasn't a joke, shoot was great, and now I'm starting to trust people b/c of that little shoot.

>> No.7520465
File: 90 KB, 392x259, Nura_YouLittle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't cosplay-related, but...
>Do some work for English Shonen Jump
>Have lunch with friends, talking about Jump series
>They complain about some scanlator not getting this or that series out on Wednesday like they usually do
>"Hey guys... I know you read a lot of Jump series... have you thought about subscribing to the magazine?"
>Won't subscribe because they only read like... 4 of the 6 series that were running in it
>Won't subscribe because the magazine comes out "too late," because although it's pretty much simultaneous with Japan, it's later than the scanlators because they get their raws BEFORE THE MAGAZINE COMES OUT IN JAPAN
>They tell me that if Viz can start putting out the magazine when the scans come out, there is a chance they'd subscribe
>Oh, but they wouldn't subscribe anyway, because it's too expensive.
>IT'S LIKE $26 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR. IT'S ALMOST 50 ISSUES! Jesus fucking christ, the goddamn Yu-Gi-Oh! cards you get as a subscriber can be sold to easily make up the cost of the magazine
>"If I can't get it cheaper and sooner, I'm not subscribing."
>Guys, I make part of my living off of the work I do for the magazine, by pirating it, you're sort of hurting me, you know?
>"Oh, whatever."
I have no illusions that manga piracy is going to magically disappear, but it makes me SO FUCKING MAD when my friends blatantly pirate series that are available FOR CHEAP right in front of the person who makes her living off of them. THANKS GUYS. Oh, and...
>Jump is "too expensive" at $26 a year, but friend loves eating out at very nice, expensive places. Get a better excuse.

Ughhhhhh, the whole "I grew out of it and now I'm so much better than you because my decisions are better/healthier/more adult" thing is a huge pet peeve for me. You're better off without her, but I totally get that need to weeb out with a friend.

>> No.7520510

Really sorry for your covention loss, anon. Friends like that are the worst. I mean not having the money is one thing but just deciding "Yeah, I don't feel like it" after everyone planned to do it is just really uncool.

Glad to hear you're trusting people again!

Don't personally read Shounen Jump (RIP Shoujo Beat) but your friends are morons... and really cheap.

>> No.7520579
File: 39 KB, 500x313, tumblr_mnnuo0MwAA1rna6xlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst body shape
>38-31-37 (inches)
>lost near inch around lower torso/love handles area
>jeans fit really well now
>pleased i have results
>... also terrified of gaining any of it back
>trying to eat 1500 calories a day as clean as possible
>work out near daily
>lifting every other day
>people around me tell me I look fine, but i feel like a whale
>*whale noises*
>start feeling conscious about eating in front of strangers, so I try to only eat alone or with family/close friends
>wishes I could magically cut off all this fucking fat

Pic related is my goal. I have a horrible body shape, and gain fat in the worst places, so I need to get down to the 110-120s minimum to look decent.

>> No.7520598

That picture is really fucking cute. I hope you achieve your goal. And then date me.

>> No.7520604 [DELETED] 

I love your body just the way you are, anon. 10/10, delicious hips, would bang.

>> No.7520611

Those measurements seems pretty desirable to me, anon. From the sound of things, maybe you are developing a negative body image problem...

>> No.7520616

40-32-43 here.
I know those feels, anon.
I want to lose 25lbs this summer with eating healthy and working out 5 or 6 days a week.

I bet you do look just fine though so please cheer up! We can work hard together and be kawaii.

>> No.7520621

>home alone, cooking some food
>start humming
>humming really loud
>only know one part of lyrics "'round and round, the planets revolve around the sun"
>what the fuck is this song even
>haven't watched any of it for almost 8 years

I still remember how all my grade 3-4 weeb friends had the hots for Sesshy.
And we once had a contest to see who could say "Inuyasha, sit!" the coolest.
Ah, sweet young weeb days.

>> No.7520719

/fit/ here pls be my girlfriend pls pls

I'll take your virginity with love and care :3c

>> No.7520755

are you guys deluded enough to expect anything to come out of hitting on girls on 4chan, or can you just not allow people to post pictures of themselves unharassed out of principle?

>> No.7520758 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, fatty-chan. I know you're not the hottie I was hitting on, so stop "getting offended on her behalf".

1) I got the body.
2) She got the body.
3) Combine the bodies!
4) Cute baby.
5) Profit.

>> No.7520763

if you are
then I'm concerned for your reading skills.
pic related is her goal, not her current

>> No.7520766

you don't know what she looks like even. Pic related is her goal.

>> No.7520769

thanks for clearing that up, turns out youre just a retard. Carry on

>> No.7520807

Oh I see. Thanks for warning me girls, I almost had a baby with a fat cunt.

>> No.7520837

>itt reasons why /fit/ is single

>> No.7520951

>be me, beginner lolita
>lots of comments all over everywhere about horse-face lolitas being the worst cause they're almost there but their face ruins it
>Get anon hate on my face
>get called horse
>worst fears realized
>tfw I will never be kawaii
>still don't think I'm really that horse-y

Should I post a pic? Like I'm serious, I've been getting this hate for awhile and it hurts so much... I just wanna be kawaii.

>> No.7520964
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thanks anon, I talked more with him about it today and we're taking a break and then meeting up in the start of summer vacation to talk things through. I feel really sick by this whole situation but I hope he'll get his feelings sorted out by then!! Meanwhile I'll build up my confidence and try to think of things to strengthen our relationship!

>> No.7520974

I'm a big weirdo and I have a chance of losing my virginity to this incredible hot guy.

The problem is that he has a girlfriend.

>> No.7520990

If you want, anon. But honestly, you're going to get mean comments from anyone over anything- I get shit because I have big boobs, I'm very tan, etc. If you want to stay in the fashion, you just kinda have to shrug off the shit and focus on what makes you happy.

But if you want to get second opinions on your face, then go ahead! Just make sure you don't let it force you out of Lolita.

>> No.7521001

>>"What's that?"
So? Tell her.
Show her actual lolita stuff and she'll begin to realize that the shit she thought was lolita was actually garbage.
Sure, a lot of itas at first are stubborn about brand and want to pretend like their original purchases are the shit (but mine was so cheap compared to brand, brand looks silly!). But over time they can't deny the quality and it eats away at their assuredness.

>> No.7521016

I want second opinions, but at the same time we are on 4chan and I'm a sensitive horse. Gonna get shit on for being an 'attention whore'

>> No.7521021


>> No.7521028
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As always...

That feeling when no cutie pie cosplay girlfriend.

>> No.7521036
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1373424910784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize that my comm's resident ita is actually better dressed than half (if not more) of my comm.

I just want to live somewhere with a bigger community and have a well-dressed lolita friend who I can talk to about coords and drama.

>> No.7521038

>Be my lazy self
>Procrastinate on a cosplay way more than I should have because it's a very closety and simple one
>Suddenly two weeks before con
>Need to make a Super 8 camera prop
>Panic because I was a retard for not starting before and it was going to look like shit
>Stop panicking and actually think
>Drop by a second hand market today without many hopes
>Find actual Super 8 camera
>Buy it for 25€
>Bask in relief and totally undeserved luck

>> No.7521042

>Male virgin butthurt that this girl is about to take ownership of her sexuality.

>> No.7521071
File: 574 KB, 1024x890, Platinum_the_Trinity_(Story_Mode_Artwork,_Pre_Battle).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay her, but I'm so tall (5'7)
but I can't...

>> No.7521084



>> No.7521109

I cut my bangs for the first time in a year and I dint think you this style looks good on me anymore. I just wanted to look cute again...

>> No.7521114

Excuse the typos!

>> No.7521121

>had a job interview today
>it went pretty well! (i think, oh god i hope- christ now i'm freaking out)
>it was my first group interview
>but it's all cool
>i was chill; had my resume and my sweet business casual clothes
>i can't fucking drive though
>is that a deal breaker for a job
>oh crap
>why can't i just be a normal person and drive
>no i just can't pay attention to the road
>no attention span
>"vroom vroom, driving- hooonk, oh shit i almost ran into some orange cones, whoops!"
>that's me
>that's happened
>i just want to drive like a normal person and have a cute little mini cooper and be a driver and i can't because i don't pay attention to the things around me
>"Oh, anon! It gets better when you really learn to drive!"
>no. no it doesn't
>i almost ran over a bicyclist

Thank you for listening, seagulls.

>> No.7521124

god damn these idiots with their "monthly anniversary"
Anniversary is once a year
anni = once

>> No.7521160


>anni = once

wot m8?

>> No.7521186

Uh... two seconds in google is telling me that >Annus = year
>Versus = turning
>Anniversary = returning yearly.

>> No.7521215
File: 14 KB, 442x295, 1390173181120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guuurl, you know we're all hoping everything works out and you and him can find happiness together...
But, let's be honest, you should work on building yourself up during this break. Get your mind off of him and onto other things: create resolutions for yourself to achieve, take up some new hobbies, make some new friends. This break should be about you, not you two.

Sorry if this seems a bit harsh.

>> No.7521230


You should do it if you want opinions. Noones perfect and especially here, most people aren't in a position to be mean.

>> No.7521236

>tfw I will never lose my virginity no mater what because I am shy and not a girl

>> No.7521332

"shy male" is just a codeword for misogynistic piece of shit.

>> No.7521728
File: 51 KB, 329x329, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't had a bf in a year
>A few guys were interested since then but I decided to pass
>In the past month I've had 3 dreams of having sex with girls
>Wake up horny from each one
I'm pretty sure I'm straight but I remember going through this phase back when I was a tween as well. Don't know what's going on.

>> No.7521736

I have sex dreams about girls all the time and in real life I just want the D. Ain't nothing wrong with that bruh, you shouldn't worry about it

>> No.7521737
File: 37 KB, 344x517, 1395016391983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so sandy?

>> No.7521758

>sex dreams about girls all the time and in real life I just want the D
That's exactly how I feel. Thanks anon I probably won't worry too much

>> No.7521853

>tfw want maid outfit
>hmm ml size is nice, and around $150 isn't too bad
>out of stock
>okay let's find another one
>oh shit it's more expensive, I guess I'll put this weeks check
>guess I need a petticoat too since it isn't included
>oh it comes with sleeves, that's pretty cool. won't need gloves now.
>headband? sure
>alright, let's see how much this is altogether
>~$350 for maid uniform, ~$120 for petticoat, ~$35 for headband, and I don't even have my shoes yet
>where can I find mary janes in-blablabla
FUCK MY WALLET IS CRYING and when I make my transaction it's going to sting for a few weeks

But if I don't do it, it will sting for a lifetime

>> No.7521871

Just wanna find a cosplay boyfriend who will appreciate what I do for him.

>> No.7521928

Why does it have to be an either/or situation? If you find a boy or girl you want to date, date them. Or kiss or fuck them or whatever you'd like. If you don't find one that you want to do these things with, then don't. I think you're over-complicating things for yourself.

But if you're still strugglin, I suppose it would be a comfort to know that sexual acts are sexy. Straight people can look at gay porn and get turned on, but still not have desire to bang their own sex. If you think of the empathy side of attraction, if you see a girl being pleasured, she looks to be really enjoying it, you imagine what it'd be like to feel that, then it's pretty hot. If we're just looking at tactile sensation, it doesn't matter who's administering it.

(Though I'm sure there are straight people who look at gay porn and can't get aroused. Maybe it's because they look at the other side of it, thinking about what it'd be like to be the one pleasuring the other? Or focusing on the intimate connections of this person here doing the thing, rather than just the sensation of the thing? I'm not sure! It's interesting. Sexuality is cool.)

What're you wearing the maid outfit for? Convention, cafe, sex, just want to be k-y-e as fuq?

>> No.7521956
File: 45 KB, 400x226, 1346671885339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally planning to cosplay this year after years of attending cons
>Received Taobao package of cosplay shit last week
>Spent the next hour trying on cute clothes and posing at the mirror

Good feels, /cgl/, good feels.

>> No.7521966
File: 78 KB, 230x152, misery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat and ugly as shit
>trying to lose weight so I can at the very least be a butterface
>too embarrassed to go to the apartment complex's gym and too busy wasting camwhore money on burando to apply for a real gym membership
>too lazy and weak-willed to try and force an eating disorder like all the cool pretty girls
>compulsive eater
>eats even when not hungry in the tiniest bit
>tfw doomed to being a fatass jewess slut


>poly bf died in accident 6 months ago
>poly gf and I's relationship is fucking destroyed and going nowhere fast
>trying desperately to distract self with anything to forget the stress and pain

I am disgusting and pathetic, tbh.

>> No.7521972

>$350 for maid uniform
>$120 for petticoat


please say you meant chinese yuan instead of dollars

>> No.7522136

I'll appreciate it if you let me bust a nut on your face, bby.

>> No.7522411
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1372149324892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm going to cosplay so many of my favourite characters once I'm out of high school and can afford it!" ~2004

"Alright. I have 70 characters I really want to cosplay. Once I get a job I can get to work, but in the meantime I'm just going to pour through tutorials and look at other cosplays and write up how I plan to go about these." ~2009

"Okay, the list is down to 50 because I'm getting too old for some of these. Once I get settled in this new house and get a job, I can finally accomplish my dream." 2010-2013, 15 times (once for each move to a new home)

"Yeah, I'm never going to actually accomplish any of these ever." ~2014

Seriously spent years gathering tutorials off of DA, bookmarking Youtube video tutorials, and on a couple occasions asking cosplayers how they did certain things. I got screwed out of a normal college-age life when I lost my only parent, home, and almost all my stuff right when I graduated high school and had to spend 3 years moving from place to place, ending up living with psychotic strangers, and never being able to stay long enough to hold a job or start school. All I've wanted was some stability so I could spend all my time crafting (my second favourite part of cosplay, first being the "figure out how to do it" stage), but I'm almost 25 now and I might not even have the ability to get started on my big projects until I'm almost 30. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a fan of moe or high school characters (except Madoka). At least my wishlist is only ~30 now...

I'm pretty sure no one is going to be able to relate to this (except maybe vaguely related to financial stress or a huge wishlist), but I felt like venting.

>> No.7522426

>All these Anons trying to convince you not to tan.
Guys, if she wants tan skin, that's her choice. Different people have different ideas of beauty. I personally prefer tans on myself, but I think both are pretty.

Tanning Anon, sometimes dead skin cells can interfere with your ability to tan, so remember to exfoliate (especially your legs).

I usually tan every year for Colossalcon. Not quite as dark as your picture, but I do have visible lines. I start at the end of April. I'll be starting on Monday, and I tan outside rather than at a salon though. Last year my tan lines stuck around 6-7 months after I stopped actively tanning.

>> No.7522432
File: 226 KB, 416x379, 1377575185702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impulse order a skirt
>finals week, forget about everything for 10 days
>just remember five secs ago i'm gonna get a skirt in the mail when I get home from uni
>tfw bought myself a present, forgot about it, remembered you'll have a skirt waiting for you when you get home

>> No.7522493
File: 185 KB, 512x319, Totsuka Saika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a con, yeah. I want a legit uniform and not some slutty fetish one that is made of cheap fabric.

Milky Ange pretty much sold out on their entry-level regular skirt-length uniforms so I'm considering a full-length one instead.

>muh brando

Might just go as this guy, whatever.
30,240 Yen and 10,800 Yen, respectively. It's alright, I got wads of dosh lying around.

>> No.7522544
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>starting to come out of my shell at lolita meetups
>one girl is interested in being my friend, we exchange numbers, she was one of my favorites, sometimes I see her get talked poorly about here, but she's just so lovely in person, so fun and bubbly
>lolita secret comes out about me
>I text her and send her a message on fb
>no response ever since that secret
>that was months ago

I just want your friendship.
you're super fun and when your posts come up on my facebook feed about how you're not having a good day I really worry about you.
I don't want to be clingy so I just comment on your fb stuff rarely.
when you gave me your number it was really exciting to me, because I haven't had a friend in so long, and I was really happy that I could be friends with someone as cool as you.

but that secret about me just was enough for you to drop me.
I'm sorry..

>> No.7522551

to clarify
>text and fb message wasn't about secret, it was like "eyo, this is your number, right?"
>I whitenight her ass into the ground when she's talked about because seriously she's pretty great

I don't see her the way she's portrayed on the internet, but rather how she is in person, but I'd wish she'd do the same. assuming that's why she's stopped talking to me. a lot of people stopped talking to me because of that. it hurts.

>> No.7522558

>wore a new pair of bloomers yesterday.
>first time with lace on the bottom.
>They kept ridding up on me, and rubbing on the other leg.
>was to stupid to excuse self every 5 min to pull them down
>have the WORST chafing today, my thighs are bloody and red and I can't walk.
what the fuck do I even do about this.

>> No.7522580
File: 50 KB, 600x900, 1358450746226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon pic related is goal, not what I am lol. Sorry about that confusion.

thank you for helping clear that up. I appreciate it.

I'm gay and don't want your dick near me, lol.

They're not bad measurements, I guess. It could be worse, but I feel like if my waist isn't at least >30 in, I don't have a chance at looking good.

We can do it!! And thank you. Let's work as hard as we can to get healthy!!

>> No.7522706

So after having one of those moments where you start reflecting on your life or now reason

I feel like shit

My only social interaction other then with other students is with people online, on average I meet up with someone once a year and all of my free time is spend in my room.
Any other anons like this? Because I want to break out of this endless cycle of absolutely nothing and do something..

>> No.7522796

I feel you, anon.
I don't even really talk with other students. I don't think I'm that socially awkward, but I am rather shy/bad at making friends. As in, I can navigate social events (i.e. parties or classes) rather well, but I find it difficult to bridge the initial acquaintance-to-friend gap. I think a big part of it is that I never feel comfortable inviting people who I'm not very close with back to my apartment, as I never really did it when I was a kid (poor parents/shitty house).
I generally go to class, maybe make decent conversation with two or three other students throughout the day, and go to my boyfriend's apartment for the night, as living with my best friend ruined our relationship this year.
I don't know how to get out of the cycle. I made so many friends my first year at uni, but most of them have either graduated (I'm a junior) or grown distant for one reason or another. I'll be going abroad for my last year, and I'm planning on using that to force me to break out of my shell and be more outgoing.

>> No.7522812

I'm stuck with that acquaintance-to-friend thing because I have zero issues talking to people but that's it. it's never more than that. I guess part of the reason is because I haven't had a single 'normal' friend since childhood. And with normal I mean talking to and doing things together. I'm starting to fear I'll never get out of this cycle.

And anon, I hope you'll be able to make the best out of studying abroad! It looks like a great opportunity.

>> No.7522839

yeah. same here.
I was this anon
at least you can talk to other students. I miss people. last meetup I went to was months ago, and I don't feel comfortable enough to try talking to people.

>> No.7522858

>tfw always looking for new pieces for my wardrobe, new makeup products, new hairstyles to try
>always trying to improve my looks
>doesn't matter beacuse I sit in my room all day and no one will appreciate it besides myself

must be how rapunzel felt

>> No.7522866

Going abroad is great, so many of my friends who went had nothing but positive things to say about it.
However, I went to New Zealand (I'm a Europoor) as an exchange student during high school and it fucked up my self-esteem a lot.
The college was great and the teachers were nice, my host family was this sassy black Maori woman, her daughter and husband. They were pretty sweet and caring.

But the kids in school were THE worst. In my country you don't have the cliquey stuff you see in American movies, and I always thought that was bullshit but holy shit it was real. All the other exchange student girls who were the girly party girl type made friends really easily and them + popular girls (all white and rich) would make fun of me. I weebed out with these two Maori girls and some rugby players who were really friendly and nice, but nobody else even talked to me. They'd just turn away and pretend I wasn't there, I never knew why.
When I came back my old friends from high school all stopped hanging out with me and now I hang out with like... two people, once a month if that. And occasionally my mum. Sorry for OT, but yeah... I hope if you are studying abroad it isn't like that, it mostly isn't though.

>> No.7522925
File: 61 KB, 728x692, tumblr_n0ss6kmael1tsuoc0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local comm has these three super opinionated girls that seem to think that anything that disagrees with what they think is wrong. They think they run the comm when they aren't even part of the group of admins. They don't organize meets but get mad if things don't go how they would want. These giant personalities that think everything revolves around them. Worst of all, they're friends so they feed off of each other's personality. They all talk behind everyone's back too. It's stupidly obvious, as they run off to a corner at meets and chitter away quietly, only to come back after five minutes with sugary sweet personalities.

Save me, seagulls. I can't handle them anymore. They've only been friends for the past couple of months but it's just been getting worse and worse as time goes on.

>> No.7522939

That sucks, anon. Luckily, I think that that sort of situation would only really happen in a high school situation.
Everyone I've talked to who has gone through my program has seemed to really enjoy it and make a lot of friends, as classes are rather easy and clubs/student groups plentiful.

This is how I feel about lolita. My wardrobe has exploded in the past year, but I hardly ever wear my dresses because no comm, no lolita friends.
My boyfriend likes the fashion and encourages me to wear it when we go out for dinner or tea on the weekends, but sometimes I feel like it's really not worth the time/effort.

>> No.7522967
File: 71 KB, 399x600, longdressesfuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tall loli and loves tea length dresses
>accepted that ill never own a dress that will look like pic related on me
>impulse buy unknown meta dress on auctions
>"fuck, why did i get this i don't even know what the name is. i'll just sell it when it gets here"
>dress turns out to be a 120+cm beauty, fully shirred, and shoulder strap ties
>inwardly exploding in joy because i can finally fufill my weeb dreams to twirl in a long dress and sit with my dress spread out around me in a circle
>mfw i can finally be like my marysue rozen maiden oc i always dreamed of in middle school

its embarrasing to have these old dreams come back but i'm just so floored that I can finally live out my ~*~gosurori~* dream (in my own home and not outside of course)

>> No.7522971


Aw man, tea length feels! So happy you finally got a beautiful dress you can twirl in!

>> No.7522990
File: 119 KB, 537x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 5ft, 129lbs, overweight
> decide to start exercing to fit in burando
> yoga videos
> need to do cardio
> 10 minute walk/jog
> huffing and puffing
> get home
> body decides to freak out and start period despite being midcycle

What the fuck man. I just want to be fit.

>> No.7523022

Hey, you can do it!! Yoga's a good way to start but honestly, I'm not a force myself exerciser myself.

My mode of exercise is actually power walking to get where I need to go. I can walk a 5 mile round about [my university to the mall and back] in about an hour and twenty minutes depending on traffic.

It helped me shed about 25 pounds in my Freshman year. I also began to work in an intense labor job [food service at my university] and that helped me lose weight too because it has a lot of standing, heavy lifting, etc.

Don't give up, you can do it :)

>> No.7523073

>live in secluded hicktown
>horribly lonely
>horribly shy
>little to no hope of ever interacting with anyone that has similar interests face to face
...I really just want someone to talk to but even if that does happen I'm terrified I'll scare them off with how awkward I am...

>> No.7523076
File: 233 KB, 770x1070, d9503e596e2868a7abb5e542f237f56f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically me. I don't even go to school anymore so the only social interaction I get is going to conventions and attempting to make friends there. I made one friend on 4chan by sheer luck but we only do things like once a month. The friends I have online aren't even on all the time and half the time I don't even feel like talking to them. I end up getting drunk in my apartment by myself every other day which forces me to crave talking online, but then they get to talk to the drunk me which isn't the best.

This is all after I tried to make good friends at cons where I lived before. Now I'm across the country and they couldn't give any less of a shit about me. It feels like I'm meant to be alone, but it's too painful to accept.

>> No.7523105

I'm terribly sorry to hear this. I'm nervous by how you're using alcohol as a coping mechanism. If possible, I'd recommend seeking out a counselor to help you sort out your internal issues. No one deserves to suffer as you are.

I know making friends can be hard, especially if you moved and are shy. Cons are a good place to meet people but I personally retain few friends from cons. Maybe reach out to the other 4chan friend and ask if you could see them more often.

But most importantly, remember that you are not meant to be alone and there is someone out there that cares. This time in your life is troubling and upsetting, but it will pass. I might sound like such a corny person, but I wish there was more I could say and do.

>> No.7523114

>tfw everyone you meet through /cgl/ friending threads always goes silent after exchanging three or four messages
>tfw can't even make online friends
I'm sorry for whatever I said wrong or if I was too wordy?

>> No.7523153

do a couple of these girls wear MMM?

>> No.7523166

>tfw the only person you met up with in real life turned out to be extremely horrible.
I'm not judgemental by all means but my other friends actually had to have a frientervention to convince me to drop contact because she's pretty bad.
can't go into details either, because seagull. she's here. reading this.

>> No.7523203

I want to kill myself. I feel like at this point, my friends are only my friends because they don't want my blood on their hands. I have the things I need to do it, I don't see any downside.

>> No.7523216

Do you need someone to talk to /now/? I may not know you, but I want to help.

Skype: CaittheCat

I will be online, you are free to call. [And this goes for any Seagulls who feel this way.]

>> No.7523218

Thank you for your kind words Anon.
>I'm nervous by how you're using alcohol as a coping mechanism.
I can see how you would be. It honestly helps me open up enough to socialize well. It's certainly a crutch, but one I can't deny the usefulness of. I'm not addicted and I do try to limit myself but my mental barriers are too much normally. I was thinking about seeing a therapist in the past but I have no idea if it would help at all. I feel like my personality is too set in its ways.
>Maybe reach out to the other 4chan friend and ask if you could see them more often.
I don't like to bother him too much and work/school for the both of us often gets in the way. I don't know where else to meet people and I have trouble motivating myself because I know things won't work out.
>I might sound like such a corny person
It's okay. I often tell people not to give up either. I don't give up, but when I've been trying my whole life to make a single person I could call a true friend only to fail time and time again, it starts to wear on the mind. Having a gf was such a breath of fresh air, but one that didn't last long. She cared about me more than I've ever known, only to hate me more than anybody I've ever known in less than a year.

>> No.7523223

Dump those friends. Don't just kill yourself, go have some fun first. Why die bitterly? If you're really suicidal, then there's no loss in getting a giant loan and using it for fun, now, is there?

>> No.7523224

>tfw you see someone improve vastly from meh/ita tier to amazing tier

Never fails to warm my heart and encourage me.

>> No.7523228

I have no idea where you are located, but I just want to give you a big hug.

I personally have GAD and I am on both medication and Behavioral Therapy. Behavioral Therapy very much helps me understand how I think and it has improved my overall happiness.

I posted my Skype above actually [CaittheCat], if you'd like to talk more in a private space. "The door is open"; I won't turn you away.

>> No.7523235
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That's why I try to point out to my friends (who happen to have become seagulls) that those "horror stories/feels/opinions on someone's personality" are extremely one-sided and subjective and that the person writing them may skew the reality a LOT. Unfortunately, "I met her once and she didn't smile at me, what a bitch!!!" coming from such people seems to be proof enough for other seagulls to hate a cosplayer/lolita despite not once meeting the person in question.

Sure, there's lots of nice seagulls too, I'm certain, but more often than not you tend to run into shitty ones first.

4chan is not a good place to make friends, unfortunately. People here bond over their hate of x thing/person (among other things, surely) and making friends that way is reeeeeallly bad. I went through it several times myself as a teen.

>tfw you're a good friend of famous gyaru who gets shit on all the time online, people make up stories of her being suh raysis and meeeean and bitchy when she has never, EVER been like that to a stranger irl who hasn't been a major dick to her first
>tfw you're next

>> No.7523243

Thank you, and I'm sorry, but I don't know if I want to or not. I don't know if I want to be talked out of this. I'll just feel the same in a few days or a week or two. What's even the point anymore.

Your idea of fun means being alive longer. I really don't want to be alive anymore. Thank you for the suggestion. And it's not that they're bad friends, I bother them all the time with my problems, it's not fair to them.

>> No.7523251

I know how you feel can seem very permanent but remember they are just like the weather. They can change radically depending on everyday life.

I can't force you to talk, but I feel you should seek help from a professional. I don't mean go to a psych ward, but a visit to a Psychiatrist and Counselor could really help you sort out internal issues. There is nothing wrong with seeking help and should not be seen as a burden.

>> No.7523262
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1334253940114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone on /b/ is claiming they fucked Jing

>> No.7523307
File: 44 KB, 682x600, laugh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing anything you read on /b/

>> No.7523328


Monthly anniversary is some psycho shit. Don't do that with your next boyfriend.

>> No.7523329

Wow, how dumb are you?

I know sarcasm doesn't translate well through text but I thought the Bender pic was pretty cut and dry

>> No.7523332

Just general bitching here.

>Become friends with this one girl
>She's really sweet to me at first and we're practically in love and we chill for hours on end every other day
>Think I've finally found the fabled lolita best friend that every other girl seems to have

NOPE. Fast forward two weeks later.

>Suddenly turns into a passive aggressive bitch
>Be really sweet to her in hopes she'll stop being a cunt
>She stops being a cunt
>Yay, my sweetness worked!
>"Nah, brah, just needed to borrow something for my cosplay"
>Oh. Okay...
>she continues using me until I stand up for myself and distance myself from her and her poisonous crowd of friends

I'm so bitter from that experience.

She got fat, though, so that's a good thing. I hope she stays fat.

>> No.7523333


How is he incredible if he's going to cheat on his gf?

>> No.7523336

I bet you're a neckbeard virgin.

Or a girl who just broke up with her 6th boyfriend this year.

>> No.7523340

Is it fair to you?

By fun I mean go out and buy all the brand you want. At least that's what I'd do. I'd die kawaii. I'd then make a one way trip to Japan and prance my way into that suicide forest. Then sit there and die in my ruffles. I'll putrify in Cat's Tea Party, too. Eat it, bitches.

>> No.7523341

Too late, I already did it /cgl/ :)

>> No.7523342

Good for you. It ain't a feel, though, so get out.

>> No.7523367

It's excessive, but 'psycho shit'....?
Anon, don't believe a word of this.

>> No.7523488

Only one wears gothic, but I don't think she owns any brand. One of the girls exclusively wears AP, the other two seem to have a mix of taobao brands and offbrand as far as I know.

>> No.7523506


Someone who celebrates Monthly Anniversaries is the same kind of person who is going to think you hate them if you don't talk for a day and freaks out because you didn't reply to their text for an hour.

>> No.7523507

You're either full of shit, retarded, or should be on medication to function, because I have really bad ADD and I can drive just fine.

>> No.7523509

get a joj or go to school. serious suggestion if you just wanna get out. if you wanna socialize, that's a whole different monster I'm also dealing with myself. I currently have a job that forces me to talk with strangers, it's really tough but it helps me a lot.

>> No.7523515
File: 91 KB, 687x619, 1282529061656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 year hiatus, suddenly want jfash inspo from tumblr
>most people i follow are inactive
>most people who follow me are inactive
>tumblr thread isn't enough blogs
>posts "reblog for follow", doesn't even have to be following me, just want more content on dash
>3 hours later, nothing

that post made me feel like such a loser

>> No.7523523

>dat generalizing
Bitty fedora is bitter

Monthly anniversaries are a high school thing, yeah, but psycho? The fuck dude.

>> No.7523527

I can understand it for the first 6 months maybe, because that tends to be the time when you see if you'll work with the other person or not.

I got really excited at 1 and 2 months, then again at 6, and now we just do every 6 months (because we just like excuses to go out and have a fancy ass dinner).

>> No.7523554
File: 1.32 MB, 400x238, ZYxBDZ9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won a contest this weekend and ended up getting a small trophy. Reaction pic was my reaction, I was freaking out. Id never gotten anything like that before, so I got back to my seat and cried like a little girl for about five minutes. Felt so great cuz I worked really hard on the costume - totally full circle man.

>> No.7523572

>sister is two years older than me, has a successful career and social life, is married and they have purchased land/saved enough money to start building a house and start a family
>I don't socialize or talk to any acquaintances unless they call or physically show up at my parents' house
>rarely go out for entertainment and if I do I'm alone or with a family member
>parents constantly ask about what I'm doing and where I go when I leave
>too nervous to be in a serious relationship
>depression/anxiety, withdrew from college
>no money for any education above CC
>work mediocre job in poor area

I guess it seems better in real life because people always say things like "Gee anon I wish I could have a job too, you're doing so well for yourself" (...said by a friend who got into a good Uni and was able to live overseas in Europe for a year for school) and "if you're going to go back to school make sure it's for something you enjoy!" but it hurts a lot - They don't understand how shitty and unaccomplished I feel. But if there's one thing I did find out was that some of my friends from high school have been going through the same phase of antisocialness and uncertainty, which resulted in us somewhat coming in to contact again.

>> No.7523586

>tfw there are some specific things that would turn my mediocre cosplay into a good/great cosplay and I fit the character really well
>tfw too discouraged by others' significantly superior versions of the character to pick it up again and work on it

>> No.7523616

I'm in the same boat as you, I can't socialize for anything (stemming from a decade or more of social anxiety), and I rarely go out because my friend's working full time now, and doesn't have much time for me. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I can't get into college or find a job while my sister gets both as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

Have you tried volunteering? I'm going to be starting at the Humane Society soon, and I'm hoping that it'll at least be able to get me out of the house, and feeding kittens isn't a horrible idea either.

Maybe also look into continuing education courses? I know here you can get a certificate through taking a bunch of part-time classes.

>> No.7523687
File: 35 KB, 320x480, one new voicemail, call me back at 1-800-tfw-nogf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same feels as always

>tfw no qt gf
>tfw you will never be a father
>tfw the lonliness feels like your chest is disintegrating, and the pain wakes you up at night

>> No.7523695
File: 5 KB, 82x99, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a female friend that isn't going to try some experimental lesbian bullshit on me.
Worst part is that they never go for actual single gay women of our comm to do it with, and said gay women don't pull that shit ever. For some reason they latch onto me, a straight woman in a long-term relationship, and then call me a homophobe when I tell them to piss off. Really?

>> No.7523698

>tfw unattractive
>big bulky beak like bumped nose
>butt chin
>huge jaw
>no redeeming features, the rest of me is plain
>dull skin and bad hair
>try everything i can to be better looking
>accept the fact i need to get a rhinoplasty
>even if i do the rest of my face is still shit
>see pictures of self from event on facebook, definitely the ugliest girl in the group
>wear lots of makeup, etc but it can't hide my shitty features
>just want to be pretty, don't even have to be gorgeous or beautiful, just decent and pretty looking.
>realize its not going to happen
>go into a deep depression of self hatred, realizing im not a cute cosplayer and will always be a fugly butterface
>it feels bad cgl

>> No.7523834

post it. it's not really attention whoring if you're nit saying 'hey look at me' unprovoked. you probably don't even look that bad. i won't think anything less of you if you post it, i promise.

>> No.7523836


>> No.7523838


You have weird friends son.

I mean, I have friends and we'll jokingly try weird lesbian bullshit for fun, but they don't, you know, try to rape me randomly and then accuse me of being homophobic if I'm like 'lolno.'

That's weird and awkward anon. Sorry you have to deal with that.

>> No.7523847

>make a new comm facebook group for lolita because there was no preexisting comm for our area
>open group
>only members besides myself and a couple casual friends are fattychans in party city wigs
>I have made a huge mistake
>emphasis on huge

>> No.7523849

the Humane Society sounds like a horrible idea, actually. You'll end up having to deal with all those animals that they put down/.

>> No.7523863


just try finding a guy who doesn't dream about cumming on your face

even Maguma, /cgl/'s Dream Prince ( xD ) wants to spread his Nutella-black cum all over your white girl face

>> No.7523866

No, not at all. Humane Society only puts down extreme cases where their quality of life really suffers (~3% much lower than the what is needed to qualify as "no kill"). Even if it ends up being a bold-faced lie, that's all up to the vets. The volunteers are there to play with them and make them happy so they don't get stressed out.

>> No.7523897
File: 499 KB, 245x150, hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in foster care, lost my foster mom to cancer right at the end of high school, got shifted around for a while, then got terribly ill to the point where I couldn't get out of bed. Since the end of high school I've moved 9 times in total. I can relate.
I just turned 25 and this year I finally made my first cosplay, so it's not too late?
(I do kind of have a babyface but still)

>> No.7523899
File: 932 KB, 500x278, give them to meeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local shelter makes volunteers pay to volunteer. It's bull. I just want to play with some kitties, man

/cgl/ feels: I want every goddamn cat themed print, shoe, jacket, cutsew, sundress, and accessory on the whole fucking planet. Give them to me.

>> No.7523902
File: 933 KB, 220x250, now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the wrong colbert gif but they're both relevant

>> No.7523903

Best gif

>> No.7523932

>want to go to upcoming con
>it would be babbys first con
>not into anime much anymore, mostly ghibli
>scared of having an anxious freak out and embarrassing myself
i feel like i might be out of place there since im not huge into animu. the last one i watched (and still havent finished) is kimi ni todoke. i feel like id have nothing in common with anyone and be "that girl". i could always go in a coord i guess, but i know itd be subpar and the fear of unsealed paint is always there. heck, i dont care if im wearing my cheapest dress, i dont want it ruined.
>super poorfag
that about sums it up i guess. all of this points towards me not going, but i still have that urge to go to try and actually make friends, even if it isnt a huge con.

>> No.7524022


>> No.7524118

I stubbed my toe putting on my underwear this morning

>> No.7524120
File: 350 KB, 800x600, 1398219061347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get dream bf
>he likes all the same things I do
>is in STEM courses and said that as long as I raise the kids I can be a stay at home wife and not work
>very loving and buys me lots of gifts and always sends cute texts during the day to let me know hes thinking about me
>finally get him in the bedroom
>his penis is only 5 inches

How do I convince him to be a cuckold? I don't want to leave him or have him leave me but I still want to enjoy sex every now and then.

>> No.7524132

I feel you, anon. Sometimes is definitely just feels like a tan looks a lot better with shorts and a tank in the summer time. I wish I could tan so I wouldn't look like a ghost when I visit the beach. >>7517285
Aww, cheer up, anon! Go to the con with your friends and don't worry about seeing him! I know it hurts now, but it won't always hurt this much. It'll be better with time.

>> No.7524133
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Let me hug you my Sanhora sister.

>> No.7524134

>Do obvious that its cloying to the senses

>> No.7524240
File: 103 KB, 251x231, lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to opticians today to try contact lenses (mainly for cosplay)
>manage to get two out and one in again but can't manage the last one and give up because it hurts badly and I'm too tense
I think I'll stick to glasses...

>> No.7524257

Just keep practicing daily, you'll get it eventually.

>> No.7524269

Like >>7524257 said. Just keep practicing, also look into different methods of putting them. I got taught to look up and insert them and couldn't do it at all, but then I learned how to do it anoher way and never had another problem getting them in or out.

>> No.7524274

Nonsense. Just try again after resting your eyes a bit. You only have to put them in once to get hang of it.

>> No.7524276

It's okay, anon! I had a similar situation. I was pretty afraid of putting things in my eyes (which is where we differ, I think) and I ended up crying the first time I tried to put the contacts in.

I went back to the opticians a second time with a somewhat defeated attitude but somehow I managed to put both contacts in my eyes. It's been about 3-4 weeks since then and I can get them out and in pretty easily now.

The point is, don't give up, anon! Maybe it hurt because of how much you were playing with your eye or maybe the lens (lense?) had something on it. I know you can do it, anon!

>> No.7524277

First world slut problems...

>> No.7524285

Thank you kind anons, I felt a bit useless but now I feel better

That's probably what I'm going to do before the con, I guess it just takes some time to get used to using them

>> No.7524288
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>> No.7524354


Yea man, the first time I did it it took like an hour to get them in.

It's an odd feeling to touch your eye the first couple times. I can put them in one handed in about 10 seconds now.

>> No.7524457

>footfag picture
>mentions STEM
>mentions stay at home moms
>mentions penis sizes
>mentions cuckolding

This was written by a male, and probably one from /pol/

>> No.7524506

>Been kind of down, not working on a lot of stuff
>Haven't made a new cosplay in a while
>Gained some weight that I haven't managed to lose yet
>Shit talk bad cosplay
>Shit talk mediocre cosplay
>Not to anyone's faces, just in my own home
>Suddenly I realize
Oh god I've becaome a true seagull

>> No.7524519

Do they post their panel schedule online? Check out what exhibitors they have too. A lot of anime conventions aren't strictly anime. There are sometimes general internet/nerd stuff they have too. Or maybe it delves into the Japan culture side a bit more. Sakura Con had a cool panel about the history of yokai and I heard of another that was about the historical class system of Japan and how it plays into their social culture of today. Last year there was a panel about the architecture in anime and real-life places that are often used as backdrops. You wouldn't have to know anything about anime to enjoy that panel. It was very cool.

What's your intention for going? What kind of things are you interested in that draws you to befriending con-goers?

>> No.7524531
File: 118 KB, 600x465, tumblr_n4qcv8TeAf1qf6jy9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want a house print JSK
>all the house prints are hard to find/ too small


>> No.7524568

I think I'm becoming disenchanted with my Lolita comm. I could never fall out of love with the fashion, but something just feels off lately about the community. I feel like drama is waiting to happen, but I honestly don't know what about, there's just an uncomfortable feeling all round. Our online admin has been excessively serious about our group, removing humorous and completely inoffensive content for no apparent reason. Nobody is allowed to ask for opinions or post questions on the group either.
I just feel as though everyone is taking themselves too seriously in one way or another. We also have some brand itas who get some serious asspats for wearing awkward pointed-collar blouses with rare prints, and going blouseless but making no attempt to hide a canyon of cleavage in AP.
One of our mods doesn't even wear lolita anymore but is a mod because she likes japanese things desu.

I don't know, maybe this feeling will blow over, and maybe I'm overreacting (likely), but even with the influx of new members, the group feels stagnant.

>> No.7524608

>tfw find a Taobao shop that sells handmade snowflakey shit Tumblr and even seagulls would cream over
>tfw cheap prices but confirmed nice quality myself
>tfw could totally scalp the Hell out of this crap and become a Taobao reselling piece of shit
>feels kind of bad
>but dat money
I think I'm hoping that some other gull or Tumblrite puts this shop on blast so I don't get the chance to sell my soul to the scalping Storenvy goddesses. But it's most likely I'm just really lazy. I'm giving it another month before I make any decisions, I'm sure someone else is bound to find it soon and either ride this cash cow themselves or do the nice thing and share it.
>if that lucky person decides to cash in, I'll probably end up outing the shop just to be a little shit
I'm a pretty fucking awful person, I guess.

>> No.7524613

>thinking theres anything wrong with making money

just make a storenvy now goddamit, sieze the opportunity! Its fair to buy something and resell it if the other person is willing to buy stuff for what you price it at. May as well try~

>> No.7524625

This. Especially for people (like me) who are willing to pay extra not to have to deal with shopping on taobao

>> No.7524672

Think about this:
Grocery stores buy products from lots of companies all over the world. They contact tons of manufacturers to get their stock on the grocery store's shelves. Why is this okay? Because the average consumer doesn't want to go through the hassle of directly contacting every single producer for the things they want to buy. They want to walk into one place and walk out with everything they need.
The price they pay is higher than what the store originally bought their products for. The difference is basically a convenience fee for the consumer.

Taobao is annoying, some people are nervous about shopping services, the shipping is sketch, you're not always guaranteed to get the exact same product in the photos, and you have no idea what the quality will be like. If somebody found the products that were actually cute, took new photos of them, and posted them for sale? That sounds convenient to me. This girl agrees. >>7524625

This whole process is what merchants do. And merchants are as old as civilization. Worry not. If anyone gives you shit, just say, "Convenience fee"

>> No.7524841

>really ugly
>without going into specifics, I know for certain that I will never not be hideous no matter what I do
>going to be 19 by AnimeNEXT, still kissless virgin
>obviously never gonna get laid
>too poor to buy sex
>have a rape fetish and I know that it's the only way I'll get any
>wild fantasies go through my head all the time and I'm genuinely tempted very often
>tfw when only rich and attractive people can get away with rape despite never needing to, while people like me with no other option will 100% of the time be caught and prosecuted
>tfw I'll have to choose between being a wizard or having sex once and spend the rest of my life in prison

>> No.7524872

>18, will be going to AnimeNEXT
>also kissless virgin
>has rape fantasies
So HOW ugly are you? The only reason Im a kissless virgin is I was in a LDR for 4 years.

>> No.7524885

On a scale from 1 to 10, I'm about a 3. Ugly enough to never be attractive to anyone, but un-ugly enough that it doesn't interfere with my ability to function as a normal member of society beyond that.

>> No.7524899

>wants to cosplay Matsutaro in his Yukata from the OP
>know exactly how I'm gonna do it and I'd look just like him
>tfw no one follows Matsutaro but me and it will almost definitely not get a second season
>tfw the manga was never scanlated, so people who don't know that sports manga always start slow and dropped it immediately are going to kill my only chance of seeing it
Thanks, guys.

>> No.7524903

There are 3/10 women out there. If you're willing to lower your standards and do some basic things like practicing your smile in the mirror and showering every day you won't necessarily never be able to have friends or a girlfriend, it just won't be with 9/10s like in your unrealistic fantasy.

>> No.7524909

Just hire a prostitute, you autist. Or are you one of those idiots who only wants to fuck hot girls who are out of your league? It's not hard to find some 2-4/10s with low enough self-esteem to get in your bed, regardless of how ugly you are. Lower your standards, get pussy.

>> No.7524913

He said he was too poor for the first thing.

>look around the room
>find ugliest girl
>this is the girl you're supposed to be pursuing.
Truly the life of an autist must be suffering.

>> No.7524915

Ah. Im lonely but not that lonely. Sorry. Maybe we'll cross paths.

He did say he was too poor to for sex.

>> No.7524921

>Get to work Game Room shift where I literally get paid to sit on my ass, be on the computer, and keep track of who is playing poor.

>But feel like fatty chan for being able to eat my work meal on the job and eat nachos and corncake
because work in the dining hall actually gives me a workout.

>> No.7524922


>> No.7524925
File: 814 KB, 500x270, 1396589890481 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy for you anon. I understand that feeling of realizing dreams you had a long time ago it feels so good. Be happy with your dress.

Welp,time to share muh feels. Greentext!
>18,look pretty young,people often tell me how "cute" and "adorable" i look
>"dang i am not cute and frail you people!"
>i'm genderqueer,stuck between two genders
>only feel comfy in male clothing,feel less ugly and even pretty sometimes.
>feel terrible when i put on makeup and cute clothes,feel like i suddenly have horrible skin,uglier face,fat body,... and yadda yadda
>mfw i drool over cute clothes and old school sweet lolita
>wish I had the balls to wear some cute old school sweet lolita

>> No.7524927

What does /cgl/ like to do while not doing /cgl/?

I'm an average looking guy but of course I don't have very good conversational skills. I'm a very intent listener which women especially notice, but obviously that's a beta orbiter skill and not necessarily attractive. What do you grills want to go do when we're not at the con anymore? If I were better at this stuff I wouldn't have to suck helium when I'm 30.

>> No.7524928
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, friendship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to cosplay again
>Moved to big city without a single friend
>Too terrified to even toss on old cosplay and walk around a con without having friends around because of severe social anxiety
>Just want the confidence to cosplay or go to a con again but no friends in scary big city means constant fear instead

>> No.7524929

>severe social anxiety
I feel you anon,I feel you

>> No.7524933

I'm actually not even very interested in conventionally attractive women. If I was 10/10 and had a choice I'd still go for women who'd normally be considered a 5. I do shower and have proper hygiene, but the issue still persists.

I know that I could probably get with ugly women, but I would rather just not have sex than go with that. Although, I think my scale is more forgiving than yours, so what might be a 3 to you is like a 2-1.5 to me.

>> No.7524944

>but I would rather just not have sex than go with that.
Okay. Am I supposed to feel sympathetic for you then? You have a legitimate and reasonable alternative to committing a monstrous crime, but you don't care because muh dick.

How can someone put pussy on a pedestal that high anyway? No sex is worth life in prison dumbass.

>> No.7524955

>look just like Daru
>like literally I just need the hat and I'm him
>the hat is 10% of my available balance (granted, that's not much)
>not sure if I should buy it because people might not even realize I'm cosplaying
>not sure if I should do his Jojo outfit from the cosplay mod because people might just think I'm doing a shitty Jojo cosplay
>not sure if I should do his vacation outfit from the OVA because people might not recognize it
>can't do future Daru because I can't grow a beard
I am trying to lose weight (already 30 lbs down) but I'm still really tempted to do this before the opportunity passes.

>> No.7524963

>dude why not just have revolting disgusting not even remotely enjoyable sex if you want it that bad?
Can someone really be this stupid?

>> No.7524968

3/10 is mid-below average and not necessarily revolting. 5/10 is average. How enjoyable it is depends on the delusional standards of the person having it.

>> No.7524980

>trying to prep for an interview tomorrow
>already been told that I'm not getting the job for bullshit reasons
>doing it anyway for practice
>and something stupid about dream job etc etc
>someone crush my hopes before my hopes crush me

Not sure if this is stupidity or perseverance, but I guess I'll find out in the morning.

>> No.7524987

The dude already gave a description of himself and where on that scale he is. Assuming he's going by the "letter grade" scale where 7 is average, you could've easily adjusted for your scale (which would be probably be a 1).

And you didn't even need the scale. It was really obvious what he meant. He blatantly said that he prefers less attractive women, called the ones at his level ugly, and described himself as "ugly enough to not be attractive to anyone", so obviously your assumption of him being "mid-below average" was obviously wrong.

I pity you more than that guy. At least he can read.

>> No.7524992

Really hope you're a troll.

>> No.7525000

I was correcting him. How is anyone supposed to help you if you use scales that you make up in your head? 5/10 is average, that's the only reasonable way of doing it.

Often what these people say cannot be trusted as they have severe self-confidence issues. I don't care if you say you're "not attractive to anyone", you're fucking retarded if you think that.

>> No.7525002

I thought you were >>7524944, my mistake.

>> No.7525011

>>dude why not just have revolting disgusting not even remotely enjoyable sex if you want it that bad?
You don't have to, like you just said. Don't have sex if your standards are too high for your own actual worth.

>> No.7525018

First off, different guy. Second, do you understand why people want to have sex?

>> No.7525024

t-to make babies

>> No.7525025

No, this is what men actually experience. The internet is a window into someone's soul.

It depends on the time period in history. In the past attractiveness was farther down the list than qualities like emotional stability and willingness to bear children for a woman. Today ugly men sit around jerking off to 1080p 10/10s and think they're all entitled to one. Something is wrong with your standards if you literally will never have sex if you cannot get something that doesn't reflect your own self-worth. Go ahead, sympathize with the disturbed rapist who will only have sex with his ideal women. Normal people are not like that, they are more realistic about their options and they accept that.

>> No.7525026

None of those anons, but people have different reasons for having sex. Some want to feel good and have fun, others do it for an emotional bond with their partner. I can't have sex without being in love with a person, but that doesn't mean you or someone else can't do it either.

>> No.7525039

>I'm actually not even very interested in conventionally attractive women. If I was 10/10 and had a choice I'd still go for women who'd normally be considered a 5.
-ugly dude

>Today ugly men sit around jerking off to 1080p 10/10s and think they're all entitled to one.
-person who didn't read the thread

Okay, but at the end of the day, sex is desired because it's enjoyable. Why would someone actively seek out sex with people they obviously would not enjoy it with?

>> No.7525047
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>> No.7525050

I agree, I was just elaborating.

>> No.7525055

>Something is wrong with your standards if you literally will never have sex if you cannot get something that doesn't reflect your own self-worth. Go ahead, sympathize with the disturbed rapist who will only have sex with his ideal women.
Note that I said "with his ideal women", which means the 5/10. You're the one without the reading comprehension.

>Why would someone actively seek out sex with people they obviously would not enjoy it with?
He ought to enjoy it normally. It's like trying to explain why someone only enjoys sex with children; you're not doing the right thing so you should try to correct your preferences if you can. He is being unrealistic and if he can't get pussy because of it then that's fine with me.

>> No.7525069

>be ugly
>can't get attractive women
>don't want to sleep with women in my league
>think about committing sexual violence all of the time because of my unrealistic preferences
>somehow this is supposed to make you feel bad for me

>> No.7525076
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>> No.7525082

Yeah, it really does sound like a joke, doesn't it? But that's what >>7524872 is saying and that's why he got reactions like >>7524992.

>> No.7525088

Haha wow that was not what I ( >7524872) was saying. Id say Im a 6/10 on an average day and 7/10 on a good day. Maybe 8/10 if I got surgery and rid my jew nose and somehow managed to trade my short legs for a longer pair.
Anyway, I was just seeing if I could help out that guy since I was gonna be around. But 3/10? Nah. I'll hold out.

>> No.7525090

>He ought to enjoy it normally. It's like trying to explain why someone only enjoys sex with children; you're not doing the right thing so you should try to correct your preferences if you can. He is being unrealistic and if he can't get pussy because of it then that's fine with me.
Almost no one would enjoy the kind of sex you're telling him to have, and this is apparently someone who's naturally attracted to lower grade women. Your pedophile excuse isn't applicable because they're actually mentally fucked up, where as this guy is just too ugly to have enjoyable sex. Granted, the rape shit might qualify him, but that's a byproduct of his preferences and not the cause.

He's already lowered his standards as far as they can go. You're really just yelling at the guy for not doing something he wouldn't even remotely enjoy.

>pretend to be another person
>change literally nothing about how I conduct myself except for not quoting anyone
>somehow literally anyone is supposed to fall for this

>> No.7525097

It was a misquote, sorry, I saw the top couple quotes and it looked like the greentext original.

>But 3/10? Nah. I'll hold out
He says his scale is off so that he's actually about a 2 or 1.5/10. This is the kind of person that is fantasizing about raping you.

>> No.7525101

Congrats, you have successfully converted the entire thread into you talking about how much you hate a random guy on the internet who you just met. Your work is done. You may rest.

>> No.7525106
File: 616 KB, 250x133, 1372297556581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this thread right now

>> No.7525107
File: 71 KB, 470x590, 1924_miss_america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy is just too ugly to have enjoyable sex.
No such thing. That idea comes from ugly men sitting around jerking off to their personal 10/10s in 1080p all day as I said before. Physical attractiveness is not the #1 eternal singular quality of enjoyable human relationships.

I am just one poster. Anyone else participating is equally responsible.

>> No.7525114

No one is going to have sex with an ugly person except other ugly people, you said it yourself. You're just yelling at him and screaming "look, look everyone be like me and hate this guy" because he doesn't like that fact.

>> No.7525119

I don't think he's really the topic of this conversation at all, let alone my 'hatred' of him. It's hard to "prove" that in my post, just go read the post chain and you'll generally see it's not really about the person, we're talking about how sexuality should play out if your worth and your preferences don't match up.

>> No.7525128

feminists pls go

>> No.7525145

Then what's your point? No one's standards are that low. At that point, sex would not be enjoyable even with floored standards. If you're not telling him to have sex with people who wouldn't be enjoyable, what are you saying?

>> No.7525156

So wait,
1. No one is going going to have sex with an ugly person except other ugly people
2. No one's standards are that low
... 3. There are no ugly people who have consensual sex?
... 4. There are no ugly people who have enjoyable sex?

There are millions and millions of ugly people that are having enjoyable sex because they're willing to recognize they have two problems, ugliness and loneliness, and fix them by finding a person of their level of attractiveness. Problem solved. Yes, people's standards are that low. You're just not lonely enough to realize it.

>> No.7525169

>got sick
>on my period
>intense sore throat, headaches, runny nose, and everything else
>PLUS really bad stomach cramps
>wouldn't be so bad except I have multiple important tests this week
>overloaded with work
>depression kicking back in
>incredible amounts of stress

life sucks right now

>> No.7525179
File: 57 KB, 500x357, 1376461432170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are you stubborn. Not everyone has the same standards and thats perfectly fine. Its okay to think "hey, maybe Id rather have sex with someone else"
What is your problem lmao

>> No.7525183

>Not everyone has the same standards and thats perfectly fine.
Well, yeah. But that's not what we were discussion, so I don't see the point of your post.

>> No.7525188

Nah. The people you're thinking of aren't "attractive to literally no one" like he said. Those are people that are ugly but still good enough for other ugly people. If he's really that bad, so are the people on his level.

It isn't hard to understand.

>> No.7525193

Right, but I think he clearly has self-confidence issues. When you're examining something empirically blah blah blah you can take everything at face value, but I sincerely doubt he's actually attractive to "literally no one" and is actually just normal ugly. Extremely attractive people think they're lol2/10 because of minor defects, humans aren't reliable when they report their own attractiveness.

>> No.7525200

Then why not just say "I guarantee you're not that bad"? Why, instead, tell him that he should settle for people on his level when he thinks that "his level" means "below literally everyone's standards"?

>> No.7525201

well, the con is a 1-day and called "the social con!"
my comm is doing a fashion show, and the other two events are anime dating and something called ultimate showdown where people argue which character is the best. i mean, i can sort of hold a conversation on current animes, but im no expert because all the newer ones are a little too boy-ish for my liking.
>shoujo fag
i could always try and get a coord or go completely casual, maybe try and chat up the comm members or compliment people on costumes (and try to not look clingy)

>> No.7525204

oh, forgot to add there's a cosplay contest.
also some guy named blake shephard and "seraphina the otaku bellydancer"

>> No.7525212
File: 545 KB, 900x882, jolteon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have spiky vk blonde hair
>date a dude into pokemon
>i get petname jolteon
>dude is kind of a dick and a braggart
>sex and then text message breakup
>see two years later. he's working fast food
>he looks like shit, i look great
>get asked to do eeveelution gijinka cosplay with friends
>"which costume are you making?

Not much on the sad feels, it's the most I have concerning cosplay. feels are for the weak.

>> No.7525229

>tfw see lolitas complain about boob loaf all the time
>78 cm bust
>never boob loaf ever
feels good

>> No.7525249

I ended up not really talking to the original poster. I was talking with another person who wanted to talk about it being natural to not want to settle for people on one's level. Just read the discussion if you want to butt in, only about 10% of it was /adv/ directed towards the original person.

>> No.7525258

Was >>7524903 and >>7524944 you "giving advice" to him? Because that's explicitly what I'm referring to.

>> No.7525269

>be a lazy skinny fat fuck. not really doing anything.
>Keep saying I need to workout but I'm stuck between being disgustingly out of shape and not knowing where to start.
>Cute guy friend offers to help me and bestie get into shape together.
>She bails because traveling to see him is a bit expensive for her right now
>"Well, I can at least watch him work out. Maybe that'll motivate me."
>Nope. He wants me to go hard or go home.
>Everything fucking hurts and I can't breath or walk.
>Watch him while he does his sets.
>Hell yeah, motherfucker.
>Everytime I feel myself slip into lazy mode I remember him working out and I start my sets again.
>Everything hurts but I feel awesome.

>> No.7525288

I have an 80cm bust and still get mild boobloaf in some dresses thanks to my 68 cm underbust... Krad Lanrete's Jellyfish dress almost made me cry.

>> No.7525290
File: 204 KB, 329x444, joshingmytots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on final paper for costume history class about lolita
>finishing section on community culture
>mfw going to pretend that CGL doesn't exist

>> No.7525291
File: 221 KB, 266x429, baww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sprained ankle
>tfw waiting for shoes from BL
>Almost 4 weeks in and they're "still in New York"
>tfw gotta move out soon, but packages (I have a few others) haven't arrived yet
>tfw even if shoes get here, can't break into shoes with stupid foot wrapped up.

>> No.7525744

If she has really white skin that even tanning looks pale her skin is prbably very sensitive and tanning so much could be really bad for her health.
I was exactly like her 5 years ago and after some research and meeting some people that were pretty hardcore into tanning I decided it was not worth the risk

>> No.7525751

Crippling anxiety and depression are impacting my studies really severely at the moment. I keep having panic attacks and getting no where with my study. I'm really scared of failing.

>> No.7525755

>tfw you discover someone's pretty much a psychopath only after adding them on Facebook, but can't just quietly remove them without causing friction, because you still see them in person at meets at least once a month

Thing is, I'm not sure I want to see her in person either, but we have mutual friends who seem pretty chummy with her, and she also seems the sort to start vendetta shit up when scorned. I'm not real sure what to do, but I really, really want to delete her. For now, I've just hidden her posts so she doesn't pop up on my feed.

>> No.7525761

Why do you think that she's a psychopath?

>> No.7525772

Not that anon, but once you have met one you can tell them apart pretty fast

>> No.7525775

>tfw your broski-in-law's gf is a total wannabe cosplayer, weeb and ita. (ugly short haired fatty-chan to boot) asks you what your wearing
>Your wearing gothic-lolita and she's wearing something worse than milan00
>You answer Lolita
>She says "ME TOO neeee-chan~~~~"

>> No.7525781

Her posts are just insane and irrational and overemotional. Lots of threats of violence over really small things that were "done to her" by other people (such wishing to smash the skull in of someone someone taking a parking spot before she got back around to it, or wanting to poison her brother for eating her Easter chocolate), lots of ruminating on what might happen if she were to actually carry through with said threats, too. She also has thrown no fewer than three fits of rage in two days because someone didn't completely agree with her status updates. In two cases, she threatened to delete them from her friends list, and in another she said she'd "come after them" for mocking her hysterical reaction to her brother eating her Easter chocolate (if it's not clear, that's the point where I blocked her from my feed).

Some of the others I've seen before, she played off as jokes, but the tone of every post and comment is really over the top and kind of scary.

In person, she's really bubbly/charismatic/cheerful, so it's a complete 180 and rather frightening.

>> No.7525859

with regards to the compulsive eating thing, when you actively think and realise that you want to eat but are not hungry, channel that energy into something else. I have piercings so I sit and clean them, and if I still feel like I need to eat I clean small bits of my desk until it goes.

>> No.7525923

bait do not respond

>> No.7525927

that's like asking racists to leave /pol/

>> No.7525945

Bait or not, I'd say dump him. Better to be strong and independent and sexually satisfied than to play the role of a subservient, patriarchy-serving, self-hating woman just because you're provided for financially (but not sexually).

>> No.7525947

> Watch out feminazis can't resist the ultibait

>> No.7526009

Exact same body as my girlfriend, except that she went from right to left in the past three month, shit sucks.

>> No.7526026
File: 907 KB, 800x1112, tumblr_m9xppl9c1v1qmgszro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join comm
>Be semi active and make friends with girls in th comm.
> Become part of an inner circle.
> Become closer to girls in inner circle.
> Hang out outside of meets on occasion.
> Some things in common outisde of lolita, different styles they are all nice and I really enjoy learning more about them.
> Start to become friends with another lolita.
> Start talking online, and hanging out.
> Realise how much we have in common.
> Similiar personality, interests other than lolita, similair style in lolita, similair music taste (not very common in lolita community/people my age), she loves my favourite band (always a dream of mine to be friends with a lolita who appreciated my favourite band), even has big feet like me (never had anyone to go shoe shopping with now I have) and many life experiences are similair.
> Start hanging out more and even go on double date everyone gets along really well.
> Have I found the rumoured lolita bff seagulls? A best friend? I haven't had a best friend or many close friends since highschool. It's only really been my boyfriend.

>> No.7526039
File: 221 KB, 819x665, 3e50a1548fbffd583ad94455b6217eb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be single
>everyone in my group is dating someone else in the group
>can't go to cons or meetups without them PDAing all over each other and making me feel lonely
>haven't even been on a date in 3 years because there's no attractive single people left except me
>lying and acting like I'm not interested or asexual so nobody will pity me

>> No.7526040
File: 7 KB, 201x204, 1398221147317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/-/pol/ crossover bait

>> No.7526063
File: 198 KB, 582x960, AvoidanceList.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't agree with it, therefore it must be bait!

>> No.7526069
File: 29 KB, 500x500, unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I qualify for 9 of those

>> No.7526078

>tfw 13 of those suit me
Good thing I'm not looking for a 4chan bf, they're the most broken guys around.

>> No.7526082

This list is like, every woman ever. I have never met a single one who doesn't have one of those traits.

>> No.7526086
File: 85 KB, 680x846, a4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that whole post
*tips menorah*

>> No.7526088

Considering that the rate of divorce is around something like 50%, the avoidance list is extremly flawed not to mention with 29 other factors that also have high percentage of females belonging to each factor. Most of the female population would be covered by said list, and the remaining few might live on the other side of the world or not be interested so such a concept is ridiculous. No wonder there is so many wizards...

>> No.7526090

That's not me. >>7523341
But I actually did it yesterday. He took my virginity.

It wasn't that great, but it's nice not being a virgin anymore.

>> No.7526102

killing yourself will ruin your friends. they will blame themselves and be broken up about you never being around again. i've seen this first hand. please get help instead of being resigned to kill yourself. you're not bothering your friends all the time with your problems if it's important to them that you're still around, which it is.

>> No.7526104
File: 554 KB, 480x270, 1391186104734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second con
>suite room to just me and my boyfriend
>everything on his rich dad's credit including room service
>tfw mini vacation
>tfw a lot of sex happened
>tfw that awesome, comfortable bed

>> No.7526126
File: 67 KB, 560x432, 894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is fucking cutting your hair any indication of being "obsessed" with your appearance???? i'm not a fucking mennonite or a sikh, fucking excuse me if i cut my hair?
>video games are "traditional" "male things"
are you being serious lol
>women who care about their friends more in a relationship
friends will be there after the relationship is over. you won't lol
>unstable mental illnesses (Depression)
most people function fine even if they're somewhat depressed? what mental ward has this OP been hanging out in?
>tattoos and piercings
lol good luck with that retard

>> No.7526128


>> No.7526129

my bf and i did this for two cons and it was so much fun! that must have been the shit for only your second con.

my bf and i thought about doing this for the next con coming up too, but we wanted to share the room with my friends because my friends and i have been going to it for years, and this con is more fun together than with just the two of us. he's staying at my house for a while before and after the con too so its nbd.

>> No.7526150

Holy shit anon are you me
>same situation
>midterms week
>but I can literally barely crawl out of bed
>no friends and studying out of state so I'm on my own for the moment besides my boyfriend
>lonely and extremely stressed
>boyfriend drops off pork chops and soup because I've been living off of water, and he knows I've been craving them
>can't fucking taste the goddamn pork chops because sick
>breaking point
>have mental breakdown and cry to sleep

honestly would rather die, but it's nice to know that another person kind of feels my pain. I hope we both get better soon, fellow sick seagull.

>> No.7526217

Pics, anon. I need to see this.

>> No.7526367


Well to be fair, the 1% of women that doesn't apply to would be really good relationship material

>> No.7526432

It was all legit until #8 when it started to hate on tomboys.

>> No.7526436

I'm stuck /cgl/, for years I've been trying to figure out whether I'm depressed or just a shitty crybaby.
The thing is that I'm not like feeling down all of the time, or that I never can be happy or anything. My general state of mind is really neither of these and more... grey if that makes any sense. I'm also extremely unmotivated/unable to get myself to do things and this has also been around for years.

It's not that I don't want to reach out to see if there's anything wrong with me but every time I end up telling myself I'm just whining about normal things and I should complain about it and suck it up.

>> No.7526456

You sound like you've been experiencing a mild case of depression for a while, anon. I spent most of high school like this (albeit with a few periods of distinct lows), and I still haven't really recovered from the apathy.

>> No.7526458

How do I get over my boyfriend's past?

He was a huge manwhore, had one night stands, friends with benefits, several girlfriends, had sex with prostitutes...

I'm a virgin myself.

>> No.7526467

By making him get a checkup for stds. If you can't look past his past behavior, he's not the guy for you.

>> No.7526471

He's clean.

It's hard for me, I dunno if I'm being childish and insecure or if that's normal.

>> No.7526473
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 10171049_10203504291425861_2656404769848573779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel when you never be beautiful and perfect like her...

>> No.7526478
File: 59 KB, 960x960, 1394060914254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to live in a poor country in SE Europe and then thanks to good grades I moved to another, richer country to study because of a scholarship. I got a good job offer and have been making an okay amount of money and can for the first time in my life can afford nice things and go to cons and have fun.

The issue? That 'okay' amount of money is obscene in my home country and when I say I would like to make more I get scorned because "you should be grateful! I don't even make that much!" well yeah, but you don't live in Switzerland where things cost twice as much.
I have become the talk of my hometown, everyone is making fun of me behind my back and saying how spoiled I am, they're saying how I might be "rich" but money can't buy looks, how I have forgotten my roots, how I am "SOO ARROGANT AND FULL OF HERSELF" even though I have been super nice to literally, LITERALLY everyone I met when I visited home and they were nice to me too.

They have been digging through my past and laughing at me for having been a weeb as a 14yo teenager and say how I got to where I am by having sex with the university dean (because I am female, even though I had never set foot outside of my country before because I was, you guessed it, poor as shit), how I had connections, how my mom is a hooker, etc etc.
I feel so shitty. Those people went with me to school and they know how hard I worked while they beat each other up and had sex in the gym showers. They have no right to talk that way about me, I have been nothing but nice to them all these years.
Man, it feels awful. No wonder those rich girls from my country end up being so bitchy and hateful.

>> No.7526479

Tbh, you're being insecure. He's with you and not anyone else. If he goes elsewhere while with you, he's not worth your time.

>> No.7526482

hmm maybe I should finally get it checked out, it's been affecting my life a lot, especially the lack of motivation to work on anything school related.

>> No.7526486

I can't even see what she looks like, dude.

>> No.7526490

Get better friends. Fuck the asshats in your home country. They're jealous of your success. Keep reaching higher.

>> No.7526491

Obvious selfpost is obvious.
You're not "perfect" anon (it's difficult to say with all the light though)

>> No.7526492

Let me guess, Albania or Macedonia.

>> No.7526493

Do not be jealous

>> No.7526495

You were close! Serbia.

>> No.7526497


if you are being truthful, those people should just be cut out of your life. just be "bitchy and hateful" if you must, they're not worth effort

>> No.7526499

I can't even see if there's anything to be jealous of, anon. Come on.

>> No.7526500

confirmed for selfpost

>> No.7526502

Why bother? You should know that he's just gonna pump and dump you, just like all the other virgins he deflowered. I seriously hope you're not drawing comic strips to commemorate your "eternal love", because that shit stays forever, believe me.

>> No.7526506

Well, in that case, my condolences.

>> No.7526511

You don't know that.

>> No.7526513

she not selfposting. i think she is so kawaii and so perfect too she is so famous look at that
her facebook is reito neo

>> No.7526517

>oh boi, here we go again.jpg
Well then, when he does dump you, I hope you will actually kill yourself, not just threaten to do so on Twitter.

>> No.7526523

Why exactly do you dislike me so much?

>> No.7526524

Reito you should stop m'kay?

>> No.7526525

thanks for clearing that up, now it's not selfposting but vendetta

>> No.7526530

what is a vendetta anonymous?
stop insulting her!!!

>> No.7526531

A relationship isn't a tangible thing that you can "get"
it's a relationship between two people.
It's like, making friends in elementary school.
There was that one kid who would sit alone and complain that nobody would play with him, so the teacher would have your group play with him.
But were you ever really friends?
You didn't gravitate towards each other naturally, and as such you had no common interests to share, nothing to talk about.

It's like that with having a significant other, there's nothing forced about it.
You can't just try to change yourself to suit others, and you can't have others change their tastes to suit you.
Nor can you even actively "seek" a relationship, the only way it'll happen is if it just happens.

And no, sitting around and waiting for the person you like to make a move doesn't count either, progression should come naturally.

>> No.7526534

>tfw painfully thin black hair
>tfw bough human hair extensions because my own hair sucks
>tfw wear them out everyday, feel a little better about myself
>tfw see girl sitting in front of lecture room today, looks like bald patch in blonde hair
>tfw look closer and see it's the top of hair extensions shes wearing today blatantly peeking through her hair, which isn't even thin
>it looks fucking horrible, feel Sorry for her
>tfw this is probably what the back of my head has looked like
>for a total of four months now
>feel Sorry for myself

>> No.7526535

Went on her (your?) Facebook.
Sorry mate but she's ugly and her makeup skills are sub-par

>> No.7526536

I don't necessarily dislike you, I'm just trying to school you here and you refuse to listen. In all the years I've been on /cgl/, I have **not once** been wrong in my predictions about the relationships on /cgl/. I don't even need to see what he looks like and what you look like to tell that he's a pumper and dumper. Unless you've been together for at least half a year and you've never told him that you're a virgin, you have about 0.00% chance to not be pumped and dumped.

>> No.7526537

>And no, sitting around and waiting for the person you like to make a move doesn't count either, progression should come naturally.

That's...how it works though anon, there are introverts and extroverts and the extroverts are the ones who generally start the friendships. There are some people who can't take the initiative because they're introverts, antisocial or just derp, and if they don't have people to come to them they never form relationships, that's how it works.

>> No.7526539

>And no, sitting around and waiting for the person you like to make a move doesn't count either, progression should come naturally.
It works for women tho.

>> No.7526543
File: 94 KB, 552x325, They don&#039;t think it work like it is, but it do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I'm not speaking my words clearly.
What I mean is, I guess.
You can't deliberately try to be friendly with another person for the explicit reason of boning them.
That's fine in a one night stand, but.
I don't know how to explain it, it makes sense in my head.
I guess there needs to be mutual attraction?
Does that explain it a bit?

You callin' me a lady?

>> No.7526550

> You callin' me a lady?
No, I didn't read your previous post, nor most of this one. Just noticed that thing anon quoted.

Seeing that you said you're "not a lady" though, I can see that you're one of those fedora donning neckbeard virgin types who think they've got all the wisdom in the world because they read Cracked.com and worship David Wong as their god and think that they will actually get pussies wet by "proudly" calling themselves "this is what a feminist looks like!".

>> No.7526560
File: 400 KB, 616x765, Titty BAKEMONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude what?
There are these things called jokes.You should look them up some time.

>> No.7526561

I don't mind giving him my virginity, I'm too old to still have it anyway. And you don't know him.

>> No.7526564

If you wanna see a good joke why don't you look in the mirror

>> No.7526565

Truth hurts bitch.

>> No.7526570

Lol, seriously? I'm giving you life advice and you just don't wanna listen. Fine. Get pumped and dumped then, you dumb fucking cunt. You prolly a troll anyway, no one can be this dense.

>> No.7526573
File: 1.84 MB, 1175x851, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you don't even know what I look like.
I'm just saying if you go out seeking the dongo bongo because of some "pick up" and or relationship advice you've heard, you're going to fail because it's forcing something that should happen naturally.

And you're sitting here fuming spewing the male equivalent of me calling you a tumblr sjw landwhale feminist.

>> No.7526574

I'm a troll because some bitter virgin in the internet is talking shit about my bf without even knowing him.

>> No.7526578

this thread smell like jellyyyy

>> No.7526580
File: 180 KB, 441x370, Tonight, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god /cgl/
Why didn't I start frequenting here sooner.
Is it even trolling when everyone gets this booty blasted over casual banter, you can't NOT piss someone off?

>> No.7526582

Yep, definitely /r9k/ troll projecting.

>fucking newfag scum comes here and calls **me** a virgin and a male no less
Little piece of shit.

>> No.7526584

>xD I was only pretending to be retarded!
It doesn't work after I already outed you, "bro".

>> No.7526588
File: 74 KB, 731x490, Screenshot from 2014-04-29 16:31:36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even in this arguement between you two.
You're just fucking hilarious.

>> No.7526594

>thinking I will fall for literally the dumbest trick in the world (open MS paint - remove all the (You)s from the other post - takes 5 seconds to do)
Confirms my theory that you're a newfag (only newfags try to use that as evidence, because all oldfags know that MS Paint exists) and hence also a /r9k/ neckbeard virgin troll loser projector.

Enjoy cuckolding yourself with your own fantasies.

>> No.7526601

Reito is so perfectly cute like a anime character <3

>> No.7526602
File: 360 KB, 1976x1976, I Squit my pantaloons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to think you're just an idiot, but you're clearly too invested in some whore calling your dickbrained BF to even think straight.

>> No.7526607
File: 75 KB, 960x723, 482491_10201123144898686_1459155701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so cute

>> No.7526615
File: 906 KB, 249x239, tumblr_medjfzdGLi1rxe34r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self promoting this much
>that nose
>that kawaii photoshop light
>that makeup

>> No.7526619

It's so blurry jfc gurl you ain't even kawaii i saw yer facebook stop embarrassing yourself

captcha: rstoppp hun

>> No.7526628
File: 56 KB, 810x810, 10291065_10203434843769713_3277707253496028118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone here must be jealous, /cgl/ is full of jealous drama bitches so sad. she pretty. you jelly

>> No.7526630

the face is so perfect so jellu >w< i know her she not selfposting!! :)

>> No.7526637
File: 5 KB, 200x185, 1391718821421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This weird girl selfposting...too much secondhand embarrassment

>> No.7526644
File: 24 KB, 600x429, Massimo-DAlema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face

>> No.7526658

Sorry m8 but 1/10
You look like an alien corpse,the makeup is shitty,the nose needs to be fixed ASAP,but I actually like the hair color.

>> No.7526659

Can I be your boyfreind and come inside you?

>> No.7526673

your fedora is showing

>> No.7526676
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 10290712_10203481438174544_3612659685810127982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute...i wish i was so perfect...feel

>> No.7526682

P-pls no bully, I just want to be your husband.

>> No.7526684

HOLY SHIT the no-makeup part...It looks exactly like the young crackwhore who used to live in my neighborhood before the police came to take her away

>> No.7526690

nice bow ('s a bow?) but the face...
Looks like an alien and some average drug user had a child.Not kawaii at all

>> No.7526708
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 1947969_307818689372382_1252694723_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't got shit on Brigitte Emiya.

>> No.7526740

she's ugly reito is perfect, pleb

>> No.7526781

Oh Reito honey,i know very well it IS you.Your shit english and everything...it's so obvious it hurts. Aren't you ~*~famous~*~ enough already? But since my fellow lolita friend brought me here telling me you were attention whoring on 4chan I'll tell you more: You're such an immature weeb ("zomg i'll never ever go to japan...T_T") who loves getting her butt licked by all the ass kissey fans trying to leech a bit of your "fame"by approaching you (yes,it's the truth dearie,loads of them wants to be "SO FAMOUS XD" and are fake to you to achieve their silly "fame" dreams),getting asspats all the time for everything,crying about how "jealous" of you some people are just because they don't kiss your bum or go in your way,using your "fans" as an army isn't very kawaii either...you're always attention seeking,compliment fishing and then you delete everything...And now you're selfposting,samefagging here ,in hope to get even more attention...it's creepy. And sad.
I actually used to like you sweetie but I saw your true colors.
Oh,and also,you aren't "perfection" as you like to think. It's hilarious how desilusional you are

(s'rry for muh english,french speaker here)

>> No.7526784 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 350x165, ohthedrama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526934
File: 89 KB, 500x375, WHAT?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /cgl/ so catty?
I'm not saying she isn't either for attention whoring, but.
Fuck man, y'all bitches are angry as shit.

Brigette is perfection you jelly skelly.
That one gif she made is fucking viral amongst anybody watching Kill la Kill.

>> No.7529716

>Sick of being forever skinny
>Try my hardest to gain the freshmen fifteen this year
>ate like a pig, focused on red meat and carbs
>some how lost 15lb and am back down to a 28" waist

God fuckin dammit did I just fail at *gaining* weight? What in the fucking hell is this shit? Fuck. Jeans won't even stay up properly any more.