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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7523064 No.7523064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, it's the same guy from last night. I'd just like to thank everyone, in general I was given some very sound advice.

I got the opportunity to ask her out today and she said yes! We're going to grab a bite to eat this coming Friday.

I was wondering if there is some things I should focus on for this date to make a good impression? I feel like making sure I either match or compliment her style/outfit is important. I was thinking that I should wear something a bit more formal like a dress shirt but with some flare and maybe roll my sleeves up. Classy but not boring. Also, pic related not me but it's the shirt I was thinking of.

Also after looking up more about lolita I've come to learn that not all lolita is the same. I'm under the impression that not all brands are created equal and good eyes can tell right away. Should I try to find something to compliment on her outfit like the lace or pattern if I can do it without forcing it?

Feel free to correct me on anything I'm wrong about or give me additional suggestions.

>> No.7523070

I swear to God this board gets thirstier douchebags every fucking day.

Why not bug /r9k/ or /soc/ about this shit

And yeah, you're forcing it pretty hard.

>> No.7523072 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry you feel that way. That was not my impression. I won't bump this topic if /cgl/ doesn't want to give me advice on the topic than it'll die out on its own.

>> No.7523078

I'm sorry you feel that way. That was not my intention. I won't bump this topic if /cgl/ doesn't want to give me advice on the topic than it'll die out on its own.

>> No.7523092

Tip: don't wear that shirt, it's fucking ugly.

>> No.7523116 [DELETED] 

You're the 1st person to ever day that to me but your opinion is noted.

>> No.7523117

You're the 1st person to ever say that to me but your opinion is noted.

>> No.7523124

Wear some cosplay.

>> No.7523126


If you don't know anything about lace or fabric or prints just don't mention it. You will come off like you are forcing it. Just compliment her outfit like you would with any girl wearing cute normalfag clothes.

>> No.7523135

>>7523092 is right, that shirt is pretty fug.

>> No.7523138

Makes sense.
To be honest I've never done cosplay before and I am very ignorant about cosplay in general. Today and yesterday is my first foray into /cgl/. I also don't feel like that's appropriate wear for a date but that's just my opinion.

>> No.7523152

Why is that? OP is asking advice about how to impress a lolita. I really wish guys would do that more often.

But, OP, no need to do anything else. If she agreed to go out with you, she already likes you. We don't expect guys to know everything about our hobby (we know it's very specific and unnusual). If it were me you were going out with, I'd be happy just to know you're not embarrassed by the way I dress. Showing interest when she talks about lolita is important, too. Most of us talk about it often since it's usually a huge part of our lives.
What else? Ah, yes, dressing nicely is very important. Also, pretty obvious but don't: forget to make sure you smell just as nice. haha

>> No.7523165


OP, I'm gonna tell you a secret.

Lolitas are normal girls in frilly dresses.

They are all different people with different interests, but one of their mutual interests just happens to be lolita fashion/j-fashion in general.

You should date her like you date anyone else. You dress like you normally would. Don't look like shit when you go on a date. Don't pretend to be interested or knowledgable about a thing she is just to get to know her better. Find out what else she likes.

She may find it cute that you have done some research (and I personally think that is commendable) but there's nothing more annoying than someone trying to talk to me about something they don't know much about as if they are an expert because they just read some wiki pages.

This doesn't really belong on this board as we talk about the fashion directly as consumers of it (and also cosplay--btw, not all lolitas are into cosplay) and relationship problems aren't really part of it.

>> No.7523191

I understand that girls that wear lolita are just normal people with a different sense of style but if things go further I would like to take an interest or at least be able to compliment her outfit if she liked that kind of thing.

I also understand that it's completely unrealistic that I will understand much about this kind of thing especially before Friday but I want to be able to show interest in lolita beyond dumbly saying I think it looks nice.

You are right that this is stretching it on whether it belongs here or not. After this thread I probably won't post more about it except maybe a final update on how the date went if people care about that.

Duly noted. I'm definitely not embarrassed by the way she dresses, it's interesting, pretty and new to me.

>> No.7523238

I think it's a nice shirt.

If OP was taking her to an 8th grade dance.

>> No.7523268
File: 480 KB, 251x198, 1396556056809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got the opportunity to ask her out today and she said yes
So what line did you use on her?
And just how many times did you stutter when you said it?

>> No.7523274

"I think you're cute, wanna go to the local cafe?" (we're both students)

I'm pretty sure I was blushing because I'm a shy person but I didn't stutter.

Alright, I guess I'm going to pass on that shirt.

>> No.7523290

yay! congrats anon!

I have to say, that shirt does look pretty 8th grade. Got anything more... well... mature?

I feel like I'm in densha otoko and that soon kittaaaaaa will be flying out of computers

>> No.7523297
File: 8 KB, 284x177, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric boogaloo

...are you from /tv/ or is that a universal meme now

>> No.7523301

Am I the only one who thinks the shirt just looks like a regular button down shirt? Not impressive at all but I wouldn't classify it as horrible.

>> No.7523306

Thanks, I do have more mature shirts. I'll figure something out.
Is that a meme? My friends and I say it whenever we're doing something big a 2nd time.

>> No.7523313
File: 58 KB, 800x800, SEXY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear this, and just constantly talk about Naruto.
You're welcome.

>> No.7523339

More power to you if that's what you do but I have trouble wrapping my head around the idea of wearing/doing that.

That's how I felt but everyone has different tastes.

>> No.7523349

It's been a thing for decades. Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.7523352

Slacks, button down dress shirt, vest, tie.


>> No.7523358
File: 153 KB, 1280x960, 1386760462605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nonwhite shitskin

>> No.7523370

I feel like that might be over dressing but your opinion is noted.
I'm unsure what that implies but that is not me in the picture. I am half white and half Taiwanese if that matters.

>> No.7524677

bump for interested I have seen couple at my college but was too nervous to talk to them.

>> No.7524744

>tfw no qt shy date who likes my lolita clothes and really wants to impress me

You're doing good just by taking an interest, OP. Also since you said you're going to a cafe, I definitely think the anon that suggested a tie is overdoing it. Find a nice, well-fitted button down shirt (preferably an interesting shirt, but the one you posted screams yesstyle) and wear some nice slim-cut jeans. Head on over to /fa/ if you need more advice than that, but they'll make fun of you way more than we have.

>> No.7524811

My nigga

I agree with >>7524744, slim cut jeans and button down shirt sound nice and appropriately casual. Maybe a vest if you want to dress it up a bit more

>> No.7524994

>Maybe a vest if you want to dress it up a bit more
God no, please don't wear a fucking vest with jeans. That would look awful. Also no ties, that would look overdressed.
The button down shirt and jeans is ok, just make sure it fits. Find nice matching shoes. Pay attention to your hair. Done!
You could post a collage or something with similar clothes to what you're planning to wear and I could provide feedback if you wish, /fa/ here.

>> No.7525013

Be sure to tell us if you find out about her weird fetishes.

>> No.7525022

Step 1: find pictures of her dad
Step 2: wear what he wears
Step 3: ask her if you can be her 'Daddy'

>> No.7525162

stop trying be train man god you're so thirsty

>> No.7527002

What does that even mean? Is that a new epic meme from tumblr?

>> No.7527077


>> No.7527537

Stop what exactly?

>> No.7527674

I came in here to talk shit about OP but I'm seeing that all you who try to talk shit about him are getting #rekt.

>it's interesting, pretty and new to me.
This had me. If you're genuinely open-minded then yeah, I think things should go quite well. I hope she doesn't stand you up OP and good luck. There isn't anything wrong about pursuing someone you have an interest in as long as your interest is genuine. (And within reason, of course.)

>> No.7528081

didn't realize 0/10 trolling counted as getting "rekt" these days. also

>using hashtags out of context

>> No.7530915

I've become used to thinking of the fashion first when I hear the phrase, but stepping back for a moment and thinking about how someone wanting to "catch a lolita girl" would sound of out context got a big ol' guffaw outta me.

>> No.7534460

How did it go OP? I'm curious.

>> No.7538860

You're just weird. Why can't you do something else; more to your bodytime

>> No.7540029

dude that so rude o:

>> No.7540200

I'll second it, and I'm a guy. Wear a solid-color shirt.
Honestly I think you shouldn't be wearing a long-sleeve shirt rolled up, unbuttoned, not tucked in, and without a tie either, but apparently the casual look is the cool thing now?
fuck I hate being old

>> No.7540203

I think you can do a couple of those, but not all. Never untucked, though. All looks sloppy. Untucked looks unfitted. If sleeves rolled up, button it so your undershirt isn't showing, and tuck it in. Less concerned with no tie, because sometimes ties are just too much.

Also, if you're going to be wanky and go bow-tie, know how to tie one properly. Don't just get a clip-on.

>> No.7542639

bump for interest

I just got a Lolita gf myself, and although she loves me how I am, I still want to match her style.

>> No.7543287
File: 6 KB, 118x141, 1297368088284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're overthinking this by decades. Are you always going to be calculated and scripted for every part of your relationship? You need to be able to think stuff like this for yourself if you're gonna get anywhere with any woman. Being a man who is attractive to others comes from knowing who you are and how you're going to do things in your own way. You need your own sense of style; what you think actually looks cool and stylish. I don't know what the other thread was like, but a lolita is a female (sometimes) with an interest in lolita dresses. You may like the way they dress, but they're just people with a special interest. Confidence + good social skills + genuine interest in lolita + not overthinking / being yourself = lolita girlfriend.

Fucking don't even bother if you don't even know what or who the hell you are, which it sounds kind of like. You will get your heart crushed for lack of knowing what the fuck is up and how to be. You'll be fucking done. That's like Jojo trying to beat Wamuu without knowing Hamon.

>> No.7543359

I'll be the fourth person to say it.
White dude going on a date in a blue dress shirt is an awful stereotype for a reason, you'll look like some match.comfag.
Really though, it's because it's blue.

>> No.7543477


Seriously though, what is it with dudes and blue dress shirts? I had one when I was a kid and that was IT.