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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7515902 No.7515902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


lets discuss weeb celebrities shall we

>> No.7515919
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obligatory Katy Perry

>> No.7515933
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ok maybe she's not exacty a weeb but she has some ideas about j-fashion.

look at Lil mama make fruits Parlor look worse than a 200lb acne-ridden hamplanet

>> No.7515948
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>> No.7516579

How disgusting,how dare they touch our precious fashun (and seriously they can't dress for shit). Fucking famous try hard weebs

>> No.7516586

She's the only one who seems.. Vaguely respectful of it, I guess?

All of the others are just going "LOOK AT HOW QUIRKY JAPAN IS I'M SO QUIRKY TOO TEEHEE." while she seems to just be wearing a dress which is appropriate for the photoshoot.

>> No.7516595

those neck ties around her bust, why though

>> No.7516596

itt: weebs pretending to be superior to rich and famous weebs.

>> No.7516630
File: 75 KB, 350x510, katyperry-ama-geisha-front1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh boy have I got news for you

just another white girl

>> No.7516637

For some reason Lil Mama's thing for AP doesn't bother me. She seems to legitimately like their clothes, rather than Katy Perry or Lady Gaga who are told to wear it for promotional reasons. Sure, she's wearing them wrong, but she's not trying to represent lolita either (as far as I know).

>> No.7516651

Eh, she could've been a lot more offensive.

>> No.7516652

I'm less mad at this because she actually hired geishas to do her up. still pretty bad though.

>> No.7517829

I haven't seen the video nor am I interested but I just gotta say that I absolutely hate that fucking hairstyle of slightly shaved head on a full head of hair. It's so fucking trashing and unattractive on women. Macklemore is the only faggot that can pull off that look.

>> No.7517839

Nothing makes me rage more than those mexican girls wearing modified honey cake dresses.

>> No.7517847


>> No.7517861
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Yeah. And apparently they claimed they created the fashion and called it cupcake fashion?

>> No.7517864

Ugh fuck I forgot about the "cupcake fashion" part. I've only seen that bottom photo, not those other two. Auuuugh.

>> No.7517879


What the flying fuck.

>> No.7517916

Kreayshawn (if you consider her a celebrity) is a huge weeb/gamer

>> No.7517920

Only white people get mad at this type of thing

>> No.7517925

There's a football player who's a TOTAL weeb. I can't remember his name though ?

>> No.7517930

The girl in black in the top left picture, far left. Is she wearing that WAMH Zombie Cake dress? Or Bodyline's Squirrel Party? Or a black Memorial Cake? I'm so confused.

>> No.7517935

Brennan Simpson I think. He calls himself GREATBLACKOTAKU on Twitter. I want to make some really good cosplay so I can meet him in it.

>> No.7517939

Yeah. Him! I would like to meet with him.
He seems chill.

>> No.7517943

It's actually Brennan Williams

>> No.7517976

It looks like a black Memorial Cake.

>> No.7517981

It's modified AP's Decoration Dream in black.

>> No.7517984

Actually, could be wrong about the modified. The apron skirt may just be that short on her. Print is def. Decoration Dream. Memorial Cake has a different layout.

>> No.7517987

>japanese designer made the dress
>geisha did her make up
stop making an asshole of yourself, there's a difference between adopting certain aspects of a culture and mocking it. If you think this shit is racist/appropriation why are you participating on /cgl/?

>> No.7517990
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I genuinely feel that if Dita did a classic coord, or wore an ap polka dot print or french girl etc she'd pull it off well.

>> No.7517993

I want to see her in jewel toned gothic. My queen.

>> No.7517994

Anyone got her email address for her publicist?

Maybe Dita's publicist could answer this burning question for us.

>> No.7518068

Atypical addition to this thread, but Robin Williams. Self professed NGE mega fan and all around nerd. Named his daughter Zelda, and before you ask, no, he didn't mean F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife, he meant the princess. Honestly, I love it, he seems really genuine about it.

>> No.7518073
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some cute shit.
I like them both so I loved this

>> No.7518180

her background dancers look like they got all the happiness sucked out of them by avril's shit.

>> No.7518185

>showing so much leg in lolita

>> No.7518187

>calling yourself GreatBlackOtaku

...that's embarrassing.

>> No.7518191

This seriously made my night.
>Robin Williams into NGE
>mfw he won't be my Gendou
>mfw i have no face

>> No.7518205

>being a professional football player
>who also occasionally browses /cgl/
we can let it slide

>> No.7518206

> implying that's even close to lolita

>> No.7518215

does japan even care about katy P,gaga and avril's cringe-worthy weeb antics?
theyre on japanese tv and music shows now and again. I havnt heard of any offense caused on their side.
is the west is more embarrassed than them??

>> No.7518218

Oh wow how horrible, I mean she obviously oppressed the Japanese designer into making a dress like that.

Fuck, can you SJWs wrap your heads around the sheer fact that the imperial era is not important anymore. Not. Important. It's like it's all you guys know and you squawk over it like a broken record. I don't see you fucks getting pissy over south korea and hanbok.

>> No.7518220


Zelda Williams trolled /v/ a few years back.

>> No.7518223

>implying anyone gives a shit about hanbok

Not even an issue.

>> No.7518225

No, it's been said a few times, katy perry's ~offensive~ shit was created by Japanese people as well as Avrils video was directed by a Japanese guy. Culture just isn't that important to Japan on a fundamental level. Hell, even their religion has dissolved into nothing more than a few fun, community fairs. I honestly think that's how it should be, not putting too much stock or importance on things like that is better than bitching about it at the drop of a hat.

>> No.7518226

Exactly, because SJWs are all autist weebs.

>> No.7518227
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I think Japanese people are simultaneously flattered that westerners care so much about their culture and rolling their eyes at these celebs in their ridiculous makeup.

>> No.7518230
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>rolling their eyes at these celebs in their ridiculous makeup.
Just like they do with members of their own culture. Honestly they're more likely to just chalk it up to gaijin being baka gaijin than anything else.

>> No.7518238

this picture so many people were like
"omg kyary is glaring her down!"
but kyary was actually waiting for Gaga to be translated, she really likes KP and LG..
fucking tumblr
she was really nervous.
I mean look at >>7518073

>> No.7518240

I linked the wrong fucking video in my post I'm so angry and then without watching it I linked it here>>7518238


>> No.7518300

Get ready for a heartwarming commercial


>> No.7518387

>on /cgl/
>embarassed about otaku
Oh the ironing

>> No.7518412
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Nah, those AP dresses (including Honey Cake and the printed blue one) were definitely modified to be shorter. Just look at the distance between the print and the waistline.

>> No.7518436


His ama on reddit was kind of disappointing. His anime tastes are stuck in the 90's like many celebrities. He did not mention a single modern anime that he liked. It's disappointing that he probably never browsed /a/ like it was speculated.

>> No.7518447
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This happened.

>> No.7518450

Given his age, doesn't that...make sense? My dad's big anime was Mazinger, not say, Sailor Moon, and for people younger than me it might be Pre-Cure, K-On, etc.

Also, why would it be disappointing that he didn't browse /a/? /a/ is trash.

>> No.7518491

Well this is the first celebrity that I've seen that actually watches new anime.


>> No.7518575


Anyone know the song playing at the beginning?

>> No.7518582

I'm sure they like it. I don't think Japan understands/cares about racism or whatever you want to call it. I don't see the problem with it anyways.

>> No.7518590

I remember watching a video 15+ years ago of Robin Williams with Shinohara Tomoe- they were both so cute and hyper.

>> No.7518597


>/a/ is trash

Confirmed for never seeing the real /a/. You probably made a recommendation thread or mentioned you were a girl and thats why you dislike it.

>> No.7518609

Nah, that's Williams! He fucking rules. He's an offensive tackle and plays a lot of games too.

>> No.7518623

>Peeps at the Japanese Embassy in Wash. D.C. are pretty chill about it though ... telling us they believe Avril "had only good intentions when making the video."

>The spokesman added ... they "would be happy if the discussions surrounding her song and music video results in more people discovering the beautiful and rich culture of Japan."

Japan so moe.

>> No.7518629
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Can we actually have a civil discussion about this? Particularly the bit in the first article about the connection to the costume, the song, and the offensive "me rav you rong time" trope. (TL,DR version: article author asserts that Perry's costume and choice of song, "Unconditionally," reinforces and idealizes the stereotype of Asian women being submissive and self-sacrificing for their Western man-masters.) I'm not saying the connection is implausible, but it's certainly not confirmed, and even if the performance was a reference or send-up to the Madame Butterfly/Miss Saigon trope, that doesn't mean Perry meant to imply that Asian women are or should be like the iconic characters the trope describes. I really don't get the outrage - she seems to genuinely enjoy the culture and aesthetics.

On a side-note, I wonder if white Westerners (Americans in particular) feel like these traditional costumes are so sacred because, as a very young country, they lack an analogous traditional costume.

...this came out way longer and more pretentious than I intended. Have some sleepy puppies.

>> No.7518670

>I wonder if white Westerners (Americans in particular) feel like these traditional costumes are so sacred because, as a very young country, they lack an analogous traditional costume.

As a white American, I'm gonna go ahead and say YES AS FUCK.

>> No.7518691

I saw pics of del toro with the Madoka movie DVDs

plus all those awkward/hysterical promo videos when hes in japan promoting pacific rim.

and he goes to conventions with his family

>> No.7518699

>they lack an analogous traditional costume.

B-but the pilgrims, anon!

Sarcasm aside, I agree, I think KP really does enjoy Japan's culture and seems to respect it (at least a lot more than other celebrities have).

>> No.7518700

>I wonder if white Westerners (Americans in particular) feel like these traditional costumes are so sacred because, as a very young country, they lack an analogous traditional costume.

This. In Europe we have many, many traditional costumes and no one gives a fuck if a foreigner wears them or not. Pretty sure its no big deal in Asia either. I have never heard any Indian complaining about someone wearing a sari, for example. As long as they are worn correctly ofc...

>> No.7518713

>On a side-note, I wonder if white Westerners (Americans in particular) feel like these traditional costumes are so sacred because, as a very young country, they lack an analogous traditional costume.

Well shit, talk about hitting the nail with just the right hammer.

Americans think of everything outside the country as "exotic". Including foreign traditional costumes.

>be in kindergarten
>our teacher made the class dress up in the traditional dress of whatever nationality you were from to study "cultures".
>A girl and I were the only 2 "white" girls in the class
>Other girl came to class the next day in a beautiful celtic-themed dress
>my mom had dressed me like a 1950's housewife with the lipstick and the hairdo and everything
>"honey, we're americans, and we have to let them know that"
>thanks mom

>> No.7518730

>thanks mom
I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or sincere with that, but I genuinely think that it's a really wonderful idea and thing to teach your child.

There's nothing wrong with 'just' being American and I hate how everybody will prattle on with "Oh, I'm a quarter Irish, half Russian and a quarter English." and such bullshit.

>I'm Australian.

>> No.7518763

>analogous traditional costume

What about Southern Belle? It seems to me (a spitballing britbong) to be a traditional American costume, though one that was very specific as to who wore it. Despite having roots in the contemporary British/European fashions it's different enough to be unique to the area.

I think apart from the problem of America being a very big place with a lot of different climates and people, the trouble with constructing a traditional fashion identity is import and export. Early on, everything was an imported style from Europe, and mostly retained the cultural identity from there. Later on, America exported its image out to everywhere else, diluting its sense of a unique fashion culture. So thinking about it-

American traditional costume is really jeans and a t-shirt, both of which were really invented in America in the late 19th century. But since it's such a commonplace outfit worldwide now, it doesn't feel like a special American thing.

>> No.7518764

It makes me sad they cut up those dresses for their shit. It's also a slap in the face of AP

>> No.7518774

Oh, Avril. I work for a high end fashion distributor and she likes to buy Vivienne Westwood dresses.

>> No.7518777
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>not superior cupcake fashion

>> No.7518796

Del Toro is a huge comic book fan in general and goes to cons just to hang out.

>> No.7518814


>> No.7518821
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>> No.7518835

It does get kind of annoying. When I mentioned to my American colleague at a Model United Nations where I'm from (you get a country to represent that isn't your own, so they don't know unless you're a walking stereotype with a strong accent) that I'm [Irish] they went "OH ME TOO, I'm quarter [Irish]!".
(nationality is an example since I don't want to say where I'm actually from, but yeah)

To most people outside of the US that I am aware of, if you 1) are born in the US 2) Speak American English in any dialect 3) Are a citizen of the US, you are American, not Irish or Polish or German. Same goes for any other country.

And as far as I know, most people LOVE foreigners taking an interest in their culture and love dressing them up in ceremonial clothing etc. We hosted an exchange student once and it's really lots of fun and seeing them happy and enjoying themselves in your country just makes you happy and proud.

I do think Southern Belles just wore what was in vogue at the time though, with some elements of their own. As cheesy as it is, I'd rather say cowboys than Southern Belles.

>> No.7518862
File: 59 KB, 500x318, gwen_harajuku_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f Gwen Stefani
>0 results
Being such a weeb that she hired Japanese girls to hover around her at all times.

>> No.7518865

The prattling is annoying but it's fun to learn about and celebrate where your ancestors came from, even if you have no connection to it now. That said, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that over the generations you've lost that connection and being proud of just being American. I don't like how the mom outright discouraged that anon's curiosity about their ancestry, though.

>> No.7518885


Yeah, I was being sarcastic.

Turns out i'm german and some other stuff.

I was the black sheep of the family, total weeb, and ended up moving out and now I'm going to uni in southern california. I don't plan on going back home anytime soon.

>> No.7518940

I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing where your family came from. It's not always bullshit either- my family is Italian and we have many food recipes that have been passed down for generations. I don't pretend I have anything to do with actual Italy, though. That's where it can get annoying.

>> No.7518979

Sure, that's understandable. But there's plenty of people who flat out say "I'm Russian!" when they are not, and even worse, tourists that constantly remind you how their ancestors are from your country, people who roleplay a country's stereotype to seem more "native"...

I mean, a lot of people from elsewhere have mixed families, it's not exactly that homogenous within a, say, European country, but that trivia is usually reserved for closer friends and family and only mentioned if asked or if everyone is already talking about it.

>> No.7519032

yeah she's part japanese (and super proud XD!)
she doesn't let people talk to them though
"no, no she's a prop"

>> No.7519036

She's actually part Japanese?

>> No.7519063

I think I remember her saying in an interview back in the day about how she was part japanese and "proud of her culture" but google isn't giving me shit on this, so she might of just been bullshitting because I'm 80% sure she said it somewhere.

but here's some more on her:

>> No.7519074

He's also making a live-action adaptation of an anime series.

>> No.7519076

whats the movie where robin williams is talking to a kid about "evanjellyon" toys?

>> No.7519079

One Hour Photo. It was a figure from his own collection, if I remember the trivia right.

>> No.7519110

He introduced James cameron to Battle angel alita.

which cameron MIGHT get around to making a movie of before 2020

>> No.7519125

I wish I could get paid to be a kawaii prop

>> No.7519978

I was him in a comic book store once. He was looking at a Batman and Robin comic, so it wouldn't shock me if he was into the animes.

>> No.7520133

Did anyone else notice Dakota Rose in the music video towards the end in the crowd?

>> No.7520152

i heard this is to help expand japanese pop culture to the west???

send some japanese artists our way then!

>> No.7520158

that was just someone with similar hair. face is all wrong.

>> No.7520159

What would be the damage if something Japanese got big a la Gangnam Style?

>> No.7520228

Her! At least she knew what she was talking about when it came to that.
I remember her being in an interview beeing really weebish and saying that they were just figments of her imagination. The host was like , "So if I ask them for a handjob will it be real or imaginary?"
fucking casuals

>> No.7520296

PON PON PON was probably the closest? Although no normalfags really caught on to it.

>> No.7520412


I sincerely only hate Lady Gaga because something about her derpy ass face just annoys and enrages the hell out of me.

>> No.7520455
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>lets discuss weeb celebrities shall we

FUN FACT : Avril dated an Asian guy when she was younger

>> No.7520463
File: 897 KB, 926x1500, Avril_appearwma107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were together for a few months early in her career

>> No.7520467
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Before she got together 'officially' with that troll from Sum 41

>> No.7520501

Wat I didn't know she dated Hoobastank's Douglas Robb.

He's half Japanese&half Scottish

>> No.7520588
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>> No.7520599

He is my fucking hero.

Someone send a qt3.14 dressed to the nines in Asuka Cosplay to him.

>> No.7520630

There are a lot of Japanese artists with music available on iTunes and amazon mp3, there isn't much else they can do right now

>> No.7520638

Not just any anime/manga series, it's Monster. This could be a great opportunity to reduce the "anime/manga is just for perverts and children" stereotype that's in the US. Not to mention so many other English versions of Japanese media being shit so far...

>> No.7520711

Gwen Stefani was the most horrible one of them all. She actually felt like she was treating those Japanese dancers as objects.

>> No.7520725

He loves my waifu ; u; I feel unworthy to love the same waifu

>> No.7520732

awwww shiiiiiet would watch

>> No.7520801
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The problem with shit like Avril and Gwen Stefani is that it presents a limited view of Japanese culture. Japanese culture isn't just weeabitch anime bullshit and people screaming kawaii.
I lived in Japan, and the institutionalized racism and sexism is fucking ridiculous.
Being groped in public spaces isn't kawaii.
Being sexually harassed isn't kawaii
Being raped isn't kawaii.
Being told by your Japanese teacher not to talk about being raped because it's "disgusting" and "makes people uncomfortable" isn't fucking kawaii.

>inb4 "baww SJW"
weebs don't want to hear that Japan actually has real problems because it shatters their image of Japan being a perfect kawaii animu paradise.
ところで、 The only people I ever saw wearing anime tshirts were white people.

>> No.7521831
File: 379 KB, 534x543, fatafraidandalone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no stop you look like you're mentally challenged no

>> No.7521838

>Being told by your Japanese teacher not to talk about being raped because it's "disgusting" and "makes people uncomfortable"
Disgusting of who? The victim or the rapist?

>> No.7521841

Candy Candy.

>> No.7521850
File: 100 KB, 576x601, xavierweebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not all that famous despite being in the WWE because he hasn't really done anything since moving on from NXT, but Xavier Woods.
He's used his twitter to promote Attack on Titan and other anime and tells everyone to use Crunchyroll. His wrestling pants say "Over 9000" on them and he's always spewing memes.

>> No.7521851

i actually think avril isnt a weeb, shes huge in japan , i was reletavly surprised when I went there and there were billboards of her and magazines, alot of the japanese girls I met adored her like crazy, so avril has to pander to japan its the only country thats gives a shit about her

>> No.7521867

To be fair that trope isn't just presented by those artists. Its pretty engrained in American/western pop culture that Japan is nothing but SUPER WACKY KAWAII culture. What's sad especially to me is that weebs still buy into it no matter how much the trope is just played out. The almost obligatory "wacky japan" episode of any fucking cartoon is just eaten up by them it seems. Of course when non weebs go "Lol japan is so wacky" the weebs are the first to go "W-what! No! Japan is so cultured and much more than this! etc etc etc. Bettur than 'merica"
(this is of course setting aside the majority of what you talked about, but... just adding in my cents to that bit)

>> No.7521897
File: 20 KB, 333x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm sorry, but it boils my blood when people go on with how super awesome and kawaii Japan land is. The treatment of women and elderly there are beyond horrendous. Anime and otaku culture is such a small part. I lay the smack down of facts.

>"it's cool women get their own train line"
Yes, and do you know why, you uneducated weeb?
Or how high suicide rates are in kids under 20.

>> No.7521902

Let's not forget how the treatment of mental illness in Japan is terrible.
I don't get why people love Japan so much? Just because you're favourite animu character originated from there, doesn't mean it's that great.
My Japanese friend dislikes it there.
People who move to Japan for weeb reasons tick me off to no point.

>> No.7521906

>Being told by your Japanese teacher not to talk about being raped because it's "disgusting" and "makes people uncomfortable" isn't fucking kawaii.
Its called a trigger warning, numbnuts.

>> No.7521912

The suicide rate will only go up. Everything about japan is suicidal.
Their economy is on the verge of suicide. They just about nuked their entire country and pretty much the world. Theyre not only suicidal, but homicidal as well. They would rather save face than save humanity. Maybe humanity isnt worth saving afterall. We are cancer afterall.

>> No.7521939

>Its called a trigger warning, numbnuts.
What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.7521945

Talking about rape makes people who were raped or had friends or family members raped very uncomfortable.

>> No.7521947

Or people who just dislike the idea of rape.

>> No.7521950

He didn't say stop talking about it because it can give people flashbacks and make survivors uncomfortable. He said stop because it's disgusting and an uncomfortable topic in general. I'm pretty sure he wasn't concerned for survivors at all. He just didn't want a serious topic to be spoken about because it's hard to think about.

>> No.7521955

Where did you want to speak about it?

I wouldn't want to hear about someone's rape experience while in class either.

>> No.7521958

>Their economy is on the verge of suicide. They just about nuked their entire country and pretty much the world.


>> No.7521959


>> No.7521960

You can love the nice things about Japan while disliking the bad ones... It's not an either-or situation, you know. What, do you hate your parents just because they have flaws and aren't 100% perfect? Because such a thing is impossible to find.

I love my own damn country despite it being economically in ruins, riddled with crime and prostitutes, and the uneducated lecturing the educated about what's right and what isn't. Do I like either of those things? No, but I like it IN SPITE of those things.

I'm not saying that Japan is a magical wonderland or anything, but I'm sure there's a lot of things to like about it as well as the other ones.

>> No.7521962

Every country has its flaws.

>> No.7521963

Are you kidding, the elderly are treated really well.
Same couldn't be said for a lot of western countries.

>> No.7521965

There's actually been proof that the disaster at Fukushima plant could of been prevented, but the subordinate wanted to wait to hear the higher up decision first before taking action. Instead of thinking for himself, he awaited orders that came too late and thus the power plant going kaput. Japan is a society where you never ever question higher authority. Students in class never tell a teacher they are wrong or even ask questions/ask for help. And yes, their economy is in the shit hole. People don't even want to reproduce in that country anymore.

>> No.7521967

Elaborate on how they're treated well.

>> No.7521971

Japan's elderly population is continually growing while its birth rate is exponentially declining. Half of the country is single. How do you suppose Japan will keep its economy running in a few decades?
Fukushima is not under control and will never be under control. If a earthquake occurs in the area, the whole world is screwed. Tepco's only plan is a ice wall. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? This isn't Game of Thrones.

>> No.7521974

Well, that disaster at Fukushima plan wasn't that huge after all. It was far from nuking the whole world.

As for the economy, I have to take your word for that since I'm not knowledgeable enough about the subject, but weak economy and low birth rate is not uncommon for many coutries even from Europe.

>> No.7521977

Can't type it out on my phone, but here's an essay about it:

>> No.7521983

>wasn't that huge
Sorry to tell you but they've basically fucked the whole world and large parts of the ocean. Radioactive sediment has been found in all the fish caught in Japan, and off the West Coast of the united states. All Pacific Salmon has Caesium 134 and 137 in it, and bioaccumulation just means it's going to get more concentrated in the years to come.

Japan is a societal shithole. Sure their fashion is kawaii and the animu and mango is nice, but the society is so fucked up. They're racist as hell, crazy technology backwards, and two-faced to shit and back.

>> No.7521994

The radioactive elements in the reactor is supposedly leaking into the groundwater and pouring out into the ocean. Radioactive elements have been found in drinking water as far south as Tokyo.

>> No.7521998

>Tepco building cheap water tanks
> radioactive water causing tanks to leak
> genius.jpg

you know nothing about fukushima as well so you can admit it and shut up about that, too

>> No.7521999
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Redeeming picture time? Have Nicki Minaj looking pretty decent with 6% DokiDoki staff.

>> No.7522005

>If a earthquake occurs in the area, the whole world is screwed

Literally earthquakes have been hitting there pretty frequently. I recall there being a 7.0 or something of the sort around October of last year off the coast of Fukushima. Can't stand people who talk so passionately about things but don't have their facts straight. Yes it's bad, but don't believe everything you read. It just spreads unnecessary fear.

>> No.7522010

>"disaster at Fukushima wasn't that huge"
Have you been under a rock for the last few years? It's still leaking radiation. All the clean up crew from then have either died or become very ill. Not to mention whole areas are unlivable now.

>> No.7522012

Source? I only heard that 2 people died.

>> No.7522014

I had no idea she was into fairy kei!

>> No.7522017
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>> No.7522024

Interesting that she looks like an annoying tryhard like Avril-chan when she poses with katanas and raps shit like "When I was a geisha, he was a samurai, somehow I understood him when he spoke Thai", but she actually does know what she's doing as evidenced by that picture.

>> No.7522027

you can stay ignorant. im not going to spoon feed you. if you cared enough, you'd do the research yourself.

>> No.7522028

It wasn't a fucking Chernobyl. Tsunami killed twenty-six thousand people, but there were only two casualities connected to the radiation exposure only. Moreover, the negative effects of radation are predicted to be extremaly low, almost undetectable. So maybe you are the one that ought to shut the fuck up.

>> No.7522029

Wops, sorry, the "shut up part" was for >>7521998

>> No.7522035

Another anon, but I walked in on a lecture at my local Kinokuniya by a man from the region. I don't have numbers and shit, but the amount of unreported shit going on is astonishing. He literally was forced to leave all his livestock to rot, however. It was so sad.

>> No.7522036

you're so brainwashed, its funny. Fukushima is worse by a longshot. You want evidence? Simple. Fukushima is by the water, how do you suppose Japan will contain that? Chernobyl is on land and is much easier to handle because a sarcophagus is sufficient. But fukushima? What the fuck do you propose they to do?

>> No.7522040

And its not surprising because Japan doesnt want to admit shit. Its fucking 2014 and the tsunami happened 2011, only now has Tepco admit they dont have control of the situation. Do you really think Japan is honest?

>> No.7522042

Oh my god you are so fucking stupid. You sound like the Japanese fucking media and government.

>> No.7522047

Not to mention Japan would never admit to screwing up publicly and keeps their people in the dark about how bad the disaster really is even today. It's really sad, but their pride and archaic social structure is going to be what does the country in.

>> No.7522050

Then where is your data? I based my view on WHO reports, not "japanese fucking media and government" Maybe you shoud do it too instead of sucking to the west propaganda.

I'm waiting for your sources.

>> No.7522051

this is all sounding like the world is going to end or something

>> No.7522528

yup. It's not like most people can do anything about it, so we might as well have fun while it lasts.

>> No.7522559

its what murican people want in music, stupidity
there is a song about masturbation on the charts right now.
"dancing in the dark"

she seems like a cool person otherwise.
Ke$ha too. we all know Ke$ha is putting on an act about being a dumb drunken slut.
and with Katy Perry, she made her debut as a christian singer, tanked, then came back with a song on Kissing chicks, boom, popularity.

america is stupid, sex sells, and they know it.

>> No.7523560

Ditto. It sounds like rape anon was talking about a really personal subject in a place it didn't belong, if her Japanese teacher heard it. That's for family, friends, therapists, and tumblr.

>> No.7523566
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Now I can feel justified in liking her!

>> No.7523770

Oh hey I remember her. She disappeared after Gucci Gucci

>> No.7523776

She made an album that failed and then had a kid. She sometimes broadcasts herself playing videogames on twitch

>> No.7523864

at least she does a lot of sweet stuff for kids too. A little girl with cancer tweeted how she wanted one of Niki's pink wigs and Niki met her and gave her one. She really seems like a nice person from what I've seen of her and 99% of male rappers are all about sex, drinking and hos and all that shit. It's about time we had more female rappers who sing about men in that way too. (I know we've had them before, but Niki seems more popular)
If you're referring to Lady Gaga's dancing in the dark I don't fully see the masturbation in that song, but what ever, that song isn't that great
Ke$ha has a good voice though when not auto tuned, while Katy relies on auto tune a lot more because she has to.

>> No.7523929

It likely has nothing to do with masturbation.
It's just these days, someone will always go "THIS IS A METAPHOR FOR SEX ACTS GUYZ" and it catches on almost every single time.
I could be wrong in this case since I haven't bothered to listen to it, but whatever.

Kyary's dildo song, though?
Totally a dildo song.

>> No.7523944

But guys, can we talk about this video
Look how excited Kyary is. If we're going to determine if something is kawaii it's her

She went full doki doki blushu when Katy joked about Kyary moving in with her since she thought Kyary was too cute.

>> No.7523965

What a slut.

>> No.7524113

>tfw I will never make kyary go dokidoki

>> No.7524116

sorry, the song is "in the dark"
and if you are seriously telling me this isn't about masturbation I think you might have something wrong with you.

point is, sex sells.

>> No.7524192

Naturally I can't find the article now, but I remember reading that the song is actually dedicated her (sizable) fanbase in Japan because they often sent her Hello Kitty merchandise as gifts.

I certainly don't think Lavigne meant to imply that "kawaii culture" is all there is to Japan, and I seriously doubt she (or anyone with a brain stem) thinks that. Focusing on one aesthetic for a performance doesn't mean she's ignoring or trivializing the less appealing aspects of Japan. If she HAD included images of women being groped on subways, Hiroshima being blown to dust, and vile treatment of the elderly in her silly kawaii music video, that would be infinitely more offensive as far as I'm concerned.

(For the record, this fucking song is now playing in all the elevators of my personal hell. I hate its guts, I just don't think Lavigne deserves the accusations of racism she's getting.)

From what I can tell this is a uniquely American thing. Relatively speaking, we're a very young country. When a fellow American asks "What's your heritage?" they're asking about your ancestry outside of the States. The "melting pot" idea is very firmly ingrained into American culture; we love to chat about our family's ancient history, even if we don't feel a real connection to that history. I can see why that would seem weird to foreigners.

>> No.7524222

Awwww that was really cute.

>> No.7524268
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>> No.7524281

Ah, Dev. She makes songs like that all the time though, and they usually fail. This one was just catchy or something.

>> No.7524548
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I can't.
Fucking kidding me? That just makes it worse. I be they were laughing at her the whole time.
Of course /cgl/ is defending this shit. A jap directed the Avril video, too. Stop being such a weeb and admit to yourself that this shit is embarrassing.
No one is calling it racist, you stupid weeb. Go have your kawaii tea ceremony in your kimono like a geisha.

>> No.7524558
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No they aren't, they're laughing at you.

>> No.7524564

no one said it wasn't embarassing that's not the argument you retard. We're saying it's not racist. Stupid and weby, but not racist.

And my facebook that was flooded with "Avril made a racist music video" articles and tumblr posts disagree that there are people who think that shit was racist

>> No.7524606

Could you imagine is someone did that with black people? If a pop star just decided one day to wear her pants around her ankles while she rapped about guns, bitches and bling? I'm not really saying it's racist per se. I'm just saying that she shouldn't be treating the stereotypes of a country as truth. The whole Miley thing got lots of anger from black people. She didn't grow up somewhere where twerking was considered normal, she just saw it and decided to start doing it because she's a whore. Lots of black people were angry because she can't twerk worth a damn and knows nothing about it. I know I'm going to have someone who's black and not pissed about Miley yelling at me for saying this, but you have to admit that there are a disproportionate amount of black people who hate her for this. The point I'm trying to get across is that Avril is doing a Japan themed song/video whilst knowing little about Japan aside from what she learned from the T.V. To which my point is, it's slightly racist. She should just leave the whole "kawaii culture" thing to the Japanese instead of trying to be a part of it. I know I'm going to get flooded with hate, being that /cgl/ is basically a weaboo sanctuary, but think about it.


This guy is obviously making fun of her, and you'll notice that most of the comments bashing her are from blackies. This is a common theme everywhere.

>> No.7524617

Eating sushi, dancing with Japanese girls, and using a couple of Japanese words isn't following a stereotype though.

It's not like she was dressed in a shitty silk "kimono" with shitty geisha make up comitting seppuku while making love to an octopus

The closest thing to being offensive is the fact that the BG girls are just standing at times. They should look similar because they're BG dancers and it looks nicer. Kyary does the exact same thing with hers. Should she have specifically looked for white girls in a japanese directed video in japan about [being a weeb] in japan to be her BG dancers/people in order to not be "racist"

>> No.7524631

also you're implying culture is something that shouldn't be shared/explored. "Kawaii culture" (implying it's even really a thing) isn't some sacred long ago tradition with lots of deep meaning to it.

>> No.7524641

This whole video is of her acting like an infant and trying to be like a weeb Jpop star. The only reason you don't find it stereotypical is because she's not utilizing traditional stereotypes. Well, stereotypes have changed. If you see a modern jap stereotype played for laughs on T.V., they're nerds who are obsessed with video games and tentacle rape. No one does the whole "RaRaRa nippon strong i samurai u crush my honor" thing anymore.
Also, are you fucking kidding me? She made a video about being a weeb in Japan, so of course she used Japs. Why would there be white people? It would have been made worse if it was all white.

>> No.7524660

When did I imply that?
>>Criticizing weebs is putting a restraint on cultural exploration, blooo blooo bloooo.

I'm saying weebs are shit because they romanticize a culture based on superficial things and media stereotypes, while not being bothered to learn about said culture.

Good culture sharing: Blue Jeans. They originated in the west, and became very popular because they are durable and cheap. People didn't wear them because "Omg so western I'm like a coal miner XD".

>>Bad cultural sharing: Wiggers and weaboos. Wiggers try to talk like they are black when they didn't grow up around people who talked like that. They try to be black based on shit they see in music videos and T.V. Weebs do the same thing, with the obnoxious Japanese words and sushi obsession.

>> No.7524667

Woops, I didn't mean to green text that last part.

>> No.7524732 [DELETED] 

You're confusing niggers with Americans.

>> No.7524735

>the real /a/
top kek

>> No.7524765
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That song always annoyed me, She actually really does into Japanese fashion though.

I wish she would always unleash her power levels and I enjoy it when she actually sings instead of raps

Her song with David Guetta had some nice bits even though I'm not really fond of him. The steam punk video was awesome too. Also her knockout video was cute.


>> No.7524770

'member when Kesha did an english version Run Devil Run

>> No.7524772

>The problem with shit like Avril and Gwen Stefani is that it presents a limited view of Japanese culture.
As much as I hate her new video, let me tell you something.

Avril or Gwen's job isn't to portray the true side of Japan or any other country. Their job is to entertain, and as such, they're gonna bombard their fans and the public in general with pink kawaii bullshit.

I agree that there's a prevalence of stereotypes in their videos and it might be misleading, but if you're using celebrities as your source of information to know more about a country then the problem's on your end.

Also, those things aren't only limited to Japan, but to any other country.
None of those things will ever be shown to you by singers or even embassies that are trying to promote tourism and culture from their countries all over the world.

>> No.7524781
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>> No.7524786

Laughing at weebs so edgy. Stay angry.

>> No.7524793

The thing about katy perry is her alternative fashion sense is fake. Its part of how shes marketing herself. You can watch her documentary for sauce. It bugs me...
Gwen stefanis fashion sense is genuine tho which i admire

>> No.7524796

Why would anyone, ever, be proud of Irish heritage? It's basically just proof that your ancestors were pack mules. Be proud if you have heritage from better countries, not a shit island that's only achievement was getting fucked by the English.

>> No.7524798

Honesly, the birthrate decking in any area is a good thing. Ever hear of carrying capacity? It's something simple you should have learned in biology. Basically, humans are growing expontently and in order to keep our population from doubling and reaching carrying capacity, they should limit reproducing to 1-2 kids a mother.

It's never going to happen because some people are crazy enough to have 13 kids (why oh god WHY Arizona)

>> No.7524802
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>> No.7524805

People don't like Miley because she's actually just fucking stupid.

there's tons of white female rappers who profit off ghetto culture with out being accused of appropriation.

Ex. Iggy Azaela , Lil Debbie, K. Flay

Also general question
Why do some caucasian middle-class females feel the need to speak for minorities. Like I figure the minorities would be complaining if they have a problem, isn't against the tumblr logic since a person who isn't a part of that group being "oppressive" since they are speaking for another group without letting their own voices be heard.

I don't really understand, maybe I'm wrong could someone explain this to me?

>> No.7524807

>Japanese girls
Where they actually even Japanese?
I'm remember when they first where featured there where rumors that they were Korean.

I think it was a thread similar to this and it pointed out GS's idiocy.

>> No.7524812

>half Japanese&half Scottish

>> No.7524813

It's okay, because there's plenty of people who don't want to reproduce, but yeah, 1-2 kids per couple seems logically by any means. A lot of people get into the whole being with someone who isn't the father of their kid and just having kids with more strange men. It's creepy and i really do think there's a connection between how many kids someone wants to have and their intelligence. Especially people who have 3 kids but live on welfare and have no means of succeeding in life.

>> No.7524825


I knew two girls (twins) in primary school who had 22 siblings. 24 kids altogether. Their parents were crazy militant Catholics who wanted their kids to become abortion fighting doctors who spread the word of God. Luckily, none of them could get into med school, thank fuck.

>> No.7524826

I'm from Arizona, and I honestly don't understand what you're saying. The birth rate of white Americans has decreased dramatically, yet the population is only growing, due to disgusting mexicans breaking into our country and acting like they own the place. The problem isn't the birth rate, it's mexicans. They're poor, unskilled, and uneducated. They don't create jobs, start businesses, or bring in any money at all. They just steal, sell drugs, and kidnap girls. Also, We have a lot of extra space in Arizona, we're nothing like Japan.

>> No.7524828

ghetto culture =/= black culture
Anyone can be ghetto. It's like every race and country has their own version of ghetto / scum trash

I really just want to point out that a lot of black people are just that-- people-- and they don't want others to assume they have to be ghetto, listening to rap, speak with ebonics, etc. It's just kind of insulting to assume every black people is ghetto or ghetto culture is only for black people. It's for trashy people.

>> No.7524832

Haha, i love this commercial so much! I haven't seen it in forever.

>> No.7524839


I probably should have said black culture you're right and it was rude to say that ( even though I'm black too), but I still feel there are a lot of white females who profit off of it my point still stands.

Hiphop is really a part of black culture, it's open to everyone but a lot of stars are imitating black rappers who imitate ghetto lifestyles

>> No.7524857

I'm a black female and I was never mad. I think twerking is stupid. The people I know (of all races) response was mixed. The people from 17-23yo had a little more respect for her for standing for something she likes. i.e twerking. Even if it was so obviously horrible.
All age groups above that said it was horrible that the girl had so little self esteem for herself and that she shouldn't have to sell herself like that. In the end, neither sides raged for the reasons you listed. Although I do think you are deliberately trying to be raged at by using terms like blackies.
This person >>7524805 explains it well.
And also, I don't know why an outside race decides to speak for other races. Nor do I understand why people ask a particular person to be the voice for their entire race.

>> No.7524861

The "blackies" bothered me but I was trying very hard to not take that b8.

>> No.7524866

>>Why do some caucasian middle-class females feel the need to speak for minorities

How am I speaking for minorities? "White people can't talk about racism or their own people, whaaa." Have you ever been to that "This is white privilege" blog? The people posting there are not white, and the creators are black. Whites are forbidden from posting, yet it's one of the stupidest SJW blogs I've seen in a long time. I went to a school that was only 20% white, and I heard this SJW shit all the time. Lots of baseless accusations of racism directed towards white kids, and only white kids. This whole "SJWs are all white" thing is BS. You're just trying to separate yourselves from your own stupidity. I guess people on the internet are white until proven mud, because the majority of people I see that rage about racism aren't white. Whites are told by school and the media that their race is evil and that they should try to make up for wacism by tweeting about baby trey-trey. Whites usually grow out of it as they get older. Non-whites do not.

>> No.7524868

Derp, I meant >>7524606

I know what you mean, I just had to address it.

>> No.7524871

Oh I wasn't accusing you at all remember this part
> Also General question

no need to be upset it was a question in relation to this thread and there were many other comments talking about appropriation

Calm down

>> No.7524875

And what makes you think they are white? Or middle class?

>> No.7524876

It says SOME

"some caucasian middle-class females "

>> No.7524883

Most of the SJWs on Tumblr are white except for a few, though.
It really *is* white people pulling a "white savior" thing instead of letting the people of that culture speak for themselves. They're proven to be white by their selfies and "about me"s and stuff, too.
The thisiswhiteprivilege blog is just annoying black and other people bitching about absolutely nothing because they have victim complexes, not trying to act offended on behalf of whites because of something their own people did. Both are retarded, but not the same.
Not sure why you got so emotional and ranted about school saying white people are evil but whatever.

>> No.7524891


Because they are blogs with their about displaying a picture of themselves or more,

and you can kind of guess if someone is middle to upper class, not all the time I guess. Cosplay is not a cheap hobby so if they post things about that or lolita yes I am completely generalizing but usually you can tell a bit of a persons lifestyle by the images they post their "hauls" pictures of them going out etc.

that's why I did keep the post to some but if it makes you feel better, I'll admit that and for the sake of argument I'll omit "middle class from my statement and go with caucasian or "white-passing" people peaking for minorities which you can see when someone takes a picture of themselves.

Are you looking for an argument? I just wanted to ask a question and I know it has a bit of generalizations but I'm sure you can figure out the demographic of a website like tumblr easily

>> No.7524892

*demographic breakdown

>> No.7524896
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Nah, if you look around there's an overwhelming population of nonwhites complaining about this shit too. The majority of people within the anglosphere are white. Compared to the amount of whites, there is a disproportionate amount of muds bitching about stupid shit. Wasn't there ever a study that showed that over 50% of white Americans harbor prejudice towards black? Yet you muds are still deluded enough to think we're obsessed with you and want your dicks. Here's a tip: Just because we are nice to you, doesn't mean we like you. The majority of us a frightened of you and think you're barbarians.

>> No.7524901

Jesus christ, you are mad as hell and trying really hard to derail.
Calm down, drink some water, listen to music. No one is attacking you.

>> No.7524904
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