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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 252x252, a74aebf8-f907-4bf2-9aa6-c6b39f2ecd07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7518996 No.7518996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a tumblr thread?
Post URLs and screencap of archives!

>> No.7519002
File: 241 KB, 1144x600, mytumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start.

I haven't posted on my tumblr for a couple months now. Mainly anime and kawaii shit.

Never had an interest before, but really want to start following some jfash / cutesy normalfag fashion blogs for inspo.

>> No.7519010

Anyone knows some nice mori kei blogs to follow?
The onces I follow mainly reblog each other.

>> No.7519210

Look up japanese mori-blogs, post original content and get a shit tonne on reblogs.

>> No.7519213
File: 324 KB, 1125x663, thingamajig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love an aul tumblr thread


Lolita fashion, other cute fashions, a little anime (Madoka, Evangelion and a few others), Pokémon, and things I find funny.

>> No.7519467

the fucking daikon thing made me choke on my dinner

>> No.7519492


>> No.7519495


>> No.7519518
File: 545 KB, 1352x643, boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post cats, fashion, food, and Disney. Sometimes I'll post things I have thoughts on, but I tend to keep my opinions elsewhere.

>> No.7519550
File: 1.57 MB, 1117x635, archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cats, food, j-fash, anime, etc.

>> No.7519564
File: 1.26 MB, 1276x638, archivio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Animals (cats, birds), cute stuff, cosplay, my cosplays, fashions (steampunk, j-fashion), funny things, food etc

>> No.7519573
File: 1.33 MB, 1453x672, archive1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personal blog with no reblogged content. Been posting a coord a day since the beginning of this month to try and be a bit more active, hopefully this summer I'll get to post more worn photos of my outfits too. I also draw shiny animu from time to time.

>> No.7520154
File: 1.54 MB, 1110x586, archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jfashion blog with the occasional anime gif.
Original content up every few days but I have a queue of stuff every night.

>> No.7520267

>g-guys this isn't a Tumblr/SJW/feminism containment board! I sware!

>> No.7520268

Those are hella cute.

>> No.7520323
File: 2.42 MB, 1281x904, syrupcoated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lolita, mainly sweet, Angelic pretty
>some personal posts, and things I like, but not much

>> No.7520344

>looks at thumbnail
>"oh wow what a cute blog!"
>"so much adorable content!"
>"I think I'll c+p to go follow th-"
>sees "promo mbf 90+ follow follow follow"
>gurl bye.jpg

>> No.7520347

repostan my giant list

I'm not gonna post mine unless someone asks because it's not specifically j-fash. It's more dumb posts, complaining and bitching at sjws with only the odd bit of jfashion, so I'm gonna list some I follow and like.

frillypinkdreams.tumblr.com - pink. frilly. what it says on the tin.
kawaiidjinn.tumblr.com - doesn't update anymore, but some nice posts.
soaperb.tumblr.com - general (non j) fashion. some boobs.
gyaruhealth.tumblr.com - inactive, but handy to have.
milkyweii.tumblr.com - sometimes posts giveaways, but you can TS them.
knotjustascarf.tumblr.com - scarves and shit.
gyaru-coordinates.tk -eh.

>> No.7520364
File: 488 KB, 500x497, tumblr_n3xq7jW8ei1r4jrfzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all your coordinates so much. Can I ask if here's a label in the bolero for this coordinate? I'd love to know where its from.

>> No.7520379

I really love your coords but I think your posts would be even better & popular if you edit them a little to adjust the contrast and lighting.

>> No.7520394

you do realise most of tumblrs here have the same things right? (j fashion, lolita, anime, kawaii, etc etc)

>> No.7520421


It's my tumblr! I was not expecting that

>> No.7520736 [DELETED] 

Any good feminism blogs to follow ITT?

>> No.7520743 [DELETED] 


Depends what you're into. Are you the type of feminist who's reasonable, or the type who's not?

Either way I don't have blogs, but tumblr is sort of overflowing with the unreasonable type, I really hope you're not the latter. i just saw an IRL version, and I am honestly horrified and I am sorry you have to associate with this ilk at points.

>> No.7520744 [DELETED] 

Here you go sister!


>> No.7520759 [DELETED] 

There's no such thing as "an unreasonable feminist". Feminism is about equality, feminism solves everyones issues so shut the fuck up.

>> No.7520770 [DELETED] 

I am a guy and I agree with this!

>> No.7520772 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 399x600, please be a troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7520774 [DELETED] 

>commencing shitstorm
This is seriously not the place to ask. Find people yourself by looking through tags and stuff.

>> No.7520778

uh huh
idle minds are the devil's playground, I tell ya hwhat

>> No.7520779

You clearly haven't been on Tumblr for very long. The behavior of SJWs on there has led me to block every single term even loosely associated with feminism, gender equality, human rights, etc.

Anyone know of good mori blogs that post mostly new content?

>> No.7520782 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 538x354, chanty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if they're a troll, feminism *does* solve everyone's problems.

Pic related, a thought-provoking quote from a renowned feminist intellectual.

>> No.7520793
File: 33 KB, 720x479, tumblr_n4lot8fNni1t0dkplo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7520796

How much do you charge per hour?

>> No.7520802


>> No.7520804 [DELETED] 

HOW MUCH MONY U WANT, ffs how hard is it to understand you stupid American пизда́

>> No.7520813 [DELETED] 

They're saying you're a whore

>> No.7520816 [DELETED] 

Who isn't?

>> No.7520825 [DELETED] 

Well, I, for one, am not a whore. Stop generalizing.

>> No.7520841
File: 451 KB, 550x399, bolero-tag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much!

Aaaa, thank you too! Luckily it does have a label, here's a photo of it for you!

I agree, hahaha. I'd like to be able to post better quality photos in the future, especially since a lot of the little accessories seem to disappear in my photos. Honestly, what I really need is a nicer camera and a lighting umbrella; I'm taking these photos with an iphone and my room is like a dungeon. The camera that I use to take full-body shots is really old and doesn't take much higher-res photos than my phone, lol. It's really nice to know that people actually like my coordinates though, I wasn't really quite sure how people were going to react since I'm still pretty new to the fashion.

>> No.7520844

And thank you for the compliment + feedback too. You guys are the best!

>> No.7520848


let your shopping addiction fly free!

(i have like 3-4 hauls of my own I need to post)

>> No.7520858 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 1745x875, sdff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignore the lack of posts for April, twas on a hiatus.

>> No.7520861
File: 2.44 MB, 1745x875, sdff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went on a hiatus at the start of April.

>> No.7520882 [DELETED] 

Any good Social Justice Warriors ITT?

>> No.7521185

Any good j-fashion blogs

>> No.7521201 [DELETED] 

>Social Justice Warriors
Pick one.

>> No.7521214 [DELETED] 

>people fighting for justice
Pick one.

>> No.7521224 [DELETED] 

yes, because that's what SJWs do. They "fight for justice" by bitching on their tumblrs. So progressive.

>> No.7521232 [DELETED] 

What are you saying, that they should just run out into the streets and start throwing pipe bombs? Obviously there needs to be some kind of popular movement in order for something more to manifest.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

>> No.7521249 [DELETED] 


No, they shouldn't, and they should encourage open discussion instead of telling people to 'shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.'

The movement has become such a toxic one that it'd be best if everyone just left it and started a new one that ultimately aims towards progression towards goals than becoming a ridiculous reactionary guilt trip benefits no one.

>> No.7521253 [DELETED] 

I'm honestly not sure if I should even respond, seeing as according to you, there is no middle ground between bitching on the internet and active violence.

You know, they could involve themselves in their communities in positive ways, or work with others who share their interests to promote change. That is what people who actually support social justice do.

The term SJW is a pejorative. It describes the people on the internet (and unfortunately occasionally in real life) who are hypersensitive, uneducated, and flat out hate people who are not like them and have even the slightest difference in opinion.

>> No.7521329 [DELETED] 

You ok anon?

>> No.7521345 [DELETED] 

The primary problem with SJW is that they REALLY dont know what the fuck they are talking about but think they do (DUNNING-KREUGER EFFECT AHOY)

just look at how fucking mangled the concept of triggers are to them.

a trigger is a troubling reminder of a traumatic event.

not "literally anything that makes you uncomfortable in the slightest"

>> No.7521369
File: 1.99 MB, 1897x956, tum tum .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lolita, mainly sweet.
>assorted other j-fashions.
>dogs deer and other cute animals.
>some anime
>funny text post and pictures I laugh at.
On occasion I also post my art and coords, hopefully I will be posting more soon though.

Also if you are a blog with mostly lolita OC tell me, I'm looking for more to follow.

>> No.7521403 [DELETED] 

this is bait

It's a better place to ask than tumblr itself. Go through the tags and all you'll find is either bait, trolls and sexism or insane SJWs.

>> No.7521494 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you neckbeard scumbag. I'm sick and tired of some piece of shit like you calling my posts bait every single fucking time.

>> No.7521542 [DELETED] 

I'm really thinking about deleting my tumblr, practically everyone on there is an annoying brat who thinks they know everything about racism/social problems/ect. on the other hand, I don't have a Facebook so tumblr is really the only website I can keep in touch with people I meet at cons, but every time I go on there it just pisses me off. I just want to reblog my anime gifs in peace, damnit! sorry for ranting on you guys though.

>> No.7521555 [DELETED] 

>thinking that the problems they're talking about aren't serious enough to deserve the attention they get

Kill yourself, you fucking scum.

>> No.7521565 [DELETED] 


Same exact situation, anon. I like 80% of tumblr but the 20% that I hate is just fucking awful and makes the other part seem not really worth my time. Still, it is my only social networking-like thing I have left.

>> No.7521566 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, you just proved how much of a Slacktivist cunt you are.

>> No.7521571 [DELETED] 

No, I meant "who on /cgl/ isn't saying that Voldefart is a whore?". Everyone knows what she is, it's like saying "ice melts".

>> No.7521574 [DELETED] 

Unfollow blogs that post social justice bullshit, tumblr savior anything like "MRA" or "feminism" or "misogyny", etc and pretend it just doesn't exist.
Not gonna lie, I'm not a SJW but I still think "kawaii" misandrist posts and "male tears" are funny for some reason.

>> No.7521582
File: 451 KB, 840x418, tumblrarchiveapril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much gone into disney & fashion now. Still some animu/cosplay/random stuff though.

>> No.7521860
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x900, saltje_tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tumblr: http://saltje.tumblr.com/
I only restrict to reblogging Lolita, shoes and some classical art here and there...

>> No.7522138
File: 2.40 MB, 1168x1190, petitfaun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads, I find so many adorable tumblrs.


>Mori, elegant images i like, classic art, fashion and lingerie.

>> No.7522173
File: 1.45 MB, 1111x620, sotm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Almost entirely reblogs but mostly nature and fashion and cute houses and stuff.

>> No.7523384 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 652x530, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true though. Feminism solves mens problem as well. That girl got way too much undeserved hate just for being a feminist. I am sure as fuck that she's not actually the demon the MRAs portray her as in real life. Also, holy shit, are you kidding me? I just noticed this now - picture related. I bet /r9k/ is behind this one.

It would be ironic/funny if it wasn't offensive.

>> No.7523392

This blog is triggering to me and I can't look at it.

>> No.7523397

Your bullshit is triggering me

>> No.7523414
File: 1021 KB, 2226x1251, my blerb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lolita and J-fashion
>food porn (mostly sweets)
>some animu (lots of Sailor Moon)
>random stuff that makes me laugh

>> No.7523434


damn anon

>> No.7523442 [DELETED] 

No, feminism solves women's problems, it wouldn't be called feminism if it solved men's too. Egalitarianism solves both. Learn the difference and stop taking social studies lessons from Tumblr.

>> No.7523462 [DELETED] 



lol anon.

>> No.7523467 [DELETED] 

Don't talk to me, you fucking MRA.

>> No.7523508 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 400x225, Haterz_gonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523516
File: 149 KB, 1160x452, archive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New to tumblr, so I'm still trying to upload some pictures and whatnot. It will mainly be lolita, anime/manga, and art. Mostly reblogs and whatever I feel I can share with everyone without being too embarrassed.

>> No.7523520 [DELETED] 

>feminism solves women's problems, it wouldn't be called feminism if it solved men's too.
>doesn't know shit about why the fuck feminism is called feminism
>tried to educate other people

top lel

>also is a MRA who thinks men's issues are nearly as important as women's

>> No.7523534 [DELETED] 

>imblying I'm a man
>imblying feminism is about anything other than MUH OPPRESSION when they tell her to put some fucking clothes on

>> No.7523537

oh my god i love your blog already

>> No.7523545 [DELETED] 

So you're just an obnoxious tryhard "one of the boys" girl, then? Fuck off, you boring shit.

>> No.7523550 [DELETED] 

Stop shitting up this thread.

>> No.7523552
File: 2.17 MB, 480x327, uuwa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Pro-taste in music, anon.

>> No.7523567 [DELETED] 

Yep, you're definitely a /r9k/ neckbeard. Fuck off, this is Tumblr turf.

>> No.7523744 [DELETED] 

I know a girl like that. Always trying to befriend men and saying things she thinks will please them like talking about how she loves video games and wants to be an MRA and loves sex. It's painful. Sorry for off topic.

>> No.7523865 [DELETED] 

I don't think there's anything as disgusting as women who support the patriarchy because of their lacking intellect / personality / appearance...

>> No.7524001

>going to trinity

absolutely disgusting

>> No.7524069 [DELETED] 

I would rather live in a patriarchy than in a country ruled by women.

>> No.7524130

my blog has changed a lot from the mori/dolly kei theme it was

>> No.7524135
File: 602 KB, 984x587, Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 10.37.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524137 [DELETED] 

And you guys wonder why the hell we get so many SJWs in here tumblr threads open the floodgates to this kind of shit. I wouldn't follow or even look at any political or social blog on tumblr because it's obviously going to be shit.

>> No.7524138 [DELETED] 


>> No.7524147 [DELETED] 

nah this 4chan

>> No.7524190
File: 1.06 MB, 1773x533, Screen shot 2014-04-28 at 10.42.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dolly Kei style.

Posting antique/handmade accessories, gunne sax dresses, grimoire pictures, and coordinates.

>> No.7524747
File: 1.40 MB, 1138x608, 8145873654304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically, I reblog pastel things / kawaii / harajuku fashion / gyaru / pale things.

>> No.7524774 [DELETED] 


>> No.7524794 [DELETED] 

This is a tumblr thread, it may be on topic? I'm not totally sure. It's borderline at least. Anyway this quote is pretty pertinent to what you said:

"for a long time, I barely questioned an order in which women were reduced to scrapping over a tiny portion of the world. I only questioned the idea that it should be any woman other than me."

That's by a writer on the topic of the "cool girl". God I can't fucking stand the cool girl.

>> No.7524831
File: 1.45 MB, 1121x569, archiivee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly scenery, photography, art, kawaii shit, and creepy stuff.

>> No.7524844
File: 1.50 MB, 1174x595, alovelyspring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mostly anime, j-fash like lolita, mori, dolly, flowers and things that I think are pretty
also some personal stuff too.

>> No.7525014

these people seem ok,but it's obvious that they need help

>> No.7525903 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you sure are girl...with a neckbeard and a penis.

>> No.7526269

I've decided to start a blog dedicated to shitposting itas.
I want submissions

>> No.7526532

Your blog really help calm me down. I'm recovering from a bad winter of anxiety attacks and other stress, and your seaside pictures especially helped pull me through it.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.7526559

Serious question. Were you a childhood bully? Were you bullied as a child? Abused by adults? I'm just impressed by the level of venom you have for complete strangers (I'm assuming you don't know the itas).

>> No.7526587 [DELETED] 

My first boyfriend was a manwhore but I trusted him. I thought what we had together was eternal love. But he dumped me as soon as he took what he wanted (my virginity). Ever since then, I am a very bitter person. :[

>> No.7526616 [DELETED] 

Your situation doesn't make you a bitter person, your reaction to it does. Don't blame your cunty attitude on your circumstances and own up to it.

>> No.7526635
File: 155 KB, 1129x631, tumblrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime shit, lolita shit, shit i like, shit i find funny, birds.
But honestly my tumblr is your run of the mill reblogging peppered with personal posts/selfies when I feel like it.

>> No.7526645 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure anon was being sarcastic there. Besides, everything on that blog is pretty standard seagull cattiness, nothing you wouldn't see in an ita thread.

>> No.7526647
File: 1.35 MB, 1512x839, tumblies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sketchblog and cosplay. I really should update more often.

>> No.7526650 [DELETED] 

>Your situation doesn't make you a bitter person, your reaction to it does.

Not that anon, but, isn't it true that her reaction wouldn't have happened if the situation hadn't? You can't fault someone for being themselves even if it means reacting poorly.

Also you're being trolled.

>> No.7526666
File: 1.25 MB, 1344x597, archives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just a fashion blog, and nothing else. Anything that inspires me fashion wise will be here. Mainly sweet lolita and street jfashion, though. Unfortunately haven't been updating as often as I want to, but once summer hits I'm sure it'll be active.

>> No.7526692

My tumblr´s "n0rth-korea-is-best-korea". ._. I haven´t done any cosplay yet, but I´m planning to do so really-really soon. I was thinking of "Little brother Bioshock" since I´ve never seen anyone do that. (Male version of Little Sisters in Bioshock.) If you have any ideas or fuckin´ anything, just message me on tumblr.

>> No.7526714
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x1024, Untitled7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lots of anime/manga screencaps/gifs, fashion, creepy stuff, nature photos, art. Mainly reblog stuff in the colors of purple, blue or black.

>> No.7526882 [DELETED] 

Anita pls leave

>> No.7527011 [DELETED] 

Girlfriend material right here (I'm not being ironic, I am also a feminist.)

>> No.7527073

Wow, thanks so much! I'm glad I could help. The sea helps me so much too.

>> No.7527080 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 372x457, 1390293002979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My god, thank goodness other people have noticed what a cesspool of whiny children who claim themselves to be "feminists acisgender trisexuals" have flooded Tumblr. I have no problem with people who are feminists, are not straight, or identify with other gender(s) or no gender at all. But dear christ, it's become like a trending cancer.

Can we just have site where we have mods who don't keep people just because "they're speaking their minds" but can actually kick them the fuck out if they're bothering other users? Like people who don't listen to others and debate within reason, but instead just bitch and rant. It just upsets me because Tumblr had a lot of decent people on it, aside from the grunge hipsters, but now they've mostly abandoned ship.

And I know I can just follow other people, but almost everyone will have the occasional "this is an example of how women are degraded even today!!" and it's just a picture of waffles or some shit. Christ, whatever happened to not just reblogging that kind of shit and adopting that crazy mindset just because a majority of Tumblr has?

Jesus titty fucking christ, can someone make a sane-people only site please? One where people are reasonable, that's all I ask.

>> No.7527089


I don't have a lolita blog but I'm following you because I'm in love with your blog.

>> No.7527092 [DELETED] 

You sound like a huge baby. Just get off the site. It's not that hard.

>> No.7527107 [DELETED] 

I don't personally follow social issues blogs where I find the (often very young) person makes a lot of sloppy intellectually mistakes or is uneducated. However, there is definitely value in having these perspectives published somewhere. These perspectives are the opposite of the "polished" opinions that come with age, education in social theory, and tact. The debate between which is better (the polished vs the unpolished) is really similar to the debate between analyzing social issues all the way zoomed out vs. all the way zoomed in. Get far away, people are like ants and their patterns become clear, but you lose all detail. Get too zoomed in and focus on the individual, there is no pattern but you get full detail. There is value to both. Tumblr is one of the only place where a lot of minority types can vent without harassment. The 15 year old "feminists acisgender trisexual" type is not one that I follow, but I know they need a place to grow and learn without being abused. Mainstream society does not offer that to them, and neither does most of the internet. Oh, and to clarify, I'm in the camp that sexuality/gender is generally out of an individual's control and they don't choose what they are.

If you want to see some polished opinions on social issues btw, I would greatly recommend the tumblr blogs medievalPOC and ushistoryminuswhiteguys . I'm only saying that because since you said you don't have a problem with feminists, non-straights, and non-cis people you probably have had at least a tiny bit of interest in these topics (since one is usually only okay with those groups after a bit of thought).

>> No.7527113 [DELETED] 

sorry for typos I'm on my phone which is a brick from 2010

>> No.7527127 [DELETED] 


Other people have complained about Tumblr's condition as well, why single me out? I'm just saying it's hard to find people that keep the dashboard interesting but also wanting to stay because like others have said, there are some people you wanna keep in touch with through Tumblr.


Thanks for those blogs, will definitely check them out. Sorry if I made the gender issue thing seem like it was a bad thing, I would never think of it that way. It just seems a lot of the people on the site are using it as labels to stand out instead of represent an actual group of people who do identify with different genders and may even struggle with it.

>> No.7527138 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 500x335, romanticmusic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a cute anon and a reasoned individual

>> No.7527145 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 800x600, 1387677099337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol is this sarcasm?

>because if it is, I'll be sad because Foster's is my shit

>> No.7527195 [DELETED] 

You do know that if you want to change something you need to set the example, right?
If you want to eliminate poverty try to help a homeless shelter or go to a womens shelter, dont go to tumblr and try to change the world from behind a computer screen, that is the very definition of first world problems.
Also 0/10 try to leave tumblr once in a while.

>> No.7527201 [DELETED] 

I don't know why you're going and making this weird binary. Raising awareness and action are married, you need both to make change on a larger scale.

>> No.7527208 [DELETED] 

And you think that by complaining on tumblr you'll achieve that? In the internets shithole?
You need to make changes on a small scale to make it grow, nobody cares what some random guy or girl writes on their blog what people care are actions not words.

>> No.7527215 [DELETED] 

Uh, I thought it was widely accepted that 4chan was the internets shithole

>> No.7527218 [DELETED] 

It was but since tumblr boomed in popularity it took the crown for internets shithole.

>> No.7527229

Just throwing this out there, I follow over 4,000 blogs and I can breakdown my dash about like this:
85% cute art, funny videos/gifs, food, anime, Disney, fashion, nature posts
10% fandom junk I don't care about (yes, this includes homestuck and superwholock)
4.5% "social justice" junk I don't care about
.5% NSFW stuff that gets posted at 4 am
(Those last three categories I have pretty well tumblr savior'd. Every once in a while an untagged post makes it through but it's an easy thing to ignore.)

The majority of the blogs I follow I've found through J-fashion tags and these tumblr threads on cgl. I also follow a lot of friends (both online and IRL) as well as people I admire (like xylia-x and coelasquid). People complain that tumblr in its entirety is a cesspool but there's a large portion of it that isn't composed of those sludgy fandom brats that build their entire identity around their gender preference. The only downside I've found to following as many people I do is that sometimes I miss some of my friends' posts, I wish there was a way I could prioritize certain blogs or organize posts on my dash instead of it being strictly chronological.

>> No.7527383

Use Feedly. It's so useful for organizing your feeds.

>> No.7527393

>I wish there was a way I could prioritize certain blogs or organize posts on my dash instead of it being strictly chronological.

Exactly. It probably sounds extremely picky of me to say so, but the idea of organizing blogs into specific categories sounds so appealing. There are multiple different kinds of blogs I follow, and I wish there were some way to keep them organized so I could see specific posts from specific blogs at a time. I wish tumblr would be open to suggestions about how to make the website better, but that idea itself is hilarious.

>> No.7527653 [DELETED] 





















(well, mainstream, at least)



















>> No.7527658 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 945x960, 1012187_574958229221947_711716173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing like that

>> No.7527770
File: 1.14 MB, 1126x603, blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> http://gold-rose-cosplay.tumblr.com/
My cosplay blog

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to be more active/make more posts? After I got through my backlog of old photos, I started only posting maybe once a week because I have nothing to show. I don't sew or craft every day, and most of the blogs I follow are not cosplay blogs, so I don't have a lot to reblog either. Also I know my blog theme is shit, don't remind me.

>> No.7527808

You could always just set up a queue to run every day. That way, your blog will always be running and you don't necessarily have to tend to it, except to fill up the queue some more.

>> No.7527847

That's what I do for my main blog (an Animal Crossing Blog, heh), but I don't know what to put in the queue. Should I just search the cosplay tags and reblog a bunch until I have some OC to post? I'm under the assumption that no one gives a shit about my opinions on the "cosplay scene" or whatever, so text posts would be a waste of time.

>> No.7527855 [DELETED] 

it gave an interesting tempo to the message but was otherwise annoying

>> No.7527860

I'd say, if you really don't care about followers or anything and just want to post for the sake of it, then just do it. It's your own personal blog, do what you like with it.

>> No.7527870

I care about followers a little, because I don't want to feel like I'm talking to a wall when I post, I'd like feedback at least. But you do have a point.

>> No.7527907
File: 1.43 MB, 1364x626, Screenshot 2014-04-30 at 1.17.53 AM - Edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like flowers and shit.

>> No.7528082
File: 2.82 MB, 1557x936, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lolita-only sideblog, mostly reblogs but occasional posts of my own coords

>> No.7528422 [DELETED] 

This is the only good tumblr on the internet, probably.


>> No.7530517 [DELETED] 

cool beans

>> No.7530603

Hey, I came across your blog recently via someone who reblogged something from you!
How many followers do you have?

>> No.7530695 [DELETED] 

Are any of you virgins or cute underage girls? Will follow you if yes. :3c

>> No.7531007 [DELETED] 

/cgl/ is /slut/ general, so... you came to the wrong neighborhood

there are some underage girls but they're sluts as well

>> No.7531029 [DELETED] 

Another amazing article by the great guys at Cracked in support of feminism!
Like comment and subscribe. :)

>> No.7531132 [DELETED] 


>tfw totally a slut
>... for my own fingers ;_;

>> No.7531223 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 645x378, lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531240 [DELETED] 

It's okay, dearie, I for one have long ago realized that my fingers are the only boyfriend I'll ever need (or have). Shhhh, no tears now. Only shlicking.

>> No.7531266 [DELETED] 

No one is buying it. Even the landwhale SJW fat acceptantors of /cgl/ are non-virgins.

>> No.7531295 [DELETED] 

Hello, >7531240 here. Thank you kindly for reminding me that the ugloid landwhales are all getting the D every night while average-looking-me hasn't, and at 29, probably never will.

>> No.7531306 [DELETED] 

>Autoplay music

Contain your autism.

>> No.7531325 [DELETED] 

You forgot to mention that you have dick.

>> No.7531615 [DELETED] 

>dissing Coldplay
Hipster scum.

They're the best pop / rock band out there.

>> No.7531653 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 496x380, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least I can devote all my energy to the things I like, right?

Like schlicking.


Is pic related good enough?

>> No.7531659 [DELETED] 

Please don't use the term shlicking.

>> No.7531665 [DELETED] 

No, timestamp of your hymen or gtfo.

>> No.7531669 [DELETED] 


Don't try to make shlicking happen.

>> No.7531743 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 418x731, bodyimagetrigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely see SJW crap on my dash, but this bullshit about being "triggered" by thin people just popped up today (read the bottom comment). I don't know how these people even deal with life if seeing a skinny person messes them up that much. Do they not go outside? I see people thinner than me pretty much every day when I'm out and about, and I'm already thin myself. We're not going to put trigger warnings on our bodies ffs.

>> No.7531748 [DELETED] 

Cadney's response to it was pretty great, imo.
Fuck the people who kept being like "I'm so triggered!!1!!"

They should just stay inside and off the internet for the rest of their lives if seeing thin people is such a trigger for them. God forbid they actually meet one irl.

>> No.7531767 [DELETED] 

I love the whole "I don't know shit about this shit but here's my opinion, take it as fact!" thing that last person wrote. What a dumbass.

>> No.7531768 [DELETED] 

Even though I dont like her because she's a scammer, Felice fawn got lots of shit on her tumblr because she uploaded pics of herself and all the fatties and ex- eating disorder morons were like "omg, your body triggers me"

it's like.. What? What?

>fat people trigger my gag reflex

>> No.7531774 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 1100x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just piss off.

>> No.7531782 [DELETED] 

What are you doing on Tumblr, Frodo?

>> No.7531785 [DELETED] 

This kind of 'trigger' shit is really laughable. Being triggered means that it is supposed to cause you to panic or have some kind of traumatic reaction, not simply insight emotions. Anything and everything could potentially trigger someone, but it is certainly not anyone's job but your own to deal with it. Usually people go to therapy and learn to control their reaction or lessen the association, which is healthy. Sure it's fine for you to ask your friends/family members to be sensitive to it, but if you just try to hide from it, it will make it worse.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that most of these triggers are really just people feeling base emotions, offense, jealousy, annoyance, and yet they act as if it's going to cause them to seizure or something awful.

The hugbox "everyone needs to be sensitive to ME!" mentality that tumblr and a lot of others are adopting is really gross.

>> No.7531796 [DELETED] 

>tfw never will get bf and never will
>not even that uggo or fat, just too shy to talk to guys

>> No.7531799

Skinnyfag here, I use tumblr to upload my cosplay progress and sewing stuff. Been told multiple times by anons to 'eat a sandwich' or 'eww eat soda and ice cream' had one anon send me links to eating disorder websites....I'm six foot and 143lbs.

I don't understand the SJW side of tumblr, never have I seen more ignorance and blatant stupidity .

>> No.7531823

Are you guys talking about the lolita whose getting shit for complaining about people adding trigger warnings to her pictures just because she's thin?

Not everything on the internet needs a goddamn trigger warning. tw: rape, yes. tw: self harm, yes. tw: body image on any picture of a skinny person ever, what the fuck tumblr.

>> No.7531824

I'm so fucking sick of the tumblr in my comm. God forbid I say anything slightly less than PC. Maybe I'm just too fucking old and experienced to handle these idealistic SJW youths.

>> No.7531837

im not a lolita, just a skinny chick who happens to post things on tumblr. I've been told that my body is a trigger warning to fat girls, anorexi/bolemic girls, etc. other bullshit. Also had some nasty fifteen year old SJW tell me that i shouldn't date my mixed boyfriend because I was 'just doing it to try reverse my racist upbringing' and that i should "be ashamed for exploiting a beautiful POC"

>> No.7531849

There is a lolita that is currently dealing with crap because of this.

But I'm sorry that you've experienced that. Tumblr is ridiculous, after a recent bad experience with a SJW I pretty much want to leave the site completely.

>> No.7532093
File: 145 KB, 423x470, Rageofathousandsuns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of SJW Tumblrshits are in their mid 40s and 50s.

Not being an SJW is a simple matter of thinking for yourself. I'm a slight oldfag myself ( 30's ) and I can say that long before tumblr existed there were plenty of teens suffering from SJW syndrome when I was in highschool. I've noticed throughout the years that it's mainly a problem that manifests itself in people who lack individuality, but still want to be a special snowflake. Their lack of identity coupled with a desire to be seen as different leads them to try and build a sense of self through attention whoring, which is all SJWs really are. Attention whores.

>> No.7532105 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 500x575, tumblr_n4so9tmUYs1ts3bnmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay kawaii living doll hime gyaru real doll

I will not sleep tonight. This is not the hime gyaru I was looking for.

>> No.7533044
File: 62 KB, 1022x659, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post jfash, scenery and animu. I also talk a lot in tags if that bothers people. No nsfw/I tag it if i think it needs to be tagged.

>> No.7533220
File: 1.01 MB, 1112x607, Screen Shot 2014-05-02 at 6.56.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kawaii shit, jfashion, animu, all that jazz

occasional nsfw stuff too.

And shit, I should mention, I have a cooking blog dedicated to making dishes that reference or are based off of characters and dishes seen in various animes. If you guys are down to learn how to cook things, definitely check it out.


>> No.7533237


Fucking love your cooking blog, man. Been following your main for a little while, didn't know you were a seagull.

>> No.7533241
File: 66 KB, 182x181, Screen Shot 2014-04-25 at 11.20.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw thanks dude!

Truth be told, I don't usually go on /cgl/, mostly just lurk /b/ and /a/ when tumblr gets to be too annoying for me or something, but I've been checking this place out and it's like a much chiller version of the lolita/jfashion tumblr community

>> No.7533523
File: 89 KB, 1863x404, tumblrinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would enjoy tumblr a lot more if it wasn't full of special snowflakes.

>> No.7533585

>quoting an /r9k/ post

>> No.7535910

It's not from /r9k/.

>> No.7535941

Why is /cgl/ filled with so many tumblr faggots? You have your own site, please stay there and stop infecting ours with your snowflake cancer.

>> No.7535989 [DELETED] 

Because this is the feminism / SJW containment board.

Every other board views /cgl/ implicitly like this. We are the female equivalent of /r9k/ or the leftie (SJW) equivalent of /pol/. This is a fact.

The times where we were the "girl board where the cute girls are" are long gone.

>> No.7536077 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 531x640, 2427935-oh-you-make-me-cry-laughing-meme-rage-face-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7536241
File: 2.63 MB, 1904x937, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Primarily anime, kawaii, animals, cartoons and TV shows. Fairly regular Jfash, humor and general art that fits the theme as well.

>> No.7536245 [DELETED] 

I hope you're not laughing because you don't believe me. Just try mentioning /cgl/ somewhere else see what reaction you get. /fit/ is probably the only ones who might still remember that we are the board of women who belong to them but I doubt that as well.

>> No.7536267
File: 332 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n3sho6NHm61s8xd0xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a little bad because she looks like she's 13 or something, but

ugh make it stop

>> No.7536280
File: 82 KB, 400x518, tumblr_n3u6kppYoN1qmd8two1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7536296

both of these were supposed to be in the ita thread, oops

>> No.7536302 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 483x519, 1395893653722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even wish for us to be a "girl board" or "belong to /fit/"? It's just as deviated from the actual topic of this board as being an "SJW/feminist containment board". This is a costume and weeaboo clothing board, not /fem9k/ or /dating/.
Congrats, you are part of the cancer.

>> No.7536373 [DELETED] 

Stupid newfag shit. That's how we were called before we became /f9k/.

>> No.7536617 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 552x552, well-played-sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is why I was laughing.

>> No.7536722 [DELETED] 

>admitting that it's also a newfag
Fucking Tumblr hugbox trash thinks it's hot shit when it doesn't even know nothing about memes.

>> No.7536819 [DELETED] 
File: 500 KB, 480x228, 66d4d_ORIG-ahahah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying you're not from tumblr.

Holy shit, this is fucking gold.

>> No.7536824 [DELETED] 

You realize you're only speaking for a portion of the board, right? Not everyone who comes on here. This is why you are being laughed at.

Sage because this is getting fucking pathetic.

>> No.7536919 [DELETED] 


>> No.7537015 [DELETED] 

It's not necessarily because it's a mostly female board that turned us into a tumblr clone, it's because of the SJW janitor smothering our voice. This made /cgl/ more appealing to the cunts on tumblr who don't like mean stuffs. I'm disappointed by how tumblr infested this board has become, too, but there's an easy solution. Get rid of janitor chan and the tumblr will go away.
On pretty much every other board, mentioning tumblr will get you laughed out of a thread. Here, people boast about being from tumblr.
We used to hate fatties, now, making fun of fatties will get you banned for trolling because all the fat tumblr cunts will report you. It amazes me how you can't see the lowering of quality in this board. It's a social justice hugbox.

>> No.7537019 [DELETED] 

This. Women love attention, that's why the only fem board on 4chan is filled with "OMG LOOK AT MY TUMBLR XD"

>> No.7537117 [DELETED] 

>We used to hate fatties, now, making fun of fatties will get you banned for trolling because all the fat tumblr cunts will report you.
No, it'll get you banned because moot thought we were "too mean" and banned drama and lolcows. Stop scapegoating SJWs.

>> No.7537120 [DELETED] 

I got banned for a day for saying that hairdressing wasn't an important job that needed a real college education
I'm betting our janitor is a hairdresser too.

>> No.7537144 [DELETED] 

I got banned for a day for quoting hank hill within context of thread discussion.

>> No.7537153 [DELETED] 


I like how janitor chan deleted all the opinions regarding the use of PoC except for the one person who went "oh but I like being called PoC~~~~"

Excuse me while I go vomit.

>> No.7537173 [DELETED] 

I got banned for speaking to voldie.

>> No.7537202

Jesus Christ, you're pathetic.

>> No.7537212 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 300x400, 1392921560115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care for banning, my IP changes constantly so it really doesn't affect me, if I really wanted to shitpost I'd do so freely. The annoying thing is that anyone who disagrees with them is banned and their comment deleted, usually for being "off topic" while the arguments they like stay. Even though we were both talking about Tumblr shit in a tumblr thread, which has nothing to do with the board. The only difference was she was a feminist and I'm not. That's why the "all men are scum" shitposter gets to stay while any semblance of a discussion gets baleeted because our rights end where the mod/jan's feelings begin.

>> No.7537221 [DELETED] 

or you could drink a healthy cup of "get the fuck over it"

>> No.7537232


Blogs with SJW themes. Just letting everyone know before you decide to follow.

>> No.7537237 [DELETED] 

Angry feminist spotted.

It's really bizarre how its this board that has the most SJW influence. Even /lgbt/ is much more chill than this place.

>> No.7537241 [DELETED] 

or just someone whose tired of hearing people whine and wants to see more actual lolita blogs

like what the thread was actually made for

>> No.7537245 [DELETED] 

This thread is for the discussion of tumblr.

>> No.7537254 [DELETED] 


>Post URLs and screencap of archives!

are you sure anon

>> No.7537256

>Post URLs and screencap of archives!
Pretty sure it's for lolita/cosplay/j-fashion blogs, since it's in egl

>> No.7537266 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you doing? Do you even go to this board, did you read the thread or its content or did you jump in because you saw the word 'tumblr' and like every other fat piece of shit needed to loudly tell anyone near you how you felt about it existing, like it was a person?

>> No.7537276 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 390x99, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same person, but nice try.

I was participating in a discussion about Tumblr and its effect on this board. I was not the one who started the original conversation.

I've been a regular on this board for a while now, and have been noticing its decline for the past few months now. Am I not allowed to speculate on why that might be happening?

>> No.7537284 [DELETED] 

then make a new thread instead of fucking up this one. simple shit

>> No.7537300 [DELETED] 

Why the hell would you do that? I'd tell you to start a different thread, but unlike this one, that's offtopic and stupid as fuck. I mean, if you're an indication of what a pure and beautiful "free of ~tumblr~ influence" board this would be, bring out the shittiest tumblrs ever, because I'd rather take that to the face than your ranting

>> No.7537334 [DELETED] 

But I'm what saying is relevant to this thread?

Who's been ranting? Again, I'm not the person with the post with the Penn Teller image.

And how is it off-topic to discuss the current state of the board? I'm honestly getting vibes that you might be an SJW yourself.

>> No.7537351 [DELETED] 

how the fuck is whining about SJWs on a thread about lolita/j-fashion blogs relevant in the slightest. Make your own thread or get the fuck over it and stop making other threads off-topic

>> No.7537360 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't take the bait, anon. Maybe the thread is salvageable?

>> No.7537369 [DELETED] 

The thread is for all kinds of tumblrs. There are many being shared that barely feature any cosplay, lolita, or j-fashion at all (and some that don't). The OP does not at all specify that the thread is only for discussion of fashion tumblrs.

What is your issue exactly?

>> No.7537400 [DELETED] 

You have people here arguing about fat shaming, feminism, posting of strictly feminist tumblrs, tits, periods, vaginal cheese, sex. None of those are in the least relevant yet they get to stay.

>> No.7537414 [DELETED] 

they want URLS and archives
we're on /cgl/
are you retarded

>> No.7537416 [DELETED] 

Then why you haven't called out all of the people sharing tumblrs that have none of that content?

>> No.7537424 [DELETED] 

have you even fucking read this thread

>> No.7537485 [DELETED] 

Because at least they're sharing blogs, not bitching about inane shit like you

>> No.7537544 [DELETED] 

Samefagging tumblr SJW.

>> No.7537556 [DELETED] 

>shit up a thread like a retard
>people tell you to fuck off
>"Lol samefag :DD"
Is it really impossible to consider that more than one person thinks you're a dumbfuck?

>> No.7537560 [DELETED] 

Tumblr is shit, don't be mad that people are calling you on on being a tumblr whore.

>> No.7537561 [DELETED] 

Tell us your opinion on feminism.

>> No.7537563 [DELETED] 

She can't ban it unless you tumblr whores report it first.

>> No.7537566 [DELETED] 


>> No.7537571 [DELETED] 

Yes, tell us your opinion on feminism. As in, we on this board who are discussing the topic.

>> No.7537572 [DELETED] 

The majority of these tumblr blogs are peoples personal tumblr, where they reblog anything they like. Most aren't cosplay or lolita related in anyway, aside from the occasional reblog of a lolita coord. It's irreverent to this board, and I don't understand why this stupid thread isn't deleted. Fucking tumblr cancer, please go.

>> No.7537578 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I know. That was my point, actually.

>> No.7537579 [DELETED] 

This thread has nothing to do with feminism, you're just bitching about it because I don't know. Do you have something on topic to say?

>> No.7537584 [DELETED] 

I just want to know why you're so mad about people not liking tumblr or its influence on this board. My guess is that its the result of your personal ideology, which is probably pretty close to the insane things you see on tumblr. The easiest way to determine if that's true is by asking you.

So, what are your opinions on feminism?

>> No.7537602 [DELETED] 

I don't like tumblr either, but why are you bitching?
No one really cares. You're just bursting into a thread and bitching like a faggot virgin. Shhhhh. No one cares about you're political ideology. Know who does?

>> No.7537605 [DELETED] 

What's your opinion on homosexuality?

>> No.7537616 [DELETED] 
File: 931 KB, 473x859, tumblr12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gay is pretty great, thanks.

If you don't like tumblr, than what exactly is your objections to my posts?

See this image? This was a post that was re-blogged on the last actual tumblr link (>>7533220) that was posted in this thread. Do you think this is the kind of content that should be shared and featured on /cgl/?

>> No.7537630 [DELETED] 

Feminism is not a political ideology. Feminism is what you have to say you support or else you will be blacklisted by the majority of the society in the West.

Does this remind you of anything? Of course it doesn't, you underage shits...

Can't wait for it to come full circle when they finally legalize that "disagreeing with feminism = hate speech".

>> No.7537634 [DELETED] 

Can we just fucking kill this thread? Where's the janitor?

>> No.7537638 [DELETED] 

So? Someone reblogged something feminist, why are you so upset?

>> No.7537651 [DELETED] 

The vast majority of autists who hate feminism are misogynist, so it kind of is hate speech. Most argue that women shouldn't vote, or that women ruined the west, ect.

>> No.7537655 [DELETED] 


It is hate speech, though. Anti-feminist sites are anti-woman.

>> No.7537659 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 640x360, _67955617_mmftbmourinhoreturnstochelsea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're all fat ugly lesbos

>> No.7537660 [DELETED] 


>> No.7537682
File: 931 KB, 473x859, tumblr12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7537684


Did you link to the wrong posts? I looked at the first 8 pages of both and saw maybe 1 SJW post between the two of them.

>> No.7537685

What's your point?

>> No.7537691

I wish we could gas all the fatties. Being fat is a sign that your a lazy shit with horrible genetics, they should be forbidden from breeding.

>> No.7537692

Yes, for one of them.

These are the two with the SJW themes:

My apologies for the potential confusion.

>> No.7537695

What do you mean? Just posting what was on their blog to show the kind of content on there.

>> No.7537697

Wanting equality for your gender doesn't make you a SJW. Also, you already admitted that you're a homo. Opinion discarded.
Faggots fist fuck each other and literally eat shit, so don't try to tell me you're good people.

>> No.7537701

Woah, watch that hate speech there. Please check your privilege.

>> No.7537702

Finally, our blessed heroine, the janitor, deleted all the anti-feminsit (=hate) speech.

Let this be a lesson that all those who refuse to identify as feminists are misogynistic autistic neckbeards who hate women.

>> No.7537703


Yeah, I think you mislinked this. It's not SJW either. I would know because it's my blog. Let me know where you are getting the SJW from because I am genuinely curious.

>> No.7537709

Hating faggots isn't hate speech, it's a natural instinct. Homosexuality injures the fabric of society, especially children. A society that accepts immoral relationships cause children to stumble into immorality. You're a faggot who is trying to push his homosexual agenda over the internet, hope that AIDS will kill you.

>> No.7537710
File: 1.52 MB, 1449x655, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


vintage, movies, films, music, art.

>> No.7537711

You've been spewing your misogyny all over this thread, so don't be mad when people call you what you are.

>> No.7537712

Misfire. Meant to say >>7537692 mislinked.

>> No.7537717

Please stop. You are really upsetting and triggering me right now. I am literally on the verge on tears and I want to vomit on to my keyboard. I was diagnoses with a social anxiety disorder, and I literally just can't.

>> No.7537718

I think it's one anon who's pissed their posts got deleted so they're cherry picking anything that can be seen as feminism and 'warning' people about it like a loud fat sack of shit. Idk, don't worry about it, I feel like if you even address it it's opening them up for a 'discussion' so they can get some attention.

>> No.7537720

Ok, now I'm really confused. Who were you linking to?

I was the one who posted the warning to everyone.

>> No.7537721

Homosexuality is anti procreation. Fags hate women and want to ruin the west with their disgusting degeneracy. Fucking nasty social disease. Why should anyone listen to what you have to say after you admitted that you want to ruin humanity?

>> No.7537724

Sorry. You had linked to my blog (mickymomo) both times saying it's SJW which confused me because it's literally cats, clothes and Disney 95% of the time. So I'm trying to figure out where the SJW label came from. I don't even think I posted something related to feminism since I tend to use tumblr as an image catalog.

>> No.7537726

This. Make him go away.

>> No.7537731
File: 5 KB, 413x37, tumblr13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I found your personal blog.

>> No.7537736

Oh man, that *one* post. Completely forgot about it...it was a joke with friends who were sick of everything having to be "empowering" so we wanted to see if putting japan and feminism in one post would garner interest on tumblr. It didn't. But yeah, I can see how that one post from 6 months ago would be SJW.

>> No.7537749

The cosplay world needs feminism.

>> No.7537759
File: 1.02 MB, 1555x761, tumble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


videogames (mostly valve stuff), humor, sometimes anime

>> No.7537762
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1390357664051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.7537763 [DELETED] 

Homosexual behaviour has been observed among 1,500 species, and in 500 of those it is well documented.
To turn the approach on its head: No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis.

Being homosexual is just as normal as anything else. You're free to hate whatever the fuck you want but don't give it not being natural.
Also the population with the highest percent of aids is straight females.

>> No.7537764

have yall seen this dumb bitchs tumblr? take a gander at her most recent shit: http://oopsfuckproductions.tumblr.com/

stems from this: http://durnesque.tumblr.com/post/84799616624/attention-cosplay-costume-designers

>> No.7537772

The fact that this thread is still here is just proof of the fact that our janitor is a biased SJW twat who deletes and bans whatever she doesn't agree with
Inb4 I get banned for a week for posting "off-topic"

>> No.7537774

Homosexual behaviour has been observed among 1,500 species, and in 500 of those it is well documented.
To turn the approach on its head: No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis.

Being homosexual is just as normal as anything else. You're free to hate whatever the fuck you want but don't use "it not being natural" as a reason.

Also the population with the highest percent of aids is straight females.

>> No.7538088

Fuck off misogynerd neckbeard virgin who hates women.

>> No.7538090

>Being homosexual is just as normal as anything else.
That's like saying living with Down Syndrome is just as normal as anything else.

>> No.7538092
File: 80 KB, 448x528, 123712312673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm a girl and here it comes again.
This entire thread is cancerous and so is tumblr it makes me want to puke in a non-cute way.

If you praise tumblr what are you doing here then? Could you please fuck off to your website? And take reddit with you, too.

>> No.7538113

This is a Tumblr thread on a board where 90% is female and has a Tumblr, you fucking misogynerd thinking that pretending to be a woman makes your opinion worth reading (it doesn't and I don't).

>> No.7538125

>God forbid I say anything slightly less than PC
Yeah, it really sucks that your black jokes and stereotypes aren't so hot anymore. Go back to the home, grandma

>> No.7538154

Completely rhetorically owned.

I bet the neckbeard is frothing at his mouth now.

>> No.7538183

This. Top fucking kek.
not even once

>> No.7538197
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1356404849872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, I'm actually female. Probably that 10% that are left out. And anyways never in my life I've visited this shithole website except for laughs at fat whores fishing for compliments they don't deserve.

And if I tell you to go the fuck back to your website you aparently love makes me misogyn? Toppest kek.
What the fuck does this even have to do with gender?
Holy shit I always thought that tumblrfags are the worst kind of human, but talking to you makes me realize this is some next level shit. I bet you feel raped now even if it's over the web and I don't even have a dong to stick it in.

I want you all cunts to leave this board. You haven't been here 2 years ago, because back then it was a great place here. Please, I beg you to go away. And by that I mean this entire thread.

>> No.7538210

>on a board where 90% is female
>Probably that 10% that are left out.
I'm guessing you misread the post as being "90% of the females here have a Tumblr" but it's funny bc you just called yourself a guy. Just go away.

>> No.7538223


Misogynistic scum.

>> No.7538233

> Probably that 10% that are left out.

>> No.7538244

That article is written by a Tumblr SJW and no one can convince me otherwise

>> No.7538249

>I bet you feel raped now even if it's over the web and I don't even have a dong to stick it in.
Not even that anon you were arguing with but this alone makes it pretty fucking obvious that you're a guy (who's never had contact with women as well). No girl would make such callous jokes about rape, especially not on /cgl/.