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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7503231 No.7503231 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.7503286
File: 107 KB, 429x600, 534497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay pic-related, but since I'm fairly new at sewing my own costumes I had a few questions.

1- What's the best way to get the pattern on the coat? I don't imagine it's easy to find the the right material with that pattern. Would the best option be like sewing the dimonds like patches? Or heat pressing them like a sticker? Maybe there is another method?

2- The shirt looks similar to what you'd buy for Ouji or Loli? Should I lurk through Taobao to find something similar, or world it be best to just make it from scratch?

3- I'm planning on wearing shoes with a bit of a heel (again similar to what you'd find in ouji) to make me look taller and slimmer (since i'm only 5'5). Is that too far off that It'd be noticeable?

Sorry if it's a lot of questions and it seems like spoon feeding, but I'd sincerely Thank any answers.

>> No.7503333

Where would be the best place to buy a spiderman zentai?

Also, I can't tell what my sizes will be when I end up going to my con I'm going to order as late as possible, but my weight and form will be shifting at the time. Any good way to accutately guess what my dimensions will be by then?

>> No.7503345
File: 1.92 MB, 760x2082, diamond_patchwork_tutorial_by_the_cosplay_scion-d39lgmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch the Diamond portion, I'll post what I found just in case it helps anyone.

>> No.7503380
File: 182 KB, 690x765, RG Destiny 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the planning stages at the moment, but what would do you guys suggest (Material-wise) I use for the wings of light? Given how big the wings are, panes of acrylic are out of the question.

>> No.7503387

Not an expert on this, but what about Eva Foam? It's not that Heavy and you might be able to get the metallic finish.

I'm not sure if the wings are thick like Jehuty's
or just thin sheets, in which case you might find a better alternative.

>> No.7503390

I've got a knitwear sweater that I need to alter (turn a regular shaped collar into a v-neck one.) OFC, I don't want it to do any sort of weird puckering or rolling up around the new neckline; how do I sew it so it won't do that?

>> No.7503811
File: 83 KB, 334x500, TUXSUBPL0001-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would a large busted woman go about buying a tuxedo/suit for a formal event?
I'm cross dressing with a friend and have no idea how I should approach the idea. I considered ordering a suit online but I'm kind of against the idea because I'd rather try the thing on first, and any time I want to try something on in store I feel like I'm being judged harshly by the store attendants.
Are there any other options? Any help would really be appreciated.

>> No.7503824

>large busted woman
>cross dressing

Have you considered a binder yet?

>> No.7503840

Yup. I've thought of the ones on ebay, but I'm not too sure on how much it'll constrict my breathing (if at all).

>> No.7504085
File: 413 KB, 1105x1600, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna cosplay as Rohan but have no idea on what to buy for a base wig and how to style it. The headband really adds a layer I'm not used to not to mention I don't have much styling experience

>> No.7504178
File: 67 KB, 350x308, sleeping-disneyscreencaps_com-3538_362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friends, what would be a good color from arda for princess aurora's hair i was thinking dark ash blonde or maybe just ash blond?

>> No.7504197


Do you mean you're looking for a tuxedo cut for ladies? Or do you mean how to approach buying a men's tux after wearing the binder...?

The cheapest and easiest way to get a "ladies' tux", if you don't particularly mind the inaccuracy, is to get a pant suit and shirt (office blouse) from the ladies' department, office wear section. If you're not sure exactly what to look for, go to the men's dept and check out the men's tuxes so you can find something similar in the ladies'. You can get the tie and the cummerbund from the mens' section to finish it off. The cuffs probably need some modification if you want to wear cufflinks though.

>> No.7504227
File: 190 KB, 406x396, site minuki face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would I be looking at to get a single resin-cast jewel like this one commissioned? Just the green jewel itself, I don't need any of the fancy edging or pin backing or anything.

In over my head in work on several different cosplays and not particularily looking forward to trying to find and learn resin-casting at the same time if I can avoid it...

>> No.7504252

Ash blonde looks closer to me, but that's just my opinion.

Can anyone tell me if any of the Liz Lisa replica's do sizes other than free? The length on the free size dresses are a little less than modest, but I really love the style

>> No.7504283


You can't really turn normal sleeve cuffs into French cuffs, as French cuffs are twice as long and folded over before the cufflinks go through them. You could alter a normal sleeve cuff so there are buttonholes on both sides, but it won't be accurate.

As for the suit, if you have time/$$, buy a tux online that will fit your measurements, and then take it to a tailor and have it altered to fit you. Very few suits will fit you properly off-the-rack, anyway. If you want a masculine silhouette, buy a men's tux; if you want to look like a woman in a suit, buy a women's suit (may not be able to find a tux, but it depends, as the other anon said, on how accurate you want to be).

>> No.7504288

make your own for cheaper
use a mold
fill with green dyed resin

>> No.7504300
File: 84 KB, 534x367, pokemon-platinum-characterspicture-of-pok--mon-platinum-version-ny4gwzp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of doing this version of Dawn from Pokemon Platinum, and I was wondering where I could get the coat, or if there is one similar to it. Thanks.

>> No.7504306

I'm not sure if this was addressed in the other thred, but how can I maintain the shape of an open bodysuit without using tape? I turn into a swaet monster so I feel as though tape would be inadequate. (For a Nisa from Neptunia cosplay)

>> No.7504312

Can someone just tell me how much approximately it would be? I know it's easy, but I'm sick in bed and behind schedule on like 3 costumes. If it's not gonna be too horribly expensive, commissioning would be worth it to me simply for saving me the time it would take running around town trying to find resin, dye, a mold, etc, read up on how to do it, and inevitably fail several times just for the sake of one little jewel.
I just want to know approximately how much more I'd be paying for someone else to do it and save me that trouble, if I decide to do that

>> No.7504387


Could you do something with cellophane like people make fairy wings out of? It would be super light and still be transparent.

>> No.7504468
File: 2.41 MB, 874x2814, 20130927194940!Nami's_First_Outfit_Water_7_Arc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatively easy cosplay, just want to know, where can I find that skirt? I've tried thrifting and even peeking around main line stores. But I can't seem to find that skirt. They're usually too short, like for dance wear, or too long online.

>> No.7504893
File: 94 KB, 900x506, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /cgl/, for my first Cosplay attempt, I'm looking to do Bigby Wolf from Fables Comics/Wolf Among Us. While I feel it's a pretty simple design, I'm thinking of how to actually show to be the character. My face fits, and my bodyshape is in the works, my issue is conveying the source well enough.

I've decided to likely use fake hair to add some extra thickness to my already existing arm hair, but my stubble is light brown and doesn't show up well. Beyond yellow contacts ( As he shows when shifting ), I'm looking to potentially darken my stubble.

Is there a product good for that? Perhaps light use of mascara to my facial hair? And secondly, would accenting my facial lines be too far? I get the feeling it'd look like bad grease lines or something on my face.

>> No.7504925

Piecing is definitely the best method. The only thing I'd add to the tutorial you posted is to do your jacket pattern first and then divide it into diamonds rather than piecing and then overlaying your pattern. That way you get them lined up properly along the front and hem and you get the right number of diamonds.

The shirt is more of a poet shirt than a loli or ouji shirt. It's pretty easy to make from scratch, and if you need a pattern one of the big 4 will have a Ren faire type pattern that will work as a base.

I have no trouble believing Howl would wear shoes with a heel. He's a vain peacock.

>> No.7504977
File: 95 KB, 700x800, 133750_s0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just stupid but I can't figure out how her skirt would be shaped if laid out flat. Anybody know what shape I need to make? Please and thank you.

>> No.7504985
File: 123 KB, 640x360, tumblr_mw0n2hhoXH1qjiagzo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to plan out a garnet cosplay but trying to figure out where to being with her gauntlets as well as the chest and shoulder pieces. I rather not just paint a Lycra suit when it comes to that.

>> No.7505071

Anybody on this?

>> No.7505085

>my weight and form will be shifting at the time
lol'ed, like you're a shapeshifter or something
Anyway, if you have to ask people on cgl how to guess your measurements at some indiscernible point in the future I would assume they are not going to be much different than they are now, otherwise you'd already have a decent idea of your progress.
But zentai suits do have some stretch. Get an idea of your progress (based on PAST results, not future speculation ie "I am totally going to start my diet next month!") and estimate it over x period of time, then buy a suit that would fit midway. If you're between a larger and smaller size based on maximum and mini measurements (ie you expect to be a size 6, it's between a size 4 and 8), go for the larger one. You can always take it in or take it to a seamstress. you probably have one locally even if you don't know about it. And don't wait forever to order, in my experience zentai places take 3-6 weeks to ship.

>> No.7505881

Thanks a bunch anon.

>> No.7505900
File: 12 KB, 700x454, yeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the shitty paint drawing.

>> No.7505953

Not sure if this belongs here, but help! I brought a blue skirt for mori and when I wore it out today (I just got it in the mail), the blue bled onto my skin! I now have a blueish butt.

How should I wash this to get rid of the bleed? I don't have clorox or anything, so would a few soaks in warm water do it?

>> No.7506387

Thank you! Do you think I'll need to gather it or will the fabric just fall into the folds?

>> No.7506413
File: 153 KB, 552x425, The-Idolm-ster-Idolmaster-Shiny-Festa-Haruka-Amami-Cosplay-Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would someone go about making the gold pieces on this outfit?

>> No.7506420
File: 170 KB, 640x892, 6u7gKaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on making a Punpun head? I'm just trying to figure out what to use for the base shape and I think the rest will be pretty simple.

>> No.7506425

use a penis

>> No.7506444
File: 173 KB, 665x546, a6f88081feba65f1d2b4b04e2ae8eefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a double cosplay and I'm trying to squeeze 3 others under my belt, so I'm planning to just buy a dress and modding it.
I'm worried the fabric may look too weird any input?
Also, anyone have tips on how I should go about creating the monster form? I'm hoping to have it protruding from my back like I drew. My plan was to have it attach to a harness similar to a wing harness.

>> No.7506800
File: 1.18 MB, 3280x2460, hlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a bit of a moral/physical appearance dilemma.

For the first time I will be cosplaying a character with no sleeves so my arms will be on display. The thing is, I have hairy forearms. It hasn't bothered me in a long time and I don't really care about it, but I do get infinitely more self-conscious in cosplay and I'm thinking of getting rid of it.

They're about as thick and a bit darker than the image posted. Should I shave them? Should I wax? I don't want to bleach because I'm tanned so I feel like white hairs would probably stand out just as much as the regular hair. Should I just leave it be? I'm worried if I do get rid of it and let it grow back it'll grow back weird.

>> No.7506805

Ultimately it's up to what YOU want to do IMO. If you feel self conscious about it, do it; if you don't give a fuck, don't bother. If you leave it, you'll probably get shit for it though, some people are really offended by arm hair on girls for some reason.

>> No.7506827

I shave my arms all the time and it has never grown back weird. It comes back pretty slowly too, I shave maybe once a month. My hairs are blonde so you don't see them as much but they used to be really long and dense when I was a child. Also the whole "hairs grow back thicker when you pluck/shave" thing is a myth. The ends of your hairs get worn down over time, so having fresh cut ends can make it seem thicker at first. So I'd say just shave before the con but be careful around your elbows and wrists.

>> No.7506830

Get them waxed, they won't grow back funny just finer. I had about the same amount as the pic and they're much finer now that I've waxed them 3-4 times.

>> No.7506833
File: 722 KB, 376x480, P3_Chidori_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a really hard time deciding on a fabric to use for the costume in my picture. Every cosplayer I ask says to go for cotton but what kind of cotton? I don't want to go into this and pick up something that looks like quilting cotton and I want something that has a nice flow to it. Everything I get a sample of seems to be too stiff or too thin.

>> No.7506834

I have the same issue and I have waxed it and shaved it. It didn't grow back weird with either.

>> No.7506877
File: 56 KB, 600x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Reposting from the last thread)

I want a good EVA uniform for an Asuka cosplay, and I like this one, but the same image is on that site, and HelloCosplay. And to the anon in the last thread who told me to just but the Bodyline one: I don't want that one, I've seen it IRL and I wasn't impressed.

Anyway my question is in two parts:

-how legit are either or these sites?
-how likely am I to get the uniform in the picture.

>> No.7507034

light to mid weight cotton sateen if you'd like a little sheen

>> No.7507058
File: 10 KB, 400x533, ARCE-1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found the official one from the last thread (via Google, hur).


It'll run you about $275 USD, and there's a built in shipping calculator right below the "add to cart" button.

>> No.7507141

Hi guys!

I'm doing my first prop cosplay and I wanted a little advice. I'm going to be cosplaying the OAV Dead Master from BRS. My main question was on the scythe I know I'm going to use foam for the blade but I'm not sure what I should use for the snath(handle portion) I'm also on a little bit of a loss on how to attach the wings, thinking of using some kind of clear strap or something.

>> No.7507143
File: 78 KB, 800x563, Dead-Master-OVA-black-rock-shooter-31454288-800-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach the pic sorry!

>> No.7507146

Cotton sateen or good quality (bridal) matte poly satin, depending on your preference for appearance and material to work with. Both will drape. Cotton sateen is easier to work with, but poly satin is more wrinkle resistant. Satin will also give it a more dressy look.

>> No.7507293

I've found a good number of patterns and directions to start with but does anyone have a favorite tutorial/pattern for a Seifuku? Don't want to waste mockup fabric on shitty patterns if I can help it

>> No.7507395

I'm going to fiberglass a large foam prop, think 2.2m in height, 0.5m in width and 7cm in depth (if the prop were to be a rectangle). In the UK the cheapest woven fiberglass is around 270 gsm. How many layers do you think I should use?
I'm thinking 2 but if someone could tell me their experiences with a single layer of fiberglass is with a large prop I would appreciate it.

>> No.7507530
File: 249 KB, 275x444, sjka;l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked WIP, but they didn't help me.

I"m looking for how to attatch a thigh piece to my leg. It's all norse leather armour. I want to connect it to my belt, but I worry that'll pull my belt down all day (when I walk) I also tried velcroing it really tight on my leg. Again, that fell down.

Any suggestions? I really need help

Pic related, the thigh I want to cover


>> No.7507581
File: 300 KB, 458x1200, Black_2_White_2_Hugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of pants are these? They seem to be baggy but only until you reach the knees.

>> No.7507647

That's something the artist/designer felt like drawing, not a type of pants. Traditional jodhpurs have a sort of similar shape.

>> No.7507664
File: 38 KB, 800x600, Long_Elf_Ears_by_Monoyasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the anons who asked on how to paint elf ears for the last thread.
whats the easiest method for painting them? how can you do it?

can you just use makeup and then some sort of sealant?
any tutorials?

>> No.7507707
File: 213 KB, 1422x800, 1397811787450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I'm relatively new to cosplay and therefore I'm still in the process of learning to make costumes. I went ahead and just bought mine instead of making it, since my convention is coming up shortly and I didn't want to mess anything up and spend more money than I anticipated.

Clearing that up, my costume has a lot of problems with it. It's a Ryuko Matoi cosplay, as in the picture for those who aren't klk fans. The top came way too short. It's supposed to expose my midriff and be hemmed just above my navel, but it's right under my bust. Every time I left my arms, the bottom half of my chest/bra is exposed, and I can't walk around all day not lifting my arms. My mother suggest I add elastic so it'll stay in place. What should I do?

>> No.7507709

They're supposed to be harem pants, thought they look cleaner and more stylized than they do irl.

>> No.7507909

Roll with it.

>> No.7507967

looks like some old fashioned joshpurs to me

>> No.7507984

PVC pipe works. You can heat it up with a heat gun and bend it for the curve if you like.

I have my own question too.
I'm working on t11 Pally gear and I want to use worbla for the trim on the helm (to support the gold wings, which will also be worbla, in a perfect world).
I have no idea how to attach the hood to the trim if it's made of worbla. I'd prefer to make detachable, and I want the fabric to line up with the top edge of the trim so it's smooth. If I can't find a way, I'm just going to end up super gluing it, I think. Thoughts?

>> No.7507989
File: 23 KB, 263x330, helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, sorry.

>> No.7508001
File: 111 KB, 1035x1380, rsase301_whitekhakiseersucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, wear a cropped tank top under, like they sell at Urban outfitters or American Apparel if you're concerned. Or a sports bra (avoid chunky ones or nips showing tho...)
Sure, its a cop out but whatever. Go for bloomers too, since your skirt may flip.


>> No.7508004

>You can heat it up with a heat gun and bend it for the curve if you like.

Sounds awesome. Did you happen to know what the heat limit is for PVP pipe? I don't want to melt it or anything.

>> No.7508018

For SnK cosplayers, what's the best way to attach the gear to your harness?

>> No.7508033

Pretty high. I tried pending a piece of pvc pipe myself and it took quite awhile. You probably won't melt it unless you fall asleep with the heat gun on and pointed at the plastic.
I'd post a picture but it looks like I don't have one.

>> No.7508071
File: 128 KB, 461x355, mormongarments[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought that was a photo of a lady in mormon underwear. then i googled it and it was way too slutty to be mormon underwear.

>> No.7508138

The skirt is actually TOO long and needs hemmed. But thanks! I'll try that. I actually have a navy blue cropped tank top I can dig out.

>> No.7508183
File: 13 KB, 300x383, Konomi_Yuzuhara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for a wig for Konomi from To Heart 2? I'm having a hard time finding one. I'm bad at cutting and dying wigs. I might just have to cosplay another character.

>> No.7508275

If you're going to cosplay, you're going to need to know how to at least style and trim a wig. You could try the chibi from Arda. http://arda-wigs.com/products/chibi

Or http://arda-wigs.com/products/derek with either short wefts styled into pigtail clips, if you can do that. Or just get two of the http://arda-wigs.com/products/long-clip-ponytail and cut them. There are countless tutorials online to teach you how to cut wigs. Never cut straight across, cut upwards or at a slightly slanted angle. Make sure you layer it right for fluffy pigtails like those.

>> No.7508500
File: 238 KB, 391x386, Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 11.07.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello guys, i really want to make the cosplay of the dress anastasia wears during the song "once upon a december" and i am just alittle confused to what fabrics i should use and what fabrics i should stay away from, any advice would help please and thank you

>> No.7508506

Stay away from cheap costume satin. Other than that, you're pretty much free to do with whatever. I'd pick something with a little glitter for the gown.
Just remember to wear a petti under the gown for a gorgeous, full skirt.

Good luck, anon! Anastasia is my favorite movie!

>> No.7508509

Stay away from costume satin or anything cheap. If you want a sheen to it, get something with low sheen

>> No.7508742
File: 65 KB, 600x337, spacedandy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really considering doing an Adélie cosplay.
How would one try to approach this wig?
I was thinking about buying a Yellow-Blonde Jasmine wig from Arda and going from there.
However, I feel like the pink/white covering on the sides of her face would be difficult to 'put into' the hair.

>> No.7508763

I'd put the white part under the wig, like a bathing cap of some sort. Then put the wig over it.

>> No.7508771

A bathing cap! Brilliant. Anon, I love you.

>> No.7508794

Get a small circular styrofoam or base frame from michael's, floral section of jo-ann or wherever and wrap extensions around it. A friend used something like that for her Jasmine wig. it was amazing

>> No.7508836 [DELETED] 


I'll post some cosplayers so you can get some inspiration.

Sleeve edges look nice. Whatever she did you finish the hem looks good and non intrusive.

>> No.7508839
File: 90 KB, 900x842, __anastasia___by_mikacosplay-d3by2fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll post some cosplayers so you can get some inspiration.

Sleeve edges look nice. Whatever she did you finish the hem looks good and non intrusive.

>> No.7508844
File: 197 KB, 425x640, 5457897538_1ff64f129e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good color for the dress but not the right sleeve length and the hem of the sheer is too big.

>> No.7508848
File: 125 KB, 333x500, 4593053594_bc1ff8bb0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks nice

>> No.7508854
File: 218 KB, 700x1141, AX10_A_Belle_at_the_Ball_by_moonymonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


completely wrong bodice shape but nice fabric choice.
Also wrong tiara
The sheer looks a little stiff but not bad.

>> No.7508859 [DELETED] 

same chick, different lighting.

I like the luster of the fabric

>> No.7508867
File: 112 KB, 774x1032, anastasia_a_song_someone_sings_by_kagina-d34t6wl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same chick different lighting.

The fabric's luster is nice.

>> No.7508874
File: 18 KB, 236x344, abef330bd52379290db62f9c508e5ef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dress shape!
But fabric you do not want to pick. Not quite as bad as costume satin but the flash makes it look cheap. The sleeves look even worse.

>> No.7508891

everything aboyt this is nice except the crown, they should have tried for show accurate instead of store bought :/

>> No.7510214
File: 444 KB, 1000x746, tumblr_mqshxfdg0S1qz5g4uo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to make this Punk Sailor Moon for Fanime and I'm coming across two problems.

First is here back heart bun in this picture. I have a shaved head (Minus my bangs) so I don't really have any hair to attach the piece too. What I was thinking of doing is using spirit gum to attach a few stud like pieces to my head (which I was going to do for the spikes) and having them hook into the piece. I don't have much experience with spirit gum though and am a little concerned of whatever strain that might put on my skin. If anyone could yay or nay that idea for me that kind of will decide if I will go about it this way or not. I was planning on making the heart out of foam and then wrapping it in hair so it was lightweight.

Second, what would those pads on her coat be called or what method would be the best to go about creating them? I originally thought about just putting upholstery foam inside a pleather case and then sewing the lines down but I don't know if my machine can handle that.

>> No.7510255


This is a really out there and interesting idea. I'd love to see pictures and junk when you start doing it.

sage for no contribution

>> No.7510413
File: 117 KB, 719x1110, zero_in_mythos_by_solfei-d38wkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next big project is Zero in his Mythos form. I plan to spend half a year on it and the only thing that intimidates me is all the casting it will require as there is a lot of glass-like parts of his costume, particularly his blade and hubs for LED lights.

So for someone who knows nothing about casting is there a good tutorial for this kind of stuff and is casting his sword even a good idea?

>> No.7510437

For the coat, maybe use batting? It's thin enough to be easily workable but you can cut it up and stack it for the shape

>> No.7511872
File: 6 KB, 202x250, rae rae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Raven from animated series for upcoming con. I have 2 years of perfect fabric but literally no clue on how to sew cloak???

>> No.7511877


>> No.7512135
File: 70 KB, 792x603, Symbols-SR-Raziel_Wing-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions because I'm retarded! So I'm going to be cosplaying pic related for Pax Prime. How do you mount giant ass wings to your waist/lower back? More important, without using a corset? I have a very curvy back and a prominent butt.

Being thus, I'm a girl with a small chest. Anyway I could do the cosplay "shirtless"?

>> No.7512160
File: 12 KB, 210x275, ss (2014-04-14 at 12.25.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a Gene from God Hand cosplay and I got almost everything covered except how to paint the armguard. I'm doing the pieces and putting them together but I'm shitty at painting and have no idea how to get that slightly "used metal" look it seems to have. Any brush methods that would be useful for me? I have access to Citadel acryl paint and Citadel Chaos Black spray.

>> No.7512382

Don't know if this is the right place to ask, but fuck it. I'm trying to teach someone how to make a foam armor but she wants to do a small project before talking a full armor.
What would be a good beginner project to learn the basics?

>> No.7512528
File: 2.00 MB, 341x192, tumblr_mz9lpu5w0f1rcc0r5o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was you I'd use the waist part of his pants to mount the wings onto, or use the pants to hide the wing mount since it comes over his waist. Also from the concept art you posted, you can see that raziel's wings are actually not that big so you shouldn't have to much of a problem with it, just remember to minimize the weight of the wings as much as you can.

>> No.7512532
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 9875646354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stud fell off my shoe, what do I do? It's a clean split with no tearing or breaking of the stud, but it's right on the toe. I must have caught it on the desk or something but I'm miffed.

>> No.7512536

gorilla glue

>> No.7512537

i have no idea what that is

>> No.7512538

It's glue. are you a moron?

>> No.7512539

i live in a tiny town in the middle of england m80 i don't have access to weird brands of glue just give me the type of glue

>> No.7512550

You fucking imbecile just order it online.

>> No.7512554

theres a perfectly good homebase near me im sure they have the same stuff as gorilla glue just in a different package but i cant buy it when i dont know which one to get and i'm not waiting a fucking month and a half for delivery

>> No.7512555

Can you take 2 seconds to google then? Holy fuck.

>> No.7512748
File: 261 KB, 1087x1648, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing the hero class from awakening starting from scratch. This is my first cosplay but money is not a question...(but really just $400 max) how do I armor?

>> No.7513694
File: 567 KB, 611x621, Legs doe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a Bigband cosplay. Anyone have any idea to how I should make the legs

>> No.7513742
File: 367 KB, 792x612, 5189026535_744395518c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was going to utilize the waist part of his pants to hide it. That isn't the issue. I guess they aren't that big though, huh? I suppose in theory I could make some kind of sturdy waist support as the red part that ties/straps in the front and mount them to that, hm...

That just leaves me with the chest problem. I'm terrible with make-up, so maybe just some kind of black crop top or a sports bra?...

>> No.7513856
File: 301 KB, 450x600, 1389846161151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it looked down upon to get part of a cosplay commissioned?
I'm really considering getting a set of wings commissioned but I've always made things on my own before.. So it would feel kind of weird for me to wear something someone else has made.
I know for sure if I spent all the money on feathers and supplies it would turn out to be a total flop if I made the wings myself.
Any advice gulls?

>> No.7513885


>> No.7513899

I need to buy a spandex bodysuit, and I have no idea how to order something that fits well. I haven't been able to find a tutorial or any kind of instructions.

Does anyone know how to pick something out? Or what kind of irl-store they would be sold in?

>> No.7513913

I'm gonna be making big band next year. My plan was to use foam and cardboard to build the segmented pieces for his legs, and for the joint's your best bet is probably to make some sort of hollow ball piece you can fit your legs through that can give you some good bending room. If you're still working on it when I am I'll definitely be throwing progress up onto /cgl/'s progress threads :O

>> No.7513928

I get the feeling you're really self-absorbed anon. Who will even care? Usually there's less 'shame' in commissioning something than buying it because you're supporting a local worker, and as long as you give credit where credit is due then people shouldn't have an issue with it.

If you know it'd look like shit if you did it yourself then don't fucking do it.

>> No.7513935
File: 254 KB, 425x600, Gene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I even find pants like these? I can't sew pants for shit.

>> No.7514435
File: 1.29 MB, 1294x1131, angelic buster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any ideas on what I should use to make that ball of energy inside her arm cannon? I have no clues whatsoever. I'd also appreciate any tips anyone would have to share on LEDs, since it's going to be my first time working with anything like them.

>inb4 shitty cosplay choice
I know, too.

>> No.7514452

You could take a plastic ball and have some paper in the shapes you want it on the inside and have an LED or something.

>> No.7514680

How were you planning to secure the separate leg pieces to your leg though? I was thinking knee/leg braces, and then applying the foam/cardboard on top, or potentially tighten-able belt parts.

I'm wrestling with ideas because I want decent mobility, and I want to be able to get the damn things on and off if I need to

For the ball maybe, I could apply shit around a kneebrace

>> No.7514852

How do I sew pockets into spandex? I'm trying but my first attempt looks like a loose vagina.

>> No.7514967

What the fuck are you even doing? Anything you put in a pocket under spandex is going to show the shape through unless your spandex whatever is way too big and then why are you even using spandex???

>> No.7514998

Trying to make a pocket to put cash in or something for boy briefs/shorts that go under a dress or a pair of shorts. Nothing too big or bulky.
Have any better suggestions? I'm honestly kind of at a loss.

>> No.7515144

seems pretty straightforward, unless you want articulated fingers.

>> No.7515325

Do a square patch pocket with a bit of velcro at the top if necessary.

>> No.7515386

I'm gonna do something similar. I've built other leg armor pieces using elastics and such. For Big Bang I was thinking of making a piece that would slide onto the back of my leg with belts/elastic, and then the front piece of the leg armor would snap onto the back side. Simple, easy, efficient.

>> No.7515496

Is it possible to prolong the lifespan on clothing /leather with studs so they don't fall off after several months (assuming you use them regularly)? Is there anything like a sealant?

>> No.7515509
File: 353 KB, 600x499, BB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great idea! I might have to use it.Thanks so much man!

How are you planning to do the body? I'm thinking of making a sort of chasis out of cardboard, so it captures the big tube look

>> No.7515600
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, 2014-04-23_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally dude. I would probably do the same thing but I'm probably not gonna make a body piece just for comfort. But that's how I would go about doing it. Also after playing his story mode today, his art became inconsistent and now has sleeves... which I will make.

>> No.7515667

Hi everyone, I have next to no experience with styling and especially cutting wigs. Trying to style/ cut wig like pic related. Firstly, how should I go about styling her middle V bang? Right now, my wig has basic straight across bangs falling a bit below my eyes.

>> No.7515672
File: 170 KB, 650x556, ryukowig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic...

>> No.7516780
File: 705 KB, 2400x2400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm sewing a Cardcaptor Sakura costume and it's mostly finished, but I have the wings left to do. Any suggestions on how to help keep their shape but still look cute and plush?

I bought upholstery foam and satin in an attempt to make a kind of wing pillow to stuff with a rigid foam shape.... Not such a great idea.

>> No.7516813


If I knew what it was called I would tell you, but I immediately thought of the stuffing they use in large stuffed animals you get at the fair or whtaever. It's rigid but looks really plush.

>> No.7516994
File: 655 KB, 950x1200, 00701342.interactive.c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a good pair of vampire fangs for my upcoming cosplay. I've tried a bunch from halloween stores but none of them stay. Does anyone know where I could buy a pair? Ive also herd of people using fake nails. Does anyone have experience with this?

>> No.7516998

My roommates both swear by Scarecrow fangs. Never used them myself, but they've kept those teeth on for a good 6-8 hours for various costumes without having them fall out.

>> No.7517005

Don't they use little beads?

>> No.7517012

I actually bought the ones in this picture, exactly, from ebay. search for scarecrow fangs.

They come in cute petite sizes too.

>> No.7517028



No, don't do this. For the love of god. Why do you insist on using Satin when there is clearly no sheen to speak of on her little wings?? Using regular fucking fabric, goddamn.

>> No.7517280

How shitty of an idea is it to throw bondo over a motocycle helmet before painting it?

Need it to not have any bumps of any kind, obviously not gonna use it while riding.

>> No.7517390

There's nothing wrong with using matte satin for her wings. jfc.

>> No.7517655
File: 110 KB, 667x1000, 815707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about cosplaying Nanami Yasuri in her Buddhist robe clothes. However, I did some quick googling and found that her robe style is apparently called gojogesa. The real life gojogesa actually wraps around the left arm (not just the strap). Should I make it accurate to the anime or to the real design?

>> No.7518039

Fuck, I didn't even realize that when playing it
also the fact that his head can pop out of his respirator

I think I'm going to base it entirely off his in-game sprites, just for sake of ease

>> No.7518126
File: 110 KB, 840x1023, uzviiTW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need blue body paint but is gentle enough to go on my face.
where, how,when,what ? Am completely new to body paint etc
>pic unrelated

>> No.7518217

It's really up to you how you wanna portray it. Do you want the design accuracy or period accuracy. I think either would be fine

I'm gonna do a little of both, since I'll now have a place to stash his dash punch arm if I build the sleeves but yeah, his story art is inconsistent with his character design sheets lol.

>> No.7518259

I have these white faux fur leg warmers that I have to make black, and I heard that black spray paint would work if I continuously brushed out the fur as I painted it. Is this the best way to do it?
(They're polyester Im p sure)

>> No.7518306
File: 75 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mxjebkFAuQ1svzdnzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, i figure that the pattern i'm using for my elsa bodice won't work the same for my sister's anna bodice, but i've never drafted a pattern by myself before. I don't exactly know how to start about something like that? ideally i'd like there to be only two pieces so the seams are ridiculously noticeable. It didn't matter with elsa considering sequins.

>> No.7518426

I would assume that anything faux fur is acrylic.

Here's what you do:
Get lukewarm water [NOT HOT] and black acrylic paint. Fill up a bucket just enough to cover the leg warmers. Dump that paint into the water and stir. Try to remove any chunks of paint.
Turn the water black.
Put in the leg warmers and soak them in there for maybe a half hour, 45 minutes? Until the black coloring would permeate the fur.
Sun drying works best, but if you don't have access to the sun, find a warm room to dry them in.
Keep constantly brushing the fur as it dries.
When it's all done, you could run it under cold water, if you want to get some of the semi-rough texture out of it, then dry and brush it again.

I can't guarantee it'll come out 100% black, but it will come out at least a dark charcoal or something.
Hope this helps you out!

>> No.7518477

You can't get a fitted bodice like that with only a front and back piece. Add the princess seams, anon. It's black fabric and they won't show that much, plus the fit will be so much better that way. There are some good costume bodice patterns out there you could modify.

>> No.7518650

Thank you sooo much!

>> No.7518686
File: 63 KB, 355x500, a69f71f1ba16fab3cd87e2c1ca1656dc.image.355x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually not the "official" one, it was just made by a company that makes school uniforms, so it's supposed to be high quality to justify dat pricetag.

The real official one is made by Cospa, comes with both Rei and Asuka's socks, and can be found in the EVA store as well as the Cospa interface clips for both girls, both their wigs, Asuka's rebuild hat and eyepatch, and basically every single thing you would need for any EVA character cosplay.


>> No.7518939
File: 5 KB, 189x138, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabric suggestions for Lust? I'm finally watching Brotherhood and have always wanted to do Lust but i'm not sure on what to make her dress out of. I've seen people use latex but I don't think she looks that whitney. Also wig suggestions would be nice, i'm having a hard time determining her color

>> No.7518942


>> No.7519098

Matte Latex does exist.

problem with latex is that it is a PAIN IN THE ASS to work with because you have to use a special glue instead of sewing it

>> No.7519171
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, Charlotte-from-Puella-Magi-Madoka-Magica-katherine1517-34136421-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
I'm cosplaying Charlotte from Madoka and I have never used any face makeup other then my normal foundation- I've heard Ben Nye is fantastic stuff, but I wanted to check with you guys first-
Recommendations for face makeup? And also sealer since I don't want it melting off during the hot LA sun.

>> No.7519189

From the goddess of white face makeup herself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWFD5RqC4RM

>> No.7519195

Ah yes I love this video thank you.

>> No.7519267

Perhaps not the best way but it worked for friends of mine.

>> No.7519268
File: 57 KB, 540x720, 944840_650144988370478_725935595_n_by_kinbarri-d706wr0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about buying pic related. But having a really hard time finding reviews for this brand, Truly Darling Boutique, other than their shopping service. (this is their Morrigan My Deer print) help thanks.

>> No.7519285

Guys I need your help. I'm going to a con tomorrow and I want to go as Nagisa (i already have the wig, pants and lenses) but I couldn't get the shirt in time so I printed it in one of my shirts.
But the problem is: The shirt is totally white (pic related) whitout the 'pink details'. I've bought the fabric, but i don't know what to do now. I can sew by hand but I don't have a machine. I'm kind desperate, do you guys have any idea how to cut the fabric and sew it by hand? Also, I'm sorry about my english, it's not my 1st language.

>> No.7519289
File: 575 KB, 3220x2000, 2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic sorry.

>> No.7519300

I've seen the work of this seamstress in person and it's gorgeous. The colors of the print isn't too bad either, but I'm not sure about washing instructions. You won't be disappointed in quality, though!

>> No.7519361

Arm wise I was only going to do his little bike-horn or trumpet hand, by putting metal over a black sleeve, kinda like those "glowstick man" suits that people wear at night on halloween

>> No.7519386
File: 80 KB, 190x480, Brigette_(Pokemon_Bank_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a hand with the shoes? They look like really big-fitting Mary Janes-

>> No.7519387

look up a tutorial for raglan sleeves, or just wing it. You really should have bought the jacket anyway.

>> No.7519393

The honestly look like crocs to me...

>> No.7519417


>> No.7519625

You can use wig dying techniques on fake fur. Look up sharpie/acrylic ink/rit/idye tutorials

>> No.7519656
File: 67 KB, 600x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Rogue from X-Men: Evolution soon and I need some advice.
1. Is she just really pale or is she wearing a sort of white, goth makeup?

2. I'm really tan so, how would I even go about putting on light makeup? Should I just go with the white makeup?

3. I'm having difficulty finding similar boots. And when I do they're $100+. Any idea where I can get inexpensive ones?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

>> No.7519674

In my opinion she's just pale
sorry i cant help with your other 2 questions

>> No.7519788

snazaroo 4 lyfe
you have to use a preeeetty good amount though for their white to be opaque

>> No.7519840

Don't just use white make up. Mix white with an actual make up foundation so it still looks like pale skin and not like a clown.

Use a brush or a make up sponge and buff it after with a kabuki brush so you don't have make up lines. Set with a very pale compact powder (on a fluffy brush).

See about buying used combat boots on ebay and you can make the green "belts" yourself out of vinyl and epoxty them on. Check local thrift stores, too, or an army surplus store. Any sort of combat boots will do.

>> No.7519848

i'm new to sewing and i just accidently cut a dart off of the blazer i'm making and i don't have enough fabric to cut out a new piece, will it make much of a difference or?

>> No.7519905

sew lil darts on and continue.

>> No.7519935

Thanks anon.

>> No.7519964
File: 127 KB, 620x350, ec9fbda656074a7f32fbdb54c52f2e371bcf5745.jpg__620x350_q85_crop_upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is using bridal satin for the lining of a cape a good idea? I have a lot lying around in the right color, but I'm not sure if that's tacky or not. Pic related on the right.

>> No.7519976
File: 197 KB, 833x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so sorry for the shitty Mspaint image. But I'm working on a Volcarona gijinka. The top left is my general concept. Hopefully this won't be to long to explain my idea.

>Black Hime cut wig
>Floral headpiece with gradient horns attached, and draping flowers on side. Flowers in mostly white with red and orange accent flowers. A white sheer veil attached to the back of the headpiece
>Black under kimono
>Lighter blue over kimono with some type of pattern. Hemmed short enough so I can walk.
>Gradient wings attached to the back of the obi.
>Obi is same gradient as wings, contrasting black pattern over that. Rope with accent flower in orange with red beads.
>Detachable fur collar like in the photo on the top right.
>white tabu socks with black and blue geta sandals

I think that covers my general idea, but I'm up for suggestions. The other images are for inspiration.

>> No.7519985

Don't use white Snazaroo. Shit is awful.
Other colours are great, just not white. Ben Nye and Kryolan are both awesome. I've worn them both in the 43C+ heat of Australia.

>> No.7519996

That sounds good. Bridal satin is nice lining.

>> No.7519998

Not OP, but maybe I'll try Ben Nye in the future. One of my cosplays I use pretty often has a complete white face and neck, and the Mehron Paradise I've been using isn't cutting it. It takes tons of layers to start getting opaque (I've got really fair skin to begin with), and the cracking can get really bad. It rubs off easily too. I've tried applying it and sealing it different ways, but it just doesn't want to work.

>> No.7520091

Seconding Ben Nye, I had lots of great experience with it during the Ye Olde Homestuck Age. Tho when mixing the white paint and the foundation, make sure to add the foundation TO the white paint, slowly mixing more and more foundation in and testing it till you get the shade you want. The white is rlly sensitive to adding other colors.

Seconding scarecrow fangs, too. Mixing the gunk that holds them in is actually really simple with the directions and fitting it to your teeth is SO NICE you forget they're there after hours.
My only suggestion for it would be to 1.) not rush molding them to your tooth and 2.) mold them so the tooth points outwards slightly instead of straight down so it's easier to close your lips around them.

>> No.7520099
File: 98 KB, 483x485, snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need opinions/suggestions on this pattern for a Snow White (The Wolf Among Us) blouse.

Example is 8" x 8". I'm afraid the snowflakes might be a little too close together?

Also, anything better than Spoonflower for custom fabrics? How long does it normally take to get fabric from them? Anything helps, thank you.

Ref here: http://tf3dm.com/imgd/l29343-snow-58040.png

>> No.7520177

Anyone know ow to give horns an aged/worn look? Specifically for goat horns

>> No.7520195
File: 486 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140426_185540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a little help interpretating this part.
I need to draft this pleated skirt of a salopette myself, pic related is the guide. There's 4 skirt looking bits as you can see, am I right to assume the top two is what it looks like once pleated in, and the bottom row splayed out?

>> No.7520199
File: 397 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140426_185635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this from Otome no Sewing 2 if it helps.

Back to the first pic related tho, is it safe to assume the front is the two on the left, back is two on the right?
Also I have no clue how I'm supposed to accurately cut the correct angles its shaped at, as its not just a simple box but trapezoidal...

>> No.7520221

The dotted lines are center folds. The numbers given are measurements in centimeters. So once you figure out the waist you're pleating it to (ie bottom of the waistband/bodice/whatever) you make the top of the skirt that wide once pleated and the bottom the corresponding width as indicated, and because it's folded in half you'll get the correct angles for the side seams.

>> No.7520284

What's annoying me is although I figure the width of the skirt (just the front part for example) I need to chop will total 33+16 centimeters for the folded in bits of the pleats.
That's dandy, but if I cut up this part I still need to make it angled along the top and bottom somehow. Its not just a perfect rectangle... this is where I'm stuck? Folding it up doesn't sound like if will help me get the right angles coz I have to already have it angled by then won't I?

>> No.7520352
File: 1.66 MB, 3000x4000, DSCN3381 copy copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon! I know it isn't perfect (unfortunately there a lot of mistakes) but this is what I could do with such little time and knowledge (pic is me).

>> No.7520780

Can someone tell me how to measure my head for a wig? I have super thick hair so when it's all packed in it obviously makes my head larger. Do I measure with my hair in the cap or no? Any tips for packing a lot of hair into a wig cap? I'm new to wigs so I have no idea what I'm doing...

>> No.7520788

i figured out those were notches and holy shit sewing is actually kind of easy.

>> No.7520800
File: 961 KB, 800x3100, How_to_pincurl___Tutorial_by_taeliac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're going to be wearing your wig on top of your hair + wig cap, so measure with everything the way it's going to be just before you put the wig on. As for putting your hair up, here's a tutorial that's often posted on /cgl/

>> No.7520808


>> No.7520862

so i'm making a katana (Kurikara) for my Rin costume and I'm not sure how I should go about constructing the actual sword.

My friends are cosplaying Nero and Kirito and are making their swords out of balsa wood(?) with wonderflex or something, but their swords end up a lot thicker than what Kurikara should be.

So I was wondering if /cgl/ had any construction tips because i don't really want to end up with a a flimsy sword or one that looks gigantic

>> No.7520863

You could try a plasma ball. They come in a bunch of sizes and you can buy them cheap from Walmart or something.

>> No.7521044
File: 326 KB, 1680x1050, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as Ellie from the last of us, so I'm trying to pick between the Jeannie or Jasmine ponytail wigs from arda. Jeannie has a clip on ponytail, while Jasmine's is directly attached, which one would be better? (here's the links for each)

>> No.7521128

Personally, I don't think either wig is good for Ellie. Ellie's pony tail isn't as high as Jasime's or as thick as Jeannie's.

>> No.7521130

it shows you that there's a 1 cm drop for the curve

>> No.7521150

Well I could just lower the ponytail and possibly thin it out, Im just trying to decide whether a detachable ponytail is better than just one piece

>> No.7521187
File: 500 KB, 830x581, aisha clan clan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i chose pic related as my first ever cosplay because I hate myself. I have no experience with wigs whatsoever... was just looking for suggestions on how to get a wig to look, kinda similar.. but still sorta visually appealing like photo B? If not, any better suggestions on how i should go about it? What kinda wig should i use, etc?

tl;dr - how do i make an aisha wig like photo B?

>> No.7521221

For Aisha I wanna say start with a base wig like Arda's Jareth and see in a couple packets of their longest extensions around the nape of the neck to go her braid.

>> No.7521333
File: 144 KB, 510x570, nonon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd really like to cosplay nonon
i'm having a super tough time figuring out fabrics for everything though?
not to mention her hat and boots.
would i make that the same fabric as the dress?

>> No.7521340
File: 98 KB, 1024x683, scissor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a mounted point drill bit do the job of a router for some detailing? It's only for those two lines where the blade meets the handle (one is bent). I'd rather not buy a router just for this...

>> No.7521342

Whoops, forgot to say- this is for plywood, not the material in the photo.

>> No.7521347

I saw this chick doing that at Anime Conji, and it look liked she used wings that were really light, and wired them to her bra

Turned out pretty decent, though in my opinion it looked like it could be painful, but she assured me they weren't

>> No.7521385

alrighty, will do then I suppose :D
how many extensions should i get would ya say? And should I braid and then sew, or sew then braid? sorry if these are stupid questions..

>> No.7521420
File: 730 KB, 1200x1504, uYRAl0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends are having a eeveelution meet at a con and being a lolita I want to do a gijinka of a shiny sylveon using lolita clothes, I already have some brand that would match the colours.

I was thinking of just basically doing a regular lolita coord but in shiny sylveon colours and then making a hoodie/ears and the funky bow things.

I was wondering about the wig, it should probably be blue but I can't really find any blue wigs that really go. Would a normal hair coloured wig be terrible? Is the whole idea terrible?

>> No.7521429

Depends on the volume of the weft and how thick a braid you want to do. Probably 2-3 as a guestimate. But maybe you could email them and ask for a suggestion?

Sewing, I'd see first so you can make it a little more natural looking.

>> No.7521433

>asking on cgl if cosplay lolita is a terrible idea
>intending to make a hoodie
>not even getting a matching wig

please just dont. nobody is gonna recognize the shiny anyways, at least do the regular and if youre doing lolita look cute and have an ear headband and a correct wig, theyre not that hard to get at all. Also you have to do the ribbon things or both your cosplay AND lolita aspects will look like total shit.

>> No.7521436

If you're doing a cosplay meet, you should get a wig that matches. EpicCosplay's light blue might work, as would Arda's aqua, or just hunt around on some loli wig sites that I'm not sure of.
I think it can work, especially if you have lolita knowledge. Color matching is really key though.

>> No.7521440

My next cosplay requires plastic, which I've never worked with before. I found this guide online:
For friendly plastic armor, and I kind of like this method. How plausible is it to use this for my entire armor set? Should I just use Worbla? This seems like it would be a bit cheaper though. Thoughts?

>> No.7521445
File: 28 KB, 426x419, 1349227986234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good site that sells sewing peripherals and equipment that ships to nordic countries?

I live in a somewhat secluded area of Sweden and getting hold of any sewing equipment is mission impossible.

>> No.7521448

I've never really cosplayed before but I really liked Dragonball Z/Dragonball back in the day and I want to cosplay as one of those busters.

I'm tall, but skinny/lanky. I'm not completely skin/bones and have some muscle, but I'm no bodybuilder.

Money's kind of tight, and I'm betting the first time would be the hardest.

My face is pretty average, and my hair's short/dark brown so it's not easily made sooper saiyan.

Any suggestions/tips are welcome, doesn't have to be DBZ/DB. Just any of that good old shounen stuff I used to like back in the day.

>> No.7521453
File: 123 KB, 682x711, 1352218293434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That early into concept development there's not too much I can do to help you. If you need advice on what DB character you can cosplay as with your body type I'd need a picture, not just a vague description.

Google around and find a couple of guides on how to draw plans for sewing and dive right into it.

Come back when you run into trouble!

>> No.7521454

Yeah, I'm not a fan of cosplay lolita which is why I thought maybe a natural coloured wig would make it less ita? To be honest I was kind of hoping for a lolita coord I could pop ears/hoodie on for when I'm taking photos with my friends then going around the rest of the con earless as a lolita, I feel bad about that now though, like I'll be half assing it.

I think you're right about the wig, I'll look around for one in blue that doesn't look terrible. I was definitely going to do the ribbon things anyway.

Reason for shiny is because I use one on my team. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks. I have trouble with arda's wigs as they're too big but I'll check out the other and look properly for a wig.

>> No.7521460
File: 31 KB, 280x268, 1349511507322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and heres the suggestion thread; >>7478637

They're pretty good at recommending cosplays based on your body type. Just make sure to tell them that you only want DB character suggestions.

>> No.7521506
File: 23 KB, 320x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say if you wanted an epic wig in light blue, you could go with the hestia style.

>> No.7521591

>Cosplay Superman
Best method for reducing sweat? It's impossible for me to wear it during the summer.

>> No.7521634

Circle Lenses help?!
Would wearing circle lenses look odd for a male cosplay?
Like, would it make my eyes look too big for a man?
Should I just stick to regular sized lenses?

>> No.7521660
File: 727 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140427_145047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.. but it doesn't explain how I should fold it either as the pleats aren't perfect box pleats, but angled a bit? Each pleat is trapezoidal and I'd have to fold that correctly somehow for the perfect "poof"

>> No.7521673
File: 580 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140427_145326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obviously missing something obvious here I'm sorry

I add the 3 as an extra 3cm there as well BTW? To make the frontmost pleat look wider than the backmost? Or is there another purpose.
I'm aware that when I chop this up it will be doubled. I'm just not getting my head around drafting it onto the fabric...

>> No.7521948

I'm not a lolita but could you use a very light blonde/white with and blue & pink hair accessories rather than a blue wig?

>> No.7521957

What you could do instead of buying a ton of wefts and braid them, is to use something thick as a base and cover that with the weft (PVA glue or even silicon are really good for this!) . I'd probably get three "strands" (rope or foam or some kind of thin pool noodly thing), coat them with hair and then plait. Then I'd sew that into the wig.

>> No.7522006
File: 95 KB, 350x495, 1387304238655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how I could modify an existing black or green tie to make a tie like this? Just getting a green tie and using fabric paint or fabric markers to paint the sides black would result in the paint/marker leaking onto the middle or smudging and it looking like crap so that's out of the question, unless there's some technique or brand I'm unaware of.

>> No.7522007

Painter's tape and a fabric paint that sits on top of fabric. Or even acrylic pain and fabric medium should sit on top of fabric.

>> No.7522013 [DELETED] 

If it sits on top wouldn't it not crack over time or look strange? I haven't tried this before with a tie so I'm just curious.

>> No.7522057

I used a paint called Plaid, I think it's from the US but I got it in Australia too. 10 years ago I made my first ever cosplay and painted an image. Being a massive weeaboo, I wore it with my casual clothes and machine laundered it many times. Tl;dr use Plaid and paint between some tape on a black tie, it will be fine.

>> No.7522063

Ah okay, I'll look into that brand then. Thank you very much.

>> No.7522073
File: 94 KB, 750x950, kratos-bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as Kratos for NYCC. The problem is that I'm a woman with fairly large breasts. I've already got the bald cap and face contour under control, but if like some advice on getting the body down. Does anyone have experience with airbrushing/stippling muscles onto cloth? I can only find one video on it.

Also, wear can i get thick, long chains?

>> No.7522149
File: 52 KB, 600x180, newsheader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my eyes look like M Dude's? I've looked into white contacts, but I have difficulty finding ones that really say 'eyes without any pupil'. Perhaps I could craft some covers for my eyes? I was considering making eye covers from whatever those zentai suits are made from.

(M Dude is the one on the left in my pic)

>> No.7522182
File: 1.84 MB, 320x180, puppy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, things to consider! Now would any braid, pure wefty-ness or foam, drag the wig back? How do I keep it from sliding off my head? I remember reading something about a special comb thing? I don't know >.>

>> No.7522383
File: 324 KB, 478x700, 8TOt6h8 - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the hat? Plaster? Also can I have tutorials on how to set up lights in something like this?

>> No.7522431
File: 89 KB, 576x741, extra-image-991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about making a jacket like this without making it look like shit?

I want to do Raoul Duke but at the same time I don't want to shell out 500 dollars for a jacket when the rest of the costume'll cost me 25 tops.

>> No.7522920


>> No.7522950
File: 508 KB, 2684x718, 5852ed3c-bae0-49f7-8722-12ef94aa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone decode this please?

>> No.7522996


I feel like plaster would be really heavy. You can make a cardboard base for the general sizing/shape and then use expanding foam. That way it's light weight on the top of your head.

>> No.7523002


It's just saying to sew the two pieces of interfacing together with an overlap and then sew the complete piece onto the wrong side of your fabric?

>> No.7523107

Advice for styling wigs, please?

I need a good razor comb for thinning/texturing the ends of my wigs/bangs. I'm not sure what kind to buy. Links to some would be nice, thank you.

Tips for spiking? I got the Got2be hairspray and gel that's been reccomended. I've watched tutorials. But my spikes look droopy.

>> No.7523277


I've been looking for the same thing.

>> No.7523697

I'm looking for some basic green leather or fake leather to make a jacket out of, but I keep getting redirected on google to outdoor and upholsty vinyl. I know it works a lot different than a clothing fabric from my experience trying to work with outdoor vinyl.

Is there another thing I can search for to get me closer to a clothing grade fake leather? Or even a resource one of you have for leather-y fabrics? I have some clothing items that are fake leather and they're much more flexible than vinyl I find in places like Joanns.

>> No.7523702

*additionally, I've looked up pleather with the same results.
If I'm shit out of luck, I'd love some advice for working with what is available to me.

>> No.7523759

What do I look for if I want a see through black fabric to line the inside of a mask (it's the cheap 15$ Stone Mask replica from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) and how do I attach it?

>> No.7523767
File: 1.64 MB, 4150x5000, Kid Icarus Uprising-solution-ChasseViridi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about doing the raised bits on her dress?

>> No.7523784

You could try using real leather because you can dye it whatever color you need.

>> No.7523995

I have a slight dilemma. I'm doing a cosplay with a friend, and we're going to be wearing the exact same kind of jacket. We bought fabric and everything together, so all that matches. She's already finished with hers, I was supposed to be done too but some stuff came up. Now, because of that stuff, we had a opportunity to meet up, and I've borrowed hers to look at for reference while scrambling to get this done.

Some details on her jacket are wrong compared to our references. They're not that major, but now I'm trying to decide whether to make mine look like hers, and inaccurate, or if I should follow the references. What would you all do? I'm leaning towards just doing what she did, but...

I'm too chicken to call her out on it, and I don't think she'd care to change hers anyhow. Seagulls, what do?

>> No.7524185

I would probably do appliqué. For the most branch-like thicker 3D bits you can pad the appliqué with batting and have it wrap around to the underside to get that round effect. The more delicate thinner branches on the skirt could be regular appliqué. Embroidery would also work for the thinner branches, but that would be a lot of work if you don't have an embroidery machine with a large field.

>> No.7524187

Wearing my dress yesterday and I realized why it looks wonky on me: it's a high waisted dress. Either it's because I'm fat and my tits are pulling the dress up, or they really did make a high waisted dress with a lolita silhouette.

Any idea on how to fix it or am I fucked to looking fatter than I already am?

>> No.7524215

still require assistance.

>> No.7524317

Wear a wide belt and lengthen the straps

Prescription strength antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis

>> No.7524418

Prescription-strength deodorant is the best you can do. Purchased dress shields would almost certainly show through spandex, but you could try to make your own more slim and flexible version out of extra spandex and some cotton, perhaps. It would just give you an extra layer between you and visible sweat stains. Ultimately, though, you're probably just going to have pit marks. In the Christopher Reeves Superman, there are scenes in which he has visibly wet pits.

>> No.7524480

Alright, I'm going to get expanding foam. Any ideas for the "tentacles" of the hat or the collar? I'll gladly accept any tutorials that would apply to any element of creating this costume.

>> No.7524486

Also, where's a good place to buy body suits?

>> No.7524620
File: 71 KB, 450x475, GPF813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have the Crystal Lake Skating pattern and is willying to share it?

I have an idiot as a flatmate who ruined my cosplay a week away from the con, so I'm going to try make a Sailor Moon one in a rush since repairing the armour will take more than a week.

>> No.7524991

Thanks. I'll keep searching then, any extra layer would make it way too unbearable. I just noticed if I even press onto my suit for just 5 mins it leaves a mark. And washing it at con tends to just create more messes until I can actually machine wash it. It's just frustrating because it would be perfect otherwise. They don't get horrible noticeable or anything, it's just a pet peeve.

>> No.7525134
File: 174 KB, 420x611, fatestay night saber maid costumes anime girls carnival phantasm saber alter fate series 2000x2_www.wallpaperno.com_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make the Saber maid outfit (pic related) and I'm having a tough time figuring out how to do the underskirt's hemline. What should I do to help it keep the pattern's shape without looking too messy? Thanks for the help!

Any other tips would be appreciated too :)

>> No.7525187

I think that jagged edge is just anime's way of doing lace, cheaply.

>> No.7525197
File: 94 KB, 495x700, kouglof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the fruit all ready, but I'm stuck on what to make the cake out of and how to do the glaze/icing. I was thinking expanding foam but would that stay on? Any suggestions would be great.

>> No.7525207
File: 92 KB, 533x800, T2H62UXfhXXXXXXXXX_!!350477117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw these on taobao once, pretty sure it's made out of some squishy foam stuff I've seen sweets accessorries made out of, maybe you can look into that?

>> No.7525301

Expanding foam could work since it's flexible. The glaze could easily be done using translucent liquid sculpy mixed with white chalk powder. It'll dry in a drippy shape.

>> No.7525321

Iron on interfacing, and then snip the fabric.

Alternatively, if you are interpreting the edges as >>7525187 you can get some cute trim at a fabric store to use instead.

>> No.7525476

That's the same hem pattern as her skirt in the blue dress she always wears, just without the gold ovals. You can either face the hem so you can turn it to get the shape or go nuts with the satin stitch. If you do the satin stitch, draw the lines, satin stitch, and then trim away the extra fabric.

>> No.7525773
File: 647 KB, 966x810, kl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing a Venera/Kate cosplay for this summer, would pleather be a good idea for the cape and chest piece?
I was thinking of stretch fabric for the panties and some kind of cotton for the red part.

>> No.7525793
File: 87 KB, 562x844, IMG_5379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying without any luck to find the correct fabric for Melisandres dress. It looks like some kind of silk.

>> No.7526018


I was wondering if either interpretation would be all right. I did notice that it was the same design as her regular blue dress but I wasn't sure if it would be super important or not. I think I may try to recreate it since it is the same though.


>> No.7526268

Go to a fabric store, find a fabric you like the feel and weight of. I'd suggest finding something cotton if its going to be on your face.

Then thistothat (dot) com

>> No.7526553
File: 90 KB, 720x960, bootcovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this one is about to autosage,but anyone have tutorials for boots/shoes like this? Where the cover isnt fully covering the shoe, and a bit of the bottom is showing?

>> No.7526566

look up crash culture's boot cover tutorial.

My friend did this with some success (she used hot glue on pleather, which didn't adhere very well. Make sure you get glue that actually works for your materials!). The books looked great.

>> No.7526705

What do you do when you're clipping seams and you accidentally catch the bodice lining of the garment you're making to sell besides killll yourseelllfffff

>> No.7526959

i want to cosplay mugi from k on but i cant find any good blazer patterns for her, help?

>> No.7526962
File: 98 KB, 600x398, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my satsuki cosplay in and the measurements were almost the exact as mine on the website. So now that I try it on its way too tight and short. The con is in around 20 days and I don't know if I should buy a new one (cost around $140) or just not cosplay her. Losing weight is an option but I'm not sure how to lose so much in that little amount of time. What do

>> No.7526966

I want to make a pleated skirt but I really suck at math. My waist is 28 inches and I want 2.5 inch pleats and I have no idea how much fabric I will need.

>> No.7526969

If youre wearing shoes, just put your stuff in there.

>> No.7526974

Return it and buy a bigger size and get faster shipping.

>> No.7526977

sell it to me duh.

>> No.7526978

this depends entirely on how deep a fold you want for the pleat.

>> No.7526979

I already left feedback about the seller

>> No.7526982

my friend has one similar, i could take pics of the pattern if you want tomorrow? which clothing will you make?

>> No.7526984

Make yours accurate, she obviously doesnt care enough but its good that you do!!

>> No.7526986

oh thank you, at first i was really confused.

>> No.7526990

Painters tape which you can get at your local hardware store and fabricpaint at your craft or fabric store. Also its really important to use a sponge and dab it, wait for the first layer to dry then do another or so until you cant see the original color of the tie. If you dont it can look uneven and weird, paintbrush streaks aren't attractive either and dont cheap out on the painters tape because it could seep through.

>> No.7526991

Open a paypal case.

>> No.7527005
File: 55 KB, 500x536, b25fb204-ba0a-4d94-b8e0-14b079b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep of a fold? sorry i'm new to sewing but id like it to look similar to this.

>> No.7527081

get nipple stickers and fabric tape the top in place

>> No.7527228


>> No.7527231

was for

>> No.7527298
File: 62 KB, 500x700, FIG-IPN-0098_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys help me out picking out the clothes for a Jagi cosplay?

>> No.7527326

That's pretty simple. You need leather pants and a leather jacket. Make the armor out of PVC foam or worbla, use floral foam for the big spikes. Use a motorcycle skull cap as the base for the helmet.

>> No.7527336


Thanks man.

>> No.7527353

Hey /cgl/ babby's first cosplay builder here.
I'm pretty chuffed so far with my saiyan armour frame for a vegeta cosplay. It's made entirely out of cardboard, though.
What should I use when the frame is completed? I have no idea what to use let alone the specifics for vegeta's armour.

>> No.7527362


Football armor

>> No.7527390

that doesnt tell me how much fabric i need i believe, correct me if im wrong because im on mobile.

>> No.7527406

Enough to cut a waistband and two rectangles 3x your waist x desired length.

>> No.7527413


>> No.7527417


Wearing leather gives me a boner, So I'm really going to need that codpiece.

>> No.7527460

What fabric is a sarashi actually made of? I've heard that people usually use Ace bandages for that sort of thing, but I'd like to know the actual material used.

>> No.7527486


dolphin skin

>> No.7527723
File: 497 KB, 1659x1000, 75239-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure if I should wait until next thread or risk it here.

Anyway, I ordered a specific type of Ansem top and jacket, however, despite them actually making a perfect Xehanort one, they managed to flop pretty hard on what I ordered. How can I fix this in 15 days? I don't know a thing about sewing, so I have no clue how to actually make the belts and add them on. Should I whip out some hot glue? I already have the shoulder pads, so I asked them not to make them. However, I thought they'd at least add the rest of the outfit so I could put it on myself or at least the buttons.

Link to the original to save image space.

>> No.7527738 [DELETED] 

??? what did they flop on? i'm having trouble understanding what needs fixing from reading your post.

>> No.7527745

>15 days
>don't know how to sew
you seem to be pretty screwed. i'd say just hot glue it for now and commission some from someone you know for when you rewear it.

did they say that they would include the belts?

>> No.7527761
File: 163 KB, 708x600, 9030646450_3f8d24e066_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly post deleted
Well ok then. Pic related is closer to home.

No. They realized an error in the pricing since the shoulder pads would be extra. But as I said, I have them already. But the belts weren't a part of the pads. This is their Xehanort cosplay which had the same but different design.

And it looks like I gotta hot glue everything. Any ideas as to the material I should use and where to get it? I was gonna just go for some cloth belts.

>> No.7527797
File: 91 KB, 781x1024, Sanji-one-piece-26360345-781-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all I am fairly new to making my own cosplay, usually buy from ebay/china and I am sick of the crappy poylester suits I keep getting for <$90. I am cosplaying Sanji from One Piece because I have the same build mostly 6'4 175 lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes. So the hair is good but the thing is the damned double breasted suit coat. So the ones online make me cringe, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good way I could make one out of a regular jacket ? Or if you have cosplayed sanji what did you do? Thanks guys

>> No.7527798

Are you going to learn how to sew anytime soon?

>> No.7527805

Sometime this year actually. Most likely a required class for my major, but I'd need to talk to an academic adviser first.

>> No.7527817

Awesome. Good luck. Once you learn, dealing with these kind of crazy pre made order mix ups will be a thing of the past.

>> No.7527837


Go get an actual suit.

>> No.7527973
File: 173 KB, 700x1999, Skull.(KHR).full.351877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine is planning on cosplay Skull from Katekyo Hitman Reborn (pic related), and he was having some problems figuring out what kind of fabric to use. Does anyone have any advice they could give?

>> No.7528139

The leotard one.
Thank you so very much!

>> No.7528163
File: 60 KB, 325x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as Barazo Mankanshoku from KLK for a con this year. I got a good feeling what to get for my cosplay but to cut down costs, I'm thinking of growing my hair for his hairstyle and let a supercuts do the rest. Anybody know what kind of hairstyle it is and how long of hair do I need to style it?

>> No.7528231

It depends on how much, if any, space you want between your pleats. If you want to make a skirt just like >>7527005 you will need 3 times your waist measurement x desired length, plus extra for seam allowance, hem and waistband.

>> No.7528254

It's just gelled back, but not smoothly. Basically, the length doesn't matter too much as long as you can push it back effectively. Get a bunch of gel and run your fingers through it once or twice, don't smooth it down.

This is one of the cases where not using a wig is okay.

>> No.7528353

make a circle skirt or pleated skirt.

>> No.7528357

oh okay thank you, do you know any good tutorials?

>> No.7528426

No, I don't need them so I have no idea. I'm sure there's one on google, but literally all you do is pleat the rectangle and add a zipper and waistband. If you pleat so each pleat just touches the one next to it, you get a 3-to-1 ratio, so a rectangle 3x the length of your waist will be your waist size when pleated.

>> No.7528554
File: 693 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey CGL! So I just got my shoes and wig in for Satsuki. But the problem is, the wig is 3-5 inches off what it should be for her length. I bought the Eowyn from Arda in Natural Black after a friend's recommendation. [She said the Eowyn went down to her waist, but I should have thought about the fact that she's 5" and I'm 5"3 so stupid me.]

Anime North is in 3 weeks and I can't really throw the money to buy another wig and have this one hanging around. Any recommendations on what I can do? [Like extensions and colors? Tutorials for Wefts? etc.]

>> No.7528683
File: 74 KB, 686x768, JinxieTenmaModel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would i get the pink fabric for Jinxie?

>> No.7528736
File: 412 KB, 629x600, 1352433196474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the most reasonable place online to purchase Worbla? (cost wise)

>> No.7528766

it looks like an arrow print
you can make it yourself at spoonflower

>> No.7529444

oh okay cool, thanks.

here you are! http://m.imgur.com/a/UrWvk

>> No.7529462

shoot i forgot to take a pic of the sizes but i found one online. https://www.sew-la-fabric.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/KS-3661_d.jpg

>> No.7529475

Buy a longer one off arda and use the fastest shipping available and return the other one.

>> No.7529502

I wish I could but I tried it on thinking it was okay and it wasn't. :/ So I'm kind of stuck trying to get wefts and sew them on to the bottom to extend the wig.

>> No.7529607
File: 50 KB, 1064x299, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for my Miho cosplay I'm stuck on which color to make the jacket. From screenshots the color changes drastically and I'm unsure which direction to take. Most people know the jacket was being bright orange but the official reference picture has it as more of a peachy-orange. Which color do you guys think I should go with?

>> No.7529656

...Unless you're dyeing it yourself, I think you're going to have to settle for whatever hideous orange in the right type of fabric you can get. Personally I'd either go as light as possible or more rust colored just to get away from the sherbet explosion look.

>> No.7530168

It depends on where you live. In most of Europe , Coscraft would be the cheapest (£30 for the large sheet) but I think if you live in Germany then Finest Arts is cheaper.

>> No.7530285


>> No.7530778

1 or 3 looks good.

>> No.7530780

Five is yout best bet.

>> No.7530784

Thank you very much, anon