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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 755x958, Rachel.Alucard.full.198001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7511412 No.7511412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alrighty, can we have a Blazblue thread?
I've never seen any nice cosplays are cosplays that aren't Tao/Tarokaka.

>> No.7511415
File: 168 KB, 532x800, 36e4714f973c75701ae54f2a07172315cf518642-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7511580

I actually used to cosplay Taokaka, but I've been thinking about cosplaying Kokonoe, Kazuma, Nine, or possibly Platinum. That fucking hair though.

>> No.7511586

I was actually thinking of Doing Nine too.
I think there was a tutorial for Platinum's hair somewhere, or I'm just imagining shit.

>> No.7511595

I was leaning toward Trinity originally but Nine just has this sass about her. My friend did suggest doing Phantom though, which I really think would be fun.

>> No.7511606

Phantom would be pretty hard to walk in... unless you're talking about when she's released from Imperator's seal...
Maybe your friend can be Trinity, and you can be Nine.

>> No.7511607

I was thinking of cosplaying Kokonoe too purely for the sheer volume of potential props. Though I am partial to trinity and Nine as well.

>> No.7511616

Honestly, I'd probably just have my friend cosplay as Hazama or something and carry me about. I also rrrreally like Saya, but her hair piece looks difficult.

>> No.7512047

I've been trying to get my shit together to do Saya for a while now, I have her actual clothing layers all figured out but I'm also stuck on the headpiece (and the wig will be its own headache, though I know how I'd do it in theory).

That, and money, and doing Xrd costumes first.

>> No.7512054

the only character i can pull off is Carl but i'd want his sister too and that requires either a huge prop to drag around or a willing person. and i don't pull off any of the girls well enough, otherwise i'd be all over platinum or rachel

>> No.7513264

I'm doing Noel. Obviously due to the nature of her dress, the wrong side of the pleats will be showing. Is there a way I could line it or something to make it look better without sacrificing movement?
Sorry for bad English and no contribution, I'm on my phone

>> No.7513274

Noel before or ater Chronophantasma?

Unrelated note, I just finish Chrono's story and my mind is blown to fucking bits.

>> No.7513279

Forgot to add, I might do Izayoi this year.

>> No.7513314

Before. Tiny military minidresses for the win

>> No.7513421
File: 121 KB, 811x986, Blow-Up Redactum Ignis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just uh, if you do make a prop, be careful.

>> No.7513425

That prop is terrifying.
I love that one too, tbh.

>> No.7515939

I hope more people cosplay Relius.. he's handsome.

>> No.7516269
File: 218 KB, 1500x1920, 470135_404574902889849_100000120289637_1806431_223696430_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my friend, I think she did a great job

>> No.7516271
File: 163 KB, 612x912, 7021268427_6ebc1e6c66_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

>> No.7516274

She did a good job adding those claws.
Did she use yarn for he hair though?

>> No.7516833

The claws are good and I like the mask to hood proportions and the mask itself, but everything below it is off in proportion in comparison.

Some other common Tao mistakes/things that can totally be done better that I always judge a Tao by:
>Coat tailoring- either too straight or too much of a tent (this goes for Kokonoe too, only seen it done right like 1-2 times)
>Zipper details looking floppy/too cartoony and fake
>Paws way too small or way too big and flopping everywhere
>Neck showing either because the collar sinks too low or no zentai hood underneath
>pigtails made of yarn (? people always do this fsr, I don't get it) or too thin and sad
>No red suspender shorts underneath
>Not even attempting her shoe platforms

And things your friend actually did well but still common mistakes:
>Shitty masks
>Droopy/wrong shaped hoods with the ears in the wrong place/wrong shape
>lack of claws

Tao is so common now that a lot of these things should be no excuse, at the very least getting materials somewhat right and proportions fairly close, if not the crazier stuff like claws and mask LED's and hoof platforms which I can understand skimping on sometimes.

>> No.7518270
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some person on Tumblr I follow reblogged a picture of what I think (?) is an Amane cosplayer recently. The sash looks a bit funny, but since this is the only picture they posted it's hard to tell what the full costume actually looks like...

/r/ing some good Chronophantasma cosplays! Amane, Bullet, Azrael, Kagura, Celica, Nine -- you name it.

>> No.7518760

Do any of you sluts actually play the game?

>> No.7518824

If you wanna go a round, that'd be cool! Which one would you prefer though? I have yet to obtain Chronophantasma yet as I also lack a PS3, but I have all the others for the XBOX360 and also the 3DS one. I want to get the PSP one soon as well, just to have all of them. Calamity Trigger is always a hoot though if you want to go back to the basics, but Extend is a solid version, albeit poor Makoto got nerfed.

On topic with the thread, how should one go about doing a Kaka Kitten?

>> No.7518932

I do. And I just finished the story of Chronophantasma. as I mentioned before.
Don't be so sour, anon.

>> No.7518955

>Don't be so sour, anon.




>> No.7518958

Don't leave people hanging goddammit.

>> No.7518966

Do ME, you manly hunk! :3c

>> No.7519026
File: 12 KB, 515x359, IfwTzUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sue me.

>> No.7519041

how about i fuk ur brains out insted

>> No.7519095
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>> No.7519275
File: 214 KB, 467x400, Amane_Nishiki_(Concept_Artwork,_2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hair not right
>No one can get the hair right

>> No.7519406

who /vg/ here? xD

>> No.7519415

/vg/ sucks.

>> No.7519632

You suck.

[spoiler]My dick. Hopefully.....please?

>> No.7519692

Lol this faggot probably only netplays anyway.

>> No.7519735

Whiteknight from /asg/ detected.

>> No.7519738

Aw man I can't believe you took that bait, really?? And I didn't even make it about BB vs GG, c'mon now...

>> No.7519775


Are you implying you're not? Because I could bet my balls that all the girls ran away in fear the moment this thread was linked to /asg/.

>> No.7519826

Yes, but the story was underwhelming length wise. I wish they'd go back to having stories for each character, then a format like this for the main story. The amount of gag endings were underwhelming and disappointing too.

>> No.7519886

I honestly hate the gag reels. But, I'll never get over Litchi's cosplay "fetish"
I prefer this story format... To each their own, I guess.

>> No.7519923

I feel you. It really didn't help that some of the characters were largely irrelevant with this format (lookin' at you Bullet, Amane, and Carl).

And what made the gag reels even more underwhelming was how a couple were rehashed. Isle of Brotherly Love was absolutely hilarious the first time. Not so much the second.

>> No.7519934
File: 674 KB, 837x706, blazblueazrael1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on doing an Azrael cosplay eventually maybe hopefully. If anybody actually wants to play I'd like that too.

Use to know a person that talked so much about cosplaying from this and talked about how she was the biggest fan and never even touched the game I don't understand

>> No.7520071
File: 239 KB, 600x800, makoalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be swole I would love to see an actual buff Azrael.

Every post you make leads me to believe you're the one that doesn't actually play. Much less cosplay from it, so I'm not sure why you keep shitposting.

Not sure why they'd care anyway, considering how many ASW/general fg threads we've had on here before.

>> No.7520255

tryhard b8

>> No.7520429

I can see how they're annoying, some were a bore to get through. But I like hearing the VA's/Seiyuu's say silly shit. And the story format is easier to follow for the main story, it just felt so much shorter that way though. If I knew it would've been that short, I would've

Would cosplaying as one of Litchi's dress ups be bad?

Yeah, I felt like they didn't even get to cover Amane apart from his brief talks with Rachel. Azrael was barely even explained and used other than "KOKONOE PUT ME IN THIS FREEZER AND I'M GONNA KILL HER" Carl and Bullet got more coverage in their gag endings than the story.

But the gag endings were reused mostly. The same generic Litchi cosplay, even though it's entertaining. Isle of Brotherly Love was barely even entertaining this time, the only good part was Ragna's n-no homo moment. I did enjoy Carl's daddy one though. And the new Spectacles of Eros one was pretty much dedicated to even more RagnaxCelica stuff.

>> No.7520438

If I knew it would've been that short, I would've waited for Blazblue CP Extended Extend*

>> No.7520625
File: 459 KB, 596x400, group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of the characters (save ones who were already around in story like Terumi) added around that time feel like they were thrown in to expand on the roster playstyle-wise but were given zero thought to the story and don't really mesh with the rest of the cast at all. Even their character designs sort of feel noticeably different. Like Amane doesn't really look like he belongs to the same game as characters who've been there since CT.

>> No.7520692

It's funny that I've only seen actual seagulls cosplay Noel. I guess stereotypes really are true most the time.

>> No.7520786

whut stereotypes

>> No.7520821
File: 2.31 MB, 1023x1378, THOSE VACANT EYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get it now?

>> No.7520852
File: 17 KB, 488x439, 1397221273864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget flat chested and stupid.

>> No.7520857

Fucking Canadian cunt who never even played the fucking game and just bought the costume because she needed some quick attention after Matt pump and dumped her.

>> No.7520884

Tsubaki looks scared.

>> No.7520897

Scared? Looks like she's trying to scare the viewer more like. Kind of a chimpanzee face she got htere.

>> No.7520984

I meant to say scary, sorry.

>> No.7521051

Who wants to get rekt? Post your PSN scrubs

>> No.7521069

Irishking pls go

>> No.7521563

This girl really ACTIVATED my Blazblue, if you know what I mean...

>> No.7521746

Yeah the cosplayer is Russian or something (monica on Cure) and all her cosplays have the crazyeyes, too bad since she's rather prolific with BB cosplay

>> No.7521753

post profile.
there's like so many monica's

>> No.7521771

Cure Id 132489

>> No.7521782

omg, she's scary looking.

>> No.7521809

Definitely one of those cases of white people trying to use makeup tricks intended for enlarging asian eyes, which always ends up terrible looking...

>> No.7521814

Is there a way to save cure pics?
I did it once with the Kokonoe pic posted, and I just never found out how again.

>> No.7521833

I just screencap them because I'm too lazy to find another way around it.

>> No.7522538

Why is there a Russian among Asians?

>> No.7522542

Maybe she's those Russian Asians or someshit.

>> No.7523099

How bad would it be if I were another colour palette?

>> No.7523316


p-pls be gentle, I am a girl

>> No.7523709

I love palletswap cosplays, go for it

>> No.7525866

Bump for some good cosplay ITT PLEASE

>> No.7526028
File: 92 KB, 533x535, DSC_0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.7526087

I-is that you?

>> No.7526093
File: 704 KB, 798x1200, 1398778606979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian men make the best cat girls

>> No.7526148
File: 384 KB, 404x601, ragna21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7526153


>> No.7526154
File: 390 KB, 425x641, kokonoe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7526191

Cute, but I doubt she has got dick.

>> No.7526223
File: 137 KB, 450x676, akutabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face is kind of meh but I love the guy's arms. Oh well, not like Ragna is the most handsome guy anyway.

>> No.7526253
File: 301 KB, 352x526, ragna19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that bugs me about ZUN is that about 3/4 of his photos have him doing this weird stuck out/lifted chin thing like pic related. I don't get why he does it, it looks ridiculous and it's not like he looks worse from a normal straight on angle...?

>> No.7526731

Please tell me you're a girl. I am scared.

>> No.7526737
File: 3.33 MB, 3672x4896, blazblue_s_makoto_nanaya_by_gamerzone18-d6n0xpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7526754

The top is way too short, even for Makoto.
Bad, beastkin, bad.

>> No.7526767
File: 321 KB, 900x1200, homagerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7526810

>Calling her a beast just because she's black.
/pol/ pls go

>> No.7526817

I am black though.
I called her beastkin because Makoto is a fucking beastkin.

>> No.7526995

No need to be so rude to her.

>> No.7527000

How am I being rude? I just said that her top was too short, even for Makoto.
In her sprites, her shirt is even lower.

>> No.7527015

But you're rude to Makoto :Sc

"Beastkin" is the "negro"/"nigger" of the universe. Why not use something soft like "squirrel girl"?

>> No.7527360

I will pay you (in Dogecoins) for giving me a legit answer.

>> No.7527428
File: 103 KB, 640x960, 1396726574477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7527475
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x2560, 2013-05-17 16.59.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terumi the friendly ghost

>> No.7528428

Who's this?

>> No.7529517


>> No.7530489

A fat man with a blonde wig.

>> No.7530581

I want to cosplay Tao for Fanime but I don't think I can finish on time.

Oh well maybe AX

>> No.7531613

Is it true that /cgl/ only cosplays Noel (the slutty ones who don't play the game) and Taokaka (the ugly ones)?

>> No.7532090

Well, >>7520821 is a /cgl/ tripfag and she is considered one of the biggest sluts on the board so, I guess they were right about us.

>> No.7532151

Well, I tried to resist jumping on the Voldefart hate-wagon but enough is enough. Sullying my waifu like this... this is just too much.

>> No.7532250

If Noel is your waifu your taste is already unsaveable anyway

>> No.7532284

/asg/ pls, stay go

>> No.7532290

>not having celica or nu-13 as waifu

>> No.7532291

Friendly reminder that B.U.L.L.E.T. is the best girl.

>> No.7532294
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>> No.7532331
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>> No.7532611

>no place is selling Celica cosplays yet
The wait is painful. I'm hoping a store will pop up on taobao selling it.

>> No.7533340


>> No.7533355

>not knowing Bullet.
Play Chronophantasma.

>> No.7533708

>playing games
let me laugh at you

>> No.7534236

Why won't none of you cosplay Bullet-chan?

Bullet-chan is the best. Bullet-chan is the purest & the cutest. Shy tomboy with a delicious brown skin. Omnomnom. :3c

>> No.7534493
File: 98 KB, 495x740, qmrlhmckywhgznswiewgpotzuysmhdnhmeozfahq-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have the feeling I know who you are...

I actually like Bullet's design, I just don't have any of the necessary bodytype whatsoever. I'd like this one if not for the boots and that her face looks swollen for some reason.

>> No.7534500

Well if you have that feeling then you don't got no right to judge me because you know we both don't belong here.

>> No.7534572

Speak for yourself, anon~

>> No.7534627

Are you that one girl who always has to say that she is a girl to elevate her opinion on /asg/?

>> No.7534681

I've never gone on asg so no?

>> No.7534688

Then how would you
>Why do I have the feeling I know who you are...

>> No.7534828

Because I'm under the perhaps flawed perception (as I don't go on asg) that you actually play the game and don't just stream monster. My mistake.

>> No.7534845

??? You sound like a crazy person.

>> No.7534885

...My point is it's not like the anime fgc is a huge community, players know each other. If you don't actually play, you're not who I thought you were, so I don't care.
>being this dense
Learn to sage your posts.

>> No.7534896

So u r not a grill then, bleh why was I wasting my time

>> No.7534930
File: 109 KB, 323x306, crossboarders pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7534956

If you can't understand my pain, imagine it like this - I was hitting on you all night and then it turns out you were a tranny all along. If this were IRL, you'd get beaten up, in anger.

>> No.7538094

Okay, sorry, I didn't know friend.

>> No.7540123

I want more photos