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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 501 KB, 864x1296, tumblr_n3yg8nM6s61qa3lhio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7510804 No.7510804 [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> Do you think anyone would cosplay from and re-enact panels from Paradox Space?
> What is one cosplay that you want to see done well before the comic ends?

>> No.7510841

That Dave's cape is so, so sad. Rose looks like the best of the bunch.

>> No.7511182
File: 528 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4eq7msdUp1rcjt6po2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7511957 [DELETED] 

Reposting this here for if anybody wanted to know, if not, I'm sorry for bothering you

I've got some deets on the Miley Dave - I'm not white knighting them trust me I hate them and would love to see them burn.

They're one of those people that actually believes they're Dave Strider, originally they had brown hair but they dyed it blonde for the excuse of "I don't need a wig I'm the real Dave Strider!!!!1!!!!!111!!!!" They're extremely egotistical, always bragging about being """tumblr famous""" and often pulls shit like this to get attention.

Also they have no belly button. Seeing that shit in person was extremely unnerving, not gonna lie.

>> No.7512534

Well the real kids wouldn't have belly buttons either maybe they're on to something.

>> No.7512741
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>> No.7512744
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>> No.7512746
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>> No.7512747

hanky code strikes again

>> No.7512756

Who would have thought Roxy was a top.

I don't know if it counts though, seeing as none of them are worn pantswards.

>> No.7512920

That's a pretty disappointing group.

>> No.7513037

i-is it bad that i want this guys tumblr just to see the no bellybutton

>> No.7513126

dude give us her tumblr, come on. She sounds like a proper lolcow and we haven't had one in ages

>> No.7513779
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>> No.7513797


It's dirkshades
(Sorry if it replies to the wrong people I'm on mobile)

>> No.7513822
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>> No.7514560
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thar she blows

>> No.7514599

I like that wig. It's hard to tell with the shoop (or is it just overexposed/unfocused...) but i wish she'd done his bruised eyes and maybe blacked out some teeth

>> No.7514605
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>> No.7514614
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>> No.7514978

Wasn't Sakura Con recently? Any HS cosplays from that?

>> No.7515023

but that wouldn't have been ~* s e x y *~

>> No.7515179

Equius is one of the least sexy characters in the entire cast. Why people would think a female version would be sexy instead of disgusting is beyond me.
>dat purple makeup
>dat eye shoop
>dat cleavage contour

>> No.7515200
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>> No.7515203

jesus christ from the thumbnail i thought one of their tits was hanging out

>> No.7515210


>> No.7515303

Good Lord, me too!

captcha: Lord ndcmles

>> No.7515376

Same girl or choice cosplay for landwhales

>> No.7515412

I think it may actually be the same chick, though i have to say, what we can see of the horns in
they look pretty good, though they look like someone else's work..

>> No.7515424

Yeah, I'll give >>7514560 that much, their horns look smooth from what we can see, but...everything else is a disaster, from the makeup and the obvious scissor-cut sleeve holes to the weird chalk effect on the skirt. Them being a fatty mcfatterson doesn't help either.

It could be the same cosplayer, but it's hard to say because the only distinguishing feature we really have to go on is how fat they are. I think they might actually be different girls. To answer your question though, for whatever reason Aradia has always been a popular choice for chubby/fat cosplayers. There are lots of fat Daves too but Dave is always babby's first Homestuck go-to anyway, so that doesn't say much.

>> No.7515435

I can't be the only one who gets peeved when I see Dave cosplayers who have silver or gold-rimmed aviators.
His glasses are entirely black. I know the shades they were based off of (Stiller's) have gold rims, but in the comic they're black; and they also never have the bar across the top.
That might be nitpicky, but it always bugs me when I see it.

>> No.7515439

All that stupid goddamn blush, wow.

>> No.7515442
File: 26 KB, 462x308, 6529768_gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His glasses are canonically gold rimmed. They're supposed to be the exact aviators Ben Stiller wore in Starsky and Hutch.

>> No.7515447

>Completely ignoring the fact that i acknowledged that in my post
I'm talking about the comic. I know the origin of the glasses, as I mentioned.

>> No.7515450

Yeah, and in the comic, the sprites have no arms. That doesn't mean the kids are armless. Hussie drawing the glasses as all black with no bar doesn't mean the glasses wouldn't have them, being that they are literally the aviators Ben Stiller wore in the movie. You can nitpick about silver frames all you want, but nitpicking about gold rims and a top bar makes you sound pretty dumb.

>> No.7515465


This is always an interesting argument, and, really what it comes down to, is that while the images are all symbolic and change to fit what will look best (ie. stuff like Aradia's Horns), Hussie stays mostly consistent in text.

So, while Dave's glasses are never drawn with the rims, they actually should be gold rimmed Aviators.

>> No.7515601
File: 60 KB, 475x750, tumblr_n4bb77LbA11sfsdq4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you probably are. Most glasses (including Stiller's) have rims. It's an excruciatingly tiny detail.

>> No.7515628

>nitpicking about sunglasses

Now I can understand wanting a Lucina cosplayer to have the right wig or wanting a Phoenix Wright cosplayer to wear a good suit, but for fuck's sake, this is a WEBCOMIC you're nitpicking about. A bad one that sexualizes children at that.

God. These threads make me want to go to /mlp/ just to sanitize myself. That's right, I want to baptize myself from this shit with filth. It's certainly better than having to acknowledge your existences.

>> No.7515652

>going to /mlp/

That said, I will agree that the nitpicking of the sunglasses is... a bit much. It's such a minute detail. The more important thing to nitpick is the wig, which not many Dave cosplayers can seem to get right.

>> No.7515691

You don't get it, do you?

It's a shitty webcomic. You can fuck up the cosplay as much as you want. They're all two-dimensional characters with boring designs, except for the SPESHUL SNOWFLAKE known as Andrew's self-insert.

Also, the one time I did go, there was a decent cosplay thread, so I guess it's only 99% shit.

>> No.7515732
File: 566 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mk56id49VP1qbh83no4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threatening to go to /mlp/
>still here

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

>> No.7515735
File: 110 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n4fvqbxREz1qhekjco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7515737

>paper fins
>terrible wig
>what are the horns doing
>all that fucking makeup for eridan
pls stop this

>> No.7515744

Are those fins fucking laminated? They look shiny.

>> No.7515775

Fucking this.
If you're going to be THAT anal about "how they're drawn", to the point of valuing what they look like over what the drawing is supposed to represent, you should be upset that cosplayers use wigs for the hair rather than solid black paper-mache masses, because it isn't drawn with strands.

>> No.7515790

Or that kid cosplayers don't paint themselves paper white

>> No.7516013

Good god, it's more purple than person.

>> No.7516075

I wish more people did that cause it sounds like it'd be kinda neat, but at the same time, I don't think I've ever seen it done any better that absolutely, pants-shittingly, terrifying. I guess being that white and having an "outline" in real life just doesn't look right.

>> No.7516082

>op mentions color of sunglasses' rims
holy shit calm down

>> No.7516090

This. There's a difference between a canon detail that's realistically doable and a canon detail that's not.

>> No.7516145

i don't think either of you actually know what you're talking about.

>implying gold rimmed aviators are not realistically doable
>implying anon has any ground to stand on bitching about cosplayers who choose the gold rimmed route instead of flat black shades
>implying hussie's lazily stylization overrides the source material he's directly inserting into the comic
>all this implying

op lost their bitchfit privileges when they flatly stated that they know the aviators are meant to be gold rimmed but because they arent drawn that way in muh comic any cosplay including gold rimmed shades wads their panties up their asshole. skin is also snow white in the comic, the guardians are faceless, and trolls are drawn with black irises even though their irises are canonically grey. it's one thing to prefer all black shades but to get wrecked about it because "i know what they're supposed to look like but that's not how they're drawn" makes them full retard.

>> No.7516151

Someone needs reading comprehension and anger management classes.

>> No.7516160

and someone (hi op) needs to learn how to more cleverly resurrect a topic if they want to try and make it seem like people are siding with them

>> No.7516167

you homestucks still don't know how to ignore shit that nobody cares about

never change guys

>> No.7516169

lol ok

You must be a Dave cosplayer who uses gold-rimmed aviators.

>> No.7516180
File: 48 KB, 580x386, starsky and hutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dave Strider
>David Starsky

Dave is pretty much a cosplayer in and of himself, even though he looks more like Hutch.

>> No.7516181

nah i use all black aviators but i know better than to warp my preference for that style into some kind of desperate "lol it's drawn that way so it has to look that way" logic

>> No.7516319

honestly i've always wanted to do this, but white paint seems like its much more difficult to make look nice and smooth in photos.

>> No.7516352

I think there was a god tier Jade posted here a long, long time ago who had painted themselves white and the result was really frightening, like Spooky Porrim status. I think it's probably because the literal translation of pure white skin is just very unnerving. For a Crocker Tier Jane that effect could be cool, but I don't think it would work for the regular humans.

>> No.7516433
File: 65 KB, 250x296, Hugo_Weaving_as_Red_Skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> What is one cosplay that you want to see done well before the comic ends?

Cherub Calliope or Caliborn. I'm considering trying it out but I've yet to see someone get the nose area right.

Pic semi-related, I'm leaning on taking the nose and cheeks area of a Red Skull mask, painting that portion green and using latex.

>> No.7516529

>The guardians don't have faces either so quit bitching about muh canon
I've seen cosplayers use zentai suits to achieve that look.
Honestly, you are beyond mad.
When on earth did OP get so "wrecked" about it? They said it was a nitpick, and said it "bugs" them.
You make it sound like they were fighting tooth and nail for one minuscule detail, when it was two posts.
/cgl/ at it's finest.

>> No.7516545
File: 860 KB, 400x240, tumblr_mgpf6ripKA1r35os0o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pretending you aren't samefagging all over this thread about a sunglasses nitpick that nobody else gives a single shit about. Nobody here is mad but you. Just stop resurrecting a dead topic and move on.

>> No.7516563

Steering the topic away from the b8...

>>7516433 I think that would be a really really awesome idea. Honestly you could use the entire Red Skull mask considering, well...he's a skull face just like the cherubs. Just need to paint it green of course.

>> No.7516565

And we've had numerous discussions about how strange - and ultimately bad - zentai suit guardians look, especially when paired with kid cosplayers who have facial features and an actual skin color. Give it up.

>> No.7516575

Granted, I know next to nothing about working with latex, but wouldn't you have to detail and contour the mask with darker paint after you've covered the original color and its shadows with a flat green? It sounds like a cool idea for a base in theory, but with op's last wip in mind, I'm not 100% sure that anon could pull it off.

>> No.7516913

That is if I can find (or make?) one that covers the entire head. That's the photo off wikipedia.

The one at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Captain-America-Movie-Red-Skull-1-4-Mask-Adult-/130813867181 looks like something I can get away with with a bald wig since my hair is normally buzzcut, and it keeps the nose contour.

I did a zentai Felt, I'm sorry

>> No.7516917


forgot to add that i could obviously cut off the frown and teeth if i'm making it for calliope

>> No.7516923

You don't have to fucking remind us you did a Felt cosplay with a zentai suit every time the guardian zentai discussion comes up.

>> No.7517245
File: 205 KB, 438x564, tumblr_n4jc43D9fO1rxp8n9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone finally shelled out for Crocker Tier sclera contacts. It's too bad the rest of the cosplay looks so unremarkable.
>that wig
>those glasses
>that lipstick

>> No.7517264

yeah sorry about that ;-;

>> No.7517268

Why are people willing to fuck up their eyes for the sake of cosplay. Why.

>> No.7517284

If everything about the cosplay was dead on balls accurate and the cosplayer was super passionate about Jane as a character, I can understand forking over the dough for sclera contacts and wearing them for a couple hours to nail a spectacular photoshoot. I've always thought a well-done Terezi with scleras would be really cool, for example. But this is just...not...good. Kisbe wore sclera contacts once but it was the extra mile, finishing touch on a cosplay that was already excellent, not something she bought and slapped on a cosplay that was mediocre. That pic looks weird to me, kind of like if urchintier had the best Kanaya wig and horns anyone had ever seen but paired them with that beaded fancytier monstrosity of hers. The contacts seem really out of place.

I know it's their money and they can spend it however they want, but this cosplayer should have used the cash to really make their cosplay stand out (ie making a better tiara, buying better glasses) without relying on the contacts to redeem their outfit's flaws.

>> No.7517303

I hate the lipstick, and the sclera lenses look weird on her because she has light eyes, but she can't help that so w/e.

I can't really say anything else about the cosplay since i can't see the outfit, but it looks like she has just the hood on.

Also nekosclera has pretty cheap lenses that people swear by, so if she ordered their (gambit) lenses she wouldn't have to spend a fortune, or at least not as much as the usual $100+

>> No.7517326

Its not like stacking your lenses also if you don't wear them for long you'll be fine (i've heard most people can safely wear them for an hour but i'm not an expert.) This may sound harsh, but whoever is dumb enough to fuck around with their eyes and contacts deserves whatever damage comes their way.

>> No.7517334

My grammar is atrocious, i'm sorry.

>> No.7517346

Agreed. Just like the sharpie bathtub story. That dumb bitch deserved whatever fucked up consequence she got for soaking in a solution of ink and alcohol.

>> No.7517371
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Or you could just shell out the $$$ for real sclaras and not risk permanently damaging your eyes like a dumbass. You can wear good sclaras for hours before they get uncomfortable.

>> No.7517439
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>> No.7517460

>stacking your lenses.

>> No.7517475
File: 344 KB, 549x376, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still cosplaying homestuck

>> No.7517479

>still leaving weak bait in threads about things you dont like

>> No.7517527

She's cute, but I'm suspicious of the cosplay construction since we can't see anything more than her head. Where are her horns?

>> No.7517674
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>> No.7517677
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>> No.7517679
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>> No.7517680
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>> No.7517684

Vomit. Vomit everywhere.

>> No.7517711

Is this Wreckitronnie? Awful as usual.

This is kinda freaking me out, namely the eyes, although I don't know if it's good or bad. It's... interesting, at least.

>> No.7517716

The eyes are freaking you out because they're terrible shoop.

>> No.7517761


>safety pins

>> No.7517797

Gross gross gross. Please stop.

>> No.7517805

>That expression
>Those hot topic bracelets
>That hat
>The oversized logo on a girlycut tee
>The shitty bead belt accessory
>Not wearing shades to show off terrifying contacts
Jesus H Dick why would anyone EVER think this is acceptable to post anywhere even as a joke

>> No.7517810

Why is nobody talking about how tumblrfied this is
>Stupid blush
>Completely inaccurate wig
>Horns sagging
>Are her nails painted

>> No.7517846 [DELETED] 

I'm always really happy when people give trolls (esp Karkat) hugeass eyebags like they're drawn with (again, especially Karkat). Even people who do really great, contoured makeup often leave out the fact that most trolls canonically have conspicuous bags under their eyes

>> No.7517852

I'm always really happy when people give trolls (esp Karkat) hugeass eyebags, like they're drawn with (again, especially Karkat, and other Vantases). Even people who do really great, contoured makeup often leave out the fact that most trolls canonically have conspicuous bags under their eyes

>> No.7517865
File: 110 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mvckksg3xu1seeve5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to like this but those safety pins are killing it for me. Just... why? What were they thinking?

>> No.7517901

what the ever loving fuck is going on with that hem

>> No.7517911

>dark jeans

>> No.7517952

ngl it's funny watching you post basic critique like this when you couldn't even match the greens on your callie ohpeee cosplay

>> No.7518022

Speaking of this, dude why do you trip when your stuff looks awful? It's not wise to draw attention to yourself if the attention isn't going to be good.

>> No.7518246

Fine, I'll drop it. Sorry.

Though I figured most of the stuff that ends up displayed on these threads is already better than what I usually come up with anyway.

>> No.7518283

Sorry the thread is full of assholes dude. I'm looking forward to seeing you improve though.

>> No.7518297

Don't worry mang, I figured as much from /mspa/ anyway.

>> No.7518506

And now you're samefagging.

>> No.7519476

/r/ Nitrams. Has anyone done the Summoner well enough, with his huge horns?

>> No.7519540
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>> No.7519547
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>> No.7519705
File: 1.43 MB, 900x1350, ruuufiiiooo__by_canni8al summoner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7519708
File: 827 KB, 1280x1912, hot dang mohawkdandy summoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(going by thumbnails, so I can't vouch for quality)

>> No.7519714
File: 1.10 MB, 667x1000, fond of your ears and horns puap-pan rufioh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7519717
File: 118 KB, 500x667, pretty cute yo thesecretkeith rufioh and dante basco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7519719
File: 211 KB, 800x804, dead dead tavros oldeforce narcon 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board stopped letting me reply to the same post, welp.

>> No.7519720
File: 260 KB, 900x675, yes__tinkerbull__by_pekasairroc tavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7519723
File: 242 KB, 450x600, akaisha0 nice legs tavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7519726
File: 41 KB, 1280x718, tumblr_n4ly7wwoxd1r2ql0fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone is trying an Imperial Drone.

>> No.7519734

Those robolegs look really terrible for some reason. Maybe the huge spacing between the plates or the fact that it looks too cartoony, I don't know.

>> No.7519755

Now that's something I haven't seen before. But cool.

>> No.7519806

/r/ing good Maryams. Bonus points for rosemary cosplays.

>> No.7519975 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n3m4otjxo11qzabaro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7520033
File: 345 KB, 500x750, dang cuties gentlemanlyspam kanaya virulentmalapropisms rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7520098

Waiting for someone to post obligatory cifera/mostflogged nudestuck.

>> No.7520325

i hate mf as much as the next seagull but those pics are hot as fuck

>> No.7520809
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>> No.7520814
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>> No.7520818
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>> No.7520819
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>> No.7520822
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>> No.7520830
File: 615 KB, 1235x822, 1364589526924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a rose it counts.

>> No.7521056
File: 452 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mcmpe7XEi91ro93t6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is almost no effort involved in this cosplay but MF can't bother to style her wig?

Sorry this is just uncomfortable to look at. Nudestuck-for-attention is one trend I wish would die.

>> No.7521075

tbh, i want all xstuck to die.
Promstuck being the first.

>> No.7521077
File: 514 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n4nj43ZeAJ1smxwbyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw the bouquet of flowers on wings mount, I thought "huh, saccharinesylph's skirt/horns/shirt are looking unusually sloppy"

>> No.7521079
File: 493 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n4nj43ZeAJ1smxwbyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I realised that someone made a shitty ripoff of SS's Witch of Life.

>> No.7521080

What the hell, those horns look awful, if those are horns. Source?

>> No.7521088

No source on cosplayer, but here's the post

>> No.7521090
File: 314 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n4neayba901rnp39bo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you.

Captcha: THIS Assoidfs

>> No.7521094


esp. that fucking homestuck. what a terrible au

>> No.7521116

Those horns are very unfortunate.

>> No.7521220

Best Vriska cosplay in the background right there.

>> No.7521248
File: 37 KB, 321x473, karkat_talk_sprite_not_mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else hate when people draw/dress up as a one of the characters with different skin or hair colors? I've seen black Jane's, Blond hair black skin roses, and of fucking course redheaded Dave. I fucking hate that. Humanized trolls are one thing, but the kids are pretty blatantly white, with blond/black hair. Fucking Hussie cowing to racist accusations and making him go with that Ambiguous race BS

>> No.7521254

As long as people get the hair colour right, and put effort into their costume i don't give a shit what colour or race they are.

>> No.7521267

While I don't deny that Hussie's declaration of araciality was weak as shit when it's pretty obvious that as a writer he sees them all as white, you sound like a jackass for taking it so personally. The only issue I have with poc cosplayers is that many seem to get asspats just for being a poc instead of actually having a good cosplay. That phenomenon isn't unique to poc cosplayers though. Look at all the ~*~*sexy white dave*~*~ tag spammers who get attention just for making tumblrtards' crusty panties wet instead of being decent by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.7521271
File: 88 KB, 450x348, kanayawest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Karkat Vantas doesn't care about black people

>> No.7521372
File: 409 KB, 1280x912, tumblr_mvupf8wb8k1r2cu46o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll in the dungeoonnnnn

>> No.7521386

I just don't understand this AU whatsoever.

>> No.7521391

I don't think anyone does.

>> No.7521393

The Roxy is so out of place. Terezi isn't great but Kanaya and Rose are cute, at least.

>> No.7521410

There were more people in the group, but Roxy got hungry and now there are only 4.

>> No.7521414

This. Doesn't matter what your skin color is, just try to do your best and put in the effort.

And also, just don't do what wreckitronnie does. Ever.

>> No.7521419
File: 810 KB, 767x1388, 1393642098807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7521421
File: 106 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n4m7f4jDLM1r33yrpo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What au is this even supposed to be?

>> No.7521423

This was fucking disgusting though. Anon was mad but they had a damn good reason to be.

>> No.7521529

Isn't that the "Oh God please help me" Kanaya?

>> No.7521601

I still think that weird, pained expression is a bad attempt to look mature and stoic. She's obviously friends with those other cosplayers or they never would have coordinated a group cosplay together. She knew what she was getting herself into.

>> No.7521623

What did wreckitronnie do?

>> No.7521632

Everything they do is a model of what not to do.

>> No.7521661

This could also be true, which is unfortunate.

Basically, from what I can tell, Wreckitronnie is popular on Tumblr even though their cosplays are rather mediocre at best. And all because Wreckitronnie isn't white.

>> No.7521674

>Rather mediocre at best
>rather mediocre
Their shit is terrible. They are the embodiment of "fandom dave" and it's gagworthy. The pic posted earlier in the thread is a perfect example.

>All because Wreckitronnie isn't white
Completely fucking false. They'd be fine if they toned down the forced "swag" thing they seem to be trying to pull off for Dave.
TL;DR They cater to the fandom and while they wouldn't look atrocious if they stuck to canon designs, the personality of their Dave cosplay is just beyond terrible.

>> No.7521686

Different anon here. They have a shit tier understanding of Dave's character and shit tier cosplays too (fucking ugly skinny jeans, unflattering crossplays, jewelry and piercings, etc) but they totally get asspats for being brown. Just like that terrifying black Jane did with the Slenderjohn contacts and the "humanstuck Nepeta" with horns that have both been posted here. Being black was a major factor in why their cosplays got so much attention when they were so bad to begin with. This fandom is full of sjw white guilt, and they assuage it by circlejerking poc cosplays even when those cosplays are terrible. A couple threads ago an anon dumped cute, good poc cosplayers with clean craftsmanship and nice wigs. I wish those cosplayers had been the ones getting attention instead of the trainwrecks I've already mentioned.

>> No.7521688

She's basically tan, I wouldn't even call her a special snowflake. and she ain't great.

>> No.7521691

I'm >>7521674.
I think I may have misinterpreted the previous anon's post about "All because wreckitronnie isn't white." I thought they meant their cosplays weren't good because they weren't white, but now I get it.

My bad. I totally agree with everything you've said though.

>> No.7522229
File: 379 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mzh57yqKT61s886ypo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best/worst of Wreckitronnie spam incoming in 3, 2, 1

>> No.7522231
File: 155 KB, 496x750, tumblr_n1rrc8pwQ11s886ypo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7522233
File: 1.87 MB, 300x277, tumblr_mxg15f0ZOT1s886ypo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7522234
File: 68 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mvke63wfYq1sik620o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7522236
File: 150 KB, 407x750, tumblr_mtnopq9GPj1s886ypo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7522239
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mxeymxXBFr1s886ypo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a bonus Roxy for the road.

>> No.7522245

Why. Why would you do this. No one needed to see any of this.

>> No.7522344

Fucking horrifying.

>> No.7522705

hey guys im working on a roxy lalonde costume and i was wondering what sort of prop i could make for it? i dont want anything too big since it's a small, summer con but i want something people dont usually do to make me stand out.

>> No.7522770

Get this faggot out of here

>> No.7522800
File: 9 KB, 650x450, 04476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try pic related, i forget the name but its small and people dont often make it.

>> No.7522838

>mfw I originally wrote this
I thought I was the only one that had it saved. Glad to see it back.

>> No.7522848

Mutini plushie? Ship-in-a-bottle sylladex?

>> No.7522889

speaking of ship in a bottle sylladex, that sounds actually kind of neat considering i dont think ive ever seen that done. i went and looked up references and remembered at one point she tried to captchologue ecto slime and it just ended up as a bottle full of slime so i might do that with a milk jar and green jello.

>> No.7522910

that. fucking. curl. going. the wrong. way.


>> No.7523038

That could be really cute. I don't recommend jello though since that could get gross in the bottle. I used to make this slime mixture at summer camp when I was a kid that had a thicker consistency, like glue, and could be colored with food dye. I think it was made with borax. Maybe look into that as a different option?

That whole wig is fucked. Tbh her whole face is fucked. She's going nowhere fast.

>> No.7523043

Because they're not white.

I could also suggest, if you're doing her God Tier outfit in particular, the Generic Object. It's very simple, just a green cube.

>> No.7523170

okay, ill look into that!
alas i am not, its just her default outfit, though i could probably make that fairly quickly and easily as well.

>> No.7523269
File: 437 KB, 1000x665, tumblr_mzmyrqwHAd1qzc770o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting it on fishing line like god tier Jades do with their planets would be cool too.

I think a little mutini plush for default Roxy would be super cute.

>> No.7523284

Not an AU, the person just drew a bunch of fantasy designs for fun and their friends decided to cosplay it. The Rose, Kanaya, Nepeta and Terezi are all well-made and kind of nice to look at if you don't mind the non-canon designs, but it would have been nice to see them put that effort into some more productive direction.

>> No.7523289

I'm loving that Vriska's wings.

>> No.7523343

Heard there was some drama involving HS cosplay at Zenkaicon, anyone know what happened?

>> No.7523357

They're phenomenal. It looks like they're a little low though. Either they were made that way or the harness is slipping; if it's the latter, that's totally understandable since they're at a con and you can't always pause to adjust your cosplay in the hallway. A little disappointing if it's the former but they still look great. Might be the best GT Vriska wings I've ever seen.

>> No.7523381
File: 279 KB, 500x743, 1350965353112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's the same one as this one, the harness may just be slipping.

>> No.7523424

there are some huge anti homestucks at that convention so i'm sure whatever it is will be blown up by them tenfold.

still want deets though

>> No.7523503

I wasnt comparing them sorry
Your anger is the only thing redeemable or good about this photos existence. Thank you for that

>> No.7523611

/r/ing good Meenahs


/r/ing good Johns

Bonus points for John/Meenah Cosplays

>> No.7523667

not the same, Vriska in your pic is anniilaugh, I don't know who >>7521090 is

>> No.7523677

You sure it's not just a candid of the same girl looking a little con-worn? Their faces are kind of similar similar, and the thin middle parts on the wings look exactly the same.

>> No.7523723
File: 183 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n4q1ecsd9r1s6fwjmo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No drama posts in the zenkaistuck tag.

However this was in the tag for anyone who ever wanted tallpants made out of a corset.

>> No.7523732

anniilaugh is from finland and she's in her late 20's so no, deffo not her

>> No.7523751

What do you think of blood swap cosplays?
Have their been any successful ones?

>> No.7523781
File: 86 KB, 1208x553, tumblr_mgsrqclMoZ1rqnfqvo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a pretty cool tyrian Karkat at last Otakon but they didn't have any grey on, so not really /cgl/-acceptable tier.

These designs which were going around last year are cool. I think some of them would be really pretty translated into cosplay.

>> No.7523787

They all look like ugly scene kids.

>> No.7523796

0/10 do not recommend

>> No.7523814


well moreso than usual anyway

>> No.7524067

Who has ever wanted that?

>> No.7524091


Everything about this is so awkward looking

>> No.7524258

I am suddenly reminded of durrscurr

>> No.7524512

The only one that's even remotely not terrible looking is Equius, and even then those stupid-ass freckles wreck it for me.

None of this even makes sense. They're fuschia blooded but all have hair streaks? Why is Eridan's horn broken off? This is so fucking stupid.

>> No.7524874
File: 133 KB, 974x510, tumblr_n4oxtlPwar1sfi89oo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524878

not a single decent cosplay among them. how unfortunate they all look..

>> No.7524894

Which character is that even supposed to be, in the yellow outfit to the left of the Dolorosas?

>> No.7524952

My guess is bloodswap humanstuck Dualscar. It can't be the Psiioniic.

>> No.7524964

I almost want to say it's a fancy dreamer, but I have no fucking clue.

>> No.7524969

a banana pimp

>> No.7524972
File: 367 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n4rfauSJC81t296qio9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for an Ampora.

>> No.7524976

are they holding a rain stick???

>> No.7524979

Did they stop by Sesame Street Place on the way to con to skin Big Bird?

>> No.7524988
File: 509 KB, 1054x1770, tumblr_n4ratyLVT71r0a2yxo5_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525008

Asante sana Squash banana...

>> No.7525041
File: 65 KB, 450x588, god_tier____thief_by_defeatedart-d4sxmes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get boots that would work for a thief god tier that are relatively cheap? Color doesn't matter, just the style of shoe

>> No.7525083
File: 383 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n4pkxiFSoD1rvqr1fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525089

why won't guys wear wigs. why won't they. it would add so much to their cosplay but instead it looks lazy.

>> No.7525096

>girlycut shirt
>bracelets (?????)
>wrong shoes
>blue jeans. blue. jeans.

>Pretty solid except for the watch, black hat, and lack of wig.

Seriously, why do so many Bro cosplayers think they can get away with not using wigs? Bro isn't bald.

>> No.7525111
File: 1.81 MB, 400x293, 1393971451328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The short answer is the "function > form" preference. The long answer is that finding, and gauging fits for wigs is quite hard if there's no costume/theater store nearby, and if you gauge the wig incorrectly from an online store, the time to get the right one will leave the person little time to style it correctly before the scheduled event.

>> No.7525118
File: 391 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n3ztloa4Nm1rmvw1po3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how does every female cosplayer in the fandom manage? Guys just think they can get away with no makeup and wig because those are girly things.

>> No.7525124

That's an awful lot of bullshit for a terrible excuse. You lazy fucks give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.7525125

good points. my boy always wears wigs, but they sometimes leave him with migraines and a red ring around his head.

some more casual cosplayers would definitely say comfort > accuracy

>> No.7525130

Step 1: Open browser
Step 2: Navigate to arda-wigs.com
Step 3: Now you have a wig that will fit your giant man head

>> No.7525137

Ok, casual cosplay I'll grant you that.

But if you're going to have a photoshoot with a rehearsed shot, after all that effort, you'd think you could spring for a wig rather than half assing it.

>> No.7525140

The fandom is predominately women to begin with, and for all the standards that are done for the trolls, the set-up for human kids/guardians are sparse to say the least.

Woe to the causals who are not blessed with proper patience/time management.

>> No.7525144

arda is great for big heads.

china/ebay is not.

guess where most teenie boppers living off mommy and daddy's allowance get their wigs

>> No.7525171

she's adorable. just a little lopsided on the horns

>> No.7525177

But anon, her poor armsocks are poor.

Aside from that, yeah, she's okay.

>> No.7525218

Thin stringy wig too. She's a 6/10 Terezi, tops.

>> No.7525257
File: 60 KB, 539x960, 1601156_10201844370456200_1411057031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that smartphone white balance
Have some Peixes. Far from perfect, but points for the set because all three of the cosplayers are actually sisters.

>> No.7525305


The fandom's pretty evenly split, actually. The cosplay fandom, and the BNF Cosplay fandom, is entirely female because of your own lazy bullshit.

>> No.7525327
File: 461 KB, 500x360, 1391714909829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're preaching to the choir. If anything, I worry that more causals are going to botch their human kids/guardian outfits because the price of being denied their convenience is insufferable.

>> No.7525349
File: 590 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4rivjNKVc1r4i8b5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source on this? I like the photography here.

>> No.7525356

meh, I see those things as acceptable, mostly cause I feel really uncomfortable with paint on my arms.

But terezi has messy and stringy hair. So it makes sense

>> No.7525366
File: 404 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n4qa14wkb91rnhv8oo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides.

>> No.7525368

You like the photography on this zoomed-out photo taken at a bad angle with huge shadows? Try again, selfposter.

>> No.7525375

They clearly meant the one they were replying too.

>> No.7525382

Armsocks can be done well. That's why anon pointed out "poor armsocks" rather than just "armsocks". And it's possible to do a good, purposefully messy-looking Terezi wig without that clumping which just makes it obvious that it's a wig.

She's a qt3.14, but there's certainly room for improvement in her cosplay.

>> No.7525443

I would honestly make bootcovers. Unless your gt boot covers are gonna be black or brown you don't have many options.

>> No.7525446

*gt boots are gonna be black or brown

>> No.7525473
File: 64 KB, 720x499, tumblr_n4rwfekm8F1rydasmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to copy tastysuey's Helmsman rig
>no binding
>shit detail on the tentacles

This your first time on 4chan or you trollin?

>> No.7525484
File: 330 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mzl5a9JnOo1qzc770o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit of fiddling with reverse image search (the colours and composition didn't make the picture easy to backtrack), and here you go >>7523269

>> No.7525492
File: 72 KB, 423x750, tumblr_mt84g6uUm31qzc770o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525495
File: 109 KB, 500x741, tumblr_milksurU511r2p04so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525498
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>> No.7525503
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>> No.7525521

Gun looks awesome but why that scarf...

>> No.7525659

dat dirk tho.

>> No.7525828

Both of these are pretty good actually. huh.

I mean, those zahhak horns should be more vertical, and i'm not sure if that's a wig or their real hair (they a nice wig, either way), but everything looks like its decently put together?

The only thing i'm not real fond of with the Calliope is her shoes. They just dont fit the character imo

>> No.7525978
File: 350 KB, 2474x1387, ancestorgodtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be god tier Dualscar, I think

>> No.7525985

Designs aside, this is still just the stupidest shit...

>> No.7526037

No argument there
I'm still cringing at the gross amount of money they must have spent on that god awful sparkle fur

>> No.7526038

There's just a zero understanding of godtier titles and actually godtier anything. Blegh.

>> No.7526114
File: 206 KB, 531x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same Dave, different sunglasses. Guess they started out canon then switched to silver rims like a dumbass or visa versa

>> No.7526139

>started out canon
>are those fucking wayfarers

>> No.7526168

Canon? Those?
Try again.
Silver rims are better than that garbage.

>> No.7526187

The chainmail is cool, but why the fuck is their cosplay so goddamn ill-fitting? It's almost Mur tier baggy, from the symbol to the sleeves to the front of the cape. It just looks so sloppy.

>> No.7526199

You mean the god tier fanart?
It's kind of cool looking. Leaving off the somewhat silly names -- if fancy dreamers and fancy god tier are a thing, why not this?

>> No.7526212

>why not this?
Because it's retarded. The Alternian ancestors never played Sburb/Sgrub/any of its iterations; they're the post-scratch selves of the trolls who did. It's as incongruent as cosplaying a trickster ancestor or an Heir of Breath god tier Poppop.

>> No.7526214

Obviously it would be an AU type thing. Where people draw the line with alternate costumes is so arbitrary sometimes...like, there's no conceivable REASON that any character would need ultra-fancy ballgown hoop skirt pajamas since most of the time all they do in a dreamer outfit is sleep, yet I've never heard anyone call fancy dreamers a stupid idea.

>> No.7526218

You must be new here.

>> No.7526224

There is still some logical basis for that in that derse and prospit are "kingdoms" and whatnot.

If you wanted to make an au in which the ancestors play sgrub dualscar would probably still be some sorta bard of hope because hes still just cronus in a different universe.

>> No.7526296

this. Why would the ancestors have different titles from their younger selves?

>> No.7526387

Not to mention, what are any of those titles supposed to mean?

>> No.7526419

Why even do a genderswap group if every person in the group is female?

>> No.7526431

Everyone here thinks that fancy dreamers are stupid. But at least with fancy dreamers there's a reason why the artists might have designed them. Those stupid god tiers for the ancestors make no sense, don't follow the god tier naming system, and likely don't mean anything. You either have to follow all of the rules or totally break them and make an entirely new thing (which will likely be stupid but not as stupid as what was posted).

>> No.7526554

yeah. like "kaiser". That's just german for emperor. Why wouldn't Condy be Kaiserin instead? That makes zero sense.

>> No.7526591

I was more thinking what the fuck is a kaiser of lifes actual powers, what the hell would a count of hope strive for regarding personal growth?

It's just a fancy way to say their actual titles and faiths jfc.

>> No.7526736

I bet they only used kaiser because of the sea hitler thing. They couldn't exactly call her the Führer of Life now could they.

>anything german=instant sexy nazis

I'd love to see Summoner as the fucking Herald of Breath though. Flying around screaming BREAAAAAAAATH and doing nothing else ever. Best superpower ever

>> No.7526821

And when Troll Germany invades Troll France, I suppose Condy would use the Von SchliefFIN plan? ohohoho

>> No.7526878

zenkaikon this year homestuck wise was a downgrade from last year. There where like 2 or 3 good homestuck cosplayers and some cute ones here and there

>> No.7528037
File: 272 KB, 724x1000, tumblr_n4tbggA7fu1rnfhi0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of problems with this Jake genderbend (piercings, lack of trigger discipline) and I'm on the fence about the black pantyhose she's wearing. The shirt is the single remarkable part.

>fuck it anon

>> No.7528039
File: 655 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n4lm9qZ44a1r0gjd6o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bandanna Meenah is back! ...with 80s-exercise-outfit-Feferi?

>> No.7528042
File: 563 KB, 643x900, tumblr_mj5lx9TSm01qkoi55o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7528045

Meenah looks okay. Not really feeling that Feferi though, but perhaps another image of her would look better. Her nose in particular is looking a bit unflattering here.

>> No.7528048
File: 332 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_msgwumPaox1qis33mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7528087

>80s feferi
I'm loving this concept dearly.

>> No.7528121


No trigger discipline

Not even that shirt can save this shitpile

>> No.7528375

I'd like it more if they wore flats instead of heels, and the gold trim reminds me a little too much of Condy's bodysuit, but as a whole the outfit's cute.

>> No.7528397

Deliberately bad is still better than most Dave cosplays at this point.

Just needs the SORD.

>> No.7528774

Speaking of the SORD, has anyone ever even made one? I don't think I've ever seen a Dave with a SORD prop, which is a shame because it's one of my favorite things from the comic.

I want to see one that's well-constructed but still unbelievably shitty looking. Like covered in duct tape and glitter glue and bits of construction paper, but it looks intentionally bad and not low-effort.

>> No.7528788

You're kidding right? I see at least two at every con I go to.

>> No.7528792
File: 96 KB, 500x389, tumblr_lxm6wuL1V21r715zto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i've seen like one or two daves with the SORD, but here is pic related, i just looked up "SORD"

>> No.7528800

Really? I've never seen a picture of a Dave cosplayer with a SORD. I don't go to cons so I guess I'm missing seeing them there.

Speaking of swords, I wish the Snoop Dogg Snow Cone Machete was a more common prop as well. I want to make it one day.

>> No.7528802
File: 105 KB, 960x689, tumblr_mnjeg15JJ31qek64go3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen one Dave with the SORD before. It's probably not too hard of a prop to do and you're even encouraged to make it look shitty, but in the intentional way.

>> No.7528898
File: 377 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n4uy1rr1zk1slb039o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did make the other shitty sword from the bad pornographies though!

>> No.7528903
File: 144 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n4puaaaq5c1sp58k3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking bets that the next fad will be to take pictures in HS cosplay at family dinners. It was funny the first two times last year, but it seems to be suffering a resurgence as *lolrandom* and *cosplaylyfe*.

>> No.7528905

This is the only time I'll say this about something cosplay related, but that isn't shitty enough.

>> No.7530087

I've only seen it twice, once before and once now, looking at this.

Though I do hope this fad does not get popular. It's just silly.

>> No.7531013
File: 163 KB, 498x750, tumblr_n3rv1rKvgF1sjth9do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531016
File: 572 KB, 1024x683, tumblr_n2649icNfp1svwux8o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531020
File: 580 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n4dqw2aztO1qf465mo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531024
File: 140 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n4f5iacIta1rlc223o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531027
File: 240 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n44r1bv0SS1sakvt6o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531606

i know these people

>> No.7531612

Why is Roxys symbol grey? And Dirks wig is so orange and his symbol is so small and his shoes??

>> No.7531620

Those poor wigs.
Source on this?

>> No.7531633
File: 420 KB, 1280x848, 1392346158798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531656 [DELETED] 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/5PRLtwxSyF4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
pretty sure these are the same people in this vid

>> No.7531677

Everything is pretty good except the weft is showing and the fin doesn't actually look attached.
I love Miwas cosplays, they're always so great and she's pretty kind too.
What safety pins?
This is good, although it is a bit creepy.
Hankerchief AU? Fraying shorts though.
Krazorspoon Equius amazes me. I've only seen about four or five people cosplay him well.

>> No.7531680

pretty sure these are the same people

>> No.7531685
File: 828 KB, 800x629, 1392417884174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah? why do shitty aus when you can do this au?

>> No.7531689

That eridan, im pretty sure, is using their own hair.

>> No.7531696
File: 239 KB, 854x1280, tumblr_n4w6icwAbB1rif4uao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booty booty booty.
>looks at own sad, flat ass

>safety pins
Follow the comment thread to >>7517674, where the Sufferer's hood/cape is held together at the collar by a bunch of huge, incongruous safety pins.

>> No.7531714
File: 562 KB, 1280x986, tumblr_n4tnj0bGOs1r0bscuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7531735

i want to re enact john stepping on the cake, should i?

>> No.7531737


>> No.7531765

This is not the most flattering picture, but I like that Disciple.

>> No.7531805

She's got a face as autistic as SCH.

>> No.7531848

Best one in that shot. Clean lines and horns too. Not sure about the shiny nail polish on the nails but they match.

>> No.7531884


then eat it

>> No.7531906

Source on the Dave is crowmunist.

>> No.7531925


>> No.7531951

New thread:

>> No.7531953

>those horns
>that trident
>wig long but thin and ratty
The bodysuit seem clean but I'm betting they look like shit from the front.

>> No.7531963

ew no.

>> No.7531974

No idea why you'd want to do this for anything but attention on Tumblr, which you probably won't get to begin with. You'll just ruin a perfectly good cake. No wants a fucking picture of you with your foot covered in it.

>> No.7532069
File: 683 KB, 1280x1707, 1398236567168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be an acceptable item to carry around that could be fashioned into a sort of bag for a Doc Scratch cosplayer?
I'd rather it be something that canonically makes sense but I can't think of anything

>> No.7532104

bowl of whatever candies he gives out.

>> No.7532107


>> No.7532111

i am pretty sure that jake is that one meenah in vstuck who went into a fountain.

>> No.7532125

Holy shit.

>> No.7532195

i actually liked that part and im not doing it for attention I just thought it would be fun to do. and please, it's just a cake. its not like youre eating it anyways.


wow thats cute.

>> No.7532199

Not a safe idea.