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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 417x409, taobaooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7514922 No.7514922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. Theres also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

Old thread >>7499975

>> No.7514937
File: 439 KB, 1000x664, taobao or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the taobao direct buyer anon, I got my package today.

They sent it in a plastic sleeve thing, and it was wrapped quite a bit, like pass the parcel style, there were two more layers of other stuff under that.

The pink sheet is what the forwarders I assume, print out, they tick off the items you buy. I didn't buy from more than two sellers though, but I'd imagine they do the same thing regardless. I'm not sure if theres a fee you have to pay for storing it in the warehouse.

I started the order on: 9/4/14 and received it on the 23/4/14.

>> No.7514996
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, mnm daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HALP! take 3

Trying to find dodgy/derptastic/hilarious dakimakura body pillows or at least body pillow covers for an upcoming birthday.

I did try 抱枕 but nothing comes up.
Also need translation for "Captain America", "Winter Soldier", "Loki" or "Avengers"
Suggestions appreciated.

It's for a friend's upcoming birthday - her mom died within a week of her last birthday so the need for comedy is high.

>> No.7514996,1 [INTERNAL] 



Moot hacked by aussie

>> No.7515106

Are you NZ/Australia Anon?

>> No.7515121
File: 445 KB, 950x600, blazeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck, taobao

>> No.7515122

Post store.

>> No.7515124


>> No.7515148
File: 500 KB, 500x333, cuddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to help you out, anon! You sound like a great friend.

> Captain America: Winter Soldier = 美國隊長:冬天戰士
It brings up a lot of (probably knockoff) Winter Soldier / Cap merch and figures. Now that I'm actually looking at it, I really want to get some figures.

As for dakimakura, this shop has a lot of... terrifying ones.
> http://hanaji-dakimakura.taobao.com/

The keyword 等身抱枕 brings up a lot of dakis, too.

>> No.7515209

pulled these from wikipedia, so make sure to check there first
avengers - 復仇者聯盟
loki - 洛基

searching loki pulls up dakimakuras for tom hiddles, so

>> No.7515250
File: 260 KB, 500x500, 1392740701601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.7515260


I own two skirts and a top from them. They're great quality, I can't recommend them enough!

>> No.7515280
File: 984 KB, 1037x1379, SonicoPics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon who wanted to know about the Sonico cos, I finally got mine today. Here are some pictures of it.

It's really to-size. Got a size large. My waist is 78cm and it was snug. The lace n the neck was a little weird and kept popping up in the back but it's nothing unfix able. The sleeve cuffs were a little tight for me but I have larger arms. The top on how it fit was just right size with the buttons looks a little loose but nothing terrible. It wasn't thinly threaded or anything but you can resew them a little to make sure they stay on. The skirt is super short--it was right under my butt.

The only problem I was a little worried about is the zipper on the skirt. It was a little difficult unzipping and zipping back up but just had to do it slowly and carefully. I didn't see any loose seams or whatnot. The fabric itself had a shine to it but it doesn't bother me too much. The skirt did its own poof when wearing it so I liked that. I still might wear a petticoat under it anyway.

I wanted to stuff my bra but they left not much leeway. Everything was snug but not tight. I like it, overall. It's cute and I like the color (the stock photo is accurate color. My phone and room has weird yellowish lighting) better than the other sellers with this cosplay so far

Sorry that it's so long. If you want a worn picture I can do that as well.

>> No.7515284

Does anyone know of a store selling romantic gyaru shoes that are not Liz Lisa replicas?

>> No.7515289

What service did you use? and can you link us the store again?
Worn pictures would be nice.

>> No.7515342
File: 461 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-04-23-13-55-17_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Bhiner. I love the cart system instead of spreadsheet. I change my mind a lot.

Link to it:

Worn picture. Just ended up getting the same wedges they used

>> No.7515345

Holy fuck, you look amazing!!
Yeah, before I got used to Pruany, I couldn't decide between Bhiner and Pruany..
I might switch up though since I don't want them to ruin my custom cosplay either.

>> No.7515350

I love that skirt. Think it'd be alright to wear it casually or is it too costume-y?

>> No.7515359
File: 713 KB, 750x3928, yuruyuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? It's really cute, and I'm wondering..
It looks a lot like Yuru Yuri..

>> No.7515365

Oh shoot, this is also pretty cute. I want to wear this out casually as well.
>being that weeaboo who wants to wear cosplay in public with no occasion

>> No.7515381

Thank you! Oh ! I forgot to mention that they perfume or something the costume as well so it smells kinda nice. It's pretty subtle. Just don't know if you're allergic or don't like perfume

It's a little costume-y to me.. but it might be ok if you pair it right

>> No.7515402

>7506478 Anon here.
Package seemed to get through customs just fine and thank goodness! I was a little worried! It's already just a state over so here's hoping I'll get it tomorrow or the day after!

>> No.7515405

Welp I messed that up. I meant >>7506478 anon...

>> No.7515410

Please do a review on the items you get (and if it isn't too much trouble, include pictures too).

>> No.7515418

I shall! I'll probably encourage my boyfriend to do the same since I wanna know how it all fits him and what not (he lives several states away from me).

>> No.7515490

Aww that's so cute! Can I have a link please?

>> No.7515498

That moment when your taobao order is on hold because one of the sellers of an item you're buying has to restock buttons for it and you decided you wanted to do combined shipping.

>> No.7515505


>> No.7515511

Does anyone know if the sale prices on all those bags in I-SOS's shop are VIP or a sale/promotion price? I couldn't quite tell from googlefu, it doesn't say VIP price underneath but it wanted a log in when I clicked to read about the discount...?

>> No.7515565

Can anyone parse this? I can't copy the image right now but the translated message at the store says (and this is the seller's own translation)

" Order ≥ 50$,goods>3,we will provide free shipping by China post(can Mix)!(Shoes,bags,such as a single weight over 0.5kg goods,not in this activity.)

Order < 50$,goods>1, we will minus the shipping cost according to the actual weight.(The remote eara will not be free shipping but can minus a pat of postage. )

>> No.7515666

Was it more expensive or cheaper than buying from a SS?

>> No.7515690

/r/-ing some cute sturdy wallets?

>> No.7515795

Normal sale. It always is normal sale.

VIP pricing will say VIP on it. Otherwise, assume sale.

>> No.7515809

Is anyone else being redirected to a taobao login page when they're surfing the website? This never happened to me before.

>> No.7515829

Do you have more information, like if it's talking about domestic or international post, or what they sell, i.e. average item cost of 10 or 100RMB?

I think it says basically:
If the order is 50RMB (not sure if they're talking about RMB or USD but I know Google Translate translates ¥ to $) or more, we will provide free shipping by China Post (shoes, bags, or any single item over 500g is excluded from this order).
If the order is less than 50RMB, we'll take into account the true weight of the items and charge you accordingly.

>> No.7515839

I've never used taobao and actually bought before, but my friend said that taobao now ships to the us in most shops. Is this true? I'm just confused because I'd like to avoid a shopping service if possible (to save money).

>> No.7515842

Thanks, want to make sure since I asked my SS if I'm able to get it at the sale price, want to make sure they don't try to charge me full price for it.

Yeah it's started happening to people since a few threads ago, and no we don't know how to fix it yet.

See above, it's not US yet, only Australia and NZ. But soon, supposedly.

>> No.7516164

Anyone have experience trying to get metal prop "weapons" shipped? I ordered a set of non-sharp metal knives for my boyfriend's cosplay, but Yoybuy had the package rejected by the post twice. So they sent the package (EMS) without the knives, they say they'll hold on to them "until they can send them" which I guess means when postal law changes? Would I be better off asking them to ship through SAL or DHL or something? Kind of hating the boyfriend right now for picking metal ones.

>> No.7516212

Every time I hear of someone trying in these threads, they end up confiscated. I really wouldn't bother.

>> No.7516326


What country do you live in anon? Metal knives would be classed as a dangerous weapon in the vast majority of countries. Look up your countries important restrictions, as they more than likely ban the import of dangerous weapons. Even if China let them through, your country's customs would confiscate them, and you could get in some serious shit for trying to import them.

Them not being non-sharp makes no difference. They can be the most blunt, flimsy fantasy roleplaying replicas ever, if it's metal and knife shaped, it won't get through.

>> No.7516372

Does anyone have any SS recommendations for really small orders? I'm only looking to order a pair of shoes this time around, and I don't know if it'd make any difference if I kept with my usual or not.

>> No.7516443

I feel like I've walked into a store version of tumblr

>> No.7516513


The shipping total for one kilo(the first kilo) is about 15 AUD for me. For SS's EMS WITH 40% off its about 27 dollars for first -500g- So, they charge by the first kilo instead of the first 500 grams and its significantly cheaper as well.

The fee, my total order cost was $44.80 yuan, and I was charged: 51.10. I'm not sure what the actual ss fee is, or if theres a flat rate like with ss's so if you buy under a certain amount, you'll still be charged with the flat rate. But from my order, it seems to be waaay above 10%, but I'd assume theres a flat rate that they charged me cause my order was so small.

>> No.7516542

annnnd they are gonna start making their own designed clothes GAIZ.

>> No.7516774

I'm in the US. It seems odd that there's no way for me to get the blunt knives I ordered through taobao, when I see multiple listings for the same knives on ebay and aliexpress (at more than 2x the price). What do all these other sellers do to send this shit to the US?

>> No.7516803

Recommended service for first time user? Thinking about using bhiner

>> No.7516840

Yeah no, that shit's banned from US import for sure, same reason you have to declare them on planes and such. And private/personal import isn't the same as industrial import, companies bring their shit in with much heavier regulation.

>> No.7516847
File: 23 KB, 500x375, nodumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When replying to SS agents, does anyone else find that they start speaking in broken English? Whenever I respond to e-mails I've noticed that my English drops to grade school levels..

>> No.7516849

I try to use simpler English because they may not know some English words.

>> No.7516850


>> No.7516858

That sounds so much better than using an SS. I can't wait for them to start offering the service to the UK.

>> No.7516865

>>7506478 Anon here
Got everything in the mail today, I'm so excited~! Only took 3-4 days for everything to get to me. Gotta love EMS! I plan to review everything that is mine today! I've already tried a couple things on and I am floored with what I'm happy with!

>> No.7516885

Is TBS still slow right now? I sent an order off about a day and a half ago and usually I hear back from Susan by now.

>> No.7516902

I'm thinking of running a taobao shopping guide panel at an upcoming convention. Though I already have a lot of ideas for it, what kind of things are the most important things to cover in your opinions? I want to be helpful, so I'm seeking outside opinions.

>> No.7516906

I'm in the middle of my first order using TBR, so far so good. About to pay for international shipping on my order of craft supplies.

>> No.7516930

Search Terms
Using a SS
costs associated (shipping)
Also maybe reservations and
Post office seizure of goods

>> No.7516986

I'm about to pick up my 17kg package from the post office. I'm kind of worried, I'm in the US but I really hope I didn't get hit by customs still. We'll see.

>> No.7517215

What is the deal with Kazakhstan? I keep seeing it mentioned in descriptions of items (clothing, mostly) but because of Google Translate gibberish I have no idea what they're talking about. Do a lot of people from Kazakhstan order from Toabao? Do Taobao sellers prefer not to ship to Kazakhstan for some reason? I'm intrigued.

>> No.7517291
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, 1275462576352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links to XXL coats/jackets please?

>> No.7517300

So, I sent an email to transbao about custom items, and I just got hit with an auto mated message saying how to order...
I don't thin I'd be using them.

>> No.7517330

>U.S. direct airmail

So I guess they ship overseas?

>> No.7517337

Review on fluffy shorts and crown please?
Also grey shorts + link would be nice.

>> No.7517379

Er, most Taobao sellers don't send internationally at all so...

From sticking the phrase in Google Translate and then looking at alternative translations I think it just means 'ha'. Best to try that with words that words that come up with weird translations.

Hopefully one of the Chinese speakers can give a confirmed translation?

>> No.7517381

Has anyone here was using Taobaobroker??? They havent been replying to my email for over a month now. I don't know what's going on!!! :(

>> No.7517385

Let us know, anon!
(and post a collage of what you got so we can bug you for reviews)

>> No.7517689
File: 333 KB, 625x939, enhanced-buzz-25267-1372467798-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of search terms for tights like these assuming they even exist on taobao.

>> No.7517712

I'm the anon from the last thread asking about transbao.

So far, communication is incredible.
She asked to speak to me in chinese though, despite the fact that my chinese is a little broken. Her english is normal SS english, but she's very helpful!

>> No.7517713

Oh wow, that fashion of the 60s post is so fantastic. Wish a lot of that stuff would come back.

>> No.7517721
File: 725 KB, 978x458, tooboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm getting with the group order my friends are doing

>> No.7517725

Me too, it seems like fashion back in the day was so out there. This generation seems so boring, jeans and tshirts, what happened? Did we lose our creativity?

>> No.7517730

Maybe no one wants to take a risk? (fashion victim tags, douches sneaking pictures on their phones, etc)

>> No.7517742

Uh, you're on /cgl/. Look at all the different styles there are today. We're doing okay.

>> No.7517754

Just remember that those teenagers were photographed because they were deemed fashionable enough to be photograph.

Lots and lots of 1960's women wore just jeans and t-shirts. My mother was one of them; in HS during the 60's and I've seen her photos as well as others. Very plain.

There's a distinct 'look' that every decade has, and then there's the masses who just throw on whatever.

Granted fashion generally does change over time, but these girls were photographed for being fashion-savvy and not everybody was.

>> No.7517807

I tend to speak in simple sentence structures. Those usually come out better if put through Google Translate.

>> No.7517860

Try searching stuff like "外套 MM" "夹克 MM"

>> No.7517924

check celeste stein instead of taobao. They'll be more expensive, but that site has seemingly EVERY pattern known to tights.

>> No.7518138
File: 54 KB, 500x375, n4kpnkr8WU1rn2x92o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a gamble with my order of shorts since I have a pretty big booty (not that I'm complaining) so unfortunately I don't fit any of the shorts I bought. However the fluffy shorts are so cute! They are quite heavy though, which surprised me. It's pretty well made and comes with an extra button! The inside has a layer of the shiny material which is soft on the skin.

The crown is really cute (I'm wearing it now)
I know a previous anon has reviewed this and talked about it on here but I'll say so as well. It's has two plastic alligator clips hot glued on the bottom and seems to stay on well. It'll work a lot better on wigs for sure, but doesn't move to much on my natural hair. It's cute, shiny and light weight. I'd buy ten more of these if my budget allowed another taobao order...
Grey Shorts:
I unfortunately didn't fit the grey ones comfortably either but they did slip up a lot easier than the rest. HOWEVER when I got these, the button holes aren't actually holes? By that I mean that there is the part to be sewn around the holes, but there are not any actual holes in the middle, so it looks like something I'll have to do myself...

I'll review the other items at a later time, but right now I want to talk about the BEST items in the box. First, it's the bra. This black bra is not only super cute but is honestly one of the best bras I've ever worn in a LONG time. It holds my breasts very nicely, makes them look AMAZING and it's just overall very nice. Once I have money again I am seriously going to just buy a bunch from the store I bought it from.

>> No.7518141


And the second amazing item was the Jotaro and Dio shirts. Holy shit these are good. The T-shirts are made out of a thick durable material and it's very comfortable to wear. On the black outlines of the character's hair and outfits in the pictures are lines with this velvety-type stuff and the image quality is outstanding. I'm seriously in awe at how awesome these T-shirts are. I swear that those three items alone made my entire order worth it haha.

If anyone wants anymore specific reviews or links, lemme know! Luckily all my blouses that I ordered fit me! I'm really happy with my order!

>> No.7518158

That's actually really tempting. Where do I find the Taobao direct link? I tried looking on the first page but couldn't find it, so I must be blind.

I'm in Australia too.

>> No.7518169

Review and link for the Mako cosplay? Pretty please?

>> No.7518221
File: 1.00 MB, 500x281, deko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any wigs or the search terms to find a blonde/ash-blonde wig for pic-related? I'm looking for a wig with actual pigtails rather than a base wig + clipons since her twintails aren't very prominent.

>captcha fugfrom countersink

>> No.7518248
File: 416 KB, 400x750, un4pnkM1rn2x92o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like this cosplay a lot! It has a hidden zipper on the side (God I wish every sailor uniform sold did this ever. I had the gaudy zipper in the front shit), the blue ribbon isn't an actual full sailor uniform ribbon, it's a blue band that just loops around your back hidden under the back of the sailor collar. The skirt has Velcro and a white zipper in the back, hidden with the pleats. I need to iron the skirt (obviously) but other than that, wearing a white tank top under the shirt is the only thing you need to work with it. I'm very happy with my purchase, especially since I paid under 40 for it (not taking EMS into it).

(I apologize for shitty picture, it was one I snapped earlier when I first put it on. My room looks link of messy so....)

I was going to do this cosplay for Acen but I don't think funds will allow it because of several factors, one of which is me moving out of my current house and into an apartment.

>> No.7518250

*I hate the gaudy zipper in the front shit

>> No.7518258

you should shorten the top to make it accurate. The fits and quality great though!

>> No.7518261
File: 194 KB, 1053x2065, taobaoforward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You basically make an account, put stuff in your cart, then while you're checkingout/confirming your order there should be an option to ship to australia, and pick your shipper, there was a chart for which is what in the last thread I think or the thread previous to it.

>> No.7518277
File: 320 KB, 750x858, T2dwQXXvNXXXXXXXXX-782349905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goodness, that entire store is adorable and inspiring.

>> No.7518281

Not really related, but this listing always makes me laugh because of the picture with all the makos. They yanked that photo off one of my friend's facebook accounts, and she's american based so it was really amusing to see her all over taobao

>> No.7518362

Oh, could you review the blouse when it arrives? I've been eyeing it too, as well as the short sleeved version.

>> No.7518381

Link to the bra, please!

>> No.7518422
File: 981 KB, 245x300, tumblr_inline_n1xw41rFhO1qdlg77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm trying to buy a bjd off taobao and something weird is going on with the price.
I want a Carina bjd, which price is 768 CNY (122.82 USD)
But on the page it tells me to contact the seller via email if I live abroud. I did, and he told me it'd be 246 USD (mfw)
And no, it doesn't include shipping, it's just the doll.
Just... just wtf, man. I really want her, but I don't have that much money. What do I do? Try to buy through an SS? Will it end up being just as expensive as buying it directly?

>> No.7518428

Do the math.
Let's say you pick Pruany, 8% service fee + 4% paypal fee.

768.00 + 30 ship = appx 130.82 usd.
130.82 usd x 1.08 x 1.04 = 146.94
Assuming the doll is 1.5kg (guessing, no idea how much a bjd weighs), EMS to the US is 35.16 usd, SAL is 25.52 usd.

Total: approximately $172 usd (with SAL ship)

I hope you can afford it now, anon!

>> No.7518429

Still, I fear that midway through all the process with the SS the seller will say "No, the total price is x, not y!" and I'll niether get my doll nor the money I've already spent will get refunded.

>> No.7518432

Don't worry anon!
Unless the listing specifically states that this is a deposit, there usually isn't additional prices.
Most if not all shopping services also does refunds. Pruany will refund for sure.

>> No.7518435

Thank you, anon. Will wait for the seller to reply to my email and then I will try with Pruany.

>> No.7518445


Links to the Jojo shirts?

>> No.7518466

Seconding request for the Jojo shirts!

>> No.7518492

Can you please review the pink and black shirt/dress thingy?

>> No.7518542

curious what chinesegossip has to say about this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=37688253802 because I bet it's probably crap

>> No.7518616 [DELETED] 

I just placed a huge order
Probably my biggest one yet. I'm scared about shipping considering I got a pair of shoes as well

>> No.7518618

I just placed a huge order
This is probably my biggest ever. I'm scared about shipping considering I got a pair of shoes

>> No.7518621

Its a reservation for a replica, right?
I think CG hates replica chans but not sure.

>> No.7518695

I have a fuzzy vest that has a really disgusting chinese factory smell.
I've aired it out for over 2 months and it`s still sticking.

>> No.7518734

Dilute softener in a bucket of water and soak the vest in it. Don't rinse, just hang it up to dry like that.

>> No.7518751

An anon from the last thread ordered a Persona 4 cosplay from cossky and I was wondering what the estimate time for making their cosplays were?

My SS told me it'd take 20-25 working days, so I probably won't have it in time for the upcoming con but I wanted to know how accurate that was. Any input?

>> No.7518753

pretty sure CG was talking about the opinion of the chinese comm in general and how they can't tell apart print/logo replicas from design replicas.

I have a bag that had that problem, I threw it away...damn.

>> No.7518812

Post a copy paste of the original Chinese? That's really random lol.

I'm more against the mentality of replica-chan like >>7518621 says than replicas in general. I stay away from logo/print replicas for legal and shady moral reasons, but condone knock-off designs (TPs, F21 and ZARA level stuff). Replica chans are so fucking self righteous, thinking their shit is better than brand and calling the rest of us brandwhores and shallow bitches when they're just trying to emulate us for a quick buck.

I'm slightly ashamed to say I have preordered a couple of the Fairy Marine OPs because the originals came and went so fast. However I'm not going to be prancing around tumblr or meetups in it, just wear it as a cheap sundress (like only 200 rmb each wtf so cheap) and I'll buy the originals if AP ever rereleases. Replica's are morally questionable, but personally they're alright. If it's a defunct ancient item you'll never find, or costs thousands of dollars you're not willing to spend, I see no harm to buying a cheap knock-off for your own guilty pleasure.

Yea, that's a big problem. Like lorp was bitching at Anton Lisa for wearing knock-off shoes and having a Loris star bag.

>> No.7518822

>Anton Lisa for wearing knock-off shoes and having a Loris star bag
what about when MM and VM release similar designs? or Baby and AP?
Then which brand gets condemned by the chinese comm?
Or, do the lolis in general feel that as long as it's from Glorious Nihon, any form of replication is thus forgiven

>> No.7518833


$400? Bitch get on my level. Over £1000.

>oh god I need help

>> No.7518845

it's not a contest

>> No.7518854

Did you use one of their preset sizes or did you do custom? How did it fit?

>> No.7518873


I was there recently anon $1200

I got a lot of custom made dresses so it was worth it

>> No.7518886



This shirt/dress thing was actually kind of disappointing. While maybe it's just cause I'm a bit taller than the asian model, it does not look good on me at all. It fits fine when putting it on, arm holes are comfortable and no snagging or tightness anywhere. It's short though, so it doesn't even come close to covering all my booty. Because of the shape it also isn't very complimenting. My boyfriend mentioned it'd be a good maternity shirt and I agree. That'd be the only use I'd have for it though. And as an anon in the last thread said, the ribbon doesn't come ON it. It's just a simple black solid cut ribbon sat on the side. You have to pin it on or something? To make matters worse, it is not the same ribbon, nor as neatly made as the ribbon they show in the pictures.

I used their largest preset size since it fell within my measurements enough (and also because I am impatient and didn't want to wait and pay for a custom size). It fits pretty well! The only problem I have is if I bring my elbows forward (and cross them over one another) it's tight and pulls in the back. But I'm used to that and it's not like I'll be wearing the cosplay like everyday leisure clothing so I don't mind at all.

>> No.7518893

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.7518934

Hell yes, my Jojo shirts are on the way in the mail! Reading this is making me so excited.

>> No.7518950


I know, I was just been sarcastic.

On that note, what's the highest you guys have spent on one order?


Mine is composed of several dream Lolita dresses off Ershou, plus a hefty start to my Mori and Otome wardrobes. It's a huge upfront cost, but it'll be worth it to have a cohesive wardrobe from the get-go. My dream Taobao brand dresses were also appearing on Ershou, one after another, which has added a couple hundred onto the total.

>> No.7518952

>the original doll is more than 600USD
>this knockoff is 246USD
>you still can't afford her

Yeah no, I don't think this is a hobby for you.
Pro-recast attitude aside.

>> No.7518968

There was someone on a thread or two ago who had a 300 item+ order, I really wanna know how much that came to... they never responded to say what kind of things they were buying.

>> No.7518972

sure thing anon! I've already got a blouse from MTP that's really nice so I imagine this one will be the same. I'll do an overall review on my two MTP blouses + the dress once I get em

>> No.7519008
File: 77 KB, 460x339, T1YZ8yXrReXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_460x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't know why and how, but it's glorious

>> No.7519013

It's actually an entire shop dedicated to deco'd items: clothes, shoes, bags, mugs, dolls... Pretty cool.

>> No.7519025

Hey /cgl/, I'm a bit new to taobao shopping, does anybody have experience with cosya? I noticed they weren't on the shopping spreadsheat yet.

They seem to be trustworthy enough. Is two diamonds considered good among cosplay stores?

>> No.7519035

Diamonds just means they've had some purchases from their store. It's not a rating system.


This is the rating system for their shop.

>> No.7519139

Requesting some jewel-tone otome (everywhere I look is pastel stuff).

Also looking for some sailor collar/peter pan collar everyday wear.

>> No.7519156
File: 55 KB, 500x375, grlfedn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute skirts and shorts? Throw them links at at me please

>> No.7519376
File: 52 KB, 720x960, T2SdkaXwBaXXXXXXXX_!!570341085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this abomination is a Nui cosplay

>> No.7519442

Link to the plus sized section of Taobao if anyone needs it!


>> No.7519661

Does anyone know how long Pruany will hold items for? I want to put together a really small order mostly consisting of reservations that most likely won't be ready for a couple of months, but there are also some tiny things that I'd like to order now to avoid them going out of stock by the time my other stuff is ready.

>> No.7519667
File: 7 KB, 960x120, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian here, I just tried the direct purchasing option and I figured out how to pay directly with a credit/debit card (I used mastercard) rather than paypal. I guess I just have to wait and see if it's actually going to work now!

>> No.7519743


>> No.7519809

Another Aussie here,
I'm going to give this a try in a bit too, some cos, some electronics, wish me luck! Good luck to you too!

>> No.7519811


HOW I have tried for two days now can't figure it out can you post a tutorial?

>> No.7519971

im the poster above you, i just made this;
I hope it's readable/followable

>> No.7520065

is there direct shipping for Canada?

>> No.7520073

Would you mind reviewing the replicas? My next order is full of sailor dresses, I'm tempted to throw one of those in there as well.

Also, I recently missed out on reservations for a sailor dress from Little Dipper. Is there any chance they'll release them again or have another reservation? I regret not reserving one when I had the chance and my current order is just going to feel empty without it.

>> No.7520075

Nope. Only Ausfalia and NZ..
That's what I heard anyway.

>> No.7520220
File: 143 KB, 450x675, T2z8dxXPlXXXXXXXXX_!!47071868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a taobao shop who sells these shoes with custom sizing?
I think the original once are from TOKYO BOPPER. But with my EUR 40/US 9 size, I don't fit most japanese brands.

>> No.7520259

Ausfag reporting in. Buying from 8 different stores directly. Lets see how this goes.

>> No.7520276
File: 83 KB, 600x600, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding that request for these Tokyo Bopper shoes. I've found these ones on the Punk Rave taobao shop but they wouldn't do custom sizes unfortunately.

>> No.7520293

how do you know when the shipping service is ready to ship to you if you buy directly?

>> No.7520310

I have a pair from http://shop58746168.taobao.com

comfy as fuck except for the fact that...idk how to explain it, the front part of the shoe only barely covers your toes so it feels like all the weight is pulled down on your toes. but the soles are fucking comfy i wear these shoes nearly every day

>> No.7520418

Thank you for the link, I'm >>7520220
Might go for whites once though, all their pinks look off and more like those sweet lolita pinks to me.
Are they true to size? I ordered Bodyline RHS shoes a while ago and even with buying a size bigger they didn't fit.

>> No.7520575

So pruany changed their layout and I'm not sure if it effects this or not but I'm fucking terrified. I went to recharge my shipment and it still says I have 0 balance? Noob question but I need to make sure they didn't eat my money.

>> No.7520734
File: 211 KB, 800x531, T27lu_XUFXXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I placed an order for this blouse last night, but I just paid outside of my SS working hours and now I'm super fucking sad because I'm probably going to miss this blouse.

Goddamnit Dear Celine, why are you so elusive. I just want a stupid blouse from you guys.

>> No.7520745


Thank you!

>> No.7520754
File: 244 KB, 430x649, T1d0VnFQNaXXX5Ff38_728x728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting on the off chance the anon whose dream dress this is sees this.


>> No.7520824

Different anon but also found this in 2-hand section:

KL Mozarabic Skirt Short in red, L.

>> No.7520845

Thank you anon. SS don't fail me now!

>> No.7520846


Damn that's cheap. Go for it girls!

>> No.7520896

Super cute charms, you guys will love these!

>> No.7520944 [DELETED] 


Tried it a while ago. Cici of TBS said it had already been sold. Bitch better not have been lying to me.

>> No.7520962

Trying out taobaoring for the first time because Bhiner were annoying.

And a bunch of my things say they're not avaliable with little comments underneath explaining why.

But one blouse I ordered says this: only size XL now,and only few stocks.
Which I'm guessing means only XL size but XL is the size I ordered?
I can't find anywhere to send them a message about it either. Anyone have any idea?

>> No.7520967


Just say you want size XL. That's weird though.

TBR is good for the most part, but sometimes things can get lost in translation especially as they have a bigger team now.

>> No.7520968
File: 251 KB, 399x590, T1eu7RFy0XXXakNyZ9_728x728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this Dear Celine blouse everybody wants.

>> No.7520969

Any clue where I can put this?

Bhiner and pruany both had a bit where you could click and raise questions about individual items.

>> No.7520971
File: 734 KB, 784x595, baskets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the loser who's shopping for apartment decorations on Taobao. But such pretty baskets. I want them to make my apartment pretty and they're 5 dollars for the large ones. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.115.ZDxPWR&id=25665156342

>> No.7520973


Shipping's going to be a bitch though.

>> No.7520977

Depends~ I have to move out of my apartment for the summer and then move back in in the fall so it may not be too bad since I could just use one of the slower options.

>> No.7520980


Damn, I wish I had the patience to pull of SEA. I'd get too nervous especially for big orders. Best of luck with the decoration!

>> No.7520982

Any sources for lacey curtains?

>> No.7520993

Approximate weight of a bag?
I'm trying to figure out if something is cheaper to buy on ebay or taobao.

>> No.7520997

Probably going to be 350 grams, equating to .35 kilograms.

>> No.7521025 [DELETED] 

Alright you damn sniper, good game, grats on your damn shoes

>> No.7521027

I can confirm that it's not just you. I just recharged $250 and have nothing in my account either. I'm going to try messaging them.

>> No.7521040
File: 131 KB, 985x711, 1397512299799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg, Pruany's layout is horrifying.

>> No.7521059

it hurts ;_______;

>> No.7521076
File: 1 KB, 92x83, hlep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7521083

I don't really mind the layout update that much, but I wish they'd fix whatever's going on with the recharge system. It's really worrisome and I just want to pay for my items already.

>> No.7521311
File: 18 KB, 743x136, Screen Shot 2014-04-26 at 8.29.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't select the forwarding service because a few of the sellers actually offer international shipping, but it's like 300 yuan for two necklaces and that shit can go fuck itself. Is there any way I can get around this?

>> No.7521317
File: 199 KB, 354x454, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there's a search term to find wigs with the back like pic related? Split down the middle?

>> No.7521320

It's not because the sellers offer international shipping, it's because unless you live in NZ/Ausfalia, there's no way you can do this.

>> No.7521327

Oh wow, thanks for letting me know. So I guess the rest of us are stuck with SS for now.

>> No.7521343
File: 467 KB, 484x373, 0fa21dbdc6634a19c60454daf64a6663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wait wait wait, so since I'm in Australia I don't have to use a SS? ...Can someone explain how I can do this?

Is it cheaper?

>> No.7521346

What? But on taobao it said shipping to the US?

>> No.7521359
File: 17 KB, 742x136, 1398562307127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's US option available soon.
If you can click the square box in my picture, you can use it.

>> No.7521656

I fucked up and forgot to bookmark this store again. Can anyone link me to the store that sells replica brand sweaters? I've been searching with mixed results.

>> No.7521682

do you only pay the one payment and that's it? or is there separate domestic and international fees?

>> No.7521685

Two payments: one for the actual order itself and the shipping for that order from the various shops, then another for the shipping from the guy that forwards it to you

>> No.7521702

Are you doing this in just a translated version of the site or is there an English version somewhere?

>> No.7521709


>> No.7521991

Hey seagulls,

any one of you tried ordering wigs from http://2012cosonline.taobao.com/ ??

please share your experience. thanks

>> No.7522001
File: 82 KB, 960x543, 1907955_759925910698442_6471581003112110415_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the heck is this dress from?
thank you in advanced!

>> No.7522018

That is beautiful, I hope someone can find the source.

>> No.7522087

I can tell you it's called "Starry Sky Series" but that's about it! I don't think it's up for sale yet, that is just a preview picture

>> No.7522096

It's like... pastel vomit.

>> No.7522123

>Oh god I hope that this is under $100.
>I want it SO BAD.
>I only dress classic but I'll fucking make it happen.

Unless it's something that she's made herself?

>> No.7522158

It's from Little Dipper! Not up for sale/reserve yet, but it'll come in a few different versions/colors. And it's hecka cheap.

>> No.7522161

anyone know where to find a korilakkuma kigu on taobao? i can only find rilakkuma ones.

>> No.7522166

What's wrong with it? I'm meant to be doing a group order in a couple of weeks and I was planning on using Pruany because it's the best service I've tried out of 3 or 4, but if I won't be able to pay for things I'll have to look around for a different SS.

>> No.7522168
File: 18 KB, 494x622, 1384344659811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $50 for the OP, $27 for the skirt.
>Aus dollars, anyway.

I'm going to buy them all.

>> No.7522171

help please!

>> No.7522228
File: 142 KB, 411x342, tumblr_n4m3d2BoSl1rir2yno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Asian feet so can't fit shoes
But I waaaant!

>> No.7522237

Oooh I really quite like the black and light blue/purple one. I'd love to see a stock photo.

>> No.7522329

Has anyone ever ordered directly from HMHM? Want to confirm that their email is indeed bunny11111@gmail.com...

Also, wow! Do you have the link?

>> No.7522433

I wish Sunday was a business day. I'm only waiting on a few more items to arrive at my SS but I'm sooo impatient now.

>> No.7522434

When I went to recharge my account through Paypal, the money I put in didn't show up right away like it usually does, so I messaged them, and they responded in a few hours that their site was a little buggy from the remodeling and then my balance showed back up immediately. I haven't recharged since then, since I haven't found anything else to add to my order, but I'd imagine they'll have it all fixed by then, at least.

>> No.7522444

Saw it on tumblr

>> No.7522449

I just bought myself some shoes from Antaina.
Jesus fuck the shipping is expensive.
Upwards to 30 dollars for registered airmail which takes almost a month? That's almost another pair of shoes.
Unless the shoes are incredibly heavy for some reason, why the fuck is it so expensive?
For most items up to 2 lbs registered mail is only around 5 bucks on ebay....
And I gotta sign for this motherfucker too.
I'm always at school/work so I never have time.

>> No.7522467

EMS cost me about $30 for two pairs of TPs last fall. You should have just gone with that.

>> No.7522473

How do you actually get the ss to buy them? The second hand links aren't viable in the cart.

>> No.7522489


I'd asked Cici from TBS to buy this from me a little while ago. She spoke to the seller, and apparently someone else has already brought it.

This is the item description. Something about an exchange. Chinesegossip anon, could you translate this properly please?


>> No.7522494

I only had 60 dollars on budget lol

>> No.7522512

Pruany is shit for stuff like reservations anon. They won't buy it, and refund you the money because they think its sold out or unavailable (this happened to me, there was literally nothing I could say to convince them).

>> No.7522527

Yeah, I have no idea what they're doing with my reservation. But I'm actually late to the whole thing, didn't get my deposit in in time, so I apparently have to pay just 10yuan more total. The person helping me seemed to understand that it was a reservation and started saying something about deposit and long wait time, and from the reservation page, I can't even tell when they'll be releasing, so I don't know. Maybe I should have gone with a less Engrishy SS this time around, but we'll see what happens. I'm wouldn't be horribly upset to get this dress, so it'll be fine.

>> No.7522563

I'm searching for some cute but simple boleros/cardigans for Lolita, but I can't really find anything.
I know there was a shop which had some, but I can't remember which one...

>> No.7522622

That's good! Sounds like you got a better person dealing with your transaction than I did. Hope you get your dress fine!

>> No.7522699

Magic tea party
Chess story
R series

Probably more but those are the ones I saw while I was browsing.

>> No.7522709


would this work with the KL jellyfish JSK, do you think? i've been having a helluva time trying to find a blouse for it....and i'm trying to avoid white.

>the ccourds
oh captcha, you know my pain.

>> No.7522741


Oh wow, coincidence. I'm actually buying purple in the hope it would go with KL's la mariage de bourgogne in wine. I don't know either, but in the case it doesn't work out, at least I have a really pretty purple blouse? I kind of hate the photoshop/filters they have on, it's sort of annoying because it makes it hard to judge. Nonetheless, I do think the navy is quite dark, so I think it'd work well.

>> No.7522793

yeah, i bought a kind of OL style ruffly high collar blouse thinking it would work for jellfish, but the ruffles were too puffy in the front. so this might actually work. they've still got some navy, and i might have to pull the trigger on that princess sleeve blouse too. i've got 2 vests from dear celine already, so i know i love their shit.

as an aside, has anyone bought that blue sailor moon/serenity sweatshirt that was floating around awhile ago? trying to find a listing that isn't sold out of the blue version (i hate pastel pink a lot)

>> No.7522802
File: 46 KB, 403x398, T1USmjFxFXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic...this one

>> No.7522806

It's not on taobao tho.

>> No.7522810

oh that's fine, thank you!

>> No.7522818

Can I request some reviews for antaina's Tokyo Bopper replicas? I'm also interested in picking up a pair of creepers, so if anyone has bought them and can recommend a shop, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.7522835

Does anyone know of any really great stores with cute sandals/shoes that provide custom sizing? I live in AZ and in the summer my feet sweat like a bitch, so I really love open shoes, flip flops and sandals. I've seen a lot of really cute shoes lately but they don't offer my size (42). Does anyone have any good stores they'd recommend?

>> No.7522880

They are good, I bought the spider ones in black suede. They are very light. However because of several factors these and other antaina shoes caused feet problems (even though they were in my size etc) that led to bunions etc so I have stopped buying cheap shoes (from taobao and elsewhere). I don't know if I'm the only one with bad experience, everyone else seems to love them, but I've realised than in the long run, its best to buy shoes that are well designed.

>> No.7522901

Thanks for the input.

I know there was a shop which had quite a lot cardigans/boleros. I think it was postet a few threads ago

>> No.7522911

Thanks for the quick review! May I ask what exactly led to your bunions?

>> No.7523225

You can email tbr directly, it has emails on the left sidebar or just when you add the item enter any questions in with it. It'll have a section you can enter specifics in or what not.

>> No.7523312

How many kg was that, anon? My current order is three pairs of shoes. Not Antaina, but I imagine they weight the same, unless your order was boots rather than shoes with thick heels.

>> No.7523325
File: 75 KB, 750x355, T2OJM7XmdaXXXXXXXX_!!745160598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could anyone help me out on this chart? i really need to start taking language courses.

>> No.7523356

2nd column, from top to bottom.

Sleeve length (cm)
Bust (cm)
Front length (cm)
Back length (cm)

Recommended height (cm)
Recommended weight (kg), they dun goofed on the number for the S.

>> No.7523361

yeah, i was confused since the sizes were pretty wonky. thank you!!

>> No.7523394

does anyone know the original taobao store that sells this wig??

>> No.7523407

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38354595833&ali_refid=a3_420434_1006:1105981491:6:%C6%EF%D0%D0%B7%FE%B6%A8%D6%C6:d4b476ac6ccecddef70eadfaa19c5fd4&ali_trackid=1_d4b476ac6ccecddef70eadfaa19c5fd4&spm=a230r. just when i thought i had it figured out. like what.
they only have one size chart for both the shirt and shorts?? anyway, if anyone is looking into buying a yowapeda cosplay, this is realll cheap.

>> No.7523430

The dress page is up for an exchange, the dress she's exchanging for is 风信子in XL. Taobao users often do this to insure trades. You're better off looking for it on weibo to guarantee it's for sale.

>> No.7523435
File: 25 KB, 365x386, 1359963092822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad now for giving you guys hope
sorry, mozarabic anons

>> No.7523497

What's the search term for hoodies, guys?
I'm looking up 毛衣 but that refers to knit sweaters.

>> No.7523501

nvm, 帽衫 seems to do the trick

>> No.7523510
File: 28 KB, 509x120, Mako Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble reading the measurements section. Can you help?

Or maybe you could help me? I would really appreciate it.

>> No.7523686

What size did you choose? And would it be too much to ask your basic measurements so I can compare? I'm a size medium in most things but from what I can tell, their measurements put me over XL. That seems weird, so I wanted to compare.

>> No.7523691


that "mu" katakana looks way too much like a "re", IMO. is it better in person?

>> No.7523699


Left side is female 女 sizing and right side is male 男 sizing.

Shoulder width
^ for both sides.

No prob anon.

>> No.7523704

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.7523797

The transbao customer service is so sweet oh god.
Communication is great (almost over the top if you ask me, but better than bad communication) and the girl who I'm with always updates me on the status of my order and tells me to ask her any questions.

Hell, I'm practically pen pals with her. (I wish).
She tells me good night when I tell her I'm going to sleep.
My chinese is really shit but it`s so much fun to practice lol.

Fees are low, 5% + 1yuan per item, shipping is cheap because they`re located in the taobao hub in China so usually close to store warehouses.
They take multiple pictures per item, also a picture of it on the scale to show weight.
I really like the shopping cart system too!

Will write a formal review when I get my stuff, but probably not soon as I plan to drag this order out until June to ship my things.
Super positive experience so far!

You`re welcome c:

>> No.7523940

Is there a link to see the others ive tried searching around but nothing.

>> No.7523946

As far as I can tell, there isn't an actual listing up, just a few 'coming soon' photos of the dress and different fabrics on their Taobao.

>> No.7523947

I really really like this dress and seeming as it is so cheap I would love to try buying it a a few different colours and cuts but I am just getting into lolita and only have 10 main pieces so I feel like having a few of the same series would then comprise so much of my wardrobe.

>> No.7524023

How do I get an invitation code?

>> No.7524035


Just fucking do it anon. It won't compromise your wardrobe at all, especially if you're getting different colours and cuts.

You'll regret it later, trust me. There's so many girls that are pissed that they talked themselves out of buying something. If you like it and can afford it, buy it.

>> No.7524036
File: 1.01 MB, 480x270, fa9228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might just literally 5 minutes ago my grandparents gave me $250 dollars as an Easter present (I can't believe they did it was so generous of them, they are not like, super rich or anything so this is a big thing) so I certainly have the spare money for it now.

>> No.7524037

Because of the way the sole fits to the foot basically. In the Antaina ones, it is completely flat, as opposed to having a natural tiny slope upwards (which the real Tokyo Boppers have). The toe box was wide enough, but the top was not adjusted to my foot and rubbed. Basically, it fit well, but with constant use the arches of my feet suffered, and that eventually led to bunions (they are actually Taylor's bunions, on the little toe rather than the big toe). They are not horrendous though, but I have learnt my lesson!

So yeah it might not happen to everyone, but I would buy some good quality soles to slip in inside maybe.

>> No.7524041


And also what this anon >>7520310 said.

>> No.7524046

Any idea what the sizing will be like on this? it's pretty cute.

>> No.7524125

asd123 should work!

>> No.7524293

I recently got a tailors bunion and wear a few antaina shoes.
But I also sit cross legged on hard floors a lot like an idiot. I'm sitting that way now despite the pain in my bunion so I don't think I can blame antaina, haha.

>> No.7524321

Please keep me updated anon! I'm really interested since their fees are so low. I don't speak Chinese though so I'd probably only use them for less complicated orders..

>> No.7524500

How does one say "taobao"?

>> No.7524736
File: 83 KB, 460x538, 94253773094022620621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524755

Go to Google translate, pick translate chinese to chinese, enter 淘宝网, press the sound button, done.

>> No.7524790

>taobao wang

>> No.7524792

Well, that's Taobao's official name.

>> No.7524890

They don't speak any english? Dang it, I want a new SS.. might try the making an account thing and just doing it myself

>> No.7524936

Apparently they do speak English, but prefer Chinese of course.
>Her english is normal SS english, but she's very helpful!

>> No.7524942

Anyone know the search term for polyurethane fabric by the yard

It's just called PUL in english. Any help would be appreciated!

>> No.7524943

FFFFF now that you mention it, it totally does. no clue if it looks better IRL.

did anyone buy one of these sweaters? does the "mu" katakana look that bad?

>> No.7525005
File: 86 KB, 414x720, T2nmpSXbBaXXXXXXXX_!!54506797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with this item description please? When I translate the options, it just gives me stuff like "Wrist egg black and white" and "Cuff egg black and white" I'm trying to figure out if it comes with the long sleeves.


>> No.7525007

I have three Mozarabic Chant pieces out of a wardrobe of ten. No regrets.

>> No.7525010

I feel like this would be a nice dress to wear to a Kyary Concert. Light and cheap, you wouldn't get too hot or feel too bad if something happened to it.

>> No.7525028

I google translated polyurethane fabric, it came up with this: 氨纶布

>> No.7525049

That gives me Spandex, unfortunately.

>> No.7525093
File: 197 KB, 500x759, T233eYXORXXXXXXXXX-424412136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunnies anyone?

>> No.7525100

It's just 'PU' and fabri in chinese.

>> No.7525103

Anyone else see the strawberries as boobs on that bunny?

>> No.7525105

Damn, that's cute.

>> No.7525113


Do you know if there's a way to narrow it? It's giving my mostly vinyl. I'm trying to make diapers for a baby.

>> No.7525126

you gotta be 18 to post here, anon

>> No.7525129

>expecting maturity on 4chan
How new are you?

>> No.7525293

Just paid the international shipping ems on my order, how long should it take to arrive? I'm using taobaotrends.

>> No.7525314

3 days to a week at most.

>> No.7525335


>> No.7525347

are you in the US? fabric.com sells PU fabric.

>> No.7525352

I'm in the US, but it's more expensive than I'd like to pay, so I'm seeking it out on Taobao. Thanks for trying to help, though!

>> No.7525353

They speak english! Just normal SS english, but I think her's is better than normal.
She just uses Chinese with me because she figures it's easier haha.

Will do!

>> No.7525385

Specifically looking for the material this shop uses for their diapers http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5773352239.11.FbWmRz&id=23917292327 it's not exactly PUL (the plasticy laminated fabric like for raincoats) but more of a cotton that is coated, but looking up 'Diaper DIY' in chinese is just giving me 100% cotton printed fabric, and I need the specific coated fabric. But I can't find an area on the diaper listing that lists material content to search specifically by whatever they call the coated fabric.

>> No.7525471
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>> No.7525479

lol no, it's for a friend who wants to make her newborn baby diapers. Really saves a lot of money.

>> No.7525491

Oh thank god.
Been browsing the lolita and taobao tags and have seen too much ageplay 'littles' stuff for one day.

I wish you luck on your endeavor.

>> No.7525506

It's been 5 days not counting weekend days and TBS still hasn't replied to my order... Should I keep waiting or try sending it to another SS? I don't know if they're still slow/partially closed or not?

>> No.7525558

well fabric.com does also sell the PU sheeting (not raincoat fabric...it's super this)...it's even marked as being suitable for diapers in the listings. i've ordered swatches of it, and it's definitely not raincoat fabric.


>> No.7525566
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That it does, but make sure she pays attention to the fabric she uses. If it isn't breathable it could make the baby break out in a nasty rash. Look at brands like Apple Cheeks and how they use an insertable absorbent cloth.

>> No.7525606

Perhaps try e-mailing again? I've gotten replies from them (Cici specifically) consistently every night. Perhaps your e-mail was just lost? :(

Either that or try a new SS.

>> No.7525731

I have ordered like this and the seller has shipped it;
How do i know when it has arrived at the freight forwarder, and how do In pay the freight forwarder?

Thanks in advance!

>> No.7525849 [DELETED] 

Go into your member area and on the side with options of what to view something should translate to buy baby. Click that link and it should be a Page of what you've ordered and then it should be a chart ofwhat yyou've ordered by store with a picture a description and another box that will have someone about payment/shipping. The words in that box are actually a link so click on that and it's should have the status of the item but from there you should be able to find a link that shows you what your service is waiting for and what has arrived around the top. When things start arriving you can add them into a cart and it will total shipping.

I tried to be descriptive but I don't know if what I've said will make sense without a screen shot or if there is an easier way to do it.

>> No.7525861

Yeah she just wants the same fabric that the specific taobao shop I linked above uses. Then she's going to make the diapers and use the inserts and what not. She already has diapers she likes from that taobao shop, but it would be cheaper for her to buy the fabric by the yard to make her own, but she wants to be super careful and get the right stuff. Thanks for the info.

>> No.7525948
File: 25 KB, 457x458, mufishtightstaobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what sizing the 'free size' tights are please? I've seen one or two size charts include them, but it said girls so I'm not sure if they mean children's tights or all tights. If anyone's bought tights from mufish already, how did they fit? (I'd post the link but I keep getting marked as spam)

>> No.7525955

Sorry for being so out of the loop, but... Link to Fairy Marine OP replicas? That shit is kawaii and I would live to wear them while just lounging around the house.

>> No.7525956
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Oh man, I'm worried one of the Pruany employees is gonna fuck up my order on purpose because I just caused them trouble.
I paid for an item and then noticed it was the wrong thing, so I sent a message asking to cancel it just a few minutes after, and the next day the employee bought it without noticing my message. Because it was a handmade item, it couldn't be returned so I told Zui and she then told me that she would cancel it, refund me, scold the employee, and the money would come from the employee's pay. It was like $10.
I'm half expecting the worst, like to be missing a ton of items or for them to be broken now or to just be sent a brick in the mail entirely. Dang.
Can I make a Paypal claim if something goes wrong or am I screwed if the employee working with me is pissed enough to fuck me over? I don't know how this would work since there were multiple payments.

>> No.7525967
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>> No.7525971

Thank you!

>> No.7525979

I'd just say "nah mate, she'll be right, i'll fix you up for it, no worries", send them $10 and remember to check your stuff ordering next time.

$10 to you is nothing, $10 to them is lunch for a week

'scuse the aussie

>> No.7525983

Oh god, anon, now you have me worried. Is it really that easy to make a mistake? I was about to make baby's first order with pruany?

>> No.7525984

I just might, how should I go about it exactly so that the employee doesn't take the hit? I don't want to just send a message going "Thanks for the trouble and what you did for me Zui, but nevermind, please undo it all again~" and end up pissing off Zui in the process for me being such an insufferable customer. Feels bad, man.

>> No.7525992

This is my fourth order with Pruany and the first issue I've had with them. All other ordered have gone pretty well, and usually when I ask to cancel ordering an item before they've done so, they have without any sort of issue (and my last order was pretty huge with a ton of cancellations), so this was a first.
I actually quite like Pruany, and this problem doesn't seem all so bad in comparison to the good orders I've experienced with them, but after this I'm probably going to try another SS out of paranoia and somewhat shame for being annoying to them.

>> No.7526016

no idea, sorry.

im too busy bothering about fuckign up buying directly, using a freight forwarder.

also slowly adding pictures describing my digging to work out wtf is going on/how to do this.

>> No.7526033

Just say, "Ah don't worry about it, I don't want to get them in trouble" as if they've bought it it may have already been sent.

>> No.7526034

How well do Secret Shop socks hold up and last? And is Clobbaonline the only place to get a lot of the different styles? I was hoping to add some more socks to my order, but the Secret Shop's stock is pretty small in comparison to what Clobba has..

>> No.7526053

I've answered my own question by searching through free size tights sold on ebay from china (I think). For anyone else interested:
Size (One size): Hip/33.5-38.5"(85-98cm).
Oh, that's a relief. I was a little cautious seeing as how the majority of reviews were from 2013, so when I saw that, I assumed something similar would inevitably end up happening to me. If you want to pay the 10 without sounding ungrateful, maybe just be honest? Email Zui and her you'd feel terrible if that happened as it was a simple mistake, and that you had made a mistake too, so you'd like to pay this time

>> No.7526058

They are just like all lolita socks but they are quite elastic, they can be stretched quite a lot but don't become loose. They slide down when walking a lot though.

>> No.7526059

>They slide down when walking a lot though.
Get sock garters from Sockdreams maybe?

>> No.7526065

Ok, I think I'll do just that. If any Chinese speaking anon out there would be willing to translate a short paragraph or so, so that I can explain everything and they'll be able to understand without a language barrier, I would really appreciate it.
Email is in the field.

>> No.7526127

This one? Because if not, I'm very interested to know which one you mean.

>> No.7526392

Any suggestions for shops with good sweet lolita socks/tights?

>> No.7526395


>> No.7526417

All those tights are adorable, but don't you have to have the main piece specifically made for those?

>> No.7526447

Main peice?

>> No.7526453

I worded that a bit weird, sorry. I mean do those tights go with a specific collection? That's what it looks like to me, but I'm a beginner.

>> No.7526464

Most of them are just themed, and all of them are offbrand, not many knockoffs either.

>> No.7526470

Not really.
I've worn those star tights they have with dream sky, but also with chess story's starry night angel.

Guess it just depends on what you have and your coord skills.

>> No.7526631
File: 27 KB, 694x312, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this right? SAL on pruany is free? Seems to good to be true. Googled it and didn't find any results about free shipping over x amount or anything similar

>> No.7526695

That's not sal, that's the one that's 2kg and under only so I think that's why it's got no info like that.
Weird as I have used sal on pruany for a 7kg order and it showed up.

>> No.7527058

hey hey sooo i'm using taobaoring and i'm wondering which of their mailing options would be cheaper?

I'm debating using Airmail or SAL instead of EMS since my wallet wants to stage a protest every time I use EMS.

>> No.7527075

sal is cheapest.
They have a shipping price estimation if you put the weight in.

>> No.7527109

Google translate is a mess and I don't recognize enough characters but can any Chinese-speaking Anons translate the options for this wig?


I think the first option is for the wig with cut bangs, second uncut, etc but im not too sure.

>> No.7527779

I got their chocolate original print tights and they are super cute, I am fat though so they stretch out a bit and appear whiter than the print. Put I also got a few pairs of these http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1671287593.57.CDK79O&id=25801704053 and they were not worth it at all. I got a pair of printed socks too and they were okay.

>> No.7527796

Thread is in autosage
new thread here : >>7527787