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7509471 No.7509471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread going for great Bodyline coords?
Starting with a classic

>> No.7509573
File: 102 KB, 600x803, IMG_0951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VanillaBlitz had some good ones. On another note, does anyone have the picture of the girl who cannibalized two Antique Clock OPs and turned them into a gorgeous hime dress? I can't find it for the life of me. It was the sax colorway, if that helps.

>> No.7509578
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>> No.7509581
File: 95 KB, 638x960, 10277939_470132193117289_2344524464640997746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pastels, but cute

>> No.7509582
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Pic related? Here's the DL:


>> No.7509584
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>> No.7509589
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Yes! Thank you!

>> No.7509595
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>> No.7509607
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No problem anon, I had it favourited. Bitch has some mad seamstress skills.

>> No.7509628

Wow. that's a lot of work to put into a hideous dress, but I like seeing extreme bodyline alteration
>mfw the most I alter it is removing the waist bows and replacing shirring

>> No.7509634

Anyone have more coords with this print? Any opinions on how to make it look its best?
In the OP, I'd say that one reason Xylia makes it look so good is the petticoat silhouette. I wonder if it looked too stretched out in person, since bodyline sometimes skimps on skirt fullness, but the picture looks great.

I've got a victorian girl dress petticoat and one of bodyline's fairy kei pettiskirts. I stack them together, but it's still not very dramatic. What would you guys suggest? Should I buy another victorian girl dress petti, rip out the slip, and stack it on top of my other one? That sounds like it might be a bit much. And I'll admit I'm a bit shy with ultimate petti, but I'd like to really look good.

>> No.7509651

What I'm doing is buying a 2nd victoriangirlsdress and just wear them at the same time. A lot of poofy lolis are wearing 2-3 petticoats, no need to alter it unless you just really want to.

>> No.7509707

I was thinking that the slip would press down the second. Does it not for you?

>> No.7509709
File: 1.29 MB, 640x960, 64597338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the prettiest bodyline skirt

>> No.7509830

I was at this meetup! She's so cute!

>> No.7509840

I have pics of a few nice coords with Bunny Cinderella. I could post them if you want.

>> No.7509853
File: 467 KB, 1082x1920, 1389785147060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking antique clock
>not liking this skirt

>> No.7509858

don't tease us anon, just post them

>> No.7509862

I'm on the fence about cinderella bunny. Like literally half of my comm owns it. It's cute but idk, I'm always disappointed with bodyline, and when I see it I don't feel super excited or anything. Which isn't necessarily bad...
But I've been wanting to add more lavender into my wardrobe so maybe I'll go for it.

>> No.7509874
File: 432 KB, 1000x1446, tumblr_mk994gBljd1qgotqjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye twisted me arm, Anon.

This one's kind of saturated but yeah. A few more coming.

>> No.7509880
File: 396 KB, 1271x1920, tumblr_n1ocjh1PHo1rbs6dto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink but still cute.

By the way the lace on this print is actually really nice. I'm not sure if it's the same for every colorway, but the lavender version has like goldish lace.

>> No.7509881
File: 219 KB, 324x960, tumblr_n250yrSYl51s9fgxmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple coord with the lavender skirt.

>> No.7509886
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1607, tumblr_mw0f8w9GCl1sl1utno3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I got. This is the black colorway, obviously.

Hope this gives you some nice coord ideas.

>> No.7509900

Oh man, this looks cute laid out but I have a feeling it would look horrible on a person
I wonder if Cinderbun would do well buying two of them and sewing them together to make a fuller skirt. Also of interest, two of my friends with this print noticed that one of them had 3-4 layers of diamond checks at the bottoma nd the other one had only 1 layer.

>> No.7509909

I really like the cut of this and all I think she did a really good job but the print is just so hideous

>> No.7509937
File: 63 KB, 640x960, 1549494_659841207391928_1222506353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7510140

I'm always afraid that this dress would look awkward, I'm still not sure, even though this coord is rather nice.

>> No.7510172

I've noticed some people have mentioned getting the smaller bodice bows removed and that it looks far less awkward that way.

>> No.7510177

What dress is this? And anyone know where the wig is from as well?

>> No.7510193


>but the print is just so hideous

mfe. Can't deny she has amazing skills though. Just imagine what she could do with some gorgeous Gobelin or jacquard fabric.


L388. Appears to gone off the shelf though.

>> No.7510208

I think the wig is from GLW if Im not mistaken

>> No.7510301

I think the number for this one is L378 now.

>> No.7510310

Whoops, I meant 387. And that's the JSK version even, not the pictured OP. My bad.

>> No.7510397

I've been eyeing on this dress in black as my first loli dress.

>> No.7510611

Anyone got good coords of the carousel print? Particularly in black or sax

>> No.7511053

she's wearing the JSK version actually. its a haltertop.

>> No.7511706
File: 471 KB, 1000x1463, tumblr_mkiv4jBKm21qgotqjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worn picture.

>> No.7511719

where is that bunny hat from?

>> No.7511740

looks like one of the ergi ones.

>> No.7511748
File: 200 KB, 1067x1600, LolitaCarnivalChallenge 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly nothing good worn but I personally love this one.

>> No.7512218
File: 202 KB, 451x798, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she might have skills, but I question her taste level. using the print on the puffy sleeves... why? and that thick strip of white lace would have looked a lot better gethered, imo. granted, the shape of this dress is a bit better now.

>> No.7512269

Skirt looks so sad and wonky.

>> No.7512301
File: 122 KB, 500x741, bodyrinetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's any good to you, I put together a coord with the black colourway a while ago. I still think I could improve the coord quite a bit but I guess it looks decent?

>> No.7512426
File: 301 KB, 900x704, tumblr_m0cgka6kP81r39i06o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this dress get coorded horribly all the time. But at least this seems cute and simple. Plus they have an actual separate headbow instead of them using the waist bow.

>> No.7514069
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>> No.7515169
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was thinking about getting this one as my next dress too..

>> No.7515446

I love it on the sleeves. But I think the headbow needed the pattern as well. pull it all together.

>> No.7515783
File: 83 KB, 281x750, tumblr_n0e6q3mMlv1qij1n6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's pretty cute!

>> No.7515792

I've been waiting a thousand years for Bodyline to restock this in brown or red...

>tfw you like the vaguely-knockoff BL version better than any of the similar brand dresses it's based on

>> No.7515830


i think ive seen this dress coordinated in every color except red, i mean like besides the bodyline site.

>> No.7515840
File: 315 KB, 500x750, Bodyline - I119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for a thousand years, you say
...don't even get me started on this one. I will cry if I ever get my hands on it

>> No.7515841

Does she have a blog or anything? I'd like to see more of her sewing.

>> No.7516287

The hair's a bit of a clusterfuck tbh, and wristcuffs look out of place. She's cute though, and if she toned down the hair she could rock it pretty good with the rest of the coord.

>> No.7516308

I would wear the shit out of that.

>> No.7516318

Yes, it is cute and reminds me of fawns. It looks like a nice, soft, comfy cotton, too. My other bodyline pieces haven't been very comfortable. I wonder if anyone can vouch for iit's comfiness. I'd like something that felt good on me. Feel good and look good.

>> No.7516390

The material is nice but it's unlined. I mean I guess it doesn't really matter unless you're wearing without a blouse. It is shirred though? I'm not sure what you exactly mean by other pieces being uncomfortable.

>> No.7518056
File: 302 KB, 500x477, BL Squirrel Party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really simple, but I like it. Mostly a bump to the thread, though.

>> No.7518405
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>dat fuckin filter

>> No.7518419

I think it's a great alternative to brand for people (like me) who want to own a very sweet item but know they won't wear it often, so there's no point in spending big bucks.

The print is fairly cute, the color palette is nice and cohesive, plus they actually used a very pretty offwhite lace for it. It's also suprisingly full and heavy, I need to wear my heavy duty petti with it.
Kinda regret buying the skirt instead of JSK but eh.

>> No.7518421

I think she means that bodyline pieces are often made out of quite stiff fabric. This jsk looks like it'd be very smooth and.. Pliable.

>> No.7518558
File: 14 KB, 236x323, picture for ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Intrinsically Florrie? Her outfits were hit-or-miss for me, but she had some great Bodyline looks and I loved her fashion commentary. Her blog appears to have exploded and now I can't even find her best outfits.

>> No.7518578

Am I the only one who thinks this looks worse than the original? The bodice looks flat and awkward, it's like something a bad indie brand would shit out.

>> No.7518583

...Yes, you are.

>> No.7518592

The lesson in all of these threads is that it's really about coordination more than anything else. People assume you get $300 brand and BOOM suddenly you're the best lolita in town.

As long as you're not retarded and know a little bit about color theory chances are you can make a $30 dress from bodyline look cute.

>> No.7519011


Nah, I think that girl is talented and it's amazing what she did with the dress but personally I don't like it. The antique clock just doesn't look good. I think it looks better than the original though.

antique clocks look good as a skirt

>> No.7519064

quick question about the sizing on this....i have a 94cm bust, is this going to be too small, or is there a little give with the shirring?

>> No.7519071

It looks like poor petti choice. There's poof at the bottom but none at the top where it really needs it

>> No.7519178

Ohh okay. Yeah, the material is nice and pretty sturdy too. It's really nice for the price despite the skirt being kinda weird shape.

The shirring is pretty generous. I just measured it myself and it goes a bit past the measurements on the site so I think you'll be able to fit it.

>> No.7519201

Requesting chocoberry!

>> No.7519230
File: 81 KB, 736x981, fd7210a83d9f232688c3b31e05d489c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girls makes lots of nice Steampunk Lolita coords with BL skirts, she is also the organisator of the japanese Steampunk meetings.

>> No.7519437

awesome, thanks! i've had my eye on the puprle-y gray for awhile...and i REALLY like the brown too.

>> No.7519440

Seconding this. Also other coordinates with the popular prints.

>> No.7521192
File: 392 KB, 649x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The three that I'm about to post all have alterations made to them, but after the popularity of the Antique Clock I thought they'd probably be welcome in the thread!

>> No.7521196
File: 197 KB, 566x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is more retro than lolita, but I'm hoping it's still useful to anyone looking to change this dress.

>> No.7521199
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>> No.7521217

What bodyline dress is this?

>> No.7521657
File: 317 KB, 700x1200, l188-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an altered version of L188

>> No.7521727

I hate those shoes. Every time I see them I think of sissy shoes. And this is coming from a person who wears some of AP's more OTT shit.

>> No.7521786

Getting real sick of this octopus necklace.

>> No.7521789

I don't like them either. They have a really long squarish toe box that makes the wearer's feet look huge and the heel is an awkward height. Very poorly designed.

>> No.7521793

Ruching the bust of dresses with a straight cut like this is actually really flattering for girls with larger chests, even over blouses.

>It'll probably get a lot of shit from lolis for not being 'conservative' enough, though.

>> No.7521834

how about no. With a modest 75C even the slightest gathering or ruching makes me look like a damn cow. Never mind full shirring.

>> No.7521844
File: 180 KB, 888x251, sweetheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no, I mean the small vertical gathering in the middle of the neckline.

It gives the dress a sort of mimic sweetheart necklice and makes the chest look like distinct, so you know that they're boobs and not just barrel-chest.
>It's also really easy to do and reversible if you decide to sell the pirce later.

>> No.7521859

Because the red colorway is the ugliest.

>> No.7521993

This is such a mess jfc

>> No.7522016

All her coords are deleted from her photobucket, weird.