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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7516677 No.7516677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Animazement in Raleigh, who's going?

>> No.7516682

I am~
What are you cosplaying anon?

>> No.7516692

I'm not cosplaying, just attending. What about you?

>> No.7516695

Just posted my plans in another thread, but I'm going as Sugar from One Piece and Roxie from Pokemon (which I wore last year if you were there).

>> No.7516697

This is my 3rd year, but I can't remember what I've seen.

>> No.7516699

Yeah whenever I look through photographers pics from AZ I always see costumes I didn't see while I was there. Which is weird considering how small AZ is

>> No.7516700

It's the only convention I've been to, so it seems big.

>> No.7516702

I went to Otakon last year for the first time. Coming from AZ being my only convention, it was rather shocking how large Otakon was.

You know how at AZ if you typically line up an hour before a panel starts, you can get in? Not at Otakon. You've got to be there at least 6 hours early if you want to do anything. It's terrible. Pretty much only had fun because I was cosplaying

>> No.7517633

I feel like the panel lines are going to be much longer this year since there are going to be so many big guests so you might have to line up 2 to 3 hours earlier.

>> No.7517986

Wow, Animazement thread earlier than planned. Yeah, I'm going. Been to nearly all of them.

>> No.7518522

Ugh don't tell me that. I'm volunteering to work this year.

>> No.7518731

I doubt it... Honestly if the lines were still reasonable when both voice actors for goku were there, this year is not going to be that bad.

>> No.7519027

>both voice actors for goku
Shit. That Sunday autograph line still gives me nightmares. I volunteered that day and people were ranging between shady and bratty trying to skip to the front of the line just because there was a gap to let traffic get to the elevator/bathroom.

>Is this is the end of the line?
>You sure?

>Hey I'm just gonna get in line here and hope she doesn't notice.
Excuse me, are you in line for the DBZ autographs?
Back of the line is way down there.

>Is this the end of the line?
No, it's way down there.
>Are you joking? I don't want to go down there, I won't get in!
Well you have to go down there.
>I'm not going anywhere.
You can either go down there to the end or you can go somewhere else. You can't stand here.
>person stomps their feet at me and sulks off

>> No.7519039

I'd hate to volunteer at anything that big. It would suck all the fun out of the event.

>> No.7519048

Well, I wasn't doing anything on Sunday and really wanted to volunteer and that was where they needed help. I just had to stand there and keep people from jumping the line or blocking the walkway. I had a lot of fun chatting to the people in line.. aside from the dickwads that tried to say they had been in line and just went to the bathroom despite me being there over an hour and knowing every face in that line. That and the seriously absurd amount of people that casually joined the back of the 15 person front of the line and when I caught them either said "Oh, I didn't know.." or "I was just looking at the map on the wall..."

>> No.7519257

I'll be there hopefully!
With my Meido Rider cosplay.

>> No.7519263

We going to have a seagull meet again? I keep missing them every year. Didn't everyone go to that pub last time?

>> No.7519410


I dont think there has been a Seagull meetup at this con since 2010 or i just stop going to them

>> No.7520886

I will be there as Lelouch/Zero on Friday and Saturday. Possibly Deadpool on Sunday.

>> No.7522803

Just under a month left.

>> No.7522865

Oh god, I'm not ready at all.

>> No.7522875

I'm not ready and I haven't even got shit to do but pack.

>> No.7523066

This will mark my 6th year.

Should be pretty chill, I'm slowing down on the cosplay stress.

Won't bring more than 2 cosplays.

Looking forward to the Thursday bar meet-up with some con friends.

AZ has become a tradition for me at this point.

>> No.7524919

Has anyone been to any of the swapmeets people do?

>> No.7524990

I keep forgetting to go and from the sound of it, a lot of other people do too. If it was hosted at a panel then more people would go but since it's unofficial the only people that know are the ones that are on the forum or FB.

>> No.7525003

I meant to go to the one last year and forgot about it. I'll try to remember this year.

>> No.7525241

Is there even one being held this year?

>> No.7525248

There's a thread for a Fashion swap meet, but no general one. And in the thread they said they wouldn't do it because they could get in trouble. Maybe I should post a thread. I'd love to buy some goods, the dealer's room is always too expensive for me.

>> No.7525378

Yeah, they wanted to swap or buy from each other then canceled it.

Hey, if you want to organize one then do it. People will come.. if they don't forget.

>> No.7527076


>> No.7527088

Does anyone think the amount of people attending AZ this year will go down since momocon is the same weekend?

>> No.7527599

No, people don't travel more than a state or so for AZ. They might lose some people from the lower part of South Carolina but it's still largely an NC audience.

>> No.7527729

What >>7527599 said. Most of the people that go to AZ are from NC so it won't be too bad of a loss.

>> No.7528131

I'm from central VA and also don't think Momocon will affect attendance.

Most people at AZ I've met are from VA beach area, NC, and SC

>> No.7528197

what's the nc lolita comm like?

>> No.7528410

It's pretty good! I have no complaints, personally. We have some itas, but we also have a lot of very well dressed girls, and basically no drama.

>> No.7528606

I've never even seen them being talked about here so that probably says a lot.

>> No.7529805
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I was a volunteer last year as well. Perhaps we know each other.

Volunteering again this year, hella hype to meet the voice actress for Fuuko and Kyouko.

pic related: last year with Sean Schemmel

>> No.7531801

I'm skipping Momo this year to go to Animazement and I live in Atlanta. I like how Animazement has more of an anime focus than Momocon does. And KOTOKO.

>> No.7532119

I think KOTOKO and NOIZ are like.. permanent music guests for AZ.

>> No.7532930
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I am~! This will be my third convention ever, second time cosplaying. Travelling all the way from Richmond, VA; I assume it's worth it.

Day 1: Nothing - I want to keep my beard.
Day 2: Lupin III. Because side-burns.
Day 3: Len Kagamine, because he's a cute boy that I would fuck the shit out of. And his sister.

>> No.7532943

If you cosplay as Len I'll fuck you ;)))))))

>> No.7533025

I have STDs!

>> No.7533029

All I want to do is fug a cute vocaloid

>> No.7533655

Man I've been coming down to AZ from Richmond for 6 years.

It's totally worth it.

>> No.7533672


First con I'll have ever gone to. I've decided that if I went to a con and enjoyed it, then I'd consider cosplaying. I saw this online but since it was in Raleigh I wasn't sure if anyone would even attend. But now I know that there will be at least a small crowd!


>> No.7533678

Spread the love. Why let that anon have all the fun with his STDs?

>> No.7533711

There were ~8,800 people there last year if I remember correctly.

Anyone want to get a cosplay orgy going? Those are fun when they actually work out.

>> No.7533732

Yea sure, in the Marriott?

>> No.7533757

Stay class seagulls.

>> No.7534139
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>> No.7536285

Adults enjoying adult fun is classy is my opinion.

Those that take issue with it are [usually] either immature or landwhales/neckbeards that would not be invited to join to begin with. At least, that is what I have found from personal experience in the real world.

>> No.7536294

>actually taking the orgy idea seriously

Don't do this to us, anon. We've managed to keep AZ's drama/horrors secret up until now.

>> No.7536303

Not him, but I've heard a lot goes down in the Marriott. As a shy autist that lives nearby I've never been able to find out though.

>> No.7536307

I haven't heard anything like that. Animazement is pretty drama/scandal free aside from some creeper stuff (everyone knows who they are) and some minor drama that pops up at con.

There's some drunk shennagins every year but if people are having any kind of crazy sex, they keep it to themselves because Animazement is the type of con where everyone knows everyone and gossip spreads fast. Shit goes down, you hear about it before the con ends.

>> No.7536341

you forget to add the crap that goes down with the staff every year

>> No.7536342

Last year a friend and I went to a room in the Marriot with the girls there were renting it. While four people is not what most envision from the word orgy, it was quite fun.

>Animazement is the type of con where everyone knows everyone
Not true at all in my opinion. You may have fairly strong cliques though

>> No.7536353

It is sort of true, while you may not know everyone by name, with the older crowd it's usually the same people every year so in a way, you do know everyone.

>> No.7536355

Like what?

>> No.7536361

>It is sort of true
There is no sort of true. It is either true or false.
>with the older crowd
>so in a way, you do know everyone
So, because you know the older crowd, you know everyone? Because that's definitely logical.

>> No.7536369

No? It's because the older crowd usually has been going year after year and over the years you get introduced to more and more people.

I'm just saying. You may not know everyone but if you go a few years, you're going to know a lot of familiar faces.

>> No.7536381

>so in a way, you do know everyone
>you may not know everyone

I rest my case.

>> No.7536387

And we're arguing over this why?

>> No.7536400

There are always rude staff every year, but they are easy to ignore.

>> No.7536417

az doesnt like photographer

>> No.7536454

Same anon as

I have a question: How much money (aside from the ticket price) should I bring? What will it be like? What other thing(s) should I keep in mind/take with me?

>> No.7536464

Are you staying in a hotel or commuting each day? I bring around ~$100 a day along with a bag, phone, ID (you need this to get entry badge), and the schedule they hand out.

>> No.7536476

...except they changed their rules so now they do. You just can't set up lighting rigs or anything like that in the convention center.

>> No.7536509

Oh damn good question.....I guess I will commute each day. I live 3 hours away from it.

>> No.7536514

Wow. Commuting? That's a six hour drive every day.

>> No.7536517

If you're driving every day then you have to factor in money for gas, money for parking (good luck finding a spot nearby), money for food, your badge money, and any spending/emergency money.

>> No.7536724

That's far as hell, I'm only commuting ~30 minutes. Do you know where you're going to park? I'm probably going to be able to park at my dad's work, or at NCSU and take a bus.

>> No.7536891

I'm planning on taking maybe $300 with me, aside from the badge money. I think I'll find a nearby hotel and stay there.

>> No.7536920

This will be my 9th year attending I believe? If the cosplay gods smile upon me I'll have my xenomorph costume ready to go, but I have nothing done on it so I really need to spring into action these next few weeks.

>> No.7536931

> thinking the voice actors for Goku are going to be more popular than the voices of both Char Aznable and Amuro Ray

Being an American Gundam fan is suffering. I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear Suichi Ikeda breathe over a phone.

>> No.7536948

Just to hear the breath?

I don't know, man. You're kinda lowballing it.

>> No.7537034

Good luck trying to find a hotel this late anon. The Sheraton and Marriott and completely booked up and the other hotels are a couple of miles away.

>> No.7537106

What cosplays do you guys think are going to be the most popular this year?

>> No.7537342

Whatever's the most popular series. Free!, Kill la Kill, Sailor Moon (given the revival)..

Anon, you're going to have a hard time finding a hotel that's not at least a mile away. But since you've got a car that could help you. You can also room with someone else if you check the FB groups for Animazement or their forum.

>> No.7537515

If you're a qtpi you can stay with me

>> No.7537527

I don't mooch, but thanks for the offer.
I think I'll only go for one or two days.

>> No.7538158


Found a hotel 4.5 miles away from the con center for $50/night.

>> No.7538191

Enjoy the bedbugs

>> No.7538207

Based on a lot of reviews on the hotel, it's pretty clean. I only need a place to take a shower, really. I could sleep in my car without a problem.

>> No.7538220

>I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass
What is this from? It sounds familiar..

>> No.7538275

Reposts of reposts of reposts of /b/.

>> No.7538328

my wallet it ready. dealers room hasn't disappointed me yet.

>> No.7538339

Do we go to the same dealer's room?

>> No.7538362

Just rent a motel room. it'll make your life much easier.

>> No.7538408
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I'm in agreement with this

I haven't bought anything from the dealers room in at least the last three years

>> No.7538449

I think I'll just get that hotel for $50/night. It's 4.5 miles away from the convention center. I just don't know how long I'll be there. If I like the convention, I'll stay for all 3 days. If not, I'll drive straight back home after the first day. I don't have much time to waste. Gotta make money, you know? And as far as I saw, none of the hotels or apartment complexes around Raleigh (specifically, around the convention but also anywhere within city limits) were for sale.

>> No.7538458

Oh! Is there anything to keep in mind? Any tips about the con itself? How about the Dealer's room?

>> No.7538555

I'm talking about gunpla that is usually more expensive and the moment you find a show that costs less than the amount of episodes in it.

>> No.7538676


>> No.7538713

Not anything I can think of. The dealer's room sucks and has horrible pricing.

>> No.7538729

did you read the other posts? they pretty much answered some of your questions.
if your going to the dealers room I would suggest you have at least 100$ if you plan on buying something from there. however its better you plan out how much your willing to pay on what you are looking for in the dealers room. also the dealers room changes each day it seems.

>> No.7538848

Same. Now that I've discovered Taobao, I can go into the dealers room and pretty much see everything I see on Taobao. Only thing I've bought in the past few years is some fandom tshirts from that tshirt company and some snacks that I can't find anywhere else.

Other than that, all my money is spent in artist alley and the art room. Still mad someone mysteriously outbid me on something I wanted despite me putting in a bid five minutes before bidding closed on Saturday night.

>> No.7539382

So im running a panel boredome of the modern otaku and how to convention. Im going to post the fan panel schedule here for anyone thats interested

>> No.7539401
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>> No.7539403
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>> No.7539405
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>> No.7539409
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>> No.7539446

Thanks for posting the schedule. Now I can make a list ahead of time.

>> No.7539453
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>pajama battle dance party

>> No.7539642

Don't plan too far ahead. That's the preliminary schedule sent out to people running panels a few weeks ago. It's already been changed to accomodate a number of panels that featured overlapping hosts and other problems. Consider it more of a list of the panels that were accepted than as an actual panel schedule.

>> No.7539672

Only 4 items on the schedule look worth going to

>> No.7539688

And all 4 of them are the Pajama Battle Dance Party, right?

>> No.7539732

>mfw the only panels I want to go to are on Sunday

And two bullying panels? Come on people, it's costumes. That lolita maid cafe is going to be a train wreck simply because they tossed lolita in there. I've seen posts about it and you'll be lucky if have the maids are even wearing maid costumes, much less lolita.

>> No.7539738

You know it dude

>> No.7539757 [DELETED] 

If you're going to Animazement for the fan panels then you've messed up somewhere along the way. You go to cosplay, you go to hang out with friends, and/or you go for the guests.

And I guess some people go to hook up, but good luck there. Check for IDs.

>> No.7540343

or, in my friends case, to buy manga for cheaper than amazon and Barnes and noble.

>> No.7540355

yeesh, really bummed I forgot to sign up my Rider panel...
ah well next year, plus apparently I'm helping on the PR vs SS panel.... cool

Going as Kamen Rider Gaim, check the progress thread for photos

>> No.7540430
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>lolita maid cafe

>> No.7540502

only one gundam panel as far as I've seen.

>> No.7540508

I saw people playing card games last year, but does is there a place to play boardgames? Not monopoly or scrabble but eurogames like Carcassonne and such.

>> No.7540555

Don't lie. You know you're going.

>> No.7540574

I am, just to see the catastrophe.

>> No.7540579

I've always wanted to help out with one of the toku panels, but I feel like I'm a casual toku fan and that I don't know enough that even my enthusiasm for the genre can make up for.

Hella looking forward to your Gaim though, your progress pictures are looking awesome.

>> No.7540591

I noticed there wasn't a Rider panel. My friend and I went to it for the first time the other year and thought it was fantastic. Hope to see it on the schedule next year!

>> No.7540594

You're not the only one. Friends and I are planning on at least peeking in to see what it looks like. It sounds like they're just serving tea and spending two hours doing who knows what.

>> No.7540600

I'm trying to convince my friend to check it out for me. I cant go till Saturday because highschool and parents.

>> No.7540604

Well, barring any unforeseen circumstances (or me forgetting), I'll take some pictures of it and post them. It's probably going to be terrible but I'm really hoping that there's at least some hope for it. I'd settle for all the maids dressed like actual maids at this point.

>> No.7540896

If only I could put on some old colonial outfits and walk in with a small delegation and discuss colonizing the African horn.

total seriousness and stay there the whole time drinking tea

ugh the dumb shit I would do with money

>> No.7540934

Kinda lame but, would anyone want to make a cosplay with me for animazement, my hands are mentally retarded and only meant for breaking things!

>> No.7541322

I think you're looking for a commissioner.

>> No.7541427

Here's the updated and more legit schedule. Not likely final given the nature of things, but more up to date than the above images.


Now you're free to resume complaining about nothing to do, schedule photoshoots, and talk about orgies that won't actually happen.

>> No.7541486

so there's the gundam panels.

>> No.7541532

I'll be there!! Wearing Mugen, Taokaka, Xatu cowslip gijinka, and lazy hipster Anna from Frozen on Sunday. I'm pretty excited, though I'm not the biggest fan of AZ.

>> No.7541556
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I didn't go last year because I was so disappointed with 2012 and 2011. Nobody is allowed in the panels because of fire hazards. Nobody is allowed to stand around in the lobby for too long because of fire hazards. I might go on Saturday this year. I live so close to it, it's a shame they can't get it right.

>> No.7541577

Fire hazards? Wow, I hadn't heard that one before.

>> No.7541603

I have heard the fire hazard thing for panel rooms, but not the lobby. They don't want you to stand around in the lobby because you are blocking traffic.

>> No.7543694


>> No.7543832

Specifically you can't block the door to panel rooms due to fire hazards. There are occupancy limits but they're seldom hit for things as simple as fan panels.

The lobby thing is them keeping it open so people can come and go, though there's probably a bit of fire code to it as well.

>> No.7544957

Anyone going and cosplaying want to post what you'll be wearing / progress shots?

>> No.7546422
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Here's the schedule:

>> No.7546439

I know I this will be my first con, so I have no right to judge, but what the fuck:

> Anime dating game show

>> No.7546451

90% of con events are stupid shit like that. Animazement is also very family oriented, so there's a lot of shit that we probably wouldn't go to.

>> No.7546455

I am.

>don't have the time/money to finish my other cosplays so i'll have to go as an easier one instead

Suffering. I hope no one yells at me for going as Castiel instead.

>> No.7546501

Yeah, a lot of conventions have that one. It's actually pretty funny if it's done right since all the contestants are supposed to be in character.

>> No.7546560
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I was going to go as Dipper, but it seems my Mabel dropped out. which sucks because I've spent literally SEVERAL MINUTES creating the best possible awful-looking sweater. And I don't have the hair to pull off a schizophrenic twin thing.

>> No.7546596

Yeah only thing I've bought in 4 years has been a pack of the old pokemon cards first year I went.

>> No.7546601

Well fuck her, go anyway. If you put that much effort into making it, why let the other person ruin it?

>> No.7546636

The caps was supposed to sarcastically show that I'm not actually that upset. Mabel's outfit is easy to make because it's supposed to look like it was made by a 4th grader.

I've been going forever and I feel like I know many of the regulars, so there's no way I'm missing it.

>> No.7547621

No new cosplay
just brown haired Ken and a Ryu

>> No.7548017
File: 533 KB, 1920x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've been posting my dumb face everywhere lol, but here's progress pictures of of Taokaka and my Mugen. I'm also doing casual Kyoko from PMMD.

>> No.7548161

At the risk of accidentally offending you (I'd never seen you before), I'm going to guess that you're a.......male? Anyway, not bad with the outfit....dude? Did you make it yourself? And what made you decide on those outfits?

>> No.7548193
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Haha, I'm actually a girl! No offense taken actually, I'm very flattered! But I did make everything myself. I usually decide costumes based on cool costume designs or characters I like from shows people will cosplay from with me lol.

>> No.7548671

I'm going as Bastet from puzzles and dragons, but I need to work on my cosplay more before I post pictures,

>> No.7548758

No idea who the second character is but damn you've got fantastic makeup.

>> No.7548769

i got excited about the mugen until i realized you didn't do the tattoos
and are also a female
>tfw no hot mugen bf

>> No.7548797

UGH I KNOW I WAS SO MAD WHEN I REALISED I FORGOT TO DO THEM. Gomen anon-san. I'll definitely have them for the con though.

Ah thanks so much! It's Mugen from Samurai Champloo. He's disgusting but also bad ass.

>> No.7548999

this is my first animazement but my boyfriend and I are doing artist alley!

what kind of things do you guys look for in particular at an artist alley? I know every con has a slightly different audience so I would love to get a feel for what would do well at AZ.

>> No.7549006

Girl, you got two weeks before con. Now is not the time to be asking what to make.

>> No.7549134

I have plenty but I want to know what to bring more of. It would be dumb planning to bring a billion buttons and no one wants them.

>> No.7549167


What are you selling?

>> No.7549241


I've noticed video game jewelry does well ... minus necklaces

It seems to be niche that few if any artists did last year and the few that did had that stuff sell out quick

I recall rings with buttons from old game systems selling out quick

>> No.7549277

Anything Legend of Zelda sells especially well.

At least, last year I saw Legend of Zelda stuff selling faster than most any other fandoms

>> No.7549907
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Is anyone planning on going to any of the singles meet ups or dating panels? I've seen enough forever alone / so awkward / want a cosplay bf/gf threads lately that I'm curious to see how many people going to this con are actually planning on doing something about it.

>> No.7549927
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>con dating panels
>working ever
ya, nah, its just an excuse to make random dudes kiss each other.

On the subject of cosplaying. I'll be going as fists of fury tiger mask from Hotline Miami.
I made like a gallon of fake blood and I'm the process of applying it liberally.
I just hope it doesn't stain, it IS mostly detergent so I don't see why it would though.

Here's hoping it won't be shit like last year; last year was so bad that all of my con friends (7+) are going to Momocon instead.

>> No.7549957

what made last year so bad in your opinion?

>> No.7549978

>singles meets
>dating panels

Expect to see neckbeards, autists, and psychos.

>> No.7550024

I dunno, in the past I've actually seen decent people show up at these kinds of things. Animazement has more women than men and it's mostly shy people who just need ice breakers, not creepy mouth breather Perfect Blue guys.

>> No.7550156

It's mostly pins, rings, hair pieces. a few prints, buttons, plushies, and stickers. more j-fashion but some comics stuff. just didn't want to fill up the whole car with j-fashion stuff and it's not a big deal in nc. we have a lot of sailor moon and the simpsons.

thanks for the suggestions!

>> No.7550302

>The Simpsons

>> No.7550581

There was one good panel, the DBZ panel, (THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHOW ON THE SCHEDULE) they increased ticket prices again, they got really bitchy about fake weapons to the point where I had to hide my friend's non-functioning airsoft shotgun to even get in, "NO DONT STAND IN THIS EMPTY HALLWAY IS FIREHAZARD"

But really, last year was a breaking point, everyone in my group noticed AZ was getting gradually worse and worse as the years went by.

On the other hand, Anime Hell was fantastic as always and they significantly improved the game room layout.

I've seen the schedule this year and they seems to be taking criticism, so I am reserved but also optimistic

>> No.7550589

>wouldn't let friend's airsoft shotgun in
>weapons policy explicitly forbids airsoft weapons

Dude. Do you even hear yourself? It says they don't allow airsoft weapons at all. Period. Don't bitch about them upholding their rules.

>> No.7550696


Ahahah jokes on them. Momocon was so bad last year that I'm going to Animazement.

>> No.7550699

we mostly cater toward comic crowds

>> No.7550706
File: 366 KB, 848x1200, 1387237776122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only stuff I buy from the artist alley is pretty much anything from a series I have nothing from.

Example the obscure series or not the fan favorites. If I see art from my favorite video games that fall into that category I will buy even if the art sucks (usually)

So if I see anything from Nanatsu no Taizai or Akame ga kiru I'm buying it immediately since I have nothing from those series

>> No.7550801
File: 33 KB, 293x309, b93b51e0-78d1-4e6b-a2b6-fd13f5514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-funtioning airsoft gun not allowed
>plastic model of same gun allowed
>by all accounts a non-functioning airsoft gun is the same as a plastic model due to the fact it can't actually shoot anything

I do not understand your sudden outburst.

>> No.7550815

A plastic model isn't the same thing as a non-functioning airsoft gun. I doubt staff and security care if it's functioning or not, it's still an airsoft and they banned them. It's probably less about whether or not you could shoot someone and more about it being an actual weapon as opposed to a plastic toy. No one is going to risk safety or possible law enforcement issues.

>> No.7550827

I've had friends say they would go and then they back out last minute.

Last year I believe AZ had one and it was 9 to 10 male to female ratio ... didn't even bother going in.

Let's be realistic unless your looking for a hook up it would be better just to walk up and down the line with a sign reading, "looking for fellow college educated anime fan living within 40 miles of zip code 55555."

>> No.7550997

Sort of off topic, is it easy to hook up at AZ?

>> No.7551094

9 to 10 meaning slightly more female than male? That's reasonable given the gender split of humanity.

>> No.7551329

I don't know why you would try. I doubt some of these people are really all that interested in having a relationship.

>> No.7551402

I think they mean 9 to 10 male to female, as in 9 out of 10 people were all male.

Don't do it. Everyone you hit on will be underage and don't look it.

>> No.7551731

>easy to hook up
>thinking that means a relationship

>> No.7551735

>one good panel
>the DBZ panel

But, there were like nine DBZ panels.

>> No.7551902
File: 17 KB, 465x88, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.7551919


>> No.7551973

I can't wait to get obnoxiously drunk and set the standard for terrible con-etiquette. I wonder how long I'll last.

>> No.7551985

>Just lay back and think of America.

>> No.7552129
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 10245417_559557524162020_3697941840373254095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just made this pretty sick costume sword out of left over material from making other costumes and have no costume to go with it

Any hope I had for this comm just died.

>> No.7552694

They don't understand what a ratio is, then. Also, they're pretty bad at looking around them, because the con has definitively more women than men, even at the dating panels.

>> No.7554560

The con definitely has a high women:men ratio, as long as you don't set foot in the video game rooms, the card game ghetto, or any of the other anti-social corners.

>> No.7554982
File: 1.08 MB, 864x368, 1352157438491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Card game ghetto


>> No.7556490

10 bucks this gets played at next year's Anime Hell

>> No.7557092
File: 91 KB, 640x640, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another con wasted at the card game table. Like tears in the rain.

>> No.7557141

I'll be going. Cosplaying as Olivia from Fire Emblem Awakening

>> No.7557604


>> No.7558355

Oh god, 9 days left. Does anyone think that this year is going to be any better than the previous years?

>> No.7558428

Lamo, has anyone ever thought that

>> No.7558506

I want to know where they got their "lolitas" for the Lolita Maid Cafe.

>> No.7558511

I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.7558533

my basement

>> No.7558546

seriously. I never saw anything in the comm about it,not even from the usual loud itas. Anyone know who is putting it on?

>> No.7558551

I think the creator is a lolita but everyone else is volunteers wearing whatever they want. I saw some Hetalia maid previews, someone said they're wearing an Alice dress, and two butlers. Also people asking if they're getting paid.

>> No.7558557

is the creator in the NC comm?

>> No.7558568

Heck if I know. I'm just going off what I read ages ago when they posted about being accepted.

>> No.7559248

Where? Who posted it?

>> No.7559325

In the Animazement FB groups? By now it's probably sunk to the depths of post hell given how many people post every day.

>> No.7559338
File: 89 KB, 556x358, Screenshot 2014-05-16 at 10.46.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I found it. I can't post the link because it keeps saying I'm spam but here's a cap.

Iris organized it but said she's out of the country and I assumed Ashley had taken over (thus the lolita remark) but it looks like the admins of the group for the cafe is Iris and Melissa (no idea if she's a lolita). But this is going to be a trainwreck no matter who's running it.

>> No.7559691

I'm not sure what these people are trying to accomplish here. Their "afterparty" starts at 7 PM, after which most of the better con events are happening. Everyone young is going to be at the crappy rave, and everyone older will be drinking at more convenient locations.


>> No.7560966

lol I can tell just by the way they're talking that their "Gothic Lolita dresses" are ebay monstrosities

>> No.7561255

Probably the local club trying to lure in con people. 7pm on Friday is a bad time to try that, but anything that gets people out of the building will be appreciated as things start filling up.

>> No.7561264

lol this
I think it's because they treat it like a costume by saying "I have an outfit" whereas normal lolitas just say "can I wear lolita"
Try adding "costume" to the end of their phrases, its basically the same feeling

>> No.7562814

As one of the millions of Kirito going to this convention, I find it really funny seeing all of these "Are there going to be any Asuna?" posts elsewhere. Kinda glad I'm bringing my own, even though in practice it's more like she's bringing me.

>> No.7563305

The con is really creeping up fast.

>> No.7564608


>> No.7564670
File: 980 KB, 500x272, tumblr_inline_n5lgzrg5SP1r2l01h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I've got two days to get ready. This is insane.

>> No.7564677
File: 163 KB, 500x375, 1373408071140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish Gundam Unicorn 7
>have all these Gundam feels
>that feel when you're not going to Animazement and you will never tell Suichi Ikeda that you love him

>> No.7564862

I know the feel, I have half a wig and half a bodice done on my costume. I swear I'm going to vomit or have a heart attack before the con

>> No.7565034

I'm not even cosplaying, which is the scary part. All I have to do is pick out clothes and pack but it feels like I'm in panic mode.

>> No.7565850

>mostly sunny Fri-Sun
>Friday=80 degree high
>Saturday=79 degree high
>Sunday=82 degree high

It isn't as bad is it could be, but I'm still going to be dying in my costume

>> No.7566801

Isn't it supposed to be in the 60s overnight as well? Looks like it's going to be a pretty good convention this year.

>> No.7566818

Anything above 75 is too hot. I'll be sweating in my regular clothes.

>> No.7566985

Considering that in years past it's been over 95, I'll gladly take highs of mid-80s.

>> No.7567411

I know, I live just outside of Raleigh. This state is way too hot for my tastes.

>> No.7567602

Don't forget the humidity.

Has anyone else signed up for volunteer spots using the new online thing? I think it's pretty neat.

>> No.7568200

Anyone know what temperature the convention center is set to for Animazement?

>> No.7568246


They generally set the inside temperature to Elsa to combat the fact that the outside temperature is Azula.

>> No.7568249

The outside temp + 10

>> No.7568261

I didn't notice much of a difference last year.

>> No.7568382

No idea but it's not that bad during the day and at night it's usually freezing cold.

>> No.7568761

If you didn't notice a difference between inside and outside, then it's a testament to the ability of an air conditioner to keep up with 8,000 sweaty otaku.

>> No.7569451

Wasn't it pretty cool last year anyway?

And I swear to god if they break another escalator this year I'm going to lose my mind.

>> No.7569456

WHOO TWO DAYS TO GO. Still gotta make a sword and finish two costumes. Time to die.

>> No.7569482

I hope you make it out alive.

>> No.7569600


>> No.7569726

I've never gone on the Thursday, other than the one or two events what goes on?

>> No.7569987

Besides the formal ball, honestly nothing really happens. There may be a small game of red rover but it's mainly just a bunch of con goers walking around and meeting up with old friends.

>> No.7571440

One day. And the AZ website keeps going down

>> No.7571731
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, Gravity_Falls_Opening_Mabel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to pinch hit as Gravity Fall's Mabel on Friday or Saturday?

Get equipped with:
1) sweater with glow-in-the-dark stars (made from a men's sweater, adult small) see >>7546560
2)tiny waddles made of felt
3)fake ID (from the wax museum episode)

Things you would need to provide for yourself:
1)hair band
2)matching skirt
3)winning smile (braces are a positive)
4)ALPHA TWIN attitude

bonus for:
5)Kristen Schaal impersonations

>> No.7572834

Anyone else upset about the long ass prereg line and having to pay to watch some movies?

>> No.7572899

Pay to watch?

>> No.7572947

I would but i'm already being fin :( i have all the things too

>> No.7573095

All three days as Finn? Add some variety!

>> No.7573130

fuck animazement as an artist i am so over this convention and lack of common sense with every thing from registration, to over priced tables that come with ZERO badge, i am done, thank god for momocon i am never going to come back here unless things take a change for the better tbh, heck for a non profit AZ sure could AFFORD to pay for some extra staff too, every thing about this convention irks me and if it wasn't for the fact that i am desperately in need of $ this year I would have never come!

>> No.7573556


>> No.7573564

Where is the dealers room? I don't like change

>> No.7573587

at least you guys have good guests ;_;

your con looks a lot more attractive than Fanime does

>> No.7573914

The con was so hot I had to go home for a break after 4 hours. So much sweating. I'll be back in time to see the Lolita Maid Cafe horror show though.

>> No.7574123
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 2014-05-23 16.10.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Yamino is here

>> No.7574597

It was hot outside. Indoors was freezing and the dealer's room and artist alley were so cold I thought I was gonna pass out, the AC was blasting fucking everywhere.

>> No.7574609


>> No.7574622

AZ lolita maid cafe: high schoolers, cheap lace, and poor organization.

>> No.7574633

Yea right, inside was really hot.
I wanted to go to see the train wreck but I got there late and the line was long so I didn't bother. Any pics?

>> No.7575187


>> No.7575277

I didn't take any :( There should be some going up on the main FB page though

>> No.7575456
File: 76 KB, 480x300, 86d81fbd-c100-4b2f-8cc4-c8a7c3649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( You guys are depressing me. I wanted so badly to go and had all of my plans figured out but ended up not being able to go. It was going to be my first con and I was so excited.

>> No.7575511

It was pretty shit. 9000 degrees, shit panels, thousands of people in your way. I only go to see qtpis cosplaying.

>> No.7575517

I feel like the con is going pretty good. The only shitty thing is the protesters.

>> No.7575959

Couldn't go this year, staying out of state this summer but religious nuts or something else?

>> No.7575964
File: 108 KB, 720x960, 65bc911f-05d7-41d1-b543-c1b31244b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
(not me btw, found it on fb)

>> No.7576898

I'm exhausted, is there anything on Sunday worth going to?

>> No.7577016

What in the hell were they protesting? How to be as scene as possible? Lack of poser representation?

>She couldn't look more disgusting if she used Kool aid on her hair

captcha: uagapa religious

>> No.7577047

Conservatives are terrified of everything that isn't what they consider "normal" (read: heterosexual consensual sex in the missionary position).

>> No.7577057

Because having shitty purple hair dye in your hair and dressing like a 14 year old ecstasy junkie rave girl is totally normal.

That makes no sense.

>> No.7577149

the girl with the purple hair wasn't a protester, she just took a selfie with them.

>> No.7577325

And they didn't stone her to death?

>> No.7577386

their a lame protest group...

>> No.7577588

Just got back home from the con so I'm going to be updating here with pics and dishing stories. Just using this as a bump.

>> No.7577638

Anyone going to Cosplay America in August, in Cary?

>> No.7577652

I thought it seemed cool. I hope the people doing the cosplay panels aren't the same ones I've seen at other NC cons. So much horrible advice...

>> No.7577745
File: 229 KB, 640x480, 0524141508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much shit happened this year. It's absolutely ridiculous.

>attendance exploded to over 11,000
>con ran out of badges at least once
>two different religious groups protested
>anti-vaccination protester wandered around
>GreenPeace tried to recruit
>someone had seizures
>someone collapsed outside
>two girls kicked out for stealing from dealers room
>Spiderman cosplayer climbed to the top of a parking garage roof

>> No.7577752

And this is where my sobbing begins.

Damn it all to hell.

>> No.7577757

Someone on Facebook says there's cops and ambulances at the convention center? Anyone know what's going on?

>> No.7577791

That's happened several times. I know one person fell down the escalator.

>> No.7577804
File: 99 KB, 480x640, DSCF0078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7577806
File: 157 KB, 640x480, 0524143722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7577843

This crazy dude thinks he's spiderman.
Poses for pics
At the edge
Tomorrow he wakes up in a hospital bed.
Look out!
Someone call an ambulaaaaaaance.

>> No.7577906
File: 2.10 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-05-25 17.48.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Trigger shirted volunteer, maybe some of you guys saw us walking around.

I thought the con went very well overall, with a few minor hiccups as expected. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.7577975

The added cops seemed uneccessary, but at the same time, I realize the homestuckers and children were on better behavior. Related?

I overheard the greatest exchange between two teenage girls on Friday
>oh my god I hate all these whores showing off skin like that. I spent hundreds of hours on this costume and I don't get nearly as much attention as these sluts.
>Do you really want attention from those guys though? Aren't they just perverts if they're after skin shots?
>that's not the point. why go through the effort if no one is going to take pictures?

She was wearing a basic human home stuck costume. I wish I had snapped a picture now.

>> No.7577991

I am convinced the cops may be unnecessary most of the time.

>Be last Animazment
>My blind brother cut his toe while going up an escalator at above walking speed that was turned off.
>He calls
>I go to help
>He asked a random guy to see if con staff had a Band Aid
>Couple minutes later
>We are surrounded by cops
>They all say the same smart ass comment "Shouldn't be running up an escalator"
>Wish I said "Yeah he shouldn't be blind either"
>They say they don't want blood on the convention floor
>I get real fucking nervous and afraid
>I have never been surrounded by cops before
>We go home
>Day ruined

>> No.7578038
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 2014-05-25 18.57.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these and an Eeveelution shirt. Does anyone know what anime the cat plush is from? Also I was the girl dressed as a brony if anyone saw me.

>> No.7578113

Anyone snap a picture of an asian woman wearing a Harime Nui outfit? I saw her on the first day, but missed my chance to ask her for a picture. I was very impressed with the amount of detail she put into it.

>> No.7578152

Natsume Yuujinchou maybe?

>> No.7578194


Thank you. I know it's dumb to get something from an anime you don't even know, but it was really cute. I'm gonna try the anime out sometime though, it sounds interesting.

>> No.7578226

>shit panels

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.7578244


There were some me and my friend wanted to go to, like the bullying one, but the lines were so long. We'll probably get in line early next year and just people watch.

>> No.7578255

Did any seagulls get a picture of the Zero with a Geass contact lens?

If so please post!

>> No.7578276

Did anybody get a picture of the Ursula with the modified prom dress? I know there were a couple Ursulas, she was the one whose tentacles draped over her skirt. I only saw her when she was resting and was too shy to ask for a picture.

>> No.7578303

>homefuckers got the pool shut down for cleaning

Fucking homestuck

>> No.7578411


>> No.7578428


Yup, again, but It wasn't as bad as last time. The police really died down at night, so a lot of people started partying in the pool area.

>> No.7578515

I saw an Izanagi while I was there. The Persona. Did anyone manage to get a picture of it?

>> No.7578609
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-05-23 18.20.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7578611

>that's not the one I saw

Holy shit, what.

>> No.7578627
File: 2.98 MB, 1099x1373, junpei1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pants were a bit too big, I fixed em a bit later. I was the Junpei with the nice Evoker I've been working on.

Had a great time- first time at animazement was a terrible experience ( not so much the con itself, just what went on), this was a total 360. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend. Just gotta work on my pose and smile a bit more- with a few costume adjustments.

Hoping to see a lot more persona 3 cosplay next time, which will probably become a reality from all the p3 movies coming out and persona q's release soon.

>> No.7578632

I think I did remember seeing a second one as well.

I was able to get a Thantos/ P3MC group shot too, which I was really hoping for

>> No.7578634
File: 25 KB, 220x240, 1369107828725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went as Castiel
>like 4000 other Cas' showed up
>they wanted to take a picture with all of them together

I walked out at the wrong fucking time. They grabbed me before I could react, and I didn't want to be awkward as fuck.

>> No.7578639

pls share thanatos and other izanagi

>> No.7578640

I didn't even see any of him, although a guy in a trenchcoat is generic as fuck so I probably thought you werent even cosplaying so I wasn't bothering to second glance

>> No.7578643


There were also a lot of doctors, so it was hard for some people to tell, and I didn't have wings on.

>> No.7578663
File: 998 KB, 375x263, 360 no scope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went as the Yu that was paired with the "Other Izanagi". I was only there dressed for the second day but despite both of us being pulled to the side constantly for pictures, I can't find one on the internet. I hope I eventually change.

Our friends were the Minato/Thanatos pair. Thanatos' coffins got screwed by the heat by the end of the first day so we were all very short lived.

>please post pictures

>> No.7578670
File: 2.28 MB, 1728x973, tha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've always wanted to see a thantos cosplay up close, its cool seeing all the work they've put into it with the pvc pipe and shields

I don't have a pic of the other izanagi

>> No.7578676
File: 39 KB, 500x379, 1399643622851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have really good ideas
>no money
>no time
>no skill to make anything

I go to cons to people watch and jerk off on my own misery and self-loathing.

>> No.7578678
File: 3.51 MB, 1944x1095, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7578681

I saw a dancing all night version yu, was that you?

I do have a pic if so

>> No.7578682

based anon, thank you

I saw you and your pair down in the artist's alley but I got rushed around. That's awesome!

>> No.7578691


Sadly, no. I couldn't pull that off if I tried. Just default Yu. Uniform and all.

>thanatos always stuck propping up her coffins
>struggled to get through doors

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.7578699


I made a joke to my friend about how that person was thinking they'd get through doors and crowds with that shit on. It was a really good idea, and it looks baller as fuck, but it just didnt work with that many people there.

>> No.7578706

Yeah. Needless to say, she stayed outside until the heat wrecked the outfit. I'll pass along your comments. Thanks.

>> No.7578717

I give her a lot of credit for being out in the heat in that costume, great thantos cosplay

>> No.7578719


Don't tell me you were an all girl team

>> No.7578724

No. Myself and Minato were male. Izanagi and Thanatos were female and made, for the most part, their own outfits. The Izanagi bought the coat and made the rest from scratch and Thanatos is entirely from scratch.

>> No.7578745

What's the next biggest con that happens in North Carolina/South Carolina? Anything?

Only other one I'd heard of is Hoshicon and it seems kind of small.

I live in Charlotte and would rather go to any con within 6 hours driving distance (Atlanta, GA is about 4 hours away)

>> No.7578751

Did you get any pictures for yourself or your team?

>> No.7578763

I didn't even know you all existed until I kept hearing staff complain about being unable to recognize you because Trigger's on the back of the shirt.

>> No.7578766

No, which is why I asked if anyone got Yu/Izanagi pictures. Still waiting.

>> No.7578771

I saw a Castiel standing in front of the religious people at one point holding up a Twister game.

>> No.7578775

What happened with those religious people anyway? Wasn't it, like, two people?

>> No.7578789

There's always Anime Weekend Atlanta in September since you said Atlanta was 4 hours away.

>> No.7578790


I stayed away from them. They honestly weren't doing any harm, and were just standing there minding their own business. They never started shouting or preaching or any of that shit, so I saw no reason to haggle them. They were there I believe Saturday and Sunday.

>> No.7578801

No, there was a group across the street one day and then the rest of the weekend had the couple out front.

The ones out front did start preaching several times. The ones that set up on the corner of the Marriott on Friday were shouting at people who walked by.

>> No.7578809

I'd be interested in Colossalcon, but I'm in New York on a job and will probably be here at that time.

God it sounds fantastic though. Symphonic Orchestras? Gaming? Interesting Guests? A Formal ball?


I want to go so badly...

>> No.7578822

Shameful reaction, I know.
I know they were stupid protestors but the crowd it got was crazy. I'm not sure what was actually going on in the crowd but it should be expected. They aren't really going to be left alone.

>> No.7578826

I'm trying to go this year for the first time after my best friend left AZ for AWA instead and said it was wonderful. I only go to AZ to hang out and it's too hot to really cosplay so this'll be a nice change.

>> No.7578836
File: 78 KB, 540x960, kallenzero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a long shot, but is Kallen a seagull by chance?

>> No.7578842

I'm going to try pulling a few strings (and in the process undoubtedly pissing a few people off) in order to get to go. It looks like I'd end up taking the Maui Sands deal. It's 2 queen beds at $168 per night with 4 tickets to the waterpark (and I'd be the only one going), so if you're going alone I'll extend an open invitation to you too, and we'd just split the cost for however many days you're attending. If you think a queen size is enough space for any boyfriend/girlfriend you want to bring then they're okay to come too. The next couple of days will be a bit busy while I figure things out, but I left my email in the email field for you to shoot me a message tomorrow or the day after that so I can let you know if I'm going or not. The only deal they have for the Maui resort is 2 queen beds anyways.

>> No.7578865


I didn't see them Friday. Did they start preaching? I know they were talking to a few people for a while, but I never heard them going all westboro on them.

>> No.7578873

I never saw preaching. I saw a crowd and like 1-2 preachers.

>> No.7578879

Thinking about doing a STALKER cosplay, and i'm on a fork in the road.

Which one catches your eye for looking more real?




I'm going to doctor them up a bit hen I get them, obviously, but i'm a bit tight on cash and can't make a decision.

>> No.7578884

One with stand.

>> No.7578917


That's what I was thinking. It's also cheaper.

>> No.7578929

>still no Izanagi/Yu photos
I wish I was outside more.

>> No.7578942

Thanks for the offer and I'd totally take it if I didn't already have tentative rooming plans with said friend who booked her hotel room a few months ago.

>> No.7578995

Alright. I might end up asking my sister to come along, I just don't want the extra bed to go to waste. All of my old friends ended up spreading out all over the country for college, and most of them didn't have too much money to begin with, so I don't think any of them could end up going.

Are you going to cosplay there?

>> No.7579529

Did anyone get pics of lucky star cosplay?

>> No.7579940

Depends on how much I have after travel expenses and stuff.

>> No.7579954

If you mean anime conventions. you're probably looking at AWA or the Virginia cons if scale is the biggest element for you. That said, given you live in Charlotte, there's Ichibancon in January, which is right there. Not nearly as big, but fun in its own away.

>> No.7580609

Rip thread soon, create another for posting pics?

>> No.7580810

New thread