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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7510218 No.7510218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old is Yaya Han?

I typed in Yaya and the first thing that came up was age. So out of curiosity I clicked it and it has nothing about her age.

Anyone know how old she is?

>> No.7510224

34-36. I remember her from her pre surgery days in late 1990s.

>> No.7510225

She definitely doesn't fall into the typical Asian stereotype of aging gracefully, that's for sure. She looks 50 but she's probably a lot younger.

>> No.7510230

Well on her website, it says she started watching Saint Seiya when she was 8. Assuming she watched it while it aired (1986-1989), she's got to be somewhere well into her 30s.
That's all I got though. I'm assuming she's one of those "a lady never tells her age!!" types.

>> No.7510234

Do you think her hiding her age effects her personality in the cosplay scene?

Do you think that she feels old which causes her to hate on people like Jessica Nigri dressing slutty?

Why do you think she hides her age. Is that common with cosplayers?

>> No.7510243

I don't think it's common. I never met anyone who hides their age in cosplay. It's just Yaya won't make money from her neckbeard fans probably . I tell people I'm 29 when they ask.

>> No.7510245 [DELETED] 


>> No.7510252


once they hit 30 they hide their ages

dont think PikminLink or Clef show theirs anymore

>> No.7510257

I think she's aged alright. I didn't think she was old until I saw her in her Carmella Costume.

>> No.7510260
File: 161 KB, 1768x849, yaya 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7510263

I've got one more question related to the Yaya thing.

Do you think by the time JNig is Yayas age she'll pass Yaya as the most famous cosplayer?

>> No.7510269


she already has

>> No.7510276

Maybe it's because of how hateful younger cosplayers are about ppl over thirty? I've seen it time and time again.

>> No.7510283

oh man
when is this from then, its pretty lolzy

>> No.7510289

So the solution to that problem is to further stigmatize that one should hide one's age?
Makes no sense. There is no logic.
And I think the reason why younger cosplayers are pissed about it to begin with is for the fact that they do act like has beens.

>> No.7510293

oh fuck it's real
internet archive strikes again

>> No.7510302


I think women just dont like growing "old"

You all cant wait to be 18 and then you want to stop aging

>> No.7510316

Of course you'd hide it. Why open yourself up to criticism? I wouldn't care it it was "stigmatizing it" I'm not some over thirty advocate or some shit. And let's get real here. It doesn't matter how you act. You could be the most gracious, kindest, accepting and encouraging person, but if you're over thirty younger cosplayers will shit talk you. It's a way of making themselves feel more superior to another without actually having to be superior in looks or costume. All they have to do us call you an old hag, and suddenly they feel as though they've raised themselves above you by a notch.

>> No.7510317

all cosplay nicknames sound like porn star names.

>> No.7510328


all the cosplay oldfags are ditching their cosplay names

infact most people dont use them anymore

>> No.7510329

Maybe because of the high value society places on youth in women.

>> No.7510333

He'll, they'll call you a grandma if you're over 25

>> No.7510429

Sorry, but that's biology, not society. Society is just reflecting the reality of biology in this case.

Because what happens to a woman whom starts to grow old? They begin to lose their fertility.

Nature is a harsh warden in these regards.

When you try to appeal to beauty and derive your value to others from such a trait then you're giving yourself the value of a genetic and biological time-bomb. I believe this is well understood, which is what makes the reality of its highly constrictive and devaluing nature so unpleasant for the time being. It's more comfortable (for most people) to just avoid the subject.

>> No.7510436

Thanks for the paragraph, but I don't think that negates my statement at all.

>> No.7510541

Actually, it does.

The notion that beauty and youth are given great emphasis is correct, but the idea that it's derived from society is not.

The methodology we use to derive an answer is what matters in terms of the validity of an answer.

This isn't an attempt to attack or belittle you, it's just painstakingly important to be sure our answers are derived from proper methodology.

>> No.7510548


but people start considering woman to not be optimally attractive long before the point where they are dramatically less fertile (35)

I agree that there is a biological component, but there is a very strong societal component as well

>> No.7510553
File: 259 KB, 815x767, ax2000yaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some Retro Yaya.

>> No.7510670

Awww look at her! So cute and having fun

>> No.7510675

Retroy Yaya looks so cute. What happened?

>> No.7510678



>> No.7510691

this, other then men being considered attractive even if they're middle aged and have wrinkles, the moment the moment a woman gets a line on her face she's an old hag.

I'm 19 and already starting to worry about my ~youth~ because I don't still look 14 like some people do

>> No.7510694


haven't heard that name in ages

>> No.7510705

>I'm 19 and already starting to worry about my ~youth~ because I don't still look 14

The moment I hit 18 I felt the same. :/ Which is weird, since now I'm 22 I'm like "wow I wish I were 18"

>> No.7510721

She's still active on Facebook

>> No.7510729

I"m so jealous of people who are like 'lol I'm 25 and people still think I'm underage teehee" because I'll never have that. Also because I'm pretty tall so nobody ever guesses me younger.

>> No.7510743
File: 86 KB, 640x640, PL Supergirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except she ditched the name and uses her real one

also she prefers cosplaying sexy girls now

>> No.7510748

People honestly mistake me for being underage all the time. When I was 13, I maxed out at my height of 5 foot 7. Not really a height issue so much as a babyface thing.

I actually feel awkward being mistaken for underage. When I say "No, I'm 22..." I feel old and like I'm disappointing them in some way.

>> No.7510759

Wow, weird. I'm so used to seeing her as guys from years ago.

What's the name she goes by now and what's her facebook? I never knew her real name in the past.

>> No.7510769

Her face is more attractive in male cosplays..

>> No.7510774


Li Kovacs

the url is still pikminlink though

>> No.7510792

>Why open yourself up to criticism?
Because aging is a natural part of life and if someone wants to make a big deal out of it they're being jackasses.
>"You could be the most gracious, kindest, accepting and encouraging person, but if you have a perceived flaw people will talk shit."
Didn't we all learn this in high school? Don't be scared of that. There is not a damn soul on earth that is 100% liked.
Life is a hierarchy of someone always trying to be superior to another, but it doesn't mean you should let that get to you and hide who you are.

>> No.7510794

She got tired of her cosplay name. Fuck, all of my friends and I got tired of our cosplay com forum names based on Anime characters we obsessed over. So this isn't surprising at all.

>> No.7510798

Agreed. It's kind of lame seeing her do these "sexy girls"

>> No.7510802

I agree, I used to be so attracted to her in her male cosplays.

>no homo

>> No.7510803

I thought that too until I realized it's because we are originally used to seeing her in male cosplays. Kudos to her for branching out though. Love her supergirl suit.

>> No.7510810

I went to her page and don't see any sexy girl cosplays.

>> No.7510817

Haven't you heard OP? Even on CGL, people who are 24 and up get called "Old" by young fags.

>> No.7510821
File: 107 KB, 640x640, pikminlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7510825

Anything could be considered sexy nowadays but her Supergirl cosplay is fantastic.

>> No.7510829

Oh, wow! She normally is kind of unattractive to me in female cosplay, but she's super cute here.

>> No.7510837

She is pretty cute. I actually love her Skyword Sword Zelda as well, it really works for her.

>> No.7510842

How does one costume = "prefers cosplaying sexy girls now"

>> No.7510851

I understand viewing the issue from that angle, but you also have to drill deeper into the matter. I have heard (but have no absolute confirmation of this, mind you) that even as early as 26 the eggs of a woman begin their process of degrading in quality.

Is it major like what happens in their late 30s? No, but that doesn't mean that our reptilian brains don't pay attention to subtle signs. I mean hell, just think about how long the life expectancy was for the majority of the existence of our species.

35? What are you? Some ancient stone being? That's almost double everyone else who managed to make it past 5 years old without dying to our horrific environment! I mean, are you even capable of producing lubricant down there? Madness!!!

The reason old dudes are considered attractive is because they have generally acquired or have the capability to acquire more resources or power. Both of which are things that increase your status and thereby create a more favorable condition for your children to grow which increases your chances of your children surviving until adulthood.

Hey, if you're gonna go through the trials of pregnancy and birth and motherhood then you'll probably want to make sure they at least live to adulthood, yeah?

In all honesty, both of your concerns over age are a reasonable concern. Mostly because it's a grim reminder of our current mortality. Yes, we're getting old and dying, but you know that... as do our bodies and unconscious selves.

The good news for you and ladies whom are aging and gentleman who just aren't quite what they used to be (or dread the thought of waking up to aching backs and tired joints - as we all should) I honestly believe the ability to halt and even reverse the effects of aging should come to pass in the lives of anyone underneath the age of 50.

Of course, there's no way for me to prove such a claim because I cannot predict the far future. (If I could I'd be rich already)

>> No.7510855


>> No.7510857

I wasn't the one who said that originally, just showing an example. She also cosplayed a sailor.

>> No.7510860

She has a great body and the costume is nice.

I wonder what she does. Anybody know if she's given out her fitness routine?

>> No.7510865

IIRC she cosplayed the Sailor Jupiter over 5 years ago.

>> No.7510876

She did, but she recently remade it.

>> No.7510878

Yep, this

>> No.7510879

Don't be jealous of that. People don't take you as seriously in professional environments. I had clients thinking I was a 16-year-old high school intern when I was a 26-year-old working professional. And it's not like it comes with a guarantee that you'll always look a graceful ten years younger than you are. It tends to catch up with most people fairly quickly, sometimes with weird aging babyface syndrome on top of it.

>> No.7510939

Her last few costumes have been female characters, and she plans to make new Samus. Ugh

>> No.7510944


maybe as she's getting older she wants to prove to herself she can still be sexy

>> No.7510965

You mean her last two? I'm looking at her page right now and she recently did Link from the DS game that just came out. Her last two costumes were Hilda and Supergirl.

>> No.7510984

Or maybe she's gotten comfortable with herself. I've been friends with her for over 6 years and she used to have horrible self confidence. I'm honestly just happy for her and glad she is branching out and not limiting herself to just crossplay.

>> No.7510989

How old is she? Can't be older than like 30

>> No.7510991

So Yaya really was married? I thought this was just a rumor.

>> No.7510996

My friend who doesn't cosplay went through the same, had the worst self confidence ever. Now she goes to school wearing the cutest outfits and I can tell she is genuinely happy with herself.

>> No.7511005


>> No.7511012

This happened to me shortly after I hit 20.
So basically my fucking face decided to fuck me up exactly at the time when it starts to matter more.

Up until 19 I always kept being mistaken for a kid so all the guys were busy hitting on my friends while I was the Shirley Temple of the group, and I got picked on for looking too young because those were the years to look older than you are. My mom would comfort me and say "shh honey you'll always be prettier while they get old"
Come 20, I had already aged enough to look... well, like I was in my 20s. By 23 I looked like I was in my late twenties. Now I'm 25 and I have laugh lines and whenever I smile I get sagging bulldog jowls and my eyelids droop. I also can't see because of said eyelids so I raise my eyebrows a lot and now I have forehead wrinkles.

I'm not even 30 and I feel like crying whenever I look in the mirror.

>> No.7511022

You sound hideous, I'm sorry.

>> No.7511031

I look like your adorable grandma next door. Wouldn't say hideous but not really attractive.

Meanwhile my older brother gets my mother's genes and looks shiny and youthful, and I'm stuck being my dad's evil twin.

>> No.7511035


some women over exaggerate how bad they look
when guiys dont even notice or care about that stuff

do guys still hit on you?

>> No.7511056 [DELETED] 

Have you read the thread? She's mid 30s. I knew her when she did her X 1999 costume and Sharon Apple. New fag

>> No.7511060

I've literally never been hit on. People usually hit on my friends and I'm the token female friend if they talk to me at all.

>> No.7511077

Do you go out to clubs or something? Maybe you don't get hit on because you don't visit the right places.

>> No.7511083

Will her manga and videos of her singing ever see the light of day?

>> No.7511102

No. I used to before my friends gently told me not to, as I was driving guys away. I'm busy getting a magister's degree and working anyway so it's okay.

>> No.7511129

I'm so sorry...
I hope you get that degree, anon, not everything is in beauty!

>> No.7511133

She's 36.

>> No.7511143

Seriously, this. I hate how I look because I no longer look like a young teenager and guys seem only interested in 14-16 year olds... maybe I hang out on the internet too much

>> No.7511159

You really don't want any guy over the age of 16 who's interested in 14-16 year olds.

>> No.7511196

Sorry, anon. I think you have a fair chance of feeling better in your 30s, though. Everyone who's lucky enough to not die young starts to age, and everyone has to come to terms with it. Even the guy I dated when he was 25 and pretty like young Hugh Dancy is now 32 and balding. And sure, I don't have the skin of a teenager anymore (though I still have acne because it's hormonal and I'll have it until menopause, yay) and I have weird random grey hairs and when I get dehydrated I look a little like a shriveled apple and when I meet up with my friends from high school we can bond over our new acid reflux issues, but I know myself better now and I'm more confident and happier than I was when I looked like a teenager. It's easier to feel like the odd one out in your early/mid-20s, but trust me, all your friends are marching in the same direction, and there are upsides to not being 25 anymore.

>> No.7511315


Sorry but it's been debunked hard in recent years. It's mostly society, not biology. Biology has little to do with it.

A bit of memory lane going down the path to think biology played a factor though. Almost retro.

>> No.7511318

>I'm not even 30 and I feel like crying whenever I look in the mirror.

Dude turning 30 is not the end of your life

>> No.7511358

Are you stupid?
She said she looks old(er than her age) despite being "not even 30"
She wants to cry because she looks old, not because she is going to turn 30
God damn you bitches can be dense.

>> No.7511374

>Meanwhile my older brother gets my mother's genes and looks shiny and youthful, and I'm stuck being my dad's evil twin
Oh man I'm sorry that's just... you really were dealt some gay-ass cards

>> No.7511392

You probably won't get a job in that field though. As women we need our looks to get a job as they'll more than likely hire a guy.

I'm sorry :( It's a shame you won't find a husband to marry you. Do you have cats at least?

>> No.7511397

Holy shit you're all old as fuck get off 4chan LMFAO

>> No.7511460

>not even 30
>implying if she was 30 she'd want to cry even more

I'm going to go ahead and call you the dense one, retard

>> No.7511484

troll harder

>> No.7511500

god you're so stupid i'm actually impressed

>> No.7512320

My god. What's your socioeconomical background? Are you people aware that if you study you can have a nice job? Or are all of you trailer whores camping in the skirts of detroit? Your white trash talk is like watching Cosmos for the first time, just even MORE inspiring, haha.

>> No.7512373

2014 - 1980 = 36? Really?

>> No.7512385

>but that's biology, not society
>what happens to a woman whom starts to grow old? They begin to lose their fertility.

Because ALL that a woman has to offer is babymaking.

Thankfully we're getting away from that one tiny step at a time.
I give it 200 yrs before things are fairly equal unless something catastrophic happens socially.

>> No.7512398

mens sperm goes to shit around 45

>> No.7512414

yeah there's about 10 years in it really in terms of fertility

>> No.7512447

You know, as an aside, and because it's not really worth making a thread on its own for it...

As much as everyone likes to mock Yaya about her fake ass titties, I was just wondering...
1. Has she ever actively denied them? From what I can tell she's approached it more of 'a gentleman never asks, and a lady never tells.'
2. Other than Ariane Saint-Amour, if you even count her, are there any 'famous' cosplayers who have implants and own up to it?

>> No.7512567
File: 338 KB, 608x900, 1367794349048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? how old is Clef? She looks pretty young (all things considered).

>> No.7512571

Yeah. This way of thinking of just disgusting. There's also plenty of women now who choose not to have kids at all. There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7512575

I thought Yaya did at least admit she got implants? I mean, it's painstakingly obvious.

>> No.7512580

Seem to remember hearing she's in her 30s. I grew up in France and she was already a name on the cosplay scene in early-mid 2000s, so she's been around a while for sure.

>> No.7512743

Not to my knowledge. I mean, hell, when/where/why would she do it? It's not a subject people tend to bring up, and, like, it's pretty rude to point it out, too. Not defending Yaya, or anything, but I think we can agree that 'hey, are your tits fake?' isn't a polite thing to ask a stranger.

>> No.7512765


She's 32.

She doesn't look it at all though. It's funny, despite being very sensitive about her age she doesn't go around trying to lie and hide it.

>> No.7512771

I feel the same way anon. I was a heavy drinker, and a smoker and also didn't moisturize or use sunscreen. I can see my wrinkles in photos already
But rather than cry about it I'm really putting myself into dermarolling, just got some Retin-A in the mail, I'm changing my habits and trying to undo what damage I can
I already lie about my age too, like sure, I could be some amazing advocate for cosplay acceptance at every age, but that's just not me and why would I go to all that effort when 90% of people will STILL think I'm an old hag and when the alternative is so much easier. I've been lying about my age for awhile, and I put the wrong birthdates on all my internet profiles, I honestly forget how old I am sometimes because I try not to think about it, I don't want to be attached to a number. I just want to be able to like the stuff I like.

>> No.7512782
File: 292 KB, 815x616, Tinkerbell_cosplay_02_by_clefchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, what does she eat? she looks amazing for her age.

>> No.7512839

True. I've had 17 year olds call me grandma and an old lady and I just hit 19. Young kids are just dicks (not even being hypocritical, I know I was a dick a few years back)

>> No.7512842

IDK she looks like she's in her 30s to me.

>> No.7512857

That's not necessarily true. Men can still impregnate at old ages like up 'til late 80s or some odd like that.

>> No.7512881

They can, but those kids are more likely to be retards and speshul snowflakes with ten different mental disorders. Their sperm quality decreases significantly as well as count.

>> No.7512946

She doesn't look very young to me, but she does look like someone who's taken care of herself and probably avoided too much sun or smoking/drugs. Lots of women in their early 30s who haven't lived hard look like that. Those photos may be a little shopped for fine lines, too.

>> No.7512961

Pssst... 1980 isn't her actual birth year.

>> No.7512994

No, you're just obviously too young for it.

>> No.7513007

then is >>7510260 fake?

>> No.7513020

Maybe she was using the wrong birth year even then? Like I do.. but starting at ~20 is kind of.. precognizant. I started at 23-24 but only because I knew I wanted to stick with cosplay and lolita, it would take me awhile to get good, and because I knew how older female cosplayers are treated.

>> No.7513027

tl;dr it's probably correct and anon is just trolling and trying to stir up drama.

>> No.7513028

She also mentions being 20 years old on that page from AX2000.
Is there any particular reason you're sure she wasn't born in 1980? Because all signs point to yes.

>> No.7513059

It's close, but it's not exact. She was born in the late '70s, because she was 35 or 36 last year. I really don't know why she chose to go with 1980 as her "official" age. Negotiable difference I know, but I don't think 36-ish is totally unbelievable.

>> No.7513073

Also, see: >>7510230
This would put her birth year between 1978 and 1981.

She was in her mid-20s when I got into cosplay around 2004 and definitely looked it.

>> No.7513089

Dude you're going to have to come up with some actual evidence, other than just repeating that that's just what it is. She was probably watching SS on VHS or syndication, like everyone else in America watched anime back then.

>> No.7513102

Also if you ever see yaya without 10lbs of makeup and in normal clothes, she looks fine. All the makeup really does make her look older. I was hanging out with one of my friends, who randomly waved at a girl we were passing by. Cute short tousled hair, comfy hoodie, glasses, super cutie face. And then she turned to me and said, "that's Yaya" I probably would have guess mid, late 20s.

>> No.7516265

Yaya has had long hair for at least a few years, and had lasik surgery that removed her need for glasses a year or two ago. So either you're full of shit, or you saw her sufficiently long ago that it's not really relevant to how bad she looks now.

>> No.7516839

She just had lasik surgery, you're a retard.

>> No.7516969
File: 22 KB, 389x606, 937742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindze is almost 40, and Yaya has been around nearly as long. So I think they're around the same age

>> No.7518298

She had lasik around Dec 2013. Not one or two years ago like you say retard.

>> No.7518501

And the long hair?

>> No.7518830

My threads still up cool

>> No.7520965

Yeah, apparently you can shit talk Yaya for a week, but any JNig discussion is immediately removed.

>> No.7520978

The janitors have an unofficial blacklist of people you can and cant make threads about. It makes no sense but hey, until Moot tells them to stop we have to deal with it.

>> No.7521078

>must be in her 30s
I never really got this, most people in their 30s look like they did in their 20s just their style has evolved (clothing, hair, how they care for themselves, etc.). Is there really a "30s" look?
Most of the people who look older imo, are people who tanned all the time, smoked, didn't take care of themselves, or got unlucky genetically.