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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7512213 No.7512213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
>other info
Helpful tips:
>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
>know that if you are male, stating that you are a single male is not going to get you many friends-it makes you seem desperate. keep it casual
This is a thread for active community members who cosplay or dress in lolita/j-fashion only, not a "find a qt lolita or cosplayer gf" thread.
Have fun, and good luck meeting other seagulls!

>> No.7512220
File: 87 KB, 720x486, my crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I like to take pictures of cosplayers.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
25/M/Stillwater, Oklahoma

>other interests/hobbies?
I am very outdoorsy and extroverted type actually and I have a lot of friends. I am a strong supporter of Communism (not kidding, you can look me up on the Internet) and I identify as a feminist as well. I like reading and sports. Also, video games.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
h-holding hands?

>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
Picture related, me and my crew. You'll never guess which one I am, hehe.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
I have a cute girlfriend, so don't worry about me! Just looking for friends!

>> No.7512237
File: 1.20 MB, 1404x1200, 1397771799679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I am interested in Jfashion and brolita. Cosplay, too, though I've never done it.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
19/M/Seattle, WA, USA

>other interests/hobbies?
Anime and manga are probably my primary hobbies. I also read a lot, mostly science fiction and fantasy although I've been moving away from that a bit. I study and thoroughly enjoy math and physics. If I had more time, I would play JRPGs and do some writing--I've been entertaining the idea of coming up with a detailed fantasy/scifi setting which could serve as the backdrop for novels and games, but I haven't had any time to work on that.

I also like classical music very much and play the piano (although I mostly listen to OSTs these days).

I really like food.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
see email field for email

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk over email. I also like to eat tasty food at restaurants, so I think that would be fun, but just online friendship is OK too. Online games are fun too although I don't play any at the moment, and I absolutely won't play League of Legends because I'll just get re-addicted.

>other info
I'm a relatively introverted person, but I thought that it might also be nice to make a new friend or two. I guess I like to think of myself as a rather 'earnest' or 'genuine' person (though I guess self-evaluation of this stuff isn't very believable), and I like to just chat with people.
For picture pls see >>7512019

>> No.7512305

Can people put whether they want only irl friends or online ones too as I always have trouble finding anyone in my country and feel weird just adding people from other countries if they're after meet ups.

>> No.7512317

And you girls thought I was "exaggerating" when I said it is necessary for virgin men past the age of 18 to be shot.

>> No.7512321

I'm sorry, if you'd like, I'll delete my posts. I didn't mean to shitpost unintentionally, as it seems like I've done.

>> No.7512369

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Just getting into cosplaying, big anime/manga/vidya fan...Still pretty bad at cosplay, I'm new :/

19/M/Fort Lee, New Jersey

>other interests/hobbies?
I'm pretty outdoorsy, I like hiking and rock climbing, really wanna go kayaking and camping for a week or so when life's less hectic :/
I'm also really into powerlifting, I train very seriously for it. I want to compete in a meet some day, but I'm definitely not ready for it yet, got a whooole lot more work to do.
I'm not sure if it's an "interest/hobby" but I'm also a volunteer on the fire department, which is kind of like a hobby for me: there's a surprising amount to learn about fire behavior and fire attack tactics, it's like a science and a sport!

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
email field~

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Eh, just talk and watch anime together? I doubt anyone's even near me, irl. In the rare chance there's someone near me, I hope you like seafood and fighting games.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Single and not looking to change that any time soon.

>know that if you are male, stating that you are a single male is not going to get you many friends-it makes you seem desperate. keep it casual
Wow, so I should lie about myself just to make friends? Fuck that.

for a pic, see >>7492766

>> No.7512370 [DELETED] 
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Someone's extra sandy today

>> No.7512402

Anybody still in contact with their seagull friends from the previous threads?

>> No.7512416
File: 424 KB, 500x578, 1367008985764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I dabble in all of them.


>other interests/hobbies?
I get obsessed with casual games really easily (my boyfriend had to delete Candy Crush of my tablet after a while). My favorite anime right now is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita. I can draw, but haven't been motivated in a year. I love to window shop and just to look at things in life. It makes me a real joy to be with on trips and such because I have a 'childlike wonder', I'm told.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
See email field!

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Gossip, shop together, etc. Whatever girls do in real life. QuQ Maybe we can cosplay, wear lolita together, or gush about our jfash clothes?

>other info
I'm just looking for an IRL girl friend, so no guys because I have plenty of you as friends already. I study computers. I'm very vain.

>> No.7512437
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>Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
Lovely taste.

>> No.7512439
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>Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
Those goddamn fairies, man.

>> No.7512452
File: 223 KB, 1215x612, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?

JFashion (with some KFashion too), but I'm also trying to venture into Cosplay and I've admired Lolita from afar for like 6 years (poorfag). I have a very punk/rock/goth kind of look, I wear lots of black but I'm really a hippie inside.

I also admire other fashions like Mori, gyaru, pastel/creepycute, whatever Yuka is wearing in that pic (brainfart)

Pic is me in lazymode shopping with my mom after working all night, don't have any good Jfa coord pics.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)

21, Female, Jacksonville Florida and I hate it. Dying to move to LA or something big and adventurous!!

>other interests/hobbies?

BJDs (but don't have any yet, because poorfag), Dir en grey/X Japan, Studying Japanese, Evangelion, Studio Ghibli errythang.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

Skype in the field, would link Twitter/IG but I can't find a new username I like... fahk.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?

Go to cons, concerts, shopping, drinking, hookah, shoot pool, go to the beach, anything!
Right now I just sit at home every day because, like I said, my long time friends just don't give a shit about anything anymore; when I can get my conbuddy to go anywhere with me somewhere she won't say a fucking word and plays on her phone the entire time (even at cons!). They can't enjoy anything or have fun, they're too busy trying to look cool and disinterested in everything in case someone might be watching.

>other info

I'm a hardcore tomboy, I can come across as intimidating and butch but really, I love all things kawaii and I just want to be nice to people. In all honesty, I'm still holding on to a sliver of my middle school weeaboo phase just because that was the last time I had any fun with my current friends.

Other interests: Yoshiki (X), Japanese candies/drinks, bento

>> No.7512454
File: 72 KB, 960x897, 1393558288942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512587

Holy shit. You managed to be even a bigger creeper virgin than the first two ITT.


>> No.7512608

Aw you're that cutie from the improvement thread! I'll be your friend :3

>> No.7512615

[ samefagging intensifies ]

He looks like a fucking diaosi. Not even yellow fever would explain this one. Got to be a samefag.

>> No.7512627

You seem sweet! Good luck on your friend search and on figuring out lolita.
I was wondering if maybe you could suggest some books? I've fallen behind in reading, and I haven't strayed far into sci-fi and fantasy. Though you said you've been reading some new genres?

>> No.7512632

walao i know he looks daosi but he's the type that I'd dress up and make gao fu shuai.

>> No.7512640
File: 2.00 MB, 250x249, tlMHuiK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you at Sakuracon, anon?

>Cosplay, but I really love Lolita. However, I never wear it myself, I just admire it. It's too expensive for a coord I might only wear once a year.
>19/m/western oregon
>Metal Gear, Touhou, the occult, cooking, people-watching, tea, cats.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
play vidya? have deep conversations? go to cons?

>> No.7512641

There's too much sausage in this thread.

>> No.7512644

The virgins scared the sluts away.

>> No.7512646

Whoops, messed up the last part of my post somehow.

Not looking for anyone at the moment because I'm taken.

>> No.7512650
File: 914 KB, 500x281, Kyary-Shoes-Talks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I've been cosplaying since 2006.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
26/F/Boston, MA, USA

>other interests/hobbies?
Too many. I've played piano since I was 5, took classical voice lessons for 3 years, and take part in every Japanese karaoke contest I can find. I love learning languages, I speak Spanish and Japanese and bits of several others. I love science and read nonfiction voraciously. I draw Pokemon in Illustrator and sell my work on Etsy. I play video games whenever I have time.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'm looking for fellow cosplayers to do groups with at cons, or to learn anime songs/dances (next con is Otakon, email me if interested!). My dream is to start a Japanese a cappella group, but that will probably never happen. Also, just people to hang out with in the city because I tend not to leave my house unless other people drag me out of it.

>other info
I love cats. o___o
Also, I'm moving back home in the fall and then traveling the world! So I'm interested in people to hang out with IRL at the moment, but I guess still online friends for when I'm in another country.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
I'm bi and in an open relationship, but mostly monogamous atm because I'm too lazy to date.

>> No.7512660

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Cosplay mainly, but I'm getting into lolita now that I have my job! So, soon.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
18, Female, the panhandle of Florida

>other interests/hobbies?
Theatre, singing and other performing arts stuff. Vidya games.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: Karakuri.Vitti
Tumblr: KarakuriVitti

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Drink coffee, go have tea, window shop, try on dresses, wear cute things together, go on walks. I don't party because I'm lame, so just general lame girly stuff would be fun.

>other info
I'm really accepting of all sorts of people unless you're a weeaboo, crazy SJW or claim to be anything other than transgender, male or female. Basically please don't have tumblritis.

>> No.7512662

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
jfashion, im a big fan of gaudy jrock styles even tho i wouldn't wear it i also like other Japanese fashion brands like 99%IS, undercover etc
>20a/s/austin tx
>other interests/hobbies?
reading, checking out cafes downtown, people watching,sewing
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend
>i listen to dir en grey, studying jpns im trying to get into watching reading anime [school permitting], i started reading oyasumi punpun and i check up on Doll updates from naked ape

>> No.7512665

woops forgot tumblr is direndylan

>> No.7512687

Haha, I am not a virgin you guys.

>> No.7512688
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1087909830_1389499846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I follow all three but I only dress in little hints of Jfash.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
18/F/Australia, WA, Perth

>other interests/hobbies?
Not as many as I should since I don't really have as much time as I used to. I enjoy piano and classical music. I also like talking about anything related to astronomy and science.

I'm a bit of a league fag but I waver more towards dota2.

At the moment I'm on my 6th-7th play through of Skyrim. I don't have ESO yet though.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

If you want my email or facebook you can ask me on there.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'm just looking for friends who are into what I'm interested in really. Being from Perth I can't seem to find many people like that.

>other info
I really like jellyfish but I'll blabber on about how they're ruining our ecosystem.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Been in a pretty stable relationship for a year now so I'm not looking. Pretty keen for some online/irl friendship though.

>> No.7512753

You're a huge bitch, but I know what you mean.
The guys on this board all seem really strange and...tryhardy? I can't think of the word.

>> No.7512763

Hey what have you guys seen out there in the ways of cgl meetups? I'd be really interested in going to one

>> No.7512790
File: 82 KB, 620x443, Journey-into-Nyx-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
cosplay and hoping to get into lolita once I have a stable job
female, 19
near Seattle during breaks and near Los Angeles during school
>other interests/hobbies?
MtG, reading, writing, video games, making things, music, going to concerts
see email field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
cosplay, MtG, conventions, tea, concerts, etc.

>> No.7512797

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
22/m/Surrey BC Canada
>other interests/hobbies?
Gaming, MMA, Personal Fitness
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
E-mail in the email field.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk about cosplay plans, dreams, design, etc.

I am not in a relationship, nor am I looking for one through 4Chan/internet.

>> No.7512807
File: 80 KB, 780x1024, Cardcaptor.Sakura.full.821995[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
A little of all three, mainly cosplay and jfash, but I'm slowly dipping my toes into lolita.

19, almost 20 / female / USA, Berks County, PA

I'm going to be in Wildwood, NJ in a week if anyone's down there or will be there for the TOB weekend. I saw some frills last year, but I lost my spaghetti and didn't approach.

>other interests/hobbies?
Painting, animo (CLAMP being my favorite mangaka), vidya (I've been on a TF2 stint lately), and it's a bit odd but I really like interior design, despite my poorfaggedness making me unable to actually decorate my room.

I also really love science, especially biology and physics, and I always like learning about new things. Museums are some of my favorite places.

I'm also a majorette, and I also really like hiking.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email in field
Steam ID is broberheim, if anyone wants to add me and play sometime.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Hang out, go shopping, just generally have fun.

>other info
I can get along with pretty much anyone, as long as you're not a huge hypocrite. I'm the sort of person who's easy to read, and I'm really open with people. No secrets, you get what you see. I can be sort of crude, though, so I need friends who can roll with the punches. I never mean things personally, but I know I can say some stuff that comes off as REALLY mean. (like, making fat jokes aroundmy fat friends, or poking fun at my gay buddy. They stab right back, but someone could easily take it the wrong way)

I also have an unhealthy obsession with sailor styles, in jfash AND normalfag clothes.

>> No.7512810
File: 189 KB, 402x466, 1397743519556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, manga, books, languages, some games
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Have a good time
>other info
I'm looking for my princess from a rich country to save me from extreme poverty. I'm vaccinated and I've never had sex so I don't have any nasty STD's. Also I have a vast anime knowledge and many other qualities.
I'd be ok being a house husband.

>> No.7512816
File: 62 KB, 500x750, 1394672986567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Jfashion (decora, fairy kei) and sweet lolita. I have never cosplayed but I am open to it.
20/f(happily taken)/south Houston Texas
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games, drinking on weekends (if that counts?)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Hangout, dress pretty together, vidja, talk, yknow friend stuff
Not 4/20 friendly. I am a mommy so I keep things legal gulls

>> No.7512871

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I cosplay (but I am a buyfag; can't make my own shit ;_;) and I would love to get into lolita but too cheap
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
Enjoy airsofting, animu, mango, and eating out, esp KBBQ
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
See email field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Hang out, watch animu, makeup help, talk
>other info
I've done more female cosplays than male (poorly for both) so would love to have someone help me learn to into makeup (I suck with YouTube tutorials)

>> No.7512891
File: 55 KB, 370x523, 1558384_616966018372362_444329052035726471_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from Spain going to this?

>> No.7512919
File: 483 KB, 480x270, what should i do.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I cosplay but am not very good at it. Have been slowly starting to learn how to sew but still mostly bought. Would love friends who could help me get better.
Also have been slowly getting into lolita, although not many pieces. I'm poor.

18 female GTA Canada. Will be going to university of Waterloo next year. Want loo seagull friends.

>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, manga,

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
email in field

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Get better at makeup.
Get better at cosplaying and sewing. Talk about plans, etc.
Get better at lolita, learn more about lolita, scream about new releases, talk about cheap ebay/amazon/taobao finds, etc.
Learn other jfash styles.
Talk about animu and mango shit. Fangirl like weebs.

>other info
I'm Chinese.
I'm not very good at conversing, I'm rather introverted sometimes and I like silence.
I can be a very selfish person and also pretty mean, I make fat and racist jokes (but I don't mean it, I think chinese jokes are funny).
I bitch and whine a lot, but will also listen to my friends bitch and whine.
I'm not an outdoorsy person.
I'm relatively outgoing online, but really really shy in real life when meeting new people.

oh god i sound so boring.

>> No.7512931

You forgot your email in the field.

>> No.7512934

Oops, thanks anon!

>> No.7513105
File: 187 KB, 800x600, rikku-yuna-and-paine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I live in eastern TN (Tennessee) but I am traveling to New Orleans, LA (Louisiana)and Washington DC for MechaCon and Anime USA or AUSA. (Being descriptive for CTRL+F searchers)
>other interests/hobbies?
reading manga / Game of Thrones and Final Fantasy are my two biggest fandoms.
Instagram is @REIN_devon which I am most active on. But I also have a convention hype page on facebook at under REINcosplay
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'm just mostly looking for friends to do group cosplays with and arrange shoots and the like. Cosplay is fun but it's better with friends y'know?
>other info
Helpful tips:
>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
Pic very related! I've had this idea for the longest time and I want to genderbend the impossible. None of my local male cosplay friends are into making their own costumes or have the skills necessary to do so.
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Not on here for any of that stuff.

>> No.7513116
File: 161 KB, 513x763, tumblr_n3hc49JREg1tphfjco2_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, madotsuki is me
>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Poorfag who is into all three, unfortunately for my bank account. I've been into J-fash for a couple years and a lurking lolita for about 3 years, I only just recently bought my first brand (not bodyline) piece, but have yet to wear a full coord. ;-:
Cosplay for 4/5 years but don't take it seriously enough to be anything more then acceptable.
18/F/Central Florida
>other interests/hobbies?
obligatory animus and vidyas, but im a casual whose favorite games are new leaf and minecraft. i'm addicted to cute things in general.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
cutesweetlittlepeach.tumblr.com is my cute stuff blog but my main is msthiefoftime.tumblr.com
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
>other info
I've always been a lurker and I really want to quit that and start being an active part of a community, whether it be online or irl.
I guess I'm looking for a j-fash/loli mentor to help me learn how to do things and get started. (Ie, how do i use livejournal, coord advice, how do i order from taobao, how do i ship things, get excited about cute things with me, etc)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
in a committed relationship, and very happy

>> No.7513120

followed both of you on tumblr, your blogs are very cute!

>> No.7513132

Followed back. Ty anon yours is super cute too!

>> No.7513195
File: 336 KB, 819x791, 1394932549176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Cosplay & Jfashion.
18 Female, "Great" land called Quebec.
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games and modeling. I watch animu sometimes.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
email in field, will send skype then
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
cosplay and talk!! if live in the same area, even better
>other info
i'm a cool cat.
>post a picture of something you are interested in (2hu)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
i am not in one

>> No.7513228


Unless I missed it, you've left out your email/contact.

>> No.7513237

Oh, crap, you're right. Coulda sworn I put it in there. This should work now.

>> No.7513255

you can't make gao fu shai out of diaosi

>> No.7513287

>I identify as a feminist as well.
People like you should literally die. I say this as a feminist and a woman myself. There is nothing worse than Beta males who pretend they're feminists (men can't be feminists anyway) because they think they wills top being neckbeard misogynistic virgin scum if they do.

>> No.7513295

>using term beta male
Yeah, you're a guy.

>> No.7513298

Feminism isn't some girls only club, it's just the belief of equal rights of each gender.

So yes, men can be feminists.

Though I do agree some pathetic guys try to use it as an in.

>> No.7513301

Oh god tumblr is here

>> No.7513304

More like /r9k/ pretending to be Tumblr.

>> No.7513307

>men can't be feminists anyway
Ehh, is it really that hard to believe that some men have the intelligence and capability to understand and believe in feminist concepts? I'd say it's pretty ballsy to identify as a feminist when the "accepted" male response to to the very concept of feminism is "stfu feminazi make me a sandwich"

This post makes you sound like the kind of man-hating feminist that gives the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.7513362
File: 30 KB, 533x800, Garcons03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Lolita, some Jfashion, falling out of cosplay a little bit.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)

>other interests/hobbies?
Vidya and being at work all the time. Refreshing Lacemarket and Closetchild.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
skype: eweasymode

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk about the fact that there are like 2 Lolitas in this entire state, maybe go have lunch or something at one of the fine, fine McDonalds we have in Nebraska.

>other info
Don't be a dick but that's about it.

>> No.7513392

anooooon, i kinda want to email you but im kinda shy irl D: I have too many male friends and not enough girl friends to gush over makeup and hair about. I'm a 23 year old f in philly. just wondering based on your pic, are you also into mori/natural/dolly kei?

>> No.7513414

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
all 3. Lolita is the biggest one but I'm starting to cosplay after having wigs and costumes for like a year (poorfag can only go to 1 convention a year)

17 almost 18 f vancouver BC canada

>other interests/hobbies?
idk does anime count. I like kpop and bjds.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
hang out. go for good food. make costumes/coords together. I've recently lost my cosplay/jfashion/lolita friend that lived in vancouver

>other info
I'm still in high school and I'm really shy and introverted. I'm not in a relationship but I'm not actively looking. I'd prefer to make female friends tbh but going on dates is nbd

>> No.7513431

>Ehh, is it really that hard to believe that some men have the intelligence and capability to understand and believe in feminist concepts?

>feminist concepts
>intelligence and capability
Feminism is about as intellectually mature as atheism or Nazism.

>> No.7513436

/cgl/ uses it all the time to describe unattractive men. It's always either that or creeper.

>> No.7513443
File: 29 KB, 210x180, 1396146967523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh, I'd love to be friends. I'm a shy girl too, with plenty of of spaghetti (but I have my moments..)! I'm into mori a lot, I just wished I had more money for 'burando' mori since they're so pretty. c':

Are you going to Zenkaikon? Maybe if you want we can meet there for a while. Or or if you're at Temple, that'd be cool too~

>> No.7513453

I'm a guy ( >>7512237 ) and I wholeheartedly agree. Manginas like that might as well kill themselves.

>> No.7513455

4chan is for 18+ you dumb shit

>> No.7513459

No...? Not all the time anyway. I usually see more alpha/beta terminology on the male dominated boards.

>> No.7513460


>> No.7513462

Shh, shut up. If she's still a virgin she can stay.

>> No.7513463

oh rly

288 posts in this year (from December) alone.

>> No.7513476

That's not actually much, especially considering all the dickheads we get from /fit/
I thought it'd be a lot more.

>> No.7513490

Not much? That's literally one fucking thread filled with nothing but posts saying "beta". In 4 months. I wouldn't be surprised if this board is the 3rd most "beta" board on 4chan. Plus, there's also the fact that we're a tiny and slow board compared to them.

>> No.7513494
File: 489 KB, 500x236, 1337702792802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Cosplay and maybe one day jfashion lol

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
20 something/F/Texas (Pretty much on the border)

>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing, Video Games

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Chat n' be buddy buddy. Maybe hang out irl

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Married <3

>> No.7513502
File: 52 KB, 331x384, SHINING FINGAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I'm interested in cosplaying, but I haven't actually done it or gone to any cons.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
Northern Virginia, like 30-40 min out of D.C by car, 20 by metro, 10 by the actual Train.

>other interests/hobbies?
There's the obvious like games and anime, I think everybody not on a pink board is into that shit.
As far as other stuff, Gunpla?
I'm really into character design, drawing in general, and writing.
I'm self taught, so my art is shit, but I spend months designing characters and working them into my own sort of fiction.
Just wish I'd actually write this shit down and post it somewhere, I have a feeling it'd be popular.
I also think as a hobby, if that makes sense.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: Tanookiboy17, shut up I made it when I was 12.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I unno, add me into whatever group chat on skype you have going?

>other info
I know a lot of cons are on the west coast, does anyone have any experience about cosplaying and conning on the east coast?
Do you just fly out to california most of the time?
Are you some crazy motherfucker who drives to NYC and Toronto for shit like PAX and Toronto Comicon?
Anything to know would be nice, I never really hear about stuff going on in D.C.

>> No.7513513

You forgot to mention that you're a male virgin.

>> No.7513531
File: 423 KB, 364x545, YESIAM!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I posted this I noticed I forgot the a & s in a/s/l
19, almost 20, Male.

Your words mean nothing to me harpie.
If I was trying to get laid I wouldn't be grubbing for pussy on /cgl/ for one.

>> No.7513546

>calls me a harpy
>disrespects the entire sisterhood as well

>> No.7513559

What, you want me to grovel at your feet or something?

>> No.7513567

Louie, please go away.

>> No.7513570
File: 367 KB, 1280x1024, Yui-Hirasawa-yui-hirasawa-16561918-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I've been cosplaying for the past few years, but I also love looking at Jfashion and lolita! I'm not too great at coordinating clothes, though, so I've never tried it before. I want to, though!

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
18, f, Boston, MA

>other interests/hobbies?
I'm really, really into idol culture and mostly listen to songs from AKB48, Momusu, C-ute, J=J, etc. even though I like other genres, too. I love watching horror movies, reading scary stories, learning about the paranormal, playing with ouija boards, and the like. I've done ballet for 14+ years now, so I'd be really happy to talk to other dancers!
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: xxClaudie
Tumblr: Nemuritaidoru

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk about idol things and watch idol anime!! We could also watch horror movies and anime and be spooky~

>other info
I'm fairly outgoing, but if I'm going to meet an online friend irl, we'd definitely need to skype a lot beforehand. I don't meet up with people if I haven't been able to confirm that they're truly who they say they are.

>> No.7513572

Why are there so many people on the COSPLAY and LOLITA board that don't fucking partake in COSPLAY or LOLITA.

Fair enough if you want to look at the pictures and read the drama but don't join in.

>> No.7513582

I almost shit my pants at you knowing my name.

Anyway, you seem really upset for some reason.
Sorry if my presence has somehow wronged you.

Because I'm interested and this is the most appropriate board to talk about it?
I thought I explained pretty clearly I've wanted to go to cons and cosplay and just have no experience
as well as not knowing what stuff happens on the east coast.
Sorry I guess.

>> No.7513583

>18, f, Boston, MA




/r/ing retroactive 4 year ban for all the years she's been posting underage, now

>> No.7513585

Cause I like the pictures and I kinda wanna cosplay, but I probably won't unless I knew somebody who cosplays.

Also, this is the only place where girls (probably girls) actually reply to me.

>> No.7513587
File: 382 KB, 704x396, 1311053593256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with ouija boards

>> No.7513597
File: 85 KB, 650x780, 137084267716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not breaking any rules right now, anon~
They're so cool! Let's play!

>> No.7513601

My future girlfriend, right here.

>> No.7513608
File: 121 KB, 726x248, TheLongDark_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Cosplay, Looking to do mostly fallout and the like. But hey, I'm open to any ideas really
>a/s/l 18, male, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
>other interests/hobbies?
Target shooting, hunting, hiking, being a stereotypical canadian, Mainstream anime (mostly because my friends watch it) and filthy casual tier gaming.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend? Hmm. well let's see here. I am on a Cosplay board. so what could i possibly want to do? or more plainly put; Having a few friends to help put togeather each other's projects, and go to cons with would be fun. hang outs and the like would be bueno.
>other info
If you could uhhh.. not rape/murder/kill me? That'd be just swell.

>> No.7513617

I would love to cosplay myself, but alas, there are no characters that I resemble. I have a very unique face, unfortunately. Hence all I got left is taking pictures.

>> No.7513624

Only men can rape.

>> No.7513630

tumblr plz go

>> No.7513638

You got a purdy mouth, anon.
You wanna test that theory?

>> No.7513645
File: 28 KB, 600x490, c134de588c74117092fa6dd21a849ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Cosplay mostly, just recently started building my lolita wardrobe though and would love some other lolis to be frilly with
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
19 / F / Maryland DC Metro Area over the weekends, Baltimore county area during the week because I'm a student
I've been in a relationship for the past five years and am not looking for somebody who wants to be with me in that way!
>other interests/hobbies?
Vidya, (Tera, SC2, Touhou, DOtA 2, a wide variety of PS2 games and retro games), Gardening, and I'm a Computer science major so like if you wanna talk about making Vidya we could do that I guess.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: thelittlestzim
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
If you're a lolita I'd love to go places in our frills, if not I'd like just hanging out with people! Going to movies, dicking around in general.
>other info
Honk Honk Chen is mai waifu

>> No.7513653

Are you >>7513513 by chance?

>> No.7513657
File: 93 KB, 500x212, eyemakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Jfashion and lolita
>relationship status
Taken and monogamous
>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing, studying, reading, cooking, crafts, fashion/beauty, gossip
skype: xxsxy_pastagrl_2887xx
tumblr: luuvy
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk about shopping, doodle outfits, play neopets with them, talk about school sometimes

>> No.7513663

'Rape' is about a position of power. It's just like black people cannot be racist against whites. Why do I even bother explaining this to privileged shitlords...

>> No.7513666

Check your Privilege, I am a pansexual quadrilateral mongoose in a human body and you are hurting my feelings.

>> No.7513668
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 500px-Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7513673

Yes alright okay and this is a board about cute frilly Japanese things, not rape culture, so plz stop

Side note: When I try to sage, my posts refuse to upload and I just get the "upload failed" message until I remove sage from the fields. The fuck? Help?

>> No.7513674

happens to me all the time anon. I have no fix other then don't sage

>> No.7513682

Ugh, that's so annoying. I really hope it's just a bug that gets fixed soon.