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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7511139 No.7511139 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage.

>> No.7511156

Hey, friendly lost and found staffer here.

reminder to call sakuracon to pick up your rings/cellphone/drivers licenses/cosplay pieces/wallets.

you wouldn't believe how much of this shit was left at con! and how many good samaritans turned stuff in!

Also, anyone have pics of the non-fat madotsuki cosplayer?

>> No.7511163
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reposting my photos

So, are you guys already making plans for what costumes you want to do next year?

>> No.7511183

>tfw no hd busty cosplay pics

>> No.7511186

I am finishing up my Odd from Code Lyoko cosplay i didnt finish this year and thinking of doing a touhou cosplay now that i'm determined not to be a filthy secondary.

>> No.7511199

Someone from Hajime no Ippo. Either Ippo because I'm short (5'6''-5'7'', he's 5'5'') or Date because of similar facial features. Probably just gonna go with ippo.

Seems simple and I've actually never seen anyone cosplay from that show.

>> No.7511237
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>So, are you guys already making plans for what costumes you want to do next year?
Yup. I know for sure I'm going as Rinon from Witch Craft Works

>> No.7511244

>So, are you guys already making plans for what costumes you want to do next year?
I want to do someone from Yuru Yuri for sure, I have yet to see someone cosplay as one of them in person and it makes me very sad because it is my favorite show.

I am sad I only ever saw one total Tamako Market cosplay the entire weekend and I missed out on getting a picture with her. She was even holding a little plush Dera, too.

>> No.7511246

impatiently awaiting pics from the Jojo shoot. There were lots of cameras, so hopefully it's just a matter of time.

>> No.7511247

After seeing the hordes of SnK cosplayers, I decided I have to build functional ODM gear.

They probably wouldn't let me wear it at the con, but it'd still be a cool thing to do.

>> No.7511252

Last Sakura-Con, I saw a Kyouko. Who would you be?

>> No.7511255

Depends. Was it ever a functional projectile-shooting toy/weapon?

they don't even allow nerf guns that have been modified to be inoperable.

>> No.7511261

I wanted to be Akari. It was my first Sakuracon, I'm sad I missed her!

>> No.7511262
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I don't know about the truth in that. I've seen plenty of modified Maverick nerf guns at the convention as it is. Are the peace-bonders not paying attention or is this rule only held up half of the time?

>> No.7511270

Yeah, the tactical mario guy was the only one who was allowed to have his peacebonded because the peacebonding staff werent following convention policies.

>> No.7511273

>they don't even allow nerf guns that have been modified to be inoperable.
That's exactly why I doubt they'd let me wear it, assuming I can actually make it as functional as I plan to. They'd probably have a problem with ejectable sword blades made of aluminum.
Pretty much the whole thing would be made of aluminum except the air tanks, which would probably be exhaust tubing.

>> No.7511277
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Oh awesome, the world needs more Akari.
Sorry you missed her. Not super flattering, but this is the only photo of just her I could find.

>> No.7511278
File: 571 KB, 748x2176, DSC_0173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm, that is strange. I also ran into this Mami cosplayer who was told she couldn't get her musket out because it had to be holstered or something.

I'm just curious about this, since I'm planning to do a Cormano cosplay next year, and I guess that means I'll have to make the guns out of scratch and have them firmly strapped to my body when I'm not posing.

>> No.7511287

this is the exact cosplay i was talking about in >>7511273 . He was an exception because he came in on day 1 and then they reviewed the policy again. The manager then said "We are not allowing any more nerf guns like this. no exception"

>> No.7511299

I think its okay if you take your musket out as long as you're posing for a cosplay. Otherwise it has to remain holstered. The real rule states that you have to keep it in the holster at all time but it doesn't really get enforced 100% of the time.


>> No.7511406

I had a great con and have almost no complaints as far as staff/attendees go. I had a surprisingly pleasant experience with everyone at the convention - especially considering what I was wearing I was expecting to at least run into some troubles.
I heard the old thread is autosage and for some reason I can't find it
I was the Kamui Satsuki cosplayer (posted in a few progress threads) did anyone grab my picture? also critique appreciated since it was a first test run and actually the first time wearing the complete total costume - I plan to revamp some stuff for Fanime to rewear after I get in better shape

>> No.7511416

were you this Satsuki?

>> No.7511422

ah! yeah! thanks for finding the thread - no idea why I couldn't find it

and I don't know what that anon meant by I was asked to go change?? I heard 0 peeps out of staff about the costume, a few even took my picture.

>> No.7511505

Sorry. there must have been multiple Satsuki cosplayers. I was just listening to people over the staff radio.

>> No.7511517

Your costume was amazing!! I saw you around a few times but unfortunately never got the chance to ask you for your photo.

I hope everyone had a good con with no troubles!

>> No.7511523

hmmm interesting
as far as I know, I was the only Junketsu Satsuki at SC
What might have been the case was they were trying to track me down to ask me to change - but I honestly wasn't on the con floor for very long. I spent most of my time resting/at the costume contest/meetups/at shoots so they just never had the chance to find me/tell me to change haha

>> No.7511527

Holy shit I'm really looking forward to seeing you at Fanime. Excuse me if I drop my spaghetti everywhere. I'll be doing a Nonon cosplay!

>> No.7511539

Sakura-con's pretty shitty for fan panels. Most of the ones I went to were terrible or super dry in terms of content. Anime Offensive lived up to it's name, but joking about kids killing themselves isn't funny or entertaining. The Lesbian-themed Anime panel was run by someone that couldn't speak for 5 seconds without blue-screening (her co-panelist should have taken over the speaking duties). Friends had similar stories about the other panels they went to.

Also the staffers were super on top of any kind of foul language. Even in the Aging Otaku panel, where everyone was 25+ at the least, it was immediately squelched.

Oh well, it's not like I go to cons for the fan-shit these days anyway.

>> No.7511549

yeah, I really wasn't fond of any of the panels that I went to this year. Last year had some pretty nice ones and the Touhou panel was FANTASTIC.

>> No.7511563

The JJBA panel was disappointing, which made me sad. However I had quite a bit of fun at the JJBA All Star Battle Tournament. They only had one system going for more then half of the tournament which was certainly a mistake, but it gave me a chance to hang out with a few of them that had been JoJo fans for awhile.

>> No.7511570

Echoing the lack of Touhou panel. While I haven't gone to them in a while, I remember the ones here being at least a bit involving and interesting.

Last year had Mike fucking Toole. Hard to top that. I did enjoy the Over 25 and Aging panels.

>> No.7511588
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first year cosplaying, went with an anime I really liked growing up. I got asked for a few pictures, even let a couple hold my sword when they asked to take one with me. got mistaken for Squall. hope I didn't do too bad

>> No.7511599

I've always got the impression the con is run by some slightly more uptight types with kids, who are afraid of their and other children being exposed to anything remotely "offensive". They have a five mile long list of rules that seem to go into way too much detail about minor issues, and have odd bans on stuff (while I don't like LARPing- and am rather infamous for my dislike of it in some circles- is there really a reason to ban it?). Maybe they've had some shit go down in the past, or maybe they got threatened, but they seem afraid of just about anything. Hell, they were telling me not to stand against a wall near the registration area while waiting for my friends to pick up their badges because it was "loitering" - and I was off to the side, out of the way! The girl said something about needing to "go sit down somewhere", which made absolutely no sense in the context of things- wouldn't that still be "loitering"?

Maybe I'm just old and jaded- I go to the con to be part of a fandom I happen to enjoy, not be subject to enough rules and regulations to make a marine regiment cry. I just want to have fun, not get my arm stamped just to prove I'm a certain age because, apparently, children need to be protected.

>> No.7511605

thank you! an yeah I was usually in a rush heading places so I was never able to stop for photos I was starting to feel bad for people who asked

its okay anon I'll drop mine too and while we bump heads trying to pick it up we will become friends

>> No.7511612

I found it funny they crack down on glomp circles one year and do nothing the next year.

>> No.7511619

My group of friends and myself noticed that the areas they were policing to keep people out of were really weird... And less that a fourth of them were marked for no standing (signs, yellow tape, etc).

I don't mind being asked to move once... However when it keeps happening you can expect me to remember it- Likewise, if you ask us to move and we comply in a friendly way the least you can do is thank us and LET US KNOW A PLACE WE CAN GO AND WON'T BE BOTHERED.

It's interesting to note the majority of issues we had were with what looked to be Sakuracon staff, not the convention building staff. Likewise, the staff in each of the rooms and help desks tended to be more amiable.

>> No.7511624

My friends and I felt like it was all so inconsistently enforced too. At an all ages panel, they emphasized "no bad words!!!" but many of them cursed anyway. Then when my friend and I were sitting down on the stairs near the merch table, a staff member had people on the other side of the stairs move, but we were fine. A few minutes later, another staff comes by and yells at us to not sit there, despite being out of the way. Same thing at the registration line -- completely ignored by one staff, yelled at by another for "loitering" like you.

>> No.7511627

You're definitely not old and jaded. We're growing up in a tumblr hug box generation, where everyone is special, and a winner.

Yeah, the rules were seriously out of hand. My peace bonded weapons still got flak. Cons are usually 16+, unless you're carded for an event. I don't understand what's going on honestly.

>> No.7511628

>can't stand next to a wall

oh god, sounds like SDCC
they say it's fire marshall bullshit

>> No.7511631

>no bad words
>no cosplay showing too much skin

Where am I? Kids r us?

>> No.7511882

Your costume was fantastic and it looked really nice! I wish I could have actually taken the time to appreciate and look at what you did on it but from a few glances you looked great :) Hopefully I'll run into you at Fanime and I definitely wanna get a better look!

>> No.7511888

I saw you outside! Your costume was great and I wanted to take a picture but I was too shy (really, after all these years you think I'd make more of an effort to ask people idk)
If you saw some girls decked out in pastel bullshit one of them was probably me, I kept staring 'cause I was tempted to ask for a photo but in the end I chickened out (sorry if you even remember and it seemed creepy ;;)

>> No.7511889

Anyone got any pics of Joseph Joestar posing? That was me. I was also posing on the Crunchyroll stream.

>> No.7511899

On Friday, I was sitting in this one area (outside of the yellow tape) and was very obviously allowed to sit there, as people just inside the tape (a couple feet away) were being told they couldn't sit there.
Saturday, I went to rest my feet in the same exact spot and was told I couldn't sit there.

I understand the need for "no sitting/standing" zones, but at least be consistent about it...

>> No.7511908

>got mistaken for Squall

It's clear to me you are cosplaying as Orphen. Maybe I'm showing my age but those people are fucking retarded if they thought you were Squall.

>> No.7511913

Yea, this was my first time at a con so my friends had to let me know that things aren't usually this kiddy. I heard about how Sakura con doesn't allow swimsuit contests anymore, which is pretty fucking gay.

And I love children, but you don't know how annoying it was for me to see fucking 8 year olds at the rave, or knowing that it wasn't 18+ until 1am. I know two people who accidentally made out with a 16-year old.

>> No.7511931

I told my friend Sak was pretty crazy about their prop policies but she said fuck it and brought a couple of real wrenches for her cosplay anyway. Ran around with them all weekend and was never stopped, so so much for that. Now I'm thinking I'll skip peacebonding next year

>> No.7511937

>I heard about how Sakura con doesn't allow swimsuit contests anymore, which is pretty fucking gay.
It doesn't help that the swimsuit contest was pretty fucking cringeworthy though...

>> No.7511943


And the speed dating

>> No.7511945

I wish I could make friends with /cgl/ people in the Seattle area ;_;

I guess I'm glad I didn't go this year.. It doesn't sound like it was that great.

Oh well.

>> No.7511952

Why can't you, anon?

>> No.7511954

I guess don't really know how, I only started browsing /cgl/ recently and I've never cosplayed.

>> No.7511955
File: 1.30 MB, 2596x1924, DSC_0149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the highlight of the convention for me is taking photos. The panels may turn out to be shit, and I'm too socially retarded to talk to anyone. However, the cosplayers always makes me happy.

>> No.7511985

As much as I hate the pandering to the "protect the kids" thing, there is a way to prevent these situations... Spread the word- check the badge for a big "M" BEFORE you make out. Or before you go further. And end up V&.

Were harpoons needed? I always missed the swimsuit contests in the past...

You remind me of this guy on my Facebook who does that at various conventions in the Northwest...

>> No.7512010

At one point when it was a very steady stream of people the convention center staff were ushering other people to jump infront of us (which i thought was what people got yelled at for originally..?!)

And then at one point another convention building staffer told me i couldnt stand ON the yellow tape. Then i couldnt have a picture taken BEHIND the yellow tape. Like, What the fuck where am i supposed to go..?

Also, You know that little sitting area right at the top of the main escalators that has that glass wall so you dont fall into that pit of nothing..? It was closed off..? That was a nice place to sit and chill and eat your subway. Wtf.

>> No.7512103

I had an absolute blast this year. Felt good about my cosplay, felt good about my panels, and had a blast emceeing the cosplay contest. Met lots of cool people, got lots of touhou and jojo swag... my only complaint is that it's over already.

My dream cosplays for next year would be A space channel 5 pair, sexy dugtrio with some friends, and a monster hunter group. Here's hoping.

>> No.7512125
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long live your loveline panel! I missed it previously, and laughed my balls off seeing it for the first time this year

>> No.7512161
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Had a great time this year, and enjoyed running into seagulls around the con, as well as those who showed up at the meetup.

Highlight of the con for me was the Kuroko no Basket shoot I did with my friends, and six of us going to the mall for food after the shoot.
Whenever we ran into someone from a show like Free, Eyeshield 21, or Yowapeda, we'd just say "Sports anime!" and give them a fist bump.

Oh! On day 0, we found a frozen jar of pickle juice in our freezer. But I guess the vinegar or something kept it from completely freezing over, so the pickle seeds were still moving around in the ice.

>> No.7512259

Anybody got a picture of that shitty gold painted cardboard box gundam that was walking around on Friday?

Not the good one from Saturday.

>> No.7512273

Yeah I was not only okay with but really enjoyed that they policed some areas for no standing (infront of doorways, in between the escalators), but other places were just fucking goddamn retarded. One old ass guy was making a big goddamn deal infront of 4A on Sunday for a photoshoot when Friday and Saturday people were crowded through there 24/7 completely fine. That shit fucking pissed me off to no end and I eventually left and didnt even get a good picture of the really cool cosplay.

Picture unrelated, wont let me post without a file for some reason.

>> No.7512381

>It doesn't help that the swimsuit contest was pretty fucking cringeworthy though...
I never went to one of these, but I saw the video. I can understand why they decided to abandon it. Face-palm central.

>> No.7512404

can't believe that actually existed in the first place

>> No.7512492

The first few were actually really fucking entertaining. But as they progressed, the dude who runs them got lazier and lazier instead of better, and it showed.

>> No.7512546

I'll bet all the money I didn't spend there that the staff looked at them and thought "Those are tools. There's no way they can be used to hurt anybody.

Out of curiosity, what sort of wrenches were they?

>> No.7512651

Do you guys mind telling me which areas this was? I know that the area in front of Main Events was constantly being policed and that the area in front of the outside door on 2nd floor, too.

Also, the fucking idolmaster panel. The people running it were so high it wasnt even funny.

>> No.7512656

Just got done editing Fri and Sat. Link to pics:

tinyurl dot com

Is there a better way to post links on here? Tried to post a link to the facebook album and it gets flagged for spam.

>> No.7512663

>The Lesbian-themed Anime panel was run by someone that couldn't speak for 5 seconds without blue-screening
And then when her co-panelist said, "We need to get through twenty slides in ten minutes", she didn't change her pace in the slightest. Even though we started 15 minutes late, they still went 15 minutes over their allotted time. So that's how it would have been even if they started on time.

>> No.7512671

On the subject of props and peacebonding, I knew I couldn't bring my modded airsoft (barrel plugged up with glue, clip glued in, no moving parts) so I also skipped peace bonding. I only had a staff member come to me once to ask to get it peace bonded and I told them I didn't have a badge, so technically I wasn't apart of the convention and they left me alone.

>> No.7512678

As I've said before a few times, imgur never seems to cause problems on here, so I'm pretty fond of using it for photo albums. You might want to try that out.

>> No.7512681

I had a pretty great con. Cosplaying pokemon and plastic nee San was a blast. I also had a pretty good time staffing cosplay repair station. Except when I had to clean up Levi puke and fend of a creepy Canadian Makoto.
Oh and yeah winning best in show with Maguma and the rest of our group was also an amazing plus.
Anon I'll be your friend! Come by U district and let's get coffee.

>> No.7512684

first con, went with an officer vi and jinx. pretty fun bought alot of shit

>> No.7512691

eww i heard about that. i feel so bad haha.

>> No.7512695

>As I've said before a few times, imgur never seems to cause problems on here, so I'm pretty fond of using it for photo albums. You might want to try that out.
Meh, I guess I'll stick to mucking with the URL to get the board to stop being lame. Facebook is way too popular, and the ability for people to like, comment and tag themselves is something I can't lose.

Also, if you were in that huge League of Legends shoot by the Juicy Cafe, I took a shit ton of pics and they're all one the FB page. There's a Yugi-O shoot in there too, and I got one decent Attack on Titans group shot as well.

>> No.7512734

levi puke? explain plz

>> No.7512850

Out of curiosity, were there any Samurai Flamenco cosplayers at the con? I'd been looking all throughout the three days of the con, but didn't see any, but maybe someone else did.

>> No.7512873

This was like 12 on Friday morning and within the first hour of my first shift ever.
He was with a group of asshole Asian guys who i really wanted to kick out because they were being rude and talking smack about people and then there is their friend who is Levi from AoT with his head on the work table and I'm not really worried about him because he isn't in the way. His friends keep shaking him and saying "yo man stay awake" but I was busy and didn't have to keep an eye on them. Finally they leave and I'm relieved until the manager says "somebody had an accident" and points to the table and the rest is history.

>> No.7512877

if you're going to drink before going to a con you'd hope you'd be able to at least hold your liquor

>> No.7512957

That was such a pain.
>Standing in the huge room outside the dealer's hall, but somewhat close to the hallway entrance.
>Standing around in a group with 5 friends, talking for 10-15 minutes.
>Someone asks for a picture.
>As soon as we set our things down, we're told we're blocking the walkway and to move.
>Move further towards the center of the main room, and away from the hallway area.
>Set down things again for the photo.
>Same staff member comes over, and says she's going to give us a "strike" if we don't get out of the way.
>Not anywhere near a walkway by this point.
>There are other people standing around right where we had been.
>They don't get told to move.

>> No.7513053

Oddly enough, I've seen entire groups of the Flamenco Girls at much smaller cons around here, but never saw a single Samurai Flamenco cosplayer at Sak.

>> No.7513178
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Just two of pic related. Pretty fucking heavy, but we at least felt safe walking back to the hotel at night

>> No.7513217

A 12'' crescent wrench could definitely do some damage. Ask me how I know.
This makes me wonder if I could walk in next year with a ball peen hammer.

>> No.7513283 [DELETED] 

Did anyone record the livestreams? There were a few awesome moments I want to see again.

>> No.7513300

Did anyone record the Crunchroll livestream?

There were a few great moments I want to see again.

>> No.7513472

Anyone have a picture of that super short Nonon?

>> No.7513554

You know what annoyed the shit out of me? Spoilers, spoilers fucking everywhere.

>> No.7513706

>watching yurishit in the first place

>> No.7513713

My friends were telling me about when they saw that guy. They were surprised at someone being drunk that early in the morning. I didn't know he threw up though, gross! I'm sorry you had to clean it up.

>> No.7513818

Which outfit was she wearing?

>> No.7513984

Yeah! "And in this one the protag dies, and in that one the love interest dies, and in this one this girl dies, and in that one she gets together with a different girl than we think she will. And then they both die."
The panel had potential to talk about the history in an interesting way. I'd like her to spend more time talking about the political standing of Japan during each phase and more on why the authors wrote the plots like they did.
Instead she just did a timeline and spent the majority of the time summarizing every title she mentioned.
I hope they try again next year, but that her co-panelist will put her foot down and take the mic.

>> No.7513996

It was the blue one.
I think her first outfit that's blue. I can't remember.
She's short and kinda on the bigger size.

>> No.7514042

How do you know?

>> No.7514067
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 10171252_259071344265648_5945512281676378142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad photo but was it this one?

>> No.7514113

I may or may not have dropped one on my face from an arm's length up.
My job is to hurt myself on a daily basis and occasionally fix something that's broken.

>> No.7514118

No. She was more chubster.
When I mean short, I mean like 4'11

>> No.7514205 [DELETED] 


she looks pretty skinny to me...

>> No.7514309
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 1530574_10203604758428279_8371443928889382001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7514335

I wanted to comment on how it looked so long on her.
Maybe it's because she's short?

>> No.7514337

She's cute! If only her costume was made to fit her better. She could of taken advantage of that height as Nonon.

>> No.7514348


>> No.7514364

She is cute.

>> No.7514368

Does anyone have fat nonon in her track suit? For some reason my friend really wanted a picture of her but we didn't get the chance ourselves.

>> No.7514395

Haha yeah, that's me! I was hoping to make the fit better but I had only watched and finished KLK a couple weeks before con and had virtually no time to make it so it was pretty rushed and not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. I've already started on making a better one for AX though! Thank you for being constructive and not outright mean! Haha.

>> No.7514405
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Good luck with that! I understand how rushed cosplays feel.

>> No.7514407
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>> No.7514411


>> No.7514446

Sissel from Ghost Trick

>> No.7514521

Zapp, you're a Jojo fan? My respect for you grows ever higher.

>> No.7514559

I was just thinking about which figure I wanted to bust out next. Dio it is.

>> No.7514569
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If I had known, I would have tried harder to represent it at Spaceship of Love.

(Shadow Sneak, Explosion, Cut, ...Helping Hand)

>> No.7514613

Fuck, that'd've been awesome. I'm just now getting into it but I'm REALLY getting into it. I watched the old anime when it came out and I really enjoyed it but I didn't start reading it. I played the fighting game at a few cons last summer, thought it was awesome as hell, started watching the new anime, think it's even more awesome, and now I'm just dieing for more. I'm going to buy the hell out of the game as soon as it's released. I regret not special ordering it though. Torn on if I want to read the manga, wait for the anime, or read the manga alongside the anime.

Also, the Donnel/Redshirt at my panels is a HUGE Jojo fan. We've been talking about cosplaying from it and everything. Vegeta/Johnny Bravo would make a good Platinum Star or The World, I think.

>> No.7514632

I'd stick with the anime for now because it's fun to watch something like that fresh as it's coming out. If you really need to scratch that Jojo's itch, you could maybe try reading other parts of the manga (the first season of the anime covered Parts 1 & 2, and the current season will cover Part 3, so you could start at Parts 4+). They all stand pretty well on their own, but you'd have to watch out for spoilers here and there (although you might be prepared for that if you're getting the new fighting game).

It's a good time to be a Jojo's fan. I'll definitely throw my hat into the ring more in the future.

>> No.7514636

I was really pleased with all the Jojo stuff at con. Same with Touhou and Monster Hunter as well. The things I look for at cons are typically hard to find, yet there was a good quantity of all three of those there at con. No PSO stuff though, but that is next to impossible to find...

>> No.7514691
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is that phelps sleeping with a stuffed sloth?

>> No.7514704

Anyone else know that feel of meeting someone cosplaying their waifu, going out to dinner together, sharing a few drinks, talking until the early hours of the morning, walking them back to their hotel, and promptly falling deeply in love with them for who they are beyond the cosplay. Think they might feel the same. Yet you're separated by over a thousand miles now? Thanks Obama.

>> No.7514718

>tfw you will never have a gf who dresses up as your waifu and have waifu sex

I cry everytime

>> No.7514723

No waifu sex was had.

Just a single kiss.

Even worse mang. This post con depression is real. I want to know her better.

>> No.7514740

That's actually really beautiful, anon.

>> No.7514832

What >>7514740 said. Hell, I always thought stories like this ended with complete failure or a hot one-night stand (which in itself needs to be turned into a Jojo thing). Don't dwell on it too much- it'll drive you nuts. Who's your waifu, out of curiosity?

>> No.7514847

any pics of the LoL Jinx?

>> No.7514862

>implying there weren't at least 10

>> No.7515093

and we're live

>> No.7515104
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x3008, DSC_0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I don't even know what to look forward to for the rest of the year. There's a neat pinball convention going on in Tacoma in June, but that's about it. Everything else is too far away for my wallet to compensate for.

>> No.7515109
File: 95 KB, 960x540, SATSUKI-SAMA STEP ON ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got stepped on by my favorite woman

>> No.7515211

Yea but wasn't it Animeweedlord?

>> No.7515214

black ryouske is back?!

>> No.7515217

Ok, this photo is too funny

>> No.7515219

Yousuke you mean?

>> No.7515225
File: 122 KB, 1600x1200, 2014041895132532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy?

>> No.7515226

Yeah, I'm not sure why I said Ryouske.
Either way, he's back.

>> No.7515244
File: 109 KB, 640x960, 8491c327-97aa-499f-9ae0-43848f144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heyo guys I had a great fucking time this con. It's my 3rd year and I gotta say it's the best one yet. I actually made my own cosplay this time and I got to stay in a hotel with like 6 of my friends so it was really good fun. I also managed to join the Touhou 12.3 fighter tournament and played as Alice. I got wrecked but it was still a lot of fun, I didn't know there were so little fans of that game the turn out was like 8 or 10 only.

Both raves were fun and Im really sorry if you missed out because the music was great and the DJs were awesome as well.

Btw I was the Peace Walker Big Boss if anyone saw me or took pics I would appreciate links or something. it should be been on Friday and Saturday that I was dressed as Big Boss.
I would love some C&C on my outfit?

>> No.7515270

Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone got a photos of me I was the Heimerdinger without the turret. I couldn't see or hear very well in the outfit and was curious if anyone got me

>> No.7515295

They were definitely weird about props. I heard that they weren't letting people carry certain props, but the guy that peacebonded my plexiglass sword thought it was made out of glass and was totally cool with me carrying it around. Broken nerf guns are not okay, but easy to shatter glass sword? TOTALLY OKAY. Strange.

I didn't like the "you can't line up more than 30min ahead of time" rule. I sorta get why they have the rule and in small hallways (like for panel rooms 2-6) it probably does a lot of good, but when I wanted to line up for panel room 1 and they wouldn't let me, I just joined a growing group of people standing near the line area and eventually the group grew to block the hallway pretty badly. There's a large space for panel room 1's line, I don't see why they didn't let us line up a bit early for those panels that were clearly going to be massively popular. Instead, when they finally let us line up it was terrible chaos.

ORPHEN! Awesome!!

>> No.7515301
File: 333 KB, 960x1280, 1356493855499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fran pls no

>> No.7515311

I heard they wouldn't allow any bows with strings- taut or no- but I saw several cosplayers the entire weekend with bows that they could actually pull back.
I seriously wonder which mom society brought out their pitchforks to make Sakuracon have all these policies. It's especially odd contrasted with PAX, who's only real rule is "don't do anything illegal"

>> No.7515320

That's the way all con rules should be. It's not a damn kid show.
>no underage drinking
>no drugs
>no harassment or other lewd behaviour
>No excessive loud noise past a certain hour in certain areas

Just basic common sense, not the military state that Sakuracon has become. Ugh.

>> No.7515332

I like these rules, but that drugs rule. Nobody will ever follow that rule, because muh washington state allows pot use. Thanks Obama.

fucking druggies...

>> No.7515371

Yeah. Basically, don't break the law. Everything you listed is illegal. As long as it has the orange tip, a nerf gun is not illegal. A toy bow is certainly not illegal. There shouldn't be laws on how revealing your costume can be past public indecency laws.

I was fine with the "Don't stand directly in front of the escalator" deal, but it sounds like that rule stretched its fingers a lot farther than just in front of the escalators.

Bare feet isn't a department of health issue, as often as we see signs saying the opposite, so that rule's mostly there to stop people from suing when they step on a nail. Or maybe they just don't want to deal with bloody people who have stepped on nails. I'm not a fan of this one, but I'll roll over.

It would follow the same laws as alcohol- public intoxication. AKA the excuse to kick someone out if they're being an obnoxious dickhead. Pot won't cause any more problems than violent drunks. The only thing that would be annoying is the smell or them smoking it around you. Which I'm pretty sure they can't, just like you can't swig a bottle of vodka on the streets.

>> No.7515388

That's not the creepiest thing I think I've ever seen you post or nothin'. Nawww

>> No.7515462

did you ever get your jacket back? I gave it to frisk. I don't have your contact info. I'm asunnymoo on skype.

>> No.7515468

There was a Ippo for this year and last year.
Pretty sure its the same guy.
If you want pics, just tell me

>> No.7515483
File: 204 KB, 1161x2064, 20140420_110240_Pine St.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tanks bb, I had a good time. you can hold my sword next year if you go

>> No.7515510

I took a few pictures from Fri-Sat as well, here's the album.
(Just a warning, it contains Game of Thrones season 4 spoilers)


>> No.7515521

>those FF7 photo-bombers

it's like fucking magic man

>> No.7515966

There's an irrational fear among most anime con staffs of causing "offense" to basically anyone. I had some rather nasty conflicts with my local con (which, among other arguments, lead to my resignation/forcible ejection from a high position there) over their obsession with being "family friendly". Sakura-con at least seems to realize that not all of their attendees are little kids, but doesn't seem to know how to handle them.

...and lest we forget that many popular series, allegedly shonen ones at that, contain many rather brutal and/or risqué elements that just might not meet the American threshold for "okay for kids"...

>> No.7516017

>mfw the shitty offbrand SD card in my phone corrupted half the photos i took

Otherwise, I enjoyed it for my 5th con overall...

I joked with a friend that with all these Pokemon gijinka cosplayers around that I could do a Ditto.

...I'm now looking for a shiny blue zentai suit so I can into Shiny Ditto.


>> No.7516118

Bare feet rule reminds me, it was late at night and I was chilling in one of those chairs by the windows on the 2nd floor. I was wearing a kigurumi with socks and sandals, and I had kicked off my sandals to rest my feet on the chair. Eventually a staff member comes by and tells me I need to put my shoes back on immediately. For real?

Just an example of the lack of discretion in rule enforcement. It just felt weird. Are they ALWAYS this hard about rules?

>> No.7516136

Considering they'll bite someone's head off if they see them lying down or with their eyes closed and they think you're sleeping... Yeah. I haven't run afoul of THAT, as I tend to drink far too much coffee, but I've actually seen it happen up close and personal. So your situation really comes as no surprise.

...actually, there's another thing PAX does better. Hell, they even have their mobile gaming areas covered in bean bags and don't care if you're sprawled out there. Another extremely weird thing SC does...

>> No.7516142

The open area outside the theaters on the 6th floor seemed like a pretty safe place for a nap when it got later in the night.

>> No.7516143

I'm honestly trying to figure out the mindset. What is the problem with sleeping people? What's the liability? Are they in the way? Are they worried about someone vomiting in their sleep? I don't get it.

>> No.7516152

thievery, or sleep molestation, perhaps? I mean as much as I love cons, I definitely wouldn't trust a lot of the people who attend these things.

>> No.7516161

oh. i guess it wasnt your jacket, someone told me it was.

still nice to meet you dude.

>> No.7516182

Why is it the convention's responsibility to stop theft? I could understand molestation, but if they're not in a really secluded area, you'd think someone would notice.
And it sounds like they were doing it to people who were there with awake friends.

>> No.7516185

Because this is America. You get sued if someone trips over a rock on your lawn.

>> No.7516195

I'd say a much easier solution would be to make everyone sign a waiver at the registration booth or at least have it in their policy (which they do). Seems like a lot of wasted money to pay a bunch of people to hang around 24/3 instead of printing some paper.

>> No.7516224

I remember my first year going which was in 2009, my friend and I slept out in the open overnight and staffers did not give a shit. They just told us not to sleep and walked away. It has been really strict for the past years I've been going.

>> No.7516245

I wonder what made shit change since then.

>> No.7516663

I got so caught up in complaining, I forgot to mention that I thought the con was pretty great. Had a really good time. I spent most of my time in lines for autographs, but I met a ton of nice, new people, and got some amazing autographs. It was my first time at SakuraCon and I'm very interested in going back next year.

Did anyone see the chairty auction good? Hnnngh, those manuscript pages, I wanted them so badly. I had a friend try to be my proxy and bid on some, but it turned out he wanted the exact same ones I did. Alas, alas.

Thanks, but next year I'll be holding a sword of my own.

>> No.7516782

I keep getting a 404 on this

>> No.7516811

are you the bad guy from the warriors

>> No.7516921
File: 116 KB, 640x960, 7ef4c5de-6298-4182-9244-0fd7b9e1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see this Tohsaka?

>> No.7516933
File: 541 KB, 944x2624, DSC_0221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the only Tohsaka I saw. shame I didn't find the one in your pic.

>> No.7517087
File: 251 KB, 1536x2048, 1557383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Not the best picture, but here you go.
Think this was on day 3?

>> No.7517092

Shoot. I knew I shouldn't have skipped out on Sunday. She's pretty cute.

>> No.7517137

Thank you!

>> No.7517157
File: 232 KB, 1536x2048, 1979332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I spent half of day 3 just standing around talking to friends who were in the dealer's hall looking for good deals.

>> No.7517287

Dealer's hall has the best prices. My friends and I play yugioh competitively and it's obvious the guys who sell cards there don't. He was selling so many expensive cards at half price or less, must've made at least an $80 profit.

>> No.7517292

those shoes ://///

>> No.7517419

Didn't really hit any of the panels this year, but I find it funny that they seem to be really uptight about foul language while there are booths in the exhibition hall that have just have boxes of porn out in the open.

>> No.7517425

meant to reply to > 7511539

>> No.7517507
File: 515 KB, 2560x1920, 0418140857a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still works for me, weird.

>> No.7517545


One of them had a $5 bin that said "A fap for a fiver?"

Also I love how some vendors had to put Sakuracon stickers over the naughty bits on explicit posters.

>> No.7517647

>Also I love how some vendors had to put Sakuracon stickers over the naughty bits on explicit posters.

I wanted a pillow from that place,but I didn't see a price for them.

>> No.7517932
File: 325 KB, 2048x1536, 904194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, she was just sitting behind a booth, trying to advertise about some Canadian con or another.

By the way, anyone know who this group was cosplaying from?

>> No.7517937


>> No.7517957
File: 369 KB, 1536x2048, 10273187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I thought the middle and right ones looked familiar. Thanks.

>> No.7517969

Oh fuck a Nina AND and Anna. Awesome!

>> No.7518137

oh yeah, that's the booth that sells all the Touhou games and VNs, right? I had a pretty good time talking to the guy who was running that one. I think he shows up for every SakuraCon. He also made me realize I'll never get a real copy of Tsukihime without paying an arm and a leg, and ZUN will never release Touhou on Steam.

>> No.7518168

Fucking yes. This is perfect.

>> No.7518170

oh hey a snake cosplayer

he probably got to make out with my gf before i broke up with her

>> No.7518173

Sorry to hear that. What kind of rules were they trying to enforce that you disagreed with?

>> No.7518208

That place is infamous and hilarious. And awesome. They probably don't post prices because they want you to ask them about them. For laughs. But that's all speculation here.

Sakura-con or the one I was with?

>> No.7518624


Hendane and that guy who sells older hentai DVDs? Yeah it's kind of a paradox.

This was also my first con in the US. Shame no one was cosplaying as Payday though, saw some Hotline Miami though.

>> No.7518647

actually he did. sorry dude.

>> No.7518755


>> No.7518776

Wait is your GF the Eva cosplayer who wouldn't stop making out with that one Big Boss?

>> No.7518778

*At the photoshoot

>> No.7518782

She was dressed as Paz.

>> No.7518841


Well I kissed her yeah but I don't think I was the only one. It was at the photoshoot I didn't think she was with anyone. Sorry bro.

>> No.7518843



yeah that's the one

>> No.7518871

WTF this some NTR shit.

>> No.7518926

Well, I don't know which gal it was now, suffice it to say that photoshoot was awkward, and you have my sympathies if that was her.

>> No.7519105

Just got news that for the first time in Sak's history, its attendance has shrunk, not grown.
And by a few thousand, too, by the sounds of it.

>> No.7519158

Well it sure felt like it. With the forum gone and the lack of interesting panels/guests this time around, I wouldn't be surprised by the smaller attendee count. I hope they step it up next year.

>> No.7519243

Good night sweet prince
I'll cry every time

>> No.7519392

Their stupid list of rules and lack of any social media isn't doing them any favors. They need to boot whomever they have employed that feels the need to be a goddamn nazi with their giant list of "don't do this" and "don't do that".

>> No.7519412

hallo frisk-kun!!

>> No.7519426

Oh yeah I was confused if you replied to the right post. You're going to have to job my memory who are you again? Did we meet cause if we did, great to meet you as well!

>> No.7519441

Goodnight sweet frisk


>> No.7519487

I'd truly appreciate any and all Jinx pictures.
This is the 1st sakuracon I've missed in 6 years

>> No.7519497

Jesus dude, you sound like me. Am I sleep-posting from somewhere?

Beyond what I've already said, I think there's a possibility that the anime community needs some kind of mass rebooting. Every convention feels the same these days in what they offer, and there's never really anything "new" these days. I don't really have any solutions beyond merging more with say, the gaming, comic, sci-fi, and fantasy communities (not the furries and bronies though) to create something more all-inclusive.

>> No.7519521

>Beyond what I've already said, I think there's a possibility that the anime community needs some kind of mass rebooting. Every convention feels the same these days in what they offer, and there's never really anything "new" these days. I don't really have any solutions beyond merging more with say, the gaming, comic, sci-fi, and fantasy communities (not the furries and bronies though) to create something more all-inclusive.

At this point what you say is already happening, anime cons are losing influence from lack of appealing anime and appeal of Hallyu. Hell Sakuracon had a small KPOP booth. Back then I may consider this a problem but I think this is just a sign of the times.

>> No.7519678

>merging more with say, the gaming, comic, sci-fi, and fantasy communities
That's exactly what Newcon is doing! They had a booth at Sakuracon. I'm considering going next year. It's around new year's, hence the name. 2015 will be January 2nd through the 4th. I've been wanting an excuse to go to Portland.

>> No.7519711

Well, Newcon was an all-inclusive con from the start.
It replaced Mewcon after it went under, which is probably what you're thinking of.

The con chair and most of the head staff are friends of mine.
Honestly at its current size, it's more of a party / hangout / meet new people con, rather than something you'd show off complex costumes at.

I'll admit that their lack of rules and stuff may lead to some issues in the future, but for now it's pretty much the most laid back con I can think of.
Completely the opposite of Sakuracon in terms of atmosphere.

>> No.7519732

How do their panels and events look?How's the exhibition hall and artist alley? How many vendors would you say there were?
I don't mind if there are six people in the audience, but since I won't know anyone, I want to make sure there are things I can do alone. I would try to make friends, but I can be pretty shy.
I'll keep in mind that if I go, I'll stick to my school uniform cosplays. Did you see any lolitas, though?

>> No.7519821

I went the first year and pretty much everyone was drunk. (Including 18 and below) so don't expect great panels or anthing

>> No.7519825
File: 3.05 MB, 4320x3240, DSCN0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7519831
File: 197 KB, 920x300, Sakura-Con '15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

343 days left

>> No.7519898

Debating whether or not I should make hotel reservations.

>> No.7519916

Anybody get pictures of the girl dressed as Elf from Dragon's Crown?

>> No.7519932


So iirc, is fan expo going to directly compete with them again? I am torn because I was hoping do both but Medical Whiskey and the allure of potential drawbros (which were in no short supply) was too much for me and I had to go to Seattle. If I could do both cons, I would gladly be happy to.

>> No.7519955
File: 337 KB, 1536x2048, 1911161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't expect much in terms of vendors, panels or guests. First year was something like 300 attendees, and this year was around 700-750.
Panels tend to be 10-40 people, depending on what you're going to. Biggest ones are usually the swimsuit contest (ran by same guys as the one at Sak last year, but they have more free reign to do their thing), or the Beast of Hentai Maid Cafe, where the girls are waitresses, but you can get lap dances from the guys - who are also in maid outfits.

>> No.7519959

Oh - and yes, the smaller panels are also a good place to meet people.
Or since there's usually a few hours between panels that people are interested in, there's always people in the sitting area of the lobby, which is a great spot to just sit down, and talk to random congoers.
There's also a lolita fashion show, so yes, there's a decent number of them for the size of the con.

>> No.7519960


Now that puts the crossplaying League of Ahris to shame. I know the crossplay Ahris pretty well.

>> No.7519961


>> No.7519966
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, 1979962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who that is.
Been trying to avoid posting friends in this thread, but that KLK one was easily my favorite of the weekend.

>> No.7520027

I was stoked when I saw her at the costume contest. I was hoping to catch her back stage to see if I could chat her up about the game, and compliment her costume. Alas, I didn't see her after that.

Also, for anyone who wants to see it (again), here's the intro video for this years Spaceship of Love.


>> No.7520218

You sold me. Looks like I'm going to Portland to live the dream of the 90s. Despite the furries and bronies the website mentions.

I might give them one last chance. It's looking like ECCC is the week before SC next year, so maybe I'll hit EC, go down to Portland (again) to visit some friends, and then head back to Seattle to watch Zapp and Co. do their thing.

>> No.7520241
File: 477 KB, 245x184, 1370859332751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to check out the cons that are going on in Canada and Oregon, but I just can't justify paying that much for transit/hotel fees there. I've mostly stuck to whatever is going on in Seattle since that's a quick bus ride away (I don't have a car), and I've never taken a train before so I don't know what that's like. I also have this fear that I'm going to miss my ride or something, and be stranded out in a place I'm unfamiliar with. I already stick out like a sore thumb in public as it is...

>> No.7520582
File: 91 KB, 720x960, Ahri Crossplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These guys were the Ahri Crossplayers. Apparently they had mentioned a secret cosplay and this was it. Some of the other male crossplay was actually damn convincing

>> No.7520838

Sounds like fun, anon! Is sleeping at the con allowed, then? Or would I most likely find a whole bunch of people to crash with?

>> No.7521113
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, 1939870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, the main fandom I've seen there are the Homestucks, but because the con center is so small, they aren't near as crazy as I've seen them be at Kumo or Sak.

The 3rd party security company working for the hotel caused a majority of the complaints this year, including telling people to either go to panels, or back up to their hotel room after midnight, even when the con was still running.
It actually went against the contract the hotel signed with the convention. So no, you wouldn't have been able to get away with sleeping around the con - unless it was maybe the viewing room, possibly?

Newcon is going to be at a different hotel this year, so I can't really say how the layout, or how strict the hotel security might be.
Would be best to just crash with a bunch of people. Though on the whole, it's still an incredibly cheap con.

>> No.7521864

Does anyone happen to know the rough # of attendees at Newcon?

I tried to look online but theres no wikipedia article so idk

for reference Kumori is 5300 and Sakuracon is ~20,000

How much of an estimate would previous newcon attendees give?

>> No.7521869

dat blonde bunnygirl is supa kyut

>> No.7521881
File: 377 KB, 500x750, mirai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde bunnygirl
It's Mirai from Kyoukai no Kanata, just in a bunny outfit, and a different version than the one she actually wears.

>> No.7521882 [DELETED] 

I said up here at >>7519955
Approx 300 during its first year, 700-750 this year.

>> No.7521885
File: 264 KB, 1536x2048, 1980316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said up here at >>7519955 (You)
Approx 300 during its first year, 700-750 this year.

This was the other shot I got of her.

>> No.7522316

jesus christ, did this guy make out with everyone's girlfriends?!

...fucking alpha

>> No.7522335

Take the Bolt Bus, anon! Bus into Seattle, then the Bolt Bus is much cheaper than the train, plus there's free wifi and it's comfier than other greyhound buses. They go both to Portland and Vancouver.

>> No.7522390
File: 95 KB, 440x660, really nice pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kval took this really nice picture. but jeez, 70% of the pics they took this year were shit.

>> No.7522445

I don't know about the Homestucks, the convention in my area had a number of problems with them- granted, one was actually a non-problem (they "had" to break up a "lesbian makeout circle" of them), but even small groups of them are pretty infamous in my area. Hell, the ones at SC were pretty nuts too from what I saw, though there seemed to be less of them than there were in previous years.
Still, if they're not too crazy, I'll live.

>> No.7522548
File: 547 KB, 1536x2048, 1511682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to cosplay the finale version of Satsuki so bad.

Well, scale down the number of attendees, and put them in a tiny hotel with no park area to get all wound-up in, and they behaved themselves well, thank god.
Only exception that I'm aware of was one guy who managed to get himself kicked out of another con before coming to Newcon.

>> No.7522574
File: 72 KB, 540x960, 0675a29e-0f07-4f6d-9502-d92a77507edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rumpus Rampage.

Also this fucking King Harkinian guys.

>> No.7522611
File: 2.70 MB, 3456x5184, 8f580031-6adc-4683-9337-359c3cb3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought these two were pretty good.

>> No.7523548

Is that a Ditto Pikachu?

>> No.7523559
File: 34 KB, 500x372, tumblr_m3thd6jBi01qaxd5mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523837

Damn I miss con... Anyone here hitting up the Alberta cons this summer?

>> No.7523889

Goddamn the rack on that Ahri.

>> No.7523900

Spoiler: It's a guy.
Don't know him personally, but he's always come off as the kind of cosplayer who bases how good they are by the number of Facebook Likes / Friends they have.

>> No.7524460

I wasn't going to say anything, because
>it's a guy

>tfw crossplayers have the best boobs...

>> No.7527470
File: 2.96 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_7091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute koikoi

>> No.7527477


>> No.7527514

those boobs don't even look close to real though?

>> No.7527545

I think that the point is that they look more like fake pornstar boobs which are "hotter" than real boobs.

>> No.7530865

There were some really good assassin cosplayers this time around. During the rave I saw a couple of race variations of Assassin outfits and idk it made me super happy but I didn't snag any pics