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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 47 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n4an3h7KrY1r5g0zho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7506066 No.7506066 [Reply] [Original]

New Ita Thread, last one autosaged.

>No boring coords
>No Vendetta

>> No.7506075

Jesus what the fuck OP that is a hard act to follow.

>> No.7506081

That can't actually be a lolita meetup right? Like thats gotta be a Sissy meetup...

>> No.7506082

All dat unfortunate synthetic fabric.

>> No.7506099
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 1607024_262401397278889_5698523026229101780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on her facebook are going insane and calling her kawaii and shit.

>> No.7506154

overflowing trashcan, so kawaii

>> No.7506156

what a dumb thing to point out

>> No.7506186
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 70o4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7506239

Is that the brand?

>> No.7506249

My thoughts exactly.

It's hard to say with the quality of the photo, but she doesn't look THAT bad. Needs accessories and a fluffier petticoat, but her hair looks nice and the dress isn't a hideous lace monster. Just boring.

I can see where she was going with this, and I hope I never see where she was going with this again. This is the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.7506262

>no boring coords
coord is simple, no bow, follows the rules. its boring.
>no vendetta
you know her on facebook anon.

>> No.7506266

that looks like a sissy meetup.
unfortunately sissies think sissy = lolitas.
if we could lead brolitas who fetisize the fashion in our comm to sissy communities, the problem would be solved.

>> No.7506284
File: 43 KB, 800x533, 46051-449-2014-04-19457594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking grosses me out so much. Why would anyone want someones old sweaty dirty socks.

And for $35 dollars.

>> No.7506324

Creepy old foot-fetishist men?

>> No.7506340

Why is there a metal charm sewn to a sock? That pretty much makes it un-machine-washable unless one doesn't mind the charm getting beaten to hell. If there's anything I want to get a good machine wash, it's socks and underwear.

>> No.7506571
File: 75 KB, 480x797, 1265516_730664480288402_446307009_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat wig

>> No.7506573

another case of wigs killing a coord. such a shame

>> No.7506576
File: 37 KB, 637x960, 1560756_10202988087532299_1697070492_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another of the same girl killing it with the wig
like wtf was she thinking??

>> No.7506578

at least her eyebrows match. cant tell you how much that annoys me when people wear wigs and don't make their fucking eyebrows match!

>> No.7506586
File: 538 KB, 1470x900, lalaloopsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of these horrifying Coraline-esc dolls.

>> No.7506589
File: 80 KB, 566x650, 537374_510722895657670_1481868622_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the woman behind Vitae Clothing.

>> No.7506591

Wig, hair accessories tights...yuck.

>> No.7506603

eww somehow i expected so much better...

>> No.7506632

not with that man jaw.

holy shit I never made the connection between lalaloopsie and coraline's button eyes.
brb collecting every figurine

that's the motherfuckers who did the eevee print, right?
knew she was ita as soon as she put pokemon on a fucking dress.
it's like the equivalent of that one girl who made JSKs with superhero-themed fabric except slightly weebier.

>> No.7506633

...did she put blush on her nose? what the hell is this red spot? is she trying to imitate tumblr fanart or something?

>> No.7506639

that's a pretty weird opinion, anon. Most people that bleach or dye their hair also don't make their eyebrows match and it usually looks fine. Should people who dye their pink have pink eyebrows all the time? Like it can look neat sometimes but really...

>> No.7506648

i dye my hair all sorts of colors and my eyebrows always match...

>> No.7506925

good for you

>> No.7506927

Could be but she's also makeup'd to literally be a puppet, and if you're into that thing a lot of them have a bit of blush there
But that there looks like a painful pimple GOD

>> No.7506929

plus lots of blondes are born with brown brows anyway? And in terms of the more normalfag fashion blondes draw their brows in darker since brows are important for face framing (heaven forbid they use a black brow pencil)

>> No.7506951
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>> No.7506952
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>> No.7506954
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>> No.7506955
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>> No.7506960
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>> No.7506961
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>> No.7506963
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>> No.7506966
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>> No.7506967
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>> No.7506969
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>> No.7506987

When I saw this it made me so sad, I like her but wow that outfit..

>> No.7506993

they are being sold as new and they are from the brand Syrup to answer >>7506340

but yeah they look really cheap and gross, not sure why

>> No.7506999

I never got people who would buy used socks on comm sales. I avoid socks, no matter how cute they are, even if they're part of a rare set. I just can't stand the thought of sweaty, dirty socks... and that disgusting discoloration...

>> No.7507003
File: 74 KB, 800x600, 46051-449-2014-04-19521847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the auction says they are NWOT and never worn. But I guess it's just the color of the sock that makes them look gross? I mean in this lighting they look completely different, but still look gross.

>> No.7507012

Do you have any pics of the eevee print?

>> No.7507018
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>> No.7507029

I was expecting some kind of horribly pattered thing but this looks okay. Considering other dumb designs.

>> No.7507033

The border print is kind of cute, but everything else makes it look like a terrible bodyline dress.

>> No.7507103
File: 52 KB, 443x1024, 41c820b6-9ea7-4a3d-bb80-69dfcff6b52f_zps3ee151de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got lots of brand itas.

>> No.7507108
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>> No.7507112

Pretty dang sure that's a replica

>> No.7507113
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>> No.7507116
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>> No.7507118
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>> No.7507120
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>> No.7507125
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>> No.7507247

This isn't too bad. It could use a little more oomph. I wouldn't call it ita, just a bit plain.

>> No.7507258

It always cracks me up how this is in every thread

>> No.7507264

I don't know, I'm pretty gross with things like that so I don't mind. I've bought used bras on ebay, if something from the thrift shop looks and smells fine I don't wash it before wearing.. I wash socks but if I'm not going to get a disease from it I don't care
But on the other hand, I cringe anytime I have to open a doorknob that looks dirty or have to use the men's (or unisex) bathroom.. I just don't mind women's dirt and sweat nearly as much, men seem a lot dirtier and smellier to me. Even if the girl wearing the socks was really gross, it's not as gross to me as guys not washing their hands or whatever

>> No.7507384
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>> No.7507399
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>> No.7507403
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>> No.7507406
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>> No.7507409

Good lord this unfortunate girl. I'm sad.

>> No.7507412

I find them adorable...

The dolls I find extremelly creepy are the Blythe. they look like Chucky.

>> No.7507417
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>> No.7507424
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>> No.7507428
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>> No.7507430
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>> No.7507434
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>> No.7507437
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And I'm done.

>> No.7507438

I don't think this is ita, she's just chunky. Her hair is fab and it's coordinated to a T.

>> No.7507442

>tfw you don't need the petti
>you ARE the petti

>> No.7507446

they both clearly have pettis on

>> No.7507448
File: 367 KB, 584x870, sc33bu8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't unsee...

>> No.7507464

this shit is cute. vendetta?
>you must be blind
not really making me cringe like things in an ita thread should, but rather giving me coord inspiration.

>> No.7507469

It's kinda cute except for the cameltoe and her makeup?
Did she do whiteface on purpose? It looks weird as fuck

>> No.7507475

I actually think the outfit here is cute.

>> No.7507477

is this the girl who got the AP rocking horse tattoo on her thigh? I can kind of see the edge of it. Thought she'd be fatter though.

>> No.7507479

you know, thanks to you, I've stared at her crotch for a good minute now trying to find cameltoe.
but I must say, I have these shorts and they're made for anorexic midgets. you're not allowed to have any sort of thighs when it comes to japanese boystyle shorts.
this is coming from someone who is underweight.

>> No.7507495

This whole thing was just hilarious. Her claiming she didn't know how much she paid for it. Ugh I don't feel bad about people that ignorant getting scammed. (If she did get scammed, maybe she knew from the start and thought she could pull one over psh)

>> No.7507498

daww, I actually think these are really ute

>> No.7507512

This girl is so cute. This doesn't look like lolita to Me it's more like she's using lolita pieces for her own quirky style. I like this outfit and her style even if it's not lolita.

>> No.7507518

ewewewewewwew, is that a spider on her face?

Why is that make up even a thing? I mean I love when it's done right, but I feel like no one ever notices when they're doing it horribly wrong.

>> No.7507524

Whenever people say that it's always the worst thing. Even for normal clothing nothing matches the outfit looks really badly put together and it just looks awful.

I don't get why people say that it looks good when it looks like shit.

>> No.7507629

>I don't see why people don't like what I like

>> No.7507636

different anon but
>I don't see why people think a mitchmatching clusterfuck of patterns and colors look good

its because she's cute. if she was fat or ugly, anon wouldn't of complimented her outfit.

>> No.7507641

It's not about liking or disliking. If it matched well or fit properly or atleast had some cohesion it would be fine. Obviously opinions can vary from outfit to outfit but if shit doesn't match or look good it's pretty much universally noticable.

>> No.7507644

Except no? The colours are all over the place and the detail distribution is awful. Maybe if she changed the skirt to a solid mini and ditched the bag it would be a decent normalfag outfit but as it is right now.

Lolita pieces generally only mix well with more girly and frou frou styles.

>> No.7507692

Oh god my brain didn't know where to start. She's mixing so many things AND has bad shoes. I feel like she'd have potential if...someone dressed her. She obviously put some effort into the hair, why not the clothes? Unless she just went mad with power

>> No.7507695

It's because she's stick thin and wearing Litas

>> No.7507702

If she didn't label it as lolita it doesn't belong in an ita thread.

That said, the outfit is a trainwreck anyway. If she swapped some minor details it could be really cute.
Like, a black belt (one that is the right size) and brown shoes to go with the bag. I mean, the belt is absolutely not made for her waist measurement, even.

Or even white lacey tights, brown shoes. Little things.

>> No.7507758

>she's not fat she can't be ita!!!!1
no. this is fucking horrible looking. It's not a "personal style" because she clearly has no sense of one.

>> No.7507927
File: 99 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_n4cqhx8zt81qatkwko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"OOTD for easter! i don’t blog about my clothing choices much because usually they’re terrible OTL but today i thought since i had this bunny-print skirt i should make a whole coord around it… it’s super simple but i really like it n_n

blouse: f+f
“bowtie”: a hairclip i got for christmas
bunny bag/pochette thingy & shirt: handmade by me
leggings: old navy
shoes: antaina (i think?) via minkyshop

i was also wearing a black cardigan thing that helped tie things together a little better but it’s been unexpectedly warm today…

#ootd #fashion #lolita #pink hair #bunny #easter #my hair looks pretty bad and boring but whatever #my face #coordinate #coord #lol my pink blouse doesn't really match anything else bu I don't care because it's the only cute blouse I have that fits #plus size lolita #easter coord #bunny themed coord #sweet lolita #my petti is btssb for anyone wondering #its the only piece of big brand I own #it's not great because it's the second ever lolita coord I've ever done "

Jesus christ

>> No.7507929
File: 63 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_n4cqhx8zt81qatkwko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7507931

why with the black

i like the bunny though

>> No.7507936

The itas ruining the brand...oh the horror

>> No.7507987

>pile on some of everything that exists
>skinny=instant fashionista

>> No.7507994
File: 378 KB, 484x917, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7508000

how is this ita??

>> No.7508006
File: 11 KB, 261x195, 1175033_1413614308857515_1601350410_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theyre not from bodyline so i hope i dont get chewed out again

>> No.7508023 [DELETED] 

Left out the other replies. Sorry.

>> No.7508030
File: 26 KB, 487x207, why part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7508032

>artist alley
Why does the pink one look like that horrible ebay Chii dress

>> No.7508039
File: 580 KB, 417x750, 1262550889742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to resort to ebay

>> No.7508052

I think it is that Chii cosplay

>> No.7508058

I want to beat the living shit out of her

she probably spent a ton on ebay cosplay dresses when she could have invested in a decent dress, jfc.

>> No.7508060

Not sure if this is the right place, but hopefully y'all could give some advice. I have a friend who's just "discovered" lolita (I've always hid my powerlevel and she saw that I had liked 'bodyline' to keep up with the Yan bodypillow debacle) and now she sees me as some lolita mentor. I'm into gothic and she's aspiring to be like princess peachie but I'm helping her discover second hand markets, what's shit quality on bodyline, how to use taobao and mbok which I know is probably a bit overwhelming for her at the moment. There's no local comms in her area so there's nobody she can meet with personally. She's fallen in love with things that I'd consider ita and I've steered her away from some things, but I don't want to completely crush her dreams when she falls for something that is cute but may be difficult for a beginner to coord.
tl:dr how do I not crush the hopes and dreams of a newbie, should I just let her make some mistakes so she doesn't feel I'm curbing her style? I don't want her to feel I'm pushing her into things.

>> No.7508065

I agree (with the second line anyway) but these con itas have no real interest in fashion and just want to try dressing "kawaii". It's just a costume for cons to them. Most of them are never going to put effort into learning about real lolita fashion or improving and will lose interest after they grow out of being weebs.

>captcha: that Japanyi

>> No.7508070

u wot m8
>shitty quality dress, ugly to boot
>angle makes it look WAY too short
>shitty striped knee socks
>socks bunched up under the knee because they're obviously too small
>shitty wrist cuffs
>hair is so voluminous that it makes her look even bigger
Just, gurl, no.

>> No.7508075

still can't believe this is all moitie. Blows my mind every time.

>> No.7508081

Please, someone just tell her the truth...

>> No.7508135

I would rather see bare legs than mustard..

>> No.7508174 [DELETED] 

Can you suggest waiting awhile before purchasing anything? Say that Lolita isn't a fashion you can jump into right away, it requires lots of research. I know many people who spent loads of money on ita dresses and ended up regretting it later. I'm just thankful I couldn't buy anything from the internet so from my beginner's phase I have nice sundresses from JC Penney's or Macy's that I still wear occasionally instead of a closet full of unwearable cheapo lace monsters. Then meanwhile, maybe show her lots of pics of good co-ords or direct her to blogs of experienced lolitas. Or if something is decent but difficult for beginners to coord, let her purchase it anyway and perhaps eventually she can use it. I hope it works out for your friend!

>> No.7508267

Anyone got any new pictures? She made a WTB or something recently.

Who looks in the mirror and goes, "oh yes, my makeup is amazing, must go out in public now."?

I think it's because some men don't bother to wash their hands after going to the bathroom. My boyfriend's friends don't when they come over and I am like, "Do you mind? I don't want your dick germs all over my house, thanks."

>> No.7508493
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>> No.7508499

Nitpick maybe. Not ita.

>> No.7508532

isnt the one on the right a final fantasy cosplay?

>> No.7508630

my heart always mourns over that milky planet

>> No.7508878
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 1511388_10200812926404081_6895516955776209943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate cosplay lolita

>> No.7508988

thank fuck i'm not the only one who feels like this. i fucking hate cosplay lolita. it needs to stop being a thing.

>> No.7508997

I literally want to beat this person with a bat.

>> No.7509034
File: 8 KB, 500x180, 1363233097092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to calm down.

>> No.7509037

I'm not the same anon, but okay. I just hate cosplay lolita and flower crowns and she's asian so she thinks she can get away with it. Fuck no!

>> No.7509075

I will bludgeon you in your burando sweetheart.

>> No.7509094
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>> No.7509259

Even if it's not lolita, nothing matches.
>Booties are too bold.
>T-shirt is too casual-
>Skirt looks like a mantle
>The bag is too cute
>The belt doesn't make any sense.
>That necklace is out of place.

There's no style whatsoever because she's mixing pieces from different styles and colors in an attempt to look unique. It doesn't really matter if it was tagged as lolita, since from any stance it still looks like shit.

>> No.7509262

That makeup is awful, outfit looks cute to me.

More unflattering angle/pose than ita. Prob needs an underskirt though.

This makes me weep.

>> No.7509281

The looks like an actual baby doll, with her strange proportions and the cheap mismashed clothes and the hair that looks like it's been chewed on.

>> No.7509283

>No plus size
...Isn't Bodyline 95% plus size everything? When you don't fit into Bodyline you know you have a problem.

>> No.7509332

Anon, I was in the same dilemma but classic teaching gothic.
You gotta give the suggestions, guide her to the good blogs and let her spend her money where she wants to.
Unless you want to gift her a few second hand bodyline pieces so she doesn't hit up ebay.

>> No.7509481


I mean, not everyone can be superskinny, fine.
But when Bodyline doesn't produce stuff you can fit in, it's time to start questioning your life choices.

>> No.7509492

There are a few pieces that are plus size, but not as many as people think. (A lot of bust measurements stop at or before 100cm, etc.) Know from experience because bustychan.
I'm smaller than her, so I know it'd be difficult to find pieces, though.

Why she thought ebay was a smart idea, I havent a clue. Taobao and even shirred brand have better size ranges than Bodyline...

Lol though >>7507994 literally calling at least one cosplay piece "lolita".

>> No.7509494

> chewed on hair
So accurate.

>> No.7509593

I still think this is fucking great.

>> No.7509681

>can't unsee
Every time someone uses one of those images here, I can never remember the name of the book. What's it called, anon?

>> No.7509697

I'm pretty sure both of them are cosplays. The first one is from Chobits, and I can swear that I have seen the second one someplace before.

>> No.7509702

The girl on the left looks like a clown. I really hope that's kind of what she was going for with the make-up..

>> No.7509778

Probably up to the low range of US plus size for a good deal of the items that do go up that high. Mid range? You're looking at the two or three full shirred pieces and they'll look like shit on you.

I'm below plus size myself, and I'm just within the realm of fitting into a 2L in general, but there are a lot of pieces where I'm nowhere even close. I wear about a US size 8-10 M/L with odd proportions.

Brand tends to be a lot more forgiving than Bodyline when it comes to larger sizes TBH. A good portion of my stuff goes up past 110cm in the bust easily.

>> No.7509796


That woman way past morbidly obese. Easily 45%+ body fat.

>> No.7509898
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>> No.7510012
File: 651 KB, 1114x900, why 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone did once. That's where the comment about Bodyline came from.

>> No.7510030

Its not lolita but its still kind of cute.

>> No.7510054

>mfw I have no face

>> No.7510061
File: 27 KB, 485x430, 1797457_10203355879961765_2094762682_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an ita mess

>> No.7510068

>What's a lolita coord?

>> No.7510086

The scary stories to read in the dark series?

>> No.7510093

Why do people still order from milanoo?! Okay you think the dress are nice and you didnt have any problems, but it is still scam! Don't support scammers!

>> No.7510094
File: 909 KB, 480x251, 1394582494976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flower crown.

>> No.7510141

I'm pretty sure I was agreeing with that and saying people were giving her a pass because she's really thin

>> No.7510277
File: 182 KB, 497x750, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost feel bad posting this one because I can she what she's trying to do, but it looks like she's wearing a trash bag. :x

Bodyline makes their dresses pretty short compared to burando even. For a tall person, it could be a problem. Not saying what she did was right when could have easily googled custom lolita and come up with something half-decent from Taobao.

>> No.7510321

>"hey that site you ordered from is known for producing terrible quality, why don't you try Bodyline instead so you won't get scammed"
This woman must be a joy to be around.

>> No.7510322
File: 52 KB, 402x584, 1392555576154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://instagram.com/p/nBJty0yqy-/ This e-famous girl (she got 5000+ followers on facebook just for being speshul and having a shitton of cool clothes and colored hair and her own style yadda yadda). I can't stand her in a way, litteraly everyone is licking her butt and telling her how perfect and stunning and gorgeous she is whenever she posts anything,and right now she's bawwing about how broken her heart is because her boyfriend dumped her and everyone is giving her asspats i'm so tired of this. I unfollowed her.

>> No.7510344 [DELETED] 

I put her there because of the Miku wig,it ruined everything (and when i tried to make a comment about it i got hate)

>> No.7510396

(Actually when she wasn't being an attention whore or bitching about people she found ugly or showing how edgy she was, she was quite a nice person though) The coord wasn't the best,but still ok,and the wig just ruined everything

>> No.7510519

I saw many of their stuff go up to 2L, sure you have limited choices, but even if you're busty you have the skirts to choose from

>> No.7510549

They have a few options for sure but still, I would have pointed her in the direction of taobao.

>tfw skirts look hideous on me

>> No.7510565
File: 720 KB, 500x315, bfptttt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cus theyre cheap and they're too damn stupid to tell its bad quality. I had a friend who bought Milanoo for years and would tell me they were actually decent quality. I let it slide figuring she just kept getting lucky, until the first time she actually saw me in lolita, started petting the fabric and went "OMG THIS MUST BE REAL BRAND ITS SO MUCH NICER THAN MINE"
>mfw it was just f+f plain cotton

>> No.7510591

tfw you know this person from your cosplay community
She's a typical weeb, but she thinks she's better than a lot of people because she buys all her cosplays.

>> No.7510651

Even AP has some blouses I can fit my bewbs into.

>> No.7510775

She says she was "chewed out"? This person was being so nice. If I was dressing in Milanoo and someone told me this, i'd be very grateful.

>> No.7511044

she is? yes
the outfit? no.

>> No.7511665

That gif is just too much. LMAO

>> No.7512034

She seems like the kind of person who can't take any criticism whatsoever. I wonder how she'd react if someone was actually harsh about it.

>> No.7512248

I only ordered from them once because they were reselling from a Taobao brand and including a free petticoat with it. The dress came with tags and all and was definitely from the Taobao brand, and the petticoat wasn't awful or anything, especially for being free. But knowing how shit they are I definitely would never take the risk from ordering from them again, I was even feeling kind of sketch about the one order but the shipping and everything was a lot cheaper so I wanted to take a risk and see if I could get a dress I had been admiring for awhile on Taobao for cheaper.

>> No.7512249
File: 82 KB, 492x600, 1957362957251850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw him at a local con, and he said he was in Lolita. I can't find a FULL photo, but it was one fucking train wreck. Dem fake tit's tho.

>> No.7512327

Some attentionwhore mallgoth I know just posted a pic of herself with #lolita while wearing a miniskirt milanoo raschellace monster with a steampunk corset with greasy tangled hair. It annoyed me so much that I just made a bitchy remark instead of actually helping her to become a good lolita. What now?

>> No.7512371

Also lots of Bodyline's pieces can stretch pretty far, but not comfortably at all because their elastic is so fucking tight. I have a 23-24" waist and have a couple skirts where the elastic digs in, even though fully stretched it can go over 30".

>> No.7512405

This dress photographs really really badly, though. It has a slight sheen to it that looks fine in person but always looks cheap in photos.

>> No.7512422

This is 4chan. Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.7512559
File: 133 KB, 640x640, 1925052_651261471596262_5189151958842971822_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right.

>> No.7512630

Is her name Agnes? She looks like a girl I know named Agnes, but I'm not sure if she's into 'lolita'.

>> No.7512652


>> No.7512667

I guess she has a doppelgänger then because damn. Do you know if this was taken at Elfia (in Europe) by any chance?

>> No.7512669

Yes it was at Elfia, spooky. ;_;

>> No.7512683

also "Agnes" confirmed for doppelgänger or hidden double identity
I must consult with my superiors
carry on

>> No.7512686

I went full ita when I first attempted lolita. Bought from amazon, ebay, and milanoo because I didn't know where to shop with the budget I had. Orders were too small, poorly made, cheap looking, and a waste of money when I could have gotten better quality for less.

Mom of course told me I looked great when I looked like I was wearing a bad halloween costume. Ignorance all around. Anyone who buys from Milanoo more than twice needs help. They may run a charade, but it looks so legit any newbie cant help it.

>> No.7512692

I have no clue what you're talking about. The only thing I can say about it is that I know her irl and her name's definitely not Agnes. (And why would anyone even choose to call themself Agnes?)

>> No.7512897
File: 311 KB, 507x900, deadly_lolita_geisha_2_by_insane_pencil-d7fg633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7512901
File: 62 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n4bgcruGYy1rwgl7ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512902
File: 306 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n4civwN97k1qiy3uxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512905
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n49wda2tJ01qh5m99o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512909
File: 268 KB, 1024x1534, smile_by_asharaphotography-d7ffx1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512911
File: 288 KB, 557x556, tumblr_n4ciebed3z1qbmzkfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512914
File: 224 KB, 1024x1536, chinatown_4_by_mistress_zelda-d7fcwyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512915
File: 154 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n4c5ujoFjC1s9m8tgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512922

in every way possible

>> No.7512923
File: 93 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mla8p615ea1qgjjjyo1_509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512928
File: 46 KB, 250x334, tumblr_n4ckf4D4We1qkio5bo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512936
File: 108 KB, 600x900, classsic_lolita_outfit_by_helenquila-d7fdgop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512938
File: 57 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n4drku8gWC1rr1cpdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512943

Holy pearshape on the girl on the left... And I thought my butt was huge.

>> No.7513044

I like this, especially with the right accessories

>> No.7513052

These three aren't that bad

>> No.7513163

fat=/= ita

>> No.7513166

>that frown
Is she trying to look like grumpy cat?

>> No.7513171

Not ita

>> No.7513173

A classic

>> No.7513177

Fat, but not ita.

>> No.7513181

Ugly sleeves, but the rest is cute

>> No.7513200

"Well, if you realllly want you could wear those, but the fabric is a lot less comfy than a nice cotton one like this.Here, check out this fantastic auction! Its a real like japanese brand and the auction is cheaper than that other dress."
"Oh that print is cute, but if you buy this one it'll save you money because there are more ways off coordinating it!"

>> No.7513203


>> No.7513227

This is the same person, apparently? How come she looks old and dumpy in the first picture, and really poorly dressed but young/non-fug in the second?

>> No.7513963
File: 59 KB, 540x960, miru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the absolute fuck is this

>> No.7513981

>I-if you're still unsatisfied, I-I have something else I could serve you...

>> No.7513985 [DELETED] 

never mind the horror on the left
>that filthy carpet
>drawers left open

>> No.7514099

impressive suit tho

>> No.7514156
File: 12 KB, 517x414, scammerplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of you when I saw this on my dashboard, anon

>> No.7514177

hate mini top hats in lolita. even back when they were popular. needs moar poof. needs a blouse. but at least it has nice lace.

>> No.7514193

I heard that guy smells really, really awful too

>> No.7514194

it's a shame that a fursuit of a cow can fit into a style of dress that some girls can't

>> No.7514336
File: 88 KB, 371x888, tumblr_n4fw8kPgwK1tsgde1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this bitch

"i dunt know what to call this outfit…but pony shirt!!!
#My Little Pony #fairy kei #steam punk fairy #lolita #lolita fashion #harajuku #rhapsody wig #pastel #pastel kei #meow #dat cat face "

Call it "trash-kei", that's where that shit belongs. JFC.

>> No.7514370
File: 329 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n4gl6xLfzm1qmws33o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this.

10/10 would laugh again at the brown paper sacks stuffed in an attempt to make a plus-size dressform though

>> No.7514387
File: 360 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n4gl6xLfzm1qmws33o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514564
File: 66 KB, 640x960, 533739_10151799043370865_1099369888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comment on fb: "You always look so lovely in bitter sweet. I love that 80's hair. Cute, cute, cute. "

>> No.7514565

i audibly gasped when I opened the picture, holy shit

>> No.7514566

jfc That's a man, right?

>> No.7514578

I legitimately feel like I need to puke. alrajskdasld ~shivers~

>> No.7514580

That's melissa from the SF comm (so yes)

>> No.7514595

Wow, so they're just a very unfortunate looking cross dresser or waited too long to become trans?

>> No.7514608
File: 376 KB, 940x1920, tumblr_n4b121iUlh1qij1n6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't really call ita on this one but...your boob button gave up...

>> No.7514621

I think you mean, genderfluid~
So, you must call xer, xer xhe and other stuff.

>> No.7514623

skirt too low. eww
dont give a shit if a man or not, wear your fucking skirt where it's suppose to!
Could benefit with a wig. i have shitty thin hair, so when i can't get my hair to cooperate, i wig it up, this person could also benefit from that rule of thumb as well...

>> No.7514631
File: 68 KB, 310x310, T2vn44XoXaXXXXXXXX_!!95625777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This taobao shop is an absolute goldmine of atrocity.

That isn't even the worst of it.

http://zhimozhai.taobao.com/ The "Handmade shoes" section is where it's at.

>> No.7514649
File: 66 KB, 463x454, photoshoppedshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They photoshopped shoes on. GG.

>> No.7514651

those are an ita's wet dream hahaha

>> No.7514652
File: 169 KB, 330x322, Screen shot 2014-04-23 at 2.08.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the shoes that actually introduced me to this place...for the most sophisticated sweet lolita.

>> No.7514654
File: 105 KB, 460x461, MAHOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like these shoes... for cosplay?
Makes me feel like a Mahou Shoujo.

>> No.7514659

Supposedly some kind of fetish. We have other crossdressers/transwomen in the community, but no one has failed this hard.

>> No.7514669

Would wear these so hard.

>> No.7514819

They look like they where photo shopped onto her.

>> No.7514823

they were.

>> No.7514843

How can you not the post? Even the filename is photoshopped's shoes.

>> No.7514956

Someone rescue her and dress her in MM, VM and Moitie please! Itas with no potential are funny, but itas who could look great if they just TRIED make me sad.

>> No.7514962

Can't you see what's happening to her skirt? It looks absolutely ridiculous. Fatties aren't ita as long as they dress decently and wear clothes that FIT. If a skinny girl was wearing a horribly malformed skirt that ruined her silhouette, would you still be defending her?

>> No.7514992

Is this a 9 year old?

>> No.7514993
File: 28 KB, 840x361, Frau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Frau Fabissina

>> No.7514997

She is shinyaegl on Livejournal. She posted in Daily_Lolita frequently last year and someone on here had her Tumblr. These two pics are just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.7515090

wtf man she looks 12

>> No.7515107

I actually think this is really cute. but she should have extended the white to her neckline. and worn gloves. so her skin looks all white, instead of just a face of makeup.

>> No.7515110
File: 240 KB, 1000x922, Interview-with-the-Vampire-kirsten-dunst-96227_1000_922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirsten Dunst?

>> No.7515115

every part of her body looks broken in this pic.

>> No.7515135

This guy smells like a something crawled into an asshole and died. He's also the same guy the AZ comm flipping their shit on for wanting to wear is suit to a meet-up.

He's literally a fat mexican dude, with a female persona who wants to wear lolita. I still can't even.

>> No.7515292

kill it with fire
please tell me he's banned

>> No.7515297


No, he's not, he left because the comm banded together in and drove him out in an angry lolita mob. A mod quit over it and another mod bitched two or three of the girls out who started this "angry mob" against him because we're supposed to be accepting of everyone

Jesus Christ I hate my community

>> No.7515391

I sent her an ask. I'm to shy to be a bitch so I told her it was cute but not lolita. Only half of that was honest.

>> No.7515419

You're much kinder than I am, anon.

>> No.7515599

Damn you guys sound like a bunch of cunts. Glad I don't live there anymore

>> No.7515683

>someone disturbs meetups
>bad hygiene
>hits on minors

Yeah, okay anon, suck dick.

>> No.7515747

Different anon. I'm terrified of fur suits so i wouldn't have gone to any meetups he was going to, but that never happened. I don't know why you're exaggerating the story.

>> No.7515752

not same anon?? but he did linger around that one kid that came in school girl outfits, and i wonder what happened to her. i haven't heard anything about her in the better part of five months, i think. i don't know about him hitting on her, but he was a tad creepy.

>> No.7515889

>the same guy the AZ comm flipping their shit on for wanting to wear is suit to a meet-up.
Haha, oh god. The first rule of fetish shit is to not be trying to drag unwilling people into your fetish shit, urgh.

>> No.7516175
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Know a brolita
>he's just starting out but I can tell he'll never really look good
"When I get into brand I'm only going to get Victorian!!"
>figures he means VM
>he's a huge fatty
>tell him VM sizes are tiny
"but I'm going to wear a corset"
>thinking he can get down 10+ inches with a corset

I told him that you'd probably break a rib before even cutting that much down but he didn't really listen to me

>> No.7516207
File: 117 KB, 639x960, tumblr_n4h0zxaR421qj4ygto4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7516227

There's actually being fandom!Lolita (which I hate)
and then just putting a AOT coat and cape and calling it lolita.

>> No.7516293
File: 159 KB, 477x600, 8453832476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy or...?

>> No.7516418

"My fursona is a retarded donkey!"

>> No.7516583
File: 154 KB, 469x611, schmutzig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7516733

does anyone have screencaps of that chick in her shitty yellow ren faire dress with a corset, claiming it's lolita? she posted it on the daily coords fb but i can't find it.

>> No.7516734
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 243598705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, this makes my skin crawl every time

>> No.7516756

her feet look like fat little hoofs

>> No.7516773

That outfit is nowhere near as bad as that house, holy shit.

>> No.7516776

I always wonder what the story behind this one is.

>> No.7516778

I'm very fat. Does that mean I have to stay away from food related prints? Will Baroque's antique cutlery jsk make me look like a joke?
Sorry if this is the wrong thread.

>> No.7516781

Ok, I like this picture a lot just because of her facial expression. She looks so happy, like she'd be in Disneyland or something.

My personal story about her is that she's a pyromaniac whose together with another pyromaniac and she showing off the place they're about to torch down for their one year anniversary.

She looked just as happy when she married her boyfriend in the prison's chapel after they got caught.

>> No.7516788
File: 219 KB, 316x607, IMG_20140304_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure do. Sorry for crap edit I must have deleted the original

>> No.7516798

If you can actually fit into the biggest size for them you're not that fat, you'll be fine

>> No.7516802

Wouldn't wear it myself, but not sure if ita status for the print/theme alone

>> No.7516806

>Wouldn't wear it myself, but not sure if ita status for the print/theme alone
Yes, it is

>> No.7516949

They do custom size if you order before the reservation ends, don't they?
It would need to be made to measure, I'm very fat I assure you.

>> No.7516965

your story is just what she would of wanted. stories of her as a gothic ita crazy weeb

>> No.7516975

This one always makes me sad. It's like her family is really poor and maybe really awful given that I've known some rock bottom people who would never live like this. And maybe this is the first real "pretty" thing she's worn and she really wants to be a Lolita because of everything that comes with it (the polar opposite of this room) but she missed the mark so bad because she doesn't know any better

>> No.7517007


Is that a tablet or a phone, lel

>> No.7517046

Maybe cameltoe was the wrong way to put it but the weird bunching of fabric at her vagina.
That doesn't really get me as much as the color difference between her legs and her face.

>> No.7517048

haha oh lawd thank you

>> No.7517472 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 630x630, kk her u go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517474


>> No.7517476

Careful with all that edge

>> No.7517522
File: 102 KB, 960x720, IMG_8707675921750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just posted again lel

>> No.7517536

what dress is this?
i like it in beige but i can never find it

>> No.7517553

This girl is in my local comm. She doesn't listen to the concrit we've given her. She's completely convinced she can turn that train wreck into a real lolita dress, but doesn't listen at all. I've even shown her those "anatomy of a lolita" images and she still doesn't get it.

>> No.7517558

This. Every piece advice given to her is met with what honestly seems like a snide remark. That dress was originally WAY bigger in the waist, someone suggested she take it in, and her response was, "Well I wasn't wearing a belt".

>> No.7517560

Sorry, this was in reference to >>7517522. I don't know to 4chan.

>> No.7517563

Jesus, apparently I don't know how to talk either.

>> No.7517574

She just said that the bloomers are hand-me-downs and were made for clowning and I just???

>> No.7517577

Oh please tell me someone has caps...that just sounds like gold.

>> No.7517583

Maybe they should just implement a 3 strike system? If she's completely awful and doesn't listen to advice and shows up 3 times looking and acting like a trainwreck, she should just be banned. Just my harsh opinion though.

>> No.7517584

I'm on my phone but if anyone else wants caps it's actually up and active in the mentoring group, if anyone else wants to cap right now.

>> No.7517600
File: 364 KB, 489x748, yellowdresscaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come with caps. She's yellow. Blue and red are mentors.

>> No.7517602

iowa trainwreck in slow motion

>> No.7517606
File: 179 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2014-04-24-19-21-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't cap everything cuz mobile but heres the bloomers

>> No.7517607

Ty anon
Ty so much

>> No.7517608

Please don't lump all of us in with her. There's a few of us that actually know what we're doing, but the rest....

>> No.7517638

Hasn't someone told her to just burn it all?

>> No.7517651
File: 40 KB, 431x575, 1978893_10152414086806617_2159286089351656971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the other local girls just made this for her and she posted it in the mentoring group like it needs to be validated there. I swear she doesn't believe anything we say. She just keeps asking different groups hoping one will finally tell her it's perfect and she's great.

>> No.7517665

would somebody please find the fucking story behind this. I swear to god, thats a house that I've been to before delivering food to poverty level people.

>> No.7517737

This one looks like some kind of Halloween party, judging by the skeleton decoration in the background. Not ita if it isn't even attempting to be lolita in the first place.

>> No.7517740

It's at least five or six years old. That's all I know.

>> No.7517758 [DELETED] 

It's at least five or six years old. That's all I know.

>> No.7517806

>It's at least five or six years old.

01.10.2010 14:15


>> No.7517814
File: 187 KB, 800x619, 1391943287704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do but their cut is really high waisted so even with measurements might not fit right if you're busty. I'm also very fat, and busty, which is how I know. As for food prints I think an elegant cutlery print might a little less joke-inducing than sweet cupcakes or something, but honestly if you're really fat someone is going to have a problem with you wearing lolita no matter what. Be careful if you are really sensitive - otherwise wear what you think makes you look good and do your best to coordinate it well.

Anyway to get back on topic...

>> No.7517817


Literally the worst.

>> No.7517820 [DELETED] 

lolita slender-man
what's worse, the outfit, or what's happening in the background?

>> No.7517821

Either this picture is shooped or I am incredibly disturbed by her elephantine calves and ankles. Seriously, she's skinny in the torso but then it looks like she's hiding walrus flippers under her skirt.

>> No.7517822
File: 222 KB, 960x1280, slnder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita slender-man
what's worse, the outfit, or what's happening in the background?

>> No.7517826
File: 62 KB, 400x534, tardis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same girl also made "Lolita Tardis"
I heard she's working on "Lolita Olaf the Snowman"
I can't wait.

>> No.7517836

My friend is a huge Dr. Who fan and before she got into lolita, she kept telling me how much she wanted to do a cosplay coord. So glad I talked her out of that.

>> No.7517848
File: 129 KB, 385x640, 11393443445_efb3c942bd_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, from the thumbnail that looked like a cute normalfag skirt, like from Modcloth or something. Bonus points for Tostitos bag full of trash.

Here's another Dr Who lolita.

>> No.7517850
File: 629 KB, 960x720, 1382413328628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking mess

>> No.7517858

3.5 minimum then, and it could have been edited at that time.

>> No.7517859



>> No.7517867

I'm pretty sure this was posted ironically in a ita dressup thread

>> No.7517884

>towel over a rodent cage
It doesn't matter what rodent, but judging by what's inside I'm guessing it's a rat and I hope she learned her lesson after that thing got shredded
If it's a fucking guinea pig with that wheel in the cage though I will actually anally assault her with a machine gun

>> No.7517914

holy shit you are retarded.
that was from an ita dressup thread, she was trying to look bad

>> No.7517949

it was

why post dude

>> No.7518196

It's not paper bags, it's paper tape. There are lots of tutorials on how to make your own dress form out of duct tape or paper tape. They are pretty nifty since they are an almost exact mold of your body and really helpful for getting an perfect fit.

>> No.7518203

The max Baroque will go for custom is 110 bust and 98 waist. They can do skirts bigger though sometimes.

>> No.7518211
File: 325 KB, 2048x1536, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7518256

Isn't that Hildekitten's friend?

>> No.7518385

Holy shit if that's a paper tape dress form she did a shit poor job and/or that thing is collapsed to the point of being useless.

>> No.7518585

It comes up in a google image search for fandom lolita, sorry mang. Call google retarded then.

>> No.7518702

For real? That sucks, I like a lot of their stuff. Thanks for telling me though.

>> No.7518802 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mutfix3vky1qkb228o7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"As a classic lolita with lots of solid colored and floral dresses, sometimes I struggle to come up with thematic outfits. When our local comm planned a meet to the Miami Science Museum and Planetarium, I decided to turn my black MAM OP into a space dress!
I found the nebula fabric at Joann’s and cut out some of the planets and made appliques of them, then I made a belt and bows out of the same fabric. I also added puffy glitter star stickers to the dress and to my hair.
Dress: MAM
Bag: IW
Shoes: Bordello (borrowed)
Tights and necklace: off brand
All else: handmade"

>> No.7519274

>search fandom lolita
>find this image (obviously from 4chan archive)
>view page
>ita dressup thread


yeah you're still pretty retarded.

>> No.7519925

Agreed. I grew up in the middle of nowhere. You either lived tere because your family was rich enough to spend the $60 in gas a day to make it to the city to work a decent job and spend the weekends at home in you're 5+ acer property with your custom built home in the middle...

Or you were poorer then shit and lived in a trailer or run down double wide you bought for $200 to house your family and either worked in one of the 6 bars in town, the general store, or the automotive repair shop, which were all over priced, because otherwise you'd have to drive an hour away to get something else.

This picture makes me really sad because it reminds me of some if the kids I went to school with :/

>> No.7520058

I know. I was all excited when I found out they were doing custom on the circus print, because the previous one they didn't so I thought they had stopped. I planned out this really great themed coord and everything, and then when I went to reserve it they told me they couldn't make it but they could *try* to make me a skirt. I look terrible in skirts.

>> No.7520328

Same, skirts aren't flattering on me either. What brands have worked for you?

>> No.7520889


>> No.7522059
File: 39 KB, 656x471, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my shit.