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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 152 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_n2s7dwXU9V1tvpqxoo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7506097 No.7506097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a girlfriend who is into cosplay?

>> No.7506105

Be an attractive, confident, outgoing, tall male and approach them and ask them out.

>> No.7506179

First, create the universe

>> No.7506255

What if they already have a boyfriend? Do I need to be into cosplay necessarily?

>> No.7506261

>no bitchy, gossiping Lolita girlfriend who'll spend all your money on clothes
Why live

>> No.7506269

1) buy matches from your nearest drugstore
2) take out your wallet
3) Light match
4) burn wallet.

I created this 100% accurate girlfriend simulator. You should try it OP!

>> No.7506273

This is the perfect boyfriend simulator.

>> No.7506306

Why are you dating guys who act like women? Why not just date women?

>> No.7506317

Its guys acting like guys. They love nothing more than a gf who pays for everything.

>> No.7506321

But the wallet won't turn into cute clothes.

>> No.7506335
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id just like to point out that this rin is ranking like a B- on the ZR territory. absolutely disgraceful.

>> No.7506344
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Scale from 1 to Taylor Swift, how bitter are you?

>> No.7506472

If they're single, they're ugly. If they're not ugly, they're crazy. If they're not crazy, they're too young for you. Just get an onahole instead.

>> No.7506521

This one time I dated a girl (who cosplays, of course). Holy shit, she loved ordering expensive food and I always paid for the dinners since she liked being the 'girl' of the relationship. Also tried to do that anime thing and rest her head on my shoulder all the time. I think I'm going to stick with guys now, since I want to be the one being pampered and cuddled with. Speaking of which, how do I get a hot cosplay boyfriend?

>> No.7506524


Cutting edge comedy!

>> No.7506536


>emotionally stable
you can only pick two

>> No.7506539

I'd offer to date you but I'm not hot or even attractive.

>> No.7506541

I'd offer to date you but I'm not emotionally stable or even sane.

>> No.7506543

If you're looking for someone to do in Cosplay then go for the girls in plain minimal effort costumes. Cosplay girls who put lots of work into making or spend lots off money to buy them won't ruin their costumes with sex.

>> No.7506544

You could try checking the archives cause we've had this thread 248723593 times

>> No.7506546

I'd offer to date you but I don't cosplay. I can barely even sew.

>> No.7506555

Don't have sex in cosplay, silly, unless that's a fetish that you need to indulge.Or be like me and the cosplayer that I dated for a while and just don't have sex at all.

>> No.7506585

I just figured part of why they're asking is because they want kinky Cosplay sex.

>> No.7506592

Is it possible to have a girlfriend who isn't ugly, cosplays, and doesn't have shit taste?

Cause that would be pretty awesome. Of course, I already abide by these standards myself (except for the cosplaying). I wanna cosplay, but I can't make clothing look good at all.

>> No.7506612

It's possible but it isn't the easiest thing to find

>> No.7506625

Aim for girls that are average looking. Go to panels for the series and games you like. Avoid girls who are cross playing yaoiboiz, they might try to drag you in.

>> No.7506630

Its possible but it will take some searching but try your best to stick to your standards. One of my friends was like "Omg dating a Cosplay girl with big tits." Yeah great buddy, but she's 5' 1" and 180 lbs, with the personality of a spoiled toddler and the face of (book) Dolores Umbridge.

>> No.7506631

I'd offer to date you but I'm fat

>> No.7506634

Don't sell yourself too short because you're fat. An ex of mine was cute but so bony it hurt to cuddle with him. Now dating cuddly guy with fluffy beard and its awesome.

>> No.7506656

>with fluffy beard
I have a fluffy beard and every straight girl ever hates it. Guys appreciate it and lesbians braid it, but I can't do anything with that.
It also prevents me from ever cosplaying anybody with a face so I've resigned myself to spending somewhere between two years'- and a decade's-worth of weekends fabricating the world's greatest Panzer Cop suit.

>> No.7506660

Cosplay is just dressing up for attention. Getting a girl into cosplay is like shooting fish in a barrel. Rather than going for a girl who is already into cosplay just find any girl and get her into it. So long as there is a promise for beauty and admiration she'll be all up on it. Just ask the 50,000 normalfag sluts who dress up as Cammy/Yoko/Power Girl at every con despite not giving two shits about the subject material.

>> No.7506684

Normalfag sluts don't want a beta shit anime fag though. You're fucking up your own neckbeard canon.

>> No.7506690

Protip: Don't be like
And automatically assume skimpy cosplay equals a slut. If they're dressed like that, chances are no boyfriend is around to stop her from doing what she wants. Never hurts to talk to someone anyways.

>> No.7506695

we need a cosplay dating hookup thread

>> No.7506786

Please no. It always ends in a bloodbath of slut-shaming and [gender]-hating.

>> No.7506796

>Rather than going for a girl who is already into cosplay just find any girl and get her into it.

OP here. While this sounds more logical, I don't know if it's really a good idea... I mean, that would mean changing a person instead of accepting her like she is.

>> No.7506802

>that would mean changing a person instead of accepting her like she is.
People rub off on each other. It's normal.
In this case, you'd just be a little more influential than usual.

>> No.7506818

Girls change their bf's habits all the time and think they can change you into the perfect bf. Just get a girl to date you and set up a couples cosplay of a series you both enjoy.

>> No.7506846

My boyfriend is like this. I end up paying for like most dinners and he often asks me to buy him stuff.

>> No.7506847

You sound mad.

>> No.7506876
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I have no idea.

But a couple months ago I paid 300 dollars plus expenses for a date with a cosplayer. We went to a convention and spent the whole day together. It was fun as hell.

>> No.7506880

Nah, just tell her it's you fetsh. 80% probabilities of succes.

>> No.7506905

I'd expect "You have a FETISH? Eeeeeewwwww!"

(I do have a set of fetishes but cosplay isn't one of them. Although I talk about them sometimes with internet people, I'd still keep them under wraps from my romantic partner until I was *very* comfortable with them.)

>> No.7507023


wow he's a total faggot


>> No.7507066

H-He's a nice guy usually, just a total cheapskate.

>> No.7507145

>H-He's a nice guy usually, just a total cheapskate.
Err um that's not a cheapskate I am one and I just don't like spending money so I budget as best as possible and spend minimal amounts. If i were your boyfriend we would split like 90% of things and I would surprise you and pay for everything randomly so not to seem like a complete shit. This is why i like feminism allows me to go on date with girls and sometimes they want to pay for they automatically want to split (all of my love).

>> No.7507151

You're a sugar momma.

>> No.7508592

>Dolores Umbridge
you could just said 3/10, shitface, or anything but no you had to put a harry potter reference
thats a mayor deal breaker and girls complain when whe reference something or do any nerdy shit

>> No.7508604

Tonight on Murray - bitches getting used and making up excuses

>> No.7508615

And I clicked the wrong reply. Moot make an edit function for this plz

>> No.7508732

I'd offer to date you but I don't meet enough of your requirements to be a valid option.

>> No.7508744

drop pics

>> No.7508790

Sorry anon but really this is all I can see whenever she talks about what cute anime girls she looks like.

And I'm a chick btw.

>inb4 omg girls talking shit about each other

>> No.7508796

I only say this because I forgot to add with skinny guy he had stubble that felt like sandpaper. Even after growing out a beard it was still stabby feeling. I guess by fluffy I should have said "silky feeling?"

>> No.7508803

Inversely, let me know of any tips to get a cosplaying boyfriend... (I'm skinny and cute why is this so hard)

>> No.7508814

You're on 4chan for a reason. I've dated girls from 4chan before. It's never ended well.

>> No.7508838

They're a pretty rare breed in the first place.

>> No.7508842
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>> No.7508847

Valle, you're here for a reason too.

>> No.7508860
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>> No.7508873
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>> No.7508890
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this nigga wants a gif battle
Game on, bitch.

>> No.7508900
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>> No.7508905



>> No.7508922
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>> No.7508930
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>> No.7508931
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>> No.7508935
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>> No.7508945
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>> No.7508948
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>> No.7508950
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>> No.7508954
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>> No.7508967
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>> No.7508975
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>> No.7508980
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>> No.7508982
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>> No.7508989
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>> No.7509003
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>> No.7509010
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>> No.7509017
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>> No.7509020
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>> No.7509022
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>> No.7509035
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>> No.7509040

>tfw ok looking and desperately want a bf, but every time a guy approach me romantically I usually turn away in disgust & silently mock him
What's wrong with me

>> No.7509049

Possibility that you're running defense because while you want a bf you're afraid of it going bad and don't even want it to start so you convince yourself that it wouldn't be worth it.

Possibility, though, I'm just guessing.

>> No.7509061

Now you're just being betamax.
Surprise, women are people too, and they have things that interest them sexually.

>> No.7509064

I-I guess you're right
I'm just so discouraged from pursuing a romantic relationship when it's so hard for me to keep friendship or any kind of relationships with people in general

>> No.7509066

Then don't pursue one and take life as it comes.

>> No.7509300

I dated a prominent cosplayer for four and a half years.

It's not worth it.

>> No.7512468

post yourself

>> No.7512578
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While I don't have any good experiences with dating qt3.14 cosplayers, I'd like to find someone down to earth that enjoys watching anime now and then. That's almost impossible considering those who hide their powerlevel are hard to find for obvious reasons.

>> No.7512591

>(I'm skinny and cute why is this so hard)


>> No.7512628

>Even after growing out a beard it was still stabby feeling.
Dumbass probably didn't condition it.
My beard looks like it'd be all wiry and shit but it's actually as soft as a baby's ass. It only gets hard and rough after being exposed to extreme heat but nobody wants to come near me when I smell like burnt metal and argon, anyway.

>> No.7512642

The first cosplayer I dated I met because we were cosplaying from the same show.

The second one was just an anime nerd that got into cosplay because I did a few costumes and we liked to do creative stuff together. Mine were always shit so I gave up but hers got really good.

So either just cosplay and meet someone or meet someone then cosplay.

>> No.7512696
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Can agree. You don't need to hunt a relationship, typically whne doing so you're gonna run into the wrong kind of people for you.

Just let it happen naturally, meet people and talk. It won't be immediate, it won't be perfect the first time. BUt don't give up.

>> No.7512724


Know that feel bro, I hide my powerlevel deep as fuck and of course most other vaguely normal fans do too and so none of us ever find eachother.

Thankfully there are other things I enjoy more but, would be nice to be able to watch muh animu with someone else. Such are the tradeoffs of dating anyone I guess.

>> No.7512974

>tfw no qt3.14 cosplay gf

Not even poor or ugly. Just social skills of a preschooler.

>> No.7512992

>tfw no qt3.14 cosplay gf

Not even poor or ugly. Just social skills of a preschooler.

>> No.7513003

better not get one.

>> No.7513019

I'd offer to date you but you probably aren't attractive.

>> No.7513087

I'm afraid your boyfriend is a special case.

>> No.7513599


ok, I'm a cosplayer and I have no idea how a date with me at a con would be fun. elaborate lol

I just picture a guy following me around and holding my bag XD

>> No.7513656

So if you actually got a qt3.14 cosplay gf, how would you feel when guys start looking at her the same way you used to?

Would you get her to stop wearing revealing cosplays?

>> No.7513688

I pick pretty and smart. Emotionally unstable is pretty easy to handle.

Also smart is more attractive than pretty.

>> No.7513699

You're tsundere. Lots of guys are like that too esp in the anime fandom. Except nobody likes tsundere guys because they're "predators" and "assholes."

>> No.7513714

male cosplayers are super rare because cosplay changed somewhere along the line. We used to be everywhere until it became a "chick's thing" and the general way to handle drama with guys is to just tell everyone he's a rapist.

Most guys are chased out of the hobby just simply because they want to avoid drama. I ran away pretty quickly even though I cosplayed for quite a long time. I still do what's considered "cosplay," but it's a different hobby with different people.

If you want to avoid jerks, but want to keep cosplaying, then you might want to get into larping or sca or reenacting or steampunk. The people there have drama but not quite as much drama and they're a lot more fair about it. More guys there too, and they're a lot nicer and open to give you the shirt off their back. A lot of us make good money too, and would appreciate a shared interest relationship.

I'm single but I'm kinda saving myself for someone who won't empty my wallet and act like a total douche.

>> No.7513722

What. I would probably hang out with you for free only if you were chill as hell and not some creep, I love hanging out and talking to people.

>> No.7513726

someone make one pls

>> No.7513732

Is there any hope for us in this world anon?

>> No.7513801
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I wouldn't be able to afford a qt3.14 cosplaying gf

>> No.7513817

Shit dawg, you got scammed.

There's plenty of girls out there that would take $150 + expenses to go and hang out with a guy for a day at an anime convention. You got fucked over with the extra expenses on top.

The only way I would pay $300 is if she dressed up as a character of my choosing and she would give me a hug at the end.

>> No.7513826

Guys at anime cons are desperate as fuark. He probably feels grateful that he was allowed to hold her bag for $300.

>> No.7513830

he's fucking other girls on the side btw,100%

i know because that's what I'm doing :3c

>> No.7513868
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oh no im drunk on a tuesday night and all the people i tried to call on skype wont answer

>> No.7513878
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show me your dick on skype

>> No.7513886

What do you find attractive about him over all other guys you could choose?

>> No.7513891
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i dont have one, mmm, haha

>> No.7513896

Bullshit, because if you didn't have one that would mean that you are a woman, and if you are a woman, then you would have at least two or three beta orbiters who would answer you immediately without question.

>> No.7513898
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most of the skypes i tried were women probably with their boyfriends

>> No.7513904

Why don't you try talking to your beta orbiters then?

I mean, every girl should have a beta orbiter! If you don't have one, I could possibly be your beta orbiter..

>> No.7513906
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Kinda wanna take the b8

>> No.7513916
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i wouldnt consider anybody ive met to be much of a 'beta' except th e ones who use tired memes like 'beta' in conversation

>> No.7513927

Beta isn't a meme. It's a way of life for virgins who don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.7513931
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sure lil buddy

>> No.7513940

It's not something that a succubus could possibly understand.

>> No.7513947
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We Skype now

>> No.7513948

i would never date a guy like you!

>> No.7513959

>i would never date a guy like you!
Said every girl ever.

Besides, I've given up on dating. Now all I do is professional orbiting. Need an emotional tampon or someone to tell all about how good you were laid by chad last night? I'm your man.

>> No.7514020
File: 81 KB, 300x531, Shirous_jackhammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gf to cosplay as rin while i give her a good jackhammering

>> No.7514024


You sound like my type

>> No.7514043

We did a bunch of activities, she was super cuddly and held my hand the whole time. She was cosplaying one of my favorite characters as well.

It was great.

>> No.7514052


were you cosplaying as well, like matching cosplay? :3 because that would be sooooo cute^^

>> No.7514060

One day I'll be the Lawrence of a Holo...

>> No.7514066


Pls don't classify real people into anime archetypes anon, particularly ones usually used in wish fulfillment TV/manga. Shouldn't have to say that's not how irl works.

Any anime fan (male or female) self-consciously trying to pull off some sort of shtick is just going be irritating and...probably alone.

>> No.7514073

ITT: sweeping judgements about human beings based on a single interest of their and/or their gender

To OP: Just make lots of cosplay friends! Don't always be going for that goal, just socialize and have fun and the attention will come eventually. This is assuming there is nothing really wrong with you.

>> No.7514092

Is anyone's fantasy here to take a decent looking guy and help introduce him to the world of cosplay including things like teaching him how to sew and make his own costumes.

Because I kinda want to do this whole cosplay thing but don't know where to start

>> No.7514098

No I wasn't. I'm too ugly for that.

I was just wearing one of my anime t shirts.

>> No.7514104


do you think there would be money in that business. Cosplay escorts who just spend a con hanging out and having fun with you. No sex.

>> No.7514115

Maybe, most guys who go to cons are rather poor. I don't wanna brag but I don't have money problems, my co-workers spend much more than I did on actual escorts when they go partying etc

>> No.7514126


well I would be aiming for that few who can afford it. I also think it would be fun being a cosplay pimp

>> No.7514139

Are you super cute and entertaining? Maybe you could do it.

>> No.7514148


I am a professional magician but I am a guy so no guy will pay for me, and my mom says I'm handsome if that matters.

>> No.7514264
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>a girl was actually in the Skype call


>> No.7514269

I just wanted to let you know that you have great taste in 2hu.

>> No.7514715
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Remi is Mai waifu

>> No.7514811

u dont

>> No.7515157

I feel like we've had this conversation before here.

>> No.7515548

Same way you would get a girlfriend in any other hobby. Integrate, get talking ????? profiteroles

>> No.7515589

>wanting to date a gril interested in dressing up like Chinese cartoon characters
>not just making your slam piece wear what you're in the mood for

Stay beta plebs.

>> No.7515610

are you that /jp/ faggot that was posting in the touhou thread

>> No.7515894
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>social skills of a preschooler.
I know that feel, anon.
I'm just absolutely incapable of connecting with people beyond friends/school mates. Both with guys OR girls... (I'm /fit/ and handsome why is this so hard)

>> No.7515934
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>/fit/ and handsome
Great self esteem m8

>> No.7515965

Once I started cosplaying, cosplayers started being interested in me. A lot of them are shy but open up around people with shared interests, especially when you present the opportunity to do couples cosplays. I'm sure some of it is the goal of simply not being yet another single girl at a con, but once I'd done a few costumes I got a lot more attention from multiple girls (even when I wasn't dating anyone).

>> No.7515972
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It's not even a matter of self esteem. It's a matter of knowing how to interact with others beyond being friendly or working/playing together, which I don't know how to do.

>> No.7515998

How do I get a girlfriend?

>> No.7516102


Then you back off, Jesus Christ don't hit on girls if you know they're already taken, they're probably not interested then

Also it's easier to talk with others in cosplay imo, less creepy at least.

>> No.7516122
File: 87 KB, 960x959, 07917f12-7422-459e-adf4-4d13575d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me
> cosplay
> go to cons and not be totally awkward. (only like 45% at most)
> instant hit with the ladies

still no gf tho ; 3;

>> No.7516821

lets start it on neutral ground on /soc/. thats what the board is there for. No catty seagulls there.

anyone down if I start it?

>> No.7516859

Fuck no I don't want anything to do with those creeps on /soc/

>what's cosplay?
>do you mean you want to be a sub for an older dom?

>> No.7516862

>/cgl/ + /soc/
>oh hey somebody took 700 pictures to find one with a bunch of tit and hair covering half her face and then plastered 10 different filters on
>10/10 asl skype kik dtf?

no thanks

>> No.7516887

lol ok, then where could it go. There is apparently a demand (however small) for a cosplay hookup thread. I'd be happy to start it here, but drama. Anybody have any ideas?

>> No.7516889

There's no demand for it. It's just lonely guys being lonely and virgin as always. Girls would rather just get a boyfriend in real life and not here.

>> No.7516924

Urgh I hate you, nobody cares about your FAMOOOSE ex.
You're obsessed.

>> No.7517671

Why put all this effort into being pretty if all you want to bag is some kinda neet/social degenerate without any money.

It's not impossible that it would happen, but it's certainly not worth most people's time to lurk on some board in hopes of finding romance. They have better options as a whole, I feel.

>> No.7517709

It's always a good idea to be really close friends with them though. Subtly suggest intimacy with her. If she has fights she has a good chance of breaking up with him and looking to you.

>> No.7517788

I think he's trying to demonstrate that he's well-versed in cosplayers' bullshit. He has a lot of experience and therefore his testimony is worth more.

>> No.7522178

Ouch, I'm skin you and yeah, fat is picked over thin anyday. A girl will not date you if you weigh less than her too.

>> No.7522184

I luv u <3

>> No.7522196 [DELETED] 

That's fairly creepy to try and be friends with somebody just out of hope for a situation like that to occur, which it may never occur depending on the person and even if it does you'd probably just end up as a rebound or some shit and things would be really complicated.

You're better off looking for a single person without baggage like that. People should make friends because they want to be friends, not for weird ulterior motives like that.

>> No.7522204

That's fairly creepy to try and be friends with somebody just out of hope for a situation like that to occur, which it may never occur depending on the person and even if it did you'd probably just end up as a rebound or some shit and things would be really complicated.

You're better off looking for a single person without baggage like that. People should make friends because they want to be friends, not for weird ulterior motives like that

>> No.7523050

Hah I did this to my last gf. My current fwb buys shit for me too.

>> No.7523149

You might say that, but they actually do exist. Personality archetypes do exist. Otherwise anime archetypes wouldn't exist either. My guess is you've never met one yet.

Also, your response is a typical response for someone with said archetype. Most people that would be considered in that group would deny being that archetype or would state they don't exist.

I've dated three gals that fit this archetype to a "T", and male cosplayers often also fall into the same archetype.

>> No.7523794

How do I get a boyfriend who's into cosplay? Because every time I approach a cute guy at a con, he's always taken.

>> No.7523804

Lurk here for all the thirsty /fit/s and /r9k/s

Especially the suggestion threads, you can always spot the ones who don't cosplay and pretend they're into it

>> No.7523806
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>> No.7523880

Makes me wonder if there's an online dating site for anime fans/cosplayers/etc.

>> No.7523882

there's Otaku Booty but I have no idea if people actually use that
you can probably just use plentyoffish and okcupid but it'd take more sifting

>> No.7523892

Keep on trying, female cosplayers always outnumber males and you wouldn't want to touch what you find on online dating sites. Maybe write guys you like on Coscom/ACP and see what goes?

>> No.7523893

The same way you get a normal girlfriend. O wait, you're not able to do that either :^)

>> No.7523904

Go back to [s4s].

>> No.7523921


>> No.7524206


Surprisingly, there are anime fans that get a decent job and have tons of money. When you are socially inept, you never go out and save everything leaving you with tons of extra money.

This is why buyfagging exists. Normally people would never consider paying those prices.

>> No.7525339

Approach them anyway. A lot of guys look like they'd be taken but you're competing with a bunch of other girls who also don't know how to talk to guys, so he's more likely single than you realize.

>> No.7525519

I'm a fit male cosplayer but I never get approached and while I'm not socially inept going up to random cute cosplayin girls and hitting on them seems like I'm a. Only there to get laid 2. Creeper status

>> No.7525838

Man, I guess I have to keep trying then.

>> No.7525854

Try the ones who aren't dimes. The chubs/ugs are probably more on your level anyways

>> No.7528166

Can we make this into a flow chart?

>> No.7528192

Oh lawdy, I snorted due to laughter.

Change thirsty to bitter and hate filled and I'd say you're on to something. If you're an emotional masochist then meeting someone cross-board is a sure way to have enjoyable relationship.

>> No.7528213

I'll be your bitch, gossiping lolita gf if you give me cash.

>> No.7528219

Ah man, this reminds me of my current situation

>Checking out local anime convention
>Notice on a facebook page that a friend of a friend is into cosplay
>She's very pretty too, which is unusual
>And she's the same major as me, which is even more unusual

I really want to ask her out, but there are two things stopping me. One, she's got a boyfriend and I'm no relationship thief. And the second one, even if she was single I don't have the confidence to because I'm not sure I have the time for a relationship or a lack of self loathing to be with someone else.

>> No.7528495

If you want to be happy in life, it is not enough for you to be good to succeed. Others have to fail.
As >>7506472 pointed out, the single ones will be either crazy, ugly or have other issues. If you really want a girl you're going to have to compete against someone whether you like it or not.
>I'm no relationship thief
Why the fucking hell would you feel compassion towards someone separating you from the object of your desire. Just ask her out. You wouldn't even be thinking about this if she didn't give you signs beforehand. You're already single and a weeb. You don't really have anything to lose.

>> No.7528499

You don't "get" a girlfriend you fucking retard.
God damn shit, every board I go to always talks about the same "feel" bullshit.

Anyone who treats a relationship as a thing, and not as what it is, doesn't deserve to be in one.
What I mean is that a relationship is a relationship between two people.
Not something that you can hone or craft, or attain, it's a noun, but it should be treated as an adjective.

Am I being clear here?
You shouldn't want a girlfriend, or try to get a girlfriend, what you SHOULD be doing is trying to form relationships with EVERYONE.
That's right, treat people like people and you'll develop relationships if you two have chemistry.

You shouldn't do it for validation, or because you just think you're supposed to have a girlfriend.
Because then you're just reducing both parties, as well as the relationship, to possessions.

>> No.7528853

I wouldn't normally post this image but holy shit, that kind of edge doesn't sound like it'd be helpful for any healthy relationship.

Also this whole notion of "you wouldn't be thinking of this if she didn't give you signs beforehand" is silly. Its that attitude that makes some people think that everything with two legs fancies them, they just keep telling themselves that everybody is giving them "signs".

>> No.7528862
File: 63 KB, 400x366, 1368903817640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I done goofed..

>> No.7528896

ding ding ding. To get a cosplayer gf, you have to cosplay yourself. Cosplay girls are wary of outsiders, they know you just like them for your sex kinks. If you play the game, you win.

Same philosophy as the one guy in ballet class. ALL the dancers get a crush on him, because he is the only one there, sharing their hobby and a lot of their free time.

Hell, I'll even use myself as an example. I would get dudes hitting on me all the time at cons. Flattering, sure, but you feel like they're only doing it because your ass is hanging out. (True!) My last 2 boyfriends were cute as hell cosplayers, that *I* chased and asked out, because they were talented and I knew we had similar tastes. So. It works.