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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7496620 No.7496620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask for advice, suggest products, give tips etc.

>> No.7496959

Stupid question, anons, but what should I use for that white glow underneath the eye in OP's pic?

>> No.7497374

You mean the water line? White eyeliner would work.

>> No.7497800
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>> No.7497803
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>> No.7497812

Which brand of bronzer do you guys recommend?something thats not shimmery pls

>> No.7497819

I'm looking to purchase a new set of brushes. I'm not going for the cheapest ones, but I don't wanna pay too much either. I'm looking for a couple of bigger brushes (something for blush, something for liquid foundation) and a good variety of eye brushes. Any recommendations?? Googling just gives a lot of stuff which isn't helpful.

>> No.7497890

personally I use a lot of ELF's studio line of brushes, but I've heard good things about coastal scents and real techniques.

>> No.7497894

ELF studio line (and the 1 dorrar eyeshadow blending brushes) are decent
Coastal Scents
Zoeva has amazing brush sets for a decent price
ebay has $16 Sigma set knockoffs. some people say they shed, some say they're exact duplicates. I ordered a set last week, but it's going to take another 2-3 weeks before they arrive.

>> No.7497898

So I'm kind of new to make up and I want to wash my brushes. While the make up stores sell some sort of formula it feels expensive to pay 20$+ for it. Should I do it anyway or are there better solutions (heh).

>> No.7497901

which eyebrow pencil would you guys recommend for doing a strong, dramatic brow (satsuki kiryuin, etc)?

>> No.7497912

I love bareMinerals stuff, but powder make-up is definitely an acquired taste.

>> No.7497916

Use baby shampoo and save your money. It works fine.

>> No.7497926

I use Missha's auto eyebrow pencil.
(By the way how is it pronounced? Mee-sha? Miss Ha?)

>> No.7497938

I have yellow dry skin that breaks out a lot, can anyone recommend a yellow-toned BB cream that doesn't make your skin flake or break out?

>> No.7498043

This isn't a makeup question but a beauty question. I didn't see a beauty thread, so hopefully it's acceptable here.

I NEED to wash my hair almost every day. I work out/train six days a week, and I end up dripping sweat. It would be disgusting if I didn't shower. How do you suggest that I take care of my hair?

>> No.7498055

Don't shampoo, just rinse, it'll get rid of the sweat and you won't smell, assuming you're showering right after a workout. You're going to have to tell us what you're having problems with/what results you want.

>> No.7498065

i've tried to just rinse my hair, but then it ends up getting pretty oily at the roots and feels dry at the ends (which i fixed by just conditioning the ends). i'm starting to get a dandruff problem, and my hair feels weaker.

>> No.7498076

Sephora's brushes are pretty good. Not the most expensive but definitely not the cheapest. I would put them above MAC quality.

>> No.7498078
File: 36 KB, 500x281, tsukimi face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here's a question. So let's say your character is well known in the series for her abhorrence of makeup, but you're no dummy, and you know you have to wear makeup, also want to make yourself look a little more stylized and "kawaii," any good "no makeup" makeup tutorials that don't result in you looking like a circle lens ad? Pic very much related.

>> No.7498081

I use a chanel pencil in light brown but it can get really dramatic looking if I draw them in heavy. I really like the smooth texture of the pencil and the spoolie that comes with is thick and perfect for blending it out.

>> No.7498084

Definitely use neutrals and nothing glittery.

>> No.7498090

Dry shampoo works pretty well for combatting the oily roots. Obviously, don't use it on your wet hair. It sounds sort of counter intuitive, because you're still using a "shampoo," but it's less harsh and will let enough of the oils from your scalp remain to keep your hair healthier, instead of stripping them completely like wet shampoo does.

>> No.7498088

Hey guys. I've been using this as a makeshift concealer in Luminous 1 fair/pink
but I need a real concealer. It covers okay, but not enough for my dark circles. Can anyone suggest nice concealers for fair skin? My skin's also oily at times if that matters. I have a hard time because everything ends up orange or yellow on me.

>> No.7498097

Even out your skin with foundation that's not too heavy. Fill in your brows and maybe gel them if they get crazy. Next use a little mascara (preferably one close to your hair color...brown for blonde or black for darker hair) as well as tightline your eyes so they don't look itty bitty in photos (once again if your have fair coloring use a brown not black). Then use chapstick and you're done.

>> No.7498104

Hard Candy Glamoflauge. $6 Walmart concealer that does a better job than most high-end products.

>> No.7498119

is the Light 312 the lightest shade? It's not carried in my local store so I'm afraid of buying online and then being stuck with one that's yellow or too dark. ;_;

>> No.7498120

Alright, I'll try that. Thanks!

>> No.7498122

It's oily because your scalp is used to being completely stripped of oils, so it tries to combat it by producing oil in excess, which then get moved down by the water. Conditioner is apparently a fairly good replacement for shampoo, as well as baking soda & apple cider vinegar rinse.I started cutting down on my washings, and I've found that I need to rinse my hair longer than I normally would if I want to get rid of the extra oil.

I would also add that a bit of blush will go a long way, and that neutral eyeshadow would also be good.

>> No.7498129

Yeah, it's the lighest shade, but well-worth it if you want a heavy duty concealer


>> No.7498135

wow, that looks awesome, thanks anon! ill double check at my local wally world for it (since the site says they dont) before i order online!

>> No.7498185

how do i freckles
i just want kawaii freckles,please

>> No.7498528
File: 172 KB, 397x211, ellie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm cosplaying Ellie from the last of us, I've tried to do her eyebrow scar but it always turns out looking sloppy... any tips?

>> No.7498549


Mee-sha iirc

>> No.7498607


- your normal base coverage (foundation/bbcream)
- fill in your brows with dark brown/black (your character has some strong eyebrow game going on there anyways)
- tightline upper lashline with a soft brown
- curl lashes and either use clear mascara or a black/brown one that doesn't clump and makes your eyelashes that looks soft (not crusty and hard - doesn't have to be the most defining stuff, choose something that makes them look full and fluffy)
- lip balm

- soft brown eye pencil on the outer lower lashline, connect at the corner with the top line, extend slightly out if you prefer
- very light handed peach/coral blush
- a bit of lip gloss

>> No.7498743

Oh man, are you me?
This seems to be a particular problem for those of us with olive / yellow skintones. I have incredibly dry and acne-prone skin myself, so I have to be very picky about both my skincare routine and my makeup. Here's my method to success:
- Use a primer that gives your skin a soft or "buttery" texture. Avoid ones that are toned (ie. green) because you're going to have to apply more foundation/concealer overtop to hide that, and the less makeup on dry skin, the better. I recommend Revlon's Photoready Primer.
- Use a BB cream instead of foundation. I really recommend Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream. I use #23. It's got a great yellow/olive tint to it, it doesn't clog up my face or make it greasy, and it has pretty decent coverage.
- Use a setting spray instead of a powder. Powder + Dry Skin = BAD NEWS. But without something to hold it in place, your makeup will smear off during the day or cake up and make your skin look more dry. I recommend Urban Decay's Chill Spray, which is made especially with dry skin in mind.

>> No.7498917

Any advise on Kojisan lightening soap? I just ordered a pack of it.

Basically don't go outside without sunscreen and drink lots of water, right? I've used Korean exfoliating soaps before but apparently Kojisan soap is a lot harsher.

>> No.7498948

Is it like papaya soap? I've used it and it really strips the skin of moisture but for oily skin it works great. I also noticed that my redness had been reduced and acne was at an all time low for me.

>> No.7498960

Use Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap. Bottles come in a variety of sizes and it has multiple uses. I prefer the peppermint version to wash my brushes and my face. Squeaky clean, anon!

>> No.7498962

Oh that's great! My face is just a tad bit oily so I guess it'll even out.
I'll have to try papaya soap sometime too. I can't wait for the package to arrive!

>> No.7498972

Any cheaper ones that work just as fine?

>> No.7498974

I'm relatively new to cosplay and i'm going to dress up at a con for the first time in June! Basically what I'm wondering is what stuff should I get and in what order should I put it on??
Also the character I'm being wears black lipstick, would matte or glossy be better, and what brand would you recommend?

>> No.7498997

It's not exactly make up, but do you have any suggestions on eye lash serums?

>> No.7499000

shave your eyebrow

>> No.7499046
File: 130 KB, 1352x1083, hourglassambient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried any of these ambient lighting powders by Hourglass. You can get it at Sephora. They're supposed to give your face a natural glow without the shimmer/looking oily depending which powder you buy. Each has a different purpose.

>> No.7499145

I ordered some circle lenses. It'll be my first time using them. 15mm diameter. Are bottom falsies necessary for lenses this big? I've never used bottom falsies before so I'm a little worried I'll look silly

>> No.7499149

You can get away with mascara tbh. It depends on the kind of look you want.

>> No.7499409

Portland Black Lipstick Company has a gorgeous black lipstick.

>Basically what I'm wondering is what stuff should I get and in what order should I put it on??

Skin care routine (optional)-> Moisturizer -> Primer -> Foundation/BB cream -> Eye primer -> Eyebrows -> Eyeshadow -> Eyeliner -> Mascara/false lashes -> Lip balm -> Powder/lips/bronze/blusher/setting spray/whatever else you want

Some people use (loose) powder first and then apply their foundation for a more dewy look.

also, "Make-up Makeovers Beauty Bible" by Robert Jones (it's on scribd.com) is really useful. he talks about different face/eye/skin/makeup types and what kind of makeup complements specific shapes.

>> No.7499427


NYX has a couple of setting sprays, and depending on how you like your makeup to look, it comes in matte finish and dewy finish. If you're concerned with looking dry, I suggest the dewy finish.

>> No.7499435

Does anyone have any favourite makeup books? I wanted to start a little collection of them for improving my makeup and trying out new techniques, and I'm really interested in which ones you'll recommend.

>> No.7499449

Robert Jones - Makeup Makeovers: Expert Secrets for Stunning Transformations
Make-up for dummies, great if you don't know where to start

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro
Another good book that covers the basics

Brian Wolfe - Extreme Face Painting
Facepainting, but there's some inspiring stuff to be found

Makeup Is Art: Professional Techniques for Creating Original Looks
Covers more artistic make-up.

Kevyn Aucoin - Making Faces
Mostly photos accompanied by a short tutorial to achieve the look.

>> No.7499564

If you really need to shampoo, only use a small amount on your scalp and roots area. Then use conditionner on the rest of your hair. If you have oily hair, try to put the less conditionner you can around your roots, so that you hair doesn't get extremly oily quickly.
Also, if you take medium to long showers: wash your hair at the beginning, put some conditionner on without washing it away, pin your hair up with a clip or something and go on with your shower. Then at the end, unclip your hair and get the excess conditionner out (not all of it). And there you go, a small hair mask every time you take a shower.

>> No.7500038

>>7497912 I bought my first bareMinerals powder today and I'm already head over heels in love. I'm over 30 and this stuff makes my skin look ten years younger without any foundation. I've had it on for almost 10 hours and there's no greasiness or shine and it looks even although I've had glasses on.

Marseilles soap is hands down the best and costs nothing

>> No.7500300

can anyone recommend a foundation similar to Kat von Ds? Cant get my shade anywhere

>> No.7500356

Just use regular antibacterial dish soap.

Make sure you just condition your brushes afterward by "washing in" some oil (olive oil, almond oil, coconut, whatever) and then rinsing it out with really hot water. Think of it like conditioning your hair. You wash it all out, but a thin coating stays behind to protect the bristles.

>> No.7500367

>TFW I have an real eyebrow scar like that

Basically, you're going to have to shave or pluck that area, or it's gonna look like shit.

So, look weird for a week or two till they grow back in, or you out of luck.

>> No.7500413
File: 31 KB, 560x544, hyhjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks for the advice man you're a great help

>> No.7500425

Not the anon but it's actually a viable option you know. I seen people shave lines in their eye brows to look ~edgy~ but I actually kind of like it.

>> No.7500468

Are you sure it would grow back, how long would it take? I don't want to shave it then not have my normal eyebrow afterwards...

>> No.7500615

Glue down the area you want to look shaved with a glue stick, wait for it to dry. Then use a layer of cream concealer(I recommend Coastal Scents concealer quad, but you can use whichever you like), next, powder with a matte powder that has some sort of coverage.

>> No.7500711

Takes about 2-4 weeks - I shave my eyebrows everynow and then because I hate pasting them

Question for me, I have a fairly roundish face, dark circles and I'll be cosing a female chara with a really baby face.
Mainly cos male characters so I have no idea on the blush and eye factors. Looking at keeping it as natural as possibe to

>> No.7500732

>are you sure it would grow back

Anon are you retarded. It's hair. It grows back. Girls pluck their brows all the time, and we have to keep doing it because it grows back. There's no way you could damage the follicles to the point of no growth by shaving in the first place, and even if you plucked it would be ridiculously unlikely.

My hair grows pretty fast, it would be almost unnoticable on me in about a week. Especially for such a small area, it shouldn't be a problem with growth.

>> No.7502640
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Is primer or foundation with 50 spf as good as sunscreen?

>> No.7502658

really dumb question. are you supposed to use bb cream under foundation or is that overkill?

>> No.7502662

overkill. Primer with either one is always a good idea but bb and foundation is just too much.

>> No.7502663

I always use bb cream first for most part of my face and then foundation for the parts that need more coverage like t-zone, eyebags and red things around mouth

>> No.7502669

i replaces your foundation and other skincare products. but if you like the result don't let us stop you, anon

>> No.7502674
File: 1.06 MB, 674x893, Ben_Nervous_Roof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm cosplaying the character on the left and I want to draw lines on my face to give it that comic book look. What would you guys recommend I use? I asked around and tumblr and was told to use Rimmel London liquid eyeliner or Wolf water based face paints. Are either of those good or should I use something totally different?

>> No.7502690

Is that Ben from the walking dead?
Drawing lines are your face isn't going to translate well to real life btw.

>> No.7502696
File: 129 KB, 600x700, 2d-or-not-2d-1-600x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going for something like pic related, or just a few black lines?

>> No.7502722

I'm about to start my first job and I'm really unsure of how to get my bb cream / concealer to not look like shit about 3 hours in. Not sure If I should post my routine...

>> No.7502729

do eet

>> No.7502758
File: 82 KB, 226x275, Beninfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's Ben. I've seen a few people do it on tumblr and I think I can pull it off. And Yes, I'm doing just some black and brown lines.

>> No.7502762

Are there any good BB creams for oily skin for Asians? Western brands are too dark for me. I've been to so many stores. Looking for anything that ISN'T Etude House. That brand is gross, please no.

>> No.7502768

Drawings lines in general or just for the character? I don't know much about The Walking Dead, but Borderlands cosplayers do that often and I think it looks pretty good as long as you don't go overboard.

>> No.7502776
File: 28 KB, 409x366, Raiders-of-the-lost-ark-melting-face_zps156d39a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before Makeup:
>Oxy Cleaning Pads
>Neutrogena Pore Reducing Toner
>Equate (walmart "brand" Cerave) Moisturizing Lotion
Make Up:
>Missha BB Cream
>NYX Concealer in a tub
>Coty Translucent Powder
>NYC eye shadow (in "Late Night Latte)
>Revlon Liquid Eye Liner
>Maybelline Big Eye Mascara
>Physician's Formula Blush in the lightest color they have.

I have very pale skin that is usually healthy. I don't get many pimples, but I use OXY since my SO's pimples are rubbing off on me. I put the makeup on and it looks great, but it just never lasts at all. I tried primers and they seemed to just clog the fuck out of my skin and make it worse.

>> No.7502796

Have you tried this?


I have pale, very oily skin as well and this has been under my usage for over a year. No breakouts or clogging.

>> No.7502799

Not a good idea, it hardly ever translates well. I would suggest using a matte powder to create heavy, tired bags. It's essentially what the art is portraying. Contouring powder would work great to cut in sharp cheekbones and jawline would tie the eye bag look together for an overall roughed up look.

>> No.7502801

Setting spray would do wonders. I use a primer and setting spray for cosplay, lolita, and any other time I use heavy make up or want am wearing make up for long periods.

>> No.7502808

I would buy that right now, but I'm quite a poorfag right now. I'm not really sure if there is good dupe products for primer and setting sprays.

>> No.7502813

Maybe this is a weird question, but is there some sort of primer you can put on your lips? Recs for long-lasting lipstick is also welcome.

>> No.7502819

Dunno if this is the right place to ask, but one of my arms is darker than the other due to excessive driving over the past week and it's pretty noticeable, at least to me. What would be the best way to lighten it, and can it be done quickly?

>> No.7502823

Urban Decay has a lip primer. Long lasting lipsticks will always be anything matte.

>> No.7502824


>> No.7502826

Thanks gulls

>> No.7502830

Drawing lines on your face don't work out well irl. I'm just letting you know

>> No.7502831

I love how everyone's 'pale' in the make up thread.

>> No.7502834

Try to exfoliate in the shower with a sugar scrub.

>> No.7502840

Meh, a lot of them ARE basement NEETs.
I have pale skin too, but incredibly yellow toned. Finding BB creams/foundations/anything is a bitch and a half.

>> No.7502852

Pale people on 4chan? No way!

>> No.7502856

..I'm.. sorry for my racial makeup? I'm European and Asian.

>> No.7502857

I think anon means that everyone says their pale because special desu, but they're most likely not as pale as they think.

>> No.7502868

I love how even within something as simple and what is supposed to be helpful as a makeup thread, there's always someone who needs to find something to bitch about.

It is seriously unbecoming that you women need to always, always find something to bitch about for literally no reason at all.

>> No.7502869


Even without being super omg vampire pale, most BB-creams are pretty dark for some reason, or an odd tone that is balanced out by a lighter shade. Notice how most people were asking for BB-cream advices.

>> No.7502874

But, being pale isn't special unless you actually live in an Asian country? Even here in America. porcelain skin isn't something they care about because it's different over here. My own family makes fun of me for being pale and says that I look sickly and need to get a tan. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.7502876

That's funny. I have the issue where bb creams are too light for me.

>> No.7502882

I feel you. My mom was telling me as early as age 5 that I need to tan. When she found out I just burned and shed skin like a snake,she urged me to use fake self tanners. I didn't want to use them cause that looked like shit on her. Now she has skin cancer and I'm 21 that gets mistaken for a 14 year old.

>> No.7502885

Maybe you need The Body Shop's kind, Clinique, or Philosophy. I tried all of those and I came out either pink or orange, veering on brown and my face didn't match my body.

>> No.7502888

OH GOD I REMEMBER SOMETHING LIKE THIS, TOO. My pale as fuck, Russian mother always yelled at me for not tanning and she was obsessed with trying to tan without using a salon. She ordered some kit off of home shopping network and it turned her orange for two weeks. I was dying.

She made me try that Dove energy glow bullshit years ago when I first started college and it didn't do shit.

>> No.7502889
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, #02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried pic related in Light/Medium and I came out really orange. I'm naturally pale but I didn't think it would be that bad. Which is sad because it's really thick and has SPF which would make it really good aside from the color.

>> No.7502892

I'm pale as fuck and never tanned and I'm 25 and get mistaken for younger a lot. I went to a tanning bed for the first time a few days ago and the lady who signed me up thought I was 18. I hope tanning a bit won't ruin all that. I just want nice color for shorts season.

>> No.7502895

Ew, yeah. That's what a lot of them look like when they're applied. It's why I don't use a foundation, either. It's like color separates itself from the rest of the cream and makes you look patchy and uneven.

>> No.7502905

Looks like it does on the box.

>> No.7502915
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, #03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except their color is wonky. This is the color I have and yet it looks even more orange.

>> No.7502913

Yes, but it doesn't look good on that person. Hence why it was a bad buy. It isn't blending and the color is too strong for that skin tone.

>> No.7502921

The point was why would you buy something that looks so obviously wrong for you on the packaging?

>> No.7502924

Well, the person who took the pictures were doing it for their blog and said outright that most BB/CC creams are too dark for them but wanted to try it anyway.

>> No.7502926
File: 65 KB, 598x340, 814dbd5e6f23fa6a5a571a636ec3d1fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus those two are the absolute lightest colors you can purchase for Hard Candy CC Cream.

>> No.7502945

Nars makes amazing, natural looking bronzer.

>> No.7503072
File: 128 KB, 688x386, 07db321d-9c99-47e3-b768-5a75065de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what to do with my eyebrows

>> No.7503079

This feel is mellow, mellow yellow just like my skin oh god I'm going to go burn myself in the sun goodbye cruel yellow-toned paleness heh heh

>> No.7503089

Get them waxed by a professional and as they grow back in pluck them. I'm horrible at shaping my brows (and they get looong too) so I do this. Wax them every month or so and pluck to maintain them.

>> No.7503148

last time i got them waxed they made them super thin and arched ugh.

>> No.7503153

You have to tell them how you want them. I tell them to just clean them up but keep the general shape. If you don't tell them what you want they will do what they think looks good, and it isn't always what actually looks good.

>> No.7503212

Does anyone have tutorials for makeup that will look good with Gothic Lolita and don't require circle lenses?

>> No.7504265

I need a setting spray that will have my makeup last for around 19 hours. The first 15 hours I won't be doing much and the weather might be around 25c at most. And the last 4 hours will be hot and sweaty. I have been looking around online and it looks like Model in a bottle might be my best choice. Have any of you tried it? Or are there other products I should look at?

>> No.7504280

Have you tried Urban Decay's setting sprays? I have "all night long" or something like that and it works well.

>> No.7504282
File: 53 KB, 451x347, make up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I use. I usually swirl the brushes for a minute then lay them on a towel to dry. For my liquid foundation brush I just leave it in for an hour before drying.

>> No.7504367

I'd do it
go big or go home

>> No.7504379

look for people who have cosplayed characters from borderlands
its gonna take a lot of practice to not look dumb, but some can pull it off

>> No.7504386

when you're too pale for the lightest shades of concealer, and you dont have the money to buy higher end stuff, you know you have a problem...

>> No.7504435

I've got a bit of a general question about foundation/powder. My face is rather bumpy (I was a picker as a child) and I tend to suffer from some redness. Currently I'm using a liquid foundation and pressed powder on my face, but it tends to look really powdery up close, making the bumps on my forehead really apparent. I'm also a student and can't spend huge amounts of money on make up, so I usually buy it from department stores (ie. Shoppers Drugmart). Is the powdery result just the nature of cheaper make up? Is there anything technique-wise I could be doing differently, or do I have to suck it up and shell out for more expensive/different products? (I'm currently using Maybelline's Fit Me Foundation and powder in 210).

>> No.7504441
File: 33 KB, 354x341, photo (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of ugly discoloration?

>> No.7504445

Mac fix+ spray

>> No.7504470

I have the same problem, but I'm lazy and just put concealer on it... I heard that lemon juice overnight will help bleach the spot

>> No.7504498

The spf rating is the same, but it won't last all day. Sunblock is supposed to be reapplied every few hours so by the time you get to lunch your foundation won't be protecting you at all. But sunscreen applied in the morning wouldn't be either.

How does it look without the powder?

>> No.7504509

i have a lot of redness problems on my t zone (i'm really pale)
is there any natural or cheap way to keep the redness down?
my skin is very sensitive, and by nature combination greasy
but if i use certain products it gets really dried out
pls help

>> No.7504534

I have absolutely no experience with setting sprays but I have been looking at that one too, from what I can see people use the urban decay one for everyday use and the model in a bottle for special occasions. But the reviews are very mixed so it's a bit hard to decide

>> No.7504539

A bit dewey, which I really dont like. It also takes forever to dry, and even when it does it feels gross to me. That's why I like the powder, because I feel like it locks it down and appears matte. I might try the spray from >>7504445, as it seems useful for all day/con make up.

>> No.7504550

How do I reapply sunscreen if I'm wearing it under makeup?

>> No.7504555

>is there any natural or cheap way to keep the redness down?
Dietary changes; avoid sugars and/or gluten + dairy.
It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but that's how I got rid of the redness on my face. I tried aloe vera and the oil cleansing method but that shit didn't work for me.

>> No.7504568
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Quick brow question.
I have super thick dark brows.
Just Idk anymore.

Make up wise should I fill them in still?

>> No.7504584

yeah, just take a lil brush and a dark brown and use light strokes

>> No.7504624

Don't use dark brown, use a light brown. Using a color close to your eyebrow color will darken them a crazy amount

>> No.7504651

How long does mascara typically take to dry?
I've tried two or three different brands (last two waterproof) and they always smudge or flake. I think I'm doing it wrong.

>> No.7504682
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You may be applying too much, and you're really not supposed to blink for a few seconds after applying it either. You may be applying it too close to your lashline, as well.
My eyelashes are naturally red, but I use my eyeliner crayon to color on the base of my lashes so that I don't have to apply the mascara so far back; I only apply the mascara to about 3/4s of my eyelashes and I only use about 3 or 4 strokes of it to keep them from looking chunky and nasty. Pic related is the mascara I use and I love it a lot.

>> No.7504686

Thanks! I'll be extra careful next time. Do you think layering them would be good too? After it dries of course.

>> No.7504689

I wouldn't do it, personally...my lashes are already kinda thick though. If they were thin though, I'd rather wear falsies than have gobs of mascara on.

>> No.7504690

great thanks Anon
Im try playing around with stuff.

>> No.7504692

Eek, well I guess that's a bad idea. Thanks again! c:

>> No.7504704

Seconding this mascara. Or the Lash Blast stuff, both good.

>> No.7504800

Can anyone recommend an eyeshadow palette that has good colors but isn't too expensive? I just realized I've had all of mine since highschool and I'm 23 now so I should probably replace them. I was thinking the e.l.f 100 color one here, but I've only used their brushes so I'm not sure of their make up quality.

>> No.7504880

Decent UD Naked 1 & 2 substitute

These have amazing pigmentation for a drugstore brand
Sunrise, Bad Girl, Vintage Romance, Storm and Original are all bretty gud. $10-$15 each on Amazon.

I'd invest an extra $5 in
even the sheerest, shittiest drugstore eyeshadows look good when you use Milk as an eyeshadow base

>> No.7505112


With a a good primer, and for the brighter colours, a good base, you'd be surprised how well the colours will come out. They might not ALL be the best shadows, but you're going to find some very nice ones in a palette that large, and with all of the different shades you have a lot of different options to play with.

>> No.7505121

Coastal scents has inexpensive eyeshadow.

>> No.7505178

I know this has already been answered, but figured I'd give the advice so it's out there. I don't use a primer, but what I do to make my lipstick last for forever is use a lip liner, and fill in the whole lip, then set that with a translucent powder (feels weird on your lips but worth it), apply the first coat of lipstick, blot, apply powder again, and then apply the second coat of lipstick, and blot lightly one final time. I've had non longwear lipstick last literally all day by doing this, and being particularly dainty while I ate.
As far as long lasting lipstic recs, I love Smashbox's lipstick, and it stays put, especially the matte shades. $20 a tube, so not cheap, but I say it's absolutely worth it.

>> No.7505198

Anyone has any anti-wrinkle eye cream they think they could rave about?

>> No.7505201

I was a picker myself and I'm suffering right with you ;__;

I use Almay Smart Shade and use Elf's studio line finishing powder. The liquid covers enough and the finishing powder essentially fills in any left over gaps. Almay runs similar in price to Maybelline and often times is on sale at drug stores and/or has coupons available to use. Elf never has coupons/sales. The powder costs $6 but lasts for a really long time.

I've also heard great reviews on Bare Minerals powder, but runs a bit pricey. If I had the money I'd totally at least try it out.

>> No.7505205

>saw some on people on tumblr do it

try to see what may be wrong with this statement

>> No.7505210

why's it gross?
I dont find it gross but I've been unsuccessful with them. I got oilycombo skin and like how Skinfood's Afternoon Tea BB in the Peach kind applies, its for oily skin. Doesn't do me good now tho coz the color is too close to pink for my yellowy skin. Still not a pink tone tho I'm just a bit fussy.

>> No.7505215

Nyx setting spray, grab a bottle. Sticks onto my face all day! Primer is important but not so much for BB creams

>> No.7505216


wear sunscreen next time, and from now on.

>> No.7505219

don't use beds or sun, use tan creams

>> No.7505226

I'll say it again - Palmer's Cocoa Butter Eventone cream (with the Japanese mushroom in it I think) took out at least half the discoloration from my acne scars, and the box totes other kinds of discoloration too.

>> No.7505230

they look great natural, you'd be better filling those for special occasions

>> No.7505237

Thank you! I'll check these out when I go shopping for make up next week! yeah, having been a stupid kid who touched your face a lot sucks :( I'm still trying to get out of the habit of touching my face. I find wearing make up actually helps though, because I'm too afraid I'll ruin it, so my hands roam elsewhere.

>> No.7505283

Pale girls, what blush do you use? I just can't tell which one will look good on me.

Warm skintone btw

>> No.7505295

Does anyone recommend a good curling mascara?I'm cursed with sraight downwards asian lashes, but I'm curling them every morning + night to "train" them. I feel that if I curl my lashes and don't apply anything on them they keep the curl even longer than if I apply mascara. Is this because the mascara weighs them down?

>> No.7505304

seconding this. I always sleep with the same side of my face to the pillow and there's fine lines under that eye but not under the other and I hate it so much.

How can I get rid of them? Do I need to go get botox or something, it's like half of my face is ten years older than the other

>> No.7505346
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sage for not actually contribootin, but still related to makeup

>> No.7505357

tarte has really nice colors for their compacts and i started using one of their cheekstains that i love

>> No.7505387

Lip brush recommendations? I bought one of the coastal scents palettes but this is pretty much the first time I've needed a brush, I usually apply lipstick straight from the tube.

I'd pat it on in small amounts. I think you can get some spray sunblocks as well which you can pat in

>> No.7505389

Oh god the only thing sadder than lolita without makeup is someone going all out goth with no makeup.

>> No.7505390
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I was given a free NYX mosaic powder blush in the shade "Dare" and I fell in love with it. It isn't too intense of a color (which is usually a problem for me with my really pale skin) so it is perfect for everyday wear. There are some darker and warmer colors in the mix which warms up your skin just enough to make it look glow-y and healthy.
It is a bit shimmery tho, so if you aren't into that it might be a negative point.
Also it is cheap which is always nice.

>> No.7505396

:^( i dont understand why people would dress in a pretty, feminine style and then go out without any makeup on. it makes everything fall flat. its like going to prom in a pretty gown and having bedhead and an oily face.

>> No.7505421
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This one's pretty yellow

>> No.7505494

I got really dry skin, all flaky and red rashes around my nose and chin area. I know I need a nice skin tonic/toner in my cleansing routine, but the last 2 I got enhanced the rash and made me look sick. I've been looking at Biotherm's toner for dry/sensitive skin (The Biotherm Biosource one) but it's a bit expensive so I want to hear recommendations first

>> No.7505692

That's most likely contact dermatitis. See a dermatologist or get an over the counter corticosteroid cream.

>chronic sufferer

>> No.7505695

Oh. I've never heard of that.. I'll look it up. Is it a normal thing?

>> No.7505714

i think anon probably means seborrhoeic dermatitis? i have it too, it fucking sucks


its basically like dandruff for your face

>> No.7505725

Oh my. Mine doesn't itch or hurt though. It's just there. But thank you, I'll consult a doctor when I have time

>> No.7505742

if it bothers you and you don't have the time to get to a GP maybe try some over the counter hydrocortisone cream, maybe?

i personally used the avene eau thermale line for atopic skin (the trixera+ stuff) and it helped soothe it, you might want to have a look at that too.

>> No.7505771
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Check out First Aid Beauty products, especially the Ultra Repair Cream. It's a little on the pricey side, but it's really great stuff, especially for sensitive, dry skin.

>> No.7505785

Not OP but Glamoflauge is way too heavy for everyday wear and undereyes. If you're looking for affordable I used to use Maybellines Instant Age Rewind and that worked well. Now I use Pixi's correction concentrate and it covers up blueness perfectly.

High end I hear IT Cosmetics and Benefit make some good stuff (I used bo-oing and erase paste but it was too dry for me)

>> No.7505786

I've never done it but maybe you could get like prosthetic fake skin and glue it over? And then you can try to blend that into your skin

>> No.7505812

Any chance we could make this a makeup/skincare/hair general? I wanted to know if you guys had any good hair masks because my hair has been so dry

>> No.7505841

Coconut oil all day erry day.

I also have this:
>2 tablespoons honey
>1 tablespoon olive oil
>1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
>Apply mask to dry, dirty hair. Comb through with a wide-tooth comb or your fingers. Pin up your hair for 30 minutes to an hour. Shampoo and condition as normal.

>> No.7505886

what is going on on No. 7?

>> No.7505887

Does anyone have a good foundation to recommend for someone who has combination skin? My forehead and nose are usually oily and my cheeks are incredibly dry (and sometimes flakey)

I need something with decent coverage but everything I try looks cakey and I want something "natural". I'm prepared to spend a lot.

>> No.7505891

She's putting on lower lashes

>> No.7505925

Lioele curling and volume is pretty good for holding a curl, but I don't use mascara that frequently so am not sure what it would be like for everyday

>> No.7506060

I have a few tattoos on one of my arms and I'm considering getting some Dermablend so I can cosplay without having to choose stuff that covers my arms. Is there anything that would seal it well enough that I won't have to worry about getting concealer all over my clothes? I don't think regular setting spray will cover it.

>> No.7506163
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I have heard that these work.

>> No.7506172

Ok, so I just started getting into makeup, and I have two questions:

1. I have reddish cheeks most of the time (not sure if it's rosacea), so should I just skip the blush? It looks kind of weird putting pink on my cheeks when they already look like I've put blush on them.

2. I have hooded eyelids. What's the best way to put eyeliner on? I heard that pulling up your lids makes them saggy later on.

Thank you so much!

>> No.7506241
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>I heard that pulling up your lids makes them saggy later on.
oh my god, hooded eyelid here and have been doing that.

>> No.7506247

I also have very pink cheeks. However, I find that my BB cream covers them up for the most part, so to compensate blush is necessary.....
Also, even if my BB cream did not cover it up, my redness can sometimes be uneven or in a place that is not flattering so blush is necessary, I just use a nice light pink.

So long story short, yes, still use blush.

>> No.7506254
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In the end it's up to you if you decide to do it or not anon, it can be done but it really doesn't look so great outside of photos, and you'll need to practice getting smooth consistent lines.

If you do, I suggest a a good waterproof felt tip eyeliner. Not sure about the brands you listed but the felt liners are like pens so it makes it a bit easier

>> No.7506285

Please help me.
I am a basement NEET but my skin will not lighten. In my baby photos, I seem to be maybe a NC15 in MAC language.
Right now I am an NC25 and no matter what I do I can't lighten my skin.What do Ido.

>> No.7506289

Try Canmake or Shiseido Majolica Majorca. They are around 10-20 dollars, not too much.
Never trust palettes with that many colors, usually the quality is shit.

>> No.7506793

What sort of pillowcase do you have? Apparently satin is better for not contributing to wrinkles.

Egg and olive oil if it's dry (google for exact amounts). I also like the Aussie 3 minute miracle treatment.

If you find liquid foundations too thick for daily wear, you can sometimes mix them with lotion. Personally I'd go with something like the Shiseido cakes that you use a damp sponge to apply, that way you control the coverage.

1. It depends on the distribution of the redness, but in general yes, rosacea tends to be across the apples and nose which isn't exactly where I'd apply blush. Cover with a green concealer and foundation and then go lightly with the blush. I go for a lighter shade of blush than my actual flush, it's more about highlighting the face than mimicking natural redness.

2. I think that's a myth unless you're being brutal with them.

Accept that maybe it's the lightest your skin will get and move on.

>> No.7506811

i might try the pixi stuff, thanks anon! i tried the bo-oing on in sephora and it was yellow on me unfortunately.

>> No.7506839

i have this palette anon, most all of the natural colors work well, but some of the blues/greens/purples dont have very much pigmentation. also the blacks and whites. greys work fine.

>> No.7506942
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If I'm pale enough that the lightest shade of all foundation brands I've tried makes me look like I've smeared self-tanner on my face, I think that counts as pale. And very relevant to a makeup thread.
So has anyone tried these two yet? I think the green one is supposed to be super pale (would love to see it compared to Missha #13) and formulated for oily skin.

Also man I wish looking like an albino cavefish made me special desu as opposed to a target of constant concern-trolling. Where I live, being pale is very much not in style.

>> No.7506964 [DELETED] 


>> No.7506978

I use a blush complementary for my skin tone but use the flat fan shape brush and apply delicately

Get one of those anti wrinkle pillows, they're double crescent shaped. Google it, its the first result I'm on a shitty phone as per usual so I can't easily help linking it to you without this tab refreshing sorry (my phone is that bad). they're called Save My Face

>> No.7506984

Baby's have thin and immature skin
Welcome to the adult world

>> No.7507083


Move to Japan, you'll be worshipped.

>> No.7507104

Hey /cgl/, I'm trying to get like a white base clown-type makeup by the end of the day. Do you guys know places that would sell something like this and are open on sundays?

>> No.7507105
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Josie Maran's Argan Color Stick. Extremely natural and easy to apply. The neutral pink is just perfect for that healthy glow. It's better for a more daily/subtle make up look though.

>> No.7507155

/cgl/ I need some skincare advice. I have a acne and blemish free clear face and nice skin but my back shoulders and chest are covered In zits and scars and it keeps getting worse. I have chronic bane even though I shower daily and use lots of body wash and even acne scrub. I don't know what to do. I drink lots of water and see a dermatologist but nothing helps it's been like this for years. I read a review recently about papaya soap supposed lunch helping clear skin of acne and I was wondering if this worked for anyone here?
Does any one have anything else to suggest? Thank you.

>> No.7507159

Sorry for typos I'm on my phone

>> No.7507196

I have that occasionally, I use Body shop strawberry scrub shower gel every day and then dab teatree oil on the spots. It's gotten loads better, I can actually wear backless tops now

>> No.7507208

were u based?

>> No.7507235

Papaya soap is wonderful for drying out acne and helping to lighten scarring especially from acne. All my Asian friends use it to look paler and I use it to even redness.

>> No.7507280

Can you recommend a specific brand or know a recipe to make it? Because I have so many ugly dark spots on my back

>> No.7507555

Tea Tree oil from lush?
I'll try that thank you.
Seconding this. Is likas soap good? I heard kojic acid soap is really good too.

>> No.7507565

I need some skincare help, if anyone can offer me anything.

I have awful keratosis pilaris on my legs, it looks like acne, It's nasty. So, I started exfoliating them every few days with apricot scrub (which I got for my face, but it's way too harsh for that) and moisturizing the fuck out of them. They got better for a little while, but now they're turning all red and spotty again.

What do?

>> No.7507633

Likas is a good brand. Hit up any Asian market and they'll have it.

>> No.7507639

I have keratosis pilaris on my legs too, what I found to help is using (pure) aloe vera gel as a moisturizer. It's not very cheap and I have to do it daily, but it's pretty much the only thing that helps for me.

>> No.7507651

Is pure aloe vera gel just the sticky liquid from inside an aloe vera plant?

>> No.7507660


>> No.7507665

Cool, my aloe vera plant is growing pretty big so now I've got a use for it now.

>> No.7507683
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I dont know if this fits properly here but is there a proper shade of black to dye your hair if you look "washed out" from it? I prefer to have black hair (gothfag) and I hate how it makes me look sick in an ugly way not "heroin chic" at all. Warm colors tend to compliment me but black is decidedly Cool, right?

>> No.7507691

Yep. Maybe get black with a warm shine or something, like those that look purple in the sunlight (not sure if there's other colors). Or just really dark brown.

>> No.7507800

I just get pure tea tree oil form the drug store, cheaper than lush.

>> No.7507814

Dark brown-black looks better on nearly everyone than blue-black, which is what most "black" hair dyes are.

>> No.7508356

Any advice on wearing bigger alice bows or other head dresses on natural hair? My hair is thin and limp and most bows look so silly on me. I hate wearing wigs and extensions, they are so heavy and painful :(

>> No.7509370

hair powder, dry shampoo and lots of backcombing

>> No.7511282

Rather late for this questions but I was wondering if anyone one knew of some youtube videos with tutorials similar to OP's pic? I know there's a ton that are kind of like that but I was hoping for as close to spot on as possible.

>> No.7511458

I was looking for vids with ギャルメイク (gyaru makeup) and came across TheGODMake, looks like they have quite a few gyaru/general asian makeup how-tos

>> No.7511590

Could I get a recommendation for a good highlighter? I was previously using Estee Lauder Ideal Light in Soft Pink, however while I don't mind shelling out money for good makeup I have found many cheap items that are just as good as some of the more expensive ones. Would appreciate so much if people could share their favorites!

>> No.7511645

How can I make my makeup look cute? My eyes are almond shaped I think, but no matter how I do it, I end up looking like a pornstar. I want to look cute, not scandalous.

>> No.7511662


less eyeliner, and possibly lighter eyeliner if you are pale (brown instead of black)

white eyeliner on inner eyes, and I think a little dab of white eyeliner or eyeshadow on your lids around the area of your pupil makes them pop

>> No.7511666

Use More brown and pink as eyeshadow/eyeliner. Black tends to make people look older. Even if you use a little black, don't line your bottom line.

>> No.7511674

As a guy trying to get into makeup: How the fuck are you supposed to do eyeshadow? I can't close one eye by itself without scrunching the shit out of it. Am I just retarded?

>> No.7511682


um, probably

try to make your eye like it would be if you were blinking and took a freeze frame in the period in which your eye was closed, or like it would be if you were closing your eyes to go to sleep

>> No.7511689


close your eye and look up with your eyes closed if that makes sense

>> No.7511765

I don't even close my eyes for eyeliner or shadow, I just raise my brow and tilt my head to see from under my lashes. I have ridiculously bad astigmatism and if I close the other eye I can't see anything.