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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7503530 No.7503530[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I Fucking love lolita but im a dude and all I can really do is draw dress and admire them. Is there like a male lolita or anything?

>> No.7503536
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>> No.7503537

You draw dresses?

>> No.7503538

Ever heard of a brolita? They are dudes who wear lolita. They wear the dresses,make up and all the acessories that go with Lolita

>> No.7503542

yeah but its kind of a secret thing

>> No.7503544

I want to see. You can show us, anon-chan.

>> No.7503545
File: 162 KB, 467x700, 1395822628637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god that's so cute!!! I don't think i could ever pull that off though because my hair is really curly

>> No.7503547

>curly-haired kodona boy
t-that is my fetish
i want to make cute lolita babies with you, anon.

>> No.7503548

i don't have any that's on my saved computer. i usually just draw them when im on the train back from work on a random note bool then stuff them somewear

>> No.7503550


Sure you can! You just need to learn to style it to look princely.

Or you can just wear a wig like everyone else...

>> No.7503552


pls anon. become a curly kodona boy.

>> No.7503556
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asdfghjkl im flattered i really am but i wear a beanie all the time to hide most of it. its also like a safety
>>7503544 if you want i could sketch something digitally~
>>7503538 i would but i work in a high performance body shop and if anyone found out id be shunt upon


>> No.7503554

back off he's my fetish!

>> No.7503558

only option is to get a kawaii lolita girlfriend who you can make coords with and help pick out dresses for.

>> No.7503561
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; u ; please stop fighting about it I'm probably not even attractive to you guys

>> No.7503559
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just go brolita (male lolita), it was initially stated by a guy anyway

>> No.7503595

Buy a doll/ dress her up.

Or maybe are you the 1% men who are Andreij Tier and would look good in drag.

>> No.7503596

get a kawaii rori girlfriend and dress her up

>> No.7503875

Fuck anon, you're embarrassing me. I have friends who lurk /cgl/ They're gonna think you're me.

>> No.7503897
File: 95 KB, 480x640, 0a86efd0ecf07bdaa877b1706f16df2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the worst case you could still wear a animegao mask.

>> No.7503898

>spending $800 for a souless dead eyed weeb mask.

>> No.7503900
File: 107 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mhbq1nAZqd1rn2bo5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't think you can pull of being a brolita, definitely consider ouji or aristocrat. Also consider checking out your local lolita community. You seem to have a serious interest in the fashion so I think you would be welcome to join them for lolita get-togethers and events.

Also the doll thread has some examples of lolitas dolls you could start collecting/dressing up. >>7474237

>> No.7504064

high five my man!

>> No.7504069

or..i could buy a normal mask

>> No.7504082

see that's the thing I don't know anyone that's in to it. people to really see me as fashionable because i usually wear skinny's and a tee shirt with vans. maybe i should stop hiding it right?

>> No.7504086

also i live in the miami are so its ussally a bunch of douchebags and spray tanned dolls walking around, or its the wanna be thugs and scene kids.

>> No.7504091

Your best bet is to just do it at cons then.

>> No.7504102

dude Miami as 2 cons a year. I hate this fucking place someone rescue me

>> No.7504128

Join the lolita community in Miami/south Florida...?
Because they have meets and stuff outside of cons.

Also if you're willing and able to travel, there are other Florida communities too for lolita. There are guys in them.

>> No.7504141

well i found a facebook page so hopefully that will help. Thanks!!

>> No.7504195
File: 156 KB, 850x537, CURLYBROFIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curly hair UNITE

>> No.7504229

Sorry bro, the only thing to do is "invent" your own male lolita fashion. Personally I don't think it has to be frilly, if you view it in a "lolita is like the epitome of feminine innocent fashion" way. Although men's fashion in the not-so-distant past was also frilly, so if you'd like you can also take from that sort of inspiration.

Something like >>7503900 is what I would aim for. Suits, travelling capes, nice jumpers, basically the same kind of eyecandy for men that lolita is for women, only dress it up a bit (ex. the patterns, and more layers). Instead of frills, I would call for more elaborate designs/patterns (like smocking on a vest or something) and there could be some "feminine" touches in the accessories, such as a handkerchief with lots of frills, a scarf, or a hat with lace and flowers or something.

I would also stick to dark or earth tones to help avoid being called a faggot. With clothing that looks more old-fashioned, you can much more easily get away with wearing (knit) tights too.

>> No.7504317

OP it just pleases me to know you exist. :)

>> No.7504319

He doesn't really have to "invent" his own fashion because it already exist? I'm trying to be hostile, but did you not read the thread? (or even the post you were quoting?

>> No.7504343
File: 163 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mr5xrdBQcu1s01fyuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "invent" your own male lolita fashion.
Ouji/kodona is already a thing.
Search those tags on tumblr for many, many examples, OP.

>> No.7504352

I'm not* whoops
But seriously anon, lrn 2 read

>> No.7504365
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>not knowing what Ouji is
Top kek

>> No.7504475

H-hello friend
There isn't much of a lolita comm for you to join down here...

>> No.7504691

well i wear alot of black so maybe a could work something of my own style in to it. Thanks anon!!

>> No.7504693

I'm glade to hear that!

>> No.7504696


>> No.7504703

become a designer?

>> No.7504707

Come to Tampa anon we have a pretty nice community.

>> No.7504738

I live in Miami too.
There's actually a few cons a year around here.
and if you don't mind going to fort lauderdale there's even more.
There is a free one in the Doubletree tomorrow. But it's UM's con so... it's not good or anything. Called Hurricon. Probably going to go for a bit since it's next to my house and why not.

I also want to get into lolita but I don't have the money for it yet. Need a job.

Also, I tried joining the South Florida Lolitas facebook group but I've gotten no reply yet and I had also sent a message to an admin :(

>> No.7504809

I wish i could! tampa has alot of cool stuff but im in a ae86 that wont last the over night drive :{

>> No.7504813

My little sister wanted to go and i was like mmmmm nah dosnt look good. i drive out to tates like once a week to buy manga and junk so maybe one day ill run in to some of you

>> No.7504835

Wow Tate's is way far from me, I've seen them at cons but never been.
If you're coming down for Supercon you'll see me there! There's quite a few Florida anons actually

>> No.7504877

yeah ill be at supercon! I went to animate Miami and it was such a blast, man

>> No.7504882

I'll be volunteering.
I actually had a lot of fun at Animate too. Got to hang out with a bunch of cool voice actors, it was pretty great.

>> No.7505211

Looks like I can just wear my lederhosen and be done with it

>> No.7505297

I'm in the same boat. The only problem is, I'm 6' 2"...not sure if I can do it with my height...

>> No.7505310
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>Comparing literal pleb attire to something like this
>being this inept at fashion
If you can't see the difference you shouldn't even try.

>> No.7506189
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OP I'm in the same boat. I fucking love Lolita fashion, but id be shunned by everyone I know if they found out I like such girly things. You're not alone anon

>> No.7506217
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I'll take "New to /cgl/ for 600, OP"
>daily double
>the term for a make lolita or anything
What is "brolita?"

>tfw $1200 richer

>> No.7506228

Pretty much everything, there are many Taobao indie brands that offer custom sizing.

>> No.7506422

I'm this anon:>>7506189

Same problem, same exact height too.

>> No.7506423

lurk moar

>> No.7506429

Its hard to join groups on the get go coz its hard to tell who's serious and who's just lurking for fetish reasons/just looking for an unusual gf.
Once you get one serious outfit made I'm sure you're in. Then add pieces you can swap and change with pants etc and you've got yourself a wardrobe.

Plan it and it won't be too costly or time wasting.

>> No.7506433

My brolita friend is the exact same deal, except he's even more unfortunately taller (6'6''). He's slim though thank god.
Obviously custom make. We're in the middle of getting him a nice classic piece from Boguta on Taobao as a good starter. It cost half the price of brand new brand so you're not missing out on too much I guess.
You can do it!

>> No.7506540

Brolita / Visual Kei. The Japanese love to cross dress, I'm okay with this

>> No.7506718

that looks ita as fuck

>> No.7506825
File: 11 KB, 236x323, 55e7d460de15a77a67fdccf17ff13822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love! I really wish more guys were into Ouji.

>> No.7507087


I hope you don't mean pic related, because if so I have some news for you...

>> No.7507351

Oh no in terms of the clothes above that I replied to. I just wanted to add a picture too.

>> No.7507358

That wasn't OP.
I'm not a dude. I guess I just got ignored, which kind of sucks. I sent the message last Tuesday.

>> No.7509214
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1395650545262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even read through the tread?????

>> No.7509216

could you name some?

>> No.7509217

Surface Spell, Kidsyoyo, Dear Celine off the top of my head

>> No.7509229

thanks mate

>> No.7511193

I feel OP's pain to some degree. I'm a guy who loves the aesthetic of lolita and thinks it's just about the cutest thing a girl can wear. I'm not into the brolita thing or anything like that. I kind of introduced my ex to it and I loved seeing her get really into it and had fun doing photoshoots and stuff.

I want another loli GF...

>> No.7511201

Well you are in the right place. Drop your email here or flirt with lolitas at conventions. You can do it!

>> No.7511202

IMO Ouji/Kodona is a little too boyish to actually be pulled off by most guys, it goes better on tomboyish girls.

It'd be interesting to see something closer to period formal wear but with stylizations and embellishments similar to what lolita has. Only issue is how easily it could end up looking like shitty steampunk or really fedoracore.

>> No.7511224

Yeah, I just need to get over feeling like a creep for even considering it. I was in my last relationship for so long that I completely lost what little flirting ability I had and I'm in my late 20s, so I feel old compared to the lolis I meet. Also I'm a broke freelance journalist and can't buy burando stuff. I think girls also get scared off by the fact that my ex is a really prominent cosplayer.

>> No.7511245

>Muh ex
Your ex is not relevant, most lolitas know fuck all about cosplay. Even so, they wouldn't have to know who your ex is, bringing up an ex for no reason is a pretty weird thing to do anyway.

The best way to pick up a lolita seems to just be going up to them and being 'Oh hey I love that print, is it BURANDO NAME HERE?' and then asking them what they're up to.

>> No.7511268

All of this, anon. Take it to heart.

>> No.7511271

If it's at cons, people find out. There's always somebody who knew me back then around, or I get in a conversation about lolita stuff, get asked how I know all this stuff, say I had an ex who was into cosplay and loli and then get asked who she was. Dodging it makes it seem even weirder or gets me pushed harder on the subject. Believe me I try to avoid it though.

I really just need to be less of an awkward fuck lol. Whenever I get in those conversations I feel like whoever I'm talking to is weirded out by this random dude who's all into loli stuff. I get worried girls think I'm into ageplay or a pedo or some shit. (I guess it should be obvious in those situations that I'm not though, because I'm into Classic and Gothic and not really Sweet, so that's what people I talk to are wearing.)

>> No.7511330

So look...where do you live? Or less creepy, what cons do you attend?

>> No.7511333

SoCal. Honestly not all that sure about cons this year, almost certainly AX since it's close to me and hopefully Fanime if I can find a room.

>> No.7511365

No, of course he didn't. He's just a shit posting trip.

>> No.7511376

Not OP, but curious about guys and lolita communities. I know there are a couple in my general area, but I feel like I'd be intruding in some kind of secret girls club, as silly as that sounds.

There must be problems with creepers and the like, or guys just joining to be surrounded by girls, right? Idk, I guess I'm just wondering how a guy would join without everyone immediately assuming that. Are there any guys here in lolita comms, or girls who are in one that has a guy or two?

>> No.7511381

Valle is a man?!

I've been here too long, I can't keep up with trips anymore.

>> No.7511385

We have a couple of guys in ours. They're mostly the boyfriends of girls who were members, that gradually got pulled into the fashion by said girlfriends. The one guy who wasn't introduced that way has a lot of issues, but I wouldn't say he's creepy. Just occasionally annoying as hell because he's socially awkward.

>> No.7511390

Usually the guys who show up to meets are boyfriends of established members, brolitas, or both. I would say try to buddy up with a member before you go to a meet so they can vouch that you are not a creeper.

>> No.7511395

>tfw no lolita to dress you up and make you a kawaii boy

why live

>> No.7511402

Post in Lolita community threads. We are here!

>> No.7511418

I'm in the deep south (GA). Probably not a whole lot around here. Is it too awful and creepy to want to be some lolitas doll to dress up?

>> No.7511468


ATL has a huge lolita comm

>> No.7511496

Really? Where's a good place to start looking? I haven't lurked these boards -THAT- long.

>> No.7511499

What county/city do you live in? there are at least three comms in GA. The ATL comm is the biggest, there's a smaller Athens comm and another small Savannah comm

>> No.7511502

Full of bitches and drama. You left that part out.

>> No.7511525

I'm really close to Athens, I'll be a little closer to Atlanta this June.

Isn't that everywhere, though?

>> No.7511546

then I'd recommend looking into the Athens group and the ATL group. I've never had a problem with anyone, I just don't get involved with politics on the higher tiers, so no one ever bothers me and I always have a good time. Athens lolitas are in a super small group called 'Athens Lolitas' but I think most of them are all in the Atlanta Lolita Community. Best of luck.

>> No.7511561


Are you in deep south GA near SC or near FL?

>> No.7511577

Right outside of Athens, so fairly civilized. I've never seen any lolitas around here, though, so IDK.

I can find ATL groups searching around, but can't find anything about Athens, other than the ATL group apparently going to Athens for a day. Is there a portal site or something?

>> No.7511579

the FB group is called 'Athens Lolitas' I believe and it's open, it's like 12 people, but they do come to ATL and also plan meets in Athens.

>> No.7511582

oh and both groups are on facebook

>> No.7511611


>> No.7511684

I...don't know what to tell you. Lots of pretty girls in Atlanta, but tons of psychos. Look for girls in outlying communities who travel there.

>> No.7511799


I created a burner facebook account for now, hopefully they let me in their secret clubs. :(

>> No.7511816

It's Idolmaster cosplay.

>> No.7511849

I want you to be in my secret club.

My vagina.


>> No.7511918


Are you in GA? You can dress me up~

>> No.7511925

I am a Georgia peach! I wear gothic and classic, which do you like and what are your favorite colors?

>> No.7511953

I love classic above everything else, but sweet probably edges out gothic a little bit for me. I love reds and blues, and you can never go wrong with white or black.

>> No.7511958

Excuse me while I drive to Athens

>> No.7511968 [DELETED] 

Haha. Skype? name field

Don't need to cam or anything I just want to stop spamming this thread.

>> No.7511978

Welp guess I scared you off. Time to delete that last post before someone sees muh skype.

>> No.7512007

You didn't, I'm just slow and have no Skype. Take my email instead, if you care to.

>> No.7512290
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OP here, Nice to see people are getting along with each other! ive been working hard and went to my local comic book store to talk to some people and one of them was a chick whos in to lolita!! I got her info and i told her i was down to design dresses with her. Ill be checking up on here for more tips form time to time but if any of you'd like you can follow me on tumblr!-- satanswolfpack --