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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 720x960, 733828_10151582323742533_1237983210_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7497930 No.7497930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is a good cosplay make-up? Picture inrelated.

Raccoon eyes are a disaster and so is the white eyliner "anime" look. Lets talk how to do the make-up for cosplay right.

>> No.7497933


>> No.7497936

That's not solely related to cosplay make-up. I would like a thread without lolita, j-fashion, looking like a korean girl... tips. Just cosplay make-up.

>> No.7497941

There's not really a "catch-all" for every character. A weaboo shut in is not going to have the same makeup as a frilly magical girl.

>> No.7497954

I think it also depends what your end goal is. If you're going to a photoshoot, you'll definitely want dramatic make-up (even if the character isn't very made up). Lights wash out your face like you wouldn't believe.

If you're going to a con, you might go a little less than full stage make-up, as that tends to look weird in real life, and even then you'll probably have hallway shots you don't want to look like shit for.

>> No.7502186
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here's a tip that works for every character / all cosplay;

no matter what your eye shape, AVOID CHEAP LASHES. I repeat. AVOID CHEAP LASHES, especially those sold on ebay in 10 packs for a few bucks; they are shiny and photograph horribly.

Spend a bit more, heck if you want to be fancy on Japanese lashes. The quality is worth every dollar.

>> No.7502193
File: 125 KB, 612x408, yaya-han-0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make up like Yaya... it ages you. I'm surprised she hasn't realized it yet...

>> No.7502212

>ebay lash bunduru~
Oh god, those.
I made the mistake of getting some after a bunch of people on my facebook were raving about them.
They were completely stiff (not like mildly pliable stiff, more like I couldn't get it to shape to my eye at all stiff), shiny like you said, and they didn't blend well with my real lashes even with a curler and mascara.

I HIGHLY suggest Diamond Lash for anyone interested in a solid brand. Best falsies ever and I get oodles of compliments from normal people. The other day at work I wore them and a few girls and women asked me how I apply them because they wanted to learn too and couldn't believe how real they looked. One pair of girls wanted to know where I got eyelash glue (for some reason people think you use regular glue near your eyes...)

It's hard to say because everyone's face is different and therefore they have different needs.
My go-to has always been foundation, blush, highlight powder, black eyeliner on the top lid (drawn thinly), falsies, mascara, and clear lip gloss to finish.

>> No.7502267

Is eyeliner really necessary? I'm hideously bad at applying it, and for the life of me would not be able to get a thin line.

>> No.7502273

>don't do costume makeup with your costume


Honestly Yaya looks damn good for her age, way better than Jessica Nigri does now.

>> No.7502274

>Is eyeliner really necessary?
Short answer: No.
I personally use it to define my eye shape and to blend my falsies better. The black line disguises where the falsies are glued on to my lid.

>> No.7502276

>Yaya looks damn good for her age
I will have to disagree with you there.
Also her makeup is tacky. If you're going to do costume makeup then you should still consider what works with your features. That drag makeup does nothing for her wrinkles and homely face.

>> No.7502285

Any good false eyelash brands that I can get at a normal drugstore or something?

>> No.7502294

No. Just go to Sephora like a normal person.

>> No.7502298
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Agreed, Diamond lashes are a great investment. For anyone interested, I would recommend GIRLY et CELEB. Celeb is a bit similar to Dolly Wink's Sweet Girl but at a fraction of the cost and you have more pairs.

ELEGANT and LITTLE WINK are always very nice, a bit more natural looking if you are trying out lashes for the first time and you are scared of looking "unnatural"

Other then that, I also recommend; BEAUTY and GORGEOUS which are slightly more dramatic~

these are my personal favs. I've tried them on my friends with different eyes shapes and so far, none of these looked bad on anyone~

>> No.7502304

Can anyone recommend a good (and reasonably priced) false eyelash brand that can be bought on the UK high street?

>> No.7502305

Diamond Lashes are terrible, I can't get them out of the packaging without tearing them apart.

>> No.7502307


dood, I just wrote a detailed list of some of the best lashes you can get from Japan. everything else is trash.


>> No.7502325
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I use their glamorous lashes, I love how over the top they look.
>>The black line disguises where the falsies are glued on to my lid
Pic related just so you can see what I mean by that. This is what my eye makeup looks like today, and my only critique is that I need a couple strands of bottom falsies to even out my eyes.
How are you taking them out of the packaging? Some are stuck quite well so you need a pair of tweezers. Delicately try removing the lashes from the outside ends and work your way in.

>> No.7502335


sometimes the glue is dryer, so I dab a bit of make up remover with a q-tip to loosen the glue from the packaging before I use teasers to remove the lash.

>> No.7502661

Wow, she looks like she's in her late 40s. I thought Asians were supposed to age well?

>> No.7502664

Are you serious? Yaya is 35/36? She looks 49/50 years old. She looks awful, bloated and isn't aging well at all. I guess that's her karma for shitting on people for over a decade .

>> No.7502677
File: 62 KB, 610x612, yaya-wonderwoman9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 34 years old and she looks older than that. Without all of the photoshopping, both her body and her face look like shit. Not to mention that her makeup is constantly runny or smearing because she uses cheap shit.

>> No.7502679

She uses cheap make up? Why? I thought she made enough money off her neckbeard fanbase?

>> No.7502682
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You'd think that, but seriously not every Asian is a kawaii idoru. Especially if you grow up seeing your Asian family members age or live in an Asian community. You get to see how not everyone cares for their skin and it's disgusting.

>> No.7502693
File: 213 KB, 427x640, 1379504331590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, even her costumes look shitty if you see her in person. Not directing this remark at you personally, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she photoshops herself to death. Sure, she got a tit job, but the rest of her body actually looks shit-tier (pic related, spilling out of her top and an ass flat as hell) and uses cheap materials.

Why she buys cheap makeup? Because she's either too stupid to buy quality shit and use primers and a daily skincare routine to care for her skin and probably doesn't drink enough water. She parties hard at cons, stays up late, and drinks. All of those things age you like fucking crazy.

>> No.7502701
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More pic related, DragonCon a few years ago at the after party.

>> No.7502723

oh man, Dale looks like hes having a good time

>> No.7502731

I guess so, but shouldn't she be trying to care for her skin more? My mother is older than she is and looks the same as when she was 25, because she has a serious skin care regimen. You'd think that a ~celebrity~ would have more of a reason to impress people with her nice skin than a woman who barely goes anywhere but the grocery store.

>> No.7502734
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>> No.7502741
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She should, but she's made it pretty clear that she doesn't care. She got the boob job and if you think about it, she probably uses it to draw attention away from her face and the rest of her body. As well as her behavior and the quality of her costumes. JNig has done the same shit; Neckbeards who are the first to cry jealousy defend her HURR IMMA NRRD GURL WHO ACTS DUM XDDDD act and her costumes because all they focus on is, "She's hot, you're jelly." Why? Tit job.

>> No.7502904


>> No.7502917


at least Jnig has become less orange with the years and seems to have some sort of skin regimen because 20 - something year old Jnig and 20 - something Yaya.... they don't even compare. Yaya already looked over 30 in her mid 20s.

>> No.7502957

>posted hours ago
>"Oh that thread got replies.."
>see thread derailed into typical Yaya bitchfest
Not that I disagree, but this is why I don't like talking about these cunts in makeup threads because they ALWAYS become the focus of the conversation (not that I can always blame people, their makeup is atrocious so it's very easy to pick at).

>> No.7502961
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All she's done is use the Instagram filter more or the photoshop option, though.

>> No.7502963
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Pic also related, her with a lot of photo shopping.

>> No.7502970
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>> No.7502980

A shame they leave her hairline so high. Still looks like she's balding/wearing a wig. You'd think since they liquified/airbrushed everything else they'd fix that unflattering detail too...

>> No.7503022

pls share your mama's regimen~

>> No.7503028

I'm surprised at the amount of shoop and the fact that her nails look like so disgusting..

>> No.7503039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7503080

I found a few good basic cosplay make up tutorials on youtube a while back. If anyone is interested I can post them when I get home. I'm on mobile right now.

>> No.7503084

Revlon did a line of lashes called Doll. I like them just as much as my DollyWink. They are cheaper than DW but just as good if not better quality.

>> No.7503130 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7503270
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>> No.7503279

Man I know Jnig's not all that and a bag of chips but the left pic looks shooped to make her look worse.


>> No.7503289

actually, the left pic is shopped to see what she would look like without the raccoon eye shit

>> No.7503385


Second this, Give us the deets.

>> No.7503410
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That isn't seeing what she looks like. That's seeing what somebody wants to make her look like.

>> No.7503416

I spit my soda

>> No.7503414
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>> No.7503418
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>> No.7503551

That's only because you think 35 is ancient.

For me, good cosplay makeup is partly about being character-accurate and partly about covering flaws. So if you're being Tifa it's more about smoothing out your skin tone, some light eye makeup to make your eyes look bigger, and defining your lips, maybe some subtle contouring for face shape. Contrast this to something like Jessica Rabbit where it's super obviously made up with giant lashes and smoky eyes and pert red lips. Regardless of who you're cosplaying usually a good foundation/base and flawless-looking skin is required, there are barely any characters known for their acne or random skin pigmentation because that's just bloody hard to colour in every time.

>> No.7503585

>Rocket Raccoon Cosplay
You mean fur, tits & guns halloween costume.

>> No.7503587

The Girls Aloud collection from Eyelure is really good! Superdrug normally do special offers on them too. I wait till they're going for about £3.50 a pair and stock up.
Ignore >>7502307, just because something's sold in Japan it's not necessarily the best you can get. Plus it's going to cost a bomb if you're spending £30 on lashes+shipping when you get the customs form in the post.

>> No.7503591

Wow, I never knew that Yaya is only 34/35... Always thought she was more than 40, and just aged badly. But it's actually a lot worse. My mom is turning 50 this year and she looks so much younger than her.

>> No.7503592

>from Japan
>UK street
Those two are not the same thing.
Plus, you're a weeaboo.

>> No.7503594

Wow really a weeaboo? Are you using the fact that anon happens to think that Japenese lashes are better for cosplaying anime than western ones? Shock, the mentioned Japan, must be a weeb, because nothing from Japan is better than other places!(unless you count pretty much all electronics) That's sad, anon.

>> No.7503598

I don't know, "Arr Japaneezu eyerashu better than cheap western waito piggu brands" sounds like being a weeb, particularly because it isn't true.

>> No.7503599

>everything else is trash
That's why

>> No.7503600

Then instead of bitching why don't you post good lashes. Japanese lashes, and asian ones in general tend to look lighter, not quite so realistic and more whimsical, which lends itself to cosplay. The only ones you can get in the west that look similar are from Forever 21, which is Korean anyways and doesn't count.

>> No.7503602

>not quite so realistic
not quite so realistic in shape, less shiny/costumey, and more whimsical

>> No.7503612

Good cosplay makeup is zWinnieYap@Youtube. Or I like that style of cosplay make (If done properly). Sometimes it does get smudgy and messy and looks horrible tho.

I'm going to cosplay Sena Kashiwazaki and I'm very afraid of doing anything wrong, can I get tips for her makeup? I would rather do something like zWinnieYap-styled make than the usual "lenses, lashes/big eye make"
It's my first cosplay but I got experience with lashes, lenses and make

I got some natural ones from ELF and they're cute. I got a REVLON pair, a random pair I got in Ireland and som H&M ones, and they're all good.

Wow amen. I got like 15+ BOXES of cheap HK lashes. I've thought of keeping them and cut them into smaller parts for future cosplays or gyaru-style DIY lashes

>> No.7503922

no, a make up aficionado. what you get in for drugstores are those horribles caterpillar lashes, bad quality, very shiny, with a lash bone that's hard and not comfortable to wear. If you want to wear lashes for long hours, like you need to in cosplay, you need lashes that feel as if you weren't wearing any~

If we are talking cosplay, Sephora lashes are not quite the look you want to go for, hence why Japanese lashes are more appropriate in style(and cost wise, you get more for your money, anon) Not something you can find in the UK streets or in any streets... really.

>> No.7504044

Thank you!

>> No.7504150

For those talking about Diamond Lashes, where have you ordered yours from? Some of the styles I'm interested in are out of stock on Pinky Paradise, and I was wondering if you knew any other reputable sellers. Thanks ladies.

>> No.7504158


I like to get mine on ebay. whatsurbeauty, bw_kingdom & prettypoint are sellers that I've bought from often

>> No.7504174

Is this real life?

>> No.7504758


>> No.7504761

nice. isn't jnigs ass just as flat though?

>> No.7504776

You are the same anon that provided unflattering pictures of Yaya. Yes?
Is there any point to all of this? What is your aim in collecting unflattering aging photos of popular female cosplayers?

>> No.7504781

you mean unedited.

>> No.7504784

You're dodging my point.

>> No.7504791
File: 32 KB, 785x384, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M not dodging anything.

>> No.7504980

Such beauty, such grace.

>> No.7504982

Autism-chan detected. I'm not surprised. You didn't even need to screencap, simply saying you were a different anon would suffice given that it's a short and valid opinion. Overly defensive, much?

>> No.7505270

I bought some from here: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Japan-Gift-Bay?_rdc=1
I bought RICH eye and GLAMOROUS eye and she gifted me a FREE Fairy Eye.

I recently discovered that they got a site too japangiftbay.com/

PS They're hella cheap imo

>> No.7505292

>I got like 15+ BOXES of cheap HK lashes. I've thought of keeping them and cut them into smaller parts for future cosplays or gyaru-style DIY lashes
Does anyone recommend this?

>> No.7505316

Can someone show me something /cgl/ thinks is GOOD? all yall talk about is what is shit, which seems to be everything so show me something you think is good.

>> No.7505319

omg she is so average I don't understand what is so amazing about her? I'd make a prettier girl and I'm a dude.

>> No.7505391

You clearly don't know what is available in the UK, as we don't have Sephora here. FFS we have Liverpool which is the centre of the world when it comes to eyelashes (and tanning, and tackiness in general). Those girls wear their lashes for months straight. Even the cheapest ones you get in Boots don't have a hard bone in them since they're just sewn, not glued. The free glue might not be good in the cheap ones but even in the more upmarket ones it does the job for a day.

It's like when people insist on buying lipstick from TonyMoly when it's the equivalent of a Barry M Lipgloss. Just because it comes in moonspeak it's not automatically better than something you can find on your doorstep.

>> No.7505395

no just felt like screenshotting knowing how retarded seagulls can be.

>> No.7505400


Cgl is not one sentient being. But you should contribute to the thread as well. Don't worry about what anons say if it isn't constructive.
I like these.

Personally I don't bulk up too much on makeup. I keep my powders and foundation light and my eye makeup much like picture related. Heavy makeup, personally, is odd esp. When the user doesn't blend well...which happens often.

>> No.7505970

Welp. I'm having nightmares tonight.

Also this: >>7505316
Can I see good examples? I'm not so amazing at makeup, but want to redo my Sailor Moon Luna cosplay this year.

>> No.7505975
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>> No.7506211
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Yeah, she's flat as fuck too. They both need to do some squats

>> No.7506226

we have "best cosplays" and "best lolita coords" threads. we talk about good examples. the only reason we talk about jnig as a bad example so constantly is because she's shoved in our face all the time.

>> No.7506374

That just looks like photoshop and NO MASCARA

>> No.7506463
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For weddings we always follow that a natural look is best. The make up artists would use quite a bit of makeup: concealer, primer, foundation, and even bronze if someone was particularly tan. It photographs well.

Avoid talc and spf makeup when having photo shots, it reflects light and heightens a white shine in photos.

They'd also use eyeliner and mascara, but in browns and auburn. They wouldn't 'raccoon' it.

Some anime characters are obviously drawn with heavy kohl, bright eyeshadow. Then I guess anything goes.

I just think having a good clear base is the most important. Well applied concealer/foundation with mascara is enough for most people