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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7499473 No.7499473 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is day 0! It's crunch time.

Old thread:

>> No.7499844

so, anyone got more info on the 10 am Visual Novel panel on Saturday? Is it just going to be a broad panel on the genre or what?

>> No.7499859

Still can't be assed to finish my cosplay

>> No.7499978

What day and time are they showing the new english dub of Attack on Titan?

>> No.7500002


Saturday at 1:30

>> No.7500017
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/cgl/ meetup reminder:
7pm at the little cafe on the first floor - first thing you'll see as you walk in through the main doors, slightly off to the right.
See map.

Exactly same time and place as last year.

>> No.7500018

I might say hi if I'm still around. I never been to these meetups, though I'm sure I'll just creep out everyone and shuffle away shortly after stopping by.

>> No.7500130

Fuck. I'm gonna miss it. Hotel check in is at 2 fucking pm.

>> No.7500136


That generally doesn't mean you HAVE to check in at that time, it's when you may start checking in.

>> No.7500140

just finished sewing the last bits of my costume, im so ready for this, also who's down for a hotel party? im not sure how many people on this board are drinkers or 420 friendly

>> No.7500143
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shit forgot pic

>> No.7500146


am ready

>> No.7500154

Yes, but I don't want to arrive at the con with my luggage. thus I'll need to check in first.

>> No.7500157


Ah, I take it you're not local or have a vehicle. then.

>> No.7500159

Yes I am local. Taking the ferry over. Refuse to drive, just walk everywhere.

>> No.7500167

ugh this commercial again...

>> No.7500170

Most hotels will hold your luggage for you until you can check in. Call and ask. You can also have them hold your luggage after you check out.

>> No.7500233

The one I'm staying at is kind of shady.

>> No.7500652

Just check it into a good hotel like the Sheraton. Walk up and say hey can I check my bag for a while my roommates aren't here yet and give a name. Then when it's time to go to your shady hotel go get your bags.

I speak from experience, I'll be ferrying over tomorrow also.

>> No.7500805

"Shady hotel"? If you mean the Green Tortoise, they're actually really nice in my experience.

>> No.7500958

Kings Inn.

>> No.7501085

Meant to go last year but ended up duck farting around until it became too expensive for me to register. This was before job and I actually bought this one in December.

Cosplaying as Makabe Kenji.

>> No.7501266

Excited but sad because I was all pumped thinking Washington was a state where I could get legal weed and found out earlier this week it wasn't so easy. I'm travelling super far and half the reason I wanted to go was for the weed... Haha. Oh well, guess I'll just party down with some anime nerds not high.

>> No.7501321
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>not high

>> No.7501332

look up racoon club on the internet, they'll deliver to you.

>> No.7501344

There was a Nanba Mutta last year iirc.
I look forward to taking your picture.

>> No.7501369

do you have to be a patient or hold a card to purchase?

>> No.7501375
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holla to my fellow toking seagulls

i'll try to find some shit when i get there then! if you see me in dumb sunglasses you know what's up

>> No.7501378

I guess I ordered from winterlife last time and not raccoon, but They're run by the same people and I didn't need a card.

>> No.7501453

Hey guys what's a good way to store and carry a styled wig in? I have a wig styled like Joseph Joestar sitting on a mannequin head but not sure if it would mess up if I put it in a box to travel in. I'm going to a hotel for the weekend so that's why I'm asking.

>> No.7501545

tight! gonna be bringing some herb too, along with my special yotsuba brand absinthe with a special ingredient

>> No.7501550

and really, just kick it in the park someone will smoke you out. haha you might even see me

>> No.7501570

For traveling just keep the wig on the head, pinned to it and then maybe put a plastic bag or something over it then in a box if you can. You can always do fix ups in the hotel later!

Seriously stressing big time now. Luckily and unfortunately flying there on Friday so have one more day to finish cosplays.

>> No.7501585

So I just got some great news, or at least great news finalized...

Guess who's gonna be emcee for the Cosplay Contest!

Debating on cosplaying tomorrow. Might be too lazy, not sure. Either way, see you guys there soon!

>> No.7501590

So I've never been to sakuracon, Is there any day 0 stuff? I'll be in town just curious if i should head to the convention center and check it out.

>> No.7501593

This'll be my first year at SakuraCon

I hear cons are a good place for one-night stands. Is this true?

>> No.7501597

You can get your badge if you per-registered. Otherwise you can just fart around and be social.

>> No.7501596

Mostly people going off in groups, usually meetups or parties. There's usually a decent amount of people at gameworks just across the street on day 0

>> No.7501598

How old is too old to go to sakura-con?

>> No.7501603

Can be, if you get into the right crowd.
Just don't be that douche that's only at the con to get laid.

At 21 I'm one of the younger people out of my friends - there's about half a dozen who are 30+, and they chill along with everyone else, just fine.

>> No.7501604

1 day to go
Day 0 for pre-reg badges


>> No.7501605

>Just don't be that douche that's only at the con to get laid.

Of course not. Sounds like a lot of fun either way. Though I can only go on friday afternoon and sunday,lame as fuck.

>> No.7501678

So can I just go and buy a pass there today?

>> No.7501727

No but on Friday you can

>> No.7501793

Is it worth going to?

I've never been to a con before but just realized that it's happening, and I happen to live nearby.

I don't have any friends, though.

>> No.7501863

Go to con, find people that like the things you like, make friends. It's that easy!

>> No.7501867

dunno how

>> No.7501966

Is there a reason for that? Last year, I was able to buy my ticket at day 0.

>> No.7502015

I dunno man. It seems like people go there in groups of friends they've already made and they don't branch out much. This will be my fifth year going and I haven't made a single friend.

>> No.7502054

If you live nearby, try to come to the cgl meetup.
Or at least wander around the parts of the con that don't require a badge for a bit, and look at all the cosplay - it's a neat atmosphere, if you've never been.

>> No.7502165

Do you have to be a cosplayer to go to the meet up? It's my first con in 10+ years and my gf's first con. Figure it might be nice to meet a few people beforehand, get some cosplay tips for next year.

>> No.7502170

Can I get an answer to this? Thanks!

>> No.7502178

Nope. Just show up. We're just going to be hanging out in front of a cafe.

>> No.7502185

what day(s) is the meetup?
Are people typically nice or obnoxious or judging buttholes?

>> No.7502204

you know, I kind of had a slight hope that maybe they'd show Madoka Rebellion at some point, but I guess that turned out to be a pipe dream. Did they release the BDs for that yet and am I going to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it?

>> No.7502211

Damn, knew I forgot to say something.
It's day 1 / Friday, so tomorrow.

And from the handful of cgl meetups I've been to, everyone's a lot nicer in person.
It's actually how I first started making friends at cons.

>> No.7502243

Day 0 is only for people who pre-registered, as in the people who already payed by paypal or mailed a check before pre-registration deadline. They can get the badge a day earlier or skip most of the line on Day 1.

As for a reason you were able to buy a badge on Day 0 last year but not this year? you probably pre-registered for last year or you were just lucky that staff didn't want to deal with shunning you away from the line and instead helped you get a badge.

most con staff are too timid or has never worked customer service so their afraid of confrontation, so it can be easy to take advantage of them (I've abused this many of times, now i feel bad). So if you see a customer/client/congoer being fishy, dont be afraid to call that person out; they might huff and puff and get red-faced or call you a faggot but whatever people are stupid creatures.

>> No.7502281
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Finally getting past the stress into being hype but I'm stuck at work all day goddamn.

Here's my lineup!

>> No.7502374

despite going to cons for years, I never bothered to learn how the photoshoots work. Is it just one photographer organizing the event and then cosplayers of a given subject just show up for it? I got a relative of mine that's doing a Sophie cosplay, and she was wondering if she could attend the Ghibli photoshoot.

>> No.7502382

If you mean the one from the official photo shoot list, you just show up. It can be a fun way to meet other cosplayers, though sometimes it's kind of a madhouse when there's a ton of people to try and line up.

>> No.7502440

Who /waitingatprereg/ here

>> No.7502650
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Snoop Dogg will be in Seattle 4/19


>> No.7502735

anything happening day 0?

>> No.7502773

No, weed is legal here as long as you're over 18. They will only deliver to specific areas though.

>> No.7502775

REAL velour...

>> No.7502779

>How old is too old to go to sakura-con?
I'm over 40 and I go. I've seen way older people there too. Usually they're the Steampunk group, but I have seen some cool cosplays by people who are probably grandparents.

>> No.7502780

>Is it worth going to?
If you want to be amazed by the hard work that cosplayers pull off, and/or like comics, games and anime then fuck yes you should go, friends or not.

>> No.7502783

>I dunno man. It seems like people go there in groups of friends they've already made and they don't branch out much. This will be my fifth year going and I haven't made a single friend.
Well you still need the normal social skills people usually posses to make friends, even at a con. If you have horrible BO, or are awkward as fuck then you'll still be without friends. That's fine though, that's what 4chan is for, right? Not everyone can make friends, anon. Some of us just aren't friend materal. *shrug*

>> No.7502789

>Damn, knew I forgot to say something.
>It's day 1 / Friday, so tomorrow.
>And from the handful of cgl meetups I've been to, everyone's a lot nicer in person.
>It's actually how I first started making friends at cons.
Would anons freak out if they were videotaped or photographed at the meetup?

>> No.7502790
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yeah I know. I try to stay fit, clean, and look proper, but I guess none of that really matters if you're socially retarded.

>> No.7502809

Just try to keep your interactions to a minimum then. People won't think you're a freak if you just make small talk that ends after a minute or so.

>> No.7502811

There's a whole separate line for people just buying tickets.

>> No.7502848

People like people who smile, are nice, and funny. You're not trying to impress when making a friend, its not an interview or a date. Being a friend is someone who is recognizable because they are who they are.
So yeah you might hardly sound out a sentence or crack jokes, but you might help someone out with their cosplay or coop some game and someone will be like hey thanks and might start a conversation with you.
As you get older it's harder to make friends cause there is more shit to worry about in your life. But people forget about their social life; will probably try to reconnect with old friends but they either are busy with their own lives or dead. Thats why you see old people at bingo games or how there's social clubs like the BMW car club. But since you already have your foot in the door at an anime convention because of same interests, just float around playing games with people, suck it up and go to a dance, play more games, do some crafts, volunteer.
I think in order to be a happy person, you should start by trying to enjoy yourself, sounds dumb, but people will see it and gravitate towards you.

>> No.7503046

In general how long do the people who havent bought their ticket yet have to wait in line?

If I get there at 10am do you guys think I'd be in and everything by 10:30?

>> No.7503047

I never went without pre-registering (those lines tend to go pretty fast). The lines I've seen for normal tickets are FUCKING MASSIVE though. It might not be so bad if you show up early, otherwise I imagine you'll be stuck there for at least an hour.

>> No.7503053

I never had to wait in the normal lines, then again I came in around 1-2pm on Friday.

>> No.7503060

I had to wait in line 2 years ago, because my ex didn't pre-reg. Took 2-3 hours to wait in line and set it all up.

>tfw I didn't pre-reg, because I didn't think I would be going again this year, my 8th year.

>> No.7503143

Does anyone have a list or know where I can find meetups at the con? The only one I know of is the /cgl/ meet.

>> No.7503185

anyone hanging out tonight? live on caphill and have access to grrrrrreeeeennnn

>> No.7503213

lol me too, but I need to finish my costume. so close to done!

>> No.7503604
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Anyway, if you see an awkward-looking guy wearing a shoddy replica of this helmet, say hi. I'll try not to sperg out too much.

>> No.7503710

^ thanks cute.

Have fun y'all.

>> No.7503825

Well my group didn't prereg but we got up @5 and managed to get the four of us through in 45 min so I feel pretty good.
gl to everyone else

>> No.7503841

Apparently I am going-- artist friend told me she would give me an extra badge of hers. I will stop by the meet! Won't be in cosplay since I am coming by after work, but whatever.

>> No.7503861
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I really hope I can go to the meet.
it's right at the time when I would eat.

>> No.7504236

Im at the con this weekend too. Hoping to meet some peeps at the con! Ive got no friends up here in WA. FL cosplay representin'

>> No.7504307

If anyone wants to go have lunch with me, that would be nice, I'm a student nearby and I wouldn't mind making a new friend, although it's ok if you do mind, also, I'm not cosplaying, I just thought it would be nice to meet someone new.

>> No.7504349

I'm here by myself too. I'm dressed as slayer from guilty gear. If any one wants to chill I'm going to be out in the garden courtyard for a bit.

>> No.7504388

I'm not showing up til tomorrow. Where do i pick up my prereg badges?

>> No.7504495

So, I'm definitely at the con and I definitely don't have a room anywhere. Anyone cool enough to let me and a friend of mine sleep in their room?

>> No.7504626

Did anyone appear on the crunchyroll stream?

>> No.7504683

Anyone know if touhou orgy was fulfilled?

>> No.7504753

hey everyone. I'm the guy wearing a pizza shirt and my girlfriend has a giant anime eye sweater. feel free to say hi If you see us were both really awkward

>> No.7504779
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Apparently it's next to my hotel room. I'll report back on any problems. Stay tuned

>> No.7504830

any meetups today?

>> No.7504885
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I left the con/hotel and went home on Friday afternoon; I was feeling too depressed and didn't want to bring anyone else down by being there. I just don't feel like I belong at conventions anymore with all the new people in the group, and I honestly can't understand why any of them want to be friends with me or even want me around. For various reasons I can't help but be terrified of what people think of me.

>> No.7504900
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Well I just got back. Good LORD, I didn't know wearing a helmet all day could be so painful and sweaty. I brought a bunch of gatorade in my backpack ("red pots." figured it would be more in-character), and I ended up going through them all shortly after noon had past. Maybe I should drill some holes in the helmet for ventilation. I took a bunch of pictures, but I gotta crop these things really badly first.

Anyway, I think I saw where the /cgl/ meetup was happening. I couldn't work up the heart to say anything, in case it was the wrong group or something.

>> No.7504908

PS: I'd told everyone when I was about to leave that I just didn't like the convention atmosphere, but... there's a hell of a lot more to it than that. So sorry for lying, too.

>> No.7504909

There's a few cgls hanging out in the lobby of the con center by the cafe but the gathering was at 7. Just got back from it.

>> No.7504924
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Sakura Con, like other huge cons, tends to be scary and impersonal if you aren't with a bunch of friends. You could try smaller PNW cons like Aki Con or Newcon PDX.

>> No.7504943

I was with a bunch of people who I guess are kinda friends, it's our recurring con group and we hang out on IRC and stuff... they'd insist that they're my friends, but I don't think I really qualify as being their friend or a very good one anyway. I don't really know where it stands because I wouldn't be friends with me and don't know why they would either.

>> No.7504948
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I would be your friend anon :3

>> No.7504949

Anyone got cosplay pics ? Wasn't able to go and would love to see some day 1 highlights

>> No.7504962
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Well here's one that I just cropped. Got like 115 more to go. Whoo boy.

>> No.7504992

Welp missed the meet because I forgot about it until just now but right now I'm p buzzed and @ Zapp's panel so sorry not sorry.

>> No.7505143

def not looking forward to the kill la kill slut parade.

>> No.7505145

The lady in the first aid office.. lol

>> No.7505158

where is everyone at tonight?

room parties??

>> No.7505159

agreed, hilarious

I sure am!

>> No.7505161
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Sorry I showed up to the meetup so late! Didnt have my phone on me so lost track of time. It was great to see everyone who was there! (I was Nausicaa btw) Im surprised how many people knew the character. The response was so awesome. Going to be pic related tomorrow! Not sure if there will be any other Peronas running around but I do have the umbrella and the little plushie guy. Hope everyones night was good!

>> No.7505167

Is it just me or are there a lot more rude non-congoers around this year? I've been getting a lot of sarcasm from random people and I have never had that happen before at this con.

Like i came out of gameworks in my kigu and some douche is like LOL NICE ONSIE SHAKE YOUR TAIL FOR ME like really? I know kigus are silly bit for fuck's sake.

>> No.7505168

is there gonna be another cgl meetup on the other two days?

>> No.7505170
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best cosplay at con hands down

>> No.7505284
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>best cosplay at the con

Also had fun at the meetup with red mohawk Russell Wilson, Titty Monster etc. because i am a total faggot when it comes to remembering names.

>> No.7505425
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>> No.7505480
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Hey, didn't someone say they were going to do a Killer7 cosplay in the previous SakuraCon thread?

>> No.7505564

I have plenty but I won't be processing any of them until Monday. Need to relax between days of con so I don't get too burned out. I probably have over a hundred or so as of now, plus some video interviews. Will be doing more photos and video today, plus wandering through crowds to get more video.

>> No.7505604
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>>7504900 here

finally got my photo album set up, if anyone's interested. I'm about to head out again. Won't be taking my helmet this time though.


>> No.7505613
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I got a picture of a lulu and Yuna I really enjoyed. They even did the in game poses it was so cool. They're a bit chubby but that totally works for lulu.

>> No.7505700

For those of you who went to the rave last night, was it kinda dull to you?

The first hour and a half was nice, but then from then on the music got pretty bad in my opinion. Like at certain points I couldn't even dance to it. And it's not like I came to get my dick wet, but aside from one or two, the girls either came with boyfriends or seemed kinda stuck up/weren't willing to have fun. I was with a bunch of friends and they said this year's rave was a total letdown compared to the past four times they've gone.

>> No.7505721

That would be me! Thanks for taking a picture. I'm glad a handful of people recognized me because I thought no one would.

>> No.7505819

anyone know if the persona panel is going to be worth going to?
Or if someone is going to record it at least?

>> No.7505848

The yandyman is roaming. I thought someone was cosplaying him at first, but it's really him. Got a picture for shits and giggles; I can post it tonight after I crop myself out.

>> No.7505918

I like how clean the blood stain looks (as confusing as that sounds)

>> No.7506041

He's posting photos up on Facebook too! Check it out, some of you might be in them.

>> No.7506046
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I was walking around as "brass rackets" xellos for a while

>> No.7506250

What kind of stuff is happening tonight nearby? A lot of the panels events and stuff look kind of boring.

>> No.7506367

I don't know what it is, but everyone in Seattle clearly doesn't know what Rufio looks like. I have been called Rufio by at least 12 people today and it's beyond upsetting. On a much lighter note, Cosplay Chess was a lot of fun!

Also there is super fucking awesome booth in the dealers hall called Super Smash Video Games and they have games for all consoles and all kinds of systems for sale as well! A definite stop for the Dealers Hall rovers of /cgl/

>> No.7506414
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>Super Smash Video Games

Fuck yeah! I've been to their store in the 253! They have EVERYTHING, if it ever was a video game.

>> No.7506451

Not sure if I should chalk it up as just my luck or what, but the only panel I've ever stood in line for in all the years I've gone to conventions was cancelled because the panelist didn't show up. :/

>> No.7506462

Sounds about right.
I finally gave up and left around 6:30 because I was tired of waiting in line for shitty panels and my camera's advance reel shit the bed so I couldn't even take pictures.
On the positive side, I only had to pay $8 for parking today.

>> No.7506465
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>take a photo of a Zacharie cosplay
>gives me a candy labelled "Fortune ticket" in return

Highlight of my day right there. The OFF cosplayers were pretty cool in general.
Anyway, I got more editing and stuff to do before setting up my second album. I've never attending Sakuracon on sunday, so I'm curious how it will go. I've been kind of disappointed with all the panels so far this year.

>> No.7506499

>tfw you will never win petal points
>tfw you will never have the courage to make the meetup
>tfw you will never be a d bag staff worker
>tfw this years con is almost over

>> No.7506548

ne1 got pics

>> No.7506557
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Got a few from Jojo if my phone will cooperate

>> No.7506566

I had fun, went today as episode 7 Barazou Mankanshoku. Looking for shit to do right now since there isn't really anything left for me at the convention center

>> No.7506569

>>7501375 here

Ordered from the racoon club thing it was great :3

Sakuracon made, thanks again Cgl. Had fun chatting with all the stoners on the park plaza.

>> No.7506587

that place had fucking clay fighter 63 and a third for just 15 bucks. I shit myself.

>> No.7506604
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>> No.7506613
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>> No.7506614

>tfw I saved my money for sunday save day
I hope there's good deals tomorrow

>> No.7506629

Did Zapp say anything about what time his "Panel" starts or if its still going on?

>> No.7506700

I SAW HIM! I did a double take lol

>> No.7506707

He was creeping right outside the fashion show dressing room, just waiting for the models to come out.
He asked me for a photo, so I asked for one with him too...he said I was "so lovely" lol.

>> No.7506716


That Host Club Haruhi is all "Whaaaaa?"

>> No.7506731
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>mfw I left my 3 day industry pass I got for free at the con on Friday

I saw everything I needed to anyway. But fuck who knows what I may have missed

>> No.7506746


My sleeping situation fell through. At the con alone. You think they'd noticed if I slept in some corner until tomorrow? I'm too tired to hit on chicks and make new friends for a room.

>> No.7506747


If it makes you feel better, day 2 was kind of lame anyway

>Mecha history panel

>Jojo's panel
Probably the highlight of the day when the female cosplayer came in and mostly took over the talking; the fat presentator guy was sadly not much of a public speaker

>Iaido panel
Fucking horrible, couldn't hear a damn thing the jap guy was saying and nobody wanted to mention it, including the other panelists

>Some people of Japan cultural panel

And the rave looked pretty lame, too. Everyone just standing around waiting for the drugs to kick in, I guess? I just went home early

>> No.7506748


Hope you like park benches and have a knife on you m8

>> No.7506756

>Everyone just standing around waiting for the drugs to kick in, I guess?
Isn't that the entire point of the rave?

;____; someone save me. I'm too cute for the streets.

>> No.7506762

Depending on how much cash you have on you, I may be willing to drive back down to Seattle.

>> No.7506770

>Isn't that the entire point of the rave?

I just wanted to dance and talk to some interesting people, not get high and have disgusting consex with greasy weeaboos or whatever these guys do. Fucking degenerates.

>> No.7506771
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>I will save you from the rapists, I have a really nice windowless van and everything

>> No.7506775

It's actually a shitty truck but it gives off the same vibe.
I also live in Marysville so you'd probably be safer with the hobos, anyway.

>> No.7506783
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I'll give you 5 bucks and a blowjob.

Getting that desperate.

>> No.7506788

Shit, for $5 I'll just sell you a knife so you can defend your bench.
Also, where the hell would I put you? You're certainly not staying in my house, I have nice things.

>> No.7506817

It's still happening. Outside the fourth floor at noon.

>> No.7506844

>disgusting consex

I didn't get that vibe from the day 1 rave at all. It actually seemed pretty kiddy, outside of that one pink-haired girl who obviously wanted a dick.

>> No.7506862
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Honestly I didn't check out day 1, maybe it was nice. Day 2 just looked like a bunch of awkward types hanging around for the sake of hanging around when I peeked in

There was a baller Vash cosplayer though. Glad I caught him

>> No.7506863

Sakuracon is pretty much as kiddy con as it gets outside of that one in Eastern WA. Not enough people just wanting to have some NSA fun.

>> No.7506869

Well late night cosplay chess was a fucking disaster

>> No.7506872


It was retarded last year, too. Why would anyone endure that shit?

Give me some highlights of the horror, though

>> No.7506884

I didn't see it last year but heard it was good.

Wall of text:

A bunch of fatties who can't act, awkward silences, technical difficulties so no one could actually hear a lot of it, no mature content. Felt "family friendly."

There were a bunch of obese Star Trek and Supernatural characters. TONS of people walked out. Waves.

The characters kept acting like stupid weeaboos with so much fangirl idiocy. Supernatural yaoi fanservice made me want to walk out but I waited to see if anything could make up for it. Nope.

The audience often sat in silence after their jokes due to 1) people not speaking or not having a mic loudly 2) not speaking clearly 3) stupid ass weeaboo fangirl humor

I was one of the first people in line. What a waste of time

>> No.7506893

>tfw nobody wanted to be my friend and have lunch

>> No.7506902


If it makes you feel better Anon, I would say hello to you and exchange awkward forced banter over a burrito meal from that taco place downstairs with you before politely excusing myself before I lost my spaghetti too hard


>> No.7506904
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>> No.7506906

>leaving the rave
>happen to end up on the escalator one floor up from this white guy and a black guy bleeding from his head screaming at his GF(?)
>security gets on the escalator behind them on the 2nd floor
>step aside as the two are shouting that they gon sue some niggas
>they shout at security and eventually leave
>this third short black guy suddenly comes out of the convention center and rallies the two guys to come back
>third guy is dogpiled by security, the first two are locked out
>another older black guy tries to tell bleeding guy to chill out
>the original two guys eventually just leave, acting tough etc.

So...how was your Saturday evening?

>> No.7506907

hi there Vic Mignogna!

>> No.7506909

the "battle music" or whatever was too loud, and the mics were too quiet. couldnt hear shit most of the time. the daytime one was better

>> No.7506917

From IRC:

[03:16] <Suzuran> Stephan Cox is another ball of ick. He's a straight-up child molester, he abducted a teenage girl and took her to Mexico

>> No.7506938


>> No.7506991

Those feels... but yeah at least parking didn't rape my wallet like on Friday.

>> No.7506994

>I've never attending Sakuracon on sunday, so I'm curious how it will go.
There won't be shit for people on Sunday compared to Saturday, especially since it's Easter.

Damn, I missed this. Would have loved to get it on video.
>And then upload it to worldstarhiphop.com

>> No.7507026
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Yeah, maybe I'll just skip Sunday again then. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty exhausted after walking around taking photos for two days straight.

Anyway, I was pleased with how many Danganronpa cosplayers there were this year. Kind of funny to see all the DR2 cosplayers as well, considering that game isn't even out yet over here.

>> No.7507051


Well the big bummer was the lack a speed dating game. But coming here to Seattle was well worth the effort.

The only cosplay group i would have loved to see was AKB48

>> No.7507052

Anything going on after the con tonight?

>> No.7507075

Well, there's the local lolita fashion show today. That might be cool. Though I've already gone to the Angelic Pretty fashion show and I'm pretty damn tired this morning. The AP one blew me away, so I think I'm pretty satisfied fashionshow-wise. Weren't two or three seagulls winners for the modeling contest? How was it?

Did anyone else notice that there were tons more lolitas this year? Or am I seeing things? The AP panel was packed with a really nice variety. So many cuties.

>> No.7507082

I was one of the models in the fashion show, I'm glad you thought it was good! It's hard for us to gauge because we obviously couldn't watch any of it haha.

It was very tiring and demanding, but lots of fun and very rewarding. Absolutely worth all the effort and time!

I won't be going to the local show today because it's right during the tea party.
Which, I found out why it's so limited: they actually had a different venue booked, but there was a freak incident where the roof collapsed, so they were left scrambling for another place last minute. They couldn't find anywhere that would seat more than 25-30, so it was either that or nothing in the end.

>> No.7507089

A roof collapse! Oh my god! I hope no one was hurt. That's really unfortunate! How many people was it supposed to seat?
Let us know how the tea party goes. I'm pretty jealous that you got the chance to hang out with Maki and RinRin. For the show, did you have people fussing over your hair and makeup? Did you wear your own shoes? Did they have dresses back there that they ended up not taking out? I definitely would have applied, but I don't have any recent professional photos of me. Maybe we can live vicariously through you, though

>> No.7507093

Yeah, super crazy! I'm not sure how much the original venue held, but definitely 50+, I would say. Really unfortunate...
Maki actually did my hair three times because she couldn't decide what style she wanted me to have. The final hairstyle was done in the tiny dressing room behind the stage super last minute, actually! We all did our own makeup before we showed up for rehearsal based on what Maki said she wanted on Thursday.
I didn't wear my own shoes, but there were a handful of girls that did.
All the dresses they had set aside for us were used, as far as I know. It was neat seeing Crystal Dream Carnival up close! It's not my style, but it's very pretty.
My photos I sent weren't even professional actually, just snaps I had taken myself.

I can answer more questions later, I need to get ready and pack to check out!

>> No.7507096
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so um, does anyone know who this is suppose to be? That costume wasn't ringing any bells for me, although it was cool.

>> No.7507100

Have fun! Thanks for humoring my curiosity.
If you're comfortable with it and you find any of the other girls' tumblrs or websites, would you be willing to post them here? You're all cute and I want to see you guys being cute.

I saw that same girl in the other corner of that hall. Looks like she was having a hard time getting around without photos. I don't know what she was! I'd like to know too.

>> No.7507144

I want to say its the wedingo (idk- the human black skin elk deer thing) from hannibal? I think I saw something similar floating around on tumblr.

>> No.7507158

Theres some local lolita drama going on right now. The host of the sunday lolita fashion show purchased a ticket to the AP tea party, abandoning her position in the show, being the tea party and show are clashed time wise. Unless she decides to drop the tea party and do what shes obligated to do, the comm wont like her very much. Thats her only chance in redeeming herself.

>> No.7507206

Which girl is this? What does she look like?

>> No.7507233

Shit I wish I saw your post earlier.
I had a friend who basically used Sakura con as his hotel.
He slept in the 24 or anime screening rooms.

>> No.7507270

Yep, noon outside of the fourth floor. I have no idea how it's gonna work, but we'll see if we can figure something out. Depends how many people show up, too!

>> No.7507285
File: 2.45 MB, 1516x2740, DSC_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Along with the Killer7 cosplayer who posted earlier, wasn't there another guy from here who said he was going to do a Quote cosplay with a light jacket on? I was wondering if this was the same person.

>> No.7507388

I'm honestly thinking of just not coming to Sakuracon anymore and focusing my resources on PAX... More fun stuff, better organization and staff, and no ten fucking mile long list of bullshit rules.
Oh, and fewer smelly people. I don't know what it is with my fellow anime fans that keeps them out of the shower... But DAMN.

>> No.7507398

I've never been to PAX before. Getting a ticket to that place with all the scalping that goes on seems a bit daunting to me. When is the Seattle PAX suppose to be happening anyway?

>> No.7507421
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>tfw you will never nail a girl dressed up in SnK cosplay at sakuracon

>> No.7507465

Yeah that happened like 2AM ish. There were about 20 people watching it though so maybe we could get lucky on that one...

I'm thinking of Pan's Labyrinth?
>flower crowns doe

>> No.7507471
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>> No.7507480

Labor Day weekend. Yeah, the scalping can be pretty bad, so your best bet is camping the twitter feed to see when tickets are on sale.

>> No.7507489


I'm gonna be in the FMA photoshoot at 1, maybe I'll drop by on the way in.

This, and you had better have reflexes like a motherfucker because the tickets for everything but Monday ran out in 30 minutes last year.

>> No.7507593
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>>7505604 here again

I got my saturday photo album all sorted out now as well. Do you guys think I should post them elsewhere as well? I know I'm not the best photographer, but I like sharing my work.

>> No.7507597
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whoops, forgot my link

>> No.7507999

The host didn't know there would be the AP tea party when she signed up to do the panel. If AP couldn't show again, without that show there would be no lolita fashion shows. She even gave a heads up that the show could get cancelled if the tea party clashed.

>> No.7508087
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Thanks to all the cosplayers who put up with a certain overly formal nerd wearing plaid! I got a lot of fun and interesting pictures this year. I might upload them all in a zip in the next couple days when I'm not on hotel wifi

I think that, for now, I'll post a couple of my favorites though. Please note that my fashion sense is terrible and I have no real knowledge of cosplay; I just enjoy seeing characters and ideas that I like, regardless of the abilities of the cosplayer or the thoroughness of the execution. TLDR: pls no bully

I loved this pc98 Alice cosplayer! It's rare enough to see pc98 touhou cosplayers at all. I'm glad I got a nice picture of her

>> No.7508099
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The next person I'd like to mention is actually the person behind her. If pc98s may be rare, the characters who've only appeared in single pc98 games are on a whole different level. The overall outfit errs on the unfortunate side, but I for one loved the chance to take his picture. He seemed so happy when I recognized his character as Meira! That alone was worth the time. I do hope he plans on cosplaying something his body type can pull off a little better, but I loved seeing a pc98 fan anyway, so I don't care

>> No.7508116

Odd that they would schedule two lolita things at the same time in the first place.

>> No.7508118
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I just realized I should probably have properly rotated these for 4chan. Well, whatever, this is a brief raw dump of some of my favorites

Anyway, even though there was obviously a lack of polish here to say the least, I really loved seeing someone try to cosplay Sachiel. I haven't seen anyone try to pull off an angel before; trying to cosplay something with those proportions is quite challenging! Most people would just say fuck it and cosplay one of the human characters. I'm glad he tried; it may not look great, but I for one loved the idea. I hope he improves and tries again sometime

>> No.7508134
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Lastly, hats off to this guy. I can't believe how well he pulled off the AVGN look; my head just snapped when I saw him in the corner of my eye! This is a guy who knows how to play to his body type, even though his cosplay obviously "wasn't skilled." He pulled it off, and that's all I care about. I'm glad I saw him

Hope you all enjoyed your sakuracon as much as I did

>> No.7508137

glad I could help out another stoney bro.

>> No.7508234

I modeled, it was pretty fun. Thursday's practice was killer and cramped, but Saturday felt better. We had to show up with make-up ready and I did my own hair with a little help from Rinrin. It was mostly hanging out in a room practicing on your own. It was fun being treated a little special/not like a human, and maybe 10min before going on stage, they came around with a bottle of lip gloss, a mirror, and a flashlight for us all to apply. It was so intense.

>> No.7508251

Y-you too...

>> No.7508285
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>> No.7508289
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Can I upload horror too?

>> No.7508355

I missed the non-finalist AMV at con. Did they give out an list for it? Or should i wait until they update the page for this year.

>> No.7508368

>playing shitty console games with my buddy before they kick us out of the game room
>girl in Alice cosplay sits down next to us and while we're balls deep in street fighter asks if what manga I bought (in the shopping bag)
>pause, pull the Watamote manga out, she asks if she can read it, let her
>go back to playing
>20 seconds later she asks if we like yaoi
>she then shoves manga she bought at me and says look what manga I have for my friend
>grab it, flip through it
>hardcore yaoi dick in ass fucking page
>she yelps as I flip to that page
>tell her this doesn't really seem gay
>buddy says they're just fucking each other so hard it's straight
>she seems kind of offended we're saying its not gay
>go back to playing
>she keeps talking while we are playing about how big zangief's thighs or whatever
>shes not even playing a game just making a 360 avatar for a console she'll never see again in 9 minutes

poor poor fujoshi

my buddy felt such pity for her apparently loneliness and "let's talk about yaoi first" conversation starter that it developed into a crush. poor poor buddy.

Also there was no Hare+Guy, Sasami San, K-On!, Space Dandy, or Watamote merch at all. Fuck you sakuracon

Also also did the rave on Saturday pick up? I was in it around 9:50 and it was limping dog sad.

>> No.7508386
File: 411 KB, 500x242, suicide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get up to leave Todd's panel on friday to use the restroom
>some girl in a sailor moon cosplay starts walking next to me
>compliments me on my outfit and seems to try to start up a conversation but I'm really more focused on getting to the restroom
>remarks that it was a smart move for me to strap my weapons and stuff onto my belt
>my mace's binding promptly snaps off right after she says that

Fuck, if spaghetti started coming out of my pockets at that point it would have been perfect. She was kind of cute too, but I just shuffled my way into the restroom after that and tried to forget about it.

>> No.7508401

I fucking saw that guy and I turned to my friend and said "I think that guy is cosplaying Mr Yan! He's so spot on! But he's probably just a weird guy."

The more you know.

>> No.7508432
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Pic semi-related

>> No.7508446

>tfw you learn that your town is having an anime/gaming con in july
>tfw your town is a shit town, but hoping it will be a pleasant con to go to

>> No.7508489
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Had work and other plans so didn't make it to the con but wandered though Freeway Park after work yesterday evening.

>> No.7508547

>Also also did the rave on Saturday pick up? I was in it around 9:50 and it was limping dog sad.

I wasn't there, but a friend of mine got to 2nd base with a girl, and another probably could've gotten a three-way in if he wasn't so awkward and (possibly) gay.

He's pretty fit/attractive and was cosplaying as one of the guys from Free so girls were all over him the whole weekend, it was hilarious to see how he reacted to it all.

Anyways, at the very least it sounds like it picked up a bit, got less kiddy.

>> No.7508634
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They were all so cute.

>> No.7508638
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>tfw cheering up obscure cosplayers

seriously, this girl was absolutely ecstatic when I recognized that she was from Castlevania 64. I also saw an old-timer going as Commander Keen and I was really impressed with it.

>> No.7508646

Something happen, anon?

>> No.7508650

Yea that was me. Took off the jacket on Friday since it was warm enough. Thanks for the photo.

>> No.7508703

So did anyone see the Inferno Cop?

>> No.7508707

Yea I got a picture, he was fucking great.

>> No.7508713

That'd be me.

Thank you

>> No.7508773

over/under on the AoT/KLK cosplayers?

>> No.7508775

That jinx is so much cuter than the muffin top jinx whose hair was showing in the front of her wig.

>> No.7508776

Way too many Attack on Titan cosplayers. It was like last year, there were way too many Sword Art Online cosplayers. A bunch of lazy ones, too

>> No.7508778

AoT WAAAY outnumbered the KLK cosplayers but there were still a decent amount of Ryukos

>> No.7508783
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way too many. on the flip side, at least the troll population has died down a bit

>> No.7508784

So what's the general consensus on this year? Good? Bad? Kinda sorta? The only thing I really enjoyed was Zapp Brannigan (as always, I love you Zapp- in a completely heterosexually manly way of course), but even that felt... Not as awesome as in the past. Even with Johnny Bravo. Late night cosplay chess was... Bad, and the general atmosphere was just... Not so great. Anyone else feel similar?

>> No.7508793

There weren't really any game panels like last years. I enjoyed last year's Know Your Waifu panels.

>> No.7508798

yeah, it didn't feel as lively as it was last year. All the panels I went to weren't that great either (especially the Visual Novel one. What a let-down). I really wish they would have allowed a Touhou panel since the one last year kicked ass.

>> No.7508821

Wait... They didn't allow the panel, or no one wanted to run one? I really don't like Touhou at all, but not allowing a panel... That would be a bad sign.

>> No.7508828

Less AoT than I expected, more KLK. I didn't mind the KLK, the ryuukos for the most part were cute, and it was cool seeing people cosplay as aikuro. There were a couple nonon's too, I liked that.

Too many AoT. They didn't bother me either, but it was a bit annoying how 90% of them were just survey corp randoms. Wasn't all bad though, I liked the girl dressed as Titan Annie. And there was a really cute mother/daughter (or big sis/little sis?) pair as Teenage and 8-year old Mikasa.

I liked it. It was my first con so I guess I have nothing else to go off of, but it was fun.

I know what you mean about the atmosphere though. Rave could have definitely been better. Asked a girl to dance, she said no which is cool and all but the rest of the night she just did like...nothing. Like, who goes to a fucking rave just to stand around? It just felt like a lot of people weren't willing to have fun.

>> No.7508841

I think it was a rather average con this year. Only panels I did was Zapp and a lot of amv's

My only regret was choking during the amv gameshow.

>> No.7508862
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>Cheering up obscure cosplayers

Literally the best feel


Hey Inferno Cop, you were awesome. Thanks for the pictures!

>> No.7508864


I went to the VN panel - that was awfully boring, and the guy that ran it was not very engaging and lacked energy. What a major bummer. I'm super into VNs and the fact that I learned essentially nothing new from him was pretty disappointing

>> No.7508865

Yeah, the two Titan Annies were good. One more so than the other but I can only find pics of one of them, the less good one

>> No.7508872


It was my second con but the first one I actually planned out (last year was an unplanned and unmitigated disaster; my friend and me went to the fucking Homestuck panel over the Touhou one)

This year, I caught almost everything I wanted to catch and had time to screw around in the game and merch rooms. Only thing I regret is missing the soku tournament; most of the cultural panels were fucking awesome. Taiko drumming, the Lion Dance, the Wushu demonstration, all that shit made the con for me. I guess the other panels weren't really as good, though, judging from what I've heard from other people. Those were the highlights for me, anyway

>> No.7508879

There were three people who had planned a panel for Sakuracon, and each of them cancelled due to perceived competition/lack of need without communicating with each other

>> No.7508880

You blocked my view of the JoJo tourney you cardboard asshole!

>> No.7508881

>Hey Inferno Cop, you were awesome. Thanks for the pictures!
No problem. My hands are really sore.

Got it autographed by Mikasa's VA and the director of AoT.

>> No.7508888

Oooh, I didn't get a chance to see her but she must have been the one I heard about - definitely a female version of the Wendigo as it appears in NBC's Hannibal.

>> No.7508894

Glad you had fun! If you have any criticism though, please give it to us. As you may have noticed, a lot of us were trying new characters. I felt pretty on my game this year, but maybe I'm just dumb. And vain.

I had a blast. We felt pretty awful about Spaceship of Love last year, so we tried to go back to basics for this year. We felt pretty good about it though. Just trying to get things more basic. They made our panels a bit too late though and I started running out of steam...

>> No.7508901

My friend won that life size Tomoko cardboard cutout that was at the Yen Press, he was a really happy motherfucker, easily most swag people there after that carrying that around.

>> No.7508902


I have some feedback for loveline

You and Johnny Bravo were really stealing the show and weren't allowing the other characters to speak. There were a lot of awkward silences with Johnny not knowing what to say and just giving a funny face, too.

Homer and Donny talked only a couple times, Homer even less. Jaime also just kept saying "I can't help you there" a bunch of times to pretty much everything, or repeated incest jokes.

The whole thing got pretty stale pretty fast, and the constant Sonic jokes about cosplayers... meh

>> No.7508904
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x2560, 2014-04-19 15.52.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump time

>> No.7508906


Wait, that was a CONTEST?



>> No.7508909
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>> No.7508911

>tfw your afraid of taking pics of busty cosplayers

>> No.7508912
File: 2.63 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-04-19 14.54.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to overwhelming demand for it, they ended up holding a raffle for it. They said they would give it out by the end but they weren't advertising it. The Madoka one was the same.

>> No.7508914
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>> No.7508917

I think it's the rest of the team up there besides you and the Johnny formerly known as Vegeta that were my issue- they just don't have the same level of passion the two of you did. They're not bad, they just need... Something.

...have them listen to Stan Bush's "The Touch" before the show. That should get them pumped.

>> No.7508918
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I told that guy he either must be blind or he didn't realize that Arthur was a woman.

I don't think he found the humor in that jab.

>> No.7508920
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>> No.7508921




>> No.7508924
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>> No.7508925
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Him and these two were my favorites

>> No.7508927
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>They weren't advertising it



>> No.7508929
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>> No.7508932
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>> No.7508937
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>> No.7508942
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>> No.7508946
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>> No.7508949
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>> No.7508951
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>> No.7508953
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>> No.7508958
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>> No.7508961

The waist spikes look really good. Does anyone know how to make them at all?

>> No.7508962
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>> No.7508968
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>> No.7508972
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>> No.7508977

thank you! I really liked that nonon but didn't get the chance to take a picture.

>> No.7508983

Those two were perfect

>> No.7508985

Is this the anon that posted in the progress pics?

>> No.7508992

>tfw I tried asking to take their photo and was ignored

it was crowded and maybe I wasn't loud enough to get their attention, but man, I really wanted their photo...

>> No.7508993

Yes, it is.

>> No.7509002


>> No.7509005

Yes it is, though? I know her.

>> No.7509019


>> No.7509029

I'm so sorry.

>> No.7509030

give her my regards then. did anyone try to creep on her or the Ryouko in this pic? >>7504962

>> No.7509031
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That's too bad! They probably didn't hear you.
I saw people taking pictures of them stepping on a deadpool cosplayer on Friday morning. Does anyone have it?

>> No.7509036

It was a learning experience. It's pretty much my 2nd Sakura Con and about my 5th ever, and I guess I'm still trying to get a feeler for convention life. Surprises and disappointments abounded, the latter including missing the Matt Mercer signing line cap by 2 minutes. ;_;

Sat through an entire BESM and tried some Mahjong, had fun with you guys at the /cgl/ "meetup." Did a late night 18+ panel in character. Photoshoots, a couple more panels, yeah...

Then there was belting out "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" full falsetto in what was effectively a drag queen outfit, as well as happening on the Just Dance area when there was nobody there early Saturday morning and dancing to I Will Survive and Man After Midnight as Calliope.

Can't wait for next year.

>> No.7509042

Her face is so good for Satsuki it's a pitty about her costume. They're cute though.

>> No.7509047

What about her costume?

>> No.7509050
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Better picture, didn't realize I queued the bad one.

>> No.7509055

Actually one of the people who does one of the touhou panels was passing it on to someone else, but that person's work decided to ship him out of the country during sakura-con, so he had to cancel the panel and forgot to tell the original guy, or so I heard.

>> No.7509057

Any Ryoko spottings? I need it.

>> No.7509060

Anyone get a pic of my Kenji Space Bros cosplay? I forgot to take a picture while I had it on.

>> No.7509068

Collar's a bit wonky, but tbh she was the best "normal" Junketsu Satsuki in both the face and costume.

>> No.7509073

It's just pretty sloppy overall, the collar and eyes especially. Boot covers are sloppy and I really wish she would have done something to her sword instead of just leaving it as is.

Still think it's a good cosplay because she looks good in it, just could have been a lot better is all.

>> No.7509076

Probably. I didn't actually see her a lot this con, which was odd because I was hanging out with a lot of her friends. Her and the Ryuko don't really take shit, so I assume it wasn't a big deal if they did get creeps.

>> No.7509081

did anyone get a picture of track suit nonon?

>> No.7509082

Anyone get creeped on during this con?

>> No.7509083
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Which one?

>> No.7509087

The one I saw actually didn't look as good as her, thanks!

>> No.7509088

yeah she was cute. She and >>7509031 were my favorite Nonons.

>> No.7509096

the overexposure on garus' head plus the pillar makes it look like he's wearing a big hat.

>> No.7509099

It's a penis hat

>> No.7509106

yep this was fun
sunday morning around 3:30 some guy passed out after eating some pills outside, had to run in and get security

>> No.7509114

Solid con, but not as much fun as last time was for me. It'd be hard to match last year's Jojo stuff though, that was pure magic. I felt like I didn't get to socialize as much as I'd like, but I still got to catch up with some old friends, so I guess it's all good.

And yeah, late night cosplay chess was just awful. It's not my thing in the first place, but I hung around during the last hour or so because I was waiting for a friend who was one of the players. I don't know how the process works, but more thought needs to go into character selection. Having like 3 Star Trek and Supernatural cosplays bogs things down bad.

Went to Spaceship of Love and really enjoyed it. I like the more basic approach. It felt streamlined and you were definitely on your game.

>> No.7509119

Are we not gonna talk about those pleats

I mean she's cute otherwise but jesus

>> No.7509122
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got 2 new figures
lets see some swag guys

>> No.7509124
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Found the Annies

>> No.7509135

Yeah I was wondering what the fuck was going on.

>> No.7509137

Thanks, I really appreciate it. We really take these kinds of things to heart and discuss them amongst eachother when planning for next year. We want to put on a good show, after all. I'd give a more in depth response but, I've had a few drinks and would probably sound like a total knob if I tried to say something intelligent. :v

Yeah, that's what we were hoping to get. After last year, we felt like we pulled a Nostalgia Critic, so to speak. Too many skits, not enough focus on what people actually come for... So, that's why we tried to put more focus back onto what people show up for -- Goofy interactions with Zapp and the audience.

That Peach though, Jesus tits.

>> No.7509139

Where are signups for cosplay chess anyway?

>> No.7509147


What >>7508902 said for loveline

I wish I had on my Protoman cosplay so I could have gotten up there and blasted doctor wily about the blue bomber Ruby-Spears style but he didn't seem talkative so I don't think he would have thrown on the German for it and play it off. Over all It was not bad but my first time and I plan on getting up and spilling some spaghetti with all of you next year.

I had fun meeting some of the people in the cgl meetup but not as many as I expected Plus it seemed most of the people there where already In a sort of group but it was fun to match faces to some of the trips.

Cant wait for Pax or Kumoricon going to polish the shit out of Protoman and something else

>> No.7509151

Peach was great. You guys had some strong contenders this year.

Beats me. I think it's done through the website or something.

>> No.7509169

I also noticed there were staff(?) recording performances at the Just Dance and open arcade areas, where do those end up?

>> No.7509201

First hand knowledge, it was a joke post set up by a guy on the east coast because he was sad the panel was gone, nothing happened
Sort of slightly sad but OH WELL the 2hus were strong this year

>> No.7509206

You think spending 10 minutes trying to figure out how to remove them is sexy?

>> No.7509302


> Zapp Brannigan stealing show at Zapp Brannigan's Loveline
> wat

>> No.7509453

Friday and Saturday morning were best for me and my friends. After like 2pm on Saturday we just could not find anything to do. All of the panels looked uninteresting, no major events until the dance (which sounded like it would flop based on Friday nights' so we skipped it), and only a couple of late night panels that seemed worth attending. We ended up just getting drunk and handgun out at the hotel sat night. Sunday had enough things we were collectively interested in seeing but apparently EVERYTHING closed early on Sunday. The Lolita fashion show was scheduled until 1:30 but prob ended at 12:30 like 5 minutes after we got there. Then we went to go see the idols (kind of sucked but not the point) which also ended like half an hour earlier than scheduled. It was just like that the entire day until we just left.

>> No.7509510

>Way too many Attack on Titan cosplayers.
I thought it was pretty cool, actually.

There was a lot of people and some cool cosplays to look at, which is all I really go for so I thought it was fine. I already bitched about the one panel I've ever attempted to go to getting cancelled, but that's my only real complaint. Oh, and getting raped by every food vendor there. I think ECC was a lot more fun though.

I got some video of an Annie. Not sure if it's the one you're talking about though. She was nice and humored me trying to get some Titan-esque movements from her.

I got pictures of her too! I cracked up when I saw her cosplay.

Davence rocking his awesome cosplay there!

Sakuracon really needs to step up its social media. No official FB page, no forums... it's like they don't want to give their customers any means to organize anything or communicate and share experiences, video and photos.

>> No.7509527
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should I be disappointed with myself due to the fact that this convention is the only highlight of the year for me? I would like to check out other anime conventions, but the lack of a car and the fact that train/hotel fees are so high kind of dissuade me from attending them.

>> No.7509594

Lion Dance was awesome, should have went to see that.

I volunteered to be one of the people from the audience they invited up to do some of their kung fu and shit. Made me happy because I got muh squats in because of it, fun and entertaining

>> No.7509599
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Hey. Where do the majority of sakuracon pics get posted? Tumblr? Is there a forum? I was new to sakuracon this year so I dont know where to look...

I havent found any good pics yet.

Also the chess match wasa pretty awful arrangement in a bad room. Stage needs to be elevated or stadium seating. Did dig the supernatural or space wars shit either. Oh well! I got to be in the late night game. Whee!

I loved the con overall, guests I cared about, cool panels all day and night, awesome venue, and the best cosplays and people. First time sakuracon goer loved it. But if you guys think it used to be better I wish id been here for it. =/

>> No.7509610
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2824, DSC_0154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always upload my stuff onto imgur and then hand out the links here and there.
Since the sakuracon forum went down, I guess everyone else's photo collections will be spread all around as well. I really wish they kept the official forums up.

>> No.7509635

Why were they taken down?

>> No.7509637

I guess it became too much of a hassle to maintain. Anime fans tend to stir up alot of drama you know.

>> No.7509809

the one on the right had some awesome drawing skills on her suit that are hard to see here

Also, any pictures of the Saturday snk or klk meetup? I have friends who were there

>> No.7509841

This was my first Sak and it was pretty neat, had a hard time finding panels to go to though. They mostly seemed uninteresting, and the few I went to were disappointing. Anyone else experience the horrible Whose Line one?

>> No.7510081

Brian, the guy it was supposed to have it passed on to him decided he didn't want to go, neither of them communicated and the guy that ran *that* touhou panel at Kumoricon cancelled his plans because he thought there were already going to be 2

>> No.7510314

Word of advice, for the most part, unless you know otherwise, ignore improv panels

>> No.7510336

My friends and I walked out on that one. Same with the yuri one.

>> No.7510443

What Peach, what happened?

>> No.7510448

Most of the cosplays were terrible though lol

>> No.7510626

AMV contest winners were boring, except that piece of toast.

>> No.7510652


fix your photos lazy fuck

>> No.7510666

except the whale akali

>> No.7510826

hi animeweedlord420waifucrusher

all the fucking guys in sunglasses this con

my eyes don't even get red.

>> No.7510913



sorry for the noise dude.

She wasnt in that cosplay long because of the no thongs rule. she had to go change.

Hey, look at the qt madotsuki in the background. i know her.

Were you the guy in the sakuya shirt?

Staff here. Staff are not allowed to record performances. Only media is allowed. If staff recorded it then there's a problem.

First time I went to S-con, and i was staff. It went really smoothly.

Also if you guys lost anything its most likely in the lost and found. Within 6 months, it will be donated. They WILL ship it to you or if you live in the area they can pick it up. Tons of cellphones, games, plushies, hoodies, accessories, also stuff from the previous year.

>> No.7510921


Yeah I dunno what's up with them, they literally looked fine on my netbook but when I posted them they were rotated

I'll fix em later, pls no bully

>> No.7510922

Were you the one who bitched at me for not knowing the petal points room was closed?

>> No.7510928
File: 57 KB, 480x720, 10150616_496961923766321_7421828023694955600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl that went to same highschool as me in the AP fashion show.

>> No.7510930

they made her change out of that? what a shame. Guess I was lucky getting that photo then.

>> No.7510934

no, i wasn't anon. i was in the lost and found the entire time.

>> No.7510940
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>> No.7510941

Ah, ok then

>> No.7510949

>were you the guy in the sayaka shirt?

Nah, I wore plaid and illfitting jeans. Again, horrible fashion sensei

>> No.7510951
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>> No.7510959

You were asian and had square glasses and a big black camera? I'm just trying to remember random people i saw at the touhou photoshoot.

unless you're desu

>> No.7510960
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>> No.7510966
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>> No.7510983
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>> No.7510992
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>> No.7511003
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>> No.7511009
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>> No.7511011


Nah, I missed most of the toouhou shoot actually. I only found out about it because of a passerby and quickly dropped byto see if there were any decent 2hus before I went on to the next panel on my little schedule. Fortunately, I got to enjoy some pc98 costumes! I'm still amazed someone tried to do Meira. Talk about a niche character!

I wish I had known about it beforehand, I would've tried to catch it. Shikata ga nai

>> No.7511016
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>> No.7511024

Yeah, there was really bad communication about where it was going to be. I thought it was going to be in one place and led everyone over there. then it started raining so we had to move.

>> No.7511032
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>> No.7511042
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>> No.7511048
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>> No.7511059
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>> No.7511063
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>> No.7511075
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>> No.7511082
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>> No.7511090
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>> No.7511094

Alright Anon this is getting weird. We don't need to see the 50 pictures you saved of the girl you went to high school with in 20 different poses.

>> No.7511099

New thread for con recap/pics?

>> No.7511103

its okay im done
i figured you guys might like them to drool over or something idk

>> No.7511104
File: 64 KB, 638x960, 10269453_535838413194308_5108735539493748953_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite cosplay of the weekend.

Too cute, and kinda creative.

>> No.7511107

it's no problem man. but with large groups of photos I tend to just post a few favs and throw the rest in an imgur link or something convenient.

>> No.7511112

She is pretty cute and hot, imo

>> No.7511114
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>> No.7511115

Awww man that's adorable. I wonder if that girl actually watches SNK though.

>> No.7511118
File: 2.33 MB, 1464x2828, DSC_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was probably my favorite, although it was a little dark. I've seen one other Commander Keen cosplay on the net, but I never thought I'd seen one in person.

>> No.7511119

ill keep that in mind if she ever posts another shitload of pics

>> No.7511131

anyone else have pics of non-fat madotsuki cosplayer?

>> No.7511146

New thread.

>> No.7511593

I hated that game so much, but I would of been seriously happy to see it cosplayer from it. Ah back in the day.

>> No.7511622

Old Sophie and turnip make me so happy

>> No.7512731

>tfw first picture of me on 4chan