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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7490404 No.7490404 [Reply] [Original]

How many people are doing Ryuuko cosplays? Is she super popular? I'd like to cosplay her but I don't want to do a character that I'll run into a thousand others of at a con...

>> No.7490417

A lot. Yes. You'll run into ton of others, although most are pretty shit. If you think you're good enough to not just blend in though, I say go for it.

>> No.7490418

misfire from klk thread?
are you new to life?

>> No.7490422

No... I'm not from around these parts, and I don't really cosplay in general, nor do I keep up with what the cosplay world is into really.

I don't know if I'm good enough, but I like her character a lot and I think it would be fun to cosplay her... like I said, I'm not really familiar with trends in the cosplay world, so. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7490437
File: 3 KB, 210x227, 1344382910227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm cosplaying her and I fear this same thing

>> No.7490445

I don't think it'd be bad to do her casual look with the jacket. I think a lot of people will try hard to do her Kamui form, but I haven't been to any cons since last Fall so I wouldn't know anything other than online pics.
If pic related you would make a good Ryuko though

>> No.7490449
File: 122 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-14-14 at 2.04 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this pic is me – I have kind of a sharper jawline so I'm not 100% I would make a good Ryuko. Maybe a better Satsuki... but I like Ryuko too much ;_;

The casual look with her jacket is a really good idea, also. I was thinking of doing her usual senketsu uniform outfit, the kamui one would be really too much for me.

>> No.7490470

If you don't want to be seeing others cosplaying the same character pick a less oft cosplayed character, or one from a less popular series. Kill la Kill was THE most popular show last season and fucking everybody watched it. Ryuko is the main character. Therefore there's going to be a lot of cosplays of her. Either own it so you stand out, try your best and not worry about being unique, or pic something else.

>> No.7490472

You will run into a lot, but just put in the time to make it a good cosplay, and you should stand out.

>> No.7490473

Haha well you'd look good in either. If you like Ryuko you really should do her. But yeah, if you do the Senketsu uniform then I would think that'd be fun to make since the uniform is also a character itself. Like sewing the eye and the patch on one side. I don't wanna say that the Kamui cosplayers are tryhard fags or anything, but I think that just leaves either a bad experience or a hard time adjusting to something that revealing

>> No.7490496

op id do it.

I'm sure I'll see a lot of sanageyama cosplays, but im excited to just be there and see others and show my own.

>> No.7490508

I think you'd be a better ryuko. I had a similar problem, but seeing ryuko's final form outfit, I think I'm too enamored with cosplaying her to do satsuki (who totally got cheated in the final episode js)

>> No.7490515

>tfw same

>> No.7490586

Who fucking cares? Do what you want.

>> No.7490591

Okay, you're right. That's how I should think about it – to have fun cosplaying a character I like.

Oh, thank you! I think I'll do it. I'm not sure how to spend time into making it a good cosplay, though, other than making sure everything is well-made... I can't exactly sew well, so I was thinking I would just buy an outfit.

>> No.7490602

I think I have the body and skills to do everything of fashion week ryuuko...except the wig. She looks just too cool. One day maybe. I'm waiting for someone else to attempt it let alone nail it.

>> No.7490765

yeah, sanageyama still here.

i'd actually be happy to see a lot of ryukos, especially good ones if they were picture-friendly.

>> No.7490792

why wait
be the first. be the trendsetter. you want someone else to attempt it? ok, it's you. you attempt it first. you will get noticed

>> No.7490840

sorry, i dont understand the context to what i said.

>> No.7490853

>is she super popular?
Have you been on the internet at all since KLK debuted?

>> No.7490876

No, that's Meltyfate Cosplay

>> No.7491173

>If pic related you would make a good Ryuko though

>Not stoic or angry-looking
>"Good Ryuuko"

>> No.7491175

Yes, a lot of slutty girls who want attention are doing Ryuko.

The only good ones are porn Ryuko and that-one-cute-tumblr-deviant Ryuko.

>> No.7491178

Also, you in particular should really not cosplay her. It is unlikely that if you run into another Ryuko that she'll be uglier than you. Just because she's a tomboy doesn't mean it's ok for her to be ugly. She's the cutest.

>> No.7491230

>calling her ugly without posting a picture of yourself.
go suck dick elsewhere hamplanet. leave this qt alone. im sure with makeup and an awesome cosplay she could do the character justice.

>> No.7491231

Tbh I couldn't disagree more with the other anon -- you have the perfect face for Ryuko, because most of the other ones are just making kawaii faces all the time, but you could easily look a little stern or do one of her battle faces, and that's what she looks like 99% of the time. You're attractive but also capable of looking pissed off and aggressive, and almost all Ryukos lack that and smile sweetly in pictures.

>> No.7491234

IMO you look waaay too cute to successfully be a pissed off Ryuko.
You suit Mako better.

>> No.7491236

There's also that guy that's doing bubba Ryuko.

>> No.7491237

>bubba Ryuko.
I really hate how fat, hairy dudes or black guys cosplaying as attractive/cutesy female characters is a thing.
Like, it was funny the first few times. Now the magic's gone.

>> No.7491262

Last con I went to I could only find 3

>> No.7491268

>IMO you look waaay too cute
I hope you are a girl and not some utterly desperate neckbeard. Really more likely that you're a girl tho, don't think even the neckbeardest would call that cute.

>> No.7491269

And this I really hope is a samefag or troll.

If not, go back to /r9k/.

>> No.7491280

Just because you don't find her cute doesn't mean no one else can. Dig the sand out of your cunt.

>> No.7491292

Look, point is, she's nowhere near "Ryuko cute". She's just "this neckbeard on the internet thinks she's cute". If you want to truly test if your cosplay is good or shit, just throw it on /a/. The best KLK cosplays (including Voldie's Mako, in example) have gotten almost universal praise there. I don't care what you think of them, or how butthurt it makes you, but they are the ultimate cold harsh truth test. Sure, some retards on /cgl/ will tell you that "oh em gee, so amazing!" - but it's not really amazing if you can't get Men Who Hate Women to like your cosplay.

>> No.7491586

>tfw huge
>tfw super white
>tfw darkest hair

Can't cosplay gamagori :(

>> No.7491593
File: 109 KB, 200x200, 1396257245306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to truly test if your cosplay is good or shit, just throw it on /a/.

>> No.7491641

Tanning spray
Wig or dye hair

>> No.7491657

For Jetstream sam that's easy, I just have to do my face. For Gamagori I'd need alot of spray, and it's not that big of a thing in NL.

>> No.7491681

Is this the trap I keep seeing in the shemale threads on /b/?

>> No.7491692

nah, this is the one who flashed her tits before the first episode even came out.

>> No.7491703 [DELETED] 

and here are said tits

>> No.7491714

my god...

>> No.7491720

Does the character have a dick? Because OP does.

>> No.7491722

top kek m8

>> No.7491723

What a fuck is wrong with that torso.

>> No.7491728

nothing. i would suck on op's tits all fucking day.

>> No.7491731

>gangly tranny syndrome

>> No.7491743


>> No.7491764


>> No.7492021

>calling that b8

Yep, confirmed, you're actually the buttravaged girl who selfposted ITT.

What I said is an undeniable objective fact. You aren't really cute if /a/ doesn't think so. Doesn't matter what people on /cgl/ say. Lots of salty seagulls have been hating on Voldie but after she won da Makobowl as the Officially Best Mako cosplayer in the West (by winning /a/), all her haters shutted up.

>> No.7492035
File: 131 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-16-14 at 12.11 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi – actually the OP here. First: I was asleep when that was posted. Second: sorry you don't think I'm cute enough to cosplay Ryuko, and I'm doubly sorry that your standards for good cosplay are related to what /a/ thinks.

>shutted up

>> No.7492058

Someone's mad that she's not cute like Voldie

>> No.7492061
File: 845 KB, 606x606, klknigri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is very popular but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Make your costume to the best of your abilities and have fun.

pic related, nigri.

>> No.7492060

Oh god why are you doing this to yourself?

>> No.7492064


Go back to sleep. You look like you need more.

>> No.7492068

I honestly don't even know who that is. Like I said, I don't have any idea about cosplay, which is why I made this thread in the first place...

Okay, goodnight.

>> No.7492089

Your face looks too soft and sweet for either of them if you're looking for opinions.

You look like you'd make a better Nui or Nonon, or even Mako.

Satsuki and Ryuko are both sort of sharp and serious.

>> No.7492094

Don't do your eyeliner like that tho, it looks stupid.

You look like a girl I used to go to school with, but less... drugged out.

Voldie isn't really that cute.

>> No.7492138

could someone send me a link to this voldie person? cant seem to find them

>> No.7492148

I saw the deleted post before it went down, but was that person and the person in the OP of this thread the same person?

>> No.7492153
File: 44 KB, 720x578, 1392138602479[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7492155

I mean, she's not ugly. But she's not /that/ cute.

>> No.7492176

what the literal fuck
racoon eyes, not even CLOSE to accurate seifuku, no boobs, ugly facial expressions
is this a jike?

>> No.7492177


>> No.7492187

They are not. OP girl flashed her B cups in a gif.

>> No.7492198

that wasn't her finished cosplay

>> No.7492210

any pics of finished?

>> No.7492220
File: 406 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n28iiwIcgQ1t0dkplo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the seifuku after the con I wore the cosplay to so there's no finished pictures. But I fixed the stripes on the collar and the scarf since this picture

>> No.7492231

mako only has 1 stripe on her collar

>> No.7492254

scratch that, this is really cute
and as long as you fixed the stripes, A+ for final product

>> No.7492264

Get a better wig and this will be A+

>> No.7492294

You're too fat to pull off Mako.

>> No.7492299

not to mention this photo was from the shoop thread a little while ago, so she's even thicker than that.

This. I think it could have gone much better if she had actually made her own ACCURATE seifuku without a zipper in the front and three stripes on the collar like the bodyline one.

>> No.7492344

> Second: sorry you don't think I'm cute enough to cosplay Ryuko, and I'm doubly sorry that your standards for good cosplay are related to what /a/ thinks.



Girl, you should not only *NOT* cosplay Ryuko, you shouldn't cosplay any anime girl ever.

You look like a fucking man. How about cosplaying Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs instead?

>> No.7492357


Look it's Tracy Turnblad's mom.

>> No.7492364

So Mako is the defacto fat girl cosplay isn't she?

>> No.7492370

>finished cosplay = photoshopped cosplay

>> No.7493056

You are a true Canadian.

>> No.7493058

The face is weird.

>> No.7493137

Why do you trip here? You seem to get a lot of hate every time you post.
Genuinely curious.

>> No.7493709

She's a Canadian, she doesn't know any better.

>> No.7493718

my penis just inverted. Thanks for ruining my waifu with your fat-grammy arms self.

Why would you even selfpost such a monstrosity

>> No.7493744

>think voldies cute
>see dis pic
>voldie stahp

>> No.7493763
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in: mako isnt fat
jesus christ why do all fattychans see her as The Perfect Cosplay For Their Kawaii Bodytype ughhh

>> No.7493820

Can't stop the Tumblr retardation.

They also think that Ryuko is a turbodyke with a Michael Madsen face, as evident by this thread.

>> No.7493832

Post the gif? That shit would make my day, no joke.

>> No.7493836

TRIGGER actually said Mako was meant to be chubby. Not a landwhale, though.
It makes sense because she eats shit food all the time.
The style of the show makes all non-landwhales skinny if female.
Now stop whining.

>> No.7493848

Japanese chubby would have her at like 130lb for her height.

>> No.7493849

Am I the only one who actually prefers chubby Makos over stick thin ones? Not landwhales, but just girls with a bit of meat on them. Especially when it comes to the face. She has a cute round face, not a skinny sharp one with defined cheekbones. Eh, just personal preference I guess.

>> No.7493853

>fattychan alert

>> No.7493855

Doesn't matter. If she's not fucking fat in the anime, then she isn't fucking fat

>> No.7493857

There are plenty of super skinny people with chubby faces, bone structure isn't determined by weight either.

>> No.7493863

Going by an Asian BMI calculator, that would put her at quite overweight.

>> No.7493864

No one said she was fat, dumbshit. She's just not as skinny as you probably think she is.

>> No.7494004
File: 58 KB, 1064x600, Mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"shes chubby guys"
>tiny fucking waist and arms
>just as fucking tiny as ryuko

also like to see that source on trigger actually stating that and not just fatties wishing

>> No.7494045

this is fat

also this thread needs to understand the differences between fat and thin
just because youre not chubby doesnt mean youre fucking stick thin..stay jealous fat asses dont act like you have never seen a thin fit curvy girl before.

>> No.7494050
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1348275286669s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt even on Jnigs instagram let alone her facebook page why does everyone think this is jnig? isnt she at pax anyway with that wild something cosplay with monika?

>> No.7494068

Pretty much, Mako despite being comic relief is like, total-babe tier
>huge tits
>flat stomach
>wide hips
>tiny waist
If she had a different hairstyle she'd probably be even more waifu-tier.

>> No.7494256

it is on her instagram... http://instagram.com/p/mnbCCfPP5C/

>> No.7494258

>by japanese standards so she's american normal
>bitch has a high ass metabolism so all the shit food just gets shit out of her
>she probably burns a lot from just being a hyperactive motherfucker to boot

>> No.7495537
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, 5TwzRuE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the gif everyone wants?? I honestly dont even know why everyone is freaking out lol nothing about this is shocking or anything

>> No.7495568

Because she's a cross eyed cutie

>> No.7495586
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1390445284237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mako was meant to be chubby
Next you'll try to convince me that Usagi was supposed to be fat.

>> No.7495599

>also like to see that source on trigger actually stating that
Ask /a/. Also, show me a single time KLK has characters that are female but not huge fucking blimps be not skinny.
Anime chubby =/= American obese chubby

>> No.7495603
File: 421 KB, 936x1378, bait-poster01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at people actually falling for this bait again.

>> No.7495638

I hate being an American and having I guess "anime" or Japanese standards of chubby. I don't even think it's unattractive, but my boyfriend calls me a catty bitch when I say a girl is chubby if she isn't fucking Amerifat huge.

>> No.7496143
File: 39 KB, 640x480, slap chop pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is pretty cool

>> No.7496149

The rest of the intelligent world has these standards and it's gross to allow fatties to slide by like that.

>> No.7496152


>Takeuchi Naoko's Notes: A little Chubby


>Usagi was the shortest of the teenage Sailor Senshi, and the Materials Collection noted that she was a little "chubby."

>> No.7496162

western chubby - 30 to 40lb overweight
japanese chubby - 10 to 20lb overweight

Also, this is anime, any character with larger than a 24in waist is considered chubby.
This shit is semantics at this point, it may as well not even count.

>> No.7496467

>it may as well not even count.
It does though
Just because you have a different idea of what chubby means doesn't mean 10-20lbs is automatically skinny

>> No.7496515

back on topic (kinda) what are some good, not overdone poses for ryuko?

>> No.7496523

probably best to just come up with something unique yourself.

make yourself stand out.

>> No.7496533

on back legs up

>> No.7496538

scissor sword in pooper

>> No.7496600

thanks everyone

>> No.7497433

>some good, not overdone poses for ryuko?
Well, in example, one of the poses she actually does in the anime, instead of the usual Facebook-slut-selfie.

>> No.7497473
File: 87 KB, 533x800, Mikie_Hara_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what they mean with "chubby" is that they're not of an athletic built.
It's probably like pic related.

>> No.7497482

She's just baby faced

>> No.7497515

If you want to be unique just cosplay the battle suit outfit.

>> No.7497522

Not even, at least half a dozen girls have done the battle suit outfit and they're far from the last people who will wear it.
Just wait until AX and Otakon, I guarantee there will be at least another six girls as battle suit Ryuko and Satsuki at each con.

>> No.7497985

I wish KLK wasn't so popular in the West. Sick and tired of all these attention whores who don't even watch the show cosplaying for attention.

>> No.7499047

>tfw a notorious cosplayer in the area is also doing genderbend ryuko

>> No.7499085

Japanese chubby is not the same as normal human being chubby. Japan has the worst and unhealthy weight standards. I see no chub on Mako. She's 115 the most.

>> No.7499097

Who is it?

>> No.7499138

Asian chubby is 50-52kg at 160cm. I keep scrolling past this in KLK threads and it's bugging the shit out of me. American average is Asian FAT. American skinny is Asian AVERAGE. American so-skinny-harvard-threatens-to-kick-you-out-of-school is Asian SKINNY. Chubby just means she's not toned and lean and has a little jiggle. Nothing like Marshmallow girls or whatever. Hint: If you can see your collarbones clearly and your thumb and middle finger go around your ankles, but you have a bit of a pooch after dinner, that's Asian chubby.

>> No.7499484

Why did you take all of OUR JOBS?

>> No.7499555
File: 47 KB, 480x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rekt cheeseburger swallowing muhrikans

>> No.7499877

>your thumb and middle finger go around your ankles
^this will never be me no matter how skinny i get, damn my cankles

>> No.7499912

Everyone's stomach gets bigger after dinner, though.

>> No.7499915

I don't have cankles, but I'll never be able to do that anyway, my bones, tendons, and muscles get in the way.

>> No.7499918

Honey no...

>> No.7499951

Yes it does. Your stomach expands to accommodate food. It doesn't mean you'll have a pot belly or anything but it will definitely get bigger.

>> No.7499955

Then you should probably not eat so much.

>> No.7499979

It will expand after a meal unless you have a large stomach already.

>> No.7499980
File: 31 KB, 500x400, 1397045106559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a fucking retard. This is how bodies work.

>> No.7499996

Welp, guess I should start taking body measurements to track workout progress in the morning.

>> No.7500006

Not necessarily. You could do it after your food digests.

>> No.7500009

No matter how skinny a tall girl gets, she most likely won't be able to fit her fingers around her ankle. I'm a recovering anorexic, 5'8, and I could never even do that at my lowest weight of 44kg.

>> No.7500013


>> No.7500015

My thumb and middle finger go around my ankles very easily, and I'm chubby as fuck.

>> No.7500023

And touch them together? Huh. Maybe my roommate and I are just too masculine or something..

>> No.7500048

This probably (actually, legitimately) has to do with bone structure. I'm underweight and have visible ribs and can't do this.

>> No.7500442

Holy shit, no wonder you Americans have problems with being fat.

How much do you pigs eat in a day??

>> No.7500787

amerika strong

>> No.7500814

yes...if you fucking eat more than you need

do you even know what "over eating" is you autist?

>> No.7500827

if I ever saw this in the mirror I would faint from terror because being an amerifat is my worst fucking nightmare

also you bitches need to stop drinking sugar and drink water instead
less fat and less fucking bloating from lack of water

mfw 24 inch waist with 36 inch hip ratio

>> No.7500839

I get this too. Hardcore food babies.

It happens a lot to skinny girls because there isn't any room for the stomach to expand except for out. Also bloating happens. Water weight and all that. I eat way too much salt, so that could be my problem.

Good thing at cons when I'd be wearing tummy-revealing costumes I don't eat until nighttime.

>> No.7500842

It's salt that causes the wierd bloat, not sugar.

Not enough water does contriboot, but if you don't have too much salt, it won't happen either.

>> No.7500965

Ah, so that's why /cgl/ is so salty all the time :33

>> No.7500989

I hope you're actually not this retarded on how the human body functions.

>> No.7503024

about 2

>> No.7503150
File: 18 KB, 157x233, Ring of chaos on 9.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking handle this girl and her big ass eyes and natural kitty mouth.

>> No.7503158

She's pretty alright, but I wouldn't get too worked up over it. You're probably pretty alright yourself, anon.

>> No.7503170

Well, yeah.
I just think she's pretty.
D-do you really think I'm pretty alright looking?

>> No.7503625

I'm sure he does.

>> No.7503638

Either she doesn't shit at all or eats too much.

>> No.7503771

Most of the bloat is probably from water tbh
Also I think her angle is a little different between the first and last picture.
Finally, being upright throughiout a day means you're about 2in shorter by the end, which also makes her look chubby.
All in all that picture is quite normal and healthy

>> No.7504000

IRL, shes nothing special. She has nice eyes, but that's mostly makeup and circle lenses in the gif. I'm sure you are quite pretty, anon!

>> No.7504251

I forgot spoiler tags don't work here, so I can't do the joke I wanted to.

Anyway, want to show my face but I'm hesitant.

And to elaborate a few things, I've seen her other work and while the costumes themselves are nice and she is nice looking. I really only like the Ryuuko cosplay because it's her doing it.

The Ryuuko cosplay itself is laughably shit, just a wig track jacket and jeans.
It's the girl herself and how she looks when not compared to Ryuuko is what I think looks nice.

TL;DR her cosplay is okay tier to good tier, and her Ryuuko cosplay is terrible but she looks good as herself in it.

>> No.7505996
File: 147 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 4-14-14 at 6.19 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, no, but I think a lot of people have my pics so I wouldn't be surprised if someone threw them up in /fit/.

I'm surprised anyone is still responding to this thread, personally.

>> No.7506331 [DELETED] 

Do I have enough eyebrows to Satsuki?

>> No.7507789

Why do you have a bike in your house?

>> No.7507811

>your thumb and middle finger go around your ankles
I hope you meant wrists anon.

>> No.7507817

Have you talked to her IRL or just seen her?

>> No.7507822

What's Asian skinny/Asian fat at 172cm?

>> No.7507836

Ankle fatty detected

>> No.7508320

I'm pretty well skin-and-bones there and I can't do that either

>> No.7508556
File: 2.64 MB, 264x240, 1391222394589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shut in twerp of a faggot who's never bothered to go to a con.
Plus isn't she Canadian?
Point is I'll never meet her IRL, I think.

>> No.7512427
