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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7493538 No.7493538 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone here met their soulmate at a con?

I like aspie girls interested in comics/games/cosplay/general nerdom, so I figured my best chances of meeting someone like that is at cons. Any suggestions to maximize my chances? So far I thought:

1) testing board games with random girls and try to chitchat and see if we have anything in common (at the cons i go to there's always a boarding games area to try out new games)
2) talking to girls at booths, not the "booth babes" but the artists. If anything we may end up doing some collab.
3) don't go with my friends but go alone (this will give me more freedom to stop and talk with someone)
4) participating in the cosplay competition

Not entirely sure about number 4, you can end up helping some girl getting dressed and chitchatting while in line... but you're also gonna spend a lot of time waiting in line while you could be elsewhere...

>> No.7493558


>> No.7493562
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I didn't necessarily meet them, we were already acquaintances, but cons are what helped me bond with my now boyfriend of 2 years.
I honestly would be careful about hitting on girls at cons though because of all the "con creep" issues that happen. Because unfortunately it is very hard to tell who is a total creep and who is a genuinely cool person. My recommendation would be to look into any meetups of things you are interested happening at cons! Or panels and stuff! Where it is encouraged to meet and greet everyone.

>> No.7493563

>don't go with my friends but go alone (this will give me more freedom to stop and talk with someone)

Yes, that's why you go alone.

>> No.7493573

if anything it's better to go with friends. I'm honestly more creeped by one guy walking alone and talking to girls, than a guy who has a group of friends with him.

>> No.7493578

What makes the difference in someone approaching you at a con?

How they look? Are they cosplaying? Built, fat, skinny, ugly, what?

I'm just curious for when I next go to a con and I'm looking to approach or get to know somebody, what would set someone off.

>> No.7493583
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I met my current girlfriend, soon to be wife, at a con back in 2006. She was working on getting her degree in economics and grew up with manga and anime. So we just sat down and spoke a bit. In 2008, we did a big persona 3 group and after that we skyped every night til I confessed my feelings at the end of the year. It was a pretty rare chance to meet someone so intelligent at an anime con. I honestly think I just got really lucky. She was a friend of mutual friends, so even outside a con we should of met anyway.

>> No.7493582

yea I just figured that out today. I went to this con but I couldn't stop at the booths i wanted to because we had to stay together, or when i started talking with someone I had to cut it ff early cause I could see my friends getting a bit annoyed...

Next con I'm gonna go to it'll be with my sister and her bf. I think we'll split at a certain point so that should be good...

I do like going with friends but it definitely has its downsides... maybe the next times I'll try to do one day with friends and one or two days alone.

>> No.7493589

yea i understand that. I would definitely avoid hitting on girls in cosplays, at least the hot cosplays. I'd rather chat it up with someone playing a board game or at some booth/panel.
Fortunately I don't think I give too much of a creep vibe. Girls at cons always seemed nice/not creeped out.
Thanks for the meetup suggestion, too

>> No.7493595

>It was a pretty rare chance to meet someone so intelligent at an anime con.
Do you really think that? I would have said people at cons are smarter than average,being mostly nerds. That's also why I thought it could be a good place to make new acquaitances.. I just want a neet shut in aspie gf

>> No.7493594
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it honestly doesn't matter what your body type is. if you're looking for a potential lover, they shouldn't judge you on that kind of thing. just be who you are.
my only suggestion is DO NOT WEAR A FEDORA. girls will avoid you like the plague.

>> No.7493599

b-but what if the cosplay requires a fedora!?

>> No.7493602
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>my only suggestion is DO NOT WEAR A FEDORA.

But I wanted to be Hidari Shotaro...

>> No.7493616
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every year i go with a group of friends and almost always get pulled aside to talk with some qt3.14 either cosplaying from the same series or just mutual interest

this leads to sharing some sort of social site, which leads to small talk after the con, then to nothing

i honestly find it much harder to spark something when the relationship only rely on some sort of anime interest, but it would be pretty awesome to date someone like that. Keep dreaming the dream OP, ill be trying again soon ;_;

>> No.7493665

okay, well i'm not fat and i soon won't be too skinny.

what i was hoping for is that they won't take me as a creeper or someone there to scout out girls.

and the fedora thing is something i'd never do. i'm going as sanageyama in june.

>> No.7493672

Cosplay something and cosplay it well. Someone's going to want to talk to you.
Bonus points for cosplaying a popular girl-oriented anime like Free! and not being a crossdressing girl.

>> No.7493699

I've met my last two boyfriends at a con, but we got to know each other better because we were volunteering in the same section and so would meet up for training and then be like 'hey do you want to get dinner after'.

>> No.7493724

i'm doing free! next year. i'm really excited to do it once i tone out more.

>> No.7493736

>not being a crossdressing girl.

Thus eliminating 98.9% of /cgl/.

>> No.7493768

If you want to catch maximum waves of girls, I'd do it this year, especially with the anime being hyped for season 2 (possibly) in July

>> No.7493796

i liked sanageyama too much this season.

and i'm just looking forward to having fun with four of my friends - three'll be their first con.

>> No.7493808

Anyone that needs to start a thread on "how do I get a girlfriend at a con" is never going to get a girlfriend at a con.

>> No.7493809

i think it's a fun way to ask about the best ways to approach people at cons.

>> No.7493814


Do you also think the earth is flat and parachute pants are in?

>> No.7493822

this. It's more making friends at cons in general. Then if it turns into something more, all is good.

>> No.7493824

Parachute pants are fucking awesome ok? Shut your whore mouth.

>> No.7493828

>It's more making friends at cons in general.

>Did anyone here met their soulmate at a con?

>I like aspie girls interested in comics/games/cosplay/general nerdom, so I figured my best chances of meeting someone like that is at cons. Any suggestions to maximize my chances?

>> No.7493842

not making the connection.

>> No.7493854

that's just to make the thread more interesting. Saying "making friends at cons" sounds lame

>> No.7493858
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>Saying "making friends at cons" sounds lame

The fuck you just say?

>> No.7493870
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"hurr durr, i have no friands. How do i friends at comicon?"

See how lame that sounds?

>> No.7493888


Almost as lame as "I'm a lonely virgin who can't get laid. How do I into vagina?"

>> No.7493893
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>> No.7493897

>almost as lame.
correct. "almost".

The social pyramid is like this:

- normalfags
- no gf(/bf)
- no gf + no friends
- no gf + no friends + no family
- 4chan

so saying you don0t have friends is lamer than saying you don't have a relationship

>> No.7493911

>not that anon but you didn't get the joke at all

Well played, Kamen Rider fan.

>> No.7493948

why do you assume i have no friends otherwise?

>> No.7493990

I met my boyfriend at a con 2 years ago, we were both cosplaying the same character - just opposite teams. We barely spoke at the actual convention, but we later found each other on the con's forums and it went from there. Two months after the con we were dating, and we've been together since.

>> No.7494071

>con's forums
interesting, never heard of a con with a forum. I guess meeting on the con's facebook group or something would be the equivalent.

Anyway good for you, hope you two are happy.

>> No.7494078
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>interesting, never heard of a con with a forum.

>> No.7494092

Honestly, looks and speech/voice.

Im not a cosplayer, but a lolita. I get asked for photographs somewhat often. I don't mind talking a little about my outfit after someone asks for a photo of me. I think talking about their outfit (or their cosplay) can easily lead to a good conversation that they are comfortable with talking about.

I once had a guy ask me if he could pick me up like a princess for a photo! I thought it was really sweet and cute. He wasn't really my type, but he had a really good and happy personality that showed through our few moments of interaction.

>> No.7494109
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>not going with your bros and they help you out with getting at some chick

guy pls

>> No.7494110

I live in italy, I don't know of any con here which has a forum. They usually just set up a shitty website which is hard as fuck to navigate. There area always the related facebook pages/groups/events though. Unless that person was talking about a general cosplay forum with a section for specific cons or something like that. But I think she meant a forum specific to that con.

>> No.7494142

would never work. I would get much more pussy without them, my friends are way too nerdy. Like when we go to cons they just want to go around buying overpriced shit, and then after seeing all booths once or twice they already want to go away. I'd like to actually talk to people in booths like artists and such, or try out the board games, or spend more time looking at prints and art, but they just want to buy shit and go home. When they do try to act like wingmen i feel pretty embarassed, they keep talking about me like I'm this amazing person who does amazing things... I mean, I'm happy they think that of me, but I prefer to be more humble when I'm getting to know someone new...

jokes on you. I would never want to date a lolita. Those peeps are craaaaaazy

>> No.7494157

Go back to >>>/r9k/.

You don't like "aspie girls" you like "cute shy girls". These girls are wanted by all men, so you have no chance against the good looking alphas. Real "aspie girls" that are accessible to you are the monstrosities / landwhales from the land of Tumblr.

>> No.7494167

jokes on you, no one would ever want to date you. You're a doouuuuucheebaaag.

>> No.7494168
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> I would get much more pussy without them

>> No.7494175

Yup, a forum specific to the con's website. It's died since then though, since everyone prefers to use Facebook for those kinds of things.

>> No.7494184

And people told me I was biased when I said menvirgins were the worst thing on /cgl/.....

>> No.7494185

yea no, /r9k/ is a shithole, I enjoy going on there every once in a while cause reading the stuff those losers write can be funny, but I'm not like that. I'm relatively "alpha" whatever that retarded term means. I've always been hit on by pretty hot girls.
And no, I'm not interested in "cute shy girls". Physical appearence doesn't matter at all to me. In fact I would prefer them to be ugly so they're lower maintenance and there's less competition. I said aspie cause I mean someone intelligent who has an instinct to dedicate 100% to things the do.
I guess the _real_ reason, is that the only girl i ever really felt a connection with was a girl i met online. The person I enjoyed conversing the most with, and maybe the only person I know I would consider as intelligent if not more intelligent than me. Incidentally she was a gigantic otaku, reads every comic book on earth, watches every series, plays every game, almost knows more about computers than i do. So I was wondering if i could find someone like that irl. I don't care for appearence at all, just conversation.

>> No.7494189


>> No.7494265

oh, huh.

thanks, that's interesting even into the limits of how i could ask for pictures.

anything into made made him not your type?

>> No.7494274



you're funny, bubby. you sound like you have a neckbeard growing in and have been out today buying only the finest fedoras.

>> No.7494289

oh noe. He said fedora, my soul is crushed.

>> No.7494295

This entire thread is goddamn fucking retarded.

>> No.7494298

10/10 quality post.
Average thread quality just increased by over 800% thanks to your insightful post. Thank you anon.

>> No.7494301

>hasn't even met girl
>'prefer them to be ugly'
>'lower maintenance'
Sorry to be the one that breaks this to you, but...

>> No.7494306

>I'm relatively "alpha" whatever that retarded term means. I've always been hit on by pretty hot girls.
>And no, I'm not interested in "cute shy girls". Physical appearence doesn't matter at all to me. In fact I would prefer them to be ugly so they're lower maintenance and there's less competition.
Oh LORD this post is a GOLDMINE

>> No.7494309

Um, no

>> No.7494317

>hasn't even met girl
what? Which girl?

>'prefer them to be ugly'
>'lower maintenance'
It's basic economics really. The most desired girls have higher contractual power so they can ask for more. Everyone knows top models are high maintenance for example.
Anyway the maintenance was just some crap i wrote to say idgaf about looks, I only care about the quality of conversations.

>> No.7494314

Just looks I guess, but he was decently attractive? Just not my type. By my "type" I just mean what I'm specifically attracted to on the surface, or the kind of guy I'd have a crush on.

>> No.7494320

>It's basic economics really. The most desired girls have higher contractual power so they can ask for more.
my sides

>> No.7494324
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I'm quite good at picking cosplayer girls on anime cons, especially on the bigger conventions. Had a few one night stands and a few flings with them.

Still hoping to find a cute virgin to waifu.

>> No.7494331

you don't know much about how the world works do you? Do you really think ugly girls are higher maintenance? Look let's make a practical example, Scarlett Johansson could have pretty much any man in the world, so why would she settle for a man who's not willing to spend at least something like 100$ a day on her?
It's more complicated than that of course. Imo the main predictor for maintenance cost is how wealthy their family is. If you date a millionaire chick you're probably gonna end up spending more than dating a poor chick. As for beauty, it's not really beauty per se, which is subjective, but how much she is desired in general (so famous people and top models have much higher maintenance than an equally good looking girl who is a nobody). Is that clear enough? Again this concept is totally irrelevant to the thread.

>> No.7494334

i dunno bubby.

as an "intelligent" man, you should know calling yourself intelligent has about as much worth as having someone call you an alpha.

>> No.7494335

I've met the only two gfs I ever had at cons, though not at the actual con itself but on skype. We were in the same fandom and were in a big group chat. Eventually I started talking to them privately and things escalated until we met up at the next con.

Doing things long distance sucks though. It's a ton of money and time and these girls had no life whatsoever so they'd want to skype me anytime I wasn't sleeping or working to compensate for the lack of physical presence. And since things were so highly accelerated like that they figured out we weren't meant to be quite quickly.

I just wanted to take it easy.

>> No.7494339

for more hilarity read the reply by JP Morgan's CEO to a golddigger asking for advice about getting rich men

>> No.7494342

ahh - gotcha.

>> No.7494344

My fucking sides

>> No.7494348

girls are always high maintainance. even the ugly ones

>> No.7494369

It's not like i can post certificates or something, this is the internet so you can trust me or not.
For what it's worth I can tell you I graduated summa cum laude, (was in the top 0.1% of the entire university). Graduated high school with full marks and was nominated among the best high school graduates of my year in the nation. My elementary school teachers had to give me more homework cause I would finish everything by the time they told us which exercises to do. Sometimes they told me to come up with my own homework cause they didn't know what to do anymore... I hate bragging but it's pretty objective. I don't see why saying you're intelligent is so frowned upon. Just as someone can tell you they're objectively good at some sport or something, i can tell you I'm objectively good at math or coding. I just mentioned intelligence cause I find talking with most people not worth my time, very few are sufficiently intellectually stimulating to me. And I realize that the only person who ever really was used to go to a lot of cons, and I do to, so I figured that's the best social environment where I should try to make new acquaintances.

>> No.7494374

"muh sides" see I can say that too.

yea I'm against ldr.

>> No.7494376

Pretty interesting reply but I am 96% sure it's an urban legend. I mean would JP Morgan's ceo really be unable to write basic english? a salient point either way.
My solution to this (aside from having investments aside beyond my looks) is to make potential partners know I"ll actually maintain my looks. I don't know if it helps, but it really, really should. Sure, I won't look 20 when I'm 50, but the amount of cows that let themselves go after marriage is positively staggering. If I were a guy I'd go for someone who was more likely to be attractive long-term, probably someone asian who actually understood nutrition and skincare and exercised self-control..

>> No.7494378

have you ever been in a long lasting relationship son

>> No.7494385

You idiot. Obviously a millionaire woman or literal actual Scarlett fucking Johannsson will expect a lavish lifestyle, but in the context of you dating awkward women, the attractive and unattractive ones are going to have pretty similar expectations in terms of effort, time spent with them, and/or money. The idea that an "ugly" girl is going to somehow be ok with less attention or monetary support is really naive.

>> No.7494386

>probably someone asian

Called it.

>> No.7494388

you're like a walking, talking joke!

you should open a road show, maybe you'd get people laughing.

what i think is funny is just defining yourself as "intelligent", like cool dude. whatever that actually means for someone.

>> No.7494396

I think the message was real, but not from JP Morgan's CEO... or maybe it was just one of their CEOs, as they control a lot of companies with many CEOs and those CEOs will say they work for JP Morgan. My uncle can also say he's a CEO at Morgan Stanley (JP morgan's commercial banking side).

>My solution to this (aside from having investments aside beyond my looks) is to make potential partners know I"ll actually maintain my looks. I don't know if it helps, but it really, really should. Sure, I won't look 20 when I'm 50, but the amount of cows that let themselves go after marriage is positively staggering. If I were a guy I'd go for someone who was more likely to be attractive long-term, probably someone asian who actually understood nutrition and skincare and exercised self-control..
Your solution should be working on yourself and not expecting a partner to provide for you given it's 2014. Personally I'm ok with occasional gifts, but I would always want a prenup and would split all expenses always. I'm from a relatively rich family and I already own two companies and a house, I don't wanna end up getting fucked up for love like my father did (not in a major way tho).

nope. I never found anyone worth spending that much time with. I value my time a lot.

>> No.7494398

I don't think you understand that women are human. Or how humans work.

A girl, regardless of how she actually looks, wants to feel loved, and wants to be able to give love back. Its a basic human longing.

1.Getting an "ugly girl" doesn't mean you get the easy way, you still have to provide the same things you would for a "pretty girl"-- love, affection, etc.
1.a. It is not true that an ugly girl will get hit on less. Average girls probably get hit on the most. Lets face it, we're intimidated by people we find 10000% gorgeous, and we generally don't want people who we think are unattractive, unless we're desperate.
1.a.a. Desperate guys will want girls more than a normal guy who wants to try his luck with a hot girl.

2.Getting somebody who you think is ugly doesn't work the right way-- actually, there's a higher chance she'll probably cheat on you.
Example for #2.
a. Guy dates girl and think she is hot-- guy is satisfied, and girl feels loved because guy thinks she's 10/10.
b. Guy dates girl and thinks she is ugly-- guy is unsatisfied, and girl is unsatisfied and seeks out somebody to approve of her.

This goes for any gender, not especially or specifically girls. Please note I am in no way saying that all girls NEED approval, but that normally, a couple supports each other throughout their insecurities, and that an insecurity may develop if the couple's relationship isn't steady.

>> No.7494400

If you have to go through all this bullshit to justify yourself and why you want a girl that you don't have to work too hard for, you obviously lack the necessary social graces to form a relationship. The only way you will get a girlfriend is to shower attention on someone who is so broken and mentally downtrodden that they will cling to you eager for any scrap of attention they can get even though you're emotionally abusing them to satisfy your own selfishness.

>> No.7494414

is that the same person who is apparently too smart to talk to anybody?

>> No.7494416

That was an extreme example to make it clearer, I think extreme examples are useful to understand. You're correct that she being a millionaire raises her expectations even more, but even if you strip that off and pretend she had no money, it's enough that she has tons of men who would do anything to date her for her to be able to demnd more. And this, to a much smaller effect, applies to all girls who have more people who desire them. They can demand more.

Look if you look at my original post where I call myself intelligent, I wasn't trying to brag, it was meant as a compliment to that one girl, i said she was probably the only people i know i would deem more intelligent than myself. And of course I know that intelligence can be defined in many ways. I'm just saying i haven't really found other people with whom I can have intelligent conversations about economics/politics/psychology/literature/computers/whatever. Most of the people I know are "slower" at least in the topics that interest me, I almost never learn something new when I talk with them, while she was able to keep up a good debate.

>> No.7494421

i think it's funny that defining yourself as intelligent is being able to articulate yourself or whatever ideas you've learned. or even performing well in what you're given in school, even if it is learning quickly.

the extent of what i see someone as intelligent is their ability to tolerate to people and how you treat people.

i'm not gonna define myself or anyone else as something i see useless.

>> No.7494450

>A girl, regardless of how she actually looks, wants to feel loved, and wants to be able to give love back. Its a basic human longing.
Yea you see, I don't really feel love. I never felt it, and doubt I ever will (not trying to sound edgy or anything lel). Even most people close to me tell me jokingly I have no feelings, but it's kinda true. I'm mostly a rational person and I try to limit the influence of feelings on my actions as much as possible. That one girl I enjoyed talking with was also a sociopath and I think that's the only kind of person I an really get along with.

As for the maintenance point, I can see what you mean. Again, I don't really care about that at all. I waas just responding to a guy saying "hurr durr you just want a cute girl like everyone else", and saying I'm not interested in physical attractiveness at all. I said ugly girls are lower maintenance mostly as a joke.

>The only way you will get a girlfriend is to shower attention on someone who is so broken and mentally downtrodden that they will cling to you eager for any scrap of attention they can get even though you're emotionally abusing them to satisfy your own selfishness.
lol that's funny.

>If you have to go through all this bullshit to justify yourself and why you want a girl that you don't have to work too hard for
Again, geez, it was never about getting a girl I don't have to work hard for. It was NEVER about that, I don't know why you guys had to derail the thread into that. When I said aspie i mean is someone who, say, when she wants to buy a new computer she doesn't ask "is this stronger?" but she studies all the hardware specs asks specific questions like "do you think this kind of processor be better for X software", something you need more specific knowledge on. By aspie I also mean possibly someone who is possibly cold,unloving, and doesn't like physical contact such as myself. I could never see myself in a relationship with a regular person that's all.

>> No.7494452

>I'm just saying i haven't really found other people with whom I can have intelligent conversations about economics/politics/psychology/literature/computers/whatever.

It's called Dunning Kruger.

>> No.7494473

Dude look, I know intelligence is not linear and you can't really say X is more intelligent than Y (unless you define a very specific kind of intelligence). I'm the first person who thinks bragging about IQ and stuff like that is retarded and i never did (i did try to provide some objective information to prove my "Intelligence" but only after you asked). I'm very good at mainly math/logical stuff i guess, I would probably be the best person on this board in that area. But as for, say, social intelligence? Well I'd probably be among the very last if not the last. I was just trying to say that she was the only person I really enjoyed conversing with, while conversations with my other friends are usually pretty dull. Maybe I shouldn't have used the term intelligent. I was just trying to compliment her by saying she's intelligent, didn't mean to insult my other friends (maybe just a litte...).

>the extent of what i see someone as intelligent is their ability to tolerate to people and how you treat people.
I'm extremely tolerant. Of course the way I act on 4chan is completely different from the way i act irl or I wouldn't have any friends. IRL I have a lot of friends because I always treat everyone nicely, never talk behind anyone's back, it's a small town and many people end up hating each other but I'm one of the very few people who is friends with everyone. Of course I'm not an asshole who tells people I'm more intelligent than them. They're the ones who always call me a genius, I would never use that word on myself. It's true that after being called that for a while, you tend to become an asshole. I understand that, and I try to avoid that, and stay humble. I'm only an asshole online.

>> No.7494480

>doesn't feel love
>wants a girlfriend

>> No.7494481

No, it's called "living in a small town where you're literally the smartest person in town". I know that for any given field there are people much better than me at it, just not here. That's why I prefer having conversations on the internet.

>> No.7494489


Maybe it's CWC.

>> No.7494499

>I would probably be the best person on this board in that area
God you are disgusting

>> No.7494512

yea the love part never really interested me. I always thought I never want a girlfriend, and that's also why I always rejected girls so far.
It's just that lately I keep hearing people lamenting the lack of a partner so i started thinking if there were any actual benefits other than the evolutionary,sentimental ones, and there could be a couple:
- splitting costs so lower cost of life overall
- splitting daily chores, so more free time for both
- good way to shut up girls hitting on me and people telling me "how come you don't have a girlfriend?" which is getting annoying
- pretending to be a more normal, well-adjusted, member of society

I guess that's all, maybe there are others. I guess theoretically someone who can help you when you're old. But yea I'm not interested in the love part at all. Best thing would be finding someone who is very cold and hates physical contact. I can appreciate beauty per se, just as you would appreciate looking at a nice painting.

I'm still unsure if the benefits are worth the hassle. Probably not, especially cause I really like my freedom and solitude.

>> No.7494527

It's simple statistic dude. It's funny how people get all riled up when the topic is intelligence, as if it wasn't just another characteristic of a person. If someone says he's strong or tall or fast, it's all good. But if you say you're intelligent OMG STOP THE PRESSES. If the winner of the national olympics came her and said he could probably outrun this entire board no one would say a thing. If the winner of the national math olympics says he's probably better at math than the entire board, then flamewar ensue. Somehow it's fine to brag about any ability as long as its not intellectual, if you brag about some intellectual ability you're an asshole. Ok.

>> No.7494530


> If someone says he's strong or tall or fast, it's all good

Have you been to this board before?

>> No.7494532

>national olympics

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.7494540

lol my bad. I was thinking about math olympics, but that's wrong too cause apparently they're called olympiad. English is not my first language so please excuse me. I think you got the idea anyway, right?

>> No.7494549

yea I lurk a lot, gotta say I never heard anyone bragging about his speed on this board, but there's always a first..

>> No.7494545

>I was thinking

Could've fooled me.

>> No.7494554
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hehe you're funny

>> No.7494565


not speed, but /fit/ come here a lot to brag about their muscles and complain >tfw no lolita gf and get a mixed reception to say the least. Boasts based on physical characteristics tend to be mocked just as much, or even moreso than boasts about mental characteristics.

In other words, you haven't been lurking enough or my point went over your head because you were stuck on a detail rather than the general concept.

>> No.7494571

you're so picky im sorry you're not gonna find somebody for your ~intelligent complex emotionless mind~ at a fucking CON. This thread does not belong on cgl, it belongs on r9k.

You're better off just finding a bro with the same idea in mind. What you're looking for is NOT just some girl you can hit up at a con.

>> No.7494576

>the winner of the national math olympics says he's probably better at math than the entire board, then flamewar ensue
actually no probably not

>> No.7494580
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>You're better off just finding a bro with the same idea in mind

>> No.7494587

>By aspie I also mean possibly someone who is possibly cold,unloving, and doesn't like physical contact such as myself. I could never see myself in a relationship with a regular person that's all.

Then what's the point of having a romantic companion at all? You sound like Sheldon Cooper.

>> No.7494593

>Sheldon Cooper

I want to sew your asshole shut and just start feeding you sauerkraut.

>> No.7494594

>likes: freedom, solitude, sharing responsibilities/costs with someone else
>dislikes: physical contact, getting hit on

There's a word for what you're looking for. It's called a roommate.

>> No.7494599

Struck a nerve, did I?


>> No.7494603


I'm not even him, I just hate that stupid fucking quirky ZIMBAWE so funnay

>> No.7494607

I know bragging is seen negatively in general. But I mean is that in some areas people do accept objective data, while in some others they don't.
Like if you say "study finds men faster than women" everyone accepts that, if you say "study finds women better at reading comprehension" it causes a shitstorm.

Where else then? I still think cons would be the best places. All the most aspergers people I've met were at cons. I do know most people who attend are fairly normal, but i guesss i could look for some hints, like people looking emotionless or _extremely_ nerdy... it wouldn't be easy but it would be easier than in other places. Plus I'm not ruling out regular people, and not ruling out that I may end up feeling love myself one day. It's just, I feel like love is just a huge weakness. So if I feel a bit of it i try to suppress it, and if someone feels love for me I try to avoid them cause I would feel like I'm exploiting them otherwise, if that makes sense. Cause love makes people vulnerable, stupid, easy to manipulate. There is like one normal girl who's in love with me but I would not want to date her or I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of her, if that makes sense. That's why I would think another 'sociopath' could be better, so we're on the same level. And no, /r9k/ is shit, and not related to cons at all.

>> No.7494616

sure, but i thought it was funny because "oooh she was the only one i ever thought was smarter than me" sounded so pretentious, like as if you defined yourself to be so high-and-mighty.

>> No.7494619

exactly, I just want that roommate to be female and pretend we're in a relationship when we're in public.
I guess there is a part of me which would want to experience 'love' at least once in my life. But the remaining 99% of my brain tells me that it would be a huge mistake.

>> No.7494618

>Where else then? I still think cons would be the best places. All the most aspergers people I've met were at cons.

Girls at cons tend to be fairly young, possibly too young for you if you already have a university degree, and likely not on your intelligence level. What's your current field of study or work? Maybe there are academic or work-related conferences where you could meet like-minded people? I assume you're in a STEM field.

>> No.7494636

I feel like it would be hard for anyone to buy into you being in a fake relationship if you're not a fan of physical contact. I feel like you're perhaps worrying a bit too much about what others think if you want to develop a fake (or real but very detached) relationship with a girl just to a) make other girls leave you alone and b) make people stop asking about you being single. I've thrown myself into dating when I wasn't ready just for the sake of pushing for that coveted "relationship status" and to make other guys leave me alone. It's absolutely not worth it and you'll realize quickly how meaningless it is.

There are asexual braniac sort of girls out there who would possibly be interested in a similar arrangement to what you're looking for, or a romantic but non-sexual relationship, if that's what you're into. Asexual dating sites exist, too.


>> No.7494653

Computer engineering, but given that I just finished my courses I won't be attending classes anymore (plus the % of girls is ridiculously small). Ideally I wouldn't want someone who comes from a similar academic background but someone who is stronger in other areas. I guess I could look for more conferences, maybe that's an idea. Never really connected with people at conferences but who knows. As for the age, there are a lot of young people at cons sure, but I also know a lot of people older than me who attend cons, i think the average age is growing higher over the years. There are more and more "older nerds"... I guess another thing is that I'm also interested in people with a strong artistic side cause that's an important thing for me. Living with someone who can draw a comic with me, or contribute to a game or a movie, could be much more useful than having someone who doesn't care about those things

>> No.7494683

thanks for the opinion. Yea I guess those sites could be a last resort. Only problem is that almost no one uses them here so it would probably mean finding pretty far away which could be a mess. I'd rather find someone local. I did join a high-IQ-only dating website once, but it ended up being pretty shitty.
The thing is I know that in theory I can change you know? I know that right now I'm not a fan of the idea of love but it wasn't always like that. I just made some "calculations" at like 13 and ended up deciding it's better if I avoid relationships. But now I'm reconsidering that, cause generally I prefer to try something first hand at least once before writing it off. The physical contact thing is not that exaggerated, I just think I like it less than more people, but it's not an extreme case, i think if i ever loosen up on the love part, the physical part would come naturally. It's the same 'block'

>> No.7494689

>not on your intelligence level

oh gee anon. i hope there was some kind of mockery there. you can't be as smart as you think if you feel like the only things you can talk about are skills or your field of skills, since im pretty sure even """"""""""""dumb"""""""""""" people can talk about their lives.

>> No.7494696
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I met my boyfriend because he happened to check out a thread of a con he wasn't sure he was going to go to(friends of his invited him the night of a bachelor's party where he had gotten no sleep due to his one friend; whom he was put next to, snoring all night)
I posted something about my gijinka costume and how I was new to the area, we chatted in threa for a few posts(2-4) and he said if he saw me he'd say hi.

Con comes around the next day and he sees me while wandering with his friends and actually comes up to say hi. I'm 16/17 at this point, he's 21 so he nopes out on hitting on me and we(+my friend) end up hanging out for the rest of the con.

We become facebook friends for a bit->lose touch for about 7 months->get back in touch because we're both awake at ungodly hours->exchange #'s start texting->hang out a couple times, mostly at cons since I don't actually live in the city->trying to break up with crazy bf at this point->we hang out more I get some feelings for him->friends for about 2 years at this point(19, 24)->hook up->dicuss that we want a relationship->move into his house 8 months later, we've been living together for about a year with no issues, and we've been dating for almost 2 years.

Normally this sort of thing would go well, but we know eachother and can communicate fairly well, we're both generally logical when there's an issue so unless we're tired we don't actually fight at all. My life and state in general has also improved a lot, so there's that.

So I technically met mine because of 4 chan. It's awkward trying to explain the story to friends.

>> No.7494697

Where do you even live? The only hints I've seen are "small town" and English not being your first language, if I read the thread correctly.

>> No.7494712

>(plus the % of girls is ridiculously small).
being an electrical engineer i know the feels.
like 3 or 4 women in the entire engineering department (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil).
conferences seem to have a lot of women, but starting a relationship would be hard considering there is a good chance they live across the country. Local anime cons at least you have a good chance they are from within the area. But like others have said there are a lot of young girls. At my local con they have wrist bands for the 18+ events, at least that way you know which girls are legal.

>> No.7494713

May have been said already, but I'm going to stress that if you want to find a girlfriend, stop TRYING to find a girlfriend. Just aim to make friends. When you put pressure on yourself to find a relationship, girls can tell. Men tend to become incredible tryhards when they're on the prowl.

Meanwhile, if you remove the pressure on yourself and just aim to make conversations and new friends, a lot more opportunities will open for you. You'll meet a lot more women (who won't feel pressured by your presence because you're a decent human being who doesn't seem to have an agenda!) and, after getting to know each other, may develop into an actual relationship. Without even trying.

Saying this as a girl who started dating a dude I met at a convention over a year ago. He treated me like a friend and actually seemed to like me as a person, so I enjoyed talking to him. A few months later we decided to go out, and I am in no way his first girlfriend. I would not have made this decision if he had been chasing me day 1. I also live with a guy who occupies the other end of the spectrum, and is CONSTANTLY chasing women and tries way too hard to land a girl. For the year+ I've known him he hasn't had a single girlfriend, but he's chased at least 20 women in that timeframe.

This may sound very circumstantial, but this seems to be true for other girls across the board.

>> No.7494722

that post wasn't me. As i stated here:
it's quite the opposite. I would prefer someone who has strengths in complementary areas.

>facebook friends
>exchange #'s start texting
why do people still do this? Can't you just use facebook?

>> No.7494723

I laughed

>> No.7494731

I guess a tl;dr version of this would be: alphas get the girls because they know they don't NEED a girl. Betas don't because their neediness is kind of pathetic.

>> No.7494732

my bf and i had known each other for several months, but we lived in different cities and i was busy with school. we decided to meet up at a con my friends were going to, so if it was too weird i could spend more time with them.

it was the first time we'd met in person and we had an awesome time. we're still together 3 years and several more cons later.

>> No.7494726


>> No.7494730

okie dokie.

have fun feeling you need to assess someone's intelligence to determine their value as a partner.

>> No.7494736


im not sure you'll get this because you're too cool to understand emotions




>> No.7494739

that makes a lot of sense when i would always wonder why my friends and i approached and considered women so differently.

>why dont we have girlfriends
>wow we're already x age we need girlfriends
>this year i'll get a girlfriend

>why do you worry so much about it

the way you said that sums up a lot about why they seemed so weird about requiring girls in their lives.

>> No.7494745

Not OP/Italian nerdy aspie here, but isn't some comparable degree of intelligence kind of a bare minimum requirement for most people to feel compatible with someone else? Looks are negligible for me but I try to look for someone who can hold their own in conversations, etc.

>> No.7494756

That's very good advice. Agree 100%. In fact I'm mostly looking to expand my circle of friends to more "nerdy people". The "gf" herself doesn't need to be at the con at all, could just be met while expanding my social circle to more nerdy people. In fact, making good friends would probably have a higher return in general.
So far the only "friend" I made at a con wasn't a really great experience though. It was some truly autistic dude (confirming my theory that there are lots of autists at cons). We met at the cosplay competition, and then this friendless dude kept following us for all the remaining days of the con, always talking about games and anime no one gave a shit about in extreme detail. Then when we went back home he kept messaging me all the time even if I barely knew him, tagging me in random photos and posting shit on my wall >_> He was actually a pretty cool guy but he had no sense of social norms at all.

>> No.7494765

i've never felt like needing to compare myself to anyone else was a requirement to get to know someone.

i dont care how they feel about how smart about me or how smart they are, it's just about how they're willing to treat people and their values.

looking "smart" in conversation is just about articulating yourself.

>> No.7494766
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>> No.7494773

its okay, i laughed a good deal too. dont worry about arguing with op, he's donned too many fedoras to be assessed by the average man anymore.

he truly is the highest form of human euphoria.

>> No.7494770


It's like I'm really on Reddit.

>> No.7494774

Not when you have no data but unlimited texting, and it's 5am. Not everyone has their computers in their bedroom.

>> No.7494780

actual op here, it wasn't me in that bazinga exchange but don't get me started on it...
at the con i went to today they were selling this hideous black t-shirt with "bazinga!" written on the chest... I wanted to puke...

correct, in fact I never gave a shit about girls and always got more female attention than my friends who actually make an effort to go out and meet girls. I just treat guys and girls the same and it works great, but they don't get it.

>> No.7494793

>looking "smart" in conversation is just about articulating yourself.
it's not about how articulate the person is. I'm not well articulated myself. It's more about the topic, if you I try to talk about politics and the person is receptive and we can have a decent exchange that's cool. If the person immediately diverts the topic to something like the weather/work/school/friends... then I will avoid talking to that person cause it feels like wasting time.


>> No.7494797

>A girl, regardless of how she actually looks, wants to feel loved, and wants to be able to give love back. Its a basic human longing.
--Anonymous of /cgl/

>Really, women's desire is not relational, it's narcissistic -- it is dominated by the yearnings of 'self-love,' by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need.
>In comparison with men, women's erotic fantasies center less on giving pleasure and more on getting it.
>When it comes to desire,women may be far less relational than men.
--Dr. Marta Meana, Ph.D. in clinical psychology

>> No.7494798

>not having your computer in your bedroom
>no data plan

wouldn't date/10

>> No.7494803

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7494808

>implying clinical psychology has any legitimacy

keep drinking dat kool-aid

>> No.7494810


You realize that Dr. Meana is a famous feminist whose work centers on liberating women from the artificial constraints and deep sense of shame and loathing society forces on them, right?

>> No.7494813


For all their vaunted intellect, fucking aspies sure do love using absolute shit pop-science and economics like this.

Whatever validates their own stupidity I guess, spose' that's a lot easier than doing that whole self-assessment thing.

>> No.7494817

>tfw no ethernet port in bedroom
>tfe when the electrician who built the house was a fucking moron

>> No.7494819
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>Implying considering yourself a feminist means that you're right about everything related to women and feminism and that other women and or or other feminists won't disagree with your views.

>> No.7494823

generalizing conclusions don't reflect every woman's individual experiences with erotic love. it's not fair to use the "women are less relational than men" quote as some proof that women are all selfish lovers, instead of realizing that everyone has different erotic goals and needs.

also self-love and self-care is not at all close to narcissism, is this woman high? self-love is a healing act, narcissism is destructive and negative. sort of like how Yaya acts with her fans.

let me put it this way, self-love is like a tumblr body-positive overweight girl cosplaying wonder woman with her friends. maybe you think it's weird or dumb, but it makes her happy to be appreciated and she feels good about herself for accomplishing her cosplay and takes pride in it.

narcissism is Yaya getting a massive boob job and complainins about the negative attention it brings, antagonizes her fans, and looks down on people for their cosplay for not being as good as her. make sense?

>> No.7494825

oh dear. do you enjoy the normal pleasantries of aspies as well? do you exchange fedora purchasing locations as well as the latest and greatest ways to escape social situations?

not being able to talk about anything other than a profession shows you truly aren't socially skilled and especially not something a woman not in your field would be interested in.

>> No.7494829

If you want you could get one of these:
There are some for less than 20$. You basically get these two things, you attach one to a socket in one room, one in another, and it sends the ethernet signal over the power line. I never tried it but a friend got one and said it worked great.

that wasn't me

>> No.7494830

this reminds me of how crazy radfems like to misinterpret and take Bechdel quotes out of context to solidify their dumb radical agendas, like kicking transwomen out of women's spaces and women's organizations because they're not "real women." not all feminists believe or talk about or research the same things, or come to the same conclusions. feminists disagree with each other and share conflicting views on stuff, just like other groups.

anyway this is way off topic, can we go back to stories of forming relationships with people you've met at cons or in relation to cons or cosplay?

>> No.7494831

You're right, any REAL feminist would say that a woman's desires need to conform to traditional morality, that self-motivation and self-actualization are fundamentally wrong, especially when women act on them, and that a woman's purpose and goal in life is to love and be loved by a man.

>> No.7494832

I can't tell who is who anymore actually

uhh but yes - I guess that was the case. I never really talked to girls much since I wasn't often in a situation open to that kind of thing growing up, but when the chance did come or when I did want to get to know one I was always a lot better recieved than my friends.

>> No.7494834

unfortunately there are self-proclaimed "feminists" who spout bullshit like that. most of them use bullshit pop science and heavy cherry-picked evolutionary psychology to "support" their claims. it's sad.

>> No.7494841

no, I do not own a fedora. And you must have some reading comprehension issues cause I never said anything about limiting talk to a certain profession. It's about the kind of topic.

>Great minds discuss ideas (me)
>average minds discuss events
>small minds discuss people (average /cgl/ user)

I hope it is clearer now.

same stuff. Narcissism is literally self-love, just taken to an extreme

>> No.7494847

>just clearly explained the difference between self-love and narcissism
>"same stuff."

have you ever taken an abnormal psychology class? or looked into professional research and crierion for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorders and narcissism in general at all? or understand the "self-love" movement associated with modern feminist theories? Audrey Lorde? no? gtfo.

>> No.7494855

>have you ever taken an abnormal psychology class? or looked into professional research and crierion for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorders and narcissism in general at all? or understand the "self-love" movement associated with modern feminist theories? Audrey Lorde? no? gtfo.

Ok I admit my ignorance.
....... (it does sound like the same stuff tho)...

>> No.7494864

yep. I remember that same quote in one of my high school classrooms.

and yeah you caught it anon. I literally can't read. I'm having an interpreter tell me what you're saying by making primal gestures and screeches so my neaderthal mind can comprehend it.

and you're pretty much looking for the same thing. talking about life or school or work doesn't require you to lower yourself under your "great mind discussing an idea".

don't type anything too difficult, certain things are too hard to understand for my interpreter to screech and grunt.

>> No.7494868

wow. go read some scholarly feminism, Audrey Lorde on "self-care" and "self-love," and read an abpsych textbook. you can torrent them, if you can figure that out.

christ, educate yourself. nothing irks me more as someone who thinks they know their shit about psychology when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, just throw out a few buzzwords and call it a night thinking they don't sound like a tard.

>> No.7494870

it's not an issue any more, but good to know. Thanks anon.

>> No.7494875

Do you think that Yaya does not feel good about anything she does, and never takes pride in any of her actions or looks? Or that the body-positive fatty never feels hurt by negative attention such as comments about her weight (what would the purpose of her outward body-positivity be if that were the case?), never feels hostility towards the FA creepers and fetishists that infest all webzones where fat chicks gather, never looks down on others who do not align with her interests and intents?

I don't grasp your analogy here, because I can't relate to either of these figures, because each of the examples given only seem to experience part of an identical emotion. If both Yaya and the body-positive tumblrite were described as same person, the same mindset in only slightly different circumstances then it would be similar to how I have experienced the emotion of Pride. But as is, with one character receiving only one part of Pride and the other receiving only another part, and then being told that these things are completely incompatible and fundamentally separate, I can't reconcile that with any internal state.

If you mean that narcissism and self-love are purely behavioral and social terms, which only refer to very specific and limited actions, then I guess I would have to agree that they are bad terms to use when describing a person's internal, emotional state. But the feeling beneath those actions does not appear so different to me; I have both been nasty to creepers and had fun with my friends for the same basic prideful motivation, and felt the same way each time.

>> No.7494887

hahaha, that was actually genuinely funny. You see? You just came up with a witty response, it means you are at least a little bit smart. Why do you keep defending stupid people then?

Look, it's a problem of "opportunity cost". If I am in a room with only a "simple" person I will talk to them and I will enjoy it, even if it means talking about stupid shit. It can be fun/interesting etc.
BUT given the opportunity to talk with a more interesting person who knows a lot and can actually teach me something, why would I choose to talk with the stupider person? Every time you're talking with a stupid person you''re not talking with the smart person, you can't do both.
And especially if one had to choose a partner to talk with for life, wouldn't it be wise to choose someone that can offer the most interesting and stimulating conversations?

I don't really see your point. Maybe you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, or maybe I just missed it entirely.

>> No.7494896

im not defending stupid people or saying conversation with them is better. Im just thinking that deciding how worthy someone is of yourself is a bad way to assess someone.

If you and someone else obviously have no common interests or ideas or anything then it won't work out, but just because you might not feel they can bring as much to the table intellectually doesn't write them off or even lower their worse if they prove themselves elsewhere.

my point is is that you shouldn't feel that because of academic accomplishments or ease of learning or whatever shouldn't make you able to put yourself in a hierarchy over potential partners.

also I'm glad you enjoyed my lame joke, but I don't need to be told I'm smart or dumb.

I think the reason im making the points I am or why I find this important is because since I was in 6th grade I was in the stupid "gifted and talented" program and our dumb asses were groomed to put ourselves above others in our values and intelligence, when in reality I came out of it feeling like what truly proved your worth in that program was how you dealt with others after being taught you were suddenly biologically better. only the truly good ones could realize that others bring just as much worth as they can, even without higher grades or being able to learn faster.

>> No.7494907

the point is that the tumblrtard does it for herself to feel good, while yaya does it for the attention, adoration, and dumb fanboyism that makes her money and perpetuates her fame, or infamy.

>> No.7494932

ok maybe i sort of see what you meant now.
There definitely are different kinds of intelligence and it's hard to assess how "intelligent" a certain person can be. At the same time a bit of prejudice is necessary in life, cause you're always making a choice. I'm for taking control of one's life and trying to get the most out of it. That means making some decisions as to who you want to spend your time with and who you don't. Unfortunately our time is a limited resource so we have to choose how to use it. It seems like you're arguing for not making such a decision and just passively accepting anything life gives you. So if you encounter by chance a stupid person, you will spend time with that stupid person. I don't think that's optimized. Of course your judgment of a person's "worth" can be wrong, but on average it's supposed to be correct, so I think one should try and make those decisions.

>> No.7494938

>the point is that the tumblrtard does it for herself TO FEEL GOOD
>while yaya does it for the attention, adoration, and dumb fanboyism that makes her money and perpetuates her fame WHICH MAKE HER FEEL GOOD

your point being? I understand the difference, I just think one can be considered as the extreme extension of the other

>> No.7494943
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>> No.7494946

the definition of attention whore

>> No.7494952
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Back in the late 90s.

>> No.7494956
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>> No.7494967

But, how would the tumblr girl feel any better after cosplaying as Wonder Woman with her friends if she didn't like at least some forms of attention and adoration? Her friends give her the attention and adoration in her case; you specifically said "it makes her happy to be appreciated" in your post. The adoration of your friends is definitely a much nicer kind of attention and adoration than random strangers give to Yaya because it comes with more prestige among people who matter to you and less potential for negative consequences such as sexual advances from concreeps, but that doesn't mean that you can say that doing something "for attention" is bad but doing something that "feels good" is not. Attention does feel good for a lot of people, including your tumblrite, who is "happy to be appreciated." And I think that if attention, adoration, dumb fanboyism, money, fame and infamy didn't make Yaya feel good she wouldn't do it. Having friends say "Haha Susan I love hanging out with you and you've got such verve and flair and courage and I admire you for it" would feel a lot better than Yaya's freaks thinking "hngh hngh Yaya I love looking at you please don't hurt my feelings the way every girl I've ever talked to has" but I don't think you can divide people's motives so narrowly and cleanly.

>> No.7494987

Reminder that this post is *NOT* a troll (whatever he claims later). This is actually what a typical neckbeard virgin from /a9k/ genuinely thinks like.

>> No.7495227

At the first con of the year I started crushing on this girl big time, even though she was considerably older than me. Last con of the year found out she had a girlfriend and didn't give two shits about me and my confession towards her. On top of that I was only a 'friend' (not really sure if we were friends even because she didn't really seem to care come that point of the year).

>> No.7495235

Cosplayers and photographers hook up all the time at big cons.

>> No.7495249
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>this whole thread

Needed a good laugh before trudging off to work and /cgl/ delivers. Thanks all.

>> No.7495263

good enough. I just don't think I'm seeing time as much a necessity when I'm getting to know people as you are.

>> No.7495265
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My fucking face at this retards mentality. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Want to know how to get a girl? Just fucking stop.

>> No.7495296

>Did anyone here met their soulmate at a con?
>I like aspie girls

>if you are a girl who would go to these kinds of cons you must have a mental retardation
>i'm not good enough for normal women so i'm looking for ones more vulnerable to men

>> No.7495323

>i'm not good enough for normal women so i'm looking for ones more vulnerable to men
Some guys actually like "weird" girls more.

>> No.7495380


Agreed, I've dated some "normal" girls in my time but it rarely works out as I find them boring (and even more funny, awful in bed)

I do agree that girls that go to conventions seems to be more vulnerable though, as a general thumb of rule, but there's always exceptions.

>> No.7495467

>if you are a girl who would go to these kinds of cons you must have a mental retardation
>i'm not good enough for normal women so i'm looking for ones more vulnerable to men

You probably didn't read the thread cause it's the exact opposite. Regular girls lose their mind when they fall in love, and they become incredibly easy to manipulate, and I don't like that. Girls who are more brainy and with less feelings are not as vulnerable. Dating a regular girl feels like dating a 10yo child to me. It feels like exploitation. That's why the ideal would be someone i consider on the same level (feeling and intelligence-wise) so no exploitation takes place. Of course I'm not talking about 16yo who read yaoi, more like sociopaths who are into traditionally male-dominated franchises.

>> No.7495478

Shut the fuck up, shitlords. You only "like them more" because, as other anon said, they are vulnerable to men. Shyness in girls is attractive to men because they think it means they're less likely to "run away" (dump their sorry loser asses for a better guy or take ownership of their sexuality in general).

>> No.7495480

>less likely to get scared off
you high?

>> No.7495484

I meant "run away" as a metaphorical expression that the male shitlord would use for a girl dumping him.

>> No.7495494

we forgot how incredibly manly you are and your ability to instantly seduce any average women you want

oh wait that's only when chloroform isn't out of stock

we forgot that too

>> No.7495503

OP you suck. "Finding love"? More like finding easy lays.

True gentlemen stay true to their true love and it's all they need. There is only one girl that I ever loved and ever will love. And, believe it or not, I found her here, on /cgl/.

It doesn't matter that she even refuses to talk to me. I will love her... forever. To me, she is the most beautiful, most perfect girl.

>> No.7495571

Threads like these make me wish I also had a fedora.

>> No.7495574


The fedora on your head doesn't matter as much as the fedora in your soul.

>> No.7495583

How do you even meet people at a con? I'm aspie as fuck, and when I went to a con, as fun as it was, the first time I went to even a mildly social panel I had an anxiety attack.

Tfw will never make qt friends to cosplay with.

>> No.7495592


This fucking thread is truly the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.7495615

It's amazing how much a man will get ridiculed for trying to find a girl that's compatible with him, because obviously every girl deserves a perfectly well adjusted, nonaspie, normal guy who has no quirks whatsoever and never looks for anything in a girl that could be considered a "weakness". Because that obviously means he's a lying, manipulative douchebag who only wants sex, right?

Yeah, OP is kinda concieted but he's at least thought about what would work for him. That's more than you can say for a lot of guys who simply hit on the hottest cosplayer in the room.

>> No.7495619

You sound like a massive tool.

>> No.7495621


Noope. OP is looking for a mythical construct not an actual human being, and all the complexities and compromises (from both parties!) that a relationship actually requires to work.

If you go out of your way to look for "quirky, aspie girl' you aren't going find jack shit, that's how this works. People usually end up with someone that organically works with their personality, and half the time that person is not the same as whatever fantasy partner bullshit they might have conjured up at one time or another.

>> No.7495627

Dat low self esteem

>> No.7495629

Is this what /r9k/ is like?
Have we encountered an actual live aspergasauras rex?

>> No.7495633

>Is this what /r9k/ is like?

Nah, they're typically a lot more self-aware, or a lot worse.

>> No.7495632


This has all been pretty funny at least, /r9k/'s mixture of angst and impotent rage is just a downer.

>> No.7495639

Wait self-awareness is a trait of /r9k/? I never would have guessed.

>> No.7495651

>Met 1st ex at con
>Broke up with me a year later, openly admitted to me that he had just pretended to like me so I'd do sexual favors for him

>Met 2nd ex at con
>He dumped me after a year
>Hated me cause I ruined his chances of one-night stands at cons and talked a lot of shit about me behind my back
>ok.jpg being used for sex, fine fine I get it

>Met guy at con a while ago
>We hit it off super well and both really clicked
>Been chatting a lot since the con ended
>This guy seems a lot more serious and legit than anyone else I've met in the past
>He just wrote to me this morning that he's met someone, has trouble choosing between us but will probably go for her cause she's closer to his place than me

I give up

>> No.7495662

Maybe try out OP. He sounds desperate for a gf. He'll probably splurge on you.

>> No.7495663

>this thread
>this op
Nothing worse than an autistic loser who thinks too highly of himself.

>> No.7495669
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>> No.7495673

The difference between men and women - if women "don't want a bf no more" they just gotta stop saying yes. Men don't ever "don't want a gf no more".

>> No.7495678

in b4 we find out the girl is Voldie and plot twist afterwards, this post is actually written by Voldie

>> No.7495680

Did you not see that he was highly intelligent, alpha, has girls fawning over him, and is looking a girl who goes to cons? You just might be that lucky girl ;)

>> No.7495689

>much intelligent
>>>need to be validated by anons on the chan

Son, you 15. Or one of those "special" smart kids.

>> No.7495695


He wants a low maintenance bitch.

Pretty sure this board is full of money guzzling attention deficit cunts.

>> No.7495705

My gf browses /cgl/. You take that back.

>> No.7495709

>we forgot how incredibly manly you are and your ability to instantly seduce any average women you want

heh I'm not such a don giovanni, but believe it or not quite a few girls hit on me for reasons unknown to me. I guess maybe I'm moderately attractive/well dressed and the fact that I ignore women completely somehow seems to work, especially for the most attractive ones. It drives them crazy when someone doesn't give a shit about them. Anyway the thing is I'm not interested in any of these girls at all. They all believe in "love", they hug me or try to give me massages or are just touchy-feely in general. I can't stand that shit. I want a cold hearted girl who can talk about brainy shit, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.7495713
File: 196 KB, 1025x912, Embarassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find the dick at the club.

Buncha skinny sluts with bad teeth showing off their midriffs, rolling at the rave, and giving head back at the hotel.

>> No.7495722

>Dat low self esteem
you clearly haven't read the thread.

It's not "fantasy partner bullshit". I know a couple girls like that, one in particular as i said, but while we really like each other, I don't believe in ldr so it's not gonna happen. The thing is I always only meet this girls on the internet, in some random nerdy chats or forums, but I don't want a ldr, so I figured the only way to actually try and catch one of these mythical creatures outside of their home is at a con. I'm not looking for the perfect person, I know that doesn't exist. I'm just stating what I ideally like the most and I will settle for the person who gets closer to that ideal. Not the ideal itself. Ideals are bullshit anyway.

>> No.7495728

Ladies, quick question. Let's just say, hypothetically, that a guy were to (accidentally) walk in on you in the nip. He apologizes and backs out, honest accident.

If your reply is no, it's fine, I don't care, c'mon in, then when he doesn't come on in, wander around your apartment in bra and panties to mess with him are you just fucking with him, or is there something more going on there?

>> No.7495730

Same here (almost).

My future girlfriend browses /cgl/ (I hope ;) hehe) so I won't let anyone diss her like this!

>> No.7495732

A guy walking in on a girl who is nude is burglary + rape.

>> No.7495734

well they call themselves "robots", and I would guess I could be considered closer to a robot than a human. But I would never associate with r9k, they're pathetic, depressed people. I'm just a sociopathic narcisistic asshole with aspergers. I'm much more successful and confident than any r9k loser.

tl;dr I'm a whore.

>> No.7495743

Sucks even more to be a girl looking to hook up with a girl at a con. Have to weed through thirsty chicks who got rejected by men, bi/pan chicks who are conveniently a lesbian at the time then run off with a man when they crave dick, lesbians who are not your type, and trans who are gay/straight for girls...the mtf has a dick and the ftm won't scissor or want to be treated like a female in bed.

>> No.7495750

>I want a cold hearted girl who can talk about brainy shit, is that too much to ask for?
Yes. If she is cold hearted then she will not want a relationship with you, but with a very long series of tight-bodied men with visible abs and a great deal of sexual experience. There is no reason for her to want to talk about brainy shit with you unless she actually cares about making an emotional connection. You bring nothing to the table for her. Your best bet is to get with one of the attachment-prone girls you claim you have easy access to; however, I am willing to bet that you will find their actual interest in you is a lot lower than you currently imagine.

>> No.7495751

>Nothing worse than an autistic loser who thinks too highly of himself.
I may be autistic but not a loser. If I think too highly of myself it's not my fault, it's the fault of everyone around me. Try being praised all the time "anon is a genius", "anon is amazing", "anon is hot", "anon should do modeling" etc. You end up thinking highly of yourself, it's just a consequence of that. It keeps inflating your ego.

Never said i was looking for low maintenance, just said I don't care about appearance and added that ugly girls are lower maintenance.
But yea, somone who slept with two random guys she met at cons is not really the type I'm going for.

>> No.7495753

>It drives them crazy when someone doesn't give a shit about them.
You read too much PUA shit on 4chan.
>They all believe in "love", they hug me or try to give me massages or are just touchy-feely in general
This is what normal girls do. If you think they're hitting on you, they're not. You'll know they're actually attracted to you when they have your dick in their mouth.
>I want a cold hearted girl who can talk about brainy shit, is that too much to ask for?
>thread is "finding love"
>talks about love
>but wait, I'm edgy so no I don't really want love, I'm too cold and too cool for that shit
>I'm just too deep man
>okay get a roommate
>well maybe I do want love

>make a thread asking about approaching a girl at a convention
>I-I-I'm alpha guys, p-please believe me
Seriously, be honest to yourself about who you are and improving yourself as a person rather than trying to make excuses to why you don't have a girlfriend.
This coming from a stronger, faster, smarter, better looking, and more social guy than you btw.

>> No.7495756

No, you don't get aspergers people. We prefer talking about in detail about some topic rather than having physical contact with hot people. I'm not talking about the "Hot bitch with a cold heart", I'm talking about the "aspergers chick who actually doesn't feel emotions or regular sexual attraction".

Also you're implying i don't have a tight body and visible abs, which is incorrect.

>> No.7495765

Post pics.

>> No.7495776

I think anyone claiming to be an alpha or more social or more successful in this thread isn't as hot shit as they think.

you should know it isn't necessary to cite anything or prove to people as worthless as you are.

>> No.7495777

>This is what normal girls do. If you think they're hitting on you, they're not. You'll know they're actually attracted to you when they have your dick in their mouth.
Not really, I'm pretty oblivious to advances so when I say a girl is hitting on me, she's hitting on me. Granted they are whores who hit on anybody and I don't give a shit about them. Like the massage thing escalated cause these two girls asked me to make the group project with them, and they were both attracted to me i guess so it became pretty apparent. The first one had been hitting on me since the first day she saw me. Doesn't know a single thing about me, and we got nothing in common, yet she's somehow infatuated. Initially i wrote it off but when we started the project they clearly started fighting over me. Like one would give me a massage, the other one would be mad, and then give me a massage herself. They tried inviting me to cinemas and to their home. The one who kept inviting me to her place kept saying shit like "I think you'd be great in bed", the other one was less of a whore, but kept saying shit like "were have you been all my life", she even told me this story about this introvert robot and this extrovert girl who's into him, then it rains (it was raining) and they hug under the umbrella and kiss (she hugs me and stares at me). Pathetic. I think the first one even left her bf for me. For some reason she told me she likes this other hot guy and was thinking of dumping her bf, and asked me what I thought. I said, stay with your bf. The day after she comes to uni and tells me she dumped him, and I tell her to go back to him. Fucking whores. Anyway, this was just a recent example but there are more.

>You read too much PUA shit on 4chan.
I don't it's just personal experience.

>> No.7495781

I'd rather not associate my shitposting/trolling on /cgl/ with actual pictures of myself, ty very much.
I can just say that several people (all girls except one) independently called me hot and said I should do modelling. I stopped doing sports lately so I'm a bit out of shape, but still I'm naturally skinny as fuck so given the low body fat by abs do show, girls asked to touch my abs a couple times if that proves anything.
Tl;dr; hot people with aspergers do exist

>> No.7495793

My dream is to find a sub boy that I can tie up and ride, then watch anime and do cosplay with. Is this too much to ask /cgl/?

>> No.7495797

tbh cons are very lgbtbbq friendly

>> No.7495804

>tl;dr I'm a whore.
I wish, I'm sick of being a poor student who cries over emotional shit all day

>> No.7495806


Are you biologically female? Do you live in Canada? Do you enjoy the art of pegging?

>> No.7495807

yeah I don't think I believe it.

you'd know better than to act like an aspie if you did fill those.

>> No.7495809

they might be but they're having trouble even finding someone they could consider potential

>> No.7495815


No, the girl that has won and stole my heart is cute and unique.

>> No.7495846

All except Midwest US.

>> No.7495885



>> No.7495907

dat cognitive dissonance. According to this knowledgeable anon an aspie can't also be hot. The fact that I don't have feelings doesn't mean I don't care about my body. Quite the opposite, i strive for perfection in that too. I have a healthy diet, walk a lot, don't assume psychoactive substances. Plus I was lucky to be born with a decent face and metabolism.
And no, you're not gonna manipulate me into posting pics on /cgl/. I am the manipulative-sociopath one, I know those tricks all too well. And on a last note, never judge abs based on pictures. It's all about the light, you can make a stomach look completely flat or built just by changing the lighting and camera angle. Never trust pictures online.

>I wish, I'm sick of being a poor student who cries over emotional shit all day
Join the emotionless master race. You won't regret it.

I'm a qt sub boy. Too bad you're in Midwest, not gonna happen

>> No.7495913

Sounds like you're just going to have to build your perfect waifu man.

>> No.7495915


Pay for he whole blade, but you'll only need


>> No.7495926

That's actually how it occurred to me you know. I was thinking about building some awesome robot who could do useful shit like cooking and cleaning, and I was calculating how much I would be willing to spend for something like that. It ended up in the millions, so I figured, wait a second, why build such a robot when I can have a qt gf doing the same shit for free! The only problem is the whole feelings part. If I can't find the feelingless gf I'll probably invest a couple millions and buy the best robots I can get.

lel, that's edgeey, top lel

>> No.7495927

sure bubby.

we all believe you and your aspie emotionless self that you're hot.

you also exercise and have a decent face apparently. congratulations. you're not special and that doesn't make you hot either.

the most I care about anyone else is that they're happy with themselves. I could care less about whether you think you're hot or especially a

>qt sub

>> No.7495932

>the most I care about anyone else is that they're happy with themselves.
>Implying I'm not happy with myself
now that would be silly of me

>> No.7496036

shit I didn't know now that I got diagnosed with the assburgers I'm not allowed to have emotions anymore or feel attracted to people. Thank you for teaching me.

>> No.7496078

>People usually end up with someone that organically works with their personality,
How exactly does that happen if you don't know where to look? How am I supposed to find a girl that organically works with me when I spend most of my free time in my room doing the things I love to do? When I can barely even make normal friends? I'm too abnormal for most of the people that live around me so cons are basically the only place that I can find people like that, and those only last 3 days. Talking online isn't nearly the same as actually hanging out, so I'm really at a loss here.

>and half the time that person is not the same as whatever fantasy partner bullshit they might have conjured up at one time or another.
I agree, having preferences and actually experiencing them are two different things as I have painfully learned in my only two relationships. They taught me a lot about what I want and what works well, but it doesn't help much when my options are severely limited. That being said, not every preference is fantasy bullshit. Looking for someone that has similar values to you is important because otherwise you'll never agree on anything.

>> No.7496095

If you're barely able to make normal friends, there's very little hope for you to find any sort of romantic partner. If the things you love all require you to be alone in your room, why is a girl going to change that? Go work on your social skills and re-evaluate your expectations. Cons are not going to help you find your aspie waifu.

>> No.7496100


The one thing I will give OP is that he is not full of anger and doesn't blame others too much.

I mean, there is some supreme sperg going on, but...he might turn out okay someday if he drops some of this PUA-lite shit and relaxes a little, he doesn't come off as a *bad* person really just very very confused.

>> No.7496103

NOW I know who summoned me.

You speak the wizards name.
The wizard appears.
I am here before you.

State your business with the wizard.

>> No.7496121

Where midwest...?

>> No.7496167

cool dude

well what you might understand from that is that I don't care about how cool you think you are when you sound pretty aspie and I know you'd like to think your traits mix often, but I'm afraid you aren't as good as you've been led to believe

>> No.7496173

I'm just going to call this like I see this, as a neutral third party:

"Ew, you aren't as good as you THINK you are."

Lack of confidence:
"Pathetic /r9k/ loser."
Calls it like I sees it.

>> No.7496193


>> No.7496200



>> No.7496202

(Yea actually aspergers has nothing to do with lack of emotions, I'm just using that blanket term improperly)

that was not me, just sayan. As I stated in a previous post I have plenty of friends.

thanks. Well if I didn't know me and only read this thread I would think the OP is an insufferable faggot and want to punch him in his mouth. But tbh this is just the way I talk on 4chan, I find it works best to exaggerate everything and mix real thoughts with mild trolling, so people keep bumping the thread.

Did I come here bragging about how cool I am or how awesome I look? No. But if people tell me I'm ugly or stupid I'm gonna try to provide evidence of the opposite, sorry. Not for myself, I don't need validation from fucking 4chan, it's just cause I hate prejudice. I just stated I relate better with people who are more rational and less sentimental, no need to assume I'm a stupid-ugly-loser-neckbeard-whatever you wanna call it.

>> No.7496207

Lol no. If anyone knew me here I would be shocked.

>> No.7496213

I'm a level 30 cheese wizard.

Bit of advice.
There are no people on /cgl/.
Only monsters.

>> No.7496222


>> No.7496228

I hate talking with people anyway. Monsters are way more interesting.

>> No.7496237

It's depressing.
Seeing this thread is extremely depressing.
It tells me what women are like.

I'm a wizard resigned to my fate, and I've accepted my solitude. I'm broken, I'm a failure, I KNOW what I am. I know I'll never find another person, I've come to accept this. Sometimes nature makes mistakes and these people just have to live with being completely defective. Just have to make the best of what you were given.

But to see this...
There's no tolerance, just HATRED, you know? Total bigotry. It makes me sick to my stomach.
For what it's worth, I don't think you're a defect like me. You have a job, son?

>> No.7496249

pls go.

>> No.7496257

You just durr'd pretty hurr'd there.

>> No.7496287

Try giving up shitposting for lent.

>> No.7496355
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>you will never pat a girls head until she Ha-uu's

>> No.7496364

/cgl/ puts the PD in 3DPD.

Ugliness goes straight to the core.

>TFW all your male friends are so sweet on the inside you wish you were gay.

>> No.7496380
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1397517714101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all your male friends are so sweet on the inside you wish you were gay

Sorry to break it to you anon, but you have the gays

>> No.7496383

I tried being gay.
I just can't get a boner to dudes.

>> No.7496390
File: 837 KB, 1280x720, tripfagging on b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about traps?

>> No.7496399

No trap has ever been girly enough for me or convincing.
Not to mention I don't know any traps, nor if it was a physical only thing I doubt I'd be having an issue.

>> No.7496419

traps are still guys, only dudes who are into other dudes are into that
but reverse traps are miracles of the universe
too bad genderbend cosplays never really reach that transition, and usually come off as uncanny.

>> No.7496447
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x960, fucking lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most traps are pretty shit man
There are a few that are pretty adorable though
But yeah, they are scarce

Traps are like training wheels for being gay

>> No.7496459

Op you are quite an odd person. Your emotional intelligence levels seem quite low and your social skills/ability also seems lacking. Reading your comments it doesn't seem like you fully understand aspergers or ASD either but it seems like you have traits of aspergers yourself. You lack feelings of love but want a girlfriend for 'logical' reasons. The likelihood of finding a girl who meets your requirements and would want a cold, loveless and utilitarian relationship with someone so logical and socially/emotionally inept is very unlikely whether at a con or not. Do you feel empathy anon?

>> No.7496472

>emotional intelligence

>> No.7496478


>> No.7496487

Emotional intelligence the ability to identify, assess and regulate emotions of yourself, others or group.

I didn't know it was such a foreign concept...

>> No.7496501

Then a person with bipolar disorder has low emotional intelligence;
they do not have control over their ability to regular emotions of themselves very well.
Note that even medicated, there's no cure for this. You can't "work on" this. It's a chemical imbalance. It's like "willing" a cold or flu to go away. Emotions are chemicals in the brain, and with bipolar disorder, its that same chemical imbalance that can cause mood swings.

The words/phrasing is foreign to me, incidentally.

I'm not the OP, but I'm not a big fan of /cgl/ on this one.

>> No.7496529

Regulating emotions is only one aspect of emotional intelligence there are many others. Yes someone with bipolar disorder can not work on regulating their emotions. In a similar way people with Alexithymia or Aspergers/ASD have lower levels of emotional intelligence. For those with Alexithymia lack empathy and understanding. They also sometimes have issues with emotion sometimes. People with aspergers or ASD also have issues understanding their emotions or emotions of others.

Just like other forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence can not be learned/developed by everyone and there are some conditions that effect an individuals capacity for emotional intelligence.

There are many forms of intelligence yet only the 'logic/mathematical/academic' intelligence is focused on.

>> No.7496540

I don't call anyone a pathetic loser because of a lack of confidence

but I also don't assess someone to have true or deserved confidence when their other traits outright conflict with it

good enough. I wouldn't expect you to need validation from 4chan just as much as I wouldn't. you just make it look like that when you cite your "evidence" against being a hyper sperg neckbeard.

>> No.7496541

that smile.

>> No.7496554

>Just like other forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence can not be learned/developed by everyone
That's all I ever wanted to hear.

Someone to fucking admit this.
To say, to fucking outright point out that no, not everybody can fucking "work on" themselves in certain ways. Or even if possible, that's something that would even make them happy. that sometimes you're trying to ask people to not be themselves, which is either difficult, uncomfortable, or in rare events, NOT POSSIBLE.

No offense intended, but, so many women try to push this so hard and can't understand this simple fucking fact. There's this absolute lack of parity, where I see, where there's this really fantastic view point where a woman will say, "I want men to accept me and love me for who I am."

That's fucking AWESOME. You know what? That's so great in fact, that I WANT ME SOME OF THAT. But you know a funny thing happens, and, pardon me if I sound bitter, but, a strange thing happens.
When I try that, that doesn't happen. No, see, what happens is, "ye cannot get ye flask of yon equal treatment."
>go dennis
"You cannot go that way."
For some reason that doesn't work. No, what happens is, that does not work for me. Pardon the rant, truly, I do not mean to be passive aggressive or angry at anyone else.

But there appears to be no visible way to be loved for who I am, rather than, "you're not good enough as you are." That doesn't feel fantastic. Perhaps you know what that feels like. Perhaps you do not.

Again, sorry if this comes out as a rant, or as angry, bitter, or as self-pitying. I'm not the op. I just wanted to put something out.

>> No.7496577

> Reading your comments it doesn't seem like you fully understand aspergers or ASD either
yea I know aspergers is not like that, that's why i used "aspie" to mean the 4chan version.

>it seems like you have traits of aspergers yourself. You lack feelings of love but want a girlfriend for 'logical' reasons.
It's a bit different actually. I said I don't have emotions but that's just a joke. I do have emotions and feel empathy just like everyone else, I just _choose_ to limit my emotions as much as possible. My idea is that emotions are a residue of evolution, and that soon they will almost entirely disappear. For example, people feel love because it's good evolutionarily to be attracted to the opposite sex and reproduce. But if one doesn't want to reproduce, then forming a couple makes a lot less sense. He shouldn't be fooled by that feeling. I think rational people should not follow emotions but ask themselves, why has this particular emotion developed, evolutionarily? Why does this feel good, what is it trying to accomplish? Then act only if your goals are aligned with the "goals" of that emotion, not otherwise. I don't like to blindly follow orders irl, I always have to ask why? And the same is for responding to emotions i guess.

So yea I do have emotion, movies make me cry like a little girl and I avoid killing insects. But I know how risky an emotion like love can be. I've seen people completely lose their rational side because of it, and ending up wasting a lot of time,money,friendships because of it. So ideally I would want a relationship with as little emotion as possible, but I know I may actually fall in love, I'm afraid of that. I always want to feel like I'm in control.

>> No.7496582

Hey, fucktards. Aspergers doesn't exist anymore, it got taken off the DSM. Now it's a scale.

>> No.7496592

I'm glad you got some closure from what I said. Men in general statistically have lower emotional intelligence level.

It sounds like in past relationships partners have wanted you to change and you never have been 'good enough'. Is this correct? There could be many reasons for this it may be that their expectations are too high, you are not able to meet such expectations, you are incompatible or you might not of found the right person yet. There is also a possibility that there may be things that you can work to improve yourself but since I do not know you or your situation I can not comment on this. I think self growth and personal development can be important (although not everyone can change especially if they have something preventing them such as a disability, or trauma) but I feel that one of the most important things in regards to relationships are communication and interpersonal skills. If you could explain to a partner that despite loving them very much you can not be who they ask you to be...and truly get the message across then maybe they would understand. They would also have to have good interpersonal skills to be able to understand your message and act accordingly. It's tough though and most couples would not or perhaps can not do this.
Honestly I hope things work out for you in the future.

>> No.7496602

>you just make it look like that when you cite your "evidence" against being a hyper sperg neckbeard.
I'm well aware it sounds like that. But is there any alternative really? You either take the insult, which is something I'm not accustomed to doing, or respond in the most objective way you can to defend your reputation. It's just a weird social setting because of anonimity, because there's no reputation. I don't need to tell people "how awesome I am" irl, they know me, i have a solid reputation. But on here everyone can question that and there's no way to actually prove your worth except talking about it, which always sounds lame. Plus you don't get to see the people, the body language, the intonation.. so the dialogue is very different, everyone forms an idea in their mind of what's actually going on, and makes assumptions about people which are wrong more often than not.

>> No.7496610


Also understandable although quite odd further perpetuating my thought that you may be on the spectrum. It's definitely an eccentric way of thinking and I'm sure if you break it down you can see why logic would be important both in a relationship and life but the common thought is that emotion and logic should work interdependently, decisions shouldn't be made out of just logic or emotion but both should be considered. Emotion is very important especially in a relationship. I actually find it quite intriguing that you tend to limit the emotions you show/feel as you want control. Emotions are part of what makes us human.

>> No.7496616

>It sounds like in past relationships partners have wanted you to change and you never have been 'good enough'. Is this correct?
Uhm, well...

I don't know if I could say that I've even been in a relationship, "persay." And I even hesitate to say "persay." It's more like when I try to explain my situation, a lot of the advice I get is, "have you tried just improving yourself?"

And I get frustrated because it just feels like the most effortless, bad advice. But I don't say or think that, because, quite frankly, I think it's probably better to blame myself.

Generally when I hear that, what it gets interpreted as is, "Have you tried not being bad at girl? try not sucking bad hard at girl and being good better at knowing to girl." And all I can do to think to do is return a stare at them. The kind of dead stare as if I am pretending to understand them. I smile, I nod, "oh yeah, that..oh, sure, ok." I give them and empty response. But nothing they said has gotten through. Because they didn't speak English to me. In fact, I give myself and the conversation a long pause. "What language was that?" I ask myself. I'm usually able to fake at least knowing one language from another. It's not Hindi, Arabic...It's not Asian. It's not Greek or Latin. It's not a romantic language or Germanic one. Is it a dead tongue? A living or young one? I can't even tell. Wait. Was it even from EARTH? My eyes light up. They return the gaze eagerly smiling. Am I being visited by an extraterrestrial? It all makes sense now.

Ancient aliens.

>> No.7496618

>And I even hesitate to say "persay."

You should, because that's not even a word.

>> No.7496624

Welp, there you are then.

>> No.7496628

Oh okay sorry for jumping to conclusions anon. Do you have bipolar anon? If so both you and I know that you can't regulate your emotions. Alternatively if it is something else youare having issues with and their are other barriers (psychological, social or physical) change may be very hard or impossible but there are people who can help you. It really depends on your situation to be honest. Maybe with time, you will meet someone and find a partner and be happy.

>> No.7496643

>Do you have bipolar anon?
Afraid so.
> Maybe with time, you will meet someone and find a partner and be happy.
eh, there's been a lot of time already and it hasn't happened yet, so - outlook not so good, ya know?

Just gotta try and make the best with what I got.
What bugs me is all the people bagging on me for what I am and the lot I've been dealt with. And if you look at this thread, and, the way they talk, a lot of what they say applies to me and people like me, and it's more than a little frustrating.

Doesn't feel good to be a second class citizen for being unlucky.

>> No.7496678


Hmmm, if only there were a way to introduce mood altering chemicals into the body. But that idea is pure science fiction, straight from the pulps!

>> No.7496680

>If you're barely able to make normal friends, there's very little hope for you to find any sort of romantic partner.
It's not impossible. There are girls out there that have the same wants as I do, where we only need each other and can do all that fun indoor stuff together. I don't want to change it, and I do work on my social skills; I just want someone on my level. I'm not much of a talker but why does that make me objectively bad?

>> No.7496681

I could be considered on the spectrum, I doubt I'd be diagnosed with anything though, cause I'm perfectly functional. Not trying to sound like an asshole again, but if anything I would say it's just higher intelligence (mathematical/logical intelligence, not social/emotional), and everything else is a consequence of that. I guess an easy way to explain how i see things is to replace the word emotions with instinct. They're perfectly replaceable. And that's what emotions are basically. A more primitive, "intuitive" form of intellect.

The way i see it you could identify three layers of "intelligence":

- emotions(/instinct): every animal has this. Instinct is born from evolution to favor the kind of behaviour which makes it easier to pass your genes on. This instinct emerges from random mutations and selection.
- social intelligence: "that is, I do something because most people are doing that so it must be correct", only humans and apes and a few others really have this. For example an ape sees that every other ape avoids a touching an electric pole, and he may avoid touching it too, without knowing the reason. This helps passing experience on to several generations, and most humans act mostly on this level, they don't question most things if everyone is doing it
- rational intelligence: this is the highest form of intelligence only humans seem to have. Instead of avoiding touching the pole because everyone avoids it, or because it "feels" bad to get close to the pole, you actually understand how electricity works and why you should stay away from the pole (if you want to survive). This is the scientist approach. Always question everything.

I guess they can also be seen as developmental stages in a single human, only instinct at the very first, then some imitation, then rational thought.

>> No.7496686

I am on medication for bipolar disorder.

It isn't flawless and to believe it is is insulting to science.

>> No.7496693

If only medication for bipolar disorder worked how you thought it did.

But that's purely science fiction.

>> No.7496694


If one is intelligent enough, ideally he could abandon the first two kinds of intelligence almost entirely. Or keep using that kind of "autopilot" only for things he doesn't really care that much about.

Moving away from emotional or instinctive intelligent, may very well be very good. Instinctive intelligence is powerful, but very limited, as by default it only considers good everything that maximizes reproduction of the species. But what if we want to define "good" as something else? What about caring about other species too, or caring about the planet? Or simply caring about our species, but with a more long-term view, when reproducing as much as possible may be distructive.

A person with "aspergers" or whatever we wanna call it, may just be someone with a more developed intelligence of the "third stage". He doesn't dress well cause he understands that fashion trends are irrelevant, they're just a case of "monkey see monkey do", second-tier intelligence. A truly rational person only wears to maximize comfort and utility (backpacks, shorts, fedoras, sweatpants...) while less evoluted people see that as wrong because it goes against the mainstream. He may be more introverted not because he finds it hard to talk to people, but just cause what happens in his brain in 5 seconds is far more interesting than anything anyone could tell him in 5 seconds. Just a thought

>> No.7496712

>It isn't flawless

But it's not useless, and only getting better.

>> No.7496717

I think this thread best encapsulates /cgl/. Passive agression, actual aggression, dodgy science, mental issues... all we're missing is a working girl or two and we've got a bingo.

>> No.7496724

by the way, I would add a fourth kind of intelligence which I would consider an even higher stage.
I'm talking about what Pierre Levy and Jenkins refer to as "collective intelligence". That intelligence transcends the single individual, it spans more generation. Its memory is books and archives, its synapses are the internet, we are just neurons, single cells that get replaced during the life of the "individual".
I guess it's hard for most people to picture this, cause it's very far away in the future. But we may very well and up considering what we now consider an individual as only a single cell of a bigger entity. Will it be something matrix-style? Or the Borg of dr.Who? We cannot know. But there is already a rudimentary move in that direction, and something that can be referred to as collective intelligence is already emerging.
For example when writing this post I'm not addressing a single human, but the collective intelligence made of all the people on this forum.

>> No.7496729

>Passive agression, actual aggression, dodgy science, mental issues...
that's pretty much 4chan in general. You're right though. I lol'd

>> No.7496737

No, and I thank god that the medication I have works so well.

It treats but does not cure bipolar disorder. It helps me greatly.
Barring gene therapy in some distant future, I'm always going to have it. And treating it doesn't make me not have it.

It just makes it, well, manageable. Bearable, so to speak.

>> No.7496738

>that's pretty much 4chan in general.

Nah, no racism, tarot cards or copypasta.

>> No.7496746

>implying /cgl/ isn't racist

>> No.7496750
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We need more traps too

>> No.7496753


Not as bad as other boards. Worst I've seen it was that one con held alongside some militant Jewish gathering.

>> No.7496785

/cgl/'s psychologist, if you're still here. Any suggestion for the "controlling" aspect of my personality?

For example, when I eat I always leave some left-overs (eg. 1-3 pieces of pasta) just because that makes me feel like I'm in control. I _chose_ the best ones to eat, I chose the exact quantity and not the person serving me the food. I'm in control!
Sometimes I will even trash half a crepe or ice-cream, just cause I love to feel so in control. I know that most sheeple just eat the entire ice cream they are give, they don't have a say in the exact amount of gelato they are going to ingest, they just passively accept what is given to them. I also can't stand unjustified orders. I always have to know "why". I also don't drink or do drugs because then I wouldn't be 100% in control of the situation.
I get extremely nervous in situations where someone else has control over my destiny (like an exam, a job interview...).

Is this some sort of disorder? Is there anything I should try to do about it or is it fine?

>> No.7496789

I'm not a psychologist, and not sure if the other guy is either, but that sounds like OCD to me.

>> No.7496792

Thanks, by the way. Still not the op, but, I appreciate someone on this board not being crazy.

No offense or anything, but, I can kinda tell you're not a female/girl.

>> No.7496802
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Tell me about your mother...

>> No.7496811

That's sad to hear anon, but I'm proud of you. I don't have bipolar myself but know people who do and they go through so much.

I'm sure there is someone out there who will love you for you.Someone who understands and appreciates you regardless.

The stigma around mental illness is pretty rough, hey?

I do honestly wish you the best.

>> No.7496818

there isn't really an alternative from citing why you aren't a sperglord, and I was considering saying something like

>but is there a way to say it otherwise?

but I guess I left that to you to do yourself.

also, there isn't exactly a way for me to prove where im coming from either or what I've seen to prove why I find your combination of traits unlikely so we're on the same page there

also, I'm not sure if it connected through what I've said but im the same person from last night talking about why he didn't find your idea of time efficiency with meeting people something I did myself.

>> No.7496819

I'm the first child so I've always been her favourite one. She will do anything I say and serve me as a prince. I don't remember much of the early years though, which must have been the most influential. As for the food I do remember my parents telling me to finish it, but I was full already so I would try to cut it and move it around the plate in such a way that it looked like there was less food on it. I think my parents have always been very laissez-faire with me though. So maybe I grew accustomed to making decisions and being in control. Other kids are forced to eat everything on the plate and they take that as a habit I guess. The drugs probably have nothing to do with it, I'm just smart enough to stir away from them. The stress during exams and interviews probably has nothing to do with it either. They're just stressful situations for everyone.
Sweet, I think I just cured myself. Thanks.

>> No.7496825
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>> No.7496829

What do you mean you sound my combination of traits unlikely? You already said that once but I didn't really understand what you were referring to.

I think it will help if you consider that I'm exaggerating a lot of things and trolling a bit just for the sake of keeping the thread bumped.

>> No.7496830

It doesn't sound like you function very well socially and you seem to have a strange form of thinking, this aswell as your mathematical/logical intellect is what makes me think you have high functioning autism. My brother is similair he is quite intelligent, is bad with social skills and thinks much more logically like yourself, he is diagnosed with ASD.

I feel you are wrong with your three layers of intelligence as you are missing quite a few different forms of intelligence and emotional intelligence is a lot more valuable than you realise. You've forgotten about spatial intelligence completely which is also significant. Creative intelligence so many forms!

Emotional intelligence and instinct is quite different though anon. I don't think you really grasp the concept.

Are you getting at the three brain theory? Because you've kind of got it wrong. Some people could argue that social intelligence is most important as without it you could not function aswell in life, you may never have friends, partners etc.

>> No.7496834

>305 replies
>not a single suggestion about how to approach people at cons

>> No.7496841

I'm not a psychologist, I just study psychology.

That's quite an interesting habit anon, I'm not sure if it is a disorder but it certainly sounds like control is very important to you.

Is it affecting your life anon? That's normally when you can tell something needs to be fixed but sometimes preventive psychology is important.

May I ask how much control you have in other areas of your life? Or how much control you had in past relationships/family life?

>> No.7496843

Your welcome. I'm glad you appreciate.

I am a female though, a female studying psychology.

I thought it would be more obvious that I was a female inregards to the words I wrote.

>> No.7496845

>not a single suggestion about how to approach people at cons

Here's one.


>> No.7496848

I kinda see that. I would hope someone to your extent wouldn't exist.

but combination of traits being appearing an aspie but also proclaiming your confidence in social situations.

which if you do have confidence I feel it's the kind of aspie confidence I've seen too many times over where they're too oblivious to see past their eyelashes.

but who knows? I'm not gonna dislike you because I feel I'm qualified enough to lead my own life just as much as you claim yourself to be.

>> No.7496852
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Just walk up to them and pick them up

>> No.7496856

Try not to take this the wrong way.

You act -way- to kind and warm from any of the women or girls that I've seen on this board.

>> No.7496867

I actually think that's a compliment and also a critisicsm of the general female populous on cgl. Thank you for the compliment and it's sad that the females you have spoken to are not very kind and are cold. I often get called kind, and warm in real life so it isn't too surprising but it was nice of you to say anon. I must also let you know that the females you have been exposed to do not represent the population. I know many girls similair to me in personality. You seem to be quite a sensible and nice person who has some struggles but is resilent, I hope you find happiness.

>> No.7496868

>Are you getting at the three brain theory?
no, not at all, this is just something i came up with on the spot.
I'm not talking about the different "kinds" of intelligence more like different layers and evolutionary stages if that makes sense.

We're talking about something different. You're making a horizontal section and I'm making a vertical one, if that makes sense.

I did hear about emotional intelligence before. Don't know the exact definition but it was my understanding they mainly refer to being aware of other people's emotions (and your own maybe).
What I mean is that all these different "kinds" of intelligence (logic, spatial reasoning, reading comprehension, social stuff etc.) can be "implemented" in different ways at different evolutionary stages. It's the difference between doing something instinctively or rationally. But instinct and rationality can be applied to all those different areas.
I think in all humans the instinct intelligence is still the strongest one. For example we're much better at languages we learn through example as children, instead of those we study in school. We're better at skateboarding if we practice a lot and imitate other people, instead of reading books on which muscles to contract at which timing. We're better at learning how to act in a social environment by example, instinctively, rather than rationally thinking of what we should be doing and why.

The thing is, maybe in a while the rational intelligence will evolve to be better than the instinctive, "learn by imitation" kind. Or maybe not.

Personally I guess someone could say I have some sort of autism spectrum disorder. I can accept that. I would really call it a disorder though, and if it is it's very mild, it doesn't impair me in the least. I'm not bad socially, I have many friends, and I think I'm much better at reading people than most people are.

>> No.7496872

I've had good experiences with cgl people, but then again neither them or myself has really explicitly stated their gender unless it was me posting a picture or something.

>> No.7496875

Thanks, I really appreciate it. Likewise, though, I'm sure.

>> No.7496883

i'm the op, that post was from me too.
as you know I always avoided relationships, and that's one of the reasons I guess. I don't like giving up control.
As for the family life, as i said in another response, I was always given a lot of freedom I guess, and have always been able to manipulate my parents quite a bit. I'm not sure it's really a disorder or anything maybe just a character trait.
They say most males are driven by either money,sex,or power. For me it's power. The power to have as much influence as possible (maybe cause I feel superior to most people, so I feel like I should have more influence). I guess you could file that under narcissism.

>> No.7496884

Ah okay, it just sort of seemed similair.

I can follow that. I honestly think that the focus on logical intelligence in the education system does not work for everyone, and that implementing many forms of learning (using different intelligences) would be very beneficial.
Have you looked into critical thinking anon? I think it's perhaps the best thinking style inregards to rationality and logic. I also believe you might find it very interesting.

I don't think you can read people better than others anon, you may be more superior in 'logical intelligence' but it truly does sound that you are lacking in emotional and social intelligence. I'm really glad you have friends though and it doesn't impair your life. Having friends is only one aspect of sociality. The way you act/get treated in a group is social skill based. If you were trully okay socially why would you create this thread? Wouldn't you rely on your 'superior logic intellect', good social skills and interpersonal skills to find a qt.314 gf? I don't understand why you would need to ask.

>> No.7496894

Hmm I think it is very possible that you have traits of narcisstic personality disorder or egocentiricism or a superiority complex. Rather than an outright disorder. I think it might not hurt to speak to a psychologist about it as they would be much better at assesing you. They have a much broader knowledge base, skills and resources to be able to give you a clear answer.

May I ask why you manipulated your parents? Do you lack sympathy?

>> No.7496904

Your welcome anon. I'm glad to hear that.
Thank you also, I'm doing pretty good to be honest. I'm happy which is the main thing. I have some barriers to in life (less mental health (although there is some self esteem/body image/eating issues) more physical health). I think the best thing you can do is to try to do the best for yourself, do what you think is right, can do and enjoy life. I think that's all that matters really. Everyone is different and many people have barriers to, it makes me really appreciate how strong people are and how resilent.

>> No.7496912

I must depart you interesting anons as I have psych work to do but I hope you find answers, happiness and that op discovers how great love and emotions can be.

>> No.7496913

Don't encourage him. Being an only child and excelling in school gave him rights to feel superior that only someone who wasn't as good as they actually thought would feel.

It's not a hard thing to understand that everyone has their points, and putting your own above someone else's only shows that you're obviously deficient somewhere vital.

Who gives a shit what I've done? People who excel lower than I do? Sure. Me? I don't, they're all human beings and there's something incredible to be said for everyone being equal without any kind of literal superior over one another.

My butthole is as tight as an acorn. You can't leave yet.

>> No.7496926

Eotions are a liberal weakness, secreted from the uterus. That's why they're pumping ostrogen into the lakes. Read your Bible.

>> No.7496927

>appearing an aspie but also proclaiming your confidence in social situations.
but you see I never said I appear as an aspie irl. I act as one on here, but I would never attach my face to the shit I'm writing here. I show a much different persona irl. I'm more of a quiet person, even if people say something stupid I don't correct them to sound like an asshole, and I'm also very humble and I'm sociable with everyone, even people i would refer to as inferior in the context of this thread. I know the kind of aspies you think about and I honestly hope I'm not like that, or at least try not to be.
For example, when if I ace a test (all the time..), I never brag about it I'm always like "I just got lucky I guess" or when people say something wrong but it's not really important, I don't correct them so I don't sound like an asshole. When I do have to correct them it's always like "i'm not really sure, but maybe..."

And I go to cons not because I'm this huge otaku who loves anime and mangas. I play almost no games or read any comics or watch any series, but most of my best friends do so I go with them. I mainly enjoy the artistic side to it.
I also like rock climbing, skateboarding, skiing, playing basketball, i like playing music, dancing/clubbing, on the outside I'm a fairly normal person. I'm not the most extrovert person or some sort of "chad", I'm just a regular person. The thoughts I post on 4chan have little to do with my real persona.

>> No.7496930

>I never said I appear as an aspie irl

You didn't need to.

>> No.7496943

I don't know anymore what you're trying to get at, but - okay? I can list my accomplishments, too!

But I know that nobody cares just as much as they don't care for your's.

If anything, they'd care just a little more since all you seem to be doing is humoring yourself.

>> No.7496951

no I never actively manipulated my parents. I don't lack sympathy. It's them who are the servile ones i guess. I mean when I go to my mother's house she still does everything, cooking, cleaning, dishwashing, never asks for help, so I'm not gonna help with those chores if I can avoid it. She can't really stand her ground. If I want something I ask her and she gives it to me, while I guess most parents would be like "go take it yourself". She does that with my brother and sister, but not with me. I think cause I was the first child so I'm somewhat special to her. I think I will make that behaviour apparent to her, so maybe she'll change it, cause i feel it's unfair to my siblings. As for my father... he's the manipulative one really, although he too always fails to impose things. If I don't wanna do something I don't do it and vice versa, and he doesn't try to force me or change my mind. I guess the "peak manipulation" was when I made him dump his gf, I don't really remember how I did it. I think we were about to move, and she wanted her to move in, and I said if she moves in I'm gonna go stay with mom. And he dumped her (but then they came back together and are married now).
Well, enough psychology for today.

>> No.7496958

I wan't listing "accomplishments". Just regular things I do that most people do but most assburgers don't.

>> No.7496961


I, too, am well-balanced and find myself successful in things I do without bragging about them.

Is that how we make friends? And you act like you're still in some high school special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.7496982

>And you act like you're still in some high school special snowflake syndrome.
It's the exact opposite those are the things literally _every_ kid in my area did, that's why I listed them. Rock climbing, skateboarding, music/dancing. They're no accomplishments, it's just some of the activities that most kids used to partake in (except the friendless shut ins). I think you read that wrong. I wasn't trying to say I'm special, I was in fact trying to say how much of the average kid I was. Maybe those things are not sommon in other areas, so I guess it could be misinterpreted

>> No.7496991

No, those are average things.

What I'm saying is how you cite your superiority/inferiority or your ability to obviously excel over someone else and it sounds foolish, especially to me who has rolled over and over such a way of thinking in my head for years now.

It just sounds childish and as if you expect yourself to be the only one able to do the things you do so successfully, as if you don't consider the factors or possibilities involved. Not only should you not feel there's a hierarchy of the normal person now, but especially once you've considered it enough.

>> No.7497015

>If you were trully okay socially why would you create this thread? Wouldn't you rely on your 'superior logic intellect', good social skills and interpersonal skills to find a qt.314 gf? I don't understand why you would need to ask.
I didn't _need_ to, and apparently it wasn't a good idea cause I didn't get any decent story or suggestion. I just wanted to make the usual thread about hookups at cons really, was fishing for some stories. Somehow it generated into shitposting after I said I've only met one a girl I consider as intelligent as me, and everyone got butthurt about "muh equality".

>> No.7497025

But I guess you aren't smart enough to recognize that "muh equality" isn't something I'm spouting just because you think I need the world to be sunshine and butterflies.

It's a legitimate thing that's making you look childish.

I don't get butthurt over some midget standing on a ladder to tower over me.

>> No.7497036

Oh I get it now. You're projecting.

>> No.7497041

Ahhh - I know that's something you'd like to think, but no. I don't feel inferior to anyone as much as I don't feel superior.

You can step off the horse, Farquaad.

>> No.7497047

And come on, bubby. If I was projecting, you would have been smart enough to figure that out miles ago, right?

>> No.7497060

but people aren't equal, that's obvious.
Can we formulate linear scales to judge people on?
We literally can. What's your IQ? What's your time record on 100mt? How much did you get on that test? What's your weight?
Of course people are much more complex than that, those are just linear projections of a very narrow ability of the person. No one is "better" than anyone else as long as you consider them in their entirety, you can't compare them. But I can say with some certainty that Usain Bolt is faster than you, and if I was looking for a running mate he could be a better candidate, someone about my level but just a bit better would be the best probably.

No one is saying someone is better than someone else in general. But they can be better at something specific for sure.

All my very best friends come from a poorer social background and poorer education, that doesn't mean I don't consider them some of the best people I know.

>> No.7497073

>And come on, bubby. If I was projecting, you would have been smart enough to figure that out miles ago, right?

Yea it's just that I thought you were someone else. Then it clicked that you are probably the same person who said they were in the "gifted and talented" program at school, so it all became clear

>> No.7497082

Okay, judgments!

Judgments are okay based on testing, as long as it's understood that they only go as far as they measure. You can see it argued that someone scoring well on an IQ test could have done extensive exercises in the area, just for an example of something people enjoy using as "hurr im murr naturally intelligiment than u".

What you're saying now is something I like, but your previous "this inferior person did x" or "my superior self did y" kind of thing sounded dumb, like you had expected yourself to have outmeasured them in every literal category you could measure.

I could have had perfect pitch my whole life, but does that make me any better than my friend who's been focused on athletics his whole life and can't sing to save his life? No, including even if my singing talent was natural. Especially if singing was something I had worked toward.


Hah - I guess we have been chatting for a while, but yes that is me.

>> No.7497123

>"this inferior person did x" or "my superior self did y"
i don't recall saying anything like that tbh

>I could have had perfect pitch my whole life, but does that make me any better than my friend who's been focused on athletics his whole life
no but it makes you better at singing, so if i liked singing and wanted a partner i can sing with, it would be smart of me to approach you instead of the athletic guy, because even if having perfect pitch is not 100% correlated to singing ability, it's still a good indicator, and one has to take shortcuts.
If I'm at a bar, I'll talk with anyone, on those occasions I do find myself spending a lot of time with someone most would consider "simple minded" (high school drop out/farmer/cosmetologist..) there's a lot to learn from everyone. At the same time, if I have to pick a business partner, or love partner, someone you want to last forever in theory, then it's legit to have some criteria and to specifically look for someone who matches them, rather than just trying with any random person.

>> No.7497130

It was something like you saying someone else was inferior or in another case you were superior, I don't want to look back.

And you're putting up some pretty legitimate points now rather than what I feel earlier was just saying that you don't like people you didn't feel as smart as you. Just gave off a poor feeling as to the kind of person you are, and I tend to hope someone as simple as that doesn't exist.

Not that I like calling anyone simple.

But yes, there are definitely people that fit roles better than others, the same way I would look someone to duo my singing or find someone I'd want to take with me to a convention. But I wouldn't want to see them as something like a tool or just in a "logical" sense - of course I enjoy the company of people or seeing the growth/skills of another, as long as the skilled person isn't an ass about it.

>> No.7497152

ok, I'm glad things are clearer now.

Where are you from btw? I can't pinpoint it but your sentence structure feels weird somehow

>But I wouldn't want to see them as something like a tool or just in a "logical" sense
well you're a good person, feelings are good. But people can indeed be "instrumental" to one another's success, and there can definitely be a more "logical" approach to interpersonal relationships. Of course that alone isn't enough. If someone is smart but a complete asshole about it I wouldn't wanna get close to that person; if someone is smart without being an ass about it, that definitely makes for a better friend.

>> No.7497158

Well, I was born in and still live in the United States. I wonder what makes my sentence structure seem weird.

For sure about what you said. Especially, I guess, if it were a strictly business sense. I can see why relationships might get in the way of things that are desired to be rigid. Makes even more sense when you talked about if they were an asshole - since that would force me even farther away from moving toward someone in more than a "I need you to help me // us to help each other, etc."

>> No.7497183

> I was born in and still live in the United States
weird. Your sentence structures just seem really weird. You should read your posts again slowly... or maybe it's just me just cause it's 7am and i should probably go to sleep...

well, good night anon

>> No.7497434
File: 134 KB, 287x344, 1391220757214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just walk up and talk to them.

Also, don't be a creep.

>> No.7499363

I got conned at a con.

>> No.7499596
File: 796 KB, 795x592, 1384772109016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone who, say, when she wants to buy a new computer she doesn't ask "is this stronger?" but she studies all the hardware specs asks specific questions like "do you think this kind of processor be better for X software", something you need more specific knowledge on.
>you're so picky

He is, isn't he?

>> No.7499704

There's a difference between a friendship and a professional relationship. You can't only look for people who are talented and "useful" to be friends with. Ideally you will be good enough that you'll become friends naturally with them because you like them as a person, not merely because you saw their talent and thought "must friend".

In a professional setting you obviously have one goal so that sort of thing doesn't matter as much (though you do still need to get along). But to look for this sort of thing in a relationship seems tenuous at best. Maybe if you found someone like you and started a business with them it might work out, haha.

>> No.7500000

I see what you mean, I agree. You must be compatible on a personal level above all. What I meant was more for the choice of where to look for the right people. If you're looking for intelligent people with dedication, I think a con can be a better place than a random bar.

Basically I was implying that I people who go to cons are smarter than average, but instead of taking it as a compliment, everyone started calling me an elitist asshole. Whatever.

>> No.7500281
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What about dating anons?

Wouldn't that be better?

>> No.7500544

yea some anons are awesome, but they're always from other parts of the world, no anons in italy, and I'm not a fan of ldr. Anons can make great friends, but I don't care enough about relationships to move or make someone move because of it.

>> No.7501313

>I mean when I go to my mother's house she still does everything, cooking, cleaning, dishwashing, never asks for help

That's because you're Italian.

>> No.7502052


>> No.7502096

>Allege to have high esteem
>Go to /r9k/ to rise his selfesteem

Confirmed for retarded.

>> No.7502119

It's not to get a self esteem boost, it's just comedic relief. It's like watching one of those comedies based on awkward teenagers you know?

I don't visit much anymore, after a while it gets boring, and you risk getting sucked in their awful mentality.

>> No.7502139

Oh, and why do you find that funny? I mean, you have to be TOO FUCKING EDGY to find that kind of things amusing.

>> No.7502155

It's just objectively funny dude. Otherwise why would they make movies like american pie or superbad or all the other Michael Cera/Jonah Hill movies?
Some things posted there used to be pretty funny, like the greentext spaghetti stories, now it's mostly >tfw no gf (which also spread to all other boards) which is just annoying.

You're just butthurt cause you're from /r9k/ aren't you?