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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7484933 No.7484933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7477788

To Discuss
>Final Episode Cosplays
>Still, Will there ever be a good Nui
>Any disco milfs
and as per usual

>no /a/ shit

>> No.7484952 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 636x960, makoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the animania karaoke grand prix comp and saw this girl... They only recently posted the video, so enjoy.

>dat cutesy voice attempted in the middle

FB - /photo.php?v=279443048846891

>> No.7485056
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>Disco Milfs

>> No.7485075

How ripped should a guy be if he's going to cosplay tsumugu? I'm stuck at avg mode but I want to be a badass.

>> No.7485082

Tsumugu's bulky, tan, and toned. /fit/ can help you more than we can, but I hope you have time.

>> No.7485085

I'd rather see a Tsumugu in bulk-mode but large and muscular than in ottermode. This goes even moreso for Gama.

Maybe teacher would be the only one passable in ottermode.

>> No.7485138
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How Embarrassing and I got to witness this first hand.

FB - /photo.php?v=279443048846891

(gotta put the FB link bfore it)

>> No.7485139

I loled so much.

>> No.7485148
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>> No.7485154

losing my shit
i thought shed have a higher voice
i was so wrong

>> No.7485161
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>that mediocre "dancing"

>> No.7485167
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>I got to witness this first hand
Jesus, are your ear drums still intact?

>> No.7485168
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holy fuck my ears

>> No.7485178
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To be honest I didn't think I'd ever see it again. I don't even know the girl but the page posted it. Bless this page.

i did crack up watching it again at those cute voice attempts through the song

>> No.7485187

lost my fucking shit when she tried to do the kawaii voice and failed

>> No.7485193

i would be so happy if they did singing things at the cons i went to.

not only because of things like that but because i like singing myself.

win win bby.

>> No.7485201

My dream is to do OTP/duo cosplays with a singer who will sing to my guitar outside on the grass.

I wish I could pull together a Ryuko and find a Mako in time for my local con to perform Light Your Heart Up or acoustic versions of the OP/EDs.

>> No.7485202

ahh as a singer that'd be so nice.

too bad i never meet anyone online much less people that go to my cons.

>> No.7485234


Planning to sing one of the kill la kill songs as Satsuki and my voice is closest to hers. Any recs? I like the first ed and Ambiguous but not sure I can pull them off... I don't want this to happen.
Has anyone made a good cover of this yet? Someone in the AN kill la kill group said they were going to sing it at the j-pop idol showcase or something and I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.7485241 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 245x245, 1396995683886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

">mfw terrible "dancing" and yelling man voice for "singing""

>> No.7485261

Does it have to be an OP/ED?

>> No.7485280

Preferably, but what else has lyrics to it? Blumenkranz?

>> No.7485283

Do a kyary remix,

>> No.7485286

DAMMIT AUSTRALIA! Set some standards for your WCS entries D: I wouldn't even care if this was in a masquerade but this is not something you do for WCS ANYTHING.

>> No.7485290

Well there's also Before my Body is dry and Sanbika, but the prior wouldn't really work. Do you mean it might not pull off range wise or character wise?
There's insert (in I think 19) called I want to know that is pretty easy to sing.

>> No.7485304

Character-wise. I've never really had a problem with range unless singing male songs.
I'd rather sing an op/ed because the songs are more recognizable and there's also an... 80% Japanese limit too I think? Like the song has to be Japanese with at most some english phrases thrown in.

>> No.7485315
File: 95 KB, 636x960, makouueie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a face to the voice.

>> No.7485349

I'd go with Ambiguous if you're trying for a suitable song character-wise as Satsuki. It's the only OP or ED that even includes her for more than a few seconds, and it's pretty Satsuki-heavy anyways.

>> No.7485352

I'm... So sorry

>> No.7485353

Why did they all have to sing? It must if been painful to sit through that. Ciel got second place, so who was first?

>> No.7485355


>> No.7485372

This was the WCS karaoke grand prix. A karaoke cosplay comp to win a trip to Japan.

>> No.7485378
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>mfw that everything, how cringe worthy

>> No.7485381

That's a terrible idea. Kind of unfair too, as I'm sure very few cosplayers are vocally trained .

>> No.7485382

I legitimately thought that was inuashley for the first few seconds after fullsizing that

>> No.7485426

But singers can always cosplay.

>> No.7485688

>tfw still no qt 3.14 tomboy Ryuko to your Uzu cosplay

What's the point of life

>> No.7485690

What's this about? I can't see it.

>> No.7485711


did you add the facebook link before it?

>> No.7485714

Ok, I think a part of my soul died when she started singing.

>> No.7485763

i think she would make a better mataro

>> No.7485784

You got the picture wrong.

>> No.7485786
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>> No.7485791
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>> No.7485815

That's sad because it's true

>> No.7485847

>finish Senketsu for local con this weekend
>realize you made the glove for the wrong hand...

Gotta do a lot more work on the sword today, but I'm fairly happy with how the seifuku turned out. Forgive the tacky Instagram collage.

>> No.7485850
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Dropped pic.

>> No.7485904

Reposting a request for opinion on patterns from the last thread:
I'm still stuck on pattern choice for Nonon's Goku uniform. It seems like the most popular choice is separate bodice + regular box pleated skirt/flared box pleated skirt that ends up being a part-circle skirt.

However, I was wondering about doing it as an 8-panel princess line dress with flared box pleat inserts, which would mean having a centre front seam to avoid having too few pleats. My main worry is the centre front seam looking weird.

>> No.7485959

Got 25 seconds in and had to stop

>> No.7485964

That's a really nice glove though anon.

>> No.7485965

What are your gloves and sword made out of? The sword looks kinda like a foam like thing?

>> No.7485972

Thank you so much. It was super easy to make, given an embarrassing amount of duct tape on the inside.

The glove is made of 2-way stretch vinyl and craft foam. The details are actually all sharpie and nail polish....
The sword is insulation foam (like you get in big sheets at Home Depot) that I cut with a bandsaw.

>> No.7486027

Did you use a paattern/tutorial for your glove or did you just trace out your hand and sew the pieces together? I've been trying to make vinyl gloves but they always end up looking kind of saggy around the knuckles.

>> No.7486033

I've had that problem too. I have a pattern that I drafted from some non-stretchy gloves I own and that works pretty well as a base, but I always end up having to fit it to my hand anyway, depending on the vinyl. 4-way stretch tends to be the most cooperative.

>> No.7486213

Thats some serious bulking take in lots of protein and do lots of high weights with low reps.

>> No.7486415

What an unfortunate face
You have a really good body for Ryuko. Shame you got the glove wrong, I'm sure your new one will be fine. Are you making her scissor?

More cosplay pls

>> No.7486662
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I hope I'll have time to remake the glove as well. Just worked on scissor today, actually!

>> No.7486666

Sweet! It's not bad, actually. Is it hard to cut/sand at all?

>> No.7486690

Need to see face before I can judge.

>> No.7486695

Not the Ryuko anon but insulation foam is very easy to cut and sand

>> No.7486701

one of my speakers blew out while listening to this. coincidence? i think not

>> No.7486707

i want an uzu!!! but im p girly lookin

>> No.7486711

looks great! working on my scissorblade, got any tips?

>> No.7486731

Thanks! Like >>7486695 said, very easy. Having access to a bandsaw and a variety of sanding tools really made it a lot easier. I have no idea how I could have gotten to this point without those two things.

Thanks anon! As I mentioned above, bandsaw and sanding tools are very, very helpful. Pick a thick foam, use an electric cutting tool, and have lots of sanding devices: hand sanders, little files, and fine grain sandpaper.

>> No.7486732

For Nonon's beret(s) would it be alright to cut the skull out of felt?

Or should I look for some other type of fabric?

I thought that the felt would hold its shape fairly well instead of just flopping on the beret.

>> No.7486740

If you added interfacing to the back then you can use whatever fabric you like, just make sure the edges aren't gross.

>> No.7486742

>sounds like man
>looks like man
>apparently didn't even memorize the lyrics first (she keeps looking at her phone?)
>that weird nervous side stepping

>> No.7486745

Oh cool, thanks.

I've been deciding between building the scissor out of insulation foam or MDF since insulation foam seems kind of delicate.

Coming from someone who's never done props before.

Someone on tumblr made a really nice MDF scissor sword www.quackums.tumblr.com/post/81645632729/im-going-to-be-cosplaying-ryuko-soon-and-my

>> No.7486754

This was my first prop too, and it seems like everyone who has experience with props made theirs out of MDF, but I'm happy I picked insulation foam (1" thick), because it's cheaper and much more forgiving. Foam is obviously much softer and easier to manipulate than a wood product, as well as lighter, so I really recommend it. The only thing is that I believe you have to prime insulation foam with a few coats of gesso before painting. Good luck!

>> No.7486770

How strong exactly is MDF?
I want to make Satsuki's Bakuzan, sheathe and all but not sure what kind of material to use. I want it to end up being 4 feet in length with a 4cm wide blade and not have to worry about it breaking in a crowded con area.

>> No.7486788

I used plywood for mine and it turned out quite good, if not a bit heavy.

>> No.7486800

its pretty durable but I wouldn't use it for the blade. when it gets thin it becomes brittle.

>> No.7486802

Hey, good job anyway anon, it all looks really good. You'll have to post the cosplay when it's completely finished.

>> No.7486821

upload a vocaroo.

>> No.7486832


Whatever you want to say about her cosplay aside, she DOES have a very powerful voice. The song is just a little out of her range.

>> No.7486837

yelling isn't exactly... what I'd call powerful.

>> No.7486883

powerful =/= good

>> No.7486896

Holy sHIT her voice is horrid
both being nervous and literally screaming the whole song oh my god no

>> No.7486965
File: 160 KB, 308x292, 1395987213864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can have a "powerful" voice if they are screaming to overcompensate, this mako clearly isn't a singer to begin with....

>> No.7487236

Didn't see the new thread. I'm doing Takarada in June. Wanted wig advice.
I'm thinking either a Cady in Pumpkin (which just restocked on arda) or I could wait for this fancy new Marty that comes in Pumpkin now.
I think the fact that the latter is shorter makes it better for Taka, but I could easily trim a Cady, I suppose.

>> No.7487275
File: 442 KB, 495x740, 1397105852429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7487287

She's screaming. That will obviously make you sound powerful.

>> No.7487292

Hey, this is pretty nice.

>> No.7487311


this looks really good

>> No.7487325

god, the inaccurate shoes on the otherwise good cosplay bother me

>> No.7487328

surprised she didn't just throw on some combat boots or something
it'd make more sense

>> No.7487330

At least they're not those 6 inch heels all Japanese cosplayers seem to wear. I really like how she looks regardless though.

>> No.7487336

>everything is shiny pleather or some shit

Uhhhh.... does this bother anyone else?

I'm making mine out of mostly canvas since it's sort of like military shit.

I could see the gloves and boot covers (If she'd made them) being shinier, but not the whole outfit. The pouches would definitely be canvas.

HOWEVER. Looking at all of the other NB cosplays, this is fantastic. She's also got the most perfect Nonon bod I've ever seen.

>> No.7487338

I agree, I dislike the shiney pleathery shit

>> No.7487341

Damn,that glove does look great though. Ahh, hate that accidental wrong side issue. I hope you get it fixed in time for con, anon.

>> No.7487342

wait... why two knives though? Didn't nonon only have one?

>> No.7487343

Too bad it seems to be the go-to for every KLK cosplay.

I sort of like that one Ryuko with the sort of... matte but still leather-looking material. I don't know what the hell it is, but it looks perfect for her Senketsu. Maybe some kind of Zentai-type spandex or something.

>> No.7487345

canvas is kind of oldschool
a nyco blend would be more modern, also lighter
pouches are usually cordura (anywhere between 100 and 1000 depending on how tough you need it, also the weight. 500 is good mix)

if I had to guess she used this pleather looking junk maybe because it was cheap and it reflects light to make everything look cooler

>> No.7487348


i'm okay with that

>> No.7487353

I kind of understand for transformed senketsu, since it does look like it has a type of sheen, but nonon's nb outfit is pretty much matte

>> No.7487366

The only thing that's good is her face and body. She's a cute Nonon, but she made the belt pouches out of what looks like pvc or vinyl. It's inaccurate and those shoes make no sense. She's cute, but the cosplay really sucks

>> No.7487372

better than an ugly fat non non squeezed into an accurate copsplay outfit

>> No.7487375

This, I'm just sick of fat Nudist Beach Nonons

>> No.7487382

She also forgot the nudist beach emblem on her shoulder strap and didn't add buttons for the pouches
I wouldn't go as far as to say the cosplay sucks, but it's not super accurate, either.

>> No.7487399
File: 262 KB, 493x740, nani sore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hope they all got heart attacks and pray no more may spawn

>> No.7487416

Agreed. It's not super accurate, but her body is so much better that she actually looks like Nonon.

I feel like shiny is okay for things that are supposed to be a bit shiny, like the gold bits on the MKII Ultima uniforms, and transformed Kamui. I also think of Ragyo's outfits as shiny (in some sort of luxe silk satin way) but just overshadowed by her hair

>> No.7487440
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tag dumping

>> No.7487443
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>> No.7487445
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>> No.7487447

Stop bullying her. She looks like a cute girl, she sounds like a cute girl and she sings like a cute girl.

>> No.7487448
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>> No.7487450
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>> No.7487452
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>> No.7487453
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>> No.7487457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7487459
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>> No.7487468

I'd get Marty, if time allows.

>> No.7487470
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>> No.7487494

that's one edgy aoba.

>> No.7487612

Where might one get a black three star zipup hoodie?

>> No.7487614

Black with white stars or white with black stars?
Here are links for both.

Black with white stars:

White with black stars:

They both come in a few different styles.

>> No.7487654
File: 213 KB, 2048x1357, 1397134232022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7487665

mad that she didn't even attempt the skull....shouldn't it be an actual small skull that can rotate or whatnot?

>> No.7487670

actually not that bad

>> No.7487671

All of these look pretty sloppy but I can't judge the nonon because shiny-wig mako is blocking her. Maybe that's a good thing.
Satsuki would be decent if her gold strips on the uniform weren't puffy. Why are they puffy??
Gamagoori needs a wig. There's only one good gamagoori I've seen that can pull off using his own hair (the one posing with a pretty cute mako as a hallway shot; his boots are really good and standout. this may be a vague description) but most others need lacefronts or something.
Mako's wig. Mako's goddamn wig. And her skirt/sailor collar are too light blue.
Iori looks halfassed in general. That wig is super irritating, it looks so lazy and messy.

>> No.7487672


>> No.7487673

Dem raccoon eyes

>> No.7487675
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>> No.7487699
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Hi (im the satsuki) I'd say it turned out pretty good considering how last minute everything was and I know the gold is just why which is why Im remaking it~ The nonon was probably the best out of the group and hers was the most last minute oh man

>> No.7487729

Telling us the story behind a mediocre cosplay does not change the fact that it is still a mediocre cosplay. I never get why people do this.

>> No.7487728

uh, you are going to want to strengthen it with more than gesso or it won't survive the con.

Wood glue, fiberglass, resin...

You probably also needed a support fowl.

>> No.7487730

Her skull's a mess but otherwise it looks good, the collar especially.

I'd find a new wig for Satsuki -- she doesn't have short face-framing pieces like your wig does, just the 2 long pieces that drape over her shoulders. In addition, your poses (I think another photo was posted of you) are far too feminine/passive. Plant both feet. Square your shoulders. Be a badass bitch.

>> No.7487745

Yeah, it also has little monkey skeleton hands by it in the first lot of goku outfits. The skull and the hands move.

>> No.7487756

Nonon looks great aside from the skull on the hat. If she remade it she'd be pretty spot-on.
Your Gamagoori needs a lacefront and better fitted pants.

>> No.7487817

I'm looking at buying a Satsuki cosplay, could anyone point me in the direction of one that actually looks decent and accurate?

>> No.7487820

She's decent at best, but the entire thing is sloppy. I am not usually that bitch who whines about threads and glued together costumes, but anon they all look extremely rushed. The Nonon is no exception. It isn't the easiest costume by any means but this cosplayer took a ton of shortcuts, I am not sure why people are pretending she didn't.

>> No.7487829

None of the ones out there are any good. Sorry.

>> No.7488008
File: 58 KB, 607x612, DAMMIT NIGRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Jessica Nigri's Instagram. It's finally happening. Surprised she didn't do Kamui version.

>> No.7488036


>> No.7488038

arms too fat/10

>> No.7488307

Ok. This is the end.

This fucking cunt. Has to. Die.

I won't let that butterfaced American pigslut ruin my waifu.

>> No.7488340
File: 11 KB, 500x370, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She needs to stop.

>> No.7488371

Odds of cleavage go!
Considering senketsu has ZERO I would say the odds are about maximum%

>> No.7488384

brace for orange Ryuko with raccoon makeup

>> No.7488407

someone please kill this whore

>> No.7488432

Wouldn't it make sense for Nudist Beach stuff to use leather stuff rather than fabric in-universe? Only thread in play is stitching it together that way rather than running the risk of having life fibres woven into the fabric. Security measure and all.

>thigh highs and other bits of clothing in some uniforms
nevermind, NB are fucking idiots

>> No.7488468
File: 927 KB, 450x253, tumblr_mup2rhVHNx1qfb777o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The salt has never been more palpable

>> No.7488527
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Why is everybody so butthurt over Nigiri

At least she isn't sluttying up the character by doing the Kamui. She's been a lot more toned-down in her cosplays recently

I'm actually interested in seeing how it turns out

>> No.7488606
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>> No.7488732

finally a decent NB nonon yaaaass

>> No.7489441

For a second, I thought this was one of those ugly cunts on /cgl/ who think if they lift they will become attractive to men despite their butterface.

Then I noticed the trip and that it's just the worst male tripfag who has ever posted on /cgl/, so I guess it's ok then.

I seriously hope you die of testicle cancer, you fucking piece of shit. You don't fit 99% of the characters you cosplayed (=based on the fact that IIRC you did only one black character in your entire shitty career) and you are only tolerated by the community because of white guilt / political correctness and you can't handle criticism / every time you get called out on your trash cosplays you say "HURR DURR ITS ONLY HOBBY FOR FUN eksdee".

AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH you just HAVE TO also whiteknight literally the worst cancer that has EVER HAPPENED to the cosplay community (yes, that's what JNig is) because you are a spineless, worthless, pussy-whipped Beta male, desperate for attention to compensate for your inferiority complex, so being a good lapdog for her is, for you, the epitome of a lifetime achievement.

I don't care if she cosplays shitty slutty characters that are popular with white fat neckbeard virgins who play Call of Dooty and have 0 knowledge about the actually good cosplayers in the community (worldwide). But ENOUGH. IS. ENOUGH. She crossed the line when she jumped on this bandwagon.

But you wouldn't understand that because as I said before, you are a worthless little maggot who will ultimately mean nothing and whose subpar cosplays will end up in the trash bin of history, where they belong. No matter how much you will spam them everywhere you can.

TL;DR: Kill yourself.

>> No.7489444

And YOU... you are **literally** her most retarded blindest fangirl on /cgl/, probably the one responsible for 90% of the Jnig shitposting (as expected of a Canadian)... to me, you are not even a human being. You are not even worth talking to. At least when Maguma does it it is because of his inherent desire for attention and approval from white (women). But you? I guess you just made it your life goal to ruin your country's reputation on the Internet.

>> No.7489460
File: 265 KB, 735x404, CAM00149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since people keep mentioning Nonon skulls, how does mine look? Or am I trying too hard?

>> No.7489473

Looks good. What did you make it from?

>> No.7489474

Paperclay, and there's a foam ball inside the round part of the skull.

>> No.7489488

Do you have a hat to attach it to as well? If the rest of your cosplay is as awesome I'm looking forward to seeing it!

>> No.7489506

I have a shako for a base, but I haven't done anything with it yet, aside from stripping the emblems and material off.

>> No.7489513

You sound very angry

>> No.7489515
File: 17 KB, 488x439, Sailor Shehulk Cammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am amazed that you actually took the time to write this. I cannot begin to laugh at the million things that are wrong with you, hahaha.

1/10 The salt levels are suffocating.

That looks fucking awesome, I'm so happy to see people cosplaying Nonon and actually sculpting the skull on her hat!

>> No.7489519

Real question

How autistic are you?

>> No.7489527
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This is the most autistic post I've ever seen

>> No.7489561
File: 299 KB, 656x369, 1397223528212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome! Are you going to do the skeleton hands as well? There's only like 3 scenes in the entire thing that you can see them in, so I have yet to see someone attempt them.

>> No.7489763
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1364094519505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you need help anon

>> No.7489773

I fee the same. I just like getting second opinions before making cosplay decisions.

>> No.7489861

Oh look, Maguma brought all his facebook friends over here

No, Canada needs to be annexed by the USA.

>> No.7489924

Would it be ok to use a black wig as a base for Ryuko or will I be crucified here for not using blue almost black one? All of the Ryuuko cosplays I've seen use a blue/black wig but I can't find one that I'm happy with. Even the wigs being sold as character wigs for this cosplay don't look good to me.
Suggestions on where to buy a good quality wig and also extra hair on wefts incase I want to make it thicker? I would like something heat resistant.

>> No.7489932
File: 134 KB, 1013x614, Hyper Sodium Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7489933

>Canada needs to be annexed by the USA.
I agree, Canada is a fucking shithole and I hate it here

>> No.7489958 [DELETED] 

What colour wig for teacher disguise Aikuro?
Will this do or should I just go for grey?

>> No.7489964
File: 25 KB, 361x500, 1397241305249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour wig for Aikuro's teacher disguise?
Will this do or should I just go for grey?

>> No.7489970

That'd work just fine

>> No.7489979

Awesome, ordered it and should be here with time to spare. Thanks!

>> No.7489985

Personally I think teacherkuro's hair is a lot greyer than this. This would work for a NB aikuro wig.

>> No.7489987

Might you have any more references of the hands?

>> No.7489991
File: 29 KB, 375x500, 1397242314087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one better?

>> No.7489990


I don't think it'd make that much change or difference. Most times when he's not nuding it up, he's at the school and the color scheme and lighting distort the color pallettes of the characters to some degree.

>> No.7490002

I would stick to the blue

>> No.7490013

Awesome, thank you!

>> No.7490465
File: 282 KB, 656x369, 1397260352655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have a couple more - like I said, they're only visible in about 3 scenes and seem to vanish from the second and third versions of the uniform. They can barely be seen in this one...

>> No.7490468
File: 293 KB, 656x369, vlcsnap-2014-04-09-00h07m18s59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaguely outlined in this one...

>> No.7490476
File: 369 KB, 640x360, 1397260809031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outlined, but pink

>> No.7490534


>> No.7490583

Do they make shakos as tall as hers? Or are you going to be extending it (how?).

>> No.7490595
File: 87 KB, 497x750, tumblr_n3qb74XgcK1rihvd6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this a lot except for her hat, which is the part I'm most nervous about making.

>> No.7490603
File: 62 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n2w3hpBsZf1rlosqyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how do you guys feel about the outlines on the bones here?

>> No.7490624

I hate it

>> No.7490629

Wow, this looks great aside from the skull.

>> No.7490637

That looks too cartoony.

>> No.7490648

she should learn how to hold a baton, get rid of the bone outlines (seriously why), and better makeup. otherwise, pretty good

>> No.7490653


>> No.7490906

Nonon cosplayer here:
I've never noticed them at all, actually...
I do have a lot of clay leftover, so I can attempt them. If they come out badly, I'll just leave them out.

>> No.7490908

I've been researching for mine and I thought they were bone angel wings.

>> No.7490909

I'll be extending it. I have some thick interfacing, and I might stuff it if it doesn't feel strong enough.

>> No.7490915

I would love you a lot if you posted progress pictures!

>> No.7490923

I haven't been able to work on cosplay lately, but I'll post pictures whenever I get certain parts done.

>> No.7490928

why not just get some kreepsville 666 bone hand clips?

>> No.7490944

Because I had no idea those existed. Thank you, Anon. I'll keep them in mind.

>> No.7490947

Hey guys, I'm making a last minute Ryuko cosplay, but I realized that I don't have any material for the glove. Should I just make a shitty one out of what I have and remake it later, or should I just go with no glove at all?

>> No.7490993

Seki Tekko is a vital part of Senketsu, I'd say rather make a shitty last minute one than none at all.

>> No.7491151
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, TApkKdP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491154
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, XBAd2RD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491161

I want to see her nipple slip.

>> No.7491164

she is a pornstar

>> No.7491166

So what? She's still the best. And she probably had still sex with less men than the average seagull.

>> No.7491167
File: 768 KB, 1266x712, 1397290635949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can semi see them here. There's literally a whole porno of her in the normal Senketsu tho.

>> No.7491169

I don't think that's what anon was getting at.

>> No.7491170

i wasnt saying it like it was a bad thing there buddy.

>> No.7491235

I think it's kinda sad that a fucking pornstar is amongst the most decent Ryuukos out there.

>> No.7491241

a pornstar with production backing
japan's cosplay porn houses take that shit seriously.

>> No.7491331

There are $2 knockoffs on Ebay that look like they'll do just fine -- grabbed a pair for myself since I'm doing the Da Capo version and the monkey actually has a little skeleton body in that one since he's sitting on top of the cannon.

>> No.7491433

Thanks! I guess I'll try to make do with the stuff I have.

>> No.7491485

What do you guys think of these glasses for Dog? I think they look pretty good. That price though


>> No.7491643
File: 134 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491648


>> No.7491697

i think she looks nice.

>> No.7491712

>that terrible wig
>that senketsu eye
>that placement of the other eye
>that demure pose


>> No.7491751

I don't recommend them. I've heard a few bad reviews from the seller and the acrylic he used doesn't look blue enough. There are these ones I found that don't look too bad: http://lightningandlace.storenvy.com/products/3637873-hacker-glasses but the price is a bit higher

>> No.7491802

Tips for the Nonons out there, Buckram is a great material to make a base of your hat out of. It's like if worbla was a fabric and it is some great and sturdy stuff. think like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98vKEHfjOAA
interestingly enough I took one look at her and the first thought in my mind was "wow she would look really good in a late 1950's get up"

>> No.7491815

Someone's defensive for no reason

>she's a porn star
>probably hasn't had a lot of sexual partners
Are you really dumb or?

>> No.7491818

Thanks very much, kind anon

>> No.7491820

Are her nails painted blue?

>> No.7491825

Looks like french tips.

>> No.7491837

Also, actually make Nonon's baton...

>> No.7491865

Girls from here probably had more.

>> No.7491946

Yeah looks like she got a conducting baton as opposed to a twirling one. Not quite sure how you mix the two up or think one is acceptable to substitute for the other...

>> No.7491948

I highly doubt it. Now enough derailing

>> No.7491974

>buttmad uggo who can't get laid detected

You could probably just fuck one of the dorks in /r9k/ and lose your v-card, girl

>> No.7492005
File: 137 KB, 728x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you even talking about? I'm saying that I'm sure most girls on cgl aren't sluts who have more mates than a Japanese porn star. How is that even a related reply?
Also, I'm married she only had three partners in my life. Also, a woman, so...

>> No.7492027

> I'm saying that I'm sure most girls on cgl aren't sluts who have more mates than a Japanese porn star.

Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.7492045

I bought the Akujincos ones and they're pretty good, only problem was they gave me black hardware when I asked for silver. I'm guessing the reviewer said they weren't blue enough because they bought the light blue ones or something.

That being said the lightning and lace ones look very nice, only reason why I didn't buy those ones is because they were sold out at the time.

>> No.7492072

>slut shaming a porn star
Not even same anon, but really? Anyway I'll get back on topic because I don't want to get banned.

>> No.7492073

Hey, thanks for your input. I def want to try to get accurate glasses for Dog.

>> No.7492084

So how terrible would it be if I got a red / wine track jacket and just modded it to Nonon's jacket...?

I can't sew for shit and nowhere is selling the red track jackets.

>> No.7492102

I was surprised until I realized that she can't hide her fake tits in the kamui one. It would he so obvious she got work done, even her idiot white knights could not ignore it at that point. You can't do boob magic for the kamui, her thinly veiled bullshit "they are real" wouldn't stand up. Honestly I wish she would do it, she has the boobs for it.

>> No.7492106


>> No.7492110

Nonon's baton seems to be more for conducting than twirling.
It's weird as fuck either way though, I'm not sure what the character designers were on.

>> No.7492111

Actually she has too much boob for it.

It would look really bad, and as you said, her implants would be super obvious. They wouldn't squish the right way, they wouldn't sit right in the costume.

>> No.7492119
File: 10 KB, 450x450, ve905_largerimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Nonon's baton is a conducting baton.

A way oversized one, but it's a conducting baton.

Do... do you know what a majorette baton looks like? It's got two rubber caps on either end, one larget one, one smaller (so they roll in a circle when dropped instead of rolling completely away from you) with a metal bar in the middle.

Most of them nowadays have star ends to keep them from rolling very much at all, because that shit's annoying as hell.

>> No.7492124

>tfw no kawaii majorette characters to cosplay

I guess there's always Sakura again.

>> No.7492121

i know at least for one scene, she holds a plain white one... but i think making her red baton is definitely worthwhile.

>> No.7492146
File: 52 KB, 640x960, IMG_75840418214525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this girl at the Sakura Matsuri

>> No.7492160
File: 21 KB, 362x500, batons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not oversized tho

>> No.7492164

The way she holds it, I was assuming it was supposed to be like a conductor's wand, not one of the staffs they use in an actual marching band.

If it was supposed to be that kind, sho ought to hold it in the middle with the bubous end facing upwards, but she holds it by the bulb with the pointy end facing up.

>> No.7492178

not that bad, lose some tummy, fix the gloves, and get rid of that awful shiny fabric and you're pretty much good

>> No.7492200
File: 255 KB, 1000x1049, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into it a little.
Apparently it's called a Military Signal baton.
Her's is still a little weird, but it makes a ton more sense now.

>> No.7492203

I see. That is a bit odd.

But I still don't know how anyone could mistake it for a majorette's baton.

>> No.7492485
File: 327 KB, 832x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's compliments made me feel so much better about wearing this, thanks everyone. Didn't have time to remake the glove, but the sword held up despite the finishing spray melting half of the fucking sword to shit. Anyone looking to make the scissor out of insulation foam definitely listen to >>7487728 and coat in something a bit more sturdy than just gesso if making it longer than 4'. And stay away from Mod Podge matte finishing spray.

>> No.7492519

I'm doing Gamagoori, and I need a way to design my eyebrows like his and also make them that light blonde color. I've been looking for eyeliner, but I cannot for the life of me find blonde eyeliner. To make matters worse, someone recommend hair chalk, but I can only find them in wacky colors like purple.

Any ideas on what I can use that won't scratch or wash off from sweat and smudge and such?

>> No.7492524

Hair chalk is literally just chalk pastel.

Just buy a cheap set of pastels, you'll have eyebrows for any character ever. Like $8 at JoAnn.

>> No.7492526

I don't know if this will be easier to find, but I use lipstick/lipliner for weird eyebrow colors. I gluestick brows, let dry, apply lipstick in desired shape, and powder over with either translucent powder or a matching eyeshadow.

>> No.7492528

Using a gluestick onto the eyebrows? Does that just make the pastel stick better and the eyebrows more manageable? I remember someone saying to use the "glue method" but I had no idea what they meant until now.

>> No.7492529


I meant to say AC Moore.

Or Michaels.

>> No.7492546
File: 82 KB, 650x960, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this in a facebook page

>> No.7492582


>> No.7492763

Anon you a qt3.14

>> No.7492767

Coating your eyebrow with gluestick hides all the hairs under a smooth layer of glue so you can draw over it without anything showing through. If you do it properly and use concealer and foundation to cover up, your eyebrows should be just about invisible.

>> No.7492774

captcha: But Mypeso

>> No.7492780

I started getting stuff for my Iori cosplay and got my black tight turtleneck in the other day and i was going to post this picture of it when i got it but its not much progress. Luckily though I'm waiting in the mail for everything except the coat, which I'll be making sometime in the next few days. I also learned how to vaccuum form and I'll be doing tests with polystyrene and PVC sheets to make molds and try to get it just right. I'll update when more stuff gets together I suppose.

Does anybody know if there are any other Iori's out there or if anyone else is working on him too?

>> No.7492785

Aw, looks good! And you are super cute if you don't mind me adding

>> No.7492787

I'm so confused by this incredibly inaccurate outfit

>> No.7492791

what >>7492785 said.

you're cute, the costume looks good, and i think anyone'd be happy to see you at a con.

>> No.7492816

guys... come on... come on guys...

>> No.7492830

oh no we hurt her feelings.

>> No.7492845

Did this bitch even watch the show? She can't even pull the "I just liked the design" card because it's so inaccurate! Literally everything is wrong from shoes to wig!

>> No.7492897
File: 372 KB, 355x541, butter face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How unfortunate...

>> No.7492906

My dream come true . I really want to see more of this amazing Gamagoori.

>> No.7492915
File: 56 KB, 712x712, luminous pants (LumiPants 2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda don't like how the Ragyo attempts I've seen so far use like a flat colored surface for the under layer of her hair. I get that it's a literal translation, but it doesn't really get that "radiant" feeling across.

Would it be possible to use something like fiber optics for that part of her hair? Pic related. Couldn't something like this be "woven" into a wig?

>> No.7492926
File: 1.49 MB, 1487x2814, mobility is down captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALRIGHT Satsuki anon who has been posting questions every few weeks

Finally got everything assembled and for the most part lit (still a few kinks but eh its on its way)

Some of my last questions for you are - how would you recommend keeping the thigh highs up? theyre too heavy for just the front straps
Also, as you can tell the chest lighting is different than the rest - mostly because I ran out of EL tape and it's expensive so I used some LEDs I had around - should I put for the extra cash for more tape though? does it look bad??
Also sorry for boob window being lit - another kink I need to work out...and sorry for the wall of text ha

>> No.7492928

holy fuck that looks amazing!

>> No.7492934

>there's a whole porno of her


>> No.7492938

Awesome work!

You can use fashion tape or sock glue to keep the thigh highs up.

>> No.7492939


>> No.7492942

I've been doing research on it, gonna start mine soon I'll let you know how it turns out

>> No.7492996

it stands out in a dark shot but we can't tell how it'll look in normal light

>> No.7493048

Her name is Rei Mizuna, I'm pretty sure you can do the rest of the work, anon.

>> No.7493120

Telling people it was a last minute half-assed cosplay doesn't make it any less of a half-assed cosplay.

>> No.7493161

That's what I've considered doing.
It's certainly doable, I know Lady Gaga had a fiber optic wig in one of her concerts.
It'd just be kind of tedious because I imagine you'd have to sew each individual fiber into the wig.

But yeah, I have no idea why Ragyo cosplayers think using cardboard/paper is a good idea. I'd rather see a glowless rainbow wig than something so stiff.

>> No.7493170

Have you tried using fashion tape to help hold the thigh-highs up? If you haven't, then try and see how it holds.

Also great job on the whole this, its pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.7493188

The Hinata with the cardboard ahoge...

>> No.7493232

You all are really too sweet. Thank you so much.

WHAAAAT THE FUCK that looks amazing. Glowing eyebrow Jesus, whodda thunk it.

>> No.7493339
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 1397409127943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I can't hear over the sound of best Ryuko.

>> No.7493341

How about an EL panel?

>> No.7493390

what's the general opinion of nui wigs? go for the big foam base or use extremely teased out clip on tails?

>> No.7493423

Foam base if you can do it well. Teased out pigtails if you don't have the skill.

>> No.7493431

agreed, if you're going to go full-on, it's gotta be perfect. otherwise, go for the teased pigtails; that can look good too.

>> No.7493449

I don't know if this would look tacky or not but maybe you could make senketsu's eyes glow red as well? Or are you already planning that?

>> No.7493451
File: 884 KB, 865x807, 1388877906037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7493475 [DELETED] 

Thank you!!

I might try fashion tape but I'm worried it won't last a day at con?

I tested a glowing eye but I'll be honest it looked off next to the "glowing blue blood" that I have going on
Since the lights are EL tape and wire, it's not visible at all during the day/in harsh lights. Luckily that was never the intention and I plan on doing a night shoot with the cosplay.

>> No.7493479

I might try fashion tape but I'm worried it won't last a day at con?
I tested a glowing eye but I'll be honest it looked off next to the "glowing blue blood" that I have going on
Since the lights are EL tape and wire, it's not visible at all during the day/in harsh lights. Luckily that was never the intention and I plan on doing a night shoot with the cosplay.
Thank you for the feedback everyone! I'm excited to wear this costume despite how uncomfortable it is

>> No.7493485

Yeah in my experience if you bend down at all the fabric and fashion tape will separate and once that happens the tape is pretty useless. The tape should at the very least give you a solid 4 hours even during a hot summer day.

>> No.7493488

Fuck me, Junketsu. Teach me how to nippon when I'm tired please.

>> No.7493523 [DELETED] 

Yooo that looks awesome.
I wanted to do something like this but I was worried about how the el tape looks when you can't see the glow. Have any daylight pics?

>> No.7493553


Yooo that looks awesome.
I wanted to do something like this but I was worried about how the el tape looks when you can't see the glow. Is it bulky and where do you hide the power source? Have any daylight pics? Any answers would be a big help.
Fashion tape should work, just try not to move around too much and definitely don't bend over. I've never tried sock glue so I don't know how well that works. Tape might leave residue though and it can be a bitch to take off.

>> No.7493580
File: 216 KB, 235x565, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on my Facebook Wall.
Decent dress, but I wish she put as much effort into the wig and boots.

>> No.7493603

i want to cosplay as general NUDISTO BEACHO member, but i have never cosplayed before, nor made a cosplay before. im in desperate need here /cgl/, and have no idea where to start. HELP

>> No.7493614

Her hair seems very obviously black in my opinion and I like either Black or black with some dark blue mixed in for her. The dark blue on its own looks tacky IMO.

>> No.7493626

What kind of fabric is the gold, anon? It looks great

>> No.7493628

Spirit gum is stronger try that just make sure to shave even if it's just baby fuzz

>> No.7493640

At least she is a cutie

>> No.7493700

For you Ryuko cosplayers, what material did you use to make her breastplate?

>> No.7493708
File: 13 KB, 366x488, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went with pic related. It's a bit thick so sewing straps was a big mish. It came out okay though.

>> No.7493715

LEL no

she's supposed to look like a cute tomboy, not like a run-of-the-mill vapid slut taking selfies for her Facebook wall

>> No.7493825
File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, photo (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to do some tests then - I'm doing a contest so I'll have to pose/move around and I'm not sure how well it will hold up.

The EL tape isn't visible during the day - my choices were the tape and LEDs and while LEDs are brighter and I could see them in the day, theyre still a strip of individual lights and wouldn't look like the glowing blood that its supposed to look like - so I opted for the better night look.
all the tape is actually under a very thin fabric so you can't tell that its there at all when the lights arent on. I wired everything to a battery station in the back of my costume (pic related - the messy beginning stages of the pack)
I actually have a full skin bodysuit under the costume that I fabricated myself - the only parts where my skin is actually showing is the boob window and my belly where I still put a flesh colored mesh fabric.
tl:dr: spirit gum won't work sadly :(

>> No.7493892
File: 1.09 MB, 2400x1600, 13818792835_d181613078_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7493915

Even as a joke, that Ryuko has a better looking costume than 80% of the ones I've seen out there.

>> No.7493932


I like the.. pleather? As a material.

>> No.7493936

my thoughts exactly

>> No.7493982

I'll never understand why people find this sort of thing even remotely amusing.

>> No.7494002
File: 71 KB, 448x473, 1344574133337[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494018

Was seventh grade not enough for you guys? I guess some people will never grow up.

>> No.7494051

Most likely a buttmad ryuko cosplayer who can't come to terms with the fact that this actually is the best Ryuko cosplay to date.

>> No.7494061

fucking terrible makeup choice for the eyes


>> No.7494069

animeid tho
>mejico wey

>> No.7494098
File: 17 KB, 236x373, 1397435574044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the V cut does go down pretty low, i dont know why it would be so "inaccurate"

>> No.7494122

You should refer to >>7489441

reading this actually made me check that thumbnail even though I knew it would be shit. I hope you get testicular cancer (and yes, I know you don't have any balls, you 3/10).

>> No.7494176

Legit one of the best Nudist Beach cosplays(minus the wig/hair) I've seen.

>> No.7494280

Why don't you sew the thigh highs to the bodysuit? It would keep them permanently up

>> No.7494517

Seriously. Anyone know who he is? I have some questions for him.

>> No.7494602
File: 363 KB, 1280x853, makob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does everyone think of this mako? my personal favorite.

>> No.7494634

mine unfortunately shows a bit of cleavage but that was the only way for senketsu's eye's to be on level ineveraskedforthis.jpg

>> No.7494676

/cgl/ confirmed for angriest board?

>> No.7494958
File: 93 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3xf7aNqWK1rx6w6ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot the dildo

>> No.7494970

found it

>> No.7494988

How do people sleep let alone function in such a messy place...

>> No.7495338

That one is really cute!
jesus, how do people even function living in a room like that?

>> No.7495344

She likes it big.

>> No.7495346

>slut shaming a porn star
>Mizuna Rei
Trust me, being a huge slut is the least of her problems.

She does vomit porn and other fucked up shit. I've seen one of guys cumming on her eye.

>> No.7495450

What the hell did she make the chestpiece out of, fucking paper?
Also, why don't girls put their dildos away when taking pictures? This is like the fifth image I've seen where there's a dildo somewhere. If I had an onahole I'd be hella sure not to have it on the bedside cabinet when I'm taking pictures of my cosplay.

>> No.7495461

Still better than the average Canadian seagull.

>> No.7495463

Gross room, terrible proportions, ugly fabric.

Man if you're going to be a slut and wear this costume at least commit to accuracy and go all the way.

>> No.7495488
File: 182 KB, 792x1229, ryukoref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of Kamui Senketsu:

I'm thinking with this outfit it'd be nice to try to make the top half look like more like armor, esp. in the parts covering the tits. I don't think having awkwardly cut vinyl looks all that good in the cosplays I've seen. It'd take more effort in that you'd have to make a cast of your exact upper body to shape it right, but I think it'd look better and more 'armor-like' in the long run.

In the official reference images there's clearly a line that separates the chest armor from the undersuit and you can see it more easily in the back image (which I feel like most people ignore anyway). This leads me to think that the top half of the kamui is in three or so layers, the undersuit, the 'sailor collar' part that includes the bits covering the tits, and the 'wing' pieces.

Is this sound reasoning?

Sorry for the pixely image, I couldn't find a higher def image to point out what I mean.

>> No.7495591

Did you just leave it like that, or did you add something to give it shape?

Right now I have some hip guards cut out but they're kinda floppy and very un-armour looking. Was wondering what could give it a nice rigid shape underneath

>> No.7495657

I haven't gotten started on the hip guards yet but I wanted to make them pouches in that shape since I'm wearing it to an event and I don't really want to carry my phone and money around or a bag, I'll let you know how it works out once I get working on them. As for the chestguard I remade it quite a few times with a cup in various ways but it just didn't look good at all so I just went with a bra shape and it worked out much better, it moulds quite nicely.

>> No.7496555
File: 38 KB, 400x571, CGD2-86358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9000yen each


>> No.7496706

>tfw no cute mako to your ryuko

>> No.7496713
File: 103 KB, 1024x683, 1397525506968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this pose. Mako is pretty cute

Ah that's a good idea. I might try to mod mine the same too.

>> No.7499084
