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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7463010 No.7463010 [Reply] [Original]

Con horror story thread. Post your absolute worst experiences; terrible roommates, creepy encounters, unfortunate costume mishaps, the works.

>> No.7463024

Not so much a specific incident so much as repeating occurrences, but I fucking hate it when someone takes a picture of you and then starts trying to talk to you when you're clearly in a hurry/just not interested.
So many fucking embarrassing skinnyfat betas have tried to start a conversation with my friends and I (we usually group cosplay) when we're clearly uninterested and want to be on our way.
I guess it's more of a "I hate to be hit on at cons" type of thing because everyone there is either awkward as fuck or just plain gross.
>inb4 "you sound like a bitch take a compliment"
I don't give a shit if it's a compliment, if someone's uninterested you leave them alone.
People need to learn to keep to themselves and not push interactions past what someone is comfortable with.

>> No.7463030

>tfw going to con for first time in a month or so
>deathly afraid of bothering other coslayers

Guess I won't ask for any pictures then.....

>> No.7463047

>before I lurked cgl
>go to my first con last year
>Naruto & co sitting in the grass chilling
>"hey can I take a picture of you guys?"
>Naruto looks annoyed but they all get up anyways and posed
>realized maybe I shouldn't have asked
>say "thank you" and run away

Naruto from animethon, I'm sorry for not knowing cosplay ettiquette

>> No.7463052

One time I was followed to the bathroom cubicle by a photographer and he genuinely waited outside until I came back to ask for a photograph.

>> No.7463059

I'll post one I guess. Might not be worthy of a "horror" story but it was incredibly unpleasant, at least.
>At a con a few years ago
>Be 19 hanging out with 21+ y/o friends at hotel bar
>Sitting at a table with a few friends waiting for a few others to get their drinks
>Talking about the con, generally having a good time relaxing and laughing with friends
>Suddenly group of wild weaboos appears
>At least four in the group, all wearing shitty hetalia cosplays
>Walk over to the bar shoving past people, laughing obnoxiously and making loud fandom jokes (I assume, they didn't make much sense to me since I'm not into hetalia)
>They order drinks, I'm shocked they're old enough with the way they're acting
>Two of them start talking "in character" about how shitty the beer is, that it's not as good as "true german beer"
>Barkeep looks a bit uncomfortable and moves away to help other customers
>I don't blame him
>Suddenly they're walking in our direction, laughing and bumping into people who are clearly agitated by their rowdiness now
>Get closer to our table when one of the hambeasts in the group (Prussia, I think?) bumps into my friend as he's coming back from the bar
>Screams at him to "watch it, you almost spilled mein beer!"
>Friend gives them a look and apologizes flatly before walking over to table
>Hambeast unsatisfied with the apology, shoves him as they pass
>Friend trips and spills two drinks over himself and other friend, both of which were in cosplay
>Hetaweebs laugh and lumber off
Maybe it was more of a weaboo story, but the two guys who had drinks spilled on them couldn't wear their costumes the rest of the con because chestplate details were ruined.

>> No.7463063

Asking for pictures is fine, it's just when you hit on/attempt to strike up conversation with a cosplayer who's very clearly uninterested where it becomes annoying.

>> No.7463939

>Sorry, I'm in a hurry!

Is that so hard?
I'm so overly nice to people at cons so I can avoid autistic attitudes like yours.

>> No.7463940

That's the kind of thing I'd start a fight over.
A lot of the stuff I read about in these threads are things I'd start fights over, though. Always frustrating to hear that people just take it/put up with it.

>> No.7463950

>dat person that follows you around for the entire con

>> No.7463951

Why does the fattest, smuggest bitch always want to be Ciel? I just seem to notice a trend here.

>> No.7463952

You sound like a snob. All you need to say is "sorry, we're in a hurry/have somewhere to be" and 95% of the time they'll leave you alone. No need for this 'I'm better than everyone here' attitude. You're dressed up at a con, you're just as much of a weeb as everyone else.

>> No.7463959

I've done that multiple times before too.. I didn't know until later how rude it was since the cosplayers I asked always seemed happy to get their pictures taken even though they were sitting beforehand.

>> No.7463995

I haven't been to a convention in years but the last time I went I checked out a Panty & Stocking panel because they were showing the episodes and I was bored, nor had I seen it before so I went.

An episode or two in they had technical issues and the people running it were so awkwardly unprepared to make any real conversation so they proceeded to just yell, catcall and insult people who were leaving and trying to get girls to show them their boobs. When a girl actually got out the door they'd start talking about whether or not they'd bang her, stuff like that. I left but some people stayed despite they looked extremely uncomfortable. Told staff and I think they closed the panel.

Other than that I never really had anything happen other than the usual hambeasts girls groping me and trying to get me to make out with other male cosplays and some narutard trying to grab my dick at the urinal. I got almost got kicked out for decking him in the face.

>> No.7464004

Sebastian: kill me pls
Ciel: are you gonna eat this?
Lady Red: I think I'll just deliver a baby now
Greil: lol I'm not the fattest here, yay

>> No.7464210

That's exactly what I try to tell people. I'm not referring to everyone who talks to me/my group, just the ones that don't know when to go away. Pardon my "autism" for wanting annoying people to stay away, though I guess it's a lost cause at a con.

>> No.7464211

Someone didn't read my post. I'm not saying I'm better than other people, I don't know what gave you that idea. I know I'm not one of the most impressive cosplayers out there.
I'm referring to people who can't take a hint. I've tried the "I'm in a hurry" shit so many times, and you're right, usually it works.
My post was focusing on the outliers, like people who try to follow you or continue the conversation anyway.

>> No.7464480

Did Ciel ate Maylene?
If not I think it's time for him to put the cake down
I just want to scream when a Kuroshitsuji cosplay is half assed. Like all of these.

>> No.7464548

Do you bring condoms with you when you're going to a con?

>> No.7464557

Ew, nope.

>> No.7464585

Some people don't go to conventions for sex, why is this such a big thing now? I just want to get shit in the dealer's room and take photos of cool costumes.

>> No.7464586

why are almost all cosplayers fat? I mean, calorie counting isnt that hard amiright?

>> No.7464597


>> No.7465449

damn I wish this story ended with those weabs getting the shit beat out of them

>> No.7465456

They probably were happy. General etiquette is not to do it in case the person is too tired, but I know there have been plenty of times I was sitting down but genuinely didn't mind getting up to give someone a pic.

>> No.7465459

I'm always afraid to be that guy.

>go to first con last weekend
>meet some cool people with similar interests, go to a panel for what we're all cosplaying
>they seem chill, we split off into two groups chatting on our way out of the panel
>where are you guys going?
>oh we're gonna grab starbucks downstairs
>oh okay..... uh, it was nice meeting you guys!
>peace out

Not sure if they would have been amenable to hanging out more but I was scared of being that loser that follows people around.

>> No.7465461

You must scream a lot, anon. 99% of Kuroshit is shit. (only reason we don't see as much terrible cosplays from it as hetalia is probably because the outfits are harder, but it definitely appeals to the same weeby audience.)

>> No.7466066

well that pop'd up from nowhere. Seems creepy in a con horror story thread.

>> No.7466671

>go to a convention in cosplay
>get upset when people give you attention
Don't learn to take a compliment, learn to stop being the biggest cunt in the world.

>> No.7466682
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Yeah, same. I have no idea how I know I'm friends with a person or not after talking for a bit. I know it's awkward to follow them around but I have no idea what else to do or what signs to look for.

>> No.7466686

"oh, do you mind if i join you?" "do you want to meet up again at x time?" "hey if you don't have other plans, want to come with me to do x?"
>if yes, win
>if no, go to another panel and find someone new to talk to

that's pretty much it, anon.

>> No.7466705

as someone who's never been fat, I notice this everywhere and i feel like it detracts from the con

>> No.7466740

>do you want to meet up again
That's a good idea, it makes it easier to tell if they're interested or if you're being a nuisance.

>> No.7466765

>not reading the posts
>being too retarded to read that she said she was in a hurry/didn't want to talk but they persisted

>> No.7466762

My friends and I have been asked for pics when we were running late somewhere, sitting down or even eating, and we've always been happy to pose for one even when we were dead tired because hey, someone liked our costumes enough to want a pic. If we absolutely could not at that moment, we asked if they could wait until we got our stuff taken care of or to take it later when we were walking around.

Don't be afraid to ask, anon. If someone refuses to pose simply say bye and walk away. No one should be offended by a polite request.

And this goes for cosplayers too, don't accept to pose for pics if you don't want to and then complain about the person who asked for one (unless they were being rude or creepy). Learn to say no. If the photographer gets mad it's their problem.

>> No.7466823

I cosplay a rare cosplay, so I get a toooon of pictures. If i mention the cosplay, then for sure I'd be recognized. I get asked for pictures even by families with children.

It's one of those costumes that's extremely difficult to wear. Hard to walk in, must repeatedly take breaks. Living hell during the summer.

I get asked for so many pictures. Can't go walking for more than 5 seconds without being asked for pic.

Even when I am on my way out, or temporarily took off parts of my costume during a break, if someone kindly asks for a pic, I will always give it to them because I want them to enjoy the con experience. I want everyone to have fun.

I don't want regular con goers to think cosplayers are two faced bitches.

I'm at a con in costume, i'm prepared to deal with all kinds of people. Even when I'm in a hurry some where, I will stop and grant a pic because someone else's con experience is more important than mine. Whatever I'm in a hurry for, it can't be more important. I've gone to tons of cons and I've seen and done all that I could. So i would like for others to have fun as well.

So even if I'm in a bad mood, sweating, part of my costume off, and sitting down and someone politely asks for my pic then I'll jump up and slap my costume on for them. Hell, I'll even do a dance for them.

Even if someone asks me to take my helmet off and they start hitting on me, then whatever fine I'll just politely tell them that I feel uncomfortable and that I already have a significant other. If the person persists on hitting on me and I start to become visibly uncomfortable, then my significant other will jump in and cross their arms and give off a "please leave" body language.

As cosplayers, we need to respect others and also demand respect. Non-cosplay con goers who come for pictures are usually new comers. As cosplayers, we need to contribute to the fun of the con experience.

We need to show that we're not drama filled dicks like depicted on tv.

>> No.7466839

could i ask who or what you cosplay as?

>> No.7466852

One time I was in a bathroom at the con center putting on my cosplay...
>In front of the mirror trying to get wig on
>Attractive wig cap look
>Lady asks for a photo
>Stare at her
>"Oh when you're done"
>Mfw... okay
>Stand there for 5 minutes trying to get my shit together
>She's watching me the entire time
>Takes a photo still in the bathroom when I'm done
>I gtfo

Most awkward shit of life.

>> No.7466864

>Walking past con volunteer
>Stops me to take a pic
>After people are done with pics, starts talking to me
>"Hey anon, what's your name, what area are you from, what school do you go to?"
>Find out he's 22 and I'm underage
>He backs off, goes back to checking badges or whatever
The next what 5 times I pass by that place someone always stops me to take a pic and his skinny ass beta friend snaps another photo each time...
Not exactly a horror story but what are you even supposed to think about these kind of people?

>> No.7466903

when I make good cosplays, I just want to make a good difference for those that do ask for pictures, and improve someone else's experience.

I think what you said makes up a lot for some more sour cosplayers

>> No.7466937

describe the typical
>skinny ass beta

>> No.7468001

actually calorie counting sucks gigantic donkey balls.

BUT it does work I've dropped nearly 40lbs in the last couple of months. Still looking to drop at least 10-20 more (I have no set weight i want to hit, just want to lose my gut). I'll continue to eat healthy after reaching my goal.

I'm a guy and I was holding a steady weight for years, Used to eat whatever i wanted. Decided I wanted to slim up. No softdrinks in over a year, I count every calorie, I try to minimize carbs, when i go to family birthdays/events no cake even though everybody keeps going "anon you can have one piece of cake" Nope I'll just have some of the veggie tray thanks. No Chili cheese fries, no bacon cheese burgers. Today my family made fresh baked cookies. I just walked away. I miss so many of my favorite foods.

TL;DR Yes calorie counting is that hard but worth it

>> No.7468593

>ACen 2011
>rooming with two friends, one I only see at-con, one UltraBeta, one who is at the lowest of the low point in alcoholism but won't admit it
>leave these friends to go enjoy the con since all they want to do is walk around and drink
>get a call eight hours later from UltraBeta
>someone has broken into and utterly destroyed our room
>nothing stolen, but chocolate smeared all over every window
>M&Ms smashed into carpets
>goldfish, jerky, jelly, any food we had mushed into everything: sheets, carpets, pillows
>towels covered in chocolate plugging up shower drain
>shower overflowing
>have to sleep on chocolate-covered floor and pay a $150 cleaning fee next day, since there's no evidence of a breakin
>turns out the alcoholic friend got blackout drunk and did it because he thought it was funny

Ruined the entire fucking weekend.

>> No.7468602


But...high-gravity beer makes life worth living

>> No.7468621

The reason you don't bring drunks with you. They only ever ruin cons.

>> No.7468738

You can totally have high-gravity beer. Just not, like, all the time. It's all about moderation and balance. Sure you can have chili cheese fries once in a blue moon, just don't make a habit of it.

>> No.7468741

Last year, Decided to go to first big con. Knew my brother would enjoy it so I asked him and his fat ugly bitch of an girlfriend said she wanted to go.

Fine, We all go get a room together, We split off early on but meet up every few hours to eat, see whats happening etc. After first night she complains about everything. I was excited I found resturants near by that sounded really good Make an event of the weekend. But this bitch doesn't want to do anything, turns out she has almost no money so we end up eating sandwiches the whole trip. She whines bitches and complains the whole time.

Saturday night my phone messes up and begins to reset constantly. I manage to get a text out to my brother to come find me. I borrow his phone and they run off to go to the rave. Go to a panel I had really been looking forward to. Then 5 minutes in both my phone and my brothers phone start ringing off the hook. Ignore the first few calls (probably parents checking on us) I say fuck it and step out side to answer. My dad is on the phone and says "Anon your bother got into a Fight" I take off running. "Where is he?, "Is he OK" I'm thinking oh shit the cops are on their way, are we going to the hospital/jail/ do i need to kick somebody's ass? Run down to the starbucks to meet him, All the time trying to call his girlfriends phone to find out what happened. Finally get there, he looks ok. "What happend bro?" "I got in a fight with my girlfriend" FFUUUUU. I'm so pissed off to miss my panel, but kinda happy. We all hated this bitch. I give him is phone back and we start to walk around. Finally find her, they talk I say I want to go to one more panel, Head off, wait 30 mins for it to start. Called right as line starts to move. Them again. Call it a night, Head back to hotel.

Con Ruined

>> No.7468751


but I have a drinking problem

>> No.7468762


It's tough getting good con buddies, especially as you get older. There just aren't enough people in my pool of friends who're willing to spend time and money going to conventions anymore, and the ones that are don't give a shit about panels or viewing rooms--they're in it for the cosplay meetups or the drinking. So I end up walking around alone most of the day.

Maybe I'll do a forum meet-n-greet at ACen this year or something.

>> No.7468779

Going back to the same con this year with my brother. He has a new girlfriend who everybody likes (complete 180 from the one last year) I don't see any problems. Hopefully I'll also find some other people to hang out with. I'll be cosplaying for the first time this year, So that should be fun.

>> No.7468799

>Wearing white pants for cosplay
>Period day, had tampon and pad, thought I could manage it
>The horror had just begun
>Feeling blood tickling down my tight while talking to a staff
>Covered my butt with a scarf, ran to the bathroom
>White pants tainted with big scarlet patches
>Called a staff friend in panic, told him of an emergency, requested him to shut down this busy bathroom
>He complied, called in a female staff and shooed everyone out of the bathroom, then had this girl bodyguarding the bathroom for me while I tried to scruff the pants like a fucking loser
>Pants were wet, but the marks of shame were at least gone
>A lady at the convention had to walk in despite the girl explaining the situation
>Saw me, butt covered with a scarf, trying to wash my pants
>"It's okay anon, it happens to a lot of girls"
>Don't know what to feel.jpg
>Walked out
>Staff girl gave me this pity look
>tfw my pants were wet,I looked like a fucking mess but everything went better than expected

>> No.7468807

Oh my god, this is my nightmare
I am so so sorry anon. At least you were able to deal with in front of only 3-4 people instead of walking through the entire con.

>> No.7468820

that really sucks. i'm glad you were able to at least head to the bathroom to fix it up. i'm heavier on some period days than others and sometimes i have only spotting when my period comes. it does what it wants.

>> No.7468833

>request to shut down busy bathroom

what a little prat, I hope you bleed all over yourself at every con ever from now on. and just remember that you probably caused a bunch of other people who needed the bathroom a lot of grief and probably made some other girls bleed on themselves.

>> No.7468884

One from this past AB.
>Me -Raiden
>Best Friend - The Cheese
>Best Friend's GF - Seel
>The star of our story - Goggles

>Everything going smoothly, found a friend that helped us out on the trains
>Hotel check in for us isn't until 4
>Decide "fuck it" and leave our bags in the con check in and walk around cause friends in Sheraton ain't pickin up
>Time, currently 12 pm.
>All of us havin a gas, decide to head back to leave our bags and check in the hotel
>Problem numero uno, The Cheese's bag is AWOL
>Turns out, con staff lost it, flip a tit because we gave them all the tickets in perfect condition
>Fuckin' Bill
>Had a 2 mile walk ahead of us, so we braced for the worst

Part 2 incoming!

>> No.7468888

>those names
>that writing style
Just stop now.

Also a huge pet peeve of mine is idiots who write 5 lines and think it's a ton because of how small the box is. Write the whole thing and then divide it up afterwards based on the character limit.

>> No.7468889


Easy there, killer. I agree, though, it was a sort of shitty thing to do. I don't have a vagina, someone explain to me why >>7468799 didn't just rush back to her bedroom? Too much blood?

>> No.7468890

They were probably embarrassed or something. From the sound of the story they have no idea how their own flow works on top of being an entitled sod, so I imagine they were only 14 or so when it happened.

>> No.7468897

>second con ever, cosplaying as Ryoga using dyed-yellow sweatshirt, black pants w/yellow garbage bag ties, and a yellow headband cut from a blanket and drawn on with a sharpie
>height of my late teens awkward weeabosity
>walking around the dealers' room, getting surprising amount of compliments
>out of nowhere, blindsided by squealing Ranma fangirl who tackles me in a hug
>she talks to me all starry-eyed while her two weary friends watch
>keeps cuddling up to me, asks them to take a picture...I feel like a celebrity
>she asks if she can have my phone number, offers hers--
>her friends intervene
>"Your mom said you can't do this anymore"
>"Awww, but guyyyys"
>"No, we're leaving"
>she was 14

>> No.7468911

Calm down, dude.

>> No.7468920
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>>Ohayocon 2012
>>Ex gf has to stay in my suite because her situation with a mutual friend fell through and I didn't want to be an asshole and only let the friend stay in my room
>>Plus I need the money
>>I'm still visibly butthurt about it though
>>Through the course of the weekend its nothing but drama
>>One friend can't stop throwing up all over the bathroom
>>Another gets his knob slobbed in that same bathroom
>>Someone else slaps me for being rude to their gf and I honestly respected them a lot after
>>People keep making "arrow to the knee" jokes to me and my friend who are cosplaying hold guards from Skyrim

We dubbed that year Regretacon

>> No.7468930


>people keep making arrow to the knee jokes

Ya kinda...set yourself up for that one

>> No.7468939
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>As we were walking, incessant bitching from Goggles
>The Cheese upset, but still keeping a brave face
>Seel's wig is going everywhere cause of the wind
>Me freezing my nips off cause I was shirtless
>Finally get close to the hotel
>Seel reveals that she only booked for 2
>Goggles and I visibly upset
>Seel goes to sit down with the receptionist
>Turns out they were completely cool, let all of us stay
>Finally get up to our room, FUCKING BALLER AS SHIT
>Turns out they upgraded us
>Yaaay smiles and happiness

Then shit got bad.
>Decide to rest a bit before heading back
>The Cheese and Seel decide to take the bedroom
>Then we needed to decide who's taking the couch
Couch is important, remember this!
>I take an L and decide to get the floor
>Goggles thanks me, but mad at The Cheese and Seel
>What. Ever.
>The Cheese takes a nap, Seel fixes her wig in the other room
>Goggles thinks they're doin the horizontal mish-mash
>Everybody's finally ready!
>Goggles decides to take the keys to the room
>Seel ain't havin that, she booked the room
>Back and forth until I decide to step in and say that I'll hold the keys
>The Cheese agrees
>Our suggestions fell on deaf ears
>The Cheese and I decide to wait outside and let them sort it out
>Goggles comes charging out, With Seel's hair in hand, and slams her into a door
>JERRY JERRY JERR-oh shit separate them
>Turns out, someone opened something, blah blah, don't touch my shit aaand cue Abel's super combo
>More bitches thrown out than a Michael Vick dogfight and an Odd Future concert combined
>Goggles wants to go home, and wants Seel to pay her back for the hotel room
>fine whatever, so The Cheese and Seel go to the atm to get the money, and for the Cheese to cool Seel off
>I stay with Goggles to cool her off and persuade her to talk
>Naah son, she wanted to leave
>Gave her the money from Seel, she walks out

>> No.7468944

I know, I even had an arrow they went through my knee.

What annoyed me is that they would always mutter it under their breaths or say it in passing. We couldn't really have any fun with it.

When someone ran up to us and said "Hey! Guys! Someone stole my sweetroll!" and we totally played it up and ran around like Cops:Whiterun Edition

>> No.7468957

>Suddenly an upturn of luck
>I win a figma and adoration of an entire crowd
>The Cheese found his bag with everything still inside
>The couch pulled out into a queen sized bed
>Met some fuckin awesome people
>Got killer deals in the dealer's room
>Finally found our friends in the Sheraton
Yup, that's the story.

>> No.7468959

I remember when I was still a beta highschooler my mom made my brother chaperone.
Whenever we walked through the halls my brother would walk in front of photographers taking pictures and get angry when I walked around them. So I eventually just followed his tracks and apologized to photographers as I ran through. It was so horrible for shy ways because I tried so hard to be a people pleaser. ;_;

>> No.7468963

>I take an L and decide to get the floor


>> No.7468968

I assume take a loss, like in Rock Paper Scissors.

>> No.7469837

Not so much a horror story as it is kind of a major annoyance. But I also apparently have the tolerance of a saint.

>Meet a guy at a con numerous years in a row, say hi and give a hug because it's a repeat occurrence
>Find out I became friends with his sister, decide to friend him on fb
>Boy decides that facebook is the next step to "asking me out"
>"Asking out" is a convoluted attempt at going "I have free tickets to a thing" and trying to make one evening turn into an all-day hang-out without flat out saying it
>Turn him down the moment it's obvious
>He apologizes for it every conversation for three months
>Blatantly ignore him by the second month

And then I went to a tiny local convention and he was there.
>He helps us carry stuff to our room
>You know what, whatever, we needed the help
>He doesn't leave.
>We tell him we'll see him downstairs later
>He lingers for another ten minutes before getting the hint.

We found out later he was kind of the con creep. A year later, after very minimal online or convention interaction with him.

>Found me the next con, get a half-hug out of politeness
>Follows me around the artists alley
>Follows me around panels
>I ditched him to go to my room for a little, come back in a new cosplay
>He finds me in a panel and decides to sit between me and a friend
>I leave the panel early due to a phone call, already heading to my room

Found out later he left the panel shortly after I did looking for me. I left the con at a good time, he had gone home by the time I got back from dinner.

>> No.7469840

>used some guy I didn't like for free labor

>> No.7470059


>offer to help girl with stuff to her room
>no thanks
>man what a bitch

>> No.7470226

How old were you ?

>> No.7470254

>be me
>be too lazy to actually write out a ton of stuff in greentext

Recently, I stayed in a room with one of those disgusting smelling people you hear of in these threads and it was horrible. she was autismal as fuck and it smelled like a con fuck air freshener. The worst thing is that she was on her period as well(and is too autistic to use tampons apparently) so it was a tuna pad casserole left out in the hot sun with a side of BO for me. Plus the dumbasses didn't know how to use the heat so it was hot as fuck all night with the stank.

She also used all the towels for some reason because they all ended up damp, oddly colored and smelling weird, and she left some a period clot in the bottom of the shower, which luckily I discovered before getting in.

She wouldn't stop hugging on me like I was her closest friend either, and smelled awful just walking around the con center, in the same clothes each day.
It was horrifying.

>> No.7470335


I think like 17, 18...

>> No.7470371

This photo makes me hate cosplay.

>> No.7470380

For some people it is really hard as >>7468001
put it.
Honestly for me it's a matter of mentality. I get hungry at weird times or when i'm bored, and then i just think "eh, i'll worry about it later"
Granted I Really should start watching what i eat just due to family health issues, I don't like many foods so I can't just eat something different because it's better for me. I have a very hard time trying new food because if i don't like it then I get annoyed or upset because "well there goes my money and now i'm gonna be starving because i can't eat this", it's only been the past 2 years or so that I've learned to like lettuce, and i'm almost 23.

>> No.7470388

my guess is you are Bumblebee

>> No.7470394

where was this? i remember someone like this.

>> No.7470404

It can happen even if you do or dont keep track of your period on a calendar or count your days, aka why you should wear a pantyliner or pad when youre expecting it. When someones period is heavy, you can't stop it. Lighter is easier to handle since it wont come down as quick. Ugh Ive had to pull inbetween my pants down a bit to prevent soiling them and walk carefully to the bathroom before.

>> No.7470408

Im sorry.

>> No.7470519

I have to admit, I'm there for the cosplay and partying, since I was too awkward to do it before college. But I find that if I want to do any panel hoping, or watch an AMV contest, or even hang out in the dealer's hall for longer than a cursory glance at things, I have to do that alone. Too often I'll stop to look at something, or slow down to read a sign, and I'll turn back around and my friend's have left me. It used to annoy the shit out of me but now I'm just like fuck it. I have my phone and you know what I'm wearing and where I sleep.

>> No.7470799

I'll never really understand why people go drinking/partying at cons, especially with the age of the average attendee.

>> No.7470813
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I do not really go to conventions, but we do have something called "Japan Day" here; my city has the highest amount of Japanese people living there, a lot of japanese companies, and a close connection to the country, therefore we have this "Japan Day".
It is open air, and everyone can attend; which means that between all the normalfags are hundreds of weebs, cosplayers etc all coming to our city for this event, as there are many anime/manga related booths and a cosplay contest.
While I was a weeb, I never cosplayed. I grew out of my weeb/animu phase, still attended Japan Days since it was in my city and hey, it is free and fun to watch the people there.

Last year, I wore Lolita to this event, and noticed something I did not notice the year before: All the normalfags taking pictures without asking permission. We have a big lawn where people usually sit down to rest, eat etc, right next to the big sidewalk - and you can spot dozens of normalfags standing at the edge of the lawn, taking photos of all the pople there without asing for permission. I dont get it - I mean, every single on eof them would be happy to pose for you if you sked them?! There are plenty of cosplayers on the big sidewalk standing around / posing for pictures?! (Also, this event has taken place for many years now, it is not like something new or anything.) I had dozens of people taken my picture when I sat down to eat and relay, and it was SO rude. I would have posed if they had just asked me. Nope, almost no one did. And these were not some shitty teenagers, but all normal people between the age of 30-60, even with their children by their side, acting like fucking monkeys.
I know, it all must seem strange to normal people, but this is still no reason to act like you forgot all basic human manners just because someone wears a costume (or Lolita, or other J-fashion), right?!

Maybe it's just me. When I complained to my mom about it, she said "Well, they had it coming for dressing up like that."

>> No.7470827

cause it's fun for us.

>> No.7470836

This is super common with regular people when they encounter something out of the ordinary. The moment you put on a costume or attention-grabbing clothes or dye your hair strange colours or grow it out really long or what have you, it's like you stop being a person and turn into an object to be photographed and grabbed at. But you deserve it for being different, amirite?
Of course with costumes and some fashion styles you should expect people wanting to take pictures of you, but there's no reason for them to treat you like an animal in a zoo. Have you talked to your mother about this distinction?

>> No.7470840


Well, I'm >>7468762 and I never meant to imply there's something WRONG with drinking and partying at cons. It's Nerd Vegas, it's for some folks the biggest social event of their year. I enjoy drinking and smoking up plenty each night. I'm just also there for panels and content and it feels a little lonely when everyone in my room splits up to go drink, meet with a bunch of TF2 cosplayers, etc etc etc.

Now, room parties, those are the best places to drink...unfortunately people haven't been allowed to advertise them for nearly a decade and now that I'm a 30-year-old dude it looks kinda creepy if I just knock on open doors and hold up a case of beer. "Hi, kids!"


I admire your gumption. This year I'll just say 'fuck it.'

>> No.7470843


>grew out of my weeb/animu phase
>going out in public dressed in lolita


>> No.7470851

>have room party, invite random people from the lobby
>couple shows up, both obviously under 21
>she is a sad-looking girl in cat ears, he is a shirtless scrawny kid wearing a dog collar
>she is blatantly crying
>shirtless tries to hit on girls, explaining he's "poly so it's cool"
>he goes in for an unsolicited kiss with some incredibly drunk 25-year-old
>cat ear girl rushes out of the room sobbing
>shirtless ignores her
>take his drink, kick him out, tell him to find his girlfriend and stop claiming to be poly
>forty minutes later someone says an ambulance is outside and there's a shirtless kid badly hurt

fucking ravers, I swear to god

>> No.7470858
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>> No.7470874
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I know, sadly. This is why I am more afraid of regular people then (hardcore) weebs - there are so much more of them than weebs, and the second you do not fit into their niche, you are free to be harrassed, molested, shouted at, or whatever. Seriously, every negative encounter I had (nott oo many, fortunately) was with regular people throwing all their manners and common sense overboard just because I look a little different (I'm not even wearing pink pastel AP-Babyprints; just Classic/Sailor Lolita so towned down it sometimes is hardly even Lolita). Never got shit from weebs/alt- fashion people even though there are plenty of them in this city.

>But you deserve it for being different, amirite?

Basically what my mother thinks, so I have not really tried talking to her. She just thinks you should suck it up because you deserve it. I know there will always be assholes and of course you should expect ths to happen, but that doesn't justify their actions, right? Sadly my mother does not think so; I felt even more hurt as I was aalso photographed a lot against my will, and my mother just told me "Well, you deserved it amiright?!"

>> No.7470885

Hey, I never turn down free help. And it was better to put him to use than to have him follow us around while we were struggling. WHICH HE WAS DOING.

So yeah, don't regret it.

>> No.7470938

you wouldn't have rather wanted his unkempt breath down your neck?

>> No.7470946


>follow us around

Fuuuuck, I hate when people who do this, because I used to do it in high school before I got an ounce of social acumen. It's a half-step away from "just happening to show up" at the mall just in time to "run into" the folks you want to be friends with.

>> No.7470963

haha yeah I was thinking this too.

>> No.7471024

>Last year Otakuthon
>Cosplayed as aomine from kuroko no basket
>chilling with my fellow kuroko cosplayers and friends
>girl friends wanted to go see the fanservice show
>we are like "ok shit ain'ty gonna be extrême"
>In the line up on of the staff was asking if anyone wanted to join as couple for the show
>us hyped for shit and giggles were challenged to pop on stage doing light fanservice
>accepted and join the coupling
>staff told us if we don't do it as we are told we're gonna get kicked from the con
>aomine x midorima
>Show started
>1e couple got on stage
>Shit's got so wild, our jaws dropped as we felt so fucked
>tfw my dates was in the crowd next to all my girls friends BL fans
>well it felt soo gay but e and my midorima friend laugh about it now and than

>> No.7471062
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One event that touched me in cosplay was seeing this group at Katsucon. It was toward the end of the night I spotted them, ran up to them, pulled out my iphone, asked for a pic.. and they all turned around and spent about a minute putting all their stuff down and coordinating their pose. Probably tired and picture-weary, still doing the best they could for some random chick with a cell phone camera. If it was me I probably would have refused or given a half-assed smile with my backpack still on.

This is a really nice post. I've been a real bitch in cosplay before, refusing pictures when I just didn't feel like it, or not bothering to do a halfway decent pose when some mom with a cell phone camera stopped me.. I regret that (less so for the people who got mad or took a picture of me behind my back) so thank you for making me feel more humble and appreciative.

I'm going to try to do better. I've really been a jerk and that's not the kind of attitude I want people to see or emulate.
I originally got bitter because I feel like a lot of people treat cosplayers and lolitas (I hate getting stopped for pics in my lolita group) like props for their entertainment. But they aren't all like that. Treating someone who might be innocent poorly just because I've been treated poorly just perpetuates this cycle. It's better to grin and bare it, try to spread the kindness and hope for the best. You never know, you might be cosplaying something they never though they would see, or you might be exactly how they envision your character would look. I get caught up in photoshoots and reblogs but it's stuff like this that is really memorable.

>> No.7471072

Blatant faggots?
>what school do you go to
"That's a question I'm not answering, sorry."

>> No.7471079
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Not even him. But it is completely true.

You act all condescending and say you "grew out of" watching anime. Then you say you wear lolita to cons.

Grow out of.


>> No.7471083

Man, you should've just kicked the faggot out, invited the girl back in and tried to cheer her up. You could've bagged a waifu, it would've ended up much better for her and he wouldn't still be likely going out with her.

Most girls are afraid to move on from relationships when they've commited to them. Especially when they've got no outside influence to reassure them. I've known girls who knew they were being cheated on, told people about it, yet still fucking go out with them to this day.

>> No.7471086

>staff told us if we don't do it as we are told we're gonna get kicked from the con
"Kill yourself, immediately."
>walk away

>> No.7471089

well we tought it wouldn,t be this hardmode.. but we were wrong....

>> No.7471245

Perfectly said anon. I really appreciate your contribution to the cosplay/convention community

>> No.7471394

Especially to something called 'Japan day.' Like, are you kidding?
Even if you claim to have "toned it down," you really shouldn't act surprised when you're stared at.

And you all fucking act like having your picture taken without your consent while walking around in public like that is the equivalent to being abused or something. It's different if someone tries to slap your ass when you're in lolita, but are you REALLY expecting everyone to treat you like they see that shit every day? If you don't want people to stare, why the fuck would you wear that shit in public?

>> No.7471473
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>> No.7471484

>Tfw you want to cosplay Armstrong
> Tfw shrapnel scars

Id hate to ruin the character

>> No.7471519

I have one horror story. This was 2 years ago now

There is only 1 con held in my general area a year and I have always went since it started and never had a problem until this happened.
> 17 y/o
>Sat night, rave time
>In rave gear, looking fresh as fuck
>My 2 friends go use the bathroom
>Dude walks up to me starts chatting
>Feel awk and try to walk away saying 'Well nice meeting you'
>Grabs my wrist and says don't go yet
>I eagerly await the return of my friends, but nothing
>other dude guys friend come up with drinks, hands me one
> Say in 17 I can't, but hands me it anyway
> still no friends
> Dude still has my wrist, and starts walking off dragging me along with other friend behind me
> 'we are having a party in our room
> Go to room, the people that work the con are all drinking in black lights and there is a hottub (Was actually pretty cool)
> Door shuts, I am not officially freaked the fuck out
> Dude STILL have my wrist, and drags me further into the room
> Everyone is complimenting my outfit for the glowing under the black lights, lots of people looking I start panicking
> I say, I have to meet my friends and try to leave
>Dude says I am with friends
> Pushes my against wall and his other friend is like ah yeah get it and walks away
> for some reason now no one is looking and ignores the fact that I need help
> at this point I am crying and he starts touching me
> Hear someone yelling in other room
> My 2 friends asked some people where I went and came to find me, and saved what seemed to be my life.

I never stay alone at any cons now. The most hurtful thing was that the people throwing this party were the people running the con, and they did nothing. Come to find out the original dude was also working for the con.

>> No.7471526

Were you screaming or anything?? From the way you tell the story, if I was in the room I might not have known anything wrong was happening. I'm so sorry this happened to you Anon, I hope it never happens again.

>> No.7471531

Seconded. If you were crying but it was dark, the other con people in the room probably didn't know you were upset or 17 -- shoulda pitched a fit, gotten their attention, I'm sure the guy would have gotten in trouble

>> No.7471535

Not that I can remember. I know I was sobbing but when things like this happen, I usually get to scared to make loud sounds because I am very weak and go through the possibility's of what would happen if I screamed.
>anything violently physical I would not have been able to fight aginst

>> No.7471540

I hope in the future you're not too scared to make a scene, especially in a public place! That goes for everyone.

I always feel disheartened when I see girls (I'm assuming anon is a girl, too) that are too timid to make scenes, especially in threads like this. I get a lot of this kind of bullshit at every con I go to, and I just go into loud bitch mode before anything can really happen to me. Maybe I'm just lucky, but it helps to seem stronger and more in charge than you maybe are/feel in that moment.

>> No.7471544

You have good friends, anon.

>> No.7471547

Yes, I am female. The honest reason I didn't was because of something that had happened earlier where I tried and it went wrong really fast. however if I would have done that before I was in the room, many things would have been saved.
Yes they were the best!

>> No.7471590

I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything Anon, and I'm sorry to hear that you've had bad experiences in the past. You do have good friends, and I'm glad you're OK!

>> No.7471593

Lord help them if I happened to be around. Just the first part of that story would have had me stomping down a hallway and cracking knuckles. I just dont understand how he could have done so in just a cotton minded way, its almost as if he had done this so many times before that there was zero fear of consequence

>> No.7471769

A lot of hetalia cosplayers act like autists and are total bitch's to everyone else at cons. I will say the fact that they were weaboos makes that situation worse. So I think beating them would only make a situation like that worse. As someone that has seen shit like this before, there is not much you can do. In my case they tryed to be a train through the dealers room and nocked over some display cases with swords in them. Yet they were not kicked out even though they tryed to run away through the crowd and didn't apologize to the person at the stand.

>> No.7471855

Guys save your time and don't read, nothing horror about this.

>> No.7472614

Saw a group of chicks dressed in Hetalia last year. They were being rowdy as fuck. At one point they were trying to be edgy or smt and started making out with each other in a line for the ATM. One of the girls started crying and rest were grossed out and embarrassed with themselves.

It was weird as fuck. Later realized they were in the same program as me. Small fucking world

>> No.7472616

>dress up as X
>go to con
>someone wants a photo


you must have a lot friends

>> No.7472619
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>some narutard trying to grab my dick at the urinal.

>> No.7472692

You and so many other anons in this thread have misinterpreted that post.
I hate it when people try to press beyond what I'm comfortable with. Pictures are fine, it's when they insist on following me and roping me into conversation that I can't stand them.
If someone doesn't want to talk, here's a hint: don't try to keep up a conversation with them. Accept it and move on. Not everyone wants to stick around and talk to socially inept strangers.

>> No.7472796

The martyr complex is strong with you.

>> No.7472808

Really? Just do it in the bathroom if you had a scarf to cover your toosh and lady-bits. The cool thing about women is that most of them bleed every month, so if the bathroom was kept open you would have gotten a bunch of sympathy and maybe some advise on best how to get rid of the stain. Maybe someone would have had a stain remover pen on them.

Girls seriously need to stop being so embarrassed about their periods. I don't go around flaunting mine, but it's not some big upset if I drop my tampon or whatever in a crowd and have to pick it up, or if I have to clean my pants in a girl's restroom (as long as it comes out...).
Grow some ovaries, anon, and suck it up.

>> No.7472812

You're not funny.

>> No.7472816

Pretty much this.

It's really selfish to shut down a bathroom because you're embarrassed about a problem that >80% of women have to deal with anyway.

I know if I saw someone scrubbing blood from their pants, I'd definitely ask if they needed anything to help.

I used to be embarrassed too, but that was when I was 16 and just started getting it. I've already had to wash out my underwear in a bathroom sink (while wearing a dress) and nobody said anything to me, just gave me looks of sympathy.

>> No.7472821

Seriously, the part about closing the bathroom just for her was completely unnecessary. She would have probably got help, too. I've had this happen at school (for some reason bled a shitload that day and the pad wasn't enough, stained all my jeans AND chair) and nothing happened. I recall something similar happening to another girl in elementary school and even then no one batted an eyelash. I know it's embarrassing, but good God.

>> No.7472823

The idea is to beat them so badly they relate being an obnoxious cunt with pain. Hetalia fans are little better than dogs, so I assume it will work.
If we are lucky, theyll associate breathing and existing with pain and stop doing that too.

>> No.7472831

Either tattoo/scar covering makeup (I forget what, but it's easy to find good recommendations for that on here), or say fuck it, and when people ask what they are, tell them.
It's not like someone in a wheelchair or someone missing an eye/limb or fingers or w/e refusing to cosplay a character because of not being correct. It's silly.

>> No.7472841

Yeah, but he was being so violent to begin with, who knows if he was on something that would make punching someone in the face to get them to stop screaming a cool idea. Or maybe he wasn't on something, and just thought that this was all alright.
I mean, he dragged a girl forcefully by the wrist, tried to get her to drink, and shoved her against a wall and started touching her, all while she was saying no and crying. I really don't think he'd be the gentleman to not punch her (or worse) as soon as she starts fighting back.

It's like calling for help when you have a knife pulled on you. Shit's stupid if you want to live afterwords.

>> No.7472850

I agree with >>7471540
People always say "oh well what if he gets violent/kills you!!" but it rarely rarely actually happens, you're probably more likely to get hit by a car afterwards. These guys just look for easy marks that won't put up a fight, as soon as you do they nope the fuck out. Or even if they don't, who's to say they wouldn't beat the shit out of you after raping you anyway?
This attitude makes me cringe, it's flat out wrong and there is research and evidence against it. But it's so prevalent that people literally tell their friends and daughters not to fight back. As if things weren't bad enough as it were.

>> No.7472869


>> No.7472881

The thing is that in the situation she was in he was already being violent by what she said he was doing. It's not like he was date-raping her where she could have just given a little balls to knee action and ran away from this situation.
But definitely tell other females to always fight back, because if they didn't fight back so hard that they get killed in the process, they deserved to be molested/raped.


>> No.7472891

You forgot what the makeup was, isn't that it?

>> No.7472899

That's not what I said at all and you know it. People like you literally disgust me, enabling rape while accusing people who disagree with you (with actual evidence, not just "what ifs") of victim-blaming. What do you think is even the point of self-defense class? Are they evil victim-blamers too? Those people are actually trying to help and do some good, not like you who sits around pontificating, making up this "what if he's on drugs and kills her!!!1" bullshit fantasy you have zero evidence for and calling anyone who disagrees a victim-blamer. You can fuck off and die, thanks.

>> No.7472937

This argument is retarded and off-topic.

>> No.7472994

I think it's really sad that her being a potential waifu is what you focus on when she's just some underage girl as described in this person's story. Anyway you can't reasonably expect him to take responsibility when she's a total stranger and the dumb kid was kicked out anyway.

>> No.7473030

Nah it sounds like everybody got your fucking post so you can stop with that. If you dress up as a character that everybody knows and loves, they will talk to you. Even them oh so gross beta orbiters, as you put them. If you're always in too much of a hurry/not interested don't fucking go anywhere trying to call attention to yourself. even if it isn't voluntary. You might as well bitch that you coated yourself with steaks, entered a cage of lions, and they paid attention to you. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.7473077

i see your point. my boyfriend and i went to a con in philadelphia a while back and he got recognized by several people for doing yt vids. But man, some of those people tried to trail with us for hours. And, as he filmed some would try to get in each shot and you'd tell them to leave you alone to film and they'd act ok with it. Then their retarded ass would come back when they saw you lower the camera from afar. Talk to you endlessly about how they didn't watch Kite cause of incest rape but good storyline. Yeah, you mean like that huh?

>> No.7473080

seriously. why would she have to shut the whole place down? You know more people found out about her bloody accident probably from the scene that created.

>> No.7473086

I had a friend who cosplayed as Canada a couple years back. She wasn't crazy about the show but she enjoyed it and wanted to show some national pride so she got her costume together (it was really well done) and went with one of her lolita friends.
She came back from the con traumatized from what the Hetalia fandom was really like. Everyone was running around, screaming and tackling each other, not to mention the groping and sexual advances. She's not a very sexual person and is pretty shy so she flipped out when people were grabbing her boobs or butt just randomly. One girl even forced herself onto her to try to start a make out session.
I remember her saying how embarrassed she was during the whole experience and how she'd never cosplay as a Hetalia character ever again. Her lolita friend got scowled and yelled at during the whole thing for not dressing up.

Shit was messed.

>> No.7473087


Thank you. She seriously sounds like an embarrassed 16 year old who doesn't know how their flow works. I'm still agreeing with >>7468833 anon that she probably just inconvenienced a lot of needy people for herself.

>> No.7473211


I hate to agree when you sound so douchey, but you have a point. Nobody's sneaking up and snapping pics of your shimapan or something, they're going "oh, how odd," and snapping a pic of the strangely dressed person walking through their normal life.

>> No.7473216


You're Monday morning quarterbacking an attempted sexual assault, which is dumb.

>> No.7473221

You have no idea anon,you have no idea...

>> No.7473229

Pretty sure you have to be at least 18 to do volunteer work/staffing at cons

>> No.7473232

She wasn't volunteering or staff, she was friend's with someone on staff though.

>> No.7473246

damn that's so scary. I got into a car accidently at the last Too many games con with a bunch of drunk ass holes who worked with the con. they were just volunteers, but still. It was nothing but a slight rear bumper with a very small dent, but that shit sucked. I couldn't find them the whole con or else i would of went to the head to say something. It was a pretty shitty experience. I've come to realize that even con people are scum bags sometimes. That's why you have to call the real police or hotel security.

>> No.7473254

This and fucking this. All women get their periods after a certain age. I have had period accidents before and asked for a panyliner/tampon/etc from a co worker. I never felt weird about it. I dont mind talking about it , and yes, the person who shut down a bathroom because they got their period sounds like an apsie.

>> No.7473260

Alright, my apologies then.

>> No.7473767

> It's not like he was date-raping her where she could have just given a little balls to knee action and ran away from this situation.
What is even going on in your head?
I have literally never heard of a girl who fought against her rapist that was murdered as a result, I hear of/see girls all the time that fight against their rapists that maybe got beat up but not raped! Also SHE WAS IN PUBLIC people would have seen the dude if he started HITTING HER??
You need to stop giving people advice immediately because you're a moron

>> No.7473812

I should elaborate, of course women have been murdered and raped who fought back. I mean when a girl starts screaming in public/at a part/that kind of thing

>> No.7473859

He's right, while we must educate people to not rape, we must also teach girls that fighting back attackers is a viable option, especially if there are people around.

>> No.7474200

Just so everyone knows, if you're ever in a situation like that, you have to scream FIRE instead of RAPE or just shrieking wordlessly. People will run to help put out a fire, and if they see your situation, most people won't just ignore it and leave. Keep screaming until you get help.

>> No.7474208

This. We should definitely teach people how to protect themselves, even though we 'shouldn't have to' it's not victim blaming to try to help, more people are in danger if they don't know the signs or how to help themselves.

>> No.7474235

My friends and I were cosplaying Satsuki, Ryuko and Mako at Naka-kon recently. It was fun but my feet killed from my Satsuki heels and people would still ask us for photos every time we sat down, even when eating. At one point we went and hid in a corner that was blocked off from the main area but somehow we still had a few people ask for photos while we were there..my thigh high boot covers sitting on the floor, food in our mouths and everything. I guess that's more annoying than creepy though.

I've never had anything too bad happen but at Naka (again as Satsuki) I was sitting in a chair by myself and this guy came up and kneeled in front of me for a solid 20 seconds without saying anything and just looked me right in the eyes. I wasn't really sure what to do but he eventually asked if he could devote himself to me and I awkwardly said sure and tapped him with my sword and he left? It was an interesting experience..

>> No.7474406

Man, that's kind of scary (the second part). The worst thing that has happened to me is that I was showing a girl pictures on my phone and she took the phone and started going through my pictures, luckily she didn't find anything nsfw but my heart was pounding pretty hard, and I was way too much of a pussy to say anything.

>> No.7474475

She was looking for the NSFW.

>> No.7474556

This so much
If the guy murders you for fighting back who's to say he wouldn't murder you anyway? And surveys of rape victims and potential rape victims vs. murder victims supports this.
Yet another reason why anon's "advice" to do nothing is total shit

>> No.7474753

Ugh people who treat girls in maid/lolita outfits like shit.
>Volunteering at con in cosplay/maid cafe
>Greeting people at the door
>Giant man walks in, looks like he's fifty at least
>Raises camera and points it at us
>Friend says "Sorry, no pictures please"
>Guy starts snapping pictures anyways
>Friend gets mad "I SAID, NO PICTURES."
>Man walks away.... just to come back behind us
>Starts snapping pictures from the back until she turns around
>Happens at least 3 times over a 4 hour shift
What do these people not understand

>> No.7474814

>Stay away people!
>Go to CONVENTION of people

lol okay

>> No.7474846

i would of broken his shit. what the fuck

>> No.7474852

>see post
>dont bother to read post
>act like an autist
lol ok

>> No.7474888

In some states it is illegal to yell FIRE when there is no real fire.

>> No.7476030


There is a difference between interacting with and following, looking and leering, being friendly and being creepy. People are not obligated to tolerate the latter.

>> No.7478974

>implying a girl about to be beaten or raped will get in trouble for screaming FIRE when she needs help

>> No.7481449

The fuck is with all these people running a postgame analysis of how somebody handled an attempted rape? You never know how you're going to react to a threatening situation until you're in one. It's easy to go "well *I* would have raised a fuckin' ruckus to end all ruckuses" after the fact.

>> No.7481473

>go to ACen dressed as Anonymous (Green Man outfit, black suit, red tie)
>go to Dealer's Hall, can barely see through mask
>blur enters vision
>it's a Nostalgia Critic cosplayer
>"Anonymous! So it's you!"
>Yeah, hi, nice costume
>"We must do battle!"
>he proceeds to follow me around putting his dukes up, leaning in close so all I can see is him, making Nostalgia Critic noises
>I have to run around a corner and hide before he stops following me

I'm a nerdlinger and all but NC fans are the fucking worst

>> No.7481609


Always one or two in the wallet, pocket or somewhere. I mean, I am a guy after all. That said, I just came here for the stories, I don't go to cons often.

>> No.7481645

"oh boy, I'd rather be raped/beaten/killed than doing something ~ILLEGAL~!"
are you a dude

>> No.7481672

They're all idiotic men I bet

>> No.7481686


I don't think anyone went like that, they're just pointing out what to do in the future.

>> No.7482035
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>Be me and get done hosting a lolita panel at a local con
>Stringbean with glasses and greasy hair walks up to me while I'm saying my goodbyes and motions his girlfriend to come over
> Girlfriend is your average weeb but seems nice
> Stringbean goes on to thank me for my panel and that he can't wait to see his girlfriend in lolita because of his "lolita fetish" and goes into detail of how much he can't wait to plow her.
> Dude you could've left it at "Thanks for the panel"

>> No.7482048

Ew, that's so gross. Who even says this to a stranger?

>> No.7482060

While it took a few to get over the initial gag reflex my girlfriend and I definitely had a few laughs about it. According to some of the girls we met there this dude is famous in the area for creeping on lolitas at conventions. Ech.

>> No.7482064


What kind of person can answer "no I don't want to hang out with you" without feeling awkward?

If they don't want to hang out with you they'll probably say just "sure!" but with a pained expression.

That's what I'm afraid of.

>> No.7482121


There are several dodges in that situation, all of which are just as effective as saying "no thanks" unless you're dealing with a dense-ass motherfucker.

>> No.7482863

Boy, do I have a con horror story. I was going to a big con with friends I'd looked forward to for a few years. Suddenly one of my friends I was supposed to be rooming with had to book out, so a friend of a friend I'd never met was staying with us.

Enter Weeb-chan (original nickname, right?), she wasn't a typical hambeast and actually was super skinny but she had all the other gross attributes of a weeaboo-smelly, greasy, bad clothing, greasy makeup, bad teeth, etc.

She wasn't just an obnoxious weeaboo, she hit on everything that moved, and kept loudly telling everyone that she was "pansexual, heehee! ^_^" and smushing together her tiny tits and she went up to me and licked my face. Licked my fucking face.

This was Thursday night, we decided to go out to dinner. Weeb-chan demanded a kid's menu and made a show of being a ~kawaii loli~ by drawing animu things all over the menu with crayons. She sat in the lap of an acquaintance, who I'll call Beta-kun, because, yeah, that's what he is. And he was eating that shit up, probably because he knew he wouldn't get any better. (continued)

>> No.7482870

*also, a few months, not years.

Everyone was pretty tired of her shit but since we're nice people and we needed the money for the room we were just being civil with her. She didn't pay her share for the dinner and thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. She didn't leave a tip either, so Beta-kun just paid for all her food AND she decided she needed to buy the most expensive dessert, which, he, of course, also bought her.

The friend who booked the room, Room-san (great nicknames), made it clear she didn't want anyone fucking. She said to take it somewhere else or they'd get kicked out. Weeb-chan made a big deal of this and announced that she "Couldn't control her horniness, teehee~!" In the middle of the restaurant. Everyone gave her a weird look and the other friend she was closest to told her that she needed to stop it, and she pouted and whined and it was just really fucking weird. We went back to the room and Weeb-chan was clinging to Beta-kun the whole time, and cuddling him in bed.

Room-san told them she was serious about her rules and she wouldn't hesitate to kick them out. At this time, she'd already collected the money, so it was no loss.

Anyways, the night goes by, and it's seemed like nobody's fucked yet.

The next day is pretty uneventful. Weeb-chan goes away for the day off with Beta-kun and other weeaboos. She's wearing a shitty, shiny cosplay, I don't know what it was from and don't care.

Finally night roles around, the group is together excluding Weeb-chan and Beta-kun, we're going back upstairs to our room to change and relax, stuff like that. (continued)

>> No.7482872

how about "aww, I'm sorry, anon, I'm already meeting up with my friends. Have a good time though, ok!"

Besides, if you see them reply with a pained expression, then that's your cue - you can back up and say, "oh, it's okay, you probably have your own schedule. Sorry! See you around" and you can wave and say goodbye. Or even just be up front and say, "It's okay if you have other plans/don't want to, don't worry". Because it's not like you're asking them out on a date! Just seeing if they'd like social interaction with you. I like to be straight forward to people, and have them treat me straight forward in return. No guessing for anyone, everyone is less stressed. I understand how this sort of thing makes people anxious though, don't worry anon.

>> No.7482878

We hear moaning coming from the other side of the door and fear for the worst. But our imagined worst wasn't what we could have imagined. You're all thinking Beta-kun and Weeb-chan were fucking on the other side of the door, right?

Yes, that's true. And they were fucking. But that wasn't the half of it.

They were having a threesome with this fat neckbeard, Weeb-chan was in bondage, the neckbeard had a furry tail buttplug, and there was...some substance on the wall, and a fucking video camera. They were making a fucked up porno in our bedroom.

Room-san screamed, I dropped my bag, other roommates covered their eyes. Even the biggest, manliest roommate was shook to his core at this unholy weeaboo orgy.

The fat neckbeard blubbered, pulled his dick out of Weeb-chan's snatch, grabbed his underwear and pulled them up his chubby thighs and ran out of the room, clothing in his hands, buttplug still probably in his asshole. Weeb-chan did some weird embarassed anime girl thing, Beta-kun covered his dick with a blanket. Room-san was fucking livid. She told them both they had 5 minutes to get dressed, clean up and get out of the room. Beta-kun tried to apologize but she was having none of their shit.

Weeb-chan told us she was "very arigato, nya!" and shed some alligator tears. They left though, no idea where they went.

The rest of the con was cool though, I bought some nice prints.

>> No.7482927

i-i'm sorry this happened to you
thats more of any weeaboo than anyone wants to see

>> No.7482934

I think I have told this story before,so I'll tell the short version
>Cosplaying character in sailor fuku (mistake number one I guess)
>be in dealers room talking to like...kind of a friend more like a con only acquaintance.
>suddenly feel too hands on my shoulders from behind me
>Look behind me HUGE dude in a spider-man zentai suit
>smaller dude comes out from behind him and reaches under my skirt to LEGIT GRAB MY ASS IM NOT KIDDING lol okay fuck green text. I'm FREAKING out at this point, my fuckin con acquaintance is like standing there in shock not doing shit. I'm about to either completely break down or like step on necks it could go either way at this point. I start struggling and they both start laughing and let me go. They take of their masks to reveal themselves as guys I have hung out with at cons for like, idk, a couple years. I'M LIKE MORTIFIED and yell at both of them, they laugh it off and tell me "Don't be a prude, anon." like lmfao fuck you? I later blocked them on every form of social media, and then found out later they were talking shit about me the entire con because I got mad that they, like, practically molested me in public so.

>> No.7482944

Yeah it was fucking terrible. She moaned like a dying animal and had a really saggy ass. I'm still refusing to talk to Beta-kun even though he sent me 12 text messages apologizing shittily. And I blocked Weeb-chan on Facebook as soon as I could because I'm not getting involved with her batshit self.

>> No.7482955
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It's not really intense, but it made me realize people like this actually exist

>go to con game room
>see 4-player smash bros
>get next
>sit down, this guy next to me that I couldn't tell if he was just an enormous kid or physically immature adult
>other two guys are a little kid and some normal-looking guy
>get playing, little kid is spamming Falcon Punches, enormous guy is just playing bad, other guy and I are just duking it out
>match gets over, fat kid/little kid lose, I win, normal guy says 'good game' and leaves
>fat guy exclaims, "good game my ass, he fucking sucked"
>nobody says anything
>new guy sits down, he chooses his nickname
>fat guy suddenly back outs of menu, goes into name selection, starts deleting a fuckload of names, then enters his own
>we all kind of 'wat' and just let him do it
>game starts, fat guy's cursing and saying a bunch of edgy things as he gets bodied
>go out of my way to give him a taste of Big Jiggs, gets mad that he's being beaten by a 'shitty character'
>guys come up to watch, casually say 'my money's on __!' (not the fat guy)
>fat guy pauses the game, turns and death stares the guys for a long while until they walk away, then unpauses
>match ends, fat guy loses, suddenly turns to me and asks "when's the dance?"
>ask if he means the rave or formal, he says "wherever the girls will be"
>tell him the rave time, says "awesome, gonna get puss tonight"
>get up and play another nearby game, a girl comes up to watch, he tries horribly to impress her with really edgy humor, she kindly laughs along
>dance incognito at the rave, see him there, he's getting denied left and right, throws a small tantrum each time, eventually storming out
>still have no idea how old he was, no matter how long I ponder the question

>> No.7482961


I got it. You're Pyramid Head with an authentic human skin skirt.

Those things heat up like none other in the summer, I feel your pain.

>> No.7482964

at least you uh had more room in the room that night to sleep? I'm glad your friend helped stick to the rules and actually kicked them out.

>> No.7482970

Jfc!!! That's seriously terrifying

>> No.7482973

Yeah, I guess that's one way of looking at it, I think she would've been a little more lenient if it was just them, but they were fucking on the floor with some random guy that they supposedly met at the rave (unsurprisingly) so it was a whole different story.

Weird shit always happens to me at cons, I have more stories if anyone's interested.

>> No.7482979

That's pretty amusing

>> No.7482980

I'm def interested

>> No.7482992


not gonna lie, the whole idea of fat cosplayers ruining my image of certain characters while moving amongst droves of fat neckbeards ready to either pull a beta ass move/advanced creeper maneuver really scares the idea of going to a con out of me.

I'm being serious here.

NY ComicCon 2012.

>Decided to go to Con with 2 friends who are con regulars.
>They don't cosplay or anything but they know con etiquette and have taught me appropriately.
>Avid Revoltech collector.
>Decide to check out Play-Arts/Revoltech, generally action figures/statues out.
>Notice qt 3.14 next to me cosplayed as Noel Vermillion.
>Really cute, petite, really pulls off the whole Noel feel.
>"Hey can I get a picture with you?"
>Take picture, nothing was awkward at all.
>Attention back at booth, end up buying Spike and Vicious Play-Arts.
>Step away from booth.
>About to text friends to let them know where I'm at.
>This fat dude sort of pushes right past me.
>I have no fucking idea why this dude is sweating so much in October.
>I was wearing an olive shirt. Sweat from the guys arm literally left a dark splotch on my shirt.
>Someone else's body fluid stained my clothing.
>Eyes follow fat target.
>He's with 2 of his friends right behind the Noel cosplay.
>Watch as all 3 snicker and legit take photos of her ass.
>None of them had said anything to her.
>One of them "accidentally" bumps into her from behind, uses her lower back as leverage to fix himself.
>Easily the creepiest thing I've ever seen done in public.
>Swear off cons. Seeing other people who share my interests fucking sicken me.

>> No.7482999


My sides anon.

>> No.7483013

I'm from NYC and NYCC is where all the scummiest neckbeards drive. It sucks but it's true . All the cons I attend are out of state for this reason

>> No.7483038

also totally interested in more

>> No.7483079

I know the feeling.

>Wandering around a con, find really good Satsuki and Ryuko cosplayers talking to some older dude
>Walk outside for a bit to take a phone call and look around, hoping to ask for a picture on the way back, hopefully when they aren't busy
>Back inside, decide to just go ahead and ask
>Everyone's super chill, guy they were talking to is a pro photographer, offers to take pic
>Action pose, really cool
>Various small talk about Kill la Kill
>Photographer guy hands me a little bit of paper with his website on it, and goes back to his lecture about his work and such
>Awkward moment engaged
>Feel it's rude to walk away, but I'm supposed to be linking up with friends and feel I might overstay my welcome
>After a few minor jokes and staring at the dude's Ipad in a huddle for a minute, the Satsuki cosplayer says it was nice meeting me and all that
>Not sure if this is polite "fuck off" or attempt to set me free from this prison
>Agree with her, "Well I'm supposed to be meeting friends downstairs. Thanks again for the picture."

Not exactly a horror story since everyone was cool, but jesus fuck I hate being in that position. I felt kinda obligated to avoid them the rest of the con just so I didn't seem like a creep.

>> No.7483102

Cosplaying a Kill la kill transformation outfit to a con soon and I'm getting really paranoid about it after reading all these creeper stories... any advice?
I will definitely be surrounded by friends and hopefully carrying around a 4ft sword will deter anyone from getting too close but still...

>> No.7483112

Just be on guard. You have to be when you do those kind of outfits

>> No.7483117

well people are definitely going to oogle and youll probably get a few body remarks but as long as you're confident then you should be fine.

>> No.7483614


At least he has the balls to ask woman out "confidently" and apparently multiple times

If he was hot/ripped he probably would have gotten dat puss

>> No.7484616

{inarticulate screaming noises from inside helmet}
>puts blaster to his head and fires

I could say I'm grateful that I haven't had a weeaboo experience, but these stories are physically damaging

>> No.7485264

you aren't vivalavivian are you?

>> No.7485424

You managed it pretty well I think.
My story:

>Went to con some months ago
>Meet with friend and her best friend,
>Get pic together and small talk starts,
>My friend suddenly dissapears
>Awkward moment starts
>Spend around an hour with a girl I barely know without knowing if I should stay with her or go
>small chat in tensifies
>Tell her about a cosplay I'm planning
>She says she loves the character and that I'll probably have a lot of girls around me that day
>Say I't will be okay if she is one of them
>She just smiled, didn't laugh or said anything
>Even more awkward moment.
>Realize I probably sounded like the creepest creeper in the world
>We couldn't find her friend so we stuck together for the rest of the day

She was pretty nice with me, and didn't annoyed with that stupid joke I made, but I'm still afraid I acted like a creeper.
Worst part of it is that my friend wants to meet up, so I know I'm going to see that girl again soon.

>> No.7485512

>go to con in cosplay.
>I bind my chest to be a male.
>walking around when fangirl comes over.
>"OMG YOU'RE (character name here) RIGHT?!"
>Cringe from sound but being nice "yeah I am."
>Use guy voice and fangirl things I'm actually a boy.
>"Hey! You should take your shirt off!" Fangirl starts clawing at my shirt.
>Fangirl actually gets my shirt up to under my binding.
>I grab my shirt, pull it down and take a step back.
>"Don't do that! What the fuck!" shaken up.
>fangirl starts to whine "Why won't you take your shirt off?!"
>Use normal (girl) voice. "I'm a girl and I have boobs under this shirt! Anyways you just don't take someone's shirt off!"
>fangirl gets this creepy rapeface.
>"You're a girl? That's not a problem~"
>15 year old me books it like fuck.

I now do not let people get within an arm's length of me unless they are my friends or I give them the ok. Others who invade my space get a nasty glare and a calm pat on the arm while I move myself away that arm's length.

>> No.7485638

WTF is wrong with some people who are into Anime, attend cons etc? That's fucked up

>> No.7485650
File: 49 KB, 604x404, uWotM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a horror story but an annoyance all the same:
>Boyfriend and I attend con
>We don't Cosplay, just wear kimono(easier to pick a kimono than a Cosplay).
>Boyfriend goes to info desk to ask about timetable
>Dude cosplaying as Lelouch approaches him asks him is he cosplaying a particular character from some anime(can't remember who).
>Boyfriend is like Nah, just wearing kimono
>Lelouch insists boyfriend was cosplaying as this character.
>Boyfriend insists he was just wearing kimono
>This goes on for about 5 mins(seriously!)
>Lelouch basically says only cosplayers should attend anime cons
>Lelouch does this super flounce and storms off
Pic related

Another story:
>At same con
>Go to get food and sit in the eating area
>Not too many people about
>Can eat in peace, away from the noise of the con.
>Dude in suit, cat ears and tail stands up.
>Starts singing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", badly
>Very badly in fact
>Keeps resinging the song
>Over and over again
>Developing a migraine
>Don't wanna say anything as I don't wanna get fucked out of the con for "bullying"
>Eventually he stopped
>Can't listen to Bohemian Rhapsody anymore without hearing his voice

I wish I could tell someone to STFU or to cop on to themselves without it being classified as convention bullying.

>> No.7485782

You got off easy considering that faggot costume.

>> No.7485789

There are different kinds and brands of tattoo/scar covering makeup.

>> No.7485793

You mean like that woman in Florida to whom "stand your ground" apparently didn't apply because she got convicted for shooting a gun in the air to warn off her physically abusive husband?
The legal system can be a shit, anon.

>> No.7485795

so did you ever find the video

>> No.7485802

well, i agree US legal system a shit, but that was because she was black. anon probably means a young white girl -- who will probably not get in trouble...

>> No.7485808

>easier to wear a kimono than cosplay
>a kimono
Something tells me you were not wearing a legit kimono.

>> No.7485849

I saw you, got your pictures also. I also didn't make say that stupid ass joke

>> No.7485856

>she left some a period clot in the bottom of the shower

I threw up in my mouth

>> No.7485894

I always seem to get that sort of guy, no matter what cosplay I'm wearing.

That sounds creepy, but I always try and throw around self deprecating masturbation jokes
>I can't watch that anime, I'd just end up wanking
Do those come off the same way?

>> No.7485910

Actually they are legit. I have 2 silk komon and 1 art. silk komon and 1yukata. My boyfriend has 1 wool kimono.

They aren't the super formal ones so they are relatively easy to tie. It gets harder the more formal you go.

The reason we choose kimono over cosplay is we can purchase a vintage kimono for relatively cheap on eBay from japan and have 3-4 cords for it or spend more to make a cosplay, buy a wig etc.

just google immortal geisha forums if you dont believe me

>> No.7485913

Depending on your delivery and appearance, my impression of you would range from childish sense of humour to gross creep.

>> No.7485919

Actually we were I was wearing a silk komon and my partner was wearing a wool one. Kimono are surprisingly easy to do if you stick to the everyday kimono(komon). That and also it's cheaper to purchase a vintage kimono from Japan on eBay than it is to make a Cosplay. My silk one cost $60 off a seller and there's nothing wrong with it bar one stain that is unnoticeable.

It takes me 10 mins to put on yukata and 20 to put on kimono. If you practice regularly you get quicker and quicker. Don't believe me? Google immortal geisha forums.

>> No.7485921

Oops double post.Sorry posting on phone. How would I delete my 2nd post?

>> No.7485929

Well, I don't smile when I say it.
I also never made masturbation jokes as a child, so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7485933
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You put a bunch of sweaty lonely people together with other sweaty lonely people, and some think it is their time to get lucky.

>> No.7486019

That's pretty gross, actually. I guess it depends on the person you're talking to, but personally I'd find a way to stop talking to you ASAP. Bringing up masturbation with strangers is a big nono in my book.

>> No.7486039

I'm planning to go to a con as Midorima from Kuroko and Shintaro Kisaragi from KagePro, and after reading all these stories, it makes me not want to be in cosplay all day ._.
My only consolation is that I'll be cosplaying a Terraformars cockroach for the whole weekend at least. So probably goin' to get some laughs outta that

>> No.7486058

I don't think you'll have anything to worry about unless you're god-tier levels of attractive, or shirtless. Midorima and Kisaragi have pretty plain, conservative outfits.
I'd like to see that cockroach. Pics?

>> No.7486062

Haha haven't bought all the materials yet. It's pretty much me and my buddies going to the con into black morph suits with cut outs of the cockroaches faces. Makes for a good way to cause some shenanigans tho. Of course not going as far to be creeps

>> No.7486096

If /cgl/ is anything like Tumblr, you might just be too 'sensitive'.
Or a girl. I mean, I change my language around women.

>> No.7486195


Hey, it's easy as shit and people like it and I have no budget, what the fuck else am I gonna do?

>> No.7486219

>people who joke with masturbation and other sexual shit with strangers at cons
You're pretty nasty. That shit ain't cute

>> No.7486222

Post pic of you're lying

>> No.7486229
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of people are arent comfortable with sexual jokes with someone they just met. Are you kidding? It's not a "overly sensitive" tumblr bs thing, it's normal to be weirded out. I joke with my friend I've known for 10 yrs now, but a total stranger? I'd leave or get security. You're a creep

>> No.7486255

Still doesn't tell me much, but I'll be totally frank, if you were a handsome, socially adept dude who dropped this kind of joke after we'd been talking for a while, I MIGHT find it funny. If you're the average con goer, you're coming off as a creep. And being purposely obtuse about a definition is even less charming.

>> No.7486267

Not putting pics of myself on cgl of all places and don't care if you believe me or not. You don't know me IRL and I don't want to be known IRL.

As I said Google immortal geisha and look t their forums. Plenty of pics of people in kimono, feel free to ask questions etc. I post there occassionally(usually when I buy something On ebay).

Also search on eBay for the term komon and you will find plenty on auction for mad cheap. And not the inauthentic polysatin tourist shit either.

As I said I don't care if you believe me or not, I only listed my experience. Didn't expect to be interrogated for expressing my preference for kimono over display.

>> No.7486269

*cosplay not display

>> No.7486318

>I also never made masturbation jokes as a child, so I don't know what you're talking about
Childish as in "adults do this, so if I do this, I must be an adult." Adult without being mature.

>> No.7486339

Not really a horror story but

>Anime St Louis 2012
>friend and I are doing the rave thing for a couple hours
>after some time we decide to take a break before we head back in
>suddenly hear a girl say "What the fuck is your problem"
>all of a sudden two guys are fighting (like punches and grappling) at the table next to us
>They knock over the table and we're backing off
>con staff and Darth Maul are handling the situation
>we decide to just head back to hotel room

Really regret not going to that rave now though.

>> No.7486351

Alright, that's fair enough. Thank you.

>> No.7486350

Nah, I think you're just a kid. Can't handle a social situation.

I don't do it to be an adult. I do it because I have an addiction to masturbation.
It ain't cute.

>> No.7486357

Yikes. That's kind of scary. Ever found out why they were fighting?

>> No.7486359

Go get help. You're a socially inept person who doesn't realize how disgusting they are.

>> No.7486361

No but our guess is that one of the guys was being a creep to the girl and the other guy was her BF.

>> No.7486363


You also have an addiction to having no social acumen if you think bringing up jerking off is in any way appropriate for conversations with strangers, anon.

>> No.7486652

I honestly don't know. I'm just happy I haven't gotten the pleasure of meeting those awful people who video tape you and pressure into embarrassing situation etc.

You learn to put on a cold face as well. If you don't seem approachable, people leave you alone. Or never breaking character. That's saved my ass more than once.

>> No.7486814

*sigh* is this huilailee again?

>> No.7486901


Not a funny situation unto itself obviously, but I laughed imaging calm, composed Darth Maul bringing things under control.

>> No.7486946

I will, I hold Tumblr psyche experts in the highest regard, after all.

We both know that it doesn't matter what you say as long as you don't look like a retard.
ESPECIALLY at a con. I've proven this countless times.

>> No.7487059
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Does this shit actually happen? I read stories like this all the time and I've seen people do stupid shit but its never as retarded as this...

>> No.7487071

stop talking about tumblr, creepy nigger.

if anything they are the ones with the most inapropirate behavior toward adults of all with their supernatural wierd gay fixation.

>> No.7487085
File: 56 KB, 413x395, 1305857105262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You're a girl? That's not a problem~"


>> No.7487098

You'd be amazed at the stupid shit I've seen happen at conventions. People complain about certain fandoms gathering the worst fans, and the stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

I've had friends get tackled after agreeing to a 'hug'. I've see people treat said friends like they've known them for years within moments of meeting them, going so far as to try to cling/grope/nuzzle at them. It's fucked up shit and a huge part of why my friends have all sworn off cosplaying anything that gains any real level of popularity.

>> No.7487100

People seem to lose all of their common sense upon putting on a badge and/or cosplay

>> No.7487109

Not same anon but I've done a few different crossplays back in the day when my tolerance for sperg was higher and had similar stuff happen a lot. Almost always had my chest groped ("oh you did such a good job binding anon-chan~"), and actually got pressed up against the wall out of fucking nowhere and attempted force makeout once. Like seriously out of fucking nowhere.
>be chatting casually with cosplayer from same series
>someone with a camera catches her eye
>suddenly i am shoved against wall, hands above my head, faces smashed together, trying to get tongue in
I fucking kicked her off and booked it. Jesus christ this was a grown ass woman too, well past college age and even though I was about 19 everyone else there assumed me underage.

>> No.7487131

>Dressed as Busujima from HotD at a con
>Cosplay was bought used with large holes/rips all over the place, mostly on the sleeves and one just above the boob area
>Some sketchy looking Asian? Mexican? man walks up to me, points at his camera
>Then he reaches out and sticks his fucking hand inside the hole in my sleeve
>He's smiling and saying Yes? Yes?
>I grab his hand and try to pull him off, tell him "HANDS OFF."
>Jesus fucking christ guy has a grip like steel
>None of my friends are around to help
>He lets go... Just to grab the hole on my chest
>This entire time, he's just smiling, pointing to his camera and keeps repeating Yes? Yes?
>Can't get him off me, so just stand there half in shock while he takes a picture
>Watch him walk away
What the actual fuck.

>> No.7487170


But I'm the one who's offensive and disgusting?

>> No.7487204

Im probably the biggest teddy bear when it comez to conflict but this....this aint right. I'd break his fucking jaw, but let people know if you think a guy is moving way too fast for your confort level.

As a side note I hate raves. Just seems like the people that go dont know when to stop.

>> No.7487232

You should of been in character and beat the shit out of him. If you can't do it, don't cosplay Busujima.

Still not cool what he did, but learn to self defense.

>> No.7487243

>We both know that it doesn't matter what you say as long as you don't look like a retard.
>ESPECIALLY at a con. I've proven this countless times.
By and large though, telling strangers you masturbate a lot is NOT okay.

>> No.7487248

>Be at a-con
>finally get my shit together for a convention
>In full BTSSB getup.
>hotel is like five miles from con because of bad planning
>parking at con is 20 dollars a day
>walk back and forth in summer texas heat
>Go to car
>black guy walks up to me while I'm getting my shit on
>Hey baby, what're you? You wanna roleplay
>what the fucking ever living fuck
>pins me against my fucking car
>Reaches in my god damn blouse
>store owner comes out
>Guy runs off
>get in car and try to call my only other friend there
>guy friend does not answer his phone, and later tells me that "Well you shouldn't have parked so far away" Even after I asked him to walk me to my car/told him I'd give him a ride back to the con

Now I rely on myself. This year, I"m going to a-con absolutely alone, in a hotel room alone. It's going to be lonely as fuck, but at least I won't get felt up by a 50 year old black man who looked like he was doing drugs

>> No.7487250

I'd say you're all taking what I've said very out of context.
But it's more fun to play along. I totally walk up to people that I'm not already in conversation with and tell them I need to jack off.

Maybe /cgl/ would LIKE to believe that.

>> No.7487254

Also thought I'd mention another

>social phobia to an extreme
>go to cons, have lots of fun meet people ect
>Oh anon we should go hang out!
>I agree
>Plans never follow through
>I spend the entire con looking like a fucking loser alone
>Get pictures, but I'm wandering around alone
>tfw I have no friends, and am too shy to meet people.

>> No.7487270

Its pretty shitty what happened, but your problem would've been solved by allocating 20 bucks for parking..

>> No.7487278

Well, 60 really, because 20 each day, but yeah. I just felt it was a little fucked up that i had to pay that much to park literally 1 mile away in overflow, but I guess you go to a con knowing that it's going to be expensive

>> No.7487282


Are you that terrible unit 01
I sincerely hope not

>> No.7487294

>"Do those come off the same way?"
>gets answers that tell him it's not okay
>"b-b-but my addiction!"
>that still doesn't make it okay
>"I'd say you're all taking what I've said excuses excuses excuses"

You asked a question. You got answers.

Stop trying to defend yourself when you were asking for it.

>> No.7487301

I'm not defending myself, it's more like /cgl/ kids are the only people who seem offended.
Everyone else has gone drinking with me afterwards.

>/cgl/ in charge of not being neurotic

>> No.7487299


wanna know what the worst is? despite this advice being really good, there are tons of aspies that run around conventions screaming RAPE with their friends all the time
so like
someone yelling rape would probably go pretty unnoticed, as fucked as that is

>> No.7487307


>dat puss

>> No.7487310

We're kids because we say that it's not okay for you, Mr. Adult, to tell strangers you masturbate?

>Everyone else has gone drinking with me afterwards

Well good for you. If you figured it wasn't such a problem, then don't bother asking why you thought it was okay especially if can't handle it when we say otherwise.

>> No.7487315

The issue at hand is you not being able to handle that someone would say that.
Besides, if you're a chick I wouldn't say it. Because I know you're too sensitive for that sort of talk.

>> No.7487321

This is so sadly true

>> No.7487323

Completely sexist. Maybe men don't want to hear you talk about masturbating either? Why not just not talk about the things you do in bed unless it's with friends? even then, It makes people uncomfortable, so why would you do it?

It's like you just do it to garner negative attention, just like you're doing now.

>> No.7487335

Dude, just go away. You are seriously the most awkward person. You're that obnoxious guy trying really hard to be funny, when you're just weirding everyone out. Just stop. Get off the computer and go take a nap.

>> No.7487384

>The issue at hand is you not being able to handle that someone would say that

DING DING DING, you got it!

If you're going to say something vulgar like that to strangers, male or female, you're going to get mixed reactions.

Some will drink with you afterwards and some will give you weird looks or take offense. What I find funny about it is that you're basically telling the one who took offense that it's their fault for taking offense because they're "too sensitive".

You wanna push the limit or step out of bounds when socially interacting? Go ahead. But don't try to justify yourself and blame others when you deal with the repercussion of your actions and words.

>> No.7487417

It's not sexist if it's true.
But it doesn't. It's made /cgl/ vindictive and cry though.

So the problem here is that I need to watch out for autistic people like yourselves?
Or I could just do my own thing and keep you people away from me.

>> No.7487422


Seriously, this is the only way I can look back on it without losing my mind

>> No.7487428
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>Do those come off the same way?
>Or I could just do my own thing and keep you people away from me.

I'm not involved in this conversation, but why did you bother asking for opinions if you "don't care"?

>> No.7487433

Are you so far gone that you can't understand the concept?

>> No.7487439

I have a million weird stories, but this is by far the most dramatic and the only one that involved straight up harassment

>Be Yoko at Sakuracon
>Super nervous because I'd never worn anything near that revealing to a con, but my bf at the time was cosplaying Kamina with me, and he's a giant 6"5', 200 pound meathead. My giant roommate was with us too, but he's more the big teddy-bear type
>Con is going awesome; we're getting tons of positive attention, get interviewed by some magazine and even had a few professional photographers approach us and offer to do free shoots
>It was kind of hard to actually do anything because we were getting so much attention; one person would stop to ask for a picture and five more would join in, then more after that, and we'd end up standing in the same spot posing for fifteen minutes, making it about twenty more feet, then repeating the process
>Walking out of the dealers hall while it's closing, half circle of picture taking forms and we continue to pose. It was pretty empty already so there was a lot of space directly behind us
>Roommate tells me some dude just took a picture of me from behind
>I spin around expecting some creepy looking guy, instead it's a normal looking asian guy with a pretty lady. Maybe his sister, maybe his girlfriend, don't know and don't really care
>I tell the guy to let me see the picture he took, he looks absolutely petrified and starts to walk away
>I follow him, and after being ignored several more times, I physically grabbed his wrist


>> No.7487441
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>Right then, con staff comes up and tries ushering us out 'cause they needed to lock the doors or whatever
>I tell the staff lady that I want to watch this stranger delete the picture of my ass he just took without permission first, thinking this was a reasonable request
>She tells me that I need to leave, completely ignoring what this dick had done. I'm still clutching his wrist so hard that my knuckles are turning white
>Ignore the staff lady and tell that guy that he could let me watch him delete the photo himself, or that I would gladly take the camera and do it for him
>He finally shows me the picture, which is a shot so close up on my ass that it's taking up 90% of the screen
>I tell him to let me see the picture he'd taken before that too, which turned out to be a similar image. Turns out he'd taken four pictures of my glorious bum
>I'm literally shaking over the whole situation, but I let go of the guy and tell him to fuck off. He's bright red and leaves with the lady, I'm sure his heart was beating just as fast as mine
>My bf and roommate followed me to the help desk, and I tried to report the incident. The guy shrugged and told me "looking like that, there's nothing we can do for you"
>I was fucking FURIOUS after he said that, so I go outside and smoke a cigarette to try and collect myself
>Start talking to this nice older lady, she asks what happened and I explain etc etc
>She asks to see my outfit from behind, then she, too, tells me I was asking for it

The rest of the con turned right back in to an amazing time, but maaan. It honestly bothered me a lot more the way the staff handled the situation than the sleazebag with the camera did. I completely expected to see similar pictures surface on the internet after the con, (and they did) but being told that I just needed to deal with it after catching someone in the act was not okay. Even my bf at the time said I was overreacting. So happy to have seen these signs at ECCC this year

>> No.7487472

holy shit, i'm burning with rage just reading this. That's just horrible shit. i dont even understand this kind of behavior

>> No.7487482

Holy shit anon, if that were me, after the con I would have emailed the staff about it and demanded a formal apology.

Or I just would have straight up name and shamed the con and made sure everyone knew the people that worked it were fucking awful.

>> No.7487483

Don't wear revealing cosplay if you don't want sexual attention. It's common sense.

>> No.7487485

She... she already named what con it was...

>> No.7487486

That's like telling someone not to wear any 'revealing' clothing because they're asking to be raped.

>> No.7487487

It's not that you're asking for it, it's that people are perverts and they're going to look at you a certain way if you're dressed like that. It's just to be expected.

>> No.7487492


I was fine with the sexual attention. I let multiple people take "sexy" pictures of me that weekend, because, holy shit, they ASKED! You don't see me on beaches in the summer with a camera trying to sneak around and take pictures of guys' crotches. It's human decency

>> No.7487496


You're expecting someone to be familiar with the rules of courteous behavior of a subculture -- they won't be.

While in a public space, people will treat you as though you're in a public space -- no-limits photography included.

I advise you relax. If you can, do not let it bother you.

>> No.7487501


Good karma to you, my friend.

If I may -- I'll suggest you take care of yourself, the same way you take care of others.

Others are not more important than you -- they're as important as you.

>> No.7487513


I'm aware of this, but that doesn't make it okay. I have every right to be upset at someone taking pictures of me without my consent, and I believe that if more cosplayers were as vocal as I was in that situation, this sort of thing wouldn't happen as much. There is no reason that anyone should be made to feel uncomfortable at a convention, and there is no reason that the people behaving inappropriately shouldn't be able to control themselves

Honestly, the first time I posted this story on /cgl/ a few years ago, I got called a slut, was told I was lucky I wasn't raped, and all manner of other awful things. Someone even said that if they had been the guy in my story, they would have charged with me assault. The responses this time around tell me we've already made a lot of progress in eradicating this mindset, so that's actually pretty rad

>> No.7487519

I agree that taking photos without consent is pretty rude. The 'you're dressed to attract attention and in a public place' rationale doesn't fly with me.

How would mothers feel if some guy started taking photos of their kid? They are in a public place, so these guys should be allowed to take photos of them, right? Yeah try that argument out on the mother. Just because a person is in a public space and dressed a certain way means they are 'asking' for anything.

>> No.7487523

Thank you, anon! This is a way better way of explaining this than my "taking pictures of man-bulge at the beach" example

>> No.7487526
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>cosplaying Kirino
>waiting for friends to return from some panel I didn't want to see
>some group of weird weeb catgirls come at me out of nowhere, start touching me and poking me and saying "nya" a lot
>nervously laugh and try to back off, saying I'm not ok with people touching me
>they continue to poke me and laugh and say "it's fine don't worry about it"
>I'm extraordinarily ticklish so I start laughing a lot
>the girls pin me to the floor and continue to tickle me and start cackling like hyenas
>one of them shouts for other people to come help, and says "she's having fun! it's fine!"
>10 people touching me and tickling me
>someone takes my shoe off and is licking my foot
>takes a whole 5 minutes for staff to come and break it up, he ignores my complaints completely and lets them walk away

I hate everything.

>> No.7487589

>I have every right to be upset at someone taking pictures of me without my consent

Yes, you do. Of course you do. This is the right of every human being.

But it is also the right of every human being to take pictures of things in a public space while in a public space. You can ask them to stop, but that doesn't mean they have to.

I advise, again, you worry less about it.

>> No.7487594


It's really crappy because yeah it's rude to take photos (I got posted to twitter, some line about bo peep and her black sheep--was walking with a black friend on campus sigh) especially if it's to post somewhere on social media.
Like. At least credit me. Ask for my twitter handle or my blog.
It isn't the jeering or anything that bothers me but damn all that work on coords and makeup and no credit...

Anyway, if I don't want my photo taken I either drop the parasol between me and the camera OR I make the ugliest face ever and give the middle finger.

No rule saying we have to be kawaii in public photos...

>> No.7487598
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Guy here.
If you spoke of this to me, I too would be perturbed. It's just not pleasant to talk about and my opinion of you would be severely lowered.
Evidently not the sort of person to talk to, you can't even hold a proper conversation.

>> No.7487648

I don't understand this mindset, though. If you were blatantly taking pictures of a random "normal" person, a good chunk of those people would probably freak out at you. In fact, I've heard a few stories on here where lolitas had pictures taken without permission, and in retaliation they take the asshole's picture, and the asshole freaks out. It's not acceptable. I don't know why so many on this board think it is.

>> No.7487653

That isn't the issue, dude. If everyone else in your life finds it sooo fucking hilarious, why are you whining about a bunch of anonymous blobs of text on a shitty website telling you you're a creep? Answer: because you have no self-esteem and crave approval, but shield it being arrogance and insults. Go wank off to moeshit, you socially incompetent embarrassment.

>> No.7487655

I feel like this year's AX is going to be a horror story for me.

>Meeting up with internet friends and boyfriend
>2 live in California, one flying in from East coast (let's call him Henry), another may or may not be coming
>Henry is an obese neckbeard with a tendency to ~fall in love~ with random girls, he claims to have a large list of mental conditions and has a habit of lying and exaggerating things in an attempt to make people laugh or like him
>Has gone on rants about killing all of humanity, all SJWs, etc. Delusional, to put it shortly. Believes in tulpa and summoning shit.
>Idolizes Okabe Rintaro, wants to change his last name to something fandom-related (cuz it's AWESOME guize!!!)
>I feel really bad for him, all of us have tried to cut him off before, but he always ends up coming back somehow
>We've made it clear to him that he is not going to be rooming with us because he still owes money to my boyfriend from last year
>All of us are going to be busy with someone else (me with my boyfriend, other guy with his friend), meaning Henry is going to either be the third wheel to someone or be on his own
>Last year, he didn't even go to the con. He stayed in the hotel and actually asked me if he should go or not, after paying thousands of dollars to fly over, pay for a hotel, etc.
>Claims to be too poor to afford his own food, yet somehow can afford to buy a 600 dollar DVD set and multiple figures
>Faked having heart palpitations or a heatstroke or something to get con security to let him inside once (Some of you may have seen this last year, apparently he made a big deal out of it. I wasn't there to see it)

I'm extremely happy to be seeing all of my friends, even him to some degree, but I just know some shit is going to go down. Last year, the con ended up with another two girls on Henry's list of rejections and everyone except for me not talking to him. Well, if anything interesting does happen, I'll definitely share it with /cgl/ at least.

>> No.7487776

>acquaintances with this girl, typical weeb with a dream of being a mangaka in glorious nippon
>she brings her shitty sketchbook everywhere, constantly shoves it in people's faces
>sketchbook is filled with pencil sketches and is made of poor quality paper (the type you buy in rolls for kids)

>convention time comes around and I'm in the dealer's hall
>see her from afar, sketchbook in bag
>we inevitably bump into each other, cue awkward conversation
>'omg anon, its totezz randum that i saw u here XD'
>'well not really, I go to most conventions'
>'have you seen my new pics!? dw, my hentai is all on the other page' *shoves her drawings in my face*
>I make some general comment that I can't remember
>'I know I'm hella good becoz ever1 tells me i am tehehe. I'm gunna show my stuff to the art ppl and they're gunna luv it!'
>'That's great, best of luck'
>she finally leaves
>looking through the convention guide later on I realize that a big name comic publisher is doing a folio review that day
>I realize that this is what the weeb was rattling on about
>only problem, she just draws anime style shit
>whole convention and the publisher only deal with western style stuff
>tfw I realize she shoved her shitty sketchbook in their faces
>tfw you imagine the awkward concrit they would have given
>I could picture how poorly her inflated ego handled it
>So much regret that I didnt get to see her meltdown in person

I don't know what happened to her after that because I haven't seen her around for years, maybe she did make it to glorious nippon?

>> No.7487791

all this. sage for no contribution

>> No.7487802

You're probably a cunt anyway.

Moeshit is garbage though.
>why are you whining about a bunch of anonymous blobs of text on a shitty website telling you you're a creep?
It should be obvious, and you're still wrong.

>> No.7487804

>it's not sexist, it's true

these things are not mutually exclusive.
I'm extremely outgoing when it comes to sex jokes, dirty jokes, sex health, talking about sex, all that shizzle wizzle. I worked at a sex store and have worked with front line sex workers before so it's nothing new to me.

That said, if I was having a conversation with a cool guy and we were already getting along and I wasn't getting any creepy vibes and you threw in one masturbation joke that doesn't go into too much detail, I probably wouldn't care.
But if it was constant masturbation jokes it would be annoying and gross as fuck, and if you went into a lot of detail it would be super awkward. It would come off as creepy if it was like "hello, what are you cosplaying from? Oh, I can't watch that or I'll masturbate."

Basically you can make jerking off jokes all you want, but judging by your posting here you come off aspie as fuck and I'd probably avoid you unless you're miraculously better at socializing IRL.

>> No.7487823

>We both know that it doesn't matter what you say as long as you don't look like a retard.
>ESPECIALLY at a con. I've proven this countless times.

Within the right context, yeah, but we're not talking about trading jerkoff jokes with strangers after hanging out all night, are we? We're talking just bringing up your hand on your junk as a default conversation tree.

>> No.7487828


Sweet jesus, sometimes I hate being a barrelchested hairy guy (limits the cosplays), but I sure am glad I am when I read multiple stories like this. Sorry that happened to you.

>> No.7487831


There's a difference between acceptable attention--IE appreciative looks, asked-for photos, etc--and outright leering, getting handsy, and taking illicit closeups of somebody's ass, tits, or cunt, dude.

>> No.7487849


>That sounds creepy, but I always try and throw around self deprecating masturbation jokes

>> No.7487869

>Its not sexist, if its true
Fixed that. Also, working in a sex shop is a huge flag to not interact with you. Youre probably craycray. And a total dog.
And thats ignoring the fact that /cgl/isnt known for its own social grace and self awareness. Dont have to worry about me when Id avoid you.
Dont want to get drool on my cosplay

>> No.7487873

Actually. Thats exactly what I meant. But we're in neurotic girl territory, so whats true or not doesnt matter

If it keeps people like you away from me. Ill keep it up.

>> No.7487880

What age are you?
I'm thinking 14-17. Any older, colour me shocked.

>> No.7487905

See military anons suggestions in

>> No.7487975

>how old r u

You're circling the drain, /cgl/.

>> No.7488167

>Actually. Thats exactly what I meant.

You didn't make it sound like that at all, man, you made it sound like it was in your bag of tricks within fifteen minutes of talking. "Oh, you're dressed as OGIUE? Man, I can't even watch Genshiken, I start fapping the moment I see Hato."

>> No.7488202

Working in a sex store is the same as working any other retail. It's funny you'd instantly judge me by the fact I worked at one. It's honestly not that weird.

Again, truth and sexism are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Anyway, it seems like you're just trying to get people to agree with you and when they don't you try to personally insult them. I even said that if you were a cool guy and made a jerking off joke I would probably not care or also find it funny. It depends on context. I added the fact I worked at a sex store to show you that i'm not a "prude" as you seem to like to label so many people on here who wouldn't appreciate your jokes.
The thing is we have no context, you're just a random anon who popped in here and said "I make jerking off jokes at cons to people I've just met all the time, is that socially acceptable?"
What do you expect the reaction to be? "har har that's so funny and edgy lawl"?

Anyway at this point everyone is just shitting up the thread by replying to you so I hope everyone will just stop. But that's asking a lot from cgl...

>> No.7488206


this is what I thought as well, and probably what a lot of people thought.
sage for double post.

>> No.7488408


I keep thinking about picking up a part-time nights and weekends gig at a sex shop, but I'm too straight (well, bi, but straight-presenting) and male and Irish-built to be anything but offputting to nervous customers. Nobody wants a deep-voiced dude who shaves every other day telling them about how great Lelo vibes are.

>> No.7488412

>[damage control intensifies]

>> No.7488687
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be just like working regular retail, its just you'd have to suggest if they want a subscription to Jugs Monthly or get an electronic vagina

>> No.7488975

My post doesn't sound that way at all.
And the jokes are far more depressing sounding than any example given in this thread.

It isn't weird.
I've just met a lot of 'sex shop' workers and they ALWAYS like to make a big deal out of it.
>Oh, I work in a sex shop by the way, silly boys!
>So I'm totally the cool chick, don't sweat it bro!
They're usually the stuff of weeaboo threads.
And yes, /cgl/ is very easy to agitate without trying. It's because they're mostly female.

>> No.7488994



>> No.7489114

I've never been given a reason not to think the way I do. By anyone.
And that goes double for everyone on /cgl/.

>> No.7489202

Completely different anon here, but say a cosplayer is posing for another person already, would it be okay to just take a quick pic of that from off to the side?
I admittedly do this occasionally when the cosplayer looks to be getting a lot of attention. I feel like I don't really want to be bothering them by adding onto their line for personal shots.

>> No.7489364

it's fine unless they look like they're in a rush

I actually don't bring it up unless someone asks or it's relevant to a subject or point I'm trying to make (like above).

You're making a lot of assumptions for the sake of trying to prove yourself right.

>> No.7489599

>prove yourself right

You people seem really focused on this idea that I'm trying to prove something.
I dont know why I would have to
A. Prove something to the internet Anonymously
B. Prove something I know for a fact is true.

>> No.7489609


Well, he managed to derail this fucking thread, so I'm sure he feels like he's righter than right.

>at very first con, 16 year old weeaboo
>named Jim, have dorky side-part in hair
>end up sitting next to another man who has the same name, hair parted from the opposite side
>he is my more weeaboo, more annoying doppleganger
>more acne than man
>follows me around for entire day, keeps "accidentally" running into me
>since I'm dressed as Wolfwood, he keeps yelling
>boasts of his hentai purchases in full view of other strangers
>cannot talk below a roaring screech
>finally shake him by wandering into outdoor event
>it's a weeaboo wedding, people dancing in cosplay and drinking champagne
>is this real life

Also learned the value of foam. A cross made out of steel crutches wrapped in hundreds of pieces of cardboard wrapped in sheets and black tape looks surprisingly good and is surprisingly heavy.

>> No.7490718
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everytime I think about this i makes me sad/angry

>Go to con with boyfriend
>Wearing stupid costumes, have a Minecraft TNT block
>Minecraft is kind of sentimental to me for reasons that aren't interesting
>TNT block is basically a medium sized cardboard box but I had hand-painted it with my roommate/good friend before he went back to Korea
>took us several hours to paint the whole thing because it was all hand painted, hand drawn, carefully taped to get sharp edges etc
>Anyway, at the con
>carrying around TNT block while boyfriend carries the stuff
>We're in the dealer's hall
>I want to look at something so I put down the TNT block right beside me. It's not very busy at the booth so I figure it's fine
>Fumbling to get my money from boyfriend's pocket
>suddenly hear BOOOMF
>fat neckbeard has punted my box into the dealers hall crowd
>his friends and him are laughing hysterically
>hear "wtf ow what is this argh" etc from the spot where my box landed
>Whip around and start yelling at him
>Boyfriend isn't yelling but he also starts to aggressively ask them wtf they were thinking etc
>security hears the commotion
>I try to explain what happens
>"move along stop causing commotion"

>fucking asshole staff do nothing about it, neckbeard and friends run away
>try to tell other staff, they don't care
>box disappears for the rest of the con, a friend apparently saw it flattered and ripped up behind a dealer's booth

>Spend a couple hours crying then pull myself together

fucking neckbeards

>> No.7492327

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7492379
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> It's human decency
Thinking someone who'd take pictures of someone's tush without consent would be decent

>> No.7492809

Holy fuck. That made me really sad. Sorry that happened to you anon