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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 300x200, ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7481584 No.7481584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discussion thread for the Anonymous ran tumblr blog, Lolita911.

Discuss blog content, what you want to see, what you don't want to see. Share your ideas!

>> No.7481587

Probably should have put run instead of ran.
Ah well. Too late now.

>> No.7481591

critic coords

>> No.7481593

I think we should only critic coordinates that we have consent to, otherwise we'll get SJWs bitching and whining out us because we're damaging their "FREEDUM OF EXPRESSHUN"

>> No.7481594

I want to see a 'no spoon feeding' mentality, for questioners to realize that if their answer can be found in the first page or 2 of a google search, they need to gtfo and learn to look it up.

>> No.7481600

I'd like to see a link to polyvore and examples of doing a coordinate collage in a post to get noobs collaging early on before they start buying.

>> No.7481599

what's going on?

also just visited that tumblr but it's all blank

>> No.7481604

It's a new blog that was started up less than 30 minutes ago. Basically we're going to be running a blog together that gives real information for beginners and experienced lolitas. Like lolita-tips, just less shit and more brutally honest. I just hope the person that made the blog doesn't get bored of it within a week and forgets about it.

>> No.7481605

>collaging early on before they start buying
i personally dislike over-reliance on those collages
they're okay to look at for inspiration, for sure, but it doesn't actually depict how an outfit looks like on a real person in 3-dimensional form

the best example to expose newbies to, would be good photos of worn co-ords (instead of good photos of co-ord collages)

>> No.7481606


>> No.7481608

It's a new blog that was started up less than 30 minutes ago. Basically we're going to be running a blog together that gives real information for beginners and experienced lolitas. Like lolita-tips, just less shit and more brutally honest. I just hope the person that made the blog doesn't get bored of it within a week and forgets about it.
Honestly, was that not obvious enough?

>> No.7481616

Should I put that in the FAQ? If your question can easily be found on Google, or if it's been recently answered on the blog, it will be deleted/ignored. I recognise since it's Tumblr, I'm going to have to be politer than I would be here to make sure I don't hurt anyone's fee fees, but I'm not going to be holding anyone's hand through babby's first coord.

>I just hope the person that made the blog doesn't get bored of it within a week and forgets about it.
No need to worry about that, anon. Although, I'm wondering if I should have themed days just to keep the blog active in the meantime.

>> No.7481620
File: 15 KB, 1005x107, yaoiloversama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reverse google image searched that picture, checked the comments of the photo and saw this. I think it makes it look perfect due to their avatar and username.

>> No.7481618

That's true and it's best but finding worn coords of things proposed is difficult and a very big reason why the text blocks in Lolita tips blog are so deadly dull. She may have Bodyline L-xyz blouse shape burned in her brain but I am usually 'wtf picture please' at that point.

Also collaging eliminates the greater noob mistakes when they can at least throw the items they are proposing together and realize they have 4 shades of pink and then only black in the shoes.
Other thoughts?

>> No.7481623

We should put up a disclaimer that if they ask us for help with anything we're going to critique the coord automatically. I mean, randomly critiquing coords that are just on tumblr will make people mad, but if people submit to us expecting asspats on their shitty coord that 'totes is great but needed a little but extra' they can just forget it. No your coord isn't great, no it doesn't just need one little thing to make it perfect, it's not good and you should start from scratch.

I agree with this 100%

Just started it earlier.

I agree, but I think we should try to leave it to only brand items for that, because a lot of the time people collage really nice offbrand stuff and noobs think that anything goes, like a really well fit, lacy cardigan translates to any and all frumpy cardigans to some people for some reason. Obviously we can leave accessories to offbrand, but with pieces like shoes and any clothing items, sticking to brand is best for boobs.

Restating what I mentioned earlier, I think that anyone who submits a coord whether it be for critiquing or a simple question of 'what more does this need' should know that they will be critiqued on the quality, no allowing people to submit shit they think looks good and getting all huffy when we say it doesn't. I see a lot of people with badly put together coords asking about accessories etc, that seem to think nothing is wrong with them and being told that nothing is wrong and that creates itas. If you don't want your coord critiqued don't ask a question about it.

>> No.7481629

Yep, put it in the FAQ and I lol'd at the
"I recognise since it's Tumblr, I'm going to have to be politer than I would be here to make sure I don't hurt anyone's fee fees, but I'm not going to be holding anyone's hand through babby's first coord."

And I think THAT should go in the FAQ as well to let people know straight up, this is a no-nonsense truthful blog that takes no prisoners and gives no fucks.

>> No.7481639

I completely agree with using brand as example and getting them used to the fact that it's the rule, and offbrand and especially loliables are the exceptions, and NOT always or even often suitable.

Ditto on the You WILL recurve a good and fair but truthful critique if you submit, and no sugar coated compliment sandwiches.

The idea is that they are submitting to learn and strive to imprive, not collect golden donuts and marshmallow stars

>> No.7481646

don't want to see:
> anything to do with fandom/crossover coords
> 'does this make Bodyline thing make a good coord???!!!??'
> 'help me make an outfit with xxx!!'
> 'is this site legit?!!"

all of these need to be answered with ' look at the FAQ' or 'lurk moar I ain't spoon feedin' ya'll

want to see:
picture examples for stuff including the old school shit for GLB

>> No.7481653

>a lot of the time people collage really nice offbrand stuff and noobs think that anything goes, like a really well fit, lacy cardigan translates to any and all frumpy cardigans
What about just describing WHY a cardigan works in a coord? Like "this cardigan works because of the delicate lace details and ends just before the skirt flares out"
I'd really like to see an analysis of good thrift shop finds vs bad ones, I don't know if it's really the thing for this though because it requires some effort. But it drives me up the wall when even older members go on about all the horrible office blouses they've "thrifted" nope

>> No.7481656

>Should I put that in the FAQ
Nobody reads FAQs on tumblr

OP please show us photos of your co-ord to prove your worth. How do we know you're not another ita trying to run an advice blog.

>> No.7481659

This is also a good idea. I suggested brand items because for the most part they're already going to fit the bill, but we could elaborate on why and encourage people to make coords with offbrand that has the same stylization as the brand items.

>> No.7481666

Sorry buy if tis is going to be a source of information ith shouldn't be on tumblr

>> No.7481674

it's hard to take your opinion seriously with all those fat fingers.

>> No.7481675

>OP please show us photos of your co-ord to prove your worth. How do we know you're not another ita trying to run an advice blog
This is literally the one thing that makes me think this blog is a waste of time. I get the feeling OP is an ita, or somebody who coords boringly. After seeing the progress thread, I can't trust anyone anymore. Itas are all around us...

>> No.7481676

I wanna see you guys call out the shitty tumblr blogs that accept dresses from Milanoo, take a picture of their face and not the dress, and give it a 4.5/5 (and it's ALWAYS 4.5/5, what the fuck is that about?).

Also, I think taobao-finds is a great example on how to handle stupid questions from people who didn't read the FAQ.

>> No.7481677

You should learn how to type if you want to piss people off with snarky comments.

>> No.7481680

How does taobao-finds handle it? I honestly think their blog is shite, so I don't follow it anymore.

>> No.7481684

If it's a 911 blog for saving noobs from the ita, then loliables and thrifting aren't really the best subjects for them, I'm thinking. To me, that comes later, once they have the basics down and a couple of good working coords going.

>> No.7481692

No. We want a photo here to see if you're worthy of being our blog editor.

>> No.7481691

If more people really want to check, I can find a photo of myself to toss on the blog. Since the blog is going to be run more by seagulls than me, you don't have to worry too much.

>> No.7481693

The advice for this blog is collective Anon here, not OP though, so we won't let ita things get past, if I'm interpreting things correctly? Anon is setting it up but the advice comes through us here to prevent one opinion from holding too much sway.

>> No.7481699

so, everytime OP receives a question, she will post her answer on cgl for approval before posting it on her tumblr?

pretty much this

>> No.7481703

It should be though, as a beacon of truth in the sea of mush. Tumblr is the biggest ita haven on the interweebs. Mother Theresa didn't work in the palaces, she worked in the alleys.

>> No.7481707

That's the premise, yep, for the questions to be posted here and then collective Anon to reply.

>> No.7481710

i see two possibilities

1. you might as well invite them to cgl and post here
2. you're going to invite a hoard of stupid, tasteless noob itas into cgl unintentionally. XD ^_^ :(

>> No.7481721

Not if we keep cgl out of it. Nobody's gonna know where these anons are unless we say something.

>> No.7481730

Why don't we just have a shared password or something?

>> No.7481738

publicly sharing a password isn't a good idea. if they choose a few people to give it to, thats okay. who knows what would happen if the password fell into the wrong hands....

>> No.7481740

Maybe I'm not seeing why the OP needs to be a perfect lolita herself because I'm 100% sure that nearly every question she gets is going to be something like "Is Oo Jia legit? Where can I buy a petticoat? What's the difference between a square-dancing skirt and a lolita skirt no nevermind I'm wearing my thrifted square-dancing skirt as lolita anyways" and the ones that aren't are going to be similar to the coord help threads, where someone usually just needs ideas for fixing a minor detail or adding accessories. Not rocket science shit.

>> No.7481745

We are The Secret Collective of Knowledge, not 'the Anons of 4Chan', shhhhhhh.....

>> No.7481746

Well I meant we could share it via email, like have people apply or something?
We could also just run the blog via email. Just have everyone on a mailing list and link to the coord in question, I guess it seems like a pain but it would be easier, because I'm sure some noob ita will find out it's run by us and then bitch about how evil /cgl/ is totes just bullying and trolling everyone with shitty meany advice.

>> No.7481753

no, I think it's good to provide good, solid advice (and I love whoever mentioned EXPLAINING WHY PIECES WORK that is the most important thing!) for the things that people who are new to lolita are automatically going to gravitate towards.

For instance, someone asks, "omg!!! i want to go thrift shopping for circle skirts!! Lolita!" or something more coherent, and you can be like, "well, it's going to be basically impossible to wear a lolita outfit if you don't already know how to sew the right silhouette or buy pieces specifically made for the fashion. but if you want to start getting used to dressing feminine and with care, starting to wear skirts and tights with some cute shoes might be a good start - coordinate a normal outfit with the same care as you would a lolita outfit, but base it only off of what your own personal tastes are"

except not as nice, because anon. but you know, the gist.

>> No.7481756

I don't want the password, I just want to contribute to the Collective. I trust Anon as a whole to tackle any actual tough question that isn't a 'look it up', 'do your research' or other inane question died 1000 times (which hopefully the 'if it's in the first couple of pages of a google search we will ignore your question' ulema will take care of) and there's always someone or 2 on here to do a concrit of a submitted coord within 24-48 hours. I think it's a pretty simple formula.

I think 2 people should hold the password though.

>> No.7481763

This is a perfect reason why a collective is good, you love explaining that kind of thing so you could field that rather than me who would stay 'loliables are from the devil, noobs can't have any' haha.

>> No.7481795

Yeah, I don't plan on making it obvious that the anons are coming from /cgl/. What if we were to have a private FB group where we can discuss questions? Since no one aside from us even knows about this yet, it wouldn't be likely to have any Tumblrites in it.

>> No.7481803

Let's do it in a more Anon place than Facebook so we can preserve Anon with each other as well, at least at first.

>> No.7481804


>> No.7481808

Are there any private boards there?

>> No.7481814

I'm down for facebook.

>> No.7481816

I'd rather something like a forumotion board, is don't have a throwaway facebook.

>> No.7481828

haha! using the collective for a cause

agreed with this

>> No.7481830

Doesn't look like it. Only place I know of that we could keep it private is a locked LJ group, and have everyone make throwaway journals.

I know fuckall about making forums.

If any anons still want it, I did post a photo on the blog. I'll probably delete it shortly, though, since it really doesn't matter how I look; we're all running this.

>> No.7481841

You look nice Anon! One thing about the blog though, I think the theme is a bit too small. I honestly thought I had somehow zoomed out a bit.

>> No.7481844

I'll make a forumotion forum, brb.

>> No.7481866


I agree on the font. I tried making it larger, but lol coding. How does it look now? I just scrapped the old theme altogether.

You're a saint.

>> No.7481871

Forumotion Forum is set up, ready to send invites to throwaway emails.

>> No.7481878

lol i am so sorry to be that person but maybe "anonymously run" and not "anonymous run"? One sounds like it is run by an anonymous person or peoples and the other sounds like 4channers lol

at least that's how i perceived it right away, especially since someone upthread noted that there is a possibility of people migrating here if they figure it out.

>> No.7481882

I'd like to join, are you going to link or should I drop an email?

>> No.7481883

Collectively run? Avoiding the 'Anon' association completely?

>> No.7481886

Drop your throwaway mails so I can send invites, it's private, invite only

>> No.7481888

Disposable in the field.

"This is a collectively run blog?"

>> No.7481895

Oh god. It's kapucakes.
Everyone abort. This thing is just gonna turn into a dramafest like frilly confessional.

>> No.7481900

Wait a sec. Didn't she shut down/abandon it or something? Hold on a sec, I want to hear.

>> No.7481901

I meant >>7481830

>> No.7481899

> implying we don't feed on drama

>> No.7481906

She shut it down because people "bullied" her for giving shitty advice to noobs.

>> No.7481907

Anon, please don't insult me like that. I just happen to be another black loli.

>> No.7481908

Another anorexic black loli? Is that why you covered your face?

>> No.7481913

Kapu, is it true? What's the skinny on that. You've got a good idea here, I do not want to see it go to shit, especially since I made a damn private forum so talk, please?

>> No.7481914

Or better yet, if we want yo take it private, whomever is in to at least sort it out leave your mails so we can open the forum and hash it out.

>> No.7481915

Oh and she also talks in a very belittling way to anybody that tries to correct her or give her advice she doesn't agree with.

>> No.7481922

I'm reading, but it want to hear it out, this is a good idea and if she's taking on others as a collective, it's likely she's learned from the solo mistake and wants to do better this time. I'm willing to hear.

>> No.7481926

It kinda makes sense if it is her. I've heard that Kapu tries I get involved with all sorts of lolita blogs that are made for the community. A public ran advice blog seems right up her ally to try and start, seeing as she's one of those beginner flakes that thinks she knows everything. I think she browses cgl, too.

>> No.7481928

I'm not Kapu, promise. I honestly don't know much about her, but you don't have to worry about this going to shit. I really do want this to work.

I could post my face on the forum.

>> No.7481931

To* oops. Sorry, I'm using my phone.

>> No.7481932

Well? Let's talk it out.

>> No.7481935

collectively is good!

>> No.7481936

Why not on the blog? Seeing as only we know the URL at the moment it shouldn't matter.

>> No.7481944

I'm starting to feel really skeptical about this now... I love a good bit of drama, but not when it's coming out of something that has great potential to make an impact on the community.

>> No.7481950


>> No.7481949

So if several of us hold the pass, and we collectively answer the questions, how will it go to shit? The worst it could do is get shut down as a power trip by one admin and if that happened, that admin would get denounced right back here and no one wins. I don't think that will happen.

>> No.7481958

Oh thank fuck for that. Thank fuck you're not Kapu. I'm sorry for the misunderstandings, I just felt paranoid. You're cute btw.

>> No.7481968

oh, you're cute.

>> No.7481969

Ok, so that's settled then? Are we going to do the forum/mail/invite thing or just keep posting here for everyone to read? I only got one mail posted to invite so far and I need to jet pretty soon, I'd like to test out the forum a bit first if we could please.

>> No.7481980

Do we have to post pics of ourselves?
throwaway in field.

>> No.7481985
File: 19 KB, 184x184, 1387413110487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulling the race card
Captcha: Knowledgeable emoWha

>> No.7481992

This should be on the front page somewhere.
>Mother Theresa, I'm dying

>> No.7481993

throwaway in the field

>> No.7482001

Invite sent

>> No.7482004

>mentioning race
>"pulling the race card"
how retarded are you

>> No.7482015


>> No.7482016

I can help i guess

>> No.7482032

I would like to join!

>> No.7482037 [DELETED] 

Would love to be in on this.

>> No.7482041


>> No.7482043

Count me in

>> No.7482050

Well well, priest and king, eh? Sent!

>> No.7482067

Can everyone post in the forum intro section once registered? I think I have it locked down to outsiders but open for posting for members. Please test for me?

>> No.7482068

I'd sign up to join in, but I'm a beginner myself, so I'll refrain. Curious as to how this blog will turn out though, so I'll definitely keep tabs on it—maybe even go there for some concrit myself when /cgl/'s critique threads aren't being particularly useful.

Good luck in this endeavor, seagulls. Hopefully it doesn't fall to shit too soon!

>> No.7482080

Disposable in field.

I think the private forum system will work well. This definitely seems like the best option.

>> No.7482084

throwaway in the field

>> No.7482086

Here's me!

>> No.7482090

I think it went through.

I'm out for a few hours, everyone. Feel free to come up with ideas for info posts in the meantime.

>> No.7482104


Everyone who has requested an invite so far has been sent one. If I somehow skipped you, please leave another message and kind of jump up and down or wave or something. Otherwise I'm off for a while as well. If anyone has forum experience and would like to moderate, please leave me a message at the forum. Mods may have to disclose a bit more info to be accountable, tbd. Thank you.

>> No.7482106

By all means test us out and give us a challenge. It will be good practice.

>> No.7482123

Seconding. If anyone can come up with some kind of prompt to get us started that would be really great.

>> No.7482154

I'd love to help

>> No.7482207

So you just assumed it was Kapu for what reason?
>taking the b8

>> No.7482216

Throwaway in field

>> No.7482218

Throwaway in field yo

>> No.7482229

In field.

>> No.7482234


I posted a few prompts at the forum

>> No.7482247

yo yo yo

>> No.7482252


I'm going to set a hold on further additions here until we take stock of who we have so far and decide on a number of contributors total. We want enough for availability and discussion but not so many that topics just descend into squabbling.

>> No.7482322

I don't think my email sent through? Perhaps it's because I just made the account so it's acting funky, but could you try sending again?

Thank you.

>> No.7482346

Resent, it may go to spam until you allow the address. Let me know.

>> No.7482351

Received. Thank you

>> No.7482482


Disposable email's in the field.

I'm legit excited about this. If this works this could be a coord blog that is actually...you know...helpful.

>> No.7482507

Are you still around? I want to post a throwaway email but I'm worried it'll expire.

>> No.7482518

I'd like in on this, too!

>> No.7482816


>> No.7482898

still havent gotten an email...>>7481871

>> No.7483466

I'm going to set a hold on further additions here until we take stock of who we have so far and decide on a number of contributors total and the best way to proceed. We want enough for availability and discussion but not so many that topics just descend into squabbling. Stay tuned, I saved your mails in the field (in order) but may ask them again.

I somehow skipped you above, apologies, I've sent an invite now.

>> No.7483676

I have quite a few G&LB and am working to complete my collection of them with oldest first so I can post select pages. I like oldschool.

>> No.7483698

I think a very cohesive guide on how to do fandom lolita appropriately would benefit us all. We don't have to see shitty doctor who lolita with a shitty police box skirt, and they'll be satisfied with making good fandom coordinates.

>> No.7483992


>cohesive guide on how to do fandom lolita appropriately

Don't do it. Ever.

There. I wrote the guide.

>> No.7484005

We need to set guidelines on where to be strict...
Like people may do it anyways so at least if we have a guide to handmade things we can talk about quality fabric, patterns, etc

>> No.7484200

That's where opinions come in. Those interested can write a helpful guide. Those against it like myself can state that I do not think any fandom coordinates however well made, can transcend the weeb-ness of being an obvious fandom coord.

Someone else might chime in with something in the middle. We will not always have consensus on topics, but it's important to at least briefly qualify the opinions so noobs learn WHY.

>> No.7484218
File: 424 KB, 692x691, 1396982756754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think quality of fabric, patterns, and finishing are the big 3.

Some couture techniques, such as underlining and blind hemming really make a difference

>> No.7484230

Speaking of the big three, a head to head photo comparison with a good and bad brand dress and a good and bad offbrand dress explaining these things might help. Many people who wear jeans, sweats and shirts are kind of stunned at linings, hidden zippers, self-petticoat netting, etc so think that Bodyline serged things are 'good' until they finally see better in detail. Bodyline finishing, fabric and details are better than Walmart despite it being designated 'the Walmart of Lolita'. But if no one has seen brand before, they aren't going to know and feel self-conscious to ask about the differences.

>> No.7484454

I would gladly help with this, but unfortunately I only have one brand piece (Meta) and have long since sold my Bodyline stuff. It's really bad because I long for nicely constructed RTW but they tend to be in higher end stores. A pair of jeans from F21 is not the same as a pair from Lucky

>> No.7484492

oh wow, great idea. i have a bodyline OP and and a few skirts so not a ton of variety, but still something! i was surprised by the quality of finishing when i saw brand, too.

>> No.7484529 [DELETED] 

I've never owned bodyline, only brand.
Not through being a brand whore just frugal and prefer saving toward something I /really/ want rather than something I sort of want.

Also for my first adventure into lolita I figured if I don't look good in the best (brand) then I'm certainly not going to suit indie or off brand and could always sell the brand.

>> No.7484533


I've never owned bodyline, only brand.
Not through being a brand whore just frugal and prefer saving toward something I /really/ want rather than something I sort of want.

Also for my first adventure into lolita I figured if I don't look good in the best (brand) then I'm certainly not going to suit indie or off brand and could always sell the brand.

>> No.7484738

That's a really good way of getting into it and the resale value is better, I just wish I had done that for my first trip. Good job being ahead of the game, you're cool in my book.

>> No.7484783

Here's mine, hope I'm not too late

>> No.7484800

I can try and take some pictures later, I have pieces from each of the big 4 brands (IW meta AP baby) plus some bodyline things.
My phone on my galaxy shoots well enough, photos incoming later tonight I guess.

>> No.7487938

Is this still happening?

>> No.7491329

Not OP, I'm the forum creator/admin.
The forum is made, 14 members registered, I'm just waiting to see what people do from there? I put up a poll for # of members wanted, 1/2 the membership has voted so far and a tie at between 20 and 25 members for the choice.
I'm just a single the current forum admin, it's up to the members to discuss and add content there and it's not really happening much yet. I also need a co-admin, hopefully with some forum experience. It's a tiny forum but it's best to always have 2 admin.

>> No.7491332

I can invite the next 6 people who listed emails and that will put membership at 20 but other than that, some content and posts just need to be created, I'm assuming OP is working on that?

>> No.7491333

I put you on the list.

>> No.7491357

Blog owner here, should I just make a quick petti basics post with some of the info on the forum, and then post it for the rest to flesh it out? I also posted a question from the blog, but no responses yet.

>> No.7491404

I'd like an invite. Throw away email provided.

>> No.7491435

I put you on the list.

More invites sent to hopefully equal 20 members, new invitees please post an intro in the forum.
I'll check back in here and at the forum by late Monday, but other forum members just need to communicate more to get things rolling. Have a nice weekend everyone!