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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7470328 No.7470328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hello, /cgl/ this is my first time here, and i am a noob at cosplay, but i want to know what are the benefits of buying the costume vs. handmaking it, and what are reliable websites if any? I also would like to know if weapons are required for all characters that use them? I'm not big on lugging around plaster swords. thanks in advance

>> No.7470369

Buying costumes can be VERY expensive. I'd only recommend that if you have zero skill, but you should try learning to sew. It'll save thousands of dollars in the long run if you plan to attend cons for a while. Also bought costumes are sometimes cheaply made. If you are going to buy a costume, please ignore the sizes and instead pay close attention to the measurements.

Also props are a nice touch, but if your costume, makeup, and wig are on point it isn't really needed.

>> No.7470376

>Buying vs. Handmaking the costume
If you hand make it, you'll definitely get a lot less shit about it and you can tailor it to yourself, make whatever adjustments you need, make your own fabric choices, etc. Buying might be simpler but if it's not properly fitted it'll look like shit.
Your call on that, although more accuracy is always good. It's understandable not wanting to bring a 7 foot foam sword onto a plane, but if it's something like a dagger or throwing star, just kind of looks like you didn't even try. If the rest of the cosplay is good though, you're fine.
>Reliable websites
It's really hit and miss. Ebay can be just as reliable as a cosplay-specific website, just try to avoid obvious red flags and always look for reviews when possible.
>Artwork instead of actual product
>Image ripped off taobao
>Low ratings
>No reviews for the site/product anywhere
>Low-res images
>Ridiculously cheap prices

What are you planning on cosplaying anon? Pic related?

>> No.7470383

not pic related, i haven't decided yet. But it's a toss between jonathan joestar, jellal, or maybe someone from attack on titan. i'm going to a convention in august, and figured if I have enough time and money its possible to pull something off.

>> No.7470409

Always nice to see jojo cosplays.
If you really want to go down the shingeki route, it might actually be cheaper to buy the cosplay since its so mass produced now, minus 3dmg. Wont look amazing though.

>> No.7470453

long time commissioner and decided to babby step my way into it.

It's frustrating as fuck (not taking classes and going off online shit) but when you see the progress you make it's so rewarding.

>> No.7470800

If you want to buy, it's probably best to at least get it commissioned to fit your sizes. It's also nice to have a discerning eye regarding quality, if there's obvious inaccuracies in your costume people will give you shit for it.

>> No.7470833

this is my biggest concern right now.

>> No.7472833

Everyone and their mother is doing AoT. Skip it.

>> No.7472859

Fm-anime make some pretty good pieces in my opinion. You can choose to have it custom made for your size. You can also ask for a custom piece that they haven't made yet. My only complaint work be that the sleeves are usually on the shorter side.

>> No.7477707 [DELETED] 

Why can't cute girls like this be actual virgins and be actually shy like Tomoko instead of the usual "introvert for female =same level as= extrovert for male".

>> No.7477711 [DELETED] 


>> No.7477717 [DELETED] 

Why do you care so much about whether someone, anyone is a virgin or not? It's literally a meaningless label, someone can be shy and have had sex, and someone can be extroverted and be a virgin. It's really an antiquated ideal.

Maybe if you stopped putting virginity on such a high pedestal and treated sex like a normal, healthy part of a committed relationship instead of some reward you should get for being a nice person, you wouldn't be a virgin yourself.

Just spillin some truth tea, don't mind me.

>> No.7477736

> I'm not big on lugging around plaster swords

If you're talking about transportation, you can always make the prop in parts and then put it together when you arrive at the con.

>> No.7477737 [DELETED] 

It's not truth tea though. All men know (even the ones who say they don't to get approval from the feminists) that taking a [preferably cute] girl's virginity is simply the jackpot. For her, it doesn't mean much, but for the guy it will be an unforgettable moment - to be "the guy" who took this one's virginity, "the guy" who tainted her with his man-semen, who took her purity and who can (and will) gloat over other men who fuck her afterwards that they're just getting his sloppy seconds.

You can keep telling yourself whatever you want, but this is the actual truth. No matter how much will men get pussified and afraid to admit it, at the end of the day, they still think to themselves "fuck yeah, jackpot!" when they rip a hymen apart.

You cannot change the nature of a man.

>> No.7477744 [DELETED] 

Also, no, "refusing to fuck anything but a virgin" is hardly the cause for virginity among men. For the guys who are virgins past the age of 18, it is virtually impossible to fuck a virgin - I'd even say objectively impossible to do legally.

>> No.7477748 [DELETED] 

pls go take your redpill somewhere else

>> No.7477769 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl who has a virgin fetish, and for me it's not really about purity, but about the idea of how the body works chemically. After sex you release endorphins that help to create the feeling of emotional bonds, the more people you have sex with and the more times you have sex, the less of these you release over time, so to me, it's kind of hot to think that you're "creating" a chemical emotional bond that someone will have for you. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a dom-sadist or whatever, but I find that idea pretty hot.

I know that most guys want a virgin because they buy into the whole idea of fairytale love even more than women do somehow. For some people it also may be the idea of innocence since virgins are pretty awkward and cute(as guys atleast not sure about girls) but it could also be a dominance objective. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think it's too too much of an issue for them to have a preference, but they fuck it up by calling other women whores and sluts, which okay, who cares?

I wouldn't care if they didn't act as if they were tainted as if they were meant for them. Obviously if they only like virgins the non-virgin girl wasn't the one for them so too bad, suck it up and get over yourselves.

>> No.7477775 [DELETED] 


>> No.7477776 [DELETED] 

>the more people you have sex with and the more times you have sex, the less of these you release over time
Someone clearly knows nothing about biology

>> No.7477801 [DELETED] 

Are you serious?

I mean, seriously. Tell me you're trolling. This is what each and every one of your boyfriends thought as well. The first one probably didn't realize how lucky he was to take your virginity, coz you both were just around the age of 12, but all the other boyfriends you had after would love to take some girl's virginity instead of fucking your first boyfriend's sloppy seconds.

It's really amazing how the underage kids on 4chan actually believe this feminism bullcrap they've been raised on.

>> No.7477804 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 323x378, 1388129468652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read a fucking book sometime, goddamn you internet people are retarded.

>> No.7477816 [DELETED] 

.feminism bullcrap they've been raised on
lol are you serious most people don't seriously understand gender discrimination and feminist issues until they go to college. go outside and read a book you retarded faggot.

>> No.7477863 [DELETED] 

No one cares about your shitty fetish, hambeast. TL;DR.

The point is that for men, this is not a "fetish", not something you have to be mentally retarded to like.

Every single male on Earth considers taking a girl's virginity jackpot. Western males are pussified manginas so many of them won't admit it openly, but that doesn't mean they don't remember such moments just as hard as other guys do.

>> No.7477910

Let me break it down for you.

>don't have to learn a new skill
>don't have to spend time making it
>easy and fast: all you have to do is order and wait
>cheaper since you don't have to invest in tools
>good for casual cosplaying
>almost never fully accurate
>looks bought
>not much customization
>doesn't always fit the best
>not unique
>not taken seriously by cosplayers that make their own
>limited choices in characters

You can negate almost all the cons by commissioning but that can be a crapshoot in itself finding a good commissioner and getting it looking the way you want.

Honestly for me half the fun is in making the cosplay and being able to talk shop with other crafters. I love being able to make a character and cosplay my own way and being able to choose less oft cosplayed characters. If you feel like you want to cosplay for a long time then I suggest learning how to sew right off the bat. Then you can build your skills up the entire time.

>> No.7478358

my sleeves were actually too long when it came in, but I think it has to do with the bust size I gave them. I am very small otherwise, but they seemed to think because of my bust that I was.. huge. Even with the proper measurements, if you a small girl with a larger bust ordering from fm-anime, or if you're compensating for stuffing even, STRESS to them your size. Fixing the top of my cosplay before the con was a nightmare.