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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 454 KB, 522x576, 283802_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7473337 No.7473337 [Reply] [Original]

So we have a dream dress thread, but can we get a worst nightmare thread?
Post the dresses you hate.

>> No.7473340


>> No.7473350
File: 71 KB, 232x313, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never understood what the hype around Vampire Requiem was about. Maybe it's because I've never seen it in person, but I've always thought that it looked kind of cheap.

>> No.7473351
File: 118 KB, 567x850, T2G6VcXwlaXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing.

>> No.7473353
File: 28 KB, 300x300, toyparade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toddler print, ugly bodice.

>> No.7473356
File: 51 KB, 394x602, 9423_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this is the same for a lot of other people, but it's gotta be this JSK. Actually, the same goes for squirrel party, bunny cinderella, soft cream and balloon bears.

>> No.7473357

take that back

>> No.7473363

No. It's ugly.

>> No.7473362

fucking magic whip, i just don't get it. i always wonder why i still see it for sale - who's still buying this print and thinks they can make it look good?? :c

>> No.7473366

Scrape that sand out of your cunt. This is gonna be a good thread. I can already smell the oncoming drama this shit's gonna cause.

>> No.7473369

Not that anon but what? There's nothing sandy about that, they were just saying that whip magic being shit is going to be the whole thread topic, which it was the last time we had this thread.

>> No.7473376


no lies detected

for pic: hate the print, hate this ugly cut even more.

>> No.7473374

this dress in particular is horrible. The shape literally doesn't look good with any petticoat.
I was actually wondering earlier today how it would look if you shortened it, bought two and sewed them together for the right shape. But at that point you have put way too much effort into bodyline with an objectively hideous print

>> No.7473377

holy shit will the hype for this dress please just die off already

>> No.7473392
File: 592 KB, 552x718, angelicprettyOPs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't that anon, how are you able to depict what they actually meant by a forward slash and a single word?

Also my most hated dresses isn't to do with the print, but more so to do with the cut themselves. I hate these things that look like night gowns. I adore the Misty Sky and Melty Cream Doughnut print, but I can't stand the OPs. It's a shame, because I love wearing OPs for simplicity.

>> No.7473382
File: 59 KB, 480x640, vf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7473386

these are acually nice

>> No.7473387
File: 102 KB, 440x662, tumblr_mx0putaAU51s7j565o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infanta's snow white disney dress.
Its so wannabe claudia, and the mismatching beiges, ugly stipes and overall cheapness make me hate it.

>> No.7473388
File: 30 KB, 356x355, 1372715271533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure you actually know what /thread means.
Lel go embarrass yourself elsewhere

>> No.7473393
File: 74 KB, 280x373, CatsMasqueradeOP-lavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunny cinderella is cute. bodyline is at least improving the quality of their prints.

now this thing, this god awful AP piece rivals milanoo but it's nearly $400.

>> No.7473395
File: 91 KB, 250x333, SugaryCarnivalJSK-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fuckin thing

>> No.7473396

>If you weren't that anon, how are you able to depict what they actually meant by a forward slash and a single word?
Because it's the first post? They obviously were refering to whip magic since they don't necessarily need to reply to anything if that's the only post.

What do you think /thread means?

>> No.7473400

the skirt is more yellow than beige
in person it's actually very cute

thank you, jesus christ i am so sick of these high waist and muumuu dresses AP keeps putting out, this high waist cut makes nice prints look like toddler's clothes and look bad on anyone who doesn't have the figure of an 11 year old with an eating disorder.

>> No.7473403

this, this print is fug

>> No.7473404
File: 440 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Dreamy baby room

>> No.7473408
File: 573 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n2wpcwEt5w1qbuhibo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any print that supports cruelty to animals is a no-go in my book.

They probably think that it means the thread is over.

I'm so glad that the popularity of this thing has died down significantly over the past few years.

>> No.7473414

>They probably think that it means the thread is over.
That makes sense kind of I guess...

>> No.7473412
File: 72 KB, 360x420, 120340060059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then meta was like, 'oh, high waists are popular? HOW HIGH CAN WE GET?'

>> No.7473413
File: 137 KB, 315x449, s8CoJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its unflattering on everyone and the print is blurry
wtf jetj

>> No.7473419
File: 2.64 MB, 540x360, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sugary carnival

>> No.7473420

I'm not a fan of the banner/ words on the bottom or the lace. I feel it could be more beautiful but I like the idea.

>> No.7473421
File: 32 KB, 281x390, 17972-1759-2014-03-08041092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the collar is detachable, right?
Still, I can't help but think that this shit looks like a costume.

>> No.7473422

fucking booger magic

>> No.7473423

Yeah, a baller costume. Shit is pimp.

>> No.7473425

Oh god. Are you that one anon that was preaching about animal rights of stuffed animals in the Fantasy Theater thread?

>> No.7473431

I had that fucking nun dress that just came out, what a horrible idea. I knew it was going to be popular too, anytime they come out something that borrows from slutty halloween costume themes people go nuts over it (nurse lolita, Dark Secret etc)

>> No.7473433

How have I never seen the OP of toy parade? God fucking damn, that shit is hideous.

>> No.7473434

It looks so good on the dressform. So good. And then you put it on a person and it all falls apart.

>> No.7473436
File: 22 KB, 300x300, typewriting bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta has been known to make some very questionable design choices

>> No.7473437

So do I...

>> No.7473438
File: 104 KB, 280x373, delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing it just looks so clusterfuck

>> No.7473440
File: 136 KB, 250x333, ap_jsk_littlebearcafe_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poopy sack of shit

>> No.7473444
File: 90 KB, 250x333, iw_jsk_elda_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always really hated this dress for some reason. It looks cheap and like an ugly handkerchief. I love granny fabrics too.

>> No.7473445
File: 186 KB, 500x600, ap_dreamygirlhwjsk_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this print, and as >>7473392 said, the OP style just isn't for me either. I don't like the other JSK because I'm fairly tall, and my boobs would never fit into the boob slot. So my other option was this JSK, as my waist is too big for the skirt.

Why does this dress look so unfinished? I dunno. Just where it opens at the front with the fabric underneath just looks incomplete to me.

>> No.7473447


nuns have been popular in lolita for a very long time anon, and die walkure was loved because it was controversial

>> No.7473450 [DELETED] 

hi nia

>> No.7473448

The only wonderful thing about sugar carnival is that it was created before salopettes were in and we never had to see that version of it

>> No.7473451

I always see this print as Whipped Magic's little brother for some reason.

>> No.7473454

The cut works for tall girls with small breasts, but I don't understand why the print is so popular. 2/3 of it is random coins and an old dude.

>> No.7473452
File: 32 KB, 250x333, iw_jsk_nicholasfruit_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473453 [DELETED] 

you stop that

>> No.7473456
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1396556474850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody made a sugary carnival salopette out of replica fabric.

>> No.7473466

>bows of random shades of red
What? Whhhhhy? What purpose does that serve? I could understand pastel pink, blue and yellow, but why those reds?

>> No.7473464 [DELETED] 


>> No.7473465

... well, I guess I knew I was never gonna die happy anyway

This dress literally looks like a kitchen

>> No.7473471 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 704x396, Nia10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon, is that you?
ah, you found me! I'm so glad!

>> No.7473472

It's somewhat similar. i think it's the fact that the pattern is stacked up horizontally, like whipped magic. It sort of reminds me of petite patisserie too.

>> No.7473475
File: 78 KB, 425x567, 22568077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call it "the holy cockblock" because there's a cross printed right over your cunt

>> No.7473476
File: 162 KB, 670x576, 11-020_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand pretty much any painting print dress, so basically half of JetJ stuff. I know people like them but it just looks so ugly to me ugh

>> No.7473478
File: 85 KB, 280x373, 6980_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Dream Carnival, specifically in the black or lavender colourway. I think it looks okay in ivory of sax, but this colourway and lavender make me cringe. Especially black.

>> No.7473485 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 225x350, 106191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed you Nia.
now, lets go tend to our children. after all, we're happily married and you didn't die or anything.

its nice to live in a world safe from the anti-spirals

>> No.7473490
File: 350 KB, 800x1200, l304-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. Go roleplay on tumblr or some shit.

>> No.7473495 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1280x800, 1394913380249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Simon, you know I hate the dress.
it gives me bad memories.

>> No.7473496
File: 199 KB, 710x621, 1396557095660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everything Moitie has put out over the past few years. These prints in particular are extremely fugly and cheap looking. What happened to my favourite brand?!

>> No.7473501

I hate how motie's bodices are always so boring.

>> No.7473502 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 225x350, 83946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ey little bro

>> No.7473503
File: 92 KB, 250x333, 1396557182769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so cheap to me.

>> No.7473509

>missing the point this hard

>> No.7473508

God damn it.
I also hate how AP's bodices are all the fucking same.

>> No.7473511

I always like the print unitl

>Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocrat Vampire Romance

>> No.7473514
File: 15 KB, 200x266, over tulle rose dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it reminds me of a dress a homely 30 year old virgin would wear to church

>> No.7473512

this looks like something i'd make out of cheapo fabric from joann's

>> No.7473513

Ironically, I hate pretty much any sweet print that is the pastel vomit on black (especially sugary carnival, milky planet, and other almost identical ap "bittersweet" print colorways) but DDC is one of the few I can actually stand. Still don't really like it too much but I'd wear it.

>> No.7473516

I actually thought that one on the top left was a cheap indie piece for a long time. I would wear the green one if it was done without the crosses and tacky brand name printing along the hem, but the rest of them are tacky and hideous.

>> No.7473519
File: 98 KB, 250x333, 1396557329765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a little girl from the early 90's bedroom, complete with cheap shoddily painted matching knick knacks.

>> No.7473520
File: 353 KB, 600x642, 80395_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason that this looks so cheap, is that there are more Oo Jia replicas than the real thing.

I also think that candy sprinkle looks like a bodyline dress.

>> No.7473522

bro! you're alive! lets defeat the evils of these hideous dresses together!

>> No.7473523

Seriously. Fuck off.

>> No.7473525
File: 42 KB, 250x333, 1396557424936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series is fugly. The colours make it worse (plus the cheesey yellow details). I also just really hate sax colourways for the most part.

>> No.7473526

This is actually very well-made and super cute in person--their photos don't do it justice, to be honest!

The skirt is definitely more of a yellow, though.

>> No.7473531

Your dress is an ugly and cheaper looking replica of a glorious dress you will never have. The yellow makes it even worse.

>> No.7473534 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x349, 395046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so excited that you were alive that I dropped my pic

>> No.7473535
File: 117 KB, 250x333, ap_jsk_tripletarttiered_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking massive gingham and vagina strawberries.

>> No.7473539
File: 184 KB, 700x1200, l325-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting sick of seeing this skirt.

>> No.7473540

I hate this colorway now and it's because I've seen so many shitty replicas of it. Now it's my least favourite. Mother fucking replicas.

>> No.7473541

It's not THAT ugly, there are worse prints but I'll never understand the hype. I can't get to like none of the colorways and none of the cuts.

I like the jellyfish and I like that Krad Lanrete's finish is pretty amazing buuut... whats's with the moons and stars? And all the cutsey buttons and cutsey details on a classic shaped dress with a classic inclined print? I honestly just don't get it.

The only thing I absolutely hate about this dress is the ribbon on the waist. It looks like they got a gift wrapped in it and decided it would work as a belt.

Other than that... yeah, no. I agree with everything in this thread.

>> No.7473544

woosh, right over your head

>> No.7473548
File: 27 KB, 500x281, Anti+Spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck with that.
shall we rid them together?

>> No.7473556
File: 60 KB, 250x333, 1396557840972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a washed out clusterfuck of a dress with a fugly print. So many prints these days are so saturated that you can't even see what they're of.

>> No.7473558
File: 92 KB, 250x333, ap_op_queenplayingcards_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap as fuq

>> No.7473562

top left looks like an album cover for The Birthday Massacre

>> No.7473563

Love it or hate it, the construction is still wonderful and it's a good cut.

>> No.7473564
File: 27 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_biscuitcircular_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other colorways are even worse.

>> No.7473565

It's a snow white dress it better be fucking yellow

>> No.7473566

Haha, I know the girl who commissioned this from Oo Jia. She wanted pink bows. Oo Jia fucked up.

>> No.7473570

I was actually about to post this.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

>> No.7473572

>The Birthday Massacre

That takes me back 8 or so years. Shit.

>> No.7473575

99% of sweet prints on the black colorway are hideous.

>> No.7473577
File: 17 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_marchduck_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7473583

Hate this dress. Tired of seeing it. Looks bad on everyone. Noobs love it so much for some reason.

>> No.7473590
File: 104 KB, 636x396, 12-020_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jesus between my boobs dress.

>> No.7473591

Meta, what...?

>> No.7473596

anyone who stares at your tits is forced to make room for Jesus

>> No.7473597
File: 235 KB, 460x1173, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7473599
File: 21 KB, 589x511, Jesus-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That painting always reminds me of this.

>> No.7473603


>> No.7473608
File: 140 KB, 480x640, DWBOP-yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fugliest series AatP ever released.

>> No.7473612
File: 60 KB, 280x373, CatsMasqueradeOP-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That colorway is hideous (as is the red), but I think it looks much better in solid black. Has kind of an old-school Meta vibe with the bell sleeves.

>> No.7473618

I would never want a man's hairy face on my boobs, Jesus or otherwise. Gross.

>> No.7473625

read the thread, someone allready posted it, retard.
seriously, fuck off if you're not going to bother reading the thread.
I saw someone photoshop potato jesus onto the dress. was pretty funny.

>> No.7473624

It looks like it's made out those tarp-ish material gingham/check shopping bags from the late 90s that cost $2 and everyone had

>> No.7473629
File: 23 KB, 300x300, mrcround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473632

I real the file name as McRound. Imaging somebody who only eats mcdonalds fitting into that dress and it looking like a balloon.

>> No.7473633

Soon it will just be fabric with eyeholes draped over our heads. Kawaii ghost costumes.

>> No.7473636

Meta. Get on this shit.

>> No.7473643
File: 17 KB, 300x400, 1396559079418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has a supah kawaii mold print~

>> No.7473652

Well, I'm pregnant so that sure as hell looks comfy to wear. Better then some of the maternity wear I've been finding.

>> No.7473656

Thank god other people hate these.

I'm also not a fan of either of these dresses. They're fug.

>> No.7473659
File: 77 KB, 280x373, FUGTOTHEMAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of salopettes. I hate them. Most of them look like shopping bags with the bottom ripped out.

WTF AP?! Why would someone want to wear under-boob collar-flaps.

>> No.7473660
File: 235 KB, 408x313, uglydresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...dropped my pic.

>> No.7473663

I think these sack dresses are kind of cute...but only if you're 5' tall.
Also the AP ones in particular are really overpriced for what they are. It's just a trapezoid with straps and a ruffle.

>> No.7473665

I hate how bad this looks worn.

>> No.7473671

B-but that actually looks really nice...

>> No.7473676

I mainly dislike this because it was waaay too popular, and more than half the people who bought it didn't fit it properly because it's so damn small and short, and the easily-accessible replicas made it every ita's dream dress. I will forever associate it with boob-loaf, GLW pastel ponytail wigs, and fugly star clips.
Just so tired of seeing it.

>> No.7473681

>that there are more Oo Jia replicas than the real thing.

This is the reason I hate so many dresses. I can't stand Sugary Carnival for this reason.

I got the Mary Magdalene Ekaterina onepiece recently, and I've looked at it, but I find myself not really wanting to wear it because everybody will just assume it's the replica. There are probably like 50 replicas for every one real Ekaterina OP by now, it seems to be a favourite for places to replicate.

I know it's really shallow and awful of me, but part of me has kind of lost the love I had for this dress because of all the replicas.

>> No.7473684

It's a replica.

>> No.7473686

You're not being shallow! I completely understand. Spending a lot of money on a real dress to only have it passed off as a replica is frustrating.

>> No.7473689
File: 156 KB, 670x500, 12-014_7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the popularity of that dress. Those white ruffles always looked random and awkward to me.

>> No.7473693

I really like the print but they fucked up the collar part so badly. It's way to large, and I have yet to see someone wearing it nicely. And the military style jsk is even worse.

>> No.7473694

ah okay, I'm new so excuse me
whats the original?

>> No.7473700

>you should be rewarded for spending money!

Atelier Pierrot's signature corset skirts

>> No.7473696

Most sweet pastel prints are "nightmare" dresses for me. They look so tacky and bordering on age-play

>> No.7473702

An Atelier Pierrot bustle skirt.

Most bodyline items that are nice are either replicas or heavily 'inspired' by brand.

>> No.7473711

>I got the Mary Magdalene Ekaterina onepiece recently, and I've looked at it, but I find myself not really wanting to wear it because everybody will just assume it's the replica.

Nah, I don't think so. Can't speak for everyone, but I'd only assume it's a replica if you were way outside the size range for the real one or were wearing it with fishnets and cat-ears.
Even then, most replicas have something about them that's a little bit off from the original, like the trim, proportions, or color. To an experienced eye, the real one always looks the best.

>> No.7473730

it was pretty funny
but seriously, anoyone that says "hi, ___" can just go fuck themselves

>> No.7473736

I think it's more that they should be rewarded for buying the real thing, and not the cheap imitation.

>> No.7473741

I think it's because Nia has said that about whipped carnival every single time it's ever been posted ever, and every time someone's said "hi nia" it's almost a damn tradition at this point.

>> No.7473751

Whipped carnival?

>> No.7473766

You've gotta be fucking kidding. Look at those chubby, smiling animals on that print. They are having a hell of a time without a single human telling them what to do.
There's no way you look at this print and think of animal cruelty.

>> No.7473769
File: 21 KB, 232x313, ap_op_aquaprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473782

>crazy cat ladies
Just make a print with a bunch of personified animals on it and someone will buy it regardless of how it looks.

>> No.7473784

I used to like them but I'm tired of them. It's like split wigs to me: some can still look cute but most of them is just ARG.

>> No.7473788
File: 47 KB, 323x484, 1396561780838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha true story
I bought Infanta's Cream Cat without really looking at the print other than "kitties!" and when I got it I was like what teh fuck
Cats sitting in steaming hot teacups (yo animal abuse anon), donuts that are bigger than the cats somehow, and ribbons and stars and icing and all sorts of shit that doesn't go together other than "lolis like this stuff, right?"
I love the dress still but holy hell it's a clusterfuck.

>> No.7473791

This reminds me of the music video for Peter Gabriel's song "Sledgehammer"...

>> No.7473798
File: 60 KB, 340x255, milky_pony_bag_wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're clearly being abused, molested, neglected, roofied and had their ice cream knocked out if their hands. Poor dears.

I wonder if animal abuse anon hates things like pic related? Oh that poor plushie, gutted and turned into a purse, such cruelty.

>> No.7473801

Say what you will about Moitié, it knows how to visually enforce the notion of the Pure Maiden. How many times has Mana put fences around his followers' lady gardens?

>> No.7473805

I'm 5'2" and skinny so I think this would look cute for me or other people just as short, but I feel like it would look really bad on anyone average height or taller.

>> No.7473819

But oh god I still buy them.
Come to me, my beloved sentence fragment.

>> No.7473821

melty cream donuts poster here, I am 5'
it doesn't look good on anyone who has boobs or shoulders. it makes it look like a boob tent apron.

>> No.7473826
File: 106 KB, 249x245, 1348578036588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whipped carnival
nigger, do you even lolita?

I've heard it called
>"booger magic"
>"radioactive cupcakes"
>"puke magic"

also, the print is called "whipped magic" by the way.

"hi, ____" is not acceptable, and its the cancer of /cgl/

>> No.7473827

The reward for buying a dress is that you get the dress. Grow up.

>> No.7473834

Let's all go praise the girls that buy replicas!

>> No.7473842

I bet you own replicas.

>> No.7473838

I knew you would try that, lol. Yes, because clearly I'm talking about supporting replicas, rather than pointing out that the notion that anyone owes you praise or attention for owning a dress- which is not even a status piece or anything- is absurdly silly. No, it's gotta be about replicas, amirite? Idiot.

>> No.7473839

I'm 5'1'' and dresses in these cuts look adorable on me, probably wouldn't wear it as lolita but more normalfag.. my hips and shoulders are aligned and i weight around 100 pound

>> No.7473841

Hi nia.

>> No.7473848

Owning the real version of something with a replica version is a status piece, do you even lolita?

>> No.7473857

No way, I love this print

>> No.7473863


I'm >>7473681 and I need to point out, I haven't posted at all in this thread besides that one post. It's not me you're arguing with.

I don't want to be rewarded for spending money. Childish as it is, I feel like some of the specialness of a release is gone when it's replicated. And like I said, I don't want people to assume I'm wearing the replica when I bought the real thing.

>> No.7473866


>> No.7473869


Not always. I certainly wouldn't consider most of the non-print pieces that get replicated to be status items, especially not these days. Prints, for the most part, maybe.

I understand not wanting people to think you own the replica, but I dislike the idea that a dress is only worth something based on what other people think of it. You wouldn't have this issue otherwise.

>> No.7473870

You're definitely the girl who told me to quit lolita because I care about what other people think of my dresses.

>> No.7473877

Anon, lolita is a fashion with a following and it's pretty natural to care what other people following the fashion think of you. If I wear a dress that's got a replica I'm worried that some people will think it's a replica themselves because if they assume that they're assuming I'm a cheap poorfag.

Do tell.

>> No.7473879


Well, it's not so much that I see the dress as only worth what other people think of it, it's more that for me it's worth more when it's real and beautifully made and limited as opposed to a cheap, poorly made, dime a dozen replica.

>> No.7473884
File: 201 KB, 1280x800, 1394913380249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon I'm busy pls go

>> No.7473890

I expressed my frustration of purchasing Fantasy Theater and finding out that people don't like it. Some cunt came along, presumably >>7473869 and told me that I shouldn't be wearing the fashion if I care what other people think.

But is it really that bad to be disappointed that you got a print that was seemingly popular, to find out that it's not? I mean, I've gotten over it now. I'm happy with my purchase and I no longer give a fuck, but I don't think worrying what other people think is such a bad thing.

>> No.7473896

Oh I see, that's actually kind of weird. I think that within a group it's expected to want group approval. There's a real aspect of disconnect with special snowflake types that don't understand that fashion comms are social circles, spouting off shit like 'fuck the haterz' and 'be who you wanna be!', but basically telling you you /have/ to feel that way strikes me as unbalanced.

>> No.7473898
File: 215 KB, 960x960, VC100701_2082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one's posted Meta's Apple print. I fucking love it but I know lots of people don't.

>> No.7473900

I can agree with Drosselmeyer to some point but damn anon, you've got amazingly shit taste

>> No.7473903

If none of us cared what others thought, we'd probably all be dwelling in our ita stages still.

>> No.7473905

Yeah nah, not me.

>> No.7473906

Pretty much. It's usually itas who say that kind of thing too, sadly.

>> No.7473909

Were you disappointed because an unpopular dress has less monetary value, or because an unpopular dress won't attract compliments and ass kissing?

>> No.7473910

This I can agree with, because it's about how you feel about the dress itself and its quality, materials, etc. By the way, I really had no issue with your original post; my replies are mostly oriented to the anon who came after you and that mindset.

>> No.7473916

I'm not sure. I think it's more that I don't have a popular dress that brings smiles to other peoples faces whenever they see a coordinate made out of it, rather than "Urgh not this shit again" type of thing. I like to look well put together, but with a dress that is seen as not so good, it's difficult to satisfy everyone if you get what I mean? I just want to look my best.

>> No.7473926

So you are fishing for compliments?

>> No.7473932

lol then you're good
i'm a chubby-chan (gradually losing weight though) but also a busty-chan (that hasn't gone away even when i was skinnier) so i'm fucked when it comes to muumuu dresses. they're so cute though. :(

>> No.7473933

No. I just want neutrality. It's nice to get compliments, but it's not the sole purpose and it's not what's in my mind when I get dresses every weekend. I just don't want negative reactions from fellow lolitas.

>> No.7473936

aw, i get what you mean, anon. i think you're self-conscious and anxious about being a ~blight on the community~, right? i don't necessarily feel that way, imma wear the prints i love when i want to, but i feel that way about my behavior and personality haha so i can relate.

>> No.7473937

Aw, I love this pring

>> No.7473939

*Dressed. Oops
It would be nice to get new dresses every weekend though. Haha...

>> No.7473941

It looks like it's made for a deformed person.

>> No.7473943

You sound like such a sweetie, anon! As long as you're dressed well, I'm sure you can make unpopular prints look good. I've seen great coords with dreamy baby room, despite everyone's "ARGHHHHHHHH AGEPLAYYYYYY" initial reactions to when it was revealed in the GLBs or Kera, I can't remember.

>> No.7473945

Personally, I would wear lolita for my own enjoyment and consider the comm's attitude a secondary priority. If you like a dress and work hard enough on its coord, you can make it look amazing, and others would recognise that even if it's an unpopular print/colourway/etc. How many times have you seen a comment along the lines of "I don't usually like [item] but seeing this..."?

>> No.7473954

It's like a dick deflector.

>> No.7473963
File: 39 KB, 396x579, 1396565495446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't like Fantastic Dolly. It reminds me of those tacky poodle skirts for some reason.

>> No.7473964

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so. They occasionally look okay on the tiniest asians around but in general this cut is hideous.

>> No.7473965

Tacky poodle skirts?

>> No.7473969

/thread is like a closing html tag without the carrots

i.e. </thread> means the end

gosh guys learn2html. didnt u play neopets?

>> No.7473970

>implying tacky poodle skirts aren't amazing

>> No.7473973

I hate when people suggest them to tall or big girls, they look bad on anyone who isn't 5'3 and 100lb! My friend was trying to sell me one because I'm a tall-chan and it looked like I had added extra strap length to a 5 year old's dress, even if you're stick thin, tall girls should not wear these.

I don't even consider them to be lolita either, they lack the silhouette entirely.

>> No.7473974

what the actual fuck
looks like they got real fuckin high for that one

>> No.7473979

/thread as in "this is it, the thread can end, this is all the thread needs because this is the epitome of nightmare dresses"
gosh learn2 4chan

>> No.7473985

That's not what it means on 4chan at all. It's slang basically meaning "this might as well be the whole thread because we don't need anything else added to it" nothing to do with html, it's a 4chan slang version of it.

>> No.7473999
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>> No.7474005

That's dumb.

>> No.7474011

>I was wrong therefore its dumb
Regardless, its what it means on 4chan. Now stop shitting up the thread.
Saged for bullshit

>> No.7474018

Is that why you posted a replica?

>> No.7474026

The original atelier pierrot corset skirts are very beautiful.

>> No.7474025

Not gonna lie, the only reason I love this is because I'm crazy about cats.

>> No.7474028

I literally just Googled "fantastic dolly" and saved the first picture.
Don't get your knickers in a twist.

>> No.7474031

One day... I will pull a pie out of the oven while wearing that dress...

I mean, that's what that dress is made for, isn't it?

>> No.7474036
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Oh, they're a thing

>> No.7474033

ah yes, this. It always looks like it's droopy or too low on a person whenever they're peering it, but looks terrible if you wear it that big if you have boobs over a A-B cup.

>> No.7474042

Even the original looks like shit imo.

>> No.7474149

actually claudia's construction makes it so only tiny, short asian torsos can wear it properly. as beautiful as claudia is, the bodice is still too short. this one may be "inspired" but at least seems to have an actual waist.

>> No.7474151

I was the person that commissioned it. I was really WTF about the red bows. It looked sort of decent on me, but I ended up selling it since I own the 1st edition skirt.

>mfw: just want a cute salo not boob thong. fuck you too tits.

>> No.7474188
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>> No.7474205

sugary carnival has always, and will always, remind me of how stale and gross those marshmallow ropes are. I've never eaten one that tasted good, or that wasn't stale.

>> No.7474210

I like a lot of them, but the bodices are all so frumpy. It's either front lacing (why?) or full shirring for everything. Stained glass chiffon is nice, though.

>> No.7474211

i sincerely hope this was a misfire

>> No.7474218
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AP's Candy Fairy.

I saw this dress at the Frill booth at AWA and wondered "What sort of atrocious tacky-tulle shit indie project made this?"

...and then I saw the tag and cried.

>> No.7474318
File: 117 KB, 480x640, 138208-pb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, this piece of shit. Not even seeing Misako in person wearing this made me think differently.

>> No.7474356

if potato jesus was on that dress i might actually consider wearing it

>> No.7474363

i like to this dress would look cute with a wide brown belt or waist cincher, if worn properly.

>> No.7474378

Where do you live that nazis are a "slutty halloween theme"?

>> No.7474386

Quick someone upload it onto spoonflower

>> No.7474387

I feel like if it was a different color than black that it could work. But the way it is now there's just too much of a sudden color difference. Maybe a dark red instead?

>> No.7474389

>tfw my dream dress about 4 years ago
thank goodness I grew out of that phase.

>> No.7474393


>> No.7474400

lol, i almost believe it

>> No.7474402

I actually saw someone dressed up as a Nazi last halloween in Montreal, they were just riding on the metro and no one cared.

>> No.7474416

The Quebecois are freaks of nature.

>> No.7474428

is right. The meaning of it evolved on 4chan because of the html tag. "/action" can be used anywhere as a symbol that means "(action) ended". In this case, it was the end of the thread because that's all it was going to be talked about.

>> No.7474457
File: 521 KB, 1396x996, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the style replicas that aren't stolen art prints.

My hated one? Dreamy Baby Room. I dislike all of the prints with stuffed animals and toys but this takes the taco with pacifiers and rattles.

>> No.7474468

I think that's true for all the babydoll/high-waisted dresses and salopettes as well.

>> No.7474488

A-Another lolita Peter Gabriel fan? Miracles do happen. HI THERE

>> No.7474524

Nevertheless, it evolved
>but once upon a time

>> No.7474576

no I hate this fucking dress and pretty much anything with tassels
woo someone with a different opinion, how crazy

>> No.7474579

calm down there, sugar.

>> No.7474584

Leave little bears cafe alone.

>> No.7474587

It's okay, anon. I fucking hate tassels, too.

Like, they're so heavy and retarded looking. Why would anyone want them? It looks so cheap and dumb. It says "Woo, I payed money to look like a bunch of curtains!"
I hope they're never used in anything other than household decor.

>> No.7474594

>didn't know about that dress
>quit lolita years ago
>see this now
>have kein money

I want this so bad this is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen.

>> No.7474603

Have a look at the original it's even better.

>> No.7474623

Claudia is beautiful, but they're two different dresses. The only real similarity is having a blue bodice

>> No.7474621

I know the original, but even though I'm skinny, I'm 5'7" so I never even had any hope of owning it...

>> No.7474641


>> No.7474646

>quitting lolita
>not keeping one or two basic peices just in case you change your mind
you dun fucked up

>> No.7474655

I kept a JSK, one blouse and a cutsew along with socks I still wear and one pair of tea parties. It's not lolita I miss, I'm not going back to it. I just want THAT particular dress because I'd wear it every once in a while as a personal treat.

>> No.7474684

Aaaaaaand I just found out I still have my miracle candy OP in good conditions (just a little yellow stain on the sleeve's lace). I wonder if I can sell this for around 150 USD? Is so, I'm so, so, so buying that dress.

I MUST THANK THIS THREAD and whoever hates that dress. Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.7474978

mfw just bought the skirt

>> No.7474980
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>> No.7475013

Sweet cream house isn't THAT bad. And this is comming from someone who normally prints that only come in a bunch of vertical strips (what I mean is prints like Little bears cafe and Promenade de Paris. Sorry for horrible description)

>> No.7475015

whenever i see it posted This thing always looks deceptively cute in the thumbnail and like it has the same basic pleasing color scheme as Homura's outfit and then i open the pic and, bam, fugly.

>> No.7475043

I saw a sale for this where the black colourway looked navy. I was disappointed when it was black - I think navy would have looked a lot better.

>> No.7475174

1000% agree, this print is WAY way too busy.

>> No.7475183

Nun outfits were actually one of the pretty popular old-school "themes". A lot of old school outfits actually did take a lot of influence from costumes, and had themes like sailor, nun, nurse, military, & maid. It's tacky imho, but it does have a basis within the fashion.

>> No.7475187

The skirt, personally, I think is a lot more flattering. It's just that the JSK, with that high waist and those tiers just seems bound to make anyone look pregnant.

>> No.7475236

I don't care for that dress, either. None of the IW crown motif dresses are nightmares for me (except for Grazia's tassels, the fuck, IW?), but I don't understand why everyone lost their shit when Grazia came out.

>> No.7475280

>mfw I love this dress

Alrighty then

>> No.7475367
File: 62 KB, 250x333, IWcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This print is so ugly, especially in blue

>> No.7475371

Really? I like it quite a bit.
reminds me of the bird in the chocolate fountain.

>> No.7475532

They should do one with dripping red stuff and scattered body parts for Halloween.

>> No.7475545
File: 614 KB, 612x614, Dy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like it a lot in ivory, but I bought the blue because the ivory was sold out and the pink would look horrid with my skin tone.
To each their own, I guess!

>> No.7475559

But I love this dress ;_;

>> No.7475573

Same here. Blue suits my skintone best, but I was a bigger fan of Ivory.

>> No.7475580

Have you seen this OP in person? Cause it's actually super pretty and well-made.

I actually bought it half expecting I'd immediately re-sell it, but I was very pleasantly surprised... I've owned 3 other Infanta dresses before, the construction of all of them being somewhat shoddy for the price paid, so I was kind of just hoping that maybe they had upped their game, which they have. Well, at least they did with this dress. All my previous Infanta dresses sat really oddly on my body, the waist being placed a bit too high, but not so with this OP.

>> No.7475578

Is that your coord? It's adorable. I like the chocolate socks, and the cardigan bringing out the red in the print.

>> No.7475588

Cute coordinate, but the dress itself looks even grosser here. There's worse, but this is not one of IW's best prints.

>> No.7475601

Yes, exactly. You get to wear it two hours in your all life, because after setting the pie aside you need to change to btssb's sweet pie print to eat it.

>> No.7475605
File: 59 KB, 250x333, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the ultimate pie dress

come on you guys

>> No.7475620

hahaha oh my god i fucking love this

so ridiculous, yet so pie

>> No.7475625

I owned this in the lavender colorway and it was awful. It was actually my first brand piece, and I promptly re-sold it.. Horribly unflattering, and the quality was shitty, too. And yes, it was real AP, not a replica. Needless to say, it forever turned me off from Angelic Pretty, and I have never owned anything from that brand since. Total shit quality and construction for the price.

>> No.7475627

Oh fuck I totally forgot about that, my inner old school lolita had Btssb in mind, but this one is awsome.

>> No.7475636

some of ap's latest releases have been killing it, though. honestly, the fabric of btssb dresses have always felt rougher and lower quality to me than ap. i think stuff like whipped showcase and happy garden though are just misfires since their stuff in the past year or so has generally been excellent quality.

>> No.7475639

Their non-print pieces are much, much higher-quality. And prettier, in my opinion, the cuts are so much more interesting.

>> No.7475640

What was wrong with the construction? I had the same dress (sold mine also because the empire waist looked bad on me) but the quality seemed fine. I don't know what your expectations are in terms of "quality" unless you got a defective one.
Happy Garden is a simpler design, but some of the more elaborate AP dresses I own are among the nicest quality things in my wardrobe.

>> No.7475638

I hope you arent implying this dress is ugly though :'(
Its really vibrant and beautiful in real life OTL

>> No.7475654

No way, I think it's totally adorable.
It's one of the few food print lolita dresses I've seen where the food actually looks realistic and good enough to eat.

>> No.7475682


I have a feeling >>7475625 just doesn't like the feel of baniran fabric, not knowing that the fabric is supposed to feel that way.

I still have mine, used to wear it almost monthly (it was my first lolita dress, and the only one for a long time), and can attest to the quality. So many machine washes and it's still going strong without fading, running, or anything breaking.

>> No.7475683

The fabric was course, and it was an odd, rough material. The chemical lace was scratchy looking and feeling. The only thing I can say positive about it is that the built-in petti works well in conjunction with another petti.

The construction of the piece in general just really left something to be desired IMO. It's kind of how I feel about all AP pieces, actually. Like the cut and fit of the dress is an afterthought to the print. I feel like almost all AP dresses are cut in such a way that they make even the skinniest, most petite and lovely girls look chubby/rotund in the torso area.

That's just my personal opinion. That was years ago that I owned Happy Garden, and I've since entirely abandoned all Sweet pieces I owned and moved to Classic with some Gothic. I own mostly Innocent World pieces, with some BTSSB and AatP now. The quality of every piece I've purchased from those brands has astounded me.

>> No.7475729


Yup, the course, odd, rough fabric is baniran fabric. It's a crepe-like weave, and it's supposed look that way. I'm quite surprised you haven't run into the same fabric in aatp, as they like to use it as well (either that or I just have the talent for accidentally picking prints on baniran fabric. Must admit I quite like the way the texture looks though).

No clue about the scratchy lace though.

As for the rest, I think it's not actually quality but rather a difference in fit, because I have the exact opposite problems from you. I like IW but generally don't buy a lot of their clothes as they boobloaf me like there's no tomorrow. AP fits my boobs at least, I look miles better (and skinnier) in AP than IW. btssb cuts their torsos too short, normal-waisted dresses from them end up high waisted on me.

>> No.7475767
File: 29 KB, 417x625, 1396638681577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everything Haenuli puts out. It all looks so cheap and there is always at least one thing "off" with each item.

>> No.7475770
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 1396638788376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they made this too, ew.

>> No.7475979

same here anon.

>> No.7476003

I love this one in ivory with the plain bodice

>> No.7476265

oh man I really liked this one

this is really tacky tho

>> No.7476300

I want to like Haenuli, but it's usually the bodices that do me in. I hate them.

>> No.7476299

oh my god.. this...

is my dream came true...

(loving a lot)
Damn I must learn how to order from taobao now

>> No.7476308

Don't mess with my dreamed dress
(jk, I respect your opinion)
It's a replica, so it means must be a "wannabe" claudia...

>> No.7476399

I'm 5' tall and it looks fucking stupid on me. all of my short friends and I have tried these on and it never looks good. messed up cut of the dress flatters NO ONE.

>> No.7476414

I almost want to get this just so I can pose for photos with a dude on my left side and have Jesus give them the side eye

>> No.7476474

Fuck, I remember how badly I wanted this in mint because mint is my favorite color and those cat paws. I seriously love anything with cats, but I'm glad I resisted the urge to get this dress, the print is kind of an eyesore. I think I would have gotten it to at least let it sit in my closet as a cat collection victory piece, if the print wasn't so yucky and was a bit more toned down.
But still, those paws. Maybe if someone was selling it secondhand for a good price.

>> No.7476506

I love this dress actually, I feel like it could look really cute if paired with the right things.
How much does the op go for?

>> No.7476585

I feel the same way. I hate the material they use, I find the bodices very plain and boring (brands tend to have lots of cute pintucks or buttons or other interesting details) and I don't like how long the skirts are. I'm a tall girl (5'8"), but I prefer my lolita skirts a little bit shorter than that. I think it has to do with the ratio of bodice length to skirt length and width of the print.

Also, the prints themselves sometimes look a bit "clipart-y".

>> No.7476601
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>> No.7476627
File: 179 KB, 640x960, melty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it does

well does not flatter per se but still pretty cute

>> No.7476667

How much money do I have to throw at my screen to make this happen?

>> No.7476710

It photographs beautifully. I bought it in both black and blue... And then I got them. The fabric has a finish that makes it look like distressed denim and I think they are awful in person.

>> No.7476796

Yessssss perfect!

>> No.7476912

>tfw I just ordered it and can't wait
It doesn't even look like claudia, skirt is different, colours are different, sleeves are different, bodice has different details etc

the only similarities are the fact that it has a blue bodice and a chiffon skirt. So I think it's a dumb reason for someone to dislike it since it really looks nothing like Claudia.

>> No.7476930
File: 920 KB, 446x374, villager intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.7476986

Oh man another person who knows who they are. Neat.

>> No.7476987

Mah niggas. Was just listening to them today.

>> No.7477063
File: 341 KB, 347x515, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own star money
>be short
>have above-average sized breasts

sob. I haven't worn it out in public yet, so maybe before then I'll wear it and self post to cgl to see if it looks good at all on me... I'm likely to think it looks good no matter what since I dropped the money for it.

Anyways, on topic. This fucking thing. JetJ has made some weird decisions, but. Realistic rabbits, everywhere. On a plain black background. It's just so creepy and wrong. You couldn't pay me to take this dress, except maybe to burn it.

>> No.7477083

I own that dress! The fabric has a neat texture, it's not just smooth. Reminds me of shantung. I dunno, I love it because of the jewel tones. I bought it from a girl two years ago who was selling both the cats and the rabbits and I couldn't really decide, but she said something like

>the cat is just a cat, but the rabbit is a King

and I went with the rabbits.

>> No.7477224


i don't know WHY but i actually love this dress. would i wear it? probably not.

>> No.7478265
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>> No.7478415

If the empire waist hits you at the right place, you probably look just fine. Heels help, too. I'm also short and have one of JetJ's dresses that's a slightly awkward length on a short person, but it works well with heels. In a worst case scenario, if you decide it isn't flattering you can get back what you paid for it and buy something else. But all that really matters is if you like how you look in it.

And I really like that rabbit dress, though the ruffles should really be on an underskirt. I didn't think I'd wear it enough to justify buying it, but it's kind of unapologetically weird, and I like that. I would also rock the hell out of that ridiculous Bremen Town musicians dress, but only if I found it on sale for around 20000Y. Full price is too much for that amount of weird-whimsy.

>> No.7478464

this is amazing, I'm going to remember that quote hahahaha

>> No.7478613

most bright red prints look cheap

>> No.7478628

there is literally no occasion bar convention to wear this that won't make you look like a buffoon.

>> No.7478635

if it were then wed have a lolita Police outfit made.
They're all "original respectable women's jobs/careers" nothing to do with slutty Halloween costumes

>> No.7478641

I love this so much in all color ways and although its not a dream dress its a definite "must own" for me.

Nicholas fruit is forever beautiful just that cut would look poop on me

>> No.7478643

It's not "between your boobs", it is "close to your heart"!

>> No.7478667

I do too. great for casual wear.

>> No.7478671

You beat me to it, god damn.

>> No.7478675

my childhood dream dress you mean

>> No.7478676

Thats print is also fucking ugly.

>> No.7478689

Same here OP. It's just so tacky and boring. The paintings are pretty, but not on a dress.

>> No.7478701
File: 183 KB, 323x480, ap burka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be sorry

>> No.7478716
File: 316 KB, 850x578, 1396753075167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 meta makes a police outfit

>> No.7478723
File: 1.17 MB, 200x118, 1394131900981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478750

Yes it is! Thanks so much!

Like I said, to each their own! I appreciate you still saying the coord is cute, haha. I can see how it would rub people the wrong way, but I think they definitely made a good choice to make the melty chocolate a really dark chocolate brown instead of a milk chocolate (for obvious reasons I think, lol).

>> No.7479410

Milky planet in yellow is disgusting. Whenever I see someone wearing it I gag. I pretty much hate everything that AP has some out with in the past 6 years. I miss old school AP where the dresses weren't covered in pastel vomit, candy, food and fucking carousel horses.

>> No.7479666

That looks terrible on her, anon. And her face makes her look like she has down syndrome.

>> No.7479727
File: 23 KB, 300x400, kjgkhgilg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has this piece of shit not been posted yet?

>> No.7479755

I really like the cut. I'd wear it as a casual lolita outfit. But print choice... It's like little girl camo.

>> No.7480247
File: 114 KB, 325x500, 1396828030335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animal cruelty

>> No.7480469

It's pretty and all, but jellyfish? And the moon and the stars? It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.7480472


>> No.7480478

There's nothing dreamy about a baby room or anything in it. Nothing.

>> No.7480481

This print is seizure inducing.

>> No.7480482

Ahhhh.... The diabetic clown print muumuu.

>> No.7480500
File: 9 KB, 256x197, hatedIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7480504

Not the clusterfuck now. LOL

>> No.7481270
File: 10 KB, 275x183, téléchargement (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this... it's horrible really

>> No.7481273

Amen to that.
Seeing this dress reminds me of the girl on Tumblr who met Misako wearing it (in lavender I think??), because supposedly Misako complimented her on it and later approached her asking who made it and where she could find their shop online. I can only imagine Misako doing that in order to have a great laugh later at the expense of everyone who paid money for that monstrosity.

>> No.7481292

s... s... somebody went to meet Misako in this ? Is there a picture of it ?

>> No.7481297
File: 96 KB, 638x960, 1396876376133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7481299
File: 39 KB, 403x404, 1396876442591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then Misako followed the trail of ita back to its origin: Australia.

>> No.7481565

well the jellyfish in question looks like it's the moon jellyfish so i guess that's why........

w/e i love jellyfish so this print is made for me

>> No.7482013

That gold bow looks so cheap, it makes the dress look like a christmas gift forgotten in the 1970s or something

>> No.7482020

The fucking fabric for the bodice is upside down oh my fucking god

All I can think is it means the bodice will be entirely on the underside of some boobs that aren't meant to fit in a salopette

>> No.7482047

Same. I hate the bathroom tile background. I can practically smell the mildew