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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 164 KB, 683x1024, layart-d610oio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7468581 No.7468581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come men can walk around cons shirtless, but women can't?

I thought we were all equal at this point? If I want to walk around shirtless I should be able t.

>> No.7468584

Go for it, but you are probably an ugly landwhale,

>> No.7468586

> I thought we were all equal at this point

Top kek

>> No.7468585


>> No.7468618

omfg really lol whoever this is from the anime north group on facebook just shut up

>> No.7468627

Dude in OP needs to work his chest.

>> No.7468650

go for it, or are you telling guys they don't have the right because you feel you don't have the right? usually though it's because of laws or hotel/convention center rules, though usually if hotels have these rules they also make guys wear shirts, I remember they almost kicked out a guy cosplaying as ase from one piece one year for not wearing a shirt.

>> No.7468653

Because no one wants to see nasty ass jiggly titties. Only attractive men can walk around shirtless. I'm sure even if women could walk around shirtless they'd cry rape and creeper/stalker at anyone who looked at them.

>> No.7468874

>Because no one wants to see nasty ass jiggly titties.
Jiggly tits are the best kind though, also on what planet are breasts nasty unless they belong to a fat whale or are really saggy?
I'm sure noone would mind looking at boobs as long as they were nice jiggly perky ones.

>> No.7468880
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Tits are inherently sexual and it's a common understanding it's indecent. Stop trying to change human nature.

>> No.7468883

No I meant nasty ass ones specifically, we only want to see nice ones. Fatty saggy tits still jiggle.

>> No.7468929

I say go for it OP
BTW pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7468955

Because if it were legal for women to walk around shirtless all the time then it wouldn't be erotic to see some titties as much in these countries and that would considerably drop the market price of pussy.

Notice that it's always the ugly femnazi bitches complaining about this shit, never the pretty girls. What you call "patriarchy" is and always has been the best for women.

>> No.7468966
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I think what the core issue is here is that women are terrible judges of their own attractiveness, hence the ones running around topless would almost always be porky ugloids.

>> No.7469038

Fuck off you fucking shitlord. You republitards are always trying to tell women what to do with your "binders full of women". WE ARE WOMEN HERE US ROAR!!!!

>> No.7469084

why do push ups when you can look cool with abs?

>> No.7469088
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His abs look like dinner rolls

>> No.7469114

I'd eat them.

>> No.7469233

Post this shit on tumblr where people give a fuck about your saggy wrinkly sjw tits.

>> No.7469265

>Tits are inherently sexual
You are truly retarded.

>> No.7469278

>men can walk around cons shirtless
Yeah, if they're fucking hot like in OP's pic.

Just because some fat hairy sperglord takes off his shirt doesn't mean that he's not held in complete contempt by whoever gazes upon him.
Nobody appreciates looking at bodies that don't appeal to them and look gross.

But IMO, scantiness at conventions always causes issues:
>unattractive women/men take off their clothes
Everyone is grossed out and the people in question feel alienated and horrible about themselves afterward.
>attractive women/men take off their clothes
Goes well for the first hour but then people violate their personal spaces more and more to test what boundaries they can get away with breaking. Others sit around and stew in jealousy. And by the end of the night the cosplayers feel violated and just as alienated as the unattractive people doing it.

I don't see the appeal of summoning this kind of hassle onto oneself. Maybe you people are masochists and attention whores.

>> No.7469283



>> No.7469288

I totally agree. I pretty much am disgusted by nudity, except my SO. I don't want to see anyone scantily clad at all.

>> No.7469295

um ok lets think about the hundreds of cultures in the world that don't sexualize breasts

let me guess you're from europe or america right

>> No.7469298

I'm pretty annoyed by skinnyfat or fat guys trying to cosplay muscular guys, because that's the sort of shit you can control given enough time.there's some shit women can't control in cosplay- like their breast size, but fat women doing skinny revealing costumes is just as bad.

>> No.7469308
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Because nobody wants to see some disgusting normalfag girl walking around with her boobs flopping around while she's in the same vicinity as my waifus, you massive faggot.

>> No.7469311

No, actually! I'm Māori.
Have another article:
"Even in subsistence societies, breasts are not entirely lacking in sexual significance and are generally stimulated in foreplay according to ethnographic accounts (3)"

You can stop talking out of your ass any time you like.

>> No.7469316

>implying that sexualizing something means feeling sexual because of it

>> No.7469314

fetishizing has little to do with cultural significance of breasts when it comes to sexuality.

>> No.7469318
File: 15 KB, 396x298, 1392640736058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds looking at excessive body parts an extremely uncomfortable experience.
>mfw Yokos errywhere

>> No.7469320

>backpedaling this hard
come on bro.

>> No.7469329

It's pretty fair to say that if you live in the west then breasts are at least somewhat sexualized to you. Even if for some reason you can view them with no sexual undertones whatsoever, you're in a very small minority and if you walk around a con topless you're going to get leered at. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

>> No.7469352

Quoting the best post itt

>> No.7470561

men are fucking sucm.

>> No.7470607


>bawww I'm an ugly fat fuck who can't get any, why won't those pig men look at me?!?!

Oh fuck off already.

>> No.7470690

>Being this sexist

>> No.7470720

No, you fuck off, neckbeard virgin

>> No.7471137


What? You know damn well that you have the right to walk around shirtless. You could go out now and streak and people will probably think you're making a statement and fucking say "good 4 you!" Why even make an issue out of this. You are entitled to be as indecent as you damn well please.

My problem with this is though that you women have no right to whine about this, because you have a godfucking monopoly on feasting your eyes on this specific thing that arouses you. Most men don't even go out shirtless, because they damn well know what this causes. Besides that It's just fucking unfair from your point because you're complaining about something that isn't even true, because you women in general are mindgaming manipulative bitches who know exactly how much skin too show when going out, and deliberately trick men into doing shit like going shirtless.

We're all equal at this point my ass, you whiny bitches are more privileged than any man in this regard.

Go fuck a deer.

>> No.7471153


It's a conscience, not a conscious.

>> No.7471208
File: 537 KB, 629x466, 1385718160971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anyone will take this b8

>> No.7471223

Dude's ass crack is on his stomach.

>> No.7471448
File: 390 KB, 1150x1144, 1384556047232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just shut the fuck up and do it, coward. i will do it if you will

>> No.7471464

>implying breasts are viewed in the same way in a sexual and nonsexual context.
Try harder.

>> No.7471465

>market price of pussy
Women actually think like this

>> No.7471470


>> No.7471471

>implying a woman wrote that and not some misogynerd from /r9k/

>> No.7471472
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>> No.7471475

sadly some women actually think this way, usually because they can convince themselves they're better than all other woman by being "realists"

>> No.7471486

>market price of pussy.
If you're going to be this autistic about it at least bother to put an actual dollar value on it. Like what's the actual going rate per cubic inch of volume? Can I get a better deal on ebay? Are groupons available, and for how much? Exactly how much does the dollar value increase if it's shaved and/or bleached? What's the depreciation rate? Economists can figure out a fucking big mac and how many tomatoes to put on a salad to maximize profits for airline lunches so you autists with nothing better to do should be able to work this one out no problem

>> No.7471495
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>> No.7471501

It's all ogre now

>> No.7471584
File: 32 KB, 262x500, 1310527433835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, more or less.
>Be a dude.
>Cosplay shirtless character for the first time.
>Think no one's really going to notice or care.
>Suddenly a number of guys act like complete assholes to me.
>Getting felt up by girls left and right.

The overall reaction I've gotten from girls has been flattering, but I'm pretty glad I don't have another shirtless cosplay currently lined up in my future.

Okay, glad I'm not the only one like this.
If you can do something about your body - do it.
If it's something you con't control, like skin color, height, breast size, etc, then I'll let it slide.

>> No.7471597

Massive religiously brainwashed seagulls detected, or victims of child molesters. Locked on target. FIRE WHEN READY!

Pew pew pew. In the shitcan with your charred corpses!

>> No.7471608

Queer harder, retard. You can google an article here and there to support your fuctarded position, but the overwhelming evidence points towards tits NOT being related to sex in many cultures. I'd argue the nude body in its entirety is not related to sexuality, otherwise nude beaches would be filled with hard dicks and wet pussies from seeing other nude humans.

You're just another idiot who can't imagine that there are people who view the nude human body as something people are born in, and is not in and of itself something which must elicit a sexual reaction. Society is what's drilled this whole nudity=sex idea into your skill. Not everyone thinks like that.

>> No.7471619
File: 977 KB, 499x281, 1390767891072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sources are all well cited, if you care so much go fucking read it, you filthy hippie.

>> No.7471624

Wow the butthurt is strong in you, hambeast!

>> No.7471661

Bitches be green with envy.

>> No.7471666

I don't need to read it, faggot. Well-cite all you want. Your whopping two articles vs. entire nations filled with people that don't give a fuck about boobs hardly makes your case very compelling.

>> No.7471897

Buttravaged women who can't handle the fact that pussy market exists and that, to men, they have value just as any other product that is to be owned.

>> No.7471912

>I don't need to read it
Unless you've physically been to either of those countries and talked to the natives about what they consider sexual you indeed do have to read it.

>> No.7471920

Wanna know the real reason? Because ugly women are the ones that are going to walk around shirtless, and not the hot ones. And grandmas.

>> No.7471922

I really hope this albino monkey is killed. God, this person is so fucking ugly.. It's like it's not even human. It's like part dog or pig or monkey. Fucking ugh..

>> No.7472050


American society is in America. If you don't like it, go to another one of those countries where they let their titties and dicks swing in the wind and have fun.

>> No.7472334

>Falling for the laziest, most overused bait in the world

>> No.7472356 [DELETED] 

Stop calling it bait, you piece of shit. Men *ARE* fucking scum, DEAL WITH IT ALREADY.

>> No.7472363

this so much

I mean, look, they are trying to fight for their rights to have sex with children >>7472354

>> No.7472390 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 374x473, 1395621366613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolutionary psychologists theorize that humans' permanently enlarged breasts, in contrast to other primates' breasts, which only enlarge during ovulation, allows females to solicit male attention and investment even when they are not really fertile.