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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7468569 No.7468569 [Reply] [Original]

>Creepy Photographers to avoid and why
>Creepy individuals to avoid (recognizable by name or appearance) and why
>Conventions that you felt were notably inappropriately staffed or managed and why
>Stories of creepy staff members
>Stories of creepy attendees
>Stories of thieves (roommates or otherwise)
>Stories of harassment
>Warnings to other congoers about potential dangers in convention environments

If this thread actually contains relevant information that's specific, it could be really useful in avoiding uncomfortable or unsafe situations.

Also, no "someone touched my butt/boobs and ran off!" stories. While it's unfortunate, they're unspecific and unhelpful to the purpose of this thread because we can't identify anyone and therefore can't avoid them. If you have details regarding your harasser, though, go for it.

>> No.7468712

EBK is the biggest cosfamous creep.

>> No.7468714


>> No.7468715

New fag. Anyone knows this who has been attending cons for more than a few years.

>> No.7468719

He hates when cosplayers bring their boyfriends to shoots, only shoots females and will only add women cosplayers on Facebook.

>> No.7468769

This thread is to give cosplayers and attendees insight on people they aren't aware of. Part of the point is to help newfags. Read sometime.

>> No.7468783

So then, who is EBK and what makes them infamous?

>> No.7468801 [DELETED] 

>stop guys asking for my picture
ewww stop it

>> No.7468805

>ugly guys asking for my picture
ewww stop it

>> No.7468812

Just a sort of pet peeve -

>When multiple people take your photo at the con, but no pictures ever turn up anywhere online.

Like... what do you DO with the pictures?

Do you just... keep them in a folder?

When I take photos at a convention I make sure to post them up so that whoever I took pictures of can see them. It's just sort of a nice gesture. When the photos don't end up somewhere I just get really worried that I've been thrown into a fap folder.

>> No.7468837

Eurobeat Kasumi Photography.

>> No.7469053

I'd say only 10% of photos ever make it online. Usually, it'll either stay on the person's camera or be put in a private album that only friends can see.

>> No.7469065

I always post them up on dA with the con name and year and any names of the character

(for example, a cardcaptors cosplay would be listed as Cardcaptor Sakura Kinomoto / Avalon ConConCon 2014)

It makes it easy to find them, and I know I'm no great photographer, but if I was one of the only people who took photos of someone, they probably would like to see them.

>> No.7469072

God damn what have people done wirh their photos before the internet!
Getting my pics all over the internet is one reason i hesitate to cosplay
>hey boss, is that YOU in that costume xD?

>> No.7469078

it's a real shame too, would be nice to see how my costumes turned out during the day


ok con story
>at mcm manchester 2013
>phoenix wright cosplayer walks past me and my friends
>already seen him today so i smiled and said "hold it" or something similar cus i'm a complete aspie
>he smiles and walks on
>feel someone smack the back of my head
>turn around confused and see him walking away - opposite direction to original path
>still dont know why anything even remote to the event occured - still strange that someone straight up hit me at a con then walked off

>> No.7470015

Why would I post my smartphone pictures online when there's a bunch of people with pro cameras posting their pictures?

Also I don't know if everyone wants their pictures online, and I don't know if some girl will get pissed off because I didn't photoshop her pictures and made her look ugly etc

>> No.7470138

This is the first time I've ever heard anything about how creepy he is. At the last con I was at, one of my friends kept complaining about how EBK never asked her for a picture despite having a really good cosplay.

Anyone have more/specific stories of his creepy behavior?

>> No.7470490

lawrence brennar is another creepy photographer avoid him at all cost

>> No.7470761

Because sometimes, those smartphone pictures are the only pictures someone will ever see of their cosplay.
Also, post the picture, if someone complains to you, then take it off.

>> No.7470785

Nobody ever has anything on him other than "HE ONLY TAKES PHOTOS OF GIRLS THAT'S SO CREEPY!"

>> No.7470793
File: 1.01 MB, 1169x3731, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Savage/Savage Bandito
A.k.a the glued foot fetish guy.

>> No.7470916

>dem 10/10 feet pics on his devianart

Guy is a Top-Tier photographer. Stop trying to bring him down.

>> No.7470945

Is it really all that creepy? He has a foot fetish, yeah, but don't the women he photographs already know he's focusing on their feet? Or does he do it in the guise of something else?

>> No.7470948

If they don't want the photos online, they should either

1- decline to taking th picture
2- ask you not to post it

I assume that any photos taken at a con will end up online.

>> No.7471887

mostly just awkward anons that you can't break conversation with without physically running away mid-sentence.

One time this guy talked to us for a total of 40 minutes about his book despite many hints and excuses that we had to leave. We missed Chuck Huber's panel because of him -_- So yeah, we had to run.

>> No.7471902

>Because sometimes, those smartphone pictures are the only pictures someone will ever see of their cosplay.
Well I can understand that and I can say that I've taken some very cool pictures with my smartphone.
I usually take pictures of basically anyone, even the fat ugly girls who never get approached so I guess I have some "exclusives"

>Also, post the picture, if someone complains to you, then take it off.
That's another point. I don't have facebook or any of those other things.

90% of people think like that. But some are more sensitive and cause drama for no reason.

>> No.7471907

You missed Chuck Huber's panel because of you.

Seriously, you just start walking away if it's time to go.

>> No.7471925

"Hey, sorry to cut out but we have to go to a panel that's starting soon. Good luck with your book!"
"Hey, sorry, but I REALLY need to use the restroom ill come back later to finish this chat if i have time. Bye."
Done and done

>> No.7471932

stop being beta and you wouldn't have missed it.

>> No.7471937

then post them here? Its flattering to most to see themselves on the internet, and baddies learn from it. Or cry, but then they're being a little bitch.

>> No.7471950

Autistic people only reproduce via rape, that's why you make us uncomfortable.

>> No.7471957

sithcamarowspadawan AKA Connor Breen, Well known around the So Cal conventions as the "cosplay pedophile"
Not only will he cheat on whatever girlfriend he has at the time, but he'll use his costumes as a reason to try and talk underage girls into raunchy shoots with him. His target is normally 13-15 year old girls, new to the con and convention scene.
He has been reported to the police once before by a girls parents when they found out he was dating her (he was 22 at the time and she was 14).
He also has a strange obsession with johnny depp and most of the time believes he is johnny depp, to the point of showing a fake id of the actor when asked for his id.

>> No.7472001

they don't know about it 99% of the time

>> No.7472087

Bringing things back to EBK. What has EBK done that's creepy?
Hit on girls half his age. Girls 15-18 when he was 30+.
Doesn't take "no" for an answer. Will persist with asking for risque shots after a cosplayer says she's uncomfortable, pesters girls to cosplay skimpy characters, keeps asking them out even when they have a boyfriend and he knows it.
Asks for cleavage shots and sexy poses from girls in any cosplay and age range, including when they're in crossplay.
Brags about his ~*~private~*~ folder and all the tits and ass shots he's taken.
Sauce: Lots of personal experience and his creepy facebook posts. I finally deleted him a month ago because I didn't want to be an enabler.
I don't know why people still want to shoot with him. He's mediocre at best. If rumor of his old coscom popularity has gotten around by now, so should the fact that he's an old skeezelord.

>> No.7472186

Oh, fuck. That's disgusting then. I thought it was one of those, "Hey, I love your cosplay and I kind of like feet. Could you pose for me?" Honestly, if someone came up to me like that, I would do it simply to reward their honesty

>> No.7472320

Zaid. Fucking creep.

>> No.7472338

>Creepy individuals to avoid (recognizable by name or appearance) and why
>and why

>> No.7473925

I live in SoCal and I don't know this guy. Any photos so I can avoid him?

>> No.7473940

That's... basically how he goes about it. He doesn't take unsolicited pictures of feet, or focus on feet without telling the model. I have a friend who's done shoots with him, and I've been there when they happened and I've never seen him be anything but polite and respectful.

>> No.7474062

What the fuck. Then what's the problem? He seems like a chill guy. We all have fetishes, that's understandable. I could see if he was a creep about it, but if he's honest and respectful, then this doesn't make sense. Is this a case of, sjw "Even though I'm not involved in this at all, *I* think it's objectifying, so he's a bad person!!" rather than the people he photographs feeling that way?

>> No.7474075
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From his facebook.

>> No.7474153

he looks like a guy who offered to buy me a 3ds for a handjob in high school

>> No.7474158

lookin greasy as fuck

>> No.7474177

... Did you do it?

>> No.7474179

A few things from a local:
- Many of his models are underage.
- He also does bondage photos. There's a tripfag here who did photos with him a few years ago where she was tied to a tree... she was 15 at the time. This wasn't uncommon.
- He has uploaded his subjects' photos to fetish sites without their consent or knowledge until they were alerted by their friends.
- A few years ago, he used to do con videos where he'd do an in-character interview as his OC, "Savage Bandito," some kind of villain who trapped girls in glue. He used to pass off his "stuck in glue" fetish as a joke shtick to get girls to pretend they were in that situation in videos. They were generally unaware that he gets off to it, and most didn't seem to realize that taking their shoes off for the skits was part of it.

He really wasn't very transparent about his motives, and as far as I'm aware he still isn't. The only girls who shoot with him are teens or 20-something girls who have low self-esteem and mediocre costumes because nobody will shoot them for free otherwise.

>> No.7474184

>tfw three years later and still no 3ds

>> No.7474214

Get a boyfriend. Mine gave me a 3ds xl and 5 games.

>> No.7474219

Yeesh. I didn't know about this stuff. Never heard anyone mention it before, especially the underage stuff.

>> No.7474279

A 3DS for one handjob is still a better deal than a 3DS and 5 games for a relationship consisting of regular handjobs.

>> No.7474303
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not when the guy looks like this.
tbh he doesn't really look very similar to the original picture I responded to, but eh, its been a while.
>he asked a girl to prom by going to her class and serenading her in front of everyone. She said no.
>he played hey there delilah

>> No.7474330

As someone who is local to NorCal for 10+ years, I can say all of this is true and he's done multiple things on that list to a handful of my friends.

>> No.7474368
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>tfw this boy is my fetish

>> No.7474381

Well I actually like the guy so

>> No.7474394


>> No.7474413

I avoid anyone who comes up to people with a camera crew mainly because they are usually youtube celebrities that think they can ask every girl if they can motormoat them.

>> No.7474415

chubbyfat cute-awkward straight boys with glasses that i can molest. he might even give me free vidya

>> No.7474627

I feel the same way, anon. Bonus points if I can get him to squeal like a piggy at any place and any time, and I allow him footjobs every so often because I've beaten his self esteem down so low that he feels like his disgusting penis isn't worth be touched by My hands.

>> No.7474653

ho ho ho

every part of that is just fucked because its so possible to happen

>> No.7474681

Get a t-shirt with DICK BULLY printed on to the front and wear it to a con.

>> No.7474745

If you don't want people jerking it to you, don't cosplay revealing cosplays. It's fucking simple.

>> No.7474754

>implying you're not trolling and that this means anything
Not every jerks to Jnigs, anon. I myself jerk it to fully clothed "innocent" loli cosplayers. We're gonna jerk it to whoever, whether they cover up or not. Get your autist head out of your ass.

>> No.7474819

>Warnings to other congoers about potential dangers in convention environments

Assume all females are underage.
Bigger cons should REALLY color code badges. They don't in the ones I have gone to (tx)

>> No.7474893
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Ironically the girls I've seen complaining about con creepers on Facebook were down right fugly which to me puts doubt on their creeper claims.

Couldn't help thinking these girls would be lucky if they were ever sexually harassed.

Creeper claims in general are almost always blown out of proportion and sensationalized to the point where rape almost happened. Thanks feminism!

>> No.7474900

Nice shitpost. But the thread isn't just for girls/women, it's for everyone. And there are plenty of creeps that hang around the convention scene that prey on underage girls, so it's a legitimate concern.

>> No.7474914


The underaged stuff is a legit concern but you can't tell me that all these girls that wear revealing costumes have a leg to stand on about being "stare raped".

There is a such thing as Creeper Hysteria. All these threads seem to serve is putting girls at a disposition that any guy they don't find attractive trying to talk to them are creeping on them.

Don't act like you don't like it either. I personal know several high profile cosplayers that secretly hold creepers as badges of honor. Downright double standard shit.

>> No.7474923

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying that this thread focuses on actual occurrences and not "eye rape". Someone looking at you funny isn't worthy of yelling "harassment" at, I'm in total agreement there. My point was that what you mentioned wasn't the focus of the thread. This isn't a place for sob stories, it's meant to actually warn people by naming specific individuals as opposed to "bluh bluh they said i was sexy and walked off, what a creep"

>> No.7475058
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Do neckbeards actually go up to gurls and interrogate them on if they're 'true fans' or whatnot?
I hear this all the time and it just sounds too dumb to be true

>> No.7475073

Hardly happens, but women will say it happens all the time.

>> No.7475079

EBK was never particularly creepy to me, and never had a problem with my husband being around. He shot my husband as well as the two of us together.

The only thing he does which I find more funny than anything is ask for photos of "the back" of the costume. Because he likes butts.

I was shooting with him once and my costume involved garters. I went to adjust one of them between shots and he actually looked away/covered his eyes.

Also, after every con (sometimes even before we leave for the weekend) he gives me all of the unedited photos straight off of his camera. That way I can go through and choose the ones I like/edit them myself. I love being able to edit myself because some photogs edit weirdly, or choose weird photos, or photoshop you WAY too much (Anna Fischer shoops you to oblivion in her photos, and she also only ever posts like ONE image from an entire set which is annoying as fuck). He used to just post EVERY SINGLE PICTURE and tag them all which kind of annoyed me because some of them were repetitive or really bad/unflattering (which happens to everyone). So yeah. I like him. Never had a problem.

>> No.7475094


Rarely directly.

>> No.7475097

Yeah, it's usually behind said woman's back

>> No.7475283

I've had it happen when I was asking a friend's bf about Warhammer lore. And then he pretty much drilled me on it when I prefaced with the fact that I had only recently started getting into it (the last five months) while he had been into it for years. I was much more insecure than I am right now, but that completely put me off Warhammer for a while.

>> No.7475289

There's the owner of this page: http://emeraldcoastcosplay.com/

The guy who runs it only takes pictures of cute girls and is constantly bitching on Facebook about how he wants a hot girlfriend. It's really creepy to be honest.

>> No.7475404
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oh god, this is so annoying and it's getting worse. There is also this guy we have known for a while and he is just... Ugggh

My sisters and I love cosplay a lot, so naturally we go to cons and all that. We didn't really think about it but none of us have ever had boyfriends even though we are early twenties and my youngest sister is only 13. It turns out that a lot of con creeps have some dumbass purity complex...

>You've never had a boyfriend?
>Oh wow why?
don't get out of the house much and was home schooled. I just never thought about it I guess
>I can be your first boyfriend, I'll teach you about love, so many girls are such whores but not you
>I politely turn down to which they persist or get mad that 'I have no room in my heart for love'
>hit on my other sister, and then my 14 year old sister
Bitch you can't call other girls 'whores' while you just hit on all three of us in under an hour, that's bullshit. And if we jumped on the first guy who asked us out wouldn't we be 'easy?' We haven't ever had boyfriends for a reason jackass.

But yeah, one guy in our comm has really latched onto my little sister, telling her to send him pics all the time and blowing kisses at her at cons and shit. This ugly fucker is about 5'4, fat and like 27 while she is seriously 14...

She has told him time and time again to please stop, that she is not interested and my sister and I have both gotten on him about knocking it off to which he
>I never actually did anything, I haven't even really asked her out!
> 'marry me, become my waifu!'
dude. Pedocreeps and purity weirdos.

Also my favorite
>You never took up my sexual offers so for a while I thought you where asexual.
Just because I don't want to have sex with your gross, short, smelly, mean fatass I must be asexual, up thats the only thing that makes sense. smh

>> No.7475411

You're welcome. Your dissatisfaction satisfies me.

>> No.7475416

You know that creepers end up trying with uggos after having been rejected by pretties.

Even when you look like shit getting attention from a mentally unstable man is not exactly nice.

>> No.7475422


/p/haggot here

Only about a fourth of all the pictures I take make it up to some form of online media (tumblr, flickr, etc).

As far as con photo's, that number is even less. I try to shoot everyone at a con. (everyone including "attractive" people to "un-attractive" people)

Even then, I take the ones with the best form and toss them into post. The rest just sit on my external.

I'd like to think that most people don't actually have a fap folder, but I've met a few weird niggas in my days. So I can't guarantee that much to you. lol

>> No.7475444

You might want to get a restraining order because he sounds like a disgusting pedo with a waifu complex and they only get worse.

>> No.7475531

I still have photos I took sitting on my harddrive. I'm just too lazy to edit them and too proud to upload blindly.

>> No.7475556
File: 483 KB, 913x514, Creepin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're out at a con and you see a cute girl
Do the creep! (ahhh...)
Do the creep! (ahhh...)
And if you want to make friends, add her to FaceBook
Then do the creep! (ahhhh...)
Do the creep! (ahhh...)

>> No.7475603

>ugly people cant be creeped on
you sound like a fucking asshole.

>> No.7475609

This made me laugh so much. I went to a cosplay meet up last summer (almost a year this june) and one of the guys want to add me to facebook randomly.

>> No.7475632

If anything, I feel like that's a bit more likely for con creepers to go after the uglies. They're less likely to reject their advances than a pretty girl (who likely has higher self esteem, ESPECIALLY if she's a good cosplayer). They just want an easy target.

>> No.7475650

>When the photos don't end up somewhere I just get really worried that I've been thrown into a fap folder.
Then don't dress like a hooker. There's also the possibility that when the photog went to edit his day's worth of photos, he came across yours and either it didn't turn out well at all, or he realized you're a fucking pig wearing lipstick in a thong and threw your ass into the trash heap.

>> No.7475657

Not that person, but I had someone try and snap panty-shots and other creepy photos of me while I was cosplaying an outfit that really wasn't slutty at all. (long, pajama-ish frilly top, knee-length skirt, etc)

>> No.7475678

The underage stuff is inexcusable. For anyone adults though, if they sign a model release form, then he can do whatever he wants with the images. People need to be cognizant of what they're signing. If they signed no release form, then they can sue him.

>> No.7475684

see >>7474754

I know you're shitposting, but I'm just saying.

>> No.7475702

>The only thing he does which I find more funny than anything is ask for photos of "the back" of the costume. Because he likes butts.
And so do a lot of us. If you've got a nice ass, and your cosplay shows it off, you have a responsibility to let photographers capture dat ass so we can all check it out. You won't have an ass like that all your life, so get it immortalized while you do. :P

>> No.7475754

yeah you're the problem

>> No.7475845

Ok, so my friends and I were at akon in pretty half assed carebear costumes, made literally the morning of the con. We still got asked to take a ton of pictures oddly enough. But anyways, we passed by a guy in a pedobear costume, mask and all, and the most daring of my friends was like we should get a picture together. Not a good idea in retrospective, but we were in 7th grade at the time. While we were posing for the pic he squeezed my friends ass, and afterwards kind of trailed us around the con for about 15 minutes. It was so uncomfortable that we couldn't lose him, and we were a little overwhelmed as it was, we went home.

>> No.7475858

I remember being in a shop wearing some ratty inspector gadget shirt and a cashier said "Oh you like that show, huh? What's the dog's name?" and I was so taken off guard I stuttered and stammered until my brain worked and I said "Brain"
That's probably more a case of two autists trying to have a conversation, though.
Or if they're older than the female, it might be more that they feel the "young kid" doesn't know anything about what they like more than it being an issue about them being a woman.

>> No.7475879

I've never seen it done directly like you see people talk about online, but I have had people try to teach me how to MtG, who didn't believe me when I said that I know how to play. Then they expressed genuine shock that I already knew what I was doing, despite me spending half the game saying, "yeah, I know, thank you."

Just...who the fuck would pretend to know how to play a card game? Why would they think that's bullshit? You can't pretend to know a card game, that shit would fall apart so fast.

>> No.7475887

No, a lot of it is probably simple conversation
>Oh, you like Star Trek too? Who's your favorite captain? I like Picard for (reasons). Have you seen Star Trek Continues?
>"Omg this guy totally quizzed me!!! Sexism!"

>> No.7475894

>yeah you're the problem
What problem would that be? Being a normal human? I ain't gay, bitch. You have a nice ass, then I'm gunna look. Deal with it.

>> No.7475897

if the girls are willing then what does it matter? the guy is a creep but it doesn't sound like he's doing anything criminal.

>> No.7475902

Everything that person just listed was under "things done without someone's consent", anon. That's a problem. Please don't go near other people ever if you feel otherwise.

>> No.7475903

Took your momma nine months to make ya
Might as well shake what your momma gave ya

>> No.7475905

I used to think the pedobears were funny but people who cover their face in costumes are usually the worst. The absolute worst. Pedobears, slenderman, Deadpool. I think it's psychological, the people that do these costumes are inner creeps/assholes and covering their face gives them the anonymity they need to bring their inner creeper out.

>> No.7476227

>That feel when I'm an ugly guy and I go to cons just to force girls to interact with me when I ask them for pics

>> No.7476471

I'm a 4'11" female, and when I was around 14, I thought it'd be funny to dress up as pedobear, hit on some boy around my age, get accused of hitting on young children, then take off the mask, until I realized my voice would give it away.

>> No.7476653

I'm inclined to agree. The only time I ever got physically harassed at a con was when some slenderman cosplayer decided to shove his fingers into my mouth from behind. I managed to get him banned from the con, luckily, since he'd been doing similar stuff to others all day, including some of my underage friends.

>> No.7476659

That sounds like a dream come true.

>> No.7476865

I am instantly distrusting of any particularly shitty masked cosplay, because the shittier it is the more I think they just threw it together last minute to hide behind. Granted I had a very shitty Scarecrow follow me for an entire con before.

>> No.7477049

another /p/haggot here.

-not every photo turns out perfectly and a photographer isn't going to want to post a photo that would cast the cosplayer or themselves in a bad light.

-photographers are people too. they have lives outside of conventions. sometimes they just don't have time to go through every con photo they took.

-keep in mind, there are people that aren't super internet savvy and don't know about tags. maybe they posted your photo, but didn't add tags.

it sucks not being able to find your photos, but that doesn't make everyone a total pervert.

>> No.7477124

Because somehow he tied some girl up on a tree and took photos of her against her consent, right? You're an idiot who can't read.

>> No.7477158
File: 55 KB, 590x427, power rangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, I'd hate to know what you think of people who like to cosplay from Power Rangers or Kamen Rider.

>> No.7477250

you know minors cant legally consent to these kinds of things...right?

>> No.7477261


What if I wear a lucha mask for the hell of it?

>> No.7477276

The only thing listed under "done without someone's consent" was "upload his subjects' photos to fetish sites without their consent or knowledge."
Which is skeevy in of itself, doubly so if the girls are underage.
Not illegal, though. Welcome to the fucked up world of cosplay photography and copyright.

>> No.7477298

I've personally never had it happen to me, but my friends have mentioned guys being total douchenozzles to them about it.

One of them dealt with this guy who she had never met (though was.. apparently a friend of her friend?). The guy started drilling her on all these anime he listed and she answered that she heard of them but hadn't watched, and if anything they probably having varying interest so they may not even have seen the same things. She told me the guy smugly told her that "If you are a true fan you would watch ALL types of anime."

She also mentioned that when he left he said to her and her friend:

"Bye children, or should I say- SENPAIS?"

>> No.7477344

Uploading underaged girls to porn sites IS illegal, though. It's CP.

>> No.7477348

I'd like to see the law regarding that.
>not-CP is CP because it's on a porn cite

>> No.7477353

if you're underage and take nude pictures of yourself then send them out, you're held accountable to distributing child pornography even if it is your own and you're a minor. this has been said in articles related to sexting and child porn. Even having it is risky.

>> No.7477423

>implying being completely nude is cosplay

I fail to see how this is related.

>> No.7478184

There was a convention today. I had no cosplay and just stood outside the centre looking at people. I was wearing everyday street clothes and was looking at people. I also sent angry stares to people in cosplay around the city. So I was a creep.

I am always a creep though even if I have cosplay. I'm male and more than 20 years old, which is extremly creepy by itself. I also usually only talk to ~16 year old girls.

I am so creepy. I have one ticket to a convention but am considering selling it, there's a huge demand. I think I should give up conventions and rather just cosplay whenever I want, to university or just for no reason, alone. I can't go to conventions anymore.

[[perhaps should I have posted this in the feels thread or /r9k/, but fits here too]]

>> No.7478194

It's not. But skanks in d20 and cosplay deviants still think they're cosplayers

>> No.7479017

I was actually interrogated by some random 40 year old dude when I was 15 in my 2hu cosplay.
Not even joking.
nigga I just wanted to but a t-shirt

>> No.7480679

I wore Marisa a few years ago and some guy who took my picture asked, accusingly, "So do you even play the games?" Come on, man. Touhou fans are usually nicer than that, in my experience.

>> No.7480705

Well to be fair you're cosplaying one of the two main characters. I've been at photoshoots with Reimu's who don't even know what game their in(haha almost all of them) and it's pretty annoying. Just take the 5 seconds to learn some background

I haven't really had anyone accuse me because I cosplay a fairly obscure/unpopular character.

>> No.7480938

>guy has fetish

Are we tumblr?

>> No.7480993

Thomas Pierce in the Texas area. He entices female cosplayers with money to shoot lingerie or suggestive poses with him. He also continuously flirts with you regardless of how uncomfortable you may seem (or maybe he doesn't notice). He got kicked out of Delta H Con because he was being too flirtatious with the Maid Cafe workers.

>> No.7484490
File: 2.29 MB, 427x238, 1395519515520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a Reaper game pin next to pony meme pins
Can you just not

>> No.7484495
File: 651 KB, 250x141, 1395708925163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't act like you don't like it either. I personal know several high profile cosplayers that secretly hold creepers as badges of honor. Downright double standard shit.

This is bait and if you reply to this, you've fallen for it.

>> No.7484536

If you're in the southeastern part of the US I would avoid working with Euphoria Cosplay. He is a major creeper.

>> No.7484550

No, but non tumblr people don't appreciate that shit either you know
>I have an opinion
> I disagree
>are you tumblr??

>> No.7484576

Kill la kill transformed kamui outfit. wat do
Also, people wearing luchador mask masks are the biggest creeps no matter where you are. And none of them speak english or understand the concept of personal space.

>> No.7485893

Its happened to me twice. Once when I was cosplaying as Huntress, and the other as Caitlyn(LoL)
It doesn't happen as often as people like to whine about though

>> No.7485903

I've only had it happen once. It was after some guy was trying super hard to hit on me, we were playing trivia, and I corrected him on some sci-fi show (I wanted points for our team, I wasn't just being a dick), and after that he started quizzing me on shows related to every single question, got mad when I knew my shit, and didn't give me so much as a glance when the game was over and all the teammates were saying goodbye.

But that's the first time something like that has happened to me in about ten years of going to cons.

>> No.7485914

Would subscribe to your youtube channel.

>> No.7485931

I met a guy in a cookie monster problems who was drinking the whole con. We talked about our favorite shows and he ended up crying on my shoulder. I didn't think he was a bad person but he never took his costume off.

>> No.7485939

Problems > costume
sorry its early

>> No.7485943

Yeah...no. Boys go after pretty chicks before hitting at fugly ones for the simple reason that if an orc rejects you hurts A LOT MORE than when some beautiful and well cosplayed girl does it.

In addition, if you are lucky and the beautiful one wants the D you become God but if you are "lucky" and some fatty wants your penis then you will get SHAME and pittiness.

In fact, pretty girls are nicer than fatties just because they are more used to deal with people hitting on them. Ugly ones act like fucking divas since there its the only place IN THE WORLD they can feel pretty and receive some attention.

TL;dr: uggos lie when they say they were harrased because they weren't and that hurts them.

>> No.7485945

Yeah, this. I only got bothered by weirdos when I was in my awkward teenager phase and rarely get bothered now that I'm in my 20s and generally look better/clean up well in costume.

I had a 19-year-old proposition me for sex online after meeting him at my first con when I was 14. He later told me he couldn't make it to the next convention because he was on house arrest for four counts of sexually harassing other girls ("but they're lying bitches bawww!"). Bullet dodged.

>> No.7485946
File: 54 KB, 625x626, 1396370341368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking creepers, not guys in general. If a predator sort wants to find a girl upon whom to bestow unwanted sexual advances, who do you think he's more likely to go after? The girl with no self-esteem who may perceive attention as a positive thing at first, or the pretty girl who's had her share of weirdos and will spot them right away?

>> No.7486026

>who do you think he's more likely to go after?
Real creepers go after young (13-15yo) cute girls. Maybe worst creepers also go after YOUNG ugly girls (for better chances since is more likely that they never experienced attention from a man and still are naive and shy enough to even think to aproach a boy). But nobody hits on ugly women in a CON. FUCKING NEVER.

>> No.7486081

>But nobody hits on ugly women in a CON. FUCKING NEVER.

Are you an omniscient being or the Lorax of creepers?

>> No.7486146

Sorry, i wanted to say that no one gropes fat/ugly women in CONs. That doesn't even make sense. I mean, what good would it do that? Touching the tits of a whale, its obvious that nobody wants that.

B-but by creepers you mean gropers, right?. Not just guys hitting on girls (they never aproach fuglys in cons either btw).

>> No.7489420
File: 864 KB, 1478x1004, DSC_0201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy is a Top-Tier photographer.

Does this look like Top-Tier professionalism to you?

>> No.7489426

Why wouldn't it be? The woman is obviously aware to the photographs and consenting to it. He isn't groping her or has his pants around his ankles or anything.

Nothing wrong with provocative photography. Don't be such a prude.

>> No.7489430

Just don't be ugly like he is.

>> No.7489435
File: 71 KB, 233x350, SuperStock_1654R-37571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt: dipshit that doesn't know the difference between shooting from a low angle and an upskirt shot

>> No.7489443

ITT women participate in their favorite online activity: shaming men.

>> No.7489472

>power rangers sentai with actual armor elements
>totally the same as lazy meme cosplay

do you even reading comprehension

>> No.7489476

Even without visible panties in the shot, it's a horrible angle on women and makes their thighs look enormous. He uses this angle ALL THE TIME and doesn't bother crouching to look in the viewfinder, so he's shooting blind and not bothering to fix his composition.

>> No.7489478

What's wrong with low-angle shots? The most questionable thing about that photo is the person who photographed the photographer without either of them knowing.

>> No.7489479


While you are most likely a troll, I know there are many guys actually thinking that way, so for all those living under some desert rock, here.

Of my female friends, the ones that get actual creepers/stalkers/autists are always homely, often chubby, loners. Not the hot, confident, scantily dressed girls. It applies to cons as well as regular life.

There's several reasons for that:
>the ugly girls are the only ones who ever were nice to them (even if out of pity), and they mistook it for flirt or affection
>there is a far lesser chance of an ugly girl sending their 6' tall bf after them
>they suffer from "virgin-whore" complex, where the pretty girls are in their eyes all vile cum-guzzling sluts and all the plain girls are pure and angelic
>con uglies are often just as socially inept as the creepers, so they are more likely to accept what others would immediately call a creepy behaviour (vide glomping hambeasts etc)

>> No.7489500

Show me examples of low-angle shots that DON'T make the subject look like shit.

>> No.7489502

>The most questionable thing about that photo is the person who photographed the photographer without either of them knowing.

Which is legal in a public place, moron.

>> No.7489567

How about I shame your ass with my foot, kid?

>> No.7489793
File: 310 KB, 500x369, iwillkillitwithfire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugggg THIS

/offtopic but this happens to me all the fucking time with card games. One guy in particular likes to hover over me at a local shop as I play IN A DAMN TOURNAMENT and give me "advice." It's terrible.

>> No.7489797

This. Also, sexual predators tend to prey on low self confidence. They have a sense for and don't go after the hot girls who aren't afraid to tell them off.

>> No.7489884
File: 29 KB, 700x558, 1598224_4105759779445_660975082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Went to a card shop with my older guy friend who is pretty much a older brother to me.
>>Be 14 in a tournament, doing pretty fucking well.
>>Creepy 300lb guy had to be about 26 y/o comes over, starts asking me what underwear am I wearing.
>>Wreaks of horrid B.O, sweating standing behind me.
>>Politely tells him "I'm trying to concentrate, pleases go away."
>>Guy laughs and says "Oh Honey, I'm Jiraiya! ALL THE LADIES LOVE ME!!"
>>Look over to see older brother watching us, but hes in a match, can tell he's fucking pissed and he could hear him.
>>Up against some fucking annoying hyper spastic hambeast yuri lover calling me cute kawaii shit with a shitty Love kanji painted on her forehead like Gaara.
>>Both are creeping me the fuck out.
>>Puts down wrong card, can't concentrate with both of them being REALLY LOUD WEEBS. Lose.
>>Fucking aye, they still wont leave me alone.
>>Goes and sits next to brother.
>>Brother wins his match, has to go up against yuri cunt and 300lb faggot to win.
>>They both sit down.
"Awe your imouto is so kawaii! How old is she? Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!!"
"What panties are she wearing?"
"Dude, you're fucking creepy."
"You're not Jiraiya, he's not even into little girls and he has a lot more class then you, pal."
He got all pissed off and started spouting retarded shit and banging the table, the shop owner is a fucking dick anyways so he did nothing about it.
>>Bro beats him, beats yuri cunt and she wouldn't stfu about how cute I was and shit and how incest SOOO HOTTT!!
>>Explains were not really related, just childhood friends.
>>He won a full box of Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
>>Opens them and gives half of them to me.
>>Go back a month later, find out he had been arrested for CP on his computer and had a collection of loli rape porn and other shit as well as real CP.
>>Find out Yuri cunt got fired from her job at a boarders for stealing yuri manga and other manga.

>> No.7489890 [DELETED] 

what the actual fuck did I just read
this is why I don't think eugenics is all that bad

>> No.7489893 [DELETED] 

wow did you really just go there? eugenics? really? was that necessary at all?

>> No.7489899 [DELETED] 

people like that shouldn't be allowed to breed and we both know it. you really think someone who says "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!" should be allowed to procreate? No, hell no.

>> No.7489902 [DELETED] 

there are a lot of implications to eugenics besides just "people like that shouldn't have kids", anon.

>> No.7489908 [DELETED] 

I don't actually give a shit. It's not like I'm a lawmaker going to enact some bill tomorrow to castrate all poor people. But if there was some perfect system to pick out people like in anon's story and sterilize them, I would be fine with that. There isn't so it's not like I'm realistically going to vote for eugenics. I hope you feel better having argued this pointless shit over the internet.

>> No.7489926

It was fucking creepy as hell, that guy was always in the shop and one time asked for my panties and would "give me." some manga or bullshit when I was like 11, I would always just walk away or try to avoid him. It made people WANT to stay away from the card shop. The owner would just ignore it most of the time. The owners son and wife are really nice and not creepy at all though, and I hope someday his son will take over the shop since he'd actually stick up against that guy. But yeah, people like him are really sick fucks..

>> No.7489939

gross. What is it with tcg/ccg guys? I've never had creep experiences this bad with any other group.

>> No.7491073

SoCal and NorCal guy named Cabusi is disgusting, stay away from him. always being a general creep on girls. always fuckin drunk. cheats on his gf with local girls who fall for it and cheats on her with prostitutes in Malaysia. she still doesnt know.

>> No.7491258

Anime Vegas. Terribly understaffed, little to no content, and way overgrown for their venue. They fucked up so hard last year they may not get to even have it this year.

>> No.7491271

wow this is such a low level fanfic story

Women will make up all sorts of bullshit stories to be look like victims

>> No.7496404

as a proffesional upskirt photographer the angle is wrong.
Skirts are very defensive and its a lot harder to get upskirt than you think it is

>> No.7496407

ur a cunt
maybe he isnt crouching because of bitches like you who would say HE IS EVEN KNEELING TO GET THE SHOT OMFG

>> No.7496416

Bye, r9k.

>> No.7496431

I doubt you go outside much, but if you ever felt inclined to, and revealed a power level of any kind to others, you would understand. Or perhaps you would just be as socially inept as these types of people.

>> No.7496588

I was at a local, small town (aka everyone there already knows each other... so shitttyy) convention, and my friends were cosplaying characters from a video game. after one of my friends won the top prize for best home-made cosplay they both took a short trip home to change out of their cosplays. I stayed behind with a couple friends. When they were gone, I heard a couple guys that kind of knew my brother talking loudly a few feet away from me about how much they doubt that they even play and that they're just attention whores for wearing revealing costumes. (One friend was ARCTIC CAITLYN... how is that even slightly revealing?) I busted into the circle of them and was all like ~bitch they're better than you guys, and I know that because they're better than my brother and I and my brother and I kick your ass at League~ and they shut up because they are shit-teir bronze douchebags.
So yeah it happens... Usually behind their backs but it happens.

>> No.7496632

Scrolled down real fast and thought for a second I somehow missed my own personal con creeper being posted. Looks like an uglier older version of this guy, heavy into the steampunk and "gentleman dandy" thing. Hit on me both online and in person, and repeatedly told me that it was hot how jailbait I looked (was 21 but usually mistaken for 15-17). He had a combo jailbait and harem fetish and would try to get certain girls to be friends so they would be more agreeable to a threesome or something.

>> No.7496690
File: 555 KB, 168x126, you what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once asked for a pic by a guy in a Batman tshirt, Batman hat, Batman sneakers and who had a bunch of Batman pins on his camera strap. He then asked what anime I came from.
>mfw I was dressed as original Harley Quinn

>> No.7496835

I just wanted to cosplay as strongbad ;_; I didn't know I was hurting anyone

>> No.7496869


I take photos as a way of talking to people. I delete all photos

>> No.7496893


sounds hot

>> No.7497050
File: 24 KB, 456x453, 1977180_10203547158422513_268982018013478149_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.7497061

So shooting completely blind is a better solution? Someone's butthurt.

>> No.7497068

So anyone not an 8 out of ten Chad?

>> No.7497109

Back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.7497256

I can't believe I've scrolled all the way down this thread without one mention of the guy from San Antonio with the Harley Quinn fetish.

>> No.7497288 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 960x720, panelsonfaggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking asshole

>> No.7497297


>> No.7497298
File: 100 KB, 960x720, panelsonfaggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then there's this asshole

>> No.7497312

So if I approach a fairly attractive girl at a con and I ask:
>which games have you played for x character?
"Oh, I've played x and xIII, but xIV was my favorite."
>Haha, nice. I actually haven't played any of them.
"That's a shame, they're really good!"
>Yeah, actually I was hoping to get [meal] with you today. Would you like to join me?

I'm always afraid of even talking to women at cons because I fear they'll automatically assume I'm a creep, and cons are too short to spend weeks and weeks getting to know someone like I normally do. I'm not hideous, but I'm not a super hunk strutting my stuff around a con. I just feel like it's easier to approach someone in costume if you yourself are in costume.

Am I just overthinking it?

>> No.7497319

you are overthinking

>go to a con
>have fun
>make new friends
>ppl similar interests

thats some advice

>> No.7497328

Just be hot and you'll be fine.

>> No.7497348

When you're cosplaying from the same series or game its much easier to approach anyone. It's cool that you're over thinking it, it means you actually care about how others view you.

I'm a fairly attractive male that has been in the con scene for quite a few years. I wasn't always though I used to be really fat and overall unattractive IMO. From my experience looks plays a huge role, cause now i can get away with saying stupid shit without being viewed as creepy. I know I've tried to be creepy just to prove my point to friends. Not all female though judge off of looks, keep these girls in your life, cause they are usually the best friends a guy can have!

Here are a few pointers that work for me. They are only true to my experiences so take it with a grain of salt.
>If you're a going to a con with then intention of picking up girl though they are right to assume you are a creep...cause its true.

>Sense the vibe, if she is trying to disconnect or looking for a way out, let her go, dont chase. There are a lot of really nice chicks that will talk to you and be bros with them. Treating them like normal people..cause they are! doesn't matter if you think them attractive or not.

> Don't buy into this whole friendzone bullshit. She doesn't owe you shit! If you buy her food or carry her stuff its cause you're a good guy, don't use it as a lead to a guilt trip ...That makes you a creep and a dick!

>When out of costume have good hygiene and have clean clothes. Looking beat up will automatically put anyone on defense. Decent fitting jeans and a well fitted basic tee will literally be the easiest and best move. Unless you're full Korean or Japanese, then thats a little tougher.


Hope it helps.

>> No.7497533

it can be difficult though when everyone recognizes who you are except those cosplaying from the same series :I

>> No.7497777

Don't open up with asking someone if they've played the game they're cosplaying from. That shit sounds condescending as fuck.

Just assumed they've played the game and are pretty knowledgeable about it considering they took the time and effort to sort out a cosplay from it and treat them like you would any other fan.

>> No.7497802

Everage fucking sucks now anyway. Whenever he has an ugly/fat girl, feet all over the place. Whenever he has a qt in sweaty shoes on a hot day, NOTHING. It's like he's doing it backwards on purpose. Fuck you Everage.

>> No.7497975

How not to be a creep

>Have the girl assume you don't know what her cosplay is and ask questions about it to make her seem empowered and as if she's teaching you
>Ask her what her favorite part of the show is and why she chose to cosplay as it. Laugh at stupid jokes.
>Look her in the eyes while she's talking give her control in the conversation but don't have it appear as if you're a beta boy
>Ask if she's seen anyone else cosplaying as the same character if her friends also have ask her to introduce you to her friends
>Give them your name and say what city you're from
>When they say where they're from congrats you used cosplay as a way to start a conversation with a person like a normal person

>> No.7497983

Holy White Knight Batman

>> No.7497989 [DELETED] 

I've done almost literally the direct opposite of most of what you advise and I get laid like a motherfucker at cons.

Protip: Women don't want to be "respected". That's what happens to them 24/7, because they have high social capital and half the planet is dying to fuck them, leading to an endless parade of ass-kissing. That doesn't mean you should smear your feces on their face in public but don't be afraid to be a little fucking aggressive and imposing, for christ's sake.

>> No.7497990 [DELETED] 

There's a limit though. Act dominant in the "relationship" or what ever you will call it but don't knock her interest. A first impression goes a hell of a way.

>> No.7497994 [DELETED] 

>all this b8

>> No.7498010 [DELETED] 


>implying there's actually anything wrong with eugenics

If you take out the fucktarded idea of genociding people based on their race eugenics actually makes a lot of sense.

>people with resources and capabilities will have children, not just any violent drunk or poor as shit junky couple
>might even be able to ensure that your child is born without genetical diseases, undesired traits or conditions even before conception

It'd help in more ways than one, really.

>> No.7498014 [DELETED] 

wow, your lame pickup tips didn't get the outrage you wanted so now you're replying to a troll topic posted four days ago. You can get the fuck out, kthx

>> No.7498015 [DELETED] 

Sure, don't be an asshole or insult her or anything, but don't buy her shit. Jesus fucking Christ don't buy her shit. A woman's vagina is like a label gun: your actions on meeting her are going to determine whether you get labeled as SOURCE OF REVENUE/ATTENTION/ETC. or REMINDS ME OF DADDY/WHY DO I WANT HIM TO CHOKE ME? (i.e. fuckable).

Be nice but be assertive. Like, really assertive. More assertive than you would think, if you're a beta whose mind is stuck in the paradigm of "if I want something from someone, that means I lick their boots, right?"

>> No.7498017 [DELETED] 

You're so mad that you're posting vapid TROLL TROLL YOU'RE A TROLL YOU DIDN'T TROLL ME!! garbage and becoming paranoid that everyone you dislike is the same person.

Settle down. Stay on topic.

>> No.7498021 [DELETED] 

except no one else cares about this thread and you're the only 2edgy4u person posting right now.
>all this projection

>> No.7498035 [DELETED] 

The thread is about how to be creepy/not creepy at cons. Some people happen to think being a beta fuck white knight is pretty creepy, not to mention boring and annoying.

You can toss as many outdated 4chan catchphrases as you want into your posts, but your bitterness, emotionality, and paranoia all clearly reveal you as a tumblr-using femanon who doesn't venture outside /cgl/ often.

Acclimate to the board culture and stop taking things so seriously and personally. You're gonna see posts you don't agree with. They're not all the same person, they're not out to get you, they're just people with different opinions.

>> No.7498042 [DELETED] 

>but your bitterness, emotionality, and paranoia
all this projection. I like when pointing out obvious samefagging and baiting grants me capslocks rants and accusations of being paranoid, emotional, bitter, angry, a shut-in, vapid, etc. I'm amazed you gleaned all that form my insightful two-line posts of "this is bait" and "you are lame, get out"
It's time to take a break from the internet, weather's been nice lately

>> No.7498047 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 557x775, hjrtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever does it for you, bro. Have fun continuing your meltdown in the sun.

>> No.7498052 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 942x530, gorilla-zen-den.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, seems autism-chan returned
>waaah my baiting didn't work, time to throw a sperg fit and shit up random threads

>> No.7498053 [DELETED] 

Wait, are you seriously this fucking stupid? I'm the one who said "all this b8"

>> No.7498061 [DELETED] 

And, uh, I don't know if you noticed, but this screenshot proves you were replying to yourself. Top lel.

>> No.7498064

> I met a guy in a cookie monster problems

sounds like he actually had cookie monster problems

>> No.7498074 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 557x775, 1397589894952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi autism-chan, don't think that just because your post got deleted I didn't catch your faggotry. screencapping proof of your own samefagging, that's some epic level retardism

>> No.7498949

See, this is the issue I'm afraid of. Read it again, I asked which games, implying they've played at least one already. It's not phrased as "Have you played any games for x character?" it's "Which games have you played?"
>tfw people actually think this negatively by instinct

So, in summary:
>never intend to find anyone
>if they don't like you, don't force them (no shit)
>buy her stuff if you're not an asshole, that's how you'll win her heart!
>don't look like a hobo
>don't hide in a corner and hope she'll talk to you

Taken with all the salt I have.

I like you.

>> No.7498977

some other good tips are laughing REALLY REALLY LOUD AND OBNOXIOUSLY so she becomes visibly discomforted. it just shows how alpha you are to be so willing to prove yourself to those inferior betas around you.

you'll know you're doing it right if everyone looks at you in disgust. don't worry, they're just jealous.

another tip - dont shower, and don't wash your hair. it'll give off a look and scent that ladies love. they want to know how little you care, and if you have yesterday's lunch on your shirt they'll be taking it off for you in no time. fedoras also help to bring out your eyes.

>> No.7499013

>buy her stuff if you're not an asshole, that's how you'll win her heart!

No, that's not what the other anon is saying.

If you give a girl a gift, treat it like a charity giveaway. You don't get anything in return. No hugs, no kisses, no future dates, nothing.

>> No.7499052

>don't shower
>but wear a really nice hat

Wouldn't that ruin it?

>> No.7501902


>bring their inner creeper out

I lol'd so hard I farted assburgers!

>> No.7501916


The vegas cosplay scene is terrible. I rarely see any actual good cosplayers and mostly see homestucks or annoying brats.

>> No.7501928

I don't know if this is too bad or not but...
>be younger weebier me
>wearing my "~lolita~" dress
>Sunday and chilling with friends
>suddenly and arm comes around my midsection from behind to grab me flush against them
>thinking its one of my friends????
>turns to see someone in a Pedobear outfit
>held there in place for a minute for the small group of photographers that suddenly appeared

It wasn't really a bad experience, but a startling one. I guess it also made for a funny picture..

>> No.7501952

This so hard

>> No.7501963


>> No.7501967


>> No.7501968
File: 357 KB, 960x540, 1376537881263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly non-white guy with an accent
>tfw you're considered creepy no matter what

>> No.7501969


When in doubt. /r9k/

>> No.7501974

Yes, precisely, I keep them in a folder.

I'm a straight woman so no "hurr fap material" to me, but I would never put a hambeast in a paper naruto costume on my flickr or anywhere public simply because it can't look good and I don't want the reputation of being shitty, sorry. I email the person their photo after slight retouching but I understand if someone is new and doesn't want to do shitty work and be judged for it. You have to realize many people who take photos at cons are doing it for practice too.

>> No.7501978

Also some people are just excited fans who want a picture of their favorite character for memory, but don't have any fancy social media accounts. If someone did a good Dahlia Gillespie cosplay hell yeah I'd keep the picture.

>> No.7502051

After working in a comic store that held Yu-Gi-Oh and MtG tournaments, that all sounds very believable. I don't know what it is about YGO that just draws in all the horrible fat smelly people.

>> No.7502105

What accent?

>> No.7502161


>> No.7502420
File: 49 KB, 800x563, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here we go.

>first con ever, 2009
>be freshly 14 year old shiro lolita
>old man with camera comes up and asks for a picture
>I oblige, shyly smiling for the camera
>"Can I take a few more?"
>uh, okay.jpg
>nigga bends down and points the camera directly at my feet and murmurs "just right"
>takes 3 more of my feet and tights
>he stands back up to say something
>dashes away like a frightened rabbit

Fast forward, not as creepy.

>2014 Anime Milwaukee
>still a shiro lolita, just older now
>walking down con hall with boyfriend by my side, he's Alucard from Castlevania
>asks for a picture of us
>guy gets down on his knees and takes a picture of us at an upward angle
>we walk away without a word
>wonder for the rest of the con if he took a picture up my skirt of not

>> No.7502426

Yes, we women make up harassment stories all the time because its just so uncommon desu~~

>> No.7502865

>Be pro-photog, millionth con 2009
>See a poor girl dressed in some weird outfit
> Seems isolated, nobody talking to her, nobody taking pics
>Decide to take her pic so maybe she can feel good about herself
Hi can I take your picture?
>She nods and smiles
>Snap a pic
Can I take a few more?
>She says ok
>Have on my wide 14mm lens
>Figure I'll get an artistic pic that skews her image
>Kneel down to frame her at a distorted angle
>Stand up to explain the wide angle and to say thank you
>Weird chick runs off
>Whatever... go about my business.

>> No.7502918

Those angled shots seem super creepy until you see the result on the camera. It's actually really hard to take panty shots unless they're like lying down next to your feet, especially with a long skirt.
That said, I've had several camera angled down from above (boob shot?) and knee-height camera pictures taken and I've always wondered what they looked like....

>> No.7502959

Jesus, after reading this thread I don't know what to say.

I mean, I knew being a girl at a con was like a steak amongst wolves, but this.
This is just, I don't even know man.

Is it really that rare for guys at cons to not give a shit that you're female?

>> No.7502962

>Is it really that rare for guys at cons to not give a shit that you're female?
99% of the time nothing happens.

If women were treated so badly at cons they wouldn't go to them, and if you ever been to a con you'll know they have shitloads of women.

>> No.7502964

This is what men actually believe.

>> No.7502968

See, I've never been to a con.
The closest I've gotten is thinking of going.

Can we not shit fling.
I mean, I don't know if either of you are right, but still.

>> No.7503229

I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.7503251

Nah cons aren't actually that bad, just stay with at least 2 friends and keep away from the sketchy looking people which you should be doing that anyways. There's the occasional awkward pickup line and creeper photo but that's it?
These are just the cons I've been to and I was dressed in pretty stripper-y outfits.

>> No.7503256


Title of the thread is creeper stories, so that's what you'll get. You're getting stories that happened recently, but also some that happened years ago because out of many years of convention going maybe one bad terrible thing happened, as well as some made-up stories (because this is 4chan).

Con horror stories actually aren't all that common. Go check out the threads here dedicated to specific cons for a better view (they may not be your con, but they give you a better view of what goes on than a "creeper stories" thread.

>> No.7503360
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>considering a fedora a really nice hat

>> No.7503367

>99% of the men do nothing creepy or weird

This is true. It's just that 1% of guys do it to multiple girls each time they leave their hotel room, so you end up having 40% of women being offended by the same handful of dudes.

Honestly, just treat it like an every day encounter, just understand that this is where that small percentage of creeps love to get their creep on.

>> No.7503441

I usually just share whatever pics I have with friends on Fagbook, especially since some are into cosplaying and animeshit as well. Plus because my memory is not the sharpest, I tend to look through em to reminisce of having a good time at a con.

>> No.7503454

Fantasy or 40K?

>> No.7503477

This thread has made me momentarily self-conscious about some of the shitty behavior I had when I was younger.

I just hope my transgressions have since been forgiven, and that I haven't ruined the scene for anybody.

>> No.7503512

What have you done?

>> No.7503524

Has anyone heard or had experiances with DDD photography?

>> No.7503577

I heard recently that there was some drama with him manipulating girls he shoots into sexual shit they ain't comfortable with, but it's nothing I've had firsthand experience with (with him at least.) Happened to a close friend, though, so I stay away nonetheless

>> No.7503588

He tried talking to girls, the pig.

>> No.7503609
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I wear masked cosplays Because Ive been Told since I was a wee boy I was Ugly.
And It stuck for a looong time, scared me from doing other cosplays too. Part of the reason I Cosplay Kamen rider, don't have to worry about my predetermined looks, Just the costume and how it looks.

>> No.7503933

>This is what men actually believe.
Must suck to see the world through the perspective of a paranoid delusional woman who thinks all men are out to get her. Go get therapy you bat-shit insane nut-job.

>> No.7503936

>I mean, I don't know if either of you are right, but still.
The guy who said 99% nothing happens is 100% correct. The other one is a woman with obvious insecurity issues, or some retarded guy trying to beta white knight his way into a woman's panties.

>> No.7503939

>This is true. It's just that 1% of guys do it to multiple girls each time they leave their hotel room, so you end up having 40% of women being offended by the same handful of dudes.
And if those 40% would report the 1% every time it happened, there wouldn't be 1% at the cons because they'd be kicked off the premises and more than likely banned. Don't let people like this ruin your cons. Say something to the staff.

>> No.7503945

At A-kon there's this greasy man who attends every year and has dancing Ami and Yumi toys. He takes upskirt shots of people and he films little girls dancing. When I was in line to pick up my badge, there was a girl around 12 years old in cat ears and cat paws and he "secretly" filmed her because she was dancing in line. He also told my friend's daughter to spread her legs when she was 6. I'm just really shocked that security hasn't kicked him out. Apparently they're always on the look out for him. He is absolutely someone to look out for.

>> No.7503950

Wow what the actual fuck. Freaks like that should be in prison, not at cons.

>> No.7503954

i know exactly who you're talking about. you can just tell by looking at him that he's a sick fuck. i noticed that he always has cameras pointing up by his Amy Yumi toys. Creep.

>> No.7503971

(same anon)
Also there's this Ikkaku cosplayer in his late 20s (possibly 30 now) at A-kon who hits on underaged girls. When I was 17 he added me on facebook and started to hit on me which led me to delete him instantly. I always see him on Facebook commenting on my underaged friends and always flirting with them. Every time I see the name "David Johnson" on someone's Facebook I feel so sorry for them.

>> No.7504040

I can't remember much of the context of the things I've done (at least not well enough to tell a compelling story) but it was mostly along the lines of staring too long at flattering cosplays on people, trying to catch a glimpse up girls' skirts, or touch people unwarrantedly.

I at least know I'm more well behaved now than when I was a young weeb.

I keep my eyes level most of the time, I don't stare unless I have somebody's attention, I don't lounge around in strange places, and I keep my hands to myself.

I just wish I learned all this sooner, like before I started feeling like a creep for being too old to be at cons. (Soon to be 26)

>> No.7504052

Sometimes they do, but it just turns out the staff can't be bothered.

Still, you got the right sentiment; standing up to them is the thing to do.

>> No.7504063

ITT: Women on /cgl/ cant into photography
As if I needed more of a reason to take every creep story with a ship's worth of salt.

>> No.7504093


Those con creeper stories are 90% socially maladjusted male does something to freak out socially maladjusted female.

>> No.7504105


>too old for cons

Depends which cons, bro. Anime cons: hell fucking yes. Comic cons/General cons: hell fucking no.

>> No.7504328


>too old for anime cons
>I've basically missed my chance to ever go

;____; I hid my powerlevel too deep anons, feels bad.

>> No.7504383

You mean shill cons? Fuck that.
>General cons
I'm not even sure what you mean by this.

>> No.7504719


>wahhh, a problem!
>don't do anything about it

Repeat offenders are easy as fuck to catch, it's just that women like to talk more than act. Just report these creeps instead o crying about them on an internet forum and the problem will go away.

>> No.7504731

Eh, I know folks that're late 20's early 30's that still go to them. The way I see it, as long as you contribute meaningfully to the convention somehow, there ain't no harm in going if you're older and you mind your P's and Q's. (You can do whatever you want with your T's and M's, however.)

>> No.7504889

>Anime cons: hell fucking yes.
There is no age limit. People of all groups enjoy anime.

>> No.7504899

You don't get it though, he was not a pro-photog. It was an old man with a "point-and-shoot" camera. One you buy at Walmart for about 50 dollars. Also, the "just right" that escaped his lips, aimed at my feet and grunting was a little off-putting to me, a 14 year old girl. I was not isolated, I was walking around with my friends in the vendor room, but we had gotten separated. I'm sorry your butt hurts, a little bengay will do the trick.

>> No.7504907

>You don't get it though, he was not a pro-photog. It was an old man with a "point-and-shoot" camera. One you buy at Walmart for about 50 dollars.

And you just pretty much affirmed my fears.

>> No.7504915

Brent Bandelgar
>aspiring con photog who besides this post has had other posts written about him/creeps on young girls in general
>30 years old

>> No.7504926

Vic Mignona

>> No.7504939

4chan is 18+.

>> No.7504940

I see what you're saying. I just wasn't sure. My dress was a little short because my petticoat was a little extra poofy so I was like "Well, ya know..maybe?"

>> No.7504941

I was 14 back in 2009. The incident I was talking about was back in 2009. Did you even read my original post?
0/10, try a little harder next time.

>> No.7505103

ITT: Volatile underaged girls

>> No.7505185


>> No.7505217
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Why do ugly creepy men exist?

>> No.7505221

For the same reason fat hambeasts exist.

To scare children.

>> No.7505232


What does he look like? I always see the old guy, usually has a cane, cap with anime pins, tall, with speech issues around. He's been around for years and has always been creepy with younger ladies.

>> No.7505236

Yes and?

>> No.7505240

Because Hitler lost

>> No.7505242

But those nazis were creepy as hell.

>> No.7505269

gurl they might have been loonies but did you see dem uniforms? Gets my sauerkraut wet.

>> No.7505288

I used to hug people at cons when they asked because Hey a hug sure.

Until more than once a large girl embraced me tightly and I could feel everything. And the straw that broke the camel's back was the sweat/BO.

>> No.7505354


whoah dude

>> No.7505368

Fun fact: there a lot more ugly creepy women at cons than men. The only difference is that men accept women with less judgement but women look for any excuse to shame men.

>> No.7505433
File: 16 KB, 320x240, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm a 10/10 cute photographer and I will never shot at a con.

>> No.7505448

One word.


>> No.7505462

>implying a male cosplayer wouldn't consider some woman hitting on him who happened to be obese, with a horse face, with a mustach, and tons of acne to be a creeper

>> No.7505880

>Man shot at cartoon convention
>Stable yet critical condition

>> No.7505910

I'll shoot any picture I like, and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.7505940

So, are there any NON creepy photographers?

>> No.7505943

only if they have tits, and a tumblr account

>> No.7505946

There are, these are just the worst of the worst. This is, like mentioned before, a creeper thread, so we post creepers. Doesn't mean there's no nice photogs, but they aren't relevant now.

>> No.7505957

I went art school. One of the things I took home after the experience. A good instructor once told me that your true friends will always pose for you. I took that into account. I understand creepyness and being touched. But even me, if I ever see a photographer even on the street, if they ask to take a picture of me, I always allow it. Someone holding a DSLR is for the most part, very serious about photography. So whatever they do with the picture, there is a moment where they care more about the sake of art, than anything else in the world.

>> No.7505966

What is this autist rant. This isn't a photog thread, it's a thread about creeps at cons in general, not just creep photogs. No one is sayng anything about all of them being shit or whatever.

>> No.7506000

>Someone holding a DSLR is for the most part, very serious about photography.

Are you serious?

>> No.7506018

At my first big con, I wore a knee length dress with garter and thigh high stockings. Apparently it was a bad choice because in the vendor room someone grabbed my butt, and I dont mean a cute little grope, whoever it was leaned down, lifted my dress and squeezed just my butt. (obviously I was wearing panties.) It was a really busy, horrible con, so when I turned around and yelped no one was standing there, everyone was rushing around. I didn't wanna yell because I didn't wanna get kicked out of my first con. During that con I also saw people get away with just taking handfulls of things from vendor tables and stuffing them in their pockets because it was so unbelievably busy. Small vendor rooms at big cons is a no go, kids

>> No.7506059
File: 33 KB, 440x660, 1393937079119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone says the word "panties"

>> No.7506140

I take photos as a way of talking to people. I delete all photos

Same here to some extent, though if they turn out to be friendly and willing to talk to me (which is really rare) I'll keep the photo so I can recognize them next time. Photography is one of the limited excuses available to initiate conversation, and it seems a lot less creeper-ish than not having a good excuse.

>> No.7506144

Why not start up a tumblr and make some business cards or something to link them back to it. Cosplayers love being able to reblog their own shit on tumblr and it could keep airwaves open if you meet them again

it'll make you seem less creepy and give people a reason to want to keep in contact with you

>> No.7506147 [DELETED] 

Tumblr is a cesspool and I will never use it, facebook is the farthest I'll go down that hole. The business card idea could be a good one, I guess.

I think I might be done with cons anyway though since I always feel creepy just by showing up.

>> No.7506151

tumblr isnt all that bad if you dont go down the deep dark road of selfposts and shit. it's a fairly good image sharing thing which is what cosplayers want most.

I'm assuming that you're probably decent and photography, why not just try to hone that craft more? If you're a nice, decent person and you actually enjoy photography then people might be interested in talking to you.

You're coming off as socially awkward in your posts and desperate for friends. If you're good at something and confident in that skill, people will come to you. Fuck. Especially cosplayers. I don't know a single person who cosplays who doesnt love seeing pictures of themselves plastered all over tumblr.

>> No.7506159 [DELETED] 

>You're coming off as socially awkward in your posts and desperate for friends.

Not denying this. I crave friends but I can't connect with the ones I have and always end up driving them away.

>Especially cosplayers. I don't know a single person who cosplays who doesnt love seeing pictures of themselves plastered all over tumblr.

I don't cosplay because I don't want this to happen to me. I already hate how I look and don't want all the attention. I'd like to cosplay so I could fit in with my friends but it'd be embarassing. I just let them think I'm lazy or uninterested instead.

>> No.7506167

if theres anything i learned from this board is that 90% of the time you being good at cosplaying means more than how you look. theres been fat cosplayers, ugly cosplayers, etc who have amazing crafting and beautiful costumes who are held in high regard.

just getting good at something, if its cosplaying or photography will give you a lot more confidence in general. you're probably not nearly as awful as you think you look. If you are, your lack of confidence is probably more crippling than your face or whatever you think is wrong with you.

>> No.7506168

I second >>7506151, people love seeing their pictures, and what you see on tumblr is completely based around what you choose to see. You don't have to have anything on your dash (homepage) except black and white pics, if you only follow people that reblog and post that stuff. If you don't like what you're seeing, just unfollow the people. It's a really good way to get your work out there though, especially if you always tag things. You can also make friends, or chat more with people you met at cons or photo shoots.

>> No.7506727


We do, we just don't really care that much because we don't buy into a paranoid world view where everyone who doesn't match our standards is out to drug us and rape us.

>> No.7506968
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>> No.7507074

Never cringed so much before

>> No.7507892

I remember seeing that alucard! Shame though. I always get nervious that I'll see anime milwaukee as I thought itd be a "safer" con

>> No.7508378
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But that word's to describe sexual preferences some men don't have.

>> No.7508418

Are you more likely to trust a male photographer if he has an SLR and professional equipment than one who just has a point-and-shoot or smartphone/tablet kind of camera? Does more pro equipment = less ick?

>> No.7508845

I'm with this anon on the female creepers. I've had male creeps but mostly it was "durr I'm socially inept and don't know how to people, hold my spaghetti" Girl creepers seem to automatically think that if they "hit on" another woman in cosplay or 'compliment' her, or follow them around all day, they will either A) become best friends! or B) sleep with them because "i'm totally bisexual desu"

>> No.7508871
File: 910 KB, 499x281, FZN5Gia[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get dozens of pictures taken at con
>never find any of them online

>> No.7509144

he's using the reflection of the lens to make the shot that is some srs skill

>> No.7509210


I've met a number of noobs, male and female, who think that upgrading to a DSLR will automatically upgrade their photos. (Weirdest thing: why are so many DSLR noobs unable to focus their camera? What's the point of getting a DSLR if you can't even take a photo that's in focus?)

So, no, it doesn't make me less suspicious. I'm more likely to judge his attitude, specifically how much he fumbles with his pro equipment, whether he hangs around (pro photographers I've met are often on a mission to photograph every single thing at a con. EVERYTHING. They don't have time to creep, they're on a mission), and whether he hangs around and asks irrelevant questions (eg- questions about boyfriends, whether I'm alone are a bit of a red flag)

>> No.7509298

As an actual working photographer, this drives me fucking nuts. I know a guy who bought a cheap DSLR and two weeks later had an FB business page trying to market himself as a photog despite being totally clueless.

When I shoot anything at a con, by the way, it's either for a specific article or promotional purpose or it's to do a cosplay shoot because I've been asked by a friend. I spend a ton of time standing around with my gear not taking photos because I'm not really interested in random snapshots. I'm pretty much done with con and cosplay photography in general though, it's not really fun anymore now that it's become so competitive and serious, and I've gone from being proud to do free work that beats out almost anything you'd pay for to staying out of it so that I'm not undercutting people who are relying on the income.

>> No.7509442

Brisbane, Australia photog.
DreamCoat Photography / Tim Miller.
Super good at making a gal feel uncomfortable. Lots of asking for M rated poses and uncanon sexuality in the name of a 'good' photo. Also not a great photographer and makes you pay for the photos if you looking uncomfortable. :/

>> No.7509452

Will shit on his camera at Brisnova

>> No.7509521

>Weirdest thing: why are so many DSLR noobs unable to focus their camera? What's the point of getting a DSLR if you can't even take a photo that's in focus?
Out of focus pics happen to the best of us. What may look like in focus through the tiny viewfinder or on the back of the camera using its small 3" LCD can wind up being a bit blurry when viewed on a 28" monitor. I always take multiple shots and refocus every time so I know I'll get at least one of them in focus.

>> No.7509530

I'm kind of skeptical that anyone is living off of con photography. The gear buy-in, events that happen only a few times a year in an area, and lack of a real out of convention shooting scene would be a whole lot less effective than just working a minimum wage job. There just wouldn't be enough volume to live off of.

>> No.7509533


No, I'm talking about the kind of noobs where, their photos were out-of-focus before, with a compact camera, and then they switch to a dslr and it's still out of focus. And they'll proudly post the blurry, badly composited photos with some caption like "my new dslr takes the best photos, I love it!!" instead of trying for a clearer photo.

It's like they don't actually know what camera focus is, or how to achieve it.

>> No.7509580

me too, preview: perfect focus
>after con: wtf is this?

>> No.7509585

why wait until then, he's posted an address on his fb page

>> No.7509588

"Internationally published Photographer and Studio"
price range: $$$$ [$50+]

>> No.7509598
File: 20 KB, 233x217, 1391965658040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever go to a place where they forbid tripods and need to stabilize your camera, just bring a monopod
works for me all the time for some reason

>bitches ain't shit and they ain't sayin' nothing
>a hundred motherfuckers can't tell me nothing

>> No.7509611

Well, I'd put it this way: a good photographer should have an SLR for sure, but it shouldn't matter which SLR and what kind of equipment is attached to it.

>> No.7509624

Just shoot at a higher iso, a wider focal length, and get your subject in the middle of your shot it isn't rocket science

>but muh noise
You will not have any noise issues even at 3200 on any modern digital camera, none that will matter for your snapshits anyway and it will never matter as much as getting your subject in focus.

You don't need a damn tripod unless you have anorexic twigs for arms.

>> No.7509666

you sound like a buttmad neckbeard.

>> No.7509672

"but none of it will matter!!!"
it will. Maybe when you shoot for your fap collection, but I want tack sharp photos for prints and can't work with shaky hands.

>> No.7509674

you need to calm down*

>> No.7509684

I just don't understand how a person can take blurry shots on any modern camera. It boggles my mind, there is no reason for it at all. And then there are the assholes that are manually focusing the most obviously composed shots in the world, with their subject in the dead center of the frame, and I think to myself for what reason? Why the fuck wouldn't you just use the auto focus built into your camera? You aren't shooting in pitch black at 400,000 iso, the auto focus will probably be faster and more accurate than you. Why did you spend so much money on that dslr and lens if you aren't going to actually make use of their features? Fucking manual focusing while standing perfectly still taking a picture of a perfectly still subject a few meters away from you in usable light... why? If you don't know a thing about photography just leave that shit in 'A', that setting was made for you.

Are you making billboard size prints at 300dpi? I don't think you know what you are talking about. You sound like the kind of person that worries more about megapixels than dynamic range.

>> No.7510051

I agree, which is actually why I never charged when I was shooting cosplay, despite many requests to do paid shoots. Aside from it not really making financial sense it also adds a lot of extra stress and drama that I don't really need.

There are, however, people who pay their way through cons by doing it, and I guess I'll let them do their thing.

Honestly I'm really out of photography because I broke up with the cosplayer I was dating, who was the one who got me into cosplay photography and through whom most of my shoots were set up. I could easily get people to do shoots with me just based on my portfolio, who I've shot with in the past, and where my cosplay stuff has been published (hope that doesn't sound condescending or boasting BTW, just being honest), but it's not really worth the trouble to me to advertise, schedule, set up my whole con around, and deal with the pressure of shooting for strangers. I get enough of that in my "real-world" work and at least the money's decent there.

>> No.7510065

Wait a sec... Ohio Zaid?

Guy throws some mad-ass parties. Best parties at most cons. They are typically for his friends only, but the guy seems bro-tier.

Of course, maybe you are talking about a different one.

Or, maybe you are some girl he slept with or something.

>> No.7510071

>Higher ISO
Applicable but not always. Of course, if you're into the range where you need a tripod/monopod you're also going to have trouble with the subject holding still. I'm a big flash user but that gets you into a lot of time and money invested before it's any good.

>Wider focal length
Faster lens would be my preference. A 35 or 50 1.8 is cheap and much more pleasant than a kit lens at 18mm when doing people work.

>Subject in the middle of the shot.
Rule of thirds.

But yeah, in general I agree, modern cameras have crazy ISOs and software improves things even more in post, and tripods are borderline useless for people photography. (I use mine for automotive and product, and it's really more for consistency and precision of framing than stability. You can also have two or three decent primes or a decent off-brand zoom for the cost of a tripod that's not a piece of shit.)

I think there's a few causes. One is that people leave AF on default instead of point and the camera tries to focus on some random thing in the frame, or the subject moves a bit and the shooter doesn't know how to compensate. (Budding photogs, here's a tip, by the way - learn to use the AF-ON button on the back of your camera, with AF always on continuous/servo, instead of using the shutter button for focus. It makes a world of difference.)

Another cause is, as you mention, morons trying to manual focus their kit lenses on crop bodies. I've been a serious photographer since before digital was a thing, so it's not like I'm a MF noob, and I still can't pull it off on anything but a pro FF body. Crop cam viewfinders are just too damn dim and tiny to see focus clearly, and if you're relying on the focus confirmation dot, then congratulations, you're just using AF in a pain in the ass way.

>> No.7510076

>Faster lens would be my preference.
If you are having trouble getting your fucking subject in focus shooting with a shallow depth of field should be the last thing you are considering.

If you are worried about "rule of thirds" bother reading the camera manual so you know how to change the focus point on your camera if it can't find it on its own.

>> No.7510107

I thought you were suggesting a wider focal length because kit lenses are faster when they're wider, cutting down on shutter speed-induced blur.

As for rule of thirds, I just stuck it in there because people might think they're supposed to put the face dead center in the frame. Cameras also generally have AF sensors at the rule of thirds points, and they're usually cross sensors that work better in low light. Even with how good modern AF systems are, I still don't trust them to know WTF I'm trying to focus on, so I advocate always using manually-selected single point AF. I guess you're kinda fucked if you have a super basic DSLR with only three AF points, although I dunno if the new ones are even that bad. (The last entry DSLR I owned was a D50 so things might have changed in that realm, I don't really remember what the D3xxx/5xxxs and Rebels I've messed with lately had.)

Of course, when it comes down to it, anybody who needs advice that basic probably just shouldn't be shooting in shitty light to begin with.

>> No.7510259

buy me cute anime merch of the character/series im cosplaying and im yours tbh (just dont be pushy)

>> No.7510266

u gonna be at acen

>> No.7510311


Omfg this!
I had a bad experience that I don't want to talk about regarding a female creeper and how she didn't get the hint I am not into girls that way even if it was just a "playful thing" as she put it.

>> No.7510341

nope, fanime tho

>> No.7510403

The majority of this thread is nothing but people talking about con stories involving camera related people. Theres not enough about anything else like the OP states then again this thread is on autosage so its too late now.

>> No.7510435

Oh god. A cosplayer friend of mine, who's very well known for cosplaying a male character, showed us her main female creeper once. This girl met her like once and decided they were best friends, then proceeded to make dozens of youtube videos of slideshows of my friend set to weird music and with bizarre images and comments set into them. I don't remember the exact details but it was creepy as all fuck.

>> No.7510875

new thread http://boards.4chan.org/cgl/thread/7510654/

>> No.7513161

>like... what do you Do with the pictures?

Most of the pictures that I don't post online are shit shots that I'm embarrassed off. I usually delete them if I don't like em.