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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 231 KB, 640x480, 1396251283309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7465779 No.7465779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> Which characters benefit the most from having a prop with them, and which props?
> Have you personally been in character while in Homestuck cosplay? Discuss incidents or moments where you've either done so, or more likely, have been around people who have.

>> No.7465781

I always like Daves who have functional turntables suspended by fishing wire.

>> No.7465788
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> Which characters benefit the most from having a prop with them, and which props?
Characters with simpler outfits benefit from the added visual oomph of a prop.
John - any one of his alchemy hammers
Dave - alchemy swords (fewer katanas pls) or nice turntables, like >>7465781 said
Karkat - sickles
Sollux - psionic lights
Terezi - alchemy canes (not her standard walking cane, though that's less oversaturated than Dave's katanas)
Gamzee - sopor pie, rainbow fetch modus
Feferi - trident, maybe a cuttlefish or an empty cage?
Jane - the fork-spoon trident dealie
Roxy - guns! GUNS! or a green resin block with a cat frozen inside it, or even a black cat plush. WHY is it always martini glasses??
Jake, Dirk - gas masks

>> No.7465790
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Also, that's a pretty sweet Equius. Really nice wig, good horn mounting, actual muscle definition.

>> No.7465791
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>> No.7465793
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>> No.7465794
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Troll measles claims yet another victim.

>> No.7465796
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Dude got the Hope symbol tattooed on his back and got Hussie to initial it at AB, then walked around shirtless for the remainder of the con to show it off.

>> No.7465800
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A fight to the death.
The only acceptable highblood way.

>> No.7465801

Does Hussie still make con appearances? I thought he was going to be super busy with the end of the comic and the game.

>> No.7465802
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>If you could convince your SO (real or otherwise) to do couple cosplay with you, which pairing(s)?

>> No.7465803

He was just at ECCC, so.

>> No.7465805
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Apparently AB was a measles vector.

>> No.7465808
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This one reminds me unpleasantly of the fear of lots of holes.

>> No.7465811

I don't have a significant other (...yet), but I would fucking love it if I could do a couple cosplay of John x Rose. That, or Dirk x Jane. I really adore both ships.

>> No.7465813
File: 340 KB, 1280x960, 1396253818563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd want to feed my Dave/Jade OTP but my boyfriend is 400% more John than he is Dave (glasses, face shape, smile, skinny gawkiness, bad puns). Maybe Vriska/John, then.

>> No.7465816
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>Jake's hairy arms but smooth legs

>> No.7465823
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Costume is mediocre but I like the framing of the 69 sign around the Libra symbol.


>> No.7465830
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>> No.7465846

This costume is fine though...? Whatever she has underneath is bunching up, and her collar is popped. Other than that it looks clean and accurate.

>> No.7465854

Different anon, but I'm not too fond of the hand-stitching. It makes otherwise clean work look so sloppy. A slip-stitch would have been a much better alternative. Also the curve on the libra symbol was done strangely.

>> No.7465925

Ah man, all the couple cosplay dreams...
Cronus/Dirk is pretty high up on the list, but other than that I actually have friends who cosplay other halves of my ships, not technically couple cosplays perhaps but eh...
The ultimate dream is to do a specific AU with a special someone, though distance makes that hard.

>> No.7465930

Assuming you wanted specifics oops.
Cronus/Feferi, Cronus/Eridan, Cronus/basically anyone really. I also hold the semi secret dream of Dave/Sollux but that's further out of reach.

As for friendcouplecosplays, Kanaya and Karkat, Eridan, Vriska and Sollux.

For the question upthread I feel that it's mainly the alternian group of trolls who need props, they have much less to work with as the beta trolls have more characteristic body language and more interesting outfits. Though Latulas without boards make me sad. The only of the younger trolls which I feel can get away without props in more serious single shoots are Kanaya, Equius and Sollux. Possibly Tavros, Aradia or Karkat depending on location.

>> No.7465956


>literally the opposite of the point of the scene

>> No.7465966

has there ever been an instance of actuallg good/decent freckles on trolls?

>> No.7465968

excuse me i have autocorrect off

>> No.7466057

OP by a mile for several reasons

>> No.7466065

Definitely ms.paint and spades slick

Now if only my boyfriend actually liked homestuck

>> No.7466151
File: 196 KB, 900x1200, 1396279379123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand it when karkats use/ double wield sickles. it just makes no god damn sense to me.

pic somewhat related google result

>> No.7466281

I can't stand it when people make them tiny. It's a killing tool, not a piece of kitchen cutlery.

>> No.7466291

For all the work put into that gamzee you'd think they would get a remotely accurate wig

>> No.7466300

>all the work put into that gamzee
>all the work
looks like an average, mediocre makara to me

>> No.7466334


If you watch actual sickle fighting, the ones they use aren't a whole lot bigger than that.

>> No.7466358
File: 625 KB, 1280x1920, 1396286326566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Compared to other badly-constructed Redglares from people who don't know how to handle vinyl or pleather, this one has clean lines and good proportions.

My opinion was probably coloured because the first photo in the set was of her with terrible posture and an unfortunate pose. Bad posture kills photos for me.

>> No.7466385


>"bad posture" what an overreaction
>clicks picture

damn that's the least un-pyrope pyrope I've ever seen

>> No.7466483

I really hope its just the angle of the shot but, holy shit her torso looks like it goes on forever

>> No.7466538

Does he only have one? Somehow i thought it was two.

>> No.7466548

Yeah he only has one, oddly enough people who make double sicks only do it with the homesmellyalater sickle or w/e its called

>> No.7466669

Those are wheat cutting sickles being used as tools of self defense as described in a translation of a medieval German text. I'd imagine Karkat's sickle to be wielded more like the Egyptian khopesh (and thus larger in size) because they're more similar in shape to Hussie's designs and they'd be better instruments for attack.

>> No.7466684
File: 95 KB, 500x387, canon_karkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't all HS cosplay look like this

>> No.7466700

that is glorious

>> No.7466704

oh my god. her proportions are so weird her boobs are like on her lower ribcage. and im pretty sure shes all torso, you can see a leg in the corner

>> No.7466815


I know this person and they are absolutely perfect.

>> No.7466836
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>> No.7467087
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Not sure if bloodswap Nepeta or fantroll.

Aside from the lipstick, the photographer, and neat topstitching, there is nothing that lends this cosplay good mention. Way to go on being pretty and not much else.

>> No.7467105

N o .

>> No.7467103
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>> No.7467112
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>> No.7467133

needed some horns for my cosplay. short little ones. thought I'd come to you girls for help.

I see a bunch of tutorials, but which one is the least shit/best?

>> No.7467184
File: 148 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkciswa8U21qh9wqzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally dozens of horn tutorials out there. Got any links to the ones you're looking at?

>> No.7467198
File: 110 KB, 500x684, tumblr_n38ojyn6mv1r1enoxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG is this the same Rock Band "band" that the cronus with the bad dragon dildo hanging out of her pants was in?

>> No.7467214

How is a rock band quartet "live" at anything...? Are they advertising for people to come see them in the video game room?

>> No.7467228

I like these two.

>> No.7467225

I-I dont know.
I just googled the horn tutorials and was like
"holy crap there are too many and half of these are shit, I think I need some help"

>> No.7467245

this one is not showing all the full steps.

>> No.7467691
File: 70 KB, 500x430, tumblr_lwqvqntHjU1r19has.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll down the page. The person didn't put all her information in one post, so I gave you the link to her tutorial tag instead. The first series under her tutorial tag is the horn tutorial, and it takes the length of the page (eight posts total). You'll know you reached the end when you hit the picture of her dad wearing the horns (pic attached).

>> No.7467711
File: 13 KB, 185x185, 1396320505910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't link it right now, but do a Google search on Alternicon, which is being organised by some people in Bostonstuck. They're avoiding the Hussie-dar by calling it a "webcomic and alternative media convention." Thoughts? Anyone know more about this?

For me, the Facebook and "website" don't represent the highest levels of social media savvy, and I'm of the predilection that if someone can't market their event well, it's not going to attract the best crowds (and subsequently won't reach its full potential).

>also there's an EriSol panel

>> No.7467737

>Before the Sprite: What EriSol means to those who ship it (1 hour)

This sounds almost as horrific as those people making an entire con (unofficially) dedicated to Tumblr fandom culture.

>> No.7467739


the people in charge of this aren't exactly upstanding members of bostonstuck

...and that's by bostonstuck standards

>> No.7467779


Looks like Ceriene is selling off all her Homestuck. Another BNF bites the dust.

>> No.7467850

Quick buy it all and become a BNF.

>> No.7467922

>$200 for GT Jade

>> No.7467947


yea that one seems strange considering the prices of the others.

>> No.7467998

Did list-chan ever get a fully updated list up?

>> No.7468028
File: 377 KB, 900x1369, 1395605314052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most recent one. At this point we should knock off ceriene though. She obviously has no intention of going back to Homestuck if she's selling all her stuff off.

>> No.7468041

Just because she's selling her old stuff doesn't mean she won't be making more. I thought we were giving people a grace period of six months to a year?

>> No.7468046

Fair enough. Imo when cosplayers do a mass fandom sell, they usually don't go back to that fandom, but we can see where she goes after this.

>> No.7468074



>HS-Cosplay over the past year
Grimdark Rose
Humanstuck Terezi
Fairy Vriska
Fancy Promstuck Meenah Idek Man
Fancy Prospit Dreamer Vriska
Rule 63 Feferi

>Last Cosplay
Eridan, last month.

>Additional Notes
There is a bunch of cosplay help in her FAQ, and though she still seems active to me I don't follow a lot of these people. Eh. If she is still active she definitely fill what is asked of midtier.

>> No.7468086

Meant to add some to that. She has a lot of Homestuck cosplay and I don't know if she's planning on selling it all off but seeing as she's also selling her AOT I don't think it's fair to say she's done with Homestuck just yet. Even if the only cosplay she'll have left from the list is Eridan.

>> No.7468094

>focusing on all the gray areas that other cons forget
...ok, that was a little bit funny

>> No.7468095

She'll still have Eridan, Karkat, and hemostuck Aradia at least.

>> No.7468103

I'm surprised it took this long for there to be an HS-centric con, honestly. The bronies have multiple cons, after all, so it was always kind of surprising there was never massed interest in an MSPA con before.

>> No.7468125

Probably because we're self aware enough to fear the greys en masse ourselves.

Ir well at least anyone who is remotely suited for this type of con should.

>> No.7468138

I feel like she's moving? If I had that many costumes just hanging around, I'd probably sell them on too. Especially if you got a lot of pictures in them.

I mean, cosplays aren't like normal clothing, eventually the appeal of wearing the same thing wears off. The photos you wanted to have are taken, goals achieved, etc.

Ceriene's latest HS reblog was within 24 hours, I don't think she's done with the fandom.

>> No.7468139

Or mostly because Hussie has said on no uncertain terms is there to be a HS-con under penalty of legal action (that may or may not have teeth).

>> No.7468147

He did? I thought he only forbade for-profit stuff huh.

>> No.7468158

Easily gotten around by saying "webcomic-centric con" as they have here.

>> No.7468185

unless they set up a 501c3, the con is "for profit". But as was pointed out, the loophole is calling it a webcomic con. But that's why you've never seen a con specifically labelled a HS con.

>> No.7468222

actually I posted both >>7468158
and >>7468103. Copyright-friendly wording aside, basically I was wondering why something like this hadn't been done already.

>> No.7468376

wait who is this? looks familiar

>> No.7468387

So now it's April

Are any comms doing a meet for 4/13? Do those things still happen?

>> No.7468392

>even as a former reader it makes me so happy to see this q3.14 equius scrolling by
>thank you for making me smile today MSPA general
> moving on now.

>> No.7468541

Because it's now April, I'm curious to hear any and all 413 meetup stories. The cool, the lame, the horrifying.

>> No.7468566

We had a meetup at a café and before running off to eat pizza we were saying goodbye to those who needed to head home. A few of us were in cosplay and there was this girl looking at us. Turns out she was late to a nerdgathering and had missed it, so we invited her to tag along for pizza. It was nice, apparently she didn't even know of the community.

>> No.7469856

CBC and JJ are laying down the sass today.

>> No.7469861

That's not what I'd call it, but sure.

JJ's also announced she's retiring from Homestuck cosplay. Unlike ceriene, she didn't leave any room for ambiguity, so it's time to remove her.

>> No.7469863



>> No.7469867

God damn it. I fucking hate April Fool's Day.

It's too bad. I was really hoping she was serious.

>> No.7469950

My bf has a perfect face for Tavros, so I want to cosplay TavVris with him. I also want to do Meulin and Kurloz.

Sadly, he doesn't cosplay and hates makeup, so a Homestuck cosplay is out of the question ;_;

>> No.7470024
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Why? She makes cute well-made cosplays and she's one of the last active BNFs. I'm glad she's staying around for a while.

>> No.7470031
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n3dpzjOVjt1scjn65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how's that sandy vag treating you?

mini tagdump incoming

>> No.7470034
File: 448 KB, 500x748, tumblr_n3d3lvOzzO1sgxifdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slim pickings tonight

>> No.7470040
File: 532 KB, 1280x853, 1396406490874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add cohiodi

>> No.7470042

Because I don't like the constant AUs. It strikes me as a last-ditch effort to wring every possible drop out of Homestuck as she can. I know there are plenty of people here who really enjoy the Derbystuck and Star Trek and Star Wars crossovers, but I don't. I think they're stupid and desperate. If others enjoy them, that's fine. Just because I'm sick of them doesn't mean anyone else has to be.

>disliking something a popular cosplayer does
>the inevitable accusation of being sandy vag or jelly or vendetta-chan
Boring. Next.

>> No.7470050
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>> No.7470063
File: 85 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n36n4nZmEw1r4el0ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really slim pickings

>> No.7470070
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TBH it's pretty sandy if you want a cosplayer out of your fandom so that you don't have to scroll past photos of them.

>> No.7470093

Lol @ JJ haters still trying so hard. JJ is a goddess and it's time you accepted it.

>> No.7470110

I don't want her *out* of the fandom. I have no animosity toward her, and she obviously likes the cosplays she makes or she wouldn't be making them. I'm just tired of the routine she's fallen into. Her cosplays have become really mundane imo. There's no wondering what character she'll do next or which outfit variation it'll be, because it's almost 100% guaranteed to just be an AU Terezi. I think it's boring.

I'd really like to see her do Redglare, personally. With her Pyrope love and her sewing skills, she'd pull it off very well, and it would be more interesting than a punkstuck cosplay she threw together from clothes in her closet and tights off ebay.

See: Yaexrae.

I don't hate her. I think she's lost her luster. But the diehard JJ fans that lurk this thread will take that and run with it for a mile.

>> No.7470119


how is her fucking crotch staying covered

>> No.7470131
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That's a valid opinion but the constant bitching about her AUs is getting old. You don't have to remind us every time one gets posted.

In other news, introducing a possible candidate for worst freckle makeup.

>> No.7470139
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>> No.7470146

I'm not the only anon who's mentioned it before. It hasn't been just one giant samefag conspiracy on my part. I'm not dedicated or moronic enough to take it that level.

Has a cosplayer *ever* applied convincing freckles? I think I remember something about a Meenah who put freckles on her shoulders using a toothbrush to flick paint onto her skin, but I can't be positive. Does this ring a bell for anyone else?

>> No.7470151
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>> No.7470153
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>> No.7470175
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I think there was one Karkat who selfposted here a long time ago who had pretty good freckles. I can't remember anyone other than that though. They always look like shit.

>> No.7470211

Oh my god what horrors are occurring here to make her belly button look like that

>> No.7470273

homestuck is literally cancer and you should all feel ashamed

>> No.7470278

wah wah wah

>> No.7470281

uh its the way it was cut when she was born. have you never seen an outie belly button?

>> No.7470284

ur the cancer, go away.

>> No.7470317

my comms is. Making my personal god-tier and going to bake/cook up a storm for everybody!

>> No.7470419
File: 291 KB, 960x1280, 1396418594544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone did a bit of a shoop.

>> No.7470428



>> No.7470499

last 413 we had a big gathering in one person's dorm basement/common room/whatever you call it. we played cards against humanity, watched monty python and the holy grail, and took turns reading bad homestuck fanfiction including all of homestuck high, making sure everything was pronounced exactly as how it was written. there was also this girl there that had sculpted and made molds for homestuck chocolates. there were tavros ones with peanut butter inside, dave ones with either cherry or strawberry in them idr, and the next page arrows that were just plain. they were really nicely sculpted and fucking delicious.

>> No.7470705

Looks pretty sinister and the outfit seems pretty nice. Source?

>> No.7470708

Vantas cosplayers exist, yes.

Not gonna lie, I'm curious about this too.

>> No.7470751

I believe it's sewthoughtful? I always enjoy her work.

>> No.7470757

She just posted avout how she made the dress and apparently she just made a pair of underpants whatever theyre called in the same fabric.

I'm not complaining.

>> No.7470758

In the original show they would wear booty shorts in the same color so when that short skirt inevitably flips up you would just see that. I assume she did the same thing.

>> No.7470764


That is exactly how one does freckles properly. Though I personally like using the brush side of my brow comb.

>> No.7471328

According to some post I just read,

"andrew hussie canceled his sunday appearance at emerald city comic con because on saturday he got spotted in the crowd and subsequently mobbed by fans when someone shouted to him and it made him so uncomfortable he didn’t want to come back

washingtonstuck is now saying it’s “his fault” for not “coming prepared”"

Is this true?

>> No.7471383


Whatpumpkin twitter confirms the cancelation, at least.

>> No.7471392


Hussies tweets say it was some other incident (may be PR spin tho)

>> No.7471404

If it really was an unrelated incident that made him cancel, I'm hella curious to know what happened.

>> No.7471438

I do hope that's a clever joke in reference to your picture, anon, because I laughed cider into my nose.

>> No.7471479

He also left Anime Boston because he felt uncomfortable thanks to a persistent fan, so I believe it. I heard he was walking around con without staff security but I can't confirm that.

>> No.7471497

is that a broken arm?

>> No.7471571

As awkward and weird as the worst of his fandom can be, (and this is including the off her med girl with crazy bath salts strength who needed 4 fully grown security staffers to hold her back at AB), Hussie himself is probably the most socially awkward of all of them. That man is not suited for out of doors. Put him behind a computer and he's all wit, but take him into public and his eyes start scouring the room looking for a rock or hole to hide in to escape predators swooping down from above.

>> No.7471579


Crazy bath salt strength girl? Please post the story, anon or link it.

Unless this wasn't a recent happening? Either way i didn't hear about it/ don't remember reading anything about her.

>> No.7471586

>off her med girl with crazy bath salts strength
deets pls

>> No.7471605
File: 332 KB, 1280x911, 1396479198555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some photos i found from AB starting with erisolsies halfassed meenah, the rest are group photos


>> No.7471610
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>> No.7471615
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>> No.7471616
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>> No.7471618

that meenah looks like a man

>> No.7471625
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>> No.7471626
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>> No.7471629
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>> No.7471634
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>> No.7471636
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>> No.7471641
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>> No.7471645
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>> No.7471652
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>> No.7471658
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>> No.7471664
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>> No.7471667
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>> No.7471670
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>> No.7471676
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>> No.7471693
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>> No.7471700
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Okay, dump over, everyone go home

>> No.7471702

The short story:
Sunday at AB
Unstable girl approaches Hussie yelling something like "they are trying to kill him" and she needed to give him her cellphone number.
Several security staffers had to restrain her and escorted her out. She came back later in a different outfit and new wig and tried the same thing. Forcibly removed again. Hussie left the con hurriedly.

>> No.7471705

The long story:

On a cold and blustery Sunday in the heart of Boston, with the skies overcast and the threat of rain looming overhead, a husk of a man sat at booth within the bowels of the convention center. A man who appeared to have been stripped of all joy in life, whose eyes were deep like the pits of Tartarus and spoke of a pain unbeknownst by most mortals which begged for death but death would not comply. As this man, nay more automaton than man, signed his scribblings the floor suddenly rumbled then feel silent. At first it went unnoticed. But the frequency of the vibrations increased. Impact tremors. It was rather alarming. And then a pallored hush fell over the crowd and if as one they parted to reveal the retched hambeast. A grey substance of unknown origin was smeared haphazardly across her face as though applied by the wild machinations of a possessed occultist in the throes of a fevered vision. Upon its head sat a wig, disheveled, matted in some places, bald in others. Winds howled through its cavernous maw as it inhaled and sounded like the screams of a thousand dying horses when it exhaled. As the slovenly monster approached the table, the floor shook with each advancing step. “HUSSSIIEEEEEEE-SAAAMMMAAAA” It bellowed with a resonating pitch and timbre not unlike the flaying of an eldritch horror. “I MUST SAVE YOU. THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL YOUUUUUU. TAKE MY PHONE NUMBER” it cried as huge blubbering tears of bubbling pitch streamed down its face smearing the grey even further.

>> No.7471706

With a quickness that belied its bulk, the hamplanet surged for the table, appendage outstretched, a half crushed cellphone clutched between its malformed talons. For the briefest of moments, a flicker of fear followed by relief and acceptance, seen only by a few who doubted they had seen it all, appeared in Hussie’s eyes. Finally the sweet release so long awaited had finally come. Sadly, death’s sweet release was to be denied that day. Four security staffers, strapping lads and ladies in the prime of their youths, fit and full of vigors, leapt into action attempting to halt the rabid creature’s charge. At first it seemed they had the upper hand as each staffer grappled with an individual limb. But the ungodly spawn would not be denied and summoned a strength not seen in this world since Hera drove Hercules to kill his family with poisoned wine. Like a meth-addled version of the Hulk, security staffers were thrown aside and torn asunder as the monstrosity redoubled its charge. Closer and closer it encroached upon the table and its sole occupant. However, when the hour seemed darkest, reinforcements arrived in the form of more security. Through the use of tranquilizers, tasers, bear traps, and a cudgel, the beast was finally subdued and escorted from the premises. But the devil’s work is hardly short nor so easily expunged. The spawn of satan and fandom would return in a new guise, ready to unleash a new plague upon the unsuspecting. But the soldiers of light were no longer caught unprepared and quickly saw through the clever ruse and quickly formed ranks. Steadfast they stood against the raging winds and bestial howls of their adversary. Like the cliffs against the sea, they bore the brunt of the raging waves, repulsing each assault. Dust and smoke billowed about obscuring the battlefield until only the unholy wails and screams from the milieu could be heard. The battle reached a fevered pitch when all fell silent.

>> No.7471710

As the maelstrom of snazaroo, tears, and spittle died down and the smoke cleared the victor became clear. The hamsteak had been bested, thrown down upon the mountainside and its ruin set upon it. Turning back to the table to assure the artist the situation had been controlled, many were shocked to see Hussie had already fled for his retreat in the wilds of western Massachusetts. That day a great victory had been achieved, but it felt hollow and tasted like ash upon the palate. Thus it the tale of Hussie in Boston on this the year of our Lord, Two Aught One Fourteen

>> No.7471713
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>> No.7471841
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Here's a cap of his tweets in case anyone was curious or doubtful of the incident.

>> No.7471865

so who was it? someone must know, there's no way this crazy bitch doesn't have tumblr.

>> No.7471881

the girl i like loves homestuck and cosplays

how can i make her my gf

>id prefer not to start reading homestuck

>> No.7471883


What characters does she do? Offer to do a couple cosplay with her.

>> No.7471886

ask her to pail with you

>> No.7471892


if she says yes, run away

>> No.7471929

>my girlfiend is gonna cosplay Rose
>she wants me to cosplay Dave
I-I never knew she shipped those things

>> No.7471938


consider yourself lucky for avoiding paint.

/r/ cute couple cosplays?

>> No.7471952

what does this mean?

>> No.7471960


thinking pails are funny is a sign of hamsteak cancer.

>> No.7471964
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>> No.7471976
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>> No.7471979
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>> No.7471983
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Don't know if you mean cosplayer couples or character couples so have some of both.

>> No.7471985
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>> No.7471988
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>> No.7472005
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>> No.7472032
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>> No.7472034
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>> No.7472038
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>> No.7472039
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>> No.7472045
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Not sure if this counts but...

>> No.7472053
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>> No.7472473
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I keep meaning to post this... But a few weeks ago I found this tutorial on Tumblr encouraging people to make their Feferi horns out of bananas. They were straight up serious.

>> No.7472479

Now that you're on the internet, friend, it's time to introduce you to some little tricks called "sarcasm" and "trolling". Don't feel bad if you fall for them at first because there are loads of people just as dumb as you out there too!

>> No.7472546
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Anon, thanks for posting all the cute couple cosplays! The CBC and Ceriene/Katspaw ones gave me mad nostalgia.

- but I need interject that >>7472032 is a shamble of a wig, and more Roxy than it is Rose.

>> No.7472547
File: 269 KB, 960x1280, 1396513665714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a glance, this cosplay looked pretty good and cleanly put together, but then
>winged eyeliner.

>> No.7472576

The winged eyeliner doesn't ruin it for me, though I don't know why they bothered when it's going to be hidden anyway behind Dirk's shades. I wanna see more of the wig. Good Dirk wigs are like a mythical creature.

>> No.7472590
File: 66 KB, 700x464, 1396517187887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have good Nepetas who don't look overly stupid with the hat? I cosplay nepeta but without the hat because I see a lot of people fail to do it right and make their head look really pressed together awkwardly.
Or a big blue furball thrown up on their head

>> No.7472604

that's not a very good Dirk wig though, there's way too much volume behind her ear, makes it look like an emo's up bob cut

>> No.7472607

While on the topic, /r/ some good Trickster Dirk cosplays. I might cosplay him soon, so I'd like to see some nice examples.

>> No.7472720

The problem is when people make their hats, they make it to the size of their head, rather than the size of their head with a wig on. That's why they look so squished, because the wig adds on at least an inch or two.

>> No.7473185
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>> No.7473252

any more pict of this dirk? I can't really tell if the costumes is good or bad from this, the stripes and the fit of the pants look a bit odd but it could be the pose

>> No.7474319
File: 2.73 MB, 1280x1920, 1396576273564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pants seem like they're a bit high? and the arm sleeves a bit loose? but otherwise not terrible.
I'll see if I can find a better shot of the wig though. Here's hoping it's okay.
Perhaps I'm just fond of the original photo, and not so much the cosplay.

>> No.7474434
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Pretty impressed with this.

>> No.7474435

Doesn't look too bad, but are there any other pictures?

>> No.7474436

This guy is hideous but somehow fitting for a troll. I like it.

>> No.7474458
File: 775 KB, 1157x803, 1396580934077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the tag isn't all terrible tonight. Have a Karkat with decent freckles.

>> No.7474460
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x1920, 1396580977689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig's nothing special. Disappointing. Looks like the cosplayer is doing SNK now anyway.

>> No.7474462
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>> No.7474461

Too bad Karkat's torso is ridiculously long and both the John and Dave are unimpressive.
I'm constantly aggravated by Dave's with bieber-style wigs. It's so lazy looking.

>> No.7474467

And one deer flowercrown Strider to round it out.

>> No.7474471
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God dammit dropped my pic

>> No.7474472

Cal's with white face paint really piss me off.
He's a ventriloquist dummy with a skin-colored face, not a fucking clownface painted marionette. It also bugs me when people pose as though he has strings, because again, those two puppet types are different.

>> No.7474484

decent freckles are good, but the cable knit sweater, not so much. also. the goddamn skinny jeans.
John and Karkat could use a bit more volume to their wigs.
Dave needs a darker shirt but his cape looks nicely made.

>> No.7474481
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>> No.7474532

Abed? Is that you?

>> No.7474577

It's almost all of the tumblr fads in one. They just have to be wearing some cheap shitty ita dress on top of it all.

>> No.7474582

decent freckles doesn't make up for the terrible wigs they all have. mediocre, all in all.

>> No.7474868
File: 153 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3c86jZNQw1rowhc7o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's him.

still unsure if he's just playing along for kicks though. if he's serious that's some straight up autism

>> No.7474885

Idk man, they stirred up shit in the roleplay tags when they were defending their right to toleplay Cronus raping his teenaged mtf sibling Eridan. And they've done more shit like that. I know they were spamming the amporacest tag a while ago with more incestuous, underage rape scenarios which were pretty obviously for smut. Their attitude isn't really bad but holy fuck if they don't skeeve me right the fuck out

>> No.7474912

if that's who i think it is specifically, he definitely seems to only hang out with that cronus for cosplay

not trying to white knight him or anything but i can't find him on any of that cronus' shotafucking posts. either he's unaware or has some small shred of decency not to be so public about it. still looking doe

>> No.7474945

I don't know who you are talking about, I was talking about bootyshortscronus. The march Eridan?

>> No.7474956

I guess at least they get credit for looking trashy/skeevy and not attempting to do the "sex god" thing people like to do with Amporas. Or they're just unaware of what they look like. Either way, jfc.

>> No.7475000

yeah, you were referring to "they" so i thought you mean the both of them

>> No.7475009

>oh no that cosplayer is posed like the wrong kind of puppet
this is one of the nitpickiest nitpicks i have ever seen on all of /cgl/ you should get some kind of prize jfc

>> No.7475029

Who is the march eridan anyway? And nah i just don't actually know bootyshortscronus identity or anything, they is just a safe bet.

>> No.7475083

We're nitpicky because we expect the cosplayers to know their source material? ok then.
Reminds me of that time that one shitty Eridan called us nitpicky for caring about trigger discipline

>> No.7475131


Eridans without trigger discipline are my biggest pet peeve. The one thing the character is good at is shooting, get it right

>> No.7475241

I agree that it's pretty nitpicky... I just thought it was a generic puppet pose. Most people probably pose like a marionette because its the easiest way to convey puppetry while standing up. Lil cal is a floppy puppet so unless you're dragging a chair around with you it'd be impossible to be 100% accurate.

>> No.7475436 [DELETED] 

I actually totally agree with OP. I'm not fond of Cal cosplayers to begin with because it always seems like an excuse to do weird Strider gore shota stuff, but when the posing disconnect is valid. It's like Dave cosplayers who consistently and only pose with their shades off. It's real far from how he's characterized in canon.

>> No.7475464

I actually totally agree with OP. I'm not fond of Cal cosplayers to begin with because it always seems like an excuse to do weird Strider gore shota stuff, but the posing disconnect is valid. He's not that kind of puppet and he doesn't have strings, so why pose like he does? It's like Striders cosplayers who consistently and only pose with their shades off. It's real far from how they're characterized in canon, even if the cosplayer does want to show off their kawaii uguu contacts. A few shots is fine, but when it takes up the bulk of your cosplay repertoire, you're doing something wrong.

>trigger discipline
All of my yes. Characters like Roxy, Eridan, Jade, and Jake would know damn well that you don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're prepared to shoot. The obvious exception is Caliborn because he's a trigger-happy maniac who doesn't give two shits about misfires or aiming.

>> No.7475623

Out of curiosity how SHOULD cal cosplayers pose? Standing limply would still look like a marionette, and standing normally wouldn't look like a puppet at all.

>> No.7475672
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Sitting with limp limbs would give off a definite puppet look, since it only turns marionette when they pose as if their arms are being held or controlled by strings. Lil Cal appears to be able to sit on his own, so posed on a ledge with their legs dangling off would be fine too. But, truthfully, for the design most Lil Cal cosplayers go for, I think posing normally would be fine. The white-face Cal look was inspired by a popular fanartist, I've seen their work but can't remember their name, and in that au iirc Cal was more or less an animated ventriloquist doll that could walk, talk, sit, stand, etc on his own like he was alive.

I don't think pic related was drawn by the artist who popularized the look, but it's the same vibe and is what most Cal cosplayers seem to go for. I don't know if I've ever seen someone try to cosplay a version of Cal accurate to the comic.

>> No.7476331
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>> No.7476355

>talking about the shittiness of lack of trigger discipline
>posts cosplay with lack of trigger discipline
why anon

>> No.7476367
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>> No.7476768
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>> No.7476921

you mean guardianstuck? i think that's the name but basically one where bec, jaspers, cal and the harlequin are kids and cal is a hyper kid that dressed like a puppet

>> No.7476923

this is so fucking cute

>> No.7476938

Guidestuck? It's really good. Not sure it's what the person you were replying too was talking about though since Cal is a kid in that and not a moving puppet. Also IIRC the art is the exact same style as homestuck's so Cal only has a base of white skin the way the kids do.

Honestly, the fact that its clothing is colored in (in HS) makes me interpret the white as the actual color of Cal's face, so I've never had a problem with people doing that. If Kanayas make chainsaws or anyone makes a rifle it's totally valid to have the entire thing be white, as shown in comic.

>> No.7476944

>Honestly, the fact that its clothing is colored in (in HS) makes me interpret the white as the actual color of Cal's face
uhhhhhhh. anon. lil cal's face is canonically NOT white.

>> No.7476952

Well it's not WHITE-white like other HS objects/weapons, but it's such a pale color, if someone reads it as whiter than most caucasian skin and goes with the paint route, it looks fine to me.

>> No.7476990

i don't see how anyone besides an idiot could read it as white when it's not white. by this logic, i could be cosplaying the trolls with white paint just because grey is "a light color." don't try to pass off someone cosplaying fanart interpretation as cosplaying canon.

>> No.7477141

No, the general aesthetic I'm talking about was around long before guidestuck was a thing. Still can't identify the artist whose design popularized it though. I suppose it doesn't particularly matter anyway.

>> No.7477598
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>> No.7477762

This design is hideous but the pieces look like they're made well. I want to hate it but I can't. Is this from a certain AU?

This Dave is hot as fuck.

Cute but anachronistic. Wish that Suff had removed his piercing and that we had a better view of their cosplays instead of just from the side.

>> No.7477787

Is it just me or does this look a lot like gothichamlet's off model sufferer?

>> No.7477874

off model?

>> No.7477893

What are good characters to cosplay if you're black?

>> No.7477936


Any of the kids, as long as you get a wig that works with your skin tone. I'm not sure how well gray works on darker skin.

>> No.7477957
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No highpants.

>> No.7477955
File: 276 KB, 256x584, tumblr_m2kegnVoj61qkk2wbo5_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cosplay any character. You'll be held to the same standards as any other cosplayer, so to look good, you need a nice wig, a clean costume, and good craftsmanship. People on tumblr will give you points just for being non-white, but that's really not a good way to stand out. Wreckitronnie on tumblr is a great example of this. Noncanon godtier outfit, skinny jeans that accentuate womanly hips in crossplay, etc. It doesn't look good, but they get attention anyway because they're mixed race. The Roxy in pic related does it better. She's not perfect, and I'm not totally sold on the curl and I can't see the flips at the bottom of the wig because of the scarf, but she looks good overall. That's how you do it.

Tl;dr - cosplay any character, but do it the right way instead of letting tumblr give you fame just for diversity.

>> No.7477965
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>> No.7477972
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I like the idea for this set, but I think it would have looked a lot cooler if the Calliope had painted her face and gone for the canon suit look since that's what the Caliborn did.

>> No.7477986
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>> No.7478001
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>> No.7478004
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>> No.7478018

It's an AU I'm fairly sure, which is why Caliborn has the facepaint. Personally I'm more bothered by the mismatched greens.

As for black anon: like has already been said, cosplay whoever you want. If you feel self conscious about it or are worried about looking good, stick to the dark haired kids or the trolls. I personally enjoy black Equiuses, as well as dark Janes.

>> No.7478064


high pants look awful anyway

>> No.7478096

I've got to agree. There's really only two quality sufferer cosplays imo and neither of them use highpants.

>> No.7478099
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>> No.7478121
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Awful wigs on both of them but this is a pretty cool shot. I wish sufferers would stop using fabric paint for blood though. It never looks right.

>> No.7478133

what i never got about fanartists who draw humanstuck equius as black is that equius is supposed to be a raging racist. wouldnt he be better characterized as a white supremacist? sage for this /co/ bullshit

>> No.7478141

I don't think he would be white, because while he is aware of his caste and it's superiority to most of the other ones (people of color), he still considers himself inferior to the higher castes (white). I think if he was human he would be mixed race, like half-black half-white, and have resentment towards his black heritage because he thinks white people are superior.

This is really off topic whoops

>> No.7478183

that's actually a really cool take on it. thanks for sharing.

>> No.7478319

Conversely, people on 4chan will give you hell for your skin color, but try not to take it personally. It really shouldn't mean much. So just do your best, pay attention to details, all that stuff.

>> No.7478334

Yeah, on the other side of the spectrum away from social justicers who will delight in your cosplay even if its terrible are racist assholes who will hate you even if your cosplay is the best they've ever seen. 4chan as a whole is a disgusting cesspool but I think cgl is a little more removed from that. The only general vendettas this board has are against fatties and ita.

>> No.7478476
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>> No.7478479

Wow that Dirk's face looks like a potato.

>> No.7478507

that jake is some kind of crossplaying nightmare
>visible binder
>feminine pose
>unstyled wig
>packing dick heat
>shaved legs

>> No.7478517
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>> No.7478521
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>> No.7478525
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>> No.7478527
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>> No.7478532
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>> No.7478535
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>> No.7478537
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>> No.7478661

the first one being this is way too popular to be good

>> No.7478927
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>> No.7478931
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>> No.7478933

Okay I get that the person is trying to look "cool" and "different" but I literally don't understand the point of the fangs unless they are cosplaying from some weird AU where Vriska is a rainbow drinker instead of Kanaya...

>> No.7478936
File: 236 KB, 1280x850, 1396760899667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478949


I really want to like this but

>that hairline
>that wig style

pity, the fins are nice

>> No.7478950

fins and horns are nice but that wigs gotta go

>> No.7478952
File: 247 KB, 1280x960, 1396761435674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vriska's fangs are canonically much longer than Kanaya's, and poke out past her bottom lip, but it's one of those things that does not translate well from the comic to real life. The cosplayer would have been better off using those miniature fangs everyone else uses instead of getting the longer ones.

>> No.7478958


The wig style is on purpose cause it's from an AU. She wasn't going canon Eridan.

>> No.7478959

Ahhhh okay then, I see what you mean. It's been a while since I have read homestuck what with the megahiatus. I remembered them all having pointy teeth but not Vriska's long fangs. Thanks for pointing that out!

>> No.7479399


Unless the AU is a bloodswap it's still the wrong fucking color

>> No.7479414

I like the wounds, makeup and horns SO much why the hell is it the wrong purple, why.
The makeup/fins even seem to be the right shade.

>> No.7479418 [DELETED] 

What AU is this? Is it one where his blood color and widow's peak suddenly change? That's not a very good excuse.

I'm really liking the horns and fins though.

>> No.7479517

The construction on this is good but this cosplay just looks so fucking bad. The design is horrendous and it just looks terribly unflattering on the cosplayer. I'm having a hard time even looking at it because it looks so bad.

This just proves that popular fanart =/= a good cosplay

>> No.7479646


it looks like... scrabbled eggs

>> No.7479668


It's even more sad because the F+F version looks better than this.


>> No.7479725
File: 28 KB, 500x715, tumblr_n3cqmxL71G1tvwxn4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from the hscosplaycontest page

>> No.7479729
File: 53 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n3763bPXYu1tvwxn4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479732
File: 88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n2jtr7RPCD1tvwxn4o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7480101

oh my actual fucking god

this contest is such a joke. all it's going to do is create a shittiest cosplayer circle jerk among the people who win.

>> No.7480192
File: 72 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n376naEKhW1tvwxn4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. This was one of the better submissions.

>> No.7480333

I'm guessing it's a hugbox. How will they determine a winner, then?

>> No.7480470

Apparently there's two rounds, one goes by what the judges say and the other goes by notes a submission accumulates and I guess the two are combined somehow.

Part of me wants to enter just for an easy win. But mostly I want to stay the fuck away from this contest because I don't want to be associated with such a disaster.

>> No.7480487
File: 31 KB, 342x606, 1396837135546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their expert judges will vote on the first round. Pic related.

>> No.7480491

Ooh that's how I love my Homestuck cosplay. Androgynous but conventionally attractive individuals with shitty piercings and no sense of shame.

>> No.7480508

apparently theirs a winner for each character? most of the trolls win by default i guess...
theres a few humans who are probably a shoe in for theirs too...unless the judges just give it to their friends. iv seen it happen.

>> No.7480511

there's probably a massive dump in the cpacstuck tag on tumblr

>> No.7480515
File: 259 KB, 956x1280, 1396838190508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from cpacstuck it's time for the next round of guess the character/AU.

>> No.7480522

Try again!

>> No.7480521

Karkat? too easy!

>> No.7480530
File: 44 KB, 500x699, tumblr_n3mv3vWS431rjhlmlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7480531

Go for it, anon. I actually want to see you win this.

>> No.7480532

b-but the red hair...classic tumblr Vantas "humanstuck".

It can't be Kankri, no one could possibly be that lazy, to not buy a 4$ sweater from value village. No one?

>> No.7480534

is that kankri?

>> No.7480537
File: 609 KB, 700x467, 1396838808053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just any Kankri... it's "punk/scene" Kankri apparently.

>> No.7480543

n-no... that's not possible
this can't be happening

>> No.7480575

If it's as big a circlejerk for the shitty yet entitled cosplayers of tumblr as everyone thinks it's gonna be though, they'll go for the terribad cosplays just to make them feel good. After all, "many cosplayers deserve just as much recognition as the popular ones who gets thousands of notes within an hour on this website." Those nasty talented cosplayers stealing attention away from the disadvantaged little guys! How dare they!

The irony is that these people are probably unpopular and unknown because they suck. There are lots of tag spammers who are popular but suck too, don't get me wrong. But I like to think that most of the popular cosplayers got known for being good and not for being lolcows or gif making attention whores. Judging by the caliber of what's already been submitted, they sure didn't get popular looking like that.

>> No.7480616
File: 106 KB, 500x412, tumblr_n3253zCg831s8d367o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually thought it'd get a lot more submissions than it did. It looks like all of the troll characters are uncontested, so they're instant winners? The only ones with repeats are the kids.

>> No.7480653
File: 666 KB, 1280x1920, 1396842673855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7480757

i guess so. their gona have alot of mailing to do if they really follow through in giving stuff to all those winners.
any guesses on the winners for the contested ones?

>> No.7480764

New thread: