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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7465178 No.7465178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Great conventions, conventions to avoid, hidden small gems between big cons.
Bring em here

>> No.7466272

Avoid Florida Cons.

>> No.7466275

Stay away from Birmingham MCM

It's shit.

>> No.7466282

I think I was the only person who actually enjoyed Megacon.

>> No.7466380

Everyone knows the only con worth going to is Anime Expo

>> No.7466410

Any and all sukoshi cons are a waste of your money. Avoid.

>> No.7466459

> god tier
colossalcon, sdcc, dragon*con
> hell yeah tier
anime expo, anime boston, magfest, fanime
> yeah tier
anime weekend atlanta, pax, sakuracon , anime central, sac anime, anime mid west, youmacon, setsucon, a kon, yaoicon
> meh tier
Katsucon, otakon, anime usa, d23, kcon, midoricon, nekocon, ikkicon, kotoricon, miraicon, no such convention, Tora con, springfestny, anime matsuri, gen con
>shit tier
zenkaikon, otakon vegas, ohayocon, jaycon, conneticon, atomic lollipop
> hell
every florida con

>> No.7466527

would put CPAC on yeah tier as well

>> No.7468907

tfw non of these are close to me.

>> No.7468913

>the feeling when all the meh tier cons are the ones i used to attend
Now I go to Magfest mainly, but i'm really trying to get to colossalcon as well.

>> No.7468917

is anext worth it?

>> No.7468926

>tfw Dutch

just go to other cons that aren't Dutch, the "big" cons aren't bad but just... meh

that said what are the better european cons to go to?

>> No.7468958

It's more of a social con, but it's fairly large and fairly fun.

>> No.7469093

I really have no knowledge of the ero scene outside of the nordics, what do dutch cons usually average on?

>> No.7469112

it really depends. for photos/cosplay it's below average but for the atmosphere i guess it's fun as long as you're with friends. Locations kinda lame (hotel prices too :/) but if you're from farther away you could always jump over to NYC.
Or go to colossal, which is better.

>> No.7469177

no its shit tier.
colossalcon is the same weekend though.

>> No.7469179

Animenext should be on shit tier.

>> No.7469204
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>colossalcon, sdcc, dragon*con
>god tier

>> No.7469260



in every sense of the word after this year

>> No.7469333

Any good or okay cons here in Juarez

>> No.7469354

Nothing compares to Dragon*Con when it compares to partying and cosplay. SDCC is still the king when it comes to exclusives and meeting people n the industry.

>> No.7469379

and colossalcon is at a fucking water park and run by a jojoba.

>> No.7469476
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Irish Cons.

Kaizokukon is alright. Not bad for a first run con. Would be better if Cork wasn't a cunt of a city to get around. Town planners need a spanking, but that's not the con's fault.

Nom-con is a disorganised mess, but hard to hate. It's run by alright people, and somehow always manages to be a good time. Even as everything decends into overcrowded chaos.

Eirtakon manages to run on time, actually appearing to be organised and always has good showings. Croke Park as a venue is a mixed bag, being simultaneously epic, while also hiding a chink of the con downstairs.

Akumakon is in Galway. Good for daytrips only. Manages to nab interesting guests but otherwise there's not much to say for it. If anything, it's otherwise too sparse a con. Needs more stuff happening to be good.

Anime Dublin is in a weird place. A decent day out, but I always want more events. Otherwise harmless.

Never been to Brocon.

>> No.7469484

Stay away from MCM

It's shit. And they're cunts.

>> No.7469489

Opinions on Dutch cons? I know there's not many, vut it seems like a lot of new ones are popping up.

>> No.7469811

London's fun.
Shame about the HORRENDOUS line, though. Shame I live in fucking Birmingham and the earlier I can get there, without staying over in London the night before, is half 10.

>> No.7469835

it looks really fun but I feel like it's too late...plus I'd probably have to go solo since I probably can't convince friends from the area (philly) to go w/me

>> No.7469902

im about 3 hours north of you and if I didn't already have ten people past out cap for our room I'd see if you were cool and all.
join the colossalcon fb. its easy to make friends and find rooms on there.
its seriously my least expensive con.

>> No.7469921

>A-kon under year tier
>Ikkicon under meh tier
>Not both under shit tier.

>> No.7469998

i'll think about it...i don't have a car so i'd either have to fly or take a long train ride. how is it for people on the older side (i'm 25)?

>> No.7471016

Yeah there's been a sudden influx of new cons but it seems like other then Animecon, Abunai and maybe Tsunacon, they aren't really worth going to unless you live around the area.
At first thought I'd like it because we really need some more cons but until we see how the new cons actually are, I can't really be excited for it.

>> No.7471289

>still believing anime expo is still worth going.

Maybe if we're still stick in the mid-2000s.

>> No.7471310

agreed, nothing like a con hiring a known pedophile

did you see their booth at ECCC? I think they blew all their money on that thing as wel las that van they drive around. They also used the maid cafe video (that apparently aki con did not personally host) as their main selling point which was just full as dudes dressed like chicks and drunk underaged kids.

Never going back

>> No.7471331

where would you rate NYCC?

>> No.7471411

meh to shit tier.
its crowded, full of casuals, got nothing sdcc has, shitty guests and the cosplay is shit.

>> No.7471423

its a great con for being older! not as good as dragon con but there's more over 18 than not. try to see if there's any car pools going up.

>> No.7471432
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>tfw you go to at least one yeah tier con

I always have fun at the Canadian cons I do go to but comparative they are definitely shit tier.

>> No.7473149

>Anime Boston
>hell yeah tier
I'd disagree as of the last few years. It's gotten way too crowded recently (which isn't entirely AB's fault) but refuse to move to a bigger venue, and the bag checks just take up a huge amount of time and resources without actually doing much to protect congoers - if somebody actually wanted to bomb the place, there loopholes wide enough to drive a truck through, so it's more of a peace-of-mind measure on the MCCA's part. That, and the guests have been mediocre for years. Apparently, there's been a lot of organizational issues recently (they actually had Kishou Taniyama lined up as a guest this year, but had to cancel his appearance because they were still scrabbling around trying to find a translator less than two weeks before the con), so hopefully they can pull their shit together for next year.

>> No.7473154

>I'd disagree as of the last few years. It's gotten way too crowded recently (which isn't entirely AB's fault) but refuse to move to a bigger venue

Totally agree
>and the bag checks just take up a huge amount of time and resources without actually doing much to protect congoers - if somebody actually wanted to bomb the place, there loopholes wide enough to drive a truck through, so it's more of a peace-of-mind measure on the MCCA's part.

One of the no-bag door checks was letting people bribe her fat ass with food to get in with bags. Seriously wtf.

> (they actually had Kishou Taniyama lined up as a guest this year, but had to cancel his appearance because they were still scrabbling around trying to find a translator less than two weeks before the con)

This is a complete lie.

>> No.7473158


I see people complain about this but wonder where else the con should go for space issues? The waterfront convention center's the only other option and that'd be shit for an anime con, since there's only the one tiny hotel and no food around. It works okay for PAX cuz the whole con is normalfags in street clothes but for cosplay it'd be hell, especially with the weather AB's had for the last 3 years.

The bag checks were total bullshit I agree but does AB decide whether those happen or is it the Hynes?

>> No.7473207

They obviously didn't announce it to the public, but I have a close friend on the staff. I'm fully aware of how much I'm sounding like one of those "MY DAD WORKS FOR NINTENDO" kids right now, and in the long run, it's not really important, but it's still an interesting bit of trivia.
It's the Hynes's decision rather than AB's, but it's still pretty useless in the long term due to how lax it is.

>> No.7473310

I absolutely love Youmacon. It's my home con so I have been going there since 2011. Getting better and better every year.

I also went to Anime Midwest last year and it was pretty fun - though the staff need some major work, a few were kind of rude the entire weekend. Steam Powered Giraffe was amazing though.

I'm going to Midwest Media Expo in a few weeks, so excited for that - its a new con made by the same group that do Youmacon and Steam Powered Giraffe is going to be performing there as well! :D

>> No.7473325

I've never been to a convention before, but I'm planning on going MCM Manchester. I've heard it's okay-ish, so I'm not expecting too much. But what makes a good convention? Do you guys look out for specific panels? How it's organised? Quality of the items in the dealer halls? What?

>> No.7473332

Putting AnimeFest in the yeah tier and San Japan in the hell yeah tier.

>> No.7473342


What makes a convention really, really awesome is when everything comes together smoothly and just... works.

I would have to say I particularly look for the guests that the con is bringing in. I really like Steam Powered Giraffe for example (the best Steampunk band EVER by the by) and if they are going to a convention, then you KNOW that con is a good one because their entire business is run out of pocket so for them to travel really far out of their home base of San Diego, California for a con tells you that they think said con is worth it. Basically if a convention has really high-profile or popular voice actors on its guest list, then it's a damn good con. When I say popular voice actors, I mean the big ones, the Gods and Goddesses like Tara Strong, Vic Mignogna, Steve Blum, Quinton Flynn, Caitlin Glass, etc. If any of them are on a guest list - chances are the con is a really good one and you don't want to miss out.

Also the staff. If con staff are helpful, can point you in the right direction and know what they are doing then you can be sure that the convention is run smoothly.

That's pretty much what I look for. Youmacon for example has been consistently good at getting really awesome guests and the venue they use is spectacular (Renaissance Center and Cobo Hall in downtown Detroit, AMAZING hotel and convention center combo). Anime Midwest is another example of a good convention - they had Steam Powered Giraffe and they used the same venue that Anime Central uses every year (Hyatt Regency O'Hare). This year they are actually using space in the nearby convention center and I freaking applaud them for it because good lord did that hotel get packed last year. They had to cap guest attendance at 6000+.

>> No.7473622
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>mfw I noticed that all anime conventions in California are going to shit.

Worst part was that it's happening at the same time. What caused an entire state to go downhill?

>> No.7473635


>> No.7473641

>Vic Mignogna
He's been going to any tiny con (1000- attendees) that will take him. There have also been rumours that he's been blacklisted from some of the major cons.

>> No.7473666

Good. Which ones in particular can he not attend?

>> No.7473687


Ota won't take him

>> No.7474014

Your "close friend" on staff knows nothing but Jack and shit and Jack left town.

He was never an invited guest or even approached.

>> No.7474057

You know they have plenty of resident translations one of which was translating for JAM project and others so they had plenty of options of translators. They didn't even try to get him and they didn't have enough money anyways.

Also, it's the MCCA not the hynes or the con.

>> No.7478793

I still wanna know what's up with Steve not liking Midwest cons. I haven't seen him at acen or anything in years. Vic is another story though.. Its pretty sad he's gotta be such a dooche. Had him at our first con and oh boy..

>> No.7478802

Is anyone familiar with Kraken Con in Oakland CA? Is it any good?

>> No.7478808

I'll let you know tomorrow anon.

>> No.7478815

Haha Thanks! It's nice of you, but I'm going tomorrow as well. I guess I just wanted to get a general idea of what I was going to (whether it will be disappointing, not worth the trouble, or great).

>> No.7478832

SacAnime seems to be the only one staying afloat, but all the major "good" cons are going to shit and are quickly losing traction to EC cons

>> No.7478960

I'm familiar with the big name East Coast cons, but does anyone have any recommendations for good smaller ones (anime focused preferably but broader is fine too) in the NY/CT area?

>> No.7478963

>Otakon Vegas
>shit tier
>Judging a first year con.

Holy shit are you retarded?

>> No.7478968

Being a VA fag is suffering

>> No.7478972

>god tier
Five years ago maybe.
It's been on a steady decline
>take friend for first time
>he screams out HOLY SHIT IT'S STAN LEE
>dudebro looks at him
>"who the fuck is that."

It's way too Hollywood now, I still want to go to check out the cosplays and maybe dealer hall but even THAT'S getting ridiculous.

>> No.7478973

I think he's here at Kawaii Kon.

I saw his name attached to a panel but didn't bother with it.

>> No.7478985

He was at my city's Comic Con last year. My friend really wanted his autograph even after I told her about his supposed faggotry

She's a tiny Asian qtpie and shit felt dirty watching him hug her

>> No.7479000

Well Castle Point in Hoboken is today. $20 at door if you don't already have a ticket, I'm pretty sure. Good con, nice location, fairly cheap prices for admission, food, and travel. You should check it out if you don't already have plans.

>> No.7479030

J-Pop Summit

It's free
Always a bunch of music stuff (KPP is probably the only "big" name but they bring out a lot that you probably never heard of like LovendoR, The Akabane Vulgars, Jinny Oops, and more)
Various stuff (fashion shows, animu museum exhibits, real escape game, film premiers)
Usually happens at the end of summer where nothing else gets in the way

>> No.7479046

I was at Kawaii Kon today :D

>> No.7479055
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>Tfw live in Florida and only able to go to shitty FL cons because poorfag
>Cousins and sister are going to d*c without me and rubbing it in my face because I can't afford it

>> No.7479069

Have you tried not being poor?

>> No.7479085

It's a shitty college con

>> No.7479148

Second; this is just a con hastily set up for dealers to peddle stuff, and it isn't even decent dealers, anyhow.

>> No.7479255

What the hell is happening in that lobby? I would never want to be in an area of a con that congested.

>> No.7479261

Why are Florida Cons bad? The heat or something else?

>> No.7479285

maybe they're waiting for the exhibit hall to open
god knows the LACC lobby looks like that when it's AX's first day

>> No.7479355
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B-but Anime Boston let us in....

(I'm on the right btw)

>> No.7479392

It's not the heat, it's just that they suck. The dealer rooms are typically par with other cons but everything else is just meh tier at best. And then there's the heat.

>> No.7479475

Not a rumor. A fact. No con is going to admit it but its well known amongst cons who talk to each other that he's not welcomed back.

Go look at where he's been. If he hasn't returned there's likely a good reason why.

>> No.7479483

What's wrong with that Nonon's stomach?
And urk, another fat, unattractive Aikuro.

>> No.7479488

Another? Damn. I didn't see any.

And I think she was trying to cover tattoos and did a bad job at it.

>> No.7479512

Very shit tier. Every time people tell me they're going, I tell them they're wasting their money
>over crowded
>over priced
>nowhere to really sit and chill
>only choices to eat near by are massively expensive cafeteria food or McDonald's

>> No.7479522

>Vic mcnognog
>top tier voice actor

Hahahaha. You slay me

>> No.7479524


>> No.7479610

I havent actually seen a lot of homestuck but I havent gone to any here in 2 years.

>> No.7480547

omg. they had LovendoR?! Tanaka Reina ftw!

>> No.7480599

Was anyone at Anime Detour this weekend?

>Neighboring hotel bought by Sheraton
>Used to be chill and let them use a few rooms for panels, but not anymore, too expensive
>Tabletop and TCG gaming placed on the 22nd floor, in four rooms
>Half hour to hour long wait for elevators
>Snowed the night before the first day, people are trying to park on snowbanks where there used to be parking spaces
>Second morning, literally every parking spot in two hotels parking lots are taken, dozens of people in spots that specifically say "no parking", a few people even parked perpendicularly to legally parked cars, blocking them in (?!?)
>Didn't have a hotel room, I live a few minutes away

I did find a big enough gap to park legally, and the rest of the con was as normal, but is this seriously the only con in MN that isn't fucking run by Ryan Kopf?

>> No.7481650

For their second year con, they really organized it well. They had great guest, decent panels and utilized their space to their fullest. Only minor issues was the scheduling and some lighting issues (the convention had a few light brown outs but were easily fixed) but overall the con was worth 15 dollars and it was so much fun. Can't wait to come back in October!