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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 641 KB, 699x1085, 1395901003555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7457431 No.7457431 [Reply] [Original]

Never thought this would happen - the dmmd thread in is autosage >>7451349. Time for a new one?

>The good, the bad and all the works in progress.
>Cosplay things that bug you
>Do good gender bends exist?
>Crazy fujoshi stories

>> No.7457441
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>> No.7457439

i don't understand, why do we need a second one? there wasn't really anything being discussed in the first one

>> No.7457472

Aoba makeup. Red eyeliner/eyeshadow or no? I spent way longer than I should have staring at his eyes trying to figure out whether that little bit of red is important enough to include, and how to not have it look like shit. I've seen some people do it nicely and really liked it, but not sure if worth the potential fuckups

>> No.7457480

IMO no to red eyeshadow. I think red around the eye tends to make people look ill, so if you are going to do red eyeliner, then use some black eyeliner with it to tone it down. Not to much crazy eye makeup since he is still a dude though.

>> No.7457481

The Aoba ratio to everybody else is 1000/1

>> No.7457483
File: 630 KB, 1024x684, 1395903241208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if his shoes weren't ugly enough...

>> No.7457540

/cgl/ is a bunch of nigresses looking for excuses to bitch

>> No.7457640

he made/styled it himself, i'm assuming the base wig was just a generic one off taobao. i could ask if you want, but he did it like a year++ ago so i can't guarantee he remembers where it's from.

>> No.7457662

>noiz wearing giant 4 inch pencil heels
im having an out of body experience

>> No.7457665

I say yes to a little bit of red eyeliner, just on the outside of your eyes. I was fucking about with make up for my own Aoba cosplay about a year ago and I think that a bit of red looks good. When I finally get around to making his boots and wearing the damn thing I'll definitely be including some.

>> No.7457668

I'll never be able to wrap my head around why some girls wear massive ass heels while cosplaying a male character, or a character who doesn't wear massive ass heels in general. I'm pretty sure that the Trip in the last thread was wearing huge wedge heels and I just. Why.

>> No.7457676

I have 40 mins before i have to get ready for work, but I just finished Koujaku's 'bad route' in reconnect. I love it. I really love that they expanded on the more interesting ending from the previous game. I wonder if anyone's actually done Shiro-Aboa properly? it looks like a pretty difficult costume to do right.

>> No.7457677

Yes to red, since the red is canon in all the character designs. A little pencil liner of red or eyeshadow is fine, but it has to be very subtle to look good. I believe this is the same character designer for Togainu no Chi since all the characters have the red too (specifically Akira and Rin.)

>> No.7457679

>>7457677 meant for >>7457472

>> No.7457681

I would love if you asked for me. It looks very natural. Amazing wig skills.

>> No.7457687

I personally use red eyeliner and then go ever it with black. I get this dark dark red color that I liked and worked for me. I keep a little bit of the red visible more to the outer corner of the eye too.
I think it really depends on the person, I know other Aoba cosplayers personally who don't like the red hints and do a completely different kind of makeup for him. Whatever works for you, just give it a few tries to figure it out

>> No.7457690

and sorry for my shit english

>> No.7457725

Is RC worth the play? Like an idiot, I started with trip and virus and now I don't want to continue...

>> No.7457729

each route comes with a continuation of the good and bad ending. just go to the good ending lol. theyre kind of generic, but i liked all of them. (its because of mink's RE route that i somewhat like him now)

>> No.7457730

I really enjoyed rc (despite vitri's routes being horrifying, yes). I enjoyed Koujaku's and Clear's routes the most. Also, there's a route about Aoba past and a tiny one for Mizuki too so I just had to play it. Go for it, anon! It's a quick play, you won't waste much time even if you end up not really caring for it

>> No.7457735

I couldn't enjoy Clear's route because Aoba kept his glove on while sucking him off and I kept wondering about how dirty that glove had to be, covered in saliva and whatever the fuck robotdicks might secrete.

>> No.7457741 [DELETED] 

no I don't care if there's neckbeards there, nigresses

>> No.7457745

Actually you'd be wanting to send us to /blog/ on /vg/, not /v/. Just letting you know so that next time you get angry and try to redirect us, you don't look like an idiot yourself.

>> No.7457748 [DELETED] 

You're the one that's looking like an idiot talking about your shitty games here, nigger.

>> No.7457752
File: 64 KB, 625x743, 1357449495416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this mad over talking about game in a cosplay thread about game

youre also shitting up the thread by not posting anything related to cosplay.

>> No.7457759

Does anyone know where I can find a wig with nice volume for a Virus/Trip cosplay? I don't really want to have to get wefts and sew them to the back of the wig, considering the spiked up back tends to leave the netting visible.. I'm trying not to spend much on this cosplay (for me and my gf), pic related. But in case I'm dreaming too high, indicating me good wig stores on ebay to look for this would be great too. I always have terrible luck with short wigs

>> No.7457761
File: 105 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand dropped pic

>> No.7457765 [DELETED] 

you can't shit up a thread that was shit right from the start

>> No.7457768
File: 474 KB, 283x213, tumblr_ly1eamJudb1qha64i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.7457810

I think it's fine if you can make it unnoticeable, because a little bit of something under your heels makes your legs look better + makes you taller which is good because the boys in dmmd are all pretty tall. But when it's obvious heels like in >>7457483 it's just bad and embarrassing.
I personally use shoes with a small platform where the heel isn't separate, so it's not over the top, doesn't look like high heels but still gives me some height.

>> No.7457895
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>> No.7457901
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>> No.7457903
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>> No.7457908
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Unfortunately I haven't seen any. Only lots of poorly applied white makeup.

>> No.7457943
File: 466 KB, 1024x1535, 1395931958325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7457974

Wow, with the exception of Clear, this group is pretty good. I especially like Noiz's pose/face.

>> No.7458126

Another yes to red eyeliner/eyeshadow.
I cosplay Aoba and I think it's a nice touch (as long as you don't overdo it like that Aoba in the last thread did, wow).
I'm looking for a picture of me where you can see it clearly, so maybe I'll drop that later... since I'd feel like I was just selfposting if you couldn't see the eyemake well enough lol.
But anyway I put a little dull red eyeshadow at the outer half of my lower and upper eyelid and blend it out, then finish off the eye as per usual.

>> No.7458220

Dramatical Murder is so fucking shit.

Bet y'all watched Let's Plays of like half the common route on youtube anyway.

>> No.7458228

finished both games + the mini game in rc

>> No.7458231

wow yeah, that looks terrible. How can people apple make up so badly? It's not that hard to look up a proper tutorial, especially with shironuri being so popular now.

>> No.7458235

Dude it's 2014, how hard do you think it is for anyone to figure out how to play pirates VNs.

>> No.7458237

Aoba's belt is inaccurate, but at least they got the damn coil right. I hate when it's just a piece of foam watch around their wrist. The Ren and Mizuki look great. They're my favorites.

>> No.7458258

Fuwanovel and the likes exist, you know. Not that hard to get the game
I personally finished both games and the mini game in rc as well

>> No.7458714

I fucking loved that card game.

>> No.7458755

Aoba's constant どれにしよかなー? irritated me a bit though

>> No.7458934

I did too! I have to confess my heart melted each time I used Clear's power/boost (idk the name in english), and I kept moving the cursor around just to hear him, hnn. Cutie

>> No.7458955

Mink's move was OP if I remember correctly.

>> No.7458994

Sei's move was the most OP, revealing all the cards for a while.
I can't believe the cpu of this mini game sometimes. Like you shouldn't be able to beat Sei but he still makes mistakes.

>> No.7459005
File: 708 KB, 530x896, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7459008

It's someone messing around, what about it?

>> No.7459012

yup yup, they'll make a fantastic clear

>> No.7459021

It is the same face shape and skintone now that you mention it. Plus the moles.

>> No.7459024

She's disgusting. Nasty flat-looking wig too.

>> No.7459026

>It is the same face shape

>> No.7459031

Clear's the chubbiest cheeked one of the bunch, no shame. He's the babyfaced innocent one.

>> No.7459067
File: 186 KB, 410x650, clear no mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babyfaced innocent one
Are we even playing the same game here?

>> No.7459074
File: 187 KB, 410x650, 1395966143054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my rape face, master

>> No.7459081

And compare him to Koujaku and Noiz and Mink. Definitely the least defined chin out of all of them. Noiz has that weird chin jut in profile too.

>> No.7459089
File: 65 KB, 423x750, tumblr_n34bi8j7I61rwkczwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7459092

i'm going to vomit. please stop posting her.

>> No.7459101

my little brother called it the pocahontas move
It had quite a 'colors of the wind' vibe

>> No.7459103

I thought the white tip of the umbrella spine/rib/thing was just cottonballs stuck in her hair.

>> No.7459109

Why are you playing gay sex games with your little brother?

>> No.7459114

Clear looks like he has the same facial shape as Aoba, just more volumous hair so it looks like his forehead is bigger. The character with the roundest face is probably Sei, but that's just because he's drawn with less defined jawbones than all the others.

>> No.7459113
File: 56 KB, 289x750, crapnoiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on Tumblr, says it's a Noiz costest but the make-up is all wrong for even a genderbend...

>> No.7459117

I played the card game with him because it had nothing wrong about it. It was a fucking card game.

>> No.7459121

i agree with that file name

>> No.7459123

Which is weird, because when they keep going into detail about how unwell he looks you'd think they'd go for a more emaciated appearance.

>> No.7459251

snapchatting is one thing but why would anyone actually post this onto the internet

>> No.7459919

Pretty bad wig, and absolutely horrible shoes.

>> No.7459931

/r/ing cg remakes

>> No.7460108
File: 271 KB, 1280x845, 5285653790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7460159

>them stripper heels
> why does it look like the spirit of clear's hair is leaving his body?

>> No.7460455
File: 201 KB, 800x553, 1396023966831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this kind of counts.

Props to them

>> No.7460749

what version of Aoba is it supposed to be?????

>> No.7460845

Did you not play the "everyone is a landwhale" route? This is spot on.

>> No.7460857

Give them some leeway, you can only unlock that route if you get every good ending three times and beat the Virus and Trip hidden minigame in re:connect with over 3000 points

>> No.7460996

this entire group as a whole is really satisfying.

>> No.7461006
File: 196 KB, 400x600, tumblr_myfrudOxZK1sfwq8no1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished aoba's past route

jesus, that made me feel more sad than any other of the bad ending routes.

>> No.7461158

What's on their face????????

>> No.7461161

I...I think it's supposed to be tears.

>> No.7461197

This a really hot Mizuki, even if their tear drop tattoo is a big over sized

>> No.7461200

Nice. That's a pretty good remake of Aoba's room, even if that horribly shiny wrong fabric jacket bothers me.

>> No.7461203

this girl is so ugly. Why would she do a beautiful faced character like Clear?

>> No.7461208

someone i spoke to today tried to defend genderbend cosplays. But then again, this is the same person who wants to cross over attack on titan with dmmd. There's no hope for tumblrshits. I swear to fucking gods.

>> No.7461417

>cosplaying male character
>doesn't bother to clip their long, feminine nails

>> No.7461426
File: 197 KB, 500x750, why the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to cross over attack on titan with dmmd
>see this tagged 'future cosplay' on friends tumblr

No fucking hope at all.

>> No.7461440

I don't mind seeing occasional fanart of genderbend for it, but it irritates me when people use genderbend to either slut up a costume or avoid binding.

Vast majority of those characters would just wear the same thing anyways if they were chicks. I do want to see a decent Koujaku genderbend where she's a total babe though.

>> No.7461446
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>> No.7461481
File: 254 KB, 960x1280, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Aoba the Fairy Prince"


>> No.7461490

but these are the literal reasons mostly all genderbends exist. To slut up and avoid binding for the shittest excuses. Even fairly well made genderbends never look right to me. I just hate them all pretty equally.

>> No.7461491

>cosplaying a male character
>doesnt bother to bind
At least fucking commit to the cosplay if you're going to go through with it.
>"But binding hurts!"
Not if you do it right and have a quality binder.

>> No.7461508

Exactly. Proper binders work really well and unless you're an F cup, you hardly feel it. I have the tank top compressor from underworks.I can wear it all day with no issues or pain.

>> No.7464602
File: 39 KB, 480x640, aobafail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry. That horrendous eye make-up.

>> No.7464621

Stupid idea aside, the color of the flower clashes terribly with that wig.

>> No.7465568

so can we all agree not to make another pointless dmmd thread, lol

>> No.7465640

What if someone wants to cosplay from this show but just can't pass as a boy? Should they genderbend or try their best to crossplay?

On an unrelated note, which Arda shade would work for Noiz? I'm leaning towards Lightning Pink but I have yet to actually see a person wearing a wig that color

>> No.7465658

.... Wut. It sounds like you shouldn't even bother cosplaying at all

>> No.7465670
File: 42 KB, 327x490, DSC_1241_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lightning Pink" is this weird warm blonde shade that barely looks pink at all.

>> No.7465676
File: 666 KB, 1024x576, 1396244928463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would work just fine for Noiz. Go for it.

>> No.7465679

Not even same anon, but that won't work either

>> No.7465727

Aoba is my shironuri idoru

>> No.7465733

It looks fine, Noiz has a warm tint to his hair anyway.

>> No.7465740
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>> No.7465741
File: 185 KB, 800x531, ren-綺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is pretty much no way to make those wigs look good without money and time.

I'm working with them right now, it's a fucking nightmare. I'm using wefts, because that's honestly one of the better ways to go about it. You'll probably need wefts to do the hairlines anyway.

>> No.7465745
File: 297 KB, 604x806, shirojaku-うきょ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I've got.

>> No.7465760

It's not a show ....at least not yet, why would you bother cosplaying something if you don't even know what it is?

>> No.7465764

Aoba...Give me the cake, this is an intervention.

>> No.7465769

I hate when girls cosplay yaoi boy's any other boy I don't really care but when it's a yaoi boy it really pisses me off, than go and make out with some other girls and call it yaoi. It's called being a lesbian and making out with random people. I would like to see some male aoba's but I haven't yet.

>> No.7465770
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>> No.7466149
File: 51 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've NEVER played dmmd a day in my life but I keep seeing this kid in his brownface mink cosplay on my Facebook + 5000 other shitty dmmd cosplays from all the other shit tier cosplayers. Post y/n?

>> No.7466228

only post shit tier if it's funny, otherwise it's just depressing.

>> No.7466254
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be an Aoba cosplay. Nothing, literally nothing in this picture makes any sense.

>> No.7466564
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>> No.7467292
File: 643 KB, 1280x1920, Clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467303

Your friend's shitty brownface cosplay is shit.

>> No.7467301

hhey anon, think you could Not talk about my friend Vinnie like that. thank you...now kindly fuck off. why not post your cosplays?

>> No.7467310


Any more video tutorials on Aoba's makeup? I've seen this one on tumblr but couldn't find much more on youtube..?

>> No.7467314

wow , i was wondering if someone would do this version of Clear. I really like the make up.

Aoba's make up is literally red and black eyeliner or eyeshadow. It's not that hard.

>> No.7467319
File: 245 KB, 1015x494, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only slightly Dmmd related but Nitro+Chiral's April fools site is up and god it's hilarious
Pic related, google translated product information

>> No.7467320

Except most of the time it looks like a red and black mess, which is what I'm trying to avoid

>> No.7467325

>twink rape paraside
my sides. what the hell

>> No.7467324

And yes, all the guys look like the Free! guys.

>> No.7467334

lol. What is that "about-to-stab" preorder bonus supposed to be?

>> No.7467353

>that bland as fuck Kyoani sameface
My sides.

>> No.7467400
File: 88 KB, 894x893, apple_by_grv422-d5554a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking at right now.

>> No.7467668

I love them so fucking much.

>> No.7467673
File: 735 KB, 2000x536, 1396319344274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also has anyone translated the rest of the site? I can only infer so much from the images...although with CGs like that, I'm not sure how much more there is to infer.

>> No.7467741

This. Please. Someone translate the rest. I really want to know what that octopus is about...

>> No.7468535


Those magnificent motherfuckers.

>> No.7468617
File: 2.70 MB, 328x190, heavensglory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, my sides.

>> No.7468634 [DELETED] 

If it were women you'd be screaming rape culture. Disgusting hypocrites.

>> No.7468658 [DELETED] 

redirecting you to >>7468535
there's no rape in the actual translation

>> No.7468668 [DELETED] 

Yeah it just says 'hopelessly unhappy' linked to sex, that sounds disgustingly rape-y to me.
Not that I expected different. Shit game, shit company and shit fans. 'Feminism is about equality' my ass.

>> No.7468670

>toggle thread

>> No.7468676 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to tumblr with your rape apologia.

>> No.7468683 [DELETED] 

I though tumblr was the contrary? It's usually flooded with posts about everything men do being rape.

>> No.7468692 [DELETED] 

only when the victims are white women

>> No.7468711 [DELETED] 

why would we care about victims who arent white?

>> No.7468717

that octopus. haha what is even happening? i love it

>> No.7468723 [DELETED] 

why would we care about victims who arent women?

>> No.7468753 [DELETED] 

Feminists absolutely care about equality and male rape (the ones who don't are shitty feminists). But this is less about making fun of rape and more about making fun of their own games.

>> No.7468768 [DELETED] 

>Feminists absolutely care about equality

>and male rape

>But this is less about making fun of rape
Their games are full of rape. Now they're making fun of rape, too, by joking about it.
It's rape culture that encourages people to rape and blames the victim.

>> No.7468771 [DELETED] 

It's a game guys, everyone just shut up. Trying to filter out what happens in fiction is just stupid because guess what, it doesn't have a hugely negative impact like you idiots seem to think.

These aren't real characters and they aren't in real danger. There are plenty of instances of rape, murder, violence and the like in fiction and it's fine, because it's fake.

>> No.7468770 [DELETED] 

All feminists are shitty.

>> No.7468773 [DELETED] 

>It's rape culture that encourages people to rape and blames the victim.
Then don't read it, don't watch it, don't play it, don't be a part of it.

The only people who take this kind of medium seriously are idiots like you who feel the need to bitch and moan about everything they don't like. It's not hurting you, just ignore it.

>> No.7468774 [DELETED] 

Why hasn't this creepy rape-y game been banned like Rapelay yet? So much for "equality".

>> No.7468777 [DELETED] 

It is hurting me because idiots like you feed the idea that rape is kawaii.

>> No.7468789 [DELETED] 

Because obviously everyone in the entire world takes everything seriously like you.

Get over yourself. Only someone with half a brain(like you) is going to be affected by this.

For the record, rapelay isn't banned, it was just stopped from being ported to english, you can still legally buy, own and play the game.

>> No.7468793 [DELETED] 

it's fictional. and games and animes have existed in japan like this for decades. BL games are still massively small compared to rape hentais and rape games for MEN. so please stop your bitching. Don't like the games, don't play them. They have mature warnings on them for a damn reason.

and everyone stop responding and feeding the trolls. just ignore them, please. there's no point in addressing the tumblrtards

>> No.7468795 [DELETED] 

>Because obviously everyone in the entire world takes everything seriously like you.

>Get over yourself. Only someone with half a brain(like you) is going to be affected by this.

Fuck off, first you bitch and moan about rape culture everywhere then you say 'lol get over it' when it's your shitty chink boys doing the raping?

>it was just stopped from being ported to english
Then this game has to be stopped from being translated, too. This and every rape-y game and shitty story ever. Fuck off with your shitty false ideas of 'equality' when it's only convenient for you.

>> No.7468800 [DELETED] 

I can't play those games because of feminists bitching all the damn time about men and 'rape culture'. Fuck off.
Hell you know who is being raped the most? Black guys. Black guys make of the prison's populace, and the rate of rapes in prison is insanely high. Do you see feminists bitching about that? No, they bitch about Rapelay instead, while they schlick to their kawaii chink rapists. So fuck off and die already.

>> No.7468808 [DELETED] 

So much projection. Despite the fact that I don't even believe in 'rape culture', I find it hilarious that you seem to think everyone is an idiotic hypocritical femineminazi ITT. Jokes on you, I'm not. Who shit in your cheerios?

>> No.7468813

So, has anyone attempted to do the other version of Sei with his white hair? I like it a lot, but i feel that body suit doesn't translate well irl

>> No.7468810 [DELETED] 

This turd of a thread about rapists and rape-y shit games.

>> No.7468836 [DELETED] 

for what it's worth, the rape parts of both games make me REALLY uncomfortable and I skipped through them as quickly as possible.

I haven't seen any but it would be cool to see the white-hair/bodysuit versions of him and Aoba as a pair.

>> No.7468843 [DELETED] 

If it really made you uncomfortable you would be campaigning against it like you campaigned against Rapelay. I don't see any public outrage, so go die in a fire, hypocrite.

>> No.7468863 [DELETED] 

If you can't differentiate between a game whose entire POINT is to rape various women and where rape is unavoidable and a game that has rapey moments that can be skipped, you are too stupid to function.

>> No.7468864 [DELETED] 

Rape is rape no matter what.
I hope you get raped. You deserve it for all this bullshit chink kawaii rape you're pretending to be 'so different lol'.

>> No.7468865

Yeah, I was thinking of trying to make him since my friend really wants to make Aoba in Koujaku's bad ending version. Just debating if using white powder or actual shironuri type grease paint make up worses better. We're definitely going to make white arm socks for it.

>> No.7468868

works better*
Since they're supposed to be pure white and all.

>> No.7468869 [DELETED] 

>Rape is rape no matter what
>I hope you get raped

Didn't you just call me a hypocrite?

Go jack off into your fedora and cry, you fucking racist misogynist hypocritical MRA. I see now that you pretty much only give a fuck if it's men getting raped. I may not hate all men, but I sure as hell hate you. Even so, I'd never wish rape on you.

Also, learn to read, Jesus Christ.

>> No.7468870

just stop...responding. please

>> No.7468872 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one calling men horrible rapists at every turn while schliking to kawaii chink rapists because they're kawaii. You're the hypocrite here, and you deserve a taste of your own medicine.

>> No.7468876 [DELETED] 


Eh. Typical of a feminist to be against Men's Rights.

>> No.7469365

For Sei I think greasepaint is probably the way to go because he's entirely de-pigmented so you want full coverage. Just make sure to set and seal very well. For bad end-Aoba, considering he, um, blushes in some of the CGs...perhaps powder that covers most but not all of your natural skin color would be more appropriate?

>> No.7469373
File: 75 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3btt292uf1rv66zio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ride me
no thank you

>> No.7469377

Thanks for responding. I think i'll try both to see which ones suits me best. I'm already ordering some mehron seal spray and own ben nye clown white for my face. I'll do some test make up and wig shots on my own (i dont post that kind of shit to anywhere but my facebook to ask for friend's opinions)

>> No.7469378

Why are there so many shitty Aoba wigs? When i make mine, i plan to get good quality and deshine it if necessary. I dont understand the sheer amount of shiny blue wigs that exist and no one bothers to soak them in fabric softener.

>> No.7469388

i have to make a mental note to do this with mine

>> No.7469398
File: 83 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n3bue3HBFK1qabpnzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transformation to tumblr complete
>sjw fags, rollout!

>> No.7469402

Flower crowns need to go away.

Every single one of them makes me want to punch people. Especially when random girls dressed as Eren from Attack on my Senses does it, stop not being Uiharu!

>> No.7469407
File: 103 KB, 500x326, tumblr_mzmy5cizOl1rfid1ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture has clearly been shooped and you can barely see their actual face, but from what I see I like this Ren's make up.

>> No.7469414

how can you like the makeup when all of it is photoshopped on...? i think the only thing that hasn't been edited on here is her nostrils.

>> No.7469423
File: 77 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mvwtqj4FDd1s29p2ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7469426

>dat collar
it's a literal drawing. why not just draw a fucking drawing then?

>> No.7469429
File: 57 KB, 600x799, 1396390555457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7469435

No, this is all photoshop and it looks awful

>> No.7469438

>hair on wrong side
>cheap jewels instead of cast gems for his collar
she isn't unattractive, but this doesnt look great

>> No.7469442

I wasnt at the katsu meet up, but from all the pics, every single Aoba had such a shit wig on that wasn't styled or was way too shiny. It was a guide line for what no to do when I make my Aoba. Yes, i'm actually making it, instead of buying it online. It will be difficult, but i'd rather be in control of my fabric choices.

>> No.7469449

>Yes, i'm actually making it, instead of buying it online. It will be difficult, but i'd rather be in control of my fabric choices.

do you want a medal or something lol it's not that unique to make your own cosplay

>> No.7469453

I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but i've met nothing but Aobas who just buy their shit. Get the sand out. Every single one at the meet up for katsu had a bought costume

>> No.7469461

in 2014, it is.

>> No.7469471

Can someone please tell me when dmmd exploded? I used to like it back in 2012 when no one knew about it and now everyone (tumblr) likes it and it's getting an anime. Wtf happened? (Yes, I've been off of the internet for a while)

>> No.7469477

I terrified that I've over-styled my wig as I'm a bit overzealous with that kind of thing but I agree, seeing completely flat or shiny wigs is a shame, vinyl jackets too. I get that making the costume yourself is a bit of effort, but if people are buying the costume they should at least buy one that's made out of a non-shiny fabric.

>> No.7469483

No idea, but it sucks. I got into it in late 2012 and was blissfully playing it with bad text translations when i hear there's an anime and now tumblr is exploding . I'm really sad, because i definitely won't get my Koujaku done in time before the anime comes out.

How do you even make an anime out of this game? It revolves around Aoba being violated more than once as part of the main stories. It's going to be horrible. I dont even know who greened an anime, because they're going to have to make it vanilla and edit it to death. I guess it would only focus on the common route? it's going to be boring..

>> No.7469487

Good lord, this fucking elitism. You're not any more special just because you got to the fandom first.

>> No.7469492

>how do i read.jpg
You're the only one misinterpreting it like that.

>> No.7469498

>someone call the waaaaaaaahmbulance

if you've been into it since 2012 you've already had well over a year to finish your cosplay. complaining about it now makes you look lazy, elitist, and stupid.

>> No.7469501

Umm, that wasn't what I was asking. I was asking when it became mainstream. I stopped liking it after awhile and now its extremely popular.

>> No.7469502

Someone is bandwagoning.
Tumblr ruins everything it touches get over it.

>> No.7469503

Post pic?

>> No.7469510

It's okay. Even if it's a bit over styled, you can wash it out in warm water with shampoo (gently) You can do it in a large pot or bowl.

>> No.7469521
File: 793 KB, 960x960, 1396392351587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have are a few shitty webcam shots in my unfortunately weeby bedroom. Is it too much do you think?
That's true and given there's still a couple of months until I wear it at a con so I definitely have more than enough time to make sure it's right.

>> No.7469532
File: 39 KB, 280x252, Wig_clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulling it down to cover more of your forehead will help a lot already. my wig tends to slip and make me look like i have a huge forehead so i'd advise you to sew a hair clip to the front to keep it in place

>> No.7469535

holy shit that looks awful. it looks greasy and way out of proportion with your head. it doesn't even resemble his style that much either.

>> No.7469537

I think it's pretty good, a lot better than most already. Definitely do what >>7469532 said about pulling it forward though.

>> No.7469538

forgot to mention that the wig is indeed overstyled.. maybe try to use less hair product? it looks too "glued" together and not really fluffy like hair. try using a heat tool to 'curl' the hair a bit up, the tips of your wig are pointing down, rather than sticking a bit to the sides like his do.
sorry if i'm not very clear, my english isn't that great

>> No.7469548

Thanks I'll make sure to clip it forwards.
Okay, I'll give it another go. I've been working to much with wigs from shounen anime the past couple of years so I've fallen into a "if it moves like real hair there's not enough hairspray" rut.

If there's still a thread up when I re-do it I'll post to get it checked again.

>> No.7469580

Seconding washing it out and starting over. It looks like you used way too much product. A little bit of ultra hold hair spray goes a long way. You can also use wax, but only on the ends. Aoba's hair flips out, but it should still contain a lot of volume. Just keep at it, anon. I'm sure it will look a lot better on your second attempt

>> No.7469590

It really is worth posting things here for a second opinion, thanks.

>> No.7469595

That's no problem at all. I think it's nice to get a second opinion. Good luck on redoing your wig. I'm sure it will look great.

>> No.7469625

As mentioned, there's too much product in there. You'd be surprised how far a little bit goes as long as you gently shape with a blowdryer and then set the style with cool air. It's OK, you can wash it out and try again.

In addition, I'm not sure if this was also a makeup test, but even for a feminine guy your face is a little too feminine. I'd tone down the mascara a little and contour your cheekbones, chin, and the line of your jaw as well as around your temples in order to make your face look less round. It's a small thing that makes a big difference.

>> No.7469677

To be honest I'm not sure if it was a make-up test either (I have a feeling I was a little drunk when I took the pic), I assume it was due to the fact I have contacts in though. I'll step up my man-make-up and tone down the eyes for when I do it.

>> No.7469705

>a little drunk
I like you, haha. Well, cant wait to see your finished wig and make up. Do you attend any east coast cons?

>> No.7469716
File: 101 KB, 500x500, T1TqPkXcNiXXb69Zfa_120355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying Aoba... anyone have recs on where to buy the jacket? This is the best non-shiny vinyl mess I could find from a legit looking store on taobao.

>> No.7469719

Forgot to add why I don't want it, not a fan of the comic sans looking patch

>> No.7469720

Anyone planning on cosplaying Allmates or seen any good Allmate cosplays?

>> No.7469728

that jacket looks good construction wise, but it might be too long. it also looks pretty puffy, so you might look bigger than usual in it.

>> No.7469769

I think someone ordered this and said the waist is too long and the yellow parts of made from satin

>> No.7469778

I live in New Zealand unfortunately.

>> No.7469780

I'm a lot taller than the Asian sizes... Like a good 10-15cm which I'm hoping is enough to make it look better and if not, I can try to shorten it myself?
Ew I'm really hoping it's not.

The cosplayhouse one isn't too bad looking but i haven't seen any reviews and it costs over 3 times as much as the taobao cosplays, without shipping.

>> No.7469795

I hate the whole, "I'm not serious this is for fun so I can look like shit" that ugly people do. Just stop.

>> No.7469800

Because she can do what she wants! Fuck the h8rz and beauty standards!

>> No.7469813

dat shooped face in the back tho

>> No.7469823

I've heard that it's more of a Japanese cosplayer thing, that they care more about being close to canon height rather than being seen with ridiculous stripper shoes. I saw a Germany from Hetalia once with 5-inch platforms. Completely ridiculous.

>> No.7469832

>bukkake about to stab a favorite character

>> No.7469843

anymore of this cosplayer?

>> No.7469845

This entire photo is kind of perfect

>> No.7469924

What kind of material did they make their wrist cuffs from?

>> No.7469932

Looks like regular heavy cotton with some interfacing most likely.

>> No.7469965

Anyone know any good tutorials for making his head? I've been looking and all I can find are shitty furry threads.

>> No.7470013

maybe look at cosplayfu's?

>> No.7470092

Cosplayfu's is such a mess I don't even know where to start, but thanks anon.

>> No.7470286

Sounds like the post I made in the mail thread. I didnt order mine through Cosroom so it's a hit or miss for you anon sorry.

>> No.7470612
File: 258 KB, 400x600, 1396432444297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7470733

so many ugly women

>> No.7471696
File: 42 KB, 550x773, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoba cosplaying anon is back. Finally found a jacket that comes with boot covers from coslook and it looks amazing but.... 380$ with shipping but I'd still have to get the headphones, pants, shirt, boots, glove, belt and wig myself.
Godammit Aoba why is this so hard.

>> No.7471708

have you thought about getting it commissioned by a friend, or someone online who's offering their services? I'm sure you could find someone for way cheaper.

>> No.7476013

because making it yourself is actually cheaper, but you're taking the shitty 'buy my costume' way out, so of course it's going to be massively expensive. Wow.

>> No.7476151

I'm not the person you're replying to and I don't know where you're located but for example, where I live, it's not that easy to find all sorts of fabrics like one would in a big store like Jo-Ann's and such. When I looked for fabrics to make Aoba's jacket, I couldn't find anything that was remotely close to th fabric I first wanted (winter jacket? you know, those poofy ones like Aoba's) and I couldn't even find something as simple as cotton in Aoba's blue. Then on a second thought, I'm not really skilled enough to actually make that kind of garment from scratch and have it look good, so I ended up buying the costume. Not sure what is the person above's situation but sometimes it's not as easy or cheaper as "just do it yourself" .

>> No.7476164

You can order fabric online too, you know. In the end, you spend way more money comissioning or buying a pre-made costume, which is more than likely not going to fit you right. At least with fabrics you choose, you don't get fucked over.

>> No.7476188

not everyone has the skill to make clothes like that. please get off your high horse.

>> No.7476200

No one is on a high horse. If someone wants to complain about how expensive a costume is, then they cant complain if they're buying every premade piece, which has proven to be two-three times more money than making it yourself. You sound like a damn child.

>> No.7476218

Yeah, when the shipping of said fabrics isn't as high or higher than the fabrics themselves.
And repeating >>7476188
It's not like Aoba's jacket is an easy sewing project. It's much better to just admit you're unable to tackle a garment like that and just buy it/comission it, etc. If you can do it, great for you but many people can't, doesn't mean they shouldn't be cosplaying.

>> No.7476402

I remember my friends and I did a massive order online for fabric we couldn't find in person and it was the worst decision we ever made because even though we chose the type of fabric we were eyeing in store what we got felt (even after we washed it) nothing like what was in store and oh my god the shipping for all that fabric.

I don't trust that shit, fuck that.

>> No.7476454

They're complaining about a price that is pretty ridiculous for a single jacket, not the price of all items in general. Obviously pieces are more expensive when buying them compared to making them, but not everyone is capable of sewing things like Aoba's jacket...
You sound like you need to get the sand out of your vagina.

>> No.7476460

This anon here
The nearest decent fabric store is a convenient 2 hours away and if I want actual affordable stuff, then 6 hours in another province. Living in Quebec can be a bit of a bitch sometimes. As >>7476218 said, shipping is stupidly expensive and I don't know what kind of fabric would work for this at all.
However, if one of you would be kind enough to recommend a fabric type and pattern for his jacket I could give it a go.
I wasn't saying I'd buy the rest of the pieces, I just meant that I'd have to get them somehow. Most I could probably make or already have but like where the hell would I find a bright blue belt?

>> No.7476466

buying fabric online is almost always a terrible idea; the chance that the color is going to be completely different from that of what's shown onscreen is incredibly high. you've obviously never bought cloth online before, or gotten lucky once and are assuming that everyone else will, too.

>> No.7476484

I bought a jacket off taobao and its not ridiculously shiny :O

Came with bootcovers,gloves,and all the other stuff. Colour was off for leg warmers and belt was shit but was good for the amount I paid.

>> No.7476489

Link to the shop please? Main reason I'm iffy about buying off taobao is the lack of reviews

>> No.7476500

Man I feel you on the belt. I bought a white studded belt but I still need to add more studs, change the buckle, shorten it and paint it.
Of course if you don't mind not being 100% accurate you can just buy a regular studded belt that's close enough in color or paint it which will be easier than trying to find an exact replica without dropping ridiculous amounts of money in it.

>> No.7476514
File: 401 KB, 900x542, IMG_6666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Image related is the one I got, its matte and not shiny. Also the store custom makes the jacket, so I specified the jacket length because in the store photos the jacket is waaay too long.

Sorry its a bit crumpled, pulled it out of storage.
However its pretty warm as well and I wore it in the rain.

>> No.7476573

I think it's the exact same I bought.. did you have any trouble with it?
Mine came with the logo on the arm damaged (bleeding ink, uh...), the glove was TERRIBLE and didn't even fit my tiny hands, the costume was supposedly "custom made" but the pants were too tight, the shirt was ridiculously huge and the jacket's sleeves were slightly short (not noticeable unless I stretch my arms). The belt sucks but I'll use the fabric of it to make a new glove..

>> No.7476583

The pants were a little tight around the ass but I'm assuming because asians don't have asses. The shirt fit me and the glove was a bit tight as well, but fit.

Overall wasnt too bad, got a different belt and remade the leg warmers.

>> No.7476631

Would you happen have any pictures of the jacket being worn and the shoe covers/leg warmers? And what does the tailored full set include?
Sorry about the question spam.

>> No.7476639

The set came with:
Jacket,glove,leg warmers,boot covers, belt, inner shirt and pants.

Ill dig around for photos... did my shoot ages ago...

>> No.7476668

Much appreciated.

>> No.7477043

Oh hey so I do have the same coat as you (same seller) im curious about what the rest of it looks like too since I only ordered the jacket (much regret on that part)

>> No.7477297

ill grab some photos maybe tomorrow since its getting pretty late, but I think most of it was meh except maybe you should have gotten the leg warmers because they're made out of the same material as the jacket, so you would have gotten some consistency in colour.

The shirt fit me but I can find shirts like that at a local store. Belt was not accurate (exactly like the one in the store photos so NOPE). pants were tight? but colour wise it wasnt so bad.

>> No.7477351

not leg warmers, boot covers**

>> No.7477354

any recommendations on where to get an aoba wig besides lucaille? must have the gradient

>> No.7477358

Lucaille's Aoba wig isn't that good to begin with so I'm interested in knowing if anyone got lucky finding a nice one.

>> No.7477360



got my one from Dogcat on Taobao, the colour is really nice and its pretty thich so you can trim it down if you need to.

>> No.7477365

not good in what way?

wow, that does look pretty nice! can you post some pics?

also does anyone have experience with these two:


>> No.7477381

The color is quite dark and doesn't really have a gradient, there's just super light fibers coming from the bottom (the transition isn't smooth at all), the top is a little bit frizzy (not really noticeable in pictures). At least it's quite thick and has good volume, it's easy to style those 'side spikes' on his hair with just a blow dryer. I think I'm just mostly bothered by the color of it, I'm considering using copics to make the gradient.

>> No.7477386

right thanks for that my friend wanted to get one from lucaille but they sold out thank god :P

>> No.7477403
File: 149 KB, 1024x1365, BapublSIAAAH2YQ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but the Aoba wig I bought from lucaille ended up being pic related, so it's a good idea to steer away from it.

>> No.7477405

It's exactly like the one I got, yep. So disappointing..

>> No.7477414
File: 243 KB, 640x480, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the dogcat one , image related (excuse crappy selfie), its pretty much a solid colour and the wefts at the bottom are lighter.

I'm pretty sure my phone over saturated the wig colour but is more of a soft(?) blue and I thought it looked alright.

>> No.7477417
File: 209 KB, 402x600, wig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually wait heres a better photo whoops.

>> No.7477418

how are the lighter blue wefts put in? is the gradient smooth?

>> No.7477424

the method they used was similar to the lucaille wig but they used a few different blues to get a more gradual gradient? the transition is a bit awkward though.

>> No.7477425

If you cut it right itll look like there's a gradient, but mine was a bit messy

>> No.7477426

thanks for the help, really appreciate it!

>> No.7477463
File: 318 KB, 960x1280, 1396703499049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sei looks pretty cute but god that aoba

>> No.7477513

Anyone had luck findind boots for Sei? All I find is either too expensive for a cosplay or doesn't really look much at all like the one's he wears, with at buckle and all. Of course I'd add the studs myself but if anyone could point me out good base boots, it'd be great!

>> No.7477529

*with that buckle

>> No.7477533

Are they wearing freaking cat eye yellow contacts?

>> No.7477535

That's really unfortunate . Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.7477562
File: 74 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mu874iXKZf1qh6ohxo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Numbers on wall

>> No.7478108

Any wig recs not from Taobao? Con is coming up a bit too soon for that and shipping costs like twice the amount of the wig.
I've had pretty good luck with eBay sellers (3/3 arrived exactly as shown) but all the Aoba wigs are sketchy as fuck.

>> No.7480591

Any recs on where to get a decent Clear wig?

>> No.7480615

In either silver/white I or II.

>> No.7481222
File: 232 KB, 700x1200, w125-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this gem on bodyline... is it supposed to be an aoba wig?

>> No.7481238
File: 70 KB, 399x354, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7482196
File: 25 KB, 250x190, 9083799798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when almost every cosplay in this thread is an azn prettyboy who looks exactly like the next one

>also mfw every non androgynous azn cosplayer is a tumblrfag

I just can't win.

>> No.7482852

They.... tried.

I'd like to see Bodyline do dmmd cosplays. I'm sure it'd turn out great.

>> No.7483385

Anyone here buy an aoba wig off eBay? Ordering tomorrow and I want to know if there any good/bad sellers.

>> No.7487532
File: 146 KB, 470x600, buタエ_通常_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend is cosplaying Tae and is going to use makeup to age her face, anyone know a good (as in you have personally tried it, or at least personally know someone who tried it, and it worked well) tutorial for aging makeup?

>> No.7489418
File: 143 KB, 692x922, 1397211485600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this thread is a joke, more cosplays and discussion please

>> No.7489419

did you ever manage to get photos anon?

I ended up starting the buying process for the boot covers about 4 days ago through taobaoring since i started another bulk order so now it's a waiting game.

Also it's weird and I just noticed my jacket doesn't have the buttons on the left. it has the outer big buttons but not on the other side. (its the exact same seller too)

>> No.7489507

gosh I totally forgot about this so sorry!! Con coming up so I've been busy, did you want the photos soon?

Its night time so for colour accuracy sake ill take them during the day!

>> No.7490532

after recently finding out what aoba's outfit looks like (i'm not in the fandom actually) i noticed that his jacket is pretty similar to one that i am trying to find out how to make, but after skimming this thread i'm assuming none of you know how to make something like that either.

What I've decided to do is get a vest pattern and i was going to use nylon and quilt batting but i'm starting to feel like even high loft batting wouldn't be good enough. I figure, worse comes to worst I could just stuff it...?

am i. going to find any help here or are you all just as clueless. there's like no help online anywhere and it's really driving me insane haha.

>> No.7490543
File: 172 KB, 400x600, 1397263154030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty damn clueless but I was just going to stuff it because I can't figure out another way to make his jacket as poofy as it looks.
On an unrelated note, how would a Sly Blue cosplay be taken? Lazy Aoba?

>> No.7490547

Why would it be lazy? It's just a different outfit for Aoba, but you still have to make it, style the wig, etc

>> No.7490564
File: 688 KB, 1280x563, 1397264336251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do good gender bends exist?
found this on tumblr, i think theyre the best genderbends ive seen so far http://splitbricks.tumblr.com/post/81307794880/

>> No.7490577

thoughts on Allmate gijinka cosplays? I'm planning out Beni right now but am wondering how it'll be taken.

>> No.7490593

Aoba's pants are shorter, Mink just has no sleeves and Koujaku's kimono is shorter. Less clothes =/= genderbend. Also, the only one who has any visible boobs is Sei. Not fitting at all.
If you can make it look good, I'm sure you'll be fine. I actually really want to see a gijinka of Trip and Virus's allmates, especially since they're so plain it'll be hard to make them interesting but still recognizable.

>> No.7490666

that's not sei, that's ren. and i think the lack of changes for mink and aoba are actually good, it's hard to imagine them in a skirt or tiny tops (i remember seeing a mink genderbend where her stomach was showing and let's be real mink wouldnt do that. and the most popular noiz genderbend has the most impractical design for fighting ever) genderbend =/= boobs + ooc feminine clothes

>> No.7490674

genderbends only work if you apply stereotypical looks to the characters. Most of these characters just look the same with slightly different outfits.

>> No.7490681

There are probably better genderswaps on Pixiv than Tumblr.

>> No.7490724
File: 247 KB, 533x800, 1397270545266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops it is Ren, my bad.
I think it's Koujaku that bothers me the most. For someone who always has a bunch of women hanging off his arm, he should be dressed much less conservatively imo. I imagine him as the almost a hooker but not really type.

>> No.7490730
File: 537 KB, 469x616, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7490736
File: 187 KB, 1024x683, 1397271090415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the raccoon eyes this would have been cute

>> No.7490743

Whenever you're free to take pics is fine anon haha

>> No.7490744

/r/ing clears with accurate wigs? I see so few and I feel like it couldn't be that hard with a little bit of wefting to make the part/bangs...also it's such a simple cosplay that the inaccurate wigs are really noticeable

>> No.7490747
File: 104 KB, 720x960, aoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7490827
File: 483 KB, 1000x700, Beni.(DMMd).full.96670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the fact that there are gijinka designs made even by the actual artist of DMMD and as long as you put effort into your work, you'll be fine. People might not know who you are though unless the design is good..

>> No.7490835

More of these??

>> No.7490837

woah, are there anymore of the designs by the DMMD artists?

>> No.7490841
File: 65 KB, 720x720, 1397273980168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if based off official design or not but...

>> No.7490902
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, fabric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I didn't know that existed! I was planning on going a little closer to the bird's in-game appearance and making a men's yukata out of the red fabric/obi out of the cream/tan, and appliquéing on the white ovals across the back/sleeves like they are on his wings. plus the necklace, geta, etc. wig/makeup something along the lines of >>7490841 but hopefully better executed/styled than that.

that art is pretty sick, though.

>> No.7490910
File: 239 KB, 800x1320, Usagimodoki.full.1116508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find Honya's version of Usagimodoki, so have this one.

Could be..I'm curious about what's up with the eyes but...Probably planning on doing something more like >>7490902 with the whole in game bird look

>> No.7490913
File: 522 KB, 1600x741, DRAMAtical.Murder.full.1129630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a different Nitro+CHiRAL artist did designs for Trip's and Virus's allmates. They don't have clothing, but the facial designs are okay.

>> No.7490977

I can't seem to remember their names but Trip and Virus's allmates I love them so much.

>> No.7491025

Thanks for sharing! I'm dying over the little doodles that show which allmate is which.

Macho hunky dude with a little smiling lion face. God bless.

>> No.7491228

Why would it have the bunny all mate belt like noiz? That's a pretty lazy rendition of a Gijinka.

>> No.7491229

Hersha and Welter. I definitely have a different idea for how Welter would look. They're my fav all mates too.

>> No.7491289
File: 175 KB, 500x604, 1397302876068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been thinking of cosplaying Usagimodoki. Though, looking at this one and the other that I was going to base it off of, maybe I could combine the two? I like the bracelets and the hood idea in the linked picture then the hat in my picture, but I like the lower portion of my picture (Pants, socks, shoes). Think that look would work?

>> No.7491322

Yeah, I think so. I do like the idea of the jacket being really cropped and short as opposed to longer. Will you make holes for the ears in the hood like in the first picture? (Also, what con were you thinking of wearing this to?)

>> No.7491326

I might first see if adding wire and a bit of stuffing would be too heavy or not. Since it'd be less of a hassle than try to take the hood off over an ear headband or something. If I have the money and time, it might be for Anime Expo.

>> No.7491328
File: 170 KB, 740x493, 1397307193343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would most likely look best. I think the artist wanted the first picture to look as much like Noiz as possible so combining those two designs would definitely make sure you're never confused with him.

Do you guys think there will ever be a good Shirosei (?) cosplay? It seems like a really easy design so...

>> No.7491334

I think one of the things that bugs me is the hair? Should I just keep it blonde or change it to a dark green or light green to keep with the color scheme? Or would that be too much green?

>> No.7491344
File: 557 KB, 400x1211, 1397308212660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it blonde. It looks good because you're not being overpowered with green - you need something to contrast there. You could probably go lighter in color too but the honey-ish shade looks best.

>> No.7491348

Alright. Thanks for the help guys!

>> No.7491605
File: 106 KB, 740x493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough koujaku

>> No.7491613
File: 139 KB, 494x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7491620
File: 107 KB, 620x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492030
File: 46 KB, 480x720, 1397342001772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492080

Ahahah nice cranberry juice in a wine glass.

I wish the lines were a little cleaner and that they were wearing white makeup, but I'm glad to see people cosplaying this.

>> No.7492478

both of them are much too chunky and female bodied to pull off these outfits, ew.

>> No.7493772
File: 107 KB, 707x1131, 1397427385424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some really awesome makeup... not sure what's happening with the wig though.

>> No.7493780

they're leaning on a mirror so it looks a little weird.

>> No.7493781
File: 617 KB, 1200x797, 1397427603717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got more bad end Clear?

>> No.7493783

that's not bad end clear. that's good end clear.

>> No.7493787
File: 181 KB, 731x1092, 1397427831170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see I though it was like a poofy ponytail or something stuck on for no reason
Brain fart.

>> No.7493798
File: 503 KB, 916x1632, WP_20140412_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a small con in Tampa this past weekend. I couldn't tell if the jacket was bought or not, but she looked pretty decent?

>> No.7493817
File: 177 KB, 1109x809, 1397428832721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% sure it's bought.
>Unstyled wig
>Black cuffs
>Black jeans
>Neon pink sneakers

>> No.7493845

understandably confusing because good end starts out just as upsetting as bad end. that first one has great makeup tho.

oh yikes, what's going on with those shoes? they also def look underage.

>> No.7493856
File: 414 KB, 1398x500, wigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. This anon again. Sorry for the bother. For Usagimodoki, which color wig would look best? I tried to find short wigs I could use for it as well

>> No.7493882

I think either of the first two would look good, and pretty sure I own that exact wig from picture 2 myself.

>> No.7494076

1st choice would be #3 but #1 looks good too.

>> No.7494921

this looks like cosplayhouses i bought this one but it came with correct pants so i dunno what she's doing here.

>> No.7495152

It's officially Hersia and Verter noq

>> No.7495167

Its actually Hersha (Virus - Snake) and Berta (Trip - Lion) not...

>> No.7495310
File: 1.15 MB, 941x947, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't seen this yet, so no it's not.

Officially as of this month, it's Verter and Hersia.

Even before the release of their names fans had many interpretations for the two.
Verter: Berta, Welter, Velter
Hersia: Hersha, Hellshire

>> No.7495311

New thread >>7495309