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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7464599 No.7464599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are plenty of comments about being too fat to cosplay, too this or that, whatever. But how fat actually is too fat? Post pictures of yourself/other cosplayers to get opinions on their weight and how well it suits their outfits--offer suggestions for better fitted cosplays, how to work around weight, etc. Also a "checking" thread--get an actual opinion of if your body fits the costume you want to do or not.

No bashing, no "fatty get out," approach weight constructively in the context of cosplay and lolita.

>> No.7464603

it looks like the one on the right is toppling over because of how huge her boobs are

>> No.7464609

How you know if you're too fat for cosplay: you have to ask if you're too fat for cosplay.

>> No.7464612

I feel like skinny cosplayers who cosplay chubby or fat girls need to put in the extra effort. At least add padding or foam to add the chub or girth the character usually has. And it's not like foam is expensive, and it can be easily shaped to your body and help round out a costume to be more correct.

>> No.7464615

Would you call Sonico chubby or plus size like the Japanese would? I dont understand her fandom in Japan, I thought they hated slightly chubby people

>> No.7464620

I have a hard on for stop super sonico

that being said, you shouldn't have a mindset that eliminates people from cosplaying just because of their size.

it's foolish.

anyone can cosplay anything

>> No.7464626

There is no too fat to cosplay. Though the chubby/fat characters are less numerous than the skinny ones.

Also good luck having the right fat repartition to cosplay Sonico/Pochaco.

>> No.7464629

I don't know, I prefer a fat girl dressed up as ursula to a skinny one. Not going to say a thin girl can't make a good costume, but when the costume and makeup work are of comparable quality, to me the fat girl wins out because they're so much closer to the character.
Same with a fat girl and skinny girl cosplaying as an average weight character. If the costume and makeup are the same quality, the one closer to the body type of the character usually nails it to me.

That said, even if you're skinnier than the other cosplayer but their costume is better or more accurate than yours than it makes sense to regard them as the better cosplayer.

>> No.7464635

Pretty much this.

But it's also more important for fat people to really work on the quality of their costume.

The fact is that people would rather see a skinny person in a bad cosplay than a fat person in a bad cosplay. If a thin person and a fat person dress as the same average-weight character, even if the fat person's costume is a little better than the skinny person's, people will generally prefer the skinny cosplay.

So, by blowing the other cosplayers out of th water with quality, a fat person can make up for this.

Fat person in awesome costume > skinny person in okay costume, unless you're a cunt.

>> No.7464637

Has there been any accurate Sonico cosplayers yet?

>> No.7464640
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>> No.7464641

Honestly, if you have chicken drumthighs, you're too fat to cosplay skinny characters. You wouldn't be hambeast mode but it'd be great if you lost a few pounds.

>Well, it's not /too/ noticeable, anon!
I NOTICE. It's the first thing I notice if you're a girl crossplaying. And chances are, you'd have a gut too.

>> No.7464645

On a societal level, yes, they have a very narrow definition of appropriate size for women. On an individual level, people are attracted or into all sorts of things. On the spectrum of sexual appeal, a chubby female character with giant breasts and a tiny head doesn't even really register as weird. (I'm not familiar with the character, but the one on the right could be plus size as a person, but not fat. She looks big and curvy, but her stomach is flat. She'd be like one of those perfectly proportioned very tall plus size models. The one on the left has a belly and is more typically plus size shaped.)

>> No.7464653

I cosplay a lot of thinner characters, but I tend to do things with skirts and open waists because I have those chicken drumthighs, and try to make them as unnoticable as possible. They're from years of cheer and weight lifting. Thanks for reassuring me that everyone notices how big they are.
>I hate my life

>> No.7464655

Luckily people aren't cosplaying to please you.
I'm pear shaped, so I have thick thighs no matter how many squats I do/how much weight I lose. No gut though

>> No.7464656

As long as you don't have super fat black-level shelf hips, I doubt it's that noticeable.

>> No.7464658

I'm asian, so I don't really have hips? I guess. I think its because I have small hips though that the fact that I have such large thighs stands out :/

>> No.7464662



>> No.7464664

If you don't have a thigh gap you shouldn't be allowed to cosplay sexy characters.

>> No.7464697

Sonico or Pochaco dont have a thigh gap.

>> No.7464702

Thigh gaps usually only happen with certain bone structure. Like having wider hips

>> No.7464705
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>> No.7464715

30% best

>> No.7464723

>People aren't cosplaying to please you.
That's bullshit, though.
Cosplay is all about showing your love of the character/series to others. It is attention whoring at its very core.

>> No.7464724

I want photos of the lower fat percentages that AREN'T ripped.

I think I'm something like 8-12% with slight abs, but there's no way to look like that unless you're on fucking steroids or some shit.

My /fit/ personal trainer / gym teacher that forced us to do P90X videos every day wasn't even that ripped, and she was OBSESSED with being fit.

>> No.7464727

You keep telling yourself that . I know many people who aren't making costumes to please strangers

>> No.7464753

I wonder how many seagulls actually have thigh gaps.

Let see those gaps people

>> No.7464784
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That thigh gap.

>> No.7464785

That's what women at 8-12% look like. its equivalent to a male's 4-8% bodyfat.

>> No.7464786

I'm also pear-shaped, but I don't have drumthighs. I worked hard to have my butt and thighs be two separate things.

>> No.7464787

I like any between 25-35%. I'd even go for a 40%. Below 25% is to muscular to be attractive for me

>> No.7464789

Why? Fat girls don't put in the effort to look skinnier when they cosplay skinny girls. Cosplay who you want to. No need to change your body type up like that. Just make sure the costume suits you is all.

>> No.7464793

>tfw working on thigh gap

>> No.7464799

Stop. Just stop. You can't have a thigh gap without either being horribly malnourished or having the exact right pelvic structure. Just be happy with being healthy, anon. Don't try to attain a goal that's generally only achieved by starving oneself or the use of photoshop.

>> No.7464797

That's not a sexy character

>> No.7464801

Thigh gaps can be achieved even without being thin. It's all about how you stand/how your hips are structured.

>> No.7464802

This is what fat people actually believe

>> No.7464808

This is the sound of a chubby who's given up on trying and is now trying to convince others that they shouldn't do it either.

Don't listen to them anon, if you want to lose weight to feel better, then do so. Thigh gaps are achievable.

>> No.7464810
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>> No.7464812
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Do any of you actually have any education on this, or what?

>> No.7464815

If you're fat and cosplay please dress up as a heavier character. Same goes for very skinny people dressing up as super muscular characters like Guts and Goku. Please dress up as a character that is close to your size and weight. I am obese and I dress to my size. This year at my con I am going as Hifumi Yamada from Dangan Ronpa

>> No.7464818

The right pelvic structure usually involves very wide hips, doesn't it?

Because I have narrow as shit hips (like, unable to give birth vaginally narrow) and I have a thigh gap, sans ana.

>> No.7464824

Calisthenics are a horrible method of trying to get gains

you should be doing intense weight training in short bursts (ala classic weight lifting) in order to gain muscle mass. just remember a huge part of having a scooby natty physique is genetics.

but for the most part, a six pack is completely determined on your skills in the kitchen

>> No.7464827

you better take that back about my waifu

>> No.7464831

as are you.

>> No.7464829

Your waifu is shit

>> No.7464830

They're right though, I was sitting at 50kg at 175cm for a couple of years and had no thigh gap at all.

>> No.7464836

What are some heavier characters? I'm chubby with hips but flat chest . Every time i try to find heavier characters they're much bigger. When I find girls more my size, they're tits are gigantic

>> No.7464839

So I'm in the realm of the 35%, not quite the 40%. Trying to lose it (I have to go on hormone therapy soon which will help) but until then, what kind of characters have that shape? Does Sonico fall into that group?

>> No.7464841

It's not about the width, it's about the angle. Heavy chicks can have thigh gaps and some skinny chicks will only achieve gaps when they lose an unhealthy amount weight. It's about the way your hips are angled. That's why you can make a faux gap by pushing your hips backwards.

>> No.7464848

I'm not really fat but I've got "very female proportions" as they say. Big thighs, a slimmer waist and huge tits (95F).
I could pull of Revy pretty nicely, but it would look ridiculous if i'd try to cosplay Petra because my boobs would make me look unnecessarily fat inside a shirt...
Any tricks or tipps? Or do I have to stick with cosplaying characters with my bust size? It really bugs me...

>> No.7464857
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you can always just pad your tits (foam or cutlets or multiple bras and use a corset. That would look fine, anime proportions aren't always realistic anyways.

>> No.7464858

I forgot to tell, i'm around 35%. A bit less by now, though, but not a clear 30% yet.

>> No.7464863

You could wear a binder.

>> No.7464864

I don't have any idea what any of that means, but I assume it means something along the lines of "P90X sucks, do this instead."

Our gym teacher just needed shit she could get us to do in the span of the gym period (usually ~ 25 minutes because of changing times) so actual lifting didn't work well. But she made everyone do the same workouts regardless of their abilities (she even gave me, with my pathetic noodle arms, 10 lb weights for some of the exercises we did, and my arms would literally just stop working like 10 reps in) and even the asthmatics were expected to do all the cardio at the same pace, or they'd be punished with... running laps. She was fucking crazy.

She did do after-school lifting, and we had a weight training unit where we had to write up our own regiments and then she'd check over them, and we spent maybe three months just lifting and going through those.

I don't actually /want/ to be ripped, though, I'm alright with me. I have nice abs, and alright arms, and my legs are pretty nic.e

>> No.7464874

I'm in the realm of 35% ~ 40% also. I conceal it quite well due to my rack (36G). But, instead of who I can cosplay, how does one loose this damned weigh. Birth control made it hard as fuck, but I need to get back on BC.

So, what's some advice for people a bit on the heavy side.

>> No.7464880



>> No.7464883

Eat at a calorie deficit and make sure you're counting your calories correctly.

>> No.7464884

That is literally 1/10 of my body weight, so it's kind of a lot for me.

In comparison, I'm in physio right now and they have me on 3 lb weights.

>> No.7464890

Honestly? It depends.
I've seen art of her where the weight differs slightly enough to vaguely change her overall shape. She goes from average to SLIGHTLY chubby.

Pochaco is def chub though. But like Gianna Michaels chub.

>> No.7464896

(I should specify, this was like bicep/tricep dumbell lifting on a 98 lb teenage girl.)

>> No.7464893

Not if all of the outfits show tits

>> No.7464898

does it really work with that bust size?
I might try that!
Before, I trief minimizer bras but they didn't really do much...

>> No.7464903

I'm a few sizes smaller than you (30G in american sizing) and I can get pretty much completely flat so I would say you'd definitely be able to reduce your chest a lot with one.

>> No.7464904
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Lost 5 pounds since this physical.
>tfw goal weight 125-130
>tfw no time to eat

>> No.7464906

Woah, that's a lot... Maybe I can even cosplay a male character in future.

>> No.7464915

Don't worry anon. I'm 5'10" with severe noodly arms and I cant go more than 20 reps with 15lbs weights.

>> No.7464935

Not same anon but I'm in the same percentile, a little closer to 35%. The thing is that I barely fucking eat. On average I eat once, maybe twice a day, and am on my feet moving for more than 8 hours straight at work. I eat one average dinner meal (meaning one serving of meat plus one or two veggies), plus maybe a smaller meal like a shortie turkey sub or a veggie wrap or something. Thats way less than the calorie intake I should be at, I think? At this point I'm thinking it must be hormonal because not only is the fat just flat out not coming off, its also sort of settled in weird ways, like I have huge pear hips/thighs but am only a D cup (which on my frame is more like an average sized woman with B/Cs)

>> No.7464938
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Speaking of checking. . .

I cosplayed this character, Miyabi Hanakouji from Persona 2. Early in the game, she's fat, but I almost feel like I'm not fat enough for her? I mean, by Japanese standards especially I'm a landwhale, but. . .

I don't have any good full body pictures, apologies.

>> No.7464941

Unless you're breaking the laws of thermodynamics, the calories to keep you at that heigher weight have to be coming from somewhere (sugary drinks, snacks, dressing on your sub, etc). Hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues cause at most a 5kg weight discrepancy. Try counting every calorie for a few days and calculate your TDEE. If you are eating below your TDEE and maintaining your weight then go to the doctor.
I don't mean to sound rude but so many friends ask me questions like this and then when a few of them actually do bother to count accurately (rather than just saying "counting calories is bad I could never do that to myself"), they find they're consuming more than they thought they were.

>> No.7464945

>mfw girls with no knowledge of human anatomy/physiology think thigh gaps are the be-all, end-all of being attractive/thin
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7464943

Oh before someone asks, yes I do measure my food by servings. I've been trying to lose weight for a few years, just to get down to healthy levels and to make it easier to find clothing (I'm very tall, and coupled with being fat it makes shopping so fucking annoying) so I'm very careful with portion size and all that and eat mostly lean meats and veggies.

>> No.7464944
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And a game screen for reference. She doesn't have full body art.

>> No.7464950

Maybe I just need more accurate info on the food I eat, but a lot of the time if I can't actually find the info on it I don't eat it. Is there a site or app you'd recommend that can help keep track?

>> No.7464954

I don't even get where the thigh gap thing came from. I never heard the term until like 4 years ago and even the super pretty super skinny pro model I know doesn't have one and she's technically underweight.

>> No.7464955


>> No.7465074

I just hope girls realize it's an exercise in futility if their body isn't designed that way no matter how much weight they lose. You should focus on other positive benefits of weight loss or getting fit, rather than just specific aesthetic goals that may not even happen for you (like say, washboard abs on a girl).

I've been working out consistently for the past few months and although my body fat isn't low enough to show specific areas of definition where I've gained muscle, I'm enjoying the changes I am seeing, like feeling more energetic, firmness in areas that used to be softer, bigger biceps, better cardiovascular health, etc.

>> No.7465098

15%-17% is the best one.
But gosh, how would 10%-12% look without all that muscle? She would probably be a bone monster.

>> No.7465105

They'd look about like me.

Can provide pics if you really want to see. It's not as bad as you'd think, but knees are pretty fuckin' knobly looking.

>> No.7465115

I'm 96 pounds and I don't have a thigh gap. It really depends on the angle of your pelvic bones. I really can't believe how uneducated people are about this though.

>> No.7465120

I'm somewhere between 30-35%, but I have odd proportions. I want to get somewhere around 18-20%. I used to be over 200lbs, now down to 150. Trying to get to about 125-130. I'm pretty much determined to get there this summer in time for the cons I'm going to. I've got that nasty apple shape, broad shoulders, narrow hips, short torso. So I've always held fat in my stomach since I was a teenager. But I also found I build muscle really fast and easily and since I have to lift a lot at work, that really helps.

It's weird how body composition works. I found some old pictures of me when I was near my current goal weight and I look roughly close to how I am now. I work out a lot more now, but not as much as I should. Trying to get in the habit of doing bodyweight training at home since that fits my schedule a lot better and I'm not big on gyms.

I keep my calories low, around 1200-1400. Paying more attention to carbs and cutting out more sugars. I do have them on occasion, but in small portions and sporadically.

There's costumes I've been wanting to make for years. I just have this dream of being like *bam* look at me know since it's been a few years since I've cosplayed anything.

That said, as far as the question goes, I agree with: >>7464635

But also if you're just out to have a good time and be a dork at a con and not caring about being better, more power to you. Do what makes you happy, regardless of your size. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.7465123


Last physical exam I had I was at 28% of body fat

I would love to be in the 22-25% range, this last few pounds I wanna lose are being a bitch to lose though

>> No.7465131

I was 160 and 5'3" at one point and I had a thigh gap. It really has to do with your pelvic gap. There are much better reasons to want to be fit anyway.

>> No.7465136

Rereading that 'pelvic gap' sounds fucking stupid. Pelvic structure.

>> No.7465137

What actually qualifies as a thigh gap? Is it if you stand up with your feet together and have a gap?

>> No.7465138

I have the same body shape as you! And goals! Right now I eat about 1300 calories a day and work out near daily. I want to get in good shape so I can look amazing in and out of cosplay!

Good luck to you anon!

>> No.7465139

Standing up I don't have a thigh gap, but when I bend over slightly I get one. I have narrow hipbones but ridiculously huge thighs. I don't think I'll ever get a "natural" gap though. Even when I worked out ridiculous amounts my thighs just got firmer but not smaller.

>> No.7465142

That's how I define it, yeah. I have a really wide hip set, and fat tends to settle outside of my hips rather than in my thighs, so I ended up with a thigh gap somehow.

. . .And then, once I started doing something physical, the muscles in my thighs developed and closed it up. How unfortunate is that?

>> No.7465141

I was 112 pounds and didnt had a thigh gap but i started loosing weight and i am 100 pounds right now and i do have a thigh gap. It may be about the pelvic structure but i do think weight has something to do as well

>> No.7465143

Yeah, standing straight up with your feet together

>> No.7465150
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Yup. And then there's debate whether it's that little gap (like on the right) or if your thighs don't touch at all.

>> No.7465151

Well of course, weight does have to do with it, but there's a huge miscommunication that

1. You have to be super skinny to have a thigh gap
2. If you don't have a thigh gap, you're fat.

Both of those are false.

Also, congrats on losing weight, anon!

>> No.7465163 [DELETED] 

>black and white
>unflattering light
>unflattering underwear

Literally the main reason the one in the right looks better is because it shows ass. If the one in the left showed ass too, your argument would be invalid.

>> No.7465165

No one said anything about one looking better than the other.

>> No.7465166

Uh...what argument? I pulled this off google to illustrate what people consider a thigh gap to be. Some people argue it's the little gap and some say your thighs can't touch at all for it to count.

I'm not saying one or the other looks better...?

>> No.7465168

She's fatty

>> No.7465174


The little gap is called a keyhole gap and is considered super sexy by a lot of people ~

>> No.7465185

I've never seen any such debate. The crowd that talks about a thigh gap (usually girls who are bent o getting thinner) pretty much always mean the one on the left, if anyone means the one on the right they are in the minority

>> No.7465186
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Enough about thigh gaps, let's talk about bikini bridges.

>> No.7465191

/b/ or /pol/ pls go

>> No.7465192

I can't say that I've met anybody but Asians and prepubescent Caucasians with the left gap. (Personally.)

Does it have something to do with the way that your legs splay when you have narrow hips?

>> No.7465195

Guess this thread is as good as any.

I currently weigh 70kg at 5'6", 36(B)-26(W)-39(H).
I've also gained some 5kg in the past two months without any change in measurement.

>I know nothing about these things and was wondering if that's a normal, proportionate weight for me or if maybe I have a giant tumor growing in my brain.

>> No.7465200


This blog post summarizes the reasons why some will have it and some don't. Blame genetics on this one, cause its 90% due to bone structure ladies.

>> No.7465207

>bone structure
spoken like a true fatty

>> No.7465208

I'm 19 and caucasian and have the gap on the left but less wide, I have a really small frame though.

>> No.7465209

Pochao and Sonico are amazingly shaped

>> No.7465210

how dumb are you

>> No.7465211

not them but see
It is bone structure.

>> No.7465213

You're an actual idiot. I'm nowhere near fat. When it comes to bone structures and muscle placements, it will affect certain areas of the body. Girls that are starving themselves to get this gap need to wisen up and read this.

>> No.7465221

I'm pregnant, so I'm screwed anyways. 9 more weeks to go.

>> No.7465226


See, that's the thing.

When a person enters a body building routine, you don't honestly thing you just train each muscle to failure. Do you?

When people lift weights, they essentially are trying their hardest to tear their muscles to shreds. So that when it re-builds itself, it makes itself tougher and stronger in order to be able to endure more.

But there's a 'sweet spot' to the amount of weight lifted. It's kind of like trying to get a sun tan. Stay out too little, and you'll get no results. Stay out too long, and you'll get burned.

Bodybuilders have developed literally hundreds of different routines to chisel themselves to their desired physiques. But for most of the time, they go in short , controlled repetitions over various sets.

Let's say you want to be able to squat 200lbs as you ORM.

You're not just going to slap on two plates onto the barbell and call it a day.

Or likewise, you're not going to slap on one plate and squat till you collapse.

It just doesn't work that way.

>> No.7465249

I think there's a misunderstanding. You said, "Girls cannot look like those muscular girls in that picture without steroids. My fitness trainer works out a lot and she does not look like that"
This anon says "The best workout for gains (ie large muscles and putting on weight for muscles) is short and heavy instead of long and light. Your fitness coach did not look muscular because her routine is not a muscle-building one."
You responded that it was a very good workout for your class and your teacher pushed you guys very hard. Which is great and I'm glad your teacher did that. But it isn't a counter argument to why your fitness coach is not ripped.

Calling out all muscular women as steroid-pumped is really dangerous. It makes it difficult for muscular women to be taken seriously and for them to be believed when they say they're natty.
It's no different than saying that thin women aren't "Real women" and that they only get there because of anorexia.

Two thin women can look identical. One got there from genetics, the other is anorexic.

Two muscular women can look identical. One got there from genetics and routine, the other is a steroid user.

The two genetic girls are both harassed and accused of being anorexic or a steroid user, even though they are both healthy and natural.

See the issue here?

>> No.7465255
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bowlegs vs knockknees also play a part.

>> No.7465262


>"The best workout for gains (ie large muscles and putting on weight for muscles) is short and heavy instead of long and light. Your fitness coach did not look muscular because her routine is not a muscle-building one."


And to anyone trying to make it, be sure to include barbell squats and dead lifts in your routine. (Stay away from the smith machine, that shit steals gains.)

Also, take creatine along with a balanced nutritional diet that gives you a SURPLUS of calories. (You can't make gains by having a deficit.)

I can't stress the creatine enough though. It's an effective supplement that naturally boosts the body's ability to produce healthy muscle mass.

Also, P90x sucks. Don't ever use a workout routine that you have to pay for.

bodybuilding.com is an excellent place for free info.

>> No.7465270

I just did a quick check and my body fat percentage is at 24.63% and I still don't have a noticeable thigh gap. I should really start working out.

>> No.7465273
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Photo representation of bowlegs, including how she looked after corrective surgery. Same person, so there's no confusion over weight and muscle distribution.
(Disclaimer: surgeries for bowlegs and knockknees are usually due to severe pain and other structural issues that come with having abnormal bone structure. It is rarely done for cosmetic purposes.)

This is actually a great, relevant, and minimal controversy body type to find characters to cosplay. Of course, you don't have very long to go, but we've talked about pregnant characters on /cgl/ before. It's pretty cute to see a pregnant cosplayer. Talk about accuracy!

Though I wonder if there are characters for the earlier stages of pregnancy? Most pregnant characters I know of are heavily baby-poppin pregnant. What about medium baby bumps? I'd bet that characters that are said to become pregnant but we don't actually see them pregnant would be best for mid-pregnant. Heck, even if we do see the character from conception to birth. Even though they still jump from immediately from thin to heaving baby belly.

>> No.7465274
File: 98 KB, 640x680, SRSV_Asuka-VM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of cosplaying Asuka from Senran Kagura, but I'm debating whether I'm way too fat for her or not. I'd need to do some boob magic to get them big enough too..
My measurements are 35/28/45

>> No.7465280

Hey fitness anon, what are some good ways to strengthen my forearms for the sake of deadlifts? I'm trying to work my way up with deadlifts, starting around 65 (2x10 plates and a 45lb bar), but when I tried going up to 75, my forearms really weren't ready for it and I had to quit after just a few reps because it felt too heavy. Am I just doing it wrong or do I need to build more arm strength?

I'd ask on /fit/ but I don't want to get shit for being a girl.

>> No.7465281

Yes, pics would be nice.

Are there any characters with canon bowlegs? Or an artist who kind of accidentally draws their characters bowlegged? I'm pretty bowlegged. I usually just bear through it and feel embarassed, but having a real bowlegged character would make me feel proud. I'd feel cool about how accurate I was being. It'd make my bowlegs something I'd highlight instead of disguise.

>> No.7465284
File: 43 KB, 414x579, orig-13240711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of Hyung-Tae Kim's character designs (Magna Carta games, etc.) look bow-legged due to weird proportions, if that helps?

>> No.7465287



I love forearm exercises.

Try farmer's walks. Grab a pair of dumbells. Don't lift them, just hold them to your side, kinda like how you'd hold grocery bags, and walk with them.

I usually can do them 100lbs the length of the gym and back. Do a few sets of those, and your arms will be on fire. (in a good way)

The great thing about these is that you can always change weights on the fly, and they're easy to do.

Be sure to do these at the end of the workout, you're not going to be able to grip anything after these.

>> No.7465290

Ok, I love that artist, but his anatomy makes no sense

>> No.7465291

Are there any characters with smaller chests but wider hips/thighs? The only thing that comes to mind are Elins.

>> No.7465292

Actually, I have a con I'm attending two weeks before I give birth. I'm planning on cosplaying Padme from Star Wars, if the child doesn't come early.

>> No.7465297
File: 303 KB, 1212x1280, 1332899379515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.7465298

>Though I wonder if there are characters for the earlier stages of pregnancy? Most pregnant characters I know of are heavily baby-poppin pregnant. What about medium baby bumps? I'd bet that characters that are said to become pregnant but we don't actually see them pregnant would be best for mid-pregnant. Heck, even if we do see the character from conception to birth. Even though they still jump from immediately from thin to heaving baby belly.

Gracia Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist would work (paired with a Maes Hughes, preferably). Similarly, Trisha Elric could work if the cosplayer had a young child with them to play a toddler Edward. A cosplay of Naruto's mother could also work. All three of these mothers have decent screentime in their respective screenplays.

>> No.7465299

You tell em!

>> No.7465300


Also, if you're going heavy, be sure to watch your back on the initial lift. Remember to lift with your legs and not your back.

If you're going to go 100lbs in each hand, be sure to watch your form on the lift.

Can't stress this enough.

When I first started lifting, I didn't pay attention to my form in my deadlifts. Snapped my shit up bad.

>> No.7465304

>tfw I have delicious keyhole gap
>tfw I have Super Sonico proportions but small tits

>> No.7465308

Wow it's you again.

>> No.7465309

Korean artists love some bigass muscular thighs.

>> No.7465314

Ok, how about bow legged for a 95lb shrimp with no butt and itty boobs that don't qualify for average but not quite small enough for DFC. I suppose I could do DFC with a binder or two.
That character design is appealing, though while I can pad a bra, those thighs are too glorious for me to pull off.

>> No.7465320
File: 371 KB, 1920x1200, 1396234135344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think a lot of young schoolgirl characters would do fine. A ton of them are drawn as slightly pigeon-toed or bow-legged with slim legs and generally small boobs/hips/butt.

>> No.7465331

>>tfw I have Super Sonico proportions but small tits
So a small ribcage and big hips, dramatic hip flare, and no tits to hide your small ribcage? Honestly, that's the perfect proportions. I'd bet you look amazing in a tight shirt and a short, flared skirt. Jeans would be dramatic, though I doubt you've ever found a pair that don't gap at the waist, huh? The hippy girl struggle!
When you've got both T&A, sometimes what you're wearing can make it look like you've got the same width of your breasts and your hips at your waistline. There's very little balance between "You harlot, that shirt is too tight and grips too much at your breasts!!!" and a baggy shirt that just drapes down from boob to butt.
Honestly, you're the most ideal bodytype.

>> No.7465333 [DELETED] 

>soft thighs
>soft middle
>no boobs
>got butt
>large hips
>short side
>square face
>young looking

who can i cosplay?

>> No.7465346 [DELETED] 

I forgot

>large calves and thighs

>> No.7465350

Guys sorry to derail, but this is a legitament question.

Im mtf and im mildly skinny (5'5 & 112 pounds) tho I do have chunky of thighs.

What im wondering is if my thigh gap is due to my weight or are male hips predisposed to the gap?

>> No.7465356

Well, I did address that I work well enough for the typical skinny girl. If you stand the right way, like the wide stance that Ritsu has, a regular girl sort of look like you're bowlegged. If you crop their picture at mid calf. The difference is that while ritsu looks like that with her feet hips apart, I look like that with my feet together. I honestly don't think that any of these girls are bowlegged at all.
I was hoping to find a character that has more of a dramatic bowleg like I do. Maybe even stylized and silly. I'd like my bowlegs to be an enhancement to even just one cosplay, not a well-its-close-enough.
I'll still cosplay straight legged girls. I'll probably do a K-On one of these days, in fact. But a girl can dream of finding the character that looks exactly like her, right?

>> No.7465357

male hips are predisposed to the gap. way more guys have gaps than girls. if you look at comparison of male and female pelvic bones + leg bone angle you'll see how it is.

>> No.7465372

In pictures I feel that I have a very child-like figure, but in reality I think I've got some curves? Yet I'm 5'6. I can't cosplay the lolis hurrdurrrrrr so sad.

>> No.7465382

>I honestly don't think that any of these girls are bowlegged at all.
I'm sorry, it was just the first thing I thought of other than Hyung-Tae Kim. :( I hope someone else has better suggestions. Good luck in your quest, anon.

>> No.7465391

My doctor said I had about 22% body fat, but I look like the woman with 35%. Feels bad. :c

>> No.7465392

I won't go into depth, since we talked about it earlier in the thread, but thigh gaps are bone structure THEN weight. The bone structure is most important, the weight only reveals it. Some bone structures are so dramatic that you'll see the gap far into overweight. Some need to be feathering underweight to be seen. It depends on the distance of the thigh bones and also the angle of them. There is much more variety in these distances and angles than people think, since we only look at the ideal adam and eve in our skeletal diagrams.
However, I don't have much education on the specific differences in how those distances and angles tend to differ between adam and eve. This anon >>7465357
says that men are predisposed, but I can't find a good diagram or picture that shows this. I always figured that women more commonly had the structure for gap because of their birthin hips. Maybe men tend to have them more since they usually carry weight differently. Females carry more at their hips and thighs. Men can be stringier there, so they can get their thighs thinner while still being at a healthy weight. But again, this differs between body types and metabolisms.
>> I am not a doctor <<

>> No.7465393

I'm caucasian and 21 and I have a cap very similar to the left. Wide-ish hips and skinny legs
I think a lot of it has to do with hip width. Wider hips make it easier to have a gap from what I can tell. I've even seen average-weight girls who still have a gap cause of their hips.
Also, bowlegedness such as >>7465273

>> No.7465395


Holy shit anon. You weigh 12kg more than me but your measurements are smaller.


>> No.7465398

Muscle is denser than fat, you must have a higher body fat percentage than anon

>> No.7465420
File: 723 KB, 647x462, sachi akira ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you're saying you have curves or are straight, but it'd be cute if you cosplayed a character with a height complex! Sachi Hayashi here canonly has large breasts, but she isn't really drawn with them. So she'd work for either direction you fall. She's from the K-On College epilogue manga.
She has a couple scenes where she gets all nervous about her height. It's precious.

It's alright! Thank you for doing your best to help. Bowlegs and knockknees are not really something that are too noticeable, honestly. It's hard to tell if a girl has a wide stance, is turning her knees in, or if she's actually bowlegged or knockkneed. I didn't actually realize I had them until I took a good hard look in the mirror. I kind of wish I didn't notice, but I can calm myself by remembering that even I didn't know.
Now I find it really interesting to look at characters, actresses, friends, strangers, and check out their legs. There are so many different kinds!
I talk a lot, and I'm sorry if that made you think I didn't appreciate your input! I was really happy to see the girls, since I love K-On.

>> No.7465442
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, 20140310_173219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say they were predisposed, I was asking. It was a hypothesis more than anything, tho I do agree its primarily bone structure.

Tho I do want to note that I take hormones so, I do distribute fat to my thighs. Sorry if this is detailing too far it was just a curiosity

>> No.7465521
File: 1.48 MB, 1376x1296, no ana pls copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I went out for dinner.

I'm not sure my exact BF% since I haven't been to the doctor in a while but it's somewhere around 10%.

I've never had an ED in my life, I eat ~3000 kcal per day. I do not work out. I suspect I may have mild Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, but my doctor is a cunt and won't test me for it.

Measurements are:
30" bust, 26" underbust
22" waist
30" hips

Very easily bruised.

>> No.7465534

I have a friend who got diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome recently. I can give you my throwaway email if you're interested in asking any questions?

>> No.7465537

>chicken drumthighs
Examples, please? I'm not sure I understand what you guys are talking about.

>> No.7465545

It... doesn't look that low? How much do you weight?

>> No.7465551

It's when, from the side, your butt and thighs look like they're fused together.

>> No.7465569

Oh, sorry.

I'm 98 lbs.

My 12-year-old little sister weighs the same as me, she's about half a foot shorter and average sized.

I know it's a little hard to see there, but you can see like 5 of my ribs at all times from the front. The photos of my legs are taken with my feet together.

>> No.7465571
File: 281 KB, 1000x957, drumthighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add, here's a quickly google'd pic

>> No.7465581

What kind of difficulties has your syndrome made for you, other than the bruising?
Also I think it's kind of funny, if you get diagnosed. You don't have an ED. But you do have ED!

>> No.7465585

I've actually seen a thin girl that works out to stay thin work for years to get a gap and not be able to. She finally had to get liposuction on her inner things to finally achieve it.

And friends with a girl that's a size 3 and tiny not have a thigh gap either.

>> No.7465587

Holy cow, I'm same height and weight as you with almost the same measurements (24 under bust and 34 for the hips, but your hips look nicer than mine tbh) and also around 10 bodyfat. I've never even seen someone with a body so similar to mine. I also have a similar caloric intake.
You look so much less gangly and awkward than me though, what the hell. I'm so jealous but also confused

>> No.7465595

Hypermobility, the bruising, stretchy as FUCK skin. I disgust people with my stretch. I can pull the skin on my elbows maybe 2". Subluxations of shoulder and hips. General pain in my muscles and joints, especially my legs and knees. Also pain in my hands that I fear may be the early beginnings of arthritis.

>so much less gangly and awkward

No, we must be twins. If you saw me in locomotion, you'd probably just die of laughter. I'm so uncoordinated and awkward, photos don't do it justice.

>> No.7465600
File: 49 KB, 297x539, levi back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a size 9 with a 36 inch chest
Will never get away with making a nice and slender looking crossplay. To fat to cosplay what I truly wish I could. Always so jealous of girls that can actually make sexy and cute guys with nice slender bodies.

>> No.7465610

I'm 25-30% but not toned at all, and have a pretty short torso so I look all stumpy and squished around my mid-section.

>> No.7465695

Is it the right or the left picture?

>> No.7465700

>that undercut
>that slender frame
Hnng. Who is this cosplayer? Love their Levi.

>> No.7465720
File: 251 KB, 626x1024, 1370807650364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it come to some use anon-chan

>> No.7465739

It's this girl

>> No.7465847

How tall are you, out of curiosity? I'm 5'5 and feel like I'd still be chubby at 125-130 ;w; I've gotten down to 134 from 157, but I'm just not sure what weight I'd feel happy at.

>> No.7465851

I think it's more realistic to expect a fat woman to lose weight than it is to expect all women to compensate for laziness by having huge tits. One you can change, the other you cannot. Your picture is more sexist than fat shaming

>> No.7465857

lose weight fatty

>> No.7465859

Sounds like you're a little bitter towards thinner women

>> No.7465862

Anything about 25% shouldn't

>> No.7465863

ITT: butthurt fatties

>> No.7465866

Do you get this winded when you go jogging?

>> No.7465868

No. But you sound mad.

And fat.

>> No.7465875

I have a thig gap and still I'm a pear shaped chubster. Meanwhile thin models don't have any because they have cute boyish narrow hips.

Pluss I have small boobs. I look like a Perrier bottle. It's nasty.

>> No.7465886
File: 109 KB, 200x200, 114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7465892

Making a joke about a fatty makes me a fatty?

>> No.7465897

what if reality is the bait?

>> No.7465901

I don't see how they are bitter. It's the same thought process for both fats and thins.
>fats wear shapewear and corsets
>thins pad their outfits
It's easier for thin women to look fat because they have to add while fat women have to hide or minimize. And if it's easier, it's that much worse when they don't go that step and do it. It's common sense.

>> No.7465914

Have you thought about starting a general physical therapy regime anyway? As far as I know, EDS therapy is about training your muscles to keep your joints in an appropriate range of motion and your body in a good position to avoid subluxing joints - usually with low-resistance/small weights.

How did you luck out with not getting awesome butt from cheer/weights? Narrow hips + weights and dynamic stuff like cheer usually means nice butt.

>> No.7465922

I have the left gap. It's because my hip bone is huge.

>> No.7465937

Generally, people cosplay because it's fun, not to attention whore. While there are people who cosplay for "a living" and basically are attention whores, that's definitely not the majority of cosplayers out there.

>> No.7465948
File: 71 KB, 200x599, P1030036-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Though I have not retained my skinniness over the years. I had a lot of issues gaining weight as a kid and and got made fun of for being lanky and knock-knee. Like I would eat crazy amounts of food and not gain weight. Now most people do not believe I'm 185 lbs when they see me since I have Marfanisms which can accompany EDS. Your back is very EDS-ish though. I bruise like crazy, just the slightest bump and bruises everywhere. Pic related, me standing on my ankle

>> No.7465958

Wow, that looks exactly like my leg when I do that. I can pull my feet up and under my ribs and walk around on my knees too.

I wish my doctor wasn't so awful, because I really think that's what it is. I know there isn't much they can do, but damn.

I've weighed the same since 16, I've always been at least 10-15 lbs underweight, and it's never mattered what I ate, I just never gained anything.

My boyfriend thought I was bulimic when we first met, because he'd see me eating and eating and eating and nothing would happen.

I don't think Marfan's is a problem for me, thankfully.

I'm actually in PT right now for the shoulders. None of my other joints are bad enough to warrant it, apparently, but I may have to have surgery done on the right one because it's not responding to the physio at all. The left has gotten a lot stronger and has mostly stopped subluxating / being a general dick, but the right hasn't changed a bit, and it's been three months.

>> No.7465960

Size 3 isn't skinny enough to get gap on average.

Come back when you're a 00. Fatty.

>> No.7465965

Fuck that, do you know how many stores regularly carry a size 00 that's long enough for an average height person?

Fucking none.They're all made for midgets.

>> No.7465971

5'5 at 108 pounds. I look like I'm anorexic from the torso up and chubby as hell from the hips down. I may have chicken drum thighs, bordering on centaur level.

>> No.7465993

100 pounds at 5'6, with 28-24-34 (fullest part of ass) measurements. I can easily go under a hundred if I don't pay attention to what I'm eating, since my appetite comes and goes. I'm lucky to have a ridiculously small frame, so I don't look too bad. I don't think I have anything, aside from a very fast metabolism, and a small bone structure.

>> No.7466063

Hey although you have been diagnosed with hypermobility have you looked into joint Hypermobility Syndrome? I was diagnosed with that with very similar symptoms especially the joint pain in the hands. Also if you do have JHS you are more likely to get arthritis much younger. I was never tested for eds though.

>> No.7466080

Ok... Your point?

>> No.7466094

Some doctors believe that JHS and EDS are the same thing. But, there's a huge difference between occasional joint pain/cracking and sounding like the percussion section when walking downstairs. Frankly, I believe JHS is just a really mild form of EDS. Basically what I think it comes down to is how debilitating the symptoms are. If I didn't have the syncope and orthostatic intolerance issue, I'd probably just have JHS. But the combination of my joint symptoms, cardiac, and digestive issues makes it EDS in my case. But it's something that should be looked into by a doctor. I suggest Dr. Blair Grubb at University of Toledo, he changed my life after years of jumping from doctor to doctor and not having a straight diagnosis.

>> No.7466160

What the fuck is wrong with you, you fat piece of shit?

The fuck is wrong with /cgl/ as well?

"fatty get out"? More like, get the fuck out of here you landhwale shit.

How dare you call this thread "Realistic Weight"? You are a fucking pig, you are nowhere near realistic.

>> No.7466196

>combnation of joint symptoms, cardiac, and digestive issues

Would you mind sharing on that?

Unfortunately leaving my area for a doctor isn't an option for me right now. I live in Pennsylvania, and all of the doctors around my area are very set in their ways.

It took me almost a year of subluxating shoulders to get my family doctor to refer me to a specialist. She just kept telling me "lol tendinitis" and throwing a prescription for a steroid at me.

The doctors at my old uni were great, but I'm not enrolled there anymore so I can't... go there.

I'm going back to my Orthopedic today, maybe I'll mention it to him.

>> No.7466258

>Come in here expecting photo dump of chubby characters and cosplayers
>Nothing but discussion of medical conditions

>> No.7466262

>being this mad

>> No.7466270



>> No.7466285

tfw I have sonico's measurements, but I have stretch marks. That fucking feel. Can we stop talking about shit no one cares about and talk about how to be the perfect chubby girls?

>> No.7466306

I was never close to chubby myself so I don't know if this will work as well, but recently I got a nasty disease and the treatment made me lose a lot of weight really fast. So after becoming not just a skeleton but a skeleton with saggy gut tissue and stretch marks, my grandma took one of those really stretchy, wide waist belts from the 70s, removed the buckle and sewed on a zipper. It doesn't choke like a corset would, it "hugs" your waist nicely (if it's wide enough, of course) and is overall really comfy. You could try making one yourself, it's pretty simple and not visible all that much.

>> No.7466313

Oh and if you meant removing stretch marks instead of simply covering and binding, get bio oil.

>> No.7466429


I wanna post myself. What kind of picture should I post?

>> No.7466452

>It's a decent cosplay if the clothes look super close to the character.
>It's a good cosplay if the clothes look super close/identical to the character and it has been made and sewn well.
>It's a super goddamn awesome cosplay if the clothes look super close/identical to the character and it has been made and sewn well and your bodytype fits the character.

Basically, unless you want to ignore the fact that 50 percent of the reasons to cosplay is fun and the rest is to get noticed.

>> No.7466455

Is there any way to work a cute character like sonico even if you have a big ribcage?

>> No.7466471

I'd suggest mimimal clothing, but maybe not just underwear. Since people are mean. Obscure your face and take it on a neutral background too.
Short shorts and a tight tanktop. If you wear anything slightly baggy, it skews things. Make sure your picture isn't angled down at all. It makes your legs look short and dumpy. Stand far back and zoom in if you have space, take it from the hip/stomach if you don't.

If you want to go the extra mile, it might be cool to have four pictures: one neutral pose with tanktop, one flattering pose with tanktop (You know, one foot slightly in front of the other, maybe cocking hip a bit, whatever.), and then two more in your most flattering outfit in those poses. It can be nice to see you at your best, what you're capable of.
However someone might recognize that outfit, so there's that.

>> No.7466480


I have the gap at the top, that little triangle, and bit meaty legs. It's a wide hip thing, like a lot of anons said. It's all about your structure.

>> No.7466505

God damn it KANA

>> No.7466511

I'm with you anon. I only discovered recently that I could actually have sexy legs without looking too fat thanks to my small boobs, and people find me super sexy. I have theose really tight denim shorts that make my legs do the keyhole gape, my boyfriend is dying for it.

>> No.7466512
File: 61 KB, 500x750, 80997960[.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thigh gap
People actually give a shit about how accessible their pussies look? Well, 'spose if you ladies have nothing else to offer it would be a serious concern...

>> No.7466521

do you even earth?

>> No.7466525

>I've never been to the beach before!

>> No.7466528

I have 27% body fat measured with calipers and look most like the 25%.

>> No.7466535

>had the little gap when I was heavier
>lost a bunch of weight, but still have meaty thighs
>have full fucking thigh gap

Wide hips and mild bow legs do good work. It's hard to get my knees together when I'm standing straight, though.

>> No.7466540

No really, what's the big deal?
What's appealing about a thigh gap other than the fact that people can see a gap leading up to your pussy and therefore it calls attention? Ever think about it?
It's why most cleavage is so stupid, it's just a loud advertisement about sexuality that nobody can stop picking at each other over.

>> No.7466572

It's because it implies the girl is skinny.
Think to the opposite end of the spectrum: a severely, morbidly obese woman. She's got massive cottage cheese legs. You can hardly see her knees. Her legs mash together, bulging and chafing when she walks.
Someone extreme could associate that squish only with obese women. She decides that in order to avoid that massive squish is to make sure her legs avoid touching at all.
She associates touching thighs with fat, and sees everyone who has touching thighs as fat.
You should be asking why skinny is ideal, instead of the classic birthin' hips and breasts a baby would drool over.

Another way to think too, which would appeal to 'cosplay is only for fun' is that it's tons of fun to look like your character.
Some people like cosplaying because they like to pretend they're the character. You'd really feel like the character if when you looked in the mirror, it looked like the character was looking right back at you!

>> No.7466595

It implies the girl is skinny because generally really skinny people have them. It has nothing to do with pussies.

>> No.7466846

I'd like an answer guys. I'm concerned about my weight and want to know what image I should avoid looking like.

>> No.7466850

Have you never noticed that cartoon and anime girls are usually drawn this way to indicate skinniness? Even Western styles like Adventure Time and a lot of popular artists (gingerhaze etc) do this. It's an aesthetic implying skinniness, it has nothing to do with pussies, just like how wanting a thin arm has nothing to do with showing off your armpits or something...

>> No.7466862
File: 82 KB, 328x302, distinct_butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but both of them are drumstick thighs, imo.
Have you never eaten a chicken or turkey leg? Drumstick thigh means that the whole thigh/butt is shaped like that, a smooth teardrop shape, and there's no clear separation between the butt and thigh.

For comparison, here's someone with a very shapely, non-drumstick thigh/butt.

>> No.7466889

Well, every time I attempt to work out a faint or have a near fainting episode and at most can work out only 15 minutes. My feet turn all different shades of red if I stand too long in the shower. If I stand up too quickly I risk loosing consciousness. My skin is super soft and stretchy, I have a high palette and had to get a bunch of orthodontic work to correct it. I'm excessively thirsty and nauseated constantly. Sometimes if I eat too fast, my food will come back up from my stomach due to my vagus nerve malfunction from the dysautonomia. I become overheated or very cold easily. I sometimes pass out when I sneeze. My joints constantly lock and sublux. I had developmental delays, have a strange giant, scoliosis, long arms and legs, "witch hands", translucent skin, bulging eyes, and poor coordination. Not to mention a high intolerance to caffeine, stimulants, alcohol, and any medication that messes with blood pressure. Things I'm highly tolerant to is sedatives and anesthetics. Basically you have to remember EVERY little annoyance and symptom you have and tell the doctor or they will not get the full picture. It's a trial and error method. First try your general practitioner, then move on to other specialists until somebody uses their god damn head and puts the symptoms together. It's a pain in the ass, but it was worth the validation of getting my diagnosis.

>> No.7466893
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140331_170755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horribly malnourished

hahahah yea okay

>> No.7466898

>It's because it implies the girl is skinny.
But tons of girls are considered skinny who don't have thigh gaps.
See above.
>adventure time
>thigh gap
>not just a stylized cartoon
Jake technically has "thigh gap" but we all know he's really just a pudgy old dog.

>> No.7466901

Uh, that's not a thigh gap bbgurl

>> No.7466904

Anyone else have violin hips? I've lost 20 lbs but it still looks like I have major muffin top because of an annoying "dent" between my hipbone and thigh curve that my underwear/jpants settle into. I don't think there's anything I can really do about it except somehow obsessively do an exercise that makes my gluteus medius bulge.

>> No.7466906

Shhh, it's okay to like my legs. I like them too.

>> No.7466907

i have that
i always thought it was a fat thing

>> No.7466913

>But tons of girls are considered skinny who don't have thigh gaps.
Uh, okay. How does that defeat my point?
Stop trying to be argumentative for no reason. No one said it's the only indication of thinness that has ever existed, just that it's one in particular that some people like. Unrustle your jimmies, nobody is going to call you a fatty just because you don't have one unless you actually are.

>> No.7466914

Maybe buy better/different jeans? It's hard to visualize what you're talking about though

>> No.7466922

It's a proportions thing. Or it can be. If you google "violin hips" in images you'll see examples of super skinny women with it. I just didn't post them because the images are huge. My waist/hips are kind of high so my hip bump, made by the iliac crest dips down before my thigh curve starts.

It's fine for everyday clothes, since it easy to find tops that cover it. But f I wanted to cosplay something like Morrigan or Cammy it would just look awkward.

>> No.7466923

>How does that defeat my point?
I never said it did, but it's stupid to think that thigh gap means that someone is skinny when it's mostly due to genetics and body fat accumulation.
>argumentative for no reason
I think I'm justified, this shit is dangerous.
You're encouraging an unrealistic body type by reenforcing the idea that girls will be judged as skinnier if they have this sole feature, which is incorrect.

If you girls want to have a pissing contest over this, that's fine. But don't act like this is the best damn thing in the universe to have because it's not all that.
>inb4 you tell me to scram to a tumblr account that I don't have

>> No.7466924

Your thighs are very clearly touching. How is that a thigh gap? >>7465150 is a thigh gap. Your legs are fine, though.

>> No.7466927
File: 71 KB, 1024x765, muhe5yra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think anon meant like the one on the right

>> No.7466928

>mfw I have precious thigh gap but it never shows in rori

>> No.7466931

The whole sentence was about cartoons and stylization, idk how you missed that. My point was that the reason a lot of cartoons are styled that way is that having legs which don't touch is an appealing aesthetic, regardless of pussies, etc.

>> No.7466935
File: 8 KB, 241x209, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point was that the reason a lot of cartoons are styled that way is that having legs which don't touch is an appealing aesthetic

>appealing aesthetic
>stick doe legs are an appealing aesthetic
Since when? You seriously believe Adventure Time animators are trying to make a statement about legs because they're styling their characters with UNREALISTIC body proportions?

>> No.7466942

...are you an idiot? AT was one example (and probably the reachiest) in a whole list of times that people are drawn with wide hips and gapped thighs. It is mainly anime, but some western styles do it too. And I was thinking of Marceline, not Finn and Jake...and she IS supposed to be skinny.

Look, the point is that gaps between the legs are seen as a visual indicator of skinniness. are you really this argumentative over the idea that they're supposed to indicate pussies? You are simply wrong about that.

>> No.7466948

Different anon but I have this and it looks really bad as I'm pear shaped so it looks worse than it could it if I had slim thighs (UK size 6). My bf thinks I'm crazy and no one can see it but me, but it means I definitely can't wear anything tight, cause unlike people like j-lo the curve looks fucking horrible.

>> No.7466963

>...are you an idiot?
Obviously not.
>AT was just one example
Well it was the one example you picked to prove your point and I'm responding to it. Don't act surprised.
>because you see this is in anime too
Yeah, another stylized form of animation that in no way reflects realistic 'aesthetics' about what people desire. If that were true then girls would be more socially accepted with their bug-eyed circle lenses and unnatural hair...but we all know how normies usually react to those and it's not out of jealousy.

>the point is that gaps between the legs are seen as a visual indicator of skinniness
I can accept this as an answer, but it's still a stupid answer.
>are you really this argumentative over the idea that they're supposed to indicate pussies?
You don't have to agree with me that it's about sexuality, but it really is. It all boils down to girls doing shit (like starving themselves and obsessively worrying about their body fat) for the sake of attracting a member of their desired sex because other girls are telling them that that's what they should do. It is literally retarded.

>> No.7466994

Why on earth would any woman want to look like the one on the left?

>> No.7466996

shit, are you me?
same weight, height and everything

>> No.7467000

Doesn't sound fat to me

>> No.7467001
File: 368 KB, 519x1545, bodypic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my shorts are kind of baggy. I'm wearing dance briefs if that's OK.

>> No.7467002

Thank you for explaining anon. I'm not actually us based but I will try to get a second opinion. Do you get cold extremities and strange rashes? Is your blood pressure slightly low and your heart rate high or is this possibly something else. A lot of the things you mentioned rein true. It was hard getting diagnosed with even JHS and it didn't explain everything that was going on.

>> No.7467025

>My feet turn all different shades of red if I stand too long in the shower.
this. i hate it and it sometimes gets so bad that small areas turn purple and I have to sit down in the shower.

>> No.7467042

My feet and hands are ice cold pretty much all the time and I have low blood pressure and when I walk up the stairs or sit up, my heart rate is really fast. The only thing I don't get is the rash. I do get itchy though. I heard there is a doctor that specializes in EDS/JHS in the UK but his name eludes me.

>> No.7467047

I wanna motorboat her SO MUCH

>> No.7467058

We're actually doing the same cosplay lol
I was planning the same outfit before she revealed hers, but I like her so I don't mind so much. One time somebody at a convention mistook me for her and I don't think I look anything like her other than the body. It would be cool if we could twin in our Sonico cosplays though.

>> No.7467075

I have a huge girlcrush on her. I'd also love to see what she looks like irl.

>> No.7467078
File: 28 KB, 356x351, ellie borderlands 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cosplay! If a girl was feeling really confident, Ellie from Borderlands 2 is cool. It's nice since she actually has a well written character and a fairly large role. She isn't a one-liner background character who's only joke is that she's fat. But they don't ignore that Ellie is huge either.

>I can accept this as an answer, but it's still a stupid answer.
You've got it. This is the answer.
Anorexia is a mental disorder. It is not rooted in rationality. The anorexic community has determined, in their irrational manner, that thigh gaps are the end-all indicator of skinniness.
It doesn't mean that that's how it is. It means that's how they see it. Your original question was about motivation, not about rationality and reality.

>> No.7467081

>Your original question was about motivation, not about rationality and reality.
Point taken.

>> No.7467166

>Feet turning red in the shower
>Ice cold hands and feet
>Fast heartrate walking up stairs
>Intolerance to alcohol and stimulants

Damn this sounds all too familiar for me. I should get checked out for low blood pressure. What do you describe as "witch hands" though? Because if you mean ugly skinny veiny hands, you can check off that for me too.

>> No.7467213

>who's only joke is that she's fat
No, she's a fat redneck. She's there to be laughed AT.

>> No.7467233

You're not fat, don't worry.
You look like an average woman with a nice shape.

>> No.7467256

What I mean is that she has an actual backstory, actual interactions with other characters, and is actually taken seriously by the other characters.
She's a hick and she's fat. But she isn't just in the background.

In some shows, it can be a little unexpected when someone is made fun of, so it stands out when a character's only scenes are to be picked on. It's definitely not out of place in Borderlands. Tannis is an agoraphobic autist. Moxxi is the town whore. Tiny Tina needs to see a therapist. Jack is delusional. Claptrap.

Claptrap is there to be laughed at. But that doesn't mean that Claptrap is a bad character or that nobody likes his character.

>> No.7467269

Like long, thing, fingers, sort of creepy. I always call them witch hands. Some people call it arachnodactyly.

>> No.7467278

stop yelling at sonico she can't hear you

>> No.7467277

>Well it was the one example you picked to prove your point
No, no, I had a whole list in my original post (anime, gingerhaze, AT). Adventure Time was just the one you got stuck on. Look, if you really are incredibly determined to think thigh gaps are there to direct attention to pussies, there's really no helping you.

>> No.7467288

I'm 5'4" with a medium frame size.

It really depends on your lean mass though? Like, I distinctly remember being roughly this size when I was 125-130, (size L tops, 8-10 pants) I'm 150 now and I wear the same, but vanity sizing? I wish I could find some of my old pants or a shirt to use for reference to see how much of a difference it is. I'm expecting I'll probably be in a size 6 pants and M tops for general clothing when I'm done. Well maybe not, I hope my ass and thighs fill in with muscle. I have chicken wing thighs because of an opposite problem, no ass.

That's a huge difference from 2X tops and size 16-18 pants tho. I'll take it.

>> No.7467300

Not that person, but I have low blood pressure. I have used my hands as coldpacks for my friends before, I stumble/fall over at least once a day, I'm blackout drunk after three beers, and my doctor doesn't seem to think it's a problem.

But I think this story is funny.

>couple of years ago, in mental hospital
>woken up every day at 7 AM for vitals to be taken
>nurse takes my blood pressure
>brow furrows with worry
>calls second nurse over
>hushed whispers, second nurse re-takes my blood pressure
>they look at the numbers and frown
>call over third nurse
>blood pressure taken again
>nurses reassuring each other that they aren't crazy
>start asking me questions "can you walk?" "Are you dizzy?" "Do you need to throw up?"
>am bluntly told that I should not be functioning at all
>I have to insist very firmly that it's normal, and I just need to eat
>they insist on holding me up by the elbows to escort me to the breakfast table

>> No.7467312
File: 766 KB, 884x589, 1396310273886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a good Ellie cosplay saved...

>> No.7467335
File: 33 KB, 495x800, delusionalfatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually "too fat" on girls starts to happen when the fat beings to affect their arms and shoulders, as this makes women look like they have man arms instead of sleek and cute girl arms.

Pic related. This is about the point where girls are considered unattractive by most men, and anime characters are meant to be physically fit. If this girl lost about 10-20 lb she would be fairly cute.

>> No.7467342

>implying that isn't hot as shit

>> No.7467356

>when the fat beings to affect their arms and shoulders, as this makes women look like they have man arms instead of sleek and cute girl
This is unfortunately true.
>tfw 95lbs
>tfw disgusting wide shoulders and fat upper arms plague family
>numbers say I'm underweight, body from chest up screams fatass

>> No.7467365

I know your doctor isn't really saying much, but don't you think you should be even a little concerned if those nurses had such a dramatic reaction?
Have you ever been given an explanation of why you're like this?

She's really cute! Sometimes I don't like how Borderlands cosplayers draw those lines on themselves, but I really like it on her. I wonder what's different.

>> No.7467394

Probably how much effort she put on her costume/props as well. The lines look great with how cartoony the outfit is.

>> No.7467395

I have a friend that wears 00 and has to wear 0 because she can rarely find anyplace carrying 00s for one, and sizes small enough to fit her are for children (she's like 5'6).
And 0s look baggy on her.

She does have that thigh gap though, but she looks boney as fuck too.

>> No.7467407

I hate that shit so much. I have tiny little hips and small legs, and I feel like a lollipop with how big my stomach looks in comparison. I'm working out, so it's slowly changing, but God... I just wish I looked proportionate.

>> No.7467421

Ah, you're right! Some borderlands cosplayers do the cartoony skin, but their props and clothes don't have the block colors and hatched shading. Instead their props and costumes are realistic. So it looks unbalanced. They've got to choose cartoony or realistic.
Honestly, I want to see more realistic Borderlands cosplayers. The kind of realism where they add extra details and have beautiful textures in their fabrics and props. That'd be cool.

>> No.7467422

How fat is

>> No.7467431
File: 119 KB, 466x700, gap-legs-thigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's not a thigh gap.
This is a thigh gap. You thighs can't tough at all when your feet are together.

>> No.7467433

I'm around 145lbs and 5'3 ...I can stand to lose some pudge on my stomach

My legs are pretty large so it's harder to find cosplays because they're so big

I was hoping to find cosplays here to fit around my body type more...

>> No.7467442
File: 645 KB, 1362x588, Chubs Crossing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gijinkas are a great way for a fat girl- hell, anyone with a weird body type- to have a well suited cosplay!
Animal crossing was really big with seagulls when it just came out, but I haven't heard much anymore. If there are still fans around, the villagers would be an idea. Pic related.

Joan (Turnips) and Luna (Dream Suite) would also look good. I particularly like Luna's design.

>> No.7467438


>> No.7467454

So how big does the gap have to be to be considered a thigh gap? I'm a little on the pudgy side, but only the very top of my thigh will sometimes touch, sometimes will have maybe a quarter of an inch gap.

>> No.7467519

Man, like. I want a thigh gap as much as the next girl, but the legs on these chicks are Holocaust deathcamp inmate status. They look like they're about to snap in half.

>> No.7467523

Ugh, I know. Unfortunately arm flab can be really tricky to get rid of too, I've lost 40 pounds over the last two years and no matter how many toning exercises I do I just can't seem to get it to go away.

>> No.7467533

I am a tiny bit concerned, but I had been woken up from a dead sleep and not given breakfast. My blood pressure is usually on the low end of the normal range throughout the day. I've only fainted a handful of times in my life.

Never got an explanation, other than "genetics." Which is funny, my family is prone to high blood pressure. I have one relative with low blood pressure, but I guess that's all it takes for it to count as hereditary.

>> No.7467536

I thought it was when your knees are together?

>> No.7467538

That's because toning isn't real. You've got to lift weights.

>> No.7467545

Yeah I've always been confused about that too. I know that it used to be that it was when you were standing up straight and you had your ankles together but now there's new definitions popping up where it's based on if your knees are together.

>> No.7467546

Some people can't really get their knees together when they stand normally with feet together, so it's when feet are together.

>> No.7467550

Depends on what your body composition is like. I've got 18 lbs on you at the same height but I'm 35-29-44 and work out regularly. I consider myself builtfat.

>> No.7467558

Are squats and cardio the best way to get definition between your butt and your thighs?

>> No.7467565

See, this is physically impossible for me no matter hoe Auschwitz thin I get. I can't get my feet to touch without my knee bones digging into eachother.

;~; Forever moe.

>> No.7467599

See, the keyhole gap is what I've always pictured whenever I heard the term "thigh gap." I find it really precious, kind of like zettai ryouiki, while the other doesn't appeal to me as much. So I guess it surprised me that the left one is what so many people find desirable. Everyone has different preferences though, I guess.

Right now I'm 135lbs at 5'5". At my skinniest I was 120, and I didn't have a thigh gap. For reference, my measurements are 33-28-38 right now. My hipbones themselves are narrow though (30 inches) and my thighs are 22 inches each. Working out doesn't help much, it seems like it's the last place I lose fat..haha. (The first place is my bust, of course...) I have a little keyhole gap if I bend over slightly though.

>> No.7467600

U are a qt.
I would touch your butt.

>> No.7467610

My calves, knees and thighs squish into eachother and there's literally very little fat on them. (just inner thigh, mostly muscle on my legs). Don't feel bad anon.

>> No.7467624

That's strange, I weigh the same as you and I'm 36-28-42. Do you have a lot of muscle or something?

>> No.7467636
File: 54 KB, 467x646, 8361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how low? Pic related. When I start to feel like utter shit.

>> No.7467643
File: 57 KB, 500x628, tumblr_mzojwy1Zte1sq9riwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merengue would be perfect!

>> No.7467648

I don't know, haha! I haven't worked out seriously in over two years. My legs might qualify in the sense that they've always been pretty thick. Not necessarily flabby, just kinda meaty and big compared to the rest of me. I also have wide shoulders and big arms, so I guess that's not helping.

>> No.7467652

I guess it's just different proportions, wide hips and big boobs run in my family, but you'd think that if there's more stuff there it'd weigh more. How strange.

>> No.7467681

Of course she isn't interested, the entire point of her little picture show was to hijack a thread for fattychans
>inb4 fattychan
no thank you, I can just smell an attention whore from a mile away

>> No.7467712
File: 188 KB, 500x588, tumblr_mpw03xUn0E1sq9riwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467749

I'm honestly a bit disappointed that she didn't bother to respond since I genuinely wanted to help. :( My EDS friend took ages to get diagnosed and I figured she could relate. Oh well.

>> No.7467768

Tricep dips and pushups, do them with your full bodyweight (so try and do them from a reverse plank/plank position)

Squats will build your thighs as well. If you want to do your butt separately and already have a lot of thigh muscle try glute-isolating exercises

>> No.7467775

Oooohh, okay, thank you very much!

I thought drumsticks had the shape of a large butt, so I was thinking that having a large butt was a bad thing. My mistake! Thank you for clearing that up for me!

>> No.7467778

Yeah that was my first red flag that she was just trolling for asspats. I mean really.
I'm sorry, I don't blame you for thinking she was real. It's a rare disease though, this might not be the first fake you encounter.

>> No.7468056

Got any glute exercises you'd recommend?

>> No.7468073


I'm definitely not as bad off as you, but a lot of that sounds really familiar.

Poor coordination, soft stretchy skin, subluxations, locking, thirst and nausea. I have more... lower.... digestive problems, though. Don't know if it could be related.

The red feet thing I get a lot though, and I get it in my hands a lot too. Sometimes my face. But it's usually only one half of my body.

I'm not... entirely sure what you mean by witch hands. But my hands are very thin with long fingers, and my tendons and veins stick out a lot.

I recently have started to become really agitated by caffeine, though, that never happened before. I don't drink so... I don't know about that.

Lightheadedness on standing pretty much all the time, and a lot of times when I go out, to the store or something, after walking around for maybe an hour, I just get really tired, sometimes to the point where we need to stop for a while, or my boyfriend has to carry me.

Don't know if it could be related, but I'm also nearsighted as fuck. I can't see clearly past 6" from my head without my glasses, also with astigmatism.

Long arms and legs, long sleeves and pants shopping are the fucking bane of my existence. Size 1 pants are like made for midgets or some shit.

>> No.7468136

>tfw pasty and white but black girl ass
why me

>> No.7468166

Post it

>> No.7468177
File: 110 KB, 332x358, lewdmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man here.

Girl on right is 1000x sexier. Would destroy until her face looks like pic related.

>> No.7468178

About that low. I don't remember the exact number, it was in the double digits and over sixty.

I really need to get a home monitor.

Also, captchas are being really fucking weird right now.

>> No.7468194

She doesn't seem that huge though, you'll do fine.

>> No.7468201


>tfw black girl
>no hips or ass

Pls count your blessings. I would kill a small pokemon for an ass. I'm an inverse triangle, and I wish I was a pear shape every single day.

Having very broad shoulders and bustiness without the hips is suffering.

>> No.7468211

>I would kill a small pokemon for an ass.
my sides
We should trade, I want to be the little girl. I know the pain of broad shoulders, should have been a hockey player or something ;_;

>> No.7468213

You're right Anon! I'm chubby and I want to cosplay Celeste.

>> No.7468218

>tfw when mixed
>fucking huge black ass even thought I fucking look white

We can swap our ass and thight whenever you want. I just want lean, long legs to wear short shorts and mini skirts without every single black/arabian guy commenting on my ass.

>> No.7468228

tfw I have more ass than some girls do

I have no business having ass as a guy who is 120 pounds (yes I'm tiny)

>> No.7468240

I will punch you in the goddamn face you take that back. Man-ass is wonderful.

>> No.7468271

one time before I got in the shower I looked at the mirror and flapped my buttcheeks up and down with my hands

it's kind of weird being able to do that.

>> No.7468291
File: 1.69 MB, 383x576, MAXIMUM TIPPING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin neckbeard
>"I would destroooooy dat pusssyyyy"

GET OUT OF HERE "cunt_destroyer22"

>> No.7468553

But man ass is always beautiful. I can't date a boy who don't got the booty, anon. How will I have cosplay sex with my delicious large-assed innocent young boy?

>> No.7468832

Gawd she has next to no muscle and her stomach looks flabby and awful.

>> No.7469008

>her stomach looks flabby and awful.
body dysmorphia much

>> No.7469075

>TFW I have holocaust legs and arms

;- ;

>> No.7469130
File: 245 KB, 400x483, tumblr_mxdvcjfafp1r291rco1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is into webcomics, Aphrodite f is a good cosplay for chub/fat girls she just dresses a bit skimpy but you can wear the hepheateus dress she has if you want to cover up a bit more.

>> No.7469178

Nope, absolutely not. But this pic is proof that starving yourself won't make you look good. She might be very skinny, but not toned at all. Skinnyfat and obese are the worst bodytypes to me.

>> No.7469455

>She might be very skinny, but not toned at all.
Even if she's not toned, that doesn't mean she doesn't look hot. She's skinny enough where it's okay, if she had a potbelly like most skinnyfats then yes, she would need to be toned.

>> No.7469653

sorry anon :( i'm sure there are lots of people who find that appealing, but i'm just not one of them.

>arguing with someone about what they find attractive
if someone doesn't think she's hot, you aren't going to convince them otherwise. it's totally subjective.

>> No.7469878

do you even html?

>> No.7470406

playing devil's advocate here, but are you telling me these people you know have NO want to be acknowledged for the costume they wear?

>> No.7470457

Not that anon, but I think what they mean is that pleasing strangers isn't what drives them.

>> No.7471832

Hi, sorry, EDS potential anon.

>>7465948 responded, and I completely missed your post. My bad.

But of course, if >>7467681 had actually read the rest of the comments, she'd have seen that I was responding to others.

I would certainly like to hear more about it if you're still around. I guess I'll just leave my throwaway email. I asked my physical therapist about it today and plan on talking to my specialist next time I go in, probably in a week or two. The PT thought that sounded like a pretty accurate diagnosis, but the only way to really know is to have tests done.

Sorry it seemed like I was ignoring you, I really didn't mean to.