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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 458 KB, 595x815, ppop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7444738 No.7444738 [Reply] [Original]

So who has managed to get this?
Coord plans?
Peeves with the print/cut/colorways?

>> No.7444751

I hate the cutesie pastel animals on the print. Do love the tights and socks, tho

>> No.7444754

I missed out, but I hope to get the normal JSK in ivory one day. I was pretty worried for AP for a while but this print is nice.

>> No.7444761

It reminds me of the weird offspring of Starry Night Theater and Toy Parade.
I like it.

>> No.7445034

I overslept, but I hope my shopping service managed to get it for me.

>> No.7445322

Was there an exact time they released it?

>> No.7445336

The blue and red colorways really resemble a christmas gift wrapping paper, same with Starry Night Theater... It's not really beautiful but somehow appealing due to that nostalgia.

>> No.7445680

12PM on the 22nd in Japan.

>> No.7445708

It seems like this series lingered on the int'l site, compared to RRL that sold out instantly. I got what I wanted though, the regular ivory JSK and red tights. It'd be simple and cute with a red bolero and red shoes! May start looking for a red vest similar to the vest JSK to dress it up a bit more.

>> No.7445786

Everyone's saving up for Crystal Dream Carnival.

>> No.7445790

I'm digging that shade of blue, but those tights look vaguely like an American flag from the thumbnail.

>> No.7445806

I really hate it. The colors are awful.

>> No.7445822

There seems to be a general "seen it all before" reaction to this series.

I think it's alright, but it really makes me appreciate the composition of Star Night Theatre.

>> No.7446023

This dress is so tacky it looks like something Infanta would make. I wouldn't even pay $75 for this bullshit, let alone $300.

>> No.7446229

I'm starting to feel bad about buying this now, because everyone else hates it. Greaaaat.

>> No.7446237

Don't feel bad. Do you like the print? If so, it shouldn't matter what people think.

Just a note: everyone hated Fantasic Dolly and Honey Cake when they first came out. Look what happened.

>> No.7446261

Yeah, but fantasic dolly and honey cake are both kind of unique and this is just more age play crap, only a bit less pastel than usual.

>> No.7446268

And Honey Cake was just ugly food that didn''t go together, plastered onto fabric.

>> No.7446279

I think its fuckin cute nigga. Esp. the red one. If you like it, buy it. Fuck da h8rz

>> No.7446314


This. I wasn't into lolita when Fantastic Dolly was first released but I remember everyone's hate towards Honey Picnic and now its selling for $300-400. I personally love this print and I'm having a hard time deciding if I want it in red or blue.

>> No.7446321


>this is just more age play crap

If you think that, I think you've chosen the wrong fashion

>> No.7446339

Red if gilet jsk, blue if regular jsk. Best imo.

>> No.7446349


>Honey Picnic

I meant Honey Cake obviously.


Wow, I was actually thinking the exact same thing. Weird. I like how the red looks with the black vest whereas I prefer the plain blue for the JSK. But which do I get!?!

>> No.7446360

Both, obviously. Haha. Gilet is more dressy to me, so if you're a daily and casual girl, I'd get normal JSK.

>> No.7446451

Yeah, because lolita stuff like Radiant Candlelight or Silent Moon look like age play. Nope, just the things with pastel vomit of teddy bears and play blocks like this series.

>> No.7446460

>ugly food that didn''t go together
everyone point and laugh at this person who's never known the joys of ice cream + pancakes together

>> No.7446464

what? Fantasic Dolly has always been popular. Also - there's no t, it's fantaSIC.

>> No.7446486


>radiant candlelight and silent moon

no one likes an ageplayer in the fashion, why don't you go back to your diapers and nursing homes and take your candle stick holders and decrepit architecture with you

>> No.7446491

I don't think the pastels in the print go as well with the red of blue colorways. The vest version is really a cute cut and I like the stripes and trim at the bottom. I get a nostalgia feel too but more summer red-white-blue impression. It's a very cheerful print and I like looking at it. I hope someone local to me buys it.

I don't personally wear the pastel, juvenile prints but I think they are very cute on other people. Whatever happened to critiquing a release objectively instead of just posting 'ew, I don't like this?' That's really kind of disappointing...

>> No.7446497

Did anyone use rosarie? Did she get it?

>> No.7446518

lion with the mint mane is cute as hell

but not cute enough for me to buy the entire thing

>> No.7446521
File: 247 KB, 600x329, APGAdqk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This secret sums it up.

>> No.7446560

Someone sure sounds butthurt about liking baby age play prints. You mad you wasted money on such an ugly print? Don't throw a fit now. I'll get you your rattle and a nice warm bottle. There there, it'll be ok you little bitch.

>> No.7447125

I never knew there was a specific time for releases

>> No.7447132

I just wanted the ivory socks but nothing else from the series appealed to me.

Fantasy Theater looks like AP took Toy March and re-developed it around a circus theme.
The marching band of animals was swapped out for carnival animals, whilst the harlequin pattern, bunting, circus balls, and the gold trimmings all remained.
Toy March has little circus tents and a merry go round in the background so I kind of imagine that Fantasy Theater and Toy March are both like little stories happening at the same time (I know it's pretty bs but I'm kind of sappy today)

>> No.7447142

While there are anons bashing this print itt, it's already gone from the site. Meanwhile there's still some Wrapping Ribbon and Dreamy Girl dresses left, which to my mind means this release was actually a lot more popular than /cgl/ thinks it should be.

>> No.7448516

I get a feeling that this print is gonna get more popular when people receive their dresses and more coordinates are made.

>> No.7448523

Sure. The ones hating on it are just noisy. But the buyers and the non-haters far outnumber them, as usual. Only a couple of the toy prints didn't sell out fast, iirc? I'm not even into them and I know that much.

>> No.7448820


Ugh, I hate lolitas like you. Buying flavor of the month prints just for a bit of popularity, like cosplayers wearing stuff from popular shows just for more attention.

Seeing you flip flop on a print based on how other people feel about it is sad, I hope you haven't wasted money on other prints just for the sake of popularity, although I guess it's good it's biting you in the ass.

>> No.7448837

I bought it because I genuinely liked it, not because of the hype. I knew nothing about the print beforehand. Scrape the sand out of your cunt.

>> No.7448845

Wow, um, it's a dress...
I buy ones I'm lukewarm about sometimes, I don't have to cherish every juicy cherry or daydream over every carnival to y'know, buy an outfit?
They aren't holy garments, just dresses..regular fashion of the moment is more fickle, I don't get it.

>> No.7448864

If it's such a genuine love, then why do you feel regret? This is fashion: love what you love or stay miserable.

>> No.7448905
File: 96 KB, 1054x700, 1367435442302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one.

>> No.7448911

Because I care what other people think, unfortunately.

>> No.7450308
File: 192 KB, 1329x812, ReallySNLImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You buy Lolita clothes, you buy AP prints and you probably wear them, yet you have enough fucks left to care about some random anonymous opinion on /cgl/?

Also, this dress might become popular (as many other dresses hated before), and you can still get your money back if you end up selling it becasue some strangers ont the internet told you they did not like it.

>> No.7450555

Anyone who buys a lolita dress and cares about if it will be popular is a moron. The only exception I can think of is resale value, because unpopular dresses can be hard to sell. Otherwise, you're already in a weird, over the top fashion that most people won't "get". There's no point in worrying if other people will like your dress. You should worry if you like it. Why even drop money on a release if you're that unsure of it? Hell, JetJ gets shitted on constantly because it's tacky as fuck, but I be gulpin dat shit up like a perv with a scat fetish because I like it and dgaf if other people want it.

If you're so insecure, drop lolita and spend all your burando money on some other over priced but accepted crap. What do the kids wear these days? Some ugly Hollister jeans maybe? Then no one will give a shit about what you wear and you won't have to be insecure and someone else can buy the next hideous age play Angelic Pretty dress that you would have managed to snag in their place instead. Every one wins.

>> No.7450675

This dress isn't as unpopular as this thread makes it sound. It may not have sold out in seven seconds, but it still only took like 10min. How many people were at work or at a prior commitment that they could get on and buy the dress? And rarely will someone come to this thread and cry, "Nuh uh, this dress is beautiful". People will hate, no fucks given.

And logically, the dress is carnival themed which is a seller, it has all the cute AP characters without being Baby's Room childish, even more mature than Toy Fantasy, there is pastel on navy, all of the cuts are really nice. I mean seriously, other than it not being your cup of tea, what is really "wrong" with this print?

>> No.7452037
File: 1.31 MB, 640x854, 10286_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the ivory regular JSK and red tights. I love this print! I don't own any circus carnival prints but have several prints with the shy bear and lyrical bunny. I really like how the colors pop on the ivory color way. Cannot wait for it to come in the mail!

>> No.7452264
File: 293 KB, 432x527, fantasytheater_coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick photoshop composite of what I hope to coord with my dress. May use a plain ivory head bow instead of red.. need to find a good red purse too.

>> No.7456123

I think the red in the bolero and bag look great, but I like your idea of using an ivory headbow as I think it would balance it better.

>> No.7456155

Not a fan of the print, but the overall design of the dress is pretty cute. This coord really helps sell it to me. I agree with ivory headbow.

>> No.7456385

I agree- I like the overall look but not so much the print up close.

>> No.7456405

>adults are wearing prints like this.
These prints would look better with slightly more realistic or at least very stylized vs super ugguu cartoony animals

>> No.7457784

Uh, no. Cute sells. Stop trying to act like you know better.

>> No.7457831

Definitely go for an ivory headbow IMO, maybe accessories in the blue color to pop those parts of the print too? Its a super cute coord, anon.

>> No.7460427
File: 147 KB, 500x667, fantasytheater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there no more coord ideas for this print? I imagine this is gonna get pretty popular when people start receiving their dresses and wearing them to meets and such.

>> No.7461439

Give it a few weeks, and they'll be everywhere. This is the new starry night theater.

>> No.7461466

except SNT was actually a very nice print...i'm so disappointed by this one, especially in comparison

>> No.7461468

This is a very nice print, too.

>> No.7461470

idk the super childish animals really kill it for me...

>> No.7461474

This is angelic pretty. Of course they're childish.

>> No.7461480

to clarify, it looks like it's trying to be a more sophisticated print, like SNT (especially with the military style top on the jsk), but then i see the super cutesy sugary AP animal and it feels like there's a disconnect. there's prints that look really cute with those animals! but i don't like them with this one.

>> No.7462060

>there's no t, it's fantaSIC.
hate this shit. It was an obvious mistake. Don't be an ass about it.

>> No.7462070


I thought one of the designers made a blog post about this where they said Fantasic is supposed to be a made up word that means fantasy-like. Not fantastic.

>> No.7462093
File: 109 KB, 870x1200, circuslion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This print is so problematic given the known issues with how circuses often treat their animals. They really shouldn't make a cutesy print glorifying animal exploitation and torture.

>> No.7462099

There's always one...
Get the fuck over it.

>> No.7462103
File: 223 KB, 310x302, 1390774750132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? This could be said the same for nearly every other print AP puts out. In fact, any print any brands put out. They're cute animals on a print. It's not glorifying torture, it's just a yellow bunny, a pink bear, a yellow and mint lion and two ponies on a dress. Lyrical bunny isn't whipping the lion. Shy bear isn't forcing the horses to jump 7ft.

Go change your tampon, silly girl.

>> No.7462106

Tumblr is calling you. Go back to it.
We wear dresses that are made by the chinese that probably get shitty pay. Stop your whining.

>> No.7462115

And do you think circuses typically show the abuse? No. They make it look happy and fun. It doesn't matter that you can't see any abuse in the print- it matters that it's glorifying circuses.

>> No.7462119

Go cry to peta about it.

>> No.7463814

Calm down, no illustrated stuffed animals were exploited or abused in the creation of this print.

>> No.7463857

By that logic they should be able to make a kawaii print of slaves picking cotton, because no actual slaves would have been used in the making of the print. Hope it gets printed on cotton for the extra irony.

>> No.7463859

I laughed and I feel terrible. Nice job, anon.

>> No.7463941

There's a bit of a difference to making a print of slaves and a print of angelic pretty's mascots doing random, cheesy things.

>> No.7463943

These aren't circus animals, they are stuffed toys playing pretend circus in someone's imagination. It's quite a few removes away, the circus/abuse reference is a stretch. If you are looking to be offended, you'll find a way to be. Are the horses in sugary carnival enslaved equines hooked to a merry-go-round too?

>> No.7463944

Then if you feel strongly, go lobby for the abolition of animal circuses instead of bitching in a fashion thread.

>> No.7463962

Not really, since it is making light of circuses, which is animal slavery.

>> No.7464216

It's a dress. Shut up. If you don't like it, don't buy it or wear it.