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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 490x302, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7450922 No.7450922 [Reply] [Original]

can we get a motherfucking pet peeves thread in here

my peeves:
- people who claim that instead of a wig; their own long, unwashed blonde hair is fine for a character with bright pink pigtails and bows. yes that will totally suffice
- completely cutting corners during construction and then bitching when their props fall apart halfway through the day
- "am I too fat to cosplay this?" what do you want us to say to that, girl?!

>> No.7450945

I know this one kid who embodies all my pet peeves. He dyes his hair weird colours and insists that it's natural. He wears awful, shitty attempts at goth clothes that is mostly his school uniform (It's not even black, it's navy) with some random bondage stuff and big tacky jewellery thrown in.

He insists that he has this special snowflake split personality persona too, an ancient magic wielding pharaoh or something, that comes out when he gets in a fight with someone.

Just... don't do that shit.

>> No.7450952
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also flabby arms and legs like please get to the gym for at least 5 minutes before you try to pull off a fucking athlete cosplay

>> No.7450979
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People who "change their name" to their favorite anime/game character's name, and the people who call them by said name.

For example, recently someone I know (and no longer associate with) changed her name to the same as one of her own favorite game characters then proceeded to tell everyone she LEGALLY changed it (within the span of a month). Which is impossible in such a short time period. Yet people believe her because of her "I have the same name as this person in my family who I don't like" sob story. This person also thinks they are an irl version of this character, which is why this peeves me so much.

Nicknames are fine, of course.
But you are not an anime/game character and never will be. Grow up and deal with your goddamn life like a normal human being for fuck sakes.

So there's that and idiots who put cosplay before real life things.
Cosplay is a great hobby, I quite obviously love it myself, but when you're putting it before PAYING RENT, I think there's something wrong. This didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine.

And a minor, typical one:
When female crossplayers wear too much eye makeup as a guy character. No they don't have smoky eyes and long ass lashes. Stop.

>> No.7450985


>> No.7451003

Anyone who doesn't take out their visible piercings when they're cosplaying, unless the character's supposed to have them. Why would you spend time and effort on a costume, wig and make up only to ruin the accuracy with your piercings?

It's not like it takes that much effort either!

>> No.7451020

Visible tattoos in cosplay. Not really a fan of them with lolita, either, but at least there's no "[character] with a tattoo, let alone that tattoo? NOPE." reaction.

>> No.7451034

People who whine and cry that they can't afford to be a decently dressed loleeeetaaaa...
yet buy so much random crap, hit the coffee shop often and eat out all the time.
But oh they are jelly of the girls with great closets and well done coords.
So dumb. Learn to budget because those dessert coffees and gourmet cupcakes aren't doing your waistline any favors either, honey.

People who are in a cosplay group and slack, never have a ride to work meets, can never afford to go to lunch, wait till the last minute and rush the finishing and look shittier than the others who gave more effort.

>> No.7451045

I don't get this either. Yes, I know facial piercings are prone to irritation and closing. Wear retainers.

Are they too lazy or cheap to do tattoo cover makeup? This makes no sense to otherwise go to effort, then not do tattoo cover as part of the character makeup.

>> No.7451047

i have a small tattoo i want to cover up for my next cosplay. i was wondering what make up is recommended for that. I heard ben nye tattoo wheel works. I usually wear stuff to cover my tattoos in cosplay though.

>> No.7451083

Vichy Dermablend. You can buy it in pharmacies I think.

>> No.7451213

There's a lot of cattiness in the lolita community which is really weird to me.

I'm not involved with them at all but I'm in stuff that's kinda at the side of it and it's.. I mean, come on, who the fuck are you competing against? You people dress up like twentieth century dolls and shit.

It's like you guys are the bronies of people.

>> No.7451222

>It's like you guys are the bronies of people.

At least we're still people!

>> No.7451223

lmfao anon well done

>> No.7451233

thank you. i'll check it out

>> No.7451242

Yep, Dermablend plus the setting powder is the bomb for covering things. Pimples, flat scars, freckles, birthmarks, bruises, tats.

>> No.7451258
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All the AU's people use in cosplaying. I mean, it's one thing to make a fanfiction, but the amount of people I've seen cosplaying some shitty AU or crossover and getting pissed because no one recognized them is depressing.

>> No.7451266

I appreciate the help! You anons are awesome

>> No.7451273

Are you from Mars? It's very competitive.

--The dresses are limited in release so not enough are released anyway at a time when some people can't afford to get them. Competition. Scalping.
--There is a wide disparity in financial profiles. poorfags hate the brandwhores and ditto the other way.
--Beauty, weight, physical attributes, age, social standing are all scrutinized.
--Falling outside the realm of brand fit in any way is looked down on. Acceptance chans then look down on the ones looking down on the original girls. Hypocrisy abounds, contradiction too.
--There are formal rules to the fashion and those that break them are looked down upon by conformers, the rebel chans sneer at the conformity.

And much much more!

>> No.7451640

My comm's Facebook group is closed, to get in you need to have mutual friends or PM an admin. I have this in block capitals at the very top of the group description with all the admins names yet people still ignore it.

>> No.7451681

UGH. The money thing. I have a friend who always complains that she can't afford any new costumes or to come to cons with our group, but she buys at least one Starbucks coffee per day and always has to have the "nicer" things and spends a fuckton of money that she really doesn't have to. Like, I'd understand if those are your priorities, but don't just spend spend spend on these little luxuries and then act like you're missing out on things that are important to you.

>> No.7452492

The OP image reminded me of the thread a few years back about Mokuba's boobs.

I hate cosplayers not taking into consideration the fabric clothes would be made of in canon. If the character is wearing plain black pants in a formal setting they are obviously not going to be jeans, etc.

>> No.7452494
File: 10 KB, 212x185, dexter's dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't sand their props.

>> No.7452503

People who cosplay things from anime/manga/games that they haven't actually watched/read/played.

You try and have a conversation with them about the series and it just gets awkward about five seconds in.

>> No.7452502

>I never leave the house

>> No.7452514

>"What Metroid game is your favorite?"
>Any PSS: "Super Metroid" (Fusion, Prime 1/2 also acceptable)
>Any ZSS: "Smash Brothers"
never fails

>> No.7452576

For me, I chaged my name (but not legally, of course)
I saw a very beautiful name in an anime. After watching so much and like it, I searched what that japanese name means and I loved even more. I started used as a nickname into Youtube, etc; then my friends starts calling me with that Japanese name, because they said it fits me (my original one it's so... uggg) . I was ashamed , but, hey, it's okay, cool. And I was so young.
So after 8 years, all people call me with that "japanese" name. And I must confess I love it. Now my old name sounds weird to me, and only family uses it.

>> No.7452583

Lolitas that have been in the fashion for years, but only wear bodyline and think it's the best thing ever.
I mean, yeah. Wear what you like... but if you try and tell me your piece of shit Bodyline JSK is higher quality to an AP dress when you've never seen one in person, then you need to wake up to reality.

>> No.7452584

Something of the sort happened to me. I used a Japanese name online when I was younger and it stuck as a RL nickname. It's also convenient because I have a friend with the same name as me and that way the others can tell us apart in conversations. It's become a second name to me.

I would never try to change my legal name though. JFC, I feel the era of the Inuyasha Sasukes creeping on us.

>> No.7452586

What does this name happen to be?

>> No.7452596


naruto inuyasha

>> No.7452604

Cannot stop laugh, dammm

>> No.7452608

i see more erens, levis, armins, snk names

>> No.7452614
File: 45 KB, 600x574, babywolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't read the con's rules about weapons/ask the con if they can bring said weapon. Or fuck, if you dont know ask when you're at the con.
>see a friend of mine at the con this weekend
>has his friend "joe" with.
>joe was carrying around a regular bow, something you could get from scheels w/e. Apparently he owned this bow for 6 years
>joe had kept the string taut on it. Never made it loose at all.
>was also carrying around a bunch of arrows with blunted tips
>was pissed when the con security politely asked him to remove the pieces from the con.
>pic related mfw
the con had all the rules/regulations on the site and also had staff immediately available for him to ask.

>> No.7452621
File: 153 KB, 473x685, tallgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sort "tall girl friendly"
>nothing is tall girl friendly
>pic related, something advertised as tall girl friendly, crappily drew a tall lolita wearing it.

its shorties trying to market a dress. tall is 5'8 and up.

here are actual tall girl friendly things:

long jsks
haltertop jsks
anything with adjustable straps (tall girl paradise)
salopettes (adjustable kind)
thigh highs/otks
anything haunuli
strapless dresses
large sized tights

things that are as far from tall girl friendly as possible:
>forgot the term, but those dresses that are cropped directly under the bust.
they will hit the middle of a tall girls bust, really unfortunate
>One piece dresses.
not only are they restricting shoulderwise, but they are short.
>jsks with non-adjustable straps
they will be short.
will barely cover a tall girl's butt
>things with long sleeves
those wont cover our tall girl arms, are you crazy?
>regular sized tights
you really think our legs will fit into those?

>> No.7452624

Thank you tall friend. I'm only just 5'8 but I feel your pain. Innocent World long jsks are incredible.

>> No.7452634

*tall fist bump*
>would twin with/10
I wonder what the standard for tall is 5'5" and up?

not a pet peeve, but I find it funny how everyone short whines about hanueli, and here I am like:
we have one brand, and for once they can feel what its like to not fit into stuff they like

>> No.7452647
File: 290 KB, 479x355, 1331521003192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some idiot ftm claims a popular character name and basically roleplays that character for the rest of their time
>crossplays female characters and when people post "male people cosplaying female people" posts she pops up in those like "omg im totally a boi who can pull of groils im so spechul"

>> No.7452654

Last con I've seen a guy who bothered to put a programmable (with custom message nonetheless) multicolored LED display into his Daft Punk helmet... but didn't bothered to sand his paper mache AT ALL. It was painted decently enough too, so I don't know what the fuck his deal was.

>> No.7452659

Arghhhh I know a girl who goes around and calls herself an anime name. She even got her teachers at school to call it her. It makes me cringe so hard.

>> No.7452666

that's how i feel about the plus size tag, for the most part

why is this plus sized?? because it can fit an 90cm bust?????

>> No.7452739

Lacemarket mods should put requirements for checking "tall" or "plus"
as a plus lolita, what would be plus freindly things?

>best things for plus lolitas

>worst things

>> No.7452746
File: 108 KB, 268x346, 1395752530864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god this.
if you cosplay from kurobas and have your uniform on properly i basically start weeping tears of joy

adding to that; their basketball uniforms are NOT skin tight. why do people wear jerseys that are 5 sizes too small?

>> No.7452759

Female cosplayers using crossplay as a means of being a fake FTM. I'm a real fucking ftm and it's not all rainbows and sunshine. I see fake ftm's growing rampant in the cosplaying community.

It's always some girl who crossplays for the first time and then claiming to be ftm later.

And then a couple months down the road they return to being a girl.

And then there are those fake ftm cosplayers who use their "transness" to validate their yaoi ships in real life.

It pisses me off to hell. This is the reason the cosplay community doesn't take ftm's seriously. Because there's this stupid fad going around among girls who think it's okay to parade around as an "ftm" for a couple months and later realize it was a phase they were going through to make their yaoi ships become reality.

It's not a trend or a fad. Don't fucking pretend to be ftm because you think it's cute and will get you attention.

Some of us don't go announcing it to the world that we're ftm. Some of us aren't even out of the closet and tell our friends we were biologically born a female. Some of us keep it a secret because we're afraid of discrimination and not being taken seriously because of fake weeaboo ftm's.

>tl;dr: fake weeaboo ftm's trying to validate their yaoi ships and then later pass it off as a phase.

Also skechers with cosplays that don't fit. For example, a miku cosplayer with sporty ugly skechers.

>> No.7452772

I second the "no money," thing.

I have a friend who is very poor, but uses his financial aid money for shit. We cut him a lot of breaks when it comes to cosplay and hotel room costs. Sometimes we even let him stay in our hotel room for free and sometimes we cut the cost down to 50%.

He's always whining about not being able to afford things for cosplay or the room, but later we realized that he gets quite a bit of money in financial aid and he spends it all on DAILY junk food and video games and coffee.

We stopped cutting him slack.

I don't have a real job or get any money from financial aid, but I'm still able to pull shit off from doing odd jobs on weekends and pay for $300 hotel rooms by myself so I can help out my "poor" friends like him.

Not anymore.

>> No.7452787

I don't blame, you it's pretty upsetting to find out that your moocher poorfag friend actually has more disposable pocket money than you do sometimes isn't it? And letting you help them.

It's the same way in Lolita. A lot of girls could afford really nice things, maybe not brand-new brand all the time… But certainly better than what they show up wearing! They waste their money, and then are really jealous of the girls with better clothing. Or they gripe if the meet cost is more than 10 bucks or so, even if you're going someplace very nice!

But of course saying anything about it makes you an elitist or a Brandwhore or that you are shaming the poorfags, it's just ridiculous.

>> No.7452821
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>buy brand dress
>all your friends swarm around you asking for money

>> No.7452828

>spend money on brand
>correction, save up money for months and then buy brand
>post on Facebook about my purchase
>mistakenly post price, cause it was a steal
>"But anon, you have kids! Think of them first! You don't see me dropping $200 on a dress! Besides, dress your age!"
>"...is that a D&B purse? How can you chastise me when that has to be at least $160 on your arm?"
>"I'll get more use out of this and besides, I need to treat myself once in a while! I deserve it!"
Bitches make no sense.

>> No.7452831

are you from the Chicago comm? I wanted to join, but now I can't... I can't even find an admin

>> No.7452848

LOL… Tell them you're broke because you spent it all on brand!

>> No.7452855

I know that feeling.
dear friend who goes to /cgl/ and does this:
I will not give you a damn cent.
being an actual good friend is how to get money from me.
begging me constantly and acting entitled when I do give you something?
nuh-uh. thats called being a shitty friend

>> No.7452863

this. I've saved so much money not buying a latte every morning. I've taught myself to drink regular coffee so I can get my caffeine fix, but not spend over $2 (because NYC is fucking expensive) for something I only drink half of.

>> No.7452893


man that's cheap.

>> No.7452910


I know, Anon! But I specifically said $10 because that was the price of admission to a recent movie and the average price of most of the lunch entrees at my favorite cafe and people griped. I was very disappointed! I know lovelyLor jokes about her Taco Bell but that's about what these cheap girls in my comm want to pay for a meet lunch or event entire, not just movie ticket.

>> No.7452939

>At least anything

You and your utter weakness and lack of pride is sickening

>> No.7452951

Yeah what do they expect? McDonalds?

>> No.7452984


Because they wanna look pretty or something. I have a friend who does Kurobas and has a properly fitting uniform, but is always complaining that it's "too baggy" and makes her look ugly. And I'm just like, "um, that's how basketball uniforms are supposed to look."

I mean, if people really want to do tighter/shorter bball uniforms, why not do Kuroko 70s edition with shortshorts and shit?

>> No.7453026

i know of someone who legally changed their name to Len Kagamine...
this person is a fat hispanic chick.
I cant.

>> No.7453032

I'll never understand how anyone that knows Spanish can choose a name that starts with "Kaga-". It sounds terrible.

>> No.7453044

you changed your name to the word for flower?

>> No.7453046

You know, not all tall girls are made the same. I'm 5'9 and have a small torso, all leg, and I can pretty much wear whatever as long as the skirt part is 50cm or more, and the OP has to be 90cm or more.

>> No.7453062

Is anybody else peeved by the newest post in egl? This newbie lolita here to grace us all with her exciting photoshoots every month or so! She's an aspiring model AND youtuber AND she has an *official* facebook page! Just in case you were confused by all the fake facebook pages made for this complete nobody.

>> No.7453063 [DELETED] 

Bonus PT inspired duckface in every single photo

>> No.7453064
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 1395764488936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus PT inspired duckface in every single photo

>> No.7453068

These are also my pet peeves, though I hate facial peircings IRL too because people use them as a replacement for having a personality.

>> No.7453070

>I can pretty much wear whatever
congrats on not needing the tall section yet talking like you are relevant. you're the minority of tall girls.
there's a section for you called "long"

>> No.7453076

There's a section for you called "bitch"

>> No.7453082

Or, you know, not all tall girls have weirdly long torsos. Sorry that I can wear more than you, but you seem super jelly project.

>> No.7453084

I know someone from work who has changed their name to 'Richie Legend', I thought they were joking but then they answered a phone call like that and everyone knows about it, I still call him by the name I know him as cause I don;t want to acknowledge it.

>> No.7453104

I'm sorry, I'm not even in the lolita community, but I can still tell you're a fucking jealous bitch and have a personal vendetta with that new lolita girl you're talking about.

All she's trying to do is have fun and dress up as a lolita and join the community. But it's jealous bitches like you who make it difficult for everyone.

Wow. Someone else is in the spotlight. Get over it.

Let them have fun and try out new things. Don't be a fucking cunt about it.

You know what peeves me? Cosplayers like you who act like elitist snobs when someone new is trying to join in.

>> No.7453116

10/10 great comeback, sorry I don't like my shit mislabeled
and not every tall lolita is built like you either, like I said, you're the minority.
not jelly, but seriously, whats the point in responding if you don't apply? now, try to respond this time without calling me "jelly" or any other edgy flavor of the month internet term you can come up with

>> No.7453123

meant to respond to the first one here >>7453076

>> No.7453130

I don't think you know what a "personal vendetta" or "jealousy" is. I have no idea who this girl is and I've always been very welcoming to newbies, even with the recent rash of them on egl. I like new people and her coords are fine, her attitude is what's weird. She doesn't seem like she's trying to join the community and be a part of it, but rather grace it with her presence. So her post just rubbed me the wrong way. Stay sandy though

>> No.7453154

I hope you destroyed that bitch.

>> No.7453160

I would bring it up any time the girl does anything on facebook
>Playing Facebook games? Don't you have a child to watch?
>You bought WHAT from Starbucks? You could have used that money to buy vegetables for YOUR CHILD

>> No.7453171

>force nickname onto self
>ruining purpose of nicknames
>choose Japanese name from anime
>ruining it again for nicknames are supposed to help define you not just copy some character
>have some back up autistic story ready to have other dumb asses cry rivers to
>still no reason why it MUST be a japanese characters name

typical weeb behavior

>> No.7453208

Jesus Christ, this. I sand the fuck out of everything I make and it drives me crazy seeing people who act like sand paper doesn't even exist.

>> No.7453314

bless you, you noble soul.
I wish I was your fb friend so I could witness this.

>> No.7453357


Weirds me out too. I had a nickname for most of my life, but that one was bestowed upon me by my friends. Nobody in their right mind would choose to be called Pete.

>> No.7453525

> crossplayers who insist they don't need binding, yet have tits so big that you first mistook their crossplay for a genderbent

I know binding can be a pain, but at least try to hide your tits as best as you can. Or at the very least wear a top that isn't 2 sizes too small for you when cosplaying a man.

> Storebought cosplayers who keep begging you to like their cosplay page

I'm not interested in liking a facebook page filled with selfies of you in a crappy ebay costume with 'Haven't dyed my hair in the right colour yet but couldn't wait to do a photoshoot with my new naruto cosplay uguuu <3<3' in the description.

>> No.7453815
File: 1.05 MB, 255x138, pretty good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7453857


You realise Hannah's a normalfag name too, right?

>> No.7453860

how old are you to have kids and still wear lolita?

>> No.7453865

>friend who is pretty average looking is cosplaying Alibaba from Magi
>ok this cant be so bad.
>Oh, he's making his own sword
>oh, he isnt sanding it
>comes out lumpy as fuck

...well...It wouldnt be so terrible, except he's one of those assholes who wants to be cosplay famous. ffs, what ever happened to cosplaying just to meet other fans and have fun?

>> No.7453874

Oh god, or people who dont know Samus had her suits and think only her zero suit is what she wears. I swear to gods, i hate people who only like zero suit samus and haven't even played the nes, snes or gameboy games.

>super metroid is superior metroid game

>> No.7453914

>People who put cosplay before proper priorities.

I have a friend who is currently living for free at another friends house and sleeps all day and stays up all night doing god knows what. Claims to have no money to help contribute to rent and food but goes out and buys fabric for cosplays and tickets for a con and doesn't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.7453920

>tfw you need to look up zero suit
I only know that orange chunky thing. I remember being surprised to learn that samus was a lady

>> No.7453926


>> No.7453932

Lots of people have kids in their early 20s you know

>> No.7453964

This right here is my pet peeve. If you really think there is an age limit to wearing lolita, maybe you should have stopped wearing bows and ruffles after you were 5

>> No.7453982

Kinda related, I always thought Samus was a dude and Kirby a girl

>> No.7453989

tumblr plz go

>> No.7453995

ffs, you know Samus is a woman if you played Super metroid, because her suit explodes when she dies. and even in the opening scene, you can clearly see her very feminine face

>> No.7453999

why? Theres no rush to have children. This isn't 1865

>> No.7454022

how retarded are you to think there is an age limit to fashion?

>> No.7454062

You're aware that "early 20s" is age 20-25? Very normal age to have children. Not everyone is saving their hymen for anime burando Jesus, some people want to start families instead of maintaining their middle schooler "im never gunna have kids!!!!!" approach to life.

>> No.7454084

Making the choice to not have kids is far from a middle school way of thinking. Not being able to support a child and not wanting said child to live unloved are sound reasons to not reproduce. There are many kids that still need good, loving homes because their parents couldn't provide that one way or another.

Not everyone wants kids and people need to respect that choice.

>> No.7454088

And yet some people genuinely don't want kids.
Gee, it's almost as if the world isn't filled with people with same world views as you.

>> No.7454096

Thinking that the early 20s is a "rush" is fucking stupid though.

>> No.7454099

>Asks why someone wants to have children because they're surprised
>Person responds

Yeah, we know. The question is: do you?

>> No.7454106

Whoa, calm down. Some finish uni at 26.

>> No.7454104

Not everybody wants to go without children and people need to respect that choice.

It's not that fucking surprising, jesus christ.

>> No.7454110

Not everyone wants kids. Do you actually understand this? I'm turning 30 this year and i havent had the desire to want kids since i hit puberty. They're too expensive and just not something i want in my life. I dont think there's anything wrong with my personal choice.

No it's not. Who is actually financially set in their early 20's and met the person they are going to spend their life with that young?

>> No.7454114

Lately people have been putting off kids until their late 20s/early 30s because of college, maybe partying, starting a career, etc.
So when they hit late-20/early-30, they're financially stable and ready for kids.
It's an economic thing, not so much social.

>> No.7454330

I think its okay to do an AU cosplay, but people who expect recognition are fucking stupid.

>> No.7454340

Misako will be a grannylita, you can just fuck right off thinking we aren't going to wear our frills the damn grave. My wardrobe will be massive by then!

>> No.7454350

This so hard. Fucking tumblr girls.
I crossplay as a guy sometimes, and it's pretty fun, I like being a guy for a few hours. Like "lol guys my boobs are gone" but I would never go around claiming to actually be ftm.
Fucking tumblr.

>> No.7454352

Having children in your early 20s is fucking stupid
You do know that once you have kids, your financial situation is statistically unlikely to improve above what it was, right? So you're basically roping you, your spouse and your kids into whatever you could afford as a 20 year old.
Having kids at your mid twenties invariably tells me that you can't operate above your base animal instincts, or you're dumb enough that you don't know how to use protection. You can whine about how you're different all you want, but most people that have kids early are incredibly stupid, and invariably shocked that kids aren't actually easy and they just flushed their life down the shitter.

>> No.7454355

Hey anon, did you know that people have different ambitions than you do? Wow!

>> No.7454356

What a bitch. I still live with my parents, and I can only work so much while I'm at school, but I save my pathetic pay to buy brand. I don't have money left over, jesus.

>> No.7454360

You sound mad. Being mad isn't going to erase the mistakes you made as a teen that are going to need your full and undivided attention for the next 18 years while milking all of your extra energy, finances, and attention
>mfw I can't even be mad some dumb teen mom is butthurt because I can actually live my own life however I want

>> No.7454369

baaaaaawwww you got posted :((((((((((((((((((((

>> No.7454372

C-caps? This sounds fun.

>> No.7454374

Reading comprehension, people. That anon was a different person ("I would" = "this is what I would have done, if in your place")

>> No.7454381

I'm waiting for the first lulzy videos so don't shit on her too badly or she'll back out!

>> No.7454387

Shit I thought she meant thats what she did.

>> No.7454394

Why hasn't the friend given them the boot or demanded they contribute? Some people are just freeloaders and have to be cracked down on before they shape up their shit. I'd give them one bitching out, set the rules, then if they didn't contribute, kick them to the curb.

>> No.7454401

Yeah, I'm anon who posted >>7453160, I meant it as something she should do. I hope she does. I hate the mommy olympics everybody who participates in that bullshit

>> No.7454408

I hope she does. I really do.

>> No.7454727

OP here.
Nah, I had her on my feed cause she was a friend, but I deleted her a few weeks ago. She's a lolcow; Got knocked up by a carnie and a deadbeat and falls in love every 6-8 months. Also thinks she's "LOLSOANONYMOUS 4CHAN IS SUPER SEKRET GUISE". No car, kids constantly has head lice, bounces from house to house because of her drama...I don't need to destroy her, she's done that herself.

Also, I'm 28. Not too old for lolita...yet. I think my manface is catching up to me though, so I'm enjoying my last 1.5 years of "youth".

>> No.7454776 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 750x680, 1365312516229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you got pregnant on accident and playing the fucking social justice warrior that deciding to have children at 20 and unmarried in this economy should be looked up upon

fucking scum of the earth
I bet you wont even be able to give your kids brand name cereal

>> No.7454783


>> No.7454788

nice comeback faggot
do you say the same for anons who post anime reaction images and tell them to go back to /a/?

fuck off you autist

>> No.7454791

its ok I think you just touched a nerve especially with the brand name cereal thing, not even kidding

>> No.7454812
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1395626179893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking scum of the earth
>using brony reaction image

>> No.7454884

Anon has a point, you know, and all the bullshit reasons you find to attack them is fucking ridiculous. If people go to university and finish in four years, they'd usually 21, and I don't understand why anyone would spend the first five years of their career trying to tend to a child. It's pretty illogical financially speaking. You wanna go and be like haha fucking pony reaction image when it has nothing to do with the argument. That's literally the same thing as 14 yr old girls trying to win arguments by correcting someone's grammar. How old are you?

>> No.7454934
File: 100 KB, 427x640, saki morimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about footwear, as far as characters who wear a certain type of shoe or something?

I know for fantasy characters who generally require boot covers it's a big deal, same thing with female characters who wear pumps or specific heels, but what about characters who canonically wear some sort of athletic shoe/sneaker?

Is close enough good? Or should cosplayers try and make exact replicas?

Pic related, I've never seen cosplayers with exactly precise shoes. Usually similar cut with different design on the outside, or way too big and clunky.

>> No.7454941

Is this legitimately an argument?
Not everyone has the same experiences as you. Some people are financially stable at different ages, not everyone in their twenties has their dream job or a job with a high chance of promotion and better pay but some do and that's why they'd have kids. I know 22-25 year old women who have a kid/kids and work at the local grocery store. I know other women the same age who work in a major business in the nearby "urban" town and come home to their families where they can afford to live in nice neighborhoods and are middle/middle-upper class. Everybody's different, just because you're in your 20s and have kids doesn't mean you made a mistake or are in poverty or are even poor/lower class. Just because you're in your 20s and don't have kids doesn't mean you made the better choice and are rich or even richer than someone who did.
Everybody's different, yay differences.

>> No.7454955

As close as possible, yet within reason. I guess the main factor is if it looks sloppy or out of place with store bought things, you need to make some modifications or create your own so that it goes better. I know for TF2 cosplayers, the Scout wears black sneakers with white stripes on the side. You can buy normal adidas that are near exact except they have two stripes, whereas Scout has three. Some people paint or stitch the extra detail, some leave it out, but it's so minor that I never care to check shoes. As long as they look close enough and mesh well with the rest of your cosplay, don't sweat the small things.

>> No.7454973

Friends who just sit around while I pay for and make all the costumes. They gripe about not having anything to do, don't know how to do anything for the project, and eventually end up either hunting down the last few bits we need or just dicking around on the internet.

It's not terrible per say, I get paid back later, but I'd appreciate it if they could do... Anything...

>> No.7455043

Hey man, Tootie Fruities and Marshmallow Maties are the fucking best.
And the get 2-3x the cereal at half the cost.

>> No.7455056

Goddamed right. Those cinnamon toast crunch knock offs are the shit.

>> No.7455673

"Early motherhood has been linked with a number of adverse outcomes, including mental health difficulties and barriers to completing educational qualifications and workforce participation. The present study examined the extent to which these linkages could be explained by the influence of social, family, and background factors that were associated with early motherhood."
"....Early motherhood was associated with higher levels of mental health disorders, lower levels of educational achievement, higher levels of welfare dependence, lower levels of workforce participation, and lower income."
I don't care about your friend who is totally financial stable with a great job and an education and seamlessly balances parenthood that they totally planned for all while just being out of high school. Sure, some of them exist. But statistically, across the board, people who have children early are far more likely to be poor, stay poor, and have children that continue in poverty. There's practically zero not to wait, other than "but I wanna have a babby!" which is a shit argument when you're bringing kids into the world. Stop defending this nonsense.

>> No.7456755
File: 71 KB, 200x200, tumblr_msfjinmNIg1r9a938o2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I look so bad in this cosplay :(((("

*posts 3000 selfies a day, in said cosplay*

>> No.7456769

girls who crossplay from free

and think they legitimately look hot.

even if you bind your tits and airbrush your abs amazingly well, i just dont think that the free boys translate well into real life on female bodies.
hell they dont translate well on half the men i see; but there is no way i can explain this without sounding like a complete and utter jackass

i just see these girls doing the heavy contour makeup while trying to pass as an overly toned anime swimmer never works out well

>> No.7456787
File: 456 KB, 639x660, 47859340563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend/acquaintance makes shitty cosplays
>never finishes them, just keeps dropping one and picking up another
>she has a job, lives with her parents while going to college, but spends all of her money on figures and cosplays that she never finishes
>doesn't even go to conventions, just plays dressup with her webcam
I just don't understand her.
I am admittedly jealous that she has the money to do this, but she isn't spending it wisely at all.

>> No.7456895

sounds like me... minus the "goes to college" and "spends money on figures".

>> No.7457637

-people who make cosplay fan pages when they've only worn two or three cosplays that they bought online
-people who buy costumes online that fit them horrendously and don't do anything to alter it
-people that are their own headcanons for characters
-people that don't cut the bangs on their fucking wig
the list goes on and on

>> No.7457639

every tumblr ask blog. so much second hand embarrassment and so many gifs of girls who don't know how guys masturbate.

>> No.7457648

People who have a cosplay page when they don't make their own costumes, don't wear wigs, do everything half assed, not even good at cosplay.
People who are new to cosplay trying to tell me how much the 'scene' has changed over the last year when I've been doing it for 8 years.
People who cosplay characters without watching the anime/playing the game that they are from.

>> No.7457685
File: 63 KB, 755x720, 1285126722969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who cosplay from things they have never even touched and won't bother to even try, and are literally just cosplaying the character because it's slutty and they want attention. Especially when the character doesn't even act slutty and just happens to have a skimpy outfit.
There are a million other skimpy-ass designs out there, go for something you know for god's sake.

>> No.7457689

that;s my favorite, anon.
>Cosplay is so different now. I started in 2011 and it was so much better
mfw i have no face

>> No.7457695

The first me might simply be from embarrassment over the rest, haha!
Not wanting to post that shit on their real page.
I think that's what a great many Facebook pages are for.

>> No.7457715

Took me a minute

>> No.7457724

Hats, tattoos, facial piercings, lolita... The list goes on, its all a replacement for a personality.

Jks on the last one, the personality was already there, the pretty dress just makes it socially acceptable to be a catty, stuck-up, bitch who won't go out with me no matter how many times I ask.

>> No.7457736

A Lolita smiles and says, "Onoes, you have called out our clever dissembling, we are exposed...whatever shall we do?"

>> No.7457762

"I know! Let's dress in Onesies! THAT'S COSPLAYING RITE?"


>> No.7457807

To play devil's advocate for kigus, they are called "disguise pajamas" and come as different characters. So, since disguises are like costumes and you could easily roleplay said characters, kigurumi are kinda sorta cosplay.

>> No.7457809

hey hey hey

it also means nose

>> No.7457821

That reference whooshed right over my head. Explain

>> No.7457828
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>> No.7458000

>20-25 years
>teen mom

>> No.7458009
File: 44 KB, 712x649, 1392236999275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.7458012

All I could think of was Yu-Gi-Oh

>> No.7458016

it's hard to narrow down what you're judging women for, you know? it all just ends up in there at once.

>> No.7458026

Not sure if anyone's said this yet, but untrimmed wigs are a huge pet peeve of mine. It bothers me so much when I see newbie Lolitas wearing wigs with bangs that are far too long so they just kind of comb them over to the side.

Everyone can tell you just pulled it out of the bag and stuck it on. Trim your bangs.

>> No.7458029

I hate this too. I've politely suggested to a couple of people to maybe trim the bangs? and get met with "oh I like it this way!!"
So you like looking lazy.. alright then. There's a reason you don't see good cosplayers/lolitas/coords with those awful bangs....

>> No.7458031

that boy is gay

>> No.7458036
File: 62 KB, 1230x337, 1395937042312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who fucking type like pic related.
I understand wanting to be cute and to show your personality, but jeez Louise calm your tits.

>> No.7458041

ugh just saw that too

>> No.7458040

Reminds me of my 14 year-old self.
Oh god how old is this person

>> No.7458043

>I lived in Japan when I was 12-15 and it wasn't weird to be who you wanted to be
confirmed for lying chuunibyou

>> No.7458042 [DELETED] 

What the actual fuck is wrong with egl?
>My name is Zoë, I'm 23 & I live in Texas and I wanna make all kinds of Loli friends :D
I'm new to the....everything. It's really weird how I've always loved the sweet lolita fashion like my whole life growing up, but I didn't know there was a name for it. Every time I saw a cute frilly skirt I'd be like "That would be SOO much cuter if it were more poofy." Or "I really like that little dress there if it were more pastel..." and omg the BOWWWSS! I was so happy! I used to live in Japan when I was 12-15 and it wasn't weird to be who you wanted to be, so I always loved giant bows in my hair, on my clothes or anywhere! Also the most amazing thing is that I am very busty, but I've never been one for showing off my goodies. So the modesty was just wonderful! I hate anything too revealing. But anywhoozle. I would really like to meet more Lolita friends who don't look down on me for not buying brand. I'm not against it, if I cloud afford it, I'd wear it every second of the day, but I cant.....so I don't....I'm a regular human wife who cant spend a million dollars on clothes.
23. She's 23.

>> No.7458047

Ahahah, literally came here to post the exact same thing
At least the recent rash of newbies is entertaining
Also, 23. She's 23. 23, married, apparently doesn't know what a "job" is.

>> No.7458049


>> No.7458052


>> No.7458055

Wait a moment, she posted this in her journal first then, reposted it onto EGL but still missed the 500 typos? How?

>> No.7458067

...trimming the bangs? People I buy plenty of wigs and I do the comb to the side because I want it to be side parted. It looks better than blunt bangs on my face. You fuckers need to chill out.

>> No.7458065

she says she's 23 in the first sentence........

>> No.7458068

>says she's 23
>says she's a wife
>says she lived in japan
>lying chuunibyou
so how old is she really?

>> No.7458072

Sorry anon but this shit ain't cute. Ever. Get off the computer and trim your bangs.

>> No.7458073

you are part of the problem.
trimming =/= blunt cut

>> No.7458077
File: 67 KB, 343x393, 1395938933068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she sticks around for awhile. my rage hasn't been fed in a bit.

>> No.7458076
File: 151 KB, 640x854, 1395938895154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point

>> No.7458084

Has she never heard of Bodyline? If she can't find clothes then what has she been wearing?

She should also try harder. I'm bigger than her and my closet's full of mostly brand.

>> No.7458088

Kill it with fire

>> No.7458092

lol why would you not wear something that you admit you like and looks good on you just because it might be "stereotypical"?? they're also stereotypical lolita colors...

and also why can she not do basic things like figure out what colors might look good on her? i'm white but there's tons of shades of colors i have to avoid because they make me look awful. this is something all people have to deal with...

>> No.7458099

>i hate to bring race into it but did you ever notice how japanese companies only have japanese models? it's like they're a different country or something

Ugh. This spechul snowflak black loli chuunibyou who totes lived in japan is going to turn into another annoying ita who pulls the race card at every sign of concrit. She already looks like she has a wig before basic coord necessities.

>> No.7458102

She says she lived in Japan from 12-15 and now she is 23 and a wife. I know her post is difficult to trudge through but it's not THAT hard.

>> No.7458107

I'm kind of curious of her coords (if she has any?? she looks like she's wearing Lolita in her pic) but also kind of afraid.

Pretty sure anon was joking with that post.

>> No.7458110

Sorry but this just never looks good.
You know how when a girl doesn't go to the salon for a long time, her bangs grow out and get all stringy? That's exactly the look you're trying to defend.
No respectable hairstylist would cut bangs like that because it's not a flattering hairstyle in any way, shape, or form on anybody. If you want long bangs, you get graduated layers. Not a huge chunk swept to the side. If you want sideswiped bangs, they are still going to be more trimmed, styled, and generally shorter.

>> No.7458150
File: 90 KB, 256x230, 1370202052333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject of cosplay fan pages, there's always been one little thing that bothered me about those.
It's when someone makes a cosplay page when they only have rushed/sloppy cosplays up.
Honestly, I think it's a slap in the face to other cosplayers who actually put in more time and effort to make their cosplays look good.

>> No.7458156

Yeah no I think they meant since she seems so immature she must not really be 23.

>> No.7458166

My apologies then

>> No.7458318

Part of it is the wig makers fault. They only show that sideswept shit as examples instead of showing a couple of styled shots captioned 'and this is the wig after the fringe has been shaped to compliment the wearer's face'. You know if the seller shots show it sideswept that people just leave it that way. People do it with their goddamn BJD wigs too and it all looks so bad...

>> No.7458324

Most wig shops show the wig on someone else with it already styled or just long bangs instyled in the front with the caption that they're not going to be cut. The real problem is bitches are too scared to cut they bangs or take that shit to a stylist.

>> No.7458328

My longtime peeve is people who say they are 'into Lolita', blab opinions, take part in debates, concrit, talk lifestyle...post and post and post...but don't own/wear any actual lolita clothes.
Not Lolita.

>> No.7458336

I'm sorry. I'm very guilty of this. I just like being part of the community.

>> No.7458348

Idgi. If you don't wear the clothes, how are you thinking you are part of the community? It's based on wearing the fashion.
I don't get mad and bitch them out or anything but I pretty much just ignore them when I find out they aren't even dressing in the fashion.

>> No.7458366

because i've been following the fashion since 2004? and an active community member since 2006?

>> No.7458369

Different anon, but why don't you wear Lolita?

>> No.7458371

How can you be a community member if all you do is sit behind a computer screen? What have you been doing for 10 years?

>> No.7458379

This! One of the Lolita bloggers (I think it was a Parfait Doll) posted about closet or armchair Lolitas quite a while back and I suspect there are quite a few of them in online venues.
And yep, never wear the fashion, just imagine they are 'into it' because they like it and look at things on the net.
I don't think anyone has to post pix everywhere or blog or do wardrobe posts but I do think it's a bit weird to hang out and post in a comm when you don't even participate in the main reason to be there, wearing the fashion.
Do you hang out in book clubs but don't read the books?
Fitness forums but don't exercise?
It's odd.

>> No.7458384

I get hanging out for a while until you can buy your first Lolita clothes but not if you aren't going to wear the fashion. Do people in the comm know you don't even really wear lolita but have been hanging in the comm for years? I can't imagine anyone even taking that seriously.

>> No.7458391

Adding to that as well, I hate when Kurobas (or any sports anime) cosplayers don't wear proper shoes.

No basketball player would wear Keds or slip ons. I know the exact shoes the characters wear would be in the $200 range, but you can at least go for actual basketball shoes. You can buy a cheap pair for $30 at Walmart.

>> No.7458404


combination of money, size, and standards. i was in hs when i discovered it, didn't have the money for anything like a "wardrobe". i did buy a couple pieces while i was an exchange student (accessories, i didn't want to be embarrassed if nothing i tried on fit me with my host sister and her group of friends, who already thought being in the store was weird as fuck, staring at me). then i was on my own, supporting myself, broke and distracted from lolita. got sucked back in one day and i did go to one meetup wearing casual lolita. then i gained a lot of weight due to chronic illness, of course the one period of my life i actually had the $$$ to buy anything but i didn't want to look terrible forcing myself etc. now i'm currently losing a ton of weight due to chronic illness and i'm taking advantage of it while i can by saving for lolita and dressing in it and everything. so i am getting there!

i've made several lolita friends over the years and gone to events etc. i mostly went in jfashion and not lolita specifically. and i've been on egl for a really long time, i guess ~computer participation~ doesn't count but i've made lots of good online acquaintances through egl, sold and bought on the sales, and kept up with all the new releases. i just...know what's going on. just because i don't wear it everyday doesn't mean i don't know what lolita's about, is all i was trying to say. sorry for the novel of my life story there but there were a lot of things stopping me.

>> No.7458425
File: 39 KB, 600x358, 202989_v0_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate cosplayers not taking into consideration the fabric clothes would be made of in canon.

This has bothered me for years too.
All it takes is like 30 secs of thought.

School uniform? Durable cotton poplin
Formal princess? Taffeta, duchess satin, damask
Post apocalyptic? Rough hewn cottons and canvas

Just think about the setting and the world the characters inhabit. It's not hard.

Example. Leather Shingeki jackets....
A world where there is a shortage of land to grow food. They do not have loads of cattle to provide leather for an entire army.

>> No.7458428

it's how you can tell most people have passion, and maybe even sewing skills, but not clothing design skills...

>> No.7458983


>> No.7459248

I have a friend who doesn't have a job at all, but uses her bf's money to support all of her cosplays, on top of him paying their rent, bills, life expenses.

>meanwhile, she creates a FB page
>and a tumblr
>shittalks everyone behind their back
>posts herself everywhere
>bawwws when someone critiques or calls her on her shit
>deletes it all
>starts back up again

>> No.7459259

But they sure do have a lot of dead human bodies in the SnK universe. Or, what if they killed one titan and skinned it? That hide would go reallllly far.

>> No.7459261

tl:dr - are you a lolita? Meaning, do you wear the clothes? If so then they weren't talking about you.
If no, then why the wall of text about something you don't even participate in besides yakking online?
Geez, not difficult. I'm sure there are plenty of people who follow lolita topics but you don't really call them Lolitas unless they wear the fashion.

>> No.7459267

I was a little peeved by this opinions when I started. Honestly, even just trimming the length and then angling them so that they can be nicely sideswept looks far nicer.

Sometimes bitchy ass opinions can actually be bright and you gotta take em with a grain of salt.

>> No.7459266

Titans "evaporate" after you kill them anon.

>> No.7459276

Very true. Plus it's funny to think that you did benefit from a bitchy nitpick, so the criticizer did you an improvement without meaning to.

>> No.7459279

i hesitate to call myself a lolita because i don't dress in it (i don't think once or twice counts). but i still consider myself active/knowledgeable/have a worthwhile and informed opinion, which is what anon was questioning.

>> No.7459291

Ok, I get it now. I think a decade is a long time to immerse yourself in something you don't even do but whatever floats your boat. I haven't talked much to the sideline ones on the com who don't wear the fashion, I lose interest. But that's because my focus is on the practical aspects...dressing up, meets and outings, my closet and coordinates etc. I don't usually go in much for the pure academics when there's teas to go to and shopping to be done!

>> No.7459717

Ugh. All of this. It really bugs me when sports anime cosplayers try to be supa kaywhy bishie and not wear the proper gear. In the end, they only look like idiots who haven't actually looked at how the characters wear their clothes or how athletes look. Maybe I'm only this mad because I've played sports all my life, along with my family. It's just really noticeable.

>> No.7459763
File: 517 KB, 245x150, _mz3gnqcEbp1rthg23o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay's that have MOTHER FUCKEN OFF GRAIN HEMS!! and shitty ruffles, gathers, tucks, pleats and so on ect. yeah you may have made it all by your self but please follow the pattern instructions and take a bit more time on sewing straight lines and curves.

Also if your not sure on how to do something google for fuck sake its right there for your lazy half as jobs.

>> No.7460773

see, for me what i love the most is the design, aesthetic, the way that it makes me feel. lolita is definitely what pushed me towards fashion design and learning to sew and cultivate a very high standard for myself.

personally, i like that this fashion means so many things to so many people. i can't wait until i can participate in the shopping and meets too, but i guess for me it really is the "academics" that keep me in c:

>> No.7461679

How does it make you feel anything but 'on the outside looking in' when you are just watching others wear it but not wearing it yourself? I don't get it either. Good luck Anon, we'll see you around when you are actually dressing in the fashion and contributing.

>> No.7461692

of course it hurts to see it and not wear it. but again, it's the aesthetic, design, and a bit of the original ~philosophy~, i guess, that got me involved and keep me here. but thanks c: me either.

>> No.7463424


why do they think its okay not to wear the right shoes or fuking get properly fitted uniforms?
is their kawaii yaois too much of a worry for money?

god i fucking hate fujoshits anyway
theyre gonna shit up haikyu too just watch

>> No.7463434

Noob at sewing here, what does an off grain hem look like?

>> No.7463457

It gets pulled/puckered/gathered on the stitches. It happens a lot with fabric that has been custom printed (especially from Spoonflower) because the fabric gets pulled off-grain while printing.

>> No.7463462
File: 48 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.570589555_od4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example. You see the sort of "ridges" above and below the hem's top stitching?

>> No.7463468

Is there anything that can be done to fix it?

>> No.7463474

A blind hem on printed fabric can help, but that's about it. It creates fewer stress points, so it's less noticeable. For non printed fabric, you just have to find your grainline and cut on it (commercial patterns have those arrows on them for you to line up with the grain line and prevent puckering).

>> No.7463499


> Welp, some of my hems do that. Gotta watch out next time.

>> No.7463623

You should always cut everything on the proper grain, but if the hem of an item is curved, it will pucker and ripple even if it's cut correctly. Blind hems can help a lot for soft curves, but for more pronounced curves like circle or half-circle skirts you will only get a good looking hem if you hem it with a strip of bias-cut fabric.

>> No.7463901

>"I'm not a cosplayer yet, I've never touched a wig or sewn anything, but I'm gonna tell you how to make your whole costume and style your wig because I read it once on the internet once!"
No. No fuck you. If you don't have any working knowledge of this stuff at all and you want to help, link me to whatever tutorial you supposedly read, do not regurgitate that shit at me when you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7464651

Maybe the same way looking at a picture of a kitten makes you feel? Or a work of art?

>> No.7464805

>for the next 18 years
being a parent doesn't end after they turn 18 unless you're kicking them out at that age. try for the next 22 years.

>> No.7464868

With the way things are right now? More like 25. I've lost count of the number of friends who have had to immediately move back in with their parents after uni because they couldn't find work.

And at least three graduated, got jobs and moved out, then got fired after a year or two so their company could hire another new graduate for cheaper, and had to move back home and work shitty part time jobs while looking for a new position.

>> No.7464885


I have two small visible black line tattoos and don't buy special makeup to cover them up. I basically do the same routine as I would do with my face but with a lot more concealer. If I am going all day I just keep an eye on it but really only ever need to fix it maybe once for good measure. Depends on if your tattoos are big or colored though.

>> No.7464897

They're not colored, but I would prefer make up specifically to cover tattoos. Too much concealer makes you blotchy or runs off on everything.

>> No.7464988

I lost it at this

>> No.7465001

>More like 25
Ahahah. I'm 27 and my parents are still paying 2/3 my student loans and will be until I'm at least 35

>> No.7465003

You have my sympathies. So much.

>> No.7465008

I didn't realize that purple and/or yellow were black colours. I've lived in some really "white minority" areas and I've never noticed this. And no, it wasn't in the greatest parts of town.

Sort of on subject with this thread, I think my name may have been legally changed to White Girl. It's pretty cool, and makes me super special and interesting!

>> No.7465014

I get that but then you don't go posting in cat owner or painters forums unless you are a cat owner or a painter, correct?

>> No.7465019

- when people feel the need to tell you the horrible reason they can't go to a meetup instead of just quietly declining. it's like they think that they're so critical to the group dynamic that surely we all must be dying to know why they can't attend??? but no, they never attend, no one expects them to attend, and when they do show up like once every two years, they're late and spend the entire time talking about why they shouldn't have come.
- when brand skirts don't align the prints. come on, for $300 you can't make sure both sides of the skirt match up?
- when indie brand slap their name in huge letters onto an otherwise nice print like they're fucking Baby or some shit. here's looking at you, haenuli.

>> No.7465032


>when people feel the need to tell you the horrible reason they can't go to a meetup instead of just quietly declining.

Someone does this in my normie group. It is beyond annoying

>oh my boyfriend and I have to meet up with his friends! Can't come!
>oh this movie isn't to my liking! But here's some we should watch! They're all fucking boring and oscar bait! Never mind that the initial suggestion was to watch mindless action porn!
>Oh, I can't go because I'm going home this weekend!

Shut. The fuck. Up. No one. Fucking. Cares.

I feel bad, because she's nice, but she's also socially awkward so it's starting to drive people nuts.

>> No.7465059

I hate when Fanplusfriend does this. I don't own any of their stuff but sometimes I find items I think are pretty and then there's a "FANPLUSFRIEND" written in giant letters on the skirt. Ruins it.

>> No.7465063

some people take the facebook 'oh you cant go? Tell everyone why you can't go!' prompt when you click 'Not Going' seriously.

>> No.7465061

>Mixing Fruit Motifs
Goddammit. Your dress has strawberries on it. Don't wear cherries with it!

>Random insersion of non-matching motifs in general
People seem most guilty of adding music themed items for no reason. Especially socks/tights.

>Printed tights with printed dresses for a busy, eye-searing mish-mash
I blame JetJ for this being a trend right now.

>'I've been a lolita since 2001! I just bought my first dress, though.'

>Lolifying everything
I understand wanting to make your phone case or iPod or the like cuter for daily use, but there are some things that really should just be allowed to be practical. You don't have to be unseelie, on the treadmill in bloomers and a corset. You can have things in your life that aren't 100% tied to lolita 100% of the time.

>People glued to their phones at meets
It doesn't happen too often, and sometimes there are valid reasons, but you came to the meet to chat and interact with us. You don't have to tweet everything we've done all day. You don't have to take selfies every time we change venues or topics of discussion. You don't have to text your boyfriend nonstop while you're away from him. Seriously. Put. The Phone. Away for a bit.

>> No.7465090

I was going to quote the best ones of this to agree with you but I actually agree with all of this.
Fuck off

>> No.7465104
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People who can't style/cut wigs to save their life. Part of me dies every time I see badly cut bangs on a wig. Pic very related.

>> No.7465107


>> No.7465119

I think it's funny when someone pokes fun at it with their own decline.
"I'm ever so sorry my frilly Darlings but my cat has developed a Mysterious Illness and since you know of my devotion, I simply must remain at his side to nurse him. I will miss you sorely
do but do have a lovely time!"

>> No.7465122 [DELETED] 

How can you like sports if you don't play sports? You can watch and learn the technicalities and enjoy talking about it with other people, many of whom might play. How can you enjoy keeping up with haute couture without wearing it yourself? You can follow designers, read up on upcoming trends, and reach out to others, some who might wear these clothes.

You can appreciate the aesthetics, be extremely knowledgeable about, and have informed opinions about things that you don't necessarily actively, physically take part in. The original gripe was people being "into lolita" without actually being lolita, but I'd assume these people would never call themselves lolita. Which is pretty much the same thing as being mad at people who are "into cars" but aren't mechanics or drivers. You can like a thing without physically participating, especially when it's something so visually driven.

>> No.7465129
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>> No.7466171

>>People who use you as their personal sewing instructor because they don't want to just think for themselves or google shit.

I am self taught when it comes to sewing and don't know everything but do pretty good because of years of trail and error. I have one friend who harasses me around con season at all hours of the day and night for advice on how or do things. They can't do anything without asking me if it's what they should do. It's really fucking hard to have someone describe something or send pictures and ask you to figure it out and tell them what to do. I don't mind helping with one or two things but the whole fucking costume!? Oh and then they get bitchy when I'm not available!

>> No.7466198

similarly to this I can't stand when people ask me where I bought my wig or a piece of my costume, and expect me to directly link them to the exact same product because they are too lazy to just look for themselves when I say "ebay" or whatever. I sometimes spend a good hour or so looking for specific wigs and/or costume pieces and I'm not going to just spoon feed my findings to any stranger who asks...
sure I'll tell you the seller I got it from but other than that do it yourself

>> No.7466210

So why are you friends? You sound like the retarded one here.

>> No.7466520

Maybe I am. I wouldnt go as extreme to end friendships over cosplay because we are more than just con friends.

>> No.7466764

... have you never met anyone called Fleur?

>> No.7466786

cause there cosplay never for the first one by chasing the cosplay, asks questions if they were there

>> No.7466847

> People glued to their phones at meets

I hate it when people are glued to their phone in any social situation. Whenever I throw a party with my friends, I have a phone bowl, and you're only allowed to look at your phone if it actually goes off or if you're waiting for an important call. (Note that this is with my group of close friends, I wouldn't do it with people I don't know well). Also when people invite you over to their house and then just go on the internet/make you watch them playing COD with their XBox live friends or whatever. No, I don't care about your 360noscope, a video of a guinea pig swimming, or what's on the front page of funnyjunk. I don't know, I was just raised to think that that sort of thing is really rude. /rantover

>> No.7466851

at my last meet people were playing on their fucking 3DSs. Like not even with other people there. And no one was ignoring them, they would pull it out in the middle of conversation

>> No.7467387
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>> No.7467397


This is pretty common at some of the smaller meets in my comm, but most of the girls have 3DS. It only really happens if there's a lull in the conversation and everybody checks their streetpass, then we go back to hanging out.

>> No.7467401

I admit that I've done this, but only to fit into a group with my friends who needed one more person, and I still wiki'd some information. I just didn't have the interest in the character or series. Sorry, anon.

>> No.7467402

>had a weapon that's been peacebonded to hell and back
>even had orange tips that I take off when people want pictures, then put them back on when I'm just walking around
>get stopped during a Halloween event in the local mall, where I'm friends with the head of security and at least three other guards
>they say that it look PS to real, tell me that they'll have to confiscate it or I have to leave

>raise rifle over my head and break it over my knee and leave

I don't know, I just lost it for a second, the guard was making a show that he was trying to contact backup as he was talking to me

I just wanted to hang out and enjoy my holiday

>> No.7467409

What comm, anon? I want in on that.

>> No.7467428

tldr you wasted your time when you were young, cute and poor and now youre too fat for lolita

>> No.7467444

you brought a gun to a mall... what did you expect? Ugh.

>> No.7467795

Are you autistic?

>> No.7467801

Mall people arent used to cosplayers and the same rules as cons don't apply sadly.

>> No.7467814

Except that they still hang in Lolita comms blabbing about the fashion when they still don't wear it. That peeves some of us but yes, it's ironic too.

>> No.7467822

I have a friend that basically communicates by sharing internet things and clips from her show. It's a bit bizarre...

>> No.7468164

I really hate when someone makes a review about a wig or contacts then take horrible pictures of themselves wearing them.

They look cute, that's great. But when the pictures you posted are completely washed out and heavily edited, it's not really a helpful review. When your blond wig is looking white and the only thing we see from your selfie is the ears down of the wig, I'm having a really hard time believing that it's "color accurate and thick."

>> No.7468171

I think it's because a lot of those "review" posts are more like "look what I got" posts by people who don't actually know quite how to review things properly.

>> No.7470919

lol missing the part where i said i was loosing a ton of weight

lol missing the part when i say i'm buying clothes now

lol thinking that for some reason not being 19 and broke is not being cute anymore


>> No.7472373

>cosplayer chooses character that is either ugly or not conventionally pretty
>lack of good looks contributes to character's development/personality in the story
>cosplayer then makes the character sexy/conventionally pretty with excessive make-up or costume edits

>cosplayer claims to be HUGE fan, the biggest fan of series/artist/game/movie/whatever, and knows everything about it!
>doesn't own their own copy of the source material and begs for references from other people
>gets angry when people suggest they support the series/artist/game/movie/whatever by buying it to do their own research
>privilege arguments ensue

>'please give me constructive crit on this!'
>receives constructive crit
>'oh, well I can't do that because ____ and I did ____ because ____ and I don't have time to redo it.'
>so why did you ask for crit again?

>people who bring huge props/wings/trains in small spaces and stop for photos, then bitch that other people are inconsiderate while trying to squeeze past

>> No.7475155


Yeah, those tend to be funny. My friend though, probably isn't joking. She's really into psych and freaks out when we mention the 'c-word.' Has no concept of humor, is paranoid about everyone cheating on her ('any guy if given the chance will cheat, 90% of them will cheat.') I have no idea how her bf puts up with her. He's super chill and just takes life as it is. I guess it is a good match since he's like that to calm her nerves.

Anyways enough about that. I'll add my own banal pet peeve which has probably been mention 50 times now

>when people don't leave feedback on lacemarket, despite the fact that you leave positive feedback for their buying stuff and you included a gift with the order
>everyone jumping on the bandwagon for a release you want
>itas jumping on the bandwagon for a release you want
>lolitas going all autistic on normies who call lolita fashion a costume

Like calm down, if they're interested, educate them and tell them where to get clothing. But they're not most of the time, and the more defensive you become about it, the weirder you're going to come off to them and reaffirm you in their eyes as a socially awkward weeb.

>> No.7475245

Piercings can close up, or they can hurt like a bitch if they're taken out (that is, lip and nose piercings). I not sure their cosplay as a hobby is more important to them than their piercings.

>> No.7475247

This happens in real life too. It's not the hobby that's making them catty. It's women bringing their cattiness to the hobby.

>> No.7475252


Pick one.

Lolita isn't fashion. It's cosplay. There's a big difference.

>> No.7475254

So basically

>things of things that don't affect me whatsoever

What is it with you people? Let people enjoy cosplay on their own. Why do things personally offend you? Who cares if they started a fan page? Who cares if someone bought a cosplay online? Who cares about their fucking wig?

Cunts, dude. All of you. This community sucks.

>> No.7475259

How are other peoples' pages a slap in the face to you at all?

>> No.7475261

If they are healed it's easy enough to wear clear retainers

>> No.7475264

>Phone bowl
Way to immediately ruin the vibe with negativity before people even walk into the room.

>> No.7475466
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>> No.7475538
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>Be Lolita of 4 or so years, never really claim to be an expert.
>Non loli semi-korea/weea/homestuckaboo friend (Recently evolved weeaboo breed: speaks in broken Korean and Japanese and worships K-pop idols/Andrew Hussie/Tumblr memes.) drags me to hot topic, points out ~*Lolita dresses*~!!
>It's all lacemonster ita shit
>Feel bad, try to at least guide her through ordering from Bodyline, Taobao.
>"Um, Anon...You DO know that the main colors of Lolita are red, black and plaid. How could you say you like Lolita fashion when you don't know anything about it?"

>mfw she's only known that the fashion was called lolita for ~6 months.

>> No.7475679

not really cosplay related but I've just started doing artist alley in hopes of making it into a living.

The amount of "I could do better than most of these artists, I should do AA" from my cosplay buddies drives me up the god damn wall. Because I've asked some of them if they wanted but they refuse to split table, hotel and material costs. Bitches thinking this shit is easy when they don't even realize the amount of effort and cash goes into it. Pisses me off.

>> No.7475733


Sounds like someone I know.

> Has a part-time job, never aspired to do anything better
> Lives at home with her mom
> Spends all of her money on cosplay, toys, and stupid crap
> Spends all of her time not at work sitting rotting in front of her computer
> Contributes nothing to her home or family
> Goes to like six or seven conventions a year
> CONSTANTLY talks about "I'm gonna do this costume!" and never does
> Last time she went abroad for a Con she managed to rack up $700 in roaming charges on her phone bill from a single weekend

>> No.7475737


I've worn kigurumis to Cons before. Mostly because they're comfy as fuck and I'd never wear one otherwise.

I've never once claimed to be actually cosplaying when I wear one though.

>> No.7476398

How is encouraging conversation 'negativity'? We used to do a shot every time someone checked their phone, but everyone just got really wasted really fast and ignored each other. One of my friends suggested the phone bowl, and we all agreed it was a good idea.it also has the added bonus of stopping my friends going on tumblr, which prevents any sjw-ness seeping into the conversation.

>> No.7477487

>losers finish uni at 26
Fixed that for u

>> No.7480078

No way, it's usually kind of common for people who want to have a really good education to study longer.

>> No.7480095

I know some idiot who acts like that too.

Like, I have nothing against trans people and all, but when you're not on any transitioning meds and still have a feminine body and then proceed to put on a dress and fawn over how ~kawaii of a crossdresser~ you are, and how ~you could totally be a cute brolita~ like what the fuck are you trying to accomplish?

You think you look like a girl when you put on a dress? I wonder why that is, buddy??? I. Wonder.

>> No.7480100

OH MY GOD how is it even possible to cut bangs that poorly? I cut better cosplay wigs when I was 13.

>> No.7480796
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>> No.7480830

Looking though her gallery is great because all her costumes appear to be made of quilting cotton.

>> No.7480844

Fat people can't be good cosplayers.

>> No.7480856

She admits that her standards aren't that high. I think that post was probably a vent after dropping a (for her) decent amount of effort on something and having a friend show up in closet cosplay with a party city wig maybe?

Idk, it's this weird mix of grouchy but yet not very high standards to begin with and then a cosplay fan page that kind of confuses me here...

>> No.7480897

I wouldn't mind someone doing this. I'd just look better by comparison.

>> No.7480963

>please message me when you decide to sell this dress

WHY do lolitas think it's ok to ask this question??? Especially on posts where it clearly says "I just bought my dream dress and it's the most amazing thing ever".... Like how selfish can you be?

>> No.7480973

I feel the same way but some people are very insecure about their cosplay or lolita friends and think that their bad cosplay or ita will rub off if standing next to. Why would someone looking at the photo blame you if your friend had a shit cosplay? I think she comes off just bossy and try-hard.

>> No.7481009


>> No.7481028


lol... this sounds like me.... minus the figurines...

>> No.7481033


>someone posts terrible ita picture or comment from tumblr/blog whatever
>everyone laughs at noob
>idiots then go on anon and tell poster 'STOP, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!'
>poster flounces and deletes tumblr/blog

seriously, stop doing this, I want to laugh at these people more, not have to go find them again under their new names, ugh

let the ita languish in its natural habitat, don't fucking scare it off, it is a majestic fucking derp-beast that should be observed only, not confronted

>> No.7481044

I think people should either help them or leave them be. I'm in the latter set, and I'm not above indulging in the lulz as they bumble along. Ita-spotting is a fun pastime and most of them either don't have the funds or the sense to get better any time soon so...

>> No.7481048

They tag the same so they just pop back up, ita as ever. They should just stick to their blog and take their lumps and improve instead of flouncing only to 're-invent'.
Same shit, different blog.