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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 532 KB, 900x675, 1395711897149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7451349 No.7451349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's getting an anime this summer, but there's already been plenty of blue hair and atrocious fashion to be seen at cons.

Post the good, the bad, the works.

>> No.7451359

i'm assuming that picture is the works? I mean it's not bad. The internet must be filled with bad ones.

>> No.7451368
File: 246 KB, 729x1096, happy_life_by_hardhk28-d5ubr3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that one, OP. It's ridiculous how many Aobas, at the cons around here at least, have a coat that's normal length rather than short...i mean isn't that kind of missing the point of why his coat is designed like that, to emphasize his waist? idk it just seems like an incredibly stupid visual mistake to me

anyway check out this koujaku's print

>> No.7451372
File: 127 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n2ynjev4nh1qafnobo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off of Tumblr...

She's not bad, except what is up with that eyeliner + circle lenses?

>> No.7451374

>mfw I love this thing's "shitty cyberpunk" aesthetic.

I've been thinking of cosplaying as the Grandma and giving my slut bandwagon jumper friends a piece of my mind though. Why can't I turn myself into a plump old lady for cosplay?

>> No.7451379

That definitely bothers me, but I guess when you have to mass-produce those stupid coats they aren't worried about exact waist, because that's effort.

What bothers me more is why so many Aoba coats are made out of that weird shiny material. It's been a bitch to find one without.

>> No.7451387
File: 70 KB, 355x473, youhadonejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me the worst is the cosplayers who dont even get the jacket

it literally is the main part of the cosplay.

>> No.7451390

no no no no no no god no the last thing CGL needs is a general thread for this fucking game. i cosplay from it and love it myself but nobody looks good as any of these characters because the fandom is full of girls who don't know how to crossplay. just why. nothing good or satisfactory could ever come of a thread for this game

>> No.7451391

Why do people like these character designs? Their clothes are so dweeby. Noiz just looks like an autist.

>> No.7451393

It bothers me when people don't do the shoes and the jacket right. They're the main pieces and the most faggoty parts of his outfit; how can they possibly think Aoba's complete without them.

>> No.7451395
File: 206 KB, 500x667, aoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat jacket

>> No.7451401
File: 265 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mzf17fQc5o1r79np8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this noiz is okay, Im not fans of ones like;
Mainly because Noiz's eyes arent that big. No need to go full out animu.

>> No.7451399

thats a ridiculously feminine, unattractive aoba.

honestly i find it kind of funny how many terrible crossplayers there are in this fandom because theyre literally all girls with yaoi fantasies. they want to find actual guys that cosplay from it but all they get are lesbians. its really funny.

>> No.7451400
File: 294 KB, 500x375, 1295939293132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no jacket
>pink shoes
>turquoise jeans???

>> No.7451405

This isn't bad, but I wished the bangs looked less crusty from hairspray/gel.

>> No.7451411
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>> No.7451414
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>koujaku's chest

>> No.7451417

Not even 15 replies in and this thread is already full of nitpicky, sour teenaged girls shitting on every possible detail they can. Just like in the Homestuck, Dangan Ronpa, and SnK threads. Fucking tumblrshit. All of you. And I'm in this fandom.

>> No.7451422
File: 236 KB, 1200x1600, 1395713265612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you want more guys?

>> No.7451420


>> No.7451432
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>> No.7451433
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Then post some quality.

Also for anyone who is interested in doing Koujaku, these temporary peony tattooes are available on Amazon. They're not 100% accurate but they're a good base to work with.


>> No.7451438
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tfw only ugly girls cosplay aoba

>> No.7451447
File: 103 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mzku38liCz1sy4kxvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best one

>> No.7451449

Honestly this guy is cute and doesn't look too bad.

>> No.7451446
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>> No.7451456
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>> No.7451452
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Pulled from FB.

>> No.7451453
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also, people who look underage cosplaying dmmd make me so uncomfortable.

>> No.7451457
File: 61 KB, 499x750, tumblr_n1a55dySyE1r7cn9co2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these two, especially the Mink. Not perfect, but better than average.

>> No.7451461

What happened to that wig? It looks like it got lit on fire.

>> No.7451459
File: 35 KB, 250x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451464

ah, that mink is actually pretty good; makes me not hate the character as much

>> No.7451467


Reminder that if you like Mink, you are the worst kind of fan.

>> No.7451470

That Mink is fantastic.
Clear is underwhelming and looks kind of... eh.
My heart goes out to cosplayers willing to take pictures with people much less attractive than them.

>> No.7451475

Best characters.

>> No.7451471

Didn't take long for the Mink-bashing to begin either

>> No.7451478
File: 42 KB, 250x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AU where Aoba is a teenage girl who piles on the makeup.

>> No.7451479
File: 70 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mtl2v8kK9M1qlcsivo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of a few ladies who use their actual dreads, they look great for Mink.

>with that I have no idea if this Mink is wearing a wig or not

>> No.7451480

mink is disgusting and you are disgusting for liking him

>> No.7451486

mink can never look great because mink is shit

>> No.7451488
File: 84 KB, 484x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both look so exhausted.
And Aoba's face looks like there might have been a contouring attempt, but I have no idea.

>> No.7451492
File: 100 KB, 960x960, dammit goddammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no words

>> No.7451496

They look like they're 13 and have no idea how to style wigs.

>> No.7451497
File: 203 KB, 533x800, 1395714352143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mink hate go away
We get it, he's a dick
Let's talk about cosplay for five seconds jfc

>dat Beni

>> No.7451500

my hate for mink will never die

>> No.7451509

Isn't it appropriate for Sei to look like hell though? Looks like intentional sickly makeup from here.

>> No.7451517

i want mink to die a painful death along with this shitty thread

>> No.7451518

It is. Looks like someone didn't play the game (which is what I suspect about most of the people in this fandom)

>> No.7451514

It just looks strange to me honestly. Like, it makes them look so much worse than they probably do. I get the concept but it just looks dumb.

>> No.7451515
File: 150 KB, 900x600, 1395714634148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares

>> No.7451522

and by 'someone didn't play the game' I mean the anon who is unaware that Sei is very ill and it's not a bad idea to do makeup that shows that. It's more effort than most people put in.

>> No.7451527

i care. mink sucks and so do you

>> No.7451529
File: 90 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n149nmkTV91s2xs5mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engage minku modo

>> No.7451532

stop posting cosplays of that shitty fucking character

>> No.7451534

I don't understand why so many people on tumblr like him, he's the least likable and romance between him and Aoba makes no sense.

>> No.7451535
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, 1395714895512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even think you tried at all

>> No.7451541
File: 2.95 MB, 1356x2048, 1395715012237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this outfit made out of electrical tape?

I mean I give them props, there's no decent way to make that ensemble not hideous.

>> No.7451539

some of the routes i was apathetic about on the romance side, but mink and aoba falling in love was beyond conceivable belief. there was almost no chemistry and no build up to it, whereas the other routes at least had SOME sense, mink's felt rushed and stupid even ignoring all the rape scenes. i don't get why he has so many fans. shitty wifebeating character is shitty and wifebeating.

>> No.7451540

weird. i see almost no love for mink on tumblr (everyone's favorites seem to be clear and koujaku, besides aoba)

>> No.7451545

looks like satin ribbon used to try to make plaid fabric? that's... a lot of work for something that turned out looking so weird

>> No.7451548
File: 562 KB, 689x456, 18573233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451553
File: 267 KB, 1280x960, 1395715246303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre mad. im sensing tumblr from you.

I'm torn on genderbends. I think they could look great (especially a well-done Koujaku) but people seem to half ass them 90% of the time.

the one on the far right seemed to try, though. kudos to her.

>> No.7451552

I enjoyed Mink as a character, his motivations and backstory were interesting and I enjoyed exploring him. I didn't necessarily *like* him as a person but I like him as a character if that makes sense.

But as a romantic interest for Aoba I thought it was absolutely awful. They didn't even try.

>> No.7451555

wow, this is actually pretty good

>> No.7451562

down with mink

>> No.7451564

the weird hypocrisy of it is that you get people who absolutely abhor mink, yet they love virus and trip. doesnt make any sense, virus and trip did worse things to aoba than mink did.

>> No.7451559

Mmf, this Kojaku

>> No.7451560

it's a pity actually, "weird grumpy native american" sure isn't a common BL character type and he could have been rly interesting if his route(s) had less rape and more character development

>> No.7451565

haha, at least i can tell which Aobas bought their jacket, considering it's supposed to be mid torso length. Oh god, these bitches just make me laugh

>> No.7451566
File: 620 KB, 870x887, THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to explain this to a girl at a con and she awkwardly slapped my hand because she was so upset I mentioned him.

>> No.7451572
File: 676 KB, 1000x667, 1395715462050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451578
File: 197 KB, 774x1032, 1395715558417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still kinda sad Mizuki didn't have a route. I liked his character design.

>> No.7451577

I mad. I'm really mad about the anime announcment. It's going to be shit, and it's going to make this fandom 100x worse than it already is. I have no idea where the dmmd tards came from, but its just going to stink. I'm already sick to death of seeing teenagers trying to be Aoba, that don't bind, do make up properly , and just buy their costume altogether.

I don't even know what the point of making a BL into an anime. I know they did it with Togainu no chi too, and it was awful then as it is now. Damn it. I'm still going to make Kojaku, but this kind of really sucks.

>> No.7451580
File: 93 KB, 640x428, 1395715586445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good Ryuuhou cosplay?

>> No.7451585
File: 127 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mfjzwdGiOK1s1qsuto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a (short) route in re:connect if that's anything.

>> No.7451603

>Ignore how fucked up Trip and Virus were

>> No.7451604

but you don't get to fuck him in his sweet brown butthole :'(

>> No.7451605

Depends, does banging happen?

>> No.7451616

As someone who hates Mink and likes Virus and Trip, let me explain why.
The story attempts to force sympathy on the readers by giving Mink a tragic past and trying to justify his fucked up acts, except the justification is poorly written and comes across badly and hard to believe.
Nothing like this happens with Virus and Trip. We aren't meant to feel sorry for them because they're presented as unsympathetic villains through and through.
It's the way that the story treats Mink that makes me find him/his route gross and not Virus and Trip, because at least the game never tries to go "BUT THEY'RE BOTH SO SAD AND WOUNDED BY THIS TRAGIC SOB STORY PAST AND ARE ACTUALLY LOVING PEOPLE ON THE INSIDE"

>> No.7451617
File: 544 KB, 683x452, 1395716088131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This drives me up a wall. The fandom just glosses over T&V's "cute obsession" with Aoba and ignore the fact that the shit they do is so much worse.

>> No.7451613

This person looks really good! If only their makeup were in white because I can't really see the design on the neck and it's great that they did it

>> No.7451626

I feel like half the people who cosplay Aoba havent even played full routes. I like Trip and Virus a lot, but i dont know anyone who would be so ignorant to worship the 'ot3' if they didnt know about the pretty much torture/rape scene

>> No.7451628


I wanted to love Mink because bara Native American guy is the hottest thing ever (but then rape) .
Though, I found Trip and Virus worst after Re-Connect. Oh god the horror

>> No.7451634

Agreed, anon. It's gonna be a hot mess.

>> No.7451641

I really want to cosplay Aoba but the fandom is bad enough and I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse. I won't be able to get the cosplay before the anime comes out and ughhhh.
At least they better not fuck it up like they did with TnC.

>> No.7451676
File: 64 KB, 650x487, 1395716916292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest tragedy was that he lost his dreads in re:connect.

>> No.7451700

Oh, they will. I'm sure everyone will lose their character traits, especially Trip and Virus. It's going to be hell, because i definitely wont be able to get Kojaku done before the anime comes out.

>> No.7451711

This Akushima is easily my favorite cosplayer out of this entire thread and I don't know why. Although they really should look angrier instead of that weird "hey gurl" look they have.

>> No.7451721

to be fair, I do love the sign.

>> No.7451751

That's literally the whole game.

>> No.7451783

Any good wig recommendations for Aoba? His hair can be tricky.

>> No.7451798

what the fuck is the point of genderbending Noiz... ? Ugh tumblr

>> No.7451843

All the wigs seemed to be based off the same two pictures from taobao... I'd say it's more about how you cut/style it.
Personally though, I like the way the gradient wigs look and it's closer to how his hair looks in the game.

>> No.7451859

more like what the fuck is the point of genderbending a game centered around dick

>> No.7451869
File: 459 KB, 1024x1539, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more noiz. Good bad and why.

>> No.7451866

Personally, I like Virus and Trip, but I don't like Mink. My reasoning is that the relationships are played out differently. Virus and Trip aren't really boyfriend material, they're meant to be abusers and they're the 'bad end'. On the other hand, Mink is one of the mains, and there's supposed to be some kind of romance there. The abusive parts of him just feel gross because he's supposed to be boyfriend material.

>> No.7451873

I mean, if you really like a character, and are a good cosplayer but know you can't pull off crossplay well, why not? well-done genderbend is better than unflattering crossplay

>> No.7451871

The animation didn't really look that fantastic from the preview, either. Kind of reminded me of the bare minimal moving of homestuck flashes, actually.

>> No.7451875
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>> No.7451886
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>> No.7451893
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>> No.7451899

That's really unfortunate, especially considering I really love all the colorful character designs in the game.
It will probably turn out like the P4 anime then. Everything looked so minimal and cheap.

>> No.7451903

>thinking well done genderbending exists
>thinking it isnt just extremely lazy people and fat girls doing it and fucking up anyway

>> No.7451915

Uglies take note. If you have no face you can't actually be ugly.

>> No.7451924

It's done by the same company that did the p4 and Dangan ronpa amines. So it's going to be shit.

>> No.7451936

No it's not NAZ is new. They helped on the DR anime but the only thing they've done on their own so far is Hamatora. Not saying Hamatora is good but you're misinformed.

>> No.7451971
File: 495 KB, 1280x1714, 1395722939502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boyfriend, best ending

>> No.7451986

When did Mink turn into a fat sassy black woman?

>> No.7451993

have you ever seen a black person before

>> No.7451997

Have you ever heard of a joke in your life?

>> No.7452000

I've only seen drawings of them on Tumblr, I haven't actually seen a black person in real life before

>> No.7452015

I don't understand this comment tbh...like the mink is clearly a black woman who is fat, posed in a sassy gesture, I don't understand, is anon implying they aren't black?

>> No.7452030

is that mink black facing essentially?

like im sorry just the difference between her fingers and face

>> No.7452036

Just stop. You say that word as if you know what it means.

captcha: Hispanic bottang

>> No.7452054

implying i'm white.

>> No.7452053

Sassy black women are underrepresented in BLs. It's a shame.

>> No.7452064

No one implied that. Can no one read anymore?

>> No.7452076

everyone's a poc online when they want to win an argument

>> No.7452082

except for the part where i'm actually not white.

>> No.7452085
File: 525 KB, 500x667, tumblr_miqhdtmPbT1qjtcojo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452086

Aoba has so much forehead.

>> No.7452090

pls go

>> No.7452092

>cosplay looks good
>cubes look like shit
It's just painting rectangles, why would you not do touch-ups to make sure they stay rectangles?

>> No.7452093

That really can't be a completed cosplay.

>> No.7452097

> This samefag

>> No.7452098
File: 149 KB, 500x733, tumblr_n1unijqcZn1qe1lg6o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i'm done derailing this thread by >>7452090 request

I liked this noiz's shoes quite a bit

>> No.7452100

Their costume looks pretty good. Too bad they seem ugly (at least from that angle).

>> No.7452107

I really like this Noiz, even if their cubes need retouching

>> No.7452111
File: 170 KB, 900x600, 1395725101486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are very unfortunate looking, yes.

>> No.7452112
File: 646 KB, 700x1051, 1395725127863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

front view for ya

>> No.7452116
File: 173 KB, 900x600, 1395725168386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is the Aoba.

>> No.7452118

Christ, at least I wasn't hopeful.

>> No.7452122

why do uglies cosplay dmmd.
as a side note why do so many cosplayers have terrible teeth? i swear its like theyve never seen a pair of braces or whitening paste in their lives.

>> No.7452124

Wow, this Noiz is cute. Are they the Noiz that posted a whiiiile back in the progress thread? I know they modded their own boots well. It looks great.

>> No.7452127

u blind

>> No.7452131

That Aoba is absolutely fugly. I'm going to have nightmares.

>> No.7452240

That face.

>> No.7452298

is this... a shoop with the same person cosplaying both characters??? if not they look almost identical wow

>> No.7452655
File: 422 KB, 1280x1707, 1395747477843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452750


Because fat and ugly girls are the only ones that read BL and are ridiculously open about it

"Hey I am a straight girl that likes gay porn!"

Is pretty much the equivalent of fat guys that like harems. They do it for their stupid self inserting fantasies

>> No.7452781

I don't care for this game and I'm not going to watch the anime, but I am endlessly amused that the best-looking guy cosplayers into BL so far have all done Nakamura Shungiku characters and not this stuff /cgl/ oozes over.

>> No.7453378

I admire this Virus for actually having a properly fitting suit.

>> No.7453647

Best one but only because thy have no face.

>> No.7453666

This b8

>> No.7453672

Except it's a woman's suit, so it looks terrible.
>those booby darts
I honestly wish she would of invested in a men's suit. Even a young boy suit fits me from most department stores.

>> No.7453697
File: 135 KB, 500x375, 1386523868994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are her fingers white?

>> No.7453716

Not even b8, it's actually true. From my experience at least.

>> No.7453738
File: 56 KB, 515x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453745

I say it is a big majority, but it's definitely not all. I can't tolerate younger fans to begin with, but i have met many attractive and sane BL fans. They just get drowned out by the hoards of crazy ones.

>> No.7453826

Except men's suits frequenly have darts like that, anyway.
Not arguing that it's a woman's suit (because it is). I just know I frequently look better in not-super-fitted women's suit jackets and blazers, so I switch the buttons and buttonholes around.

>> No.7453855

Men's darts are straight down though. Women's are slightly different. It's still very obviously a women's suit (i know you said you already not gonna argue) -- it just looks terrible to me when she could of chosen a well fitted men's suit. She just looks too girly for Virus.

>> No.7453856
File: 816 KB, 660x1000, yaoi chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 year olds can shut up about Mink and/or Virus and Trip and start posting cosplays without opening their mouths.

I really hope you guys act more mature than this at cons.

>> No.7453864


>> No.7453877
File: 180 KB, 624x700, 5678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453896

>that file name
my sides
Also, it's unfortunate that they neglected the designs on his sleeves on well.

>> No.7453899

...they really don't, anon. They're making the same expression but beyond that idk what you are seeing.

>> No.7453897

Not too bad. Aoba without the jacket annoys me though. The Noiz and Kojaku have well made costumes.

>> No.7453908

Noiz and Koujaku are the ones who look alright.
Clear's makeup and wig just look... bad. And Aoba seems lazy/unattractive.

>> No.7453923
File: 30 KB, 500x278, 1395786476486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking at here

The Clear looks like they're just about to bite my head off jfc

>> No.7453936
File: 262 KB, 1280x853, 1395786789991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this thread is still alive

>> No.7453938

clear' legs are so fucking stumpy, wow

>> No.7453945
File: 733 KB, 1024x1024, 1395786922560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someones WIP of their aoba jacket

>> No.7453951
File: 563 KB, 1280x1707, 1395787029060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been going around tumblr a lot

>> No.7453952

dude it's the pants.
her legs aren't stumpy under em http://24.media.tumblr.com/db69da8661738e4ae070f105a493a171/tumblr_mw0ptaTdUP1r8ygp5o1_1280.png

>> No.7453958
File: 255 KB, 1280x894, 1395787237086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453959

This is such an embarrassing self-defense. Why would you do this.

>> No.7453978

Noiz and Koujaku look fine. Aoba has a (rather mild)case of the ugly.

>> No.7453986

ooh, i like this Kojaku

well, that's not even funny. Also i really dislike Aobas who cant even bother to get the right kind of jeans for him. He isn't wearing blue denim.

>> No.7454030

what do you mean what are you looking at (in reference to shiroba)? did you not play koujaku's bad end?

>> No.7454044

ok it's a little funny though

>> No.7454056

pretty sure that Aoba is Miranda Cosgrove

>> No.7454078
File: 85 KB, 611x960, 1395789766334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dramatical jailbait

>> No.7454074

They made this? Looks a lot like those wrinkly vinyl jackets I've seen people but on ebay/taobao.

>> No.7454080
File: 182 KB, 837x1017, 1395789854001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7454086
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>> No.7454082

it makes me cringe to think that even though these are made for 18+ games, 15 years old play it. Kind of creepy. and then they look terrible cosplaying from it. When you cosplay from a BL game, you're advertising you like gay porn. Which is fine by the way, but still a bit creepy when you're under aged.

>> No.7454089

You made that same joke in another thread and it wasn't funny then either.

>> No.7454094

Noiz missing the connecter from the tie to the shirt pocket and the bottom lip piercings kind of bug me. I'm pretty sure Aoba bought her cosplay because everything else looks too lazy, including the shoes.

>> No.7454100

What an unfortunate fabric choice. Aoba's jacket isn't shiny vinyl. what the actual fuck

>> No.7454120

Looks like they airbrushed makeup over fishnets, but still, cool effect. I like the idea of Allmate gijinkas, actually.

>> No.7454128

Awkward too when you get asked for a picture. I was with some friends at a con who were cosplaying Clear and Noiz and I swear these girls who asked for their picture (and fangirled) couldn't have been older than 14. I'm not one to judge people's interests but playing porn games when you're practically in elementary school..? Not something you'd want to openly advertise.

>> No.7454250

"under-aged" girls are the people who like this stuff cause they're not getting laid AT ALL, but still want to be sexual/explore this fancy new "sex drive" thing.

Also BL is pretty cool cause it doesn't force them to see themselves as a participant, which most young girls (and sexually stunted adult women) aren't ready for.

>> No.7454260

No earphones, even.

>> No.7454261

Did you see that make up? It's like they put on a mask, holy shit. I'm sure some powder would achieve better results.

>> No.7454262

Is the idea of 13/14yos reading or writing BL new to you guys? Come now, somebody has to have been producing the dregs of shitty slash on ff.n

>> No.7454280

Is everyone really so old that they don't remember being a young teen? For goodness' sake we used pen and paper for that shit in my day.

>> No.7454285

Okay, yea, not a fan of their makeup, either. I just wasn't sure if you were questioning why they were all white, or their makeup.

>> No.7454489

So how would you go about making Aoba's jacket anyways? I don't have the skills just yet to make something like that from scratch but I really like how poofy it is. Any way to alter something without it ending up looking like shit -? Or should I just buy the cosplay off Taobao...
If I end up buying, which I probably will, any recs for a decent looking costume?
Contemplating this one: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.PTbVVI&id=17292468462

>> No.7454503

I'd use polyester filling like they do with cheap winter coats.

>> No.7454520
File: 101 KB, 500x500, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this costume today because it was on sale. I plan to remake a few things (add the proper amount of buttons & take it up in the waist to make it shorter) but if a thread is around when I get it in like a month, I'll post a review and some pictures.

>> No.7454816

That clear
>No high waisted pants
>No short button down
>Unstyled wig
>Short neon green scarf

>> No.7454831

Yes please. I looked at that one too, but decided against it in the end. It seems to be the only non-shiny one on the entire site though.
>can't order separate pieces
>gross saggy pants... simple jeans would work so much better
>Wtf is that belt
>no wig
I don't really want to order from two separate sellers either..

>> No.7454833

>comic sans on the brain logo
is that canon or terrible laziness

>> No.7454881
File: 139 KB, 1000x832, 1395809248121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ordered it for the jacket & possibly the boot thingies to either modify or make a pattern out of. Everything else I'm going to get myself.

I hope it works out.

Terrible laziness. But I'm planning to change that part too. Not a difficult fix, thanks for mentioning it.

For reference, here's what it's supposed to look like.

>> No.7454949

yes. i just want more guy to cosplay male characters because all i see are shitty crossplayers

he just needs a better wig and to properly fix those eyebrows and he'd be a pretty good aoba

>> No.7454976

>implying genderbending is a tumblr creation

not if you genderbend the whole cast

>> No.7455078
File: 125 KB, 487x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah its cifera as sei and trimizu as aoba. i honestly thought trimizu was cifera too when she reblogged trimizu's aoba(although she also cosplayed aoba herself)

>> No.7455086

colour wise it looks a bit too dark

>> No.7455096

I'm not a big fan of cifera in general, but I like her as Sei a lot. I wish she'd put a genuine effort into making Aoba's coat, because her looks suit him really well, I think.

>> No.7455105

Okay so I don't know what this series is, but some of the costume designs look really nice!

>> No.7455210
File: 26 KB, 460x250, vomit-460x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Romanticizing the female equivalent to Rapelay.

>> No.7455222


>> No.7455227

I don't understand why you people insist on the 'teenage girl' thing when these people look in their 20's. Doesn't surprise me, most BL fans are adult women.

Then again I'm 29 myself and look a good 10 years younger, so you people would confuse me for a teenager I guess.

>> No.7455246

It's a homosexual VN about hypnosis and hair and fighting.

>> No.7455489

>it makes me cringe to think that even though these are made for 18+ games, 15 years old play it
I don't think it's that weird, when I was in middle school one of my friends was obsessed with Gravitation and did online smut BL roleplaying as Kingdom Hearts characters. It's just that with tumblr and the internet community being so massive now it has become easier for people to get into these kind of things. You can't stop a teenager from following an inappropriate tumblr account or posting on 4chan, hell I never post on Aarin's forums but I bet if anyone did it's probably filled with underage.

>> No.7455491

Please. You think men had any problem with Rapelay?

>> No.7455562

more like there is so many underage kids cosplaying it already
once the anime hits it will only get worst

>> No.7455566

why do people make Noiz the wrong shade of green

>> No.7455570

Rapelay was shit, it was more comical than disgusting. It was practically garry's mod level physics. People only got huffy over it because of the title and premise.

>> No.7455589

>once the anime hits it will only get worst
Definitely, being a television series it will likely not have any graphic scenes (or even homoshit if it gets Togainu'd) but of course the younger crowd will get pulled to it because OMG TEH YAOIS

And for people questioning teenagers being into BL games I was aware of and started collecting merchandise for TnC and Lamento when I was a freshman in high school. It's not so much the content as it is the concept and character designs that people can be drawn to, teenagers included if they can't actually access the games. Plus for whatever reason back in the day photobucket used to let people save BL game screencaps on there for a pretty long time...it's nice that nowadays people can actually record their game progress or post text translations online instead.

>> No.7455591


Because they're lazy/taobao it. Most of the colors on all the characters should really be a lot softer and more muted, but especially with Noiz people end up picking bright, super saturated neon green when it's really more of a mint.

>> No.7455598

Because braces are expensive?

>> No.7455617

Being obsessed with perfect teeth is an American thing, not many other countries hold straight/whitened teeth in as high regard with judging a person's appearance.

>> No.7455847
File: 149 KB, 958x522, fuckingwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on cosplaying Noiz for Anime North later this year, and then I looked on cosplay.com's AN board, and saw this.
Of the 7 cosplayers, 6 of them are doing genderbends, all of them are female, and most of them are fat teenagers.

>> No.7455994

What makes this game ok? There's clear-cut rape being marketed here. You guys are ok with that?

>> No.7455995

People only get upset about rape when it happens to women.

>> No.7456000

It's so unappealing though. I don't understand how so many people don't see an issue with it.

>> No.7456013

>be male
>want to Cosplay from DMMD
>afraid to get buried under hambeasts

>> No.7456014

I understand all too well.
I am also male, and in my early 20s, so I am not only concerned about gross hambeasts, but also 15 year old girls, as that is so very wrong

>> No.7456018

I'm female, but I'm 25 and am also afraid of getting attacked by teens.

>> No.7456031

You're all fucking disgusting.

>> No.7456042

It was so weird as well. I remember downloading it and playing it when I heard a description out of curiosity (very boring, unrealistic, polygons, 3 positions and nothing else) and it wasn't like it was as bad as they make it out to be. It was as rapey as the average Japanese doujin where they say no but secretly love it, it was old and busted and compared to stuff like Artificial Girl and Artificial Academy it's a dinosaur porn game. And it's not like rape games were ever not a thing, since the era of 8bit games there's been games where you play as a rapist or can choose to get raped (Violated Heroine is a big one nowadays) and serve as a way to play through rape fantasies when you're not comfortable engaging in that behavior IRL or where you lack a sexual partner who's also into that.

But main point, I remember playing it before the big catastrophe about it. Why did someone latch on to it when it was already old as dirt and a million new hentai games had already come out?

>> No.7456161

at the ALA gathering i was one of the only males actually cosplaying there was one other but they weren't wearing makeup and wig was messy. they had a tote bag with ren which was kinda neat...

>> No.7456207
File: 75 KB, 493x740, takaritsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that it's always the stuff that gets accused by sjws of portraying "rape" that gets the most couples cosplaying it? Could it be tumblr's wrong?

>> No.7456224
File: 145 KB, 740x542, clear-valentines-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, there aren't much Mink cosplayers compared to the rest of the characters
I actually think his R:C route made sense, I guess I saw it from a very different perspective than other people in the fandom.
>inb4 you're a disgusting piece of shit, fucking rape apologist
Have some cute Clear to keep this on topic

>> No.7456228

Dang, that's a perfect wig for him.

>> No.7456229

>plastic photoshop face

>> No.7456247

I prefer this over the shitty ones that were posted so far
I know that's shooped to death tho
>such a beautiful lie

>> No.7456248

>accused by sjws of portraying "rape"
You are exactly what's wrong with this picture. You're enjoying a game that has fucked up kidnapping and forced coercion into sex. Don't try to justify this bullshit as sjw logic. You're a sick fuck.

>> No.7456253

So go write an online petition and yell at the game creators for making such a terrible storyline, and how all your trigger words have been triggered.
Meanwhile, we will stay here and talk about cosplay.

>> No.7456263

>You're enjoying a game
I haven't played this game, nig, that's why I posted a Nakamura cosplay. But I am sick to death of hearing the word "rape" thrown at everything when everyone and their mother understands that's not the case.

>> No.7456262

what about people who enjoy series that are about war, serial killers, the holocaust, etc? are they sick fucks too? as long as it's fictional, who the fuck cares

>> No.7456269

>enjoying the holocaust
I don't enjoy lies

>> No.7456291

It's also photoshopped so the colors are super saturated. It's not that bright in other photos.

>> No.7456296

Play Virus and Mink's routes.

>> No.7456300

That fictional beastiality is pretty cool too.

>> No.7456303

Um, no one said "enjoying the holocaust". They said enjoying games that involve the holocaust. They also said enjoying games about serial killers and wars, not enjoying serial killers and wars. There is a pretty big difference here.

>> No.7456309

If anyone knows where to get that wig, please do tell

>> No.7456317
File: 199 KB, 900x1350, 1395870537046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456319

Because it has the word rape in it. I mean, lightning warrior Raidy is rapey as fuck and it got translated into english.

>> No.7456322

And I suppose you think that this sort of fiction makes people do certain things, when in reality it is proven to quell fantasies of people with issues.

>> No.7456335
File: 301 KB, 555x740, 1395870933745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see a good Shiroba cosplays?

>> No.7456336

I would be okay with this if it weren't for that shitty eye make up. Christ, why do so many women do this shit when they crossplay?

>> No.7456339


>asian cosplaying noiz


>> No.7456343
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>> No.7456352
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x750, dmmd_d6mdeu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456356
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>> No.7456362

too photoshopped

>> No.7456371
File: 151 KB, 500x750, 1395872128124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456373

If these were girls, you would all be up in arms.

>> No.7456387
File: 45 KB, 720x473, 1395872318234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were some better Nain and Haruka cosplays around.

>> No.7456398

I don't know man people don't care for yuri

>> No.7456407







>> No.7456421

Actually, I wouldn't
because it's fucking fictional

>> No.7456429
File: 813 KB, 1004x1504, DSC_3805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456442

Clear and Aoba look decent. Everyone else seems off, one way or another. I think Noiz has a chubby face and it's throwing me off.

>> No.7456449

>pants are the wrong color
>shoes are wrong
>no clock
>hideous wig

>hideous wig
>wrong pants

captcha: ssirriv seamen

>> No.7456453

Hence why I said "decent" and not "good". Compared to the others in the picture, they're just that: decent.

>> No.7456472
File: 620 KB, 878x1315, DSC_3812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456476

I'm so happy people are cosplaying Haga-san, you have no idea.

>> No.7456491
File: 563 KB, 802x1210, DSC_0547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456621

the eye makeup isn't THAT bad one some of these, people can easily over-do it though.

>> No.7456644

Noiz, what happened to you.
Mizuki looks too white and their wig isn't good at all.

>> No.7456648

they're not wearing a wig tho

>> No.7456719

Tae's really good, but just about everything else...if you're going to crossplay could you at least bind?

>> No.7456723

I think it is just the jacket that makes it look like they had boobs. Too bad.

>> No.7456756

looks like you would see it in "awkward family photos"

>> No.7456789

I cosplay Aoba is there any type of makeup that would look good? keep in mind im pretty new to makeup with cosplay in general (trying to learn)

>> No.7456832

I really don't understand the all the hype over dmmd. Tumblr jumps down anyone's throat if they mention rape yet this game is chock full of it, not to mention physical, mental and emotional abuse, decapitation, ect.

>> No.7456838

Very very casual makeup. With guys I usually just put a tiny amount of eyeliner on my eyes just to make them stand out a bit more, but not enough to be noticeable. Other than that just the usual - foundation, powder, etc to make your skin look clear.

And of course blue up your eyebrows.

>> No.7456865

IKR? Because yknow tumblr is one giant hivemind, a cosmic entity, every blog is exactly the same and everyone shares the same opinion on everything.

>> No.7456868
File: 297 KB, 740x493, 1395884780589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this Koujaku, but that Aoba's eyeshadow...

>> No.7456881

this Haga-san is so perfect. oh my god

>> No.7456886

More of this Koujaku. That Aoba has the worst make up. He only has slight red and black eyeliner. What the hell. Where did all that eyeshadow come from?

>> No.7456887
File: 44 KB, 618x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female equivalent to Rapelay
>not Enzai or Naked Butlers

>> No.7456890

Make sure to wear foundation and contour your face, especially if you're crossplaying. Aoba doesn't have that masculine of a face, but you'll still want to do some shading around your jaw, Adam's apple, and temples. There are good YouTube tutorials out there. As for eyeliner, using a dark brown as opposed to black will help avoid the "I'm wearing makeup" look while still accentuating your eyes.

>> No.7456927

what is the exact site to order this jacket from? i looked up Cosroom Aoba and nothing comes up. sorry if i'm just terrible at searching for shit. maybe my keywords aren't adding up.

>> No.7457010

I found it on aliexpress.com. It's on sale at 15% off right now for the next five days if you are interested. Cosroom I believe also has a Taobao.


Yesterday they had a big coupon sale and I got $10 off of that as well but I don't think they still have that up.

>> No.7457085
File: 245 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7457102

Thank you very much for your response, anon.

>> No.7457116

am i not remembering the game correctly or something because i dont remember koujaku having some fucking elf ear

>> No.7457117

There will be a hot Koujaku and I want to do Aoba then, but 99% sure I can't make it in time. Best of luck to you though. There was an adorable non-genderbended Aoba last year, maybe she'll be back?

>> No.7457123

looks like you haven't bothered to play koujaku's route at all

>> No.7457129

I'm female, and a teen and still afraid of being attacked by teens.

>> No.7457137

>84$ shipping cost

>> No.7457142

This Mink is crazy hot. I know he's a rapist asshole, but damn, source on cosplayer? That Clear is really boring looking. How sad.

>> No.7457145

I think the mink is pinktacosalad on tumblr. Yes, they're very attractive. I think they might be one of the best Minks I've seen honestly.

>> No.7457154

Whoa, thanks for that crazy fast response. I appreciate it. Yeah, she's def one of the best Minks i've seen. Sad i missed her at Katsu. Damn lack of work.

>> No.7457170

84 to ship? Where the hell do you live?

Drives me nuts though that site's weird shipping. For me it's:

>1 piece: US$24
>2 pieces: US$127


>> No.7457175

Canada. 84$ for EMS is cheapest option, we don't have ePacket.

>> No.7457178

it's not the clear cosplayers fault that his design itself is boring

>> No.7457180
File: 548 KB, 608x566, 1395891512538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from the same store is this pretty kawaii Clear nightgown


>> No.7457183

I actually really like Clear's design, because he's one of the very few characters where you can choose to use the gas mask, girl mask or umbrella as a prop. I also like the huge buttons on his jacket.

>> No.7457191

Ouch. Maybe try using their taobao and getting a shopping service? It might be more reasonable that way.

>> No.7457198

No, it's not. But they have no props with them, as >>7457183 pointed out. Therefore it looks extra boring.
They also seem really out of character but that might've been a joke picture? Not sure.

>> No.7457224

Ehh it comes up to 50$ of shipping (With a 40% shopping service discount) and then you have their fee too, which basically makes it the same. If I have to pay 80$ either way, I'd rather get the full set with all the accessories from another store. Will end up with shitty shiny vinyl jacket, but oh well.

>> No.7457305

It's a wig, and it looks real good up close as well.

>> No.7457314 [DELETED] 

I'd rather see well done genderbends than more shitty normal versions.

Not sure if they'll be well done, but we can hope.

>> No.7457341

I'd prefer decent genderbends to lackluster normal versions.

>> No.7457353
File: 225 KB, 750x2235, T2f1_kXcXaXXXXXXXX_!!127661872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's is so cute...

>> No.7457357

That's a wig? I wouldn't have guessed. That's an incredibly good dredlock wig. I wonder where she got it from? I would love to cosplay Mink myself, but i dont feel right making him until i find the perfect dredlock wig.

>> No.7457359

I don't. and most people don't. Gender bends are just really lazy. Half the time, it's part of the main costume with longer hair and a skirt. I dont get the point of that at all.

>> No.7457388
File: 448 KB, 750x3194, T2UX6kXjFaXXXXXXXX_!!127661872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have a cute noiz hoodie. Casual fujoshit.

>> No.7457396

Noiz has the stupidest fucking shoes I have ever seen in my life and kudos to anyone that can make them work in 3d and not look like a total asshat.

>> No.7457405

holy damn is that an accurate clear wig i see do my eyes deceive me

>> No.7457421

holy shit I want this

>> No.7457427

>kangaroo pocket
Fuck me I want it. If only I could wear it in public without fear of someone knowing what it's from and judging.

>> No.7457430

anon, if they know what it's from, they have no right to judge you.

>> No.7457433

And a new thread 'cause this one is in autosage.

>> No.7461384
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x1707, 20140211_233510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this hoodie. My only issues being the hood itself is huge and the inside of it got a bit grey in the wash which can't be helped. Only full body photo I have wearing it.

>> No.7461384,1 [INTERNAL] 


you find that hilarious but you think that all the white people cosplaying asian characters is perfectly natural

this is the funniest thing ive read all night oh my god