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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7428889 No.7428889 [Reply] [Original]

Old help thread is autosaging.

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>> No.7431349

Any good pleated skirt tutorials for a newbie sewer?

>> No.7431365


>> No.7431387

thank you!

>> No.7435084
File: 73 KB, 370x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making an Alice Margatroid's costume, and I need ideas of how to make the triangles in her ribbons and in the bottom of her dress.

>> No.7435093

It's actually supposed to be lace, this picture is a really bad representation of it.

>> No.7435204
File: 122 KB, 312x327, SakuraMovie2_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to replicate the shape of this dress?

>> No.7435221

Yes, it's been done plenty of times.

It;s just a high-low dress made to accommodate a petticoat. Just make sure the petti is 2-3" shorter than the shortest part of the dress so it won't stick out anywhere.

>> No.7435967

what do you guys think of arda's (well i mean the one listed on thief website) sailor moon wig tutorial???
cause i was thinking of using it as a reference is there anything that should be changed

>> No.7437081
File: 14 KB, 258x385, 592980-profile_deathshand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tricky one;
I'm trying to make a Death's Hand costume (from Jade Empire) but I'm stuck on the waist. It looks kind of like a hogu (Kendo chest plate) but I can't find a cheap one anywhere, and I can't find anything to bend worbla around to get the right shape that way

>> No.7438786

I don't usually line my stuff, but I would like to start.

I'm making a summery cotton dress and would like to line it. I think it'd make it a bit more sturdy, nice looking, and hide the little embellishments I plan on doing.

What should I line it with? I'm unfamiliar with lining things.

>> No.7439262
File: 194 KB, 614x774, 1379395007369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I really like Ryuko's (Kill la Kill) costume but the underboob bothers me a lot. Besides that, my boobs are kinda small. I was wondering if anyone has any idea or has made sort of a bra with nude fabric, that I could stuff for bigger boobs and also make it more con friendly. And that it doesn't look entirely fake. Thanks.

>> No.7439270

You should line it with a coordinating color. For example, if you pick a pattern for the dress, pick one of the colors from the pattern. As far as what kind of fabric, you can get actual lining fabric that is thin and silky, or you can just get whatever inexpensive fabric you want - like a plain cotton.

Or, if the fabric you intend for the outside of the dress isn't too expensive, just buy twice as much and line it with the matching fabric.

>> No.7439278
File: 51 KB, 600x400, 1395227479475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I might be able to find one of these or similar? I'd like to cosplay Rin from Wooser as a complied cosplay but I haven't been able to find these for sale anywhere.

>> No.7439281

>underboob bothers me a lot
Then don't make the costume. Pick a different one instead of trying to fuck up one you're going to half-ass.

>> No.7439286

If I want to wear a costume multiple days at a con, how do I keep it from being terribly smelly?

I'm already buying multiple tights, so I can change those every day. And of course I'll shower and all. But how about the costume, should I just let it hang overnight?

>> No.7439296

I don't think creating a way where I'm not shoving my boobs in everyone's face is half-assing. Kudos to everyone who's got the guts to do it, but I don't. I can always make the costume slightly different so it covers everything, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could make it still accurate without having to show much.

>> No.7439362

wear undershirt/underpants to keep the costume's fabric from touching your skin as much as possible.
when you tak it off, use fabreeze on it and you should be fine.

>> No.7439369

congratulations, you've missed the entire point of Synchronised Senketsu's design

Ryuko has a bunch of other cool outfits to make

>> No.7439376

I'll definitely wear stuff underneath. I'm going to wear a sort of ballgown.

Did you mean febreze fabric refresher? I might have to look into that. Thank you Anon.

>> No.7439382

I don't think so? I don't mind the short "skirt" and the bare midriff.

Regarding this, I think you're one of those people that thinks people shouldn't wear nude body suits when their characters are exposing too much skin?

>> No.7439385

yeah, that's what i meant.
just spray the costume down when you take it off and make sure you hang it up in a spot that is open.

>> No.7439389

Alright, thanks Anon!

>> No.7439402

Obviously you don't get what that anon was saying. It was about how Ryuuko had to deal with being one with Senkestu and how she had to overcome her embarrassment ect. ect. I'm too tired to actually explain it. What are you even watching a trigger show if you can't comprehended SYMBOLISM.

>> No.7439413

Anyone know of a place where i can buy a CRT Monitor shell? I'm tempted to just gut a monitor myself but i heard you can actually have a fatal accident if you happen to mess up.

>> No.7439502

Yeah, but I also know that most anime situations don't work in real life. Sorry if I was hoping for some help and insight I could use, instead of bashing for not wanting to put my tits out because ermagerd symbolism of the anime.

>> No.7439510
File: 59 KB, 519x386, 1395240100416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/,

I have this polyester resin because I wanted to make some jewels, but I'm scared of using it or somehow getting it on my hands.

Any advice? Is there any other way of getting decent looking jewels? I need big oval ones for a sword.

>> No.7440383

Pretty sure you could buy some off etsy, or commission another seagull.

So tl;dr doesn't really matter?
I once lined a big fancy dress and was told to use that thin and silky fabric. Wasn't sure if it was simply because I was doing a big ballgown, or if that's the generic lining fabric used.

I was already planning on coordinating the color.

Ok, thanks for the answer!

>> No.7440522
File: 40 KB, 800x720, 1395274795919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go for it? I don't feel like making a costume this year and I've never actually bought one premade.

>> No.7440537

come one anon, that's an easy costume to make. You could make that for half the price if not less.

>> No.7440582

Go to any craft store and get Easy-Cast Resin and whatever color dye you need for the gems. Easy cast is very beginner friendly as it doesn't require a lot of math crap. it is a pure 1:1 ratio of resin and catalyst and they both come in the same kit.
Mix them in a disposable plastic cup (DO NOT USE FOAM) and mix in the dye. Prepare your mold with a mold release spray that is old right next to the resins. Pour the resin into the mold and wait.
Pry it out later and you'll have your gem. It also helps if you apply some silver tag board to the underside of your gem as it will reflect light back out and make your gem color shine nicely.

Remember to use plastic cups, make sure your resin and catalyst are equal amounts, wear some rubber gloves and do this outside, or with a respirator in a well ventilated area as the fumes can be a bit much. Easy-Cast isn't too bad, but better be safe.

>> No.7440606
File: 315 KB, 524x768, Ben_Paul_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing a crossplay (see image) and I have the same build as the character (tall and thin.) But this is my first crossplay and I was wondering if I should sew the jacket and buy the jeans in male sizes, so that it looks less obvious that I'm a girl. But I'm afraid if I wear male sizes it might look awkward and it might not fit properly. So do wear male or female sizes for the jacket and jeans?

>> No.7440767
File: 286 KB, 640x480, strawbell bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about making this? I'm terrible at coming up with ways to make props but once I have some idea of what to do I can generally do it. But I've never made something like this so I'm kind of lost on where to start, so any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated! (If you want more reference pictures, just google 'Strawbell bell' or 'Strawberry bell'!)

>> No.7440799

This is actually a very simple and straightforward design.

Most of the pieces are just flat. You can carve them out of wood, sintra, foamboard, etc, so long as you keep them smooth. Sand that down, round out the corners, putty it up, voila.

>> No.7440800

I would use craft foam. plan out all the different layer of pieces (eg the heart, the wings, the 2 layers of ribbonwhatsit, the diamond part), cut out and sand/countour to fit. The pink gem thingies can be made with resin or even just a clear acrylic panel laid over an engraved and painted foam surface. Other wonky curved/roundish parts can be made with sculpey or some other clay part.

You can probably buy the base bell from somewhere to fit the size then repaint and engrave the designs.

>> No.7443060

Holyshit Anon! I bought it yesterday and tried it on a sweaty sweater. It smells great!

>> No.7443085

A vodka/water mixture will make the smell go away.

>> No.7443130

Thank you Anon, I'll keep it in mind. I already got (a sort of) febreeze and I'm loving it!

>> No.7443131

so i fucked up and spraypainted the wrong boot for my harley quinn cosplay and don't have time to find new ones and spraypaint them. can i get away with wearing them on the wrong feet if they're really loose shoes? ugh fuck.

>> No.7443140

I'm doing a costume where the character has very intense ringlets. I can't decide if I want to make it 100% accurate and maybe curl and glue it around something or if I'm willing to possibly sacrifice a little accuracy and just curl it hoping the ringlets will curl well enough but I'll be able to reuse the wig later on if i want.
I've been agonizing for weeks now and I just can't decide. On one hand accuracy, on the other hand I spent $60 on the wigs and 12 hours wefting everything into it.

>> No.7443154
File: 42 KB, 679x960, 1395388465710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you guys recommend making the bead and mask on this out of?

>> No.7443171

No, as that would look really bad, and it would hurt. Fortunately though, that is the least of your problems as spray painting boots does not work, and your paint will chip and flake off very soon.

>> No.7446085

Appreciated, thanks

>> No.7446094

Go big or go home, anon.

>> No.7447745
File: 138 KB, 526x594, 1395602816222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to do a kimono cosplay and since it's labor intense, I'm also tempted to take part in a cosplay contest. Because, you know, why not.

But, like, how do you pose in a kimono? Let alone maybe dance? I imagine all usual posing advice like hand on hip etc would fail because of the ohgod huge furisode sleeves. Minimum length for the skit is about 30 seconds, from what I've seen real kimono wearers do there's pretty much only bow, kneel and bow and hold hands together in a cute fashion. Can't do only that for half a minute.

>> No.7447753

How about a kinda slow spin with your arms out to show it off, and maybe what you said, plus a cute wave at the judges or something?

>> No.7447752

Well there's traditional dance which looks like this;


>> No.7447764

I'd recommend just picking certain movements from that to get a better feel for how to pose and move in a kimono.

>> No.7447768

This Bad apple version is awesome ! I wish the dancer was a little bit more... I don't kow, refined ?

>> No.7447822
File: 126 KB, 682x1024, IMG_4557_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow such quick replies

I'm sort of afraid to use traditional dance for it, because the dances depend a lot on the music to begin with and I'm not sure if I want to go with traditional music. I'll check out the poses though, maybe it'll work when it's really deconstructed. Thanks!

That wave ain't a bad idea at all, thanks!

>> No.7448476
File: 25 KB, 207x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So putting together an Erika cosplay after sewing a few pieces for previous costumes, but I have two questions

Her skirt (90% it's not pants anyway) sort of bells out at the bottom. I'm planning on following the one of the general tuts, liked the ones linked earlier, but would it get the right shape is the width is the same on the top and bottom? Or should I make the bottom a little wider and make the pleats...slanted or something?

And secondly, I've only ever used broadcloth ( I know) but I'm guessing cotton twill would work for both the skirt and yukata top? Or is there a better type of fabric?

>> No.7448492
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1305074467007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yukata top
Girl, she's wearing a kofurisode and hakama set. Make an account over at the immortalgeisha forums and check out the Costume Corner, you'll find everything you need to know there.
...unless you don't give a shit about accuracy and want to look like shit, it's up to you.

>> No.7448533

For your sanity, if you've never made hakama before you'll want a plain weave fabric (not a twill) with some polyester in it so it holds the pleats well in a medium weight. Light weight fabrics generally won't drape crisply (unless you get a super traditional silk which I'm guessing you can't afford) and heavy ones are hard to do the vent folds properly. Also you have to handsew the vents otherwise they pull wrong and look like crap. No shortcuts.

Well, looking at the reference posted she can either go for accurate to what hakama are or she can go for whatever batshit pleating thing the artist did there.

>> No.7448535

Hot damn, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

>> No.7448551

You're welcome! Sorry for being cunty, I get really defensive about people cutting corners with kimono in cosplay lol. Good luck!

>> No.7448552

I'll look into a mixed fabric like that then, actual silk is a little too rich for my blood.

I'm thinking of just doing a very long pleated skirt instead of proper hakama pants because they look out of my skill range.

>> No.7448562

Don't worry about, I'm glad to finally know the proper term for her outfit. Though I'll sorta be cutting corners on making a skirt. Dear lord would I be terrible at making hakama

>> No.7448776

Honestly, you could probably find hakama in a similar color and they'll look a lot nicer. They're a little pricy but they'll look great, especially in photos (and obviously you've got the resources to learn how to tie them now).

>> No.7448816

Also I don't think anyone will give you hell for buying a part of a cosplay that's a traditional garment like that. I mean if you wanna get some practice making the skirt by all means go for it, you'll just have some room to expand on your cosplay later if you ever wanna revisit it. Good luck anon!

>> No.7448834

Not really help, but looking for a pretty cute, yet pretty cheap skirt on Ebay? I'm looking for a more subtle cute look for it, and I plan on wearing cat stocking with it so I'm guessing it should be somewhat short.

>Thanks for your help

>> No.7448870

Actually, does anyone have a good idea on how to attach this to the wig? Is there a way to do it and have it be easily removable so I can actually see?

I was looking into the ways homestucks attach horns to wigs, but feel like that wouldn't work with it being so lopsided.

>> No.7449090
File: 71 KB, 550x822, 2193324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/, any ideas for a simple and practical cosplay? There's a con coming up in May and I'd like to go in something cute and...well not tacky. I'd like to wear the outfit in public again...so normalfag attire would be perfect. Somrthing like a subtle cosplay would be amazing.
I'm a Korean grill in the US if it matters.
Something easy I can throw together after a trip to the mall would be neat! I really don't like ordering things online because I like to try them on first and returning is a hassle.

>> No.7449144

Try the Suggestions thread, Anon. If you post a picture in there, people can help you out with ideas.

>> No.7449204
File: 443 KB, 470x600, cardi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thank you but I happened to stumble on cardigan seifukus and I think that's a perfect match for me. My apologies.

This should be easy enough though, right?
-boyfriend cardigan
-pleated skirt
Am I missing anything?

>> No.7449206


I've worn male jeans and am a girl but it looked a little bit weird just because I have big thighs and hips. As long as you find a pair that fit like Ben's it should be okay, but you'll probably have to go up a few sizes/try on different fits to accommodate your non-male body.

>> No.7449223
File: 161 KB, 500x353, tumblr_ltqlumluf71qbxyd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transparent stretchy plastic (idk what it's called but sometimes tops are held up with it) to keep it on your head w/ hair combed over it, snaps on the base of the mask and the underside of the wig (see pic related) to keep it from sliding around. just an idea tho

>> No.7449830
File: 33 KB, 418x385, cammy-figure-4--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help with this leotard.
I've found a bunch of patterns for regular leotards but none for high cut ones like Cammys. I'm also trying to make it out of material that is not that stretchy. Any tips on getting modifying the shape of a regular leo to one like Cammy's?

>> No.7449846


That's just a school uniform. A seifuku is the sailor-type uniform, with which you'd pull the collar out over the cardigan.

But, as for your question, you've pretty much got it. Also tights are okay, they're usually brown or black or dark blue, regardless of the colors on the uniform. Shoes should be loafers or mary janes, not just generic flats.

>> No.7450279
File: 519 KB, 842x596, 1395683379931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so for my yuu cosplay i was wondering if there where any places i could find the plaid pattern for her skirt?? or would it be easier to us the painting method ??

>> No.7450495
File: 457 KB, 700x950, Nn_FE13_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll post again but I'm trying to finish Nah from FE:A and I'm a bit stuck on her collar and boots I have the rest of the dress and cape pretty much done though. Could anyone help me?

>> No.7450529

Make one from your pattern, try it on, draw leg holes where you want them, cut, hem.

>> No.7450606
File: 46 KB, 566x766, Jaffar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love these threads, because they are amazingly helpful.

I want to try and do Jaffar from Fire Emblem, though I keep getting hung up on how to do his head.... thing.

>> No.7450673

what part of the boots? kyouko sakura tutorials might be helpful

>> No.7450702

It looks like you can just add a hood to the cape, then cut the hood open and sew it so it's tight enough to sit up on your head like that.

>> No.7450802

where's the best place to find a cross tie online? Everywhere I've looked wants to charge me 35 dollars shipping

>> No.7450819

>cross tie

No idea on quality. But 3 bucks.


>> No.7450822 [DELETED] 

quality isn't an issue, seen as how it isn't the main focus of the cosplay

>> No.7450827

still charging me like 30 dollars shipping, how the fuck does a tie cost that much to ship

>> No.7451002
File: 300 KB, 638x359, S3e9_Marshall_Lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make up help!

I'm in an Adventure Time group with my boyfriend, my sister, and her fiance. The boys are planning to be Marshal Lee and Prince Bubblegum.

My boyfriend is a hairy fellah. There's some lumberjack ancestors in there. Shaving isn't an issue, but it grows out into a five-o-clock shadow really fast.

My question is, if we get high-quality makeup (still looking for a brand if you guys have suggestions), how will his face look once the stubble comes in? We can do touch-ups throughout the day but makeup over beards can often look bad? We are thinking of him not even using makeup but my sisters fiance is looking forward to the body makeup so he would be the onlky one without it. (It would be okay if both boys didn't have it, but just one is weird?)

>> No.7451046
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, sOvAh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fray fabric like this? I'm new to cosplaying and I've got this thick, curtain-type fabric that I need to make look like the shoulder fabric in the picture. Many thanks.

>> No.7451092

This is what I would try, though I've never done it.

When you look at fabric, the threads should look like ### up close, yeah? Well, take a seam ripper and very, very carefully remove the = from the #, so you are left with II. Does that make sense?

>> No.7451105

I understand. Thank you! Is there any way to make the ends look frayed and ripped though?

>> No.7451212
File: 224 KB, 600x600, lg_frayed_fabric_alpha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what that should do. Because once you do it to a couple of rows (I have no idea what the thread count of your curtains are) the ends will be frayed. Practice removing those = lines in different amounts with a bit of scrap fabric and see if you can get the look you are going for.

Pic related. See what I mean?

>> No.7451245

I think I'm missing the make-up thread

But, does make-up expire/go bad? I've had these things of white Ben Nye theatre full-body make-up for about 6 months now, and I just now need to use them.

Should I refund them, or will they still work? I don't want to open them and void the potential refund

>> No.7451307

If they're unopened, they're fine. Greasepaint won't start to go bad until it's exposed to the bacteria on your skin -- it will go rancid if left for a VERY long time, but 6 months should be OK. I had a Ben Nye theatre makeup kit that lasted me all through high school.

>> No.7451313

Thanks a bunch, I'll act according to that knowledge

>> No.7451415
File: 131 KB, 1500x1500, mako as inferno cop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy police uniforms from? I want to cosplay as Inferno Cop Mako.

>> No.7451430

try looking for uniform suppliers, heres one that popped up with a quick search

>> No.7451477

I'm working on a Ren Kouha cosplay from Magi and how would I go about on getting the fabrics? Since the Kou empire is practically China, i was thinking that I should use something more eastern. Any recs on where I would get stuff like that?

>> No.7451647

Looking to make a costume that traditionally would be spandex, but I think I'd rather make it out of something that looks a little... cooler, I guess. Basically, I know that the comic book reboot movies have had similar costumes, but they are made out of somethign that isn't spandex, like Superman's suit in Man of Steel. It has a certain texture that sort of looks like body armor, ya dig? What would that material be called and where can I get some to make a costume out of.

>> No.7451694

Thanks! I'll try looking for more suppliers since that supplier doesn't have the pants for Mako's uniform.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make the badges?

>> No.7451713

Hmm do you think that'd hold it on? I'm just afriad of having the wig capsize because of the weight on one side

>> No.7451722

Can I mix FW Ink and a Sharpie?
I was looking at Arda's tutorial for FW Ink dyeing a wig but the magenta I got doesn't look right when I swatch-test it, so I was thinking of putting white FW Ink in a bottle with alcohol and adding a red ink-well from a Sharpie.
Would they mix? Or should I just get another jar of FW Ink in a better color?

>> No.7451898
File: 99 KB, 808x497, engrish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much cosplay specific although the clothes were posted/linked on /cgl/.
Has anyone ITT ever bought from global.Rakuten before? I took a jump and bought a dress on there, but I'm not 100% sure about the process. I have to confirm with the store/seller about the international shipping it says, but I don't know who that's with (Rakuten or dreamv: the seller) and if it's a link I click or actually send them an email or what. I received an email from dreamv on placing my order (today), very cute with star headers and footers, but I'm no good at Japanese and google translate doesn't help very much, and I'm not finding a link to confirm my order if there is one. I was hoping someone here had some experience and could give me help/tips. Pic related, adorable google translated email. Not sure if it's saying that it'll send me a confirmation email soon and I should be patient or what.
Sorry if it's an easy process that I'm just not getting or something.

>> No.7451940

I can't tell based off the Google translate, but if the email starts off with your name and order number plus this:



What you need to do is confirm that everything is correct by replying to the email. I usually reply in Japanese, but I think simple English is ok.
You'll see your card get charged soon after, then receive a shipping confirmation email a couple days later.

>> No.7451955

Thank you. Going by this I don't think it's the confirmation one yet since there's no order number anywhere, just links to other sales. I'm sorry to keep asking, but what do you put for your Japanese replies? Just a simple "everything is right" or "the order is correct" or similar?

>> No.7451959

Upon second glance at the Google translate, looks like an automated message saying "we're not in the office today, we'll send you a confirmation email when we are" type of thing.
Just look for the email from them with what I posted here >>7451940 to confirm! They'll just want you to check to see the item(s) are correct and your address is correct.

>sage for double post

>> No.7451968

Sorry, should have refreshed before posting!

I usually say something like: 全てのインフォメーションは正しいですので、払えます。ありがとうございました。(All the information is correct, so I can pay. Thank you.)

The email you want to respond to will be titled "xxxxx(order number) 楽天夢展望 (your name)様 ご注文確".

>> No.7451976

aaaah thank you that would be helpful I'll stop by Joann's this weekend and see what I can get for material and stuff too! The only thing left is that silly collar

>> No.7451980

Thank you so much for your help.

>> No.7451988

No problem! I just made my fourth (I think?) order with them last week, so I had the emails on the first page of my inbox to refer to easily.

>> No.7452342
File: 573 KB, 2592x1456, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I keep my left shoulder to stay up?

>> No.7452671

how are you keeping them on now?

>> No.7452679
File: 569 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im using foam strips

>> No.7452898
File: 20 KB, 465x480, Redracer is okay with this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work so far dude!!
Im working on Gaim!
Okay few things,
If I was you I would redo your chestpiece.
Its coming down little lower on your body, try having it end at your bottom rib.
From there I think you should try what Im doing for gaim, The action suits on the show all use a base chest piece and the armor bits are secured the neck and under the arms, so make a base chest cover armor Then add the friut armor plate. The suits are very Layered and its why kinda makes the aesthetic pop a bit I think.
I wouldnt toss the shoulders, but it looks like you need to secure it to the chestpiece better, Try an 1-2 inch thick elastic band glued on the insides of the shoulders on the top middle then the two bottom edges. and make sure you have the foam of the shoulder and the shoulder area of the chestpiece together while your gluing the strap, the closer it is the tighter and less floppy the fit.


>> No.7452902
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>> No.7453205
File: 74 KB, 960x540, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chest piece is sorta on my bottom rib. Like I made it so I can breath and move around with nothing hitting my belt or my stomach.
The first chest piece I made was like too small.
But thanks for the input man :D im really happy this is my first time making a cosplay

>> No.7453264
File: 13 KB, 158x429, NurseJoy1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to style my Nurse Joy wig and I know how to do the poof bangs, and while I've done wig odangos before I've never done a loop. Thinking of having a thick copper wire, sewn into the back of the wig, behind the wefts, then have it loop on either side covered in that foam pipe cover stuff, paint pink, hairspray on hair, cover with more hair = profit?

>> No.7453274

my first impression is to do sculpy with metalic gold spraypaint (though matte in the same color would look ok)
My other idea is doing two layers of MDF, foam or something like worbla/wonderflex.

And i looked up custom badges but its like 60+ for something thats not exact.

>> No.7453288

um idk where to pick up elastics over where I live. It would stay up if I put something a lil sturdy inside,right?

>> No.7453968

>um idk where to pick up elastics over where I live

Literally any fabric or craft store at all. Fuck, even Wal-Mart has some.

>> No.7454083

fuck WalMart. For me to get to the craft store its on the other side of the island I live on. If I do t have the money for elastics what else can I use?

>> No.7454091

Elastic is so fucking cheap, what is wrong with you? Like you can get a full yard of elastic for $2. Stop being a piece of shit, go to walmart and get some cheapass elastic, or shut the fuck up.

God damn, just google "elastic" or find it on ebay. Stop being lazy.

>> No.7454093

It won't be more than $2. What the fuck is your problem with taking advice?
You know what? Nothing will save your shitty ass costume. Burn it, never cosplay again, and leave.

>> No.7454112

Ugh I'm starting to think we've been getting trolled this whole time. Are people this stubborn/stupid?

>> No.7454131


>> No.7454162

I've been looking at different places to buy SnK jackets to just alter myself but now I'm thinking of just making my own. So far I've only sewn an apron, a circle skirt, and a pouch. Is it trying to sew a jacket not so great of an idea for someone with such little experience? I plan on buying materials to practice on first but yeah.

>> No.7454317

im not gonna buy off eBay since I got ripped off twice and almost got a $10000 fine from that site.
For a help thread you're being very fucking helpful by telling me to burn my cosplay and to never cosplay again.
Jokes on you asshole, im not gonna burn it, im gonna finish it when I get off work, and be proud of it and wear it to piss you off.
Thanks for the help :) namaste asshole.
And no im not a troll. I may be stupid but im not a troll

>> No.7454334

eh you got to start somewhere. My first project was more ambitious and I had less experience. Id say to go for it.

>> No.7454331

You're so fucking stupid, there is nothing you could innocently do to warrant a "$10,000 fine" from ebay
Please feel free to explain, I work with ebay as a fulltime job and I'm delighted to hear about whatever bullshit they forced on you

>> No.7454337

b-but anon, they totes bought a LV bag that cost $20 from 'honest true company hongkong' thinking it was a legit LV bag and not a cheap chinese replica.

>> No.7454363

I bought a Samsung galaxy s3 for $400 thinking it was brand new. When I got it, it was just a loose phone and cable, and it wouldn't get any service when I put my sim card in it.
I took it in to tmobile and they told me the phone was stolen. They said that if I did activate the damn i would've been outrageous.
And the second time I bought undersuits and the guy took my money while he was on vacation, im still waiting on those suits

>> No.7454367

How do you get a cosplay group if you aren't a BNF -- because, if you just post somewhere asking for one, won't you get really shit-tier people asking to join? Especially for things that are a little less mainstream so you don't already know people who are into it and also into cosplay.

>> No.7454376

First off, t-mobile wouldn't know the phone was stolen nor would they be able to fine you anything, let alone that much money, plus you have evidence you aren't the one who stole it. Even if the idiot you bought it from didn't hard reset the thing, the only way a phone company can tell if the phone is stolen or not is if they monopolize that specific phone.

>> No.7454384

...that's.. not a $10,000 "fine"
First of all, if you didn't get your phone and they said it was stolen FILE A FUCKING COMPLAINT. That's what ebay is FOR. They have literally spent millions of dollars changing their image and throwing sellers unde rthe bus to cater to fuckwits like you so fucking take them up on it.
Seconding it's called buyer protection you stupid piece of shit, it's on like every other page of ebay. Someone "stealing" your precious suit money isn't a fine, it's you being too retarded to realize that you should file a paypal complaint LIKE EBAY PROMPTS YOU TO when you don't get your stupid piece of shit in the mail.
Yes I'm mad, honestly you deserve $10,000 fine as a "stupid piece of shit who can't use the internet" tax. But as much as I hate ebay it's not their fault, it's yours.

>> No.7454391

when I brought the phone into their store, they input the phones serial number or something and their computers said it was stolen in Las vegas

>> No.7454404

Ya stupid piece of shit, why can you buy hundreds of dollors of crap that you don't even mind not getting off ebay but you can't order a little bit of elastic?

>> No.7454412

if anything you need a fine for not reading. I did get the phone in and took it in when I noticed something wasn't right.
And for the undersuit dilemma I had, I emailed the seller and worked things out with him.
How hurt is your butt? You seem pretty angry for something you shouldn't be angry about. If someone ripped you off like I got ripped off, id understand your anger. But dude your getting angry over nothing, take a few calm breaths and take the sand outta your vag or take what ever crawled up your ass out okay man.
If my stupidity angered you im sorry about it

>> No.7454419

Dude. you don't get it.
Do you really think ebay, the massive company that has put millions of dollars into improving their image with stupid riffraff like you, is going to let someone walk around and takl about how they got ripped off with a stolen phone form ebay?
It's called a buyer protection case and there's literally an image and prompt for it every time you log in. You would have to be blind to not miss it.

>> No.7454427

I guess I should've added details, I bought that phone like a year and a half ago back when I had a good paying job and no phone

>> No.7454433

Yes I'm angry because ebay is changing their entire image for mouthbreathers like you who go on about ebay "fined" them "thousands" when that isn't fucking true
So people like me who sell there get restricted more and more just to cater to whiny idiots like you. I actually lost $1500 in real money, not fake butthurt money because of shit like this. If you worked things out with the seller you weren't "fined" $10,000 by ebay so why are you lying and telling people that you were?

>> No.7454436

Okay again I wasn't clear, I did have buyer protection and I even told eBay afterwards when I found out it was stolen, and I forget what they said

>> No.7454434
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140325_205843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Nanami Chiaki cosplay on ebay, and everything's good except for the jacket's color. Sorry for the low quality picture, but basically it's really green and the stripes that are supposed to be pinkish are a pale yellow. It seems to be made out of polyester. Is there any way to change the color of the jacket and stripes? Or even just the stripes? Sorry if this is a really dumb question, this is my first time cosplaying.

>> No.7454440
File: 64 KB, 320x480, Matilda_013_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my first lace front wig, and I am kind of clueless on what to do with the lace. I think I am going to cut it with a few millimeters to spare. Are there any objections to this? Cause I know some of you know all about the lace fronts.
Also, some cosplay sites suggest glueing it to the forehead. Wouldn't that end up messy if there was a slip up?

>> No.7454442

...still, if you somehw can't afford elastic that costs literally two dollars, you have a problem and should maybe take a break from cosplaying and go find a job.

>> No.7454449

Oh so you're just a liar then, okay.

>> No.7454450

okay dude calm down and read.
T-Mobile was going to be the ones giving me the fine.
I worked things out with the seller of the UNDERSUITS
You're so butt hurt and angry over something that shouldn't really bother you man.
And like I said, since I've had shitty deals on eBay I've stopped using it

>> No.7454460

Put it on first and see if any of your natural hairline extends beyond the wig's. If it does you might want to harvest some fibers from the wig to hook into the netting to cover it. Then go ahead and cut it as close as you need. Though a centimeter minimum left I'd say. Especially if you find you need lace tape to keep it on.

>> No.7454455
File: 61 KB, 640x480, oyama_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to try and use this camo on a Big Boss cosplay soon.

How would I go about doing the eyes? And for the lips, would I just use a regular lipstick thing and only cover part of the lip, or is there a method?

>> No.7454456

at least now you admit you're full of shit, you're the same idiot who posted in the help thread weeks ago because you didn't know how to paint, and you really think we're just out to get you?

>> No.7454462

I do have a job. But im also on a very tight budget

>> No.7454469

Hmm, okay. So do you also suggest glueing it? Will there be a visible line between the lace and my forehead?

>> No.7454470

how am I admitting to being full of shit?? You're the angry dumbass who's letting rage blind them.
I came asking for help because I didn't know how to paint, I've gotten a lil better at it

>> No.7454474

I know for a FACT t-mobile would not fine you $10k for accidentally buying a stolen phone off ebay either. You're a liar.

>> No.7454482

You mean the fiber or the wig? If you put on your wig cap like you would then the wig, depending on how tight it is, the lace will hold itself down and generally doesn't show. Just watch some "how to wear a lacefront" wig on youtube and the black ladies are super helpful. I think after a day of sweating at a con the lace might curl up a little and you might need double sided wig tape. You can at least trim off a few inches to make it easier to put on. Try to cut it with a jagged line rather than straight because then it's less likely to show

And can the bickering ebay/Tmobile people just leave? You're anonymous, don't go defending/explaining/accusing at someone who doesn't even know who you are.

>> No.7454493

what do you guys think about substituting geta shoes with kimono/yukata outfits with something like flipflops? or should i just suck it up and wear the geta even though they're bound to hurt?

>> No.7454510

Okay, thank you very much! I have a much better idea of what to do now, I appreciate it.

>> No.7454517

okay im not lying at all, im over exaggerating. I was in shock when I they told me about the fine. You would be in shock too man

>> No.7454524
File: 25 KB, 500x490, 20091118133329!Den-O-sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be the best material for the body suit of this?

>> No.7454694
File: 16 KB, 289x296, circle skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to add a bottom "trim" to a circle skirt?

>> No.7454706

Bias tape. If it's that big black thing through you're have to make another reshaped circle skirt and make a "facing" side to go on the back and finish the edge.

>> No.7454720

Yeah it's the black thing. It's smaller than depicted. I just suck at using MS Paint.

Damn that's what I was trying to avoid but if that's the only way then alright. Thanks!

>> No.7454731

Just got my confirmation email! Once again, thank you for the help.

>> No.7454773

How are geta bound to hurt more than wearing any other flipflops all day? Also yes, flipflops will look stupid.

>> No.7454817

They're made of wood and hard? Also platform?

It really depends on the costume. For my Maya Fey she has platform geta, but I just got a pair of thick foam platform sandals and sewed a padded strap over the base like geta would have. If you're just making a kimono coord look into zori. They're still traditional just a little softer. If you must wear flipflops then at least try to give it a traditional looking strap. If all the above doesn't work then just get silicone clear pads in there. But under no circumstances should you wear Old Navy flipflops with a traditional kimono.

If you're trying to be Urahara then you just wear those like a boss and deal with it.

>> No.7454819
File: 41 KB, 321x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shiny Lycra suit would do good. I can't wait to see you in that, i love sword form

>> No.7454836


I would recommend the kabuki make-up instead, unless there's a specific reason. If you don't do oyama 100% right, I think you'll just end up looking like an effeminate guy in fatigues. If you must, then I guess just red lipstick and eye makeup would make sense.

>> No.7455771

That's not how that shit works.

>> No.7455853
File: 43 KB, 1040x940, YJrobin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first costume, and I probably looked through all the pattern books at Joanns to find a cape that would match this but I have had no luck. They all either cover the front or just the back, nothing that wraps into a collar.

Any help /cgl?

>> No.7455858

yes i was thinking about getting thick sandals and then putting something over the straps to make it more traditional-looking! thanks for the input!

>> No.7455876

A simple half circle cape would work for Robin. just google "half circle cape pattern" and you'll find lots of guides and videos showing you how to do it.

>> No.7455915

Thanks. The neck part confuses me the most. Would there be a collar sewn into the top of the cape as well?

>> No.7455925

Yeah, for the neck you basically just need a rectangle of fabric and sew it along the neck line. Put some hook and eye closures down the front seam to close it, or you can use a hidden zipper if you'd like. I prefer hook and eyes though, as if your cape gets caught, it's easier to snap them apart than it is to mess with a zipper.

>> No.7455935

Thank you!!

>> No.7455982
File: 449 KB, 979x516, hanako ootani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got a convention this weekend but, due to legit reasons, I haven't been able to exercise and I've gotten a little chubby. My cosplay was suppose to be a persona 4 one, but the girls are so thin. So I was thinking of using an old wig and the outfit and going as this persona4 character (pic). But I'm just wondering is it ok to cosplay a hamplanet when only slightly chubby? I can do tricks with the clothes, but my face doesn't really seem big enough (it's a bit long whereas her face is both fatter and wider) and I worried it'll look crummy. Should I just not cosplay? Or is there something I can do to make this work?

>> No.7455987

Which character were you originally planning on doing?

>> No.7455986

I was thinking of doing a zipper since I don't plan on taking it off while I wear it.

>> No.7455992

That is fine, just be cautious as if it gets caught on something, it can be a bit of a choking hazard. I have seen a number of capes in my time get caught in escalators, elevators, in door ways, on other peoples costumes, and under foot.
So, be careful.

>> No.7455993

Rise. She's nuts thin. Even when I'm fit I usually cut down the calories big time before cosplaying her

>> No.7455996
File: 727 KB, 741x1077, momee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helping my friend make her nagisa momoe(the white-haired one in the picture) cosplay for our rebellion story group. we're just really stumped on her skirt. anyone got any ideas on how to tackle it?

>> No.7456002

They look more like brown lolita bloomers than a skirt to me anon. Maybe if you want it as a skirt, make a skirt, with a drawstring around the bottom to pull in for the rounded effect, and put some kind of petticoat mesh to add poof to the mid-section of the skirt?

>> No.7456004

Not everyone is as thin as she is, so I'd say just go for it. So long as the outfit actually fits you and isn't bursting at the seams, you'll be fine.
But if you do want to appear thinner, you could undo the school jacket and leave it open, provided you have the proper shirt underneath it. And when posing for pictures, place your hands high on your hips and do a 3/4 turn. Move your shoulders about and arch your back a little.

>> No.7456008

Thanks anon....I wasn't expecting such a nice answer on 4chan. And no, it's not. I'm way too self aware to be going around with any sort of fat rolls showing

>> No.7456016

alright thanks! we'll probably go the easier route with some bloomers. Thanks!!

>> No.7456020

Anyone know a different seller with a wig like this (white, skin top, lace front) actually in stock? epiccosplay.com/eros-28-white-…

>> No.7456138

hey guys, gauntletfag reporting.

I'm trying to make a pattern for my back for a leather suit of armor, I can't seem to figure out how to make the pattern on my own back, because I can't hardly reach where i need.

advice appreciated. Thanks.

>> No.7456143

try tracing the back of a non stretch fabric shirt that fits you well.

>> No.7456144

...holy fuck why didn't I think of that.

Thanks so much anon!

>> No.7456146

What is it supposed to look like? If it is really simplistic than you could probably use the back piece of a shirt pattern.

>> No.7456156

Ah! Never thought of that! Now you got me worried.

>> No.7456158
File: 257 KB, 782x1000, 1395865554012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm making, but in leather. I'm not cosplaying any particular character, just trying to create some norse armor.

I've made the front already. It just goes up on the sides, so like a U shape at the top, with two spikes on the sides. I'm going to attatch that top paulderon to it via snaps on the front, and back.

>> No.7456162

Here's the front, to show you kind of what i"m going for.

I need to work the stomach, it ,looks pregnant. Lol.

I'm going to snap clasp it on the sides. I just hope that this leather is a thick enough ounce that it'll hold up. I thought about putting another layer on top, to kind of "bone" the sides.

>> No.7456163
File: 129 KB, 540x960, costume front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fuck, I've had my victorian skirts caught from time to time.
It sucks.

Just be careful anon

>> No.7456169
File: 12 KB, 106x62, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would shoe covers for sneakers look dumb? I'm thinking of just wearing shoes that look similar to the source material or should I make shoe covers? I'm hesitant because I usually only see them for heels to make "boots" and even then they can look odd.

>> No.7456177

Are they velcro covered?

Those shoes look pretty generic to be honest. You sure you couldn't find something similar, and then maybe worbla the details on?

>> No.7456178

I'd just buy similar looking ones and add on the embellishments like the metal toe guard etc.

>> No.7456199

Work boots tend to look like that. Some even have velcro on them.
The metal (?) thing on the toe is the only thing you won't find easily. Be thankful that it's easy to make though.

>> No.7456214


Now it won't contour to my back. Fuuuuck.

anyone have any ideas on that?

>> No.7456220

a dart or two?

>> No.7456245

Problem, is it's leather, so it's most certanly going to show. It's really thick vegetable tanned, and that'd show through.

>> No.7456246

Not much you can do about that.
Curious as to why you went straight to cutting up your leather though. That shit is expensive. Always make a mock-up first!

>> No.7456274

I used a shirt to make the pattern, honestly I have gobs of leather, I just don't particularly know how to do this without darts.

>> No.7456289

I may make two pieces and have them hinge almost. idk

>> No.7456341
File: 186 KB, 900x650, 1037_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this before, but didn't get any replies. Here's hoping someone out there has some insight into my problem:

The bottom leg armor - the silver piece that goes around the shin and calf - how do I make it? I've made some armor before, but none that had to wrap all the way around without a space in the back.

Should I make it out of something hard, like plastic? Or just make it out of that silver PVC fabric? Either way, how and I going to get my foot through there without any opening/closure on the side or back, or the ankle part being too wide (to fit my heel through)?

I was planning on doing a hard thermoplastic for the upper leg armor and would like to use the same stuff, but not sure how.

>> No.7456346

You're going to have to have a seam somewhere. It cannot be done, and fit that tightly without a seam, unless you build it right on to your leg and don't plan to ever take it off.

>> No.7456359

do the seam on the inside of the leg

>> No.7456389
File: 954 KB, 1908x2244, Volcarona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question. I'm thinking of doing a Volcarona gijinka.

I was thinking of doing it in a kimono style. Mostly inspire by the wedding ones worn during the wedding reception(The colored Uchikake)

I'm kind of coming up with some ideas. Should I consider doing a black under kimono, a lighter blue over colored one, and then the wings. Or should I go considering doing black and blue under kimonos with a gradient dyed over kimono in the colors and pattern on Volcaronas wings?

I'm leaning more towards doing one with wings(Since the wings kind of make it more obvious what the costume is) I also remember a while ago somebody posted a girl with some really nicely done moth/butterfly style wings, and I thought I saved the image. But I can't find it and I wanted to have it as inspiration for the costume.

For the head and shoulder area, I'm kind of thinking of making something like how the top and bottom gijinkas have. Or at least maybe a headpiece like the top one since I don't know if that collar piece would look right with the kimono.

>> No.7456399
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1232, 20140326_144258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disclaimer: I know it looks terrible; I'm still learning.

Speaking of which, now I know for next time to attach the bias tape /before/ sewing the tabs in (those little crooked bits at the ends).

For this one I'm just going to cover the ends with something and call it a day. The question is what to cover them with. I'm not really a huge fan of bows and as it turns out I can't make them worth a damn anyway. What else can I use?

>>7456162 >>7456214 >>7456274
I was having a similar problem and ended up having to alter the pattern I'd made. If you think it might help I can show you what I did.

>> No.7456404

I'm completely out of ideas, so that'd be great!

>> No.7456409

Ok, give me a minute to draw it and take a picture or two.

>> No.7456419

cut them straight, fold them inside of themselves, and slip-stitch it closed.

>> No.7456504
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1232, 20140326_154058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still had the scraps I'd snipped off from the pattern so I used those instead of trying to draw it. These edges make the side seams that sit at my hips, and I couldn't get the fabric to lay flat against me. Anyway, refer to pic for numbers.
1. What the pattern looked like originally. Taking out the curve altogether and making it two right angles had the center-drooping pregnant effect you mentioned. With the curve, the fabric was buckling and poking out on the sides near the top edge.
2. I ended up taking scraps of stretch fabric and following the pattern, then pinning it in place on me and sewing where the buckled part was so it laid flat and went over the curve of my hip without any extra fabric leftover. Then I trimmed the edges off parallel to the line of stitches and
3. traced that shape onto a scrap of non-stretch fabric. Sewed a clean line of stitches along the traced line, then
4. used tissue paper & a pencil to transfer the new shape onto my pattern
5. so that I could cut cleanly on the pattern itself.

And now it fits right with the "new" pattern.

God I hope this makes sense, lol I have a bad habit of just winging it and seeing what happens.

Even better, thank you!!

>> No.7456514

Yeah, that makes sense. I'll archive it! I think my issue is I'm using really thick leather, not fabric leather, but hardened vegetable tanned armor leather.

But that'll come in handy on other projects I'm sure thanks!.

I'll figure it out. I may just do as others suggested, and take some out, and then put something over that, like incorporate it with designs or something

>> No.7456539

Ooh, yeah I've not worked with leather of any sort, my bad! You're a complete sweetheart though (really) thank you for that, and good luck with what you're working on!

>> No.7456578

Aww, thanks! You too darlin! c:

>> No.7456728

Hey /cgl/, I'm about to use stretchy material for the first time. I'm told sewing stuff that sews is a nightmare. Can you explain to me why and any advice on how to proceed? I'm making elbow-length gloves.

>> No.7456733

sewing stuff that stretches* that is

>> No.7456760

Use a stretch stitch (don't ever use a straight stitch), fiddle with thread tension on a spare bit of fabric so it doesn't pucker, ease up on your presser foot pressure, and unless the pattern expressly tells you to (like if you're sewing in elastic), do NOT stretch the fabric at all as you sew. Let your feed dogs do all the work. Sewing with stretchy fabric isn't too bad -- you just have to make sure that nothing's pulling on the fabric in any way as you sew. I made a leotard as probably my 3rd or 4th project and I'm still proud of how it turned out -- it's possible, anon.

>> No.7456813

Does anyone have a good comparison of lion brand foam vs. regular craft foam I can get at AC Moore?
I saw it on a weapon making tutorial and the only difference I can see is that you can mold lion foam with heat.
Although I've never tried it on craft foam (read: shitty foam).
I'm just wondering the differences and wondering if I should try it out for my next weapon adventure.

>> No.7457225
File: 123 KB, 700x1000, noelcrutches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the 'security randomly confiscated my shit despite it breaking no rules' horror stories really happen? I'm considering using my crutches as a base for props (pic related) but I don't want to risk a really stupid staff member giving me shit for them.

>> No.7457234

just yell about the ADA and they'll fuck off right quick. if they still persist, you haven't yelled loud enough to get the attention of the person above them. managers and higher-ups, people who are expected to be able to use their brains, will set them straight.

no one wants to fuck with ADA

>> No.7457374
File: 42 KB, 960x540, 1395899127182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I found a solution?

The area here that's wrinked, I think I've got an idea.

Now, the area in the center, I was thinking about cutting out, and then making holes in the leather, I would then do an almost corset like structure along the horisontal surface. Not cinch it tight, but leave it about the same thickness.

Then, when it's done, put snaps over the surface, and a leather panel over the corset structure, so it just looks like decoration.

I'll also be wearing a cloak, but it's summer in texas sooo lol
Any objections before I mutilate this on a guess?

>> No.7457375
File: 104 KB, 734x748, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of pants are these and where can I get them/get a pattern for them.

>> No.7457392

Why don't you just buy white pants? I'd use like white leggings if you can find them, and then just add to them?

>> No.7457410

They look a lot like the pants that football players wear. Check your local athletic store.

>> No.7457415

Sounds like a plan. Go for it.

>> No.7457469
File: 30 KB, 480x270, 7rvpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a long search for hot pink mesh contacts I found these;


While they look awesome in UV, anyone have any idea on how these look in normal light? If they're a bust in normal light, would walking around with a UV flashlight to have a friend shine in my eyes for photos be stupid?

>TFW when frustrated by the lack of hot pink contacts in the world.

>> No.7457590

Please don't shine a UV light into your eyes. You will cause permanent damage

>> No.7457636
File: 1.49 MB, 1449x943, b9ghv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my desperation I completely forgot about potential eye damage. Thanks for the heads up anon.

Someone should probably tell all these youtubers who do UV contact reviews to stop damaging there eyes.

>Pic related.

>> No.7457696

Anyone have experience in wearing geta? How uncomfortable are they? Any advice as to things to look for/be aware of? I'm planning on buying a pair for an upcoming cosplay (Mugen from Samurai Champloo) and really have no idea what to expect.

>> No.7457775

Get real paulownia ones and practice so the strings loosen up a little. They aren't terribly expensive and they are worth it. They are very lightweight but very flat and hard. Don't get them too short in length or they will make your heels sore. A little overhang for the heel is good but too much = ouch.

>> No.7458973

Is anyone able to find the Yasogami High pin and the second year pin (metal) from Persona 4 anywhere? every site I try is out of stock.

>> No.7459059

Can some one identify the first song in this skit?
or maybe help me find a similar one?
Thanks in advance

>> No.7459063

The general rule is to buy them about a 0.5cm smaller than your foot. For instance, I wear a size 23.5 geta, but my foot size is 24cm.

>> No.7459222
File: 121 KB, 500x500, smallanimemed-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for elf ears for Link, and there's one site, Aradani Costumes, that sells them.

I'm wondering if these small elf ears, titled Anime Elf Ears, would be acceptable for Link, pic related. They're priced at $12.00.

They actually do have elf ears meant for Link, they're bigger and pointier, however they're $40.00, and the site themselves mention they don't like selling them but the option is available anyway. Apparently they don't fit too well on small ears.

I'm just wondering if pic related would be able to work for Link just fine.

>> No.7459234

Depends on the version of Link you are doing. His ears are longer and pointier in TP and OoT, but not so much in WW and the other Toon Link games.

>> No.7459245
File: 117 KB, 500x500, legendears-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot. Well, MM Link, so basically the same as OoT Link but younger.

Pic related is their Legend Elf ears, the ones meant for Link, by the way.

>> No.7459244

I used their bigger ears for my Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time) cosplay and I loved them. But like >>7459234 said, it really depends on what version you're doing.

>> No.7459635

So, I was cleaning out my car the other day and came across a costume stuffed into a tote bag in my trunk. It occured to me "oh shit this things been in here for a year ohgod". Its a cotton costume and tends to wrinkle slightly when properly stored. Its been crumpled in the trunk of my car for the last year - how the hell can I get any extreme wrinkles out? Ive ironed the outfit on high with steam and its still sort of wrinkley. Does anyone have any tips for getting out extreme wrinkles on cotton fabric? Im going to try the hot shower method and see what that does, but I was hoping some veterans would have some good advice.

And yes I know, the fuck was the outfit doing in my trunk for a year - sometimes in the whirlwind of ripping off an outfit after a day of wear, you forget that yeah I should probably properly store this thing.

Thanks in advance for any help guise

>> No.7459649

Try spraying it with water then tossing it in the dryer for a while. That's gotten some wrinkles out of my clothes that even the iron wouldn't touch, surprisingly. It's the same concept as the shower method, but more powerful.

Steam, steam, steam. If that won't work, then you're probably fucked.

>> No.7459708

Okay, thanks greatly for the tip!

>> No.7459757
File: 313 KB, 627x917, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on yasuho from jojolion and I'm almost done, just a few thins and the wig left, and the things that have me the most stumped are the little ball things on her hair. I'm totally stumped for even a base material. Any ideas?

>> No.7459857


Try checking your local craft store for wooden beads. They should come in enough sizes to find one you'll be happy with plus they're pretty light so they shouldn't weigh down your wig too much.

To add them, you could thread a strand of hair through the bead then tie a thick hair tie to where you would like it to sit, then wiggle the bead back over the hair tie. If you have trouble keeping it in place you can take a couple small pieces of clear tape or put a thin bead of glue around the edges of the top hole so it rests on the hair tie.

>> No.7460467

At first I thought there was no way there would be beads with a wide enough opening but a quick google search and you can get them as big as a half inch in the middle. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.7460517
File: 413 KB, 948x561, 1378070584463 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm torn between the options for a Vi wig, in the concept art her cropped head side is gray, and then has an ombre pink for the rest, but in the release poster it's all one deep pink.
should i just go with the deep pink, or dye the gradient in?

>> No.7460533

The gradient seems like it would be worth the effort-it would make the wig overall more interesting, I think. Also I feel your pain with inconsistent LoL references.

>> No.7460542
File: 1019 KB, 500x281, bolin-rip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make rippable velcro sleeves, so it will look like a full suit, but when ripped it will actually appear as though it was ripped. Would it even be possible to keep it looking clean on the seams?

>> No.7460556

.. you could always go by the in game models, which are perfectly consistent?


>> No.7461326
File: 879 KB, 736x3271, helpimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all, I want to make a pair of wings similar to this. Meaning not feathers, but instead foam resembling feathers. I know these are polyethylene, but I want wings that are dark green. My question is, is there a way to color polyethylene foam without it getting rigid, like a dye maybe. I also considered using foam rolls, which also do not come in the color I want (to my knowledge) but are a bit more rigid so the polyethylene. But could you dye Craft foam?

>> No.7461408
File: 51 KB, 600x525, Jacob_Danik_Model_87586474w433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know a good place/person for commissioning coats? I've been looking a couple commission sites but I'm not completely sold on any of the ones I've seen.

Also I would make the jacket myself if I wasn't so terrible at sewing.

>> No.7461425

Anyone know where I can get a pretty good chest binder for crossplay? I'm an 36DD (uk size) but I'm having a bit of trouble finding one that won't make me look weird and lumpy

>> No.7461682

I have a question about commission pricing. I couldn't really find anywhere else to post this question, so hopefully it's cool to post it here.
I'm commissioning for the first time and I want to make sure that I'm not going to get ripped off.
What is a reasonable price for a simple cosplay that is like a long coat, a shirt and pants? Just in general so I know when I'm dealing with commissioners.

>> No.7461701

Depends on the coat, shirt, and pants as well as what materials you want them to be. Level of detail makes a huge difference to how long it takes to make. Basic stuff using a purchasable pattern might be only $200-300, fancier, custom pattern, and more details could go as high as $1000.

>> No.7462833
File: 572 KB, 1015x623, 1392453199952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is body line's sizing?
I'm torn between the 2L and 4L for their long sleeve sailor uniform. (Costume 573) 2L fits me (??) but apparently their sizes run smaller than what is depicted. I'm Asian so I'm not sure if it's because of western differences or what
Should I go with the 4L? 5L? L?

Here are my measurements:
35.4 90cm hip
76cm waist
37 cm boob 97cm
50cm arm length
65cm leg length
39cm shoulder
154cm height
Length 44cm
Bust 102cm
Waist 96cm
Shoulder length 39cm
Sleeve length 60cm
Length 40cm
Waist 72-76cm
Length 47cm
Bust 110cm
Waist 104cm
Shoulder length 41cm
Sleeve length 63cm
Length 42cm
Waist 80-84cm

I'd very much appreciate any help.

>> No.7462849

What are some general things you will need for prop and armor making? Also useful stuff aswell.

>> No.7462860

Oh oops, for my bust it's 97cm and the hip 90cm. I forgot to remove the first bits, those are in inches.

>> No.7463168
File: 1.38 MB, 760x1168, Asuna_Extra_Edition_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making these pleats? I'd like to not have a seam at the hips.

>> No.7463238
File: 144 KB, 400x547, T5_prie_fhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I know that one of the greatest sins of cosplay is choosing "shiny" fabrics like crushed velvet or costume satin... but if I used something high quality like dupioni for the skirt of this armor set, would it still be terribad shiny?

>> No.7463255

There's nothing wrong with satin if it's high quality. Most people here suggest bridal satin when you need something shiny. Dupioni would be fine too.

>> No.7463265

Thanks, that's what I assumed but I just wanted to check before I went out and spent a boatload on it

>> No.7463284

A dull bridal satin (casa satin) would work nicely for the blue, maybe dupioni for the gold parts.

>> No.7463302

Do you know how to edit a pattern? make the normal pattern for a dress with no pleats, then cut it open where the pleats should go and work your way to make room for extra fabric.

I'd try just cutting it vertically and adding about 10cm between each piece. Then when you sew it, you'll have vertical lines that will blend better with the dress details

>> No.7463317

Most of the "SATIN IS BAD" is whiplash from the early 2000's when everyone made everything from the cheapest costume satin. So as long as you're not making school uniforms out of that shit, you're probably OK.

>> No.7463347

Quick question:
About cosplay contests, they like/require progress pictures, right?
Do they care if the pictures are actual-progress (hands dirty, shows you physically working with something, etc.) or just simple (item before sanding, item before painting, etc.) pictures work?
Or am I overthinking it?

>> No.7463360

Some contests require progress photos, but not all. They're generally not too picky about what the photos are like, and judges don't typically have a lot of time to go through construction books. Mostly they're checking to see that you made your costume, and good judges can usually figure that out by asking a few questions.

>> No.7463365
File: 56 KB, 640x512, assassinboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i have never done something like this, i was wondering if it would be possible to sew socks to leather to give it some form? it is for a cosplay of the Fable Assassin and i have a good bit of black paint and pleather that could work but its brown. any advice at all would be helpful ty /cgl.

>> No.7463393
File: 38 KB, 436x540, bastion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I really wanted to cosplay Bastion and also try my hand at armor making, and his armor is relatively simple. Should I maybe get that worbla stuff or should I just go for some cheap foam or something? Money isn't really an issue, by the way. Also I was wondering if it'd be a good idea to make a really big bandana like his or just a normal sized one? I was thinking putting a little wiring in it so it could keep its shape if it were to be as large as his.

>> No.7463397

I looked through the sticky and didn't see anything for wigs, so
where is a good place to look for quality wigs?
Are there any that aren't really expensive?
I know how to make a shitty wig look nicer etc, but I don't have any sources for quality wigs.

>> No.7463469
File: 216 KB, 1000x1888, tabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search jika tabi
Mine are about $80, but I use them for taiko. You can get some cheap ones for like thirty bucks of amazon.

>> No.7463481

i shall look into it, tyvm. hopefully they will work for the outfits scheme.

>> No.7463489

Does anyone have any good tutorials for sewing elbow length gloves? This'll be my first time attempting to make gloves myself and I'm a little nervous.

>> No.7464431
File: 574 KB, 1415x1000, SenbonzakuraMiku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I wear the hat, anons.
My clip-ons get in the way and idk how to wear the hat holy fuck.
Is it bad if I break the top few teeths of the clip-on ponytails to give the hat room to slide down?

>> No.7464514

stop! stop right there anon!
don't damage your wig, even if the hat slide down it won't be much secure. Try to pin the hat on the base wig or putting a ribbon that you can pass trough the wig's wefts and tie behind your neck under the wig.

>> No.7464524
File: 9 KB, 300x364, SHITTY ASS DRAWING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I`m not worried about how secure it is, there`s a black rubber band on the hat that goes around my chin so it sits pretty tight, but pic related is my problem.
The height of the pigtails is kind of exaggerated, but I just want to show you that it doesn`t sit on my head.

>> No.7464533

Pin the hat in place and then put the ponytails on

>> No.7464588

The hat rests on top of the pigtails, so put on the hat first, then clip the pigtails as close to the hat as you can

>> No.7464616

Just... put the ponytails on a little lower.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.7464835

General opinion on SpreePicky uniforms?
They're on sale right now and I'm thinking of picking one up.

>> No.7464913
File: 116 KB, 645x449, God hand symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna cosplay as Gene from God Hand but I have no idea what kind of paint I should use to make the symbol on the back. The material will be fake leather.

>> No.7464985

Just go as the gorilla instead

>> No.7465109

Hey thanks guys! Helps a lot.

>> No.7465177 [DELETED] 

I have Jeannie from Arda and I had to take the stubbed ponytail down for reasons.
Now I'm trying to put it back up and it's driving me crazy. There's so much hair and no amount of pins is keeping the cap from coming up.

Any tips? There's got to be an easier way to do this.

>> No.7465205

Help....is there any way to lengthen mens pants without it being incredibly obvious? The hem can't be let out further but one leg of these damn pants is still a little bit too short due to a stupid calculation error.
Do you think I could add some extra fabric at the waist and then just adjust the crotch depth? Or am I stuck with this

>> No.7465229

Basic rule for making your own shit: You can always cut it shorter, you can't cut it longer.

(you're stuck with this)

>> No.7465239

Wait, nevermind, I have juuust enough fabric to redo this pantleg and save this costume from my own stupidity

>polite sage for no real contribution

>> No.7465335
File: 21 KB, 138x167, nekozneko_meulin_legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better way to do custom thigh-highs than carefully sectioning them off with tape and using spray-on fabric paint? Hoping that will give me a clean result, but I'm open to trying another way of making them if it's know to be better.
It's not possible to buy anything like this.

>> No.7465353

Wig tips for someone with fine, short hair? No matter how many pins I use, my wig cap always slowly retreats to the back of my head and I don't have long enough hair to make anchor pin curls.

>> No.7465358

Get extension/wig clips. Sew those in the front near your temples/forehead and it should help.

>> No.7465369

Toupee tape is your new best friend

>> No.7466040
File: 145 KB, 342x600, tumblr_m3slfoop0B1qk0afmo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this coat look like something a beginner could sew well? I'd really like to cosplay Ghiaccio to an upcomming con but I'm not very experienced with sewing.

>> No.7466122

For the boots, take a look at Envel's Nowi boot progress on tumblr. It helped me.

>> No.7466138

So what do you guys do for projects that require two people? I start alot of my armors out of foam mats and heat them up and shape them. Now that my girlfriends work schedule has changed our designated cosplay work time is messed up and often spent alone.

I cant really hold it to myself with a 1100 degree heat gun and I dont have a mannequin to work on. What do you guys do when you need to work on a piece but dont have a mannequin? I'm under the impression that a male body adjustable mannequin will break the bank.

>> No.7466142

Air brush. No, really. It will come out flat and wont chip off. If your not confident in your skill, pay the people at the mall or somthing to do it.

>> No.7466165

Make a duct tape body double.

>> No.7466244
File: 271 KB, 435x526, badge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making an Asuka Kazama costume for my girlfriend, how do I go about doing the school badge? It's meant to be embroidered but I was thinking of just doing an iron on transfer to some white fabric, cutting it out and sewing it onto the sweater instead. Is there a way to get it embroidered or any websites in the UK that will do it? Thanks guys.

>> No.7466640
File: 23 KB, 174x252, at_174x252_princegumball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((I posted way earlier in this thread but some info has changed.))

So in our group my boyfriend got the short straw and he's cosplaying Prince Bubblegum. The other male in our group (who would suit the roll better because he's thinner and more feminine looking) refuses to wear pink and wants to be Marshal Lee. Whatever.

But my boyfriend is really muscular and hairy. His stubble starts to grow a few hours after he shaves. With Marshal Lee we thought it could have worked because he's sort of a punk and a stubble wouldn't really mess up the character.

Prince B is pink, my boyfriends beard grows in dark brown/black in some places. He'll obviously shave before we put on makeup, but will it continue to look okay as the stub comes in? Suggestions?

>> No.7466665

What is the best way to go about making Stormtrooper armor?

>> No.7467056

I bought some yards of black cotton twill fabric. My question is do I need to wash and dry it in the washing machine and dryer before starting to make my costume with it?

>> No.7467091

Yeah, it'll prevent the fabric from shrinking if you intend on washing your costume later.
There will be some fraying on the edges, but it's not a lot.

>> No.7467097

do you want to sew something that will shrink after you wash it?

if yes, then do not pre-wash.
if no, then pre-wash

read some sewing guides before bb's first cosplay

>> No.7467117

The stubble might ruin the look. Best idea? Shave right before putting the make up on to maximize time before it grows back.

>> No.7467716

When using fabric as lining for a coat, does it need to be a specific or special kind of fabric? I've got some cheap black fabric lying around at home and I was wondering if that would be alright to use for lining for this black coat I'm making.

>> No.7467717

yeah, just wash it the way you will the finished item. Probably good to look up some basic sewing tips on pinterest or something to start you out.

>> No.7467718

let his beard grow out a bit, then wax his face the day before.

>> No.7467725

Depends on what the coat is meant to be like. Personally, if I'm using an outer fabric that is quite heavy already, like a thick wool blend or interfaced suiting, then I'm less picky about what's on the inside- smooth fabrics will feel the nicest, poplin would be functionally acceptable but not as comfortable. If the outer fabric is thinner, then interfacing and a more solid lining might be better.

>> No.7467740

What I've got is a cotton twill fabric for the coat and I plan to use interfacing. The twill is pretty thick and heavy feeling so I imagine with the lining and interfacing it will have a nice heft to it in the end.

>> No.7467785
File: 53 KB, 563x402, aigis_regular_05_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ I want to cosplay Aigis and have the idea I want to make the leotard a little chunky and more 3D (I'm not quiet sure how to word this I'm thinking maybe kind of like a wet suit where it has a thickness to it) does anyone have any ideas on how I can go about having something look sculpted to a body with a little more thickness to the fabric? Any good examples of this being done?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.7467788
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x4483, 1396323029982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find .28mm PVC sheets? Everywhere I've looked, I can only find 1/8" or 1/16" thickness, but that's too much.
It's following this tutorial.

>> No.7467798

those are way too long

>> No.7467910
File: 275 KB, 1067x1600, 1396326631000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo of something similar to the effect I want. Does anyone know how to go about doing something like this?

>> No.7468014

That sword looks like shit, though. Like, utter shit.

>> No.7468040

>the underboob bothers me a lot
>my boobs are kinda small
It's good your boobs are small then, you won't have an underboob if you do it right.

You could always make it go below your boobs then draw on an underboob for accuracy though.

>> No.7468091

I'm planning to cosplay her as well but hadn't considered this yet. Are you doing the Arena version like your pic? I was planning to but I've never delved into props yet so it seems daunting.

I'm not sure how >>7467910 did it, but you could try neoprene or a thin layer of foam like the type sewn under a layer of mesh in motorcycle style jackets or sportswear.

>> No.7468214
File: 52 KB, 396x640, 12339993395_cb9f5f5ed7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to cosplay and I want to work on camera man from the antipiracy videos in Japan. Any suggestions on what I should use for the head?

>> No.7468236

Because of the PVC or your general opinion on the tutorial?

>> No.7469012
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, Tonari no Seki-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for making this wig? Should I make the grey a gradient coming up or have it as under-coloring? or something completely different?

>> No.7469247
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, 40977E_Gamescom_event_03_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I make Sophie's hair... ties(?) out of?

I'd like them to actually help support the high pigtails, because the last thing I want for this is sad-looking pigtails. When I look at pictures, I imagine they are made of some type of metal, but I'm not sure. Here is a screenshot from the game, what do you guys think?

>> No.7469257

I had assumed the whole time that this was shading.

>> No.7469263

I actually did, too.

But if it's a look you're going for, this tutorial might be something to look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG1s7Ejp4dk

>> No.7469383

I'm going to paint a large piece of armour with acrylic paints. Should I use something to slow down the drying speed like acrylic retarder? And should I use a brush, sponge, or something else when painting?

I want it to be smooth as possible and a single colour only, not patchy colouring or lines.

>> No.7469468
File: 19 KB, 322x479, 322px-Edea_lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me figure out what kind of boots these are? And how to go about constructing them? Maybe I'm just an idiot, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

>> No.7469732

To avoid saggy pigtails avoid the huge clip on ponytails you see most Miku cosplayers with. It'd be impossible to get those to look like Sophie's hair
With the right paint craft foam should work for the accessories. Just find the right tutorials.

>> No.7469984

The accessories aren't really going to help keep the pigtails up. The biggest thing for the pigtails will be the stub you make to keep it up. Google a tutorial on stubbing to make the pigtails stay where they are.

As other anon said, the hair accessory can just be craft foam.

>> No.7470007


>> No.7470434
File: 68 KB, 1138x701, 1396419377757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm making Ryuko's scissor from KLK, and after browsing around a little, I decided to use MDF to make it. I already bought the MDF and a saw to cut it out, but I'm not sure how that'll end up looking in the long run. This is my first time working with anything wood (or anything relatively prop related) so I'd appreciate any help and tips anyone have to say!

tl;dr first time using MDF/wood, pls give tips + help

>> No.7471151
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice for the bone patterns on her clothes? I'm particularly interested in iron on vinyl, if /cgl/ thinks it'd work well for this. Any recommendations on what or where to buy would be great, as of now I'm just browsing through random tutorials and sellers on ebay for a starting point.

(If there are any suggestions for any sort of paint, I'm all eager ears.)

>> No.7471185
File: 349 KB, 600x800, 1396465568212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How expensive do you think it would be to make a cosplay of MGSV/Ground Zeroes Big Boss?

>> No.7471604
File: 174 KB, 372x616, 1396479173355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I'm working on a Travis Touchdown for Anime North I'm sure it's an overdone cosplay, but I'm kind of new to cosplay and I figured this would be a fun, easy first.

I've got the shoes, shirt, jeans and aviators, as well as a base jacket. (Cheap, red vinyl. Might not even put the tiger pattern on) Only trouble right now is the beam saber. Anyone have any experience building one of those? I'm almost thinking of using some sort of fluorescent light to start the build.

Also what the SHIT do I make the hilt out of?
I know I must be super annoying but like I said this is gonna be my first so I'm clueless. I figure I'm on /v/ lots anyway this was the closest place I knew.

>> No.7472926

There's some guys who made it out of MDF, just look it up.

Probably a bad idea though. It's gonna be heavy as fuck.

>> No.7473378

Is it possible to airbrush a morphsuit?