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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 349 KB, 1280x853, 1395705346303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7451049 No.7451049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Attack on Titan Thread
Previously >>7446443
Post the good the bad and the ugly

>> No.7451079
File: 47 KB, 391x750, erwin why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start. This is supposed to be Erwin.

>> No.7451086
File: 71 KB, 500x613, group why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the whole group.

>> No.7451134

I know this has to have been covered a million times, but where are the best places to buy the uniform?

>> No.7451151
File: 77 KB, 500x671, tumblr_mrqzpp8OfO1qma70ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this. Like people go 'IT'S JUST FOR FUN,' but seriously, I don't understand what's fun about halfassing something that you're going to be embarrassed about a year from now.

It's not like it's even that damn hard to buy an outfit that isn't so shitty, or, I don't know, not cosplay at all.

They should at least not get upset when people mock them for not trying at all.

>> No.7451167

oh gods

>> No.7451185
File: 39 KB, 502x750, 1381290125172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451232
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 1395709935130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to kill titans and chew bubble gum, and this guy's all out of gum.

>> No.7451272

I like the Levi. I also like that she actually has gray eyes and not blue like i keep seeing. Bright blue contacts and Levi cosplayers make no sense.

>> No.7451306

ooh boy
while I am kind of in support of using natural hair for Jean if one can pull it off, that does not look good

>> No.7451310

i didnt even know he was trying to be Jean. His hair is gross, flat , unstyled and too thin.

>> No.7451311
File: 146 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mw1tb4xIdY1sv86u9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many AoT fans have such confusion about eye color it's ridiculous. They think Levi's eyes are bright blue, that Eren's eyes are yellow, that Petra's are blue...

>> No.7451317

I've heard people say Eren's eyes are yellow. I dont...even get where they got that from. Same with Levi having anything but gray eyes.

>> No.7451325

ahahaha, how? like 40% of the show is closeups of eren's eyes.

>> No.7451346

Which happen to be aqua green. Dafuq, where do they get the yellow from?

>> No.7451352

Levi's eyes are gray in the manga and black in the anime.

>> No.7451385
File: 314 KB, 1280x1707, shitty armin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably spending the most time on my 3DGM harness out of my entire SnK cosplay, just so I don't turn out like this.

>> No.7451388

damn this is actually pretty good. Go you for contributing positively to this shit-show thread

>> No.7451392

that was my point anon. i don't understand how one can see that many minutes of him staring at things in rage and come away with the wrong eye color in mind

>> No.7451397

It's the mentality of going to a costume party. You aren't actually trying to look like lady Gaga or Obama, it's just about fitting the theme. Tbh I can't even waste energy discussing what's wrong with the cosplays of people who are doing that -- i mean, they aren't going to care or take the advice, and I find looking at it more boring than funny, so why...?

>> No.7451409
File: 315 KB, 740x492, jean in wilderness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I feel guilty for posting all the shit stuff now, anon. Here's something more decent.

>n-not 'cause I care about your opinion or anything!

>> No.7451418
File: 252 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mox20tetgZ1rxufgfo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand that. At least half the fun of a real costume party is that everyone looks awful and casual-tier. It's not SUPPOSED to look good.

These people want to look good like other cosplayers do, but are too much of faggots to really try on their costume, or waste too much money. And then they bitch when they get no attention. No one going to a costume party gives a shit if nobody asks for their picture.

>> No.7451439

oh no! That's not what I meant, I actually enjoy watching these evolve into a competition for "worst version of a character" every single time...

That cloak seriously looks delicious. I hate those fucking polyester pine green ones everyone buys.

>> No.7451462
File: 245 KB, 1280x859, 1395713810916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a good cloak, pic related.

They were uploaded a few threads ago, but man. I just love their costume construction SO MUCH. The cloak looks so damn comfy, and Levi's cravat is an actual cravat.

>> No.7451474

oh god this makes me feel pretty good, I'm making one out of some pretty heavy-duty wool right now, gonna be cozy a.f.

The miracle of not using shitty materials.

>> No.7451504
File: 130 KB, 744x1074, levi looking affected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yum, I love good cloaks. I love those cosplayers too, they look believable, like they're actually Levi and Hanji. I think I have more of the Levi (pic related).

God, I love wool. Definitely going to be using it on the cloak. Probably will wait until this fall to make it though, wearing wool in the summer seems like suicide.

>> No.7451525

I'm not gonna give you a hard time though.

I need a warm cosplay for Canadian winter cons, so this'll work great. I even considered using wool for the jacket but it's gonna be twill. Secretly hoping for a shivery seifuku qt. to wrap in my cozy cloak.

>> No.7451537
File: 92 KB, 345x500, erencomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no need to be upset.

Eren's eyes pre-anime release were an appopriately feral gold, like mikasa's scarf was black,the 3dgear was a coffee can, and everyone wore black boots instead of brown.

>> No.7451576
File: 93 KB, 492x740, 1395715521441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. You again.

Dumpan Reika to cure this thread of that levi-looking-constipated.jpg

>> No.7451581
File: 73 KB, 492x740, 1395715593505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean best Shingeki.

>> No.7451584
File: 59 KB, 600x400, 1395715659751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451586
File: 65 KB, 494x740, 1395715725080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451590
File: 154 KB, 740x494, 1395715794538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451594
File: 112 KB, 600x885, 1395715848419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the manga, his eyes are a bluish gray color. Not yellow. Never yellow. Look at your own damn picture, even. They're grey.

>> No.7451597
File: 96 KB, 492x740, 1395715861957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for Jean.

>> No.7451602

The fabric for the cloaks are gorgeous! What a great example how fabric can really make a huge difference in the cosplay. (Like when i see shitty jackets made of pleather, i want to cry.)

I love this photo so much.

>> No.7451606

Eren's eyes have never ever been yellow.

>> No.7451615
File: 228 KB, 493x740, Reika_SNK_564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean? yikes.
Reika though.

>> No.7451637
File: 316 KB, 490x740, 1395716391497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead, we dump cosplayers that actually understand makeup?

>> No.7451643

Where the fuck do you even see the yellow?

>> No.7451650
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x1200, funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus this is hilarious.

>> No.7451653

Aside from the eyebrows, i do like the make up.
I'm more confused by the corduroy jacket.

>> No.7451656
File: 93 KB, 717x960, 1395716690096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty jackets made of pleather

That must be one of my biggest pet peeves too.

>> No.7451661
File: 254 KB, 493x740, 1393997607594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked it either.
But the makeup is still a million times better than Reika's.
Her construction is average-tier, and her makeup is atrocious and the same for every damn character she does(minus Levi, she adds a black line between her eyebrows for that).

>> No.7451667

Damn, that Hanji is pretty hot.

>> No.7451673

That's because Reika does the typical asian white eyeliner with lashes galore make up for every male character and still gets praised. I don't know why.

>> No.7451686
File: 88 KB, 1100x734, 1395716995436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding makeup

That's some intense contouring right there. Works for me.

>> No.7451705
File: 82 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mzzxyk4llF1smnbddo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone supports the female asian Shingekis with the uglyass makeup, trying to look literally like anime, I don't know. A more natural manly look is so much better and doesn't look so stupid and fake. Like this dude, sure his hair isn't perfect but I prefer him 10x over.
Overmakeupped Jeans are better than Erens though, cuz at least Jean kinda looks like he has eyeliner.

>> No.7451710

>trying to look like actual anime
>good make up

Go back to kissing reika's ass somewhere else

>> No.7451712

Onnies is adorable

>> No.7451912
File: 69 KB, 640x960, 1395721468085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451928
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1395721849911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451937
File: 84 KB, 250x375, tumblr_n1qwmyyxu71riurj1o7_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451965

IS that Levi really that pale or it's just makeup?

>> No.7451989

>dat sweat spot

>> No.7451992


>> No.7452006

No. Please not von. didnt we have enough of her corpse like Levi in the last thread?

She's pale and uses make up to look worse.

>> No.7452011

I'm confused, because i know she uses her real hair for Levi, but her hairline looks fake and it's freaking me out.
Also, that horrible make up. Why so much black for no reason?

>> No.7452014

I dont like his hair, but his face cracks me up. Like that Jean has seen some shit.

>> No.7452020
File: 81 KB, 750x558, 1109237937_508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really interested in cosplay as levi, and I'm getting undercuts for that, however I'm rather unconfident in styling my real hair and keeping it throughout the convention.

I've been considering of using a wig and then cut it to suit my needs since wigs are much more permanent. I've been looking up lace front wig due to the way levi's hair are parted (lace front looks more natural), and this is the cheapest wig i've come across on aliexpress so far.

Do you guys have any experiences working with it? Any suggestions? Or tips on styling natural hair?

>> No.7452083

Adding to that, or should I just use a regular, unlaced synthetic wig instead? I am mainly worried about the issue of styling, and his hairline.

>> No.7452162

Does not look like Jean, but at least he has maneuver gear. I'd say 95% of AoT cosplays I saw had no maneuver gear.

>> No.7452184
File: 71 KB, 455x946, 1395709935130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we not going to talk about the lady in the back? Because I feel like this needs to be addressed.

>> No.7452195

Oh my god, that's priceless

>> No.7452232
File: 1.33 MB, 180x180, 1350880026875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally a Levi without retarded makeup.

>> No.7452237

>Everyone but the cleaning Levi chick
Why bother even cosplaying if you're not even going to attempt to do it correctly.
This is a shameful photo and they should feel ashamed.

>> No.7452297
File: 377 KB, 740x494, 1395730007400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452364
File: 38 KB, 496x334, 1371973228200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but at least he has maneuver gear. I'd say 95% of AoT cosplays I saw had no maneuver gear.

I prefer no gear usually. They are seen without a a lot so it's perfectly canon to not have it on.
I also prefer no gear cause it requires effort to make it look like it should and hardly anyone does that.
If they do the gear I like the smaller ones with 4 swords instead of 6. Seems much more maneuverable like that.

>> No.7452368
File: 833 KB, 750x1000, 1395732500095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452381
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452403
File: 101 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n1regeb20G1svkwdqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I think that's a belt buckle.......

>> No.7452406

ffs, it is a belt buckle

why didnt he paint the 3d gear? lazy

nightmare fuel

>> No.7452407

>fat faced hange with shitty barely trimmed wig and incorrect glasses
>von corpse and the 'scene kid after gym class' makeup
Why are these guys so popular again? I do like the brocade accents, though.

>> No.7452408

Oh god, more of this Levi please? I like the minimal make up look a lot.

>> No.7452410
File: 891 KB, 1000x667, yaoi jaw 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think this person shopped the hell out of their face and made their already yaoi chin look even worse.

Why would you do that to yourself.

>> No.7452414

No they've actually gotten better at posing they just have a massive underbite... tbh if that's the only critique of the outfit then I frankly don't care

>> No.7452415

Because haku loves to play the victim of 'i post everywhere but please dont hate me desu' card a lot. They're beyond average tier, but somehow rack up a huge fan following for doing jack shit irl. I'm sick of seeing corpse Levi and girl fake boi Eren everywhere honestly.

>> No.7452418

>not pointing out the CORDUROY JACKET

>> No.7452504

I'll be cosplaying Levi this year and I would like some tips on how to avoid looking like some emo kid/corpse...
Thing is that I have very thick eyebrows, even when I pluck them they are imho still way to thick for Levi. So the only option I can think of is glueing my brows, and draw brows over them.
Is it really such a bad thing to do? Or is it ok when it's done well?

>> No.7452551

that's based on the anime version 3dmg

>> No.7452559
File: 44 KB, 502x750, BTVLE2OCcAAH2wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452564

They look like Realdolls.

>> No.7452613

What is it about this damn series that brings out all the truly horrifying makeup?

>> No.7452615
File: 67 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n2yktaSlco1r02kxzo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'My friggin awesome Annie Leonhardt cosplay and especially angry eye make up'

>> No.7452616
File: 81 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n2yktaSlco1r02kxzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452648

well it looks pretty good from the waist down

>> No.7452797

Petra is blonde and blue eyed in the manga.

>> No.7452921

Does anyone have a pattern of Survey Corps's jacket? The store where I wanted to buy it got sold out.

>> No.7452928
File: 875 KB, 1280x960, 1395759873638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this is ok?

>> No.7452933
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x1707, 1395759964284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452936

Totally! Thank you, anon!

>> No.7453265
File: 139 KB, 500x706, tumblr_n23u1hmUT11tpqb5vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7454996

thanks for the critique! i'm the hanji, and i'm definitely looking into getting new glasses and improving my wig. as for my face, while i can't change it, i'll keep practicing makeup techniques. i'll use your words to improve \o/

>> No.7455024

If you do it right and cover the whole eyebrow, multiple layers, make sure the glue stays flat and powder the shit out of it it looks fine... might take some practice though

>> No.7455360
File: 130 KB, 740x493, 1395827079271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7455365
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>> No.7455452
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>> No.7455453
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>> No.7455455
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>> No.7455456
File: 152 KB, 600x400, 1395833815746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456029
File: 123 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n3244zHVnH1rh4nymo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456288
File: 294 KB, 1024x683, 1395870075747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456295
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>> No.7456478

Do you know good tutorials on how cover eyebrows? I only know these-

>> No.7456500

Why does the Armin look so old

>> No.7456509

They look nice but everyone over did it in the eyebrow dept. Gotta tone that down just a smidge.

Ooo Nice. Helmet hair on Armin but everything else looks nice and those belts look nice in place.

Like it. Very clean looking indeed.

I just now noticed all the ones I posted are from the back. A lot of the time that is what looks best. Your mind can fill in the rest with people who look spot on in your mind.

>> No.7456529


Does anyone know if the StoreEnvy pattern will be resold/re-uploaded?

>> No.7456559


Because you can't stop age. Hardly anyone who wants to cosplay Armin well is going to look as young as he does.>>7456500

>> No.7456754
File: 1.98 MB, 320x179, tumblr_n30mfmeHQI1sugyzwo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456765
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>> No.7456825
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 3480740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456834
File: 23 KB, 500x358, i am not nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ I JUST saw that on cos.com and was on my way over here to post it.

>> No.7456863

Is it based off of some fannart or the game or something?

>> No.7456875
File: 938 KB, 998x780, 1395884842293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I wasn't gonna but then I was like...yeah, it kinda belongs here.
I'm all for interesting ideas and ways to stand out but this was just such a bad idea.
I've seen a wedding dress Christa too with a survey corps jacket on.

The only character that the wedding dress thing might work on is Petra. It might work well if she got a good looking Levi to dress up in wedding attire too.

>> No.7456877
File: 940 KB, 250x188, well ok then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay what the fuck

>> No.7456901

wow. just no.

Gah, everyday someone makes me so grateful that the internet wasn't a thing when I was like 16. Now all these people have these permanent embarrassing things for all the world to see.

>> No.7456931
File: 94 KB, 666x666, 1395775412811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7457172

>The only character that the wedding dress thing might work on is Petra. It might work well if she got a good looking Levi to dress up in wedding attire too.
Shipperfag everyone

>> No.7457211

Fucking seconded.

>> No.7457411
File: 35 KB, 467x750, tumblr_n1n5s8j6gr1rey81ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe she was going for this?

>> No.7457417


>> No.7457515

waiting for someone to make a meat dress armored titan

>> No.7457518

why would someone cosplay from this? that's pretty shit taste right there.

no one in AOT belongs in a wedding dress. Stop that.

>> No.7457530
File: 39 KB, 572x637, 1373768598268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched this about five times in a row because I couldn't figure out what they were doing right away.

Jesus tap dancing Christ, NO!

>> No.7457537
File: 113 KB, 960x638, 1395904961976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a really cute Armin at last year's Otakuthon... probably the only one I've ever seen. Looking back on it now, the snk cosplayers seem to be a lot higher tier than anywhere else...
>Everyone had decent belts
>Most has 3dmg
>Minimal/no hambeasts
>People without wigs didn't even try passing off as characters, just went nope random dead soldier
>Lots of qts guys and girls
>No shitty genderbend

>> No.7457544

I'm so sick of the Jean/horse jokes though. I mean, where did that even come from? I see Jean/horse jokes or Jean cosplayers in the horse mask and it just makes me grind my teeth.

>> No.7457550

There's a whole gif set of her doing this too.

>> No.7457554

Im not sure myself but apparently Armin in one of the episodes says something along the lines of "Is that Jean or a horse or something" and Eren repeatedly calls him horseface and then Tumblr happened

>> No.7457563

This Eren is so cute and they actually have a good wig. I'm so happy.

>> No.7457567

You are awesome, anon

>laughing though because the jacket is made out of wrong fabric. why japan

>> No.7457572

>those bright blue contacts for Erwin

Is this nyc?

>> No.7457573

God damn it, really? That's so stupid.

>> No.7457587

Armin didn't say that, what the hell

The part where Jean disguised as Eren and Armin said that Eren and Jean are similar in some ways, in which Eren said 'I'm not like that horseface' (something like that)

>> No.7457624
File: 223 KB, 600x800, 1395907566951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this Jean's wig and jacket.

>> No.7457641

Thank you for not posting all of them and posting what I hope is the least offensive one. SnK fandom on tumblr is a horrible cancer.

>> No.7457760

Speaking of which, which series of really bright gray contacts would you guys recommend?
My eyes are dark brown.

>> No.7457787
File: 566 KB, 926x280, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally use Dollyeye in grey because they're really opaque. Not the most natural looking but I like that they have a smaller pupil hole.
Twilight in grey would also work-- I own them in yellow and red and they're also solidly opaque but they have a bigger pupil hole and are slightly less natural looking than even Dollyeye.

>> No.7457912
File: 39 KB, 640x480, purpleeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking in buying EOS New Adult Gray Circle Lens. I have the Purple version.


>> No.7457956

Quebec Shingekis are seriously the best of the best. 90% sexy, legal and well-made outfits. I live in Ottawa and I swear it happens as soon as you cross the bridge, I just can't explain it.

>> No.7458002
File: 633 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n332r2EsAq1sfcma7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7458225
File: 22 KB, 148x53, 2194718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaking of which, which series of really bright gray contacts would you guys recommend?
>My eyes are dark brown.

I use colorMax gray on my dark brown eyes.
They look surprisingly natural.

If I wear them out of costume someone always notes what a pretty eye color I was given.

This was taken with flash.

>> No.7458245
File: 118 KB, 749x531, 1394576128213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat jacket.

>> No.7458246

Is dollyeye grey on the left? they look great. I do love how opaque they are.

>> No.7458248


I like it too but it needs more interfacing and a better looking hem.

But that piping and the beautiful blue they chose look nice.

>> No.7458292
File: 533 KB, 794x312, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep it is-- I've been using Dollyeye in different colors for years so I'm super biased. They're visible even from afar and in low lighting, even in their darker colors, and their grey is so pale that it's even more obvious.
Some people complain about them coming off as white but honestly I think it's a good clear shade of grey and the smaller pupil hole is a plus especially if you're using them for a Levi cosplay.

(saging for a combination of spam of my eyes and my shitty asian style makeup)

>> No.7459981
File: 126 KB, 1024x683, 1395990982254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7459985
File: 222 KB, 1095x730, 1395991047039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do enjoy a nice horse riding pic.

>> No.7460953
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 1396040652065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls 8

No bully

>> No.7460962
File: 156 KB, 260x187, o oh no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when i opened the picture

>> No.7461436
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>> No.7461455
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>> No.7461461

Is that Shikarius? Haven't seen that particular cosplay but dammnnn it looks good.

>> No.7461485

so much shoop
and what's the flag? they aren't fighting a revolution against the titans. the fuck

>> No.7461494
File: 89 KB, 494x740, 1396060528199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm alright with the shoop, it looks stylized I guess. I have a problem with shoop with people make themselves look plastic or completely different with how they actually look.

The flag though? It could just as easily be a rally flag to have to remember what you came to do...

>> No.7461496
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>> No.7461499
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>> No.7461501
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>> No.7461502
File: 112 KB, 740x493, 1396060801210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meme with the snow in Japan.

>> No.7461510
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>> No.7461511
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>> No.7461517

the what? what snow meme?

>> No.7461519
File: 84 KB, 492x740, 1396061235259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know what the heck is going on with the vampire look

>> No.7461521

shit is that angry wario levi on the left?

>> No.7461531

In doesn't snow a lot in Tokyo but they got a nice one recently and so the news crews went out to talk to people about it.

They stopped a couple and asked them what they thought of the weather and the guy said the cutest most sappy thing about enjoying it with his girlfriend and that it gave him a special feeling inside.
The girl was mortified and cutely hid her face behind her hands in what everyone presumes was embarrassment over her boyfriend expressing himself in a way most Japanese are uncomfortable with.

It took off and japanese fan artists everywhere started substituting every character ever for the boy and girl.



>> No.7461528

look up "special feeling" on know your meme

that... goddamn eye makeup and those piercings

>> No.7461534
File: 59 KB, 600x405, c7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat get out I'm piss.

>> No.7461659
File: 351 KB, 994x1500, 3481056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the proper shirt. Most people buy a too big hoodie made out of too thich material and forget to take the pouch pocket off.
I like the gray pants.

Why do people do leather look coats? Did they not pay attention to the show?

>> No.7461662
File: 38 KB, 500x281, BjMEjgzCcAAFYlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7463072

Is it okay to post my wip cosplay?

I only have the harness and the skirt so far and it looks bad since i put it once and it needs some modifications to look decent.

>> No.7463075

let us see, you'll probably get shit on by some people but we can help you out with anything that needs fixing. I'm making this thing too right now.

>> No.7463081

I figured they'd be suede if anything.

>> No.7463092
File: 207 KB, 484x1564, erkfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Things to do.
>Extend the side belt since they are too short for my torso and hold the belt too high.
>put the upper chest belt buckle in the middle.
>put the thigh belt buckes upfront(i put them in the back side of the belt for some reason) and make the thigh belts to be more tight around my thighs so that they don't drop.
>make the sides of the skirt to go further down to cover more of the belt that connects the thigh part with the torso part(i actually folded it under it self to not look massive, but i got it wrong). Also fold it more on the middle part.

I am open to suggestions anon.

>> No.7463116

wowza, who are you going to be?
I'm not a huge fan of t he material you picked for the butt skirt, looks a bit too plastic-y

Other than that all I can recommend is sewing belt loops into your pants to hold the thigh belts up. It's totally worth it to make sure you don't get knee belts.

>> No.7463166

>wowza, who are you going to be?
Not sure, i guess i am going to be Eren because i don't really look closer like any other recognisable character. Dunno if i get a wig or style my hair like his since it's kind of close to his hair length. I could just do a random character though.

>I'm not a huge fan of t he material you picked.
Yeah, me neither to be honest, i could do something else with another material.

I can recommend is sewing belt loops into your pants.
Yeah , i could do that in the back side of my pants. Should i get skinny white jeans?

>> No.7463268

>tightening the belts so they stay up
Don't go down that painful route anon they will not stay up and all it will do is cut off circulation until they fall
>Should i get skinny white jeans?
Yes, although if you can find some jeggings that would work better. Don't think they make them for guys though.
Sew loops on the inseam of whatever pants you are using and put the thigh belts through you will save yourself so much pain.

>> No.7463395

Does anyone have that cosplayer that was in the 3dmg with just panties and a bra on under it? I think she was supposed to be annie.

>> No.7463413

You're very cute.

>> No.7464794
File: 255 KB, 653x1033, 3481579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7464847

Was she at Anime Boston...? I think we were on the elevator together, we walked to bag check together, too, and ended up talking. She didn't have a bag though, so she got to skip the line. She was very nice, but yeah the lip ring and nose contouring was... Eh...
(If it's not her, she has a doppelganger with the same makeup and lip ring and I'll feel dumb.)

>> No.7464854

nightmare fuel

>> No.7464860

No, you moron, they wouldn't be . Low stock animals, plus they'd over heat like hell in suede

>> No.7464866

Please be my husbando, Berthold (Jean's fine too)

>> No.7464872

somebody didn't read the manga.
Eren calls Jean a horseface... Two? Three times? Somewhere around there.
I honestly think the cosplays are funny unless the person is taking themselves TOO seriously.

>> No.7464905

Read the manga before anime came out. 2 times constitutes a fucking not funny, drawn out reason for people to wear horse masks? Ok anon

>> No.7464914

Woah woah, don't get your panties in a bunch! If you read the manga (and stayed up to date, don't know if you stopped reading it or what.) then you would have known where it stemmed from. Maybe you just forgot, but still. Don't get mad at me because you did. Also, two times constitutes as a "people can find funny whatever they want to find funny." I'm not gonna bash on you because you don't find it funny, but I'm not going to bash on the people who find it to be, either.
I'll just restate my opinion: It's funny unless they take themselves too seriously. Once they take themselves too seriously, it stops being funny and becomes annoying. (And clarifying, not in a "oh my god can't breathe I'm laughing" kind of funny, but a snort-chuckle, move on with my day kind of funny.)

>> No.7464924

I definitely forgot because those chapters happened years ago. I'm actually not upset or anything, sorry if you read it that way.

>> No.7464928

Yeah it didn't read too bad until the end. It seemed a tad passive aggressive, though. Thanks, though, it takes guts to admit you worded something weird.
Don't worry about it, I know what it's like forgetting the little things, I probably would have forgotten if Jean wasn't my favorite (living) character.

>> No.7465933
File: 22 KB, 480x360, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi new to the SnK cosplay scene (don't follow many SnK fans, haven't seen many cosplayers online and been on a cosplay hiatus for a year) and while looking up refs for inspiration, seriously what is the appeal with the weird makeup every single Levi cosplayer seems to have? Is this a new thing in cosplay to get away from the natural?

He just has a brooding expression and narrow eyes, I don't get why everyone is drawing extra eyelids and contouring with black all over their faces. His eyes remind me of Ryuuji from Toradora and I've never seen a cosplay of him do anything like that.

>> No.7465972

God I really hate that cosplayer

>> No.7465979

who's that?

>> No.7465984
File: 46 KB, 640x960, 1396269668838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7466051



I like her costuming, she's good at it. But it feels like since she got all that popularity from the stupid ask blog, she let it all to her head. Not to mention as anon said, the make up for Levi is horrid. I don't understand the heavy make up on his eyes at all.

>> No.7466070

A former tripfag. She has a following and that the only reason she's so popular.

>> No.7466487
File: 51 KB, 598x405, 1380934076818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a tripfag? Didn't know that much.

>> No.7466513
File: 65 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n332woJrwI1r5sszho3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7466566

What is even going on with that Annie.
> That jacket
> That shitty contouring
> That bad eye-makeup
> That massive-ass forehead
> Those nonexistent eyebrows

>> No.7466590


I think that's just Reika modelling for Annie wig.

>> No.7466610
File: 335 KB, 1024x1542, 4120_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling it was Reika, but I wasn't sure.
But god, that is definitely the worst Annie I've ever seen. Usually the ones I see are at least halfway decent. But that....

>> No.7467029
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>> No.7467261
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>> No.7468169

I've heard that haku is really obnoxious and whiny irl, is that true? I've looked up to her for a long time but now I don't know what to think.

>> No.7468196

i don't think she was a tripfag; i just remember her namefagging for a while when she was doing the patches

>> No.7468839
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>> No.7468849
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>> No.7469055


the only thing actually bad about this cosplay is the wig and the straps not being flush against the leg. You're still going to look mediocre if you just focus on the 3DMG

>> No.7470163
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>> No.7470168
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>> No.7470171

Cute Hanji but that jacket color though.....

>> No.7470866
File: 62 KB, 960x640, 1396449093289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people needs to stop contouring

>> No.7470942
File: 39 KB, 480x640, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamit, she's pouting in like every picture but she made a very good Eren IMO. Didn't like her Jean or Levi cosplay much but she was a pretty cute Annie too.

>> No.7470956


>> No.7470959

Lol y'all are mad jelly

>> No.7470960

Yamaki, she's a South African cosplayer. She's most active on facebook.

>> No.7470965

Wow, Attack on Titan cosplays are already played out. Such a shame, but guess that's the fate anything even remotely popular has to get. Same thing is gonna happen with Kill la Kill. Why can't people be more original and choose something less well known?

>> No.7470966
File: 40 KB, 342x298, 1394854070978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>choose something less known

oh anon..

>> No.7470974
File: 321 KB, 556x740, 1396455483629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her nose looks deformed as hell.

>> No.7470977

Oh, yeah. Real jelly. Jelly of >>7466513
Fucking monstrosity.

>> No.7470979
File: 4 KB, 230x219, you-tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good eren except for the gay shoes
but mikasa and armin look old enough to be his parents

>> No.7470982
File: 1015 KB, 500x299, saydumbthings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shit excuse
lots of youngins play armin, you're retarded

>> No.7470983
File: 73 KB, 250x351, tumblr_n1qwmyyxu71riurj1o4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her 3DMG is better than 99% of other SNK cosplayers tbh

>> No.7470987
File: 207 KB, 493x740, 1396455966189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why people even try to cosplay young versions of characters when they clearly can't pass.
It's like how everyone and their mom would try to cosplay Chibitalia.
Just. Why.

Probably because she bought it, right?

>> No.7470990
File: 278 KB, 493x740, 1396456076434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you picked a small picture, though.
Any bigger and you'd realize how poorly-constructed it is.

>> No.7470992

she made it. I don't have the pics right now but she did posted a lot of progress pics. It's pretty much made of a lot of junk

>> No.7470994



>> No.7471004


Hm i think it look great when she first made it but since she travelled around the world with that 3dmg, I'm sure it affected the quality somehow.

Whose 3dmg is your favourite, seagulls? And no, that almost-real 3dmg didn't count since it's not by cosplayer.

>> No.7471007
File: 123 KB, 500x372, 1396456688232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not BAD, but... It's definitely not good, either.
All the edges look like shit and she just used some crappy spraypaint to make it look "cool."
Though it really just makes it look like it's been through hell. A 3DMG shouldn't be so beaten up, especially not Levi's.

I'll never understand why they paint her as some kind of fucking cosplay goddess. She's average at best.

>> No.7471026

She cosplay characters from various manga/anime/game series so I think that's why many people knows about her. She also cosplay from highly popular series, so..

I'm curious how she get popular quickly, though. I didn't follow cosplay much since 2009 until 2013 and suddenly her popularity just skyrocketed. I still remember visiting her website in mid 2000s to view her cosplay. Even back then, she wasn't even in top 10 of cosp.jp ranking (Kaname was among top 5 back then, and is the most popular male cosplayer). Is it because of worldcosplay?

>> No.7471134
File: 136 KB, 786x1017, 1396463668144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what a shit excuse
>lots of youngins play armin, you're retarded

Says the retard who didn't post a pic of a young Armin.
Good job there.

>> No.7471140
File: 159 KB, 400x320, tumblr_mt6he5lwpL1qcdr0xo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of young Armins, I would like to see older versions of the characters.

Older Armin is kinda hot.
Though it might be a bit harder to translate --this is a canon character but older-- when people are having trouble with the standard uniforms looking right.

>> No.7471152

I think I will fix this in photoshoop later if I can.

Cause it's a good pic if not for that nose contour.

>> No.7471158

I will love you if you do. I like the idea of the picture, but right now it just looks to "eh" for me to save it.

>> No.7471467
File: 124 KB, 960x640, 1396449093289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this help or did I take off too much?

>> No.7471563


Her swords are terrible and ruin the immersion of the photos, They just look so cheap.

But beyond that, why does her and everyone else get the dimension on the boxes so wrong? They're actually long and skinny and less boxy. I get that Reika at least did manga version but I never noticed a difference between the medias...maybe I'm wrong?

>> No.7471659
File: 1009 KB, 500x195, tumblr_muxmuogYJN1qcxfxbo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, that's great!

>> No.7471694

that moment of sweet relief when you see your AoT cosplay isn't in here

>> No.7472047

what do ya'll think about making the uniform jacket sherpa lined? it seems to me it would look more completed and nicer over all. also, is canvas the best material for the outer part of the jacket?

>> No.7472445


Sherpa lined? Is it cold where you are?

Bottom weight poplin is what most people are making theirs out of.

Traditional canvas might be a little too heavy.

>> No.7472472

I don't like Reika's gear either, but honestly there's no solid reference for the correct dimensions of the gear. I spent 3 months collecting references for scaling the gear and I swear to God that SnK has some of the laziest animators ever. Panel to panel of the manga the gear drastically changes size (compare the manga covers, sometimes they're thin and long, other times it's like they have cardboard boxes taped to their legs), the colours constantly shift for the gear in the anime (4 people will be in the frame and yet their grear will all have different colouring and details), and the figures all vary from character to companies and ect.

>> No.7472489
File: 271 KB, 485x740, 1396510058598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. I thought it was just me but the 3DMG seemed to look different every time I scrutinized it.

I personally like the 4 blade slot type that are somewhat slimmer than the boxy ones. (pic related) They seem more maneuverable for the stuff the characters have to do.

>> No.7472493 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7472497
File: 966 KB, 848x1272, 1396510292834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the faces and the straps.
Crappy jackets though. Just an ironing might help

>> No.7472503
File: 456 KB, 1000x664, 1396510434190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what they made their jackets out of but it looks interesting.
I don't like the leather look because of the setting for the story but I do like how strangely matte these look. Kinda like how the jacket looks on a figurine.

>> No.7472506

They have measurements in the guide book.

>> No.7472636

oh dear god their faces are so shopped

>> No.7472734

why are so many snk cosplayers frightening hambeasts only out to get their otp?

a greasy, unwigged levi armed with a pink feather boa harassed the erwin in my group at kitacon last weekend, and made us both very uncomfortable when i was sat on his lap for lack of seats later on that evening by asking to join us, as if squashing into one chair was incredibly sexy


>> No.7472738

isayama draws really quickly
everything changes sizes, everyone has like 7 different faces, the scale is constantly out of whack

dont use the manga for reference, he lays a page down in like maybe 8 minutes

>> No.7472870
File: 840 KB, 900x690, d6rklkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7472974

because people can cosplay whatever they want. Honestly, the Mikasa and Eren look fine. I like their kid outfits too. get over it. if you dont like it, don't cosplay from it or look at photos if they bother you so.

>> No.7472987

Armin would look so much better with a shorter, actual boycut.
And damn it,i hate bolo ties. lol

>> No.7472993

Isayama is a shit artist. I would personally go with what >>7472489 said and do four panels instead of six. Give it a smaller, but slimmer design. It looks better irl that way too.

>> No.7474180
File: 434 KB, 2048x1186, gospel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this thing here was gospel. That's what I used for my own cosplay, precious reference !

>> No.7474190

I'm pretty sure the matte look is because everything in that photo has been shooped to hell and back. Look at Mikasa's hand...

>> No.7474199

>all that shoop
>couldn't fix the disturbing pointy head on Mikasa


>> No.7474247

Yeah, people can cosplay whatever they want, but that doesnt mean they're excused from looking like shit, and they shouldn't get a gold star for that in a hobby based on aesthetics

>> No.7474388
File: 28 KB, 491x740, 1396578182399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your tits. I could say the same thing about you.

> 'People can bitch about whatever they want. Get over it. If you don't like it, don't go on cgl or look at comments of what people say about cosplays if it bothers you so.'

They can cosplay whatever they want, but I reserve my right to bitch about whatever I want.

>> No.7474396
File: 227 KB, 1080x715, 1393137486123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7474748
File: 79 KB, 960x1280, 1396589831982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those goddamn 'freckles'

>> No.7475279
File: 27 KB, 495x491, lining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm picking up the fabric for the basic coat today, and I was wondering if any seagulls had opinions on the lining fabric. I'm kind of afraid of going with the basic (shiny) cheap lining fabric because I believe most of the China made coats are lined with it, and I'd rather not match them. How do you think a cotton broadcloth would work?

That....is beautiful anon. Thank you for giving me the Holy Grail.

>> No.7475304

Hey guys, I know this is probably a stupid question, but what do you think Mikasa's scarf should be made of?

>> No.7476092

Wool or the like. Preferably woven. The scarf doesn't drape like a knitted scarf. Pashminas look to flimsy.

>> No.7476101

Is the world really that ignorant on how freckles work? I mean, i have them and know lots of people with freckles. It's not a rarity.

>> No.7476106

sandy sandy sandy
Clean out your dusty fucking cunt.

>> No.7476485


I think you want something smooth as the lining. You have to wear a shirt and the gear under it so it will help you if the fabrics can slide against one another.

You can get a cotton sateen if you just HAVE to have a better quality than the Chinese ones. But the face that you are making it will probably make it somewhat better than the Chinese ones if you are a good tailor.

>> No.7476550
File: 59 KB, 886x960, sagfagasgasdgsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7476555

Tuck the shirt in
Iron the jacket with some starch
Wear the butt cape OVER the straps.

>> No.7476560

Girl looks like someone I used to know named Leah, crazy

>> No.7476963
File: 143 KB, 500x703, tumblr_n0xagf8SRE1s8d367o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some ridic cute Marco with decent freckles.

>> No.7476974
File: 62 KB, 490x740, tumblr_n2t6vkZXHp1rlketmo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some super shooped Ymir

>> No.7476979

I bought my scarf from a Ardene, if you have one around, and it looks really good. It's made with some fabric called viscosa, although google is telling me it's actually viscose.

>> No.7477086
File: 221 KB, 500x281, 1396679068558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commencing Soratane dump just because.

>> No.7477092 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 500x281, tumblr_msdjle7JWw1qdf1guo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35598886 4803

>> No.7477093
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>> No.7477095
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>> No.7477098
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>> No.7477100
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>> No.7477105
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>> No.7477107
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>> No.7477117
File: 193 KB, 500x333, 1396679895997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not "cosplay" per se but I still enjoy her pictures. End of dump~

>> No.7477153


Wow she's pretty good at looking like anyone.
I wish my face could do that.

Forever brown and matching no one.

>> No.7477253

Where is the best place to get a white hooded top for Annie. Both ebay and my local thrift store are only bringing up bulky sweaters.

>> No.7477674

so freckles = marco cosplay now? he didn't even bother to part his hair correctly.

>> No.7478283
File: 100 KB, 756x1890, T220XfXrVaXXXXXXXX_!!44249580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these boots or know what the calf circumference is? The size chart says 44 cm but that's probably for the very top of the leg opening. The reviews go back and forth between roomy and too tight.

>> No.7478308

that body. Does she have a tumblr or instag to follow?

>> No.7478309

>buy one piece hoodie
>remove pocket

>> No.7478520

They're all bulky. I'm looking for a hooded shirt not one made of sweater material.

>> No.7478533
File: 70 KB, 732x960, 1396745714179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you make one? Trace a long sleeved tee-shirt for a pattern and add a hood.

>> No.7478743
File: 381 KB, 482x682, ND7_2580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my jacket and I feel super proud.
It's fully lined and fits well! I'm glad I used duck cloth

>> No.7478746

Hoodies are easy to make. Anon just sounds lazy

>> No.7478752
File: 90 KB, 720x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks realllllly good! I'm glad it turned out well for you. It's always do satisfying to make your own stuff in the hoards of shitty china jackets.,

>> No.7478805

does anyone know where I can find a cheap back patch (recon corps) I know there's the ones on ebay, but anywhere elese?

>> No.7478827

Please iron it more or something, because it looks oddly puffy right now.

>> No.7478828

I think that's actually the one Mikasa cosplayer who's actually a guy.
Might be mistaken though.

>> No.7479019

yeah, I need to go over all the seams

>> No.7479037

Her instagram is posted on her tumblr somewhere.

She's not a guy she's just a ~lesbian~ lol.

>> No.7479109

Ironed it today as ordered. As for the apron, its difficult to get it to go under the belt and over the straps due to the costume design, Im working on fixing it.

I used to play a character named Leah on World of Warcraft....

>> No.7479121

It's 18cm measured flat at the widest part of the calf. My calves are 29cm and I can slip them on easily without using the zipper.

>> No.7479128
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That's not really lazy. You can buy a thin hooded top like Annie's usually so why make it.


>> No.7479173

I don't know where everyone gets their white skinny jeans/pants because every single time i find a pair they have fake pockets and i just

hate fake pockets with a burning passion.

>> No.7479183

I bought white jeggings which are basically just stretchy jeans from an Urban planet at some point and thank fuck they have pockets
Whoever invented fake pockets deserves to be burned at the stake.

>> No.7479211
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>> No.7479223
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>> No.7479227
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>> No.7479231

Oh, jeggings have pockets? I've never owned a pair, so I wouldn't know.

Yes. burned at the stake. Amen.

>> No.7479688

Thank you! How tall is the boot, not counting the heel and what size did you get/ how is the fit? Sorry for all the questions.

>> No.7481428
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>> No.7483551
File: 321 KB, 500x364, 1396945812351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rule 63 jean that I would possibly go a little gay for...