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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7448914 No.7448914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New feels thread!

Post /cgl/-related feels or just any feels.

>> No.7448925

I feel like it is impossible to get a girlfriend without selling all your moral integrity.

>> No.7448938

Not that bad, but I can't seem to approach people at cons.

I only asked one person for a picture at my most recent, and first, con and it took some serious buildup.

Like why? I'm confident with how I look and act, but there's some physical barrier between talking to someone and asking for their picture.

>> No.7448944


>> No.7448967

Maybe because it was your first con, and you still needed to get adjusted to it all. Next time, go knowing that most people at cons are equally as thirsty for attention and tomodachis as you are. Just be friendly, look clean, and have some conversation starters memorized.

>> No.7448980

I think that's what the big deal was - I honestly don't remember ever asking anyone for a picture in my life. I don't think I was attention-/friend-thirsty, though, since I wasn't cosplaying and I was with a friend I was really happy to be with.

But as for the last points - I actually was really clean. I'm really aware of how clean I am / how bad/good I smell, as weird as that sounds, so I take care of myself pretty often. And then my job is literally to make about ten minutes of conversation with every stranger I encounter, so I have that kind of thing down.

I know it looked like I just shot down all your points, but it really did give me something to think about regarding something that had bothered me a little.

>> No.7448990

Went to a small local con this weekend and was pretty disappointed. I brought along a friend who had wanted to go to a con for the last several years but never could so it was her first time, and I worried the whole time about if she was having fun. She didn't plan a cosplay so I said I'd help her at least coordinate a cute outfit and use one of my wigs, but then she was sad when no one wanted her picture. Besides her, our group was really dead except for when we were doing a group cosplay- that the girl I brought along wasn't a part of, so she was dejected.

I need to find new people to hang with at cons, or just stop going. My group never wants to do anything but sit in near silence most of the time, so I'm either lonely or bored. Oh well.

>> No.7449002

>She didn't plan a cosplay so I said I'd help her at least coordinate a cute outfit and use one of my wigs, but then she was sad when no one wanted her picture.
Last con I went I saw some girl like your friend, she was wearing some j-style clothes and a wig. She looked pretty cool and I thought about asking for her picture and talking to her a bit but I decided not to because I didn't want to be a creepy guy.

>> No.7449022

What you might be picturing probably isn't like what she wore... I didn't mention that she didn't even end up wearing the wig because she didn't take enough time to put her hair under a cap so she gave up. And I only helped with accessories, not the outfit. So she ended up looking like 60% of the other attendees.

Idk if people in j-fashion find it creepy to have their picture taken because I never wear it myself. :/

>> No.7449037

That feeling when no cutie pie cosplay girlfriend.

>> No.7449075

See what I mean? She gets offended just because I implied that I have different opinions than her.

>> No.7449109

Translation: poorfag doesn't have enough money for dates? Otherwise...idge...

>> No.7449287


>> No.7449286
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>had my first one night stand during the last con I went

>> No.7449291

Congratulations if you're male. "Lel, and?" if you're female.

>> No.7449295

I'm male. Weeaboo scum on top of that.

>> No.7449312

Congrats! I hope you get yourself tested and where is your qt anime girl from?

>> No.7449317

Hell no I won't get tested. hate hospitals.

chuunibyou 2

>> No.7449318

Chuunibyou season 2

>> No.7449323

It was more of a joke but kk, and thank you

>> No.7449362

I see, so it's a "once a year" occasion then.

>> No.7449380

Not really. After I lost my virginity at 21 I became very active.

>> No.7449565

I really want to get into cosplay, so I lurk around here and Google tutorials here and there to try to build up a working knowledge of how to make my first cosplay look pretty good, or at least good enough that it's not vomit-inducing. But I'm so deathly afraid of having my costume being ridiculed online because of all the high standards set up online(especially more so since I want to do a genderbent version of a character). Whenever I sit down and try to fabricate something I get pretty discouraged because it doesn't look as good as professional/long-time cosplayers.

what do /cgl/ I want to get over that feeling

>> No.7449584

I would ask for some advice on what to cosplay and whether or not what you're even looking at is appropriate for a beginner self-made costume first of all in the cosplay help thread. Also determine what your budget is and make sure that what you want to make is going to be within your budget.

Then dive in and start learning to actually make some things. If it's cross play then start learning make up, learned to wig if needed. You will have a learning curve and some fails so plan this with plenty of time and a little extra money to replace supplies for when you have those setbacks.

You can only learn so much by watching and reading and looking at people's work before you have to actually do the hands-on learning.

Another option would be to choose a first cosplay where you could buy at least part of the costume.
Your first self-made cosplay is more than likely not going to look professional level and you do run quite a chance of being posted here if you attend any sort of major con and get your photo taken, but then so does everybody who is cosplaying at any convention.

It sounds like you've sat and thought enough and it's actually just time to start doing things before you second-guess yourself any more than you already have an chicken out on the whole thing.

>> No.7449604

Friendly reminder that MEN ARE FUCKING SCUM.

>> No.7449606

Sounds like someone's date didn't go well last night...

>> No.7449707

The presumption you just said is exactly why men are fucking scum.

>> No.7449711

Except for the fact that I'm a chick, maybe? I'm just not down with the 'women are all bitches and men are all scum' thing. So when people post it, I tend to be a bit of a smartass.

>> No.7449722

I never called women the b-word, stop projecting. Women are good, men are scum.

>> No.7449745

Why are cute girls always scared of me?

>> No.7449751

If it happened often, and with different ones, it must be something in your approach.
'Always scared of me' is a little too vague to figure out what's going on though.

>> No.7449772
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>endless winter
>haven't been going out, just sitting inside eating/sleeping/doing home work
>notice lolita has been feeling tight lately
>weigh self
>gained 7 pounds over about 2 months
fuck. I already gained 7 before winter over a longer period of time. I feel so gross and fat. On top of this, I haven't been feeling all that great about loli either lately so this is just crushing (don't want to stretch out my own fucking brand). I can't wait for spring to come so I can start working out and not eating all my feelings.

>> No.7449785
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It's probably because I'm Indian. Nobody likes Indians.

>> No.7449793


It's called a gym.

Dear planet, working out in winter IS possible! Grab a fucking pre-workout if you're THAT unmotivated.

>> No.7449797

>women are good, men are scum

Well sweetheart, without a man, you wouldn't be around. Get off your high horse, and go fuck yourself :)

>> No.7449858

One day I want to tell my daughters what men *were*.

>> No.7449891

How do you plan on having children without at least a sperm doner (who, yes, is still a man.)

>> No.7449898

>what is cloning
Plus the amount of sperm in sperm banks right now is more than good enough for hundreds of years during which our civilization would flourish like it never has before.

>> No.7450006
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Something I read recently just gave me this sudden meta-awareness of myself and how others have been perceiving me, even though it wasn't directed at me at all and towards someone who goes out of her way to be objectively insufferable.
Pic related.

I wonder if that's the reason why I don't have many friends: Girls perceive me as some arrogant bitch that's a threat to their relationships/intelligences, and guys perceive me as some easy bitch to take advantage of because I'm insecure and fawn over them if they show me the slightest of attention.
It's getting to the point where I don't trust anyone, but isolating myself further just perpetuates my image as being a stuck up bitch with an ego.

What makes me feel especially guilty (and why I feel like the 'threat' aspect is justified) is that someone's husband in the convention scene is having sex with me and swore me to secrecy about it. We were close when we were in high school, and had it not been for a falling out with my ex we would've been dating. He contacted me a couple months ago asking to hang out after years of not seeing each other. But we wound up cuddling, watching a movie, smoking, making out, and then fucking. He shows up here a couple times a month now just for that.
His wife knows he comes here, but she doesn't know or is in denial about what we do.

I feel little remorse for their relationship. He's the one breaking his own commitment. What I feel remorseful for is for myself. The fact that I have become his 'other' fuck on the side, occasionally picking up his scraps of attention, while he gets to hold his head high as a 'good' husband. Meanwhile he disguises the truth that he's an insecure shit who takes advantage of emotionally vulnerable women he used to know.

But I can't stop myself from seeing him.
I know full well the futility of this situation.
But all I feel I can do is be silent. Logic says not to see him anymore, but it wouldn't make me happy. I don't know what will.

>> No.7450014

>implying sperm in banks don't go bad

They have shelf lives. They're required to throw it out after I think 2 years in storage unless it's a special circumstance. Keeping it around too long would result in damaged cells, which would lead to inability to fertilize, and retarded babbies who are misformed.

>> No.7450021

Its pretty pointless to be self-aware if you're not going to do anything about it. Clearly this "revelation" has done nothing but give you more pathetic excuses to pity yourself and justify being a perpetual victim.
p.s. you're not nearly as smart as you seem to think you are.

>> No.7450022

Boohoo, I'm fucking a married man and I feel like the other woman.
Hint: you are, and expendable too.

You aren't being taken advantage of. You are a guilty party in the infidelity and yes, betraying another woman by fucking her husband.

You aren't a stuck up bitch, you are just a second-string husband-fucker. And a recreational sperm dumpster.
You don't have friends because no one respects a woman who behaves like that.

>> No.7450024
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>Its pretty pointless to be self-aware if you're not going to do anything about it.
I don't know what to do and I don't know how to fix it. Sorry, I thought that was clear.
But it's pretty hard to change yourself overnight if all you've ever known and were raised to be is yourself.

Although I think it's pretty petty of you to talk down to someone about me when I open up about my feelings.
>hurr it's 4chan anon
Maybe none of us are wise.

>> No.7450025

I doubt i-
>someone's husband in the convention scene is having sex with me
>What I feel remorseful for is for myself
kill yourself you selfish, filthy whore. Kill him as well, you deserve to die together.

>> No.7450032

Well if I don't feel empathy for myself, nobody else will.
But if it helps guys: I do feel bad about them as individuals. Just not their relationship because I can't fix it for them.
Even if he stops cheating with me he'll just do it with someone else.

>> No.7450033

Close your legs, close your mouth, get a life.

>> No.7450036

>close your legs
I like sex.
>close your mouth
What good will that do? I'm already pretty reserved and people still judge me anyway.
>get a life
I have one, but it's not the best. Everyone has problems.

>> No.7450038

You know exactly what you expected, pity for this situation that's your own fucking fault
No sorry but it's not hard to stop fucking a married dude. It's the easiest thing in the world. Don't let him put his penis in your vagina.
You just want to whine about how you're so smart and self-aware but still can't help being this way. Well guess what, you actually can, you just don't want to.
>Maybe none of us are wise.
Please stop. You're not intelligent or philosophical. You're a stupid twat who was probably given too much attention as a kid and is fucking a married dude. You're not goddamn Jung.

>> No.7450042

What exactly do you think you deserve empathy for in this situation?
People might stop perceiving you as a cheep cumdumpster when you quit behaving like one.
The other woman is rarely very popular with anyone.
And rightly so, if women are married, you'll likely fuck their husbands if given the chance.

>> No.7450044

Have sex with unattached men. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7450045

>No sorry but it's not hard to stop fucking a married dude.
You say it so clinically anon like we don't have a history, like I'm not emotionally unstable right now, and he's not insecure and looking for an escape from his marriage.
>You just want to whine about how you're so smart and self-aware but still can't help being this way.
Dude, no, chill. I wanted to vent about what I felt.
>thinking I got attention as a child
My mother was single and my father abandoned me on the street.

I wish you weren't so hostile about your points.

>> No.7450046

but then she wouldn't get her speshul feelings validated

>> No.7450050

You're not without blame here, cunt. You're knowingly having sex with a married man. Don't feel sorry for yourself because you're an asshole.

He's to blame, of course, but so are you.

>> No.7450049

If you like sex, at least fuck other singles.
>Well if I don't feel empathy for myself, nobody else will
They will if you're not a dirty twopence skank

>> No.7450053

>What exactly do you think you deserve empathy for in this situation?
Because I'm a suicidal fuck up that just wants attention and has no idea how to start with a clean slate.
>People might stop perceiving you as a cheep cumdumpster when you quit behaving like one.
Nobody knows about my sex life.
>The other woman is rarely very popular with anyone.
I noticed.
I do that too, but this one comes back to me for some reason.

>> No.7450057

I know I'm an asshole anon.
I think people are taking
>I feel empathy for myself
>I feel no guilt

>> No.7450055

>My mother was single and my father abandoned me on the street.
Daddy issues, should have known.
Nobody is gonna feel sorry for you though.

>> No.7450061

Mommy issues actually.
At least my biological dad made clear the score after being absent for over a decade in my life.

>> No.7450069

Even if you keep your sex life secret, the vibe leaks into the rest of your life. People sense it.

If you are suicidal, get help.
Start cleaning the slate by cutting off the married man and get some therapy. That might give you some self-respect so others may begin to give you some respect too.

>> No.7450074

>Because I'm a suicidal fuck up that just wants attention and has no idea how to start with a clean slate.
Wow I couldn't have seen that coming from 10 miles away. Of course the attention whore who isn't getting the validation she wanted is now magically suicidal.
I would guess you're BPD or something similar.

>> No.7450075

>the vibe leaks into the rest of your life
What are these vibes anon? Can you tell me?
I'm not being a smartass, I just want to know what I can try to change.
>If you are suicidal, get help
But why? At least one person agreed that I should off myself and I wish I had that capability. Tried it last week, but I'm a coward.
>That might give you some self-respect so others may begin to give you some respect too.
I have self-respect in other aspects of myself.
I do well academically.
I don't cause drama (I know sleeping with a married man sounds like drama, but if nobody knows then...)
And I don't dress skanky or anything. It's not that I don't have interests and hobbies.

>> No.7450078

>Of course the attention whore who isn't getting the validation she wanted is now magically suicidal.
In fairness anon, I was suicidal well before the married dude came back in my life. The difference now it just gives me a more compelling reason to.

>> No.7450079
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>tfw living in the middle of nowhere
>everything interesting is at least 40 minutes away
>nobody around with similar hobbies to hang out with, not in school
>wanted to visit a bookstore today but I'd have put at least $20 gas in my car just to go
>what's the fucking point of going anywhere when I can just find what I want online
>parents are starting to freak out because all I do is work and spend the majority of my time locked in my bedroom

I can sense myself slowly becoming an insociable shut-in since I took a break from school to work and save money, it's really sad. I don't want to do anything here anymore.

>> No.7450082

>I just want to know what I can try to change.
>argues with all reasonable advice

>> No.7450086

I'm not arguing, anon.
Btw what are the vibes?

>> No.7450087

Low self-esteem despite you saying you have 'self-respect in other areas'. No.
It's a package deal and if you respect yourself, you won't be suicidal. If you are suicidal, you've lost your self-respect big time.

Also... Fawning over people who give you attention to the point you'll fuck men just because they pay attention to you.
We all know these kinds of gals, and most of us avoid them. It's pathetic to see.

>> No.7450091

>We all know these kinds of gals, and most of us avoid them.
But why do you hate us so much?
We have our reasons for our behavior, and it's not like we're proud of them. They may not be good reasons to you or anyone else but they drive us to do what we do.

But thanks for the insight about the self-respect, I think I am in denial about it because before I got sexually desperate I did used to have some. Maybe I'd like to believe I still do.

>> No.7450097

I told you why...see >>7450042

>> No.7450095

Not the same anon but it's like how you just know the creepy kid in the back of class is a sociopath, or the shy girl is a total slut. Mannerisms from your "hidden" personality come out whether you know it or not.
If you really want to change you should try acting like someone who is changing.
Start trying to act like a nice person other people would want to be friends with. but more than that, THINK about how you are changing. If your thoughts and actions move toward a new self even if you don't believe it at first you will eventually turn into that person you want to be.
It's how people say "fake it til you make it," it WORKS. Minds are pretty easy to trick and get to do something else, it just takes time. Look up autosuggestion.
You also have to stop pitying yourself and you have to stick with it, not whine about how it doesn't work after a couple of months.
And stop fucking the dude, "I want to" isn't a reason. I "want" to beat the shit out of some people sometimes but I don't. I "want" to drive drunk but I don't. It's called being fucking civilized and a decent person.

>> No.7450099

Because usually you're also fuckin' debby downers, and seem to always try to make everyone feel sorry for you.

Nobody wants to be around people with no self-respect. You're just not fun to be around. You make everyone else feel negatively, and nobody wants to put themself through that.

>> No.7450101

>Start trying to act like a nice person other people would want to be friends with.
Other than screwing over the wife of that jackass, I do try to be genuinely nice to people anon. I keep my judgments to myself, don't act like I'm better than other girls, etc.

But you are right about the fact that I need to get over my self-loathing. It's just that ever since I got suicidal all I've been focusing on is my feelings.

I'll tell the married guy to fuck off....I guess it's not as important to me as I think it is. And maybe he should hear how bad he's made me feel and not you guys.

>> No.7450102

But no one CARES why you do what you do, see?
We just want you to get away from us when you are that kind of person. And yes, it shows, that kind of attention seeking. Clearly shows.

>> No.7450107

Just so you guys know, I never open up like this to ANYONE I know irl.
You are the first people to ever see me feeling sorry for myself and hearing about my issues.

I don't trust people.
And like >>7450102
said, it's not like people care about it anyway.

>> No.7450106

Tell the wife and tell her to divorce him, at least. If nothing, you'll have a clean slate to start from.

>> No.7450109

Even in this thread, you aren't nice. You are self-centered and self-absorbed. You ask advice, people take time and effort to give it, you aren't even grateful and you argue with them. No one wants a friend who acts like that.

>> No.7450110

They have kids together.

>I come from a divorced home
>he comes from a divorced home
We know what it's like to come from broken homes.
I'm not going to ruin their marriage so their kids can be miserable just because I want my 'clean slate' anon. But I understand where you're coming from.

>> No.7450112

Not to mention you're fucking nuts. You're morally bankrupt and don't even see what you're doing is wrong. Like you know that it SHOULD be wrong, that other people think it's wrong, but you don't actually "get" it and you don't think that trumps the most important to you, your precious feelings. Fuck everybody else. You're devoid of empathy, except for yourself. You don't get it. I wouldn't want to be friends with a narcissist or a sociopath either, and you don't sound like you're even superficially charming. You're inherently self-centered. You tend to fuck things up when things don't go your way. If you'd steal a girl's man who's to say you wouldn't steal my wallet or something out of my home because you "want" to or you "feel like it"? Who on earth would want to be friends with that? You're human scum and people can sense it. People like you are predators, that's why normal human beings prefer to avoid you. Would a sheep want to befriend a wolf? Does it matter if the sheep understands the wolf's intentions?

>> No.7450116

>You are self-centered and self-absorbed
Anon...we're in a thread talking about some of our darkest, deepest feels. Of course I'll sound like a self-centered bitch.
>You ask advice, people take time and effort to give it
You mean telling me what I already knew, like what a shitty person I am and how I should kill myself? Anon, please.
There are anons right now that I am having a discussion with, and am taking some of their advices. Calm yourself, I'm not worth getting upset over.

>> No.7450117

>you both come from broken homes

Gee, then maybe you both hould have fucking thought about that when he was sticking his dick in you. It's too late. You've already broken that home. No matter what, that home will never be the same as it was before you showed up.

He's going to feel guilty, and eventually the wife will find out.

>> No.7450120

Others may see much more than you think they do, you aren't really that clever and you clearly don't have your shit together in as many areas as you may think. People see much more than you show them, you know.
No ones going to care why you are fucking someone's husband, your reasons. They will just think you are not very good for doing it. You need to get over yourself period. Navel gazing isn't getting you anywhere. Get some therapy and clean out your closet.

>> No.7450119

You're ruining their kids by not telling them. I come from a divorced home too, and my dad cheated and presented the cheap whore to me as his "friend", but that just makes it worse.
The kids deserve to have a father who isn't a deadbeat and the sooner his wife is done with his shit the sooner she can find someone loyal and less of a dickbag. I love my stepdad more than I will ever love my dad, and I consider him my "real" father. If my mom didn't get divorced, I would have been stuck with my dad which would suck.
Trust me on that.

>> No.7450122

>You're morally bankrupt and don't even see what you're doing is wrong.
I do though....anon...
>devoid of empathy
If you knew what I did for others irl anon, you know that's not true.
But I understand, I only told you a snippet of my thoughts and now you're judging me based by that. All I can say is don't give me a lump judgment like that, I do have the capacity to care.

>> No.7450130

Unless you WANT their kids to be bitter distrustful assholes like you two, I mean.

>> No.7450132

He'll be guilty, yeah. But the wife won't find out especially if I end it now.

Plus I find it hard to believe at this point that I'm the only person he's cheated with. If he can lie to his wife, he can lie to me.

My mom was cheated on too by my biological father.
I don't know anon, I feel like I would be taking it too far. I don't know what will be good for his kids.
Is there any way to get free therapy? Serious question.

>> No.7450133

No you don't. You think you do but you have no IDEA what that even means.
You came from a broken home and you willing broke another, ruined some innocent kids lives, just for some cheap sex. I don't need to know anything else about you. I don't care if you're Mother goddamn Theresa the rest of the time. Other people have had it far, far worse than you and they don't do stuff like this, let alone try to justify it.
There are painless ways to commit suicide, even euphoric.

>> No.7450134

Then care about his kids and kick him to the curb. He may fuck the next bimbo in line after you but at least you won't be contributing to it anymore. That's something to start. Do it immediately.

>> No.7450136

Anon, I was like you. A guy convinced me he was in an open relationship, so we became friends with benefits. I confronted him later and he admitted his relationship was monogamous; he was just cheating. I kept seeing him for another month or two but the guilt did me in and I stopped. He asked me three more times to come back to him. The third time was two weeks after he got engaged to that girlfriend.

It's not your responsibility to fill whatever gaps someone has in his relationship. It will never make you feel good to be someone's side dish. It'll just keep fuelling your low self-esteem. You have to be the one to say no, even if you feel like you're not the one who has anything to lose, being the unattached one. Sure, he'll keep coming back, and you, liking sex, will be like, "Sure, why not?" but it'll keep taking its toll on you.

I got past that and now I'm much happier being in a relationship of my own, not playing second fiddle to someone's relationship issues. I hope you can get past this, too.

>> No.7450138

>Is there any way to get free therapy? Serious question.
If you're in school they have it

>> No.7450141

>ruined some innocent kids lives
I think you're being a bit extreme about this, anon.
Anyway, I'm sorry as I've clearly upset you with this. I should've kept this to myself like a lot of my other issues.
Will do, okay?
Thanks anon, I'll try to move on.

>> No.7450142

Community mental health centers if you can't afford it. No insurance?

>> No.7450145

1) All the more reason to tell her. Apologise to her and say what happened, provide proof and tell her to divorce.
2) At this point nothing is good for the kids, but divorce is the lesser of two evils. Many people divorce, it's a bad thing but not as bad as having family drama and potential violence/abuse.
3) Yes there is, call your local mental health hotline and ask them.

>> No.7450146

>Thanks anon, I'll try to move on.
You have my support, as the only person in this thread who seems to have had a similar experience. Obviously I don't feel great about my past, but you can't rewrite it. The only thing you can do is learn from it.

Turn him down. You'll feel better when you don't need the D to validate you anymore.

>> No.7450147

>The third time was two weeks after he got engaged to that girlfriend.
I wish you told the girlfriend.. I don't get people like this. Plenty of women want open relationships, it's just selfish to pretend you want one and fuck around on the side.

>> No.7450151

>All the more reason to tell her.
She's not reasonable. And this community is so small that this drama would spread like wildfire. I don't need that stress, the kids don't need that stress, nobody does.

Anon if I'm going to break it off then it's best to do it quietly.

>> No.7450154

I cut him off after that point and washed my hands of it. He didn't respect the fact that I had a boyfriend by then, either.

>> No.7450160
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>Other people have had it far, far worse than you and they don't do stuff like this, let alone try to justify it.
>There are painless ways to commit suicide, even euphoric.
You're a fucking bitch and no better than the anon that's cheating.

Cheating is bad but NOBODY in that situation deserves to be seriously told that they should kill themselves.

>> No.7450163

Wait, you had a boyfriend? Ah god damn it.

>> No.7450166

>Obviously I don't feel great about my past, but you can't rewrite it. The only thing you can do is learn from it.
Thanks anon, just so you know this had resonated in me. I really appreciate this, and even if the other posters weren't as eloquent they were things I needed to read.

>> No.7450170

Wait, what? I think you're reading this wrong. When I was unattached, I had my thing with the friend-with-benefits. I cut him off, moved on, and he kept bugging me about coming back to him, but I kept turning him down. I got a boyfriend and he still kept bugging me. He got engaged and he still kept bugging me. He just didn't give a shit about commitment, mine OR his. I never went back.

>> No.7450172

I didn't tell her to kill herself. But I strongly believe that people who want to die, after exhausting all routes of therapy, should be allowed to. Especially if they aren't doing anything but suffering and causing suffering for those around them. I see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7450173

>thread derailed by literal attention whore
Shit, /cgl/. You should know by now that advice falls on deaf ears half the time in these kinds of threads. I doubt you're doing much but giving the girl a hard on from having so many people reading her words.

>> No.7450176

>I didn't tell her to kill herself.
Bullshit, you implied it.
Stop being such a cunt. For one who knows all about who has 'empathy' and who doesn't, you certainly lack some yourself.
>You should know by now that advice falls on deaf ears half the time in these kinds of threads.
She is taking the advice, stop having such knee jerk reactions to things.

>> No.7450182

I think you're confusing anons. But for the record, I have plenty of empathy. I'm sure most people who are for the death penalty, abortion, or assisted suicide are empathetic. I just don't live in the Disney universe where all lives are beautiful and special and worth preserving at all costs, even against the owner's will.

>> No.7450181

>I doubt you're doing much but giving the girl a hard on from having so many people reading her words.

I actually value a few posts itt.
But you know
>your post is only contributing to my vain ego derp

>> No.7450186

>tfw my boyfriend is the sweetest thing ever
>tfw I think I'm in love

We have some much fun together, he is so caring and loving. I just feel so blissfull when thinking about him. Even thought I sometimes poke him fun about our age difference, it really doesn't show at the end. I genuinely feels happy, and it's been a while since it didn't happen.

>> No.7450193

Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus. I ain't done no shit myself but just from reading these I feel like joining a convent.

>> No.7450192

>death penalty, abortion, or assisted suicide are empathetic
Abortion is nothing like the death penalty or assisted suicide, abortion isn't even bad.

>I don't live in a Disney movie
Good for you in all, but watch your damn mouth next time you go off on somebody about being un empathetic while demonstrating none of your own.

>> No.7450198

It actually feels pretty good to get that off my chest.

>> No.7450202

That's why I stopped replying to her when she just started making excuses and justifying her feels. Next please...

>> No.7450206

She constantly comes back trying to justify her actions.
Examples here >>7450032
>I won't do anything, he'll just cheat on someone else, their relationshit isn't my problem
>but I like sex, so I should be able to just fuck married guy
>but mah parental issues
>give me empathy because I'm suicidal
Hard truth, not everyone deserves shit like that. The thing with empathy is that someone actually has to feel some semblance of what you feel, it's isn't something you ask for. Being the other woman isn't something most people want to imagine themselves being, in fact it gets people doing the opposite, feeling for the wife, because people don't want to imagine being a dirty cumdumpster.
>if you're suicidal, get help
>good advice here
>no, I just wanna off myself k but it's hard wah
>you need self respect
>but I have some thx

Just going to stop here. She got answers and advice, there's no need to continue here with her "reasons." She needs help and she's just lingering here scraping the bottom of the barrel for sympathy. She knows what she needs to do, she came to this thread already knowing.

>> No.7450210

>She constantly comes back trying to justify her actions.

I became less defensive about my actions when people started to calm down.
If you scroll up you'll see I conceded with ALL of those advices, thank you.
Sorry I got defensive, but people telling me I'm a shitty person and that I need to die isn't exactly enlightening either, I knew that too.

Again, sorry I upset you.
I didn't mean it. It's over dude.

>> No.7450211

That sounds lovely, anon. I have similar feels and I'm happy for you, it really is a great feeling. Thank you for the light ray of feels in this dark, sad chasm of a thread.

>> No.7450214

I've lost the motivation to work on cosplay again. I have all the materials, the equipment, and my sister is a lovely teacher but I can't bring myself to start on it. I'm terrified of messing up and it looking terrible as I'd never worked with a sewing machine before or hand embroidered even though the embroidery's really easy. I guess I'm just terrified to taking the first step and/or bothering my sister too much? I already bother her so much which is why I'm try to learn on my own but I feel like I'm just relying on her further

>> No.7450218
File: 49 KB, 800x600, melodramatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you for the light ray of feels in this dark, sad chasm of a thread.

No wonder this board is so easy to troll.

>> No.7450225

No problem anon. I'm so happy I feel the need to tell everyone !

>> No.7450226

You know what, I have plenty of empathy for people who actually deserve it. Even if they commit crimes but demonstrate some remorse I'm all for leniency. If they're clearly mentally ill and the resources weren't available to get them help, that is a sad sad state.
If they're hellbent on wrecking the lives of random people and show no remorse for anyone but themselves? I don't give a damn what happens to them. I'm not hurting people that don't deserve it. I'm not even hurting people who DO deserve it. I just don't care what happens to them. I think most people agree, but nobody says it.

And I'm all for abortion but I wouldn't argue it's soooo much better than assisted suicide.

>> No.7450224

So you're a barely not underage girl dating a 30+ year old man? Enjoy getting pumped and dumped, your relationship won't last longer than a year.

>> No.7450230
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>> No.7450234

>I have plenty of empathy for people who actually deserve it.

Empathy isn't about who "deserves" what.
Truly empathetic people know that all human beings deserve a certain level of empathy.

There are ways to be firm with your points while not sounding like an ass ravaged thundercunt by implying someone should go through with their suicidal tendencies.
Now you sound like the one who's making excuses for your behavior! Let it go.

>> No.7450235

Yes, exactly, the "he is 15 years older than me" femanon. Even if it don't last longer than a year, if its like this all the way long then I'll regret nothing.

>> No.7450237

Haha yeah when you are in a happy relationship it can be hard not to talk about your SO. I try not to talk too much about my bf though around my friends because I'm afraid that I'm annoying them or they will think that I am showing off because a few of them are single.

>> No.7450245

>Truly empathetic people know that all human beings deserve a certain level of empathy.
No. Sorry but no. This is a stupid, shitty line of thought that needs to die. People like Adam lanza or the Boston bombers or even just run of mill rapists, murderers or other people don't deserve an OUNCE of empathy from anyone, ever. This is a very childish way of thinking and it doesn't make you more morally superior than everyone else. In fact, I'd say this kind of thinking does more harm than good.
Maybe anon deserves more than I give her credit for, I'm not trying to lump her in with the above, but I don't think she deserves a lot. I'd probably give her a blanket if she was cold or something.

>> No.7450249

Yes, I do that too. My roomate is sick of hearing about him, and so are my friends given that most of them are single. I try to not bring him up but my mind is always wondering on his side so it's pretty hard.

>> No.7450250

It's not stupid.
A person had sex with a married man.
They didn't rape, beat, or kill anyone.
And unlike those previous issues, cheating is so easy to fix because all she has to do is stop doing it.
The fact that you're comparing her situation to Adam Lanza-YEAH, a psychopath who gunned down children at school is soooooo comparable to this situation btw- shows me that you don't give a shit about being empathetic and just want to be inflammatory as possible.

You disgust me.

>> No.7450251

That's a good way to think about it, actually. It saves a lot of grief if/when it doesn't work out. I dated my best friend for a year and after it ended, our friendship kind of withered away, but that was a great year. I was sad and all, no more bf and no more best friend, but for some reason the fact that it was fun made it alright.
Rather than lingering on how the fun times are gone, it's a lot better to remember them and look forward to new ones, imo.

>> No.7450254

>I'm not trying to lump her in with the above
I was specifically replying to you saying everyone deserves empathy ever. I don't know, maybe read the whole reply before you piss your panties with rage?

>> No.7450252

Pretty much this. Only naive underage b& can actually "feel happy" when reading that post. There never was a relationship someone had with a seagull that lasted longer than Spoony and her first true boyfriend together (over 6 years!).

>> No.7450258

>I was specifically replying to you saying everyone deserves empathy ever.
Everyone deserves a LEVEL of empathy.
It doesn't mean you shower a serial killer with hugs and kisses! It means you discuss and try to understand their behavior to prevent them, and others, from acting out and repeating it.

You're a bitch with a big mouth and a tiny brain.

>> No.7450262

ITT: Armchair psychologists.

And I agree with the poster who's saying you guys shouldn't have told that anon to kill themselves. At least one of you for a fact did that and it's not right.

>> No.7450266

>Everyone deserves a LEVEL of empathy.
And I'm saying, no, they don't.
>You're a bitch with a big mouth and a tiny brain.
And you're angry because I'm right, and you can't defend your point with anything but your feelings.

>> No.7450276
File: 256 KB, 500x364, 2nkszdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I'm saying, no, they don't.
That's your opinion.
And no, you're not "right" and that is still only your opinion.
>being this arrogant, unempathetic, and self-centered
I might've mistaken you for the cheating anon 50 replies ago.

>> No.7450280
File: 60 KB, 500x390, 1391612494591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt really confused and depressed and tired in regards to a lot of things in life. My job, my family, my appearance, my personality, my inability to find people who make more than mild acquaintances I complain about work schedules and shitty weather with.

I came home from work this morning, ate bacon and a cream horn, and ordered almost 700 dolla dolla bills worth of merchandise from Amiami not including shipping. Over half of it is preorders so I'm not paying the whole sum yet. I feel really good now, excited, like I have something to live for, waiting for my packages of nendos and keychains and shit of the things I like, something I can hold onto that won't run away or hurt me unless I drop a package on my foot or sit in on my keys.

What is life?

>> No.7450283
File: 100 KB, 540x720, 1370412533736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this entire thread has derailed...
>Trying to make gloves
>have tried 3 different patterns
>have tried cutting up other gloves for template
>nothing works

Ta da! Creating on topic feels has never been this easy!

>> No.7450284

Dating a friend is always kinda complicated yes. What counts in a relationship is all the things you learned, all those things you did together, how much you enjoyed one another. The sadness from breaking up can be pretty difficult to overcome but all the things you did and all the fun you had is what you will remember when older. And that is the thing which really matters.

>> No.7450289

>I feel really good now, excited, like I have something to live for, waiting for my packages
I share your feels. I like to do a bit of retail therapy particularly when I'm feeling a bit down. Unless it's taking a toll on your finances, it's an okay way to relieve stress.
>I felt really confused and depressed and tired in regards to a lot of things in life. My job, my family, my appearance, my personality, my inability to find people who make more than mild acquaintances I complain about work schedules and shitty weather with.
I feel you on this as well. Chin up, anon. We can make it if we try.

>> No.7450290

Aaaand now you're defaulting to crass insults.
>That's your opinion.
Implying anything you said was anything but opinion? You're the one who started this by telling me my opinion was wrong and I was a horrible human being for having it. I defended it and you have nothing else to say so you're just seething in rage and insulting me. It's your opinion that I'm worse. Some people think abortion is worse than the death penalty, some people think the opposite. I didn't realize you were the judge of all things moral ever.
You also don't have to have empathy to be able to judge it in others. Sociopaths and the like can tell when other people are morally good or not, and they have no empathy by definition.

>> No.7450293
File: 59 KB, 307x355, 1393824192396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working with paperclay for the first time
>taking forever to dry
>cracks are forming

>> No.7450296

>Aaaand now you're defaulting to crass insults.
Because you didn't, right? Why are you so defensive about this if you think you're so right about it anyway?

You're still a shit human being.
>criticizes other about being sociopaths
>tempts someone with a suicidal thought to kill themselves
>gets called out for it
>"W-w-well I didn't actually mean to and besides I don't believe everyone deserves empathy anyway so there"
Stop child.

>> No.7450313
File: 41 KB, 645x428, 1309384428381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's a shallow, vapid thing but-

Finally having good hair and knowing what to do with makeup and dressing up in these frivolous puffy Japanese dresses really does make me very happy!

>> No.7450318
File: 263 KB, 685x600, 1390650916590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applying for college
>at the last moment wanna change application
>LOL sorry you need internet banking for this, or some bullshit mobile registering service that charges you 4eur for one message
>All of those things need several days to process, I have no internet banking because I can't have steady income because I'm a filthy foreigner, and the application period ends in 8 days
>mfw the books i needed for the shitty exams were around 60eur for foreigners while natives have theirs for 20eur
>it REALLY looks like they're trying to weed out immigrants here

>> No.7450322

I feel like I've reached a nirvana state. Cosplays are going great, everything for Sak is all cleared up and planned, work is great, weight is melting off, my skin is going back to decent, life is just being good for once.

After goal weight, its lolita shopping time. Have about 3k saved up, I couldn't be more excited. Friends tried to tell me a gym membership is shit but I enjoy watching shows while running/weightlifting, so I'm feeling pretty confident.

>> No.7450324

I have never seen so many sandy vaginas in one spot before...

>> No.7450325

>all this talk about "his wife must be told that he's cheating on him"
No, stop it.

Plenty of men need a different woman for sexual release from time to time. All my co-workers visit escorts and their marriages are great.

>> No.7450326

I really don't care. Nothing you say is going to convince me the world wouldn't be better off if all the pieces of shit bent on causing chaos around them disappeared. Maybe I'm included in that, maybe it's why I don't believe everyone deserves empathy. It's not the first time I've wondered about it.
I don't think you are all that great yourself, by the way. Talking about empathy and screaming at me that I'm a piece of shit. If you make someone feel so low that they consider killing themselves how is that ANY different from what I said? You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of.

>> No.7450329

aww it's good to hear when things are going well for someone! keep on keepin on, anon

>> No.7450332

We're all sandy down here, Georgie

>> No.7450348

You sound bitter.

>Talking about empathy and screaming at me that I'm a piece of shit.
Poor baby, except you had no problem doing that to someone earlier just because you felt justified by doing it, hypocrite. Maybe you needed that taste of your own medicine, at least I didn't tell you to go kill yourself.

>You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of.
And nor do you of anyone else, even that affair anon...fucking hell.

Sometimes I wonder if these threads aren't just bait. Just hours of people continually saying the most offensive shit to one another just because they can.

>> No.7450347

don't be scary

>> No.7450351
File: 169 KB, 1224x1254, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here! Although I'm not Indian, pic realted is me.

>> No.7450353

not a scary looking person but you might be the kind to approach awkwardly

don't talk past when women are interested or start off something badly

>> No.7450356
File: 88 KB, 800x600, 1395686595165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 reference

>> No.7450358

nice man

my skins really clear now and my hairs working out pretty often

also I'm taking more control of when I work so I get some time with friends

also a cosplay of mine is working out well

>> No.7450368

>Maybe you needed that taste of your own medicine, at least I didn't tell you to go kill yourself.
I don't need to go into details because I'd just be doing it to make you feel bad. I just want this to end.
But what you did IS as bad and probably had the same result for me as what I said to affair anon had on her. We probably both deserve it. Doesn't make you any less of a monster or more right. You're in this for your own ego, not to teach a lesson or because you actually care.
You're a hypocrite and you're not any better than me. If you have any sense of empathy as you say you'll step away from the keyboard.

>> No.7450377

>I just want this to end.
Then stop replying and quit acting like a hurt puppy with your tail between your legs because you got called out. Just don't do that anymore and you won't hear from me again.

>> No.7450375
File: 230 KB, 483x314, Leo Sims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you tho

is it

>> No.7450387

Why are you defending this girl so hard? I'm willing to bet you're a cheater or homewrecker yourself. Otherwise, why would you drone on and on about her needing empathy (when she has shown zero remorse or empathy herself) while ragging on this random anon.
They're both emotionless jerks and you look like you are too. There. Thread over.

>> No.7450398

>because I don't think it's right to tell someone they should go kill themselves it means I'm lauding the cheater's actions
Fuck. you. You're clearly butthurt.

>> No.7450403

It struck a nerve with me too anon but you should ignore it. They're not going to change their mind about it.

>> No.7450411

You're an idiot AND an asshole, congrats :^)

>> No.7450407

You're an idiot AND an asshole, congrats

>> No.7450418

I would be willing to change my mind if I heard a good reason. I'm not a monster, christ. I thought I stated my belief pretty well IMO and didn't get anything but "fuck you you're horrible scum" in return. Even affair-anon got actual advice, not just screamed at.

>> No.7450424

This isn't even rage inducing anymore, it's just pathetic.
>You're a meanie pants
>n-no YOU are!
>mfw people let gradeschoolers on 4chan

>> No.7450428

>implying there's a rational way to justify you telling someone to kill themselves
There isn't.
>I'm not a monster
I'm sure the cheater doesn't think so either, but hey, that didn't matter to you.
My advice to you: Stop telling people to kill themselves because it makes you look like a hypocrite.


>> No.7450438
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1395192742450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three months since I started going to the gym with bf
>legs went from chicken thighs to almost smooth loli legs
>maybe another week or two until they're full loli mode
>fasting diet stopped my binge-ing
>butt rounder and not flat anymore
>gut flatter
>skin clearer because of exercise and healthy eating
>mfw it wasn't hard at all
>tfw bf is also getting more defined
>tfw sex is amazing

>> No.7450435

>people acting immature on 4chan
Oh the shock and awe of it all....... :^)

>> No.7450441

Please leave.

>> No.7450447

Do a mock-up first? It's really ok if you mess up just try again and try not to waste expensive materials

>> No.7450458

Please stop being this pathetic and grow some rationality.

>> No.7450459

I'm really frustrated because my personal life is stopping me from enjoying crafting my cosplays like normal and it's making me even more sad than my regular life is. I finally broke out of the worst of my depression and I've started on my cosplays for a month from now but damn I hate people for upsetting me so much. It's so easy for me to be thrown off the "I'm doing well" wagon by someone harassing me or being stalked or yelled at or just plain failing at something... I'm not very resiliant and I feel bad. Like the only reason my cosplays are stressing me out is because I hate letting people down, especially my friends. I guess this is only sort of related to the board but free therapy by venting where I won't get yelled at for it...

>> No.7450472
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>implying we're not

>> No.7450477

Hi /int/

>blackie intreudeure

>> No.7450493

Not all men. Mostly virgins and creepers.

>> No.7450549

You know what? I felt bad for a minute but I thought about it and I think I was right. I don't feel bad for what I said. In fact, if I'm really that bad, I think it says something that even a horrible person like me still thinks her actions are scummy as fuck.
Like I said before, you don't need empathy yourself to know about it in others. Sort of like how even child molesters get beat on by the other people in prison. Even other people who have committed heinous crimes can tell they're the worst.
So congratulations for making me feel bad and butthurt for about ten minutes, but ultimately reaffirming my belief. If that makes me as bad as anon to you, so be it. I still wouldn't fuck a married dude with kids and I still think you're a hypocrite.
sage because I'm sure everyone is tired of this.

>> No.7450554

No, he needs to remarry a woman who is willing to be in an open marriage rather than cheat on his current wife. She needs to be told. It's not fair to her and not worth it for her.

>> No.7450557

There isn't enough women who want open relationships. And those women probably want to have sex with other men as well.

>> No.7450576

Yeah obviously that white fattie is way too hot to be real.

>> No.7450582


>> No.7450593


>> No.7450599

>There isn't enough women who want open relationships.
Too bad. I still tell when I know someone's cheating because that's the right thing to do.

>> No.7450603

Because you're a nosy fatty. Most women are happier not knowing.

>> No.7450607
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1326499558359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw women are heartless and mean to everyone they meet

>> No.7450632
File: 57 KB, 673x960, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work calls me asking if I can take a shift on the one day out of the week I can't take a shift.

I still feel a little guilty, but I have an important doctors appointment and my husband had to adjust his work schedule just so he could take me and be there too. I can easily take a shift any other day of the week.

>> No.7450636

But what will you do if you have a son?

>> No.7450642

Haha get a load if this cunt. :^)

>> No.7450649


don't say that! I'm happily dating an indian guy! anyone that doesn't like indian guys is nuts.
actually, anyone that would write someone off due to ethnicity/race is an idiot so

>> No.7450654

No, most women are happier not being in bullshit relationships with an unfaithful partner in the first place.

>> No.7450657

I read that as "take shit on one day"

>> No.7450661

The problem is that men have special needs. It's funny how women have a strong preference for very experienced and promiscuous men but when they finally get into a stable relationship with them they want to tame their nature and expect them to stay with her alone.

>> No.7450670

No they don't have special needs. Shut up.

>> No.7450672

tfw I used to have a really good friend in the convention/cosplay scene, since I was like 15 years old, and recently he just decided to up and delete me off of facebook, block me on steam, and a bunch of other stuff
I still don't know what I did wrong, and I really liked talking to him and seeing his cosplays...

>> No.7450678

Yep, whatever you say.

>> No.7450703

Well they do, just probably not in the way anon intended.

>> No.7450843
File: 132 KB, 480x640, 1395699653525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Know this guy from the cosplay group I am atm.
>He's kinda cute and nice to me because I'm new to cosplay.
>I ask him sewing questions in a moderate way so I can have an excuse to talk to him.
>Start talking to him more, very good vibes.

>Next con is approaching.
>Meeting with the group so we decide next thing we're all cosplaying.
>We come to terms but we're short on people.
>Oh well, my normalfag sister wanted to try cosplaying. I'll have to make two costumes but why the fuck not.
>Everybody agrees so I get to it.

>Con day.
>We're all having a good time and guy approaches me.
>Holy fuck I gave the best of me in this cosplay. He's going to compliment me, he's going to compliment m-
>"Hey... Can you give me your sis' number?"
>Mfw senpai will never notice me.

>> No.7450848
File: 17 KB, 280x302, house1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon.
I hope one of these happens:

>Asking for sister's digits to get more info on you
>Talks to sister realize she isn't the best fit of you two
>You find yourself in an anime and get a kickass kawaii cosplaying guy at the end

>> No.7450877
File: 17 KB, 500x375, arigatou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm not concerned about my sister, she has this little weeb side thanks to me and she's not proud of it (she even keeps it from her friends). She's cool with reading some manga, but would never date a guy that's much into it. And well, she knew the guy beforehand because I can't shut my fucking mouth and nope, definitely not her type.

It's more that I feel stupid for letting some guy affect my decisions. I jumped into the hobby because I liked it, not because I wanted to impress anyone. Serves me right I guess.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your concern, kind anon!

>> No.7450927

One of my clients is falling in love with me, which I can't deal with. I don't want to drop him though because he's 30% of my income.

>> No.7450933
File: 897 KB, 460x378, Hell Yeah Motherfucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you fall for a character and they're you're fave start to finish.
>TFW every outfit they wear is fucking amazing and you'd wear the shit out of it
>TFW You have the ability to make them all and feel like your fave character while wearing something you made yourself.

>> No.7450940

What profession, anon?

>> No.7451067
File: 625 KB, 245x245, 1369596533295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a lot of books
>watching a lot og movies, animes, etc.
>because of that my expectations are high as fuck
>can't find 3D waifu

>> No.7451091

Either escort or psychotherapist. Or both.

>> No.7451202

>Member of another platoon talking about GUP
>Throw out a line about some well known reference involving a tank and the head masters car
>These two break out into weeb terminology and im left in the dust
>get lost in the sauce when they change over to bleach and chobits
>to my horror they start coversing in horrid openess about a characters tits and how they must feel
>they both turn to me and ask my opinion
>crack a nervous smile and say I have to get going
>pop smoke
>avoid the fuck out of those two


>> No.7451638

Non-seagull feels. I just need to get these feels out.

>have leech aunt
>she lives off my crazy grandma's and her husband's money
>she and dad inheritted a house in Jobsville from granpa
>I apply for a job in in Jobsville
>great salary!
>get job!
>time to move
>bitch aunt tells my dad "no, it's my house too and I don't want your daughter living there."
>"She'll ruin my house", she says
>The bitch can barely do the dishes, let alone clean
>Disses me as if I didn't clean?

Thank you guys, sorry for the crazy.

>> No.7451665
File: 625 KB, 1920x1200, average World of Tanks server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military weeaboos are the best kind

>> No.7451691
File: 45 KB, 300x200, feelbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute fit loli gf to train with

>> No.7451714

I have a group of cosplay friends I hardly see after I moved a few hours away. There are three of them in this group, and they've gotten several new cosplay friends since I left who I don't know very well yet, and I feel kind of replaced by them. They go to a lot of cons that are pretty close to me, but none of my old friends from that new group ever tell me or invite me, so I end up asking them about going and getting "oh we're going with the group! see you there!" or just awkwardly bumping into them at the con. If I thought they were trying to give me a hint to fuck off, I'd gladly stop caring, but they still go out of their way to keep in touch with me, text me a lot, tag me in stuff online, etc. It just sort of sucks.

>> No.7451726

Pics or gtfo

>> No.7451738

Underage shit detected.

Of course I'd abort that little fucker.

>> No.7451742

I know this is really late, but I needed to say something. Don't give up. I used to be something like that 1 or 2 years ago, that really insecure bitch who fawned over any men that showed me even a little bit of affection. You know what snapped me out of that mindset? Someone came up to me and told me straight to my face "I hate you." I spent days thinking about those words, thinking about why they hated me so much. I came to a conclusion; it was because I'm a selfish and needy bitch. I was just like you; other than that, I was a nice person overall, but I gave off 'needy' and 'easy' vibes, and constantly felt sorry for myself. After I realized that, I began to change. I tried really hard to keep in things that I knew were stupid and really wanted to say, and I started putting myself in other people's shoes. I'm still working on it, but I'm definitely improving to be less of a hateful person. For your case, what I recommend from now on is to try to look forward, don't mull over your past, and to stop feeling sorry for yourself. From my experience, feeling sorry for yourself doesn't do anything. Try to form friendships, be a likeable person. Convince the people around you that you aren't the needy slut they think you are and form bonds where you lend a shoulder to cry on and in turn they lend a shoulder for you to cry on. I think life has potential to be great, but you need to work for it. Good luck turning your life around, anon!

>> No.7451748
File: 114 KB, 169x168, 1385491090202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw social life in shambles since highschool ended
>all highschool buddies moved away and never heard from again
>do nothing all day except play vidya and browse /cgl/
>haven't made a new friend in years
>deadly spiral of anti-sociability
I'm fucked at this rate aren't I

>> No.7451757


You're obviously male. You might as well kill yourself, nothing of value will be lost. There's thousands like you on 4chan. Worthless neckbeard virgins are like maggots & parasites that infest /cgl/.

>> No.7451763

I would but staying alive just to rape and oppress women is far more fun.

>> No.7451774

why not get a job and just start exercising?

eat well, exercise, and have a job to think about and you'll feel great.

>> No.7451799

Well, I do have a job clerking at a supermarket. It's just I kinda feel like I'm going nowhere right now. I have money and a car and stuff, but no real plans for anything. I have no idea what I should be doing with life, really.

Getting a bike and exercising does sound like fun though.

>> No.7451816

for fucks sake man.

thats where it starts, at the least. if something sounds fun toward getting your life together, go do it. be proud of your progress when someone next looks you over and you have something to show.

work on moving out of your job, or move up. be spirited and think about what would impress those that have an effect on you.

>> No.7451823

you cant move anyway?

>> No.7451828

kill yourself

>> No.7451930

I have friends who invite me to go out and do things, but I'm shy and busy with work all of the time and most of my friends live an hour away. I always bail on them or turn down invitations as a result and I feel like they're going to think I just don't like them when that's not true.

>> No.7451981


>tfw in the minority where I'd be cool with an open relationship without fucking other guys

>> No.7451985

You're every man's dream. Congratulations.

>> No.7451991

I like not having stds. I dont know about you.

>> No.7451998

You do realize she's probably like that because she's ugly as fuck, right?

>> No.7452001

>doesn't leave the parent's house except maybe to buy snacks and vidya

Must be vidya rape and oppression.

>> No.7452023

I don't think so. I wouldn't be okay just dating and having one. I'm talking about an open marriage. If I'm married for 10-15 years and I'm too tired or my libido has dropped too much to satisfy my husband, he can go fuck with some ho.

I've thought about this before and there'd be rules. Consistent testing and seeing the results is one of the rules I'd set.

Nah. Just smart enough to realize that long-term monogamy doesn't work for everyone. I'd rather have open trust and communication than lying and fighting if my future husband is one of those people who wants to step out.

>> No.7452027

That would only make her smart. The best men get plenty of ass, if you don't let him do it he'll do it behind your back.

>she knows she's not that good looking
>lets him fuck other women on the side
>she gets a high quality man who wouldn't be with her for only her personality
>he gets to be with a woman with a nice personality and use good looking women for sex
>everyone happy

Better share a bit of the great guy than settle for a loser who's all for you.

>> No.7452028

Wow, i feel very sorry for you.

>> No.7452044

>tfw had anorexia
>tfw recovered (!!!) and quality of life has drastically improved - education, socially, my relationship, my sex life, my overall mood, my ability to do things, all better
>tfw i'm now ~125-130 at 5'8''
>tfw i am used to being 110-minimum 120-MAX
>tfw i hate my body and have waited months and still hate my body
>tfw it bothers me so much I have begun to throw up again just to numb out my feelings but haven't told anyone
>tfw i know if i just lose 10-15 pounds healthily i will be completely better recovery-wise and mentally with my body image
>tfw i can't tell anyone or my long term boyfriend will break up with me and my family will disown me
>tfw i just want to like my own body and be who i want to be...

>> No.7452047

Sounds awesome.

>turn 40
>my wife: "hey love, come to the bedroom, I have a surprise for you"
>two naked 18 year olds waiting for me
>my wife: "have fun with them" and leaves

That would be the best marriage ever.

>> No.7452071

That's actually a picture of me from like 2 years ago.


>> No.7452072

I feel sorry for you. Have fun coming home to your husband fucking another woman in your marital bed without you knowing about it.

I'm not finding him any bitches. He can find his own. and he definitely couldn't bring any side hoes to my house.

>> No.7452077

Well that would be my dream marriage.

Most of the older men I know just fuck them on the side. My boss is always having threesomes with escorts. He's over 50.

>> No.7452091

Part of the reason why I would allow an open marriage is because we married for the right reasons -- our personalities and sex lives match and we love each other and are ready to build a strong marriage. Strong marriages require trust and communication. I would trust that he remains emotionally committed to me.
I guess I don't equate sex with emotional commitment, if that makes sense. Sexuality and libidos are fluid, I can't will either of us to control that shit.

just find someone who's open, anon.

>> No.7452095

>implying i'm heterosexual
>implying my relationship isnt going to be garbage like yours
>implying all men are disgusting cheaters
okay then

>> No.7452099

You're generalizing too much. I dont think theres anything wrong with open relationships, but they arent for everyone. And you're making it sound like all men cheat and are scummy/not loyal to their partners.

You sound like a try hard.

>> No.7452110

>just find someone who's open, anon.
It's very hard to find, none of my girlfriends dealt well with cheating and the ones who were ok with open relationships wanted to fuck other men.

>> No.7452121

I didn't mean to. I know that all men don't cheat. I'm saying IF he's gonna step out, I'd rather he discuss it with me first so we can work out what we'd be comfortable with. I'm open to that shit.

Just because I might not want to fuck other men doesn't mean I shouldn't get the option. If I were with someone who wanted to fuck around but wouldn't allow me to fuck around if I wanted to, then I wouldn't be cool with that.
I don't think you're gonna find someone who's okay with that unless you're older and married and she's tired of sex or some shit.

>> No.7452132

Well I would never be ok with my woman being with other men. But I guess I can bring up the subject to a girl and if she says ok and doesn't want to be with other men that would be great, if she says ok and wants to be with other men she gets dumped.

>> No.7452142

They allow feel threads on /cgl/ now? Did the mods finally leave?

>> No.7452168
File: 70 KB, 638x423, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying to find a job to afford muh cosplay and college shitu
>mfw not getting hired
>"You're a great fit for the job, but by the time you're done with training you'll have to leave for college!"
>mfw I applied possibly everywhere in town

Why did I have to be a lazy ass kid in high school and not want a job?

>> No.7452175

Whore yourself.

>> No.7452456

>Nah. Just smart enough to realize that long-term monogamy doesn't work for everyone.

I want SRS to leave.

For the people who still have working brain cells, we already had hypergamy and it almost destroyed our society:

>> No.7452466

How the fuck long are they training you? JFC i trained for my job in like 2 weeks.

>> No.7452480


you're most likely not pleasuring yourself enough or at all. seriously, it helps with self esteem.

>> No.7452481

So one of my dude friends pretty much asked me out and I'm not sure how to deal with it now. He said it was no big deal, but lol. I literally answered IDK which kinda meant no but I don't know how to deal with it afterwards because I've never been asked out before. I felt bad but he's really just a friend and really not my type (I'm honestly really only attracted to Asian boys, every other kind of person looks gross to me)

I...kind of want to avoid him but the problem is he's also a pretty good photog and I don't know if want to lose that aspect.

What do.

>> No.7452483

>I'm honestly really only attracted to Asian boys

Have fun with that 3 incher, light skinned hispanic boys is where the fun is.

>> No.7452486

you sound like a shitty person. grow up and tell him you just want to be "friends"/use him as a photographer.

>> No.7452501


>pretend to like him
>throw him a bone every once in a while
>get free photoshoots

that practically how I did it for 2 years before my photographer moved too far away for me.

>> No.7452509

I have my exceptions sometimes but either way there's only so many of those around here, anon. Qt asian boys are a lot more common around these parts and I'm not very sexual so I mostly just need a pretty face to look at and possibly dress up with.

>> No.7452526

I didn't have a problem being friends with him until he asked me, but now I'm just going to feel incredibly uncomfortable every time I'm near him. I can't deal with being around people who make me overly anxious.

Contrary to what another anon believes, I'm not enough a shitty person to do that.

>> No.7452571

Burn that tie.

>> No.7452581

So wait, you wanna fuck other chicks but don't want her to fuck other men?
That's just selfish

>> No.7452587

You sound like a massive tool and I hope everyone cheats on you