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7446407 No.7446407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it acceptable? Where does one draw the line?

Case in point: I'm doing Johnny Joestar for ACEN in May, but I wanted to give it my own spin. Instead of the beanie, I'm going to have a white baseball cap embroidered and I'm going to embroider an old set of Evisu jeans for the pants. I feel that the costume will still hold true to the character, just with a little modern/personal flair.

Will I be a total goon for doing it, and should I just scrap those components and go as 100% on-model? Originally I felt safe doing it, because it's an Araki character so liberties can be taken with outfits/accessories/color palletes. The more I think about it though, and trying to get down EXACTLY how I want to do it, I find myself wondering where to draw the line and if I should just try to be as accurate as possible.

Will I be "that guy" for doing it my way, or is it just all in my head and I should just say "fuck it, I'm going what I wanna do"? I'm a bit worried because the only other time I coslpayed, it was a simple character from a recent show, so it was hard to fuck up and almost no one recognized me. This time I feel like I need to uphold myself to some (potentially imagined) standard. Thoughts?

>> No.7446411

Are you making the costume for someone else? No? Then do it your way, their opinion doesn't matter man.

>> No.7446417


That's what I'm thinking, I just feel like I need to hear it from someone else. I was FULL STEAM AHEAD when I had the idea, now I feel like I'm going to give myself an ulcer just thinking about it. Thanks friend!

>> No.7446522
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>give it my own spin.

>> No.7446539 [DELETED] 


Yes, the pun was intended. I really hope I find a Gyro there (doubtful) so I can groan at his terrible jokes!

>> No.7446542


Yes, the pun was intended. I really hope I find a Gyro there (doubtful) so I can groan at his terrible jokes!

>> No.7446548

The Gyros at cons are usually really fun people from my experience!The guys that cosplay him are usually very down to earth and fun-loving.

Concerning your situation though I'd suggest going 100% on model though. At many conventions Jojo (and even moreso, Part 7) is niche enough already, so being accurate is pretty important. Changing color palletes is totally acceptable but don't stray too far with a modern/personal flair.

Hope you have fun. It's always a delight to see Jojo cosplayers at cons!

>> No.7446554

As long as you make sure the character is recognizable enough you shouldn't worry. Getting all the details will be important for a modification like this. If anything I think the pants will be totally fine, but the hat might throw things off. You could always make the normal hat (I think it's a bandanna?) as well and switch it up whenever you feel like it.

How acceptable in general depends on how much you care about getting recognition really. The more you stray the more it's for you.

>> No.7446557


Thanks for the input guys! I think I may do two hats like >>7446554 suggested but do the pants the way I want to. Either way I'm super excited!

>> No.7446561


Forgot to add, I'm doing the shirt and armlets/bracers from scratch, so the pants and hat were gonna be the only real deviations. Also, blue tennis shoes instead of boots because I'm going to be walking/standing all weekend!

>> No.7446617

I would keep his hat the way Araki designed it and play about with other bits of the costume/colour scheme.

>> No.7446646
File: 744 KB, 1440x1920, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I hadn't even realized that it was actually a bandanna until >>7446554 mentioned it (always thought it was a cap/beanie), so I've already decided that I'm going to do that as designed (even ordered a white one and a blue one so I can switch it up between days). The only thing about the jeans that might throw them off a bit is that the back pockets are different from the rest of the denim. I hadn't given it too much thought, and the pockets wouldn't stand out and give kind of a flair to the outfit, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should use another pair as the base. Pic related.

>> No.7447188

Wait what? Have you given a proper look at the manga? Heck, even at the ASB picture you posted: does that look like denim to you? Do you realize that Johnny's pants cover his shoes as well, how would you do that? Even the color's completely off. It goes without saying that the cap and tennis shoes (seriously? It's good to think about comfort but drastically altering a costume and making it look super cheap because of that?) are an awful idea as well. In before
>b-but it's an Araki character, I can do whatever I want!
No. The thing with Jojo is that every character has several variations in terms of color palettes and you can freely pick among those, even use super flashy fabrics and make up if you feel like it, not reimagine the whole outfit: we've got plenty of this shit in big fandoms such as SnK, please don't bring it over to JJBA.
If you can't afford the right materials or aren't skilled enough to pull off an accurate Johnny cosplay, then wait until you can. Otherwise you're gonna look like a mess and nothing like the character.

>> No.7447371


I see your point with the denim being the wrong material, and as far as shoes go the jeans actually do mostly cover them up.

You're basically saying that if I can't do it 100%, it's not worth the time or effort because it'll be inherently subpar? It's not a matter of money, so much as skill and experience. It's only my second time cosplaying, and I'm going for not only a character that I really like, but as far as Jojo's goes, probably one of the absolute LEAST complicated costumes I could come up with.

Now you've got me wanting to do the pants from scratch, too.

>> No.7448588


Question is, are you wanting to be accurate, or are you wanting to go easy and do an alternate interpretation?

personally I'm not a huge fan of doing an alternate interp, for the reasons listed above - jojo already has enough internal inconsistency, purposefully doing things wrong is just not going to look great. And you can actually find pre-printed star spandex - a quick search pops up with this http://spandexworld.com/c3/catalog/product/10604 - because if you're new I can tell you, you don't want to do star applique without some experience.

>> No.7448963


Well, I'm set on making the pants myself now, so thank you for the link! I think that's probably what I'll use, and I've got a couple patterns I want to use as well.

>> No.7449089
File: 136 KB, 700x466, 1395635739645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome! Johnny is a *fairly* simple costume, as long as you go with pre-printed fabrics, so its not a bad one to pick to start. And don't be too afraid to use spangly fabric, as long as it isn't super cheap low quality stuff, you should be good - that's the beauty of jojo, ridiculous metallic shit that wouldn't work ANYWHERE else works great for jojo!

Don't be afraid to ask folks for help, the jojo community is usually pretty good about helping folks

>> No.7449419 [DELETED] 


I can't guarantee that it'll turn out amazing, but I'm gonna give it my all! I'll definitely be asking questions as I go along, though...

>> No.7449426


I can't guarantee that it'll turn out amazing, but I'm gonna give it my all! I'll definitely be asking questions as I go along, though...

>> No.7449642

I'm trying to make a Diavolo costume but cant find any good trousers for him, do you think I should go with spandex and make my own using something like http://spandexworld.com/c3/catalog/product/2057, do you have any kind of guide for doing this as I dont have much experience

>> No.7450023

>No. The thing with Jojo is that every character has several variations in terms of color palettes and you can freely pick among those,

I understand what you're saying about fabric but I thought Araki went on record saying that there is no canon color pallet for Jojo. If that's true then that does not restrict cosplayers on what they can use color wise.

>> No.7450680

While he has said that, he does tend to stick with certain combinations of colours in his colour spreads. I personally wouldn't go with any old colours but I would potentially take the colour scheme shown on another character and use it for another characters costume.

>> No.7450864

honestly you make it sound like you wanna make exuses for being lazy and the direction you are going now is 100% awfull

>> No.7451169

There's no canon color palettes but there are some palettes that are more common, and others that just tend to look *good* together. green and purple, blue and pink, etc.... also ridiculous lipstick is always a plus

>> No.7451178

Not that person, but I think that spandex would work. I have minimal experience with spandex in general, however.

On the other hand, I was thinking of doing Diavolo as well. How are you going about making his top? It confounds me to this day

>> No.7451208

Exactly, theres plenty of color jojo to reference
Several games, manga covers, anime, art books, figures

>> No.7451271

I made a thread about it earlier and some kind anon suggested using vinyl or fake leather and cutting out the shapes then sewing them. Im planning to do the main structure in one piece to make sure it doesnt fall to pieces, and then sew the less important filler pieces in afterwards as well as using fish netting for the shoulders, with any luck it wont look like absolute shit.

>> No.7451276

Yep, even just looking at the Sas I have on display, silver and purple/pink/ pink and green, blue and red, orange and blue, orange and purple, purple and blue, green and blur, blue and purple, blue and white, pink and orange+black.
Please go with a colour scheme he's used before.

>> No.7451285

The fandom is inevitably going to grow due to the anime starting again. I fear that we should begin doing generals. Just so that us fans who have been with it for long enough can steer newbs in the right direction.

>> No.7451300

Also yellow and green and black but please don't wear that unless you're doing DIO.

>> No.7451723

I've done color schemes for characters where the exact scheme didn't appear as is in the art, but still were colors that he's used in one form or another for the character, and there's some characters that no color art exists of.

That said, and its hard to explain, but there's kind of a *feel* to jojo color schemes.

I'll say, my favorite color scheme is that acid-trip green/blue dance spread from jojo! a go-go. I wish more people did those versions!

A general might be able to work? Jojo threads usually last a while but eventually die down, and there's usually a long period between the threads. Butttt with the new anime coming, that may change.

>> No.7451730
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>mfw thinking about the influx of good Stand costumes

>> No.7451836

Enjoy wading through a sea of really bad stand costumes to get to the good ones though :( Stands are friggen HARD to get right.

>> No.7451848

I saw someone fuck up FF at a con last year, most stand attempts are going to be terrible.

>> No.7451857

>my personal spin is that instead of the canon costume i'm going to take some clothes i already own and modify them slightly. to make it unique.

>> No.7451920


In their defense, they've already been convinced to change their mind and do it proper. So hey, anon is willing to learn, here's hoping it looks awesome.

>> No.7452588

My only advice would be to start early take yourself good time and be patient. I am also new to sewing but i have to high standards for my own skills i delayed my cosplay half a year so i wouldent have to rush it and now it looks pretty good

>> No.7454246
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1393781559433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait like Foo Fighters in its actual stand form or just moe F.F?

>> No.7454254

Moe FF, meaning they fucked up one of the simplest costumes in the entirety of Stone Ocean.

>> No.7454341

How did they fuck it up? Like how.

>> No.7454417

Badly sewn (I'm pretty sure an 8 year who can follow a pattern could have done better), the wig was cut terribly, no make-up and very overweight. They were with a Jolyne whose costume was only slightly better but at least I can see how you'd screw up Jolyne.