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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7447165 No.7447165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Confess your Lolita and Cosplay secrets.
Deep dark secret? Petty dislike? Unsettling occurrence? Post it here.

>> No.7447167

I think most western brolitas look like pigs in wigs and I don't want to invite them to public things. I feel guilty for thinking it though. Mostly.

>> No.7447224

My comm is gathering new members who are most definitely ita and I'm scared to go to a meet on the off chance there's a member who isn't all that well dressed, I'd rather not be lumped with them in public.

>> No.7447242


Yeah, I think they are fine when they actually dress fine and are capable to actually look female, but most of them look like they just use lolita as a way of getting away with crossdressing.

>> No.7447254

Our comm is starting to get an autistic brolita jenny of our own.
And it's our fucking mod's fault because she won't lay down the law and ban his ass.
>he flat out told me he wants a vagina and boobs during a casual conversation
Why do we have to deal with this ugly, autistic, tumblr-scum tranny fuck! He owns NOTHING lolita and all he does is harrass the well dressed girls.

I'm all for being easy on people who at least make attempts at the fashion, but not for whiny men who do nothing but bitch about wanting to look like women while putting no effort in.
Fortunately he hasn't become too self-important to start making videos or blogs...yet. I think he's too retarded to handle most complex technology.
>dresses like peacockfeather
>attitude of brolita jenny

>> No.7447256

I hate it when cosplayers use cotton for every fucking thing. Why not use linen or silk or wool? Cotton certainly has its place but using it for every part of every outfit is so boring and not entirely appropriate for every one.

I don't really have this bias against synthetics since they have their applications as well, but not everything has to be polyester or poly-cotton either.

I hate brocades with a passion, full stop.

>> No.7447264

Lolita fashion meet.
People should be dressed in Lolita and have basic social skills and behave appropriately to the venue.
I don't want to hear about your animu or your cosplay unless I ask about it. Especially in depth.

I don't want to know about anyone's sex life, orientation, relationship woes, financial woes, family problems or be audience to your coming out party announce ( I don't need to know and understand your orientation as a meetup-level friend).

I just want to have tea. And cake. Cake is good. Maybe a movie.

>> No.7447276

Are you a bit of a reserved person anon? I think some of the topics you don't want to know about can be appropriate at certain meets to certain people in your comm...it's just a matter of how close you are to the person and disclosure.

I do understand your point may I ask what you would be appropriate to discuss in your mind? Is it just lolita or other general/openely discussed things like music, job/studies etc?

>> No.7447281

Yes, I am and tmi at a meet is awkward for me. Any general interests or hobbies, studies, music, movies, job, etc are fine and I do like getting to know people. Just not suddenly hearing really personal things. Or people monopolizing a meet with fandom-related things.

>> No.7447282

I think the mods of the FB group secretly hate everyone. They rarely show to any meets and on more than one occasion one has complained to me about the younger girls in the comm. she's not so subtle critiquing everyone and after I didn't join in I think she got the message not to hangout with me. Sucks since they don't do anything for the group now except remove spam. And that even takes a few weeks.

>> No.7447290

I understand that and I think if it isn't a small meet with people who know eachother quite well, really personal things don't need to be discussed openly. That's good to hear. It's quite understandable and I hope your comm starts talking about less personal things. Fandoms can be a bit much at times.

>> No.7447380

I'm scared to go to meetups because there is one girl in my comm who is creepy and is always trying to hit on me. Also she is ugly, fat, smelly, annoying and ita as fuck.

>> No.7447395

They often act badly as well when it is a thinly disguised fetish thing. I just don't want to deal with that.
I'm not saying anyone shouldn't dress or act as they please. But I have choices also, I choose if I want to be around them...and I don't.

>> No.7447399

Can you talk to the group leader(s) about her? No one should hit on you or be annoying and smelly. Ugly, ita and fat you may just gave to tolerate, but not the other things.

>> No.7447404

When I found out a girl I knew had got into cosplay, I laughed at her until she cried.

I'm a massive weeaboo but nobody knows.

>> No.7447414

I prefer it when my lolita skirts hit me just above the knee. There. I fucking said it.

>> No.7447421

Can't you just tell her straight up to fuck off?

>> No.7447616

I love making up shit on here. I get so much satisfaction when people believe it. I was laughing my ass off when people believed my iron gate vomit bullshit. And the jizz on the sold burando.

>> No.7447656

I'm only a loner lolita because it intimidates me to see so much racism and body-negativity in online lolita communities, cgl especially. I myself am a cute, petite asian girl so I can be "accepted" into these groups if I talk the talk and coord the coord...and I am tempted to even though it goes against my ideology. But it feels bad.

>> No.7447670

I miss my old comm. My local lolita community is very small, and even though there are large meetups in the city a few hours away its difficult for me to make friends with those girls since I live so far away and can't attend meets as regularly. The local girls are enormous and wear handmade milanoo-looking monstrosities, are weeaboos obsessed with yaoi, Homestuck and MLP. I could get over that if they had good personalities, but they don't.

I miss having a community where I looked up to the girls and felt as if their advice could help me improve myself. I miss adjusting each other's bows and tying each other's waist ties, and sharing our ideas for new coords. I don't want to sit and listen to fattychans insult girls who wear brand (when I am sitting next to them in nearly head-to-toe brand) or feel ostracized because I don't have a Homestuck OTP. I never realized how lucky I was to be a member of a wonderful comm, until now.

>> No.7447677

Seriously. Unless the other members of the com are also ita autists, you will have popular support.

>> No.7447683
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>so much racism and body-negativity

Grow some balls.

>> No.7447684

Obviously you're just an annoying dipshit.
Shit posting about trolling. Siiiiiigh.

>> No.7447695

It sucks because I fucking love arguing and being an elitist bitch, and the only progressive lolitas are on tubblr...which speaks for itself. I just don't feel right being an asshole to people for things that are totally out of their control.

>> No.7447724
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While in bed with my bf, we had a talk about lolita. I said there is no such thing as an elitest in lolita. Its just like the term hazzing in high school. Students dont actually harrass you unless youre in on it but its mostly just lip. Lolita newbies think elitists actually exist because its brought up so much. Its like an urban myth. My bf responded with saying lolita elitist do exist, that i am an elitist myself. He pointed out that im a brandwhore; I buy japanese brands exclusively, never offbrand and never used. He also pointed out that while i tolerate and am not against other lolitas wearing whatever they please whether it be offbrand, brand, indie, handmade or replicas, anything but brand is not good enough for me, so
It is a form of elitism.


>> No.7447741

Your bf is right. Now you should just accept it. So what if you're an elitist in your shopping? There's no shame in buying exclusively brand; you're supporting the companies who brought the style.

>> No.7447744


Meh, I'm becoming an elitist. I already vowed to never buy bodyline. But I still love taobao brands, and buy all my burando secondhand, so I guess that makes me only a cheap, not really elitist?

>> No.7447759

I think it mostly has to do with:
-what the weather is like
-the difficulty of sewing certain fabrics

I feel the same, but it's understandable if they're wearing it to a con

>> No.7447767

Sharing more personal things is how people try to get close to one another.

Though I'm assuming these are people you haven't known for long. In that case there's 2 things you can do:
1.let them know that tmi things make you uncomfortable(recognize that not everyone feels certain things are tmi in the first place)
2.change the topic

>> No.7447786

Number one reason I stopped going to meets. Sorry, we've met once, I don't want to hear about your boyfriend getting you into BDSM, the details of your terrible relationship with your mother, or your struggles with bipolar disorder. People will cry that this makes me a heartless bitch, but I'm more than happy to talk about these things in private or with people I'm friends with. Making a group of strangers into your personal therapy group is rude and awkward, especially when it's supposed to be a fun fashion meet.

>> No.7447788


My theory is that when we bitch, we're already bitching over expensive clothes and how people choose to wear them. They may look bad to you. They may even look objectively bad. But in the end, you actually are being a bitch anyways. That's why the scale ends up sliding down to insult looks, color, and gender, among other things. It's not a thing to be proud of, to be elitist over something as silly as poofy clothing. I think we all have to recognise that, and learn how to deal with it in our own minds.

Go join a lolita comm. If they're nice, they honestly are the best things in the world and their actions will speak much louder than the bitchiness that goes on here. Trust me on this. And if a comm isn't nice - you can always make lolita friends and make your own sort of group anyways.

>> No.7447839

>what the weather is like
Linen is great for hot weather, while wool is great for cold weather. I definitely believe in the distinction that some cosplays are going to be better for certain seasons no matter what. That's why certain types of clothes are made out those materials.
>the difficulty of sewing certain fabrics
It's not any more difficult than others. You can hand wash things like silk and wool, and it's not much harder to sew than cotton in a similar weight class. The hardest part is remembering to finish all your edges, especially on linen.
This is a legitimate issue, but I've found sites online that sell them for a more reasonable price than say Joanns. It's in the same range as the price of high quality cotton. Of course this requires you to spend more than a lot of people are willing to, but then again I try to go for quality over quantity.

>> No.7447873

You sound like a fat black chick that only claims to be "a cute, petite asian girl" so that people wouldn't give you shit for whining about racism/body-negativity.

>> No.7448254
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(1/2) I'm beginning to dislike the girl who I've called my best friend for years. We used to be really close, because we both liked anime, cosplay, lolita and what not. But starting about a year ago when I was losing weight and was trying to build up some self confidence and respect, she just got on my nerves.

>began getting jealous when I tried making new friends ("Aren't I enough for you, Anon?")
>said I was a shit friend when I refused to trade my cosplay for hers
>said I was a shit friend when I kept a hoodie she had given me, even though I tried to return it to her and she refused to take it
>called me fat and ugly, and denied it later
>blamed me for not buying her cosplay in time for an upcoming con (it was off taobao; I told her to use CD. I filled out the spreadsheet and everything. All I asked was for her to send it to her, and she wouldn't)
>blamed me for her cosplay being too small, even though I used the measurements she provided
>claimed I neglected my basic needs to buy brand
>throws fits when I hang out with my boyfriend
>expected me to pay for her food and hotel share when we went to a con together
>embarrasses and humiliates me in front of others
>made up sob stories to get me to give her pitypats and buy her things
>tried to convince me to break up with my boyfriend
>told a mutual friend that she was angry and disappointed when we didn't break up

>> No.7448265
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>>7448254 (cont.)
I could probably go into deeper detail but I'm sure /cgl/ doesn't want to read an essay about why I dislike my friend. The thing I feel most guilty about is that I've began taking pleasure in finding ways to make her jealous of me. When we first met, she was much smaller than me, she was about 120lbs and I was pushing 180lbs. But over time she gained some weight, I'd say at least 30-40 pounds, and I've lost around the same amount. We're about the same weight, but she's an apple-shape (98-86-98, from her last measure) and I'm pear-shaped (88-72-104). I like to show off my waist because I know she wished she had a smaller one. I can see that she's jealous of me, and I guess I savor it because I've always been chubby and unattractive, so I've never known how it felt for people to be envious of me. I have her try on my brand dresses, only so she can find that they don't fit her. Not long ago I bought a dress for almost $300 just because she had told me it was her dream dress. I go to tumblr and save the things she posts that she wants to buy so that I can buy them later. Half the reason I'm still losing weight is just to make her more jealous. I even considered buying her a slightly too small brand dress, just so that she can look bad in it and be distressed because it doesn't fit right. I always feel like such an awful bitch after I do and think these things, but I just go back and do it again.

I kind of want to break things off with her, but it's difficult. I see her almost everyday and she's always talking to me and trying to make plans to hang out. I don't want to flat out tell her to fuck off but I don't want to hang out with her anymore either. One of my closest friends is also friends with her too, but I don't want to lose her too, especially because I don't have very many close friends, and friends who are interested in the same things as me. So I'm just not really sure what to do. I'm sorry if this is more of a vent than a confession.

>> No.7448332

I'm the same anon. Sold my one shitty bodyline jsk, and now I'm buying brand as fast as I can. Which isn't fast because my job is shit, but my separate spending account never goes over $100, I keep buying burando off yj and shit

>> No.7448339

Kick her sorry ass to the curb

>> No.7448356
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Am I the only one who thinks this dress looks really dumb?

>> No.7448368

I've done both, and try to be very polite about it. I also feel like a meet ideally is something you attend to forget some of your cares, not discuss them. Would a meet with at least a couple of pre-arranged lolita topics for discussion be odd? I was thinking that might be a way to change the focus a bit, leaving plenty of time for regular conversation, of course? But I'm not sure it's a good idea to suggest.

>> No.7448377
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>> No.7448380

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm not standoffish person but I just don't think certain topics are appropriate for yep, a fun fashion meet! Frivolity, please, just a little...and some social decorum.

>> No.7448378

anon, it's time to leave that bitch behind.

Your friend circle should reflect who you want to be as a person and make you want to strive for better in your life.

It's going to be a long process getting her out of your life but know that you will be better for it in the future.

>> No.7448387

I love the cutlery dress, but I have to agree that everything else Vierge Vampur makes is kind of tacky. I suppose if coordinated right, it can at least be /good/ tacky.

>> No.7448396

You know how there's always a story about some girl who can't drive, always asks for rides, and never gives gas money? I am that girl. I feel sorry but I do want to attend meets! I'm in university so owning a car isn't really practical for day to day life. Next meet I promise to dish out gas money, though. I hope I never find stories about me on here.

>> No.7448399

You forget pretentious...and maybe deluded.

Elitists buy mostly new burando, mostly try hard to pretend they are NOT elitist and secretly think Taobao is just more cheap crap.

>> No.7448412

You won't if you offer gas money. No one is made of money and it's the entitlement people object to. "Oh, I'm in uni and poor (though can I buy my lolita) but I want to go. Please cover my share for me..."
Those are the ones people post about.

>> No.7448574

lesbi honest, everyone looks retarded in that getup.

>> No.7448589

Even monkeys don't want to play with the ugly non-behaving monkeys, come on! No one who has 2 brain cells doesn't admit Lolitas in public are at LEAST unusual anyway.

Part of it IS that it's at best, not usual for the area, at worst, a spectacle depending on where you are meeting but throw a non-passing cross-dressed bro into the mix and it's just always worse, never better.

>> No.7448662

How much should you offer if you live literally a 2 minute drive away that is in the direction of the meet?

>> No.7448832

My neighbor's dog had puppies the other day. I was cradling three of them because "OMGPUPPPIIIIIEEES".

Then two of them fell because I was too busy trying to keep poop from getting on my brand dress. They died today.

It's all my fault and I hate myself. I'm never touching another animal again.

>> No.7448840

You sound like you're as bad as each other, frankly

>> No.7448844

$5 max

>> No.7448848

I have two jsks on hold (one on a payment plan and one I have to fully pay off this weekend) but I also have to pay to see two specialist tomorrow I feel a bit guilty and that I've been silly with my money. I don't know if I can pay for all four things and the other things I have to.

>> No.7448849

I have a lolita friend who is currently in a dead-end relationship right now. She complains about her boyfriend to me and I wish she would end things with him so I can date her.

Shes been with him for several years, but things have changed with the both of them. She claims hes gotten lazy, for he doesnt take time to see her or chat with her and he doesnt care enough for his future since he is barely coasting through university by doing the minimum.

I feel like I am a better match for her, and I see their relationship ending soon, however, the wait sucks.

>> No.7448851
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wh.. wh.. i dont even
that sucks

>> No.7448852

I regret ever finding out about the local comm. People like them make me want to stay in my house and never leave.

They're elitists with identity issues and they're already over their mid to late 20's.

>> No.7448855

It'd be bad to not pay everyone, so I guess unless you can reschedule an appointment then just pay for everything, maybe even with credit and then go bare minimum clothing-wise for a bit.

>> No.7448857

I don't know how I'm going to go about apologizing to my neighbor, either. I'm going to, since not doing so is out of the question, but I don't know how. What do I say when something so precious has been destroyed? What do I say when that something cannot be brought back?

I'm a murderer. A pathetic murderer.

>> No.7448856

Ask the driver if she wants gas money. If yes, ask how much? She has to come early and is doing you a favor, it's not always about how close you live. I often don't give rides because I want to do something after that's in another direction or go early to do something before the meet.

>> No.7448860
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oh anon...

>> No.7448869

i just decided to join my local comm and almost every single one of them looks absolutely horrible and have no idea how to dress themselves. there was a recent meetup and one of the girls looked like an neon ita rainbow. im severely disappointed and sad that i even decided to join them in the first place.

the cosplay comm is also trashy as hell.

>> No.7448872

it's really sad and I'm not trying to take away from the fact that you're allowed to feel sad, but there are plenty of dogs to go around. That sounds really bad, but most puppy parents are scrambling to home puppies.

It's really not your fault. I think you will feel better if you apologize, but try not to take it so hard. Obviously it was an accident, there's no way you could have known they'd fall or that they'd get hurt.

>> No.7448890

Thank you for your sympathy and kindness, anons.
I... feel so horrible because they died due to my selfish desires.

I'll try not to feel horrible, but right now I don't think I deserve to be happy at all.

>> No.7448902

You do deserve to be happy, but you'll also need time to mourn before you feel completely okay again. Just try to remember it was an accident, there's no way you could have known.

>> No.7448908

Its ok anon, survival of the fittest. And its just two puppies, thats nothing compared to the amount of chickens, cows etc that are dead due to our human meat-eating desires. :)

>> No.7448917

I cosplayed as Haku from Naruto once.

I'm a six foot two inch tall male at 300 lbs with the apparent inability to go five hours without SOME stubble not only growing, but somehow showing through makeup.

It was then I realized I will never be able to do my dream cosplays, and am relegated to 3-5 characters I don't actually revile, lest I turn down every person who asks for a photograph. I don't want to come on here and see myself and see people shittalking me...

>> No.7448920

Where in the world was the meat industry mentioned in this? They accidentally killed two puppies, not contributed to a world wide industry. Nor did someone take them and butcher them for their meat.

>> No.7448921

And the award for most unhelpful anon goes to...!!

>> No.7448928

Well.. chouji is cool too in his own right. Also that one kid from accel world? Snorlax? yeah....
Sorry anon, I'm a 6ft female and I cant cosplay any kawaii chibi girls, whom are all my favorites :( And group cosplays are out unless I go as a guy OTL

>> No.7448929

Weight's lost and abs are made through the kitchen, anon. I'm going to summon a board boogie-man and recommended you check out /r/keto. I believe in you.

>> No.7448930

Alright. Thank you. I'll try.

>> No.7448939

I'm just saying the amount of lives lost as contributed by two measly puppies is absolutely nothing compared to the other animals whom have killed indirectly.

Although people like to think of a dog's life as more meaningful than 'food animals', they are animals nonetheless.

>> No.7448968

Go to /fit/ and read only the sticky and FPS threads. You might need to check archives for the latter. You can make it, brah.

>> No.7449051

Thank you anon, I thought I would only have one this week but I called up the 2nd specialist and this weeks was the only available appointment for months. I waited more than a year in the public system to be seen and they only talked to me and did one test that came back unclear/need retesting (for a different issue) then 3 months after that (November) I had a review appointment where they were surprised I was back so soon and told me I would probably need operation but that I should have another review in six months and then get the operation at the next available time so it'd probably not be until november this year when the issue first appeared in July 2012. So even though it's going to be a bit expensive going private is a good decision and I thought I would take it, and get things sorted asap. I should be able to pay for the dresses and everything all fine (if I stick to my budget), it was just a worry and a bit of guilt.

>> No.7449060

It was an accident, it could have happened to anyone, but that does not change the fact that you were more concerned about a piece of clothing than the lives you were holding in your arms. I'm not saying that you should hate yourself forever and never be happy again, because that's not right. But I don't think that people trying to comfort you is any good either. You should feel bad about it, because another beings life is not something to be taken lightly.

Anyway, the best thing that you can do is to sincerely apologize to the owners. As someone who has lost a pet due to someone else's carelessness before, I can assure you that you'll be forgiven over time. But please stay humble and be more careful from now on. It's definitely hard for you to be responsible for something like that, but sugar coating things is not going to change the fact that it happened. Think about it, feel bad, come to terms with it and make sure not to repeat the same mistake again.

>> No.7449067

why were you wearing brand? Why didn't you just go pick them up when you were changed?

>> No.7449072

haha die in a fire! What the hell is wrong with you! obviously if she had known she'd have dry-cleaned the dress rather than let the puppies fall. It's not like she knew they'd be hurt at all and decided her dress was more important? Not to mention she already feel bad as hell without some idiot coming and accusing her of not caring about the puppies/knowing what would happen?

>> No.7449127

you sound like a terrible person

she's jealous, but she's not a giant cunt

>> No.7449134

If someone lets you hold their baby, naturally you would be more concerned over the baby's well-being rather than it dirtying your clothes. I think that the same should apply to when you are allowed to hold someone else's pets. I understand that not everyone thinks that highly of an animals life to be able to compare it to a humans, but it's still a valuable life none the less.

I never said that anon must have known that the puppies will fall or get hurt, nor did I ever claim that she doesn't feel bad. My point was that when you may be the reason a life is lost, you will feel bad. You /should/ feel bad, because a life is an important thing and not something you should just brush off with "shit happens".

As much as you have the right to tell me to die in a fire, I think I have the right to tell someone to face the consequenses of their actions, even if it means they'll feel bad for a while. If the anon in question thinks I'm being unreasonable then that's fine and she doesn't have to listen to me. That's all I have to say about this, sorry.

>> No.7449152

I'm a fucking vegan for fuck's sake and even i didn't feel the need to be such a douche about it.

The puppies are gone, no amount of bellyaching will bring them back. May as well deal with it, cause anon's well-being is a hell of a lot more important than you feeling bad about dead dogs. Puppies aren't babies, and it's relatively shitty of you for saying it's even close to the same thing to make anon feel worse.

>> No.7449154

Not that Anon but what is FPS?

>> No.7449153
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>What do I say when something so precious has been destroyed? What do I say when that something cannot be brought back?
But they can be brought back anon, don't feel so bad.
You know what you must do.

>> No.7449160

her friend is entitled and she gets off on her friend's jealousy - which is how unhealthy friendships work, i've been on both sides of that one. just end it anon, you both will feel better. it's punishing yourself just as much as her.

>> No.7449164

Are you dressed a lot better than they are, Anon? Nothing wrong with standing out a little above and beyond. It's fun being best dressed in the comm. well, my comm is tiny, to be fair, less than a dozen...but still...

>> No.7449168

I'm the anon that killed them.

Thank you. I don't want forgiveness. I don't deserve it. I just know that an apology is in order. Anything else is just unacceptable and disgusting.

I should have. All I can do is apologize to my neighbor and the mother of the puppies, and ask that anyone else who reads this value life more than I did.

>> No.7449169
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>> No.7449176

not that anon, but you are right. I'm off to turn an entire town into a philosophers stone


>> No.7449174

If only...

I most certainly would.

>> No.7449177
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>> No.7449185

It was likely a split-second occurrence, right? And definitely an accident. It's sad and unfortunate, yes...but not really anyone's fault.

You are lucky they weren't an expensive show or other breed though. I'm thinking or you'd be out a pretty penny to pay for their loss. Lots of puppies are financially worth much more than a Lolita dress.

>> No.7449198

It's tacky and looks like a costume.

>> No.7449208

oh god
i knew that damn dress reminded me of something and it's that goddamn little mermaid video

>> No.7449211

Lately I've been flirting with my old boyfriend. He always loved the way I looked in lolita and I felt so pretty around him...
My new boyfriend treats me so well, though! He takes care of me, genuinely supports me, and even bought me a new sewing machine as a surprise. I honestly want to be good to him, but my desires are getting the best of me... Help!

>> No.7449225

Are you even a lolita at all? Or are you just here to troll Lolitas? I'm really curious because I've always suspected either jelly-chans or weirdo-chans (neither being actual Lolitas or at best, frustrated armchair kind) troll this board quite a bit. Btb too.

Are you Burando Puppy Killer too?

>> No.7449227

Stop flirting with your old flame. Imagine how your current would feel if he could read your thoughts.

>> No.7449234

You have the right to question the validity of my story, anon, but it was true, and I'd rather you learn from it than ignore it because it might be fake. Please.

>> No.7449237

You don't deserve that sewing machine if you're going to be so ungrateful. Clean up your act. Don't lie to others like that.

>> No.7449239

They seem to want to make people angry or grossed out rather than super sad so probably no...? Just my thoughts tho

>> No.7449241

do you not feel pretty around your current bf? because if he supports you but doesn't also support your appearance/hobbies, that's not necessarily a relationship to go out of your way to save.

on the other hand, how nice was the sewing machine?

>> No.7449251

No, I'm an actual lolita. I wear mostly classical. I am not interesting enough to be BPK.


I do feel pretty, but he prefers normal clothes like jeans and tight clothes. I have several thousand dollars worth of brand, and even when I try to wear toned-down coords with him, he asks me to change. It's embarrassing!

The sewing machine was the exact model I wanted. Hooray!
I know... I feel like a jerk.

>> No.7449261

Wow if these are all you, you're a rotten little thing now, aren't you?

>> No.7449277

i think that i am, though i've only ever worn handmade outfits and one purchased dress but at least i coordinate them. these other girls just wear stuff that is completely unflattering or makes no sense at all (except for two of them, but they're very well put together and actually have their own businesses). i just don't understand it a bit...

>> No.7449279

lol that sorta changes my opinions now, too. don't be mean to a sweet bf just because you like feeling validated from outside your relationship. Get some friends to help your validation instead, or do something with lots of personal reward to it, don't flirt with other people.

granted you should probably stand up for your expensive wardrobe if you want to wear it, he might feel sort of anxious or be unused to the attention it receives when you're out wearing it maybe? It's possible if he was around it more, he'd get more used it...

>> No.7449289


I feel like you have a great point! I need to fill my time with something else rewarding. I've been meaning to get back into programming, and shouldn't put it off any longer.

He is embarrassed because he's fairly wealthy and works in a position of high power. He's older than me, and when my old BF and I were together we could do pretty much anything because were both pretty poor and didn't have to worry about appearances. Maybe I should sell off what I don't think I'll wear often and try to redistribute my attention appropriately!

>> No.7449288

Is it suppose to be floor length?

>> No.7449293

I think they replied to the first one (the one intended for liar-anon, asking if they were an actual lolita) by mistake because it was right under theirs.

>> No.7449297


Yup. Polite sage.

>> No.7449299

>polite sage
no u didnt

>> No.7449303

Fat People Stories. I do suggest sifting through the archives, something is a bit off about the latest ones...

>> No.7449310

i'm really glad to hear that, anon! that's really healthy and it will be the best decision for everyone. my SO was flirting was someone else for a while because of validation issues etc. there was a lot going on, it's not really relevant haha, but i'm just glad to hear that you want to make the best choice

oh and that makes sense re: currently bf. you could always find some slightly more "normal" jfashion to mix into your wardrobe, maybe go for a more otome look? half the fun is wearing things that seem sort of luxurious or really unique, imo!

>> No.7449416

You sound boring as hell. Go do that boring shit by yourself and let others have fun.

>> No.7449437

Fun is relative.
Also, people don't need to TMI their animu and feels all over the place to have fun.

>> No.7449460

Holy shit. I hope you feel terrible forever. What is wrong with you? A dress is more important than a living creature? Jfc

>> No.7449463

You should apologize. And realize how shitty you are for basically choosing lolita dresses over a puppy's life. That's just inconceivable.

>> No.7449469

Please don't ever handle living animals again. I would call the police on you

>> No.7449473

Aha, ok. I want to know if liar Anon is a lolita though...or just a freaky-ass onlooker stirring shit. Not that they can't just lie again but still.

>> No.7449477
File: 137 KB, 728x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still is responsible for two puppies dying because of her vanity. If someone killed my pet, there would be massive hell to you. Any pet owner here would agree if it was their companion.

>> No.7449490

It's just dogs. Hell when I was a kid I used to drown those fuckers.

>> No.7449492
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>> No.7449494

B8 desu~

>> No.7449499

I hope posting that will make you feel better.

>> No.7449502

I would be absolutely furious and inconsolable if they were my pets, especially if it was because she didn't want to get her fucking dress dirty. Why would you wear an expensive dress when handling animals, anyway?

>> No.7449704

I sometimes want to help newbie Lolitas at first but if they give any attitude to me or others who offer them help when asked, my willingness to help them further immediately evaporates and I just give them vague, diplomatic answers to their questions from then on.

>> No.7449735

Whenever I post a new purchase and am completely smitten with, it infuriates me to hell and back when someone comments with this fucking statement:
> can you let me know when you sell it?

If it's from Facebook I unfriend them. Tumblr I block or unfollow. In mother fucking person I will ignore them forever.

Honey cake seems to be the most common victim.

>> No.7449742

Killer puppy lolita san, i hope you fall to your death. You're a terrible human being. For shame.

PS you have shit for brains

>> No.7449912

ITT: sandy vaginas

>> No.7450092

Wow 3 responses to the puppy posts and they're all 1 or 2 minutes apart and are trying to make her feel bad. Definitely not a samefag guys

>> No.7450103

She should feel bad. She killed puppies because she was

a- stupid enough to hold a newborn animal with an expensive ass dress on

and b- held her dress above the life of something. It's clothing. It can be cleaned. Those puppies aren't coming back.

>> No.7450111

>thinking puppies lives are that important
People hit dogs with cars all the time and my 2 kittens got their throats and stomachs ripped out by a dog when I let my friend take care of them and she for whatever reason let them outside.
I don't hate her, I don't want her to die or fall to her death, and she isn't a terrible human being for her mistake.
My kittens are dead but there are plenty of cats out there and I know for sure there are plenty of dogs out there too and so what if they're gone? Sure it's sad but animals die all the time, it doesn't matter if she was trying to keep her dress clean because it was an accident that she dropped the dogs anyhow and 2 dogs gone is not a big loss to the world. Who cares and just let her sort herself out and move on with her life.

>> No.7450124


Wat. Puppies can't poo/wee when they're first born without their mother licking their ass. Which means they never have it on them either because the mother-dog always eats it.

I smell bait.

>> No.7450128

It was an accident anon, you shouldn't feel like a monster. The fact that you feel bad to begin with shows that you're not. I personally don't like holding people's baby animals because they are more fragile but this stuff happens. The only thing I can think of is to offer to pay any vet bills the owner incurred if she hospitalized them. That stuff can get crazy expensive.

Like you've never done anything without considering all the consequences before??? She wasn't rationalizing to either let them fall or clean the dress, she made a bad decision. It could have just as easily not resulted in them falling, it was just bad luck for all parties involved. Judging by these posts I was afraid the posted had literally thrown them on the ground because they messed up her dress.

>> No.7450153

How far was the fall? Were you just standing and holding them up to your chest?

>> No.7450158

One of my cats who was a shitty mom cat dropped a week old kitten off the top of a barn TWICE
It still survived

>> No.7450174


This! Our dog had too many puppies and we had to help her and use a lil damp cloth to make sure the puppies would defecate.

>> No.7450615

Others were liars, I am that person, real loli though. Sweet.

>> No.7450631

Human lives are not any more important than a puppies. Those puppies deserved to live . Youre a shitty human being .

>> No.7450634

Me too. I find my legs look stubby if my hem is below the knee, and mid knee looks awkward on anyone. I don't get why you think that is a confession though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with dresses being above the knees unless it's by several inches

>> No.7450652

found some pics of people from my hs who were def itas

never posted pics of ppl i know tho, my feels don't know how to feel :\ is ok if they're not your friends?

>> No.7450663

Who cares? Just post them. If it's on the Internet, it's pretty fair game.

>> No.7450705

Sage doesn't show in post anymore.

>> No.7450716

It's really wrong and petty but I don't want my friend to learn how to sew. It's my only contribution to our cosplay escapades and once she does learn I'm sure she'll leave me behind and find other people to hang out with.

She'd kinda deserve them but I still want to be of some use to her.

>> No.7450733

I slept with a redhead redneck Navy chick at a con. I don't know how I managed it as we seemed to have nothing in common and she didn't recognize any of my cosplays

>> No.7450743

never fucking touch another animal in your life time, you fucking bitch. i hope you fall off a building and all your bones break.

>> No.7450759

Are you serious? Do you think a dogs have no soul? 'Plenty of dogs to go around' my fucking ass, just because they're pets doesn't mean they don't have feelings and they exist to serve mankind. If the same thing happened to a human baby, people would be screaming their heads off. Just because they're animals doesn't mean their lives don't matter. You are a complete asshole, anon.

>> No.7450763

/cgl/ is the only board that has accused me of trolling when I have asked legitimate questions or given legitimate advice.

The amount of vaginas loaded with sand here is astounding.

>> No.7450767

>If the same thing happened to a human baby, people would be screaming their heads off.

Well, yeah. Human babies have the potential to discover the cure for cancer. They can grow up to create the next kawaii uguu animu so you faggots can dress up and call each other fat.

I see where you were going, but you went full-potato. There is no way that a puppy is worth more than a human child in the long run. In your case, though, I'd probably rather the puppy live.

>> No.7450775

>Human babies have the potential to discover the cure for cancer.
The converse is true too though. A puppy isn't going to grow up and be the next Hitler or Kim Jong Il. Not a lot of puppies going out committing crimes and turning the earth into a garbage heap.

>> No.7450779

You got me. A puppy isn't going to grow up to be the next Hitler.

10/10 would argue again

>> No.7450789

So what if human babies have the potential to discover the cure for cancer? Human babies also have the potential to become homeless trash, the latter being way more common. I don't see your point here. And yes, I'd rather the puppy live too, because human lives aren't superior to dog lives.

>> No.7450792
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>> No.7450793

Probably the best argument I've had on 4chan in awhile

>> No.7450798
File: 1.05 MB, 350x191, 1385850898170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a below minimum wage veterinary tech job to go to?

>> No.7450801

Can't tell if retarded or female.

>> No.7450815

Fucking newbies passive-aggressively bashing old school lolitas to try to look experienced piss me off.
I've been here so long. It's all I've ever worn. I don't even feel welcome anymore.
Fuck, I hate kids so much.

>> No.7450846

Sure, you can wear it and it is lolita, but it's understandable for people to think it's ugly and out of style. It's the same as wearing anything dated, really. Some people like the retro, but I am willing to bet that most don't. Just have a strong emotional backbone.

>> No.7450850

We all will. Wishing death on her won't make you any different from her.

At least she didn't do it on purpose. You're actually stating your malicious intent. Who's the terrible human being here? Answer: you.

>> No.7450857

Puppy anon here: The mother was feral and we kept trying to entice her to come over to us so that she could feed her babies, but she wouldn't come until everyone left. She wasn't there when I was handling the babies.
The babies were barely bigger than my palm.

>> No.7450860

I've noticed that old school dresses are more comfortable.
Actually, old school in general, since intense make-up and wigs and oodles of accessories aren't necessary.

I love old school lolita and always get a little bit of a smile when I'm nice and comfy and someone is complaining about itchywig or rings getting caught on things.

Wear it with me anon!

>> No.7450870

I was sitting down and cradling three of them in a lawn chair. One wriggled out when I was trying to avoid poop getting on my dress and fell. When I reached for it, another fell. They fell from about a meter high.
They were really small and weak, and my carelessness and disgusting, materialistic prioritizing caused them injury, and more than likely contributed to their untimely death.

>> No.7450894

Same, anon. It's only been a big thing recently to have your skirts hit AT THE KNEE OR JUST BELOW, all the older GLBs show dresses with above-the-knee hemlines. To be honest, lolita attracts shorter girls more often, and knee-length and longer skirts do us no favors. So long as your petticoat is covered and your modesty's intact, you're doing okay.

>> No.7450936

The Classic Circus JSK is gorgeous though.

>> No.7450977

plenty of humans are on this planet too. doesnt mean they deserve to die because of someone's stupidity. Handling a new born animal or human is still fragile and should be handled with care. That dog had to go through pregnancy too and just killing her puppies because of a lolita dress makes me think this person is just a horrible human being who deserves to be isolated for a long time.

>> No.7450981

hope you kill yourself, anon~ You're a bitch and instead of dirtying a dress, you killed two lives.

>> No.7450988

We miss you long timers posting on EGL, the newfaggotry there is boring me to tears...I'd love to see an oldschool closet.

>> No.7451001


Oldschool styling is trending right now. It isn't a major trend nor will it be anything like an oldschool renaissance but you know what they say about fashions in general; once something comes into fashion for a second time, it's then considered timeless and wearable as a personal choice and IS fashionable once again.

>> No.7451007

Newfag here, and I fucking love oldschool. I'm sorry for all the dumb bitches <3

>> No.7451024

There's already been enough death, why ask for more? Death won't bring those puppies back. Apologies have been said, and I'm more than positive that a lesson was learned. Granted, that won't bring them back either, but it will certainly prevent anymore deaths from happening. It's better than no remorse and acting proud.

You're fucking crazy.

>> No.7451030

Then push forth your contribution to the trend or wait for the revolutionaries.
I confess to be a part of the JetJ "nouveau classique" with the painted skirts and whatnot trend. Waiting for the second wave.

>> No.7451364

I drunkenly wandered onto stage at a con during an 18+ hentai panel full of hundreds of people when I wasn't supposed to while wearing sweet lolita. It still haunts me

>> No.7451677

I don't consider anyone a true lolita unless they like old school lolita. Not necessarily wear, but definitely like.

>> No.7451728

>below minimum wage

Are you really that dumb? Do you understand what the word minimum means?

>> No.7451776

being drunk isn't an excuse for being a fucking retard, you're not in the Hangover, your life isn't wacky or random like a movie. And you don't just happen to wander onto a stage in a panel that's probably locked and they ID for. I've spent the greater part of the last five years drunk, so I know for a fact that you don't just randomly wander onto live stages and have wild antics ensue unless you're somewhat aware of what you're doing. And having been to many 18+ panels, they aren't really that crazy even if you did.. somehow.. "accidentally".. end up on stage as an obviously drunk child who doesn't belong there somebody should have escorted you off
but in all likelihood you did it on purpose because you thought it was funny and you made a total ass of yourself on purpose, congrats

>> No.7451781

i dont like that i cant make my own cosplays.

i have to commission them, and while they look good, i feel bad sometimes that i cant just do it myself. it's just like anything relating to it is a foreign language.

>> No.7452271

I was asked to judge a contest recently in Florida and I commission my stuff. I can sew for shit.

>> No.7452288

aww I'd teach you anon.
Man would I love teaching new cosplayers how to read patterns and how to correctly modify things.

That's FL for you. Assbackwards as hell.
Why didn't you turn it down knowing you don't belong there as a judge?

>> No.7452294

God damnit. /r/ing the picture with the story of this pony? Had it on my laptop but it crashed so...

>> No.7452336
File: 507 KB, 2048x1337, 1395731703593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled Derpy Chan lolita and found this picture.
Looks like someone compiled it all into a brand: facebook/pages/Lovely-Horse-Derpy-Chan/119503984791537

I wish some of the talent we saw for the Bodyline print contest could be channeled into a fantastic Derpy print. I'd love that.

>> No.7452377

I really wish someone would figure out how to do a classic print involving derpy-chan

>> No.7452402

Remove candy, add some realism and a hint of vascularity, and run it all through a sepia filter.

>> No.7452419

I have, and do, just quietly and not on cgl. I'm not all 'Oldschool Rules' but more sneaky-like in believing it never really went away very far. This has always been reflected in my wardrobe. I love the old/new feel of the JetJ you are talking about too. I don't think the aesthetics are incompatible with oldschool in elegance and styling.

>> No.7452431

I'd say appreciate. If you can't respect the beginnings or realize the evolution then it's hard to really know the fashion itself. There's everything to be said for 'oh look, pretty dresses' but the real lolita to me doesn't disdain the oldschool beginnings and influences.

>> No.7452433

Are they public pix and tagged lolita? If so then they are fair game.

>> No.7452436

I'd say the styles would clash if used on the same coord, but are still cohesive if there are multiple people wearing either one or the other in the same picture. The elegance is different, but equal.

>> No.7452445

Sorry, I expressed it badly. I meant if someone was into oldschool, I could see them taking on neoclassical JetJ style coords easily enough or reversed. Say as an alternative to more toned down Classic Lolita. Not mixing in together. I like the formality of both.

>> No.7452870

I already asked if she wanted some but she said no, but I will offer some anyway. Maybe $5 like the other anon said? I'm so bad with this type of thing.

>> No.7452884

I could never buy brand, not because I am poor. But i am already afraid of rips/stains on my indie brand and therefore I could never dare to wear it outside my own house.

>> No.7452896

If you did ask and she said no, then it should be fine. I always appreciate someone asking me but if I tell them that I don't need or want them to pay gas money then I really don't expect them to at all. But if it's going to be more than one time, it's also good to offer for each time. Sometimes she may want you to. If she gives you a ride each time but never asks for any gas money, it might be nice to get her a very small thank you gift every now and then maybe a couple of times a year. Candy or stationary or some other small pretty thing.

>> No.7452899

Are you normally in the habit of ripping or staining your clothes? If so, then you might want to learn to be a little bit more careful with them. But if you're not then there's no reason to think that you would rip or stain your Lolita clothes.

>> No.7452900

Meh, I can kind of see that, but it's just clothes. You get less cost per wear if you just wear them inside rather than wearing it out 3-4 times and something happening to it.

>> No.7452954

I'm the level-headed mediator of my group and am always quick to shut down drama if it involves me, but I absolutely eat it up when other people talk about it. I try to give solid advice, of course, but when cosplayers I'm only sort of friends with are being catty to each other, I'm sooo happy to hear about it on the inside.

>> No.7452974

> Implying no one gets paid below minimum wage

>> No.7452982

She's given me lifts a few times in the past and I've bought her food before when we go out, maybe I'll buy her a cute knick knack or something some time too.

Thanks for your input!

>> No.7453054

Go work in an animal hospital as a tech, watch what happens

>> No.7453087

Not exactly related but I wear Jfash so I guess it's board relevant.

My coworkers and I go out every week or two to Applebees. My ex-best-friend works with me and often goes along. We're still on speaking terms, but we don't really.. like each other.

It's one of those weird relationships where we act like friends but actually can't stand each other. We have a lot of mutual friends and we work together a lot so it just works better for everyone.

Anyway. She's a giant hypocritical cunt. Most people at our workplace agree. She's also really critical of me, all the time. So every time we go out to Applebees, I make it a point to make sure I look better than her.

I wear my cute akamoji, while she's wearing her white girl sweatpants and hairbun. It makes me feel great because I can be better than her at something. I think it really bothers her, and I love it.

I feel like such a bad person, but she's been doing this to me for years, so it's just like.... comeuppance.

>> No.7453091

If I was you, I'd make her some cute candies. Find out what her favorite sweets are and make her something. Handmade gifts are always more touching, and making a small batch of sweets is easy.

>> No.7453133

Staining them yes. Mostly because of other peoples clumsiness (I am clumsy when cooking, eating a tvdinner. But I would never wear lolita while doing that anyways)

I know it is just clothes, and I am not worried about resale value. I get overly attached to my clothes, to the point where I had a hard time throwing away some really cute panties I bought, even though it was full of holes and rips

>> No.7453136

Oh god, I am not fully awake. I didn't mean panties as in underwear. But as in panty hose, in Dutch we call those panties...

>> No.7453712

They had been asking for people to come onstage to help with certain segments, and I misinterpreted who they were ushering onstage. (Hint: It wasn't supposed to be me) I can assure you I did not find this funny. I was terrified and embarrassed.

>> No.7453744
File: 47 KB, 848x480, 1331526733592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I want to feel bad for you but I keep trying to put myself in your position but I cant because I myself am a very careful person

I keep imagining myself wanting to sit down on a couch near carpet rather hold them all at once standing while also above a hard floor..
you must be fucking autistic
I hate the autistic

>> No.7453751

not tagged, but i remember them talking about lolita etc so i know it's what they were trying for. i think a couple pics are from cons or halloween

i'll check if they're public, good call anon. lol i really have still been debating about. i didn't like them but i still can't fully justify it i guess. but they looked awful ok

>> No.7454335

If they are public, post them in the nitpick thread. That's not as harsh as posting them in the ita thread.

>> No.7454485


To be fair, anon was sitting. >>7450870

>> No.7454975

yeah, buying her a drink or snacks on the days she drives you out is fair!
she's not only driven you to your 2 minute away venue, but she's also driven from her home too. I'm glad you are thinking of this anon

Anyway I'm a beta driver who denies being paid but kinda wished my buddies offered me snacks or a refreshing drink or something when we go out, then I'd say that's fair compensation but eh

>> No.7455045

In Lolita, I am so amused when chunky noobs try to into oldschool and are upset at the sizes. Surprise fatties, no oldschool for you!

>> No.7455050

Except old school dresses are still quite large, aside from some gothic brands like Moitie. And noobs don't normally buy legit old school dresses anyhow.

Old school Meta can be massive too.

>> No.7455068

I just had a friend on facebook suggest I help her on her commission work because I said I felt like doing some sewing. Is it odd I'm irritated she asked me?

I kind of feel like if you're doing commission work, you shouldn't really be asking your friends to pick up your slack.

>> No.7455074

I didn't say all, and no, the no-shirring OP and skirts usually aren't nearly as big as modern shirred things.

>> No.7455146
File: 415 KB, 1600x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita Blues:
I've just been blah all winter. I've stopped going to the gym and eating clean so I've gained weight and though my dresses still fit, they are tight. I've gotten lazy with dressing up and fallen out of the habit.
I bought some new things for a couple of spring and summer coordinates, hoping to get excited again. The pieces are starting to arrive but I'm still in a funk. I need a boost to get back in the swing but I'm not sure what will do it.
Any ideas or tips, Anons?

>> No.7455254

A lot of the dresses I have from 2005 and 2006 are quite a bit smaller that recent items of the same brand. Brand in General has become just a bit bigger over the years, I'm convinced of it. It's ok with me though, because I have an athletic frame and the older un shirred dresses are a little tight on me.

>> No.7455316

As much as I'd like to think that I know enough, I know in my heart that I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm afraid I'm never going to learn.
I don't have enough items to practice or make coordinates out of. I don't even have proper shoes. I've been following and lurking around the fashion but I've only gotten my first dress a little over a year ago. A cheap F+F OP from a sale. My other OP is from bodyline that was only $33 at the time. I'm waiting on another OP from bodyline. I've considered saving up for qutieland.
I'm a bit of a mess because while I really believe that this will make me happy if I can do it right, part of me thinks that I'll just never be good enough and it discourages me from buying things at all and really going for it.

>> No.7455325
File: 28 KB, 400x284, 1281643858lRB40H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend at least 3 hours a day hunting down tripfags and ex tripfags I hate, and always have a tab of /soc/ open in hopes I can find one posting there.
personal blogs, friends blogs, anything they're connected to, they're just such freaks, I fucking love lolcows. nothing is more satisfying than calling them out when they do post-l've been waiting for that shit all day.

not only that, but whenever I do find a trip, I message my friends who go on FB, or text them, and we all laugh at this dumb bitch together, and even troll them together. its a great feel. but usually I just samefag that trip to death until they start posting. no one notices, some actually join in.

>> No.7455425

Oh yes, I have seen your handiwork. It is very annoying so I guess congratulations on achieving your goal?

>> No.7455435

Why not just buy from Taobao? You can buy an entire coord for like $160. Granted I'm just starting out as well, but there's plently of dresses and skirts for >$120 used or taobao

>> No.7455437

Of course there are plenty of dresses and skirts more expensive than $120, considering the average price of a new piece is ~$300. Did you mean cheaper? The symbol for that is " < " (less than) thing compared to (e.g. <$120). You could've written it as $120>, but that looks strange.

>> No.7455440

I fucking love you. You do the dirty work so we don't have to, you untouchable untouchable.

Who were your most recent marks?

>> No.7455724

not as annoying as tripfags and extripfags
don't need to say. and thank you. don't worry, I'm always in staminarose about it.

>> No.7455834

>at least 3 hours a day

that seems a bit.. unhealthy, don't you think? are we talking about three hours of actively searching or just three hours of waiting?

>> No.7455846

>that seems a bit.. unhealthy, don't you think?
nothing unhealthy for having a healthy dislike for someone. what IS unhealthy, however, is the way these people live their lives.

>are we talking about three hours of actively searching or just three hours of waiting?
three hours of actively searching. at least. and its a nice way to kill time at work. kills my phone's battery with how many windows I have open though. which is at least ten windows of trip hunting.

>> No.7455874

I completely agree with this sentiment.

If you have any morality or conscience at all, you should feel pretty depressed and guilty for a while. That's an okay and proper response.

Hope you will allow yourself to touch another animal someday and be more careful about it, >>7448832.

>> No.7456678

where's spoony?

>> No.7456784
File: 64 KB, 648x648, 1349042973444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still here. hell, if you call out her posts, she'll admit it.
still annoying, but I mostly target lolitas and cosplayers interested in lolitas. of course I won't hesitate to call out a tripfaggot if I spot one.

>that glorious feeling when a thread gets derailed because I call out a trip

>> No.7456804

I'm trying to learn how to buy from taobao. I have the taobao faqs and spreadsheets saved. I'm not the brightest, to be honest. I figure buying from qutieland would be easier since they buy from taobao? I'll try harder to figure it out.

>> No.7456809

do you know her tumblr?

>> No.7456822

Just use Taobaoring. All you do is put the link of the item in the cart and choose the one you want.

>> No.7456858
File: 50 KB, 458x990, 1394521095814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people actually admire that shit?
look up to it?
fucking hell /cgl/

>> No.7456884
File: 543 KB, 500x372, 1393813213085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly think lovely lor looks like a ugly witch directly from hell and i just dont ever want to see her in lolita! some of her coords are cute but they would look 200% times better on someone else.

>> No.7456893

not sure if samefag in those 3 posts

>> No.7456923
File: 29 KB, 456x337, 1395625396522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad?

>> No.7456929

why do you support this behavior? it baffles me.

>> No.7456947
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, 1395179949911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was here long before I frequented this board. I would find it quite distasteful for me to try and change it. So I embrace it, though in my own little way.

>> No.7457059
File: 25 KB, 550x400, 1392728661225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry a camera on me to take pictures of people who dress in lolita whilst in public. I make sure to pick the people who are dressing decently well (as long as they're not Milanoo tier) and compliment them on their coord before asking to take a pic because of some bullshit reason like my friend needs ideas for her own coord etc etc.

The people I take photos of aren't exactly the best, but it takes a lot of courage and research to dress in lolita so much as even decently and that in itself is commendable. Some people smile, some laugh, some blush. Some people can be really harsh on lolitas but I never want this fashion to die. It's great seeing people dress so nicely and go through so much effort (and money) in looking pretty.

>> No.7457077

You're so cute!

>> No.7457510

Someone always takes a deuce before I shower at cons. Always...

>> No.7457526

I;m just feeling a bit down. I've been cosplaying on and off for about 8 years and I guess i just don't see an improvement . I mean, it's there, but it's slow.. I lost my job a year ago and now i'm doing part time, so saving up for fabrics and patterns can be a pain. I feel a bit sad , but also very motivated to see people younger than me or my age progress. I guess sometimes i feel down in the dumps because I haven't been able to sew consistantly. I just want to get better so badly. I love making my own costumes. I'm definitely better at wigs, but sewing is still a great passion of mine. I really love cosplay.

>> No.7457579

Where do you live that you actually encounter lolitas in public often enough to be carrying around a camera just in case?

>> No.7457621

Your attitude and the fact that you clearly find joy in doing it and want to improve for that reason make me really happy, anon. I know how you feel, that is how I feel about art, and it is both a little sad and inspiring to see people younger than me do well and improve. You have probably gotten a lot better over the years, and will do so even more in the future. I believe in you, anon!

>> No.7457743

Whenever I'm at a con, I feel a giant urge to photograph every horribly dressed girl and just spam them in the ita threads here. I feel like I'd hate myself for actually doing it, but on the other hand chances of them (or their friends) finding out are incredibly slim, considering they're mostly teenagers from an european country, knowing only basic, broken english.

I'll probably never do that, it seems like a brand-decked lolita taking snaps of milanoo-tier girls would be a mighty suspicious thing. Even worse when trying to do that sneakily.

But some of them look so atrocious it's actually fascinating, the amount of scratchy raschel, horrendous blue dye jobs and neon pink martens is off the hook here. None of that "it's not ita, just boring" bullshit we have now.

>> No.7457751

You're just jelly that she's a lolita and envious of her wardrobe, sounds like...

>> No.7457754

Go incognito one day and do it!

>> No.7457773

If you're doing that, find some way to make sure the lolitas you would post are presenting themselves as lolitas, to avoid that "That's not lolita, it's fairy-kei" type situations. You can't hashtag real life. I'd say someone who plays the unenlightend to ask the target.

>> No.7457832

Yeeaah, that's kinda my another gripe, I can no longer tell what's a really crappy wigless cosplay and what is an anime-skewed vision of lolita.
I guess a Bodyline dress (usually with a regular plain dress shirt or nothing underneath) is a safe bet, there's plenty of those too.

I guess I might... Those girls are usually obnoxious loud weeaboos to boot, so it's not like I'm openly mocking a shy misguided girl...

>> No.7457837

Japan Expo ?
I'm with you anon, always dreamed of doing that too.

>> No.7457842

Oh I knew the type you were referring to all too well. The behavior and dressing as you described usually go hand-in-hand.
I think girls like that who identify as Lolita deserve to be posted as ita. If they are in public, badly representing the fashion, then they deserve to be held up as bad examples.

>> No.7457860

I'm secretly kinda into the whole living doll thing and I'd love to be skinny and pretty enough to be famous and earn money by sitting at home making videos and taking selfies.

>> No.7457864

me 2
being man is suffering

>> No.7457978
File: 291 KB, 500x474, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really miss the old kota-hate / PT-dishing threads. Plus "kawaii idol" dishing threads in general (eg. Yukapon, peenus). I know PULL can be utilized for one and the other, well, just checking on the Queen herself, but.....it was just so much fun to gossip about the lovely ladies together & learn the news. </3

>> No.7458164

I'm a girl but I just have a really average face and an average body. Not to mention that I have no money to buy kawaii clothes, lenses, wigs, etc.

>> No.7458184

I think you win...

>> No.7458257

>not knowing of staminarose

>> No.7458277

I'm scared to death to post anywhere. All I have is replicas, Bodyline, and offbrand. I don't want to be "that ita."

>> No.7458298

Most people don't like replicas and don't care about any coords made with them but there's no reason not to post BL or offbrand. No one is going to be bowled over or impressed by your wardrobe but people don't usually get called ita just for not wearing burando.

>> No.7458413
File: 67 KB, 334x374, just stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really happy I left lolita.
I didn't have the budget for it anyway and was selling truly valuable items to pay for my dresses. I was lucky enough to sell when a lot of my items were still popular, so I at least got most of my money back.
Sometimes I'll look at the new stuff coming out and get nostalgic for it, then I'll remember that I can pay rent and have groceries and actually afford clothes I can wear everyday.
Also pic related every time my picture showed up in a thread.

>> No.7458434

That was very smart. I'm not sure why people get into it or stay when they just don't have the budget, then make themselves miserable and do without necessities to try and keep up. That seems like a recipe for a horrible life.

>> No.7458571

I've never seen it mentioned on here. You've made my day, anon.

>> No.7459776

Fucking ridiculous

>> No.7459869

this is completely uncalled for but completely true.

>> No.7459900

Yep, it's that mind set as to why some people will always be poor.

>> No.7460004

>go to fb page
>already liked

what is this madness

>> No.7460057

My confession:
I don't understand girls with wardrobes full of OTT flashy prints or "flavor of the month" mentality. I think they treat lolita as a stupid phase or a costume and not a legitimate fashion.
Whenever I buy a dress, I pick one I know won't look ridiculous on me in 3 years. I don't care at all about resale value because I spend to get the value out of my money, not just rent. I also don't have to fear tailoring my items, since I buy to keep. I feel no need to keep up or compete with girls who constantly sell and buy to stay current (losing hundreds in fees, reductions and shipping in process).

Sure, my wardrobe may seem understated for the average lolita, with only 2 or 3 "big" items, but at least I get to wear my brand daily, not just save it for a rare meetup.

>> No.7460065

>tfw wearing 2004 BtSSB in an oldschool coord and some newbie has the nerve to tell me I'm not wearing enough rings and head accessories, my 'wig' isn't fluffy enough and my socks need a print on them
I hate it when newbies judge traditional sweet by these new clownish OTT standards. I wear these clothes daily, not as a costume for anime cons thank you very much.

I'd never say this out loud but I definitely look down my nose at people who don't know and appreciate this fashion's roots. You don't have to wear it or anything, but if you think oldschool is ugly then feel free to get the fuck out and find a different fashion.

I feel old and cranky. Get off my lawn!

>> No.7460077

Not that anon but sure, if she didn't dress lolita people wouldn't be as annoyed by how ugly she is. But you have to admit she's ugly as fuck to the point where I suspect some kind of congenital deformity and the cute clothes just emphasize that.

>> No.7460094

work out buddy! I have one and we keep each other honest

>> No.7460604

I love doing meets at tea houses. I don't care how boring everyone says it is, I love sipping on tea and eating dainty pastries while wearing lolita.

>> No.7460613

My SO is going to go to the gym with me. Thanks, Anon. I still feel like shit but I'm formulating a plan to get out of it, at least...

>> No.7460618

yeah, ia. the new prints that i see that i like are ones that i want to use over and over again. and i'm not sure i could buy something and wear it once. if i've put down the money, i'm fucking in love with it. my policy with lolita is i won't buy it unless it causes such a huge reaction in me that i can't forget the piece. there are so many designs that make my heart tighten, make me gasp and be enchanted for a time. i'm the same with any fabrics, really, i sew for a hobby and i only buy fabrics that make me want to touch them and stare at them for hours. when i know i can have such a strong emotional reaction to something, why would i settle for something less?

>> No.7460615

Haha, your post says what I've been feeling. Noobs can do as they like but some of us have been here a long damn time and we aren't up on our soapbox about 'how things should be'. They need to pipe down a bit, I think.

>> No.7460622

So? Last I checked, anyone with the dolla dolla to buy the clothes can wear them as they please. Beauty doesn't buy shit, not even peanut butter to go with the jelly. Otherwise all the beyoooteeful poorfag Cinderellas would be burando princesses, right? Annoyed? Please...take a seat and let those who can Rori, rori.

>> No.7460630

Newbies drive me up the wall, especially when they're fucking armchair lolitas. I don't dress oldschool, but my outfits are much more muted in that I don't tend to go crazy with embellishments, and wear more natural wigs, and few if any accessories (a bracelet and two understated rings, max). Please keep your, "Aren't you going to put a bow or a bonnet on? Your wig is so flat. . ." faux concern to yourself, thanks.

I get that they're so used to this OTT crap that they forget that some of us wear this as actual clothing, but, fuck if it isn't annoying. I'm not going to go full anime convention in my frills if I'm just going to the mall with some friends.

>> No.7460647

We should be friends, anon. I also wear my dresses without much embellishments in a casual setting.

>> No.7460644

I despise armchair Lolitas. Not the quiet lurking kind or beginners not yet into it but will be soon...but the opinionated ones who hang around discussing shit they've never worn, with weird, inexperienced standards but LOTS of opinions gained from 'studying online'. They can fuck right off.
I won't even reply to someone once I've figured out they are one of these. And there are quite a few.

>> No.7460654

I dunno, I'm kind of skeptical that you guys look so awesome and experienced as you say you are
I mean, I wear simple coords and style my real hair and I don't get these people asking me to wear wigs and bonnets. Usually I see people saying that when someones coord looks frumpy as fuck even if its following all the "rules" ala tiferet
I know what you mean about "armchair lolitas" and it's funny but I doubt you guys really look all that great sorry

>> No.7460656

Should also add, I have a few friends that do these simple coords, and see people online doing them and they're not told to pile on more accessories probably because they actually look halfway decent

>> No.7460664

>I feel old and cranky. Get off my lawn!

haha awww i'm the same way, anon!! old before our time

>> No.7460670

Did they say they looked so fabulous? No. They said they were annoyed by (I assume) unsolicited comments. I would be too, as long as my coord followed the rules and I wasn't asking their critique. Fortunately, severe unadorned gothic gets little comment so I get a pass. Some of my outfits ARE frumpy by today's standards.
I'll second the 'get off my lawn' though if I'm following the rules and didn't ask for concrit.

>> No.7460676

This. Nobody ever told me to ad accessories. I nearly never wear jewelry, never had somebody told me anything.

>> No.7460738

There's several tripfags in my community I'm "friends" with, but I absolutely repulse for their attention-seeking or drama-starting.

>> No.7460748

lol nigga you need jesus

>> No.7460752

I know right? These are the very faggots ruining this board

>> No.7461085

I've been reading btb and have developed a girl crush on a couple of non-anon commenters. The funny thing is that I barely know what they look like, or what their style is. It's more to do with their attitude towards certain things, and how they post. They're very knowledgeable and I wish they were my senpai on the frills. I'd describe them, but that would give a lot away and people would call it a selfpost.
No, it's not tif or rabbit, I'm not that much of a noob.

>> No.7461140

There's a guy in my comm who's a sex offender. The problem is, he's also a pretty decent brolita and dresses okay, so for some reason most of the girls accept him (especially the SJWs, who yammer on about trans* rights and gender roles nonstop when he's at a meet). A good amount of people in the comm know this and have tried to get him banned, but since he "hasn't done anything yet", the mods won't do anything.

I'm pretty sure this is going to end with sexual assault.

>> No.7461156

Get your girls together and boycott the group. Srs bsns. Or out him and let him get named and shamed so the comm is pressured to kick him to the curb.

>> No.7461157

I feel the same way. She's also grasping too hard to be popular with her unfunny videos.

>> No.7461171

>sex offender
>"hasn't done anything yet"
>to be a sex offender you have to have done something

I am so sorry, anon. That's absolutely terrible. I just can't believe that your mods won't do anything, I mean, they're putting people's safety at risk. If I were you I'd just pull up his sex offender profile from online and keep trying to hammer it into people's heads that, yes, something bad has happened and could happen to you if you let this continue.

(I don't even know what to say about the goddamn SJWs, JFC.)

>> No.7461174

Actually, we're doing that less directly. He's getting visibly buttfrustrated because all of the younger, prettier girls are staying away from any event he goes to due to his creepiness, and he's left with all of the ugly itas. I would name/shame him, but he lurks here, and he would be crying "discrimination" on the comm's facebook before long, and I don't really want to make even more drama than we have right now.

You know who you are, though. If you're reading this, stay the fuck away from us and get some therapy or something. And no, I'm not the girl you probably think I am.

>> No.7461189

Ha, yeah. He got the charges (which were sexual assault and harassment) about 7 years ago, so he uses the old excuse "I've changed!", which he obviously hasn't.

>> No.7461191

So...don't watch them? No one is forcing you to watch or look at her. She's not doing anything wrong. Jelly cunts be jelly. Whine harder, more people will get curious and look her up resulting in more fans and views. I think you guys are very petty and bitchy for ragging on someone just because they aren't as pretty as you think they should be to wear Lolita.

>> No.7461196

If he's in the community, he should be named. What if he travels? Goes to a con? Finds an unwarned and unsuspecting young Lolita? You said he's getting buttfrustrated, he'll start looking outside the local comm eventually. How will you feel then if you didn't warn people?

>> No.7461207

I think you mean vet assistant. Veterinary technicians are respected members of the veterinary team who make way above minimum wage and have an education level on par with an RN.

Vet assistants have no education and clean poop. They still get minimum wage.

>> No.7461215

Anon who killed the puppies here.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I was finally able to talk in private with my neighbor and apologize fully to her. I told her that I was sorry for killing her puppies and she accepted my apology.

I have agreed to help her with anything else she may need in order to help the remaining two puppies and their mother. I still feel bad about it, and I will never be okay with what I did. I've decided to stop hating myself and begin to make progress, though, and I will start by respecting life.

Thank you for all of the helpful comments. I believe that this confession thread helped me think clearly and rationally, so once again, thank you.

>> No.7461218

I agree, I don't know why she gets so much hate. I don't even think she is that ugly. How is she ugly? Is she ugly just because of her nose?

That's all it is though, pure jealousy. Jealous bitches don't like the fact that someone who doesn't fit into their standards of beauty is well known. They probably think they are better looking than her and they are upset because they aren't as popular.

Bitching about how "ugly" she is won't make her stop wearing Lolita and making videos.

>> No.7461223

Wow, nice scent, is that the new Gucci release: Butthurt-Lovely-Lor-Friend?

>> No.7461226

I'm not saying I look amazing, just that I'm tired of newbies into OTT sweet not understanding that simpler sweet coords are also okay and getting on my case about it. I could tell them to take off those horrible pastel twin tail wigs and remove the rhinestones from their cheeks because they don't fit with the cute, dollish ~pure maiden~ look I prefer but I won't. I won't tell them what to change about their outfits because they did not ask me for advice on how to look more like me, just like I did not ask them for advice on how to look more like them. It's the know-it-all attitude that gets me when they've only been into the fashion for a year, tops.

>> No.7461228

Or they can't afford lolita and are mortally offended that their tragic poorfag beauty and youth is just being wasted when all her clothes and lolita things could be so beautiful on them instead. Heh.

I think she's cute and funny, encourages people, generously shares her tips, buys secondhand and budgets smart and is pretty down to earth. She's a good Lolita.

>> No.7461231

Except I'm not her friend? It just pisses me off when people rag on one of the nice e-popular Lolitas who are open and friendly.

>> No.7461232

Confirmed for Lor's friend.
Lor has a "I smelled a fart" face all the time, 24/7. No one is "jelly", I for one don't even dress sweet so I don't know what she has that I should be jealous of. The sooner you accept that not everyone creams themselves for a chance to be in one of her stupid videos the sooner we can all move on.

>> No.7461254

This. I don't want her ~burando~ (I wear mostly gothic), I just want to not have to see her face everywhere because that shit haunts my dreams.

>> No.7461257

Too bad for you, I am not her friend and I don't even follow her on tumblr. I am just a decent human being who doesn't like seeing someone get ridiculed for no reason.

>> No.7461296

I'm sad that the ODip drama has fizzled out.

>> No.7461316

me2 somehow it was so short...

>> No.7461373


I just carry it in my bag, not around my neck because that would be weird / 10. As for where I live, just a major city where admittedly sightings are uncommon. The first few times I ran into people dressed in OTT sweet, and wanted to brighten up their day but couldn't, it was a real disappointment, so then I just began carrying a camera in my bag.

>> No.7461818 [DELETED] 

Wah-wah, I can't seem to set my compooterZ so I don't see somefink I don't like on the intertubes so they should totes accommodate me by ceasing to post what offends me where I haZ to see it.

>Learn to technology, jfc

>> No.7461823

Wah-wah, I can't seem to set my compooterZ so I don't see somefink I don't like on the intertubes so they should totes accommodate me by ceasing to post what offends me where I haZ to see it.

>Learn to technology, jfc